1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
9-- | Run a GHCi configured with the user's package(s).
11module Stack.Ghci
12    ( GhciOpts(..)
13    , GhciPkgInfo(..)
14    , GhciException(..)
15    , ghci
16    ) where
18import           Stack.Prelude hiding (Display (..))
19import           Control.Monad.State.Strict (State, execState, get, modify)
20import           Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString)
21import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
22import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
23import           Data.List
24import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
25import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
26import qualified Data.Set as S
27import qualified Data.Text as T
28import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
29import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
30import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as C
31import           Path
32import           Path.Extra (toFilePathNoTrailingSep)
33import           Path.IO hiding (withSystemTempDir)
34import qualified RIO
35import           RIO.PrettyPrint
36import           RIO.Process (HasProcessContext, exec, proc, readProcess_, withWorkingDir)
37import           Stack.Build
38import           Stack.Build.Installed
39import           Stack.Build.Source
40import           Stack.Build.Target
41import           Stack.Constants
42import           Stack.Constants.Config
43import           Stack.Ghci.Script
44import           Stack.Package
45import           Stack.Types.Build
46import           Stack.Types.Config
47import           Stack.Types.NamedComponent
48import           Stack.Types.Package
49import           Stack.Types.SourceMap
50import           System.IO (putStrLn)
51import           System.IO.Temp (getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory)
52import           System.Permissions (setScriptPerms)
54-- | Command-line options for GHC.
55data GhciOpts = GhciOpts
56    { ghciTargets            :: ![Text]
57    , ghciArgs               :: ![String]
58    , ghciGhcOptions         :: ![String]
59    , ghciFlags              :: !(Map ApplyCLIFlag (Map FlagName Bool))
60    , ghciGhcCommand         :: !(Maybe FilePath)
61    , ghciNoLoadModules      :: !Bool
62    , ghciAdditionalPackages :: ![String]
63    , ghciMainIs             :: !(Maybe Text)
64    , ghciLoadLocalDeps      :: !Bool
65    , ghciSkipIntermediate   :: !Bool
66    , ghciHidePackages       :: !(Maybe Bool)
67    , ghciNoBuild            :: !Bool
68    , ghciOnlyMain           :: !Bool
69    } deriving Show
71-- | Necessary information to load a package or its components.
73-- NOTE: GhciPkgInfo has paths as list instead of a Set to preserve files order
74-- as a workaround for bug https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/13786
75data GhciPkgInfo = GhciPkgInfo
76    { ghciPkgName :: !PackageName
77    , ghciPkgOpts :: ![(NamedComponent, BuildInfoOpts)]
78    , ghciPkgDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
79    , ghciPkgModules :: !ModuleMap
80    , ghciPkgCFiles :: ![Path Abs File] -- ^ C files.
81    , ghciPkgMainIs :: !(Map NamedComponent [Path Abs File])
82    , ghciPkgTargetFiles :: !(Maybe [Path Abs File])
83    , ghciPkgPackage :: !Package
84    } deriving Show
86-- | Loaded package description and related info.
87data GhciPkgDesc = GhciPkgDesc
88    { ghciDescPkg :: !Package
89    , ghciDescCabalFp :: !(Path Abs File)
90    , ghciDescTarget :: !Target
91    }
93-- Mapping from a module name to a map with all of the paths that use
94-- that name. Each of those paths is associated with a set of components
95-- that contain it. Purpose of this complex structure is for use in
96-- 'checkForDuplicateModules'.
97type ModuleMap = Map ModuleName (Map (Path Abs File) (Set (PackageName, NamedComponent)))
99unionModuleMaps :: [ModuleMap] -> ModuleMap
100unionModuleMaps = M.unionsWith (M.unionWith S.union)
102data GhciException
103    = InvalidPackageOption String
104    | LoadingDuplicateModules
105    | MissingFileTarget String
106    | Can'tSpecifyFilesAndTargets
107    | Can'tSpecifyFilesAndMainIs
108    | GhciTargetParseException [Text]
109    deriving (Typeable)
111instance Exception GhciException
113instance Show GhciException where
114    show (InvalidPackageOption name) =
115        "Failed to parse --package option " ++ name
116    show LoadingDuplicateModules = unlines
117        [ "Not attempting to start ghci due to these duplicate modules."
118        , "Use --no-load to try to start it anyway, without loading any modules (but these are still likely to cause errors)"
119        ]
120    show (MissingFileTarget name) =
121        "Cannot find file target " ++ name
122    show Can'tSpecifyFilesAndTargets =
123        "Cannot use 'stack ghci' with both file targets and package targets"
124    show Can'tSpecifyFilesAndMainIs =
125        "Cannot use 'stack ghci' with both file targets and --main-is flag"
126    show (GhciTargetParseException xs) =
127        show (TargetParseException xs) ++
128        "\nNote that to specify options to be passed to GHCi, use the --ghci-options flag"
130-- | Launch a GHCi session for the given local package targets with the
131-- given options and configure it with the load paths and extensions
132-- of those targets.
133ghci :: HasEnvConfig env => GhciOpts -> RIO env ()
134ghci opts@GhciOpts{..} = do
135    let buildOptsCLI = defaultBuildOptsCLI
136            { boptsCLITargets = []
137            , boptsCLIFlags = ghciFlags
138            }
139    sourceMap <- view $ envConfigL.to envConfigSourceMap
140    installMap <- toInstallMap sourceMap
141    locals <- projectLocalPackages
142    depLocals <- localDependencies
143    let localMap =
144          M.fromList [(packageName $ lpPackage lp, lp) | lp <- locals ++ depLocals]
145        -- FIXME:qrilka this looks wrong to go back to SMActual
146        sma = SMActual
147             { smaCompiler = smCompiler sourceMap
148             , smaProject = smProject sourceMap
149             , smaDeps = smDeps sourceMap
150             , smaGlobal = smGlobal sourceMap
151             }
152    -- Parse --main-is argument.
153    mainIsTargets <- parseMainIsTargets buildOptsCLI sma ghciMainIs
154    -- Parse to either file targets or build targets
155    etargets <- preprocessTargets buildOptsCLI sma ghciTargets
156    (inputTargets, mfileTargets) <- case etargets of
157        Right packageTargets -> return (packageTargets, Nothing)
158        Left rawFileTargets -> do
159            case mainIsTargets of
160                Nothing -> return ()
161                Just _ -> throwM Can'tSpecifyFilesAndMainIs
162            -- Figure out targets based on filepath targets
163            (targetMap, fileInfo, extraFiles) <- findFileTargets locals rawFileTargets
164            return (targetMap, Just (fileInfo, extraFiles))
165    -- Get a list of all the local target packages.
166    localTargets <- getAllLocalTargets opts inputTargets mainIsTargets localMap
167    -- Get a list of all the non-local target packages.
168    nonLocalTargets <- getAllNonLocalTargets inputTargets
169    -- Check if additional package arguments are sensible.
170    addPkgs <- checkAdditionalPackages ghciAdditionalPackages
171    -- Load package descriptions.
172    pkgDescs <- loadGhciPkgDescs buildOptsCLI localTargets
173    -- If necessary, ask user about which main module to load.
174    bopts <- view buildOptsL
175    mainFile <-
176        if ghciNoLoadModules
177            then return Nothing
178            else do
179              -- Figure out package files, in order to ask the user
180              -- about which main module to load. See the note below for
181              -- why this is done again after the build. This could
182              -- potentially be done more efficiently, because all we
183              -- need is the location of main modules, not the rest.
184              pkgs0 <- getGhciPkgInfos installMap addPkgs (fmap fst mfileTargets) pkgDescs
185              figureOutMainFile bopts mainIsTargets localTargets pkgs0
186    let pkgTargets pn targets =
187          case targets of
188            TargetAll _  -> [T.pack (packageNameString pn)]
189            TargetComps comps -> [renderPkgComponent (pn, c) | c <- toList comps]
190    -- Build required dependencies and setup local packages.
191    buildDepsAndInitialSteps opts $
192      concatMap (\(pn, (_, t)) -> pkgTargets pn t) localTargets
193    targetWarnings localTargets nonLocalTargets mfileTargets
194    -- Load the list of modules _after_ building, to catch changes in
195    -- unlisted dependencies (#1180)
196    pkgs <- getGhciPkgInfos installMap addPkgs (fmap fst mfileTargets) pkgDescs
197    checkForIssues pkgs
198    -- Finally, do the invocation of ghci
199    runGhci opts localTargets mainFile pkgs (maybe [] snd mfileTargets) (nonLocalTargets ++ addPkgs)
202    :: HasEnvConfig env
203    => BuildOptsCLI
204    -> SMActual GlobalPackage
205    -> [Text]
206    -> RIO env (Either [Path Abs File] (Map PackageName Target))
207preprocessTargets buildOptsCLI sma rawTargets = do
208    let (fileTargetsRaw, normalTargetsRaw) =
209            partition (\t -> ".hs" `T.isSuffixOf` t || ".lhs" `T.isSuffixOf` t)
210                      rawTargets
211    -- Only use file targets if we have no normal targets.
212    if not (null fileTargetsRaw) && null normalTargetsRaw
213        then do
214            fileTargets <- forM fileTargetsRaw $ \fp0 -> do
215                let fp = T.unpack fp0
216                mpath <- liftIO $ forgivingAbsence (resolveFile' fp)
217                case mpath of
218                    Nothing -> throwM (MissingFileTarget fp)
219                    Just path -> return path
220            return (Left fileTargets)
221        else do
222            -- Try parsing targets before checking if both file and
223            -- module targets are specified (see issue#3342).
224            let boptsCLI = buildOptsCLI { boptsCLITargets = normalTargetsRaw }
225            normalTargets <- parseTargets AllowNoTargets False boptsCLI sma
226                `catch` \ex -> case ex of
227                    TargetParseException xs -> throwM (GhciTargetParseException xs)
228                    _ -> throwM ex
229            unless (null fileTargetsRaw) $ throwM Can'tSpecifyFilesAndTargets
230            return (Right $ smtTargets normalTargets)
233     :: HasEnvConfig env
234     => BuildOptsCLI
235     -> SMActual GlobalPackage
236     -> Maybe Text
237     -> RIO env (Maybe (Map PackageName Target))
238parseMainIsTargets buildOptsCLI sma mtarget = forM mtarget $ \target -> do
239     let boptsCLI = buildOptsCLI { boptsCLITargets = [target] }
240     targets <- parseTargets AllowNoTargets False boptsCLI sma
241     return $ smtTargets targets
243-- | Display PackageName + NamedComponent
244displayPkgComponent :: (PackageName, NamedComponent) -> StyleDoc
245displayPkgComponent = style PkgComponent . fromString . T.unpack . renderPkgComponent
248    :: HasEnvConfig env
249    => [LocalPackage]
250    -> [Path Abs File]
251    -> RIO env (Map PackageName Target, Map PackageName [Path Abs File], [Path Abs File])
252findFileTargets locals fileTargets = do
253    filePackages <- forM locals $ \lp -> do
254        (_,compFiles,_,_) <- getPackageFiles (packageFiles (lpPackage lp)) (lpCabalFile lp)
255        return (lp, M.map (map dotCabalGetPath) compFiles)
256    let foundFileTargetComponents :: [(Path Abs File, [(PackageName, NamedComponent)])]
257        foundFileTargetComponents =
258            map (\fp -> (fp, ) $ sort $
259                        concatMap (\(lp, files) -> map ((packageName (lpPackage lp), ) . fst)
260                                                       (filter (elem fp . snd) (M.toList files))
261                                  ) filePackages
262                ) fileTargets
263    results <- forM foundFileTargetComponents $ \(fp, xs) ->
264        case xs of
265            [] -> do
266                prettyWarn $ vsep
267                    [ "Couldn't find a component for file target" <+>
268                      pretty fp <>
269                      ". This means that the correct ghc options might not be used."
270                    , "Attempting to load the file anyway."
271                    ]
272                return $ Left fp
273            [x] -> do
274                prettyInfo $
275                    "Using configuration for" <+> displayPkgComponent x <+>
276                    "to load" <+> pretty fp
277                return $ Right (fp, x)
278            (x:_) -> do
279                prettyWarn $
280                    "Multiple components contain file target" <+>
281                    pretty fp <> ":" <+>
282                    mconcat (intersperse ", " (map displayPkgComponent xs)) <> line <>
283                    "Guessing the first one," <+> displayPkgComponent x <> "."
284                return $ Right (fp, x)
285    let (extraFiles, associatedFiles) = partitionEithers results
286        targetMap =
287            foldl unionTargets M.empty $
288            map (\(_, (name, comp)) -> M.singleton name (TargetComps (S.singleton comp)))
289                associatedFiles
290        infoMap =
291            foldl (M.unionWith (<>)) M.empty $
292            map (\(fp, (name, _)) -> M.singleton name [fp])
293                associatedFiles
294    return (targetMap, infoMap, extraFiles)
297    :: HasEnvConfig env
298    => GhciOpts
299    -> Map PackageName Target
300    -> Maybe (Map PackageName Target)
301    -> Map PackageName LocalPackage
302    -> RIO env [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
303getAllLocalTargets GhciOpts{..} targets0 mainIsTargets localMap = do
304    -- Use the 'mainIsTargets' as normal targets, for CLI concision. See
305    -- #1845. This is a little subtle - we need to do the target parsing
306    -- independently in order to handle the case where no targets are
307    -- specified.
308    let targets = maybe targets0 (unionTargets targets0) mainIsTargets
309    packages <- view $ envConfigL.to envConfigSourceMap.to smProject
310    -- Find all of the packages that are directly demanded by the
311    -- targets.
312    let directlyWanted = flip mapMaybe (M.toList packages) $
313          \(name, pp) ->
314                case M.lookup name targets of
315                  Just simpleTargets -> Just (name, (ppCabalFP pp, simpleTargets))
316                  Nothing -> Nothing
317    -- Figure out
318    let extraLoadDeps = getExtraLoadDeps ghciLoadLocalDeps localMap directlyWanted
319    if (ghciSkipIntermediate && not ghciLoadLocalDeps) || null extraLoadDeps
320        then return directlyWanted
321        else do
322            let extraList =
323                  mconcat $ intersperse ", " (map (fromString . packageNameString . fst) extraLoadDeps)
324            if ghciLoadLocalDeps
325                then logInfo $
326                  "The following libraries will also be loaded into GHCi because " <>
327                  "they are local dependencies of your targets, and you specified --load-local-deps:\n    " <>
328                  extraList
329                else logInfo $
330                  "The following libraries will also be loaded into GHCi because " <>
331                  "they are intermediate dependencies of your targets:\n    " <>
332                  extraList <>
333                  "\n(Use --skip-intermediate-deps to omit these)"
334            return (directlyWanted ++ extraLoadDeps)
337    :: Map PackageName Target
338    -> RIO env [PackageName]
339getAllNonLocalTargets targets = do
340  let isNonLocal (TargetAll PTDependency) = True
341      isNonLocal _ = False
342  return $ map fst $ filter (isNonLocal . snd) (M.toList targets)
344buildDepsAndInitialSteps :: HasEnvConfig env => GhciOpts -> [Text] -> RIO env ()
345buildDepsAndInitialSteps GhciOpts{..} localTargets = do
346    let targets = localTargets ++ map T.pack ghciAdditionalPackages
347    -- If necessary, do the build, for local packagee targets, only do
348    -- 'initialBuildSteps'.
349    case NE.nonEmpty targets of
350      -- only new local targets could appear here
351      Just nonEmptyTargets | not ghciNoBuild -> do
352        eres <- buildLocalTargets nonEmptyTargets
353        case eres of
354            Right () -> return ()
355            Left err -> do
356                prettyError $ fromString (show err)
357                prettyWarn "Build failed, but trying to launch GHCi anyway"
358      _ ->
359        return ()
361checkAdditionalPackages :: MonadThrow m => [String] -> m [PackageName]
362checkAdditionalPackages pkgs = forM pkgs $ \name -> do
363    let mres = (pkgName <$> parsePackageIdentifier name)
364            <|> parsePackageNameThrowing name
365    maybe (throwM $ InvalidPackageOption name) return mres
368    :: HasEnvConfig env
369    => GhciOpts
370    -> [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
371    -> Maybe (Path Abs File)
372    -> [GhciPkgInfo]
373    -> [Path Abs File]
374    -> [PackageName]
375    -> RIO env ()
376runGhci GhciOpts{..} targets mainFile pkgs extraFiles exposePackages = do
377    config <- view configL
378    let pkgopts = hidePkgOpts ++ genOpts ++ ghcOpts
379        shouldHidePackages =
380          fromMaybe (not (null pkgs && null exposePackages)) ghciHidePackages
381        hidePkgOpts =
382          if shouldHidePackages
383            then
384              ["-hide-all-packages"] ++
385              -- This is necessary, because current versions of ghci
386              -- will entirely fail to start if base isn't visible. This
387              -- is because it tries to use the interpreter to set
388              -- buffering options on standard IO.
389              (if null targets then ["-package", "base"] else []) ++
390              concatMap (\n -> ["-package", packageNameString n]) exposePackages
391            else []
392        oneWordOpts bio
393            | shouldHidePackages = bioOneWordOpts bio ++ bioPackageFlags bio
394            | otherwise = bioOneWordOpts bio
395        genOpts = nubOrd (concatMap (concatMap (oneWordOpts . snd) . ghciPkgOpts) pkgs)
396        (omittedOpts, ghcOpts) = partition badForGhci $
397            concatMap (concatMap (bioOpts . snd) . ghciPkgOpts) pkgs ++ map T.unpack
398              ( fold (configGhcOptionsByCat config) -- include everything, locals, and targets
399             ++ concatMap (getUserOptions . ghciPkgName) pkgs
400              )
401        getUserOptions pkg = M.findWithDefault [] pkg (configGhcOptionsByName config)
402        badForGhci x =
403            isPrefixOf "-O" x || elem x (words "-debug -threaded -ticky -static -Werror")
404    unless (null omittedOpts) $
405        logWarn
406            ("The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: " <>
407             mconcat (intersperse " " (fromString <$> nubOrd omittedOpts)))
408    oiDir <- view objectInterfaceDirL
409    let odir =
410            [ "-odir=" <> toFilePathNoTrailingSep oiDir
411            , "-hidir=" <> toFilePathNoTrailingSep oiDir ]
412    logInfo $
413      "Configuring GHCi with the following packages: " <>
414      mconcat (intersperse ", " (map (fromString . packageNameString . ghciPkgName) pkgs))
415    compilerExeName <- view $ compilerPathsL.to cpCompiler.to toFilePath
416    let execGhci extras = do
417            menv <- liftIO $ configProcessContextSettings config defaultEnvSettings
418            withPackageWorkingDir $ withProcessContext menv $ exec
419                 (fromMaybe compilerExeName ghciGhcCommand)
420                 (("--interactive" : ) $
421                 -- This initial "-i" resets the include directories to
422                 -- not include CWD. If there aren't any packages, CWD
423                 -- is included.
424                  (if null pkgs then id else ("-i" : )) $
425                  odir <> pkgopts <> extras <> ghciGhcOptions <> ghciArgs)
426        withPackageWorkingDir =
427            case pkgs of
428              [pkg] -> withWorkingDir (toFilePath $ ghciPkgDir pkg)
429              _ -> id
430        -- TODO: Consider optimizing this check. Perhaps if no
431        -- "with-ghc" is specified, assume that it is not using intero.
432        checkIsIntero =
433            -- Optimization dependent on the behavior of renderScript -
434            -- it doesn't matter if it's intero or ghci when loading
435            -- multiple packages.
436            case pkgs of
437                [_] -> do
438                    menv <- liftIO $ configProcessContextSettings config defaultEnvSettings
439                    output <- withProcessContext menv
440                            $ runGrabFirstLine (fromMaybe compilerExeName ghciGhcCommand) ["--version"]
441                    return $ "Intero" `isPrefixOf` output
442                _ -> return False
443    -- Since usage of 'exec' does not return, we cannot do any cleanup
444    -- on ghci exit. So, instead leave the generated files. To make this
445    -- more efficient and avoid gratuitous generation of garbage, the
446    -- file names are determined by hashing. This also has the nice side
447    -- effect of making it possible to copy the ghci invocation out of
448    -- the log and have it still work.
449    tmpDirectory <-
450        (</> relDirHaskellStackGhci) <$>
451        (parseAbsDir =<< liftIO getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory)
452    ghciDir <- view ghciDirL
453    ensureDir ghciDir
454    ensureDir tmpDirectory
455    macrosOptions <- writeMacrosFile ghciDir pkgs
456    if ghciNoLoadModules
457        then execGhci macrosOptions
458        else do
459            checkForDuplicateModules pkgs
460            isIntero <- checkIsIntero
461            scriptOptions <- writeGhciScript tmpDirectory (renderScript isIntero pkgs mainFile ghciOnlyMain extraFiles)
462            execGhci (macrosOptions ++ scriptOptions)
464writeMacrosFile :: HasTerm env => Path Abs Dir -> [GhciPkgInfo] -> RIO env [String]
465writeMacrosFile outputDirectory pkgs = do
466    fps <- fmap (nubOrd . catMaybes . concat) $
467        forM pkgs $ \pkg -> forM (ghciPkgOpts pkg) $ \(_, bio) -> do
468            let cabalMacros = bioCabalMacros bio
469            exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cabalMacros
470            if exists
471                then return $ Just cabalMacros
472                else do
473                    prettyWarnL ["Didn't find expected autogen file:", pretty cabalMacros]
474                    return Nothing
475    files <- liftIO $ mapM (S8.readFile . toFilePath) fps
476    if null files then return [] else do
477        out <- liftIO $ writeHashedFile outputDirectory relFileCabalMacrosH $
478            S8.concat $ map (<> "\n#undef CURRENT_PACKAGE_KEY\n#undef CURRENT_COMPONENT_ID\n") files
479        return ["-optP-include", "-optP" <> toFilePath out]
481writeGhciScript :: (MonadIO m) => Path Abs Dir -> GhciScript -> m [String]
482writeGhciScript outputDirectory script = do
483    scriptPath <- liftIO $ writeHashedFile outputDirectory relFileGhciScript $
484        LBS.toStrict $ scriptToLazyByteString script
485    let scriptFilePath = toFilePath scriptPath
486    setScriptPerms scriptFilePath
487    return ["-ghci-script=" <> scriptFilePath]
489writeHashedFile :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Rel File -> ByteString -> IO (Path Abs File)
490writeHashedFile outputDirectory relFile contents = do
491    relSha <- shaPathForBytes contents
492    let outDir = outputDirectory </> relSha
493        outFile = outDir </> relFile
494    alreadyExists <- doesFileExist outFile
495    unless alreadyExists $ do
496        ensureDir outDir
497        writeBinaryFileAtomic outFile $ byteString contents
498    return outFile
500renderScript :: Bool -> [GhciPkgInfo] -> Maybe (Path Abs File) -> Bool -> [Path Abs File] -> GhciScript
501renderScript isIntero pkgs mainFile onlyMain extraFiles = do
502    let cdPhase = case (isIntero, pkgs) of
503          -- If only loading one package, set the cwd properly.
504          -- Otherwise don't try. See
505          -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3309
506          (True, [pkg]) -> cmdCdGhc (ghciPkgDir pkg)
507          _ -> mempty
508        addPhase = cmdAdd $ S.fromList (map Left allModules ++ addMain)
509        addMain = case mainFile of
510            Just path -> [Right path]
511            _ -> []
512        modulePhase = cmdModule $ S.fromList allModules
513        allModules = nubOrd $ concatMap (M.keys . ghciPkgModules) pkgs
514    case getFileTargets pkgs <> extraFiles of
515        [] ->
516          if onlyMain
517            then cdPhase <> if isJust mainFile then cmdAdd (S.fromList addMain) else mempty
518            else cdPhase <> addPhase <> modulePhase
519        fileTargets -> cmdAdd (S.fromList (map Right fileTargets))
521-- Hacky check if module / main phase should be omitted. This should be
522-- improved if / when we have a better per-component load.
523getFileTargets :: [GhciPkgInfo] -> [Path Abs File]
524getFileTargets = concatMap (concat . maybeToList . ghciPkgTargetFiles)
526-- | Figure out the main-is file to load based on the targets. Asks the
527-- user for input if there is more than one candidate main-is file.
529    :: HasRunner env
530    => BuildOpts
531    -> Maybe (Map PackageName Target)
532    -> [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
533    -> [GhciPkgInfo]
534    -> RIO env (Maybe (Path Abs File))
535figureOutMainFile bopts mainIsTargets targets0 packages = do
536    case candidates of
537        [] -> return Nothing
538        [c@(_,_,fp)] -> do logInfo ("Using main module: " <> RIO.display (renderCandidate c))
539                           return (Just fp)
540        candidate:_ -> do
541          borderedWarning $ do
542            logWarn "The main module to load is ambiguous. Candidates are: "
543            forM_ (map renderCandidate candidates) (logWarn . RIO.display)
544            logWarn
545                "You can specify which one to pick by: "
546            logWarn
547                (" * Specifying targets to stack ghci e.g. stack ghci " <>
548                RIO.display ( sampleTargetArg candidate))
549            logWarn
550                (" * Specifying what the main is e.g. stack ghci " <>
551                 RIO.display (sampleMainIsArg candidate))
552            logWarn
553                (" * Choosing from the candidate above [1.." <>
554                RIO.display (length candidates) <> "]")
555          liftIO userOption
556  where
557    targets = fromMaybe (M.fromList $ map (\(k, (_, x)) -> (k, x)) targets0)
558                        mainIsTargets
559    candidates = do
560        pkg <- packages
561        case M.lookup (ghciPkgName pkg) targets of
562            Nothing -> []
563            Just target -> do
564                (component,mains) <-
565                    M.toList $
566                    M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `S.member` wantedComponents)
567                                    (ghciPkgMainIs pkg)
568                main <- mains
569                return (ghciPkgName pkg, component, main)
570              where
571                wantedComponents =
572                    wantedPackageComponents bopts target (ghciPkgPackage pkg)
573    renderCandidate c@(pkgName,namedComponent,mainIs) =
574        let candidateIndex = T.pack . show . (+1) . fromMaybe 0 . elemIndex c
575            pkgNameText = T.pack (packageNameString pkgName)
576        in  candidateIndex candidates <> ". Package `" <>
577            pkgNameText <>
578            "' component " <>
579            -- This is the format that can be directly copy-pasted as
580            -- an argument to `stack ghci`.
581            pkgNameText <> ":" <> renderComp namedComponent <>
582            " with main-is file: " <>
583            T.pack (toFilePath mainIs)
584    candidateIndices = take (length candidates) [1 :: Int ..]
585    userOption = do
586      option <- prompt "Specify main module to use (press enter to load none): "
587      let selected = fromMaybe
588                      ((+1) $ length candidateIndices)
589                      (readMaybe (T.unpack option) :: Maybe Int)
590      case elemIndex selected candidateIndices  of
591        Nothing -> do
592            putStrLn
593              "Not loading any main modules, as no valid module selected"
594            putStrLn ""
595            return Nothing
596        Just op -> do
597            let (_,_,fp) = candidates !! op
598            putStrLn
599              ("Loading main module from candidate " <>
600              show (op + 1) <> ", --main-is " <>
601              toFilePath fp)
602            putStrLn ""
603            return $ Just fp
604    renderComp c =
605        case c of
606            CLib -> "lib"
607            CInternalLib name -> "internal-lib:" <> name
608            CExe name -> "exe:" <> name
609            CTest name -> "test:" <> name
610            CBench name -> "bench:" <> name
611    sampleTargetArg (pkg,comp,_) =
612        T.pack (packageNameString pkg) <> ":" <> renderComp comp
613    sampleMainIsArg (pkg,comp,_) =
614        "--main-is " <> T.pack (packageNameString pkg) <> ":" <> renderComp comp
617    :: HasEnvConfig env
618    => BuildOptsCLI
619    -> [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
620    -> RIO env [GhciPkgDesc]
621loadGhciPkgDescs buildOptsCLI localTargets =
622    forM localTargets $ \(name, (cabalfp, target)) ->
623        loadGhciPkgDesc buildOptsCLI name cabalfp target
625-- | Load package description information for a ghci target.
627    :: HasEnvConfig env
628    => BuildOptsCLI
629    -> PackageName
630    -> Path Abs File
631    -> Target
632    -> RIO env GhciPkgDesc
633loadGhciPkgDesc buildOptsCLI name cabalfp target = do
634    econfig <- view envConfigL
635    compilerVersion <- view actualCompilerVersionL
636    let SourceMap{..} = envConfigSourceMap econfig
637        -- Currently this source map is being build with
638        -- the default targets
639        sourceMapGhcOptions = fromMaybe [] $
640          (cpGhcOptions . ppCommon <$> M.lookup name smProject)
641          <|>
642          (cpGhcOptions . dpCommon <$> M.lookup name smDeps)
643        sourceMapCabalConfigOpts = fromMaybe [] $
644          (cpCabalConfigOpts . ppCommon <$> M.lookup name smProject)
645          <|>
646          (cpCabalConfigOpts . dpCommon <$> M.lookup name smDeps)
647        config =
648            PackageConfig
649            { packageConfigEnableTests = True
650            , packageConfigEnableBenchmarks = True
651            , packageConfigFlags = getLocalFlags buildOptsCLI name
652            , packageConfigGhcOptions = sourceMapGhcOptions
653            , packageConfigCabalConfigOpts = sourceMapCabalConfigOpts
654            , packageConfigCompilerVersion = compilerVersion
655            , packageConfigPlatform = view platformL econfig
656            }
657    -- TODO we've already parsed this information, otherwise we
658    -- wouldn't have figured out the cabalfp already. In the future:
659    -- retain that GenericPackageDescription in the relevant data
660    -- structures to avoid reparsing.
661    (gpdio, _name, _cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (parent cabalfp)
662    gpkgdesc <- liftIO $ gpdio YesPrintWarnings
664    -- Source the package's *.buildinfo file created by configure if any. See
665    -- https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/developing-packages.html#system-dependent-parameters
666    buildinfofp <- parseRelFile (packageNameString name ++ ".buildinfo")
667    hasDotBuildinfo <- doesFileExist (parent cabalfp </> buildinfofp)
668    let mbuildinfofp
669          | hasDotBuildinfo = Just (parent cabalfp </> buildinfofp)
670          | otherwise = Nothing
671    mbuildinfo <- forM mbuildinfofp readDotBuildinfo
672    let pdp = resolvePackageDescription config gpkgdesc
673        pkg =
674            packageFromPackageDescription config (C.genPackageFlags gpkgdesc) $
675            maybe
676              pdp
677              (\bi ->
678               let PackageDescriptionPair x y = pdp
679                in PackageDescriptionPair
680                    (C.updatePackageDescription bi x)
681                    (C.updatePackageDescription bi y))
682              mbuildinfo
683    return GhciPkgDesc
684      { ghciDescPkg = pkg
685      , ghciDescCabalFp = cabalfp
686      , ghciDescTarget = target
687      }
690    :: HasEnvConfig env
691    => InstallMap
692    -> [PackageName]
693    -> Maybe (Map PackageName [Path Abs File])
694    -> [GhciPkgDesc]
695    -> RIO env [GhciPkgInfo]
696getGhciPkgInfos installMap addPkgs mfileTargets localTargets = do
697    (installedMap, _, _, _) <- getInstalled installMap
698    let localLibs =
699            [ packageName (ghciDescPkg desc)
700            | desc <- localTargets
701            , hasLocalComp isCLib (ghciDescTarget desc)
702            ]
703    forM localTargets $ \pkgDesc ->
704      makeGhciPkgInfo installMap installedMap localLibs addPkgs mfileTargets pkgDesc
706-- | Make information necessary to load the given package in GHCi.
708    :: HasEnvConfig env
709    => InstallMap
710    -> InstalledMap
711    -> [PackageName]
712    -> [PackageName]
713    -> Maybe (Map PackageName [Path Abs File])
714    -> GhciPkgDesc
715    -> RIO env GhciPkgInfo
716makeGhciPkgInfo installMap installedMap locals addPkgs mfileTargets pkgDesc = do
717    bopts <- view buildOptsL
718    let pkg = ghciDescPkg pkgDesc
719        cabalfp = ghciDescCabalFp pkgDesc
720        target = ghciDescTarget pkgDesc
721        name = packageName pkg
722    (mods,files,opts) <- getPackageOpts (packageOpts pkg) installMap installedMap locals addPkgs cabalfp
723    let filteredOpts = filterWanted opts
724        filterWanted = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `S.member` allWanted)
725        allWanted = wantedPackageComponents bopts target pkg
726    return
727        GhciPkgInfo
728        { ghciPkgName = name
729        , ghciPkgOpts = M.toList filteredOpts
730        , ghciPkgDir = parent cabalfp
731        , ghciPkgModules = unionModuleMaps $
732          map (\(comp, mp) -> M.map (\fp -> M.singleton fp (S.singleton (packageName pkg, comp))) mp)
733              (M.toList (filterWanted mods))
734        , ghciPkgMainIs = M.map (mapMaybe dotCabalMainPath) files
735        , ghciPkgCFiles = mconcat (M.elems (filterWanted (M.map (mapMaybe dotCabalCFilePath) files)))
736        , ghciPkgTargetFiles = mfileTargets >>= M.lookup name
737        , ghciPkgPackage = pkg
738        }
740-- NOTE: this should make the same choices as the components code in
741-- 'loadLocalPackage'. Unfortunately for now we reiterate this logic
742-- (differently).
743wantedPackageComponents :: BuildOpts -> Target -> Package -> Set NamedComponent
744wantedPackageComponents _ (TargetComps cs) _ = cs
745wantedPackageComponents bopts (TargetAll PTProject) pkg = S.fromList $
746    (case packageLibraries pkg of
747       NoLibraries -> []
748       HasLibraries names -> CLib : map CInternalLib (S.toList names)) ++
749    map CExe (S.toList (packageExes pkg)) <>
750    map CInternalLib (S.toList $ packageInternalLibraries pkg) <>
751    (if boptsTests bopts then map CTest (M.keys (packageTests pkg)) else []) <>
752    (if boptsBenchmarks bopts then map CBench (S.toList (packageBenchmarks pkg)) else [])
753wantedPackageComponents _ _ _ = S.empty
755checkForIssues :: HasLogFunc env => [GhciPkgInfo] -> RIO env ()
756checkForIssues pkgs = do
757    when (length pkgs > 1) $ borderedWarning $ do
758        -- Cabal flag issues could arise only when there are at least 2 packages
759        unless (null cabalFlagIssues) $ borderedWarning $ do
760            logWarn "Warning: There are cabal flags for this project which may prevent GHCi from loading your code properly."
761            logWarn "In some cases it can also load some projects which would otherwise fail to build."
762            logWarn ""
763            mapM_ (logWarn . RIO.display) $ intercalate [""] cabalFlagIssues
764            logWarn ""
765            logWarn "To resolve, remove the flag(s) from the cabal file(s) and instead put them at the top of the haskell files."
766            logWarn ""
767        logWarn "It isn't yet possible to load multiple packages into GHCi in all cases - see"
768        logWarn "https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/10827"
769  where
770    cabalFlagIssues = concatMap mixedFlag
771        [ ( "-XNoImplicitPrelude"
772          , [ "-XNoImplicitPrelude will be used, but GHCi will likely fail to build things which depend on the implicit prelude."]
773          )
774        , ( "-XCPP"
775          , [ "-XCPP will be used, but it can cause issues with multiline strings."
776            , "See https://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/7.10.2/docs/html/users_guide/options-phases.html#cpp-string-gaps"
777            ]
778          )
779        , ( "-XNoTraditionalRecordSyntax"
780          , [ "-XNoTraditionalRecordSyntax will be used, but it break modules which use record syntax." ]
781          )
782        , ( "-XTemplateHaskell"
783          , [ "-XTemplateHaskell will be used, but it may cause compilation issues due to different parsing of '$' when there's no space after it." ]
784          )
785        , ( "-XQuasiQuotes"
786          , [ "-XQuasiQuotes will be used, but it may cause parse failures due to a different meaning for list comprehension syntax like [x| ... ]" ]
787          )
788        , ( "-XSafe"
789          , [ "-XSafe will be used, but it will fail to compile unsafe modules." ]
790          )
791        , ( "-XArrows"
792          , [ "-XArrows will be used, but it will cause non-arrow usages of proc, (-<), (-<<) to fail" ]
793          )
794        , ( "-XOverloadedStrings"
795          , [ "-XOverloadedStrings will be used, but it can cause type ambiguity in code not usually compiled with it." ]
796          )
797        , ( "-XOverloadedLists"
798          , [ "-XOverloadedLists will be used, but it can cause type ambiguity in code not usually compiled with it." ]
799          )
800        , ( "-XMonoLocalBinds"
801          , [ "-XMonoLocalBinds will be used, but it can cause type errors in code which expects generalized local bindings." ]
802          )
803        , ( "-XTypeFamilies"
804          , [ "-XTypeFamilies will be used, but it implies -XMonoLocalBinds, and so can cause type errors in code which expects generalized local bindings." ]
805          )
806        , ( "-XGADTs"
807          , [ "-XGADTs will be used, but it implies -XMonoLocalBinds, and so can cause type errors in code which expects generalized local bindings." ]
808          )
809        , ( "-XNewQualifiedOperators"
810          , [ "-XNewQualifiedOperators will be used, but this will break usages of the old qualified operator syntax." ]
811          )
812        ]
813    mixedFlag (flag, msgs) =
814        let x = partitionComps (== flag) in
815        [ msgs ++ showWhich x | mixedSettings x ]
816    mixedSettings (xs, ys) = xs /= [] && ys /= []
817    showWhich (haveIt, don'tHaveIt) =
818        [ "It is specified for:"
819        , "    " <> renderPkgComponents haveIt
820        , "But not for: "
821        , "    " <> renderPkgComponents don'tHaveIt
822        ]
823    partitionComps f = (map fst xs, map fst ys)
824      where
825        (xs, ys) = partition (any f . snd) compsWithOpts
826    compsWithOpts = map (\(k, bio) -> (k, bioOneWordOpts bio ++ bioOpts bio)) compsWithBios
827    compsWithBios =
828        [ ((ghciPkgName pkg, c), bio)
829        | pkg <- pkgs
830        , (c, bio) <- ghciPkgOpts pkg
831        ]
833borderedWarning :: HasLogFunc env => RIO env a -> RIO env a
834borderedWarning f = do
835    logWarn ""
836    logWarn "* * * * * * * *"
837    x <- f
838    logWarn "* * * * * * * *"
839    logWarn ""
840    return x
842-- TODO: Should this also tell the user the filepaths, not just the
843-- module name?
844checkForDuplicateModules :: HasTerm env => [GhciPkgInfo] -> RIO env ()
845checkForDuplicateModules pkgs = do
846    unless (null duplicates) $ do
847        borderedWarning $ do
848            prettyWarn $ "Multiple files use the same module name:" <>
849              line <> bulletedList (map prettyDuplicate duplicates)
850        -- MSS 2020-10-13 Disabling, may remove entirely in the future
851        -- See: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/5407#issuecomment-707339928
852        -- throwM LoadingDuplicateModules
853  where
854    duplicates :: [(ModuleName, Map (Path Abs File) (Set (PackageName, NamedComponent)))]
855    duplicates =
856      filter (\(_, mp) -> M.size mp > 1) $
857      M.toList $
858      unionModuleMaps (map ghciPkgModules pkgs)
859    prettyDuplicate :: (ModuleName, Map (Path Abs File) (Set (PackageName, NamedComponent))) -> StyleDoc
860    prettyDuplicate (mn, mp) =
861      style Error (pretty mn) <+> "found at the following paths" <> line <>
862      bulletedList (map fileDuplicate (M.toList mp))
863    fileDuplicate :: (Path Abs File, Set (PackageName, NamedComponent)) -> StyleDoc
864    fileDuplicate (fp, comps) =
865      pretty fp <+> parens (fillSep (punctuate "," (map displayPkgComponent (S.toList comps))))
868  :: HasBuildConfig env
869  => [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
870  -> [PackageName]
871  -> Maybe (Map PackageName [Path Abs File], [Path Abs File])
872  -> RIO env ()
873targetWarnings localTargets nonLocalTargets mfileTargets = do
874  unless (null nonLocalTargets) $
875    prettyWarnL
876      [ flow "Some targets"
877      , parens $ fillSep $ punctuate "," $ map (style Good . fromString . packageNameString) nonLocalTargets
878      , flow "are not local packages, and so cannot be directly loaded."
879      , flow "In future versions of stack, this might be supported - see"
880      , style Url "https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1441"
881      , "."
882      , flow "It can still be useful to specify these, as they will be passed to ghci via -package flags."
883      ]
884  when (null localTargets && isNothing mfileTargets) $ do
885      smWanted <- view $ buildConfigL.to bcSMWanted
886      stackYaml <- view stackYamlL
887      prettyNote $ vsep
888          [ flow "No local targets specified, so a plain ghci will be started with no package hiding or package options."
889          , ""
890          , flow $ T.unpack $ utf8BuilderToText $
891                   "You are using snapshot: " <>
892                   RIO.display (smwSnapshotLocation smWanted)
893          , ""
894          , flow "If you want to use package hiding and options, then you can try one of the following:"
895          , ""
896          , bulletedList
897              [ fillSep
898                  [ flow "If you want to start a different project configuration than" <+> pretty stackYaml <> ", then you can use"
899                  , style Shell "stack init"
900                  , flow "to create a new stack.yaml for the packages in the current directory."
901                  , line
902                  ]
903              , flow "If you want to use the project configuration at" <+> pretty stackYaml <> ", then you can add to its 'packages' field."
904              ]
905          , ""
906          ]
908-- Adds in intermediate dependencies between ghci targets. Note that it
909-- will return a Lib component for these intermediate dependencies even
910-- if they don't have a library (but that's fine for the usage within
911-- this module).
913-- If 'True' is passed for loadAllDeps, this loads all local deps, even
914-- if they aren't intermediate.
916    :: Bool
917    -> Map PackageName LocalPackage
918    -> [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
919    -> [(PackageName, (Path Abs File, Target))]
920getExtraLoadDeps loadAllDeps localMap targets =
921    M.toList $
922    (\mp -> foldl' (flip M.delete) mp (map fst targets)) $
923    M.mapMaybe id $
924    execState (mapM_ (mapM_ go . getDeps . fst) targets)
925              (M.fromList (map (second Just) targets))
926  where
927    getDeps :: PackageName -> [PackageName]
928    getDeps name =
929        case M.lookup name localMap of
930            Just lp -> M.keys (packageDeps (lpPackage lp)) -- FIXME just Local?
931            _ -> []
932    go :: PackageName -> State (Map PackageName (Maybe (Path Abs File, Target))) Bool
933    go name = do
934        cache <- get
935        case (M.lookup name cache, M.lookup name localMap) of
936            (Just (Just _), _) -> return True
937            (Just Nothing, _) | not loadAllDeps -> return False
938            (_, Just lp) -> do
939                let deps = M.keys (packageDeps (lpPackage lp))
940                shouldLoad <- liftM or $ mapM go deps
941                if shouldLoad
942                    then do
943                        modify (M.insert name (Just (lpCabalFile lp, TargetComps (S.singleton CLib))))
944                        return True
945                    else do
946                        modify (M.insert name Nothing)
947                        return False
948            (_, _) -> return False
950unionTargets :: Ord k => Map k Target -> Map k Target -> Map k Target
951unionTargets = M.unionWith $ \l r ->
952    case (l, r) of
953        (TargetAll PTDependency, _) -> r
954        (TargetComps sl, TargetComps sr) -> TargetComps (S.union sl sr)
955        (TargetComps _, TargetAll PTProject) -> TargetAll PTProject
956        (TargetComps _, _) -> l
957        (TargetAll PTProject, _) -> TargetAll PTProject
959hasLocalComp :: (NamedComponent -> Bool) -> Target -> Bool
960hasLocalComp p t =
961    case t of
962        TargetComps s -> any p (S.toList s)
963        TargetAll PTProject -> True
964        _ -> False
966-- | Run a command and grab the first line of stdout, dropping
967-- stderr's contexts completely.
968runGrabFirstLine :: (HasProcessContext env, HasLogFunc env) => String -> [String] -> RIO env String
969runGrabFirstLine cmd0 args =
970  proc cmd0 args $ \pc -> do
971    (out, _err) <- readProcess_ pc
972    return
973      $ TL.unpack
974      $ TL.filter (/= '\r')
975      $ TL.concat
976      $ take 1
977      $ TL.lines
978      $ TLE.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode out