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MakefileH A D08-Oct-2021535 2215

READMEH A D08-Oct-20212.2 KiB6151

dlz_mysqldyn_mod.cH A D08-Oct-202139.4 KiB1,8031,226


1BIND 9 DLZ MySQL module with support for dynamic DNS (DDNS)
3Adapted from code contributed by Marty Lee, Maui Systems Ltd.
5This is a dynamically loadable zone (DLZ) plugin that uses a fixed-
6schema MySQL database for back-end storage. It allows zone data
7to be updated via dynamic DNS updates, and sends DNS NOTIFY packets
8to other name servers when appropriate.
10The database for this module uses the following schema:
12    CREATE TABLE `Zones` (
13        `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
14        `domain` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
15        `host` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
16        `admin` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
17        `serial` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
18        `expire` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86400',
19        `refresh` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86400',
20        `retry` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86400',
21        `minimum` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86400',
22        `ttl` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86400',
23        `writeable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
24        PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
25        KEY `domain_idx` (`domain`)
26    );
28    CREATE TABLE `ZoneData` (
29        `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
30        `zone_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
31        `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
32        `type` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
33        `ttl` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '86400',
34        `data` varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
35        PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
36        KEY `zone_idx` (`zone_id`),
37        KEY `name_idx` (`zone_id`, `name`),
38        KEY `type_idx` (`type`)
39    );
41'Zones' contains information about specific zones:
42 - domain: the zone name
43 - admin: the zone administrator
44 - serial, expire, reresh, retry, minimum: values in the SOA record
45 - ttl: default zone TTL
46 - writeable: set to true if the zone can be updated via DDNS
48'ZoneData' contains the individual records within the zone:
49 - zone_id: the 'id' from the corresponding record in Zones
50 - name: domain name, relative to the zone apex. (Data at the zone
51   apex itself may use a blank name or "@".)
52 - type: the RR type, expressed as text
53 - ttl: the record's TTL
54 - data: the records rdata, expressed as text.
56To configure this module in named.conf:
58dlz "mysqldlz" {
59    database "dlopen <path to>/dlz_mysqldyn_mod.so <dbname> [dbhost [dbuser [dbpass]]]";