1 /******************************************************************************
2  * $Id: gdalrasterize.cpp 28053 2014-12-04 09:31:07Z rouault $
3  *
4  * Project:  GDAL
5  * Purpose:  Vector rasterization.
6  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
7  *
8  ******************************************************************************
9  * Copyright (c) 2005, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com>
10  * Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org>
11  *
12  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
13  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
14  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
15  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
16  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
17  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
18  *
19  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
20  * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21  *
29  ****************************************************************************/
31 #include <vector>
33 #include "gdal_alg.h"
34 #include "gdal_alg_priv.h"
35 #include "gdal_priv.h"
36 #include "ogr_api.h"
37 #include "ogr_geometry.h"
38 #include "ogr_spatialref.h"
40 #ifdef OGR_ENABLED
41 #include "ogrsf_frmts.h"
42 #endif
44 /************************************************************************/
45 /*                           gvBurnScanline()                           */
46 /************************************************************************/
gvBurnScanline(void * pCBData,int nY,int nXStart,int nXEnd,double dfVariant)48 void gvBurnScanline( void *pCBData, int nY, int nXStart, int nXEnd,
49                      double dfVariant )
51 {
52     GDALRasterizeInfo *psInfo = (GDALRasterizeInfo *) pCBData;
53     int iBand;
55     if( nXStart > nXEnd )
56         return;
58     CPLAssert( nY >= 0 && nY < psInfo->nYSize );
59     CPLAssert( nXStart <= nXEnd );
60     CPLAssert( nXStart < psInfo->nXSize );
61     CPLAssert( nXEnd >= 0 );
63     if( nXStart < 0 )
64         nXStart = 0;
65     if( nXEnd >= psInfo->nXSize )
66         nXEnd = psInfo->nXSize - 1;
68     if( psInfo->eType == GDT_Byte )
69     {
70         for( iBand = 0; iBand < psInfo->nBands; iBand++ )
71         {
72             unsigned char *pabyInsert;
73             unsigned char nBurnValue = (unsigned char)
74                 ( psInfo->padfBurnValue[iBand] +
75                   ( (psInfo->eBurnValueSource == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
76                              0 : dfVariant ) );
78             pabyInsert = psInfo->pabyChunkBuf
79                 + iBand * psInfo->nXSize * psInfo->nYSize
80                 + nY * psInfo->nXSize + nXStart;
82             if( psInfo->eMergeAlg == GRMA_Add ) {
83                 int	nPixels = nXEnd - nXStart + 1;
84                 while( nPixels-- > 0 )
85                     *(pabyInsert++) += nBurnValue;
86             } else {
87                 memset( pabyInsert, nBurnValue, nXEnd - nXStart + 1 );
88             }
89         }
90     }
91     else if( psInfo->eType == GDT_Float64 )
92     {
93         for( iBand = 0; iBand < psInfo->nBands; iBand++ )
94         {
95             int	nPixels = nXEnd - nXStart + 1;
96             double   *padfInsert;
97             double   dfBurnValue =
98                 ( psInfo->padfBurnValue[iBand] +
99                   ( (psInfo->eBurnValueSource == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
100                              0 : dfVariant ) );
102             padfInsert = ((double *) psInfo->pabyChunkBuf)
103                 + iBand * psInfo->nXSize * psInfo->nYSize
104                 + nY * psInfo->nXSize + nXStart;
106             if( psInfo->eMergeAlg == GRMA_Add ) {
107                 while( nPixels-- > 0 )
108                     *(padfInsert++) += dfBurnValue;
109             } else {
110                 while( nPixels-- > 0 )
111                     *(padfInsert++) = dfBurnValue;
112             }
113         }
114     }
115     else {
116         CPLAssert(0);
117     }
118 }
120 /************************************************************************/
121 /*                            gvBurnPoint()                             */
122 /************************************************************************/
gvBurnPoint(void * pCBData,int nY,int nX,double dfVariant)124 void gvBurnPoint( void *pCBData, int nY, int nX, double dfVariant )
126 {
127     GDALRasterizeInfo *psInfo = (GDALRasterizeInfo *) pCBData;
128     int iBand;
130     CPLAssert( nY >= 0 && nY < psInfo->nYSize );
131     CPLAssert( nX >= 0 && nX < psInfo->nXSize );
133     if( psInfo->eType == GDT_Byte )
134     {
135         for( iBand = 0; iBand < psInfo->nBands; iBand++ )
136         {
137             unsigned char *pbyInsert = psInfo->pabyChunkBuf
138                                       + iBand * psInfo->nXSize * psInfo->nYSize
139                                       + nY * psInfo->nXSize + nX;
141             if( psInfo->eMergeAlg == GRMA_Add ) {
142                 *pbyInsert += (unsigned char)( psInfo->padfBurnValue[iBand] +
143                           ( (psInfo->eBurnValueSource == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
144                              0 : dfVariant ) );
145             } else {
146                 *pbyInsert = (unsigned char)( psInfo->padfBurnValue[iBand] +
147                           ( (psInfo->eBurnValueSource == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
148                              0 : dfVariant ) );
149             }
150         }
151     }
152     else if( psInfo->eType == GDT_Float64 )
153     {
154         for( iBand = 0; iBand < psInfo->nBands; iBand++ )
155         {
156             double   *pdfInsert = ((double *) psInfo->pabyChunkBuf)
157                                 + iBand * psInfo->nXSize * psInfo->nYSize
158                                 + nY * psInfo->nXSize + nX;
160             if( psInfo->eMergeAlg == GRMA_Add ) {
161                 *pdfInsert += ( psInfo->padfBurnValue[iBand] +
162                          ( (psInfo->eBurnValueSource == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
163                             0 : dfVariant ) );
164             } else {
165                 *pdfInsert = ( psInfo->padfBurnValue[iBand] +
166                          ( (psInfo->eBurnValueSource == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
167                             0 : dfVariant ) );
168             }
169         }
170     }
171     else {
172         CPLAssert(0);
173     }
174 }
176 /************************************************************************/
177 /*                    GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry()                    */
178 /************************************************************************/
GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry(OGRGeometry * poShape,std::vector<double> & aPointX,std::vector<double> & aPointY,std::vector<double> & aPointVariant,std::vector<int> & aPartSize,GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSrc)180 static void GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry(
181     OGRGeometry *poShape,
182     std::vector<double> &aPointX, std::vector<double> &aPointY,
183     std::vector<double> &aPointVariant,
184     std::vector<int> &aPartSize, GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSrc)
186 {
187     if( poShape == NULL )
188         return;
190     OGRwkbGeometryType eFlatType = wkbFlatten(poShape->getGeometryType());
191     int i;
193     if ( eFlatType == wkbPoint )
194     {
195         OGRPoint    *poPoint = (OGRPoint *) poShape;
196         int nNewCount = aPointX.size() + 1;
198         aPointX.reserve( nNewCount );
199         aPointY.reserve( nNewCount );
200         aPointX.push_back( poPoint->getX() );
201         aPointY.push_back( poPoint->getY() );
202         aPartSize.push_back( 1 );
203         if( eBurnValueSrc != GBV_UserBurnValue )
204         {
205             /*switch( eBurnValueSrc )
206             {
207             case GBV_Z:*/
208                 aPointVariant.reserve( nNewCount );
209                 aPointVariant.push_back( poPoint->getZ() );
210                 /*break;
211             case GBV_M:
212                 aPointVariant.reserve( nNewCount );
213                 aPointVariant.push_back( poPoint->getM() );
214             }*/
215         }
216     }
217     else if ( eFlatType == wkbLineString )
218     {
219         OGRLineString   *poLine = (OGRLineString *) poShape;
220         int nCount = poLine->getNumPoints();
221         int nNewCount = aPointX.size() + nCount;
223         aPointX.reserve( nNewCount );
224         aPointY.reserve( nNewCount );
225         if( eBurnValueSrc != GBV_UserBurnValue )
226             aPointVariant.reserve( nNewCount );
227         for ( i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
228         {
229             aPointX.push_back( poLine->getX(i) );
230             aPointY.push_back( poLine->getY(i) );
231             if( eBurnValueSrc != GBV_UserBurnValue )
232             {
233                 /*switch( eBurnValueSrc )
234                 {
235                     case GBV_Z:*/
236                         aPointVariant.push_back( poLine->getZ(i) );
237                         /*break;
238                     case GBV_M:
239                         aPointVariant.push_back( poLine->getM(i) );
240                 }*/
241             }
242         }
243         aPartSize.push_back( nCount );
244     }
245     else if ( EQUAL(poShape->getGeometryName(),"LINEARRING") )
246     {
247         OGRLinearRing *poRing = (OGRLinearRing *) poShape;
248         int nCount = poRing->getNumPoints();
249         int nNewCount = aPointX.size() + nCount;
251         aPointX.reserve( nNewCount );
252         aPointY.reserve( nNewCount );
253         if( eBurnValueSrc != GBV_UserBurnValue )
254             aPointVariant.reserve( nNewCount );
255         for ( i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
256         {
257             aPointX.push_back( poRing->getX(i) );
258             aPointY.push_back( poRing->getY(i) );
259         }
260         if( eBurnValueSrc != GBV_UserBurnValue )
261         {
262             /*switch( eBurnValueSrc )
263             {
264             case GBV_Z:*/
265                 aPointVariant.push_back( poRing->getZ(i) );
266                 /*break;
267             case GBV_M:
268                 aPointVariant.push_back( poRing->getM(i) );
269             }*/
270         }
271         aPartSize.push_back( nCount );
272     }
273     else if( eFlatType == wkbPolygon )
274     {
275         OGRPolygon *poPolygon = (OGRPolygon *) poShape;
277         GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry( poPolygon->getExteriorRing(),
278                                       aPointX, aPointY, aPointVariant,
279                                       aPartSize, eBurnValueSrc );
281         for( i = 0; i < poPolygon->getNumInteriorRings(); i++ )
282             GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry( poPolygon->getInteriorRing(i),
283                                           aPointX, aPointY, aPointVariant,
284                                           aPartSize, eBurnValueSrc );
285     }
287     else if( eFlatType == wkbMultiPoint
288              || eFlatType == wkbMultiLineString
289              || eFlatType == wkbMultiPolygon
290              || eFlatType == wkbGeometryCollection )
291     {
292         OGRGeometryCollection *poGC = (OGRGeometryCollection *) poShape;
294         for( i = 0; i < poGC->getNumGeometries(); i++ )
295             GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry( poGC->getGeometryRef(i),
296                                           aPointX, aPointY, aPointVariant,
297                                           aPartSize, eBurnValueSrc );
298     }
299     else
300     {
301         CPLDebug( "GDAL", "Rasterizer ignoring non-polygonal geometry." );
302     }
303 }
305 /************************************************************************/
306 /*                       gv_rasterize_one_shape()                       */
307 /************************************************************************/
308 static void
gv_rasterize_one_shape(unsigned char * pabyChunkBuf,int nYOff,int nXSize,int nYSize,int nBands,GDALDataType eType,int bAllTouched,OGRGeometry * poShape,double * padfBurnValue,GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSrc,GDALRasterMergeAlg eMergeAlg,GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,void * pTransformArg)309 gv_rasterize_one_shape( unsigned char *pabyChunkBuf, int nYOff,
310                         int nXSize, int nYSize,
311                         int nBands, GDALDataType eType, int bAllTouched,
312                         OGRGeometry *poShape, double *padfBurnValue,
313                         GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSrc,
314                         GDALRasterMergeAlg eMergeAlg,
315                         GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,
316                         void *pTransformArg )
318 {
319     GDALRasterizeInfo sInfo;
321     if (poShape == NULL)
322         return;
324     sInfo.nXSize = nXSize;
325     sInfo.nYSize = nYSize;
326     sInfo.nBands = nBands;
327     sInfo.pabyChunkBuf = pabyChunkBuf;
328     sInfo.eType = eType;
329     sInfo.padfBurnValue = padfBurnValue;
330     sInfo.eBurnValueSource = eBurnValueSrc;
331     sInfo.eMergeAlg = eMergeAlg;
333 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
334 /*      Transform polygon geometries into a set of rings and a part     */
335 /*      size list.                                                      */
336 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
337     std::vector<double> aPointX;
338     std::vector<double> aPointY;
339     std::vector<double> aPointVariant;
340     std::vector<int> aPartSize;
342     GDALCollectRingsFromGeometry( poShape, aPointX, aPointY, aPointVariant,
343                                   aPartSize, eBurnValueSrc );
345 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
346 /*      Transform points if needed.                                     */
347 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
348     if( pfnTransformer != NULL )
349     {
350         int *panSuccess = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),aPointX.size());
352         // TODO: we need to add all appropriate error checking at some point.
353         pfnTransformer( pTransformArg, FALSE, aPointX.size(),
354                         &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]), NULL, panSuccess );
355         CPLFree( panSuccess );
356     }
358 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
359 /*      Shift to account for the buffer offset of this buffer.          */
360 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
361     unsigned int i;
363     for( i = 0; i < aPointY.size(); i++ )
364         aPointY[i] -= nYOff;
366 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
367 /*      Perform the rasterization.                                      */
368 /*      According to the C++ Standard/23.2.4, elements of a vector are  */
369 /*      stored in continuous memory block.                              */
370 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
372     // TODO - mloskot: Check if vectors are empty, otherwise it may
373     // lead to undefined behavior by returning non-referencable pointer.
374     // if (!aPointX.empty())
375     //    /* fill polygon */
376     // else
377     //    /* How to report this problem? */
378     switch ( wkbFlatten(poShape->getGeometryType()) )
379     {
380       case wkbPoint:
381       case wkbMultiPoint:
382         GDALdllImagePoint( sInfo.nXSize, nYSize,
383                            aPartSize.size(), &(aPartSize[0]),
384                            &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]),
385                            (eBurnValueSrc == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
386                            NULL : &(aPointVariant[0]),
387                            gvBurnPoint, &sInfo );
388         break;
389       case wkbLineString:
390       case wkbMultiLineString:
391       {
392           if( bAllTouched )
393               GDALdllImageLineAllTouched( sInfo.nXSize, nYSize,
394                                           aPartSize.size(), &(aPartSize[0]),
395                                           &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]),
396                                           (eBurnValueSrc == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
397                                           NULL : &(aPointVariant[0]),
398                                           gvBurnPoint, &sInfo );
399           else
400               GDALdllImageLine( sInfo.nXSize, nYSize,
401                                 aPartSize.size(), &(aPartSize[0]),
402                                 &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]),
403                                 (eBurnValueSrc == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
404                                 NULL : &(aPointVariant[0]),
405                                 gvBurnPoint, &sInfo );
406       }
407       break;
409       default:
410       {
411           GDALdllImageFilledPolygon( sInfo.nXSize, nYSize,
412                                      aPartSize.size(), &(aPartSize[0]),
413                                      &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]),
414                                      (eBurnValueSrc == GBV_UserBurnValue)?
415                                      NULL : &(aPointVariant[0]),
416                                      gvBurnScanline, &sInfo );
417           if( bAllTouched )
418           {
419               /* Reverting the variants to the first value because the
420                  polygon is filled using the variant from the first point of
421                  the first segment. Should be removed when the code to full
422                  polygons more appropriately is added. */
423               if(eBurnValueSrc == GBV_UserBurnValue)
424               {
425                   GDALdllImageLineAllTouched( sInfo.nXSize, nYSize,
426                                               aPartSize.size(), &(aPartSize[0]),
427                                               &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]),
428                                               NULL,
429                                               gvBurnPoint, &sInfo );
430               }
431               else
432               {
433                   unsigned int n;
434                   for ( i = 0, n = 0; i < aPartSize.size(); i++ )
435                   {
436                       int j;
437                       for ( j = 0; j < aPartSize[i]; j++ )
438                           aPointVariant[n++] = aPointVariant[0];
439                   }
441                   GDALdllImageLineAllTouched( sInfo.nXSize, nYSize,
442                                               aPartSize.size(), &(aPartSize[0]),
443                                               &(aPointX[0]), &(aPointY[0]),
444                                               &(aPointVariant[0]),
445                                               gvBurnPoint, &sInfo );
446               }
447           }
448       }
449       break;
450     }
451 }
453 /************************************************************************/
454 /*                        GDALRasterizeOptions()                        */
455 /*                                                                      */
456 /*      Recognise a few rasterize options used by all three entry       */
457 /*      points.                                                         */
458 /************************************************************************/
GDALRasterizeOptions(char ** papszOptions,int * pbAllTouched,GDALBurnValueSrc * peBurnValueSource,GDALRasterMergeAlg * peMergeAlg)460 static CPLErr GDALRasterizeOptions(char **papszOptions,
461                                    int *pbAllTouched,
462                                    GDALBurnValueSrc *peBurnValueSource,
463                                    GDALRasterMergeAlg *peMergeAlg)
464 {
465     *pbAllTouched = CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "ALL_TOUCHED", FALSE );
467     const char *pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "BURN_VALUE_FROM" );
468     *peBurnValueSource = GBV_UserBurnValue;
469     if( pszOpt )
470     {
471         if( EQUAL(pszOpt,"Z"))
472             *peBurnValueSource = GBV_Z;
473         /*else if( EQUAL(pszOpt,"M"))
474             eBurnValueSource = GBV_M;*/
475         else
476         {
477             CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
478                       "Unrecognised value '%s' for BURN_VALUE_FROM.",
479                       pszOpt );
480             return CE_Failure;
481         }
482     }
484 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
485 /*      MERGE_ALG=[REPLACE]/ADD                                         */
486 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
487     *peMergeAlg = GRMA_Replace;
488     pszOpt = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MERGE_ALG" );
489     if( pszOpt )
490     {
491         if( EQUAL(pszOpt,"ADD"))
492             *peMergeAlg = GRMA_Add;
493         else if( EQUAL(pszOpt,"REPLACE"))
494             *peMergeAlg = GRMA_Replace;
495         else
496         {
497             CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
498                       "Unrecognised value '%s' for MERGE_ALG.",
499                       pszOpt );
500             return CE_Failure;
501         }
502     }
504     return CE_None;
505 }
507 /************************************************************************/
508 /*                      GDALRasterizeGeometries()                       */
509 /************************************************************************/
511 /**
512  * Burn geometries into raster.
513  *
514  * Rasterize a list of geometric objects into a raster dataset.  The
515  * geometries are passed as an array of OGRGeometryH handlers.
516  *
517  * If the geometries are in the georferenced coordinates of the raster
518  * dataset, then the pfnTransform may be passed in NULL and one will be
519  * derived internally from the geotransform of the dataset.  The transform
520  * needs to transform the geometry locations into pixel/line coordinates
521  * on the raster dataset.
522  *
523  * The output raster may be of any GDAL supported datatype, though currently
524  * internally the burning is done either as GDT_Byte or GDT_Float32.  This
525  * may be improved in the future.  An explicit list of burn values for
526  * each geometry for each band must be passed in.
527  *
528  * The papszOption list of options currently only supports one option. The
529  * "ALL_TOUCHED" option may be enabled by setting it to "TRUE".
530  *
531  * @param hDS output data, must be opened in update mode.
532  * @param nBandCount the number of bands to be updated.
533  * @param panBandList the list of bands to be updated.
534  * @param nGeomCount the number of geometries being passed in pahGeometries.
535  * @param pahGeometries the array of geometries to burn in.
536  * @param pfnTransformer transformation to apply to geometries to put into
537  * pixel/line coordinates on raster.  If NULL a geotransform based one will
538  * be created internally.
539  * @param pTransformArg callback data for transformer.
540  * @param padfGeomBurnValue the array of values to burn into the raster.
541  * There should be nBandCount values for each geometry.
542  * @param papszOptions special options controlling rasterization
543  * <dl>
544  * <dt>"ALL_TOUCHED":</dt> <dd>May be set to TRUE to set all pixels touched
545  * by the line or polygons, not just those whose center is within the polygon
546  * or that are selected by brezenhams line algorithm.  Defaults to FALSE.</dd>
547  * <dt>"BURN_VALUE_FROM":</dt> <dd>May be set to "Z" to use the Z values of the
548  * geometries. dfBurnValue is added to this before burning.
549  * Defaults to GDALBurnValueSrc.GBV_UserBurnValue in which case just the
550  * dfBurnValue is burned. This is implemented only for points and lines for
551  * now. The M value may be supported in the future.</dd>
552  * <dt>"MERGE_ALG":</dt> <dd>May be REPLACE (the default) or ADD.  REPLACE results in overwriting of value, while ADD adds the new value to the existing raster, suitable for heatmaps for instance.</dd>
553  * </dl>
554  * @param pfnProgress the progress function to report completion.
555  * @param pProgressArg callback data for progress function.
556  *
557  * @return CE_None on success or CE_Failure on error.
558  */
GDALRasterizeGeometries(GDALDatasetH hDS,int nBandCount,int * panBandList,int nGeomCount,OGRGeometryH * pahGeometries,GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,void * pTransformArg,double * padfGeomBurnValue,char ** papszOptions,GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,void * pProgressArg)560 CPLErr GDALRasterizeGeometries( GDALDatasetH hDS,
561                                 int nBandCount, int *panBandList,
562                                 int nGeomCount, OGRGeometryH *pahGeometries,
563                                 GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,
564                                 void *pTransformArg,
565                                 double *padfGeomBurnValue,
566                                 char **papszOptions,
567                                 GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
568                                 void *pProgressArg )
570 {
571     GDALDataType   eType;
572     int            nYChunkSize, nScanlineBytes;
573     unsigned char *pabyChunkBuf;
574     int            iY;
575     GDALDataset *poDS = (GDALDataset *) hDS;
577     if( pfnProgress == NULL )
578         pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
580 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
581 /*      Do some rudimentary arg checking.                               */
582 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
583     if( nBandCount == 0 || nGeomCount == 0 )
584     {
585         pfnProgress(1.0, "", pProgressArg );
586         return CE_None;
587     }
589     // prototype band.
590     GDALRasterBand *poBand = poDS->GetRasterBand( panBandList[0] );
591     if (poBand == NULL)
592         return CE_Failure;
594 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
595 /*      Options                                                         */
596 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
597     int bAllTouched;
598     GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSource;
599     GDALRasterMergeAlg eMergeAlg;
600     if( GDALRasterizeOptions(papszOptions, &bAllTouched,
601                              &eBurnValueSource, &eMergeAlg) == CE_Failure) {
602         return CE_Failure;
603     }
605 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
606 /*      If we have no transformer, assume the geometries are in file    */
607 /*      georeferenced coordinates, and create a transformer to          */
608 /*      convert that to pixel/line coordinates.                         */
609 /*                                                                      */
610 /*      We really just need to apply an affine transform, but for       */
611 /*      simplicity we use the more general GenImgProjTransformer.       */
612 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
613     int bNeedToFreeTransformer = FALSE;
615     if( pfnTransformer == NULL )
616     {
617         bNeedToFreeTransformer = TRUE;
619         pTransformArg =
620             GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer( NULL, NULL, hDS, NULL,
621                                              FALSE, 0.0, 0);
622         pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
623     }
625 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
626 /*      Establish a chunksize to operate on.  The larger the chunk      */
627 /*      size the less times we need to make a pass through all the      */
628 /*      shapes.                                                         */
629 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
630     if( poBand->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Byte )
631         eType = GDT_Byte;
632     else
633         eType = GDT_Float64;
635     nScanlineBytes = nBandCount * poDS->GetRasterXSize()
636         * (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eType)/8);
638     const char  *pszYChunkSize = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "CHUNKYSIZE");
639     if( pszYChunkSize == NULL || ((nYChunkSize = atoi(pszYChunkSize))) == 0)
640     {
641         nYChunkSize = 10000000 / nScanlineBytes;
642     }
644     if( nYChunkSize > poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
645         nYChunkSize = poDS->GetRasterYSize();
647     CPLDebug( "GDAL", "Rasterizer operating on %d swaths of %d scanlines.",
648               (poDS->GetRasterYSize()+nYChunkSize-1) / nYChunkSize,
649               nYChunkSize );
651     pabyChunkBuf = (unsigned char *) VSIMalloc(nYChunkSize * nScanlineBytes);
652     if( pabyChunkBuf == NULL )
653     {
654         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
655                   "Unable to allocate rasterization buffer." );
656         return CE_Failure;
657     }
659 /* ==================================================================== */
660 /*      Loop over image in designated chunks.                           */
661 /* ==================================================================== */
662     CPLErr  eErr = CE_None;
664     pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressArg );
666     for( iY = 0;
667          iY < poDS->GetRasterYSize() && eErr == CE_None;
668          iY += nYChunkSize )
669     {
670         int	nThisYChunkSize;
671         int     iShape;
673         nThisYChunkSize = nYChunkSize;
674         if( nThisYChunkSize + iY > poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
675             nThisYChunkSize = poDS->GetRasterYSize() - iY;
677         eErr =
678             poDS->RasterIO(GF_Read,
679                            0, iY, poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
680                            pabyChunkBuf,poDS->GetRasterXSize(),nThisYChunkSize,
681                            eType, nBandCount, panBandList,
682                            0, 0, 0, NULL );
683         if( eErr != CE_None )
684             break;
686         for( iShape = 0; iShape < nGeomCount; iShape++ )
687         {
688             gv_rasterize_one_shape( pabyChunkBuf, iY,
689                                     poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
690                                     nBandCount, eType, bAllTouched,
691                                     (OGRGeometry *) pahGeometries[iShape],
692                                     padfGeomBurnValue + iShape*nBandCount,
693                                     eBurnValueSource, eMergeAlg,
694                                     pfnTransformer, pTransformArg );
695         }
697         eErr =
698             poDS->RasterIO( GF_Write, 0, iY,
699                             poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
700                             pabyChunkBuf,
701                             poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
702                             eType, nBandCount, panBandList, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
704         if( !pfnProgress((iY+nThisYChunkSize)/((double)poDS->GetRasterYSize()),
705                          "", pProgressArg ) )
706         {
707             CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
708             eErr = CE_Failure;
709         }
710     }
712 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
713 /*      cleanup                                                         */
714 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
715     VSIFree( pabyChunkBuf );
717     if( bNeedToFreeTransformer )
718         GDALDestroyTransformer( pTransformArg );
720     return eErr;
721 }
723 /************************************************************************/
724 /*                        GDALRasterizeLayers()                         */
725 /************************************************************************/
727 /**
728  * Burn geometries from the specified list of layers into raster.
729  *
730  * Rasterize all the geometric objects from a list of layers into a raster
731  * dataset.  The layers are passed as an array of OGRLayerH handlers.
732  *
733  * If the geometries are in the georferenced coordinates of the raster
734  * dataset, then the pfnTransform may be passed in NULL and one will be
735  * derived internally from the geotransform of the dataset.  The transform
736  * needs to transform the geometry locations into pixel/line coordinates
737  * on the raster dataset.
738  *
739  * The output raster may be of any GDAL supported datatype, though currently
740  * internally the burning is done either as GDT_Byte or GDT_Float32.  This
741  * may be improved in the future.  An explicit list of burn values for
742  * each layer for each band must be passed in.
743  *
744  * @param hDS output data, must be opened in update mode.
745  * @param nBandCount the number of bands to be updated.
746  * @param panBandList the list of bands to be updated.
747  * @param nLayerCount the number of layers being passed in pahLayers array.
748  * @param pahLayers the array of layers to burn in.
749  * @param pfnTransformer transformation to apply to geometries to put into
750  * pixel/line coordinates on raster.  If NULL a geotransform based one will
751  * be created internally.
752  * @param pTransformArg callback data for transformer.
753  * @param padfLayerBurnValues the array of values to burn into the raster.
754  * There should be nBandCount values for each layer.
755  * @param papszOptions special options controlling rasterization:
756  * <dl>
757  * <dt>"ATTRIBUTE":</dt> <dd>Identifies an attribute field on the features to be
758  * used for a burn in value. The value will be burned into all output
759  * bands. If specified, padfLayerBurnValues will not be used and can be a NULL
760  * pointer.</dd>
761  * <dt>"CHUNKYSIZE":</dt> <dd>The height in lines of the chunk to operate on.
762  * The larger the chunk size the less times we need to make a pass through all
763  * the shapes. If it is not set or set to zero the default chunk size will be
764  * used. Default size will be estimated based on the GDAL cache buffer size
765  * using formula: cache_size_bytes/scanline_size_bytes, so the chunk will
766  * not exceed the cache.</dd>
767  * <dt>"ALL_TOUCHED":</dt> <dd>May be set to TRUE to set all pixels touched
768  * by the line or polygons, not just those whose center is within the polygon
769  * or that are selected by brezenhams line algorithm.  Defaults to FALSE.</dd>
770  * <dt>"BURN_VALUE_FROM":</dt> <dd>May be set to "Z" to use the Z values of the
771  * geometries. The value from padfLayerBurnValues or the attribute field value
772  * is added to this before burning. In default case dfBurnValue is burned as it
773  * is. This is implemented properly only for points and lines for now. Polygons
774  * will be burned using the Z value from the first point. The M value may be
775  * supported in the future.</dd>
776  * <dt>"MERGE_ALG":</dt> <dd>May be REPLACE (the default) or ADD.  REPLACE results in overwriting of value, while ADD adds the new value to the existing raster, suitable for heatmaps for instance.</dd>
777  * </dl>
778  * @param pfnProgress the progress function to report completion.
779  * @param pProgressArg callback data for progress function.
780  *
781  * @return CE_None on success or CE_Failure on error.
782  */
GDALRasterizeLayers(GDALDatasetH hDS,int nBandCount,int * panBandList,int nLayerCount,OGRLayerH * pahLayers,GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,void * pTransformArg,double * padfLayerBurnValues,char ** papszOptions,GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,void * pProgressArg)784 CPLErr GDALRasterizeLayers( GDALDatasetH hDS,
785                             int nBandCount, int *panBandList,
786                             int nLayerCount, OGRLayerH *pahLayers,
787                             GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,
788                             void *pTransformArg,
789                             double *padfLayerBurnValues,
790                             char **papszOptions,
791                             GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
792                             void *pProgressArg )
794 {
795 #ifndef OGR_ENABLED
796     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GDALRasterizeLayers() unimplemented in a non OGR build");
797     return CE_Failure;
798 #else
799     GDALDataType   eType;
800     unsigned char *pabyChunkBuf;
801     GDALDataset *poDS = (GDALDataset *) hDS;
803     if( pfnProgress == NULL )
804         pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
806 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
807 /*      Do some rudimentary arg checking.                               */
808 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
809     if( nBandCount == 0 || nLayerCount == 0 )
810         return CE_None;
812     // prototype band.
813     GDALRasterBand *poBand = poDS->GetRasterBand( panBandList[0] );
814     if (poBand == NULL)
815         return CE_Failure;
817 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
818 /*      Options                                                         */
819 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
820     int bAllTouched;
821     GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSource;
822     GDALRasterMergeAlg eMergeAlg;
823     if( GDALRasterizeOptions(papszOptions, &bAllTouched,
824                              &eBurnValueSource, &eMergeAlg) == CE_Failure) {
825         return CE_Failure;
826     }
828 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
829 /*      Establish a chunksize to operate on.  The larger the chunk      */
830 /*      size the less times we need to make a pass through all the      */
831 /*      shapes.                                                         */
832 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
833     int         nYChunkSize, nScanlineBytes;
834     const char  *pszYChunkSize =
835         CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "CHUNKYSIZE" );
837     if( poBand->GetRasterDataType() == GDT_Byte )
838         eType = GDT_Byte;
839     else
840         eType = GDT_Float64;
842     nScanlineBytes = nBandCount * poDS->GetRasterXSize()
843         * (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eType)/8);
845     if ( pszYChunkSize && ((nYChunkSize = atoi(pszYChunkSize))) != 0 )
846         ;
847     else
848     {
849         GIntBig nYChunkSize64 = GDALGetCacheMax64() / nScanlineBytes;
850         if (nYChunkSize64 > INT_MAX)
851             nYChunkSize = INT_MAX;
852         else
853             nYChunkSize = (int)nYChunkSize64;
854     }
856     if( nYChunkSize < 1 )
857         nYChunkSize = 1;
858     if( nYChunkSize > poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
859         nYChunkSize = poDS->GetRasterYSize();
861     CPLDebug( "GDAL", "Rasterizer operating on %d swaths of %d scanlines.",
862               (poDS->GetRasterYSize()+nYChunkSize-1) / nYChunkSize,
863               nYChunkSize );
864     pabyChunkBuf = (unsigned char *) VSIMalloc(nYChunkSize * nScanlineBytes);
865     if( pabyChunkBuf == NULL )
866     {
867         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
868                   "Unable to allocate rasterization buffer." );
869         return CE_Failure;
870     }
872 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
873 /*      Read the image once for all layers if user requested to render  */
874 /*      the whole raster in single chunk.                               */
875 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
876     if ( nYChunkSize == poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
877     {
878         if ( poDS->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, 0, poDS->GetRasterXSize(),
879                              nYChunkSize, pabyChunkBuf,
880                              poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nYChunkSize,
881                              eType, nBandCount, panBandList, 0, 0, 0, NULL )
882              != CE_None )
883         {
884             CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
885                       "Unable to read buffer." );
886             CPLFree( pabyChunkBuf );
887             return CE_Failure;
888         }
889     }
891 /* ==================================================================== */
892 /*      Read the specified layers transfoming and rasterizing           */
893 /*      geometries.                                                     */
894 /* ==================================================================== */
895     CPLErr      eErr = CE_None;
896     int         iLayer;
897     const char  *pszBurnAttribute =
898         CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ATTRIBUTE" );
900     pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressArg );
902     for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayerCount; iLayer++ )
903     {
904         int         iBurnField = -1;
905         double      *padfBurnValues = NULL;
906         OGRLayer    *poLayer = (OGRLayer *) pahLayers[iLayer];
908         if ( !poLayer )
909         {
910             CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
911                       "Layer element number %d is NULL, skipping.\n", iLayer );
912             continue;
913         }
915 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
916 /*      If the layer does not contain any features just skip it.        */
917 /*      Do not force the feature count, so if driver doesn't know       */
918 /*      exact number of features, go down the normal way.               */
919 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
920         if ( poLayer->GetFeatureCount(FALSE) == 0 )
921             continue;
923         if ( pszBurnAttribute )
924         {
925             iBurnField =
926                 poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldIndex( pszBurnAttribute );
927             if ( iBurnField == -1 )
928             {
929                 CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
930                           "Failed to find field %s on layer %s, skipping.\n",
931                           pszBurnAttribute,
932                           poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName() );
933                 continue;
934             }
935         }
936         else
937             padfBurnValues = padfLayerBurnValues + iLayer * nBandCount;
939 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
940 /*      If we have no transformer, create the one from input file       */
941 /*      projection. Note that each layer can be georefernced            */
942 /*      separately.                                                     */
943 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
944         int bNeedToFreeTransformer = FALSE;
946         if( pfnTransformer == NULL )
947         {
948             char    *pszProjection = NULL;
949             bNeedToFreeTransformer = TRUE;
951             OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = poLayer->GetSpatialRef();
952             if ( !poSRS )
953             {
954                 CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
955                           "Failed to fetch spatial reference on layer %s "
956                           "to build transformer, assuming matching coordinate systems.\n",
957                           poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName() );
958             }
959             else
960                 poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszProjection );
962             pTransformArg =
963                 GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer( NULL, pszProjection,
964                                                  hDS, NULL, FALSE, 0.0, 0 );
965             pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
967             CPLFree( pszProjection );
968         }
970         OGRFeature *poFeat;
972         poLayer->ResetReading();
974 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
975 /*      Loop over image in designated chunks.                           */
976 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
977         int     iY;
978         for( iY = 0;
979              iY < poDS->GetRasterYSize() && eErr == CE_None;
980              iY += nYChunkSize )
981         {
982             int	nThisYChunkSize;
984             nThisYChunkSize = nYChunkSize;
985             if( nThisYChunkSize + iY > poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
986                 nThisYChunkSize = poDS->GetRasterYSize() - iY;
988             // Only re-read image if not a single chunk is being rendered
989             if ( nYChunkSize < poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
990             {
991                 eErr =
992                     poDS->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, iY,
993                                     poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
994                                     pabyChunkBuf,
995                                     poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
996                                     eType, nBandCount, panBandList, 0, 0, 0, NULL );
997                 if( eErr != CE_None )
998                     break;
999             }
1001             double *padfAttrValues = (double *) VSIMalloc(sizeof(double) * nBandCount);
1002             while( (poFeat = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL )
1003             {
1004                 OGRGeometry *poGeom = poFeat->GetGeometryRef();
1006                 if ( pszBurnAttribute )
1007                 {
1008                     int         iBand;
1009                     double      dfAttrValue;
1011                     dfAttrValue = poFeat->GetFieldAsDouble( iBurnField );
1012                     for (iBand = 0 ; iBand < nBandCount ; iBand++)
1013                         padfAttrValues[iBand] = dfAttrValue;
1015                     padfBurnValues = padfAttrValues;
1016                 }
1018                 gv_rasterize_one_shape( pabyChunkBuf, iY,
1019                                         poDS->GetRasterXSize(),
1020                                         nThisYChunkSize,
1021                                         nBandCount, eType, bAllTouched, poGeom,
1022                                         padfBurnValues, eBurnValueSource,
1023                                         eMergeAlg,
1024                                         pfnTransformer, pTransformArg );
1026                 delete poFeat;
1027             }
1028             VSIFree( padfAttrValues );
1030             // Only write image if not a single chunk is being rendered
1031             if ( nYChunkSize < poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
1032             {
1033                 eErr =
1034                     poDS->RasterIO( GF_Write, 0, iY,
1035                                     poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
1036                                     pabyChunkBuf,
1037                                     poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nThisYChunkSize,
1038                                     eType, nBandCount, panBandList, 0, 0, 0, NULL );
1039             }
1041             poLayer->ResetReading();
1043             if( !pfnProgress((iY+nThisYChunkSize)/((double)poDS->GetRasterYSize()),
1044                              "", pProgressArg) )
1045             {
1046                 CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
1047                 eErr = CE_Failure;
1048             }
1049         }
1051         if ( bNeedToFreeTransformer )
1052         {
1053             GDALDestroyTransformer( pTransformArg );
1054             pTransformArg = NULL;
1055             pfnTransformer = NULL;
1056         }
1057     }
1059 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1060 /*      Write out the image once for all layers if user requested       */
1061 /*      to render the whole raster in single chunk.                     */
1062 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1063     if ( nYChunkSize == poDS->GetRasterYSize() )
1064     {
1065         poDS->RasterIO( GF_Write, 0, 0,
1066                                 poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nYChunkSize,
1067                                 pabyChunkBuf,
1068                                 poDS->GetRasterXSize(), nYChunkSize,
1069                                 eType, nBandCount, panBandList, 0, 0, 0, NULL );
1070     }
1072 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1073 /*      cleanup                                                         */
1074 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1075     VSIFree( pabyChunkBuf );
1077     return eErr;
1078 #endif /* def OGR_ENABLED */
1079 }
1081 /************************************************************************/
1082 /*                        GDALRasterizeLayersBuf()                      */
1083 /************************************************************************/
1085 /**
1086  * Burn geometries from the specified list of layer into raster.
1087  *
1088  * Rasterize all the geometric objects from a list of layers into supplied
1089  * raster buffer.  The layers are passed as an array of OGRLayerH handlers.
1090  *
1091  * If the geometries are in the georferenced coordinates of the raster
1092  * dataset, then the pfnTransform may be passed in NULL and one will be
1093  * derived internally from the geotransform of the dataset.  The transform
1094  * needs to transform the geometry locations into pixel/line coordinates
1095  * of the target raster.
1096  *
1097  * The output raster may be of any GDAL supported datatype, though currently
1098  * internally the burning is done either as GDT_Byte or GDT_Float32.  This
1099  * may be improved in the future.
1100  *
1101  * @param pData pointer to the output data array.
1102  *
1103  * @param nBufXSize width of the output data array in pixels.
1104  *
1105  * @param nBufYSize height of the output data array in pixels.
1106  *
1107  * @param eBufType data type of the output data array.
1108  *
1109  * @param nPixelSpace The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in
1110  * pData to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline.  If defaulted
1111  * (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used.
1112  *
1113  * @param nLineSpace The byte offset from the start of one scanline in
1114  * pData to the start of the next.  If defaulted the size of the datatype
1115  * eBufType * nBufXSize is used.
1116  *
1117  * @param nLayerCount the number of layers being passed in pahLayers array.
1118  *
1119  * @param pahLayers the array of layers to burn in.
1120  *
1121  * @param pszDstProjection WKT defining the coordinate system of the target
1122  * raster.
1123  *
1124  * @param padfDstGeoTransform geotransformation matrix of the target raster.
1125  *
1126  * @param pfnTransformer transformation to apply to geometries to put into
1127  * pixel/line coordinates on raster.  If NULL a geotransform based one will
1128  * be created internally.
1129  *
1130  * @param pTransformArg callback data for transformer.
1131  *
1132  * @param dfBurnValue the value to burn into the raster.
1133  *
1134  * @param papszOptions special options controlling rasterization:
1135  * <dl>
1136  * <dt>"ATTRIBUTE":</dt> <dd>Identifies an attribute field on the features to be
1137  * used for a burn in value. The value will be burned into all output
1138  * bands. If specified, padfLayerBurnValues will not be used and can be a NULL
1139  * pointer.</dd>
1140  * <dt>"ALL_TOUCHED":</dt> <dd>May be set to TRUE to set all pixels touched
1141  * by the line or polygons, not just those whose center is within the polygon
1142  * or that are selected by brezenhams line algorithm.  Defaults to FALSE.</dd>
1143  * </dl>
1144  * <dt>"BURN_VALUE_FROM":</dt> <dd>May be set to "Z" to use
1145  * the Z values of the geometries. dfBurnValue or the attribute field value is
1146  * added to this before burning. In default case dfBurnValue is burned as it
1147  * is. This is implemented properly only for points and lines for now. Polygons
1148  * will be burned using the Z value from the first point. The M value may
1149  * be supported in the future.</dd>
1150  * <dt>"MERGE_ALG":</dt> <dd>May be REPLACE (the default) or ADD.  REPLACE results in overwriting of value, while ADD adds the new value to the existing raster, suitable for heatmaps for instance.</dd>
1151  * </dl>
1152  *
1153  * @param pfnProgress the progress function to report completion.
1154  *
1155  * @param pProgressArg callback data for progress function.
1156  *
1157  *
1158  * @return CE_None on success or CE_Failure on error.
1159  */
GDALRasterizeLayersBuf(void * pData,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,GDALDataType eBufType,int nPixelSpace,int nLineSpace,int nLayerCount,OGRLayerH * pahLayers,const char * pszDstProjection,double * padfDstGeoTransform,GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,void * pTransformArg,double dfBurnValue,char ** papszOptions,GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,void * pProgressArg)1161 CPLErr GDALRasterizeLayersBuf( void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
1162                                GDALDataType eBufType,
1163                                int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace,
1164                                int nLayerCount, OGRLayerH *pahLayers,
1165                                const char *pszDstProjection,
1166                                double *padfDstGeoTransform,
1167                                GDALTransformerFunc pfnTransformer,
1168                                void *pTransformArg, double dfBurnValue,
1169                                char **papszOptions,
1170                                GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
1171                                void *pProgressArg )
1173 {
1174 #ifndef OGR_ENABLED
1175     CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, "GDALRasterizeLayersBuf() unimplemented in a non OGR build");
1176     return CE_Failure;
1177 #else
1178 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1179 /*      If pixel and line spaceing are defaulted assign reasonable      */
1180 /*      value assuming a packed buffer.                                 */
1181 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1182     if( nPixelSpace == 0 )
1183         nPixelSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSize( eBufType ) / 8;
1185     if( nLineSpace == 0 )
1186         nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize;
1188     if( pfnProgress == NULL )
1189         pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
1191 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1192 /*      Do some rudimentary arg checking.                               */
1193 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1194     if( nLayerCount == 0 )
1195         return CE_None;
1197 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1198 /*      Options                                                         */
1199 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1200     int bAllTouched;
1201     GDALBurnValueSrc eBurnValueSource;
1202     GDALRasterMergeAlg eMergeAlg;
1203     if( GDALRasterizeOptions(papszOptions, &bAllTouched,
1204                              &eBurnValueSource, &eMergeAlg) == CE_Failure) {
1205         return CE_Failure;
1206     }
1208 /* ==================================================================== */
1209 /*      Read thes pecified layers transfoming and rasterizing           */
1210 /*      geometries.                                                     */
1211 /* ==================================================================== */
1212     CPLErr      eErr = CE_None;
1213     int         iLayer;
1214     const char  *pszBurnAttribute =
1215         CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ATTRIBUTE" );
1217     pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressArg );
1219     for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayerCount; iLayer++ )
1220     {
1221         int         iBurnField = -1;
1222         OGRLayer    *poLayer = (OGRLayer *) pahLayers[iLayer];
1224         if ( !poLayer )
1225         {
1226             CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
1227                       "Layer element number %d is NULL, skipping.\n", iLayer );
1228             continue;
1229         }
1231 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1232 /*      If the layer does not contain any features just skip it.        */
1233 /*      Do not force the feature count, so if driver doesn't know       */
1234 /*      exact number of features, go down the normal way.               */
1235 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1236         if ( poLayer->GetFeatureCount(FALSE) == 0 )
1237             continue;
1239         if ( pszBurnAttribute )
1240         {
1241             iBurnField =
1242                 poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetFieldIndex( pszBurnAttribute );
1243             if ( iBurnField == -1 )
1244             {
1245                 CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
1246                           "Failed to find field %s on layer %s, skipping.\n",
1247                           pszBurnAttribute,
1248                           poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName() );
1249                 continue;
1250             }
1251         }
1253 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1254 /*      If we have no transformer, create the one from input file       */
1255 /*      projection. Note that each layer can be georefernced            */
1256 /*      separately.                                                     */
1257 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1258         int bNeedToFreeTransformer = FALSE;
1260         if( pfnTransformer == NULL )
1261         {
1262             char    *pszProjection = NULL;
1263             bNeedToFreeTransformer = TRUE;
1265             OGRSpatialReference *poSRS = poLayer->GetSpatialRef();
1266             if ( !poSRS )
1267             {
1268                 CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
1269                           "Failed to fetch spatial reference on layer %s "
1270                           "to build transformer, assuming matching coordinate systems.\n",
1271                           poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->GetName() );
1272             }
1273             else
1274                 poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszProjection );
1276             pTransformArg =
1277                 GDALCreateGenImgProjTransformer3( pszProjection, NULL,
1278                                                   pszDstProjection,
1279                                                   padfDstGeoTransform );
1280             pfnTransformer = GDALGenImgProjTransform;
1282             CPLFree( pszProjection );
1283         }
1285         OGRFeature *poFeat;
1287         poLayer->ResetReading();
1289         while( (poFeat = poLayer->GetNextFeature()) != NULL )
1290         {
1291             OGRGeometry *poGeom = poFeat->GetGeometryRef();
1293             if ( pszBurnAttribute )
1294                 dfBurnValue = poFeat->GetFieldAsDouble( iBurnField );
1296             gv_rasterize_one_shape( (unsigned char *) pData, 0,
1297                                     nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
1298                                     1, eBufType, bAllTouched, poGeom,
1299                                     &dfBurnValue, eBurnValueSource, eMergeAlg,
1300                                     pfnTransformer, pTransformArg );
1302             delete poFeat;
1303         }
1305         poLayer->ResetReading();
1307         if( !pfnProgress(1, "", pProgressArg) )
1308         {
1309             CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt, "User terminated" );
1310             eErr = CE_Failure;
1311         }
1313         if ( bNeedToFreeTransformer )
1314         {
1315             GDALDestroyTransformer( pTransformArg );
1316             pTransformArg = NULL;
1317             pfnTransformer = NULL;
1318         }
1319     }
1321     return eErr;
1322 #endif /* def OGR_ENABLED */
1323 }