1# REQUIRES: x86 2# RUN: echo 'v1 { f; }; v2 { g; };' > %t.ver 3# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64 %s -o %t.o 4# RUN: ld.lld -shared --version-script %t.ver %t.o -o %t.so 5 6# RUN: ld.lld --version-script %t.ver %t.o %t.so -o /dev/null -y f@v1 | \ 7# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix=TRACE %s --implicit-check-not=f@v1 8 9## TRACE: {{.*}}.o: definition of f@v1 10## TRACE-NEXT: {{.*}}.so: shared definition of f@v1 11 12# RUN: echo '.symver f,f@v1; .symver g,g@v2; call f; call g' | \ 13# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64 - -o %t1.o 14# RUN: ld.lld -shared %t1.o %t.so -o %t1.so 15 16## Test that we can parse SHT_GNU_verneed to know that the undefined symbols in 17## %t1.so are called 'f@v1' and 'g@v2', which can be satisfied by the executable. 18## We will thus export the symbols. 19# RUN: ld.lld -pie %t.o %t1.so -o %t 20# RUN: llvm-nm -D %t | FileCheck --check-prefix=NM %s 21 22# NM: T f 23# NM: T g 24 25## The default is --no-allow-shlib-undefined. 26## Don't error because undefined symbols in %t1.so are satisfied by %t.so 27# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64 /dev/null -o %t2.o 28# RUN: ld.lld %t2.o %t1.so %t.so -y f@v1 -o /dev/null | FileCheck %s 29 30# CHECK: {{.*}}1.so: reference to f@v1 31# CHECK-NEXT: {{.*}}.so: shared definition of f@v1 32 33.globl f_v1, g_v2 34.symver f_v1,f@v1 35.symver g_v2,g@v2 36f_v1: 37g_v2: 38