1 /******************************************************************************
2  * $Id: rasterio.cpp 29161 2015-05-06 10:18:19Z rouault $
3  *
4  * Project:  GDAL Core
5  * Purpose:  Contains default implementation of GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO()
6  *           and supporting functions of broader utility.
7  * Author:   Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com
8  *
9  ******************************************************************************
10  * Copyright (c) 1998, Frank Warmerdam
11  * Copyright (c) 2007-2014, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org>
12  *
13  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
14  * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
15  * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
16  * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
17  * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
18  * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
19  *
20  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
21  * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
22  *
30  ****************************************************************************/
32 #include "gdal_priv.h"
33 #include "gdal_vrt.h"
34 #include "vrtdataset.h"
35 #include "memdataset.h"
36 #include "gdalwarper.h"
38 // Define a list of "C++" compilers that have broken template support or
39 // broken scoping so we can fall back on the legacy implementation of
40 // GDALCopyWords
42 	(!(defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200) && !defined(__BORLANDC__) && \
43 	!defined(__SUNPRO_CC))
46 #include <stdexcept>
47 #include <limits>
49 // For now, work around MSVC++ 6.0's broken template support. If this value
50 // is not defined, the old GDALCopyWords implementation is used.
51 #define USE_NEW_COPYWORDS 1
52 #endif
55 CPL_CVSID("$Id: rasterio.cpp 29161 2015-05-06 10:18:19Z rouault $");
57 /************************************************************************/
58 /*                             IRasterIO()                              */
59 /*                                                                      */
60 /*      Default internal implementation of RasterIO() ... utilizes      */
61 /*      the Block access methods to satisfy the request.  This would    */
62 /*      normally only be overridden by formats with overviews.          */
63 /************************************************************************/
IRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,int nXOff,int nYOff,int nXSize,int nYSize,void * pData,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,GDALDataType eBufType,GSpacing nPixelSpace,GSpacing nLineSpace,GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psExtraArg)65 CPLErr GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO( GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,
66                                   int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
67                                   void * pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
68                                   GDALDataType eBufType,
69                                   GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace,
70                                   GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )
72 {
73     int         nBandDataSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize( eDataType ) / 8;
74     int         nBufDataSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize( eBufType ) / 8;
75     GByte       *pabySrcBlock = NULL;
76     GDALRasterBlock *poBlock = NULL;
77     int         nLBlockX=-1, nLBlockY=-1, iBufYOff, iBufXOff, iSrcY;
79     if( eRWFlag == GF_Write && eFlushBlockErr != CE_None )
80     {
81         CPLError(eFlushBlockErr, CPLE_AppDefined,
82                  "An error occured while writing a dirty block");
83         CPLErr eErr = eFlushBlockErr;
84         eFlushBlockErr = CE_None;
85         return eErr;
86     }
88 /* ==================================================================== */
89 /*      A common case is the data requested with the destination        */
90 /*      is packed, and the block width is the raster width.             */
91 /* ==================================================================== */
92     if( nPixelSpace == nBufDataSize
93         && nLineSpace == nPixelSpace * nXSize
94         && nBlockXSize == GetXSize()
95         && nBufXSize == nXSize
96         && nBufYSize == nYSize )
97     {
98 //        printf( "IRasterIO(%d,%d,%d,%d) rw=%d case 1\n",
99 //                nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
100 //                (int) eRWFlag );
101         CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
103         for( iBufYOff = 0; iBufYOff < nBufYSize; iBufYOff++ )
104         {
105             int         nSrcByteOffset;
107             iSrcY = iBufYOff + nYOff;
109             if( iSrcY < nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
110                 || iSrcY >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize )
111             {
112                 nLBlockY = iSrcY / nBlockYSize;
113                 int bJustInitialize =
114                     eRWFlag == GF_Write
115                     && nXOff == 0 && nXSize == nBlockXSize
116                     && nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
117                     && nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize;
119                 /* Is this a partial tile at right and/or bottom edges of */
120                 /* the raster, and that is going to be completely written ? */
121                 /* If so, don't load it from storage, but zeroized it so that */
122                 /* the content outsize of the validity area is initialized */
123                 int bMemZeroBuffer = FALSE;
124                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Write && !bJustInitialize &&
125                     nXOff == 0 && nXSize == nBlockXSize &&
126                     nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize &&
127                     nYOff + nYSize == GetYSize() &&
128                     (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize > GetYSize() )
129                 {
130                     bJustInitialize = TRUE;
131                     bMemZeroBuffer = TRUE;
132                 }
134                 if( poBlock )
135                     poBlock->DropLock();
137                 poBlock = GetLockedBlockRef( 0, nLBlockY, bJustInitialize );
138                 if( poBlock == NULL )
139                 {
140                     CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
141             "GetBlockRef failed at X block offset %d, "
142                         "Y block offset %d", 0, nLBlockY );
143                     eErr = CE_Failure;
144                     break;
145                 }
147                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Write )
148                     poBlock->MarkDirty();
150                 pabySrcBlock = (GByte *) poBlock->GetDataRef();
151                 if( pabySrcBlock == NULL )
152                 {
153                     poBlock->DropLock();
154                     eErr = CE_Failure;
155                     break;
156                 }
157                 if( bMemZeroBuffer )
158                 {
159                     memset(pabySrcBlock, 0,
160                            nBandDataSize * nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize);
161                 }
162             }
164             nSrcByteOffset = ((iSrcY-nLBlockY*nBlockYSize)*nBlockXSize + nXOff)
165                 * nBandDataSize;
167             if( eDataType == eBufType )
168             {
169                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Read )
170                     memcpy( ((GByte *) pData) + (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * nLineSpace,
171                             pabySrcBlock + nSrcByteOffset,
172                             (size_t)nLineSpace );
173                 else
174                     memcpy( pabySrcBlock + nSrcByteOffset,
175                             ((GByte *) pData) + (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * nLineSpace,
176                             (size_t)nLineSpace );
177             }
178             else
179             {
180                 /* type to type conversion */
182                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Read )
183                     GDALCopyWords( pabySrcBlock + nSrcByteOffset,
184                                    eDataType, nBandDataSize,
185                                    ((GByte *) pData) + (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * nLineSpace,
186                                    eBufType, (int)nPixelSpace, nBufXSize );
187                 else
188                     GDALCopyWords( ((GByte *) pData) + (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * nLineSpace,
189                                    eBufType, (int)nPixelSpace,
190                                    pabySrcBlock + nSrcByteOffset,
191                                    eDataType, nBandDataSize, nBufXSize );
192             }
194             if( psExtraArg->pfnProgress != NULL &&
195                 !psExtraArg->pfnProgress(1.0 * (iBufYOff + 1) / nBufYSize, "",
196                                          psExtraArg->pProgressData) )
197             {
198                 eErr = CE_Failure;
199                 break;
200             }
201         }
203         if( poBlock )
204             poBlock->DropLock();
206         return eErr;
207     }
209 /* ==================================================================== */
210 /*      Do we have overviews that would be appropriate to satisfy       */
211 /*      this request?                                                   */
212 /* ==================================================================== */
213     if( (nBufXSize < nXSize || nBufYSize < nYSize)
214         && GetOverviewCount() > 0 && eRWFlag == GF_Read )
215     {
216         int         nOverview;
217         GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
219         GDALCopyRasterIOExtraArg(&sExtraArg, psExtraArg);
221         nOverview =
222             GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel2(this, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
223                                           nBufXSize, nBufYSize, &sExtraArg);
224         if (nOverview >= 0)
225         {
226             GDALRasterBand* poOverviewBand = GetOverview(nOverview);
227             if (poOverviewBand == NULL)
228                 return CE_Failure;
230             return poOverviewBand->RasterIO( eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
231                                             pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType,
232                                             nPixelSpace, nLineSpace, &sExtraArg );
233         }
234     }
237     if( eRWFlag == GF_Read &&
238         nBufXSize < nXSize / 100 && nBufYSize < nYSize / 100 &&
239         nPixelSpace == nBufDataSize &&
240         nLineSpace == nPixelSpace * nBufXSize &&
241         CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_NO_COSTLY_OVERVIEW", "NO")) )
242     {
243         memset(pData, 0, (size_t)(nLineSpace * nBufYSize));
244         return CE_None;
245     }
248 /* ==================================================================== */
249 /*      The second case when we don't need subsample data but likely    */
250 /*      need data type conversion.                                      */
251 /* ==================================================================== */
252     int         iSrcX;
254     if ( /* nPixelSpace == nBufDataSize
255             && */ nXSize == nBufXSize
256          && nYSize == nBufYSize )
257     {
258 //        printf( "IRasterIO(%d,%d,%d,%d) rw=%d case 2\n",
259 //                nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
260 //                (int) eRWFlag );
262 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
263 /*      Loop over buffer computing source locations.                    */
264 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
265         int     nLBlockXStart, nXSpanEnd;
267         // Calculate starting values out of loop
268         nLBlockXStart = nXOff / nBlockXSize;
269         nXSpanEnd = nBufXSize + nXOff;
271         int nYInc = 0;
272         for( iBufYOff = 0, iSrcY = nYOff; iBufYOff < nBufYSize; iBufYOff+=nYInc, iSrcY+=nYInc )
273         {
274             GPtrDiff_t  iBufOffset;
275             GPtrDiff_t  iSrcOffset;
276             int     nXSpan;
278             iBufOffset = (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * (GPtrDiff_t)nLineSpace;
279             nLBlockY = iSrcY / nBlockYSize;
280             nLBlockX = nLBlockXStart;
281             iSrcX = nXOff;
282             while( iSrcX < nXSpanEnd )
283             {
284                 int nXSpanSize;
286                 nXSpan = (nLBlockX + 1) * nBlockXSize;
287                 nXSpan = ( ( nXSpan < nXSpanEnd )?nXSpan:nXSpanEnd ) - iSrcX;
288                 nXSpanSize = nXSpan * (int)nPixelSpace;
290                 int bJustInitialize =
291                     eRWFlag == GF_Write
292                     && nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
293                     && nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize
294                     && nXOff <= nLBlockX * nBlockXSize
295                     && nXOff + nXSize >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize;
297                 /* Is this a partial tile at right and/or bottom edges of */
298                 /* the raster, and that is going to be completely written ? */
299                 /* If so, don't load it from storage, but zeroized it so that */
300                 /* the content outsize of the validity area is initialized */
301                 int bMemZeroBuffer = FALSE;
302                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Write && !bJustInitialize &&
303                     nXOff <= nLBlockX * nBlockXSize &&
304                     nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize &&
305                     (nXOff + nXSize >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize ||
306                      (nXOff + nXSize == GetXSize() && (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize > GetXSize())) &&
307                     (nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize ||
308                      (nYOff + nYSize == GetYSize() && (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize > GetYSize())) )
309                 {
310                     bJustInitialize = TRUE;
311                     bMemZeroBuffer = TRUE;
312                 }
313 //                printf( "bJustInitialize = %d (%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",
314 //                        bJustInitialize,
315 //                        nYOff, nYSize,
316 //                        nLBlockY, nBlockYSize );
317 //                bJustInitialize = FALSE;
320 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
321 /*      Ensure we have the appropriate block loaded.                    */
322 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
323                 poBlock = GetLockedBlockRef( nLBlockX, nLBlockY, bJustInitialize );
324                 if( !poBlock )
325                 {
326                     CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
327             "GetBlockRef failed at X block offset %d, "
328                         "Y block offset %d", nLBlockX, nLBlockY );
329                     return( CE_Failure );
330                 }
332                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Write )
333                     poBlock->MarkDirty();
335                 pabySrcBlock = (GByte *) poBlock->GetDataRef();
336                 if( pabySrcBlock == NULL )
337                 {
338                     poBlock->DropLock();
339                     return CE_Failure;
340                 }
341                 if( bMemZeroBuffer )
342                 {
343                     memset(pabySrcBlock, 0,
344                            nBandDataSize * nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize);
345                 }
346 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
347 /*      Copy over this chunk of data.                                   */
348 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
349                 iSrcOffset = ((GPtrDiff_t)iSrcX - (GPtrDiff_t)nLBlockX*nBlockXSize
350                     + ((GPtrDiff_t)(iSrcY) - (GPtrDiff_t)nLBlockY*nBlockYSize) * nBlockXSize)*nBandDataSize;
351                 /* Fill up as many rows as possible for the loaded block */
352                 int kmax = MIN(nBlockYSize - (iSrcY % nBlockYSize), nBufYSize - iBufYOff);
353                 for(int k=0; k<kmax;k++)
354                 {
355                     if( eDataType == eBufType
356                         && nPixelSpace == nBufDataSize )
357                     {
358                         if( eRWFlag == GF_Read )
359                             memcpy( ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset + (GPtrDiff_t)k * nLineSpace,
360                                     pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, nXSpanSize );
361                         else
362                             memcpy( pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset,
363                                     ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset + (GPtrDiff_t)k * nLineSpace, nXSpanSize );
364                     }
365                     else
366                     {
367                         /* type to type conversion */
369                         if( eRWFlag == GF_Read )
370                             GDALCopyWords( pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset,
371                                         eDataType, nBandDataSize,
372                                         ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset + (GPtrDiff_t)k * nLineSpace,
373                                         eBufType, (int)nPixelSpace, nXSpan );
374                         else
375                             GDALCopyWords( ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset + (GPtrDiff_t)k * nLineSpace,
376                                         eBufType, (int)nPixelSpace,
377                                         pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset,
378                                         eDataType, nBandDataSize, nXSpan );
379                     }
381                     iSrcOffset += nBlockXSize * nBandDataSize;
382                 }
384                 iBufOffset += nXSpanSize;
385                 nLBlockX++;
386                 iSrcX+=nXSpan;
388                 poBlock->DropLock();
389                 poBlock = NULL;
390             }
392             /* Compute the increment to go on a block boundary */
393             nYInc = nBlockYSize - (iSrcY % nBlockYSize);
395             if( psExtraArg->pfnProgress != NULL &&
396                 !psExtraArg->pfnProgress(1.0 * MIN(nBufYSize, iBufYOff + nYInc) / nBufYSize, "",
397                                          psExtraArg->pProgressData) )
398             {
399                 return CE_Failure;
400             }
401         }
403         return CE_None;
404     }
406 /* ==================================================================== */
407 /*      Loop reading required source blocks to satisfy output           */
408 /*      request.  This is the most general implementation.              */
409 /* ==================================================================== */
411     double dfXOff, dfYOff, dfXSize, dfYSize;
412     if( psExtraArg->bFloatingPointWindowValidity )
413     {
414         dfXOff = psExtraArg->dfXOff;
415         dfYOff = psExtraArg->dfYOff;
416         dfXSize = psExtraArg->dfXSize;
417         dfYSize = psExtraArg->dfYSize;
418         CPLAssert(dfXOff - nXOff < 1.0);
419         CPLAssert(dfYOff - nYOff < 1.0);
420         CPLAssert(nXSize - dfXSize < 1.0);
421         CPLAssert(nYSize - dfYSize < 1.0);
422     }
423     else
424     {
425         dfXOff = nXOff;
426         dfYOff = nYOff;
427         dfXSize = nXSize;
428         dfYSize = nYSize;
429     }
430 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
431 /*      Compute stepping increment.                                     */
432 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
433     double dfSrcXInc, dfSrcYInc;
434     dfSrcXInc = dfXSize / (double) nBufXSize;
435     dfSrcYInc = dfYSize / (double) nBufYSize;
436     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
438 //    printf( "IRasterIO(%d,%d,%d,%d) rw=%d case 3\n",
439 //            nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
440 //            (int) eRWFlag );
441     if (eRWFlag == GF_Write)
442     {
443 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
444 /*    Write case                                                        */
445 /*    Loop over raster window computing source locations in the buffer. */
446 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
447         int iDstX, iDstY;
448         GByte* pabyDstBlock = NULL;
450         for( iDstY = nYOff; iDstY < nYOff + nYSize; iDstY ++)
451         {
452             GPtrDiff_t iBufOffset, iDstOffset;
453             iBufYOff = (int)((iDstY - nYOff) / dfSrcYInc);
455             for( iDstX = nXOff; iDstX < nXOff + nXSize; iDstX ++)
456             {
457                 iBufXOff = (int)((iDstX - nXOff) / dfSrcXInc);
458                 iBufOffset = (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * (GPtrDiff_t)nLineSpace + iBufXOff * (GPtrDiff_t)nPixelSpace;
460                 // FIXME: this code likely doesn't work if the dirty block gets flushed
461                 // to disk before being completely written.
462                 // In the meantime, bJustInitalize should probably be set to FALSE
463                 // even if it is not ideal performance wise, and for lossy compression
465     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
466     /*      Ensure we have the appropriate block loaded.                    */
467     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
468                 if( iDstX < nLBlockX * nBlockXSize
469                     || iDstX >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize
470                     || iDstY < nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
471                     || iDstY >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize )
472                 {
473                     nLBlockX = iDstX / nBlockXSize;
474                     nLBlockY = iDstY / nBlockYSize;
476                     int bJustInitialize =
477                            nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
478                         && nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize
479                         && nXOff <= nLBlockX * nBlockXSize
480                         && nXOff + nXSize >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize;
481                     /*int bMemZeroBuffer = FALSE;
482                     if( !bJustInitialize &&
483                         nXOff <= nLBlockX * nBlockXSize &&
484                         nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize &&
485                         (nXOff + nXSize >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize ||
486                          (nXOff + nXSize == GetXSize() && (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize > GetXSize())) &&
487                         (nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize ||
488                          (nYOff + nYSize == GetYSize() && (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize > GetYSize())) )
489                     {
490                         bJustInitialize = TRUE;
491                         bMemZeroBuffer = TRUE;
492                     }*/
493                     if( poBlock != NULL )
494                         poBlock->DropLock();
496                     poBlock = GetLockedBlockRef( nLBlockX, nLBlockY,
497                                                 bJustInitialize );
498                     if( poBlock == NULL )
499                     {
500                         return( CE_Failure );
501                     }
503                     poBlock->MarkDirty();
505                     pabyDstBlock = (GByte *) poBlock->GetDataRef();
506                     if( pabyDstBlock == NULL )
507                     {
508                         poBlock->DropLock();
509                         return CE_Failure;
510                     }
511                     /*if( bMemZeroBuffer )
512                     {
513                         memset(pabyDstBlock, 0,
514                             nBandDataSize * nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize);
515                     }*/
516                 }
518     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
519     /*      Copy over this pixel of data.                                   */
520     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
521                 iDstOffset = ((GPtrDiff_t)iDstX - (GPtrDiff_t)nLBlockX*nBlockXSize
522                     + ((GPtrDiff_t)iDstY - (GPtrDiff_t)nLBlockY*nBlockYSize) * nBlockXSize)*nBandDataSize;
524                 if( eDataType == eBufType )
525                 {
526                     memcpy( pabyDstBlock + iDstOffset,
527                             ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset, nBandDataSize );
528                 }
529                 else
530                 {
531                     /* type to type conversion ... ouch, this is expensive way
532                     of handling single words */
534                     GDALCopyWords( ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset, eBufType, 0,
535                                 pabyDstBlock + iDstOffset, eDataType, 0,
536                                 1 );
537                 }
538             }
540             if( psExtraArg->pfnProgress != NULL &&
541                 !psExtraArg->pfnProgress(1.0 * (iDstY - nYOff + 1) / nYSize, "",
542                                          psExtraArg->pProgressData) )
543             {
544                 eErr = CE_Failure;
545                 break;
546             }
547         }
548     }
549     else
550     {
551         if( psExtraArg->eResampleAlg != GRIORA_NearestNeighbour )
552         {
553             if( (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Cubic ||
554                  psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_CubicSpline ||
555                  psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Bilinear ||
556                  psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Lanczos) &&
557                 GetColorTable() != NULL )
558             {
559                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
560                          "Resampling method not supported on paletted band. "
561                          "Falling back to nearest neighbour");
562             }
563             else if( psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Gauss &&
564                      GDALDataTypeIsComplex( eDataType ) )
565             {
566                 CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
567                          "Resampling method not supported on complex data type band. "
568                          "Falling back to nearest neighbour");
569             }
570             else
571             {
572                 return RasterIOResampled( eRWFlag,
573                                           nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
574                                           pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
575                                           eBufType,
576                                           nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
577                                           psExtraArg );
578             }
579         }
581         double      dfSrcX, dfSrcY;
582         int         nLimitBlockY = 0;
583         int         bByteCopy = ( eDataType == eBufType && nBandDataSize == 1);
584         int nStartBlockX = -nBlockXSize;
586 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
587 /*      Read case                                                       */
588 /*      Loop over buffer computing source locations.                    */
589 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
590         for( iBufYOff = 0; iBufYOff < nBufYSize; iBufYOff++ )
591         {
592             GPtrDiff_t iBufOffset, iSrcOffset;
594             dfSrcY = (iBufYOff+0.5) * dfSrcYInc + dfYOff;
595             dfSrcX = 0.5 * dfSrcXInc + dfXOff;
596             iSrcY = (int) dfSrcY;
598             iBufOffset = (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * (GPtrDiff_t)nLineSpace;
600             if( iSrcY >= nLimitBlockY )
601             {
602                 nLBlockY = iSrcY / nBlockYSize;
603                 nLimitBlockY = (nLBlockY + 1) * nBlockYSize;
604                 nStartBlockX = -nBlockXSize; /* make sure a new block is loaded */
605             }
606             else if( (int)dfSrcX < nStartBlockX )
607                 nStartBlockX = -nBlockXSize; /* make sure a new block is loaded */
609             GPtrDiff_t iSrcOffsetCst = (iSrcY - nLBlockY*nBlockYSize) * (GPtrDiff_t)nBlockXSize;
611             for( iBufXOff = 0; iBufXOff < nBufXSize; iBufXOff++, dfSrcX += dfSrcXInc )
612             {
613                 iSrcX = (int) dfSrcX;
614                 int nDiffX = iSrcX - nStartBlockX;
616     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
617     /*      Ensure we have the appropriate block loaded.                    */
618     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
619                 if( nDiffX >= nBlockXSize )
620                 {
621                     nLBlockX = iSrcX / nBlockXSize;
622                     nStartBlockX = nLBlockX * nBlockXSize;
623                     nDiffX = iSrcX - nStartBlockX;
625                     if( poBlock != NULL )
626                         poBlock->DropLock();
628                     poBlock = GetLockedBlockRef( nLBlockX, nLBlockY,
629                                                  FALSE );
630                     if( poBlock == NULL )
631                     {
632                         eErr = CE_Failure;
633                         break;
634                     }
636                     pabySrcBlock = (GByte *) poBlock->GetDataRef();
637                     if( pabySrcBlock == NULL )
638                     {
639                         eErr = CE_Failure;
640                         break;
641                     }
642                 }
644     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
645     /*      Copy over this pixel of data.                                   */
646     /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
647                 iSrcOffset = ((GPtrDiff_t)nDiffX + iSrcOffsetCst)*nBandDataSize;
649                 if( bByteCopy )
650                 {
651                     ((GByte *) pData)[iBufOffset] = pabySrcBlock[iSrcOffset];
652                 }
653                 else if( eDataType == eBufType )
654                 {
655                     memcpy( ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset,
656                             pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, nBandDataSize );
657                 }
658                 else
659                 {
660                     /* type to type conversion ... ouch, this is expensive way
661                     of handling single words */
662                     GDALCopyWords( pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, eDataType, 0,
663                                 ((GByte *) pData) + iBufOffset, eBufType, 0,
664                                 1 );
665                 }
667                 iBufOffset += (int)nPixelSpace;
668             }
669             if( eErr == CE_Failure )
670                 break;
672             if( psExtraArg->pfnProgress != NULL &&
673                 !psExtraArg->pfnProgress(1.0 * (iBufYOff + 1) / nBufYSize, "",
674                                          psExtraArg->pProgressData) )
675             {
676                 eErr = CE_Failure;
677                 break;
678             }
679         }
680     }
682     if( poBlock != NULL )
683         poBlock->DropLock();
685     return( eErr );
686 }
688 /************************************************************************/
689 /*                         GDALRasterIOTransformer()                    */
690 /************************************************************************/
692 typedef struct
693 {
694     double dfXOff, dfYOff;
695     double dfXRatioDstToSrc, dfYRatioDstToSrc;
696 } GDALRasterIOTransformerStruct;
GDALRasterIOTransformer(void * pTransformerArg,CPL_UNUSED int bDstToSrc,int nPointCount,double * x,double * y,CPL_UNUSED double * z,int * panSuccess)698 static int GDALRasterIOTransformer( void *pTransformerArg,
699                                     CPL_UNUSED int bDstToSrc, int nPointCount,
700                                     double *x, double *y, CPL_UNUSED double *z,
701                                     int *panSuccess )
702 {
703     CPLAssert(bDstToSrc);
704     GDALRasterIOTransformerStruct* psParams = (GDALRasterIOTransformerStruct*) pTransformerArg;
705     for(int i = 0; i < nPointCount; i++)
706     {
707         x[i] = x[i] * psParams->dfXRatioDstToSrc + psParams->dfXOff;
708         y[i] = y[i] * psParams->dfYRatioDstToSrc + psParams->dfYOff;
709         panSuccess[i] = TRUE;
710     }
711     return TRUE;
712 }
714 /************************************************************************/
715 /*                          RasterIOResampled()                         */
716 /************************************************************************/
RasterIOResampled(CPL_UNUSED GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,int nXOff,int nYOff,int nXSize,int nYSize,void * pData,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,GDALDataType eBufType,GSpacing nPixelSpace,GSpacing nLineSpace,GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psExtraArg)718 CPLErr GDALRasterBand::RasterIOResampled( CPL_UNUSED GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,
719                                   int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
720                                   void * pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
721                                   GDALDataType eBufType,
722                                   GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace,
723                                   GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )
724 {
725     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
727     // Determine if we use warping resampling or overview resampling
728     int bUseWarp;
729     if( !GDALDataTypeIsComplex( eDataType ) )
730         bUseWarp = FALSE;
731     else
732         bUseWarp = TRUE;
734     double dfXOff, dfYOff, dfXSize, dfYSize;
735     if( psExtraArg->bFloatingPointWindowValidity )
736     {
737         dfXOff = psExtraArg->dfXOff;
738         dfYOff = psExtraArg->dfYOff;
739         dfXSize = psExtraArg->dfXSize;
740         dfYSize = psExtraArg->dfYSize;
741         CPLAssert(dfXOff - nXOff < 1.0);
742         CPLAssert(dfYOff - nYOff < 1.0);
743         CPLAssert(nXSize - dfXSize < 1.0);
744         CPLAssert(nYSize - dfYSize < 1.0);
745     }
746     else
747     {
748         dfXOff = nXOff;
749         dfYOff = nYOff;
750         dfXSize = nXSize;
751         dfYSize = nYSize;
752     }
754     double dfXRatioDstToSrc = dfXSize / nBufXSize;
755     double dfYRatioDstToSrc = dfYSize / nBufYSize;
757     /* Determine the coordinates in the "virtual" output raster to see */
758     /* if there are not integers, in which case we will use them as a shift */
759     /* so that subwindow extracts give the exact same results as entire raster */
760     /* scaling */
761     double dfDestXOff = dfXOff / dfXRatioDstToSrc;
762     int bHasXOffVirtual = FALSE;
763     int nDestXOffVirtual = 0;
764     if( fabs(dfDestXOff - (int)(dfDestXOff + 0.5)) < 1e-8 )
765     {
766         bHasXOffVirtual = TRUE;
767         dfXOff = nXOff;
768         nDestXOffVirtual = (int)(dfDestXOff + 0.5);
769     }
771     double dfDestYOff = dfYOff / dfYRatioDstToSrc;
772     int bHasYOffVirtual = FALSE;
773     int nDestYOffVirtual = 0;
774     if( fabs(dfDestYOff - (int)(dfDestYOff + 0.5)) < 1e-8 )
775     {
776         bHasYOffVirtual = TRUE;
777         dfYOff = nYOff;
778         nDestYOffVirtual = (int)(dfDestYOff + 0.5);
779     }
781     /* Create a MEM dataset that wraps the output buffer */
782     GDALDataset* poMEMDS = MEMDataset::Create("", nDestXOffVirtual + nBufXSize,
783                                               nDestYOffVirtual + nBufYSize, 0,
784                                               eBufType, NULL);
785     char szBuffer[64];
786     int nRet;
788     nRet = CPLPrintPointer(szBuffer, (GByte*)pData - nPixelSpace * nDestXOffVirtual
789                             - nLineSpace * nDestYOffVirtual, sizeof(szBuffer));
790     szBuffer[nRet] = 0;
791     char** papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(NULL, "DATAPOINTER", szBuffer);
793     papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "PIXELOFFSET",
794                                 CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GIB, (GIntBig)nPixelSpace));
796     papszOptions = CSLSetNameValue(papszOptions, "LINEOFFSET",
797                                 CPLSPrintf(CPL_FRMT_GIB, (GIntBig)nLineSpace));
799     poMEMDS->AddBand(eBufType, papszOptions);
800     CSLDestroy(papszOptions);
801     GDALRasterBandH hMEMBand = (GDALRasterBandH)poMEMDS->GetRasterBand(1);
803     /* Do the resampling */
804     if( bUseWarp )
805     {
806         VRTDatasetH hVRTDS = NULL;
807         GDALRasterBandH hVRTBand = NULL;
808         if( GetDataset() == NULL )
809         {
810             /* Create VRT dataset that wraps the whole dataset */
811             hVRTDS = VRTCreate(nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize);
812             VRTAddBand( hVRTDS, eDataType, NULL );
813             hVRTBand = GDALGetRasterBand(hVRTDS, 1);
814             VRTAddSimpleSource( (VRTSourcedRasterBandH)hVRTBand,
815                                 (GDALRasterBandH)this,
816                                 0, 0,
817                                 nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize,
818                                 0, 0,
819                                 nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize,
820                                 NULL, VRT_NODATA_UNSET );
822             /* Add a mask band if needed */
823             if( GetMaskFlags() != GMF_ALL_VALID )
824             {
825                 ((GDALDataset*)hVRTDS)->CreateMaskBand(0);
826                 VRTSourcedRasterBand* poVRTMaskBand =
827                     (VRTSourcedRasterBand*)(((GDALRasterBand*)hVRTBand)->GetMaskBand());
828                 poVRTMaskBand->
829                     AddMaskBandSource( this,
830                                     0, 0,
831                                     nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize,
832                                     0, 0,
833                                     nRasterXSize, nRasterYSize);
834             }
835         }
837         GDALWarpOptions* psWarpOptions = GDALCreateWarpOptions();
838         psWarpOptions->eResampleAlg = (GDALResampleAlg)psExtraArg->eResampleAlg;
839         psWarpOptions->hSrcDS = (GDALDatasetH) (hVRTDS ? hVRTDS : GetDataset());
840         psWarpOptions->hDstDS = (GDALDatasetH) poMEMDS;
841         psWarpOptions->nBandCount = 1;
842         int nSrcBandNumber = (hVRTDS ? 1 : nBand);
843         int nDstBandNumber = 1;
844         psWarpOptions->panSrcBands = &nSrcBandNumber;
845         psWarpOptions->panDstBands = &nDstBandNumber;
846         psWarpOptions->pfnProgress = psExtraArg->pfnProgress ?
847                     psExtraArg->pfnProgress : GDALDummyProgress;
848         psWarpOptions->pProgressArg = psExtraArg->pProgressData;
849         psWarpOptions->pfnTransformer = GDALRasterIOTransformer;
850         GDALRasterIOTransformerStruct sTransformer;
851         sTransformer.dfXOff = (bHasXOffVirtual) ? 0 : dfXOff;
852         sTransformer.dfYOff = (bHasYOffVirtual) ? 0 : dfYOff;
853         sTransformer.dfXRatioDstToSrc = dfXRatioDstToSrc;
854         sTransformer.dfYRatioDstToSrc = dfYRatioDstToSrc;
855         psWarpOptions->pTransformerArg = &sTransformer;
857         GDALWarpOperationH hWarpOperation = GDALCreateWarpOperation(psWarpOptions);
858         eErr = GDALChunkAndWarpImage( hWarpOperation,
859                                       nDestXOffVirtual, nDestYOffVirtual,
860                                       nBufXSize, nBufYSize );
861         GDALDestroyWarpOperation( hWarpOperation );
863         psWarpOptions->panSrcBands = NULL;
864         psWarpOptions->panDstBands = NULL;
865         GDALDestroyWarpOptions( psWarpOptions );
867         if( hVRTDS )
868             GDALClose(hVRTDS);
869     }
870     else
871     {
872         const char* pszResampling =
873             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Bilinear) ? "BILINEAR" :
874             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Cubic) ? "CUBIC" :
875             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_CubicSpline) ? "CUBICSPLINE" :
876             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Lanczos) ? "LANCZOS" :
877             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Average) ? "AVERAGE" :
878             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Mode) ? "MODE" :
879             (psExtraArg->eResampleAlg == GRIORA_Gauss) ? "GAUSS" : "UNKNOWN";
881         int nKernelRadius;
882         GDALResampleFunction pfnResampleFunc =
883                         GDALGetResampleFunction(pszResampling, &nKernelRadius);
884         CPLAssert(pfnResampleFunc);
885         GDALDataType eWrkDataType =
886             GDALGetOvrWorkDataType(pszResampling, eDataType);
887         int bHasNoData = FALSE;
888         float fNoDataValue = (float) GetNoDataValue(&bHasNoData);
889         if( !bHasNoData )
890             fNoDataValue = 0.0f;
892         int nDstBlockXSize = nBufXSize;
893         int nDstBlockYSize = nBufYSize;
894         int nFullResXChunk, nFullResYChunk;
895         while(TRUE)
896         {
897             nFullResXChunk = 3 + (int)(nDstBlockXSize * dfXRatioDstToSrc);
898             nFullResYChunk = 3 + (int)(nDstBlockYSize * dfYRatioDstToSrc);
899             if( (nDstBlockXSize == 1 && nDstBlockYSize == 1) ||
900                 ((GIntBig)nFullResXChunk * nFullResYChunk <= 1024 * 1024) )
901                 break;
902             /* When operating on the full width of a raster whose block width is */
903             /* the raster width, prefer doing chunks in height */
904             if( nFullResXChunk >= nXSize && nXSize == nBlockXSize && nDstBlockYSize > 1 )
905                 nDstBlockYSize /= 2;
906             /* Otherwise cut the maximal dimension */
907             else if( nDstBlockXSize > 1 && nFullResXChunk > nFullResYChunk )
908                 nDstBlockXSize /= 2;
909             else
910                 nDstBlockYSize /= 2;
911         }
913         int nOvrFactor = MAX( (int)(0.5 + dfXRatioDstToSrc),
914                                 (int)(0.5 + dfYRatioDstToSrc) );
915         if( nOvrFactor == 0 ) nOvrFactor = 1;
916         int nFullResXSizeQueried = nFullResXChunk + 2 * nKernelRadius * nOvrFactor;
917         int nFullResYSizeQueried = nFullResYChunk + 2 * nKernelRadius * nOvrFactor;
919         void * pChunk =
920             VSIMalloc3((GDALGetDataTypeSize(eWrkDataType)/8),
921                         nFullResXSizeQueried, nFullResYSizeQueried );
922         GByte * pabyChunkNoDataMask = NULL;
924         GDALRasterBand* poMaskBand = NULL;
925         int nMaskFlags = 0;
926         int bUseNoDataMask = FALSE;
928         poMaskBand = GetMaskBand();
929         nMaskFlags = GetMaskFlags();
931         bUseNoDataMask = ((nMaskFlags & GMF_ALL_VALID) == 0);
932         if (bUseNoDataMask)
933         {
934             pabyChunkNoDataMask = (GByte *)
935                 (GByte*) VSIMalloc2( nFullResXSizeQueried, nFullResYSizeQueried );
936         }
937         if( pChunk == NULL || (bUseNoDataMask && pabyChunkNoDataMask == NULL) )
938         {
939             GDALClose(poMEMDS);
940             CPLFree(pChunk);
941             CPLFree(pabyChunkNoDataMask);
942             CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
943                       "Out of memory in RasterIO()." );
944             return CE_Failure;
945         }
947         int nTotalBlocks = ((nBufXSize + nDstBlockXSize - 1) / nDstBlockXSize) *
948                            ((nBufYSize + nDstBlockYSize - 1) / nDstBlockYSize);
949         int nBlocksDone = 0;
951         int nDstYOff;
952         for( nDstYOff = 0; nDstYOff < nBufYSize && eErr == CE_None;
953             nDstYOff += nDstBlockYSize )
954         {
955             int nDstYCount;
956             if  (nDstYOff + nDstBlockYSize <= nBufYSize)
957                 nDstYCount = nDstBlockYSize;
958             else
959                 nDstYCount = nBufYSize - nDstYOff;
961             int nChunkYOff = nYOff + (int) (nDstYOff * dfYRatioDstToSrc);
962             int nChunkYOff2 = nYOff + 1 + (int) ceil((nDstYOff + nDstYCount) * dfYRatioDstToSrc);
963             if( nChunkYOff2 > nRasterYSize )
964                 nChunkYOff2 = nRasterYSize;
965             int nYCount = nChunkYOff2 - nChunkYOff;
966             CPLAssert(nYCount <= nFullResYChunk);
968             int nChunkYOffQueried = nChunkYOff - nKernelRadius * nOvrFactor;
969             int nChunkYSizeQueried = nYCount + 2 * nKernelRadius * nOvrFactor;
970             if( nChunkYOffQueried < 0 )
971             {
972                 nChunkYSizeQueried += nChunkYOffQueried;
973                 nChunkYOffQueried = 0;
974             }
975             if( nChunkYSizeQueried + nChunkYOffQueried > nRasterYSize )
976                 nChunkYSizeQueried = nRasterYSize - nChunkYOffQueried;
977             CPLAssert(nChunkYSizeQueried <= nFullResYSizeQueried);
979             int nDstXOff;
980             for( nDstXOff = 0; nDstXOff < nBufXSize && eErr == CE_None;
981                 nDstXOff += nDstBlockXSize )
982             {
983                 int nDstXCount;
984                 if  (nDstXOff + nDstBlockXSize <= nBufXSize)
985                     nDstXCount = nDstBlockXSize;
986                 else
987                     nDstXCount = nBufXSize - nDstXOff;
989                 int nChunkXOff = nXOff + (int) (nDstXOff * dfXRatioDstToSrc);
990                 int nChunkXOff2 = nXOff + 1 + (int) ceil((nDstXOff + nDstXCount) * dfXRatioDstToSrc);
991                 if( nChunkXOff2 > nRasterXSize )
992                     nChunkXOff2 = nRasterXSize;
993                 int nXCount = nChunkXOff2 - nChunkXOff;
994                 CPLAssert(nXCount <= nFullResXChunk);
996                 int nChunkXOffQueried = nChunkXOff - nKernelRadius * nOvrFactor;
997                 int nChunkXSizeQueried = nXCount + 2 * nKernelRadius * nOvrFactor;
998                 if( nChunkXOffQueried < 0 )
999                 {
1000                     nChunkXSizeQueried += nChunkXOffQueried;
1001                     nChunkXOffQueried = 0;
1002                 }
1003                 if( nChunkXSizeQueried + nChunkXOffQueried > nRasterXSize )
1004                     nChunkXSizeQueried = nRasterXSize - nChunkXOffQueried;
1005                 CPLAssert(nChunkXSizeQueried <= nFullResXSizeQueried);
1007                 /* Read the source buffers */
1008                 eErr = RasterIO( GF_Read,
1009                                 nChunkXOffQueried, nChunkYOffQueried,
1010                                 nChunkXSizeQueried, nChunkYSizeQueried,
1011                                 pChunk,
1012                                 nChunkXSizeQueried, nChunkYSizeQueried,
1013                                 eWrkDataType, 0, 0, NULL );
1015                 int bSkipResample = FALSE;
1016                 int bNoDataMaskFullyOpaque = FALSE;
1017                 if (eErr == CE_None && bUseNoDataMask)
1018                 {
1019                     eErr = poMaskBand->RasterIO( GF_Read,
1020                                                  nChunkXOffQueried,
1021                                                  nChunkYOffQueried,
1022                                                  nChunkXSizeQueried,
1023                                                  nChunkYSizeQueried,
1024                                                  pabyChunkNoDataMask,
1025                                                  nChunkXSizeQueried,
1026                                                  nChunkYSizeQueried,
1027                                                  GDT_Byte, 0, 0, NULL );
1029                     /* Optimizations if mask if fully opaque or transparent */
1030                     int nPixels = nChunkXSizeQueried * nChunkYSizeQueried;
1031                     GByte bVal = pabyChunkNoDataMask[0];
1032                     int i = 1;
1033                     for( ; i < nPixels; i++ )
1034                     {
1035                         if( pabyChunkNoDataMask[i] != bVal )
1036                             break;
1037                     }
1038                     if( i == nPixels )
1039                     {
1040                         if( bVal == 0 )
1041                         {
1042                             for(int j=0;j<nDstYCount;j++)
1043                             {
1044                                 GDALCopyWords(&fNoDataValue, GDT_Float32, 0,
1045                                             (GByte*)pData + nLineSpace * (j + nDstYOff) +
1046                                                         nDstXOff * nPixelSpace,
1047                                             eBufType, (int)nPixelSpace,
1048                                             nDstXCount);
1049                             }
1050                             bSkipResample = TRUE;
1051                         }
1052                         else
1053                         {
1054                             bNoDataMaskFullyOpaque = TRUE;
1055                         }
1056                     }
1057                 }
1059                 if( !bSkipResample && eErr == CE_None )
1060                 {
1061                     eErr = pfnResampleFunc( dfXRatioDstToSrc,
1062                                             dfYRatioDstToSrc,
1063                                             dfXOff - nXOff, /* == 0 if bHasXOffVirtual */
1064                                             dfYOff - nYOff, /* == 0 if bHasYOffVirtual */
1065                                             eWrkDataType,
1066                                             pChunk,
1067                                             (bNoDataMaskFullyOpaque) ? NULL : pabyChunkNoDataMask,
1068                                             nChunkXOffQueried - ((bHasXOffVirtual) ? 0 : nXOff),
1069                                             nChunkXSizeQueried,
1070                                             nChunkYOffQueried - ((bHasYOffVirtual) ? 0 : nYOff),
1071                                             nChunkYSizeQueried,
1072                                             nDstXOff + nDestXOffVirtual,
1073                                             nDstXOff + nDestXOffVirtual + nDstXCount,
1074                                             nDstYOff + nDestYOffVirtual,
1075                                             nDstYOff + nDestYOffVirtual + nDstYCount,
1076                                             (GDALRasterBand *) hMEMBand,
1077                                             pszResampling,
1078                                             bHasNoData, fNoDataValue,
1079                                             GetColorTable(),
1080                                             eDataType );
1081                 }
1083                 nBlocksDone ++;
1084                 if( eErr == CE_None && psExtraArg->pfnProgress != NULL &&
1085                     !psExtraArg->pfnProgress(1.0 * nBlocksDone / nTotalBlocks, "",
1086                                              psExtraArg->pProgressData) )
1087                 {
1088                     eErr = CE_Failure;
1089                 }
1090             }
1091         }
1093         CPLFree(pChunk);
1094         CPLFree(pabyChunkNoDataMask);
1095     }
1097     GDALClose(poMEMDS);
1099     return eErr;
1100 }
1102 /************************************************************************/
1103 /*                           GDALSwapWords()                            */
1104 /************************************************************************/
1106 /**
1107  * Byte swap words in-place.
1108  *
1109  * This function will byte swap a set of 2, 4 or 8 byte words "in place" in
1110  * a memory array.  No assumption is made that the words being swapped are
1111  * word aligned in memory.  Use the CPL_LSB and CPL_MSB macros from cpl_port.h
1112  * to determine if the current platform is big endian or little endian.  Use
1113  * The macros like CPL_SWAP32() to byte swap single values without the overhead
1114  * of a function call.
1115  *
1116  * @param pData pointer to start of data buffer.
1117  * @param nWordSize size of words being swapped in bytes. Normally 2, 4 or 8.
1118  * @param nWordCount the number of words to be swapped in this call.
1119  * @param nWordSkip the byte offset from the start of one word to the start of
1120  * the next. For packed buffers this is the same as nWordSize.
1121  */
GDALSwapWords(void * pData,int nWordSize,int nWordCount,int nWordSkip)1123 void CPL_STDCALL GDALSwapWords( void *pData, int nWordSize, int nWordCount,
1124                                 int nWordSkip )
1126 {
1127     if (nWordCount > 0)
1128         VALIDATE_POINTER0( pData , "GDALSwapWords" );
1130     int         i;
1131     GByte       *pabyData = (GByte *) pData;
1133     switch( nWordSize )
1134     {
1135       case 1:
1136         break;
1138       case 2:
1139         CPLAssert( nWordSkip >= 2 || nWordCount == 1 );
1140         for( i = 0; i < nWordCount; i++ )
1141         {
1142             GByte       byTemp;
1144             byTemp = pabyData[0];
1145             pabyData[0] = pabyData[1];
1146             pabyData[1] = byTemp;
1148             pabyData += nWordSkip;
1149         }
1150         break;
1152       case 4:
1153         CPLAssert( nWordSkip >= 4 || nWordCount == 1 );
1154         for( i = 0; i < nWordCount; i++ )
1155         {
1156             GByte       byTemp;
1158             byTemp = pabyData[0];
1159             pabyData[0] = pabyData[3];
1160             pabyData[3] = byTemp;
1162             byTemp = pabyData[1];
1163             pabyData[1] = pabyData[2];
1164             pabyData[2] = byTemp;
1166             pabyData += nWordSkip;
1167         }
1168         break;
1170       case 8:
1171         CPLAssert( nWordSkip >= 8 || nWordCount == 1 );
1172         for( i = 0; i < nWordCount; i++ )
1173         {
1174             GByte       byTemp;
1176             byTemp = pabyData[0];
1177             pabyData[0] = pabyData[7];
1178             pabyData[7] = byTemp;
1180             byTemp = pabyData[1];
1181             pabyData[1] = pabyData[6];
1182             pabyData[6] = byTemp;
1184             byTemp = pabyData[2];
1185             pabyData[2] = pabyData[5];
1186             pabyData[5] = byTemp;
1188             byTemp = pabyData[3];
1189             pabyData[3] = pabyData[4];
1190             pabyData[4] = byTemp;
1192             pabyData += nWordSkip;
1193         }
1194         break;
1196       default:
1197         CPLAssert( FALSE );
1198     }
1199 }
1202 // Place the new GDALCopyWords helpers in an anonymous namespace
1203 namespace {
1204 /************************************************************************/
1205 /*                          GetDataLimits()                             */
1206 /************************************************************************/
1207 /**
1208  * Compute the limits of values that can be placed in Tout in terms of
1209  * Tin. Usually used for output clamping, when the output data type's
1210  * limits are stable relative to the input type (i.e. no roundoff error).
1211  *
1212  * @param tMaxValue the returned maximum value
1213  * @param tMinValue the returned minimum value
1214  */
1216 template <class Tin, class Tout>
GetDataLimits(Tin & tMaxValue,Tin & tMinValue)1217 inline void GetDataLimits(Tin &tMaxValue, Tin &tMinValue)
1218 {
1219     tMaxValue = std::numeric_limits<Tin>::max();
1220     tMinValue = std::numeric_limits<Tin>::min();
1222     // Compute the actual minimum value of Tout in terms of Tin.
1223     if (std::numeric_limits<Tout>::is_signed && std::numeric_limits<Tout>::is_integer)
1224     {
1225         // the minimum value is less than zero
1226         if (std::numeric_limits<Tout>::digits < std::numeric_limits<Tin>::digits ||
1227 			!std::numeric_limits<Tin>::is_integer)
1228         {
1229             // Tout is smaller than Tin, so we need to clamp values in input
1230             // to the range of Tout's min/max values
1231             if (std::numeric_limits<Tin>::is_signed)
1232             {
1233                 tMinValue = static_cast<Tin>(std::numeric_limits<Tout>::min());
1234             }
1235             tMaxValue = static_cast<Tin>(std::numeric_limits<Tout>::max());
1236         }
1237     }
1238     else if (std::numeric_limits<Tout>::is_integer)
1239     {
1240         // the output is unsigned, so we just need to determine the max
1241         if (std::numeric_limits<Tout>::digits <= std::numeric_limits<Tin>::digits)
1242         {
1243             // Tout is smaller than Tin, so we need to clamp the input values
1244             // to the range of Tout's max
1245             tMaxValue = static_cast<Tin>(std::numeric_limits<Tout>::max());
1246         }
1247         tMinValue = 0;
1248     }
1250 }
1252 /************************************************************************/
1253 /*                            ClampValue()                                */
1254 /************************************************************************/
1255 /**
1256  * Clamp values of type T to a specified range
1257  *
1258  * @param tValue the value
1259  * @param tMax the max value
1260  * @param tMin the min value
1261  */
1262 template <class T>
ClampValue(const T tValue,const T tMax,const T tMin)1263 inline T ClampValue(const T tValue, const T tMax, const T tMin)
1264 {
1265     return tValue > tMax ? tMax :
1266            tValue < tMin ? tMin : tValue;
1267 }
1269 /************************************************************************/
1270 /*                            CopyWord()                                */
1271 /************************************************************************/
1272 /**
1273  * Copy a single word, optionally rounding if appropriate (i.e. going
1274  * from the float to the integer case). Note that this is the function
1275  * you should specialize if you're adding a new data type.
1276  *
1277  * @param tValueIn value of type Tin; the input value to be converted
1278  * @param tValueOut value of type Tout; the output value
1279  */
1281 template <class Tin, class Tout>
CopyWord(const Tin tValueIn,Tout & tValueOut)1282 inline void CopyWord(const Tin tValueIn, Tout &tValueOut)
1283 {
1284     Tin tMaxVal, tMinVal;
1285     GetDataLimits<Tin, Tout>(tMaxVal, tMinVal);
1286     tValueOut = static_cast<Tout>(ClampValue(tValueIn, tMaxVal, tMinVal));
1287 }
1289 template <class Tin>
CopyWord(const Tin tValueIn,float & fValueOut)1290 inline void CopyWord(const Tin tValueIn, float &fValueOut)
1291 {
1292     fValueOut = (float) tValueIn;
1293 }
1295 template <class Tin>
CopyWord(const Tin tValueIn,double & dfValueOut)1296 inline void CopyWord(const Tin tValueIn, double &dfValueOut)
1297 {
1298     dfValueOut = tValueIn;
1299 }
CopyWord(const double dfValueIn,double & dfValueOut)1301 inline void CopyWord(const double dfValueIn, double &dfValueOut)
1302 {
1303     dfValueOut = dfValueIn;
1304 }
CopyWord(const float fValueIn,float & fValueOut)1306 inline void CopyWord(const float fValueIn, float &fValueOut)
1307 {
1308     fValueOut = fValueIn;
1309 }
CopyWord(const float fValueIn,double & dfValueOut)1311 inline void CopyWord(const float fValueIn, double &dfValueOut)
1312 {
1313     dfValueOut = fValueIn;
1314 }
CopyWord(const double dfValueIn,float & fValueOut)1316 inline void CopyWord(const double dfValueIn, float &fValueOut)
1317 {
1318     fValueOut = static_cast<float>(dfValueIn);
1319 }
1321 template <class Tout>
CopyWord(const float fValueIn,Tout & tValueOut)1322 inline void CopyWord(const float fValueIn, Tout &tValueOut)
1323 {
1324     float fMaxVal, fMinVal;
1325     GetDataLimits<float, Tout>(fMaxVal, fMinVal);
1326     tValueOut = static_cast<Tout>(
1327         ClampValue(fValueIn + 0.5f, fMaxVal, fMinVal));
1328 }
1330 template <class Tout>
CopyWord(const double dfValueIn,Tout & tValueOut)1331 inline void CopyWord(const double dfValueIn, Tout &tValueOut)
1332 {
1333     double dfMaxVal, dfMinVal;
1334     GetDataLimits<double, Tout>(dfMaxVal, dfMinVal);
1335     tValueOut = static_cast<Tout>(
1336         ClampValue(dfValueIn + 0.5, dfMaxVal, dfMinVal));
1337 }
CopyWord(const double dfValueIn,int & nValueOut)1339 inline void CopyWord(const double dfValueIn, int &nValueOut)
1340 {
1341     double dfMaxVal, dfMinVal;
1342     GetDataLimits<double, int>(dfMaxVal, dfMinVal);
1343     double dfValue = dfValueIn >= 0.0 ? dfValueIn + 0.5 :
1344         dfValueIn - 0.5;
1345     nValueOut = static_cast<int>(
1346         ClampValue(dfValue, dfMaxVal, dfMinVal));
1347 }
CopyWord(const float fValueIn,short & nValueOut)1349 inline void CopyWord(const float fValueIn, short &nValueOut)
1350 {
1351     float fMaxVal, fMinVal;
1352     GetDataLimits<float, short>(fMaxVal, fMinVal);
1353     float fValue = fValueIn >= 0.0f ? fValueIn + 0.5f :
1354         fValueIn - 0.5f;
1355     nValueOut = static_cast<short>(
1356         ClampValue(fValue, fMaxVal, fMinVal));
1357 }
CopyWord(const double dfValueIn,short & nValueOut)1359 inline void CopyWord(const double dfValueIn, short &nValueOut)
1360 {
1361     double dfMaxVal, dfMinVal;
1362     GetDataLimits<double, short>(dfMaxVal, dfMinVal);
1363     double dfValue = dfValueIn > 0.0 ? dfValueIn + 0.5 :
1364         dfValueIn - 0.5;
1365     nValueOut = static_cast<short>(
1366         ClampValue(dfValue, dfMaxVal, dfMinVal));
1367 }
1369 // Roundoff occurs for Float32 -> int32 for max/min. Overload CopyWord
1370 // specifically for this case.
CopyWord(const float fValueIn,int & nValueOut)1371 inline void CopyWord(const float fValueIn, int &nValueOut)
1372 {
1373     if (fValueIn >= static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int>::max()))
1374     {
1375         nValueOut = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
1376     }
1377     else if (fValueIn <= static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<int>::min()))
1378     {
1379         nValueOut = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
1380     }
1381     else
1382     {
1383         nValueOut = static_cast<int>(fValueIn > 0.0f ?
1384             fValueIn + 0.5f : fValueIn - 0.5f);
1385     }
1386 }
1388 // Roundoff occurs for Float32 -> uint32 for max. Overload CopyWord
1389 // specifically for this case.
CopyWord(const float fValueIn,unsigned int & nValueOut)1390 inline void CopyWord(const float fValueIn, unsigned int &nValueOut)
1391 {
1392     if (fValueIn >= static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()))
1393     {
1394         nValueOut = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
1395     }
1396     else if (fValueIn <= static_cast<float>(std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::min()))
1397     {
1398         nValueOut = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::min();
1399     }
1400     else
1401     {
1402         nValueOut = static_cast<unsigned int>(fValueIn + 0.5f);
1403     }
1404 }
1406 /************************************************************************/
1407 /*                           GDALCopyWordsT()                           */
1408 /************************************************************************/
1409 /**
1410  * Template function, used to copy data from pSrcData into buffer
1411  * pDstData, with stride nSrcPixelStride in the source data and
1412  * stride nDstPixelStride in the destination data. This template can
1413  * deal with the case where the input data type is real or complex and
1414  * the output is real.
1415  *
1416  * @param pSrcData the source data buffer
1417  * @param nSrcPixelStride the stride, in the buffer pSrcData for pixels
1418  *                      of interest.
1419  * @param pDstData the destination buffer.
1420  * @param nDstPixelStride the stride in the buffer pDstData for pixels of
1421  *                      interest.
1422  * @param nWordCount the total number of pixel words to copy
1423  *
1424  * @code
1425  * // Assume an input buffer of type GUInt16 named pBufferIn
1426  * GByte *pBufferOut = new GByte[numBytesOut];
1427  * GDALCopyWordsT<GUInt16, GByte>(pSrcData, 2, pDstData, 1, numBytesOut);
1428  * @code
1429  * @note
1430  * This is a private function, and should not be exposed outside of rasterio.cpp.
1431  * External users should call the GDALCopyWords driver function.
1432  * @note
1433  */
1435 template <class Tin, class Tout>
GDALCopyWordsT(const Tin * const pSrcData,int nSrcPixelStride,Tout * const pDstData,int nDstPixelStride,int nWordCount)1436 static void GDALCopyWordsT(const Tin* const pSrcData, int nSrcPixelStride,
1437                            Tout* const pDstData, int nDstPixelStride,
1438                            int nWordCount)
1439 {
1440     std::ptrdiff_t nDstOffset = 0;
1442     const char* const pSrcDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pSrcData);
1443     char* const pDstDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pDstData);
1444     for (std::ptrdiff_t n = 0; n < nWordCount; n++)
1445     {
1446         const Tin tValue = *reinterpret_cast<const Tin*>(pSrcDataPtr + (n * nSrcPixelStride));
1447         Tout* const pOutPixel = reinterpret_cast<Tout*>(pDstDataPtr + nDstOffset);
1449         CopyWord(tValue, *pOutPixel);
1451         nDstOffset += nDstPixelStride;
1452     }
1453 }
1455 /************************************************************************/
1456 /*                   GDALCopyWordsComplexT()                            */
1457 /************************************************************************/
1458 /**
1459  * Template function, used to copy data from pSrcData into buffer
1460  * pDstData, with stride nSrcPixelStride in the source data and
1461  * stride nDstPixelStride in the destination data. Deals with the
1462  * complex case, where input is complex and output is complex.
1463  *
1464  * @param pSrcData the source data buffer
1465  * @param nSrcPixelStride the stride, in the buffer pSrcData for pixels
1466  *                      of interest.
1467  * @param pDstData the destination buffer.
1468  * @param nDstPixelStride the stride in the buffer pDstData for pixels of
1469  *                      interest.
1470  * @param nWordCount the total number of pixel words to copy
1471  *
1472  */
1473 template <class Tin, class Tout>
GDALCopyWordsComplexT(const Tin * const pSrcData,int nSrcPixelStride,Tout * const pDstData,int nDstPixelStride,int nWordCount)1474 inline void GDALCopyWordsComplexT(const Tin* const pSrcData, int nSrcPixelStride,
1475                                   Tout* const pDstData, int nDstPixelStride,
1476                                   int nWordCount)
1477 {
1478     std::ptrdiff_t nDstOffset = 0;
1479     const char* const pSrcDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pSrcData);
1480     char* const pDstDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pDstData);
1482     // Determine the minimum and maximum value we can have based
1483     // on the constraints of Tin and Tout.
1484     Tin tMaxValue, tMinValue;
1485     GetDataLimits<Tin, Tout>(tMaxValue, tMinValue);
1487     for (std::ptrdiff_t n = 0; n < nWordCount; n++)
1488     {
1489         const Tin* const pPixelIn = reinterpret_cast<const Tin*>(pSrcDataPtr + n * nSrcPixelStride);
1490         Tout* const pPixelOut = reinterpret_cast<Tout*>(pDstDataPtr + nDstOffset);
1492         CopyWord(pPixelIn[0], pPixelOut[0]);
1493         CopyWord(pPixelIn[1], pPixelOut[1]);
1495         nDstOffset += nDstPixelStride;
1496     }
1497 }
1499 /************************************************************************/
1500 /*                   GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT()                         */
1501 /************************************************************************/
1502 /**
1503  * Template function, used to copy data from pSrcData into buffer
1504  * pDstData, with stride nSrcPixelStride in the source data and
1505  * stride nDstPixelStride in the destination data. Deals with the
1506  * case where the value is real coming in, but complex going out.
1507  *
1508  * @param pSrcData the source data buffer
1509  * @param nSrcPixelStride the stride, in the buffer pSrcData for pixels
1510  *                      of interest, in bytes.
1511  * @param pDstData the destination buffer.
1512  * @param nDstPixelStride the stride in the buffer pDstData for pixels of
1513  *                      interest, in bytes.
1514  * @param nWordCount the total number of pixel words to copy
1515  *
1516  */
1517 template <class Tin, class Tout>
GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT(const Tin * const pSrcData,int nSrcPixelStride,Tout * const pDstData,int nDstPixelStride,int nWordCount)1518 inline void GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT(const Tin* const pSrcData, int nSrcPixelStride,
1519                                      Tout* const pDstData, int nDstPixelStride,
1520                                      int nWordCount)
1521 {
1522     std::ptrdiff_t nDstOffset = 0;
1524     const Tout tOutZero = static_cast<Tout>(0);
1526     const char* const pSrcDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pSrcData);
1527     char* const pDstDataPtr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(pDstData);
1529     for (std::ptrdiff_t n = 0; n < nWordCount; n++)
1530     {
1531         const Tin tValue = *reinterpret_cast<const Tin* const>(pSrcDataPtr + n * nSrcPixelStride);
1532         Tout* const pPixelOut = reinterpret_cast<Tout*>(pDstDataPtr + nDstOffset);
1533         CopyWord(tValue, *pPixelOut);
1535         pPixelOut[1] = tOutZero;
1537         nDstOffset += nDstPixelStride;
1538     }
1539 }
1541 /************************************************************************/
1542 /*                           GDALCopyWordsFromT()                       */
1543 /************************************************************************/
1544 /**
1545  * Template driver function. Given the input type T, call the appropriate
1546  * GDALCopyWordsT function template for the desired output type. You should
1547  * never call this function directly (call GDALCopyWords instead).
1548  *
1549  * @param pSrcData source data buffer
1550  * @param nSrcPixelStride pixel stride in input buffer, in pixel words
1551  * @param bInComplex input is complex
1552  * @param pDstData destination data buffer
1553  * @param eDstType destination data type
1554  * @param nDstPixelStride pixel stride in output buffer, in pixel words
1555  * @param nWordCount number of pixel words to be copied
1556  */
1557 template <class T>
GDALCopyWordsFromT(const T * const pSrcData,int nSrcPixelStride,bool bInComplex,void * pDstData,GDALDataType eDstType,int nDstPixelStride,int nWordCount)1558 inline void GDALCopyWordsFromT(const T* const pSrcData, int nSrcPixelStride, bool bInComplex,
1559                                void *pDstData, GDALDataType eDstType, int nDstPixelStride,
1560                                int nWordCount)
1561 {
1562     switch (eDstType)
1563     {
1564     case GDT_Byte:
1565         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1566                        static_cast<unsigned char*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1567                        nWordCount);
1568         break;
1569     case GDT_UInt16:
1570         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1571                        static_cast<unsigned short*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1572                        nWordCount);
1573         break;
1574     case GDT_Int16:
1575         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1576                        static_cast<short*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1577                        nWordCount);
1578         break;
1579     case GDT_UInt32:
1580         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1581                        static_cast<unsigned int*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1582                        nWordCount);
1583         break;
1584     case GDT_Int32:
1585         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1586                        static_cast<int*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1587                        nWordCount);
1588         break;
1589     case GDT_Float32:
1590         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1591                        static_cast<float*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1592                        nWordCount);
1593         break;
1594     case GDT_Float64:
1595         GDALCopyWordsT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1596                        static_cast<double*>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1597                        nWordCount);
1598         break;
1599     case GDT_CInt16:
1600         if (bInComplex)
1601         {
1602             GDALCopyWordsComplexT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1603                                   static_cast<short *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1604                                   nWordCount);
1605         }
1606         else // input is not complex, so we need to promote to a complex buffer
1607         {
1608             GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1609                                      static_cast<short *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1610                                      nWordCount);
1611         }
1612         break;
1613     case GDT_CInt32:
1614         if (bInComplex)
1615         {
1616             GDALCopyWordsComplexT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1617                                   static_cast<int *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1618                                   nWordCount);
1619         }
1620         else // input is not complex, so we need to promote to a complex buffer
1621         {
1622             GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1623                                      static_cast<int *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1624                                      nWordCount);
1625         }
1626         break;
1627     case GDT_CFloat32:
1628         if (bInComplex)
1629         {
1630             GDALCopyWordsComplexT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1631                                   static_cast<float *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1632                                   nWordCount);
1633         }
1634         else // input is not complex, so we need to promote to a complex buffer
1635         {
1636             GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1637                                      static_cast<float *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1638                                      nWordCount);
1639         }
1640         break;
1641     case GDT_CFloat64:
1642         if (bInComplex)
1643         {
1644             GDALCopyWordsComplexT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1645                                   static_cast<double *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1646                                   nWordCount);
1647         }
1648         else // input is not complex, so we need to promote to a complex buffer
1649         {
1650             GDALCopyWordsComplexOutT(pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride,
1651                                      static_cast<double *>(pDstData), nDstPixelStride,
1652                                      nWordCount);
1653         }
1654         break;
1655     case GDT_Unknown:
1656     default:
1657         CPLAssert(FALSE);
1658     }
1659 }
1661 } // end anonymous namespace
1662 #endif
1664 /************************************************************************/
1665 /*                          GDALReplicateWord()                         */
1666 /************************************************************************/
GDALReplicateWord(void * pSrcData,GDALDataType eSrcType,void * pDstData,GDALDataType eDstType,int nDstPixelStride,int nWordCount)1668 void GDALReplicateWord(void *pSrcData, GDALDataType eSrcType,
1669                        void *pDstData, GDALDataType eDstType, int nDstPixelStride,
1670                        int nWordCount)
1671 {
1672 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1673 /* Special case when the source data is always the same value              */
1674 /* (for VRTSourcedRasterBand::IRasterIO and VRTDerivedRasterBand::IRasterIO*/
1675 /*  for example)                                                           */
1676 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1677     /* Let the general translation case do the necessary conversions */
1678     /* on the first destination element */
1679     GDALCopyWords(pSrcData, eSrcType, 0,
1680                   pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1681                   1 );
1683     /* Now copy the first element to the nWordCount - 1 following destination */
1684     /* elements */
1685     nWordCount--;
1686     GByte *pabyDstWord = ((GByte *)pDstData) + nDstPixelStride;
1688     switch (eDstType)
1689     {
1690         case GDT_Byte:
1691         {
1692             if (nDstPixelStride == 1)
1693             {
1694                 if (nWordCount > 0)
1695                     memset(pabyDstWord, *(GByte*)pDstData, nWordCount);
1696             }
1697             else
1698             {
1699                 GByte valSet = *(GByte*)pDstData;
1700                 while(nWordCount--)
1701                 {
1702                     *pabyDstWord = valSet;
1703                     pabyDstWord += nDstPixelStride;
1704                 }
1705             }
1706             break;
1707         }
1709 #define CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(enum_type, c_type) \
1710         case enum_type:\
1711         { \
1712             c_type valSet = *(c_type*)pDstData; \
1713             while(nWordCount--) \
1714             { \
1715                 *(c_type*)pabyDstWord = valSet; \
1716                 pabyDstWord += nDstPixelStride; \
1717             } \
1718             break; \
1719         }
1721         CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(GDT_UInt16, GUInt16)
1722         CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(GDT_Int16,  GInt16)
1723         CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(GDT_UInt32, GUInt32)
1724         CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(GDT_Int32,  GInt32)
1725         CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(GDT_Float32,float)
1726         CASE_DUPLICATE_SIMPLE(GDT_Float64,double)
1728 #define CASE_DUPLICATE_COMPLEX(enum_type, c_type) \
1729         case enum_type:\
1730         { \
1731             c_type valSet1 = ((c_type*)pDstData)[0]; \
1732             c_type valSet2 = ((c_type*)pDstData)[1]; \
1733             while(nWordCount--) \
1734             { \
1735                 ((c_type*)pabyDstWord)[0] = valSet1; \
1736                 ((c_type*)pabyDstWord)[1] = valSet2; \
1737                 pabyDstWord += nDstPixelStride; \
1738             } \
1739             break; \
1740         }
1742         CASE_DUPLICATE_COMPLEX(GDT_CInt16, GInt16)
1743         CASE_DUPLICATE_COMPLEX(GDT_CInt32, GInt32)
1744         CASE_DUPLICATE_COMPLEX(GDT_CFloat32, float)
1745         CASE_DUPLICATE_COMPLEX(GDT_CFloat64, double)
1747         default:
1748             CPLAssert( FALSE );
1749     }
1750 }
1752 /************************************************************************/
1753 /*                           GDALCopyWords()                            */
1754 /************************************************************************/
1756 /**
1757  * Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer.
1758  *
1759  * This function is used to copy pixel word values from one memory buffer
1760  * to another, with support for conversion between data types, and differing
1761  * step factors.  The data type conversion is done using the normal GDAL
1762  * rules.  Values assigned to a lower range integer type are clipped.  For
1763  * instance assigning GDT_Int16 values to a GDT_Byte buffer will cause values
1764  * less the 0 to be set to 0, and values larger than 255 to be set to 255.
1765  * Assignment from floating point to integer uses default C type casting
1766  * semantics.   Assignment from non-complex to complex will result in the
1767  * imaginary part being set to zero on output.  Assigment from complex to
1768  * non-complex will result in the complex portion being lost and the real
1769  * component being preserved (<i>not magnitidue!</i>).
1770  *
1771  * No assumptions are made about the source or destination words occuring
1772  * on word boundaries.  It is assumed that all values are in native machine
1773  * byte order.
1774  *
1775  * @param pSrcData Pointer to source data to be converted.
1776  * @param eSrcType the source data type (see GDALDataType enum)
1777  * @param nSrcPixelStride Source pixel stride (i.e. distance between 2 words), in bytes
1778  * @param pDstData Pointer to buffer where destination data should go
1779  * @param eDstType the destination data type (see GDALDataType enum)
1780  * @param nDstPixelStride Destination pixel stride (i.e. distance between 2 words), in bytes
1781  * @param nWordCount number of words to be copied
1782  *
1783  *
1784  * @note
1785  * When adding a new data type to GDAL, you must do the following to
1786  * support it properly within the GDALCopyWords function:
1787  * 1. Add the data type to the switch on eSrcType in GDALCopyWords.
1788  *    This should invoke the appropriate GDALCopyWordsFromT wrapper.
1789  * 2. Add the data type to the switch on eDstType in GDALCopyWordsFromT.
1790  *    This should call the appropriate GDALCopyWordsT template.
1791  * 3. If appropriate, overload the appropriate CopyWord template in the
1792  *    above namespace. This will ensure that any conversion issues are
1793  *    handled (cases like the float -> int32 case, where the min/max)
1794  *    values are subject to roundoff error.
1795  */
1797 void CPL_STDCALL
GDALCopyWords(void * pSrcData,GDALDataType eSrcType,int nSrcPixelStride,void * pDstData,GDALDataType eDstType,int nDstPixelStride,int nWordCount)1798 GDALCopyWords( void * pSrcData, GDALDataType eSrcType, int nSrcPixelStride,
1799                void * pDstData, GDALDataType eDstType, int nDstPixelStride,
1800                int nWordCount )
1802 {
1803     // Deal with the case where we're replicating a single word into the
1804     // provided buffer
1805     if (nSrcPixelStride == 0 && nWordCount > 1)
1806     {
1807         GDALReplicateWord(pSrcData, eSrcType, pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride, nWordCount);
1808         return;
1809     }
1813     int nSrcDataTypeSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eSrcType) / 8;
1814     // Let memcpy() handle the case where we're copying a packed buffer
1815     // of pixels.
1816     if (eSrcType == eDstType && nSrcPixelStride == nDstPixelStride &&
1817         nSrcPixelStride == nSrcDataTypeSize)
1818     {
1819         memcpy(pDstData, pSrcData, nWordCount * nSrcDataTypeSize);
1820         return;
1821     }
1823     // Handle the more general case -- deals with conversion of data types
1824     // directly.
1825     switch (eSrcType)
1826     {
1827     case GDT_Byte:
1828         GDALCopyWordsFromT<unsigned char>(static_cast<unsigned char *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1829                                  pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1830                                  nWordCount);
1831         break;
1832     case GDT_UInt16:
1833         GDALCopyWordsFromT<unsigned short>(static_cast<unsigned short *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1834                                            pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1835                                            nWordCount);
1836         break;
1837     case GDT_Int16:
1838         GDALCopyWordsFromT<short>(static_cast<short *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1839                                   pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1840                                   nWordCount);
1841         break;
1842     case GDT_UInt32:
1843         GDALCopyWordsFromT<unsigned int>(static_cast<unsigned int *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1844                                          pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1845                                          nWordCount);
1846         break;
1847     case GDT_Int32:
1848         GDALCopyWordsFromT<int>(static_cast<int *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1849                                 pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1850                                 nWordCount);
1851         break;
1852     case GDT_Float32:
1853         GDALCopyWordsFromT<float>(static_cast<float *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1854                                   pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1855                                   nWordCount);
1856         break;
1857     case GDT_Float64:
1858         GDALCopyWordsFromT<double>(static_cast<double *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, false,
1859                                    pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1860                                    nWordCount);
1861         break;
1862     case GDT_CInt16:
1863         GDALCopyWordsFromT<short>(static_cast<short *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, true,
1864                                  pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1865                                  nWordCount);
1866         break;
1867     case GDT_CInt32:
1868         GDALCopyWordsFromT<int>(static_cast<int *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, true,
1869                                  pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1870                                  nWordCount);
1871         break;
1872     case GDT_CFloat32:
1873         GDALCopyWordsFromT<float>(static_cast<float *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, true,
1874                                  pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1875                                  nWordCount);
1876         break;
1877     case GDT_CFloat64:
1878         GDALCopyWordsFromT<double>(static_cast<double *>(pSrcData), nSrcPixelStride, true,
1879                                  pDstData, eDstType, nDstPixelStride,
1880                                  nWordCount);
1881         break;
1882     case GDT_Unknown:
1883     default:
1884         CPLAssert(FALSE);
1885     }
1887 #else // undefined USE_NEW_COPYWORDS
1888 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1889 /*      Special case when no data type translation is required.         */
1890 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1891     if( eSrcType == eDstType )
1892     {
1893         int     nWordSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eSrcType)/8;
1894         int     i;
1896         // contiguous blocks.
1897         if( nWordSize == nSrcPixelStride && nWordSize == nDstPixelStride )
1898         {
1899             memcpy( pDstData, pSrcData, nSrcPixelStride * nWordCount );
1900             return;
1901         }
1903         GByte *pabySrc = (GByte *) pSrcData;
1904         GByte *pabyDst = (GByte *) pDstData;
1906         // Moving single bytes.
1907         if( nWordSize == 1 )
1908         {
1909             if (nWordCount > 100)
1910             {
1911 /* ==================================================================== */
1912 /*     Optimization for high number of words to transfer and some       */
1913 /*     typical source and destination pixel spacing : we unroll the     */
1914 /*     loop.                                                            */
1915 /* ==================================================================== */
1916 #define ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, _k) \
1917                  pabyDst[_nDstPixelStride * _k] = pabySrc[_nSrcPixelStride * _k]
1918 #define ASSIGN_LOOP(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride) \
1919                 for( i = nWordCount / 16 ; i != 0; i-- ) \
1920                 { \
1921                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 0); \
1922                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 1); \
1923                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 2); \
1924                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 3); \
1925                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 4); \
1926                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 5); \
1927                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 6); \
1928                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 7); \
1929                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 8); \
1930                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 9); \
1931                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 10); \
1932                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 11); \
1933                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 12); \
1934                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 13); \
1935                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 14); \
1936                     ASSIGN(_nSrcPixelStride, _nDstPixelStride, 15); \
1937                     pabyDst += _nDstPixelStride * 16; \
1938                     pabySrc += _nSrcPixelStride * 16; \
1939                 } \
1940                 nWordCount = nWordCount % 16;
1942                 if (nSrcPixelStride == 3 && nDstPixelStride == 1)
1943                 {
1944                     ASSIGN_LOOP(3, 1)
1945                 }
1946                 else if (nSrcPixelStride == 1 && nDstPixelStride == 3)
1947                 {
1948                     ASSIGN_LOOP(1, 3)
1949                 }
1950                 else if (nSrcPixelStride == 4 && nDstPixelStride == 1)
1951                 {
1952                     ASSIGN_LOOP(4, 1)
1953                 }
1954                 else if (nSrcPixelStride == 1 && nDstPixelStride == 4)
1955                 {
1956                     ASSIGN_LOOP(1, 4)
1957                 }
1958                 else if (nSrcPixelStride == 3 && nDstPixelStride == 4)
1959                 {
1960                     ASSIGN_LOOP(3, 4)
1961                 }
1962                 else if (nSrcPixelStride == 4 && nDstPixelStride == 3)
1963                 {
1964                     ASSIGN_LOOP(4, 3)
1965                 }
1966             }
1968             for( i = nWordCount; i != 0; i-- )
1969             {
1970                 *pabyDst = *pabySrc;
1971                 pabyDst += nDstPixelStride;
1972                 pabySrc += nSrcPixelStride;
1973             }
1974         }
1975         else if (nWordSize == 2)
1976         {
1977             for( i = nWordCount; i != 0; i-- )
1978             {
1979                 *(short*)pabyDst = *(short*)pabySrc;
1980                 pabyDst += nDstPixelStride;
1981                 pabySrc += nSrcPixelStride;
1982             }
1983         }
1984         else if (nWordSize == 4)
1985         {
1986             for( i = nWordCount; i != 0; i-- )
1987             {
1988                 *(int*)pabyDst = *(int*)pabySrc;
1989                 pabyDst += nDstPixelStride;
1990                 pabySrc += nSrcPixelStride;
1991             }
1992         }
1993         else if (nWordSize == 8)
1994         {
1995             for( i = nWordCount; i != 0; i-- )
1996             {
1997                 ((int*)pabyDst)[0] = ((int*)pabySrc)[0];
1998                 ((int*)pabyDst)[1] = ((int*)pabySrc)[1];
1999                 pabyDst += nDstPixelStride;
2000                 pabySrc += nSrcPixelStride;
2001             }
2002         }
2003         else if (nWordSize == 16)
2004         {
2005             for( i = nWordCount; i != 0; i-- )
2006             {
2007                 ((int*)pabyDst)[0] = ((int*)pabySrc)[0];
2008                 ((int*)pabyDst)[1] = ((int*)pabySrc)[1];
2009                 ((int*)pabyDst)[2] = ((int*)pabySrc)[2];
2010                 ((int*)pabyDst)[3] = ((int*)pabySrc)[3];
2011                 pabyDst += nDstPixelStride;
2012                 pabySrc += nSrcPixelStride;
2013             }
2014         }
2015         else
2016         {
2017             CPLAssert(FALSE);
2018         }
2020         return;
2021     }
2023 /* ==================================================================== */
2024 /*      General translation case                                        */
2025 /* ==================================================================== */
2026     for( int iWord = 0; iWord < nWordCount; iWord++ )
2027     {
2028         void   *pSrcWord, *pDstWord;
2029         double  dfPixelValue=0.0, dfPixelValueI=0.0;
2031         pSrcWord = static_cast<GByte *>(pSrcData) + iWord * nSrcPixelStride;
2032         pDstWord = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstData) + iWord * nDstPixelStride;
2034 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2035 /*      Fetch source value based on data type.                          */
2036 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2037         switch( eSrcType )
2038         {
2039           case GDT_Byte:
2040           {
2041               GByte byVal = *static_cast<GByte *>(pSrcWord);
2042               switch( eDstType )
2043               {
2044                 case GDT_UInt16:
2045                   *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2046                   continue;
2047                 case GDT_Int16:
2048                   *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2049                   continue;
2050                 case GDT_UInt32:
2051                   *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2052                   continue;
2053                 case GDT_Int32:
2054                   *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2055                   continue;
2056                 case GDT_CInt16:
2057                 {
2058                     GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2059                     panDstWord[0] = byVal;
2060                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2061                     continue;
2062                 }
2063                 case GDT_CInt32:
2064                 {
2065                     GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2066                     panDstWord[0] = byVal;
2067                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2068                     continue;
2069                 }
2070                 default:
2071                   break;
2072               }
2073               dfPixelValue = byVal;
2074           }
2075           break;
2077           case GDT_UInt16:
2078           {
2079               GUInt16 nVal = *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pSrcWord);
2080               switch( eDstType )
2081               {
2082                 case GDT_Byte:
2083                 {
2084                     GByte byVal;
2085                     if( nVal > 255 )
2086                         byVal = 255;
2087                     else
2088                         byVal = static_cast<GByte>(nVal);
2089                     *static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2090                     continue;
2091                 }
2092                 case GDT_Int16:
2093                   if( nVal > 32767 )
2094                       nVal = 32767;
2095                   *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2096                   continue;
2097                 case GDT_UInt32:
2098                   *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2099                   continue;
2100                 case GDT_Int32:
2101                   *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2102                   continue;
2103                 case GDT_CInt16:
2104                 {
2105                     GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2106                     if( nVal > 32767 )
2107                         nVal = 32767;
2108                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2109                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2110                     continue;
2111                 }
2112                 case GDT_CInt32:
2113                 {
2114                     GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2115                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2116                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2117                     continue;
2118                 }
2119                 default:
2120                   break;
2121               }
2122               dfPixelValue = nVal;
2123           }
2124           break;
2126           case GDT_Int16:
2127           {
2128               GInt16 nVal = *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pSrcWord);
2129               switch( eDstType )
2130               {
2131                 case GDT_Byte:
2132                 {
2133                     GByte byVal;
2134                     if( nVal > 255 )
2135                         byVal = 255;
2136                     else if (nVal < 0)
2137                         byVal = 0;
2138                     else
2139                         byVal = static_cast<GByte>(nVal);
2140                     *static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2141                     continue;
2142                 }
2143                 case GDT_UInt16:
2144                   if( nVal < 0 )
2145                       nVal = 0;
2146                   *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2147                   continue;
2148                 case GDT_UInt32:
2149                   if( nVal < 0 )
2150                       nVal = 0;
2151                   *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2152                   continue;
2153                 case GDT_Int32:
2154                   *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2155                   continue;
2156                 case GDT_CInt16:
2157                 {
2158                     GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2159                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2160                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2161                     continue;
2162                 }
2163                 case GDT_CInt32:
2164                 {
2165                     GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2166                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2167                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2168                     continue;
2169                 }
2170                 default:
2171                   break;
2172               }
2173               dfPixelValue = nVal;
2174           }
2175           break;
2177           case GDT_Int32:
2178           {
2179               GInt32 nVal = *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pSrcWord);
2180               switch( eDstType )
2181               {
2182                 case GDT_Byte:
2183                 {
2184                     GByte byVal;
2185                     if( nVal > 255 )
2186                         byVal = 255;
2187                     else if (nVal < 0)
2188                         byVal = 0;
2189                     else
2190                         byVal = nVal;
2191                     *static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2192                     continue;
2193                 }
2194                 case GDT_UInt16:
2195                   if( nVal > 65535 )
2196                       nVal = 65535;
2197                   else if( nVal < 0 )
2198                       nVal = 0;
2199                   *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2200                   continue;
2201                 case GDT_Int16:
2202                   if( nVal > 32767 )
2203                       nVal = 32767;
2204                   else if( nVal < -32768)
2205                       nVal = -32768;
2206                   *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2207                   continue;
2208                 case GDT_UInt32:
2209                   if( nVal < 0 )
2210                       nVal = 0;
2211                   *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2212                   continue;
2213                 case GDT_CInt16:
2214                 {
2215                     GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2216                     if( nVal > 32767 )
2217                         nVal = 32767;
2218                     else if( nVal < -32768)
2219                         nVal = -32768;
2220                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2221                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2222                     continue;
2223                 }
2224                 case GDT_CInt32:
2225                 {
2226                     GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2227                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2228                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2229                     continue;
2230                 }
2231                 default:
2232                   break;
2233               }
2234               dfPixelValue = nVal;
2235           }
2236           break;
2238           case GDT_UInt32:
2239           {
2240               GUInt32 nVal = *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pSrcWord);
2241               switch( eDstType )
2242               {
2243                 case GDT_Byte:
2244                 {
2245                     GByte byVal;
2246                     if( nVal > 255 )
2247                         byVal = 255;
2248                     else
2249                         byVal = nVal;
2250                     *static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2251                     continue;
2252                 }
2253                 case GDT_UInt16:
2254                   if( nVal > 65535 )
2255                       nVal = 65535;
2256                   *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2257                   continue;
2258                 case GDT_Int16:
2259                   if( nVal > 32767 )
2260                       nVal = 32767;
2261                   *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2262                   continue;
2263                 case GDT_Int32:
2264                   if( nVal > 2147483647UL )
2265                       nVal = 2147483647UL;
2266                   *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2267                   continue;
2268                 case GDT_CInt16:
2269                 {
2270                     GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2271                     if( nVal > 32767 )
2272                         nVal = 32767;
2273                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2274                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2275                     continue;
2276                 }
2277                 case GDT_CInt32:
2278                 {
2279                     GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2280                     if( nVal > 2147483647UL )
2281                         nVal = 2147483647UL;
2282                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2283                     panDstWord[1] = 0;
2284                     continue;
2285                 }
2286                 default:
2287                   break;
2288               }
2289               dfPixelValue = nVal;
2290           }
2291           break;
2293           case GDT_CInt16:
2294           {
2295               GInt16 *panSrcWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pSrcWord);
2296               GInt16 nVal = panSrcWord[0];
2297               switch( eDstType )
2298               {
2299                 case GDT_Byte:
2300                 {
2301                     GByte byVal;
2302                     if( nVal > 255 )
2303                         byVal = 255;
2304                     else if (nVal < 0)
2305                         byVal = 0;
2306                     else
2307                         byVal = static_cast<GByte>(nVal);
2308                     *static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2309                     continue;
2310                 }
2311                 case GDT_Int16:
2312                   *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2313                   continue;
2314                 case GDT_UInt16:
2315                   if( nVal < 0 )
2316                       nVal = 0;
2317                   *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2318                   continue;
2319                 case GDT_UInt32:
2320                   if( nVal < 0 )
2321                       nVal = 0;
2322                   *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2323                   continue;
2324                 case GDT_Int32:
2325                   *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2326                   continue;
2327                 case GDT_CInt32:
2328                 {
2329                     GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2330                     panDstWord[0] = panSrcWord[0];
2331                     panDstWord[1] = panSrcWord[1];
2332                     continue;
2333                 }
2334                 default:
2335                   break;
2336               }
2337               dfPixelValue = panSrcWord[0];
2338               dfPixelValueI = panSrcWord[1];
2339           }
2340           break;
2342           case GDT_CInt32:
2343           {
2344               GInt32 *panSrcWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pSrcWord);
2345               GInt32 nVal = panSrcWord[0];
2346               switch( eDstType )
2347               {
2348                 case GDT_Byte:
2349                 {
2350                     GByte byVal;
2351                     if( nVal > 255 )
2352                         byVal = 255;
2353                     else if (nVal < 0)
2354                         byVal = 0;
2355                     else
2356                         byVal = nVal;
2357                     *static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord) = byVal;
2358                     continue;
2359                 }
2360                 case GDT_Int16:
2361                   if( nVal > 32767 )
2362                       nVal = 32767;
2363                   else if( nVal < -32768)
2364                       nVal = -32768;
2365                   *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2366                   continue;
2367                 case GDT_UInt16:
2368                   if( nVal > 65535 )
2369                       nVal = 65535;
2370                   else if( nVal < 0 )
2371                       nVal = 0;
2372                   *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2373                   continue;
2374                 case GDT_UInt32:
2375                   if( nVal < 0 )
2376                       nVal = 0;
2377                   *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2378                   continue;
2379                 case GDT_Int32:
2380                   *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2381                   continue;
2382                 case GDT_CInt16:
2383                 {
2384                     GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2385                     if( nVal > 32767 )
2386                         nVal = 32767;
2387                     else if( nVal < -32768)
2388                         nVal = -32768;
2389                     panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2390                     nVal = panSrcWord[1];
2391                     if( nVal > 32767 )
2392                         nVal = 32767;
2393                     else if( nVal < -32768)
2394                         nVal = -32768;
2395                     panDstWord[1] = nVal;
2396                     continue;
2397                 }
2398                 default:
2399                   break;
2400               }
2401               dfPixelValue = panSrcWord[0];
2402               dfPixelValueI = panSrcWord[1];
2403           }
2404           break;
2406           case GDT_Float32:
2407           {
2408               float fVal = *static_cast<float *>(pSrcWord);
2409               dfPixelValue = fVal;
2410           }
2411           break;
2413           case GDT_Float64:
2414           {
2415               dfPixelValue = *static_cast<double *>(pSrcWord);
2416           }
2417           break;
2419           case GDT_CFloat32:
2420           {
2421               float *pafSrcWord = static_cast<float *>(pSrcWord);
2422               dfPixelValue = pafSrcWord[0];
2423               dfPixelValueI = pafSrcWord[1];
2424           }
2425           break;
2427           case GDT_CFloat64:
2428           {
2429               double *padfSrcWord = static_cast<double *>(pSrcWord);
2430               dfPixelValue = padfSrcWord[0];
2431               dfPixelValueI = padfSrcWord[1];
2432           }
2433           break;
2435           default:
2436             CPLAssert( FALSE );
2437         }
2439 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2440 /*      Set the destination pixel, doing range clipping as needed.      */
2441 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2442         switch( eDstType )
2443         {
2444           case GDT_Byte:
2445           {
2446               GByte *pabyDstWord = static_cast<GByte *>(pDstWord);
2448               dfPixelValue += (float) 0.5;
2450               if( dfPixelValue < 0.0 )
2451                   *pabyDstWord = 0;
2452               else if( dfPixelValue > 255.0 )
2453                   *pabyDstWord = 255;
2454               else
2455                   *pabyDstWord = (GByte) dfPixelValue;
2456           }
2457           break;
2459           case GDT_UInt16:
2460           {
2461               GUInt16   nVal;
2463               dfPixelValue += 0.5;
2465               if( dfPixelValue < 0.0 )
2466                   nVal = 0;
2467               else if( dfPixelValue > 65535.0 )
2468                   nVal = 65535;
2469               else
2470                   nVal = (GUInt16) dfPixelValue;
2472               *static_cast<GUInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2473           }
2474           break;
2476           case GDT_Int16:
2477           {
2478               GInt16    nVal;
2480               dfPixelValue += 0.5;
2482               if( dfPixelValue < -32768 )
2483                   nVal = -32768;
2484               else if( dfPixelValue > 32767 )
2485                   nVal = 32767;
2486               else
2487                   nVal = (GInt16) floor(dfPixelValue);
2489               *static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2490           }
2491           break;
2493           case GDT_UInt32:
2494           {
2495               GUInt32   nVal;
2497               dfPixelValue += 0.5;
2499               if( dfPixelValue < 0 )
2500                   nVal = 0;
2501               else if( dfPixelValue > 4294967295U )
2502                   nVal = 4294967295U;
2503               else
2504                   nVal = (GInt32) dfPixelValue;
2506               *static_cast<GUInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2507           }
2508           break;
2510           case GDT_Int32:
2511           {
2512               GInt32    nVal;
2514               dfPixelValue += 0.5;
2516               if( dfPixelValue < -2147483648.0 )
2517                   nVal = INT_MIN;
2518               else if( dfPixelValue > 2147483647 )
2519                   nVal = 2147483647;
2520               else
2521                   nVal = (GInt32) floor(dfPixelValue);
2523               *static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord) = nVal;
2524           }
2525           break;
2527           case GDT_Float32:
2528           {
2529               *static_cast<float *>(pDstWord) = static_cast<float>(dfPixelValue);
2530           }
2531           break;
2533           case GDT_Float64:
2534             *static_cast<double *>(pDstWord) = dfPixelValue;
2535             break;
2537           case GDT_CInt16:
2538           {
2539               GInt16    nVal;
2540               GInt16 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt16 *>(pDstWord);
2542               dfPixelValue += 0.5;
2543               dfPixelValueI += 0.5;
2545               if( dfPixelValue < -32768 )
2546                   nVal = -32768;
2547               else if( dfPixelValue > 32767 )
2548                   nVal = 32767;
2549               else
2550                   nVal = (GInt16) floor(dfPixelValue);
2551               panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2553               if( dfPixelValueI < -32768 )
2554                   nVal = -32768;
2555               else if( dfPixelValueI > 32767 )
2556                   nVal = 32767;
2557               else
2558                   nVal = (GInt16) floor(dfPixelValueI);
2559               panDstWord[1] = nVal;
2560           }
2561           break;
2563           case GDT_CInt32:
2564           {
2565               GInt32    nVal;
2566               GInt32 *panDstWord = static_cast<GInt32 *>(pDstWord);
2568               dfPixelValue += 0.5;
2569               dfPixelValueI += 0.5;
2571               if( dfPixelValue < -2147483648.0 )
2572                   nVal = INT_MIN;
2573               else if( dfPixelValue > 2147483647 )
2574                   nVal = 2147483647;
2575               else
2576                   nVal = (GInt32) floor(dfPixelValue);
2578               panDstWord[0] = nVal;
2580               if( dfPixelValueI < -2147483648.0 )
2581                   nVal = INT_MIN;
2582               else if( dfPixelValueI > 2147483647 )
2583                   nVal = 2147483647;
2584               else
2585                   nVal = (GInt32) floor(dfPixelValueI);
2587               panDstWord[1] = nVal;
2588           }
2589           break;
2591           case GDT_CFloat32:
2592           {
2593               float *pafDstWord = static_cast<float *>(pDstWord);
2594               pafDstWord[0] = static_cast<float>(dfPixelValue);
2595               pafDstWord[1] = static_cast<float>(dfPixelValueI);
2596           }
2597           break;
2599           case GDT_CFloat64:
2600           {
2601               double *padfDstWord = static_cast<double *>(pDstWord);
2602               padfDstWord[0] = dfPixelValue;
2603               padfDstWord[1] = dfPixelValueI;
2604           }
2605           break;
2607           default:
2608             CPLAssert( FALSE );
2609         }
2610     } /* next iWord */
2611 #endif // defined USE_NEW_COPYWORDS
2612 }
2614 /************************************************************************/
2615 /*                            GDALCopyBits()                            */
2616 /************************************************************************/
2618 /**
2619  * Bitwise word copying.
2620  *
2621  * A function for moving sets of partial bytes around.  Loosely
2622  * speaking this is a bitswise analog to GDALCopyWords().
2623  *
2624  * It copies nStepCount "words" where each word is nBitCount bits long.
2625  * The nSrcStep and nDstStep are the number of bits from the start of one
2626  * word to the next (same as nBitCount if they are packed).  The nSrcOffset
2627  * and nDstOffset are the offset into the source and destination buffers
2628  * to start at, also measured in bits.
2629  *
2630  * All bit offsets are assumed to start from the high order bit in a byte
2631  * (ie. most significant bit first).  Currently this function is not very
2632  * optimized, but it may be improved for some common cases in the future
2633  * as needed.
2634  *
2635  * @param pabySrcData the source data buffer.
2636  * @param nSrcOffset the offset (in bits) in pabySrcData to the start of the
2637  * first word to copy.
2638  * @param nSrcStep the offset in bits from the start one source word to the
2639  * start of the next.
2640  * @param pabyDstData the destination data buffer.
2641  * @param nDstOffset the offset (in bits) in pabyDstData to the start of the
2642  * first word to copy over.
2643  * @param nDstStep the offset in bits from the start one word to the
2644  * start of the next.
2645  * @param nBitCount the number of bits in a word to be copied.
2646  * @param nStepCount the number of words to copy.
2647  */
GDALCopyBits(const GByte * pabySrcData,int nSrcOffset,int nSrcStep,GByte * pabyDstData,int nDstOffset,int nDstStep,int nBitCount,int nStepCount)2649 void GDALCopyBits( const GByte *pabySrcData, int nSrcOffset, int nSrcStep,
2650                    GByte *pabyDstData, int nDstOffset, int nDstStep,
2651                    int nBitCount, int nStepCount )
2653 {
2654     VALIDATE_POINTER0( pabySrcData, "GDALCopyBits" );
2656     int iStep;
2657     int iBit;
2659     for( iStep = 0; iStep < nStepCount; iStep++ )
2660     {
2661         for( iBit = 0; iBit < nBitCount; iBit++ )
2662         {
2663             if( pabySrcData[nSrcOffset>>3]
2664                 & (0x80 >>(nSrcOffset & 7)) )
2665                 pabyDstData[nDstOffset>>3] |= (0x80 >> (nDstOffset & 7));
2666             else
2667                 pabyDstData[nDstOffset>>3] &= ~(0x80 >> (nDstOffset & 7));
2670             nSrcOffset++;
2671             nDstOffset++;
2672         }
2674         nSrcOffset += (nSrcStep - nBitCount);
2675         nDstOffset += (nDstStep - nBitCount);
2676     }
2677 }
2679 /************************************************************************/
2680 /*                    GDALGetBestOverviewLevel()                        */
2681 /*                                                                      */
2682 /* Returns the best overview level to satisfy the query or -1 if none   */
2683 /* Also updates nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize and psExtraArg when        */
2684 /* returning a valid overview level                                     */
2685 /************************************************************************/
GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel(GDALRasterBand * poBand,int & nXOff,int & nYOff,int & nXSize,int & nYSize,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize)2687 int GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel(GDALRasterBand* poBand,
2688                                  int &nXOff, int &nYOff,
2689                                  int &nXSize, int &nYSize,
2690                                  int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize )
2691 {
2692     return GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel2(poBand, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
2693                                         nBufXSize, nBufYSize, NULL);
2694 }
GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel2(GDALRasterBand * poBand,int & nXOff,int & nYOff,int & nXSize,int & nYSize,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psExtraArg)2696 int GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel2(GDALRasterBand* poBand,
2697                                   int &nXOff, int &nYOff,
2698                                   int &nXSize, int &nYSize,
2699                                   int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
2700                                   GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )
2701 {
2702     double dfDesiredResolution;
2703 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2704 /*      Compute the desired resolution.  The resolution is              */
2705 /*      based on the least reduced axis, and represents the number      */
2706 /*      of source pixels to one destination pixel.                      */
2707 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2708     if( (nXSize / (double) nBufXSize) < (nYSize / (double) nBufYSize )
2709         || nBufYSize == 1 )
2710         dfDesiredResolution = nXSize / (double) nBufXSize;
2711     else
2712         dfDesiredResolution = nYSize / (double) nBufYSize;
2714 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2715 /*      Find the overview level that largest resolution value (most     */
2716 /*      downsampled) that is still less than (or only a little more)    */
2717 /*      downsampled than the request.                                   */
2718 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2719     int nOverviewCount = poBand->GetOverviewCount();
2720     GDALRasterBand* poBestOverview = NULL;
2721     double dfBestResolution = 0;
2722     int nBestOverviewLevel = -1;
2724     for( int iOverview = 0; iOverview < nOverviewCount; iOverview++ )
2725     {
2726         GDALRasterBand  *poOverview = poBand->GetOverview( iOverview );
2727         if (poOverview == NULL)
2728             continue;
2730         double          dfResolution;
2732         // What resolution is this?
2733         if( (poBand->GetXSize() / (double) poOverview->GetXSize())
2734             < (poBand->GetYSize() / (double) poOverview->GetYSize()) )
2735             dfResolution =
2736                 poBand->GetXSize() / (double) poOverview->GetXSize();
2737         else
2738             dfResolution =
2739                 poBand->GetYSize() / (double) poOverview->GetYSize();
2741         // Is it nearly the requested resolution and better (lower) than
2742         // the current best resolution?
2743         if( dfResolution >= dfDesiredResolution * 1.2
2744             || dfResolution <= dfBestResolution )
2745             continue;
2747         // Ignore AVERAGE_BIT2GRAYSCALE overviews for RasterIO purposes.
2748         const char *pszResampling =
2749             poOverview->GetMetadataItem( "RESAMPLING" );
2751         if( pszResampling != NULL && EQUALN(pszResampling,"AVERAGE_BIT2",12))
2752             continue;
2754         // OK, this is our new best overview.
2755         poBestOverview = poOverview;
2756         nBestOverviewLevel = iOverview;
2757         dfBestResolution = dfResolution;
2758     }
2760 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2761 /*      If we didn't find an overview that helps us, just return        */
2762 /*      indicating failure and the full resolution image will be used.  */
2763 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2764     if( nBestOverviewLevel < 0 )
2765         return -1;
2767 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2768 /*      Recompute the source window in terms of the selected            */
2769 /*      overview.                                                       */
2770 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2771     int         nOXOff, nOYOff, nOXSize, nOYSize;
2772     double      dfXRes, dfYRes;
2774     dfXRes = poBand->GetXSize() / (double) poBestOverview->GetXSize();
2775     dfYRes = poBand->GetYSize() / (double) poBestOverview->GetYSize();
2777     nOXOff = MIN(poBestOverview->GetXSize()-1,(int) (nXOff/dfXRes+0.5));
2778     nOYOff = MIN(poBestOverview->GetYSize()-1,(int) (nYOff/dfYRes+0.5));
2779     nOXSize = MAX(1,(int) (nXSize/dfXRes + 0.5));
2780     nOYSize = MAX(1,(int) (nYSize/dfYRes + 0.5));
2781     if( nOXOff + nOXSize > poBestOverview->GetXSize() )
2782         nOXSize = poBestOverview->GetXSize() - nOXOff;
2783     if( nOYOff + nOYSize > poBestOverview->GetYSize() )
2784         nOYSize = poBestOverview->GetYSize() - nOYOff;
2786     nXOff = nOXOff;
2787     nYOff = nOYOff;
2788     nXSize = nOXSize;
2789     nYSize = nOYSize;
2791     if( psExtraArg && psExtraArg->bFloatingPointWindowValidity )
2792     {
2793         psExtraArg->dfXOff /= dfXRes;
2794         psExtraArg->dfXSize /= dfXRes;
2795         psExtraArg->dfYOff /= dfYRes;
2796         psExtraArg->dfYSize /= dfYRes;
2797     }
2799     return nBestOverviewLevel;
2800 }
2803 /************************************************************************/
2804 /*                          OverviewRasterIO()                          */
2805 /*                                                                      */
2806 /*      Special work function to utilize available overviews to         */
2807 /*      more efficiently satisfy downsampled requests.  It will         */
2808 /*      return CE_Failure if there are no appropriate overviews         */
2809 /*      available but it doesn't emit any error messages.               */
2810 /************************************************************************/
OverviewRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,int nXOff,int nYOff,int nXSize,int nYSize,void * pData,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,GDALDataType eBufType,GSpacing nPixelSpace,GSpacing nLineSpace,GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psExtraArg)2812 CPLErr GDALRasterBand::OverviewRasterIO( GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,
2813                                 int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
2814                                 void * pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
2815                                 GDALDataType eBufType,
2816                                 GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace,
2817                                 GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )
2820 {
2821     int         nOverview;
2822     GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
2824     GDALCopyRasterIOExtraArg(&sExtraArg, psExtraArg);
2826     nOverview =
2827         GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel2(this, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
2828                                       nBufXSize, nBufYSize, &sExtraArg);
2829     if (nOverview < 0)
2830         return CE_Failure;
2832 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2833 /*      Recast the call in terms of the new raster layer.               */
2834 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2835     GDALRasterBand* poOverviewBand = GetOverview(nOverview);
2836     if (poOverviewBand == NULL)
2837         return CE_Failure;
2839     return poOverviewBand->RasterIO( eRWFlag, nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
2840                                      pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, eBufType,
2841                                      nPixelSpace, nLineSpace, &sExtraArg );
2842 }
2844 /************************************************************************/
2845 /*                        GetBestOverviewLevel()                        */
2846 /*                                                                      */
2847 /* Returns the best overview level to satisfy the query or -1 if none   */
2848 /* Also updates nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize when returning a valid     */
2849 /* overview level                                                       */
2850 /************************************************************************/
2852 static
GDALDatasetGetBestOverviewLevel(GDALDataset * poDS,int & nXOff,int & nYOff,int & nXSize,int & nYSize,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,int nBandCount,int * panBandMap)2853 int GDALDatasetGetBestOverviewLevel(GDALDataset* poDS,
2854                                     int &nXOff, int &nYOff,
2855                                     int &nXSize, int &nYSize,
2856                                     int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
2857                                     int nBandCount, int *panBandMap)
2858 {
2859     int iBand, iOverview;
2860     int nOverviewCount = 0;
2861     GDALRasterBand *poFirstBand = NULL;
2863     if (nBandCount == 0)
2864         return -1;
2866 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2867 /* Check that all bands have the same number of overviews and           */
2868 /* that they have all the same size and block dimensions                */
2869 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2870     for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ )
2871     {
2872         GDALRasterBand *poBand = poDS->GetRasterBand( panBandMap[iBand] );
2873         if (iBand == 0)
2874         {
2875             poFirstBand = poBand;
2876             nOverviewCount = poBand->GetOverviewCount();
2877         }
2878         else if (nOverviewCount != poBand->GetOverviewCount())
2879         {
2880             CPLDebug( "GDAL",
2881                       "GDALDataset::GetBestOverviewLevel() ... "
2882                       "mismatched overview count, use std method." );
2883             return -1;
2884         }
2885         else
2886         {
2887             for(iOverview = 0; iOverview < nOverviewCount; iOverview++)
2888             {
2889                 GDALRasterBand* poOvrBand =
2890                     poBand->GetOverview(iOverview);
2891                 GDALRasterBand* poOvrFirstBand =
2892                     poFirstBand->GetOverview(iOverview);
2893                 if ( poOvrBand == NULL || poOvrFirstBand == NULL)
2894                     continue;
2896                 if ( poOvrFirstBand->GetXSize() != poOvrBand->GetXSize() ||
2897                      poOvrFirstBand->GetYSize() != poOvrBand->GetYSize() )
2898                 {
2899                     CPLDebug( "GDAL",
2900                               "GDALDataset::GetBestOverviewLevel() ... "
2901                               "mismatched overview sizes, use std method." );
2902                     return -1;
2903                 }
2904                 int nBlockXSizeFirst=0, nBlockYSizeFirst=0;
2905                 int nBlockXSizeCurrent=0, nBlockYSizeCurrent=0;
2906                 poOvrFirstBand->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSizeFirst, &nBlockYSizeFirst);
2907                 poOvrBand->GetBlockSize(&nBlockXSizeCurrent, &nBlockYSizeCurrent);
2908                 if (nBlockXSizeFirst != nBlockXSizeCurrent ||
2909                     nBlockYSizeFirst != nBlockYSizeCurrent)
2910                 {
2911                     CPLDebug( "GDAL",
2912                           "GDALDataset::GetBestOverviewLevel() ... "
2913                           "mismatched block sizes, use std method." );
2914                     return -1;
2915                 }
2916             }
2917         }
2918     }
2920     return GDALBandGetBestOverviewLevel2(poFirstBand,
2921                                         nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
2922                                         nBufXSize, nBufYSize, NULL);
2923 }
2925 /************************************************************************/
2926 /*                         BlockBasedRasterIO()                         */
2927 /*                                                                      */
2928 /*      This convenience function implements a dataset level            */
2929 /*      RasterIO() interface based on calling down to fetch blocks,     */
2930 /*      much like the GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO(), but it handles       */
2931 /*      all bands at once, so that a format driver that handles a       */
2932 /*      request for different bands of the same block efficiently       */
2933 /*      (ie. without re-reading interleaved data) will efficiently.     */
2934 /*                                                                      */
2935 /*      This method is intended to be called by an overridden           */
2936 /*      IRasterIO() method in the driver specific GDALDataset           */
2937 /*      derived class.                                                  */
2938 /*                                                                      */
2939 /*      Default internal implementation of RasterIO() ... utilizes      */
2940 /*      the Block access methods to satisfy the request.  This would    */
2941 /*      normally only be overridden by formats with overviews.          */
2942 /*                                                                      */
2943 /*      To keep things relatively simple, this method does not          */
2944 /*      currently take advantage of some special cases addressed in     */
2945 /*      GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO(), so it is likely best to only       */
2946 /*      call it when you know it will help.  That is in cases where     */
2947 /*      data is at 1:1 to the buffer, and you know the driver is        */
2948 /*      implementing interleaved IO efficiently on a block by block     */
2949 /*      basis. Overviews will be used when possible.                    */
2950 /************************************************************************/
2952 CPLErr
BlockBasedRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,int nXOff,int nYOff,int nXSize,int nYSize,void * pData,int nBufXSize,int nBufYSize,GDALDataType eBufType,int nBandCount,int * panBandMap,GSpacing nPixelSpace,GSpacing nLineSpace,GSpacing nBandSpace,GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psExtraArg)2953 GDALDataset::BlockBasedRasterIO( GDALRWFlag eRWFlag,
2954                                  int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize,
2955                                  void * pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize,
2956                                  GDALDataType eBufType,
2957                                  int nBandCount, int *panBandMap,
2958                                  GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace,
2959                                  GSpacing nBandSpace,
2960                                  GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psExtraArg )
2962 {
2963     GByte      **papabySrcBlock = NULL;
2964     GDALRasterBlock *poBlock = NULL;
2965     GDALRasterBlock **papoBlocks = NULL;
2966     int         nLBlockX=-1, nLBlockY=-1, iBufYOff, iBufXOff, iSrcY, iBand;
2967     int         nBlockXSize=1, nBlockYSize=1;
2968     CPLErr      eErr = CE_None;
2969     GDALDataType eDataType = GDT_Byte;
2971     CPLAssert( NULL != pData );
2973 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2974 /*      Ensure that all bands share a common block size and data type.  */
2975 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2977     for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ )
2978     {
2979         GDALRasterBand *poBand = GetRasterBand( panBandMap[iBand] );
2980         int nThisBlockXSize, nThisBlockYSize;
2982         if( iBand == 0 )
2983         {
2984             poBand->GetBlockSize( &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
2985             eDataType = poBand->GetRasterDataType();
2986         }
2987         else
2988         {
2989             poBand->GetBlockSize( &nThisBlockXSize, &nThisBlockYSize );
2990             if( nThisBlockXSize != nBlockXSize
2991                 || nThisBlockYSize != nBlockYSize )
2992             {
2993                 CPLDebug( "GDAL",
2994                           "GDALDataset::BlockBasedRasterIO() ... "
2995                           "mismatched block sizes, use std method." );
2996                 return GDALDataset::IRasterIO( eRWFlag,
2997                                                nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
2998                                                pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
2999                                                eBufType,
3000                                                nBandCount, panBandMap,
3001                                                nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
3002                                                nBandSpace, psExtraArg );
3003             }
3005             if( eDataType != poBand->GetRasterDataType()
3006                 && (nXSize != nBufXSize || nYSize != nBufYSize) )
3007             {
3008                 CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3009                           "GDALDataset::BlockBasedRasterIO() ... "
3010                           "mismatched band data types, use std method." );
3011                 return GDALDataset::IRasterIO( eRWFlag,
3012                                                nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
3013                                                pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
3014                                                eBufType,
3015                                                nBandCount, panBandMap,
3016                                                nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
3017                                                nBandSpace, psExtraArg );
3018             }
3019         }
3020     }
3022 /* ==================================================================== */
3023 /*      In this special case at full resolution we step through in      */
3024 /*      blocks, turning the request over to the per-band                */
3025 /*      IRasterIO(), but ensuring that all bands of one block are       */
3026 /*      called before proceeding to the next.                           */
3027 /* ==================================================================== */
3029     if( nXSize == nBufXSize && nYSize == nBufYSize )
3030     {
3031         GDALRasterIOExtraArg sDummyExtraArg;
3032         INIT_RASTERIO_EXTRA_ARG(sDummyExtraArg);
3034         int nChunkYSize, nChunkXSize, nChunkXOff, nChunkYOff;
3036         for( iBufYOff = 0; iBufYOff < nBufYSize; iBufYOff += nChunkYSize )
3037         {
3038             nChunkYSize = nBlockYSize;
3039             nChunkYOff = iBufYOff + nYOff;
3040             nChunkYSize = nBlockYSize - (nChunkYOff % nBlockYSize);
3041             if( nChunkYSize == 0 )
3042                 nChunkYSize = nBlockYSize;
3043             if( nChunkYOff + nChunkYSize > nYOff + nYSize )
3044                 nChunkYSize = (nYOff + nYSize) - nChunkYOff;
3046             for( iBufXOff = 0; iBufXOff < nBufXSize; iBufXOff += nChunkXSize )
3047             {
3048                 nChunkXSize = nBlockXSize;
3049                 nChunkXOff = iBufXOff + nXOff;
3050                 nChunkXSize = nBlockXSize - (nChunkXOff % nBlockXSize);
3051                 if( nChunkXSize == 0 )
3052                     nChunkXSize = nBlockXSize;
3053                 if( nChunkXOff + nChunkXSize > nXOff + nXSize )
3054                     nChunkXSize = (nXOff + nXSize) - nChunkXOff;
3056                 GByte *pabyChunkData;
3058                 pabyChunkData = ((GByte *) pData)
3059                     + iBufXOff * nPixelSpace
3060                     + (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * nLineSpace;
3062                 for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ )
3063                 {
3064                     GDALRasterBand *poBand = GetRasterBand(panBandMap[iBand]);
3066                     eErr =
3067                         poBand->GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO(
3068                             eRWFlag, nChunkXOff, nChunkYOff,
3069                             nChunkXSize, nChunkYSize,
3070                             pabyChunkData + (GPtrDiff_t)iBand * nBandSpace,
3071                             nChunkXSize, nChunkYSize, eBufType,
3072                             nPixelSpace, nLineSpace, &sDummyExtraArg );
3073                     if( eErr != CE_None )
3074                         return eErr;
3075                 }
3076             }
3078             if( psExtraArg->pfnProgress != NULL &&
3079                 !psExtraArg->pfnProgress(1.0 * MAX(nBufYSize,iBufYOff + nChunkYSize) / nBufYSize, "", psExtraArg->pProgressData) )
3080             {
3081                 return CE_Failure;
3082             }
3083         }
3085         return CE_None;
3086     }
3088     /* Below code is not compatible with that case. It would need a complete */
3089     /* separate code like done in GDALRasterBand::IRasterIO. */
3090     if (eRWFlag == GF_Write && (nBufXSize < nXSize || nBufYSize < nYSize))
3091     {
3092         return GDALDataset::IRasterIO( eRWFlag,
3093                                        nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
3094                                        pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
3095                                        eBufType,
3096                                        nBandCount, panBandMap,
3097                                        nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
3098                                        nBandSpace, psExtraArg );
3099     }
3101     /* We could have a smarter implementation, but that will do for now */
3102     if( psExtraArg->eResampleAlg != GRIORA_NearestNeighbour &&
3103         (nBufXSize != nXSize || nBufYSize != nYSize) )
3104     {
3105         return GDALDataset::IRasterIO( eRWFlag,
3106                                        nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
3107                                        pData, nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
3108                                        eBufType,
3109                                        nBandCount, panBandMap,
3110                                        nPixelSpace, nLineSpace,
3111                                        nBandSpace, psExtraArg );
3112     }
3114 /* ==================================================================== */
3115 /*      Loop reading required source blocks to satisfy output           */
3116 /*      request.  This is the most general implementation.              */
3117 /* ==================================================================== */
3119     int         nBandDataSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize( eDataType ) / 8;
3121     papabySrcBlock = (GByte **) CPLCalloc(sizeof(GByte*),nBandCount);
3122     papoBlocks = (GDALRasterBlock **) CPLCalloc(sizeof(void*),nBandCount);
3124 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3125 /*      Select an overview level if appropriate.                        */
3126 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3127     int nOverviewLevel = GDALDatasetGetBestOverviewLevel (this,
3128                                                nXOff, nYOff, nXSize, nYSize,
3129                                                nBufXSize, nBufYSize,
3130                                                nBandCount, panBandMap);
3131     if (nOverviewLevel >= 0)
3132     {
3133         GetRasterBand(panBandMap[0])->GetOverview(nOverviewLevel)->
3134                                 GetBlockSize( &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
3135     }
3137 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3138 /*      Compute stepping increment.                                     */
3139 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3140     double      dfSrcX, dfSrcY, dfSrcXInc, dfSrcYInc;
3142     dfSrcXInc = nXSize / (double) nBufXSize;
3143     dfSrcYInc = nYSize / (double) nBufYSize;
3145 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3146 /*      Loop over buffer computing source locations.                    */
3147 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3148     for( iBufYOff = 0; iBufYOff < nBufYSize; iBufYOff++ )
3149     {
3150         GPtrDiff_t  iBufOffset;
3151         int         iSrcOffset;
3153         dfSrcY = (iBufYOff+0.5) * dfSrcYInc + nYOff;
3154         iSrcY = (int) dfSrcY;
3156         iBufOffset = (GPtrDiff_t)iBufYOff * (GPtrDiff_t)nLineSpace;
3158         for( iBufXOff = 0; iBufXOff < nBufXSize; iBufXOff++ )
3159         {
3160             int iSrcX;
3162             dfSrcX = (iBufXOff+0.5) * dfSrcXInc + nXOff;
3164             iSrcX = (int) dfSrcX;
3166             // FIXME: this code likely doesn't work if the dirty block gets flushed
3167             // to disk before being completely written.
3168             // In the meantime, bJustInitalize should probably be set to FALSE
3169             // even if it is not ideal performance wise, and for lossy compression
3171 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3172 /*      Ensure we have the appropriate block loaded.                    */
3173 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3174             if( iSrcX < nLBlockX * nBlockXSize
3175                 || iSrcX >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize
3176                 || iSrcY < nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
3177                 || iSrcY >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize )
3178             {
3179                 nLBlockX = iSrcX / nBlockXSize;
3180                 nLBlockY = iSrcY / nBlockYSize;
3182                 int bJustInitialize =
3183                     eRWFlag == GF_Write
3184                     && nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize
3185                     && nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize
3186                     && nXOff <= nLBlockX * nBlockXSize
3187                     && nXOff + nXSize >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize;
3188                 /*int bMemZeroBuffer = FALSE;
3189                 if( eRWFlag == GF_Write && !bJustInitialize &&
3190                     nXOff <= nLBlockX * nBlockXSize &&
3191                     nYOff <= nLBlockY * nBlockYSize &&
3192                     (nXOff + nXSize >= (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize ||
3193                      (nXOff + nXSize == GetRasterXSize() && (nLBlockX+1) * nBlockXSize > GetRasterXSize())) &&
3194                     (nYOff + nYSize >= (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize ||
3195                      (nYOff + nYSize == GetRasterYSize() && (nLBlockY+1) * nBlockYSize > GetRasterYSize())) )
3196                 {
3197                     bJustInitialize = TRUE;
3198                     bMemZeroBuffer = TRUE;
3199                 }*/
3200                 for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ )
3201                 {
3202                     GDALRasterBand *poBand = GetRasterBand( panBandMap[iBand]);
3203                     if (nOverviewLevel >= 0)
3204                         poBand = poBand->GetOverview(nOverviewLevel);
3205                     poBlock = poBand->GetLockedBlockRef( nLBlockX, nLBlockY,
3206                                                          bJustInitialize );
3207                     if( poBlock == NULL )
3208                     {
3209                         eErr = CE_Failure;
3210                         goto CleanupAndReturn;
3211                     }
3213                     if( eRWFlag == GF_Write )
3214                         poBlock->MarkDirty();
3216                     if( papoBlocks[iBand] != NULL )
3217                         papoBlocks[iBand]->DropLock();
3219                     papoBlocks[iBand] = poBlock;
3221                     papabySrcBlock[iBand] = (GByte *) poBlock->GetDataRef();
3222                     if( papabySrcBlock[iBand] == NULL )
3223                     {
3224                         eErr = CE_Failure;
3225                         goto CleanupAndReturn;
3226                     }
3227                     /*if( bMemZeroBuffer )
3228                     {
3229                         memset(papabySrcBlock[iBand], 0,
3230                             nBandDataSize * nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize);
3231                     }*/
3232                 }
3233             }
3235 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3236 /*      Copy over this pixel of data.                                   */
3237 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3238             iSrcOffset = ((GPtrDiff_t)iSrcX - (GPtrDiff_t)nLBlockX*nBlockXSize
3239                 + ((GPtrDiff_t)iSrcY - (GPtrDiff_t)nLBlockY*nBlockYSize) * nBlockXSize)*nBandDataSize;
3241             for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ )
3242             {
3243                 GByte *pabySrcBlock = papabySrcBlock[iBand];
3244                 GPtrDiff_t iBandBufOffset = iBufOffset + (GPtrDiff_t)iBand * (GPtrDiff_t)nBandSpace;
3246                 if( eDataType == eBufType )
3247                 {
3248                     if( eRWFlag == GF_Read )
3249                         memcpy( ((GByte *) pData) + iBandBufOffset,
3250                                 pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, nBandDataSize );
3251                 else
3252                     memcpy( pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset,
3253                             ((GByte *)pData) + iBandBufOffset, nBandDataSize );
3254                 }
3255                 else
3256                 {
3257                     /* type to type conversion ... ouch, this is expensive way
3258                        of handling single words */
3260                     if( eRWFlag == GF_Read )
3261                         GDALCopyWords( pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, eDataType, 0,
3262                                        ((GByte *) pData) + iBandBufOffset,
3263                                        eBufType, 0, 1 );
3264                     else
3265                         GDALCopyWords( ((GByte *) pData) + iBandBufOffset,
3266                                        eBufType, 0,
3267                                        pabySrcBlock + iSrcOffset, eDataType, 0,
3268                                        1 );
3269                 }
3270             }
3272             iBufOffset += (int)nPixelSpace;
3273         }
3274     }
3276 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3277 /*      CleanupAndReturn.                                               */
3278 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3279   CleanupAndReturn:
3280     CPLFree( papabySrcBlock );
3281     if( papoBlocks != NULL )
3282     {
3283         for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount; iBand++ )
3284         {
3285             if( papoBlocks[iBand] != NULL )
3286                 papoBlocks[iBand]->DropLock();
3287         }
3288         CPLFree( papoBlocks );
3289     }
3291     return( CE_None );
3292 }
3294 /************************************************************************/
3295 /*                  GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize()                   */
3296 /************************************************************************/
GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(GDALRasterBand * poSrcPrototypeBand,GDALRasterBand * poDstPrototypeBand,int nBandCount,int bDstIsCompressed,int bInterleave,int * pnSwathCols,int * pnSwathLines)3298 static void GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(GDALRasterBand *poSrcPrototypeBand,
3299                                             GDALRasterBand *poDstPrototypeBand,
3300                                             int nBandCount,
3301                                             int bDstIsCompressed, int bInterleave,
3302                                             int* pnSwathCols, int *pnSwathLines)
3303 {
3304     GDALDataType eDT = poDstPrototypeBand->GetRasterDataType();
3305     int nSrcBlockXSize, nSrcBlockYSize;
3306     int nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize;
3308     int nXSize = poSrcPrototypeBand->GetXSize();
3309     int nYSize = poSrcPrototypeBand->GetYSize();
3311     poSrcPrototypeBand->GetBlockSize( &nSrcBlockXSize, &nSrcBlockYSize );
3312     poDstPrototypeBand->GetBlockSize( &nBlockXSize, &nBlockYSize );
3314     int nMaxBlockXSize = MAX(nBlockXSize, nSrcBlockXSize);
3315     int nMaxBlockYSize = MAX(nBlockYSize, nSrcBlockYSize);
3317     int nPixelSize = (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDT) / 8);
3318     if( bInterleave)
3319         nPixelSize *= nBandCount;
3321     // aim for one row of blocks.  Do not settle for less.
3322     int nSwathCols  = nXSize;
3323     int nSwathLines = nBlockYSize;
3325     const char* pszSrcCompression =
3326         poSrcPrototypeBand->GetMetadataItem("COMPRESSION", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
3328 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3329 /*      What will our swath size be?                                    */
3330 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3331     /* When writing interleaved data in a compressed format, we want to be sure */
3332     /* that each block will only be written once, so the swath size must not be */
3333     /* greater than the block cache. */
3334     const char* pszSwathSize = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_SWATH_SIZE", NULL);
3335     int nTargetSwathSize;
3336     if( pszSwathSize != NULL )
3337         nTargetSwathSize = atoi(pszSwathSize);
3338     else
3339     {
3340         /* As a default, take one 1/4 of the cache size */
3341         nTargetSwathSize = (int)MIN(INT_MAX, GDALGetCacheMax64() / 4);
3343         /* but if the minimum idal swath buf size is less, then go for it to */
3344         /* avoid unnecessarily abusing RAM usage */
3345         GIntBig nIdealSwathBufSize = (GIntBig)nSwathCols * nSwathLines * nPixelSize;
3346         if( pszSrcCompression != NULL && EQUAL(pszSrcCompression, "JPEG2000") &&
3347             (!bDstIsCompressed || ((nSrcBlockXSize % nBlockXSize) == 0 && (nSrcBlockYSize % nBlockYSize) == 0)) )
3348         {
3349             nIdealSwathBufSize = MAX(nIdealSwathBufSize,
3350                                      (GIntBig)nSwathCols * nSrcBlockYSize * nPixelSize);
3351         }
3352         if( nTargetSwathSize > nIdealSwathBufSize )
3353             nTargetSwathSize = (int)nIdealSwathBufSize;
3354     }
3356     if (nTargetSwathSize < 1000000)
3357         nTargetSwathSize = 1000000;
3359     /* But let's check that  */
3360     if (bDstIsCompressed && bInterleave && nTargetSwathSize > GDALGetCacheMax64())
3361     {
3362         CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
3363                  "When translating into a compressed interleave format, the block cache size (" CPL_FRMT_GIB ") "
3364                  "should be at least the size of the swath (%d) (GDAL_SWATH_SIZE config. option)", GDALGetCacheMax64(), nTargetSwathSize);
3365     }
3367 #define IS_DIVIDER_OF(x,y) ((y)%(x) == 0)
3368 #define ROUND_TO(x,y) (((x)/(y))*(y))
3370     /* if both input and output datasets are tiled, that the tile dimensions */
3371     /* are "compatible", try to stick  to a swath dimension that is a multiple */
3372     /* of input and output block dimensions */
3373     if (nBlockXSize != nXSize && nSrcBlockXSize != nXSize &&
3374         IS_DIVIDER_OF(nBlockXSize, nMaxBlockXSize) &&
3375         IS_DIVIDER_OF(nSrcBlockXSize, nMaxBlockXSize) &&
3376         IS_DIVIDER_OF(nBlockYSize, nMaxBlockYSize) &&
3377         IS_DIVIDER_OF(nSrcBlockYSize, nMaxBlockYSize))
3378     {
3379         if (((GIntBig)nMaxBlockXSize) * nMaxBlockYSize * nPixelSize <=
3380                                                     (GIntBig)nTargetSwathSize)
3381         {
3382             nSwathCols = nTargetSwathSize / (nMaxBlockYSize * nPixelSize);
3383             nSwathCols = ROUND_TO(nSwathCols, nMaxBlockXSize);
3384             if (nSwathCols == 0)
3385                 nSwathCols = nMaxBlockXSize;
3386             if (nSwathCols > nXSize)
3387                 nSwathCols = nXSize;
3388             nSwathLines = nMaxBlockYSize;
3390             if (((GIntBig)nSwathCols) * nSwathLines * nPixelSize >
3391                                                     (GIntBig)nTargetSwathSize)
3392             {
3393                 nSwathCols  = nXSize;
3394                 nSwathLines = nBlockYSize;
3395             }
3396         }
3397     }
3399     int nMemoryPerCol = nSwathCols * nPixelSize;
3401     /* Do the computation on a big int since for example when translating */
3402     /* the JPL WMS layer, we overflow 32 bits*/
3403     GIntBig nSwathBufSize = (GIntBig)nMemoryPerCol * nSwathLines;
3404     if (nSwathBufSize > (GIntBig)nTargetSwathSize)
3405     {
3406         nSwathLines = nTargetSwathSize / nMemoryPerCol;
3407         if (nSwathLines == 0)
3408             nSwathLines = 1;
3410         CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3411               "GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): adjusting to %d line swath "
3412               "since requirement (" CPL_FRMT_GIB " bytes) exceed target swath size (%d bytes) (GDAL_SWATH_SIZE config. option)",
3413               nSwathLines, (GIntBig)nBlockYSize * nMemoryPerCol, nTargetSwathSize);
3414     }
3415     // If we are processing single scans, try to handle several at once.
3416     // If we are handling swaths already, only grow the swath if a row
3417     // of blocks is substantially less than our target buffer size.
3418     else if( nSwathLines == 1
3419         || nMemoryPerCol * nSwathLines < nTargetSwathSize / 10 )
3420     {
3421         nSwathLines = MIN(nYSize,MAX(1,nTargetSwathSize/nMemoryPerCol));
3423         /* If possible try to align to source and target block height */
3424         if ((nSwathLines % nMaxBlockYSize) != 0 && nSwathLines > nMaxBlockYSize &&
3425             IS_DIVIDER_OF(nBlockYSize, nMaxBlockYSize) &&
3426             IS_DIVIDER_OF(nSrcBlockYSize, nMaxBlockYSize))
3427             nSwathLines = ROUND_TO(nSwathLines, nMaxBlockYSize);
3428     }
3430     if( pszSrcCompression != NULL && EQUAL(pszSrcCompression, "JPEG2000") &&
3431         (!bDstIsCompressed ||
3432             (IS_DIVIDER_OF(nBlockXSize, nSrcBlockXSize) &&
3433              IS_DIVIDER_OF(nBlockYSize, nSrcBlockYSize))) )
3434     {
3435         /* Typical use case: converting from Pleaiades that is 2048x2048 tiled */
3436         if (nSwathLines < nSrcBlockYSize)
3437         {
3438             nSwathLines = nSrcBlockYSize;
3440             /* Number of pixels that can be read/write simultaneously */
3441             nSwathCols = nTargetSwathSize / (nSrcBlockXSize * nPixelSize);
3442             nSwathCols = ROUND_TO(nSwathCols, nSrcBlockXSize);
3443             if (nSwathCols == 0)
3444                 nSwathCols = nSrcBlockXSize;
3445             if (nSwathCols > nXSize)
3446                 nSwathCols = nXSize;
3448             CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3449               "GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): because of compression and too high block,\n"
3450               "use partial width at one time");
3451         }
3452         else if ((nSwathLines % nSrcBlockYSize) != 0)
3453         {
3454             /* Round on a multiple of nSrcBlockYSize */
3455             nSwathLines = ROUND_TO(nSwathLines, nSrcBlockYSize);
3456             CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3457               "GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): because of compression, \n"
3458               "round nSwathLines to block height : %d", nSwathLines);
3459         }
3460     }
3461     else if (bDstIsCompressed)
3462     {
3463         if (nSwathLines < nBlockYSize)
3464         {
3465             nSwathLines = nBlockYSize;
3467             /* Number of pixels that can be read/write simultaneously */
3468             nSwathCols = nTargetSwathSize / (nSwathLines * nPixelSize);
3469             nSwathCols = ROUND_TO(nSwathCols, nBlockXSize);
3470             if (nSwathCols == 0)
3471                 nSwathCols = nBlockXSize;
3472             if (nSwathCols > nXSize)
3473                 nSwathCols = nXSize;
3475             CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3476               "GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): because of compression and too high block,\n"
3477               "use partial width at one time");
3478         }
3479         else if ((nSwathLines % nBlockYSize) != 0)
3480         {
3481             /* Round on a multiple of nBlockYSize */
3482             nSwathLines = ROUND_TO(nSwathLines, nBlockYSize);
3483             CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3484               "GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(): because of compression, \n"
3485               "round nSwathLines to block height : %d", nSwathLines);
3486         }
3487     }
3489     *pnSwathCols = nSwathCols;
3490     *pnSwathLines = nSwathLines;
3491 }
3493 /************************************************************************/
3494 /*                     GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster()                     */
3495 /************************************************************************/
3497 /**
3498  * \brief Copy all dataset raster data.
3499  *
3500  * This function copies the complete raster contents of one dataset to
3501  * another similarly configured dataset.  The source and destination
3502  * dataset must have the same number of bands, and the same width
3503  * and height.  The bands do not have to have the same data type.
3504  *
3505  * This function is primarily intended to support implementation of
3506  * driver specific CreateCopy() functions.  It implements efficient copying,
3507  * in particular "chunking" the copy in substantial blocks and, if appropriate,
3508  * performing the transfer in a pixel interleaved fashion.
3509  *
3510  * Currently the only papszOptions value supported are : "INTERLEAVE=PIXEL"
3511  * to force pixel interleaved operation and "COMPRESSED=YES" to force alignment
3512  * on target dataset block sizes to achieve best compression.  More options may be supported in
3513  * the future.
3514  *
3515  * @param hSrcDS the source dataset
3516  * @param hDstDS the destination dataset
3517  * @param papszOptions transfer hints in "StringList" Name=Value format.
3518  * @param pfnProgress progress reporting function.
3519  * @param pProgressData callback data for progress function.
3520  *
3521  * @return CE_None on success, or CE_Failure on failure.
3522  */
GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster(GDALDatasetH hSrcDS,GDALDatasetH hDstDS,char ** papszOptions,GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,void * pProgressData)3524 CPLErr CPL_STDCALL GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster(
3525     GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, char **papszOptions,
3526     GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData )
3528 {
3529     VALIDATE_POINTER1( hSrcDS, "GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster", CE_Failure );
3530     VALIDATE_POINTER1( hDstDS, "GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster", CE_Failure );
3532     GDALDataset *poSrcDS = (GDALDataset *) hSrcDS;
3533     GDALDataset *poDstDS = (GDALDataset *) hDstDS;
3534     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
3536     if( pfnProgress == NULL )
3537         pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
3539 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3540 /*      Confirm the datasets match in size and band counts.             */
3541 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3542     int nXSize = poDstDS->GetRasterXSize(),
3543         nYSize = poDstDS->GetRasterYSize(),
3544         nBandCount = poDstDS->GetRasterCount();
3546     if( poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize() != nXSize
3547         || poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize() != nYSize
3548         || poSrcDS->GetRasterCount() != nBandCount )
3549     {
3550         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
3551                   "Input and output dataset sizes or band counts do not\n"
3552                   "match in GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster()" );
3553         return CE_Failure;
3554     }
3556 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3557 /*      Report preliminary (0) progress.                                */
3558 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3559     if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressData ) )
3560     {
3561         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
3562                   "User terminated CreateCopy()" );
3563         return CE_Failure;
3564     }
3566 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3567 /*      Get our prototype band, and assume the others are similarly     */
3568 /*      configured.                                                     */
3569 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3570     if( nBandCount == 0 )
3571         return CE_None;
3573     GDALRasterBand *poSrcPrototypeBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1);
3574     GDALRasterBand *poDstPrototypeBand = poDstDS->GetRasterBand(1);
3575     GDALDataType eDT = poDstPrototypeBand->GetRasterDataType();
3577 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3578 /*      Do we want to try and do the operation in a pixel               */
3579 /*      interleaved fashion?                                            */
3580 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3581     int bInterleave = FALSE;
3582     const char *pszInterleave = NULL;
3584     pszInterleave = poSrcDS->GetMetadataItem( "INTERLEAVE", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
3585     if( pszInterleave != NULL
3586         && (EQUAL(pszInterleave,"PIXEL") || EQUAL(pszInterleave,"LINE")) )
3587         bInterleave = TRUE;
3589     pszInterleave = poDstDS->GetMetadataItem( "INTERLEAVE", "IMAGE_STRUCTURE");
3590     if( pszInterleave != NULL
3591         && (EQUAL(pszInterleave,"PIXEL") || EQUAL(pszInterleave,"LINE")) )
3592         bInterleave = TRUE;
3594     pszInterleave = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "INTERLEAVE" );
3595     if( pszInterleave != NULL
3596         && (EQUAL(pszInterleave,"PIXEL") || EQUAL(pszInterleave,"LINE")) )
3597         bInterleave = TRUE;
3598     else if( pszInterleave != NULL && EQUAL(pszInterleave,"BAND") )
3599         bInterleave = FALSE;
3601     /* If the destination is compressed, we must try to write blocks just once, to save */
3602     /* disk space (GTiff case for example), and to avoid data loss (JPEG compression for example) */
3603     int bDstIsCompressed = FALSE;
3604     const char* pszDstCompressed= CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "COMPRESSED" );
3605     if (pszDstCompressed != NULL && CSLTestBoolean(pszDstCompressed))
3606         bDstIsCompressed = TRUE;
3608 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3609 /*      What will our swath size be?                                    */
3610 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3612     int nSwathCols, nSwathLines;
3613     GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(poSrcPrototypeBand,
3614                                     poDstPrototypeBand,
3615                                     nBandCount,
3616                                     bDstIsCompressed, bInterleave,
3617                                     &nSwathCols, &nSwathLines);
3619     int nPixelSize = (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDT) / 8);
3620     if( bInterleave)
3621         nPixelSize *= nBandCount;
3623     void *pSwathBuf = VSIMalloc3(nSwathCols, nSwathLines, nPixelSize );
3624     if( pSwathBuf == NULL )
3625     {
3626         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
3627                 "Failed to allocate %d*%d*%d byte swath buffer in\n"
3628                 "GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster()",
3629                 nSwathCols, nSwathLines, nPixelSize );
3630         return CE_Failure;
3631     }
3633     CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3634             "GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster(): %d*%d swaths, bInterleave=%d",
3635             nSwathCols, nSwathLines, bInterleave );
3637     if( nSwathCols == nXSize && poSrcDS->GetDriver() != NULL &&
3638         EQUAL(poSrcDS->GetDriver()->GetDescription(), "ECW") )
3639     {
3640         poSrcDS->AdviseRead(0, 0, nXSize, nYSize, nXSize, nYSize, eDT, nBandCount, NULL, NULL);
3641     }
3643 /* ==================================================================== */
3644 /*      Band oriented (uninterleaved) case.                             */
3645 /* ==================================================================== */
3646     if( !bInterleave )
3647     {
3648         int iBand, iX, iY;
3650         GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
3651         INIT_RASTERIO_EXTRA_ARG(sExtraArg);
3653         int nTotalBlocks = nBandCount *
3654                            ((nYSize + nSwathLines - 1) / nSwathLines) *
3655                            ((nXSize + nSwathCols - 1) / nSwathCols);
3656         int nBlocksDone = 0;
3658         for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBandCount && eErr == CE_None; iBand++ )
3659         {
3660             int nBand = iBand+1;
3662             for( iY = 0; iY < nYSize && eErr == CE_None; iY += nSwathLines )
3663             {
3664                 int nThisLines = nSwathLines;
3666                 if( iY + nThisLines > nYSize )
3667                     nThisLines = nYSize - iY;
3669                 for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize && eErr == CE_None; iX += nSwathCols )
3670                 {
3671                     int nThisCols = nSwathCols;
3673                     if( iX + nThisCols > nXSize )
3674                         nThisCols = nXSize - iX;
3676                     sExtraArg.pfnProgress = GDALScaledProgress;
3677                     sExtraArg.pProgressData =
3678                         GDALCreateScaledProgress( nBlocksDone / (double)nTotalBlocks,
3679                                                 (nBlocksDone + 0.5) / (double)nTotalBlocks,
3680                                                 pfnProgress,
3681                                                 pProgressData );
3682                     if( sExtraArg.pProgressData == NULL )
3683                         sExtraArg.pfnProgress = NULL;
3685                     eErr = poSrcDS->RasterIO( GF_Read,
3686                                             iX, iY, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3687                                             pSwathBuf, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3688                                             eDT, 1, &nBand,
3689                                             0, 0, 0, &sExtraArg );
3691                     GDALDestroyScaledProgress( sExtraArg.pProgressData );
3693                     if( eErr == CE_None )
3694                         eErr = poDstDS->RasterIO( GF_Write,
3695                                                 iX, iY, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3696                                                 pSwathBuf, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3697                                                 eDT, 1, &nBand,
3698                                                 0, 0, 0, NULL );
3699                     nBlocksDone ++;
3700                     if( eErr == CE_None
3701                         && !pfnProgress( nBlocksDone / (double)nTotalBlocks,
3702                                         NULL, pProgressData ) )
3703                     {
3704                         eErr = CE_Failure;
3705                         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
3706                                 "User terminated CreateCopy()" );
3707                     }
3708                 }
3709             }
3710         }
3711     }
3713 /* ==================================================================== */
3714 /*      Pixel interleaved case.                                         */
3715 /* ==================================================================== */
3716     else /* if( bInterleave ) */
3717     {
3718         int iY, iX;
3720         GDALRasterIOExtraArg sExtraArg;
3721         INIT_RASTERIO_EXTRA_ARG(sExtraArg);
3723         int nTotalBlocks = ((nYSize + nSwathLines - 1) / nSwathLines) *
3724                            ((nXSize + nSwathCols - 1) / nSwathCols);
3725         int nBlocksDone = 0;
3727         for( iY = 0; iY < nYSize && eErr == CE_None; iY += nSwathLines )
3728         {
3729             int nThisLines = nSwathLines;
3731             if( iY + nThisLines > nYSize )
3732                 nThisLines = nYSize - iY;
3734             for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize && eErr == CE_None; iX += nSwathCols )
3735             {
3736                 int nThisCols = nSwathCols;
3738                 if( iX + nThisCols > nXSize )
3739                     nThisCols = nXSize - iX;
3741                 sExtraArg.pfnProgress = GDALScaledProgress;
3742                 sExtraArg.pProgressData =
3743                     GDALCreateScaledProgress( nBlocksDone / (double)nTotalBlocks,
3744                                             (nBlocksDone + 0.5) / (double)nTotalBlocks,
3745                                             pfnProgress,
3746                                             pProgressData );
3747                 if( sExtraArg.pProgressData == NULL )
3748                     sExtraArg.pfnProgress = NULL;
3750                 eErr = poSrcDS->RasterIO( GF_Read,
3751                                         iX, iY, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3752                                         pSwathBuf, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3753                                         eDT, nBandCount, NULL,
3754                                         0, 0, 0, &sExtraArg );
3756                 GDALDestroyScaledProgress( sExtraArg.pProgressData );
3758                 if( eErr == CE_None )
3759                     eErr = poDstDS->RasterIO( GF_Write,
3760                                             iX, iY, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3761                                             pSwathBuf, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3762                                             eDT, nBandCount, NULL,
3763                                             0, 0, 0, NULL );
3765                 nBlocksDone ++;
3766                 if( eErr == CE_None
3767                     && !pfnProgress( nBlocksDone / (double)nTotalBlocks,
3768                                     NULL, pProgressData ) )
3769                 {
3770                     eErr = CE_Failure;
3771                     CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
3772                             "User terminated CreateCopy()" );
3773                 }
3774             }
3775         }
3776     }
3778 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3779 /*      Cleanup                                                         */
3780 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3781     CPLFree( pSwathBuf );
3783     return eErr;
3784 }
3787 /************************************************************************/
3788 /*                     GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster()                  */
3789 /************************************************************************/
3791 /**
3792  * \brief Copy all raster band raster data.
3793  *
3794  * This function copies the complete raster contents of one band to
3795  * another similarly configured band.  The source and destination
3796  * bands must have the same width and height.  The bands do not have
3797  * to have the same data type.
3798  *
3799  * It implements efficient copying, in particular "chunking" the copy in
3800  * substantial blocks.
3801  *
3802  * Currently the only papszOptions value supported is : "COMPRESSED=YES" to
3803  * force alignment on target dataset block sizes to achieve best compression.
3804  * More options may be supported in the future.
3805  *
3806  * @param hSrcBand the source band
3807  * @param hDstBand the destination band
3808  * @param papszOptions transfer hints in "StringList" Name=Value format.
3809  * @param pfnProgress progress reporting function.
3810  * @param pProgressData callback data for progress function.
3811  *
3812  * @return CE_None on success, or CE_Failure on failure.
3813  */
GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster(GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand,GDALRasterBandH hDstBand,char ** papszOptions,GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,void * pProgressData)3815 CPLErr CPL_STDCALL GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster(
3816     GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, GDALRasterBandH hDstBand, char **papszOptions,
3817     GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData )
3819 {
3820     VALIDATE_POINTER1( hSrcBand, "GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster", CE_Failure );
3821     VALIDATE_POINTER1( hDstBand, "GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster", CE_Failure );
3823     GDALRasterBand *poSrcBand = (GDALRasterBand *) hSrcBand;
3824     GDALRasterBand *poDstBand = (GDALRasterBand *) hDstBand;
3825     CPLErr eErr = CE_None;
3827     if( pfnProgress == NULL )
3828         pfnProgress = GDALDummyProgress;
3830 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3831 /*      Confirm the datasets match in size and band counts.             */
3832 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3833     int nXSize = poSrcBand->GetXSize(),
3834         nYSize = poSrcBand->GetYSize();
3836     if( poDstBand->GetXSize() != nXSize
3837         || poDstBand->GetYSize() != nYSize )
3838     {
3839         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
3840                   "Input and output band sizes do not\n"
3841                   "match in GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster()" );
3842         return CE_Failure;
3843     }
3845 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3846 /*      Report preliminary (0) progress.                                */
3847 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3848     if( !pfnProgress( 0.0, NULL, pProgressData ) )
3849     {
3850         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
3851                   "User terminated CreateCopy()" );
3852         return CE_Failure;
3853     }
3855     GDALDataType eDT = poDstBand->GetRasterDataType();
3857     /* If the destination is compressed, we must try to write blocks just once, to save */
3858     /* disk space (GTiff case for example), and to avoid data loss (JPEG compression for example) */
3859     int bDstIsCompressed = FALSE;
3860     const char* pszDstCompressed= CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "COMPRESSED" );
3861     if (pszDstCompressed != NULL && CSLTestBoolean(pszDstCompressed))
3862         bDstIsCompressed = TRUE;
3864 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3865 /*      What will our swath size be?                                    */
3866 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3868     int nSwathCols, nSwathLines;
3869     GDALCopyWholeRasterGetSwathSize(poSrcBand,
3870                                     poDstBand,
3871                                     1,
3872                                     bDstIsCompressed, FALSE,
3873                                     &nSwathCols, &nSwathLines);
3875     int nPixelSize = (GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDT) / 8);
3877     void *pSwathBuf = VSIMalloc3(nSwathCols, nSwathLines, nPixelSize );
3878     if( pSwathBuf == NULL )
3879     {
3880         CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
3881                 "Failed to allocate %d*%d*%d byte swath buffer in\n"
3882                 "GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster()",
3883                 nSwathCols, nSwathLines, nPixelSize );
3884         return CE_Failure;
3885     }
3887     CPLDebug( "GDAL",
3888             "GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster(): %d*%d swaths",
3889             nSwathCols, nSwathLines );
3891 /* ==================================================================== */
3892 /*      Band oriented (uninterleaved) case.                             */
3893 /* ==================================================================== */
3895     int iX, iY;
3897     for( iY = 0; iY < nYSize && eErr == CE_None; iY += nSwathLines )
3898     {
3899         int nThisLines = nSwathLines;
3901         if( iY + nThisLines > nYSize )
3902             nThisLines = nYSize - iY;
3904         for( iX = 0; iX < nXSize && eErr == CE_None; iX += nSwathCols )
3905         {
3906             int nThisCols = nSwathCols;
3908             if( iX + nThisCols > nXSize )
3909                 nThisCols = nXSize - iX;
3911             eErr = poSrcBand->RasterIO( GF_Read,
3912                                     iX, iY, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3913                                     pSwathBuf, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3914                                     eDT, 0, 0, NULL );
3916             if( eErr == CE_None )
3917                 eErr = poDstBand->RasterIO( GF_Write,
3918                                         iX, iY, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3919                                         pSwathBuf, nThisCols, nThisLines,
3920                                         eDT, 0, 0, NULL );
3922             if( eErr == CE_None
3923                 && !pfnProgress(
3924                     (iY+nThisLines) / (float) (nYSize),
3925                     NULL, pProgressData ) )
3926             {
3927                 eErr = CE_Failure;
3928                 CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_UserInterrupt,
3929                         "User terminated CreateCopy()" );
3930             }
3931         }
3932     }
3934 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3935 /*      Cleanup                                                         */
3936 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
3937     CPLFree( pSwathBuf );
3939     return eErr;
3940 }
3943 /************************************************************************/
3944 /*                      GDALCopyRasterIOExtraArg ()                     */
3945 /************************************************************************/
GDALCopyRasterIOExtraArg(GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psDestArg,GDALRasterIOExtraArg * psSrcArg)3947 void GDALCopyRasterIOExtraArg(GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psDestArg,
3948                               GDALRasterIOExtraArg* psSrcArg)
3949 {
3950     INIT_RASTERIO_EXTRA_ARG(*psDestArg);
3951     if( psSrcArg )
3952     {
3953         psDestArg->eResampleAlg = psSrcArg->eResampleAlg;
3954         psDestArg->pfnProgress = psSrcArg->pfnProgress;
3955         psDestArg->pProgressData = psSrcArg->pProgressData;
3956         psDestArg->bFloatingPointWindowValidity = psSrcArg->bFloatingPointWindowValidity;
3957         if( psSrcArg->bFloatingPointWindowValidity )
3958         {
3959             psDestArg->dfXOff = psSrcArg->dfXOff;
3960             psDestArg->dfYOff = psSrcArg->dfYOff;
3961             psDestArg->dfXSize = psSrcArg->dfXSize;
3962             psDestArg->dfYSize = psSrcArg->dfYSize;
3963         }
3964     }
3965 }