1 /*  Copyright (C) 2021 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. <knot-dns@labs.nic.cz>
3     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
6     (at your option) any later version.
8     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11     GNU General Public License for more details.
13     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14     along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 #pragma once
19 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include "contrib/time.h"
22 #include "libdnssec/key.h"
23 #include "knot/conf/conf.h"
25 /*!
26  * KASP key timing information.
27  */
28 typedef struct {
29 	knot_time_t created;		/*!< Time the key was generated/imported. */
30 	knot_time_t pre_active;		/*!< Signing start with new algorithm. */
31 	knot_time_t publish;		/*!< Time of DNSKEY record publication. */
32 	knot_time_t ready;		/*!< Start of RRSIG generation, waiting for parent zone. */
33 	knot_time_t active;		/*!< RRSIG records generating, other keys can be retired */
34 	knot_time_t retire_active;	/*!< Still active, but obsoleted. */
35 	knot_time_t retire;		/*!< End of RRSIG records generating. */
36 	knot_time_t post_active;	/*!< Still signing with old algorithm, not published. */
37 	knot_time_t revoke;             /*!< RFC 5011 state of KSK with 'revoked' flag and signed by self. */
38 	knot_time_t remove;		/*!< Time of DNSKEY record removal. */
39 } knot_kasp_key_timing_t;
41 /*!
42  * Key parameters as writing in zone config file.
43  */
44 typedef struct {
45 	char *id;
46 	bool is_ksk;
47 	bool is_csk;
48 	bool is_pub_only;
49 	uint16_t keytag;
50 	uint8_t algorithm;
51 	dnssec_binary_t public_key;
52 	knot_kasp_key_timing_t timing;
53 } key_params_t;
55 /*!
56  * Zone key.
57  */
58 typedef struct {
59 	char *id;			/*!< Keystore unique key ID. */
60 	dnssec_key_t *key;		/*!< Instance of the key. */
61 	knot_kasp_key_timing_t timing;	/*!< Key timing information. */
62 	bool is_pub_only;
63 	bool is_ksk;
64 	bool is_zsk;
65 } knot_kasp_key_t;
67 /*!
68  * Parent for DS checks.
69  */
70 typedef struct {
71 	conf_remote_t *addr;
72 	size_t addrs;
73 } knot_kasp_parent_t;
75 knot_dynarray_declare(parent, knot_kasp_parent_t, DYNARRAY_VISIBILITY_NORMAL, 3)
77 /*!
78  * Set of DNSSEC key related records.
79  */
80 typedef struct {
81 	knot_rrset_t dnskey;
82 	knot_rrset_t cdnskey;
83 	knot_rrset_t cds;
84 	knot_rrset_t rrsig;
85 } key_records_t;
87 /*!
88  * Key and signature policy.
89  */
90 typedef struct {
91 	bool manual;
92 	char *string;
93 	// DNSKEY
94 	dnssec_key_algorithm_t algorithm;
95 	uint16_t ksk_size;
96 	uint16_t zsk_size;
97 	uint32_t dnskey_ttl;
98 	uint32_t zsk_lifetime;              // like knot_time_t
99 	uint32_t ksk_lifetime;              // like knot_time_t
100 	uint32_t delete_delay;              // like knot_timediff_t
101 	bool ksk_shared;
102 	bool single_type_signing;
103 	bool sts_default;                   // single-type-signing was set to default value
104 	// RRSIG
105 	bool reproducible_sign;             // (EC)DSA creates reproducible signatures
106 	uint32_t rrsig_lifetime;            // like knot_time_t
107 	uint32_t rrsig_refresh_before;      // like knot_timediff_t
108 	uint32_t rrsig_prerefresh;          // like knot_timediff_t
109 	// NSEC3
110 	bool nsec3_enabled;
111 	bool nsec3_opt_out;
112 	uint32_t nsec3_salt_lifetime;       // like knot_time_t
113 	uint16_t nsec3_iterations;
114 	uint8_t nsec3_salt_length;
115 	// zone
116 	uint32_t zone_maximal_ttl;          // like knot_timediff_t
117 	uint32_t saved_max_ttl;
118 	uint32_t saved_key_ttl;
119 	// data propagation delay
120 	uint32_t propagation_delay;         // like knot_timediff_t
121 	// various
122 	uint32_t ksk_sbm_timeout;           // like knot_time_t
123 	uint32_t ksk_sbm_check_interval;    // like knot_time_t
124 	unsigned cds_cdnskey_publish;
125 	dnssec_key_digest_t cds_dt;         // digest type for CDS
126 	parent_dynarray_t parents;
127 	uint16_t signing_threads;
128 	bool offline_ksk;
129 	unsigned unsafe;
130 } knot_kasp_policy_t;
131 // TODO make the time parameters knot_timediff_t ??