1 //===--- Headers.cpp - Include headers ---------------------------*- C++-*-===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "Headers.h"
10 #include "Compiler.h"
11 #include "Preamble.h"
12 #include "SourceCode.h"
13 #include "support/Logger.h"
14 #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
15 #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
16 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
17 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
18 #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
19 #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
20 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
21 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
23 namespace clang {
24 namespace clangd {
25 namespace {
27 class RecordHeaders : public PPCallbacks {
28 public:
RecordHeaders(const SourceManager & SM,IncludeStructure * Out)29   RecordHeaders(const SourceManager &SM, IncludeStructure *Out)
30       : SM(SM), Out(Out) {}
32   // Record existing #includes - both written and resolved paths. Only #includes
33   // in the main file are collected.
InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc,const Token & IncludeTok,llvm::StringRef FileName,bool IsAngled,CharSourceRange,const FileEntry * File,llvm::StringRef,llvm::StringRef,const clang::Module *,SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileKind)34   void InclusionDirective(SourceLocation HashLoc, const Token &IncludeTok,
35                           llvm::StringRef FileName, bool IsAngled,
36                           CharSourceRange /*FilenameRange*/,
37                           const FileEntry *File, llvm::StringRef /*SearchPath*/,
38                           llvm::StringRef /*RelativePath*/,
39                           const clang::Module * /*Imported*/,
40                           SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileKind) override {
41     auto MainFID = SM.getMainFileID();
42     // If an include is part of the preamble patch, translate #line directives.
43     if (InBuiltinFile)
44       HashLoc = translatePreamblePatchLocation(HashLoc, SM);
46     // Record main-file inclusions (including those mapped from the preamble
47     // patch).
48     if (isInsideMainFile(HashLoc, SM)) {
49       Out->MainFileIncludes.emplace_back();
50       auto &Inc = Out->MainFileIncludes.back();
51       Inc.Written =
52           (IsAngled ? "<" + FileName + ">" : "\"" + FileName + "\"").str();
53       Inc.Resolved = std::string(File ? File->tryGetRealPathName() : "");
54       Inc.HashOffset = SM.getFileOffset(HashLoc);
55       Inc.HashLine =
56           SM.getLineNumber(SM.getFileID(HashLoc), Inc.HashOffset) - 1;
57       Inc.FileKind = FileKind;
58       Inc.Directive = IncludeTok.getIdentifierInfo()->getPPKeywordID();
59     }
61     // Record include graph (not just for main-file includes)
62     if (File) {
63       auto *IncludingFileEntry = SM.getFileEntryForID(SM.getFileID(HashLoc));
64       if (!IncludingFileEntry) {
65         assert(SM.getBufferName(HashLoc).startswith("<") &&
66                "Expected #include location to be a file or <built-in>");
67         // Treat as if included from the main file.
68         IncludingFileEntry = SM.getFileEntryForID(MainFID);
69       }
70       Out->recordInclude(IncludingFileEntry->getName(), File->getName(),
71                          File->tryGetRealPathName());
72     }
73   }
FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc,FileChangeReason Reason,SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,FileID PrevFID)75   void FileChanged(SourceLocation Loc, FileChangeReason Reason,
76                    SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileType,
77                    FileID PrevFID) override {
78     switch (Reason) {
79     case PPCallbacks::EnterFile:
80       if (BuiltinFile.isInvalid() && SM.isWrittenInBuiltinFile(Loc)) {
81         BuiltinFile = SM.getFileID(Loc);
82         InBuiltinFile = true;
83       }
84       break;
85     case PPCallbacks::ExitFile:
86       if (PrevFID == BuiltinFile)
87         InBuiltinFile = false;
88       break;
89     case PPCallbacks::RenameFile:
90     case PPCallbacks::SystemHeaderPragma:
91       break;
92     }
93   }
95 private:
96   const SourceManager &SM;
97   // Set after entering the <built-in> file.
98   FileID BuiltinFile;
99   // Indicates whether <built-in> file is part of include stack.
100   bool InBuiltinFile = false;
102   IncludeStructure *Out;
103 };
105 } // namespace
isLiteralInclude(llvm::StringRef Include)107 bool isLiteralInclude(llvm::StringRef Include) {
108   return Include.startswith("<") || Include.startswith("\"");
109 }
valid() const111 bool HeaderFile::valid() const {
112   return (Verbatim && isLiteralInclude(File)) ||
113          (!Verbatim && llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(File));
114 }
toHeaderFile(llvm::StringRef Header,llvm::StringRef HintPath)116 llvm::Expected<HeaderFile> toHeaderFile(llvm::StringRef Header,
117                                         llvm::StringRef HintPath) {
118   if (isLiteralInclude(Header))
119     return HeaderFile{Header.str(), /*Verbatim=*/true};
120   auto U = URI::parse(Header);
121   if (!U)
122     return U.takeError();
124   auto IncludePath = URI::includeSpelling(*U);
125   if (!IncludePath)
126     return IncludePath.takeError();
127   if (!IncludePath->empty())
128     return HeaderFile{std::move(*IncludePath), /*Verbatim=*/true};
130   auto Resolved = URI::resolve(*U, HintPath);
131   if (!Resolved)
132     return Resolved.takeError();
133   return HeaderFile{std::move(*Resolved), /*Verbatim=*/false};
134 }
getRankedIncludes(const Symbol & Sym)136 llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 1> getRankedIncludes(const Symbol &Sym) {
137   auto Includes = Sym.IncludeHeaders;
138   // Sort in descending order by reference count and header length.
139   llvm::sort(Includes, [](const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &LHS,
140                           const Symbol::IncludeHeaderWithReferences &RHS) {
141     if (LHS.References == RHS.References)
142       return LHS.IncludeHeader.size() < RHS.IncludeHeader.size();
143     return LHS.References > RHS.References;
144   });
145   llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 1> Headers;
146   for (const auto &Include : Includes)
147     Headers.push_back(Include.IncludeHeader);
148   return Headers;
149 }
151 std::unique_ptr<PPCallbacks>
collectIncludeStructureCallback(const SourceManager & SM,IncludeStructure * Out)152 collectIncludeStructureCallback(const SourceManager &SM,
153                                 IncludeStructure *Out) {
154   return std::make_unique<RecordHeaders>(SM, Out);
155 }
recordInclude(llvm::StringRef IncludingName,llvm::StringRef IncludedName,llvm::StringRef IncludedRealName)157 void IncludeStructure::recordInclude(llvm::StringRef IncludingName,
158                                      llvm::StringRef IncludedName,
159                                      llvm::StringRef IncludedRealName) {
160   auto Child = fileIndex(IncludedName);
161   if (!IncludedRealName.empty() && RealPathNames[Child].empty())
162     RealPathNames[Child] = std::string(IncludedRealName);
163   auto Parent = fileIndex(IncludingName);
164   IncludeChildren[Parent].push_back(Child);
165 }
fileIndex(llvm::StringRef Name)167 unsigned IncludeStructure::fileIndex(llvm::StringRef Name) {
168   auto R = NameToIndex.try_emplace(Name, RealPathNames.size());
169   if (R.second)
170     RealPathNames.emplace_back();
171   return R.first->getValue();
172 }
174 llvm::StringMap<unsigned>
includeDepth(llvm::StringRef Root) const175 IncludeStructure::includeDepth(llvm::StringRef Root) const {
176   // Include depth 0 is the main file only.
177   llvm::StringMap<unsigned> Result;
178   Result[Root] = 0;
179   std::vector<unsigned> CurrentLevel;
180   llvm::DenseSet<unsigned> Seen;
181   auto It = NameToIndex.find(Root);
182   if (It != NameToIndex.end()) {
183     CurrentLevel.push_back(It->second);
184     Seen.insert(It->second);
185   }
187   // Each round of BFS traversal finds the next depth level.
188   std::vector<unsigned> PreviousLevel;
189   for (unsigned Level = 1; !CurrentLevel.empty(); ++Level) {
190     PreviousLevel.clear();
191     PreviousLevel.swap(CurrentLevel);
192     for (const auto &Parent : PreviousLevel) {
193       for (const auto &Child : IncludeChildren.lookup(Parent)) {
194         if (Seen.insert(Child).second) {
195           CurrentLevel.push_back(Child);
196           const auto &Name = RealPathNames[Child];
197           // Can't include files if we don't have their real path.
198           if (!Name.empty())
199             Result[Name] = Level;
200         }
201       }
202     }
203   }
204   return Result;
205 }
addExisting(const Inclusion & Inc)207 void IncludeInserter::addExisting(const Inclusion &Inc) {
208   IncludedHeaders.insert(Inc.Written);
209   if (!Inc.Resolved.empty())
210     IncludedHeaders.insert(Inc.Resolved);
211 }
213 /// FIXME(ioeric): we might not want to insert an absolute include path if the
214 /// path is not shortened.
shouldInsertInclude(PathRef DeclaringHeader,const HeaderFile & InsertedHeader) const215 bool IncludeInserter::shouldInsertInclude(
216     PathRef DeclaringHeader, const HeaderFile &InsertedHeader) const {
217   assert(InsertedHeader.valid());
218   if (!HeaderSearchInfo && !InsertedHeader.Verbatim)
219     return false;
220   if (FileName == DeclaringHeader || FileName == InsertedHeader.File)
221     return false;
222   auto Included = [&](llvm::StringRef Header) {
223     return IncludedHeaders.find(Header) != IncludedHeaders.end();
224   };
225   return !Included(DeclaringHeader) && !Included(InsertedHeader.File);
226 }
228 llvm::Optional<std::string>
calculateIncludePath(const HeaderFile & InsertedHeader,llvm::StringRef IncludingFile) const229 IncludeInserter::calculateIncludePath(const HeaderFile &InsertedHeader,
230                                       llvm::StringRef IncludingFile) const {
231   assert(InsertedHeader.valid());
232   if (InsertedHeader.Verbatim)
233     return InsertedHeader.File;
234   bool IsSystem = false;
235   std::string Suggested;
236   if (HeaderSearchInfo) {
237     Suggested = HeaderSearchInfo->suggestPathToFileForDiagnostics(
238         InsertedHeader.File, BuildDir, IncludingFile, &IsSystem);
239   } else {
240     // Calculate include relative to including file only.
241     StringRef IncludingDir = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(IncludingFile);
242     SmallString<256> RelFile(InsertedHeader.File);
243     // Replacing with "" leaves "/RelFile" if IncludingDir doesn't end in "/".
244     llvm::sys::path::replace_path_prefix(RelFile, IncludingDir, "./");
245     Suggested = llvm::sys::path::convert_to_slash(
246         llvm::sys::path::remove_leading_dotslash(RelFile));
247   }
248   // FIXME: should we allow (some limited number of) "../header.h"?
249   if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Suggested))
250     return None;
251   if (IsSystem)
252     Suggested = "<" + Suggested + ">";
253   else
254     Suggested = "\"" + Suggested + "\"";
255   return Suggested;
256 }
258 llvm::Optional<TextEdit>
insert(llvm::StringRef VerbatimHeader) const259 IncludeInserter::insert(llvm::StringRef VerbatimHeader) const {
260   llvm::Optional<TextEdit> Edit = None;
261   if (auto Insertion = Inserter.insert(VerbatimHeader.trim("\"<>"),
262                                        VerbatimHeader.startswith("<")))
263     Edit = replacementToEdit(Code, *Insertion);
264   return Edit;
265 }
operator <<(llvm::raw_ostream & OS,const Inclusion & Inc)267 llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, const Inclusion &Inc) {
268   return OS << Inc.Written << " = "
269             << (!Inc.Resolved.empty() ? Inc.Resolved : "[unresolved]")
270             << " at line" << Inc.HashLine;
271 }
operator ==(const Inclusion & LHS,const Inclusion & RHS)273 bool operator==(const Inclusion &LHS, const Inclusion &RHS) {
274   return std::tie(LHS.Directive, LHS.FileKind, LHS.HashOffset, LHS.HashLine,
275                   LHS.Resolved, LHS.Written) ==
276          std::tie(RHS.Directive, RHS.FileKind, RHS.HashOffset, RHS.HashLine,
277                   RHS.Resolved, RHS.Written);
278 }
279 } // namespace clangd
280 } // namespace clang