1!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT	2	/extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
2!_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
3!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR	Darren Hiebert	/dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/
4!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME	Exuberant Ctags	//
5!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL	http://ctags.sourceforge.net	/official site/
7AND	bvi.h	88;"	d
8ANSI	bmore.h	103;"	d
9ANSI	bvi.h	117;"	d
10APPEND	comm.c	50;"	d	file:
11APPEND	comm.c	53;"	d	file:
12ASCII	bmore.h	82;"	d
13ASCII	bvi.h	95;"	d
14A_ATTRIBUTES	doscur.h	56;"	d
15A_BLINK	doscur.h	54;"	d
16A_BOLD	doscur.h	52;"	d
17A_CHARTEXT	doscur.h	55;"	d
18A_NORMAL	doscur.h	50;"	d
19A_REVERSE	doscur.h	53;"	d
20A_STANDOUT	doscur.h	51;"	d
21AnzAdd	bmore.c	/^int		AnzAdd;$/;"	v
22AnzAdd	bvi.c	/^int		AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3;$/;"	v
23Anzahl	bvi.c	/^int		AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3;$/;"	v
24Anzahl3	bvi.c	/^int		AnzAdd, Anzahl, Anzahl3;$/;"	v
25Ausgabe_Datei	bvi.c	/^FILE	*Ausgabe_Datei;$/;"	v
26BACKWARD	bmore.h	84;"	d
27BACKWARD	bvi.h	97;"	d
28BLOCK_BEGIN	bvi.h	/^    BLOCK_BEGIN = 1,$/;"	e	enum:_block_datum
29BLOCK_END	bvi.h	/^    BLOCK_END = 2,$/;"	e	enum:_block_datum
30BLOCK_LEN	bvi.h	/^    BLOCK_LEN = 4$/;"	e	enum:_block_datum
31BLOCK_SPECIAL	bmore.h	74;"	d
32BLOCK_SPECIAL	bvi.h	64;"	d
33BMOBJ	Makefile	/^BMOBJ  =  bmore.o bm_unix.o recomp.o$/;"	m
34BS	bmore.h	87;"	d
35BS	bvi.h	100;"	d
36BUFFER	bmore.h	115;"	d
37BUFFER	bvi.h	131;"	d
38BVICTRL	bmore.h	91;"	d
39BVICTRL	bvi.h	103;"	d
40CC	Makefile	/^CC     =  gcc$/;"	m
41CFLAGS	Makefile	/^CFLAGS =  -g -O2  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGE_FILES$/;"	m
42CHARACTER_SPECIAL	bmore.h	73;"	d
43CHARACTER_SPECIAL	bvi.h	63;"	d
44CMDLNG	bvi.h	105;"	d
45CMDSZ	comm.c	56;"	d	file:
46COLS	dosio.c	/^int	COLS = 80;$/;"	v
47CR	bmore.h	85;"	d
48CR	bvi.h	98;"	d
49DEFS	Makefile	/^DEFS   =  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H$/;"	m
50DELIM	bmore.h	106;"	d
51DELIM	bmore.h	111;"	d
52DELIM	bvi.h	120;"	d
53DELIM	bvi.h	127;"	d
54DIRECTORY	bmore.h	72;"	d
55DIRECTORY	bvi.h	62;"	d
56ECHO	dosio.c	/^int	ECHO = TRUE;$/;"	v
57END	bmore.h	78;"	d
58END	bvi.h	68;"	d
59ERR	doscur.h	147;"	d
60ERROR	bmore.h	69;"	d
61ERROR	bvi.h	59;"	d
62ESC	bmore.h	88;"	d
63ESC	bvi.h	101;"	d
64ESC	doscur.h	31;"	d
65FALSE	bmore.h	99;"	d
66FALSE	bvi.h	113;"	d
67FALSE	doscur.h	29;"	d
68FORWARD	bmore.h	83;"	d
69FORWARD	bvi.h	96;"	d
70HAVE_CURSES_H	acconfig.h	5;"	d
71HAVE_FCNTL_H	config.h	16;"	d
72HAVE_FCNTL_H	dosconf.h	40;"	d
73HAVE_INTTYPES_H	config.h	19;"	d
74HAVE_LOCALE_H	dosconf.h	44;"	d
75HAVE_MEMMOVE	config.h	22;"	d
76HAVE_MEMMOVE	dosconf.h	31;"	d
77HAVE_MEMORY_H	config.h	25;"	d
78HAVE_NCURSES_H	acconfig.h	3;"	d
79HAVE_NCURSES_H	config.h	5;"	d
80HAVE_NCURSES_TERM_H	acconfig.h	11;"	d
81HAVE_STDINT_H	config.h	31;"	d
82HAVE_STDLIB_H	config.h	34;"	d
83HAVE_STRDUP	config.h	37;"	d
84HAVE_STRDUP	dosconf.h	34;"	d
85HAVE_STRERROR	config.h	40;"	d
86HAVE_STRINGS_H	config.h	43;"	d
87HAVE_STRING_H	config.h	46;"	d
88HAVE_STRTOL	config.h	49;"	d
89HAVE_STRTOL	dosconf.h	37;"	d
90HAVE_SYS_STAT_H	config.h	52;"	d
91HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H	config.h	55;"	d
92HAVE_TERMCAP_H	config.h	58;"	d
93HAVE_TERMIOS_H	config.h	61;"	d
94HAVE_TERMIO_H	config.h	64;"	d
95HAVE_TERM_H	config.h	67;"	d
96HAVE_UNISTD_H	config.h	70;"	d
97HEADER	Makefile	/^HEADER =  bvi.h set.h$/;"	m
98HELPFILE	bmore.c	42;"	d	file:
99HELPFILE	bmore.c	44;"	d	file:
100HEX	bvi.h	94;"	d
101Home	bm_unix.c	/^char	*Home;			\/* go to home *\/$/;"	v
102INSTALL	Makefile	/^INSTALL = \/usr\/bin\/install -c$/;"	m
103INSTALL_DATA	Makefile	/^INSTALL_DATA = ${INSTALL} -m 644$/;"	m
105JOEHTG	bvi.h	41;"	d
106KEY_BACKSPACE	bvi.h	150;"	d
107KEY_BACKSPACE	doscur.h	42;"	d
108KEY_DC	doscur.h	45;"	d
109KEY_DOWN	doscur.h	34;"	d
110KEY_ENTER	doscur.h	41;"	d
111KEY_F	doscur.h	33;"	d
112KEY_F0	doscur.h	32;"	d
113KEY_HOME	doscur.h	43;"	d
114KEY_IC	doscur.h	46;"	d
115KEY_LEFT	doscur.h	36;"	d
116KEY_LL	doscur.h	44;"	d
117KEY_NPAGE	doscur.h	38;"	d
118KEY_PPAGE	doscur.h	39;"	d
119KEY_RETURN	doscur.h	40;"	d
120KEY_RIGHT	doscur.h	37;"	d
121KEY_UP	doscur.h	35;"	d
122LDFLAGS	Makefile	/^LDFLAGS=  $/;"	m
123LIBS	Makefile	/^LIBS   =  -lncurses $/;"	m
124LINES	dosio.c	/^int	LINES =	25;$/;"	v
125LROTATE	bvi.h	86;"	d
126LSHIFT	bvi.h	84;"	d
127MAXCMD	bmore.h	114;"	d
128MAXCMD	bvi.h	130;"	d
129MAXNAME	comm.c	57;"	d	file:
130MAX_ONE_ARG	comm.c	62;"	d	file:
131MAX_ONE_FILE	comm.c	64;"	d	file:
132NEED_PUTC_CHAR	acconfig.h	9;"	d
133NEED_PUTC_CHAR	bm_unix.c	52;"	d	file:
134NEG	bvi.h	91;"	d
135NEW	bmore.h	71;"	d
136NEW	bvi.h	61;"	d
137NL	bmore.h	86;"	d
138NL	bvi.h	99;"	d
139NODEL	dosio.c	/^int	NODEL = FALSE;$/;"	v
140NOT	bvi.h	92;"	d
141NO_ADDR	comm.c	59;"	d	file:
142NO_ARG	comm.c	60;"	d	file:
143NO_SYSERRL	acconfig.h	7;"	d
144NULL	bmore.h	94;"	d
145NULL	bvi.h	108;"	d
146OBJS	Makefile	/^OBJS   =  bvi.o comm.o set.o re.o io.o edit.o recomp.o$/;"	m
147OFF_T_MAX	io.c	46;"	d	file:
148ONE	bmore.h	79;"	d
149ONE	bvi.h	69;"	d
150ONE_ARG	comm.c	61;"	d	file:
151ONE_FILE	comm.c	63;"	d	file:
152OR	bvi.h	89;"	d
153P	set.h	75;"	d
154PARTIAL	bmore.h	75;"	d
155PARTIAL	bvi.h	65;"	d
156PRINTF	bmore.c	37;"	d	file:
157PRINTF	bmore.c	39;"	d	file:
158PTR	bmore.h	104;"	d
159PTR	bmore.h	110;"	d
160PTR	bvi.h	118;"	d
161PTR	bvi.h	126;"	d
162P_AW	set.h	53;"	d
163P_BOOL	set.h	41;"	d
164P_CHANGED	set.h	44;"	d
165P_CM	set.h	54;"	d
166P_CO	set.h	70;"	d
167P_EB	set.h	55;"	d
168P_HL	set.h	69;"	d
169P_IC	set.h	56;"	d
170P_LI	set.h	66;"	d
171P_MA	set.h	57;"	d
172P_MM	set.h	58;"	d
173P_MO	set.h	62;"	d
174P_NUM	set.h	42;"	d
175P_OF	set.h	59;"	d
176P_RO	set.h	60;"	d
177P_SS	set.h	61;"	d
178P_TE	set.h	64;"	d
179P_TEXT	set.h	43;"	d
180P_TT	set.h	63;"	d
181P_US	set.h	65;"	d
182P_WL	set.h	67;"	d
183P_WS	set.h	68;"	d
184REGULAR	bmore.h	70;"	d
185REGULAR	bvi.h	60;"	d
186REPLACE	bmore.h	90;"	d
187RROTATE	bvi.h	87;"	d
188RSHIFT	bvi.h	85;"	d
189SEARCH	bmore.h	89;"	d
190SEARCH	bvi.h	102;"	d
191SHELL	Makefile	/^SHELL  =  \/bin\/sh$/;"	m
192SIZEOF_INT	config.h	73;"	d
193SIZEOF_LONG	config.h	76;"	d
194SIZEOF_VOID_P	config.h	79;"	d
195SKIP_WHITE	bvi.h	133;"	d
196STAR	bmore.h	80;"	d
197STAR	bvi.h	70;"	d
198STDC_HEADERS	config.h	82;"	d
199STDC_HEADERS	dosconf.h	28;"	d
200S_GLOBAL	bvi.h	81;"	d
201S_ISBLK	bvi.h	199;"	d
202S_ISCHR	bvi.h	198;"	d
203S_ISDIR	bvi.h	197;"	d
204S_ISFIFO	bvi.h	201;"	d
205S_ISREG	bvi.h	200;"	d
206TBUFSIZ	bm_dos.c	32;"	d	file:
207TBUFSIZ	bm_unix.c	32;"	d	file:
208TRUE	bmore.h	98;"	d
209TRUE	bvi.h	112;"	d
210TRUE	doscur.h	28;"	d
211U_APPEND	bvi.h	78;"	d
212U_BACK	bvi.h	77;"	d
213U_DELETE	bvi.h	76;"	d
214U_EDIT	bvi.h	73;"	d
215U_INSERT	bvi.h	75;"	d
216U_TILDE	bvi.h	79;"	d
217U_TRUNC	bvi.h	74;"	d
218VERSION	patchlevel.h	1;"	d
219WINDOW	doscur.h	60;"	d
220WRITE	comm.c	49;"	d	file:
221WRITE	comm.c	52;"	d	file:
222XOR	bvi.h	90;"	d
223_block_datum	bvi.h	/^typedef enum _block_datum {$/;"	g
224ac_fn_c_check_func	configure	/^ac_fn_c_check_func ()$/;"	f
225ac_fn_c_check_header_compile	configure	/^ac_fn_c_check_header_compile ()$/;"	f
226ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel	configure	/^ac_fn_c_check_header_mongrel ()$/;"	f
227ac_fn_c_check_type	configure	/^ac_fn_c_check_type ()$/;"	f
228ac_fn_c_compute_int	configure	/^ac_fn_c_compute_int ()$/;"	f
229ac_fn_c_try_compile	configure	/^ac_fn_c_try_compile ()$/;"	f
230ac_fn_c_try_cpp	configure	/^ac_fn_c_try_cpp ()$/;"	f
231ac_fn_c_try_link	configure	/^ac_fn_c_try_link ()$/;"	f
232ac_fn_c_try_run	configure	/^ac_fn_c_try_run ()$/;"	f
233act_pat	re.c	/^char	act_pat[MAXCMD];  \/* found pattern *\/$/;"	v
234addch	doscur.h	95;"	d
235addfile	dosio.c	/^addfile(char *fname)$/;"	f
236addfile	io.c	/^addfile(fname)$/;"	f
237addr_flag	comm.c	/^int		addr_flag;$/;"	v
238addr_form	bmore.c	/^char	addr_form[15];$/;"	v
239addr_form	bvi.c	/^char	addr_form[15];$/;"	v
240addstr	doscur.h	99;"	d
241again	recomp.c	/^int		again = 0;$/;"	v
242alloc_buf	dosio.c	/^alloc_buf(off_t n, char **buffer)$/;"	f
243alloc_buf	io.c	/^alloc_buf(n, buffer)$/;"	f
244altfile	comm.c	/^static	char	*altfile = NULL;	\/* alternate file *\/$/;"	v	file:
245ambigous	comm.c	/^char	*ambigous  = "Ambigous|Too many file names";$/;"	v
246ambvalue	comm.c	/^char	*ambvalue  = "Ambigous|Too many values";$/;"	v
247arrnum	bmore.c	/^int		arrnum = 0;$/;"	v
248arrnum	bvi.c	/^int		arrnum = 0;$/;"	v
249as_fn_append	config.status	/^  as_fn_append ()$/;"	f
250as_fn_append	configure	/^  as_fn_append ()$/;"	f
251as_fn_arith	config.status	/^  as_fn_arith ()$/;"	f
252as_fn_arith	configure	/^  as_fn_arith ()$/;"	f
253as_fn_error	config.status	/^as_fn_error ()$/;"	f
254as_fn_error	configure	/^as_fn_error ()$/;"	f
255as_fn_exit	config.status	/^as_fn_exit ()$/;"	f
256as_fn_exit	configure	/^as_fn_exit ()$/;"	f
257as_fn_failure	configure	/^as_fn_failure () { as_fn_return 1; }$/;"	f
258as_fn_mkdir_p	config.status	/^as_fn_mkdir_p ()$/;"	f
259as_fn_mkdir_p	configure	/^as_fn_mkdir_p ()$/;"	f
260as_fn_ret_failure	configure	/^as_fn_ret_failure () { return 1; }$/;"	f
261as_fn_ret_success	configure	/^as_fn_ret_success () { return 0; }$/;"	f
262as_fn_set_status	config.status	/^as_fn_set_status ()$/;"	f
263as_fn_set_status	configure	/^as_fn_set_status ()$/;"	f
264as_fn_success	configure	/^as_fn_success () { as_fn_return 0; }$/;"	f
265as_fn_unset	config.status	/^as_fn_unset ()$/;"	f
266as_fn_unset	configure	/^as_fn_unset ()$/;"	f
267ascii_comp	recomp.c	/^ascii_comp(smem, pattern)$/;"	f
268ascii_flag	bmore.c	/^int		ascii_flag = 0;$/;"	v
269attrset	dosio.c	/^attrset(int attr)$/;"	f
270backsearch	re.c	/^backsearch(start, mode)$/;"	f
271beep	doscur.h	76;"	d
272bindir	Makefile	/^bindir = $(DESTDIR)${exec_prefix}\/bin$/;"	m
273block_begin	bvi.c	/^off_t	block_begin, block_end, block_size;$/;"	v
274block_datum	bvi.h	/^} block_datum;$/;"	t	typeref:enum:_block_datum
275block_end	bvi.c	/^off_t	block_begin, block_end, block_size;$/;"	v
276block_flag	bvi.c	/^int		block_flag = 0;$/;"	v
277block_read	io.c	/^static	off_t	block_read;$/;"	v	file:
278block_size	bvi.c	/^off_t	block_begin, block_end, block_size;$/;"	v
279bmbeep	bmore.c	/^bmbeep() {$/;"	f
280bmore_search_pat	bmore.c	/^char	bmore_search_pat[BUFFER];   \/* \/ or ? command *\/$/;"	v
281bmregexec	bmore.c	/^bmregexec(scan)$/;"	f
282bmsearch	bmore.c	/^bmsearch(ch)$/;"	f
283bregexec	re.c	/^bregexec(start, scan)$/;"	f
284buf	comm.c	/^static	struct	stat buf;$/;"	v	typeref:struct:stat	file:
285buf	dosio.c	/^static  struct  stat    buf;$/;"	v	typeref:struct:stat	file:
286buf	io.c	/^static	struct	stat	buf;$/;"	v	typeref:struct:stat	file:
287buf	set.c	/^static	char	buf[64];$/;"	v	file:
288buffer1	bmore.c	/^char	buffer1[MAXCMD], buffer2[MAXCMD];$/;"	v
289buffer2	bmore.c	/^char	buffer1[MAXCMD], buffer2[MAXCMD];$/;"	v
290bvi_init	dosio.c	/^bvi_init(char *dir)$/;"	f
291bvi_init	io.c	/^bvi_init(dir)$/;"	f
292bytepos	bmore.c	/^off_t	bytepos, oldpos;$/;"	v
293c_argc	comm.c	/^static	int		c_argc = 0;$/;"	v	file:
294c_argv	comm.c	/^static	char	*c_argv[9];$/;"	v	file:
295c_flag	bmore.c	/^int		c_flag = 0, d_flag = 0;$/;"	v
296calc_addr	re.c	/^calc_addr(pointer, def_addr)$/;"	f
297calc_size	bvi.c	/^calc_size(arg)$/;"	f
298cbreak	doscur.h	136;"	d
299chk_comm	comm.c	/^chk_comm(flag)$/;"	f
300chtype	doscur.h	58;"	d
301clear	doscur.h	83;"	d
302clear_marks	edit.c	/^clear_marks()$/;"	f
303clear_sc	bm_unix.c	/^char	*clear_sc;		\/* clear screen *\/$/;"	v
304clearscreen	bm_dos.c	/^clearscreen()$/;"	f
305clearscreen	bm_unix.c	/^clearscreen()$/;"	f
306clearstr	comm.c	/^clearstr()$/;"	f
307cleartoeol	bm_dos.c	/^cleartoeol()$/;"	f
308cleartoeol	bm_unix.c	/^cleartoeol()$/;"	f
309clrtoeol	doscur.h	79;"	d
310cmdbuf	bmore.c	/^static	char	cmdbuf[MAXCMD];$/;"	v	file:
311cmdstr	bvi.c	/^char	cmdstr[MAXCMD + 1] = "";$/;"	v
312cnt	bmore.c	/^static	int		cnt = 0;$/;"	v	file:
313contrd	edit.c	/^char contrd[][4] = {"NUL", " ^A", " ^B", " ^C", " ^D", " ^E", " ^F", "BEL",$/;"	v
314contru	edit.c	/^char contru[][4] = {"NUL", "SOH", "STX", "ETX", "EOT", "ENQ", "ACK", "BEL",$/;"	v
315copyright	bmore.c	/^char	*copyright  = "Copyright (C) 1990-2013 by Gerhard Buergmann";$/;"	v
316copyright	bvi.c	/^char	*copyright  = "Copyright (C) 1996-2013 by Gerhard Buergmann";$/;"	v
317corr	bmore.c	/^int		corr = 0, do_header = 0, to_print;$/;"	v
318cur_back	edit.c	/^cur_back()$/;"	f
319cur_forw	edit.c	/^cur_forw(check)$/;"	f
320curfile	bvi.c	/^int		curfile;		\/* number of the current file *\/$/;"	v
321curpos	bvi.c	/^PTR		curpos;$/;"	v
322curr_file	bmore.c	/^FILE	*curr_file = NULL, *help_file;$/;"	v
323current	bvi.c	/^PTR		current;$/;"	v
324current_start	bvi.c	/^PTR		current_start;$/;"	v
325d_flag	bmore.c	/^int		c_flag = 0, d_flag = 0;$/;"	v
326d_memcpy	dosio.c	/^d_memcpy(PTR dest, PTR src, off_t n)$/;"	f
327d_memmove	dosio.c	/^d_memmove(PTR dest, PTR src, off_t n)$/;"	f
328datarootdir	Makefile	/^datarootdir = ${prefix}\/share$/;"	m
329dbug	bm_dos.c	/^FILE *dbug;$/;"	v
330delch	dosio.c	/^delch()$/;"	f
331deleteln	doscur.h	110;"	d
332dlines	bm_unix.c	/^int     dum_opt, dlines;$/;"	v
333do_append	bvi.c	/^do_append(count, buf)$/;"	f
334do_back	edit.c	/^do_back(n, start)$/;"	f
335do_delete	edit.c	/^do_delete(n, start)$/;"	f
336do_exit	comm.c	/^do_exit()$/;"	f
337do_ft	edit.c	/^do_ft(ch, flag)$/;"	f
338do_header	bmore.c	/^int		corr = 0, do_header = 0, to_print;$/;"	v
339do_ins_chg	edit.c	/^do_ins_chg(start, arg, mode)$/;"	f
340do_logic	set.c	/^do_logic(mode, str)$/;"	f
341do_mark	edit.c	/^do_mark(mark, addr)$/;"	f
342do_next	bmore.c	/^do_next(n)$/;"	f
343do_over	bvi.c	/^do_over(loc, n, buf)$/;"	f
344do_put	bvi.c	/^do_put(loc, n, buf)$/;"	f
345do_shell	dosio.c	/^do_shell()$/;"	f
346do_shell	io.c	/^do_shell()$/;"	f
347do_substitution	re.c	/^do_substitution(delim, line, startpos, endpos)$/;"	f
348do_tilde	bvi.c	/^do_tilde(count)$/;"	f
349do_undo	bvi.c	/^do_undo()$/;"	f
350do_z	edit.c	/^do_z(mode)$/;"	f
351docmdline	comm.c	/^docmdline(cmdline)$/;"	f
352doecmd	comm.c	/^doecmd(arg, force)$/;"	f
353doset	set.c	/^doset(arg)$/;"	f
354doshell	bm_dos.c	/^doshell(cmd)$/;"	f
355doshell	bm_unix.c	/^doshell(cmd)$/;"	f
356doupdate	doscur.h	143;"	d
357dum_opt	bm_unix.c	/^int     dum_opt, dlines;$/;"	v
358dup_print_flag	bmore.c	/^int		dup_print_flag = 0;$/;"	v
359echo	doscur.h	128;"	d
360edit	edit.c	/^edit(mode)$/;"	f
361edits	bvi.c	/^int		edits = 0;$/;"	v
362emptyclass	bmore.c	/^char	*emptyclass = "Empty byte class '[]' or '[^]'";$/;"	v
363emptyclass	re.c	/^char	*emptyclass = "Bad character class|Empty byte class '[]' or '[^]' cannot match";$/;"	v
364emsg	bmore.c	/^emsg(s)$/;"	f
365emsg	comm.c	/^emsg(s)$/;"	f
366end_addr	comm.c	/^PTR		end_addr;$/;"	v
367end_word	re.c	/^end_word(start)$/;"	f
368endwin	doscur.h	137;"	d
369enlarge	dosio.c	/^enlarge(off_t add)$/;"	f
370enlarge	io.c	/^enlarge(add)$/;"	f
371env	bvi.c	/^jmp_buf	env;        \/* context for `longjmp' function   *\/$/;"	v
372erase	doscur.h	81;"	d
373erase_ln	bm_unix.c	/^char	*erase_ln;		\/* erase line *\/$/;"	v
374erasechar	doscur.h	75;"	d
375estring	bmore.c	/^char	estring[MAXCMD] = "";	\/* string for shell escape *\/$/;"	v
376exec_prefix	Makefile	/^exec_prefix = ${prefix}$/;"	m
377extra	comm.c	/^char	*extra     = "Extra chars|Extra characters at end of command";$/;"	v
378exval	bmore.c	/^int		exval = 0;$/;"	v
379fbuf	set.c	/^static	char	fbuf[256];$/;"	v	file:
380ffp	set.c	/^static	FILE	*ffp;$/;"	v	file:
381file_nr	bmore.c	/^int		file_nr = 0;	\/* number of current input file *\/$/;"	v
382fileinfo	edit.c	/^fileinfo(fname)$/;"	f
383filemode	dosio.c	/^int		filemode;$/;"	v
384filemode	io.c	/^int		filemode;$/;"	v
385files	bmore.c	/^char	**files;		\/* list of input files *\/$/;"	v
386files	bvi.c	/^char	**files;		\/* list of input files *\/$/;"	v
387filesize	bmore.c	/^off_t	screen_home, filesize;$/;"	v
388filesize	bvi.c	/^off_t	filesize, memsize, undosize;$/;"	v
389flags	set.h	/^	int		flags;$/;"	m	struct:param
390flash	doscur.h	77;"	d
391flushinp	doscur.h	120;"	d
392fnum	bm_unix.c	/^int     fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;"	v
393from_file	set.c	/^static	int		from_file = 0;$/;"	v	file:
394fsearch	re.c	/^fsearch(start, end, smem)$/;"	f
395fsearch_end	re.c	/^fsearch_end(start, end, smem, s_end)$/;"	f
396fullname	set.h	/^	char	*fullname;	\/* full parameter name *\/$/;"	m	struct:param
397getbegyx	doscur.h	105;"	d
398getcbuff	edit.c	/^static  char    getcbuff[BUFFER];$/;"	v	file:
399getch	dosio.c	/^getch()$/;"	f
400getcmdstr	set.c	/^getcmdstr(p, x)$/;"	f
401getcnext	edit.c	/^static  char    *getcnext = NULL;$/;"	v	file:
402getmaxyx	doscur.h	106;"	d
403getyx	doscur.h	104;"	d
404got_int	bm_dos.c	/^int		got_int;$/;"	v
405got_int	bm_unix.c	/^int		got_int;$/;"	v
406help_file	bmore.c	/^FILE	*curr_file = NULL, *help_file;$/;"	v
407helpdir	Makefile	/^helpdir = $(DESTDIR)${datarootdir}\/bvi$/;"	m
408helppath	bmore.c	/^char	helppath[MAXCMD];$/;"	v
409hex_comp	recomp.c	/^hex_comp(smem, pattern)$/;"	f
410hexchar	recomp.c	/^hexchar()$/;"	f
411highlight	bm_dos.c	/^highlight()$/;"	f
412highlight	bm_unix.c	/^highlight()$/;"	f
413hl_spat	edit.c	/^long hl_spat = 0;$/;"	v
414home	bm_dos.c	/^home()$/;"	f
415home	bm_unix.c	/^home()$/;"	f
416icnt	bmore.c	/^static	int		icnt = 0;$/;"	v	file:
417idlok	doscur.h	141;"	d
418ignore_case	recomp.c	/^int		ignore_case = 0;$/;"	v
419inch	dosio.c	/^inch()$/;"	f
420init_byte	bmore.c	/^off_t	init_byte = 0;$/;"	v
421init_search	bmore.c	/^int		init_search = 0;$/;"	v
422initscr	doscur.h	73;"	d
423initterm	bm_dos.c	/^initterm()$/;"	f
424initterm	bm_unix.c	/^initterm()$/;"	f
425insch	dosio.c	/^insch(int c)$/;"	f
426insertln	doscur.h	108;"	d
427jmpproc	bvi.c	/^jmpproc(sig)$/;"	f
428keypad	doscur.h	133;"	d
429last_motion	bvi.c	/^PTR		last_motion;$/;"	v
430last_search	bmore.c	/^off_t	last_search = 0;$/;"	v
431libdir	Makefile	/^libdir = $(DESTDIR)${exec_prefix}\/lib$/;"	m
432linbuf	edit.c	/^char linbuf[16384];$/;"	v
433line	bvi.c	/^static	char	line[MAXCMD];$/;"	v	file:
434lineout	edit.c	/^lineout()$/;"	f
435load	dosio.c	/^load(char *fname)$/;"	f
436load	io.c	/^load(fname)$/;"	f
437loc	bvi.c	/^int		loc;$/;"	v
438magic	recomp.c	/^int		magic = 1;$/;"	v
439main	bmore.c	/^main(argc, argv)$/;"	f
440main	bvi.c	/^main(argc, argv)$/;"	f
441man1dir	Makefile	/^man1dir = $(mandir)\/man1$/;"	m
442mandir	Makefile	/^mandir = $(DESTDIR)${datarootdir}\/man$/;"	m
443mark	bvi.c	/^static	int		mark;$/;"	v	file:
444markbuf	bvi.c	/^PTR		markbuf[26];$/;"	v
445maxpos	bvi.c	/^PTR		maxpos;$/;"	v
446maxx	bmore.c	/^int		maxx, maxy;$/;"	v
447maxx	bvi.c	/^int		maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;"	v
448maxy	bmore.c	/^int		maxx, maxy;$/;"	v
449maxy	bvi.c	/^int		maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;"	v
450mem	bvi.c	/^PTR		mem = NULL;$/;"	v
451memcpy	bvi.h	123;"	d
452memmove	bm_unix.c	/^memmove(s1, s2, n)$/;"	f
453memmove	bvi.h	124;"	d
454memmove	io.c	/^memmove(s1, s2, n)$/;"	f
455memsize	bvi.c	/^off_t	filesize, memsize, undosize;$/;"	v
456morefiles	comm.c	/^char	*morefiles = "more files@to edit";$/;"	v
457move	doscur.h	91;"	d
458movebyte	edit.c	/^movebyte()$/;"	f
459msg	comm.c	/^msg(s)$/;"	f
460mvaddch	doscur.h	93;"	d
461mvaddstr	doscur.h	97;"	d
462mvgetch	doscur.h	112;"	d
463mvgetstr	doscur.h	115;"	d
464mvinch	dosio.c	/^mvinch(int y, int x)$/;"	f
465mvinsch	doscur.h	125;"	d
466mvprintw	doscur.h	101;"	d
467mvscanw	doscur.h	122;"	d
468mvwaddch	doscur.h	92;"	d
469mvwaddstr	doscur.h	96;"	d
470mvwgetch	doscur.h	111;"	d
471mvwgetstr	doscur.h	114;"	d
472mvwprintw	doscur.h	100;"	d
473mvwscanw	doscur.h	121;"	d
474mymaxx	bmore.c	/^int		mymaxx = 0, mymaxy = 0;$/;"	v
475mymaxy	bmore.c	/^int		mymaxx = 0, mymaxy = 0;$/;"	v
476name	bmore.c	/^char	*name = NULL;$/;"	v
477name	bvi.c	/^char	*name = NULL;$/;"	v
478new_screen	edit.c	/^new_screen()$/;"	f
479newwin	doscur.h	74;"	d
480nextchar	bmore.c	/^nextchar()$/;"	f
481nl	doscur.h	131;"	d
482no_intty	bm_dos.c	/^int		no_intty, no_tty;$/;"	v
483no_intty	bm_unix.c	/^int     fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;"	v
484no_tty	bm_dos.c	/^int		no_intty, no_tty;$/;"	v
485no_tty	bm_unix.c	/^int     fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;"	v
486noaddr	comm.c	/^char	*noaddr    = "No address allowed@on this command";$/;"	v
487nobytes	bvi.c	/^char	*nobytes = "No bytes@in the buffer";$/;"	v
488nodelay	doscur.h	127;"	d
489noecho	doscur.h	129;"	d
490nonl	doscur.h	132;"	d
491noprev	re.c	/^char	*noprev = "No previous expression";$/;"	v
492noraw	doscur.h	139;"	d
493normal	bm_dos.c	/^normal()$/;"	f
494normal	bm_unix.c	/^normal()$/;"	f
495notfound	re.c	/^char	*notfound = "Fail|Pattern not found";$/;"	v
496notimeout	doscur.h	140;"	d
497noval	comm.c	/^char	*noval     = "No value@for binary operation";$/;"	v
498nowrtmsg	comm.c	/^char	*nowrtmsg  = "No write@since last change (:%s! overrides)";$/;"	v
499nstate	bm_unix.c	/^struct termios ostate, nstate;$/;"	v	typeref:struct:
500numarr	bmore.c	/^char	numarr[64];		\/* string for collecting number *\/$/;"	v
501numarr	bvi.c	/^char	numarr[MAXCMD];		\/* string for collecting number *\/$/;"	v
502numfiles	bmore.c	/^int		numfiles;		\/* number of input files *\/$/;"	v
503numfiles	bvi.c	/^int		numfiles;		\/* number of input files *\/$/;"	v
504nvalue	set.h	/^	off_t	nvalue;$/;"	m	struct:param
505off_t	bmore.h	105;"	d
506off_t	bvi.h	119;"	d
507oldbuf	comm.c	/^static	char	oldbuf[CMDSZ];		\/** for :!! command **\/$/;"	v	file:
508oldpos	bmore.c	/^off_t	bytepos, oldpos;$/;"	v
509open_file	bmore.c	/^open_file(name)$/;"	f
510ostate	bm_unix.c	/^struct termios ostate, nstate;$/;"	v	typeref:struct:termios
511out_len	bmore.c	/^int		out_len;$/;"	v
512outmsg	comm.c	/^outmsg(s)$/;"	f
513pagepos	bvi.c	/^PTR		pagepos;$/;"	v
514param	set.h	/^struct	param {$/;"	s
515params	set.c	/^struct	param	params[] = {$/;"	v	typeref:struct:param
516patcpy	re.c	/^patcpy(s1, s2, delim)$/;"	f
517pattern	re.c	/^char	pattern[MAXCMD + 1];$/;"	v
518poi	recomp.c	/^char	*poi;$/;"	v
519precount	bmore.c	/^long	precount = -1;	\/* number preceding command *\/$/;"	v
520precount	bvi.c	/^long	precount = -1;$/;"	v
521prefix	Makefile	/^prefix = \/usr\/local$/;"	m
522printline	edit.c	/^printline(mempos, scpos)$/;"	f
523printout	bmore.c	/^printout(lns)$/;"	f
524printw	doscur.h	103;"	d
525progname	bmore.c	/^static	char	progname[10];$/;"	v	file:
526progname	bvi.c	/^static	char	progname[8];$/;"	v	file:
527prompt	bmore.c	/^int		prompt = 1;$/;"	v
528prototypes	configure	/^   function prototypes and stuff, but not '\\xHH' hex character constants.$/;"	f
529pushback	bmore.c	/^pushback(n, where)$/;"	f
530putchr	bm_unix.c	/^putchr(ch)$/;"	f
531putchr	bm_unix.c	/^putchr(char ch)$/;"	f
532putline	bmore.c	/^putline(buf, num)$/;"	f
533quit	edit.c	/^quit()$/;"	f
534range	bvi.c	/^range(ch)$/;"	f
535raw	doscur.h	138;"	d
536rdline	bmore.c	/^rdline(ch, sstring)$/;"	f
537read_rc	set.c	/^read_rc(fn)$/;"	f
538refresh	doscur.h	134;"	d
539rep_buf	bvi.c	/^char	rep_buf[BUFFER];$/;"	v
540repaint	edit.c	/^repaint()	\/***** redraw screen *********************\/$/;"	f
541repl_count	comm.c	/^int		repl_count = -1;$/;"	v
542reset_tty	bm_dos.c	/^reset_tty ()$/;"	f
543reset_tty	bm_unix.c	/^reset_tty()$/;"	f
544resetty	doscur.h	145;"	d
545rev_end	bm_unix.c	/^char	*rev_start, *rev_end;	\/* enter and exit standout mode *\/$/;"	v
546rev_start	bm_unix.c	/^char	*rev_start, *rev_end;	\/* enter and exit standout mode *\/$/;"	v
547rsearch	re.c	/^rsearch(start, end, smem)$/;"	f
548save	dosio.c	/^save(char *fname, PTR start, PTR end, int flags)$/;"	f
549save	io.c	/^save(fname, start, end, flags)$/;"	f
550save_chk	comm.c	/^save_chk(fname, start, end, flags)$/;"	f
551savetty	doscur.h	144;"	d
552sbracket	bmore.c	/^sbracket(start, scan, count)$/;"	f
553sbracket	re.c	/^sbracket(start, scan, count)$/;"	f	file:
554scanw	doscur.h	124;"	d
555scr	dosio.c	/^struct WINDOW scr;$/;"	v	typeref:struct:WINDOW
556screen	bvi.c	/^int		screen, status;$/;"	v
557screen_home	bmore.c	/^off_t	screen_home, filesize;$/;"	v
558scrolldown	edit.c	/^scrolldown(lns)$/;"	f
559scrollok	doscur.h	142;"	d
560scrollup	edit.c	/^scrollup(lns)$/;"	f
561scrolly	bvi.c	/^static	int		scrolly;$/;"	v	file:
562search_pat	re.c	/^char	search_pat[BUFFER];	\/* \/ or ? command *\/$/;"	v
563searching	re.c	/^searching(ch, line, startpos, endpos, flag)$/;"	f
564set_tty	bm_dos.c	/^set_tty ()$/;"	f
565set_tty	bm_unix.c	/^set_tty()$/;"	f
566setcur	edit.c	/^setcur()$/;"	f
567setpage	edit.c	/^setpage(addr)$/;"	f
568shell	bvi.c	/^char	*shell;$/;"	v
569shortname	set.h	/^	char	*shortname;	\/* permissible abbreviation *\/$/;"	m	struct:param
570showparms	set.c	/^showparms(all)$/;"	f
571sig	bm_dos.c	/^sig()$/;"	f
572sig	bm_unix.c	/^sig(sig)$/;"	f
573size	bvi.c	/^off_t	size;$/;"	v
574slow_tty	bm_unix.c	/^int     fnum, no_intty, no_tty, slow_tty;$/;"	v
575smode	bmore.c	/^static	int		smode;$/;"	v	file:
576smode	recomp.c	/^int		smode;$/;"	v
577smsg	comm.c	/^smsg(s)$/;"	f
578spos	bvi.c	/^PTR		spos;$/;"	v
579srcdir	Makefile	/^srcdir = .$/;"	m
580sstring	bmore.c	/^char	sstring[MAXCMD] = "";	\/* string for search *\/$/;"	v
581standend	doscur.h	89;"	d
582standout	doscur.h	88;"	d
583start_addr	comm.c	/^PTR		start_addr;$/;"	v
584statpos	edit.c	/^statpos()$/;"	f
585status	bvi.c	/^int		screen, status;$/;"	v
586stdscr	dosio.c	/^int	stdscr = 0;$/;"	v
587strcasecmp	bmore.h	108;"	d
588strcasecmp	bvi.h	122;"	d
589strdup	io.c	/^strdup(s)$/;"	f
590string	bmore.c	/^char	string[MAXCMD];$/;"	v
591string	bvi.c	/^char	string[MAXCMD];$/;"	v
592strncasecmp	bmore.h	107;"	d
593strncasecmp	bvi.h	121;"	d
594stty	bm_unix.c	34;"	d	file:
595stuffin	edit.c	/^stuffin(s)$/;"	f
596svalue	set.h	/^	char	*svalue;$/;"	m	struct:param
597sysemsg	comm.c	/^sysemsg(s)$/;"	f
598terminal	dosio.c	/^char	*terminal = "ansi";$/;"	v
599terminal	io.c	/^char	*terminal;$/;"	v
600tmpbuf	edit.c	/^char tmpbuf[10];$/;"	v
601to_print	bmore.c	/^int		corr = 0, do_header = 0, to_print;$/;"	v
602toggle	edit.c	/^toggle()$/;"	f
603trunc_cur	bvi.c	/^trunc_cur()$/;"	f
604undo_buf	bvi.c	/^char	*undo_buf = NULL;$/;"	v
605undo_count	bvi.c	/^off_t	undo_count;$/;"	v
606undo_start	bvi.c	/^PTR		undo_start;$/;"	v
607undosize	bvi.c	/^off_t	filesize, memsize, undosize;$/;"	v
608usage	bmore.c	/^usage()$/;"	f
609usage	bvi.c	/^usage()$/;"	f
610vgetc	bm_dos.c	/^vgetc()$/;"	f
611vgetc	bm_unix.c	/^vgetc()$/;"	f
612vgetc	edit.c	/^vgetc()$/;"	f
613waddch	doscur.h	94;"	d
614waddstr	doscur.h	98;"	d
615wait_return	comm.c	/^wait_return(flag)$/;"	f
616wclear	doscur.h	82;"	d
617wclrtoeol	doscur.h	78;"	d
618wdeleteln	doscur.h	109;"	d
619werase	doscur.h	80;"	d
620wgetch	doscur.h	113;"	d
621wgetstr	doscur.h	116;"	d
622winsertln	doscur.h	107;"	d
623wmove	doscur.h	90;"	d
624wordsearch	re.c	/^wordsearch(start, mode)$/;"	f
625wprintw	doscur.h	102;"	d
626wrefresh	doscur.h	135;"	d
627wrstat	bvi.c	/^static	int		wrstat = 1;$/;"	v	file:
628wscanw	doscur.h	123;"	d
629x	bvi.c	/^int		maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;"	v
630xpos	edit.c	/^xpos()$/;"	f
631xx	bvi.c	/^int		maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;"	v
632y	bvi.c	/^int		maxx, maxy, x, xx, y;$/;"	v
633yank_buf	bvi.c	/^char	*yank_buf = NULL;$/;"	v
634yanked	bvi.c	/^off_t	yanked = 0L;$/;"	v
635yd_addr	comm.c	/^yd_addr()$/;"	f