2--                                                                          --
3--                         GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS                         --
4--                                                                          --
5--                              I M P U N I T                               --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 B o d y                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--           Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.         --
10--                                                                          --
11-- GNAT is free software;  you can  redistribute it  and/or modify it under --
12-- terms of the  GNU General Public License as published  by the Free Soft- --
13-- ware  Foundation;  either version 2,  or (at your option) any later ver- --
14-- sion.  GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
15-- OUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the  implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
16-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License --
17-- for  more details.  You should have  received  a copy of the GNU General --
18-- Public License  distributed with GNAT;  see file COPYING.  If not, write --
19-- to  the Free Software Foundation,  59 Temple Place - Suite 330,  Boston, --
20-- MA 02111-1307, USA.                                                      --
21--                                                                          --
22-- GNAT was originally developed  by the GNAT team at  New York University. --
23-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc.      --
24--                                                                          --
27with Lib;   use Lib;
28with Namet; use Namet;
29with Opt;   use Opt;
31package body Impunit is
33   subtype File_Name_8 is String (1 .. 8);
34   type File_List is array (Nat range <>) of File_Name_8;
36   --  The following is a giant string containing the concenated names
37   --  of all non-implementation internal files, i.e. the complete list
38   --  of files for internal units which a program may legitimately WITH.
40   --  Note that this list should match the list of units documented in
41   --  the "GNAT Library" section of the GNAT Reference Manual.
43   Non_Imp_File_Names : constant File_List := (
45   -----------------------------------------------
46   -- Ada Hierarchy Units from Reference Manual --
47   -----------------------------------------------
49     "a-astaco",    -- Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control
50     "a-calend",    -- Ada.Calendar
51     "a-chahan",    -- Ada.Characters.Handling
52     "a-charac",    -- Ada.Characters
53     "a-chlat1",    -- Ada.Characters.Latin_1
54     "a-comlin",    -- Ada.Command_Line
55     "a-decima",    -- Ada.Decimal
56     "a-direio",    -- Ada.Direct_IO
57     "a-dynpri",    -- Ada.Dynamic_Priorities
58     "a-except",    -- Ada.Exceptions
59     "a-finali",    -- Ada.Finalization
60     "a-flteio",    -- Ada.Float_Text_IO
61     "a-fwteio",    -- Ada.Float_Wide_Text_IO
62     "a-inteio",    -- Ada.Integer_Text_IO
63     "a-interr",    -- Ada.Interrupts
64     "a-intnam",    -- Ada.Interrupts.Names
65     "a-ioexce",    -- Ada.IO_Exceptions
66     "a-iwteio",    -- Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO
67     "a-ncelfu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Functions
68     "a-ngcefu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions
69     "a-ngcoty",    -- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types
70     "a-ngelfu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions
71     "a-nucoty",    -- Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types
72     "a-nudira",    -- Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random
73     "a-nuelfu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions
74     "a-nuflra",    -- Ada.Numerics.Float_Random
75     "a-numeri",    -- Ada.Numerics
76     "a-reatim",    -- Ada.Real_Time
77     "a-sequio",    -- Ada.Sequential_IO
78     "a-stmaco",    -- Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants
79     "a-storio",    -- Ada.Storage_IO
80     "a-strbou",    -- Ada.Strings.Bounded
81     "a-stream",    -- Ada.Streams
82     "a-strfix",    -- Ada.Strings.Fixed
83     "a-string",    -- Ada.Strings
84     "a-strmap",    -- Ada.Strings.Maps
85     "a-strunb",    -- Ada.Strings.Unbounded
86     "a-ststio",    -- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO
87     "a-stwibo",    -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded
88     "a-stwifi",    -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed
89     "a-stwima",    -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps
90     "a-stwiun",    -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded
91     "a-swmwco",    -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constants
92     "a-sytaco",    -- Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control
93     "a-tags  ",    -- Ada.Tags
94     "a-tasatt",    -- Ada.Task_Attributes
95     "a-taside",    -- Ada.Task_Identification
96     "a-teioed",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Editing
97     "a-textio",    -- Ada.Text_IO
98     "a-ticoio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO
99     "a-titest",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams
100     "a-unccon",    -- Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
101     "a-uncdea",    -- Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
102     "a-witeio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO
103     "a-wtcoio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO
104     "a-wtedit",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Editing
105     "a-wttest",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Text_Streams
107   -------------------------------------------------
108   -- RM Required Additions to Ada for GNAT Types --
109   -------------------------------------------------
111     "a-lfteio",    -- Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO
112     "a-lfwtio",    -- Ada.Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO
113     "a-liteio",    -- Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO
114     "a-liwtio",    -- Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO
115     "a-llftio",    -- Ada.Long_Long_Float_Text_IO
116     "a-llfwti",    -- Ada.Long_Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO
117     "a-llitio",    -- Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Text_IO
118     "a-lliwti",    -- Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO
119     "a-nlcefu",    -- Ada.Long_Complex_Elementary_Functions
120     "a-nlcoty",    -- Ada.Numerics.Long_Complex_Types
121     "a-nlelfu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions
122     "a-nllcef",    -- Ada.Long_Long_Complex_Elementary_Functions
123     "a-nllefu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_Elementary_Functions
124     "a-nltcty",    -- Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_Complex_Types
125     "a-nscefu",    -- Ada.Short_Complex_Elementary_Functions
126     "a-nscoty",    -- Ada.Numerics.Short_Complex_Types
127     "a-nselfu",    -- Ada.Numerics.Short_Elementary_Functions
128     "a-sfteio",    -- Ada.Short_Float_Text_IO
129     "a-sfwtio",    -- Ada.Short_Float_Wide_Text_IO
130     "a-siteio",    -- Ada.Short_Integer_Text_IO
131     "a-siwtio",    -- Ada.Short_Integer_Wide_Text_IO
132     "a-ssitio",    -- Ada.Short_Short_Integer_Text_IO
133     "a-ssiwti",    -- Ada.Short_Short_Integer_Wide_Text_IO
135   -----------------------------------
136   -- GNAT Defined Additions to Ada --
137   -----------------------------------
139     "a-chlat9",    -- Ada.Characters.Latin_9
140     "a-colien",    -- Ada.Command_Line.Environment
141     "a-colire",    -- Ada.Command_Line.Remove
142     "a-cwila1",    -- Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1
143     "a-cwila9",    -- Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_9
144     "a-diocst",    -- Ada.Direct_IO.C_Streams
145     "a-einuoc",    -- Ada.Exceptions.Is_Null_Occurrence
146     "a-exctra",    -- Ada.Exceptions.Traceback
147     "a-siocst",    -- Ada.Sequential_IO.C_Streams
148     "a-ssicst",    -- Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.C_Streams
149     "a-suteio",    -- Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO
150     "a-swuwti",    -- Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Text_IO
151     "a-taidim",    -- Ada.Task_Identification.Image
152     "a-tiocst",    -- Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams
153     "a-wtcstr",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams
155   ---------------------------
156   -- GNAT Special IO Units --
157   ---------------------------
159   --  As further explained elsewhere (see Sem_Ch10), the internal
160   --  packages of Text_IO and Wide_Text_IO are actually implemented
161   --  as separate children, but this fact is intended to be hidden
162   --  from the user completely. Any attempt to WITH one of these
163   --  units will be diagnosed as an error later on, but for now we
164   --  do not consider these internal implementation units (if we did,
165   --  then we would get a junk warning which would be confusing and
166   --  unecessary, given that we generate a clear error message).
168     "a-tideio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO
169     "a-tienio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO
170     "a-tifiio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO
171     "a-tiflio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO
172     "a-tiinio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO
173     "a-tiinio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO
174     "a-timoio",    -- Ada.Text_IO.Modular_IO
175     "a-wtdeio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_IO
176     "a-wtenio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_IO
177     "a-wtfiio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_IO
178     "a-wtflio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_IO
179     "a-wtinio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO
180     "a-wtmoio",    -- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Modular_IO
182   ------------------------
183   -- GNAT Library Units --
184   ------------------------
186     "g-arrspl",    -- GNAT.Array_Split
187     "g-awk   ",    -- GNAT.AWK
188     "g-boubuf",    -- GNAT.Bounded_Buffers
189     "g-boumai",    -- GNAT.Bounded_Mailboxes
190     "g-bubsor",    -- GNAT.Bubble_Sort
191     "g-busora",    -- GNAT.Bubble_Sort_A
192     "g-busorg",    -- GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G
193     "g-calend",    -- GNAT.Calendar
194     "g-casuti",    -- GNAT.Case_Util
195     "g-catiio",    -- GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO
196     "g-cgi   ",    -- GNAT.CGI
197     "g-cgicoo",    -- GNAT.CGI.Cookie
198     "g-cgideb",    -- GNAT.CGI.Debug
199     "g-comlin",    -- GNAT.Command_Line
200     "g-comver",    -- GNAT.Compiler_Version
201     "g-crc32 ",    -- GNAT.CRC32
202     "g-ctrl_c",    -- GNAT.Ctrl_C
203     "g-curexc",    -- GNAT.Current_Exception
204     "g-debpoo",    -- GNAT.Debug_Pools
205     "g-debuti",    -- GNAT.Debug_Utilities
206     "g-diopit",    -- GNAT.Directory_Operations.Iteration
207     "g-dirope",    -- GNAT.Directory_Operations
208     "g-dynhta",    -- GNAT.Dynamic_HTables
209     "g-dyntab",    -- GNAT.Dynamic_Tables
210     "g-excact",    -- GNAT.Exception_Actions
211     "g-except",    -- GNAT.Exceptions
212     "g-exctra",    -- GNAT.Exception_Traces
213     "g-expect",    -- GNAT.Expect
214     "g-flocon",    -- GNAT.Float_Control
215     "g-heasor",    -- GNAT.Heap_Sort
216     "g-hesora",    -- GNAT.Heap_Sort_A
217     "g-hesorg",    -- GNAT.Heap_Sort_G
218     "g-htable",    -- GNAT.Htable
219     "g-io    ",    -- GNAT.IO
220     "g-io_aux",    -- GNAT.IO_Aux
221     "g-locfil",    -- GNAT.Lock_Files
222     "g-md5   ",    -- GNAT.MD5
223     "g-memdum",    -- GNAT.Memory_Dump
224     "g-moreex",    -- GNAT.Most_Recent_Exception
225     "g-os_lib",    -- GNAT.Os_Lib
226     "g-pehage",    -- GNAT.Perfect_Hash.Generators
227     "g-perhas",    -- GNAT.Perfect_Hash
228     "g-regexp",    -- GNAT.Regexp
229     "g-regist",    -- GNAT.Registry
230     "g-regpat",    -- GNAT.Regpat
231     "g-semaph",    -- GNAT.Semaphores
232     "g-sestin",    -- GNAT.Secondary_Stack_Info
233     "g-signal",    -- GNAT.Signals
234     "g-socket",    -- GNAT.Sockets
235     "g-souinf",    -- GNAT.Source_Info
236     "g-speche",    -- GNAT.Spell_Checker
237     "g-spipat",    -- GNAT.Spitbol.Patterns
238     "g-spitbo",    -- GNAT.Spitbol
239     "g-sptabo",    -- GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean
240     "g-sptain",    -- GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Integer
241     "g-sptavs",    -- GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Vstring
242     "g-string",    -- GNAT.Strings
243     "g-strspl",    -- GNAT.String_Split
244     "g-table ",    -- GNAT.Table
245     "g-tasloc",    -- GNAT.Task_Lock
246     "g-thread",    -- GNAT.Threads
247     "g-traceb",    -- GNAT.Traceback
248     "g-trasym",    -- GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic
249     "g-wistsp",    -- GNAT.Wide_String_Split
251   -----------------------------------------------------
252   -- Interface Hierarchy Units from Reference Manual --
253   -----------------------------------------------------
255     "i-c     ",    -- Interfaces.C
256     "i-cobol ",    -- Interfaces.Cobol
257     "i-cpoint",    -- Interfaces.C.Pointers
258     "i-cstrin",    -- Interfaces.C.Strings
259     "i-fortra",    -- Interfaces.Fortran
261   ------------------------------------------
262   -- GNAT Defined Additions to Interfaces --
263   ------------------------------------------
265     "i-cexten",    -- Interfaces.C.Extensions
266     "i-cpp   ",    -- Interfaces.CPP
267     "i-cstrea",    -- Interfaces.C.Streams
268     "i-jalaob",    -- Interfaces.Java.Lang.Object
269     "i-jalasy",    -- Interfaces.Java.Lang.System
270     "i-jalath",    -- Interfaces.Java.Lang.Thread
271     "i-java  ",    -- Interfaces.Java
272     "i-javlan",    -- Interfaces.Java.Lang
273     "i-os2err",    -- Interfaces.Os2lib.Errors
274     "i-os2lib",    -- Interfaces.Os2lib
275     "i-os2syn",    -- Interfaces.Os2lib.Synchronization
276     "i-os2thr",    -- Interfaces.Os2lib.Threads
277     "i-pacdec",    -- Interfaces.Packed_Decimal
278     "i-vthrea",    -- Interfaces.Vthreads
279     "i-vxwoio",    -- Interfaces.VxWorks.IO
280     "i-vxwork",    -- Interfaces.VxWorks
282   --------------------------------------------------
283   -- System Hierarchy Units from Reference Manual --
284   --------------------------------------------------
286     "s-atacco",    -- System.Address_To_Access_Conversions
287     "s-maccod",    -- System.Machine_Code
288     "s-rpc   ",    -- System.Rpc
289     "s-stoele",    -- System.Storage_Elements
290     "s-stopoo",    -- System.Storage_Pools
292   --------------------------------------
293   -- GNAT Defined Additions to System --
294   --------------------------------------
296     "s-addima",    -- System.Address_Image
297     "s-assert",    -- System.Assertions
298     "s-memory",    -- System.Memory
299     "s-parint",    -- System.Partition_Interface
300     "s-tasinf",    -- System.Task_Info
301     "s-wchcnv",    -- System.Wch_Cnv
302     "s-wchcon");   -- System.Wch_Con
304   -------------------------
305   -- Implementation_Unit --
306   -------------------------
308   function Implementation_Unit (U : Unit_Number_Type) return Boolean is
309      Fname : constant File_Name_Type := Unit_File_Name (U);
311   begin
312      --  All units are OK in GNAT mode
314      if GNAT_Mode then
315         return False;
316      end if;
318      --  If length of file name is greater than 12, definitely OK!
319      --  The value 12 here is an 8 char name with extension .ads.
321      if Length_Of_Name (Fname) > 12 then
322         return False;
323      end if;
325      --  Otherwise test file name
327      Get_Name_String (Fname);
329      --  Definitely OK if file name does not start with a- g- s- i-
331      if Name_Len < 3
332        or else Name_Buffer (2) /= '-'
333        or else (Name_Buffer (1) /= 'a'
334                   and then
335                 Name_Buffer (1) /= 'g'
336                   and then
337                 Name_Buffer (1) /= 'i'
338                   and then
339                 Name_Buffer (1) /= 's')
340      then
341         return False;
342      end if;
344      --  Definitely OK if file name does not end in .ads. This can
345      --  happen when non-standard file names are being used.
347      if Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 3 .. Name_Len) /= ".ads" then
348         return False;
349      end if;
351      --  Otherwise normalize file name to 8 characters
353      Name_Len := Name_Len - 4;
354      while Name_Len < 8 loop
355         Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
356         Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := ' ';
357      end loop;
359      --  Definitely OK if name is in list
361      for J in Non_Imp_File_Names'Range loop
362         if Name_Buffer (1 .. 8) = Non_Imp_File_Names (J) then
363            return False;
364         end if;
365      end loop;
367      --  Only remaining special possibilities are children of
368      --  System.RPC and System.Garlic and special files of the
369      --  form System.Aux...
371      Get_Name_String (Unit_Name (U));
373      if Name_Len > 12
374        and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 11) = "system.rpc."
375      then
376         return False;
377      end if;
379      if Name_Len > 15
380        and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 14) = "system.garlic."
381      then
382         return False;
383      end if;
385      if Name_Len > 11
386        and then Name_Buffer (1 .. 10) = "system.aux"
387      then
388         return False;
389      end if;
391      --  All tests failed, this is definitely an implementation unit
393      return True;
395   end Implementation_Unit;
397end Impunit;