1 /*
2  * $Id: json_object.h,v 1.12 2006/01/30 23:07:57 mclark Exp $
3  *
4  * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Metaparadigm Pte. Ltd.
5  * Michael Clark <michael@metaparadigm.com>
6  * Copyright (c) 2009 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for details.
10  *
11  */
13 #ifndef _json_object_h_
14 #define _json_object_h_
16 #include "symbol_renames.h"
17 #include "cpl_port.h"
19 #include "json_inttypes.h"
21 #ifdef __cplusplus
22 extern "C" {
23 #endif
27 /**
28  * A flag for the json_object_to_json_string_ext() and
29  * json_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes the output
30  * to have no extra whitespace or formatting applied.
31  */
32 #define JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN      0
33 /**
34  * A flag for the json_object_to_json_string_ext() and
35  * json_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes the output to have
36  * minimal whitespace inserted to make things slightly more readable.
37  */
38 #define JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED     (1<<0)
39 /**
40  * A flag for the json_object_to_json_string_ext() and
41  * json_object_to_file_ext() functions which causes
42  * the output to be formatted.
43  *
44  * See the "Two Space Tab" option at http://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/
45  * for an example of the format.
46  */
47 #define JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY     (1<<1)
48 /**
49  * A flag to drop trailing zero for float values
50  */
51 #define JSON_C_TO_STRING_NOZERO     (1<<2)
53 #undef FALSE
54 #define FALSE ((json_bool)0)
56 #undef TRUE
57 #define TRUE ((json_bool)1)
59 extern const char *json_number_chars;
60 extern const char *json_hex_chars;
62 /* CAW: added for ANSI C iteration correctness */
63 struct json_object_iter
64 {
65 	char *key;
66 	struct json_object *val;
67 	struct lh_entry *entry;
68 };
70 /* forward structure definitions */
72 typedef int json_bool;
73 typedef struct printbuf printbuf;
74 typedef struct lh_table lh_table;
75 typedef struct array_list array_list;
76 typedef struct json_object json_object;
77 typedef struct json_object_iter json_object_iter;
78 typedef struct json_tokener json_tokener;
80 /**
81  * Type of custom user delete functions.  See json_object_set_serializer.
82  */
83 typedef void (json_object_delete_fn)(struct json_object *jso, void *userdata);
85 /**
86  * Type of a custom serialization function.  See json_object_set_serializer.
87  */
88 typedef int (json_object_to_json_string_fn)(struct json_object *jso,
89 						struct printbuf *pb,
90 						int level,
91 						int flags);
93 /* supported object types */
95 typedef enum json_type {
96   /* If you change this, be sure to update json_type_to_name() too */
97   json_type_null,
98   json_type_boolean,
99   json_type_double,
100   json_type_int,
101   json_type_object,
102   json_type_array,
103   json_type_string,
104 } json_type;
106 /* reference counting functions */
108 /**
109  * Increment the reference count of json_object, thereby grabbing shared
110  * ownership of obj.
111  *
112  * @param obj the json_object instance
113  */
114 extern struct json_object* json_object_get(struct json_object *obj);
116 /**
117  * Decrement the reference count of json_object and free if it reaches zero.
118  * You must have ownership of obj prior to doing this or you will cause an
119  * imbalance in the reference count.
120  *
121  * @param obj the json_object instance
122  * @returns 1 if the object was freed.
123  */
124 int CPL_DLL json_object_put(struct json_object *obj);
126 /**
127  * Check if the json_object is of a given type
128  * @param obj the json_object instance
129  * @param type one of:
130      json_type_null (i.e. obj == NULL),
131      json_type_boolean,
132      json_type_double,
133      json_type_int,
134      json_type_object,
135      json_type_array,
136      json_type_string,
137  */
138 extern int json_object_is_type(struct json_object *obj, enum json_type type);
140 /**
141  * Get the type of the json_object.  See also json_type_to_name() to turn this
142  * into a string suitable, for instance, for logging.
143  *
144  * @param obj the json_object instance
145  * @returns type being one of:
146      json_type_null (i.e. obj == NULL),
147      json_type_boolean,
148      json_type_double,
149      json_type_int,
150      json_type_object,
151      json_type_array,
152      json_type_string,
153  */
154 extern enum json_type json_object_get_type(struct json_object *obj);
157 /** Stringify object to json format.
158  * Equivalent to json_object_to_json_string_ext(obj, JSON_C_TO_STRING_SPACED)
159  * @param obj the json_object instance
160  * @returns a string in JSON format
161  */
162 extern const char* json_object_to_json_string(struct json_object *obj);
164 /** Stringify object to json format
165  * @param obj the json_object instance
166  * @param flags formatting options, see JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY and other constants
167  * @returns a string in JSON format
168  */
169 extern const char CPL_DLL* json_object_to_json_string_ext(struct json_object *obj, int
170 flags);
172 /**
173  * Set a custom serialization function to be used when this particular object
174  * is converted to a string by json_object_to_json_string.
175  *
176  * If a custom serializer is already set on this object, any existing
177  * user_delete function is called before the new one is set.
178  *
179  * If to_string_func is NULL, the other parameters are ignored
180  * and the default behaviour is reset.
181  *
182  * The userdata parameter is optional and may be passed as NULL.  If provided,
183  * it is passed to to_string_func as-is.  This parameter may be NULL even
184  * if user_delete is non-NULL.
185  *
186  * The user_delete parameter is optional and may be passed as NULL, even if
187  * the userdata parameter is non-NULL.  It will be called just before the
188  * json_object is deleted, after it's reference count goes to zero
189  * (see json_object_put()).
190  * If this is not provided, it is up to the caller to free the userdata at
191  * an appropriate time. (i.e. after the json_object is deleted)
192  *
193  * @param jso the object to customize
194  * @param to_string_func the custom serialization function
195  * @param userdata an optional opaque cookie
196  * @param user_delete an optional function from freeing userdata
197  */
198 /* GDAL added */ extern void json_object_set_serializer(json_object *jso,
199 	json_object_to_json_string_fn to_string_func,
200 	void *userdata,
201 	json_object_delete_fn *user_delete);
205 /* object type methods */
207 /** Create a new empty object with a reference count of 1.  The caller of
208  * this object initially has sole ownership.  Remember, when using
209  * json_object_object_add or json_object_array_put_idx, ownership will
210  * transfer to the object/array.  Call json_object_get if you want to maintain
211  * shared ownership or also add this object as a child of multiple objects or
212  * arrays.  Any ownerships you acquired but did not transfer must be released
213  * through json_object_put.
214  *
215  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_object
216  */
217 extern struct json_object CPL_DLL* json_object_new_object(void);
219 /** Get the hashtable of a json_object of type json_type_object
220  * @param obj the json_object instance
221  * @returns a linkhash
222  */
223 extern struct lh_table* json_object_get_object(struct json_object *obj);
225 /** Get the size of an object in terms of the number of fields it has.
226  * @param obj the json_object whose length to return
227  */
228 extern int json_object_object_length(struct json_object* obj);
230 /** Add an object field to a json_object of type json_type_object
231  *
232  * The reference count will *not* be incremented. This is to make adding
233  * fields to objects in code more compact. If you want to retain a reference
234  * to an added object, independent of the lifetime of obj, you must wrap the
235  * passed object with json_object_get.
236  *
237  * Upon calling this, the ownership of val transfers to obj.  Thus you must
238  * make sure that you do in fact have ownership over this object.  For instance,
239  * json_object_new_object will give you ownership until you transfer it,
240  * whereas json_object_object_get does not.
241  *
242  * @param obj the json_object instance
243  * @param key the object field name (a private copy will be duplicated)
244  * @param val a json_object or NULL member to associate with the given field
245  */
246 extern void CPL_DLL json_object_object_add(struct json_object* obj, const char *key,
247 				   struct json_object *val);
249 /** Get the json_object associate with a given object field
250  *
251  * *No* reference counts will be changed.  There is no need to manually adjust
252  * reference counts through the json_object_put/json_object_get methods unless
253  * you need to have the child (value) reference maintain a different lifetime
254  * than the owning parent (obj). Ownership of the returned value is retained
255  * by obj (do not do json_object_put unless you have done a json_object_get).
256  * If you delete the value from obj (json_object_object_del) and wish to access
257  * the returned reference afterwards, make sure you have first gotten shared
258  * ownership through json_object_get (& don't forget to do a json_object_put
259  * or transfer ownership to prevent a memory leak).
260  *
261  * @param obj the json_object instance
262  * @param key the object field name
263  * @returns the json_object associated with the given field name
264  */
265 extern struct json_object* json_object_object_get(struct json_object* obj,
266 						  const char *key);
268 /** Get the json_object associated with a given object field.
269  *
270  * This returns true if the key is found, false in all other cases (including
271  * if obj isn't a json_type_object).
272  *
273  * *No* reference counts will be changed.  There is no need to manually adjust
274  * reference counts through the json_object_put/json_object_get methods unless
275  * you need to have the child (value) reference maintain a different lifetime
276  * than the owning parent (obj).  Ownership of value is retained by obj.
277  *
278  * @param obj the json_object instance
279  * @param key the object field name
280  * @param value a pointer where to store a reference to the json_object
281  *              associated with the given field name.
282  *
283  *              It is safe to pass a NULL value.
284  * @returns whether or not the key exists
285  */
286 extern json_bool json_object_object_get_ex(struct json_object* obj,
287 						  const char *key,
288                                                   struct json_object **value);
290 /** Delete the given json_object field
291  *
292  * The reference count will be decremented for the deleted object.  If there
293  * are no more owners of the value represented by this key, then the value is
294  * freed.  Otherwise, the reference to the value will remain in memory.
295  *
296  * @param obj the json_object instance
297  * @param key the object field name
298  */
299 extern void json_object_object_del(struct json_object* obj, const char *key);
301 /**
302  * Iterate through all keys and values of an object.
303  *
304  * Adding keys to the object while iterating is NOT allowed.
305  *
306  * Deleting an existing key, or replacing an existing key with a
307  * new value IS allowed.
308  *
309  * @param obj the json_object instance
310  * @param key the local name for the char* key variable defined in the body
311  * @param val the local name for the json_object* object variable defined in
312  *            the body
313  */
314 #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
316 # define json_object_object_foreach(obj,key,val) \
317 	char *key; \
318 	struct json_object *val __attribute__((__unused__)); \
319 	for(struct lh_entry *entry ## key = json_object_get_object(obj)->head, *entry_next ## key = NULL; \
320 		({ if(entry ## key) { \
321 			key = (char*)entry ## key->k; \
322 			val = (struct json_object*)entry ## key->v; \
323 			entry_next ## key = entry ## key->next; \
324 		} ; entry ## key; }); \
325 		entry ## key = entry_next ## key )
327 #else /* ANSI C or MSC */
329 # define json_object_object_foreach(obj,key,val) \
330 	char *key;\
331 	struct json_object *val; \
332 	struct lh_entry *entry ## key; \
333 	struct lh_entry *entry_next ## key = NULL; \
334 	for(entry ## key = json_object_get_object(obj)->head; \
335 		(entry ## key ? ( \
336 			key = (char*)entry ## key->k, \
337 			val = (struct json_object*)entry ## key->v, \
338 			entry_next ## key = entry ## key->next, \
339 			entry ## key) : 0); \
340 		entry ## key = entry_next ## key)
342 #endif /* defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__) && __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L */
344 /** Iterate through all keys and values of an object (ANSI C Safe)
345  * @param obj the json_object instance
346  * @param iter the object iterator
347  */
348 #define json_object_object_foreachC(obj,iter) \
349  for(iter.entry = json_object_get_object(obj)->head; (iter.entry ? (iter.key = (char*)iter.entry->k, iter.val = (struct json_object*)iter.entry->v, iter.entry) : 0); iter.entry = iter.entry->next)
351 /* Array type methods */
353 /** Create a new empty json_object of type json_type_array
354  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_array
355  */
356 extern struct json_object CPL_DLL * json_object_new_array(void);
358 /** Get the arraylist of a json_object of type json_type_array
359  * @param obj the json_object instance
360  * @returns an arraylist
361  */
362 extern struct array_list* json_object_get_array(struct json_object *obj);
364 /** Get the length of a json_object of type json_type_array
365  * @param obj the json_object instance
366  * @returns an int
367  */
368 extern int json_object_array_length(struct json_object *obj);
370 /** Sorts the elements of jso of type json_type_array
371 *
372 * Pointers to the json_object pointers will be passed as the two arguments
373 * to @sort_fn
374 *
375 * @param obj the json_object instance
376 * @param sort_fn a sorting function
377 */
378 extern void json_object_array_sort(struct json_object *jso, int(*sort_fn)(const void *, const void *));
380 /** Add an element to the end of a json_object of type json_type_array
381  *
382  * The reference count will *not* be incremented. This is to make adding
383  * fields to objects in code more compact. If you want to retain a reference
384  * to an added object you must wrap the passed object with json_object_get
385  *
386  * @param obj the json_object instance
387  * @param val the json_object to be added
388  */
389 extern int CPL_DLL json_object_array_add(struct json_object *obj,
390 				 struct json_object *val);
392 /** Insert or replace an element at a specified index in an array (a json_object of type json_type_array)
393  *
394  * The reference count will *not* be incremented. This is to make adding
395  * fields to objects in code more compact. If you want to retain a reference
396  * to an added object you must wrap the passed object with json_object_get
397  *
398  * The reference count of a replaced object will be decremented.
399  *
400  * The array size will be automatically be expanded to the size of the
401  * index if the index is larger than the current size.
402  *
403  * @param obj the json_object instance
404  * @param idx the index to insert the element at
405  * @param val the json_object to be added
406  */
407 extern int json_object_array_put_idx(struct json_object *obj, int idx,
408 				     struct json_object *val);
410 /** Get the element at specificed index of the array (a json_object of type json_type_array)
411  * @param obj the json_object instance
412  * @param idx the index to get the element at
413  * @returns the json_object at the specified index (or NULL)
414  */
415 extern struct json_object* json_object_array_get_idx(struct json_object *obj,
416 						     int idx);
418 /* json_bool type methods */
420 /** Create a new empty json_object of type json_type_boolean
421  * @param b a json_bool TRUE or FALSE (0 or 1)
422  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_boolean
423  */
424 extern struct json_object* json_object_new_boolean(json_bool b);
426 /** Get the json_bool value of a json_object
427  *
428  * The type is coerced to a json_bool if the passed object is not a json_bool.
429  * integer and double objects will return FALSE if there value is zero
430  * or TRUE otherwise. If the passed object is a string it will return
431  * TRUE if it has a non zero length. If any other object type is passed
432  * TRUE will be returned if the object is not NULL.
433  *
434  * @param obj the json_object instance
435  * @returns a json_bool
436  */
437 extern json_bool json_object_get_boolean(struct json_object *obj);
440 /* int type methods */
442 /** Create a new empty json_object of type json_type_int
443  * Note that values are stored as 64-bit values internally.
444  * To ensure the full range is maintained, use json_object_new_int64 instead.
445  * @param i the integer
446  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_int
447  */
448 extern struct json_object CPL_DLL* json_object_new_int(int32_t i);
451 /** Create a new empty json_object of type json_type_int
452  * @param i the integer
453  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_int
454  */
455 extern struct json_object CPL_DLL* json_object_new_int64(int64_t i);
458 /** Get the int value of a json_object
459  *
460  * The type is coerced to a int if the passed object is not a int.
461  * double objects will return their integer conversion. Strings will be
462  * parsed as an integer. If no conversion exists then 0 is returned
463  * and errno is set to EINVAL. null is equivalent to 0 (no error values set)
464  *
465  * Note that integers are stored internally as 64-bit values.
466  * If the value of too big or too small to fit into 32-bit, INT32_MAX or
467  * INT32_MIN are returned, respectively.
468  *
469  * @param obj the json_object instance
470  * @returns an int
471  */
472 extern int32_t json_object_get_int(struct json_object *obj);
474 /** Get the int value of a json_object
475  *
476  * The type is coerced to a int64 if the passed object is not a int64.
477  * double objects will return their int64 conversion. Strings will be
478  * parsed as an int64. If no conversion exists then 0 is returned.
479  *
480  * NOTE: Set errno to 0 directly before a call to this function to determine
481  * whether or not conversion was successful (it does not clear the value for
482  * you).
483  *
484  * @param obj the json_object instance
485  * @returns an int64
486  */
487 extern int64_t json_object_get_int64(struct json_object *obj);
490 /* double type methods */
492 /** Create a new empty json_object of type json_type_double
493  * @param d the double
494  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_double
495  */
496 extern struct json_object CPL_DLL* json_object_new_double(double d);
498 /** Get the double floating point value of a json_object
499  *
500  * The type is coerced to a double if the passed object is not a double.
501  * integer objects will return their double conversion. Strings will be
502  * parsed as a double. If no conversion exists then 0.0 is returned and
503  * errno is set to EINVAL. null is equivalent to 0 (no error values set)
504  *
505  * If the value is too big to fit in a double, then the value is set to
506  * the closest infinity with errno set to ERANGE. If strings cannot be
507  * converted to their double value, then EINVAL is set & NaN is returned.
508  *
509  * Arrays of length 0 are interpreted as 0 (with no error flags set).
510  * Arrays of length 1 are effectively cast to the equivalent object and
511  * converted using the above rules.  All other arrays set the error to
512  * EINVAL & return NaN.
513  *
514  * NOTE: Set errno to 0 directly before a call to this function to
515  * determine whether or not conversion was successful (it does not clear
516  * the value for you).
517  *
518  * @param obj the json_object instance
519  * @returns a double floating point number
520  */
521 extern double json_object_get_double(struct json_object *obj);
524 /* string type methods */
526 /** Create a new empty json_object of type json_type_string
527  *
528  * A copy of the string is made and the memory is managed by the json_object
529  *
530  * @param s the string
531  * @returns a json_object of type json_type_string
532  */
533 extern struct json_object CPL_DLL* json_object_new_string(const char *s);
535 extern struct json_object* json_object_new_string_len(const char *s, int len);
537 /** Get the string value of a json_object
538  *
539  * If the passed object is not of type json_type_string then the JSON
540  * representation of the object is returned.
541  *
542  * The returned string memory is managed by the json_object and will
543  * be freed when the reference count of the json_object drops to zero.
544  *
545  * @param obj the json_object instance
546  * @returns a string
547  */
548 extern const char* json_object_get_string(struct json_object *obj);
550 /** Get the string length of a json_object
551  *
552  * If the passed object is not of type json_type_string then zero
553  * will be returned.
554  *
555  * @param obj the json_object instance
556  * @returns int
557  */
558 extern int json_object_get_string_len(struct json_object *obj);
560 #ifdef __cplusplus
561 }
562 #endif
564 #endif