1[ $$0,0#00000000000000000000000000000000:Default]
3[s0;2 &]
4[ {{10000t/25b/25@3 [s0; [*@(229)4 ArrayCtrl]]}}&]
5[s0;i448;a25;kO9;2 &]
6[s0; &]
7[s0;*@3 &]
8[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:class: [@(0.0.255) class]_[* ArrayCtrl]_:_[@(0.0.255) public
9]_[*@3 Ctrl]&]
10[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;2 &]
11[s0;* &]
12[s0;* &]
13[s0; [* ArrayCtrl] implements basic grid functionality. It is typically
14used for display and editing of arrays of values or (heterogeneous)
15records. The records correspond to rows in the array, the individual
16fields within each record can be either bound to columns or to
17any generic [* Ctrl]`'s, thus supporting basic master`-detail functionality
18with practically no additional cost.&]
19[s0; &]
20[s0; The standard derived classes extend various aspects of the ArrayCtrl
21functionality. [* SqlArray] adds the nuts and bolts needed for
22editing SQL`-based tables, whereas [* PopupTable] couples the ArrayCtrl
23functionality with the drop`-down mechanism very similar to the
24one used in popup menus. This opens the door for implementing
25drop`-down controls like [* DropList] (aka [/ combo box]) or [* DropChoice]
26(usually used together with a control of the [* EditField ]or [* DataPusher]
27family to support coupling native data editing with drop`-down
28selection, widely used for history or commonly used predefined
29values. The [* ArrayPair] is, as its name implies, a pair of [* ArrayCtrl]`'s
30with arrow buttons between them allowing to visually select subsets
31of a certain set by moving its elements between the two lists.&]
32[s0; &]
33[s0; [*+117 The array data organization: indices and columns]&]
34[s0; &]
35[s0; There is a great deal of genericity supported by the ArrayCtrl
36with respect both to its source data and its visual presentation.
37Conceptually, the source array data is a matrix of [* Value]`'s.
38There is a series of methods for accessing this source data,
39the basic ones being [* Set] and [* Get]. The rows are addressed
40by integer indices (zero based), the columns can be addressed
41either by integer indices as well, or alternatively any source
42column can be assigned an [* Id] identifier and addressed by it.
43This is especially helpful in SQL`-based tables, where the table
44column names can be used for the [* Id]`'s. A pair of methods,
45[* GetPos] and [* GetId], can be used to translate these two column
46addressing modes. In the code terminology, the columns in the
47source data matrix are called [/ indices] whereas the visual (output)
48columns are called simply [/ columns].&]
49[s0; &]
50[s0; The visual ArrayCtrl structure can be entirely independent of
51the source data structure (although it`'s seldom helpful to make
52the mapping completely arbitrary). Basically, each column can
53have an arbitrary number of indices defining its source data.
54Of course, the most common case is one index per column. This
55is also simplest to address, because the column indices are equal
56to the source data indices. However, many other combinations
57are possible, each of which can be handy in certain situations:&]
58[s0; &]
59[s0;i150;O0; Index without a column: the most common of the `"special`"
60cases is used mainly for row id`'s or other internally important
61data without visual representation. The same behaviour can be
62obtained by making a column invisible.&]
63[s0;i150;O0; Column without an index (a [/ rownum column]): this less
64common case can be used to display external data (not stored
65in the table). &]
66[s0;i150;O0; Multiple columns sharing the same index: this can be
67used to display various aspects of a complex data object or to
68display the same source data in multiple ways (e.g., a temperature
69reading in Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees).&]
70[s0;i150;O0; Column with multiple indices: can be used to display
71information gathered from multiple source data columns. This
72is used for instance in IconDes in TheIDE to display image identifiers
73together with their sizes in the list. This is the most complicated
74case because you have to implement a specific [* Display] for such
75a multi`-index column.&]
76[s0; &]
77[s0; [* Note:] in the current U`+`+ version, the implementation of index`-less
78columns (arrays with external data not stored in the source matrix)
79is rather awkward. It is planned to enhance this feature in the
80future by adding support for access to external data via a data
81accessor interface object. &]
82[s0; &]
83[s0; [*+117 ArrayCtrl GUI: selection, editing, and local menu]&]
84[s0; &]
85[s0; Array rows can be selected using the mouse or keyboard. ArrayCtrl`'s
86support both single`-selection (plain cursor) and multiselection
87model. Of course, row selection can be controlled via the programmatic
88array interface as well. The selection and cursor always spans
89entire rows, it is not possible (without substantial patchwork)
90to select only certain columns or individual cells.&]
91[s0; &]
92[s0; The ArrayCtrl rows can be inserted, edited and deleted either
93programmatically, or via common GUI elements (mouse and keyboard
94selection, local menu). It is possible to alter the standard
95ArrayCtrl local menu using the [* WhenBar] callback.&]
96[s0; &]
97[s0; [* Note:] it is worth noting that the standard editing keys ([* Insert]
98`= row insertion, [* Ctrl`+Enter] `= editing and [* Ctrl`+Delete]
99`= deletion) are not hardcoded in the ArrayCtrl`'s [* Key] method,
100they are mere hotkeys for the relevant local menu items. When
101you change the ArrayCtrl`'s local menu, the editing hotkeys change
103[s0; &]
104[s0; A special but rather important case of array editing is [/ sorting]:
105there is no specific standard GUI for that. If you aren`'t content
106with programmatic sorting (e.g. after opening a dialog or after
107loading the array data), you have to implement some GUI for that
108as well. In certain cases, it is cool to use the [* HeaderCtrl]
109[* WhenAction] method to allow sorting the array by clicking on
110the header columns; alternatively you can add a sort function
111to the array local menu or possibly somewhere else (like a standalone
112button in the dialog).&]
113[s0; &]
114[s0; [* Insertion tricks: before, after, and the secrets of the AppendLine]&]
115[s0; &]
116[s0; In todays text editors, when you type a new letter, it is trivial
117to see where in the text will the new letter go. This is so because
118the caret is always positioned between a pair of successive letters
119and thus is well defines the insertion spot. Additionally, the
120caret can be placed in front of the first letter or after the
121last letter, which naturally allows typing some text at the very
122beginning or end.&]
123[s0; &]
124[s0; When inserting new rows into the array controls, things are
125a bit more tricky. This is so because, unlike in the text editor,
126the cursor is not placed [/ between] two successive rows, but [/ over]
127a certain row. This is of course necessary to make row editing
128possible (note that in the aforementioned text editor analogy,
129a single letter is an atomic object whereas in the array it is
130a potentially complex structure consisting of many columns and
131data items). However, when it comes to row insertion, it has
132two main troubles as its implication:&]
133[s0; &]
134[s0;i150;O9; [* 1.]-|It is necessary to decide somehow whether the new
135row will go [/ above] or [/ below] the cursor row.&]
136[s0;i150;O9; [* 2.]-|In an array with [/ n] rows, there are [/ n`+1] possible
137locations for a new row (before the row #0, #1 ... #([/ n`-1])
138and after the last row), but only [/ n] distinct cursor locations.&]
139[s0; &]
140[s0; Over the years, during the development of U`+`+, we experimented
141with multiple ways to overcome these logical problems. As a result
142of this, the ArrayCtrl supports a few methods allowing to fine`-tune
143the row insertion mechanism. It is also worth noting that there
144are cases, like in the case of SQL`-based tables, where the row
145ordering is arbitrary or implicit and the exact `'location`'
146of a new row doesn`'t make any sense. In such cases, it is possible
147to replace array [/ insertion] function with the [/ append] function
148emphasizing the fact that the visual row order is unimportant
149and that insertion means merely adding a new record to the record
151[s0; &]
152[s0; For arrays in which the order is important, there are two ways
153to solve the [/ n`+1] row positions dilemma:&]
154[s0; &]
155[s0;i150;O9; [* 1.]-|Replacing the Insert function with a pair of functions
156for inserting a new row [/ before] / [/ after] the current row.&]
157[s0;i150;O9; [* 2.]-|Visually extending the array by adding a pseudo`-row
158with no real data at its end; this creates the [/ n`+1]`-th cursor
159position necessary to denote all the available row insertion
161[s0; &]
162[s0; In the first case, it is also possible to select which of the
163insertion functions (before / after) takes precedence (which
164of the two actions should be bound to the standard [* Insert] hotkey).
165This corresponds to the [* BeforeAfterInserting] and [* AfterBeforeInserting]
166methods. The second case is called the [* AppendLine] and is activated
167by setting the property with the same name.&]
168[s0; &]
169[s0; To make all this even more interesting, a special mechanism
170called [* InsertAppend] is available to make array filling as easy
171as possible. When activated and the user appends a new row at
172the table end, after pressing [* Enter] (to commit the inserted
173row) another row is automatically added after it and opened for
174editing. This mechanism is turned on by default, but it can be
175disable by setting the [* NoInsertAppend] property to true.&]
176[s0;0 &]
177[s0; &]
178[s0; &]
179[ {{10000t/25b/25@3 [s0; [*@(229)4 Categorized method summary]]}}&]
180[s0;b42; [2 The following table summarizes ArrayCtrl methods according
181to the aspect of functionality they support together with a very
182brief description. For more thorough documentation of the individual
183methods see below.]&]
184[s0; &]
185[ {{2337:7663-1 [s0; [* Initialization and configuration]]
186:: [s0; ]
187:: [s0; Reset]
188:: [s0; clears column `& index definition and restores all ArrayCtrl
189default properties]
190:: [s0; IsEdit]
191:: [s0; true `= array state automaton is currently in row editing mode]
192:: [s0; IsInsert]
193:: [s0; true `= array state automaton is currently in row insertion
195:: [s0; SetLineCy]
196:: [s0; sets array row height (global or individual for a single row)]
197:: [s0; GetLineCy]
198:: [s0; returns logical array row height (value set by preceding SetLineCy)]
199:: [s0; GetLineY]
200:: [s0; returns [/ y] position of given row (relative to table beginning)]
201:: [s0; `[No`]AppendLine]
202:: [s0; `[do not`] display an additional pseudo`-row used for row insertion]
203:: [s0; IsAppendLine]
204:: [s0; returns actual value of the [* AppendLine] property]
205:: [s0; ShowAppendLine]
206:: [s0; scrolls the table view to display the appending line]
207:: [s0; `[No`]Inserting]
208:: [s0; `[do not`] allow inserting new rows]
209:: [s0; IsInserting]
210:: [s0; returns actual value of the [* Inserting] property]
211:: [s0; BeforeAfterInserting]
212:: [s0; allow inserting rows before / after current row (default `=
214:: [s0; AfterBeforeInserting]
215:: [s0; allow inserting rows before / after current row (default `=
217:: [s0; NoInsertAppend]
218:: [s0; do not autoinsert another row after committing last row insertion]
219:: [s0; IsEditing]
220:: [s0; true `= (at least one column of the) ArrayCtrl supports editing]
221:: [s0; `[No`]Duplicating]
222:: [s0; `[do not`] allow row duplication]
223:: [s0; IsDuplicating]
224:: [s0; returns actual value of the [* Duplicating] property]
225:: [s0; Appending]
226:: [s0; allow appending new row at the table end]
227:: [s0; IsAppending]
228:: [s0; returns actual state of the [* Appending] property]
229:: [s0; AutoAppending]
230:: [s0; allow appending new row at the table end, Enter appends another
232:: [s0; IsAutoAppending]
233:: [s0; returns actual state of [* AutoAppending] property]
234:: [s0; `[No`]Removing]
235:: [s0; `[do not`] allow table row removing]
236:: [s0; IsRemoving]
237:: [s0; returns actual state of the [* Removing] property]
238:: [s0; `[No`]AskRemove]
239:: [s0; `[do not`] prompt user to confirm row removal]
240:: [s0; IsAskRemove]
241:: [s0; returns actual state of the [* AskRemove] property]
242:: [s0; Moving]
243:: [s0; allow row swapping (moving a row before / after neighbouring
245:: [s0; IsMoving]
246:: [s0; returns actual state of the [* Moving] property]
247:: [s0; `[No`]Header]
248:: [s0; `[do not`] display table header]
249:: [s0; `[No`]Track]
250:: [s0; `[do not`] animate tracking table column widths]
251:: [s0; `[No`]VertGrid]
252:: [s0; `[do not`] display column breaks]
253:: [s0; `[No`]HorzGrid]
254:: [s0; `[do not`] display row breaks]
255:: [s0; `[No`]Grid]
256:: [s0; `[do not`] display both grids (VertGrid `+ HorzGrid)]
257:: [s0; GridColor]
258:: [s0; set grid line color]
259:: [s0; EvenRowColor]
260:: [s0; background color for even rows]
261:: [s0; OddRowColor]
262:: [s0; background color for odd rows]
263:: [s0; RowFormat]
264:: [s0; formats menu items substituting given word for the term `'row`']
265:: [s0; RowName]
266:: [s0; sets the context`-relevant word to substitute for `'row`' in
267the local menu texts]
268:: [s0; NoCursor]
269:: [s0; do not highlight cursor row]
270:: [s0; `[No`]MouseMoveCursor]
271:: [s0; automatically move cursor as the mouse moves (used e.g. in PopupTable)]
272:: [s0; `[No`]AutoHideSb]
273:: [s0; `[do not`] display scroll bar only when necessary]
274:: [s0; MultiSelect]
275:: [s0; enable selecting multiple rows at the same time]
276:: [s0; ColumnWidths]
277:: [s0; sets logical column widths using a formatted string, e.g. `"1
2785 10 10 5 1`"]}}&]
279[s0; &]
280[ {{2337:7663-1 [s0; [* Array index `& column structure management]]
281:: [s0; ]
282:: [s0; IndexInfo]
283:: [s0; returns the [* IdInfo] structure describing an index (see below)]
284:: [s0; AddIndex]
285:: [s0; adds a new index to the source data matrix]
286:: [s0; GetIndexCount]
287:: [s0; returns number of index columns (columns in the source data
289:: [s0; GetId]
290:: [s0; returns identifier of a given index (given by its integral index)]
291:: [s0; GetPos]
292:: [s0; returns integral index of source matrix column ([/ index]) identified
293by an [* Id]]
294:: [s0; SetId]
295:: [s0; sets the [* Id] identifier for a given index (column of the source
297:: [s0; AddKey]
298:: [s0; sets up the first index to act as primary key (often used for
299SQL tables)]
300:: [s0; GetKeyId]
301:: [s0; returns primary key identifier (equal to [* GetId(0)])]
302:: [s0; AddColumn]
303:: [s0; adds a column`-index pair to the table (one data column, one
304output column)]
305:: [s0; AddColumnAt]
306:: [s0; adds a column bound to a given index]
307:: [s0; AddRowNumColumn]
308:: [s0; adds a column without an index (used for external data)]
309:: [s0; GetColumnCount]
310:: [s0; returns number of (visual) columns in the table]
311:: [s0; FindColumnWithPos]
312:: [s0; locates table column according to given index number]
313:: [s0; FindColumnWithId]
314:: [s0; locates table column according to index identifier]
315:: [s0; ColumnAt]
316:: [s0; returns the [* ArrayCtrl`::Column] structure describing given column]
317:: [s0; HeaderTab]
318:: [s0; returns the [* HeaderCtrl`::Column] structure for the given column]
319:: [s0; HeaderObject]
320:: [s0; returns a reference to the [* HeaderCtrl] object for this table]
321:: [s0; SerializeHeader]
322:: [s0; serialize header layout information (column widths etc.)]
323:: [s0; AddCtrl]
324:: [s0; adds an outer control`-index pair to the table (one data column,
325one outer Ctrl)]
326:: [s0; AddCtrlAt]
327:: [s0; adds an outer control bound to a given index]
328:: [s0; AddRowNumCtrl]
329:: [s0; adds an outer control without an index `- used ([/ seldom])  for
330external data]
331:: [s0; SetDisplay]
332:: [s0; sets display for a given table column or cell]
333:: [s0; GetDisplay]
334:: [s0; returns column / cell display]
335:: [s0; SetCtrl]
336:: [s0; sets a [* Ctrl] object for custom editing of a given cell]
337:: [s0; GetTotalCy]
338:: [s0; returns total row height]
339:: [s0; GetLineAt]
340:: [s0; locate table row when given an [/ y] position (relative to table
342:: [s0; GetClickColumn]
343:: [s0; returns column number of last clicked column (Null if clicked
344outside existing rows)]
345:: [s0; GetClickRow]
346:: [s0; returns row number of last clicked row (Null if clicked outside
347existing rows)]
348:: [s0; GetClickPos]
349:: [s0; returns Point(GetClickColumn(), GetClickRow())]}}&]
350[s0; &]
351[ {{2337:7663-1 [s0; [* Data setting `& retrieval]]
352:: [s0; ]
353:: [s0; SetCount]
354:: [s0; sets number of rows in the array]
355:: [s0; SetVirtualCount]
356:: [s0; sets number of rows in the array with external data]
357:: [s0; GetCount]
358:: [s0; returns number of rows]
359:: [s0; Clear]
360:: [s0; clears array data, identical to [* SetCount(0)]]
361:: [s0; Shrink]
362:: [s0; shrinks source data matrix to the minimum necessary size]
363:: [s0; Get]
364:: [s0; returns given Value element of the source data matrix]
365:: [s0; GetOriginal]
366:: [s0; returns given element of source data matrix before editing]
367:: [s0; Set]
368:: [s0; sets given element of the source data matrix]
369:: [s0; GetKey]
370:: [s0; returns given primary key (column #0 in the data matrix)]
371:: [s0; GetOriginalKey]
372:: [s0; returns `'old`' value of primary key before editing]
373:: [s0; GetColumn]
374:: [s0; returns value of a given output column (according to its index
376:: [s0; GetConvertedColumn]
377:: [s0; returns value of a given output column after applying its [* Convert]]
378:: [s0; ReadRow]
379:: [s0; returns a row of the source data matrix]
380:: [s0; Add]
381:: [s0; adds a new row at the end of table]
382:: [s0; Insert]
383:: [s0; inserts a new row into the table]
384:: [s0; Remove]
385:: [s0; removes a given table row]
386:: [s0; SwapUp]
387:: [s0; exchanges a table row with the preceding row]
388:: [s0; SwapDown]
389:: [s0; exchanges a table row with the next row]
390:: [s0; Sort]
391:: [s0; sorts table rows using a given predicate]
392:: [s0; ClearCache]
393:: [s0; clears data conversion cache]
394:: [s0; InvalidateCache]
395:: [s0; invalidates given table row in the conversion cache]}}&]
396[s0; &]
397[ {{2337:7663-1 [s0; [* Cursor `& selection management]]
398:: [s0; ]
399:: [s0; GetSelectCount]
400:: [s0; returns number of currently selected rows]
401:: [s0; IsSelection]
402:: [s0; checks whether any rows are selected (identical to [* GetSelectCount()
403> 0])]
404:: [s0; Select]
405:: [s0; selects / unselects given row or a series of rows]
406:: [s0; IsSelected]
407:: [s0; checks whether given row is selected]
408:: [s0; ClearSelection]
409:: [s0; clears the current selection]
410:: [s0; SetCursor]
411:: [s0; moves array cursor to a new row]
412:: [s0; KillCursor]
413:: [s0; removes the cursor away from the table]
414:: [s0; CancelCursor]
415:: [s0; cancels editing of current row]
416:: [s0; IsCursor]
417:: [s0; checks whether cursor is in the table (identical to [* GetCursor()
418>`= 0])]
419:: [s0; GetCursor]
420:: [s0; returns current cursor row, `-1 when none]
421:: [s0; GoBegin]
422:: [s0; moves the cursor to the first table row]
423:: [s0; GoEnd]
424:: [s0; moves the cursor to the last table row]
425:: [s0; GetCursorSc]
426:: [s0; returns the location of the cursor row within the table view
428:: [s0; ScCursor]
429:: [s0; scrolls the table to move the cursor row to given location within
430the table view]
431:: [s0; CenterCursor]
432:: [s0; scrolls the table to move cursor into the middle of the current
434:: [s0; ScrollInto]
435:: [s0; scrolls the table by minimum amount necessary to make given
436row visible]
437:: [s0; ScrollIntoCursor]
438:: [s0; scrolls the table by minimum amount necessary to make cursor
439row visible]
440:: [s0; GetScroll]
441:: [s0; returns current table scrollbar location]
442:: [s0; ScrollTo]
443:: [s0; sets table scrollbar location]
444:: [s0; Find]
445:: [s0; locates table row containing a given element]
446:: [s0; FindSetCursor]
447:: [s0; moves the cursor to table row containing a given element]}}&]
448[s0; &]
449[s0; &]
450[s0; &]
451[ {{2337:7663-1 [s0; [* GUI elements]]
452:: [s0; ]
453:: [s0; StdBar]
454:: [s0; the default array local menu]
455:: [s0; IsModified]
456:: [s0; checks modification state of given array cell]
457:: [s0; StartEdit]
458:: [s0; open current array row for editing]
459:: [s0; GetEditColumn]
460:: [s0; returns the column being currently edited]
461:: [s0; DoEdit]
462:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Edit`' function]
463:: [s0; DoInsert]
464:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Insert`' function]
465:: [s0; DoInsertBefore]
466:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Insert before`' function]
467:: [s0; DoInsertAfter]
468:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Insert after`' function]
469:: [s0; DoAppend]
470:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Append`' function]
471:: [s0; DoRemove]
472:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Remove`' function]
473:: [s0; DoDuplicate]
474:: [s0; corresponds to the local menu `'Duplicate`' function]
475:: [s0; DoSelectAll]
476:: [s0; selects the entire array]
477:: [s0; AcceptEnter]
478:: [s0; commits the currently edited row and possibly begins insertion
479of another row]}}&]
480[s0; &]
481[ {{2337:7663-1 [s0; [* Notification callbacks]]
482:: [s0; ]
483:: [s0; WhenLeftClick]
484:: [s0; left mouse click within the array]
485:: [s0; WhenLeftDouble]
486:: [s0; left mouse doubleclick within the array]
487:: [s0; WhenSel]
488:: [s0; called when cursor or selection status of widget changes]
489:: [s0; WhenCursor]
490:: [s0; called whenever the cursor location changes [/ (deprecated, use
492:: [s0; WhenKillCursor]
493:: [s0; called when the cursor moves away from the table [/ (deprecated,
494use WhenSel)]]
495:: [s0; WhenSelection]
496:: [s0; called whenever current selection changes [/ (deprecated, use
498:: [s0; WhenEnterRow]
499:: [s0; called whenever the cursor moves to a new row [/ (deprecated,
500use WhenSel)]]
501:: [s0; WhenUpdateRow]
502:: [s0; called after updating a row]
503:: [s0; WhenAcceptRow]
504:: [s0; additional row validation callback]
505:: [s0; WhenStartEdit]
506:: [s0; called after initiating row editing]
507:: [s0; WhenAcceptEdit]
508:: [s0; called after accepting changes to a given row]
509:: [s0; WhenArrayAction]
510:: [s0; called whenever array source data changes (after insert / delete
511/ edit)]
512:: [s0; WhenBar]
513:: [s0; can be used to supply custom local menu for the array]
514:: [s0; WhenCtrlsAction]
515:: [s0; called by [* WhenAction] callbacks of internally created controls]}}&]
516[s0;0 &]
517[s0; &]
518[s0; &]
519[s0; &]
520[ {{10000t/25b/25@3 [s0; [*@(229)4 Detailed method description]]}}&]
521[s0; &]
522[s0; [* Initialization and configuration]&]
523[s0;0 &]
524[s0; &]
525[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Reset`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Reset][2 ()]&]
526[s0;l288; [2 Clears table rows and resets all array properties to their
527default values.]&]
528[s0;0 &]
529[s0;H6;0 &]
530[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ShowAppendLine`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ShowAppendLi
531ne][2 ()]&]
532[s0;l288; [2 Show an additional pseudo`-row at the table end. When
533clicked, a new row is appended to the array.]&]
534[s0;0 &]
535[s0;H6;0 &]
536[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsEdit`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsEdit][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 c
538[s0;l288; [2 Checks whether the array is currently being edited.]&]
539[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= a
540row is currently open for editing, ][*2 false][2  `= array is in
541normal browsing mode]&]
542[s0;0 &]
543[s0;H6;0 &]
544[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsInsert`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsInsert][2 ()_
545][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
546[s0;l288; [2 Checks whether a new row is currently being inserted.]&]
547[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= newly
548inserted row is currently being edited, ][*2 false][2  when not]&]
549[s0;0 &]
550[s0;H6;0 &]
551[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetLineCy`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
552][2 _][*2 SetLineCy][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 cy][2 )]&]
553[s0;l288; [2 Sets the (default) array row height. For certain rows,
554this can be overriden by the two`-parameter version of this method.]&]
555[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 cy][2 -|row height in pixels]&]
556[s0;0 &]
557[s0;H6;0 &]
558[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetLineCy`(int`,int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 SetLineCy
559][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 cy][2 )]&]
560[s0;l288; [2 Sets row height for a given row. This overrides the default
561value set by the one`-parameter version of this method.]&]
562[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|row index (zero based)]&]
563[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 cy][2 -|row height in pixels,
564][*2 Null][2  `= use default row height]&]
565[s0;0 &]
566[s0;H6;0 &]
567[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetLineCy`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetLineCy][2 ()
568_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
569[s0;l288; [2 Returns default array row height.]&]
570[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|row height in pixels]&]
571[s0;0 &]
572[s0;H6;0 &]
573[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetLineY`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetLineY][2 (
574][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
575[s0;l288; [2 Returns ][/2 y][2  position of given array row (the pixel
576distance between the top of first array row and ][/2 i][2 `-th row,
577i.e. sum of heights of all rows above this row).]&]
578[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|row index (zero based)]&]
579[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|Vertical position
580of row top in pixels (relative to array beginning)]&]
581[s0;0 &]
582[s0;H6;0 &]
583[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetLineCy`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetLineCy][2 (
584][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
585[s0;l288; [2 Returns the height of a given row (either the row`-specific
586row height, or, when Null, the default row height).]&]
587[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|row index (zero based)]&]
588[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|row height in pixels]&]
589[s0;0 &]
590[s0;H6;0 &]
591[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AppendLine`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
592][2 _][*2 AppendLine][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
593[s0;l288; [2 The AppendLine property controls whether the array displays
594an additional `'append`' row after its last (real) row. ]&]
595[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= display appending
596row, ][*2 false][2  `= hide it]&]
597[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
598[s0;0 &]
599[s0;H6;0 &]
600[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoAppendLine`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
601][2 _][*2 NoAppendLine][2 ()]&]
602[s0;l288; [2 Hide the appending line (identical to ][*2 AppendLine(false)][2 ).]&]
603[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
604[s0;0 &]
605[s0;H6;0 &]
606[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsAppendLine`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsAppendL
607ine][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
608[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of the ][*2 AppendLine][2  property.]&]
609[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= display
610appending pseudo`-row at the end of the array]&]
611[s0;0 &]
612[s0;H6;0 &]
613[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Inserting`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
614][2 _][*2 Inserting][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
615[s0;l288; [2 Enable / disable inserting new rows in the array (no matter
616which insertion mechanism is selected).]&]
617[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= enable insertion,
618][*2 false][2  `= disable it]&]
619[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
620[s0;0 &]
621[s0;H6;0 &]
622[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoInserting`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
623][2 _][*2 NoInserting][2 ()]&]
624[s0;l288; [2 Disables row insertion (identical to ][*2 Inserting(false)][2 ).]&]
625[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
626[s0;0 &]
627[s0;H6;0 &]
628[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsInserting`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsInsertin
629g][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
630[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of the ][*2 Inserting][2  property.]&]
631[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= row
632insertion is enabled, ][*2 false][2  when not]&]
633[s0;0 &]
634[s0;H6;0 &]
635[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Appending`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
636][2 _][*2 Appending][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
637[s0;l288; [2 Enable / disable adding new rows at the table end.]&]
638[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= enable row
639appending, ][*2 false][2  `= disable it]&]
640[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
641[s0;0 &]
642[s0;H6;0 &]
643[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsAppending`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsAppendin
644g][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
645[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of the ][*2 Appending][2  property.]&]
646[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= appending
647rows is enabled, ][*2 false][2  when not.]&]
648[s0;0 &]
649[s0;H6;0 &]
650[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AutoAppending`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
651][2 _][*2 AutoAppending][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
652[s0;l288; [2 Same as ][*2 Appending][2  but Enter pressed when editing
653a new row accepts it and adds another one at the table end.]&]
654[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true ][2 to enable the
656[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
657[s0;0 &]
658[s0;H6;0 &]
659[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsAutoAppending`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsAuto
660Appending][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
661[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of ][*2 AutoAppending][2  property.]&]
662[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= ][*2 AutoAppending
663][2 is active]&]
664[s0;0 &]
665[s0;H6;0 &]
666[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:BeforeAfterInserting`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
667][2 _][*2 BeforeAfterInserting][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 q][2 _`=_][@3;2 1][2 )]&]
668[s0;l288; [2 Activate before / after row insertion mechanism (][*2 Insert][2
669hotkey `= before).]&]
670[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
671[s0;0 &]
672[s0;H6;0 &]
673[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AfterBeforeInserting`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
674][2 _][*2 AfterBeforeInserting][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 q][2 _`=_][@3;2 2][2 )]&]
675[s0;l288; [2 Activate before / after row insertion mechanism (][*2 Insert][2
676hotkey `= after)]&]
677[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
678[s0;0 &]
679[s0;H6;0 &]
680[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Duplicating`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
681][2 _][*2 Duplicating][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
682[s0;l288; [2 Enable / disable row duplication. Note that this property
683only controls whether the `'Duplicate`' item should be present
684in the array local menu. Of course, nothing can prevent you from
685supporting duplication in some other way, or from calling the
686][*2 DoDuplicate][2  method as you see fit.]&]
687[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= enable duplication,
688][*2 false][2  `= disable it]&]
689[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
690[s0;0 &]
691[s0;H6;0 &]
692[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoDuplicating`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
693][2 _][*2 NoDuplicating][2 ()]&]
694[s0;l288; [2 Disable row duplication (identical to ][*2 Duplicating(false)][2 ).]&]
695[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
696[s0;0 &]
697[s0;H6;0 &]
698[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsDuplicating`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsDuplic
699ating][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
700[s0;l288; [2 Returns the state of the ][*2 Duplicating][2  property.]&]
701[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= local
702menu offers row duplication, ][*2 false][2  when not]&]
703[s0;0 &]
704[s0;H6;0 &]
705[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoInsertAppend`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
706][2 _][*2 NoInsertAppend][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
707[s0;l288; [2 Enables / disables the auto`-append mechanism (see above
708section on inserting rows).]&]
709[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= disable InsertAppend
710mechanism, ][*2 false][2  `= enable it (the default)]&]
711[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
712[s0;0 &]
713[s0;H6;0 &]
714[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsEditing`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsEditing][2 (
715)_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
716[s0;l288; [2 Checks whether at least one array column supports editing
717(whether it is possible to ][/2 open][2  a row for editing).]&]
718[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= row
719editing is possible, ][*2 false][2  when not]&]
720[s0;0 &]
721[s0;H6;0 &]
722[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Removing`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
723][2 _][*2 Removing][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
724[s0;l288; [2 Enable / disable deleting rows from the table.]&]
725[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= enable deletion,
726][*2 false][2  `= disable it]&]
727[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
728[s0;0 &]
729[s0;H6;0 &]
730[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoRemoving`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
731][*2 NoRemoving][2 ()]&]
732[s0;l288; [2 Disable deleting table rows (identical to ][*2 Removing(false)][2 ).]&]
733[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
734[s0;0 &]
735[s0;H6;0 &]
736[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsRemoving`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsRemoving][2 (
737)_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
738[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of the ][*2 Removing][2  property.]&]
739[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= row
740deletion is enabled, ][*2 false ][2 when not]&]
741[s0;0 &]
742[s0;H6;0 &]
743[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AskRemove`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
744][2 _][*2 AskRemove][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
745[s0;l288; [2 Sets whether the user must manually confirm array row
746deletion. When set to ][*2 true][2 , every time a row is to be deleted,
747a confirmation dialog pops up. When set to ][*2 false][2 , rows are
748deleted automatically without any further confirmation.]&]
749[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= prompt user
750to confirm row deletion, ][*2 false][2  `= delete rows instantly]&]
751[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
752[s0;0 &]
753[s0;H6;0 &]
754[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoAskRemove`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
755][2 _][*2 NoAskRemove][2 ()]&]
756[s0;l288; [2 Disables user confirmation of row deletion (equivalent
757to ][*2 AskRemove(false)][2 ).]&]
758[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
759[s0;0 &]
760[s0;H6;0 &]
761[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsAskRemove`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsAskRemov
762e][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
763[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of the ][*2 AskRemove][2  property.]&]
764[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= user
765confirmation is needed to delete rows, ][*2 false][2  `= rows are
766deleted immediately]&]
767[s0;0 &]
768[s0;H6;0 &]
769[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Moving`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
770][*2 Moving][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
771[s0;l288; [2 Enable / disable row swapping. When set to ][*2 true][2 ,
772it is possible to move an array row up and down by swapping it
773with the previous / next row. This can be used to reorder array
774rows in a visually straightforward manner.]&]
775[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= offer row
776moving in the local menu, ][*2 false][2  `= don`'t]&]
777[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
778[s0;0 &]
779[s0;H6;0 &]
780[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsMoving`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsMoving][2 ()_
781][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
782[s0;l288; [2 Returns current state of the ][*2 Moving][2  property.]&]
783[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= local
784menu supports row swapping, ][*2 false][2  `= it doesn`'t]&]
785[s0;0 &]
786[s0;H6;0 &]
787[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Header`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
788][*2 Header][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
789[s0;l288; [2 Show / hide the ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/HeaderCtrl`$en`-us^2 HeaderCtrl
790][2  object for this table.]&]
791[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= show table
792header, ][*2 false][2  `= hide it]&]
793[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
794[s0;0 &]
795[s0;H6;0 &]
796[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoHeader`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
797][*2 NoHeader][2 ()]&]
798[s0;l288; [2 Hide table header (equivalent to ][*2 Header(false)][2 ).]&]
799[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
800[s0;0 &]
801[s0;H6;0 &]
802[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Track`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
803][*2 Track][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
804[s0;l288; [2 Animate array column resizing. This is equivalent to setting
805the ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/HeaderCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:HeaderCtrl`:`:Track`(bool`)^2 T
806rack][2  property in the array HeaderCtrl.]&]
807[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= repaint the
808array repeatedly while dragging column widths, ][*2 false][2  `=
809regenerate everything only after drag `& drop is finished.]&]
810[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
811[s0;0 &]
812[s0;H6;0 &]
813[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoTrack`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 N
814oTrack][2 ()]&]
815[s0;l288; [2 Do not animate array column resizing (equivalent to ][*2 Track(false)][2 ).]&]
816[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
817[s0;0 &]
818[s0;H6;0 &]
819[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:VertGrid`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
820][2 _][*2 VertGrid][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
821[s0;l288; [2 Show / hide vertical array grid lines (separating array
823[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= show vertical
824grid lines, ][*2 false][2  `= hide them]&]
825[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
826[s0;0 &]
827[s0;H6;0 &]
828[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoVertGrid`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
829][*2 NoVertGrid][2 ()]&]
830[s0;l288; [2 Hide vertical grid lines (equivalent to ][*2 VertGrid(false)][2 ).]&]
831[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
832[s0;0 &]
833[s0;H6;0 &]
834[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HorzGrid`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
835][2 _][*2 HorzGrid][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
836[s0;l288; [2 Show / hide horizontal grid lines (separating array rows).]&]
837[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= show horizontal
838grid lines, ][*2 false][2  `= hide them]&]
839[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
840[s0;0 &]
841[s0;H6;0 &]
842[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoHorzGrid`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
843][*2 NoHorzGrid][2 ()]&]
844[s0;l288; [2 Hide horizontal grid lines (equivalent to ][*2 HorzGrid(false)][2 ).]&]
845[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
846[s0;0 &]
847[s0;H6;0 &]
848[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Grid`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
849][*2 Grid][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
850[s0;l288; [2 Show / hide both horizontal and vertical grid lines (equivalent
851to ][*2 HorzGrid(b).VertGrid(b)][2 ).]&]
852[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= show grid
853line matrix, ][*2 false][2  `= hide all grid lines]&]
854[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
855[s0;0 &]
856[s0;H6;0 &]
857[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoGrid`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 N
858oGrid][2 ()]&]
859[s0;l288; [2 Hide horizontal and vertical grid lines (equivalent to
860][*2 Grid(false)][2 ).]&]
861[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
862[s0;0 &]
863[s0;H6;0 &]
864[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GridColor`(Color`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
865][2 _][*2 GridColor][2 (][_^Color^2 Color][2 _][*@3;2 c][2 )]&]
866[s0;l288; [2 Sets the color for grid lines.]&]
867[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 c][2 -|new grid line color]&]
868[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
869[s0;0 &]
870[s0;H6;0 &]
871[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:EvenRowColor`(Color`,Color`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
872][2 _][*2 EvenRowColor][2 (][_^Color^2 Color][2 _][*@3;2 paper][2 _`=_Blend(SColorMark,
873SColorPaper, ][@3;2 220][2 ), ][_^Color^2 Color][2 _][*@3;2 ink][2 _`=_SColorText)]&]
874[s0;l288; [2 Sets the paper and ink (background and foreground) color
875for even array rows. In certain cases setting a different background
876color for odd and even rows helps to simplify visual orientation
877in the arrays (especially when the array has many columns).]&]
878[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  the even / odd row terminology refers to the natural
879array row numbering, so first array row is ][/2 odd][2  and the second
880is ][/2 even][2 . This is in contrast to the zero`-baesd integral
881row indexing, where the first array row has index 0.]&]
882[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 paper][2 -|background color to
883use for second, fourth, sixth etc. array row]&]
884[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ink][2 -|foreground color for
885even rows]&]
886[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
887[s0;0 &]
888[s0;H6;0 &]
889[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:OddRowColor`(Color`,Color`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
890][2 _][*2 OddRowColor][2 (][_^Color^2 Color][2 _][*@3;2 paper][2 _`=_SColorInfo,
891][_^Color^2 Color][2 _][*@3;2 ink][2 _`=_SColorText)]&]
892[s0;l288; [2 Sets the paper and ink (background and foreground) color
893for odd array rows.]&]
894[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 paper][2 -|background color to
895use for first, third, fifth etc. array row]&]
896[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ink][2 -|foreground color for
897odd rows]&]
898[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
899[s0;0 &]
900[s0;H6;0 &]
901[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoCursor`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
902][2 _][*2 NoCursor][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
903[s0;l288; [2 Turns on / off highlighting cursor row.]&]
904[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= do not highlight
905cursor row, ][*2 false][2  `= default behaviour (cursor row is shown
906in inverse colors)]&]
907[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
908[s0;0 &]
909[s0;H6;0 &]
910[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:MouseMoveCursor`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
911][2 _][*2 MouseMoveCursor][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
912[s0;l288; [2 Enables / disables automatical cursor row switching as
913the mouse cursor moves over the array rows.]&]
914[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= automatically
915switch cursor row, ][*2 false][2  `= only upon clicks and keyboard
917[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
918[s0;0 &]
919[s0;H6;0 &]
920[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoMouseMoveCursor`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
921][2 _][*2 NoMouseMoveCursor][2 ()]&]
922[s0;l288; [2 Disable automatical cursor row switching (equivalent to
923][*2 MouseMoveCursor(false)][2 ).]&]
924[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
925[s0;0 &]
926[s0;H6;0 &]
927[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AutoHideSb`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
928][2 _][*2 AutoHideSb][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
929[s0;l288; [2 When set to ][*2 true][2 , the vertical scrollbar at the right
930array edge is displayed only when the total row height exceeds
931the array view height. When set to ][*2 false][2 , the scrollbar
932is shown all the time.]&]
933[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= show / hide
934the scrollbar as necessary, ][*2 false][2  `= display it unconditionally]&]
935[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
936[s0;0 &]
937[s0;H6;0 &]
938[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoAutoHideSb`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
939][2 _][*2 NoAutoHideSb][2 ()]&]
940[s0;l288; [2 Display vertical scrollbar all the time (equivalent to
941][*2 AutoHideSb(false)][2 ).]&]
942[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
943[s0;0 &]
944[s0;H6;0 &]
945[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HideSb`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
946][*2 HideSb][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
947[s0;l288; [2 Hides vertical scrollbar (even if it would be needed).]&]
948[s0;0 &]
949[s0;H6;0 &]
950[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AutoHideHorzSb`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
951][2 _][*2 AutoHideHorzSb][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
952[s0;l288; [2 Makes horizontal scroll bar (active if HeaderCtrl is in
953absolute mode only) to autohide. Default is on.]&]
954[s0;0 &]
955[s0;H6;0 &]
956[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoAutoHideHorzSb`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
957][2 _][*2 NoAutoHideHorzSb][2 ()]&]
958[s0;l288; [2 Same as AutoHideHorzSb(false).]&]
959[s0;0 &]
960[s0;H6;0 &]
961[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HideHorzSb`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
962][2 _][*2 HideHorzSb][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
963[s0;l288; [2 Unconditionally hides horizontal scrollbar (active if
964HeaderCtrl is in absolute mode only).]&]
965[s0;0 &]
966[s0;H6;0 &]
967[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:MultiSelect`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
968][2 _][*2 MultiSelect][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
969[s0;l288; [2 Enable / disable multiple row selection. ]&]
970[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 b][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= allow selecting
971multiple rows at the same time, ][*2 false][2  `= only one row at
972a time]&]
973[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
974[s0;0 &]
975[s0;H6;0 &]
976[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsMultiSelect`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsMultiS
977elect][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
978[s0;l288; [2 Returns true if ArrayCtrl is in multiselect mode.]&]
979[s0;0 &]
980[s0;H6;0 &]
981[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoBackground`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
982][2 _][*2 NoBackground][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
983[s0;l288; [2 Sets the widget into transparent mode `- background is
984not painted and Transparent is activated `- a result, anything
985painted behind the widget is visible, allowing client code to
986provide any background it needs.]&]
987[s0;0 &]
988[s0;H6;0 &]
989[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:PopUpEx`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
990][2 _][*2 PopUpEx][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
991[s0;l288; [2 Activates showing small popup windows with cell content
992when mouse is over and cell is to big to fit current dimensions.
993Default is activated.]&]
994[s0;0 &]
995[s0;H6;0 &]
996[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoPopUpEx`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
997][*2 NoPopUpEx][2 ()]&]
998[s0;l288; [2 Same as PopUpEx(false).]&]
999[s0;0 &]
1000[s0;H6;0 &]
1001[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoFocusSetCursor`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1002][2 _][*2 NoFocusSetCursor][2 ()]&]
1003[s0;l288; [2 Normally, when ArrayCtrl gets a focus and no cursor is
1004set (and cursor is allowed and there is at least one line), ArrayCtrl
1005a sets the cursor to the first line. This modifier deactivates
1006this feature.]&]
1007[s0;0 &]
1008[s0;H6;0 &]
1009[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:MovingHeader`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1010][2 _][*2 MovingHeader][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 )]&]
1011[s0;l288; [2 Activates dragging columns in header. Default is active.]&]
1012[s0;0 &]
1013[s0;H6;0 &]
1014[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoMovingHeader`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1015][2 _][*2 NoMovingHeader][2 ()]&]
1016[s0;l288; [2 Same as MovingHeader(false).]&]
1017[s0;0 &]
1018[s0;H6;0 &]
1019[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnSortFindKey`(bool`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1020][2 _][*2 ColumnSortFindKey][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 b][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
1021[s0;l288; [2 Before ColumnSort orders the ArrayCtrl, the key of current
1022row (with cursor) is stored and after sorting, it is restored.]&]
1023[s0;0 &]
1024[s0;H6;0 &]
1025[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AllSorting`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
1026][*2 AllSorting][2 ()]&]
1027[s0;l288; [2 If set, Sorting() is invoked for all columns (added either
1028before or after this modifier is called).]&]
1029[s0;0 &]
1030[s0;H6;0 &]
1031[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnSortSecondary`(const ArrayCtrl`:`:Order`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 A
1032rrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 ColumnSortSecondary][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Order^2 O
1033rder][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 order][2 )]&]
1034[s0;l288; [2 Sets secondary sorting predicate for column sorts (see
1035ColumnSort, Sorting) `- if two cells are equal when performing
1036sort by column, they are ordered by this predicate.]&]
1037[s0;0 &]
1038[s0;H6;0 &]
1039[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoColumnSortSecondary`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1040][2 _][*2 NoColumnSortSecondary][2 ()]&]
1041[s0;l288; [2 Same as ColumnSortSecondary(false).]&]
1042[s0;0 &]
1043[s0;H6;0 &]
1044[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnWidths`(const char`*`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1045][2 _][*2 ColumnWidths][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 s][2 )]&]
1046[s0;l288; [2 Initializes column widths based on a text string containing
1047blank`-separated decimal numbers, e.g. `"1 4 6 4 1`".]&]
1048[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 s][2 -|control string defining
1049column widths]&]
1050[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
1051[s0;0 &]
1052[s0;H6;0 &]
1053[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetColumnWidths`(`): [_^String^2 String][2 _][*2 GetColumnW
1054idths][2 ()]&]
1055[s0;l288; [2 Returns current column widths in format compatible with
1057[s0;0 &]
1058[s0;H6;0 &]
1059[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:CursorOverride`(const Image`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCt
1060rl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 CursorOverride][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Image^2 Image][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1061][2 _][*@3;2 arrow][2 )]&]
1062[s0;l288; [2 Overrides mouse cursor to ][*@3;2 arrow][2 . Setting Null
1063ends override.]&]
1064[s0;0 &]
1065[s0;H6;0 &]
1066[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:NoCursorOverride`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1067][2 _][*2 NoCursorOverride][2 ()]&]
1068[s0;l288; [2 Same as CursorOverride(Null).]&]
1069[s0;0 &]
1070[s0;H6;0 &]
1071[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:RowFormat`(const char`*`): [_^String^2 String][2 _][*2 RowF
1072ormat][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 s][2 )]&]
1073[s0;l288; [2 Formats a text by substituting ][*2 %s][2  with the array`-specific
1074term for `'row`' (as set by the ][*2 RowName][2  property). This
1075is used for array local menu items.]&]
1076[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 s][2 -|][*2 Format][2 `-like string
1077to substitute.]&]
1078[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|]&]
1079[s0;0 &]
1080[s0;H6;0 &]
1081[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:RowName`(const char`*`): [_^ArrayCtrl^2 ArrayCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1082][2 _][*2 RowName][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 s][2 )]&]
1083[s0;l288; [2 Sets the array`-specific term for `'row`'. This can be
1084used to customize the local menu terminology according to the
1085logical content of the array. For instance, when you have an
1086array with the list of employees, you can call ][*2 RowName(`"employee`")][2
1087and the menu items will then read ][/2 `'Insert new employee`',
1088`'Delete employee`'][2  etc.]&]
1089[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 s][2 -|the term to substitute
1090for `'array row`' in menu items]&]
1091[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
1092[s0;0 &]
1093[s0;* &]
1094[s0; [* Column structure programming]&]
1095[s0;0 &]
1096[s0; &]
1097[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IndexInfo`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1098][2 _][*2 IndexInfo][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )]&]
1099[s0;l288; [2 Returns a reference to the ][*2 IdInfo][2  structure describing
1100a given array index (column in the source data matrix).]&]
1101[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
1102of the array index]&]
1103[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|IdInfo reference
1104for the given index]&]
1105[s0;0 &]
1106[s0;H6;0 &]
1107[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IndexInfo`(const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInf
1108o][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 IndexInfo][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
1109[s0;l288; [2 Returns a reference to the ][*2 IdInfo][2  structure describing
1110a given array index.]&]
1111[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|the ][*2 Id][2  index identifier]&]
1112[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|IdInfo reference
1113for the given index]&]
1114[s0;0 &]
1115[s0;H6;0 &]
1116[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddIndex`(const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo
1117][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddIndex][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2  ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
1118[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new index to the array and assign it a given ][*2 Id][2
1120[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|new index identifier]&]
1121[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1122the ][*2 IdInfo ][2 structure describing the newly added index. The
1123reference can be used to set additional index properties.]&]
1124[s0;0 &]
1125[s0;H6;0 &]
1126[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddIndex`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1127][2 _][*2 AddIndex][2 ()]&]
1128[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new index (without an identifier) to the array.]&]
1129[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1130the ][*2 IdInfo][2  structure describing the newly added index.]&]
1131[s0;0 &]
1132[s0;H6;0 &]
1133[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetIndexCount`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetIndexC
1134ount][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1135[s0;l288; [2 Returns number of indices in the array.]&]
1136[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|index count]&]
1137[s0;0 &]
1138[s0;H6;0 &]
1139[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetId`(int`)const: [_^Id^2 Id][2 _][*2 GetId][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
1140nt][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1141[s0;l288; [2 Returns the identifier of a given index (addresses by
1142its zero`-based ordinal number).]&]
1143[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
1144of the queried index]&]
1145[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|index identifier
1146or ][*2 Null][2  if the index has no identifier]&]
1147[s0;0 &]
1148[s0;H6;0 &]
1149[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetPos`(const Id`&`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetPos
1150][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1151[s0;l288; [2 Returns the zero`-based positional number of the array
1152index with a given identifier.]&]
1153[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|array index identifier]&]
1154[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based index
1155number, `-1 when not found]&]
1156[s0;0 &]
1157[s0;H6;0 &]
1158[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetId`(int`,const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdIn
1159fo][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 SetId][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const
1160][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
1161[s0;l288; [2 Sets the identifier for a given array index. This can
1162be used to set or modify the identifier for a previously added
1164[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
1165of the index to set the identifier for]&]
1166[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|new index identifier (][*2 Null][2
1167when none)]&]
1168[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1169the ][*2 IdInfo][2  descriptive structure for the ][/2 ii][2 `-th index.
1170The reference can be used to set additional properties of the
1171altered index.]&]
1172[s0;0 &]
1173[s0;H6;0 &]
1174[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddKey`(const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1175][2 _][*2 AddKey][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
1176[s0;l288; [2 Adds a ][/2 primary key][2  index to the table. The ][/2 primary
1177key][2  is just another name for the first index (index with ordinal
1178number 0). This is just a handy convention often used for SQL`-based
1179tables. ][*2 AddKey][2  must be called only once after array initialization
1180or ][*2 Reset][2  and before calling any other functions adding indices
1181(like ][*2 AddIndex][2 , ][*2 AddColumn][2  or ][*2 AddCtrl][2 ). When ][*2 GetIndexCount()
1182> 0 ][2 before the call to this function, this method fails with
1183an ][*2 ASSERT][2 .]&]
1184[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|primary key identifier]&]
1185[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1186the descriptive ][*2 IdInfo][2  structure for the primary key index.]&]
1187[s0;0 &]
1188[s0;H6;0 &]
1189[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddKey`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1190][2 _][*2 AddKey][2 ()]&]
1191[s0;l288; [2 Adds a primary key index without an identifier to the
1192table. This is equivalent to ][*2 AddKey(Null)][2 .]&]
1193[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1194the ][*2 IdInfo][2  structure describing the primary key index.]&]
1195[s0;0 &]
1196[s0;H6;0 &]
1197[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetKeyId`(`)const: [_^Id^2 Id][2 _][*2 GetKeyId][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1199[s0;l288; [2 Returns primary key identifier for this table. This is
1200equivalent to calling ][*2 GetId(0)][2 .]&]
1201[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|primary key index
1203[s0;0 &]
1204[s0;H6;0 &]
1205[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddColumn`(const char`*`,int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1206olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddColumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 t
1207ext][2 _`=_NULL, ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 w][2 _`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
1208[s0;l288; [2 Add a new column`-index pair to the table. The function
1209adds a (source) index and an (output) column and sets the index
1210as the data source for the column. This is the most common method
1211for adding columns to the array.]&]
1212[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 text][2 -|column name (displayed
1213in the array header)]&]
1214[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 w][2 -|logical relative column
1216[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1217the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the newly added column.
1218This can be used to set additional properties for the newly added
1219column and the corresponding header tab.]&]
1220[s0;0 &]
1221[s0;H6;0 &]
1222[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddColumn`(const Id`&`,const char`*`,int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1223olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddColumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 ,
1224][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 text][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 w][2 _
1225`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
1226[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new column`-index pair to the table. This is equivalent
1227to the above two`-parameter version but, in addition, the method
1228sets the ][*2 Id][2  identifier for the newly created index.]&]
1229[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|new index identifier]&]
1230[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 text][2 -|column name (displayed
1231in the header)]&]
1232[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 w][2 -|logical relative column
1234[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1235the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the newly added array column.]&]
1236[s0;0 &]
1237[s0;H6;0 &]
1238[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddColumnAt`(int`,const char`*`,int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1239olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddColumnAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 ,
1240][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 text][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 w][2 _
1241`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
1242[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new column to the table and binds it to a given
1243source data index.]&]
1244[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
1245of the index to use as source for this column]&]
1246[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 text][2 -|column name (displayed
1247in the header)]&]
1248[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 w][2 -|logical relative column
1250[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1251the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the newly added array column.]&]
1252[s0;0 &]
1253[s0;H6;0 &]
1254[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddColumnAt`(const Id`&`,const char`*`,int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1255olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddColumnAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 ,
1256 ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 text][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 w
1257][2 _`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
1258[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new column to the table and binds it to a given
1259source data index.]&]
1260[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the index
1261to use as source for the newly added column]&]
1262[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 text][2 -|column name (displayed
1263in the header)]&]
1264[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 w][2 -|logical relative column
1266[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1267the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the newly added array column.]&]
1268[s0;0 &]
1269[s0;H6;0 &]
1270[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddRowNumColumn`(const char`*`,int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1271olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddRowNumColumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _
1272`*][*@3;2 text][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 w][2 _`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
1273[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new column to the table. The newly added column
1274has no source index, it is assumed to have an external data source.
1275Instead of the source data ][*2 Value][2  object, the current zero`-based
1276row number is passed to the column`'s ][*2 Convert][2  / ][*2 Display][2 .
1277This allows the host application to decode somehow the external
1278data based on the row number. In the current U`+`+ version, the
1279][/2 RowNum columns][2  cannot be edited (using the standard array
1280inline editing mechanism).]&]
1281[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 text][2 -|column name (displayed
1282in the header)]&]
1283[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 w][2 -|logical relative column
1285[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A reference to
1286the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the newly added array column.]&]
1287[s0;0 &]
1288[s0;H6;0 &]
1289[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddCtrl`(Ctrl`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1290][2 _][*2 AddCtrl][2 (][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 ctrl][2 )]&]
1291[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new index`-control pair to the table; the index
1292keeps the source data and the external control is used to edit
1293it. The ArrayCtrl handles data transfer between the source data
1294matrix and the external control. The method returns a reference
1295the ][*2 IdInfo][2  descriptive structure for the newly added index.]&]
1296[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  it is good to keep in mind that there are a few
1297differences between the ordinary array cell editors and the freestanding
1298edit controls. In contrast with the cell editors, which appear
1299only when the row is opened for editing, the freestanding controls
1300are present all the time. For instance, the ArrayCtrl automatically
1301disables the controls when the cursor moves away from the table
1302(using ][*2 KillCursor][2 ) and re`-enables them after it comes back.
1303This is important e.g. if you want to implement an additional
1304logic enabling some of the controls only depending on the circumstances;
1305in such case, you have to use one of the notification callbacks
1306(like  ][*2 WhenEnterRow][2 ) to force your additional behaviour
1307on the controls.]&]
1308[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ctrl][2 -|control to attach to
1309the given index]&]
1310[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1311the IdInfo structure describing the newly added index]&]
1312[s0;0 &]
1313[s0;H6;0 &]
1314[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddCtrl`(const Id`&`,Ctrl`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 I
1315dInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddCtrl][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 ,
1316][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 ctrl][2 )]&]
1317[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new index`-control pair to the table. This is identical
1318to the above version with the only difference that the newly
1319added index is assigned an ][*2 Id][2  identifier at the same time.]&]
1320[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|the identifier to assign
1321to the newly created index]&]
1322[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ctrl][2 -|freestanding control
1323used to edit the given index]&]
1324[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1325the IdInfo structure describing the newly added index]&]
1326[s0;0 &]
1327[s0;H6;0 &]
1328[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddCtrlAt`(int`,Ctrl`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 AddCtr
1329lAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 , ][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 ctrl][2 )]&]
1330[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new control to the table and binds it to the index
1331with given ordinal number. You can use this method to create
1332the binding between the control and an arbitrary source index.]&]
1333[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
1334of the index to bind to this control]&]
1335[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ctrl][2 -|freestanding control
1336used to edit the ][/2 ii][2 `-th data index]&]
1337[s0;0 &]
1338[s0;H6;0 &]
1339[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddCtrlAt`(const Id`&`,Ctrl`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 A
1340ddCtrlAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 , ][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1341][2 _][*@3;2 ctrl][2 )]&]
1342[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new control to the table and binds it to the index
1343with given identifier.]&]
1344[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the index
1345to bind to this control]&]
1346[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ctrl][2 -|freestanding control
1347used to edit the index with identifier ][/2 id]&]
1348[s0;0 &]
1349[s0;H6;0 &]
1350[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AddRowNumCtrl`(Ctrl`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 AddRowN
1351umCtrl][2 (][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 ctrl][2 )]&]
1352[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new freestanding control to the table. The control
1353is not bound to any source data index. During cursor movement
1354in the array, array uses the control`'s ][*2 SetData][2  method to
1355set it to the current row number. The control must be ready for
1356that and it can use the row number value to decode some externally
1357located data for display. In the current U`+`+ version, such
1358controls cannot be used for editing (there is currently no clean
1359way to store the edited data back to its external storage).]&]
1360[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ctrl][2 -|][/2 RowNum][2 `-based freestanding
1361editor control]&]
1362[s0;0 &]
1363[s0;H6;0 &]
1364[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetColumnCount`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetColum
1365nCount][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1366[s0;l288; [2 Returns the current number of (output) columns in the
1368[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|number of columns]&]
1369[s0;0 &]
1370[s0;H6;0 &]
1371[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:FindColumnWithPos`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 Fi
1372ndColumnWithPos][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 pos][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1373[s0;l288; [2 Returns the zero`-based index of a column based on its
1374source data index.]&]
1375[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 pos][2 -|ordinal number of the
1376source index]&]
1377[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|ordinal number
1378of the column having the given index as its source, `-1 when
1379not found]&]
1380[s0;0 &]
1381[s0;H6;0 &]
1382[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:FindColumnWithId`(const Id`&`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _
1383][*2 FindColumnWithId][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 con
1385[s0;l288; [2 Returns the zero`-based index of a column based on its
1386source data index.]&]
1387[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
1388[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|ordinal number
1389of the column having the given index as its source, `-1 when
1390not found]&]
1391[s0;0 &]
1392[s0;H6;0 &]
1393[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnAt`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1394][2 _][*2 ColumnAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )]&]
1395[s0;l288; [2 Returns the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing a given column.]&]
1396[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1397[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1398the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the given column]&]
1399[s0;0 &]
1400[s0;H6;0 &]
1401[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnAt`(const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column
1402][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 ColumnAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
1403[s0;l288; [2 Returns the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing a given column.]&]
1404[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1405[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a constant reference
1406to the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the given column]&]
1407[s0;0 &]
1408[s0;H6;0 &]
1409[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnAt`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1410olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 ColumnAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 cons
1412[s0;l288; [2 Returns the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing a column
1413with given source index. This is merely the const version of
1414the above method; it can be used to query properties for the
1416[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the index
1417used as source for the column]&]
1418[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1419the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the given column]&]
1420[s0;0 &]
1421[s0;H6;0 &]
1422[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnAt`(const Id`&`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
1423olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 ColumnAt][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1425[s0;l288; [2 Returns a constant reference to the ][*2 Column][2  structure
1426describing a column with given source index. This is the constant
1427version of the above method; it can be used to query properties
1428for the column.]&]
1429[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the index
1430used as source for the column]&]
1431[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a constant reference
1432to the ][*2 Column][2  structure describing the given column]&]
1433[s0;0 &]
1434[s0;H6;0 &]
1435[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HeaderTab`(int`): [_^HeaderCtrl`:`:Column^2 HeaderCtrl`:
1436:Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderTab][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )]&]
1437[s0;l288; [2 Returns the ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/HeaderCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:HeaderCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Min`(int`)^2 H
1438eaderCtrl`::Column][2  descriptive structure for the given column.
1439The correspondence between the array columns and the header tabs
1440is 1:1, so that the indices of both are always the same (][*2 array.GetColumnCount()
1441 `=`= array.HeaderObject().GetCount()][2  holds all the time).]&]
1442[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1443[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1444the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2  structure. This can be used to set
1445additional properties of the header column (e.g. column width
1446constraints, font and icon for the column title etc.)]&]
1447[s0;0 &]
1448[s0;H6;0 &]
1449[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HeaderTab`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^HeaderCtrl`:`:Column^2 H
1450eaderCtrl`::Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderTab][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1452[s0;l288; [2 Returns a constant reference to the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2
1453structure for the given column.]&]
1454[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1455[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1456the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2  structure. This can be used to set
1457additional properties of the header column (e.g. column width
1458constraints, font and icon for the column title etc.)]&]
1459[s0;0 &]
1460[s0;H6;0 &]
1461[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HeaderTab`(const Id`&`): [_^HeaderCtrl`:`:Column^2 Head
1462erCtrl`::Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderTab][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const
1463][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
1464[s0;l288; [2 Returns the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2  descriptive structure
1465for the column bound to a given source index.]&]
1466[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the index
1467used as source for the column]&]
1468[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1469the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2  structure]&]
1470[s0;0 &]
1471[s0;H6;0 &]
1472[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HeaderTab`(const Id`&`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^HeaderCtrl`:`:Column^2 H
1473eaderCtrl`::Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderTab][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const
1474][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1475[s0;l288; [2 Returns a constant reference to the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2
1476descriptive structure for the column bound to a given source
1478[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the index
1479used as source for the column]&]
1480[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a constant reference
1481to the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2  structure]&]
1482[s0;0 &]
1483[s0;H6;0 &]
1484[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HeaderObject`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^HeaderCtrl^2 H
1485eaderCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderObject][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1486[s0;l288; [2 Returns a non`-constant reference to the ][*2 HeaderCtrl][2
1487object for this table. The reference can be further used to alter
1488properties of the table header (tab visibility, header visual
1489mode and so on).]&]
1490[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A non`-constant
1491reference to the table HeaderCtrl object.]&]
1492[s0;0 &]
1493[s0;H6;0 &]
1494[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:HeaderObject`(`): [_^HeaderCtrl^2 HeaderCtrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1495][2 _][*2 HeaderObject][2 ()]&]
1496[s0;l288; [2 This is just the constant version of the above method;
1497when called on a constant ][*2 ArrayCtrl][2  reference, it returns
1498a constant reference to its underlying HeaderCtrl object which
1499can be then used to query additional header information.]&]
1500[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|A constant reference
1501to the table HeaderCtrl object.]&]
1502[s0;0 &]
1503[s0;H6;0 &]
1504[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SerializeHeader`(Stream`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Ser
1505ializeHeader][2 (][_^Stream^2 Stream][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 s][2 )]&]
1506[s0;l288; [2 Serializes all information pertaining to the array header
1507(mainly the user`-set column widths). This is equivalent to calling
1508][*2 HeaderObject().Serialize(s)][2 . The main purpose of this function
1509is to allow storing header configuration to be restored upon
1510opening the dialog or the application for the next time. This
1511function is now deprecated in favor of SerializeSettings.]&]
1512[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 s][2 -|the ][*^topic`:`/`/Core`/src`/Stream`$en`-us^2 S
1513tream][2  object to serialize the header to/from]&]
1514[s0;0 &]
1515[s0;H6;0 &]
1516[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SerializeSettings`(Stream`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 S
1517erializeSettings][2 (][_^Stream^2 Stream][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 s][2 )]&]
1518[s0;l288; [2 Serializes all information pertaining to the array header
1519(mainly the user`-set column widths) and the setting of sort
1520column. The main purpose of this function is to allow storing
1521configuration to be restored upon opening the dialog or the application
1522for the next time.]&]
1523[s0;0 &]
1524[s0;H6;0 &]
1525[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetDisplay`(int`,int`,const Display`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
1526oid][2 _][*2 SetDisplay][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 col][2 ,
1527 ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Display^2 Display][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 d][2 )]&]
1528[s0;l288; [2 Sets the ][*2 Display][2  object for a given array cell.]&]
1529[s0;l288;*2 &]
1530[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  the ownership to the Display object is not transferred
1531by this call. The ArrayCtrl stores a mere pointer to it and it
1532is the responsibility of the programmer to keep the Display object
1533alive as long as necessary (until the array is shut down or the
1534cell display changed via another call to SetDisplay). In fact,
1535most Display`-based objects don`'t support data copying at all.
1536In any case, copying Displays is not a very good practice and
1537is very prone to slicing (as most actual Displays are actually
1538derived classes with additional data members).]&]
1539[s0;l288;2 &]
1540[s0;l288; [2 In many cases it would be relatively safe to assume that
1541the Display is not used unless the array is actually painted
1542(e.g., when the control is not bound to a parent or when its
1543view has zero size), but it is not a very wise practice and it
1544can fail in very weird ways under special circumstances (like
1545making screenshots or graphical exports from the array control).]&]
1546[s0;l288;2 &]
1547[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1548[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 j][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1549[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 d][2 -|display to use]&]
1550[s0;0 &]
1551[s0;H6;0 &]
1552[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetDisplay`(int`,int`): [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Display^2 D
1553isplay][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 GetDisplay][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 row][2 ,
1554][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 col][2 )]&]
1555[s0;l288; [2 Returns a reference to the Display object for the given
1556array cell.]&]
1557[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 row][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1558[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 col][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1559[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|a reference to
1560the Display object.]&]
1561[s0;0 &]
1562[s0;H6;0 &]
1563[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetDisplay`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Display^2 Dis
1564play][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 GetDisplay][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 col][2 )]&]
1565[s0;l288; [2 Returns a reference to the Display object for the given
1566array column.]&]
1567[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 col][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1568[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|constant reference
1569to the column Display]&]
1570[s0;0 &]
1571[s0;H6;0 &]
1572[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetCtrl`(int`,int`,Ctrl`&`,bool`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _
1573][*2 SetCtrl][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 col][2 ,
1574][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 ctrl][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 value][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 t
1575rue][2 )]&]
1576[s0;l288; [2 Sets an external control to use as the editor for a single
1577array cell. Naturally, the same Ctrl object cannot be used as
1578the editor for multiple array cells. If the position of Ctrl
1579is equivalent to `'SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)`', which is the default
1580value, Ctrl is resized to fit the ArrayCtrl cell accurately,
1581otherwise the position represents the position within the cell.
1582If ][*@3;2 value][2  is true, then the Ctrl represents the value
1583of the cell, otherwise it is independent of it.]&]
1584[s0;0 &]
1585[s0;H6;0 &]
1586[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetTotalCy`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetTotalCy][2 (
1587)_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1588[s0;l288; [2 Returns total height of the array (sum of the individual
1589line heights for all array rows)]&]
1590[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|array height in
1592[s0;0 &]
1593[s0;H6;0 &]
1594[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetLineAt`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetLineAt][2 (
1595][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 y][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1596[s0;l288; [2 Locates the array row according to given ][/2 y][2  coordinate
1597(such array row ][/2 r][2  for which ][*2 GetLineY(r) <`= y `&`& GetLineY(r)
1598`+ GetLineCy(r) > y][2 ).]&]
1599[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 y][2 -|vertical pixel coordinate
1600to locate]&]
1601[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based row
1602number or `-1 when not found]&]
1603[s0;0 &]
1604[s0;H6;0 &]
1605[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetClickColumn`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetClick
1606Column][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1607[s0;l288; [2 Returns column index of the last clicked column in the
1608array. If the click happens past the last row of array, returns
1610[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based index
1611of the relevant column]&]
1612[s0;0 &]
1613[s0;H6;0 &]
1614[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetClickRow`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetClickRow
1615][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1616[s0;l288; [2 Returns column index of the last clicked row in the array.
1617If the click happens past the last row of array, returns Null.]&]
1618[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based index
1619of the relevant column]&]
1620[s0;0 &]
1621[s0;H6;0 &]
1622[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetClickPos`(`)const: [_^Point^2 Point][2 _][*2 GetClickPos
1623][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1624[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 Point(GetClickColumn(),
1625GetClickRow())][2 .]&]
1626[s0;0 &]
1627[s0;* &]
1628[s0; [* Data setting and retrieval]&]
1629[s0;0 &]
1630[s0; &]
1631[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetCount`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 SetCount][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
1632nt][2 _][*@3;2 c][2 )]&]
1633[s0;l288; [2 Sets the number of rows in the array. This extends or
1634trims the source matrix as necessary. When using the Ctrl`-based
1635individual cell editors, as a side`-effect of this call some
1636controls can be constructed or destroyed.]&]
1637[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 c][2 -|new row count]&]
1638[s0;0 &]
1639[s0;H6;0 &]
1640[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetVirtualCount`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 SetVirtu
1641alCount][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 c][2 )]&]
1642[s0;l288; [2 Sets the number of rows in an array with external data.
1643This makes sense only when all the ][/2 Column`'s][2  and ][/2 Ctrl`'s][2
1644of the array are ][/2 rownum][2 `-based. The function doesn`'t physically
1645allocate any source data matrix space, it just makes the array
1646`'think`' it has ][/2 c][2  rows (this is of course necessary for
1647the Paint routine, for cursor / selection management and so on).]&]
1648[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  in the current implementation, selection flags
1649for the individual rows are kept in the row objects. Therefore
1650it is not very wise to use multiselection for arrays with external
1651data, because as soon as the last row is selected, all row storage
1652structures are allocated as a side effect to keep the selection
1654[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 c][2 -|new `'virtual`' number
1655of rows]&]
1656[s0;0 &]
1657[s0;H6;0 &]
1658[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetCount`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetCount][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1660[s0;l288; [2 Returns the number of rows in the array. In fact, this
1661returns the maximum of the number of `'real`' source matrix rows
1662(as set by the SetCount / Add / Insert methods) and the `'virtual`'
1663row count (as se by SetVirtualCount). By checking the implementation
1664of this method, you can easily find that, simply,]&]
1665[s0;l288;2 &]
1666[s0;l288; [C2 int ArrayCtrl`::GetCount() const `{]&]
1667[s0;l288; [C2 -|-|return max(virtualcount, array.GetCount());]&]
1668[s0;l288; [C2 `}]&]
1669[s0;l288;2 &]
1670[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|Number of rows
1671in the array.]&]
1672[s0;0 &]
1673[s0;H6;0 &]
1674[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Clear`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Clear][2 ()]&]
1675[s0;l288; [2 Clears the array source data matrix and sets the virtual
1676row count to 0.]&]
1677[s0;0 &]
1678[s0;H6;0 &]
1679[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Shrink`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Shrink][2 ()]&]
1680[s0;l288; [2 Shrinks the source data array, i.e. reallocates the data
1681to the minimum required memory space.]&]
1682[s0;0 &]
1683[s0;H6;0 &]
1684[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Get`(int`,int`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 Get][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
1685nt][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1686[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value at a given location in the source data
1688[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row number]&]
1689[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based index ordinal
1691[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the given
1692location in the source data matrix]&]
1693[s0;0 &]
1694[s0;H6;0 &]
1695[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Get`(int`,const Id`&`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 Get][2 (
1696][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1698[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value at a given location in the source data
1699matrix. In this version, the source indices are addressed by
1700their identifiers.]&]
1701[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row number]&]
1702[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
1703[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the given
1704location in the source data matrix]&]
1705[s0;0 &]
1706[s0;H6;0 &]
1707[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Get`(int`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 Get][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
1708nt][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1709[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value of a given source index at the currently
1710active cursor row. This is equivalent to ][*2 Get(GetCursor(),
1711ii)][2 . When the row is currently being edited, the function returns
1712the `'new`' value (the current value of the respective editor
1713control, i.e. potentially edited).]&]
1714[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  when the cursor row is not set (when ][*2 !IsCursor()][2 ),
1715the function fails with an ][*2 ASSERT][2 .]&]
1716[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based index ordinal
1718[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at a given
1719location in the cursor row]&]
1720[s0;0 &]
1721[s0;H6;0 &]
1722[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Get`(const Id`&`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 Get][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 c
1723onst ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1724[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value of a given source index at the currently
1725active cursor row. This is equivalent to ][*2 Get(GetCursor(),
1726id)][2 .]&]
1727[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
1728[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the given
1729location in the cursor row]&]
1730[s0;0 &]
1731[s0;H6;0 &]
1732[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetOriginal`(int`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 GetOrigi
1733nal][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1734[s0;l288; [2 Returns the `'original`' value of a given source index
1735at the currently active cursor row. When the row is open for
1736editing, this function returns the `'old`' value before any editing
1737took place.]&]
1738[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based index ordinal
1740[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the given
1741location in the cursor row]&]
1742[s0;0 &]
1743[s0;H6;0 &]
1744[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetOriginal`(const Id`&`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 G
1745etOriginal][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1746[s0;l288; [2 Returns the `'original`' value (i.e., without any editing
1747changed applied) of a given source index at the currently active
1748cursor row.]&]
1749[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
1750[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the given
1751location in the cursor row]&]
1752[s0;0 &]
1753[s0;H6;0 &]
1754[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetKey`(`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 GetKey][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1756[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value of the current row`'s primary key. This
1757is equivalent to ][*2 Get(0)][2 .]&]
1758[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the index
1759#0 in the cursor row]&]
1760[s0;0 &]
1761[s0;H6;0 &]
1762[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetOriginalKey`(`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 GetOrigi
1763nalKey][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1764[s0;l288; [2 Returns the original value of the current row`'s primary
1765key. During editing, the function returns the value at the time
1766of opening the row for editing, i.e. without any editing changes
1767applied. This is equivalent to ][*2 GetOriginal(0)][2 .]&]
1768[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value at the index
1769#0 in the cursor row]&]
1770[s0;0 &]
1771[s0;H6;0 &]
1772[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(int`,int`,const Value`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 S
1773et][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 ,
1774][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1775[s0;l288; [2 Sets the value at a given location in the source data
1777[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row number]&]
1778[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based index ordinal
1780[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|value to set to the given
1782[s0;0 &]
1783[s0;H6;0 &]
1784[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(int`,const Id`&`,const Value`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 voi
1785d][2 _][*2 Set][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 i
1786d][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1787[s0;l288; [2 Sets the value at a given location in the source data
1788matrix. ]&]
1789[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row number]&]
1790[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
1791[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|value to set to the given
1793[s0;0 &]
1794[s0;H6;0 &]
1795[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(int`,const Value`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Set][2 (
1796][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
1797][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1798[s0;l288; [2 Modifies the value at a given location in the cursor row.
1799When the row is open for editing, the function immediately changes
1800the value in the appropriate editor control.]&]
1801[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based index ordinal
1803[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|value to set]&]
1804[s0;0 &]
1805[s0;H6;0 &]
1806[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(const Id`&`,const Value`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 S
1807et][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Va
1808lue][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1809[s0;l288; [2 Modifies the value at a given location in the cursor row.
1810This overloaded version uses the ][*2 Id][2  identifier to address
1811the relevant index.]&]
1812[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|index identifier]&]
1813[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|value to set]&]
1814[s0;0 &]
1815[s0;H6;0 &]
1816[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetColumn`(int`,int`)const: [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 GetCo
1817lumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 row][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 col][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 c
1819[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value of a given column. This depends on the
1820column`-index mapping established when adding columns to the
1821table. When the column is a ][/2 rownum][2  type (it is bound to
1822no source indices), the function just returns the ][/2 row][2  parameter.
1823For columns with a single source index, the function returns
1824the value of the mapped source index. For columns with multiple
1825source indices, the function returns a ][*2 ValueArray ][2 containing
1826the values of its source indices.]&]
1827[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 row][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1828[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 col][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1829[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|value of the given
1831[s0;0 &]
1832[s0;H6;0 &]
1833[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetConvertedColumn`(int`,int`): [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 G
1834etConvertedColumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 row][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 col][2 )
1836[s0;l288; [2 Returns the value of a given column after application
1837of its ][*2 Convert][2 . For performance reasons, the values obtained
1838by calls to the ][*2 Convert`::Format][2  methods are cached internally
1839within the ArrayCtrl object. You can manipulate the conversion
1840cache using the methods ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/ArrayCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:ArrayCtrl`:`:ClearCache`(`)^2 C
1841learCache][2  and][*2  ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/ArrayCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:ArrayCtrl`:`:InvalidateCache`(int`)^2 I
1842nvalidateCache][2 .]&]
1843[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 row][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1844[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 col][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
1845[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|the converted cell
1847[s0;0 &]
1848[s0;H6;0 &]
1849[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ReadRow`(int`)const: [_^Vector^2 Vector][2 <][_^Value^2 Val
1850ue][2 >_][*2 ReadRow][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
1851[s0;l288; [2 Returns a ][*2 Vector][2  containing the values of all source
1852indices in the given row. Invariantly, the ][*2 GetCount()][2  of
1853the returned array is equal to the ][*2 GetIndexCount()][2  of the
1854source ArrayCtrl.]&]
1855[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1856[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|an array of all
1857source values in the given row]&]
1858[s0;0 &]
1859[s0;H6;0 &]
1860[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(int`,const Vector`<Value`>`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _
1861][*2 Set][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Vector^2 Vector][2 <][_^Value^2 V
1862alue][2 >`&_][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1863[s0;l288; [2 Modified a given row by setting all source index values
1864to values passed in the parameter ][/2 v][2 .]&]
1865[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1866[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|an array of values to set
1867to the source data matrix row]&]
1868[s0;0 &]
1869[s0;H6;0 &]
1870[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Add`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Add][2 ()]&]
1871[s0;l288; [2 Adds an empty row to the source data matrix.]&]
1872[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  the ][*2 InsertValue][2  property of the ][*2 IdInfo][2
1873structure defines a method to generate / retrieve default values
1874for newly inserted rows. However, these values are only used
1875during the GUI`-based ][*2 DoInsert][2  method and do not apply to
1876the ][*2 Add][2  method. If you need to set the newly added source
1877matrix row to some non`-null defaults, you have to modify the
1878relevant cells manually.]&]
1879[s0;0 &]
1880[s0;H6;0 &]
1881[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Add`(const Vector`<Value`>`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 A
1882dd][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Vector^2 Vector][2 <][_^Value^2 Value][2 >`&_][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1883[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new row at the end of the source data matrix. The
1884][*^topic`:`/`/Core`/src`/Vector`$en`-us^2 Vector][2  parameter contains
1885the values to be used to initialize the new row of the matrix.]&]
1886[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|new matrix row]&]
1887[s0;0 &]
1888[s0;H6;0 &]
1889[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(int`,const VectorMap`<String`,Value`>`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
1890oid][2 _][*2 Set][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^VectorMap^2 Vec
1891torMap][2 <][_^String^2 String][2 , ][_^Value^2 Value][2 >`&_][*@3;2 m][2 )]&]
1892[s0;l288; [2 Sets the row based on map. Keys are matched to row Ids,
1893keys that are not found are ignored, those found are assigned
1894correspoding map values.]&]
1895[s0;0 &]
1896[s0;H6;0 &]
1897[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Set`(int`,const ValueMap`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Se
1898t][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ValueMap^2 ValueMap][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1899][2 _][*@3;2 m][2 )]&]
1900[s0;l288; [2 Sets the row based on map. Keys are matched to row Ids,
1901keys that are not found are ignored, those found are assigned
1902correspoding map values.]&]
1903[s0;0 &]
1904[s0;H6;0 &]
1905[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Add`(const VectorMap`<String`,Value`>`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
1906oid][2 _][*2 Add][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^VectorMap^2 VectorMap][2 <][_^String^2 String][2 ,
1907 ][_^Value^2 Value][2 >`&_][*@3;2 m][2 )]&]
1908[s0;l288; [2 Adds the row based on map. Keys are matched to row Ids,
1909keys that are not found are ignored, those found are assigned
1910correspoding map values.]&]
1911[s0;0 &]
1912[s0;H6;0 &]
1913[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Add`(const ValueMap`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Add][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 c
1914onst][2 _][_^ValueMap^2 ValueMap][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 m][2 )]&]
1915[s0;l288; [2 Adds the row based on map. Keys are matched to row Ids,
1916keys that are not found are ignored, those found are assigned
1917correspoding map values.]&]
1918[s0;0 &]
1919[s0;H6;0 &]
1920[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Add`(const Value`&`[`,const Value`&`]`.`.`.`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
1921oid][2 _][*2 Add][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _`[,
1922][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _`]...)]&]
1923[s0;l288; [2 Adds a new row at the bottom of the source data matrix.
1924This is in fact a series of functions (generated automatically
1925using the ][*2 Expand][2  macro) which takes an arbitrary number
1926of arguments. Its arguments are used to initialize the source
1927indices in the newly added row.]&]
1928[s0;0 &]
1929[s0;H6;0 &]
1930[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Add`(const Nuller`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Add][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 c
1931onst][2 _][_^Nuller^2 Nuller][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 null][2 )]&]
1932[s0;l288; [2 This is helper method required for correct overloading
1933resolution of Add(Null).]&]
1934[s0;0 &]
1935[s0;H6;0 &]
1936[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Insert`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Insert][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
1937nt][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )]&]
1938[s0;l288; [2 Inserts a new row into the source array. All indices are
1939initialized to ][*2 Null][2  values. The ][*2 InsertValue][2  property
1940doesn`'t apply; if you need to set the newly created row to some
1941non`-trivial values, you have to do so manually.]&]
1942[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based position of
1943the newly created row]&]
1944[s0;0 &]
1945[s0;H6;0 &]
1946[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Insert`(int`,const Vector`<Value`>`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 vo
1947id][2 _][*2 Insert][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Vector^2 Vect
1948or][2 <][_^Value^2 Value][2 >`&_][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
1949[s0;l288; [2 Inserts a new row into the array at a given position.
1950The second parameter, ][/2 v][2 , is used to initialize the source
1951indices of the newly created row.]&]
1952[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
1953[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|a vector of values used
1954to initialize the source indices of the given row]&]
1955[s0;0 &]
1956[s0;H6;0 &]
1957[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Remove`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Remove][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
1958nt][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )]&]
1959[s0;l288; [2 Removes the given source data row.]&]
1960[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  the ][*2 AskRemove][2  property of the ][*2 ArrayCtrl][2
1961object tells whether a confirmation dialog should pop up every
1962time the user wants to remove a row. However, this method applies
1963only to the GUI`-based row removal; the ][*2 Remove][2  method always
1964removes the requested row unconditionally without popping up
1965any confirmation dialog.]&]
1966[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based index of the
1967row to remove]&]
1968[s0;0 &]
1969[s0;H6;0 &]
1970[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SwapUp`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 SwapUp][2 ()]&]
1971[s0;l288; [2 Exchanges the cursor row with the preceding row, effectively
1972moving it up.]&]
1973[s0;0 &]
1974[s0;H6;0 &]
1975[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SwapDown`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 SwapDown][2 ()]&]
1976[s0;l288; [2 Exchanges the cursor row with following row, effectively
1977moving it down.]&]
1978[s0;0 &]
1979[s0;H6;0 &]
1980[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Sort`(const ArrayCtrl`:`:Order`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _
1981][*2 Sort][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Order^2 ArrayCtrl`::Order][@(0.0.255)2 `&
1982][2 _][*@3;2 order][2 )]&]
1983[s0;l288; [2 Sorts the array rows according to a given ordering predicate.
1984The ][*2 ArrayCtrl`::Order][2  object defines the ordering predicate;
1985its ][*2 operator ()][2  should return ][*2 true][2  whenever its first
1986parameter (a vector containing the values of all source indices
1987in a row) is less than its second parameter.]&]
1988[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 order][2 -|]&]
1989[s0;0 &]
1990[s0;H6;0 &]
1991[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Sort`(int`,int`,const ArrayCtrl`:`:Order`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
1992oid][2 _][*2 Sort][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 from][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 count][2 ,
1993][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Order^2 ArrayCtrl`::Order][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 o
1994rder][2 )]&]
1995[s0;l288; [2 Sorts a portion of the array using a given ordering predicate.]&]
1996[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 from][2 -|zero`-based index of
1997the first row to sort]&]
1998[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 count][2 -|number of rows to be
2000[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 order][2 -|the ordering predicate
2001object. The object should be derived from ][*2 ArrayCtrl`::Order][2
2002and should override the ][*2 operator ()][2  method. This method
2003should return ][*2 true ][2 whenever its first parameter (a vector
2004containing all source index values for a certain row) is less
2005than its second parameter.]&]
2006[s0;0 &]
2007[s0;H6;0 &]
2008[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Sort`(int`(`*`)`(const Vector`<Value`>`&v1`,const Vector`<Value`>`&v2`)`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
2009oid][2 _][*2 Sort][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _(`*][*@3;2 compare][2 )(][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Vector<
2010Value>`&_v1, ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Vector<Value>`&_v2))]&]
2011[s0;l288; [2 Sorts the array rows according to the order defined by
2012the specified ordering predicate ][/2 compare][2 . This is supposed
2013to be a global function returning ][*2 true][2  whenever its first
2014parameter (][/2 v1][2 , an array consisting of all source indices
2015within a row) is less than the second parameter ][/2 v2][2  (according
2016to the desired ordering).]&]
2017[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 compare][2 -|the ordering predicate;
2018_the function is supposed to return ][*2 true][2  whenever its first
2019parameter (][/2 v1][2 ) is less than the second parameter (][/2 v2][2 )
2020according to the desired ordering.]&]
2021[s0;0 &]
2022[s0;H6;0 &]
2023[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Sort`(int`,int`(`*`)`(const Value`&v1`,const Value`&v2`)`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
2024oid][2 _][*2 Sort][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _(`*][*@3;2 compare][2 )
2025(][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _v1, ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2026][2 _v2)_`=_StdValueCompare)]&]
2027[s0;l288; [2 Sorts the array rows according to the given ordering predicate
2028for the source index with a given ordinal number. When not explicitly
2029specified, the ][*2 StdValueCompare][2  function is used as the default
2030comparison predicate.]&]
2031[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
2032of the source index used for sorting]&]
2033[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 compare][2 -|the sorting predicate
2034function: the function is supposed to return ][*2 true][2  whenever
2035its first parameter (][/2 v1][2 ) is less than the second parameter
2036(][/2 v2][2 ) according to the desired ordering.]&]
2037[s0;0 &]
2038[s0;H6;0 &]
2039[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Sort`(const Id`&`,int`(`*`)`(const Value`&v1`,const Value`&v2`)`): [@(0.0.255)2 v
2040oid][2 _][*2 Sort][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _(`*
2041][*@3;2 compare][2 )(][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _v1,
2042][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _v2)_`=_StdValueCompare)]&]
2043[s0;l288; [2 Sorts the array rows according to the given ordering predicate
2044for the source index with a given identifier. When not explicitly
2045specified, the ][*2 StdValueCompare][2  function is used as the default
2046comparison predicate.]&]
2047[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|identifier of the source
2048index used for sorting]&]
2049[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 compare][2 -|the sorting predicate
2050function: the function is supposed to return ][*2 true][2  whenever
2051its first parameter (][/2 v1][2 ) is less than the second parameter
2052(][/2 v2][2 ) according to the desired ordering .]&]
2053[s0;0 &]
2054[s0;H6;0 &]
2055[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Sort`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Sort][2 ()]&]
2056[s0;l288; [2 Sorts the array according to the default ordering predicate
2057for the first source index. This is equivalent to calling ][*2 Sort(0)][2 .]&]
2058[s0;0 &]
2059[s0;H6;0 &]
2060[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ColumnSort`(int`,const ValueOrder`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 voi
2061d][2 _][*2 ColumnSort][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 column][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ValueOrder^2 V
2062alueOrder][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 order][2 )]&]
2063[s0;l288; [2 Sorts by the column. Note that this is different from
2064Sort, because the final converted value of column is used (which
2065can even be combination of more indexes).]&]
2066[s0;0 &]
2067[s0;H6;0 &]
2068[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetSortColumn`(int`,bool`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 SetS
2069ortColumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 descending][2 _`=
2070_][@(0.0.255)2 false][2 )]&]
2071[s0;l288; [2 Sets the `"sorting`" column and calls DoColumnSort. This
2072setting is used by DoColumnSort.]&]
2073[s0;0 &]
2074[s0;H6;0 &]
2075[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ToggleSortColumn`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ToggleS
2076ortColumn][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )]&]
2077[s0;l288; [2 Similar to SetSortColumn, but if the column is already
2078set, descending flag is inverted; otherwise descending flag is
2079set to false (indicating ascending sort).]&]
2080[s0;0 &]
2081[s0;H6;0 &]
2082[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoColumnSort`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoColumnSort][2 (
2084[s0;l288; [2 Sorts the array by sorting column and indicates it by
2085setting an image in the header.]&]
2086[s0;0 &]
2087[s0;H6;0 &]
2088[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ClearCache`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ClearCache][2 ()]&]
2089[s0;l288; [2 Invalidates the whole ][/2 convert cache][2 . The convert
2090cache keeps the results of the ][*2 Convert`::Format][2  method applied
2091to individual array data cells for performance reasons. Whenever
2092you call the ][*2 ClearCache][2  method, all cache entries are marked
2093as obsolete and the ][*2 Convert][2 `'s ][*2 Format][2  method will be
2094called as soon as the converted value of a table cell is required
2095(usually during the next ][*2 Paint][2 ).]&]
2096[s0;0 &]
2097[s0;H6;0 &]
2098[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:InvalidateCache`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Invalida
2099teCache][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )]&]
2100[s0;l288; [2 Invalidates a given row in the ][/2 convert cache][2 . For
2101performance reasons, the results of the ][*2 Convert`::Format][2
2102method applied to the individual data cells are kept in a cache.
2103This function marks a given row of the cache as obsolete; this
2104means the next time the converted values are to be used (usually
2105within the ][*2 Paint][2  routine or when setting up the row editor
2106controls), the ][*2 Convert][2  objects are used again to generate
2107the actualized output values.]&]
2108[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
2109[s0;0 &]
2110[s0; &]
2111[s0; [* Cursor and selection management]&]
2112[s0;0 &]
2113[s0; &]
2114[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollUp`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollUp][2 ()]&]
2115[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollDown`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollDown][2 ()]&]
2116[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollPageUp`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollPageUp][2 (
2118[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollPageDown`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollPageDo
2119wn][2 ()]&]
2120[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollEnd`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollEnd][2 ()]&]
2121[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollBegin`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollBegin][2 ()
2123[s0;l288; [2 Scrolls the content of ArrayCtrl.]&]
2124[s0;0 &]
2125[s0;H6;0 &]
2126[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetSelectCount`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetSelec
2127tCount][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2128[s0;l288; [2 Returns the number of selected row within the table.]&]
2129[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|number of selected
2130records (in the range ][/2 `[0 .. GetCount()`]][2 )]&]
2131[s0;0 &]
2132[s0;H6;0 &]
2133[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsSelection`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsSelectio
2134n][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2135[s0;l288; [2 Checks whether any rows are selected. Equivalent to ][*2 GetSelectCount()
2136> 0][2 .]&]
2137[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= there
2138is at least one selected row, ][*2 false][2  `= there is none.]&]
2139[s0;0 &]
2140[s0;H6;0 &]
2141[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Select`(int`,bool`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Select][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2142nt][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 sel][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
2143[s0;l288; [2 Selects / unselects a given row.]&]
2144[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
2145[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 sel][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= add row
2146to the current selection, ][*2 false][2  `= remove row from selection]&]
2147[s0;0 &]
2148[s0;H6;0 &]
2149[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Select`(int`,int`,bool`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 Select
2150][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 count][2 ,
2151][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 sel][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
2152[s0;l288; [2 Selects / unselects a given row range.]&]
2153[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based index of the
2154first row to select / unselect]&]
2155[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 count][2 -|number of rows to select
2156/ unselect]&]
2157[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 sel][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= select the
2158rows, ][*2 false][2  `= unselect the rows]&]
2159[s0;0 &]
2160[s0;H6;0 &]
2161[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsSelected`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsSelect
2162ed][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2163[s0;l288; [2 Checks whether a given row is selected. For tables without
2164the multiselection option, this is equal to the check ][*2 GetCursor()
2165`=`= i][2 .]&]
2166[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index to
2167check for selection]&]
2168[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= row
2169is selected, ][*2 false][2  `= not selected]&]
2170[s0;0 &]
2171[s0;H6;0 &]
2172[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsSel`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsSel][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2173nt][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2174[s0;l288; [2 If there is selection in the widget, returns true if ][*@3;2 i][2
2175is selected, otherwise returns true if cursor is at ][*@3;2 i][2 .]&]
2176[s0;0 &]
2177[s0;H6;0 &]
2178[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ClearSelection`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ClearSelecti
2179on][2 ()]&]
2180[s0;l288; [2 Clears the current selection (unselects all selected rows).]&]
2181[s0;0 &]
2182[s0;H6;0 &]
2183[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsCursor`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsCursor][2 ()_
2184][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2185[s0;l288; [2 Checks whether the cursor is within the table. This is
2186equivalent to ][*2 GetCursor()_>`=_0][2 .]&]
2187[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|]&]
2188[s0;0 &]
2189[s0;H6;0 &]
2190[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetCursor`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 SetCursor][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2191nt][2 _][*@3;2 i][2 )]&]
2192[s0;l288; [2 Sets the current cursor row. When an array row is open
2193for editing, the function first commits the edited row, then
2194moved the cursor to the new row. When the edited row cannot be
2195commited, the function returns ][*2 false][2  and doesn`'t change
2196the cursor location.]&]
2197[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 i][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
2198[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= cursor
2199has been moved, ][*2 false ][2 when not (when committing the previously
2200edited row failed)]&]
2201[s0;0 &]
2202[s0;H6;0 &]
2203[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:KillCursor`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 KillCursor][2 ()]&]
2204[s0;l288; [2 Moves the cursor away from the array. When an array row
2205is open for editing, the function first commits the edited row,
2206then moved the cursor away from the array. When the edited row
2207cannot be commited, the function returns ][*2 false][2  and doesn`'t
2208change the cursor location.]&]
2209[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= cursor
2210has been moved away from the array, ][*2 false][2  when not (when
2211committing the previously edited row failed)]&]
2212[s0;0 &]
2213[s0;H6;0 &]
2214[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:CancelCursor`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 CancelCursor][2 (
2216[s0;l288; [2 Cancels editing of the row being currently edited. All
2217changes made in the individual column editors are rejected.]&]
2218[s0;0 &]
2219[s0;H6;0 &]
2220[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetCursor`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetCursor][2 ()
2221_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2222[s0;l288; [2 Returns the current cursor row, `-1 when none.]&]
2223[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based cursor
2224row index, `-1 `= cursor is not in the array]&]
2225[s0;0 &]
2226[s0;H6;0 &]
2227[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GoBegin`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 GoBegin][2 ()]&]
2228[s0;l288; [2 Moves the cursor to the first row in the array (equivalent
2229to ][*2 SetCursor(0)][2 ).]&]
2230[s0;0 &]
2231[s0;H6;0 &]
2232[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GoEnd`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 GoEnd][2 ()]&]
2233[s0;l288; [2 Moves the cursor to the last array row (equivalent to
2234][*2 SetCursor(GetCount() `- 1)][2 ).]&]
2235[s0;0 &]
2236[s0;H6;0 &]
2237[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetCursorSc`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetCursorSc
2238][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2239[s0;l288; [2 Returns the visual vertical position of the cursor row
2240relative to the current view. This method, in combination with
2241][*2 ScCursor][2 , can be used to reposition the cursor row while
2242maintaining the same visual position of the row within the array
2244[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|an integer describing
2245the vertical position of the cursor row relative to the array
2247[s0;0 &]
2248[s0;H6;0 &]
2249[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScCursor`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScCursor][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2250nt][2 _][*@3;2 a][2 )]&]
2251[s0;l288; [2 Modifies the scrollbar position so that the current cursor
2252row appears at a given vertical position relative to the array
2253view. By doing the following sequence of operations: ][*2 GetCursorSc][2 ,
2254then reposition the cursor row, then ][*2 ScCursor][2 , you can achieve
2255cursor relocation while maintaining its visual location within
2256the array view.]&]
2257[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 a][2 -|an integer describing the
2258vertical position of the cursor row (typically a number returned
2259by a previous call to ][*2 GetCursorSc][2 )]&]
2260[s0;0 &]
2261[s0;H6;0 &]
2262[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:CenterCursor`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 CenterCursor][2 (
2264[s0;l288; [2 Modifies the scrollbar position so that the current cursor
2265row appears in the middle of the array view.]&]
2266[s0;0 &]
2267[s0;H6;0 &]
2268[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollInto`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollInto][2 (
2269][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 line][2 )]&]
2270[s0;l288; [2 Moves the scrollbar by the least possible amount in order
2271to make the given array row visible. When the given array row
2272is already visible, the function does nothing.]&]
2273[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 line][2 -|zero`-based row index
2274of the array row to make visible]&]
2275[s0;0 &]
2276[s0;H6;0 &]
2277[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollIntoCursor`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollInto
2278Cursor][2 ()]&]
2279[s0;l288; [2 Moves the scrollbar by the least possible amount in order
2280to make the cursor row visible. This is equivalent to ][*2 ScrollInto(GetCursor())][2 .
2282[s0;0 &]
2283[s0;H6;0 &]
2284[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetCursor`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetCursor][2 ()
2285_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2286[s0;l288; [2 Returns the current vertical scrollbar position.]&]
2287[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|Pixel position
2288of the vertical scrollbar. Position 0 is at the very top (the
2289top row of the array is fully visible).]&]
2290[s0;0 &]
2291[s0;H6;0 &]
2292[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:ScrollTo`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 ScrollTo][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2293nt][2 _][*@3;2 sc][2 )]&]
2294[s0;l288; [2 Moves the vertical array scrollbar to a given position.]&]
2295[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 sc][2 -|Pixel position of the
2296scrollbar. The visible portion of the array can be obtained conceptually
2297by taking the stack of array rows with its top aligned at the
2298top of the view and moving it ][/2 sc][2  pixels upwards.]&]
2299[s0;0 &]
2300[s0;H6;0 &]
2301[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Find`(const Value`&`,int`,int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _
2302][*2 Find][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 ,
2303][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 _`=_][@3;2 0][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 from][2 _`=_][@3;2 0
2304][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2305[s0;l288; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|value to look for in the given source index]&]
2306[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
2307of the source index to search]&]
2308[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 from][2 -|zero`-based row index
2309to start the search from]&]
2310[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based number
2311of the matched row, `-1 when none]&]
2312[s0;0 &]
2313[s0;H6;0 &]
2314[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Find`(const Value`&`,const Id`&`,int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 i
2315nt][2 _][*2 Find][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 ,
2316][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 from][2 _`=_][@3;2 0
2317][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2318[s0;l288; [2 Locates the row (using linear search beginning at the
2319row ][/2 from][2 ) in which the source index value identified by
2320][/2 id][2  equals ][/2 val][2 . If such a row is found, the function
2321returns its zero`-based index. When not matched, the function
2322returns `-1.]&]
2323[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|value to look for in the
2324given source index]&]
2325[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
2326[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 from][2 -|zero`-based row index
2327to start the search from]&]
2328[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based number
2329of the matched row, `-1 when none]&]
2330[s0;0 &]
2331[s0;H6;0 &]
2332[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:FindSetCursor`(const Value`&`,int`,int`): [@(0.0.255)2 b
2333ool][2 _][*2 FindSetCursor][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v
2334al][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 _`=_][@3;2 0][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 from][2 _`=
2335_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
2336[s0;l288; [2 Locates the row (using linear search beginning at the
2337row ][/2 from][2 ) in which the source index value identified by
2338its ordinal number ][/2 ii][2  equals ][/2 val][2 . If such a row is
2339found, the ][*2 SetCursor][2  is called automatically to move the
2340cursor to such a row.]&]
2341[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 val][2 -|value to look for in
2342the given source index]&]
2343[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based ordinal number
2344of the source index to search]&]
2345[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 from][2 -|zero`-based row index
2346to start the search from]&]
2347[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based number
2348of the matched row, `-1 when none]&]
2349[s0;0 &]
2350[s0;H6;0 &]
2351[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:FindSetCursor`(const Value`&`,const Id`&`,int`): [@(0.0.255)2 b
2352ool][2 _][*2 FindSetCursor][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 v
2353al][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 from][2 _
2354`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
2355[s0;l288; [2 Locates the row (using linear search beginning at the
2356row ][/2 from][2 ) in which the source index value identified by
2357][/2 id][2  equals ][/2 val][2 . If such a row is found, the ][*2 SetCursor][2
2358is called automatically to move the cursor to such a row.]&]
2359[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 val][2 -|value to look for in
2360the given source index]&]
2361[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
2362[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 from][2 -|zero`-based row index
2363to start the search from]&]
2364[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= the
2365desired row was found (and the cursor set), ][*2 false][2  when not]&]
2366[s0;0 &]
2367[s0;* &]
2368[s0; [* User interface elements]&]
2369[s0;0 &]
2370[s0; &]
2371[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:StdBar`(Bar`&`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 StdBar][2 (][_^Bar^2 B
2372ar][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 menu][2 )]&]
2373[s0;l288; [2 The default array local menu. The default local menu consists
2374of the standard editing actions (inserting / appending / duplicating
2375a row, editing a row, removing a row, moving a row, select all
2376rows) filtered by the array properties enabling / disabling the
2377various GUI elements (item insertion / deletion etc.). ]&]
2378[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 menu][2 -|the ][*2 Bar][2  object
2379representing the menu being generated]&]
2380[s0;0 &]
2381[s0;H6;0 &]
2382[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsModified`(int`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 IsModifi
2383ed][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 ii][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2384[s0;l288; [2 Checks a source index in the currently edited row for
2386[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 ii][2 -|zero`-based row index]&]
2387[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= the
2388index has been modified, ][*2 false][2  `= the index is in its original
2390[s0;0 &]
2391[s0;H6;0 &]
2392[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IsModified`(const Id`&`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 I
2393sModified][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2394[s0;l288; [2 Checks a source index in the currently edited array row
2395for changes.]&]
2396[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|source index identifier]&]
2397[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= the
2398source index has been modified, ][*2 false ][2 when not]&]
2399[s0;0 &]
2400[s0;H6;0 &]
2401[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:StartEdit`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 StartEdit][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2402nt][2 _][*@3;2 d][2 _`=_][@3;2 0][2 )]&]
2403[s0;l288; [2 Opens the current cursor row for editing and sets focus
2404to the ][/2 d][2 `-th column.]&]
2405[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 d][2 -|zero`-based column index]&]
2406[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= editing
2407successfully initiated, ][*2 false][2  when not (when the array is
2408in ][*2 ReadOnly][2  mode or it has no editable columns)]&]
2409[s0;0 &]
2410[s0;H6;0 &]
2411[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:GetEditColumn`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*2 GetEditCo
2412lumn][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2413[s0;l288; [2 Returns the column being currently edited.]&]
2414[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|zero`-based index
2415of the column being edited, `-1 `= none]&]
2416[s0;0 &]
2417[s0;H6;0 &]
2418[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoEdit`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoEdit][2 ()]&]
2419[s0;l288; [2 Opens the current cursor row for editing.]&]
2420[s0;0 &]
2421[s0;H6;0 &]
2422[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoInsert`(int`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoInsert][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 i
2423nt][2 _][*@3;2 cursor][2 )]&]
2424[s0;l288; [2 Begins the GUI insertion of a new row at a given location.]&]
2425[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 cursor][2 -|zero`-based location
2426of the new row]&]
2427[s0;0 &]
2428[s0;H6;0 &]
2429[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoInsertBefore`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoInsertBefo
2430re][2 ()]&]
2431[s0;l288; [2 Begins the GUI insertion of a new row above the current
2433[s0;0 &]
2434[s0;H6;0 &]
2435[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoInsertAfter`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoInsertAfter
2436][2 ()]&]
2437[s0;l288; [2 Begins the GUI insertion of a new row below the current
2439[s0;0 &]
2440[s0;H6;0 &]
2441[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoAppend`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoAppend][2 ()]&]
2442[s0;l288; [2 Begins the GUI insertion of a new row at the end of the
2444[s0;0 &]
2445[s0;H6;0 &]
2446[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoRemove`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 virtual][2
2447][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 DoRemove][2 ()]&]
2448[s0;l288; [2 Performs the GUI`-based removal of the current cursor
2449row. When the ][*2 AskRemove][2  property is set to ][*2 true][2  and
2450the user cancels the confirmation dialog, the function returns
2451][*2 false][2  and the current row is not removed.]&]
2452[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= row
2453has been removed successfully, ][*2 false][2  `=  user has canceled
2454the row removal]&]
2455[s0;0 &]
2456[s0;H6;0 &]
2457[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoDuplicate`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoDuplicate][2 ()
2459[s0;l288; [2 Duplicates the current row and opens it for editing.]&]
2460[s0;0 &]
2461[s0;H6;0 &]
2462[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:DoSelectAll`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 DoSelectAll][2 ()
2464[s0;l288; [2 Marks all array row as selected.]&]
2465[s0;0 &]
2466[s0;H6;0 &]
2467[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AcceptEnter`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 AcceptEnter][2 ()
2469[s0;l288; [2 Performs all necessary GUI actions equivalent to when
2470the user presses the ][*2 Enter][2  key. The row being currently
2471edited is committed and, in the case it was a newly appended
2472line and the ][*2 NoInsertAppend][2  property is not set, an additional
2473row is added to the array and opened for editing.]&]
2474[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= the
2475current row has been successfully committed, ][*2 false][2  when
2477[s0;0 &]
2478[s0; &]
2479[s0; &]
2480[s0; [* Content export]&]
2481[s0;* &]
2482[s0;0 &]
2483[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AsText`(String`(`*`)`(const Value`&`)`,bool`,const char`*`,const char`*`,const char`*`,const char`*`)const: [_^String^2 S
2484tring][2 _][*2 AsText][2 (][_^String^2 String][2 _(`*][*@3;2 format][2 )(][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Va
2485lue][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 ), ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 sel][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 false][2 ,
2486][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 tab][2 _`=_`"`\t`",
2487][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 row][2 _`=_`"`\r`\n`",
2488][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 hdrtab][2 _`=_`"`\t`",
2489][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 hdrrow][2 _`=_`"`\r`\n`")_][@(0.0.255)2 c
2491[s0;l288; [2 Generic function for conversion of ArrayCtrl content to
2492text. The content visible on screen is exported (means, it exports
2493columns defined using AddColumn, not indicies). Cells are converted
2494to output format using ][*@3;2 format][2  function. If ][*@3;2 sel][2
2495is true, only rows with IsSel true are exported. ][*@3;2 tab][2
2496represents a separator text between cells in a row, ][*@3;2 row][2
2497separator of rows. ][*@3;2 hdrtab][2  is separator of header cells
2498(those are texts of ArrayCtrl header) `- if NULL, no header is
2499exported. ][*@3;2 hdrrow][2 .is separator of header and data rows.]&]
2500[s0;0 &]
2501[s0;H6;0 &]
2502[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetClipboard`(bool`,bool`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _][*2 S
2503etClipboard][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 sel][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 false][2 ,
2504][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 hdr][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2505[s0;l288; [2 Puts ArrayCtrl content to clipboard in text format, `"`\t`"
2506and `"`\r`\n`" as separators. If ][*@3;2 sel][2  is true, only rows
2507with IsSel true are exported, ][*@3;2 hdr][2  controls whether header
2508is exported.]&]
2509[s0;0 &]
2510[s0;H6;0 &]
2511[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AsQtf`(bool`,bool`): [_^String^2 String][2 _][*2 AsQtf][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 b
2512ool][2 _][*@3;2 sel][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 false][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 hdr][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 t
2513rue][2 )]&]
2514[s0;l288; [2 Returns ArrayCtrl content in QTF format. If ][*@3;2 sel][2
2515is true, only rows with IsSel true are exported, ][*@3;2 hdr][2
2516controls whether header is exported.]&]
2517[s0;0 &]
2518[s0;H6;0 &]
2519[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:AsCsv`(bool`,int`,bool`): [_^String^2 String][2 _][*2 AsCsv
2520][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 sel][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 false][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 s
2521ep][2 _`=_`';`', ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*@3;2 hdr][2 _`=_][@(0.0.255)2 true][2 )]&]
2522[s0;l288; [2 Returns ArrayCtrl content in csv format, using ][*@3;2 sep][2
2523as separator. If ][*@3;2 sel][2  is true, only rows with IsSel true
2524are exported, ][*@3;2 hdr][2  controls whether header is exported.]&]
2525[s0; &]
2526[s0; &]
2527[s0; [* Notification callbacks]&]
2528[s0;0 &]
2529[s0; &]
2530[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenLeftClick: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenLeftClic
2532[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the user clicks an array
2534[s0;0 &]
2535[s0;H6;0 &]
2536[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenLeftDouble: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenLeftDou
2538[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the user doubleclicks
2539an array cell.]&]
2540[s0;0 &]
2541[s0;H6;0 &]
2542[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenBar: [_^Callback1^2 Callback1][2 <Bar][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 >
2543_][*2 WhenBar]&]
2544[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the local array menu
2545has to be regenerated. By setting this callback to a different
2546function / method you can supply a custom local menu for the
2547array. The ][*2 Bar`&][2  argument is a reference to the menu to
2548be generated.]&]
2549[s0;0 &]
2550[s0;H6;0 &]
2551[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenEnterRow: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenEnterRow]&]
2552[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called every time the cursor location
2553changes to a different row of the array.]&]
2554[s0;0 &]
2555[s0;H6;0 &]
2556[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenAcceptRow: [_^Gate^2 Gate][2 _][*2 WhenAcceptRow]&]
2557[s0;l288; [2 This gate is called every time an array row (open for
2558editing) needs to be validated. When the gate returns ][*2 false][2 ,
2559the validation process is assumed to have failed, when it returns
2560][*2 true][2 , it is assumed to have succeeded. You can use this
2561callback to add your own validation algorithms relevant to the
2562array context within your application.]&]
2563[s0;0 &]
2564[s0;H6;0 &]
2565[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenUpdateRow: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenUpdateRo
2567[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever an array row has been
2568updated. You can use this callback e.g. to project the changes
2569to a database or generally to an external data source.]&]
2570[s0;0 &]
2571[s0;H6;0 &]
2572[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenKillCursor: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenKillCur
2574[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the cursor is moved away
2575from the table.]&]
2576[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  internally, when moving the cursor (e.g. by calling
2577the ][*2 SetCursor ][2 method), after committing the previous row
2578the cursor is removed from the table using ][*2 KillCursor][2  and
2579placed to the new location afterwards. Therefore every time the
2580cursor is moved, the ][*2 WhenKillCursor][2  callback is called as
2581a by`-product.]&]
2582[s0;0 &]
2583[s0;H6;0 &]
2584[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenCursor: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenCursor]&]
2585[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called every time the cursor row number
2586changes (either when the cursor is removed from the table, or
2587when it has been moved to a different row).]&]
2588[s0;0 &]
2589[s0;H6;0 &]
2590[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenArrayAction: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenArrayA
2592[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called every time the source array data
2593changes (typically after accepting changes to a certain row or
2594after deleting a row).]&]
2595[s0;0 &]
2596[s0;H6;0 &]
2597[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenStartEdit: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenStartEdi
2599[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the array row editing
2600process is initiated. It can be used e.g. to set up some additional
2601properties of the column editor objects, to fill in drop`-down
2602lists pertaining to certain column editors etc.]&]
2603[s0;0 &]
2604[s0;H6;0 &]
2605[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenAcceptEdit: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenAcceptE
2607[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the currently edited
2608line has been committed.]&]
2609[s0;0 &]
2610[s0;H6;0 &]
2611[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenSelection: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenSelectio
2613[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever the current array selection
2614changes. This includes changes to the cursor location as the
2615cursor is automatically considered part of the selection.]&]
2616[s0;0 &]
2617[s0;H6;0 &]
2618[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenCtrlsAction: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenCtrlsA
2620[s0;l288; [2 This callback is called whenever some of the editor controls
2621constructed automatically via the column editing ][/2 factory][2
2622calls its ][*2 WhenAction][2  method. It can be used to watch out
2623for changes in the cell editors and react to specific situations
2625[s0;0 &]
2626[s0;H6;0 &]
2627[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenSel: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenSel]&]
2628[s0;l288; [2 Called whenever cursor or selection changes.]&]
2629[s0;0 &]
2630[s0;H6;0 &]
2631[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenScroll: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenScroll]&]
2632[s0;l288; [2 Called when scrolling of ArrayCtrl content happened.]&]
2633[s0;0 &]
2634[s0;0 &]
2635[s0;H6;0 &]
2636[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:WhenHeaderLayout: [_^Callback^2 Callback][2 _][*2 WhenHeade
2638[s0;l288; [2 Called when header changes.]&]
2639[s0; &]
2640[s0; &]
2641[ {{10000t/25b/25@3 [s0; [*@(229)4 ArrayCtrl`::IdInfo]]}}&]
2642[s0;0 &]
2643[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo`:`:struct: [@(0.0.255) struct]_[* IdInfo]&]
2644[s0;b42; [2 The ][*2 IdInfo][2  structure contains properties of all source
2645array indices. It can be used to set additional properties pertaining
2646to source array data.]&]
2647[s0;0 &]
2648[s0; &]
2649[ {{10000F(128)G(128)@1 [s0; [* Public Member List]]}}&]
2650[s0;0 &]
2651[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo`:`:InsertValue`(const Value`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 I
2652dInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 InsertValue][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2653][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
2654[s0;l288; [2 The method sets up the default source index value for
2655newly created rows. This is used only when the row insertion
2656is GUI`-based (like using the ][*2 DoInsert][2  method for instance).
2657When a row is added to the array programmatically (e.g. using
2658][*2 Add][2  or ][*2 Insert][2 ), these default values are not used.]&]
2659[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|default source index value]&]
2660[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2661[s0;0 &]
2662[s0;H6;0 &]
2663[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo`:`:InsertValue`(ValueGen`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 I
2664dInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 InsertValue][2 (][_^ValueGen^2 ValueGen][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 g
2665][2 )]&]
2666[s0;l288; [2 The method sets up a factory for generating default index
2667values for newly created rows. This is used only when the row
2668insertion is GUI`-based (like using the ][*2 DoInsert][2  method
2669for instance). When a row is added to the array programmatically
2670(e.g. using ][*2 Add][2  or ][*2 Insert][2 ), the ][*2 InserValue][2  property
2671is not consulted.]&]
2672[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 g][2 -|a reference to the value
2673generation factory. The ownership to the factory is not passed
2674by this call; the caller must insure the existence of the factory
2675object throughout the array duration.]&]
2676[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2677[s0;0 &]
2678[s0;H6;0 &]
2679[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo`:`:Accel`(int`(`*`)`(int`)`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 I
2680dInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Accel][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _(`*][*@3;2 filter][2 )(][@(0.0.255)2 i
2681nt][2 ))]&]
2682[s0;l288; [2 This method sets up the source index accelerator function.
2683The accelerator is used to quickly locate rows using the keyboard
2684key presses.]&]
2685[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 filter][2 -|a ][*2 CharFilter ][2 function
2686for keypress filtering]&]
2687[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2688[s0;0 &]
2689[s0;H6;0 &]
2690[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo`:`:Accel`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo^2 IdInfo][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2691][2 _][*2 Accel][2 ()]&]
2692[s0;l288; [2 This method sets up keyboard acceleration for the given
2693source index. The `'trivial`' ][/2 CharConvert][2  is used for character
2695[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2696[s0;0 &]
2697[s0;H6;0 &]
2698[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:IdInfo`:`:GetInsertValue`(`): [_^Value^2 Value][2 _][*2 Get
2699InsertValue][2 ()]&]
2700[s0;l288; [2 Uses the ][*2 InsertValue][2  property to generate a new source
2701index value (either using a fixed default value or the value
2702creation factory).]&]
2703[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|the generated value
2704to be used as the default for the newly inserted row.]&]
2705[s0;0 &]
2706[s0; &]
2707[s0; &]
2708[s0; &]
2709[ {{10000t/25b/25@3 [s0; [*@(229)4 ArrayCtrl`::Column]]}}&]
2710[s0;0 &]
2711[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:class: [@(0.0.255) class]_[* Column]_:_[@(0.0.255) p
2712rivate]_[*@3 FormatConvert]&]
2713[s0;l288;2 &]
2714[s0; [%%/ Derived from][%%  ]FormatConvert&]
2715[s0; &]
2716[s0; The [* ArrayCtrl`::Column] structure describes an output array
2717column. Its methods can be used to set or query its properties,
2718some of which are also settable via ArrayCtrl methods.&]
2719[s0;0 &]
2720[s0; &]
2721[ {{10000F(128)G(128)@1 [s0; [* Public Member List]]}}&]
2722[s0;0 &]
2723[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Add`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2724][2 _][*2 Add][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 `_pos][2 )]&]
2725[s0;l288; [2 Adds another source data index to the list of source indices
2726used as the data for the given output column.]&]
2727[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 `_pos][2 -|zero`-based ordinal
2728number of the source index]&]
2729[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this][2 .]&]
2730[s0;0 &]
2731[s0;H6;0 &]
2732[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Add`(const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2733olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Add][2 (const ][_^Id^2 Id][2 `&_][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
2734[s0;l288; [2 Adds another source data index to the list of source indices
2735used as the data for the given output column.]&]
2736[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|the ][*2 Id][2  identifier
2737of the source index]&]
2738[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2739[s0;0 &]
2740[s0;0 &]
2741[s0;H6;0 &]
2742[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:AddIndex`(const Id`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2743olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddIndex][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Id^2 Id][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _
2744][*@3;2 id][2 )]&]
2745[s0;l288; [2 Adds another source index to the array and adds it to
2746the list of source indices bound to this output column. The newly
2747created index is assigned the given identifier.]&]
2748[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 id][2 -|the identifier for the
2749newly created index]&]
2750[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2751[s0;0 &]
2752[s0;H6;0 &]
2753[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:AddIndex`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column
2754][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 AddIndex][2 ()]&]
2755[s0;l288; [2 Adds another source index to the array and adds it to
2756the list of source indices bound to this output column.]&]
2757[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2758[s0;0 &]
2759[s0;H6;0 &]
2760[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:SetConvert`(const Convert`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2761olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 SetConvert][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Convert^2 Convert][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2762][2 _][*@3;2 c][2 )]&]
2763[s0;l288; [2 Sets the ][*2 Convert][2  object for the given column. This
2764object is used to convert the source values (obtained from the
2765source data matrix) to the values displayable and/or editable
2766by the respective column display / editor object.]&]
2767[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  the ownership of the ][*2 Convert][2  object is not
2768transferred by this function. The array merely stores a pointer
2769to the Convert object. It is up to the host application to keep
2770the Convert object alive as long as necessary (until the ArrayCtrl
2771object is destroyed or all references to the Convert object obliterated
2772by new calls to the ][*2 SetConvert][2  method). In any case, most
2773Convert`-based object do not support copying at all; moreover,
2774as the Convert`-based objects are mostly derived from the basic
2775class, their copying is normally prone to slicing.]&]
2776[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 c][2 -|a constant reference to
2777the Convert object to use for the given column]&]
2778[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2779[s0;0 &]
2780[s0;H6;0 &]
2781[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:SetFormat`(const char`*`): [@(0.0.255)2 virtu
2782al][2  ][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 SetFormat][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 co
2783nst][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 fmt][2 )]&]
2784[s0;l288; [2 Sets the format string to use for the default value formatting.
2785When no Convert object is set for the column, the source value
2786is normally passed to the ][*2 NFormat][2  function where the ][/2 fmt][2
2787argument defines the desired formatting pattern.]&]
2788[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 fmt][2 -|a ][*2 NFormat][2 `-compatible
2789formatting pattern]&]
2790[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2791[s0;0 &]
2792[s0;H6;0 &]
2793[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:SetDisplay`(const Display`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2794olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 SetDisplay][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Display^2 Display][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2795][2 _][*@3;2 d][2 )]&]
2796[s0;l288; [2 Sets the default Display to use for this column. The column
2797Display can be overridden for certain array cells by calls to
2798the ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/ArrayCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:ArrayCtrl`:`:SetDisplay`(int`,int`,const Display`&`)^2 A
2799rrayCtrl`::SetDisplay][2  method.]&]
2800[s0;l288; [*2 Note:][2  the ownership to the Display object is not transferred
2801by this function. The array merely stores a pointer to the Display;
2802it is up to the host application to keep the Display object alive
2803as long as necessary.]&]
2804[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 d][2 -|a reference to the Display
2806[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2807[s0;0 &]
2808[s0;H6;0 &]
2809[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Edit`(Ctrl`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Colu
2810mn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Edit][2 (][_^Ctrl^2 Ctrl][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 e][2 )]&]
2811[s0;l288; [2 Sets up the Ctrl`-based object to use for inline array
2812column editing.]&]
2813[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 e][2 -|a reference to the editor
2814control object]&]
2815[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2816[s0;0 &]
2817[s0;H6;0 &]
2818[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Ctrls`(Callback1`<One`<Ctrl`>`&`>`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2819olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Ctrls][2 (][_^Callback1^2 Callback1][2 <][_^One^2 One][2 <][_^Ctrl^2 C
2820trl][2 >`&>_][*@3;2 factory][2 )]&]
2821[s0;l288; [2 The methods sets up a factory which the ArrayCtrl uses
2822as necessary to create new Ctrl`'s for editing a given column.
2823The argument of this function is a callback, which, upon execution,
2824should allocate (normally using the ][*2 new][2  operator) the desired
2825editor object and set it to its argument. If the position of
2826Ctrl is equivalent to `'SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)`', which is the default
2827value, Ctrl is resized to fit the ArrayCtrl cell accurately,
2828otherwise the position represents the position within the cell.]&]
2829[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 factory][2 -|callback used for
2830new control creation]&]
2831[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2832[s0;0 &]
2833[s0;H6;0 &]
2834[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Ctrls`(void`(`*`)`(One`<Ctrl`>`&`)`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2835olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Ctrls][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 void][2 _(`*][*@3;2 factory][2 )(One<Ctrl>
2837[s0;l288; [2 This method sets up a factory which the ArrayCtrl uses
2838as necessary to create new Ctrl`'s for editing a given column.
2839The argument, a global function, is supposed to allocate a new
2840editor control (normally using the ][*2 new][2  operator) and set
2841it to its argument. If the position of Ctrl is equivalent to
2842`'SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)`', which is the default value, Ctrl is
2843resized to fit the ArrayCtrl cell accurately, otherwise the position
2844represents the position within the cell. If the position of Ctrl
2845is equivalent to `'SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)`', which is the default
2846value, Ctrl is resized to fit the ArrayCtrl cell accurately,
2847otherwise the position represents the position within the cell.]&]
2848[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 factory][2 -|a global function
2849used for editor control creation]&]
2850[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2851[s0;0 &]
2852[s0;H6;0 &]
2853[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Ctrls`(`): [@(0.0.255)2 template][2 _<][@(0.0.255)2 c
2854lass][2 _][*@4;2 T][2 >_][_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Ctrls][2 ()]&]
2855[s0;l288; [2 This member template sets up a default factory for creating
2856editor controls of a given type. Every time the ArrayCtrl needs
2857to create a new editor control, an object of the type ][*2 T][2
2858is created automatically (using the ][*2 new][2  operator). If the
2859position of Ctrl is equivalent to `'SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0)`', which
2860is the default value, Ctrl is resized to fit the ArrayCtrl cell
2861accurately, otherwise the position represents the position within
2862the cell.]&]
2863[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@4;2 T][2 -|the desired object editor
2864type ]&]
2865[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2866[s0;0 &]
2867[s0;H6;0 &]
2868[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:InsertValue`(const Value`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2869olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 InsertValue][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Value^2 Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2870][2 _][*@3;2 v][2 )]&]
2871[s0;l288; [2 Instructs the ArrayCtrl object to initialize this column
2872in newly created rows to the given value ][/2 v][2 . (This applies
2873only to GUI`-based row insertion using methods like ][*2 DoInsert][2
2874etc., the low`-level, programmer`-controlled row insertion methods
2875like ][*2 Add][2  or ][*2 Insert][2  always initialize the source data
2876matrix with ][*2 Null][2 `'s).]&]
2877[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 v][2 -|the value to use as the
2878default for newly inserted rows]&]
2879[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2880[s0;0 &]
2881[s0;H6;0 &]
2882[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:InsertValue`(ValueGen`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2883olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 InsertValue][2 (][_^ValueGen^2 ValueGen][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*@3;2 g
2884][2 )]&]
2885[s0;l288; [2 Programs the ArrayCtrl object to use the given ][*2 ValueGen][2
2886factory for default value generation for newly created rows.
2887This can be used e.g. to generate unique UUID`'s or primary keys
2888using an Oracle SEQUENCE object for a primary key column.]&]
2889[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 g][2 -|a reference to the ValueGen
2890object used for default value generation]&]
2891[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2892[s0;0 &]
2893[s0;H6;0 &]
2894[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:NoClickEdit`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Col
2895umn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 NoClickEdit][2 ()]&]
2896[s0;l288; [2 Disables entering the editing mode when clicking the respective
2898[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2899[s0;0 &]
2900[s0;H6;0 &]
2901[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Cache`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2902][2 _][*2 Cache][2 ()]&]
2903[s0;l288; [2 Enables using the cache to store the converted values
2904of this column. By default, converted value caching is turned
2905off to make cell value conversion entirely dynamic; however,
2906very often it is advisable to enable using the cache, especially
2907when the conversion is relatively slow (for instance, when the
2908conversion queries a database connection to convert the value).]&]
2909[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2910[s0;0 &]
2911[s0;H6;0 &]
2912[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Accel`(int`(`*`)`(int`)`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2913olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Accel][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _(`*][*@3;2 filter][2 )(][@(0.0.255)2 i
2914nt][2 ))]&]
2915[s0;l288; [2 Sets up the accelerator for the given column. A given
2916filtering function is used to convert keystrokes before acceleration.]&]
2917[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 filter][2 -|a ][*2 CharConvert][2 `-style
2918function to use for keystroke conversion]&]
2919[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2920[s0;0 &]
2921[s0;H6;0 &]
2922[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Accel`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2923][2 _][*2 Accel][2 ()]&]
2924[s0;l288; [2 Sets up the accelerator for the given column. No keystroke
2925conversion is performed.]&]
2926[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2927[s0;0 &]
2928[s0;H6;0 &]
2929[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Margin`(int`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Colum
2930n][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Margin][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _][*@3;2 m][2 )]&]
2931[s0;l288; [2 Sets up the margin width for the given column. This is
2932equivalent to calling the ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/HeaderCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:HeaderCtrl`:`:Column`:`:SetMargin`(int`)^2 S
2933etMargin][2  method of the underlying ][*2 HeaderTab][2 .]&]
2934[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 m][2 -|]&]
2935[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 `*this]&]
2936[s0;0 &]
2937[s0;H6;0 &]
2938[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Sorting`(const ValueOrder`&`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2939olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Sorting][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^ValueOrder^2 ValueOrder][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2940][2 _][*@3;2 o][2 )]&]
2941[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Sorting`(int`(`*`)`(const Value`&a`,const Value`&b`)`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2942olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Sorting][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 int][2 _(`*][*@3;2 c][2 )(][@(0.0.255)2 co
2943nst][2 _Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _a, ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _Value][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _b))]&]
2944[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Sorting`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&
2945][2 _][*2 Sorting][2 ()]&]
2946[s0;l288; [2 Activates sorting of ArrayCtrl column by clicking on its
2947header tab. Parameterless version uses default Value ordering
2948using StdValueCompare.]&]
2949[s0;0 &]
2950[s0;H6;0 &]
2951[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:SortDefault`(`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 Col
2952umn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 SortDefault][2 ()]&]
2953[s0;l288; [2 Sets this column to be initial sorting column (calls SetSortColumn
2954of ArrayCtrl).]&]
2955[s0;0 &]
2956[s0;H6;0 &]
2957[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:HeaderTab`(`): [_^HeaderCtrl`:`:Column^2 Head
2958erCtrl`::Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderTab][2 ()]&]
2959[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:HeaderTab`(`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^HeaderCtrl`:`:Column^2 H
2960eaderCtrl`::Column][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 HeaderTab][2 ()_][@(0.0.255)2 const]&]
2961[s0;l288; [2 Returns the ][*2 HeaderCtrl`::Column][2  object describing
2962the given column. This object can be used to set up additional
2963column properties (like column width constraints or the ][*^topic`:`/`/CtrlLib`/src`/HeaderCtrl`$en`-us`#`:`:HeaderCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Callback WhenAction^2 W
2964henAction][2  callback).]&]
2965[s0;0 &]
2966[s0;H6;0 &]
2967[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Column`:`:Tip`(const char`*`): [_^ArrayCtrl`:`:Column^2 C
2968olumn][@(0.0.255)2 `&][2 _][*2 Tip][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][@(0.0.255)2 char][2 _`*][*@3;2 tip
2969][2 )]&]
2970[s0;l288; [2 Assigns a ][*@3;2 tip][2  to header tab column.]&]
2971[s0;0 &]
2972[s0; &]
2973[ {{10000t/25b/25@3 [s0; [*@(229)4 ArrayCtrl`::Order]]}}&]
2974[s0;0 &]
2975[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Order`:`:struct: [@(0.0.255) struct]_[* Order]&]
2976[s0;b42; [2 The ][*2 Order][2  object is used for array row sorting. The
2977overloaded ][*2 operator ()][2  acts as the sorting predicate, which
2978is consulted within the sorting method to determine which of
2979a given pair of row is `'less`' according to the desired sorting.]&]
2980[s0;0 &]
2981[s0; &]
2982[ {{10000F(128)G(128)@1 [s0; [* Public Member List]]}}&]
2983[s0;0 &]
2984[s0;i448;a25;kKO9;:ArrayCtrl`:`:Order`:`:operator`(`)`(const Vector`<Value`>`&`,const Vector`<Value`>`&`)const: [@(0.0.255)2 v
2985irtual][2  ][@(0.0.255)2 bool][2 _][*2 operator()][2 (][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Vector^2 Vector
2986][2 <][_^Value^2 Value][2 >`&_][*@3;2 row1][2 , ][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _][_^Vector^2 Vector][2 <][_^Value^2 V
2987alue][2 >`&_][*@3;2 row2][2 )_][@(0.0.255)2 const][2 _`=_][@3;2 0]&]
2988[s0;l288; [2 The sorting predicate. This method should return ][*2 true][2
2989when its first argument (][/2 row1][2 ) is less than the second argument
2990(][/2 row2][2 ) according to the desired ordering.]&]
2991[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 row1][2 -|an array of source data
2992index values for the first of the rows to compare]&]
2993[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*C@3;2 row2][2 -|an array of source data
2994index values for the other row to compare]&]
2995[s0;l288;i1121;b17;O9;~~~.1408; [*/2 Return value][2 -|][*2 true][2  `= row1
2996< row2, ][*2 false][2  `= row1 >`= row2]&]
2997[s0;0 &]
2998[s0; ]]