1 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Programmer(s): Daniel R. Reynolds @ SMU
3  *                Alan C. Hindmarsh and Radu Serban @ LLNL
4  *-----------------------------------------------------------------
5  * SUNDIALS Copyright Start
6  * Copyright (c) 2002-2020, Lawrence Livermore National Security
7  * and Southern Methodist University.
8  * All rights reserved.
9  *
10  * See the top-level LICENSE and NOTICE files for details.
11  *
12  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
13  * SUNDIALS Copyright End
14  *-----------------------------------------------------------------
15  * Implementation header file for IDA's linear solver interface.
16  *-----------------------------------------------------------------*/
18 #ifndef _IDALS_IMPL_H
19 #define _IDALS_IMPL_H
21 #include <ida/ida_ls.h>
22 #include "ida_impl.h"
24 #ifdef __cplusplus  /* wrapper to enable C++ usage */
25 extern "C" {
26 #endif
28 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
29   Types : struct IDALsMemRec, struct *IDALsMem
31   The type IDALsMem is a pointer to a IDALsMemRec, which is a
32   structure containing fields that must be accessible by LS module
33   routines.
34   -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 typedef struct IDALsMemRec {
37   /* Linear solver type information */
38   booleantype iterative;    /* is the solver iterative?    */
39   booleantype matrixbased;  /* is a matrix structure used? */
41   /* Jacobian construction & storage */
42   booleantype jacDQ;    /* SUNTRUE if using internal DQ Jacobian approx. */
43   IDALsJacFn jac;       /* Jacobian routine to be called                 */
44   void *J_data;         /* J_data is passed to jac                       */
46   /* Linear solver, matrix and vector objects/pointers */
47   SUNLinearSolver LS;   /* generic linear solver object                  */
48   SUNMatrix J;          /* J = dF/dy + cj*dF/dy'                         */
49   N_Vector ytemp;       /* temp vector used by IDAAtimesDQ               */
50   N_Vector yptemp;      /* temp vector used by IDAAtimesDQ               */
51   N_Vector x;           /* temp vector used by the solve function        */
52   N_Vector ycur;        /* current y vector in Newton iteration          */
53   N_Vector ypcur;       /* current yp vector in Newton iteration         */
54   N_Vector rcur;        /* rcur = F(tn, ycur, ypcur)                     */
56   /* Matrix-based solver, scale solution to account for change in cj */
57   booleantype scalesol;
59   /* Iterative solver tolerance */
60   realtype sqrtN;     /* sqrt(N)                                      */
61   realtype eplifac;   /* eplifac = linear convergence factor          */
63   /* Statistics and associated parameters */
64   realtype dqincfac;  /* dqincfac = optional increment factor in Jv   */
65   long int nje;       /* nje = no. of calls to jac                    */
66   long int npe;       /* npe = total number of precond calls          */
67   long int nli;       /* nli = total number of linear iterations      */
68   long int nps;       /* nps = total number of psolve calls           */
69   long int ncfl;      /* ncfl = total number of convergence failures  */
70   long int nreDQ;     /* nreDQ = total number of calls to res         */
71   long int njtsetup;  /* njtsetup = total number of calls to jtsetup  */
72   long int njtimes;   /* njtimes = total number of calls to jtimes    */
73   long int nst0;      /* nst0 = saved nst (for performance monitor)   */
74   long int nni0;      /* nni0 = saved nni (for performance monitor)   */
75   long int ncfn0;     /* ncfn0 = saved ncfn (for performance monitor) */
76   long int ncfl0;     /* ncfl0 = saved ncfl (for performance monitor) */
77   long int nwarn;     /* nwarn = no. of warnings (for perf. monitor)  */
79   int last_flag;      /* last error return flag                       */
81   /* Preconditioner computation
82      (a) user-provided:
83          - pdata == user_data
84          - pfree == NULL (the user dealocates memory)
85      (b) internal preconditioner module
86          - pdata == ida_mem
87          - pfree == set by the prec. module and called in idaLsFree */
88   IDALsPrecSetupFn pset;
89   IDALsPrecSolveFn psolve;
90   int (*pfree)(IDAMem IDA_mem);
91   void *pdata;
93   /* Jacobian times vector compuation
94      (a) jtimes function provided by the user:
95          - jt_data == user_data
96          - jtimesDQ == SUNFALSE
97      (b) internal jtimes
98          - jt_data == ida_mem
99          - jtimesDQ == SUNTRUE */
100   booleantype jtimesDQ;
101   IDALsJacTimesSetupFn jtsetup;
102   IDALsJacTimesVecFn jtimes;
103   void *jt_data;
105 } *IDALsMem;
108 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
109   Prototypes of internal functions
110   -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
112 /* Interface routines called by system SUNLinearSolver */
113 int idaLsATimes(void *ida_mem, N_Vector v, N_Vector z);
114 int idaLsPSetup(void *ida_mem);
115 int idaLsPSolve(void *ida_mem, N_Vector r, N_Vector z,
116                 realtype tol, int lr);
118 /* Difference quotient approximation for Jac times vector */
119 int idaLsDQJtimes(realtype tt, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp,
120                   N_Vector rr, N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv,
121                   realtype c_j, void *data,
122                   N_Vector work1, N_Vector work2);
124 /* Difference-quotient Jacobian approximation routines */
125 int idaLsDQJac(realtype tt, realtype c_j, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp,
126                N_Vector rr, SUNMatrix Jac, void *data,
127                N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
128 int idaLsDenseDQJac(realtype tt, realtype c_j, N_Vector yy,
129                     N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, SUNMatrix Jac,
130                     IDAMem IDA_mem, N_Vector tmp1);
131 int idaLsBandDQJac(realtype tt, realtype c_j,  N_Vector yy,
132                    N_Vector yp, N_Vector rr, SUNMatrix Jac,
133                    IDAMem IDA_mem, N_Vector tmp1,
134                    N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3);
136 /* Generic linit/lsetup/lsolve/lperf/lfree interface routines for IDA to call */
137 int idaLsInitialize(IDAMem IDA_mem);
138 int idaLsSetup(IDAMem IDA_mem, N_Vector y, N_Vector yp, N_Vector r,
139                N_Vector vt1, N_Vector vt2, N_Vector vt3);
140 int idaLsSolve(IDAMem IDA_mem, N_Vector b, N_Vector weight,
141                N_Vector ycur, N_Vector ypcur, N_Vector rescur);
142 int idaLsPerf(IDAMem IDA_mem, int perftask);
143 int idaLsFree(IDAMem IDA_mem);
146 /* Auxilliary functions */
147 int idaLsInitializeCounters(IDALsMem idals_mem);
148 int idaLs_AccessLMem(void* ida_mem, const char* fname,
149                      IDAMem* IDA_mem, IDALsMem* idals_mem);
152 /*---------------------------------------------------------------
153   Error and Warning Messages
154   ---------------------------------------------------------------*/
157 #define MSG_LS_TIME "at t = %Lg, "
158 #define MSG_LS_FRMT "%Le."
160 #define MSG_LS_TIME "at t = %lg, "
161 #define MSG_LS_FRMT "%le."
162 #else
163 #define MSG_LS_TIME "at t = %g, "
164 #define MSG_LS_FRMT "%e."
165 #endif
167 /* Error Messages */
168 #define MSG_LS_IDAMEM_NULL    "Integrator memory is NULL."
169 #define MSG_LS_MEM_FAIL       "A memory request failed."
170 #define MSG_LS_BAD_NVECTOR    "A required vector operation is not implemented."
171 #define MSG_LS_BAD_SIZES      "Illegal bandwidth parameter(s). Must have 0 <=  ml, mu <= N-1."
172 #define MSG_LS_BAD_LSTYPE     "Incompatible linear solver type."
173 #define MSG_LS_LMEM_NULL      "Linear solver memory is NULL."
174 #define MSG_LS_BAD_GSTYPE     "gstype has an illegal value."
175 #define MSG_LS_NEG_MAXRS      "maxrs < 0 illegal."
176 #define MSG_LS_NEG_EPLIFAC    "eplifac < 0.0 illegal."
177 #define MSG_LS_NEG_DQINCFAC   "dqincfac < 0.0 illegal."
178 #define MSG_LS_PSET_FAILED    "The preconditioner setup routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
179 #define MSG_LS_PSOLVE_FAILED  "The preconditioner solve routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
180 #define MSG_LS_JTSETUP_FAILED "The Jacobian x vector setup routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
181 #define MSG_LS_JTIMES_FAILED  "The Jacobian x vector routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
182 #define MSG_LS_JACFUNC_FAILED "The Jacobian routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
183 #define MSG_LS_MATZERO_FAILED "The SUNMatZero routine failed in an unrecoverable manner."
185 /* Warning Messages */
186 #define MSG_LS_WARN  "Warning: " MSG_LS_TIME "poor iterative algorithm performance. "
187 #define MSG_LS_CFN_WARN  MSG_LS_WARN "Nonlinear convergence failure rate is " MSG_LS_FRMT
188 #define MSG_LS_CFL_WARN  MSG_LS_WARN "Linear convergence failure rate is " MSG_LS_FRMT
191 #ifdef __cplusplus
192 }
193 #endif
195 #endif