1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /* Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)                              */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001                                              */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0.    */
6 /*****************************************************************************/
8 package com.ibm.staf;
10 /**
11  * This class is used to return the result from the <code>STAFHandle</code>
12  * class's <code>submit2</code> method. It contains both the STAF return code
13  * as well as the result string.
14  * <p>
15  * In addition, if auto-unmarshalling is enabled for the handle (which it is
16  * by default), it also contains the marshalling context for the result (that
17  * is, the unmarshalled result) and the result object (that is, the root
18  * object of the marshalling context). Otherwise, if auto-unmarshalling is
19  * disabled for the handle that called the <code>submit2</code> method, the
20  * <code>resultContext</code> and <code>resultObj</code> fields will be set to
21  * <code>null</code>.
22  * <p>
23  * It is typically used in places where you wish to avoid catching exceptions
24  * when using STAF or where you want the result to be auto-unmarshalled.
25  * <p>
26  * This class also contains the constant definitions for all the STAF return
27  * codes. These return codes are common to STAFResult and STAFException.
28  */
29 public class STAFResult
30 {
31     /**
32      * This constructs a STAF result with return code 0 and an empty result
33      * buffer.
34      */
STAFResult()35     public STAFResult() { rc = STAFResult.Ok; result = new String(); }
37     /**
38      * This constructs a STAF result with the specified return code and an
39      * empty result buffer.
40      *
41      * @param  theRC      the return code
42      */
STAFResult(int theRC)43     public STAFResult(int theRC) { rc = theRC; result = new String(); }
45     /**
46      * This constructs a STAF result with the specified return code and result
47      * buffer.
48      *
49      * @param  theRC      the return code
50      * @param  theResult  the result buffer
51      */
STAFResult(int theRC, String theResult)52     public STAFResult(int theRC, String theResult)
53     {
54         rc = theRC;
55         result = theResult;
56     }
58     /**
59      * This constructs a STAF result with the specified return code and result
60      * buffer and allows you to specify a flag indicating whether to unmarshall
61      * the result automatically.
62      *
63      * @param  theRC               the return code
64      * @param  theResult           the result buffer
65      * @param  doUnmarshallResult  a flag indicating whether to unmarshall the
66      *                             result automatically
67      */
STAFResult(int theRC, String theResult, boolean doUnmarshallResult)68     public STAFResult(int theRC, String theResult, boolean doUnmarshallResult)
69     {
70         rc = theRC;
71         result = theResult;
73         if (doUnmarshallResult)
74         {
75             resultContext = STAFMarshallingContext.unmarshall(theResult);
76             resultObj = resultContext.getRootObject();
77         }
78     }
80     /**
81      * The return code
82      */
83     public int rc;
85     /**
86      * The result buffer
87      */
88     public String result;
90     /**
91      * The result object (that is, the root object of the marshalling context).
92      * It is initialized to <code>null</code> and will only be assigned if
93      * auto-unmarshalling is enabled.
94      */
95     public Object resultObj = null;
97     /**
98      * The marshalling context for the result (that is, the unmarshalled result).
99      * It is initialized to <code>null</code> and will only be assigned if
100      * auto-unmarshalling is enabled.
101      */
102     public STAFMarshallingContext resultContext = null;
104     /**
105      * A return code indicating success.
106      */
107     public static final int Ok = 0;
109     /**
110      * A return code indicating that a process has tried to call an invalid
111      * internal STAF API. If this error occurs, report it to the authors.
112      */
113     public static final int InvalidAPI = 1;
115     /**
116      * A return code indicating you have tried to submit a request to a
117      * service that is unknown to STAFProc. Verify that you have correctly
118      * registered the service.
119      */
120     public static final int UnknownService = 2;
122     /**
123      * A return code indicating you are passing an invalid handle to a STAF
124      * API.  Ensure that you are using the handle you received when you
125      * registered with STAF.
126      */
127     public static final int InvalidHandle = 3;
129     /**
130      * A return code indicating you are trying to register a process with one
131      * name when that process has already been registered with a different
132      * name. If you register the same process multiple times, ensure that you
133      * use the same name on each registration call.
134      * <p>
135      * Note: If you receive this error code when trying to perform an
136      * operation other than registering a service, report it to the authors.
137      */
138     public static final int HandleAlreadyExists = 4;
140     /**
141      * A return code indicating you are trying to perform an operation on a
142      * handle that does not exist. For example, you may be trying to stop a
143      * process, but you are specifying the wrong handle.
144      */
145     public static final int HandleDoesNotExist = 5;
147     /**
148      * A return code indicating an unknown error has occurred. This error is
149      * usually an indication of an internal STAF error. If this error occurs,
150      * report it the authors.
151      */
152     public static final int UnknownError = 6;
154     /**
155      * A return code indicating you have submitted an improperly formatted
156      * request to a service. See the service's User Guide for for the syntax
157      * of the service's requests, or contact the provider of the service.
158      * <p>
159      * Note: Additional information regarding the exact syntax error may be
160      * provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
161      */
162     public static final int InvalidRequestString = 7;
164     /**
165      * A return code indicating an internal error with the service to which
166      * a request was submitted. If this error occurs, report it to the
167      * authors and the service provider.
168      */
169     public static final int InvalidServiceResult = 8;
171     /**
172      * A return code indicating an internal error in an external Rexx service.
173      * If this error occurs, report it to the authors and the service
174      * provider.
175      * <p>
176      * Note: The actual Rexx error code will be returned in the result passed
177      * back from the submit call.
178      */
179     public static final int REXXError = 9;
181     /**
182      * A return code indicating that a base operating system error was
183      * encountered.
184      * <p>
185      * Note: The actual base operating system error code, and possibly
186      * additional information about the error, will be returned in the result
187      * passed back from the submit call.
188      */
189     public static final int BaseOSError = 10;
191     /**
192      * A return code indicating you are trying to perform an invalid operation
193      * on a process that has already completed. For example, you may be trying
194      * to stop the process or register for a process end notification.
195      */
196     public static final int ProcessAlreadyComplete = 11;
198     /**
199      * A return code indicating you are trying to free process information for
200      * a process that is still executing.
201      */
202     public static final int ProcessNotComplete = 12;
204     /**
205      * A return code indicating you are trying to get, remove, or resolve a
206      * variable that does not exist. Remember that variables are case
207      * sensitive. The name of the variable that does not exist will be in the
208      * result passed back from the submit call.
209      */
210     public static final int VariableDoesNotExist = 13;
212     /**
213      * A return code indicating you have requested to resolve a string that
214      * cannot be resolved. This indicates that you have exceeded the
215      * resolution depth of the VAR service. The most common cause of this is
216      * recursive variables definitions.
217      */
218     public static final int UnResolvableString = 14;
220     /**
221      * A return code indicating the string you requested to be resolved has a
222      * non-matching left or right curly brace. Ensure that all variable
223      * references have both left and right curly braces.
224      */
225     public static final int InvalidResolveString = 15;
227     /**
228      * A return code indicating that STAFProc was not able to submit the
229      * request to the requested endpoint (i.e. target machine). This error
230      * usually indicates one or more of the following:
231      * <ul>
232      * <li>STAFProc is not running on the target machine.
233      * <li>The requested endpoint is not valid.
234      * <li>The network interface or port for the requested endpoint is not
235      * supported.
236      * <li>A firewall is blocking communication via the port for the requested
237      * endpoint.
238      * <li>A secure network interface is being used to communicate to a
239      * machine that doesn't have a secure network interface configured with
240      * the same certificate.
241      * </ul>
242      * <p>
243      * Alternatively, you may need to increase your CONNECTTIMEOUT value for
244      * the network interface and/or increase your CONNECTATTEMPTS value in
245      * your STAF.cfg file.
246      */
247     public static final int NoPathToMachine = 16;
249     /**
250      * A return code indicating that there was an error opening the requested
251      * file. Some possible explanations are that the file/path does not exist,
252      * contains invalid characters, or is locked.
253      * <p>
254      * Note: Additional information regarding which file could not be opened
255      * may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
256      */
257     public static final int FileOpenError = 17;
259     /**
260      * A return code indicating that there was an error while trying to read
261      * data from a file.
262      * <p>
263      * Note: Additional information regarding which file could not be read
264      * from may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
265      */
266     public static final int FileReadError = 18;
268     /**
269      * A return code indicating that there was an error while trying to write
270      * data to a file.
271      * <p>
272      * Note: Additional information regarding which file could not be written
273      * to may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
274      */
275     public static final int FileWriteError = 19;
277     /**
278      * A return code indicating that there was an error while trying to delete
279      * a file or directory.
280      * <p>
281      * Note: Additional information regarding which file or directory could not
282      * be deleted may be provided in the result passed back from the submit
283      * call.
284      */
285     public static final int FileDeleteError = 20;
287     /**
288      * A return code indicating that STAFProc is not running on the local
289      * machine with the same STAF_INSTANCE_NAME (and/or the same STAF_TEMP_DIR
290      * if on a Unix machine).
291      * <p>
292      * Notes:
293      * <ul>
294      * <li>If the STAF_INSTANCE_NAME environment variable is not set, it
295      * defaults to "STAF".
296      * <li>On Unix, if the STAF_TEMP_DIR environment variable is not set, it
297      * defaults to "/tmp". This environment variable is not used on Windows.
298      * <li>This error can also occur when submitting a request using the local
299      * IPC interface on a Unix machine if the socket file that the local
300      * interface uses has been inadvertently deleted.
301      * <li>On Windows, with User Account Controls (UAC) enabled, if STAFProc.exe
302      * is being run as an Administrator, this error will occur if a STAF service
303      * request is not also run as an Administrator (e.g. from an "Administrator:
304      * Command Prompt") or if programs that submit STAF service requests using
305      * STAF APIs for Java, C/C++, Perl, Python, or Tcl are not run an an
306      * Administrator. See section "5.1.2 Running STAFProc on Windows with User
307      * Account Controls (UAC) Enabled" in the STAF User's Guide for more
308      * information.
309      * <li>More information on this error may be displayed if you set special
310      * environment variable STAF_DEBUG_21=1 and resubmit your STAF service
311      * request.
312      * </ul>
313      */
314     public static final int STAFNotRunning = 21;
316     /**
317      * A return code indicating an error transmitting data across the network,
318      * or to the local STAF process. For example, you would receive this error
319      * if STAFProc.exe was terminated in the middle of a service request, or
320      * if a bridge went down in the middle of a remote service request. This
321      * can also indicate that the requested endpoint is not valid (e.g. it has
322      * an invalid network interface and port combination such as a non-secure
323      * tcp interface with the port for a secure ssl interface).
324      */
325     public static final int CommunicationError = 22;
327     /**
328      * A return code indicating you have requested to delete a trustee, and the
329      * trustee does not exist. Verify that you have specified the correct
330      * trustee.
331      */
332     public static final int TrusteeDoesNotExist = 23;
334     /**
335      * A return code indicating You have attempted to set a machine or default
336      * trust level to an invalid level. The valid trust levels are from zero
337      * to five.
338      */
339     public static final int InvalidTrustLevel = 24;
341     /**
342      * A return code indicating you have submitted a request for which you do
343      * not have the required trust level to perform the request.
344      * <p>
345      * Note: Additional information regarding the required trust level may be
346      * provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
347      */
348     public static final int AccessDenied = 25;
350     /**
351      * A return code indicating that an external service encountered a problem
352      * when trying to register with STAF. Ensure that STAF has been properly
353      * installed and configured.
354      */
355     public static final int STAFRegistrationError = 26;
357     /**
358      * A return code indicating an error with the configuration of an external
359      * service. One possible explanation is that the LIBRARY you specified
360      * when configuring the service does not exist. Or, if you specified the
361      * EXECUTE option, verify that the executable exists and has the execute
362      * permission. Or, if you specified the PARMS option, verify that all of
363      * the service configuration are valid. Consult the appropriate
364      * documentation for the service to verify whether you have configured the
365      * service properly, or contact the service provider.
366      * <p>
367      * Note: Additional information regarding why the service configuration
368      * failed may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
369      */
370     public static final int ServiceConfigurationError = 27;
372     /**
373      * A return code indicating that you are trying to queue a message to a
374      * handle's queue, but the queue is full. The maximum queue size can be
375      * increased by using the MAXQUEUESIZE statement in the STAF Configuration
376      * File.
377      */
378     public static final int QueueFull = 28;
380     /**
381      * A return code indicating that you tried to GET or PEEK a particular
382      * element in a queue, but no such element exists, or the queue is empty.
383      */
384     public static final int NoQueueElement = 29;
386     /**
387      * A return code indicating that you are trying to remove a message
388      * notification for a machine/process/priority combination which does not
389      * exist in the notification list.
390      */
391     public static final int NotifieeDoesNotExist = 30;
393     /**
394      * A return code indicating that a process has tried to call an invalid
395      * level of an internal STAF API. If this error occurs, report it to the
396      * authors.
397      */
398     public static final int InvalidAPILevel = 31;
400     /**
401      * A return code indicating that you are trying to unregister a service
402      * that is not unregisterable. Note that internal services are not
403      * unregisterable.
404      */
405     public static final int ServiceNotUnregisterable = 32;
407     /**
408      * A return code indicating that the service you requested is not
409      * currently able to accept requests. The service may be in the process of
410      * initializing or terminating.
411      */
412     public static final int ServiceNotAvailable = 33;
414     /**
415      * A return code indicating that you are trying to release, query, or
416      * delete a semaphore that does not exist.
417      */
418     public static final int SemaphoreDoesNotExist = 34;
420     /**
421      * A return code indicating that you are trying to release a semaphore for
422      * which your process is not the current owner.
423      */
424     public static final int NotSemaphoreOwner = 35;
426     /**
427      * A return code indicating that you are trying to delete either a mutex
428      * semaphore that is currently owned or an event semaphore that has
429      * waiting processes.
430      */
431     public static final int SemaphoreHasPendingRequests = 36;
433     /**
434      * A return code indicating that you submitted a request with a timeout
435      * value and the request did not complete within the requested time.
436      */
437     public static final int Timeout = 37;
439     /**
440      * A return code indicating an error performing a Java native method call.
441      * A description of the error will be returned in the result passed back
442      * from the submit call.
443      */
444     public static final int JavaError = 38;
446     /**
447      * A return code indicating an error performing a codepage conversion.
448      * The most likely cause of this error is that STAF was not properly
449      * installed. However, it is possible that you are currently using a
450      * codepage that was not present or specified during STAF installation.
451      */
452     public static final int ConverterError = 39;
454     /**
455      * A return code indicating that there was an error while trying to move a
456      * file or directory.
457      * <p>
458      * Note: Additional information regarding the error may be provided in the
459      * result passed back from the submit call.
460      */
461     public static final int MoveError = 40;
463     /**
464      * A return code indicating that an invalid object was specified to a STAF
465      * API. If you receive this return code via a standard STAFSubmit call,
466      * report it to the authors and the service provider.
467      */
468     public static final int InvalidObject = 41;
470     /**
471      * A return code indicating that an invalid parameter was specified to a
472      * STAF API. If you receive this return code via a standard STAFSubmit
473      * call, report it to the authors and the service provider.
474      */
475     public static final int InvalidParm = 42;
477     /**
478      * A return code indicating that the specified Request Number was not
479      * found. The specified Request Number may be invalid, or the request's
480      * information may no longer be available from the Service Service (for
481      * example, if the SERVICE FREE command had previously been issued for
482      * the request number).
483      */
484     public static final int RequestNumberNotFound = 43;
486     /**
487      * A return code indicating that an invalid Asynchronous submit option was
488      * specified.
489      */
490     public static final int InvalidAsynchOption = 44;
492     /**
493      * A return code indicating that the specified request is not complete.
494      * This error code would be returned, for example, if you requested the
495      * result of a request which has not yet completed.
496      */
497     public static final int RequestNotComplete = 45;
499     /**
500      * A return code indicating that the userid/password you specified could
501      * not be authenticated. The userid/password may not be valid or
502      * authentication may be disabled.
503      */
504     public static final int ProcessAuthenticationDenied = 46;
506     /**
507      * A return code indicating that an invalid value was specified. This is
508      * closely related to the Invalid Request String return code, but
509      * indicates that a specific value in the request is invalid. For example,
510      * you may not have specified a number where a number was expected.
511      * <p>
512      * Note: Additional information regarding which value is invalid may be
513      * provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
514      */
515     public static final int InvalidValue = 47;
517     /**
518      * A return code indicating that the item you specified does not exist.
519      * <p>
520      * Note: Additional information regarding which item could not be found
521      * may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
522      */
523     public static final int DoesNotExist = 48;
525     /**
526      * A return code indicating that the item you specified already exists.
527      * <p>
528      * Note: Additional information regarding which item already exists may
529      * be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
530      */
531     public static final int AlreadyExists = 49;
533     /**
534      * A return code indicating that you have tried to delete a directory, but
535      * that directory is not empty.
536      * <p>
537      * Note: Additional information specifying the directory which could not
538      * be deleted may be provided in the result passed back from the submit
539      * call.
540      */
541     public static final int DirectoryNotEmpty = 50;
543     /**
544      * A return code indicating that you have tried to copy a directory, but
545      * errors occurred during the copy.
546      * <p>
547      * Note: Additional information specifying the entries which could not be
548      * copied may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
549      */
550     public static final int DirectoryCopyError = 51;
552     /**
553      * A return code indicating that you tried to record diagnostics data, but
554      * diagnostics have not been enabled. You must enable diagnostics before
555      * you can record diagnostics data.
556      */
557     public static final int DiagnosticsNotEnabled = 52;
559     /**
560      * A return code indicating that the user, credentials, and/or
561      * authenticator you specified could not be authenticated. The
562      * user/credentials may not be valid or the authenticator may not be
563      * registered.
564      * <p>
565      * Note: Additional information specifying why authentication was denied
566      * may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
567      */
568     public static final int HandleAuthenticationDenied = 53;
570     /**
571      * A return code indicating that the handle is already authenticated. The
572      * handle must be unauthenticated in order to be authenticated.
573      */
574     public static final int HandleAlreadyAuthenticated = 54;
576     /**
577      * A return code indicating that the version of STAF (or the version of
578      * a STAF service) is lower than the minimum required version.
579      */
580     public static final int InvalidSTAFVersion = 55;
582     /**
583      * A return code indicating that the request has been cancelled.
584      * <p>
585      * Note: Additional information specifying why the request was cancelled
586      * may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
587      */
588     public static final int RequestCancelled = 56;
590     /**
591      * A return code indicating that a problem occurred creating a new thread.
592      * One possible explanation is that there's not enough memory available to
593      * create a new thread.
594      * <p>
595      * Note: Additional information specifying why creating a new thread failed
596      * may be provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
597      */
598     public static final int CreateThreadError = 57;
600     /**
601      * A return code indicating that the size of a file exceeded the maximum
602      * size allowed (e.g. per the MAXRETURNFILESIZE operational parameter or
603      * per the MAXRETURNFILESIZE setting for the STAX service). A maximum file
604      * size is usually set to prevent the creation of result strings that
605      * require more memory than is available which can cause errors or crashes.
606      * <p>
607      * Note: Additional information specifying why this error occurred may be
608      * provided in the result passed back from the submit call.
609      */
610     public static final int MaximumSizeExceeded = 58;
612     /**
613      * A return code indicating that a new handle could not be created or
614      * registered because the maximum number of active handles allowed by
615      * STAF has been exceeded. You need to delete one or more handles that
616      * are no longer being used. The Handle service's LIST HANDLES SUMMARY
617      * request provides information on the maximum number of active STAF
618      * handles and this may be helpful in better understanding why this error
619      * occurred.
620      */
621     public static final int MaximumHandlesExceeded = 59;
623     /**
624      * A return code indicating that you cannot cancel a pending request your
625      * handle did not submit unless you specify the FORCE option.
626      */
627     public static final int NotRequester = 60;
629     /**
630      * Error codes of 4000 and beyond are service specific error codes. Either
631      * see the appropriate section in this document for the syntax of the
632      * service's requests, or contact the provider of the service.
633      */
634     public static final int UserDefined = 4000;
635 }