1 // Copyright 2016 The rust-url developers.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
4 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
5 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
6 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
7 // except according to those terms.
9 use std::ops::{Range, RangeFrom, RangeTo, RangeFull, Index};
10 use Url;
12 impl Index<RangeFull> for Url {
13     type Output = str;
index(&self, _: RangeFull) -> &str14     fn index(&self, _: RangeFull) -> &str {
15         &self.serialization
16     }
17 }
19 impl Index<RangeFrom<Position>> for Url {
20     type Output = str;
index(&self, range: RangeFrom<Position>) -> &str21     fn index(&self, range: RangeFrom<Position>) -> &str {
22         &self.serialization[self.index(range.start)..]
23     }
24 }
26 impl Index<RangeTo<Position>> for Url {
27     type Output = str;
index(&self, range: RangeTo<Position>) -> &str28     fn index(&self, range: RangeTo<Position>) -> &str {
29         &self.serialization[..self.index(range.end)]
30     }
31 }
33 impl Index<Range<Position>> for Url {
34     type Output = str;
index(&self, range: Range<Position>) -> &str35     fn index(&self, range: Range<Position>) -> &str {
36         &self.serialization[self.index(range.start)..self.index(range.end)]
37     }
38 }
40 /// Indicates a position within a URL based on its components.
41 ///
42 /// A range of positions can be used for slicing `Url`:
43 ///
44 /// ```rust
45 /// # use url::{Url, Position};
46 /// # fn something(some_url: Url) {
47 /// let serialization: &str = &some_url[..];
48 /// let serialization_without_fragment: &str = &some_url[..Position::AfterQuery];
49 /// let authority: &str = &some_url[Position::BeforeUsername..Position::AfterPort];
50 /// let data_url_payload: &str = &some_url[Position::BeforePath..Position::AfterQuery];
51 /// let scheme_relative: &str = &some_url[Position::BeforeUsername..];
52 /// # }
53 /// ```
54 ///
55 /// In a pseudo-grammar (where `[`…`]?` makes a sub-sequence optional),
56 /// URL components and delimiters that separate them are:
57 ///
58 /// ```notrust
59 /// url =
60 ///     scheme ":"
61 ///     [ "//" [ username [ ":" password ]? "@" ]? host [ ":" port ]? ]?
62 ///     path [ "?" query ]? [ "#" fragment ]?
63 /// ```
64 ///
65 /// When a given component is not present,
66 /// its "before" and "after" position are the same
67 /// (so that `&some_url[BeforeFoo..AfterFoo]` is the empty string)
68 /// and component ordering is preserved
69 /// (so that a missing query "is between" a path and a fragment).
70 ///
71 /// The end of a component and the start of the next are either the same or separate
72 /// by a delimiter.
73 /// (Not that the initial `/` of a path is considered part of the path here, not a delimiter.)
74 /// For example, `&url[..BeforeFragment]` would include a `#` delimiter (if present in `url`),
75 /// so `&url[..AfterQuery]` might be desired instead.
76 ///
77 /// `BeforeScheme` and `AfterFragment` are always the start and end of the entire URL,
78 /// so `&url[BeforeScheme..X]` is the same as `&url[..X]`
79 /// and `&url[X..AfterFragment]` is the same as `&url[X..]`.
80 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
81 pub enum Position {
82     BeforeScheme,
83     AfterScheme,
84     BeforeUsername,
85     AfterUsername,
86     BeforePassword,
87     AfterPassword,
88     BeforeHost,
89     AfterHost,
90     BeforePort,
91     AfterPort,
92     BeforePath,
93     AfterPath,
94     BeforeQuery,
95     AfterQuery,
96     BeforeFragment,
97     AfterFragment
98 }
100 impl Url {
101     #[inline]
index(&self, position: Position) -> usize102     fn index(&self, position: Position) -> usize {
103         match position {
104             Position::BeforeScheme => 0,
106             Position::AfterScheme => self.scheme_end as usize,
108             Position::BeforeUsername => if self.has_authority() {
109                 self.scheme_end as usize + "://".len()
110             } else {
111                 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.scheme_end) == b':');
112                 debug_assert!(self.scheme_end + ":".len() as u32 == self.username_end);
113                 self.scheme_end as usize + ":".len()
114             },
116             Position::AfterUsername => self.username_end as usize,
118             Position::BeforePassword => if self.has_authority() &&
119                                            self.byte_at(self.username_end) == b':' {
120                 self.username_end as usize + ":".len()
121             } else {
122                 debug_assert!(self.username_end == self.host_start);
123                 self.username_end as usize
124             },
126             Position::AfterPassword => if self.has_authority() &&
127                                           self.byte_at(self.username_end) == b':' {
128                 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.host_start - "@".len() as u32) == b'@');
129                 self.host_start as usize - "@".len()
130             } else {
131                 debug_assert!(self.username_end == self.host_start);
132                 self.host_start as usize
133             },
135             Position::BeforeHost => self.host_start as usize,
137             Position::AfterHost => self.host_end as usize,
139             Position::BeforePort => if self.port.is_some() {
140                 debug_assert!(self.byte_at(self.host_end) == b':');
141                 self.host_end as usize + ":".len()
142             } else {
143                 self.host_end as usize
144             },
146             Position::AfterPort => self.path_start as usize,
148             Position::BeforePath => self.path_start as usize,
150             Position::AfterPath => match (self.query_start, self.fragment_start) {
151                 (Some(q), _) => q as usize,
152                 (None, Some(f)) => f as usize,
153                 (None, None) => self.serialization.len(),
154             },
156             Position::BeforeQuery => match (self.query_start, self.fragment_start) {
157                 (Some(q), _) => {
158                     debug_assert!(self.byte_at(q) == b'?');
159                     q as usize + "?".len()
160                 }
161                 (None, Some(f)) => f as usize,
162                 (None, None) => self.serialization.len(),
163             },
165             Position::AfterQuery => match self.fragment_start {
166                 None => self.serialization.len(),
167                 Some(f) => f as usize,
168             },
170             Position::BeforeFragment => match self.fragment_start {
171                 Some(f) => {
172                     debug_assert!(self.byte_at(f) == b'#');
173                     f as usize + "#".len()
174                 }
175                 None => self.serialization.len(),
176             },
178             Position::AfterFragment => self.serialization.len(),
179         }
180     }
181 }