1#!/usr/bin/env kross
3# Load the Qt4-QtRuby module.
5    require 'Qt'
6rescue LoadError
7    raise "Failed to load the required QtRuby module. Please install Qt4-QtRuby."
10# Load the Words scripting module.
12    require 'Words'
13rescue LoadError
14    # If loading failed (cause the script was not executed from within
15    # a running Words instance) we try to load the Kross module and
16    # ask it to load the Words module for us.
17    require 'Kross'
18    Words = Kross.module('Words')
20    # Testcase to fill Words with some content. You are also able to e.g.
21    # load a document here with "Words.document().openUrl('/path/file.odt')"
22    mytextframeset1 = Words.addTextFrameSet("myFirstTextFrame")
23    mytextframeset1.addTextFrame()
24    mytextframeset1.document().setHtml("<h1>First Header</h1><p>Some text</p><p>Some more text with <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> and <u>underline</u> to test the stuff.</p>")
25    mytextframeset2 = Words.addTextFrameSet("mySecondTextFrame")
26    mytextframeset2.addTextFrame()
27    mytextframeset2.document().setHtml("<h1>Second Header</h1><h2>First Sub Header</h2><p>Some text.</p><h2>Second Sub Header</h2><p>Some text.</p>")
30class Dialog < Qt::Dialog
32    slots 'startClicked()','endClicked()','startOfLineClicked()','endOfLineClicked()'
33    slots 'startOfBlockClicked()','endOfBlockClicked()','previousBlockClicked()','nextBlockClicked()'
34    slots 'startOfWordClicked()','endOfWordClicked()','previousWordClicked()','nextWordClicked()'
35    slots 'upClicked()','downClicked()','leftClicked()','rightClicked()'
37    def initialize
38        super()
39        self.windowTitle = 'Cursor'
41        layout = Qt::VBoxLayout.new
42        setLayout(layout)
44#         fs = Words.frameSet(0)
45#         doc = fs.document()
46#         puts "doc.c() ............................"
47#         c = doc.c()
48#         puts "position=%s" % c.position()
49#         puts "anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
50#         puts "hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
51#         puts "selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
52#         puts "doc.firstc() ............................"
53#         c = doc.firstc()
54#         puts "position=%s" % c.position()
55#         puts "anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
56#         puts "hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
57#         puts "selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
58#         puts "doc.lastc() ............................"
59#         c = doc.lastc()
60#         puts "position=%s" % c.position()
61#         puts "anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
62#         puts "hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
63#         puts "selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
64#         puts "doc.rootFrame().c() ............................"
65#         c = doc.rootFrame().c()
66#         puts "position=%s" % c.position()
67#         puts "anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
68#         puts "hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
69#         puts "selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
70#         puts "doc.rootFrame().firstcPosition() ............................"
71#         c = doc.rootFrame().firstcPosition()
72#         puts "position=%s" % c.position()
73#         puts "anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
74#         puts "hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
75#         puts "selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
76#         puts "doc.rootFrame().lastcPosition() ............................"
77#         c = doc.rootFrame().lastcPosition()
78#         puts "position=%s" % c.position()
79#         puts "anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
80#         puts "hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
81#         puts "selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
82#         puts "fs.frame(0).c() ............................"
83#         puts "fs.frame(0).position=%s" % fs.frame(0).position()
84#         puts "fs.frame(0).endPosition=%s" % fs.frame(0).endPosition()
85#         c = fs.frame(0).c()
86#         puts "c.position=%s" % c.position()
87#         puts "c.anchor=%s" % c.anchor()
88#         puts "c.hasSelection=%s" % c.hasSelection()
89#         puts "c.selectedText=%s" % c.selectedText()
90#        puts "Words.activec() ............................"
92        @cursor = Words.activeCursor()
93        if not @cursor
94            doc = Words.mainFrameSet().document()
95            @cursor = doc.cursor
96            if not @cursor
97                raise "Failed to get the Words cursor."
98            end
99        end
101        w = Qt::Widget.new(self)
102        l = Qt::VBoxLayout.new
103        #l.setMargin(0)
104        w.setLayout(l)
105        layout.addWidget(w)
106        l.addWidget( Qt::Label.new("position:%s anchor:%s" % [@cursor.position,@cursor.anchor], w) )
107        if @cursor.hasSelection
108            l.addWidget( Qt::Label.new("selectionStart:%s selectionEnd:%s" % [@cursor.selectionStart,@cursor.selectionEnd], w) )
109            #l.addWidget( Qt::Label.new("selectedText:%s" % @cursor.selectedText, w) )
110            #l.addWidget( Qt::Label.new("selectedHtml:%s" % @cursor.selectedHtml, w) )
111        end
113        w = Qt::Widget.new(self)
114        l = Qt::HBoxLayout.new
115        l.setMargin(0)
116        w.setLayout(l)
117        layout.addWidget(w)
118        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("Start",w)
119        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('startClicked()'))
120        l.addWidget(btn)
121        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("End", w)
122        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('endClicked()'))
123        l.addWidget(btn)
124        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("StartOfLine", w)
125        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('startOfLineClicked()'))
126        l.addWidget(btn)
127        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("EndOfLine", w)
128        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('endOfLineClicked()'))
129        l.addWidget(btn)
131        w = Qt::Widget.new(self)
132        l = Qt::HBoxLayout.new
133        l.setMargin(0)
134        w.setLayout(l)
135        layout.addWidget(w)
136        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("StartOfBlock", w)
137        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('startOfBlockClicked()'))
138        l.addWidget(btn)
139        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("EndOfBlock", w)
140        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('endOfBlockClicked()'))
141        l.addWidget(btn)
142        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("PreviousBlock", w)
143        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('previousBlockClicked()'))
144        l.addWidget(btn)
145        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("NextBlock", w)
146        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('nextBlockClicked()'))
147        l.addWidget(btn)
149        w = Qt::Widget.new(self)
150        l = Qt::HBoxLayout.new
151        l.setMargin(0)
152        w.setLayout(l)
153        layout.addWidget(w)
154        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("StartOfWord", w)
155        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('startOfWordClicked()'))
156        l.addWidget(btn)
157        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("EndOfWord", w)
158        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('endOfWordClicked()'))
159        l.addWidget(btn)
160        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("PreviousWord", w)
161        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('previousWordClicked()'))
162        l.addWidget(btn)
163        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("NextWord", w)
164        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('nextWordClicked()'))
165        l.addWidget(btn)
167        w = Qt::Widget.new(self)
168        l = Qt::HBoxLayout.new
169        l.setMargin(0)
170        w.setLayout(l)
171        layout.addWidget(w)
172        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("Up", w)
173        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('upClicked()'))
174        l.addWidget(btn)
175        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("Down", w)
176        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('downClicked()'))
177        l.addWidget(btn)
178        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("Left", w)
179        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('leftClicked()'))
180        l.addWidget(btn)
181        btn = Qt::PushButton.new("Right", w)
182        connect(btn, SIGNAL('clicked(bool)'), self, SLOT('rightClicked()'))
183        l.addWidget(btn)
185        resize( Qt::Size.new(200, 100).expandedTo( minimumSizeHint ) );
186    end
188    def cursor
189        return @cursor
190    end
192    #WordLeft
193    #PreviousCharacter
194    #NextCharacter
196    def startClicked()
197        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.Start)
198    end
199    def endClicked()
200        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.End)
201    end
202    def startOfLineClicked()
203        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.StartOfLine)
204    end
205    def endOfLineClicked()
206        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.EndOfLine)
207    end
209    def startOfBlockClicked()
210        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.StartOfBlock)
211    end
212    def endOfBlockClicked()
213        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.EndOfBlock)
214    end
215    def previousBlockClicked()
216        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.PreviousBlock)
217    end
218    def nextBlockClicked()
219        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.NextBlock)
220    end
222    def startOfWordClicked()
223        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.StartOfWord)
224    end
225    def endOfWordClicked()
226        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.EndOfWord)
227    end
228    def previousWordClicked()
229        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.PreviousWord)
230    end
231    def nextWordClicked()
232        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.NextWord)
233    end
235    def upClicked()
236        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.Up)
237    end
238    def downClicked()
239        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.Down)
240    end
241    def leftClicked()
242        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.Left)
243    end
244    def rightClicked()
245        @cursor.movePosition(@cursor.Right)
246    end
250dialog = Dialog.new
252puts "setActiveCursor ...............1"
253Words.setActiveCursor( dialog.cursor )
254puts "setActiveCursor ...............2"