1-- |
2-- Module      : Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types
3-- License     : BSD-style
4-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
5-- Stability   : experimental
6-- Portability : Good
8{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
10module Crypto.PubKey.RSA.Types
11    ( Error(..)
12    , Blinder(..)
13    , PublicKey(..)
14    , PrivateKey(..)
15    , KeyPair(..)
16    , toPublicKey
17    , toPrivateKey
18    , private_size
19    , private_n
20    , private_e
21    ) where
23import           Data.Data
24import           Crypto.Internal.Imports
26-- | Blinder which is used to obfuscate the timing
27-- of the decryption primitive (used by decryption and signing).
28data Blinder = Blinder !Integer !Integer
29             deriving (Show,Eq)
31-- | error possible during encryption, decryption or signing.
32data Error =
33      MessageSizeIncorrect -- ^ the message to decrypt is not of the correct size (need to be == private_size)
34    | MessageTooLong       -- ^ the message to encrypt is too long
35    | MessageNotRecognized -- ^ the message decrypted doesn't have a PKCS15 structure (0 2 .. 0 msg)
36    | SignatureTooLong     -- ^ the message's digest is too long
37    | InvalidParameters    -- ^ some parameters lead to breaking assumptions.
38    deriving (Show,Eq)
40-- | Represent a RSA public key
41data PublicKey = PublicKey
42    { public_size :: Int      -- ^ size of key in bytes
43    , public_n    :: Integer  -- ^ public p*q
44    , public_e    :: Integer  -- ^ public exponent e
45    } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Data)
47instance NFData PublicKey where
48    rnf (PublicKey sz n e) = rnf n `seq` rnf e `seq` sz `seq` ()
50-- | Represent a RSA private key.
52-- Only the pub, d fields are mandatory to fill.
54-- p, q, dP, dQ, qinv are by-product during RSA generation,
55-- but are useful to record here to speed up massively
56-- the decrypt and sign operation.
58-- implementations can leave optional fields to 0.
60data PrivateKey = PrivateKey
61    { private_pub  :: PublicKey -- ^ public part of a private key (size, n and e)
62    , private_d    :: Integer   -- ^ private exponent d
63    , private_p    :: Integer   -- ^ p prime number
64    , private_q    :: Integer   -- ^ q prime number
65    , private_dP   :: Integer   -- ^ d mod (p-1)
66    , private_dQ   :: Integer   -- ^ d mod (q-1)
67    , private_qinv :: Integer   -- ^ q^(-1) mod p
68    } deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Data)
70instance NFData PrivateKey where
71    rnf (PrivateKey pub d p q dp dq qinv) =
72        rnf pub `seq` rnf d `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf q `seq` rnf dp `seq` rnf dq `seq` qinv `seq` ()
74-- | get the size in bytes from a private key
75private_size :: PrivateKey -> Int
76private_size = public_size . private_pub
78-- | get n from a private key
79private_n :: PrivateKey -> Integer
80private_n = public_n . private_pub
82-- | get e from a private key
83private_e :: PrivateKey -> Integer
84private_e = public_e . private_pub
86-- | Represent RSA KeyPair
88-- note the RSA private key contains already an instance of public key for efficiency
89newtype KeyPair = KeyPair PrivateKey
90    deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Data,NFData)
92-- | Public key of a RSA KeyPair
93toPublicKey :: KeyPair -> PublicKey
94toPublicKey (KeyPair priv) = private_pub priv
96-- | Private key of a RSA KeyPair
97toPrivateKey :: KeyPair -> PrivateKey
98toPrivateKey (KeyPair priv) = priv