1 use std::{
2     fmt,
3     io::{self, Bytes, Read},
4 };
6 use crate::{
7     error::{ParseError, StreamError, Tracked},
8     stream::{StreamErrorFor, StreamOnce},
9 };
11 #[derive(Debug)]
12 pub enum Error {
13     Unexpected,
14     EndOfInput,
15     Io(io::Error),
16 }
18 impl fmt::Display for Error {
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result19     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
20         match self {
21             Error::Unexpected => write!(f, "unexpected parse"),
22             Error::EndOfInput => write!(f, "unexpected end of input"),
23             Error::Io(err) => write!(f, "{}", err),
24         }
25     }
26 }
28 impl PartialEq for Error {
eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool29     fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
30         match (self, other) {
31             (Error::Unexpected, Error::Unexpected) => true,
32             (Error::EndOfInput, Error::EndOfInput) => true,
33             _ => false,
34         }
35     }
36 }
38 impl<Item, Range> StreamError<Item, Range> for Error {
39     #[inline]
unexpected_token(_: Item) -> Self40     fn unexpected_token(_: Item) -> Self {
41         Error::Unexpected
42     }
43     #[inline]
unexpected_range(_: Range) -> Self44     fn unexpected_range(_: Range) -> Self {
45         Error::Unexpected
46     }
47     #[inline]
unexpected_format<T>(_: T) -> Self where T: fmt::Display,48     fn unexpected_format<T>(_: T) -> Self
49     where
50         T: fmt::Display,
51     {
52         Error::Unexpected
53     }
55     #[inline]
expected_token(_: Item) -> Self56     fn expected_token(_: Item) -> Self {
57         Error::Unexpected
58     }
59     #[inline]
expected_range(_: Range) -> Self60     fn expected_range(_: Range) -> Self {
61         Error::Unexpected
62     }
63     #[inline]
expected_format<T>(_: T) -> Self where T: fmt::Display,64     fn expected_format<T>(_: T) -> Self
65     where
66         T: fmt::Display,
67     {
68         Error::Unexpected
69     }
70     #[inline]
message_format<T>(_: T) -> Self where T: fmt::Display,71     fn message_format<T>(_: T) -> Self
72     where
73         T: fmt::Display,
74     {
75         Error::Unexpected
76     }
77     #[inline]
message_token(_: Item) -> Self78     fn message_token(_: Item) -> Self {
79         Error::Unexpected
80     }
81     #[inline]
message_range(_: Range) -> Self82     fn message_range(_: Range) -> Self {
83         Error::Unexpected
84     }
86     #[inline]
end_of_input() -> Self87     fn end_of_input() -> Self {
88         Error::EndOfInput
89     }
91     #[inline]
is_unexpected_end_of_input(&self) -> bool92     fn is_unexpected_end_of_input(&self) -> bool {
93         *self == Error::EndOfInput
94     }
96     #[inline]
into_other<T>(self) -> T where T: StreamError<Item, Range>,97     fn into_other<T>(self) -> T
98     where
99         T: StreamError<Item, Range>,
100     {
101         match self {
102             Error::Unexpected => T::unexpected_static_message("parse"),
103             Error::EndOfInput => T::end_of_input(),
104             Error::Io(err) => T::other(err),
105         }
106     }
107 }
109 impl<Item, Range, Position> ParseError<Item, Range, Position> for Error
110 where
111     Position: Default,
112 {
113     type StreamError = Self;
114     #[inline]
empty(_position: Position) -> Self115     fn empty(_position: Position) -> Self {
116         Error::Unexpected
117     }
119     #[inline]
from_error(_: Position, err: Self::StreamError) -> Self120     fn from_error(_: Position, err: Self::StreamError) -> Self {
121         err
122     }
124     #[inline]
set_position(&mut self, _position: Position)125     fn set_position(&mut self, _position: Position) {}
127     #[inline]
add(&mut self, err: Self::StreamError)128     fn add(&mut self, err: Self::StreamError) {
129         *self = match (&*self, err) {
130             (Error::EndOfInput, _) => Error::EndOfInput,
131             (_, err) => err,
132         };
133     }
135     #[inline]
set_expected<F>(self_: &mut Tracked<Self>, info: Self::StreamError, f: F) where F: FnOnce(&mut Tracked<Self>),136     fn set_expected<F>(self_: &mut Tracked<Self>, info: Self::StreamError, f: F)
137     where
138         F: FnOnce(&mut Tracked<Self>),
139     {
140         f(self_);
141         self_.error = info;
142     }
is_unexpected_end_of_input(&self) -> bool144     fn is_unexpected_end_of_input(&self) -> bool {
145         *self == Error::EndOfInput
146     }
148     #[inline]
into_other<T>(self) -> T where T: ParseError<Item, Range, Position>,149     fn into_other<T>(self) -> T
150     where
151         T: ParseError<Item, Range, Position>,
152     {
153         T::from_error(Position::default(), StreamError::into_other(self))
154     }
155 }
157 pub struct Stream<R> {
158     bytes: Bytes<R>,
159 }
161 impl<R: Read> StreamOnce for Stream<R> {
162     type Token = u8;
163     type Range = &'static [u8];
164     type Position = usize;
165     type Error = Error;
167     #[inline]
uncons(&mut self) -> Result<u8, StreamErrorFor<Self>>168     fn uncons(&mut self) -> Result<u8, StreamErrorFor<Self>> {
169         match self.bytes.next() {
170             Some(Ok(b)) => Ok(b),
171             Some(Err(err)) => Err(Error::Io(err)),
172             None => Err(Error::EndOfInput),
173         }
174     }
175 }
177 impl<R> Stream<R>
178 where
179     R: Read,
180 {
181     /// Creates a `StreamOnce` instance from a value implementing `std::io::Read`.
182     ///
183     /// NOTE: This type do not implement `Positioned` and `Clone` and must be wrapped with types
184     ///     such as `BufferedStreamRef` and `State` to become a `Stream` which can be parsed
185     ///
186     /// ```rust
187     /// # #![cfg(feature = "std")]
188     /// # extern crate combine;
189     /// use combine::*;
190     /// use combine::parser::byte::*;
191     /// use combine::stream::read;
192     /// use combine::stream::buffered;
193     /// use combine::stream::position;
194     /// use std::io::Read;
195     ///
196     /// # fn main() {
197     /// let input: &[u8] = b"123,";
198     /// let stream = buffered::Stream::new(position::Stream::new(read::Stream::new(input)), 1);
199     /// let result = (many(digit()), byte(b','))
200     ///     .parse(stream)
201     ///     .map(|t| t.0);
202     /// assert_eq!(result, Ok((vec![b'1', b'2', b'3'], b',')));
203     /// # }
204     /// ```
new(read: R) -> Stream<R>205     pub fn new(read: R) -> Stream<R> {
206         Stream {
207             bytes: read.bytes(),
208         }
209     }
210 }