1 //===--- ConfigProvider.cpp - Loading of user configuration ---------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "ConfigProvider.h"
10 #include "Config.h"
11 #include "ConfigFragment.h"
12 #include "support/FileCache.h"
13 #include "support/Path.h"
14 #include "support/ThreadsafeFS.h"
15 #include "support/Trace.h"
16 #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
17 #include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
18 #include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
19 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
20 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
21 #include <chrono>
22 #include <mutex>
23 #include <string>
25 namespace clang {
26 namespace clangd {
27 namespace config {
29 // Threadsafe cache around reading a YAML config file from disk.
30 class FileConfigCache : public FileCache {
31   mutable llvm::SmallVector<CompiledFragment, 1> CachedValue;
32   std::string Directory;
34 public:
FileConfigCache(llvm::StringRef Path,llvm::StringRef Directory)35   FileConfigCache(llvm::StringRef Path, llvm::StringRef Directory)
36       : FileCache(Path), Directory(Directory) {}
get(const ThreadsafeFS & TFS,DiagnosticCallback DC,std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point FreshTime,bool Trusted,std::vector<CompiledFragment> & Out) const38   void get(const ThreadsafeFS &TFS, DiagnosticCallback DC,
39            std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point FreshTime, bool Trusted,
40            std::vector<CompiledFragment> &Out) const {
41     read(
42         TFS, FreshTime,
43         [&](llvm::Optional<llvm::StringRef> Data) {
44           CachedValue.clear();
45           if (Data)
46             for (auto &Fragment : Fragment::parseYAML(*Data, path(), DC)) {
47               Fragment.Source.Directory = Directory;
48               Fragment.Source.Trusted = Trusted;
49               CachedValue.push_back(std::move(Fragment).compile(DC));
50             }
51         },
52         [&]() { llvm::copy(CachedValue, std::back_inserter(Out)); });
53   }
54 };
fromYAMLFile(llvm::StringRef AbsPath,llvm::StringRef Directory,const ThreadsafeFS & FS,bool Trusted)56 std::unique_ptr<Provider> Provider::fromYAMLFile(llvm::StringRef AbsPath,
57                                                  llvm::StringRef Directory,
58                                                  const ThreadsafeFS &FS,
59                                                  bool Trusted) {
60   class AbsFileProvider : public Provider {
61     mutable FileConfigCache Cache; // threadsafe
62     const ThreadsafeFS &FS;
63     bool Trusted;
65     std::vector<CompiledFragment>
66     getFragments(const Params &P, DiagnosticCallback DC) const override {
67       std::vector<CompiledFragment> Result;
68       Cache.get(FS, DC, P.FreshTime, Trusted, Result);
69       return Result;
70     };
72   public:
73     AbsFileProvider(llvm::StringRef Path, llvm::StringRef Directory,
74                     const ThreadsafeFS &FS, bool Trusted)
75         : Cache(Path, Directory), FS(FS), Trusted(Trusted) {
76       assert(llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Path));
77     }
78   };
80   return std::make_unique<AbsFileProvider>(AbsPath, Directory, FS, Trusted);
81 }
83 std::unique_ptr<Provider>
fromAncestorRelativeYAMLFiles(llvm::StringRef RelPath,const ThreadsafeFS & FS,bool Trusted)84 Provider::fromAncestorRelativeYAMLFiles(llvm::StringRef RelPath,
85                                         const ThreadsafeFS &FS, bool Trusted) {
86   class RelFileProvider : public Provider {
87     std::string RelPath;
88     const ThreadsafeFS &FS;
89     bool Trusted;
91     mutable std::mutex Mu;
92     // Keys are the (posix-style) ancestor directory, not the config within it.
93     // We only insert into this map, so pointers to values are stable forever.
94     // Mutex guards the map itself, not the values (which are threadsafe).
95     mutable llvm::StringMap<FileConfigCache> Cache;
97     std::vector<CompiledFragment>
98     getFragments(const Params &P, DiagnosticCallback DC) const override {
99       namespace path = llvm::sys::path;
101       if (P.Path.empty())
102         return {};
104       // Compute absolute paths to all ancestors (substrings of P.Path).
105       llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 8> Ancestors;
106       for (auto Ancestor = absoluteParent(P.Path); !Ancestor.empty();
107            Ancestor = absoluteParent(Ancestor)) {
108         Ancestors.emplace_back(Ancestor);
109       }
110       // Ensure corresponding cache entries exist in the map.
111       llvm::SmallVector<FileConfigCache *, 8> Caches;
112       {
113         std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mu);
114         for (llvm::StringRef Ancestor : Ancestors) {
115           auto It = Cache.find(Ancestor);
116           // Assemble the actual config file path only once.
117           if (It == Cache.end()) {
118             llvm::SmallString<256> ConfigPath = Ancestor;
119             path::append(ConfigPath, RelPath);
120             // Use native slashes for reading the file, affects diagnostics.
121             llvm::sys::path::native(ConfigPath);
122             It = Cache.try_emplace(Ancestor, ConfigPath.str(), Ancestor).first;
123           }
124           Caches.push_back(&It->second);
125         }
126       }
127       // Finally query each individual file.
128       // This will take a (per-file) lock for each file that actually exists.
129       std::vector<CompiledFragment> Result;
130       for (FileConfigCache *Cache : llvm::reverse(Caches))
131         Cache->get(FS, DC, P.FreshTime, Trusted, Result);
132       return Result;
133     };
135   public:
136     RelFileProvider(llvm::StringRef RelPath, const ThreadsafeFS &FS,
137                     bool Trusted)
138         : RelPath(RelPath), FS(FS), Trusted(Trusted) {
139       assert(llvm::sys::path::is_relative(RelPath));
140     }
141   };
143   return std::make_unique<RelFileProvider>(RelPath, FS, Trusted);
144 }
146 std::unique_ptr<Provider>
combine(std::vector<const Provider * > Providers)147 Provider::combine(std::vector<const Provider *> Providers) {
148   class CombinedProvider : public Provider {
149     std::vector<const Provider *> Providers;
151     std::vector<CompiledFragment>
152     getFragments(const Params &P, DiagnosticCallback DC) const override {
153       std::vector<CompiledFragment> Result;
154       for (const auto &Provider : Providers) {
155         for (auto &Fragment : Provider->getFragments(P, DC))
156           Result.push_back(std::move(Fragment));
157       }
158       return Result;
159     }
161   public:
162     CombinedProvider(std::vector<const Provider *> Providers)
163         : Providers(std::move(Providers)) {}
164   };
166   return std::make_unique<CombinedProvider>(std::move(Providers));
167 }
getConfig(const Params & P,DiagnosticCallback DC) const169 Config Provider::getConfig(const Params &P, DiagnosticCallback DC) const {
170   trace::Span Tracer("getConfig");
171   if (!P.Path.empty())
172     SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "path", P.Path);
173   Config C;
174   for (const auto &Fragment : getFragments(P, DC))
175     Fragment(P, C);
176   return C;
177 }
179 } // namespace config
180 } // namespace clangd
181 } // namespace clang