2{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
13-- | Dealing with Cabal.
15module Stack.Package
16  (readDotBuildinfo
17  ,resolvePackage
18  ,packageFromPackageDescription
19  ,Package(..)
20  ,PackageDescriptionPair(..)
21  ,GetPackageFiles(..)
22  ,GetPackageOpts(..)
23  ,PackageConfig(..)
24  ,buildLogPath
25  ,PackageException (..)
26  ,resolvePackageDescription
27  ,packageDependencies
28  ,applyForceCustomBuild
29  ) where
31import           Data.List (find, isPrefixOf, unzip)
32import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
33import qualified Data.Set as S
34import qualified Data.Text as T
35import           Distribution.Compiler
36import           Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
37import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as Cabal
38import qualified Distribution.Package as D
39import           Distribution.Package hiding (Package,PackageName,packageName,packageVersion,PackageIdentifier)
40import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as D
41import           Distribution.PackageDescription hiding (FlagName)
42import           Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec
43import           Distribution.Pretty (prettyShow)
44import           Distribution.Simple.Glob (matchDirFileGlob)
45import           Distribution.System (OS (..), Arch, Platform (..))
46import qualified Distribution.Text as D
47import qualified Distribution.Types.CondTree as Cabal
48import qualified Distribution.Types.ExeDependency as Cabal
49import           Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
50import qualified Distribution.Types.LegacyExeDependency as Cabal
51import           Distribution.Types.LibraryName (libraryNameString, maybeToLibraryName)
52import           Distribution.Types.MungedPackageName
53import qualified Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName as Cabal
54import qualified Distribution.Verbosity as D
55import           Distribution.Version (mkVersion, orLaterVersion, anyVersion)
56import qualified HiFileParser as Iface
57#if MIN_VERSION_path(0,7,0)
58import           Path as FL hiding (replaceExtension)
60import           Path as FL
62import           Path.Extra
63import           Path.IO hiding (findFiles)
64import           Stack.Build.Installed
65import           Stack.Constants
66import           Stack.Constants.Config
67import           Stack.Prelude hiding (Display (..))
68import           Stack.Types.Compiler
69import           Stack.Types.Config
70import           Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
71import           Stack.Types.NamedComponent
72import           Stack.Types.Package
73import           Stack.Types.Version
74import qualified System.Directory as D
75import           System.FilePath (replaceExtension)
76import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath
77import           System.IO.Error
78import           RIO.Process
79import           RIO.PrettyPrint
80import qualified RIO.PrettyPrint as PP (Style (Module))
82data Ctx = Ctx { ctxFile :: !(Path Abs File)
83               , ctxDistDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
84               , ctxBuildConfig :: !BuildConfig
85               , ctxCabalVer :: !Version
86               }
88instance HasPlatform Ctx
89instance HasGHCVariant Ctx
90instance HasLogFunc Ctx where
91    logFuncL = configL.logFuncL
92instance HasRunner Ctx where
93    runnerL = configL.runnerL
94instance HasStylesUpdate Ctx where
95  stylesUpdateL = runnerL.stylesUpdateL
96instance HasTerm Ctx where
97  useColorL = runnerL.useColorL
98  termWidthL = runnerL.termWidthL
99instance HasConfig Ctx
100instance HasPantryConfig Ctx where
101    pantryConfigL = configL.pantryConfigL
102instance HasProcessContext Ctx where
103    processContextL = configL.processContextL
104instance HasBuildConfig Ctx where
105    buildConfigL = lens ctxBuildConfig (\x y -> x { ctxBuildConfig = y })
107-- | Read @<package>.buildinfo@ ancillary files produced by some Setup.hs hooks.
108-- The file includes Cabal file syntax to be merged into the package description
109-- derived from the package's .cabal file.
111-- NOTE: not to be confused with BuildInfo, an Stack-internal datatype.
112readDotBuildinfo :: MonadIO m
113                 => Path Abs File
114                 -> m HookedBuildInfo
115readDotBuildinfo buildinfofp =
116    liftIO $ readHookedBuildInfo D.silent (toFilePath buildinfofp)
118-- | Resolve a parsed cabal file into a 'Package', which contains all of
119-- the info needed for stack to build the 'Package' given the current
120-- configuration.
121resolvePackage :: PackageConfig
122               -> GenericPackageDescription
123               -> Package
124resolvePackage packageConfig gpkg =
125    packageFromPackageDescription
126        packageConfig
127        (genPackageFlags gpkg)
128        (resolvePackageDescription packageConfig gpkg)
130packageFromPackageDescription :: PackageConfig
131                              -> [D.Flag]
132                              -> PackageDescriptionPair
133                              -> Package
134packageFromPackageDescription packageConfig pkgFlags (PackageDescriptionPair pkgNoMod pkg) =
135    Package
136    { packageName = name
137    , packageVersion = pkgVersion pkgId
138    , packageLicense = licenseRaw pkg
139    , packageDeps = deps
140    , packageFiles = pkgFiles
141    , packageUnknownTools = unknownTools
142    , packageGhcOptions = packageConfigGhcOptions packageConfig
143    , packageCabalConfigOpts = packageConfigCabalConfigOpts packageConfig
144    , packageFlags = packageConfigFlags packageConfig
145    , packageDefaultFlags = M.fromList
146      [(flagName flag, flagDefault flag) | flag <- pkgFlags]
147    , packageAllDeps = S.fromList (M.keys deps)
148    , packageLibraries =
149        let mlib = do
150              lib <- library pkg
151              guard $ buildable $ libBuildInfo lib
152              Just lib
153         in
154          case mlib of
155            Nothing -> NoLibraries
156            Just _ -> HasLibraries foreignLibNames
157    , packageInternalLibraries = subLibNames
158    , packageTests = M.fromList
159      [(T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName $ testName t), testInterface t)
160          | t <- testSuites pkgNoMod
161          , buildable (testBuildInfo t)
162      ]
163    , packageBenchmarks = S.fromList
164      [T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName $ benchmarkName b)
165          | b <- benchmarks pkgNoMod
166          , buildable (benchmarkBuildInfo b)
167      ]
168        -- Same comment about buildable applies here too.
169    , packageExes = S.fromList
170      [T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName $ exeName biBuildInfo)
171        | biBuildInfo <- executables pkg
172                                    , buildable (buildInfo biBuildInfo)]
173    -- This is an action used to collect info needed for "stack ghci".
174    -- This info isn't usually needed, so computation of it is deferred.
175    , packageOpts = GetPackageOpts $
176      \installMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp ->
177           do (componentsModules,componentFiles,_,_) <- getPackageFiles pkgFiles cabalfp
178              let internals = S.toList $ internalLibComponents $ M.keysSet componentsModules
179              excludedInternals <- mapM (parsePackageNameThrowing . T.unpack) internals
180              mungedInternals <- mapM (parsePackageNameThrowing . T.unpack .
181                                       toInternalPackageMungedName) internals
182              componentsOpts <-
183                  generatePkgDescOpts installMap installedMap
184                  (excludedInternals ++ omitPkgs) (mungedInternals ++ addPkgs)
185                  cabalfp pkg componentFiles
186              return (componentsModules,componentFiles,componentsOpts)
187    , packageHasExposedModules = maybe
188          False
189          (not . null . exposedModules)
190          (library pkg)
191    , packageBuildType = buildType pkg
192    , packageSetupDeps = msetupDeps
193    , packageCabalSpec = either orLaterVersion id $ specVersionRaw pkg
194    }
195  where
196    extraLibNames = S.union subLibNames foreignLibNames
198    subLibNames
199      = S.fromList
200      $ map (T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName)
201      $ mapMaybe (libraryNameString . libName) -- this is a design bug in the Cabal API: this should statically be known to exist
202      $ filter (buildable . libBuildInfo)
203      $ subLibraries pkg
205    foreignLibNames
206      = S.fromList
207      $ map (T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName . foreignLibName)
208      $ filter (buildable . foreignLibBuildInfo)
209      $ foreignLibs pkg
211    toInternalPackageMungedName
212      = T.pack . prettyShow . MungedPackageName (pkgName pkgId)
213      . maybeToLibraryName . Just . Cabal.mkUnqualComponentName . T.unpack
215    -- Gets all of the modules, files, build files, and data files that
216    -- constitute the package. This is primarily used for dirtiness
217    -- checking during build, as well as use by "stack ghci"
218    pkgFiles = GetPackageFiles $
219        \cabalfp -> debugBracket ("getPackageFiles" <+> pretty cabalfp) $ do
220             let pkgDir = parent cabalfp
221             distDir <- distDirFromDir pkgDir
222             bc <- view buildConfigL
223             cabalVer <- view cabalVersionL
224             (componentModules,componentFiles,dataFiles',warnings) <-
225                 runRIO
226                     (Ctx cabalfp distDir bc cabalVer)
227                     (packageDescModulesAndFiles pkg)
228             setupFiles <-
229                 if buildType pkg == Custom
230                 then do
231                     let setupHsPath = pkgDir </> relFileSetupHs
232                         setupLhsPath = pkgDir </> relFileSetupLhs
233                     setupHsExists <- doesFileExist setupHsPath
234                     if setupHsExists then return (S.singleton setupHsPath) else do
235                         setupLhsExists <- doesFileExist setupLhsPath
236                         if setupLhsExists then return (S.singleton setupLhsPath) else return S.empty
237                 else return S.empty
238             buildFiles <- liftM (S.insert cabalfp . S.union setupFiles) $ do
239                 let hpackPath = pkgDir </> relFileHpackPackageConfig
240                 hpackExists <- doesFileExist hpackPath
241                 return $ if hpackExists then S.singleton hpackPath else S.empty
242             return (componentModules, componentFiles, buildFiles <> dataFiles', warnings)
243    pkgId = package pkg
244    name = pkgName pkgId
246    (unknownTools, knownTools) = packageDescTools pkg
248    deps = M.filterWithKey (const . not . isMe) (M.unionsWith (<>)
249        [ asLibrary <$> packageDependencies packageConfig pkg
250        -- We include all custom-setup deps - if present - in the
251        -- package deps themselves. Stack always works with the
252        -- invariant that there will be a single installed package
253        -- relating to a package name, and this applies at the setup
254        -- dependency level as well.
255        , asLibrary <$> fromMaybe M.empty msetupDeps
256        , knownTools
257        ])
258    msetupDeps = fmap
259        (M.fromList . map (depPkgName &&& depVerRange) . setupDepends)
260        (setupBuildInfo pkg)
262    asLibrary range = DepValue
263      { dvVersionRange = range
264      , dvType = AsLibrary
265      }
267    -- Is the package dependency mentioned here me: either the package
268    -- name itself, or the name of one of the sub libraries
269    isMe name' = name' == name || fromString (packageNameString name') `S.member` extraLibNames
271-- | Generate GHC options for the package's components, and a list of
272-- options which apply generally to the package, not one specific
273-- component.
275    :: (HasEnvConfig env, MonadThrow m, MonadReader env m, MonadIO m)
276    => InstallMap
277    -> InstalledMap
278    -> [PackageName] -- ^ Packages to omit from the "-package" / "-package-id" flags
279    -> [PackageName] -- ^ Packages to add to the "-package" flags
280    -> Path Abs File
281    -> PackageDescription
282    -> Map NamedComponent [DotCabalPath]
283    -> m (Map NamedComponent BuildInfoOpts)
284generatePkgDescOpts installMap installedMap omitPkgs addPkgs cabalfp pkg componentPaths = do
285    config <- view configL
286    cabalVer <- view cabalVersionL
287    distDir <- distDirFromDir cabalDir
288    let generate namedComponent binfo =
289            ( namedComponent
290            , generateBuildInfoOpts BioInput
291                { biInstallMap = installMap
292                , biInstalledMap = installedMap
293                , biCabalDir = cabalDir
294                , biDistDir = distDir
295                , biOmitPackages = omitPkgs
296                , biAddPackages = addPkgs
297                , biBuildInfo = binfo
298                , biDotCabalPaths = fromMaybe [] (M.lookup namedComponent componentPaths)
299                , biConfigLibDirs = configExtraLibDirs config
300                , biConfigIncludeDirs = configExtraIncludeDirs config
301                , biComponentName = namedComponent
302                , biCabalVersion = cabalVer
303                }
304            )
305    return
306        ( M.fromList
307              (concat
308                   [ maybe
309                         []
310                         (return . generate CLib . libBuildInfo)
311                         (library pkg)
312                   , mapMaybe
313                         (\sublib -> do
314                            let maybeLib = CInternalLib . T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName <$> (libraryNameString . libName) sublib
315                            flip generate  (libBuildInfo sublib) <$> maybeLib
316                          )
317                         (subLibraries pkg)
318                   , fmap
319                         (\exe ->
320                               generate
321                                    (CExe (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName (exeName exe))))
322                                    (buildInfo exe))
323                         (executables pkg)
324                   , fmap
325                         (\bench ->
326                               generate
327                                    (CBench (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName (benchmarkName bench))))
328                                    (benchmarkBuildInfo bench))
329                         (benchmarks pkg)
330                   , fmap
331                         (\test ->
332                               generate
333                                    (CTest (T.pack (Cabal.unUnqualComponentName (testName test))))
334                                    (testBuildInfo test))
335                         (testSuites pkg)]))
336  where
337    cabalDir = parent cabalfp
339-- | Input to 'generateBuildInfoOpts'
340data BioInput = BioInput
341    { biInstallMap :: !InstallMap
342    , biInstalledMap :: !InstalledMap
343    , biCabalDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
344    , biDistDir :: !(Path Abs Dir)
345    , biOmitPackages :: ![PackageName]
346    , biAddPackages :: ![PackageName]
347    , biBuildInfo :: !BuildInfo
348    , biDotCabalPaths :: ![DotCabalPath]
349    , biConfigLibDirs :: ![FilePath]
350    , biConfigIncludeDirs :: ![FilePath]
351    , biComponentName :: !NamedComponent
352    , biCabalVersion :: !Version
353    }
355-- | Generate GHC options for the target. Since Cabal also figures out
356-- these options, currently this is only used for invoking GHCI (via
357-- stack ghci).
358generateBuildInfoOpts :: BioInput -> BuildInfoOpts
359generateBuildInfoOpts BioInput {..} =
360    BuildInfoOpts
361        { bioOpts = ghcOpts ++ cppOptions biBuildInfo
362        -- NOTE for future changes: Due to this use of nubOrd (and other uses
363        -- downstream), these generated options must not rely on multiple
364        -- argument sequences.  For example, ["--main-is", "Foo.hs", "--main-
365        -- is", "Bar.hs"] would potentially break due to the duplicate
366        -- "--main-is" being removed.
367        --
368        -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/1255
369        , bioOneWordOpts = nubOrd $ concat
370            [extOpts, srcOpts, includeOpts, libOpts, fworks, cObjectFiles]
371        , bioPackageFlags = deps
372        , bioCabalMacros = componentAutogen </> relFileCabalMacrosH
373        }
374  where
375    cObjectFiles =
376        mapMaybe (fmap toFilePath .
377                  makeObjectFilePathFromC biCabalDir biComponentName biDistDir)
378                 cfiles
379    cfiles = mapMaybe dotCabalCFilePath biDotCabalPaths
380    installVersion = snd
381    -- Generates: -package=base -package=base16-bytestring- ...
382    deps =
383        concat
384            [ case M.lookup name biInstalledMap of
385                Just (_, Stack.Types.Package.Library _ident ipid _) -> ["-package-id=" <> ghcPkgIdString ipid]
386                _ -> ["-package=" <> packageNameString name <>
387                 maybe "" -- This empty case applies to e.g. base.
388                     ((("-" <>) . versionString) . installVersion)
389                     (M.lookup name biInstallMap)]
390            | name <- pkgs]
391    pkgs =
392        biAddPackages ++
393        [ name
394        | Dependency name _ _ <- targetBuildDepends biBuildInfo -- TODO: cabal 3 introduced multiple public libraries in a single dependency
395        , name `notElem` biOmitPackages]
396    PerCompilerFlavor ghcOpts _ = options biBuildInfo
397    extOpts = map (("-X" ++) . D.display) (usedExtensions biBuildInfo)
398    srcOpts =
399        map (("-i" <>) . toFilePathNoTrailingSep)
400            (concat
401              [ [ componentBuildDir biCabalVersion biComponentName biDistDir ]
402              , [ biCabalDir
403                | null (hsSourceDirs biBuildInfo)
404                ]
405              , mapMaybe toIncludeDir (hsSourceDirs biBuildInfo)
406              , [ componentAutogen ]
407              , maybeToList (packageAutogenDir biCabalVersion biDistDir)
408              , [ componentOutputDir biComponentName biDistDir ]
409              ]) ++
410        [ "-stubdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (buildDir biDistDir) ]
411    componentAutogen = componentAutogenDir biCabalVersion biComponentName biDistDir
412    toIncludeDir "." = Just biCabalDir
413    toIncludeDir relDir = concatAndColapseAbsDir biCabalDir relDir
414    includeOpts =
415        map ("-I" <>) (biConfigIncludeDirs <> pkgIncludeOpts)
416    pkgIncludeOpts =
417        [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep absDir
418        | dir <- includeDirs biBuildInfo
419        , absDir <- handleDir dir
420        ]
421    libOpts =
422        map ("-l" <>) (extraLibs biBuildInfo) <>
423        map ("-L" <>) (biConfigLibDirs <> pkgLibDirs)
424    pkgLibDirs =
425        [ toFilePathNoTrailingSep absDir
426        | dir <- extraLibDirs biBuildInfo
427        , absDir <- handleDir dir
428        ]
429    handleDir dir = case (parseAbsDir dir, parseRelDir dir) of
430       (Just ab, _       ) -> [ab]
431       (_      , Just rel) -> [biCabalDir </> rel]
432       (Nothing, Nothing ) -> []
433    fworks = map (\fwk -> "-framework=" <> fwk) (frameworks biBuildInfo)
435-- | Make the .o path from the .c file path for a component. Example:
437-- @
438-- executable FOO
439--   c-sources:        cbits/text_search.c
440-- @
442-- Produces
444-- <dist-dir>/build/FOO/FOO-tmp/cbits/text_search.o
446-- Example:
448-- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC
449--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle")
450--     CLib
451--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist")
452--     $(mkAbsFile "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/cbits/text_search.c")
453-- Just "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist/build/cbits/text_search.o"
454-- λ> makeObjectFilePathFromC
455--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle")
456--     (CExe "hoogle")
457--     $(mkAbsDir "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist")
458--     $(mkAbsFile "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/cbits/text_search.c")
459-- Just "/Users/chris/Repos/hoogle/.stack-work/Cabal-x.x.x/dist/build/hoogle/hoogle-tmp/cbits/text_search.o"
460-- λ>
462    :: MonadThrow m
463    => Path Abs Dir          -- ^ The cabal directory.
464    -> NamedComponent        -- ^ The name of the component.
465    -> Path Abs Dir          -- ^ Dist directory.
466    -> Path Abs File         -- ^ The path to the .c file.
467    -> m (Path Abs File) -- ^ The path to the .o file for the component.
468makeObjectFilePathFromC cabalDir namedComponent distDir cFilePath = do
469    relCFilePath <- stripProperPrefix cabalDir cFilePath
470    relOFilePath <-
471        parseRelFile (replaceExtension (toFilePath relCFilePath) "o")
472    return (componentOutputDir namedComponent distDir </> relOFilePath)
474-- | Make the global autogen dir if Cabal version is new enough.
475packageAutogenDir :: Version -> Path Abs Dir -> Maybe (Path Abs Dir)
476packageAutogenDir cabalVer distDir
477    | cabalVer < mkVersion [2, 0] = Nothing
478    | otherwise = Just $ buildDir distDir </> relDirGlobalAutogen
480-- | Make the autogen dir.
481componentAutogenDir :: Version -> NamedComponent -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
482componentAutogenDir cabalVer component distDir =
483    componentBuildDir cabalVer component distDir </> relDirAutogen
485-- | See 'Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo.componentBuildDir'
486componentBuildDir :: Version -> NamedComponent -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
487componentBuildDir cabalVer component distDir
488    | cabalVer < mkVersion [2, 0] = buildDir distDir
489    | otherwise =
490        case component of
491            CLib -> buildDir distDir
492            CInternalLib name -> buildDir distDir </> componentNameToDir name
493            CExe name -> buildDir distDir </> componentNameToDir name
494            CTest name -> buildDir distDir </> componentNameToDir name
495            CBench name -> buildDir distDir </> componentNameToDir name
497-- | The directory where generated files are put like .o or .hs (from .x files).
498componentOutputDir :: NamedComponent -> Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
499componentOutputDir namedComponent distDir =
500    case namedComponent of
501        CLib -> buildDir distDir
502        CInternalLib name -> makeTmp name
503        CExe name -> makeTmp name
504        CTest name -> makeTmp name
505        CBench name -> makeTmp name
506  where
507    makeTmp name =
508      buildDir distDir </> componentNameToDir (name <> "/" <> name <> "-tmp")
510-- | Make the build dir. Note that Cabal >= 2.0 uses the
511-- 'componentBuildDir' above for some things.
512buildDir :: Path Abs Dir -> Path Abs Dir
513buildDir distDir = distDir </> relDirBuild
515-- NOTE: don't export this, only use it for valid paths based on
516-- component names.
517componentNameToDir :: Text -> Path Rel Dir
518componentNameToDir name =
519  fromMaybe (error "Invariant violated: component names should always parse as directory names")
520            (parseRelDir (T.unpack name))
522-- | Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only).
524-- Note that for Cabal versions 1.22 and earlier, there is a bug where
525-- Cabal requires dependencies for non-buildable components to be
526-- present. We're going to use GHC version as a proxy for Cabal
527-- library version in this case for simplicity, so we'll check for GHC
528-- being 7.10 or earlier. This obviously makes our function a lot more
529-- fun to write...
531  :: PackageConfig
532  -> PackageDescription
533  -> Map PackageName VersionRange
534packageDependencies pkgConfig pkg' =
535  M.fromListWith intersectVersionRanges $
536  map (depPkgName &&& depVerRange) $
537  concatMap targetBuildDepends (allBuildInfo' pkg) ++
538  maybe [] setupDepends (setupBuildInfo pkg)
539  where
540    pkg
541      | getGhcVersion (packageConfigCompilerVersion pkgConfig) >= mkVersion [8, 0] = pkg'
542      -- Set all components to buildable. Only need to worry about
543      -- library, exe, test, and bench, since others didn't exist in
544      -- older Cabal versions
545      | otherwise = pkg'
546        { library = (\c -> c { libBuildInfo = go (libBuildInfo c) }) <$> library pkg'
547        , executables = (\c -> c { buildInfo = go (buildInfo c) }) <$> executables pkg'
548        , testSuites =
549            if packageConfigEnableTests pkgConfig
550              then (\c -> c { testBuildInfo = go (testBuildInfo c) }) <$> testSuites pkg'
551              else testSuites pkg'
552        , benchmarks =
553            if packageConfigEnableBenchmarks pkgConfig
554              then (\c -> c { benchmarkBuildInfo = go (benchmarkBuildInfo c) }) <$> benchmarks pkg'
555              else benchmarks pkg'
556        }
558    go bi = bi { buildable = True }
560-- | Get all dependencies of the package (buildable targets only).
562-- This uses both the new 'buildToolDepends' and old 'buildTools'
563-- information.
565  :: PackageDescription
566  -> (Set ExeName, Map PackageName DepValue)
567packageDescTools pd =
568    (S.fromList $ concat unknowns, M.fromListWith (<>) $ concat knowns)
569  where
570    (unknowns, knowns) = unzip $ map perBI $ allBuildInfo' pd
572    perBI :: BuildInfo -> ([ExeName], [(PackageName, DepValue)])
573    perBI bi =
574        (unknownTools, tools)
575      where
576        (unknownTools, knownTools) = partitionEithers $ map go1 (buildTools bi)
578        tools = mapMaybe go2 (knownTools ++ buildToolDepends bi)
580        -- This is similar to desugarBuildTool from Cabal, however it
581        -- uses our own hard-coded map which drops tools shipped with
582        -- GHC (like hsc2hs), and includes some tools from Stackage.
583        go1 :: Cabal.LegacyExeDependency -> Either ExeName Cabal.ExeDependency
584        go1 (Cabal.LegacyExeDependency name range) =
585          case M.lookup name hardCodedMap of
586            Just pkgName -> Right $ Cabal.ExeDependency pkgName (Cabal.mkUnqualComponentName name) range
587            Nothing -> Left $ ExeName $ T.pack name
589        go2 :: Cabal.ExeDependency -> Maybe (PackageName, DepValue)
590        go2 (Cabal.ExeDependency pkg _name range)
591          | pkg `S.member` preInstalledPackages = Nothing
592          | otherwise = Just
593              ( pkg
594              , DepValue
595                  { dvVersionRange = range
596                  , dvType = AsBuildTool
597                  }
598              )
600-- | A hard-coded map for tool dependencies
601hardCodedMap :: Map String D.PackageName
602hardCodedMap = M.fromList
603  [ ("alex", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "alex")
604  , ("happy", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "happy")
605  , ("cpphs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "cpphs")
606  , ("greencard", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "greencard")
607  , ("c2hs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "c2hs")
608  , ("hscolour", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "hscolour")
609  , ("hspec-discover", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "hspec-discover")
610  , ("hsx2hs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "hsx2hs")
611  , ("gtk2hsC2hs", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "gtk2hs-buildtools")
612  , ("gtk2hsHookGenerator", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "gtk2hs-buildtools")
613  , ("gtk2hsTypeGen", Distribution.Package.mkPackageName "gtk2hs-buildtools")
614  ]
616-- | Executable-only packages which come pre-installed with GHC and do
617-- not need to be built. Without this exception, we would either end
618-- up unnecessarily rebuilding these packages, or failing because the
619-- packages do not appear in the Stackage snapshot.
620preInstalledPackages :: Set D.PackageName
621preInstalledPackages = S.fromList
622  [ D.mkPackageName "hsc2hs"
623  , D.mkPackageName "haddock"
624  ]
626-- | Variant of 'allBuildInfo' from Cabal that, like versions before
627-- 2.2, only includes buildable components.
628allBuildInfo' :: PackageDescription -> [BuildInfo]
629allBuildInfo' pkg_descr = [ bi | lib <- allLibraries pkg_descr
630                               , let bi = libBuildInfo lib
631                               , buildable bi ]
632                       ++ [ bi | flib <- foreignLibs pkg_descr
633                               , let bi = foreignLibBuildInfo flib
634                               , buildable bi ]
635                       ++ [ bi | exe <- executables pkg_descr
636                               , let bi = buildInfo exe
637                               , buildable bi ]
638                       ++ [ bi | tst <- testSuites pkg_descr
639                               , let bi = testBuildInfo tst
640                               , buildable bi ]
641                       ++ [ bi | tst <- benchmarks pkg_descr
642                               , let bi = benchmarkBuildInfo tst
643                               , buildable bi ]
645-- | Get all files referenced by the package.
647    :: PackageDescription
648    -> RIO Ctx (Map NamedComponent (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File)), Map NamedComponent [DotCabalPath], Set (Path Abs File), [PackageWarning])
649packageDescModulesAndFiles pkg = do
650    (libraryMods,libDotCabalFiles,libWarnings) <-
651        maybe
652            (return (M.empty, M.empty, []))
653            (asModuleAndFileMap libComponent libraryFiles)
654            (library pkg)
655    (subLibrariesMods,subLibDotCabalFiles,subLibWarnings) <-
656        liftM
657            foldTuples
658            (mapM
659                 (asModuleAndFileMap internalLibComponent libraryFiles)
660                 (subLibraries pkg))
661    (executableMods,exeDotCabalFiles,exeWarnings) <-
662        liftM
663            foldTuples
664            (mapM
665                 (asModuleAndFileMap exeComponent executableFiles)
666                 (executables pkg))
667    (testMods,testDotCabalFiles,testWarnings) <-
668        liftM
669            foldTuples
670            (mapM (asModuleAndFileMap testComponent testFiles) (testSuites pkg))
671    (benchModules,benchDotCabalPaths,benchWarnings) <-
672        liftM
673            foldTuples
674            (mapM
675                 (asModuleAndFileMap benchComponent benchmarkFiles)
676                 (benchmarks pkg))
677    dfiles <- resolveGlobFiles (specVersion pkg)
678                    (extraSrcFiles pkg
679                        ++ map (dataDir pkg FilePath.</>) (dataFiles pkg))
680    let modules = libraryMods <> subLibrariesMods <> executableMods <> testMods <> benchModules
681        files =
682            libDotCabalFiles <> subLibDotCabalFiles <> exeDotCabalFiles <> testDotCabalFiles <>
683            benchDotCabalPaths
684        warnings = libWarnings <> subLibWarnings <> exeWarnings <> testWarnings <> benchWarnings
685    return (modules, files, dfiles, warnings)
686  where
687    libComponent = const CLib
688    internalLibComponent = CInternalLib . T.pack . maybe "" Cabal.unUnqualComponentName . libraryNameString . libName
689    exeComponent = CExe . T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName . exeName
690    testComponent = CTest . T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName . testName
691    benchComponent = CBench . T.pack . Cabal.unUnqualComponentName . benchmarkName
692    asModuleAndFileMap label f lib = do
693        (a,b,c) <- f (label lib) lib
694        return (M.singleton (label lib) a, M.singleton (label lib) b, c)
695    foldTuples = foldl' (<>) (M.empty, M.empty, [])
697-- | Resolve globbing of files (e.g. data files) to absolute paths.
699  :: Version -- ^ cabal file version
700  -> [String]
701  -> RIO Ctx (Set (Path Abs File))
702resolveGlobFiles cabalFileVersion =
703    liftM (S.fromList . catMaybes . concat) .
704    mapM resolve
705  where
706    resolve name =
707        if '*' `elem` name
708            then explode name
709            else liftM return (resolveFileOrWarn name)
710    explode name = do
711        dir <- asks (parent . ctxFile)
712        names <-
713            matchDirFileGlob'
714                (FL.toFilePath dir)
715                name
716        mapM resolveFileOrWarn names
717    matchDirFileGlob' dir glob =
718        catch
719            (liftIO (matchDirFileGlob minBound cabalFileVersion dir glob))
720            (\(e :: IOException) ->
721                  if isUserError e
722                      then do
723                          prettyWarnL
724                              [ flow "Wildcard does not match any files:"
725                              , style File $ fromString glob
726                              , line <> flow "in directory:"
727                              , style Dir $ fromString dir
728                              ]
729                          return []
730                      else throwIO e)
732-- | Get all files referenced by the benchmark.
734    :: NamedComponent
735    -> Benchmark
736    -> RIO Ctx (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File), [DotCabalPath], [PackageWarning])
737benchmarkFiles component bench = do
738    resolveComponentFiles component build names
739  where
740    names = bnames <> exposed
741    exposed =
742        case benchmarkInterface bench of
743            BenchmarkExeV10 _ fp -> [DotCabalMain fp]
744            BenchmarkUnsupported _ -> []
745    bnames = map DotCabalModule (otherModules build)
746    build = benchmarkBuildInfo bench
748-- | Get all files referenced by the test.
750    :: NamedComponent
751    -> TestSuite
752    -> RIO Ctx (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File), [DotCabalPath], [PackageWarning])
753testFiles component test = do
754    resolveComponentFiles component build names
755  where
756    names = bnames <> exposed
757    exposed =
758        case testInterface test of
759            TestSuiteExeV10 _ fp -> [DotCabalMain fp]
760            TestSuiteLibV09 _ mn -> [DotCabalModule mn]
761            TestSuiteUnsupported _ -> []
762    bnames = map DotCabalModule (otherModules build)
763    build = testBuildInfo test
765-- | Get all files referenced by the executable.
767    :: NamedComponent
768    -> Executable
769    -> RIO Ctx (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File), [DotCabalPath], [PackageWarning])
770executableFiles component exe = do
771    resolveComponentFiles component build names
772  where
773    build = buildInfo exe
774    names =
775        map DotCabalModule (otherModules build) ++
776        [DotCabalMain (modulePath exe)]
778-- | Get all files referenced by the library.
780    :: NamedComponent
781    -> Library
782    -> RIO Ctx (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File), [DotCabalPath], [PackageWarning])
783libraryFiles component lib = do
784    resolveComponentFiles component build names
785  where
786    build = libBuildInfo lib
787    names = bnames ++ exposed
788    exposed = map DotCabalModule (exposedModules lib)
789    bnames = map DotCabalModule (otherModules build)
791-- | Get all files referenced by the component.
793    :: NamedComponent
794    -> BuildInfo
795    -> [DotCabalDescriptor]
796    -> RIO Ctx (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File), [DotCabalPath], [PackageWarning])
797resolveComponentFiles component build names = do
798    dirs <- mapMaybeM resolveDirOrWarn (hsSourceDirs build)
799    dir <- asks (parent . ctxFile)
800    agdirs <- autogenDirs
801    (modules,files,warnings) <-
802        resolveFilesAndDeps
803            component
804            ((if null dirs then [dir] else dirs) ++ agdirs)
805            names
806    cfiles <- buildOtherSources build
807    return (modules, files <> cfiles, warnings)
808  where
809    autogenDirs = do
810      cabalVer <- asks ctxCabalVer
811      distDir <- asks ctxDistDir
812      let compDir = componentAutogenDir cabalVer component distDir
813          pkgDir = maybeToList $ packageAutogenDir cabalVer distDir
814      filterM doesDirExist $ compDir : pkgDir
816-- | Get all C sources and extra source files in a build.
817buildOtherSources :: BuildInfo -> RIO Ctx [DotCabalPath]
818buildOtherSources build = do
819    cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDir
820    dir <- asks (parent . ctxFile)
821    file <- asks ctxFile
822    let resolveDirFiles files toCabalPath =
823            forMaybeM files $ \fp -> do
824                result <- resolveDirFile dir fp
825                case result of
826                    Nothing -> do
827                        warnMissingFile "File" cwd fp file
828                        return Nothing
829                    Just p -> return $ Just (toCabalPath p)
830    csources <- resolveDirFiles (cSources build) DotCabalCFilePath
831    jsources <- resolveDirFiles (targetJsSources build) DotCabalFilePath
832    return (csources <> jsources)
834-- | Get the target's JS sources.
835targetJsSources :: BuildInfo -> [FilePath]
836targetJsSources = jsSources
838-- | A pair of package descriptions: one which modified the buildable
839-- values of test suites and benchmarks depending on whether they are
840-- enabled, and one which does not.
842-- Fields are intentionally lazy, we may only need one or the other
843-- value.
845-- MSS 2017-08-29: The very presence of this data type is terribly
846-- ugly, it represents the fact that the Cabal 2.0 upgrade did _not_
847-- go well. Specifically, we used to have a field to indicate whether
848-- a component was enabled in addition to buildable, but that's gone
849-- now, and this is an ugly proxy. We should at some point clean up
850-- the mess of Package, LocalPackage, etc, and probably pull in the
851-- definition of PackageDescription from Cabal with our additionally
852-- needed metadata. But this is a good enough hack for the
853-- moment. Odds are, you're reading this in the year 2024 and thinking
854-- "wtf?"
855data PackageDescriptionPair = PackageDescriptionPair
856  { pdpOrigBuildable :: PackageDescription
857  , pdpModifiedBuildable :: PackageDescription
858  }
860-- | Evaluates the conditions of a 'GenericPackageDescription', yielding
861-- a resolved 'PackageDescription'.
862resolvePackageDescription :: PackageConfig
863                          -> GenericPackageDescription
864                          -> PackageDescriptionPair
865resolvePackageDescription packageConfig (GenericPackageDescription desc defaultFlags mlib subLibs foreignLibs' exes tests benches) =
866    PackageDescriptionPair
867      { pdpOrigBuildable = go False
868      , pdpModifiedBuildable = go True
869      }
870  where
871        go modBuildable =
872          desc {library =
873                  fmap (resolveConditions rc updateLibDeps) mlib
874               ,subLibraries =
875                  map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateLibDeps v){libName=LSubLibName n})
876                      subLibs
877               ,foreignLibs =
878                  map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateForeignLibDeps v){foreignLibName=n})
879                      foreignLibs'
880               ,executables =
881                  map (\(n, v) -> (resolveConditions rc updateExeDeps v){exeName=n})
882                      exes
883               ,testSuites =
884                  map (\(n,v) -> (resolveConditions rc (updateTestDeps modBuildable) v){testName=n})
885                      tests
886               ,benchmarks =
887                  map (\(n,v) -> (resolveConditions rc (updateBenchmarkDeps modBuildable) v){benchmarkName=n})
888                      benches}
890        flags =
891          M.union (packageConfigFlags packageConfig)
892                  (flagMap defaultFlags)
894        rc = mkResolveConditions
895                (packageConfigCompilerVersion packageConfig)
896                (packageConfigPlatform packageConfig)
897                flags
899        updateLibDeps lib deps =
900          lib {libBuildInfo =
901                 (libBuildInfo lib) {targetBuildDepends = deps}}
902        updateForeignLibDeps lib deps =
903          lib {foreignLibBuildInfo =
904                 (foreignLibBuildInfo lib) {targetBuildDepends = deps}}
905        updateExeDeps exe deps =
906          exe {buildInfo =
907                 (buildInfo exe) {targetBuildDepends = deps}}
909        -- Note that, prior to moving to Cabal 2.0, we would set
910        -- testEnabled/benchmarkEnabled here. These fields no longer
911        -- exist, so we modify buildable instead here.  The only
912        -- wrinkle in the Cabal 2.0 story is
913        -- https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/1725, where older
914        -- versions of Cabal (which may be used for actually building
915        -- code) don't properly exclude build-depends for
916        -- non-buildable components. Testing indicates that everything
917        -- is working fine, and that this comment can be completely
918        -- ignored. I'm leaving the comment anyway in case something
919        -- breaks and you, poor reader, are investigating.
920        updateTestDeps modBuildable test deps =
921          let bi = testBuildInfo test
922              bi' = bi
923                { targetBuildDepends = deps
924                , buildable = buildable bi && (if modBuildable then packageConfigEnableTests packageConfig else True)
925                }
926           in test { testBuildInfo = bi' }
927        updateBenchmarkDeps modBuildable benchmark deps =
928          let bi = benchmarkBuildInfo benchmark
929              bi' = bi
930                { targetBuildDepends = deps
931                , buildable = buildable bi && (if modBuildable then packageConfigEnableBenchmarks packageConfig else True)
932                }
933           in benchmark { benchmarkBuildInfo = bi' }
935-- | Make a map from a list of flag specifications.
937-- What is @flagManual@ for?
938flagMap :: [Flag] -> Map FlagName Bool
939flagMap = M.fromList . map pair
940  where pair :: Flag -> (FlagName, Bool)
941        pair = flagName &&& flagDefault
943data ResolveConditions = ResolveConditions
944    { rcFlags :: Map FlagName Bool
945    , rcCompilerVersion :: ActualCompiler
946    , rcOS :: OS
947    , rcArch :: Arch
948    }
950-- | Generic a @ResolveConditions@ using sensible defaults.
951mkResolveConditions :: ActualCompiler -- ^ Compiler version
952                    -> Platform -- ^ installation target platform
953                    -> Map FlagName Bool -- ^ enabled flags
954                    -> ResolveConditions
955mkResolveConditions compilerVersion (Platform arch os) flags = ResolveConditions
956    { rcFlags = flags
957    , rcCompilerVersion = compilerVersion
958    , rcOS = os
959    , rcArch = arch
960    }
962-- | Resolve the condition tree for the library.
963resolveConditions :: (Semigroup target,Monoid target,Show target)
964                  => ResolveConditions
965                  -> (target -> cs -> target)
966                  -> CondTree ConfVar cs target
967                  -> target
968resolveConditions rc addDeps (CondNode lib deps cs) = basic <> children
969  where basic = addDeps lib deps
970        children = mconcat (map apply cs)
971          where apply (Cabal.CondBranch cond node mcs) =
972                  if condSatisfied cond
973                     then resolveConditions rc addDeps node
974                     else maybe mempty (resolveConditions rc addDeps) mcs
975                condSatisfied c =
976                  case c of
977                    Var v -> varSatisifed v
978                    Lit b -> b
979                    CNot c' ->
980                      not (condSatisfied c')
981                    COr cx cy ->
982                      condSatisfied cx || condSatisfied cy
983                    CAnd cx cy ->
984                      condSatisfied cx && condSatisfied cy
985                varSatisifed v =
986                  case v of
987                    OS os -> os == rcOS rc
988                    Arch arch -> arch == rcArch rc
989                    Flag flag ->
990                      fromMaybe False $ M.lookup flag (rcFlags rc)
991                      -- NOTE:  ^^^^^ This should never happen, as all flags
992                      -- which are used must be declared. Defaulting to
993                      -- False.
994                    Impl flavor range ->
995                      case (flavor, rcCompilerVersion rc) of
996                        (GHC, ACGhc vghc) -> vghc `withinRange` range
997                        _ -> False
999-- | Try to resolve the list of base names in the given directory by
1000-- looking for unique instances of base names applied with the given
1001-- extensions, plus find any of their module and TemplateHaskell
1002-- dependencies.
1004    :: NamedComponent       -- ^ Package component name
1005    -> [Path Abs Dir]       -- ^ Directories to look in.
1006    -> [DotCabalDescriptor] -- ^ Base names.
1007    -> RIO Ctx (Map ModuleName (Path Abs File),[DotCabalPath],[PackageWarning])
1008resolveFilesAndDeps component dirs names0 = do
1009    (dotCabalPaths, foundModules, missingModules) <- loop names0 S.empty
1010    warnings <- liftM2 (++) (warnUnlisted foundModules) (warnMissing missingModules)
1011    return (foundModules, dotCabalPaths, warnings)
1012  where
1013    loop [] _ = return ([], M.empty, [])
1014    loop names doneModules0 = do
1015        resolved <- resolveFiles dirs names
1016        let foundFiles = mapMaybe snd resolved
1017            foundModules = mapMaybe toResolvedModule resolved
1018            missingModules = mapMaybe toMissingModule resolved
1019        pairs <- mapM (getDependencies component dirs) foundFiles
1020        let doneModules =
1021                S.union
1022                    doneModules0
1023                    (S.fromList (mapMaybe dotCabalModule names))
1024            moduleDeps = S.unions (map fst pairs)
1025            thDepFiles = concatMap snd pairs
1026            modulesRemaining = S.difference moduleDeps doneModules
1027        -- Ignore missing modules discovered as dependencies - they may
1028        -- have been deleted.
1029        (resolvedFiles, resolvedModules, _) <-
1030            loop (map DotCabalModule (S.toList modulesRemaining)) doneModules
1031        return
1032            ( nubOrd $ foundFiles <> map DotCabalFilePath thDepFiles <> resolvedFiles
1033            , M.union
1034                  (M.fromList foundModules)
1035                  resolvedModules
1036            , missingModules)
1037    warnUnlisted foundModules = do
1038        let unlistedModules =
1039                foundModules `M.difference`
1040                M.fromList (mapMaybe (fmap (, ()) . dotCabalModule) names0)
1041        return $
1042            if M.null unlistedModules
1043                then []
1044                else [ UnlistedModulesWarning
1045                           component
1046                           (map fst (M.toList unlistedModules))]
1047    warnMissing _missingModules = do
1048        return []
1049        -- TODO: bring this back - see
1050        -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2649
1051        {-
1052        cabalfp <- asks ctxFile
1053        return $
1054            if null missingModules
1055               then []
1056               else [ MissingModulesWarning
1057                           cabalfp
1058                           component
1059                           missingModules]
1060        -}
1061    -- TODO: In usages of toResolvedModule / toMissingModule, some sort
1062    -- of map + partition would probably be better.
1063    toResolvedModule
1064        :: (DotCabalDescriptor, Maybe DotCabalPath)
1065        -> Maybe (ModuleName, Path Abs File)
1066    toResolvedModule (DotCabalModule mn, Just (DotCabalModulePath fp)) =
1067        Just (mn, fp)
1068    toResolvedModule _ =
1069        Nothing
1070    toMissingModule
1071        :: (DotCabalDescriptor, Maybe DotCabalPath)
1072        -> Maybe ModuleName
1073    toMissingModule (DotCabalModule mn, Nothing) =
1074        Just mn
1075    toMissingModule _ =
1076        Nothing
1078-- | Get the dependencies of a Haskell module file.
1080    :: NamedComponent -> [Path Abs Dir] -> DotCabalPath -> RIO Ctx (Set ModuleName, [Path Abs File])
1081getDependencies component dirs dotCabalPath =
1082    case dotCabalPath of
1083        DotCabalModulePath resolvedFile -> readResolvedHi resolvedFile
1084        DotCabalMainPath resolvedFile -> readResolvedHi resolvedFile
1085        DotCabalFilePath{} -> return (S.empty, [])
1086        DotCabalCFilePath{} -> return (S.empty, [])
1087  where
1088    readResolvedHi resolvedFile = do
1089        dumpHIDir <- componentOutputDir component <$> asks ctxDistDir
1090        dir <- asks (parent . ctxFile)
1091        let sourceDir = fromMaybe dir $ find (`isProperPrefixOf` resolvedFile) dirs
1092            stripSourceDir d = stripProperPrefix d resolvedFile
1093        case stripSourceDir sourceDir of
1094            Nothing -> return (S.empty, [])
1095            Just fileRel -> do
1096                let hiPath =
1097                        FilePath.replaceExtension
1098                            (toFilePath (dumpHIDir </> fileRel))
1099                            ".hi"
1100                dumpHIExists <- liftIO $ D.doesFileExist hiPath
1101                if dumpHIExists
1102                    then parseHI hiPath
1103                    else return (S.empty, [])
1105-- | Parse a .hi file into a set of modules and files.
1107    :: FilePath -> RIO Ctx (Set ModuleName, [Path Abs File])
1108parseHI hiPath = do
1109  dir <- asks (parent . ctxFile)
1110  result <- liftIO $ Iface.fromFile hiPath `catchAnyDeep` \e -> pure (Left (show e))
1111  case result of
1112    Left msg -> do
1113      prettyStackDevL
1114        [ flow "Failed to decode module interface:"
1115        , style File $ fromString hiPath
1116        , flow "Decoding failure:"
1117        , style Error $ fromString msg
1118        ]
1119      pure (S.empty, [])
1120    Right iface -> do
1121      let moduleNames = fmap (fromString . T.unpack . decodeUtf8Lenient . fst) .
1122                        Iface.unList . Iface.dmods . Iface.deps
1123          resolveFileDependency file = do
1124            resolved <- liftIO (forgivingAbsence (resolveFile dir file)) >>= rejectMissingFile
1125            when (isNothing resolved) $
1126              prettyWarnL
1127              [ flow "Dependent file listed in:"
1128              , style File $ fromString hiPath
1129              , flow "does not exist:"
1130              , style File $ fromString file
1131              ]
1132            pure resolved
1133          resolveUsages = traverse (resolveFileDependency . Iface.unUsage) . Iface.unList . Iface.usage
1134      resolvedUsages <- catMaybes <$> resolveUsages iface
1135      pure (S.fromList $ moduleNames iface, resolvedUsages)
1137-- | Try to resolve the list of base names in the given directory by
1138-- looking for unique instances of base names applied with the given
1139-- extensions.
1141    :: [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ Directories to look in.
1142    -> [DotCabalDescriptor] -- ^ Base names.
1143    -> RIO Ctx [(DotCabalDescriptor, Maybe DotCabalPath)]
1144resolveFiles dirs names =
1145    forM names (\name -> liftM (name, ) (findCandidate dirs name))
1147data CabalFileNameParseFail
1148  = CabalFileNameParseFail FilePath
1149  | CabalFileNameInvalidPackageName FilePath
1150  deriving (Typeable)
1152instance Exception CabalFileNameParseFail
1153instance Show CabalFileNameParseFail where
1154    show (CabalFileNameParseFail fp) = "Invalid file path for cabal file, must have a .cabal extension: " ++ fp
1155    show (CabalFileNameInvalidPackageName fp) = "cabal file names must use valid package names followed by a .cabal extension, the following is invalid: " ++ fp
1157-- | Parse a package name from a file path.
1158parsePackageNameFromFilePath :: MonadThrow m => Path a File -> m PackageName
1159parsePackageNameFromFilePath fp = do
1160    base <- clean $ toFilePath $ filename fp
1161    case parsePackageName base of
1162        Nothing -> throwM $ CabalFileNameInvalidPackageName $ toFilePath fp
1163        Just x -> return x
1164  where clean = liftM reverse . strip . reverse
1165        strip ('l':'a':'b':'a':'c':'.':xs) = return xs
1166        strip _ = throwM (CabalFileNameParseFail (toFilePath fp))
1168-- | Find a candidate for the given module-or-filename from the list
1169-- of directories and given extensions.
1171    :: [Path Abs Dir]
1172    -> DotCabalDescriptor
1173    -> RIO Ctx (Maybe DotCabalPath)
1174findCandidate dirs name = do
1175    pkg <- asks ctxFile >>= parsePackageNameFromFilePath
1176    customPreprocessorExts <- view $ configL . to configCustomPreprocessorExts
1177    let haskellPreprocessorExts = haskellDefaultPreprocessorExts ++ customPreprocessorExts
1178    candidates <- liftIO $ makeNameCandidates haskellPreprocessorExts
1179    case candidates of
1180        [candidate] -> return (Just (cons candidate))
1181        [] -> do
1182            case name of
1183                DotCabalModule mn
1184                  | D.display mn /= paths_pkg pkg -> logPossibilities dirs mn
1185                _ -> return ()
1186            return Nothing
1187        (candidate:rest) -> do
1188            warnMultiple name candidate rest
1189            return (Just (cons candidate))
1190  where
1191    cons =
1192        case name of
1193            DotCabalModule{} -> DotCabalModulePath
1194            DotCabalMain{} -> DotCabalMainPath
1195            DotCabalFile{} -> DotCabalFilePath
1196            DotCabalCFile{} -> DotCabalCFilePath
1197    paths_pkg pkg = "Paths_" ++ packageNameString pkg
1198    makeNameCandidates haskellPreprocessorExts =
1199        liftM (nubOrd . concat) (mapM (makeDirCandidates haskellPreprocessorExts) dirs)
1200    makeDirCandidates :: [Text]
1201                      -> Path Abs Dir
1202                      -> IO [Path Abs File]
1203    makeDirCandidates haskellPreprocessorExts dir =
1204        case name of
1205            DotCabalMain fp -> resolveCandidate dir fp
1206            DotCabalFile fp -> resolveCandidate dir fp
1207            DotCabalCFile fp -> resolveCandidate dir fp
1208            DotCabalModule mn -> do
1209              let perExt ext =
1210                     resolveCandidate dir (Cabal.toFilePath mn ++ "." ++ T.unpack ext)
1211              withHaskellExts <- mapM perExt haskellFileExts
1212              withPPExts <- mapM perExt haskellPreprocessorExts
1213              pure $
1214                case (concat withHaskellExts, concat withPPExts) of
1215                  -- If we have exactly 1 Haskell extension and exactly
1216                  -- 1 preprocessor extension, assume the former file is
1217                  -- generated from the latter
1218                  --
1219                  -- See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4076
1220                  ([_], [y]) -> [y]
1222                  -- Otherwise, return everything
1223                  (xs, ys) -> xs ++ ys
1224    resolveCandidate dir = fmap maybeToList . resolveDirFile dir
1226-- | Resolve file as a child of a specified directory, symlinks
1227-- don't get followed.
1229    :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
1230    => Path Abs Dir -> FilePath.FilePath -> m (Maybe (Path Abs File))
1231resolveDirFile x y = do
1232    -- The standard canonicalizePath does not work for this case
1233    p <- parseCollapsedAbsFile (toFilePath x FilePath.</> y)
1234    exists <- doesFileExist p
1235    return $ if exists then Just p else Nothing
1237-- | Warn the user that multiple candidates are available for an
1238-- entry, but that we picked one anyway and continued.
1240    :: DotCabalDescriptor -> Path b t -> [Path b t] -> RIO Ctx ()
1241warnMultiple name candidate rest =
1242    -- TODO: figure out how to style 'name' and the dispOne stuff
1243    prettyWarnL
1244        [ flow "There were multiple candidates for the Cabal entry"
1245        , fromString . showName $ name
1246        , line <> bulletedList (map dispOne (candidate:rest))
1247        , line <> flow "picking:"
1248        , dispOne candidate
1249        ]
1250  where showName (DotCabalModule name') = D.display name'
1251        showName (DotCabalMain fp) = fp
1252        showName (DotCabalFile fp) = fp
1253        showName (DotCabalCFile fp) = fp
1254        dispOne = fromString . toFilePath
1255          -- TODO: figure out why dispOne can't be just `display`
1256          --       (remove the .hlint.yaml exception if it can be)
1258-- | Log that we couldn't find a candidate, but there are
1259-- possibilities for custom preprocessor extensions.
1261-- For example: .erb for a Ruby file might exist in one of the
1262-- directories.
1264    :: HasTerm env
1265    => [Path Abs Dir] -> ModuleName -> RIO env ()
1266logPossibilities dirs mn = do
1267    possibilities <- liftM concat (makePossibilities mn)
1268    unless (null possibilities) $ prettyWarnL
1269        [ flow "Unable to find a known candidate for the Cabal entry"
1270        , (style PP.Module . fromString $ D.display mn) <> ","
1271        , flow "but did find:"
1272        , line <> bulletedList (map pretty possibilities)
1273        , flow "If you are using a custom preprocessor for this module"
1274        , flow "with its own file extension, consider adding the extension"
1275        , flow "to the 'custom-preprocessor-extensions' field in stack.yaml."
1276        ]
1277  where
1278    makePossibilities name =
1279        mapM
1280            (\dir ->
1281                  do (_,files) <- listDir dir
1282                     return
1283                         (map
1284                              filename
1285                              (filter
1286                                   (isPrefixOf (D.display name) .
1287                                    toFilePath . filename)
1288                                   files)))
1289            dirs
1291-- | Path for the package's build log.
1292buildLogPath :: (MonadReader env m, HasBuildConfig env, MonadThrow m)
1293             => Package -> Maybe String -> m (Path Abs File)
1294buildLogPath package' msuffix = do
1295  env <- ask
1296  let stack = getProjectWorkDir env
1297  fp <- parseRelFile $ concat $
1298    packageIdentifierString (packageIdentifier package') :
1299    maybe id (\suffix -> ("-" :) . (suffix :)) msuffix [".log"]
1300  return $ stack </> relDirLogs </> fp
1302-- Internal helper to define resolveFileOrWarn and resolveDirOrWarn
1303resolveOrWarn :: Text
1304              -> (Path Abs Dir -> String -> RIO Ctx (Maybe a))
1305              -> FilePath.FilePath
1306              -> RIO Ctx (Maybe a)
1307resolveOrWarn subject resolver path =
1308  do cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDir
1309     file <- asks ctxFile
1310     dir <- asks (parent . ctxFile)
1311     result <- resolver dir path
1312     when (isNothing result) $ warnMissingFile subject cwd path file
1313     return result
1315warnMissingFile :: Text -> Path Abs Dir -> FilePath -> Path Abs File -> RIO Ctx ()
1316warnMissingFile subject cwd path fromFile =
1317    prettyWarnL
1318        [ fromString . T.unpack $ subject -- TODO: needs style?
1319        , flow "listed in"
1320        , maybe (pretty fromFile) pretty (stripProperPrefix cwd fromFile)
1321        , flow "file does not exist:"
1322        , style Dir . fromString $ path
1323        ]
1325-- | Resolve the file, if it can't be resolved, warn for the user
1326-- (purely to be helpful).
1327resolveFileOrWarn :: FilePath.FilePath
1328                  -> RIO Ctx (Maybe (Path Abs File))
1329resolveFileOrWarn = resolveOrWarn "File" f
1330  where f p x = liftIO (forgivingAbsence (resolveFile p x)) >>= rejectMissingFile
1332-- | Resolve the directory, if it can't be resolved, warn for the user
1333-- (purely to be helpful).
1334resolveDirOrWarn :: FilePath.FilePath
1335                 -> RIO Ctx (Maybe (Path Abs Dir))
1336resolveDirOrWarn = resolveOrWarn "Directory" f
1337  where f p x = liftIO (forgivingAbsence (resolveDir p x)) >>= rejectMissingDir
1339    {- FIXME
1340-- | Create a 'ProjectPackage' from a directory containing a package.
1342  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
1343  => PrintWarnings
1344  -> ResolvedPath Dir
1345  -> RIO env ProjectPackage
1346mkProjectPackage printWarnings dir = do
1347  (gpd, name, cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (resolvedAbsolute dir)
1348  return ProjectPackage
1349    { ppCabalFP = cabalfp
1350    , ppGPD' = gpd printWarnings
1351    , ppResolvedDir = dir
1352    , ppName = name
1353    }
1355-- | Create a 'DepPackage' from a 'PackageLocation'
1357  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
1358  => PackageLocation
1359  -> RIO env DepPackage
1360mkDepPackage pl = do
1361  (name, gpdio) <-
1362    case pl of
1363      PLMutable dir -> do
1364        (gpdio, name, _cabalfp) <- loadCabalFilePath (resolvedAbsolute dir)
1365        pure (name, gpdio NoPrintWarnings)
1366      PLImmutable pli -> do
1367        PackageIdentifier name _ <- getPackageLocationIdent pli
1368        run <- askRunInIO
1369        pure (name, run $ loadCabalFileImmutable pli)
1370  return DepPackage
1371    { dpGPD' = gpdio
1372    , dpLocation = pl
1373    , dpName = name
1374    }
1376    -}
1378-- | Force a package to be treated as a custom build type, see
1379-- <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4488>
1381  :: Version -- ^ global Cabal version
1382  -> Package
1383  -> Package
1384applyForceCustomBuild cabalVersion package
1385    | forceCustomBuild =
1386        package
1387          { packageBuildType = Custom
1388          , packageDeps = M.insertWith (<>) "Cabal" (DepValue cabalVersionRange AsLibrary)
1389                        $ packageDeps package
1390          , packageSetupDeps = Just $ M.fromList
1391              [ ("Cabal", cabalVersionRange)
1392              , ("base", anyVersion)
1393              ]
1394          }
1395    | otherwise = package
1396  where
1397    cabalVersionRange = packageCabalSpec package
1398    forceCustomBuild =
1399      packageBuildType package == Simple &&
1400      not (cabalVersion `withinRange` cabalVersionRange)