1 // RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s altera-kernel-name-restriction %t -- -- -I%S/Inputs/altera-kernel-name-restriction
2 // RUN: %check_clang_tidy -check-suffix=UPPERCASE %s altera-kernel-name-restriction %t -- -- -I%S/Inputs/altera-kernel-name-restriction/uppercase -DUPPERCASE
4 #ifdef UPPERCASE
5 // The warning should be triggered regardless of capitalization
6 #include "KERNEL.cl"
7 // CHECK-MESSAGES-UPPERCASE: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'KERNEL.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
8 #include "vERILOG.cl"
9 // CHECK-MESSAGES-UPPERCASE: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'vERILOG.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
10 #include "VHDL.cl"
11 // CHECK-MESSAGES-UPPERCASE: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'VHDL.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
12 #else
13 // These are the banned kernel filenames, and should trigger warnings
14 #include "kernel.cl"
15 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'kernel.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
16 #include "Verilog.cl"
17 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'Verilog.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
18 #include "vhdl.CL"
19 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'vhdl.CL' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
22 // The warning should be triggered if the names are within a directory
23 #include "some/dir/kernel.cl"
24 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'kernel.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
25 #include "somedir/verilog.cl"
26 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'verilog.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
27 #include "otherdir/vhdl.cl"
28 // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:1: warning: including 'vhdl.cl' may cause additional compilation errors due to the name of the kernel source file; consider renaming the included kernel source file [altera-kernel-name-restriction]
30 // There are no FIX-ITs for the altera-kernel-name-restriction lint check
32 // The following include directives shouldn't trigger the warning
33 #include "otherthing.cl"
34 #include "thing.h"
36 // It doesn't make sense to have kernel.h, verilog.h, or vhdl.h as filenames
37 // without the corresponding .cl files, but the Altera Programming Guide doesn't
38 // explicitly forbid it.
39 #include "kernel.h"
40 #include "verilog.h"
41 #include "vhdl.h"
43 // The files can still have the forbidden names in them, so long as they're not
44 // the entire file name, and are not the kernel source file name.
45 #include "some_kernel.cl"
46 #include "other_Verilog.cl"
47 #include "vhdl_number_two.cl"
49 // Naming a directory kernel.cl, verilog.cl, or vhdl.cl is not explicitly
50 // forbidden in the Altera Programming Guide either.
51 #include "some/kernel.cl/foo.h"
52 #include "some/verilog.cl/foo.h"
53 #include "some/vhdl.cl/foo.h"
54 #endif