1 /* Copyright 2016 The encode_unicode Developers
2  *
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, <LICENSE-APACHE or
4  * http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license <LICENSE-MIT or
5  * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your option. This file may not be
6  * copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
7  */
9 #![allow(unused_unsafe)]// explicit unsafe{} blocks in unsafe functions are a good thing.
11 use utf8_char::Utf8Char;
12 use utf16_char::Utf16Char;
13 use utf8_iterators::*;
14 use utf16_iterators::*;
15 use decoding_iterators::*;
16 use error::*;
17 extern crate core;
18 use self::core::{char, u32, mem};
19 use self::core::ops::{Not, Index, RangeFull};
20 use self::core::borrow::Borrow;
21 #[cfg(feature="ascii")]
22 extern crate ascii;
23 #[cfg(feature="ascii")]
24 use self::ascii::AsciiStr;
26 // TODO better docs and tests
28 /// Methods for working with `u8`s as UTF-8 bytes.
29 pub trait U8UtfExt {
30     /// How many more bytes will you need to complete this codepoint?
31     ///
32     /// # Errors
33     ///
34     /// An error is returned if the byte is not a valid start of an UTF-8
35     /// codepoint:
36     ///
37     /// * `128..192`: ContinuationByte
38     /// * `248..`: TooLongSequence
39     ///
40     /// Values in 244..248 represent a too high codepoint, but do not cause an
41     /// error.
extra_utf8_bytes(self) -> Result<usize,InvalidUtf8FirstByte>42     fn extra_utf8_bytes(self) -> Result<usize,InvalidUtf8FirstByte>;
44     /// How many more bytes will you need to complete this codepoint?
45     ///
46     /// This function assumes that the byte is a valid UTF-8 start, and might
47     /// return any value otherwise. (but the function is pure and safe to call
48     /// with any value).
extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked(self) -> usize49     fn extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked(self) -> usize;
50 }
52 impl U8UtfExt for u8 {
53     #[inline]
extra_utf8_bytes(self) -> Result<usize,InvalidUtf8FirstByte>54     fn extra_utf8_bytes(self) -> Result<usize,InvalidUtf8FirstByte> {
55         use error::InvalidUtf8FirstByte::{ContinuationByte,TooLongSeqence};
56         // the bit twiddling is explained in extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked()
57         if self < 128 {
58             return Ok(0);
59         }
60         match ((self as u32)<<25).not().leading_zeros() {
61             n @ 1...3 => Ok(n as usize),
62             0 => Err(ContinuationByte),
63             _ => Err(TooLongSeqence),
64         }
65     }
66     #[inline]
extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked(self) -> usize67     fn extra_utf8_bytes_unchecked(self) -> usize {
68         // For fun I've optimized this function (for x86 instruction count):
69         // The most straightforward implementation, that lets the compiler do
70         // the optimizing:
71         //match self {
72         //    0b0000_0000...0b0111_1111 => 0,
73         //    0b1100_0010...0b1101_1111 => 1,
74         //    0b1110_0000...0b1110_1111 => 2,
75         //    0b1111_0000...0b1111_0100 => 3,
76         //                _             => whatever()
77         //}
78         // Using `unsafe{self::core::hint::unreachable_unchecked()}` for the
79         // "don't care" case is a terrible idea: while having the function
80         // non-deterministically return whatever happens to be in a register
81         // MIGHT be acceptable, it permits the function to not `ret`urn at all,
82         // but let execution fall through to whatever comes after it in the
83         // binary! (in other words completely UB).
84         // Currently unreachable_unchecked() might trap too,
85         // which is certainly not what we want.
86         // I also think `unsafe{mem::unitialized()}` is much more likely to
87         // explicitly produce whatever happens to be in a register than tell
88         // the compiler it can ignore this branch but needs to produce a value.
89         //
90         // From the bit patterns we see that for non-ASCII values the result is
91         // (number of leading set bits) - 1
92         // The standard library doesn't have a method for counting leading ones,
93         // but it has leading_zeros(), which can be used after inverting.
94         // This function can therefore be reduced to the one-liner
95         //`self.not().leading_zeros().saturating_sub(1) as usize`, which would
96         // be branchless for architectures with instructions for
97         // leading_zeros() and saturating_sub().
99         // Shortest version as long as ASCII-ness can be predicted: (especially
100         // if the BSR instruction which leading_zeros() uses is microcoded or
101         // doesn't exist)
102         // u8.leading_zeros() would cast to a bigger type internally, so that's
103         // free. compensating by shifting left by 24 before inverting lets the
104         // compiler know that the value passed to leading_zeros() is not zero,
105         // for which BSR's output is undefined and leading_zeros() normally has
106         // special case with a branch.
107         // Shifting one bit too many left acts as a saturating_sub(1).
108         if self<128 {0} else {((self as u32)<<25).not().leading_zeros() as usize}
110         // Branchless but longer version: (9 instructions)
111         // It's tempting to try (self|0x80).not().leading_zeros().wrapping_sub(1),
112         // but that produces high lengths for ASCII values 0b01xx_xxxx.
113         // If we could somehow (branchlessy) clear that bit for ASCII values...
114         // We can by masking with the value shifted right with sign extension!
115         // (any nonzero number of bits in range works)
116         //let extended = self as i8 as i32;
117         //let ascii_cleared = (extended<<25) & (extended>>25);
118         //ascii_cleared.not().leading_zeros() as usize
120         // cmov version: (7 instructions)
121         //(((self as u32)<<24).not().leading_zeros() as usize).saturating_sub(1)
122     }
123 }
126 /// Methods for working with `u16`s as UTF-16 units.
127 pub trait U16UtfExt {
128     /// Will you need an extra unit to complete this codepoint?
129     ///
130     /// Returns `Err` for trailing surrogates, `Ok(true)` for leading surrogates,
131     /// and `Ok(false)` for others.
utf16_needs_extra_unit(self) -> Result<bool,InvalidUtf16FirstUnit>132     fn utf16_needs_extra_unit(self) -> Result<bool,InvalidUtf16FirstUnit>;
134     /// Does this `u16` need another `u16` to complete a codepoint?
135     /// Returns `(self & 0xfc00) == 0xd800`
136     ///
137     /// Is basically an unchecked variant of `utf16_needs_extra_unit()`.
is_utf16_leading_surrogate(self) -> bool138     fn is_utf16_leading_surrogate(self) -> bool;
139 }
140 impl U16UtfExt for u16 {
141     #[inline]
utf16_needs_extra_unit(self) -> Result<bool,InvalidUtf16FirstUnit>142     fn utf16_needs_extra_unit(self) -> Result<bool,InvalidUtf16FirstUnit> {
143         match self {
144             // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-16#U.2B10000_to_U.2B10FFFF
145             0x00_00...0xd7_ff | 0xe0_00...0xff_ff => Ok(false),
146             0xd8_00...0xdb_ff => Ok(true),
147                     _         => Err(InvalidUtf16FirstUnit)
148         }
149     }
150     #[inline]
is_utf16_leading_surrogate(self) -> bool151     fn is_utf16_leading_surrogate(self) -> bool {
152         (self & 0xfc00) == 0xd800// Clear the ten content bytes of a surrogate,
153                                  // and see if it's a leading surrogate.
154     }
155 }
160 /// Extension trait for `char` that adds methods for converting to and from UTF-8 or UTF-16.
161 pub trait CharExt: Sized {
162     /// Get the UTF-8 representation of this codepoint.
163     ///
164     /// `Utf8Char` is to `[u8;4]` what `char` is to `u32`:
165     /// a restricted type that cannot be mutated internally.
to_utf8(self) -> Utf8Char166     fn to_utf8(self) -> Utf8Char;
168     /// Get the UTF-16 representation of this codepoint.
169     ///
170     /// `Utf16Char` is to `[u16;2]` what `char` is to `u32`:
171     /// a restricted type that cannot be mutated internally.
to_utf16(self) -> Utf16Char172     fn to_utf16(self) -> Utf16Char;
174     /// Iterate over or [read](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/trait.Read.html)
175     /// the one to four bytes in the UTF-8 representation of this codepoint.
176     ///
177     /// An identical alternative to the unstable `char.encode_utf8()`.
178     /// That method somehow still exist on stable, so I have to use a different name.
iter_utf8_bytes(self) -> Utf8Iterator179     fn iter_utf8_bytes(self) -> Utf8Iterator;
181     /// Iterate over the one or two units in the UTF-16 representation of this codepoint.
182     ///
183     /// An identical alternative to the unstable `char.encode_utf16()`.
184     /// That method somehow still exist on stable, so I have to use a different name.
iter_utf16_units(self) -> Utf16Iterator185     fn iter_utf16_units(self) -> Utf16Iterator;
188     /// Convert this char to an UTF-8 array, and also return how many bytes of
189     /// the array are used,
190     ///
191     /// The returned array is left-aligned with unused bytes set to zero.
to_utf8_array(self) -> ([u8; 4], usize)192     fn to_utf8_array(self) -> ([u8; 4], usize);
194     /// Convert this `char` to UTF-16.
195     ///
196     /// The second element is non-zero when a surrogate pair is required.
197     ///
198     /// # Examples
199     ///
200     /// ```
201     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
202     ///
203     /// assert_eq!('@'.to_utf16_array(), ['@' as u16, 0]);
204     /// assert_eq!('睷'.to_utf16_array(), ['睷' as u16, 0]);
205     /// assert_eq!('\u{abcde}'.to_utf16_array(), [0xda6f, 0xdcde]);
206     /// ```
to_utf16_array(self) -> [u16; 2]207     fn to_utf16_array(self) -> [u16; 2];
209     /// Convert this `char` to UTF-16.
210     /// The second item is `Some` if a surrogate pair is required.
211     ///
212     /// # Examples
213     ///
214     /// ```
215     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
216     ///
217     /// assert_eq!('@'.to_utf16_tuple(), ('@' as u16, None));
218     /// assert_eq!('睷'.to_utf16_tuple(), ('睷' as u16, None));
219     /// assert_eq!('\u{abcde}'.to_utf16_tuple(), (0xda6f, Some(0xdcde)));
220     /// ```
to_utf16_tuple(self) -> (u16, Option<u16>)221     fn to_utf16_tuple(self) -> (u16, Option<u16>);
225     /// Create a `char` from the start of an UTF-8 slice,
226     /// and also return how many bytes were used.
227     ///
228     /// # Errors
229     ///
230     /// Returns an `Err` if the slice is empty, doesn't start with a valid
231     /// UTF-8 sequence or is too short for the sequence.
232     ///
233     /// # Examples
234     ///
235     /// ```
236     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
237     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8Slice::*;
238     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8::*;
239     ///
240     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_slice_start(&[b'A', b'B', b'C']), Ok(('A',1)));
241     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_slice_start(&[0xdd, 0xbb]), Ok(('\u{77b}',2)));
242     ///
243     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_slice_start(&[]), Err(TooShort(1)));
244     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_slice_start(&[0xf0, 0x99]), Err(TooShort(4)));
245     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_slice_start(&[0xee, b'F', 0x80]), Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(1))));
246     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_slice_start(&[0xee, 0x99, 0x0f]), Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(2))));
247     /// ```
from_utf8_slice_start(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self,usize),InvalidUtf8Slice>248     fn from_utf8_slice_start(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self,usize),InvalidUtf8Slice>;
250     /// Create a `char` from the start of an UTF-16 slice,
251     /// and also return how many units were used.
252     ///
253     /// If you want to continue after an error, continue with the next `u16` unit.
from_utf16_slice_start(src: &[u16]) -> Result<(Self,usize), InvalidUtf16Slice>254     fn from_utf16_slice_start(src: &[u16]) -> Result<(Self,usize), InvalidUtf16Slice>;
257     /// Convert an UTF-8 sequence as returned from `.to_utf8_array()` into a `char`
258     ///
259     /// The codepoint must start at the first byte, and leftover bytes are ignored.
260     ///
261     /// # Errors
262     ///
263     /// Returns an `Err` if the array doesn't start with a valid UTF-8 sequence.
264     ///
265     /// # Examples
266     ///
267     /// ```
268     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
269     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8Array::*;
270     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8::*;
271     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidCodepoint::*;
272     ///
273     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([b'A', 0, 0, 0]), Ok('A'));
274     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([0xf4, 0x8b, 0xbb, 0xbb]), Ok('\u{10befb}'));
275     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([b'A', b'B', b'C', b'D']), Ok('A'));
276     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([0, 0, 0xcc, 0xbb]), Ok('\0'));
277     ///
278     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([0xef, b'F', 0x80, 0x80]), Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(1))));
279     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([0xc1, 0x80, 0, 0]), Err(Utf8(OverLong)));
280     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf8_array([0xf7, 0xaa, 0x99, 0x88]), Err(Codepoint(TooHigh)));
281     /// ```
from_utf8_array(utf8: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Self,InvalidUtf8Array>282     fn from_utf8_array(utf8: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Self,InvalidUtf8Array>;
284     /// Convert a UTF-16 pair as returned from `.to_utf16_array()` into a `char`.
285     ///
286     /// The second element is ignored when not required.
287     ///
288     /// # Examples
289     ///
290     /// ```
291     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
292     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf16Array;
293     ///
294     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array(['x' as u16, 'y' as u16]), Ok('x'));
295     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array(['睷' as u16, 0]), Ok('睷'));
296     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array([0xda6f, 0xdcde]), Ok('\u{abcde}'));
297     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array([0xf111, 0xdbad]), Ok('\u{f111}'));
298     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array([0xdaaf, 0xdaaf]), Err(InvalidUtf16Array::SecondIsNotTrailingSurrogate));
299     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array([0xdcac, 0x9000]), Err(InvalidUtf16Array::FirstIsTrailingSurrogate));
300     /// ```
from_utf16_array(utf16: [u16; 2]) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Array>301     fn from_utf16_array(utf16: [u16; 2]) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Array>;
303     /// Convert a UTF-16 pair as returned from `.to_utf16_tuple()` into a `char`.
from_utf16_tuple(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Tuple>304     fn from_utf16_tuple(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Tuple>;
307     /// Convert an UTF-8 sequence into a char.
308     ///
309     /// The length of the slice is taken as length of the sequence;
310     /// it should be 1,2,3 or 4.
311     ///
312     /// # Safety
313     ///
314     /// The slice must contain exactly one, valid, UTF-8 sequence.
315     ///
316     /// Passing a slice that produces an invalid codepoint is always undefined
317     /// behavior; Later checks that the codepoint is valid can be removed
318     /// by the compiler.
319     ///
320     /// # Panics
321     ///
322     /// If the slice is empty
from_utf8_exact_slice_unchecked(src: &[u8]) -> Self323     unsafe fn from_utf8_exact_slice_unchecked(src: &[u8]) -> Self;
325     /// Convert a UTF-16 array as returned from `.to_utf16_array()` into a
326     /// `char`.
327     ///
328     /// This function is safe because it avoids creating invalid codepoints,
329     /// but the returned value might not be what one expectedd.
330     ///
331     /// # Examples
332     ///
333     /// ```
334     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
335     ///
336     /// // starts with a trailing surrogate - converted as if it was a valid
337     /// // surrogate pair anyway.
338     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array_unchecked([0xdbad, 0xf19e]), '\u{fb59e}');
339     /// // missing trailing surrogate - ditto
340     /// assert_eq!(char::from_utf16_array_unchecked([0xd802, 0]), '\u{10800}');
341     /// ```
from_utf16_array_unchecked(utf16: [u16;2]) -> Self342     fn from_utf16_array_unchecked(utf16: [u16;2]) -> Self;
344     /// Convert a UTF-16 tuple as returned from `.to_utf16_tuple()` into a `char`.
from_utf16_tuple_unchecked(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Self345     unsafe fn from_utf16_tuple_unchecked(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Self;
348     /// Produces more detailed errors than `char::from_u32()`
349     ///
350     /// # Errors
351     ///
352     /// This function will return an error if
353     ///
354     /// * the value is greater than 0x10ffff
355     /// * the value is between 0xd800 and 0xdfff (inclusive)
356     ///
357     /// # Examples
358     ///
359     /// ```
360     /// use encode_unicode::CharExt;
361     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidCodepoint;
362     ///
363     /// assert_eq!(char::from_u32_detailed(0x41), Ok('A'));
364     /// assert_eq!(char::from_u32_detailed(0x40_00_00), Err(InvalidCodepoint::TooHigh));
365     /// assert_eq!(char::from_u32_detailed(0xd951), Err(InvalidCodepoint::Utf16Reserved));
366     /// assert_eq!(char::from_u32_detailed(0xdddd), Err(InvalidCodepoint::Utf16Reserved));
367     /// assert_eq!(char::from_u32_detailed(0xdd), Ok('Ý'));
368     /// assert_eq!(char::from_u32_detailed(0x1f331), Ok('��'));
369     /// ```
from_u32_detailed(c: u32) -> Result<Self,InvalidCodepoint>370     fn from_u32_detailed(c: u32) -> Result<Self,InvalidCodepoint>;
371 }
375 impl CharExt for char {
376       /////////
377      //UTF-8//
378     /////////
to_utf8(self) -> Utf8Char380     fn to_utf8(self) -> Utf8Char {
381         self.into()
382     }
iter_utf8_bytes(self) -> Utf8Iterator383     fn iter_utf8_bytes(self) -> Utf8Iterator {
384         self.to_utf8().into_iter()
385     }
to_utf8_array(self) -> ([u8; 4], usize)387     fn to_utf8_array(self) -> ([u8; 4], usize) {
388         let len = self.len_utf8();
389         let mut c = self as u32;
390         if len == 1 {// ASCII, the common case
391             ([c as u8, 0, 0, 0],  1)
392         } else {
393             let mut parts = 0;// convert to 6-bit bytes
394                         parts |= c & 0x3f;  c>>=6;
395             parts<<=8;  parts |= c & 0x3f;  c>>=6;
396             parts<<=8;  parts |= c & 0x3f;  c>>=6;
397             parts<<=8;  parts |= c & 0x3f;
398             parts |= 0x80_80_80_80;// set the most significant bit
399             parts >>= 8*(4-len);// right-align bytes
400             // Now, unused bytes are zero, (which matters for Utf8Char.eq())
401             // and the rest are 0b10xx_xxxx
403             // set header on first byte
404             parts |= (0xff_00u32 >> len)  &  0xff;// store length
405             parts &= Not::not(1u32 << 7-len);// clear the next bit after it
407             let bytes: [u8; 4] = unsafe{ mem::transmute(u32::from_le(parts)) };
408             (bytes, len)
409         }
410     }
from_utf8_slice_start(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self,usize),InvalidUtf8Slice>413     fn from_utf8_slice_start(src: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self,usize),InvalidUtf8Slice> {
414         use errors::InvalidUtf8::*;
415         use errors::InvalidUtf8Slice::*;
416         let first = match src.first() {
417             Some(first) => *first,
418             None => return Err(TooShort(1)),
419         };
420         let bytes = match first.extra_utf8_bytes() {
421             Err(e)    => return Err(Utf8(FirstByte(e))),
422             Ok(0)     => return Ok((first as char, 1)),
423             Ok(extra) if extra >= src.len()
424                       => return Err(TooShort(extra+1)),
425             Ok(extra) => &src[..extra+1],
426         };
427         if let Some(i) = bytes.iter().skip(1).position(|&b| (b >> 6) != 0b10 ) {
428             Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(i+1)))
429         } else if overlong(bytes[0], bytes[1]) {
430             Err(Utf8(OverLong))
431         } else {
432             match char::from_u32_detailed(merge_nonascii_unchecked_utf8(bytes)) {
433                 Ok(c) => Ok((c, bytes.len())),
434                 Err(e) => Err(Codepoint(e)),
435             }
436         }
437     }
from_utf8_array(utf8: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Self,InvalidUtf8Array>439     fn from_utf8_array(utf8: [u8; 4]) -> Result<Self,InvalidUtf8Array> {
440         use errors::InvalidUtf8::*;
441         use errors::InvalidUtf8Array::*;
442         let src = match utf8[0].extra_utf8_bytes() {
443             Err(error) => return Err(Utf8(FirstByte(error))),
444             Ok(0)      => return Ok(utf8[0] as char),
445             Ok(extra)  => &utf8[..extra+1],
446         };
447         if let Some(i) = src[1..].iter().position(|&b| (b >> 6) != 0b10 ) {
448             Err(Utf8(NotAContinuationByte(i+1)))
449         } else if overlong(utf8[0], utf8[1]) {
450             Err(Utf8(OverLong))
451         } else {
452             char::from_u32_detailed(merge_nonascii_unchecked_utf8(src))
453                  .map_err(|e| Codepoint(e) )
454         }
455     }
from_utf8_exact_slice_unchecked(src: &[u8]) -> Self457     unsafe fn from_utf8_exact_slice_unchecked(src: &[u8]) -> Self {
458         if src.len() == 1 {
459             src[0] as char
460         } else {
461             char::from_u32_unchecked(merge_nonascii_unchecked_utf8(src))
462         }
463     }
467       //////////
468      //UTF-16//
469     //////////
to_utf16(self) -> Utf16Char471     fn to_utf16(self) -> Utf16Char {
472         Utf16Char::from(self)
473     }
iter_utf16_units(self) -> Utf16Iterator474     fn iter_utf16_units(self) -> Utf16Iterator {
475         self.to_utf16().into_iter()
476     }
to_utf16_array(self) -> [u16;2]478     fn to_utf16_array(self) -> [u16;2] {
479         let (first, second) = self.to_utf16_tuple();
480         [first, second.unwrap_or(0)]
481     }
to_utf16_tuple(self) -> (u16, Option<u16>)482     fn to_utf16_tuple(self) -> (u16, Option<u16>) {
483         if self <= '\u{ffff}' {// single
484             (self as u16, None)
485         } else {// double
486             let c = self as u32 - 0x_01_00_00;
487             let high = 0x_d8_00 + (c >> 10);
488             let low = 0x_dc_00 + (c & 0x_03_ff);
489             (high as u16,  Some(low as u16))
490         }
491     }
from_utf16_slice_start(src: &[u16]) -> Result<(Self,usize), InvalidUtf16Slice>494     fn from_utf16_slice_start(src: &[u16]) -> Result<(Self,usize), InvalidUtf16Slice> {
495         use errors::InvalidUtf16Slice::*;
496         unsafe {match (src.get(0), src.get(1)) {
497             (Some(&u @ 0x00_00...0xd7_ff), _) |
498             (Some(&u @ 0xe0_00...0xff_ff), _)
499                 => Ok((char::from_u32_unchecked(u as u32), 1)),
500             (Some(&0xdc_00...0xdf_ff), _) => Err(FirstLowSurrogate),
501             (None, _) => Err(EmptySlice),
502             (Some(&f @ 0xd8_00...0xdb_ff), Some(&s @ 0xdc_00...0xdf_ff))
503                 => Ok((char::from_utf16_tuple_unchecked((f, Some(s))), 2)),
504             (Some(&0xd8_00...0xdb_ff), Some(_)) => Err(SecondNotLowSurrogate),
505             (Some(&0xd8_00...0xdb_ff), None) => Err(MissingSecond),
506             (Some(_), _) => unreachable!()
507         }}
508     }
from_utf16_array(utf16: [u16;2]) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Array>510     fn from_utf16_array(utf16: [u16;2]) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Array> {
511         use errors::InvalidUtf16Array::*;
512         if let Some(c) = char::from_u32(utf16[0] as u32) {
513             Ok(c) // single
514         } else if utf16[0] < 0xdc_00  &&  utf16[1] & 0xfc_00 == 0xdc_00 {
515             // correct surrogate pair
516             Ok(combine_surrogates(utf16[0], utf16[1]))
517         } else if utf16[0] < 0xdc_00 {
518             Err(SecondIsNotTrailingSurrogate)
519         } else {
520             Err(FirstIsTrailingSurrogate)
521         }
522     }
from_utf16_tuple(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Tuple>523     fn from_utf16_tuple(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Result<Self, InvalidUtf16Tuple> {
524         use errors::InvalidUtf16Tuple::*;
525         unsafe{ match utf16 {
526             (0x00_00...0xd7_ff, None) | // single
527             (0xe0_00...0xff_ff, None) | // single
528             (0xd8_00...0xdb_ff, Some(0xdc_00...0xdf_ff)) // correct surrogate
529                 => Ok(char::from_utf16_tuple_unchecked(utf16)),
530             (0xd8_00...0xdb_ff, Some(_)) => Err(InvalidSecond),
531             (0xd8_00...0xdb_ff, None   ) => Err(MissingSecond),
532             (0xdc_00...0xdf_ff,    _   ) => Err(FirstIsTrailingSurrogate),
533             (        _        , Some(_)) => Err(SuperfluousSecond),
534             (        _        , None   ) => unreachable!()
535         }}
536     }
from_utf16_array_unchecked(utf16: [u16;2]) -> Self538     fn from_utf16_array_unchecked(utf16: [u16;2]) -> Self {
539         // treat any array with a surrogate value in [0] as a surrogate because
540         // combine_surrogates() is safe.
541         // `(utf16[0] & 0xf800) == 0xd80` might not be quite as fast as
542         // `utf16[1] != 0`, but avoiding the potential for UB is worth it
543         // since the conversion isn't zero-cost in either case.
544         char::from_u32(utf16[0] as u32)
545             .unwrap_or_else(|| combine_surrogates(utf16[0], utf16[1]) )
546     }
from_utf16_tuple_unchecked(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Self547     unsafe fn from_utf16_tuple_unchecked(utf16: (u16, Option<u16>)) -> Self {
548         match utf16.1 {
549             Some(second) => combine_surrogates(utf16.0, second),
550             None         => char::from_u32_unchecked(utf16.0 as u32)
551         }
552     }
from_u32_detailed(c: u32) -> Result<Self,InvalidCodepoint>555     fn from_u32_detailed(c: u32) -> Result<Self,InvalidCodepoint> {
556         match char::from_u32(c) {
557             Some(c) => Ok(c),
558             None if c > 0x10_ff_ff => Err(InvalidCodepoint::TooHigh),
559             None => Err(InvalidCodepoint::Utf16Reserved),
560         }
561     }
562 }
564 // Adapted from https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/utf8_check.c
overlong(first: u8, second: u8) -> bool565 fn overlong(first: u8, second: u8) -> bool {
566     if first < 0x80 {
567         false
568     } else if (first & 0xe0) == 0xc0 {
569         (first & 0xfe) == 0xc0
570     } else if (first & 0xf0) == 0xe0 {
571         first == 0xe0 && (second & 0xe0) == 0x80
572     } else {
573         first == 0xf0 && (second & 0xf0) == 0x80
574     }
575 }
577 /// Decodes the codepoint represented by a multi-byte UTF-8 sequence.
578 ///
579 /// Does not check that the codepoint is valid,
580 /// and returns `u32` because casting invalid codepoints to `char` is insta UB.
merge_nonascii_unchecked_utf8(src: &[u8]) -> u32581 fn merge_nonascii_unchecked_utf8(src: &[u8]) -> u32 {
582     let mut c = src[0] as u32 & (0x7f >> src.len());
583     for b in &src[1..] {
584         c = (c << 6)  |  (b & 0b0011_1111) as u32;
585     }
586     c
587 }
589 /// Create a `char` from a leading and a trailing surrogate.
590 ///
591 /// This function is safe because it ignores the six most significant bits of
592 /// each arguments and always produces a codepoint in 0x01_00_00..=0x10_ff_ff.
combine_surrogates(first: u16, second: u16) -> char593 fn combine_surrogates(first: u16,  second: u16) -> char {
594     unsafe {
595         let high = (first & 0x_03_ff) as u32;
596         let low = (second & 0x_03_ff) as u32;
597         let c = ((high << 10) | low) + 0x_01_00_00; // no, the constant can't be or'd in
598         char::from_u32_unchecked(c)
599     }
600 }
604 /// Adds `.utf8chars()` and `.utf16chars()` iterator constructors to `&str`.
605 pub trait StrExt: AsRef<str> {
606     /// Equivalent to `.chars()` but produces `Utf8Char`s.
utf8chars(&self) -> Utf8Chars607     fn utf8chars(&self) -> Utf8Chars;
608     /// Equivalent to `.chars()` but produces `Utf16Char`s.
utf16chars(&self) -> Utf16Chars609     fn utf16chars(&self) -> Utf16Chars;
610     /// Equivalent to `.char_indices()` but produces `Utf8Char`s.
utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharIndices611     fn utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharIndices;
612     /// Equivalent to `.char_indices()` but produces `Utf16Char`s.
utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharIndices613     fn utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharIndices;
614 }
616 impl StrExt for str {
utf8chars(&self) -> Utf8Chars617     fn utf8chars(&self) -> Utf8Chars {
618         Utf8Chars::from(self)
619     }
utf16chars(&self) -> Utf16Chars620     fn utf16chars(&self) -> Utf16Chars {
621         Utf16Chars::from(self)
622     }
utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharIndices623     fn utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharIndices {
624         Utf8CharIndices::from(self)
625     }
utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharIndices626     fn utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharIndices {
627         Utf16CharIndices::from(self)
628     }
629 }
631 #[cfg(feature="ascii")]
632 impl StrExt for AsciiStr {
utf8chars(&self) -> Utf8Chars633     fn utf8chars(&self) -> Utf8Chars {
634         Utf8Chars::from(self.as_str())
635     }
utf16chars(&self) -> Utf16Chars636     fn utf16chars(&self) -> Utf16Chars {
637         Utf16Chars::from(self.as_str())
638     }
utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharIndices639     fn utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharIndices {
640         Utf8CharIndices::from(self.as_str())
641     }
utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharIndices642     fn utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharIndices {
643         Utf16CharIndices::from(self.as_str())
644     }
645 }
649 /// Iterator methods that convert between `u8`s and `Utf8Char` or `u16`s and `Utf16Char`
650 ///
651 /// All the iterator adapters also accept iterators that produce references of
652 /// the type they convert from.
653 pub trait IterExt: Iterator+Sized {
654     /// Converts an iterator of `Utf8Char`s or `&Utf8Char`s to an iterator of
655     /// `u8`s.
656     ///
657     /// Has the same effect as `.flat_map()` or `.flatten()`, but the returned
658     /// iterator is ~40% faster.
659     ///
660     /// The iterator also implements `Read`
661     /// (when the `std` feature isn't disabled).
662     /// Reading will never produce an error, and calls to `.read()` and `.next()`
663     /// can be mixed.
664     ///
665     /// The exact number of bytes cannot be known in advance, but `size_hint()`
666     /// gives the possible range.
667     /// (min: all remaining characters are ASCII, max: all require four bytes)
668     ///
669     /// # Examples
670     ///
671     /// From iterator of values:
672     ///
673     /// ```
674     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt};
675     ///
676     /// let iterator = "foo".utf8chars();
677     /// let mut bytes = [0; 4];
678     /// for (u,dst) in iterator.to_bytes().zip(&mut bytes) {*dst=u;}
679     /// assert_eq!(&bytes, b"foo\0");
680     /// ```
681     ///
682     /// From iterator of references:
683     ///
684     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
685     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
686     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt, Utf8Char};
687     ///
688     /// let chars: Vec<Utf8Char> = "�� bomb ��".utf8chars().collect();
689     /// let bytes: Vec<u8> = chars.iter().to_bytes().collect();
690     /// let flat_map: Vec<u8> = chars.iter().flat_map(|u8c| *u8c ).collect();
691     /// assert_eq!(bytes, flat_map);
692     /// ```
693     ///
694     /// `Read`ing from it:
695     ///
696     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
697     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
698     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt};
699     /// use std::io::Read;
700     ///
701     /// let s = "Ååh‽";
702     /// assert_eq!(s.len(), 8);
703     /// let mut buf = [b'E'; 9];
704     /// let mut reader = s.utf8chars().to_bytes();
705     /// assert_eq!(reader.read(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(), 8);
706     /// assert_eq!(reader.read(&mut buf[..]).unwrap(), 0);
707     /// assert_eq!(&buf[..8], s.as_bytes());
708     /// assert_eq!(buf[8], b'E');
709     /// ```
to_bytes(self) -> Utf8CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf8Char>710     fn to_bytes(self) -> Utf8CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf8Char>;
712     /// Converts an iterator of `Utf16Char` (or `&Utf16Char`) to an iterator of
713     /// `u16`s.
714     ///
715     /// Has the same effect as `.flat_map()` or `.flatten()`, but the returned
716     /// iterator is about twice as fast.
717     ///
718     /// The exact number of units cannot be known in advance, but `size_hint()`
719     /// gives the possible range.
720     ///
721     /// # Examples
722     ///
723     /// From iterator of values:
724     ///
725     /// ```
726     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt};
727     ///
728     /// let iterator = "foo".utf16chars();
729     /// let mut units = [0; 4];
730     /// for (u,dst) in iterator.to_units().zip(&mut units) {*dst=u;}
731     ///
732     /// assert_eq!(units, ['f' as u16, 'o' as u16, 'o' as u16, 0]);
733     /// ```
734     ///
735     /// From iterator of references:
736     ///
737     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
738     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
739     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, StrExt, Utf16Char};
740     ///
741     /// // (�� takes two units)
742     /// let chars: Vec<Utf16Char> = "�� bomb ��".utf16chars().collect();
743     /// let units: Vec<u16> = chars.iter().to_units().collect();
744     /// let flat_map: Vec<u16> = chars.iter().flat_map(|u16c| *u16c ).collect();
745     ///
746     /// assert_eq!(units, flat_map);
747     /// ```
to_units(self) -> Utf16CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf16Char>748     fn to_units(self) -> Utf16CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf16Char>;
750     /// Decodes bytes as UTF-8 and groups them into `Utf8Char`s
751     ///
752     /// When errors (invalid values or sequences) are encountered,
753     /// it continues with the byte right after the start of the error sequence.
754     /// This is neither the most intelligent choiche (sometimes it is guaranteed to
755     ///  produce another error), nor the easiest to implement, but I believe it to
756     /// be the most predictable.
757     /// It also means that ASCII characters are never hidden by errors.
758     ///
759     /// # Examples
760     ///
761     /// Replace all errors with u+FFFD REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER:
762     /// ```
763     /// use encode_unicode::{Utf8Char, IterExt};
764     ///
765     /// let mut buf = [b'\0'; 255];
766     /// let len = b"foo\xCFbar".iter()
767     ///     .to_utf8chars()
768     ///     .flat_map(|r| r.unwrap_or(Utf8Char::from('\u{FFFD}')).into_iter() )
769     ///     .zip(&mut buf[..])
770     ///     .map(|(byte, dst)| *dst = byte )
771     ///     .count();
772     ///
773     /// assert_eq!(&buf[..len], "foo\u{FFFD}bar".as_bytes());
774     /// ```
775     ///
776     /// Collect everything up until the first error into a string:
777     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
778     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
779     /// use encode_unicode::iterator::Utf8CharMerger;
780     /// let mut good = String::new();
781     /// for r in Utf8CharMerger::from(b"foo\xcc\xbbbar\xcc\xddbaz") {
782     ///     if let Ok(uc) = r {
783     ///         good.push_str(uc.as_str());
784     ///     } else {
785     ///         break;
786     ///     }
787     /// }
788     /// assert_eq!(good, "foo̻bar");
789     /// ```
790     ///
791     /// Abort decoding on error:
792     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
793     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
794     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf8Char};
795     /// use encode_unicode::error::{InvalidUtf8Slice, InvalidUtf8};
796     ///
797     /// let result = b"ab\0\xe0\xbc\xa9 \xf3\x80\x77".iter()
798     ///     .to_utf8chars()
799     ///     .collect::<Result<String,InvalidUtf8Slice>>();
800     ///
801     /// assert_eq!(result, Err(InvalidUtf8Slice::Utf8(InvalidUtf8::NotAContinuationByte(2))));
802     /// ```
to_utf8chars(self) -> Utf8CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u8>803     fn to_utf8chars(self) -> Utf8CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u8>;
805     /// Decodes bytes as UTF-16 and groups them into `Utf16Char`s
806     ///
807     /// When errors (unmatched leading surrogates or unexpected trailing surrogates)
808     /// are encountered, an error is produced for every unit.
809     ///
810     /// # Examples
811     ///
812     /// Replace errors with '�':
813     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
814     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
815     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf16Char};
816     ///
817     /// let slice = &['a' as u16, 0xdf00, 0xd83c, 0xdca0][..];
818     /// let string = slice.iter()
819     ///     .to_utf16chars()
820     ///     .map(|r| r.unwrap_or(Utf16Char::from('\u{fffd}')) ) // REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
821     ///     .collect::<String>();
822     ///
823     /// assert_eq!(string, "a���");
824     /// ```
825     ///
826     /// ```
827     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf16Char};
828     /// use encode_unicode::error::Utf16PairError::*;
829     ///
830     /// let slice = [0xdcba, 0xdeff, 0xd8be, 0xdeee, 'Y' as u16, 0xdab1, 0xdab1];
831     /// let mut iter = slice.iter().to_utf16chars();
832     /// assert_eq!(iter.size_hint(), (3, Some(7)));
833     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Err(UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate)));
834     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Err(UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate)));
835     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Ok(Utf16Char::from('\u{3faee}'))));
836     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Ok(Utf16Char::from('Y'))));
837     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Err(UnmatchedLeadingSurrogate)));
838     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some(Err(Incomplete)));
839     /// assert_eq!(iter.into_remaining_units().next(), None);
840     /// ```
841     ///
842     /// Search for a codepoint and return the codepoint index of the first match:
843     /// ```
844     /// use encode_unicode::{IterExt, Utf16Char};
845     ///
846     /// let position = [0xd875, 0xdd4f, '≈' as u16, '2' as u16].iter()
847     ///     .to_utf16chars()
848     ///     .position(|r| r == Ok(Utf16Char::from('≈')) );
849     ///
850     /// assert_eq!(position, Some(1));
851     /// ```
to_utf16chars(self) -> Utf16CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u16>852     fn to_utf16chars(self) -> Utf16CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u16>;
853 }
855 impl<I:Iterator> IterExt for I {
to_bytes(self) -> Utf8CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf8Char>856     fn to_bytes(self) -> Utf8CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf8Char> {
857         iter_bytes(self)
858     }
to_units(self) -> Utf16CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf16Char>859     fn to_units(self) -> Utf16CharSplitter<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<Utf16Char> {
860         iter_units(self)
861     }
to_utf8chars(self) -> Utf8CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u8>862     fn to_utf8chars(self) -> Utf8CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u8> {
863         Utf8CharMerger::from(self)
864     }
to_utf16chars(self) -> Utf16CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u16>865     fn to_utf16chars(self) -> Utf16CharMerger<Self::Item,Self> where Self::Item: Borrow<u16> {
866         Utf16CharMerger::from(self)
867     }
868 }
871 /// Methods for iterating over `u8` and `u16` slices as UTF-8 or UTF-16 characters.
872 ///
873 /// The iterators are slightly faster than the similar methods in [`IterExt`](trait.IterExt.html)
874 /// because they con "push back" items for free after errors and don't need a
875 /// separate buffer that must be checked on every call to `.next()`.
876 pub trait SliceExt: Index<RangeFull> {
877     /// Decode `u8` slices as UTF-8 and iterate over the codepoints as `Utf8Char`s,
878     ///
879     /// # Examples
880     ///
881     /// Get the index and error type of the first error:
882     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
883     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
884     /// use encode_unicode::{SliceExt, Utf8Char};
885     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8Slice;
886     ///
887     /// let slice = b"ab\0\xe0\xbc\xa9 \xf3\x80\x77";
888     /// let result = slice.utf8char_indices()
889     ///     .map(|(offset,r,length)| r.map_err(|e| (offset,e,length) ) )
890     ///     .collect::<Result<String,(usize,InvalidUtf8Slice,usize)>>();
891     ///
892     /// assert_eq!(result, Err((7, InvalidUtf8Slice::TooShort(4), 1)));
893     /// ```
894     ///
895     /// ```
896     /// use encode_unicode::{SliceExt, Utf8Char};
897     /// use std::error::Error;
898     ///
899     /// let slice = b"\xf0\xbf\xbf\xbfXY\xdd\xbb\xe1\x80\x99quux123";
900     /// let mut fixed_size = [Utf8Char::default(); 8];
901     /// for (cp_i, (byte_index, r, _)) in slice.utf8char_indices().enumerate().take(8) {
902     ///     match r {
903     ///         Ok(u8c) => fixed_size[cp_i] = u8c,
904     ///         Err(e) => panic!("Invalid codepoint at index {} ({})", cp_i, e.description()),
905     ///     }
906     /// }
907     /// let chars = ['\u{3ffff}', 'X', 'Y', '\u{77b}', '\u{1019}', 'q', 'u', 'u'];
908     /// assert_eq!(fixed_size, chars);
909     /// ```
910     ///
911     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
912     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
913     /// use encode_unicode::{SliceExt, Utf8Char};
914     /// use encode_unicode::error::InvalidUtf8Slice::*;
915     /// use encode_unicode::error::{InvalidUtf8, InvalidUtf8FirstByte, InvalidCodepoint};
916     ///
917     /// let bytes = b"\xfa-\xf4\x8f\xee\xa1\x8f-\xed\xa9\x87\xf0\xcc\xbb";
918     /// let mut errors = Vec::new();
919     /// let mut lengths = Vec::new();
920     /// let mut string = String::new();
921     /// for (offset,result,length) in bytes.utf8char_indices() {
922     ///     lengths.push((offset,length));
923     ///     let c = result.unwrap_or_else(|error| {
924     ///         errors.push((offset,error));
925     ///         Utf8Char::from('\u{fffd}') // replacement character
926     ///     });
927     ///     string.push_str(c.as_str());
928     /// }
929     ///
930     /// assert_eq!(string, "�-��\u{e84f}-����\u{33b}");
931     /// assert_eq!(lengths, [(0,1), (1,1), (2,1), (3,1), (4,3), (7,1),
932     ///                      (8,1), (9,1), (10,1), (11,1), (12,2)]);
933     /// assert_eq!(errors, [
934     ///     ( 0, Utf8(InvalidUtf8::FirstByte(InvalidUtf8FirstByte::TooLongSeqence))),
935     ///     ( 2, Utf8(InvalidUtf8::NotAContinuationByte(2))),
936     ///     ( 3, Utf8(InvalidUtf8::FirstByte(InvalidUtf8FirstByte::ContinuationByte))),
937     ///     ( 8, Codepoint(InvalidCodepoint::Utf16Reserved)),
938     ///     ( 9, Utf8(InvalidUtf8::FirstByte(InvalidUtf8FirstByte::ContinuationByte))),
939     ///     (10, Utf8(InvalidUtf8::FirstByte(InvalidUtf8FirstByte::ContinuationByte))),
940     ///     (11, TooShort(4)), // (but it was not the last element returned!)
941     /// ]);
942     /// ```
utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u8]>943     fn utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u8]>;
946     /// Decode `u16` slices as UTF-16 and iterate over the codepoints as `Utf16Char`s,
947     ///
948     /// The iterator produces `(usize,Result<Utf16Char,Utf16Error>,usize)`,
949     /// and the slice is validated as you go.
950     ///
951     /// The first `usize` contains the offset from the start of the slice and
952     /// the last `usize` contains the length of the codepoint or error.
953     /// The length is either 1 or 2, and always 1 for errors.
954     ///
955     /// # Examples
956     ///
957     #[cfg_attr(feature="std", doc=" ```")]
958     #[cfg_attr(not(feature="std"), doc=" ```no_compile")]
959     /// use encode_unicode::{SliceExt, Utf8Char};
960     ///
961     /// let slice = &['a' as u16, 0xdf00, 0xd83c, 0xdca0][..];
962     /// let mut errors = Vec::new();
963     /// let string = slice.utf16char_indices().map(|(offset,r,_)| match r {
964     ///     Ok(u16c) => Utf8Char::from(u16c),
965     ///     Err(_) => {
966     ///         errors.push(offset);
967     ///         Utf8Char::from('\u{fffd}') // REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER
968     ///     }
969     /// }).collect::<String>();
970     ///
971     /// assert_eq!(string, "a���");
972     /// assert_eq!(errors, [1]);
973     /// ```
974     ///
975     /// Search for a codepoint and return its unit and codepoint index.
976     /// ```
977     /// use encode_unicode::{SliceExt, Utf16Char};
978     ///
979     /// let slice = [0xd875,/*'��'*/ 0xdd4f, '≈' as u16, '2' as u16];
980     /// let position = slice.utf16char_indices()
981     ///     .enumerate()
982     ///     .find(|&(_,(_,r,_))| r == Ok(Utf16Char::from('≈')) )
983     ///     .map(|(codepoint, (offset, _, _))| (codepoint, offset) );
984     ///
985     /// assert_eq!(position, Some((1,2)));
986     /// ```
987     ///
988     /// Error types:
989     /// ```
990     /// use encode_unicode::{SliceExt, Utf16Char};
991     /// use encode_unicode::error::Utf16PairError::*;
992     ///
993     /// let slice = [0xdcba, 0xdeff, 0xd8be, 0xdeee, 'λ' as u16, 0xdab1, 0xdab1];
994     /// let mut iter = slice.utf16char_indices();
995     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((0, Err(UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate), 1)));
996     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((1, Err(UnexpectedTrailingSurrogate), 1)));
997     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((2, Ok(Utf16Char::from('\u{3faee}')), 2)));
998     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((4, Ok(Utf16Char::from('λ')), 1)));
999     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((5, Err(UnmatchedLeadingSurrogate), 1)));
1000     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), Some((6, Err(Incomplete), 1)));
1001     /// assert_eq!(iter.next(), None);
1002     /// assert_eq!(iter.as_slice(), [])
1003     /// ```
utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u16]>1004     fn utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u16]>;
1005 }
1007 impl<S: ?Sized+Index<RangeFull>> SliceExt for S {
utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u8]>1008     fn utf8char_indices(&self) -> Utf8CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u8]> {
1009         Utf8CharDecoder::from(self[..].borrow())
1010     }
utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u16]>1011     fn utf16char_indices(&self) -> Utf16CharDecoder where Self::Output: Borrow<[u16]> {
1012         Utf16CharDecoder::from(self[..].borrow())
1013     }
1014 }