1# Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2
2# OASIS Standard, 29 September 2011
3# Relax-NG Schema
4# Source: http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.2/os/
5# Copyright (c) OASIS Open 2002-2011, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
7# All capitalized terms in the following text have the meanings assigned to them
8# in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights Policy (the "OASIS IPR Policy"). The
9# full Policy may be found at the OASIS website.
11# This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and
12# derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its
13# implementation may be prepared, copied, published, and distributed, in whole or
14# in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright
15# notice and this section are included on all such copies and derivative works.
16# However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, including by
17# removing the copyright notice or references to OASIS, except as needed for the
18# purpose of developing any document or deliverable produced by an OASIS
19# Technical Committee (in which case the rules applicable to copyrights, as set
20# forth in the OASIS IPR Policy, must be followed) or as required to translate it
21# into languages other than English.
23# The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by
24# OASIS or its successors or assigns.
26# This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS"
32namespace anim = "urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0"
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61office-process-content = attribute office:process-content { boolean }?
62start =
63  office-document
64  | office-document-content
65  | office-document-styles
66  | office-document-meta
67  | office-document-settings
68office-document =
69  element office:document {
70    office-document-attrs,
71    office-document-common-attrs,
72    office-meta,
73    office-settings,
74    office-scripts,
75    office-font-face-decls,
76    office-styles,
77    office-automatic-styles,
78    office-master-styles,
79    office-body
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81office-document-content =
82  element office:document-content {
83    office-document-common-attrs,
84    office-scripts,
85    office-font-face-decls,
86    office-automatic-styles,
87    office-body
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89office-document-styles =
90  element office:document-styles {
91    office-document-common-attrs,
92    office-font-face-decls,
93    office-styles,
94    office-automatic-styles,
95    office-master-styles
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97office-document-meta =
98  element office:document-meta {
99    office-document-common-attrs, office-meta
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101office-document-settings =
102  element office:document-settings {
103    office-document-common-attrs, office-settings
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106  attribute office:version { "1.2" }
107  & attribute grddl:transformation {
108      list { anyIRI* }
109    }?
110office-document-attrs = attribute office:mimetype { \string }
111office-meta = element office:meta { office-meta-content-strict }?
112office-meta-content-strict = office-meta-data*
113office-body = element office:body { office-body-content }
114office-body-content =
115  element office:text {
116    office-text-attlist,
117    office-text-content-prelude,
118    office-text-content-main,
119    office-text-content-epilogue
120  }
121  | element office:drawing {
122      office-drawing-attlist,
123      office-drawing-content-prelude,
124      office-drawing-content-main,
125      office-drawing-content-epilogue
126    }
127  | element office:presentation {
128      office-presentation-attlist,
129      office-presentation-content-prelude,
130      office-presentation-content-main,
131      office-presentation-content-epilogue
132    }
133  | element office:spreadsheet {
134      office-spreadsheet-attlist,
135      office-spreadsheet-content-prelude,
136      office-spreadsheet-content-main,
137      office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue
138    }
139  | element office:chart {
140      office-chart-attlist,
141      office-chart-content-prelude,
142      office-chart-content-main,
143      office-chart-content-epilogue
144    }
145  | element office:image {
146      office-image-attlist,
147      office-image-content-prelude,
148      office-image-content-main,
149      office-image-content-epilogue
150    }
151  | office-database
152office-text-content-prelude =
153  office-forms, text-tracked-changes, text-decls, table-decls
154office-text-content-main =
155  text-content*
156  | (text-page-sequence, (shape)*)
157text-content =
158  text-h
159  | text-p
160  | text-list
161  | text-numbered-paragraph
162  | table-table
163  | text-section
164  | text-soft-page-break
165  | text-table-of-content
166  | text-illustration-index
167  | text-table-index
168  | text-object-index
169  | text-user-index
170  | text-alphabetical-index
171  | text-bibliography
172  | shape
173  | change-marks
174office-text-content-epilogue = table-functions
175office-text-attlist =
176  attribute text:global { boolean }?
177  & attribute text:use-soft-page-breaks { boolean }?
178office-drawing-attlist = empty
179office-drawing-content-prelude = text-decls, table-decls
180office-drawing-content-main = draw-page*
181office-drawing-content-epilogue = table-functions
182office-presentation-attlist = empty
183office-presentation-content-prelude =
184  text-decls, table-decls, presentation-decls
185office-presentation-content-main = draw-page*
186office-presentation-content-epilogue =
187  presentation-settings, table-functions
188office-spreadsheet-content-prelude =
189  table-tracked-changes?, text-decls, table-decls
190table-decls =
191  table-calculation-settings?,
192  table-content-validations?,
193  table-label-ranges?
194office-spreadsheet-content-main = table-table*
195office-spreadsheet-content-epilogue = table-functions
196table-functions =
197  table-named-expressions?,
198  table-database-ranges?,
199  table-data-pilot-tables?,
200  table-consolidation?,
201  table-dde-links?
202office-chart-attlist = empty
203office-chart-content-prelude = text-decls, table-decls
204office-chart-content-main = chart-chart
205office-chart-content-epilogue = table-functions
206office-image-attlist = empty
207office-image-content-prelude = empty
208office-image-content-main = draw-frame
209office-image-content-epilogue = empty
210office-settings = element office:settings { config-config-item-set+ }?
211config-config-item-set =
212  element config:config-item-set {
213    config-config-item-set-attlist, config-items
214  }
215config-items =
216  (config-config-item
217   | config-config-item-set
218   | config-config-item-map-named
219   | config-config-item-map-indexed)+
220config-config-item-set-attlist = attribute config:name { \string }
221config-config-item =
222  element config:config-item { config-config-item-attlist, text }
223config-config-item-attlist =
224  attribute config:name { \string }
225  & attribute config:type {
226      "boolean"
227      | "short"
228      | "int"
229      | "long"
230      | "double"
231      | "string"
232      | "datetime"
233      | "base64Binary"
234    }
235config-config-item-map-indexed =
236  element config:config-item-map-indexed {
237    config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist,
238    config-config-item-map-entry+
239  }
240config-config-item-map-indexed-attlist =
241  attribute config:name { \string }
242config-config-item-map-entry =
243  element config:config-item-map-entry {
244    config-config-item-map-entry-attlist, config-items
245  }
246config-config-item-map-entry-attlist =
247  attribute config:name { \string }?
248config-config-item-map-named =
249  element config:config-item-map-named {
250    config-config-item-map-named-attlist, config-config-item-map-entry+
251  }
252config-config-item-map-named-attlist = attribute config:name { \string }
253office-scripts =
254  element office:scripts { office-script*, office-event-listeners? }?
255office-script =
256  element office:script {
257    office-script-attlist,
258    mixed { anyElements }
259  }
260office-script-attlist = attribute script:language { \string }
261office-font-face-decls =
262  element office:font-face-decls { style-font-face* }?
263office-styles =
264  element office:styles {
265    styles
266    & style-default-style*
267    & style-default-page-layout?
268    & text-outline-style?
269    & text-notes-configuration*
270    & text-bibliography-configuration?
271    & text-linenumbering-configuration?
272    & draw-gradient*
273    & svg-linearGradient*
274    & svg-radialGradient*
275    & draw-hatch*
276    & draw-fill-image*
277    & draw-marker*
278    & draw-stroke-dash*
279    & draw-opacity*
280    & style-presentation-page-layout*
281    & table-table-template*
282  }?
283office-automatic-styles =
284  element office:automatic-styles { styles & style-page-layout* }?
285office-master-styles =
286  element office:master-styles {
287    style-master-page* & style-handout-master? & draw-layer-set?
288  }?
289styles =
290  style-style*
291  & text-list-style*
292  & number-number-style*
293  & number-currency-style*
294  & number-percentage-style*
295  & number-date-style*
296  & number-time-style*
297  & number-boolean-style*
298  & number-text-style*
299office-meta-data =
300  element meta:generator { \string }
301  | element dc:title { \string }
302  | element dc:description { \string }
303  | element dc:subject { \string }
304  | element meta:keyword { \string }
305  | element meta:initial-creator { \string }
306  | dc-creator
307  | element meta:printed-by { \string }
308  | element meta:creation-date { dateTime }
309  | dc-date
310  | element meta:print-date { dateTime }
311  | element meta:template {
312      attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
313      attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
314      attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
315      attribute xlink:title { \string }?,
316      attribute meta:date { dateTime }?
317    }
318  | element meta:auto-reload {
319      (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
320       attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
321       attribute xlink:show { "replace" }?,
322       attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?)?,
323      attribute meta:delay { duration }?
324    }
325  | element meta:hyperlink-behaviour {
326      attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
327      attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
328    }
329  | element dc:language { language }
330  | element meta:editing-cycles { nonNegativeInteger }
331  | element meta:editing-duration { duration }
332  | element meta:document-statistic {
333      attribute meta:page-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
334      attribute meta:table-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
335      attribute meta:draw-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
336      attribute meta:image-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
337      attribute meta:ole-object-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
338      attribute meta:object-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
339      attribute meta:paragraph-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
340      attribute meta:word-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
341      attribute meta:character-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
342      attribute meta:frame-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
343      attribute meta:sentence-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
344      attribute meta:syllable-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
345      attribute meta:non-whitespace-character-count {
346        nonNegativeInteger
347      }?,
348      attribute meta:row-count { nonNegativeInteger }?,
349      attribute meta:cell-count { nonNegativeInteger }?
350    }
351  | element meta:user-defined {
352      attribute meta:name { \string },
353      ((attribute meta:value-type { "float" },
354        double)
355       | (attribute meta:value-type { "date" },
356          dateOrDateTime)
357       | (attribute meta:value-type { "time" },
358          duration)
359       | (attribute meta:value-type { "boolean" },
360          boolean)
361       | (attribute meta:value-type { "string" },
362          \string)
363       | text)
364    }
365dc-creator = element dc:creator { \string }
366dc-date = element dc:date { dateTime }
367text-h =
368  element text:h {
369    heading-attrs,
370    paragraph-attrs,
371    text-number?,
372    paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
373  }
374heading-attrs =
375  attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }
376  & attribute text:restart-numbering { boolean }?
377  & attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
378  & attribute text:is-list-header { boolean }?
379text-number = element text:number { \string }
380text-p =
381  element text:p { paragraph-attrs, paragraph-content-or-hyperlink* }
382paragraph-attrs =
383  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
384  & attribute text:class-names { styleNameRefs }?
385  & attribute text:cond-style-name { styleNameRef }?
386  & (xml-id,
387     attribute text:id { NCName }?)?
388  & common-in-content-meta-attlist?
389text-page-sequence = element text:page-sequence { text-page+ }
390text-page = element text:page { text-page-attlist, empty }
391text-page-attlist = attribute text:master-page-name { styleNameRef }
392text-list =
393  element text:list {
394    text-list-attr, text-list-header?, text-list-item*
395  }
396text-list-attr =
397  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
398  & attribute text:continue-numbering { boolean }?
399  & attribute text:continue-list { IDREF }?
400  & xml-id?
401text-list-item =
402  element text:list-item { text-list-item-attr, text-list-item-content }
403text-list-item-content =
404  text-number?, (text-p | text-h | text-list | text-soft-page-break)*
405text-list-item-attr =
406  attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
407  & attribute text:style-override { styleNameRef }?
408  & xml-id?
409text-list-header =
410  element text:list-header {
411    text-list-header-attr, text-list-item-content
412  }
413text-list-header-attr = xml-id?
414text-numbered-paragraph =
415  element text:numbered-paragraph {
416    text-numbered-paragraph-attr, text-number?, (text-p | text-h)
417  }
418text-numbered-paragraph-attr =
419  attribute text:list-id { NCName }
420  & attribute text:level { positiveInteger }?
421  & (attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef },
422     attribute text:continue-numbering { boolean },
423     attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger })?
424  & xml-id?
425text-section =
426  element text:section {
427    text-section-attlist,
428    (text-section-source | text-section-source-dde | empty),
429    text-content*
430  }
431text-section-attlist =
432  common-section-attlist
433  & (attribute text:display { "true" | "none" }
434     | (attribute text:display { "condition" },
435        attribute text:condition { \string })
436     | empty)
437common-section-attlist =
438  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
439  & attribute text:name { \string }
440  & attribute text:protected { boolean }?
441  & attribute text:protection-key { \string }?
442  & attribute text:protection-key-digest-algorithm { anyIRI }?
443  & xml-id?
444text-section-source =
445  element text:section-source { text-section-source-attr }
446text-section-source-attr =
447  (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
448   attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
449   attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?)?
450  & attribute text:section-name { \string }?
451  & attribute text:filter-name { \string }?
452text-section-source-dde = office-dde-source
453text-tracked-changes =
454  element text:tracked-changes {
455    text-tracked-changes-attr, text-changed-region*
456  }?
457text-tracked-changes-attr = attribute text:track-changes { boolean }?
458text-changed-region =
459  element text:changed-region {
460    text-changed-region-attr, text-changed-region-content
461  }
462text-changed-region-attr =
463  xml-id,
464  attribute text:id { NCName }?
465text-changed-region-content =
466  element text:insertion { office-change-info }
467  | element text:deletion { office-change-info, text-content* }
468  | element text:format-change { office-change-info }
469change-marks =
470  element text:change { change-mark-attr }
471  | element text:change-start { change-mark-attr }
472  | element text:change-end { change-mark-attr }
473change-mark-attr = attribute text:change-id { IDREF }
474text-soft-page-break = element text:soft-page-break { empty }
475text-decls =
476  element text:variable-decls { text-variable-decl* }?,
477  element text:sequence-decls { text-sequence-decl* }?,
478  element text:user-field-decls { text-user-field-decl* }?,
479  element text:dde-connection-decls { text-dde-connection-decl* }?,
480  text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file?
481paragraph-content-or-hyperlink = paragraph-content | text-a
482paragraph-content =
483  text
484  | element text:s {
485      attribute text:c { nonNegativeInteger }?
486    }
487  | element text:tab { text-tab-attr }
488  | element text:line-break { empty }
489  | text-soft-page-break
490  | element text:span {
491      attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
492      attribute text:class-names { styleNameRefs }?,
493      paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
494    }
495  | element text:meta {
496      text-meta-attlist, paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
497    }
498  | (text-bookmark | text-bookmark-start | text-bookmark-end)
499  | element text:reference-mark {
500      attribute text:name { \string }
501    }
502  | (element text:reference-mark-start {
503       attribute text:name { \string }
504     }
505     | element text:reference-mark-end {
506         attribute text:name { \string }
507       })
508  | element text:note {
509      text-note-class,
510      attribute text:id { \string }?,
511      element text:note-citation {
512        attribute text:label { \string }?,
513        text
514      },
515      element text:note-body { text-content* }
516    }
517  | element text:ruby {
518      attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
519      element text:ruby-base { paragraph-content-or-hyperlink* },
520      element text:ruby-text {
521        attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
522        text
523      }
524    }
525  | (office-annotation | office-annotation-end)
526  | change-marks
527  | shape
528  | element text:date { text-date-attlist, text }
529  | element text:time { text-time-attlist, text }
530  | element text:page-number { text-page-number-attlist, text }
531  | element text:page-continuation {
532      text-page-continuation-attlist, text
533    }
534  | element text:sender-firstname { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
535  | element text:sender-lastname { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
536  | element text:sender-initials { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
537  | element text:sender-title { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
538  | element text:sender-position { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
539  | element text:sender-email { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
540  | element text:sender-phone-private {
541      common-field-fixed-attlist, text
542    }
543  | element text:sender-fax { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
544  | element text:sender-company { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
545  | element text:sender-phone-work { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
546  | element text:sender-street { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
547  | element text:sender-city { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
548  | element text:sender-postal-code { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
549  | element text:sender-country { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
550  | element text:sender-state-or-province {
551      common-field-fixed-attlist, text
552    }
553  | element text:author-name { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
554  | element text:author-initials { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
555  | element text:chapter { text-chapter-attlist, text }
556  | element text:file-name { text-file-name-attlist, text }
557  | element text:template-name { text-template-name-attlist, text }
558  | element text:sheet-name { text }
559  | element text:variable-set {
560      (common-field-name-attlist
561       & common-field-formula-attlist
562       & common-value-and-type-attlist
563       & common-field-display-value-none-attlist
564       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
565      text
566    }
567  | element text:variable-get {
568      (common-field-name-attlist
569       & common-field-display-value-formula-attlist
570       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
571      text
572    }
573  | element text:variable-input {
574      (common-field-name-attlist
575       & common-field-description-attlist
576       & common-value-type-attlist
577       & common-field-display-value-none-attlist
578       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
579      text
580    }
581  | element text:user-field-get {
582      (common-field-name-attlist
583       & common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist
584       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
585      text
586    }
587  | element text:user-field-input {
588      (common-field-name-attlist
589       & common-field-description-attlist
590       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
591      text
592    }
593  | element text:sequence {
594      (common-field-name-attlist
595       & common-field-formula-attlist
596       & common-field-num-format-attlist
597       & text-sequence-ref-name),
598      text
599    }
600  | element text:expression {
601      (common-field-formula-attlist
602       & common-value-and-type-attlist?
603       & common-field-display-value-formula-attlist
604       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
605      text
606    }
607  | element text:text-input { common-field-description-attlist, text }
608  | element text:initial-creator { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
609  | element text:creation-date {
610      (common-field-fixed-attlist
611       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
612       & attribute text:date-value { dateOrDateTime }?),
613      text
614    }
615  | element text:creation-time {
616      (common-field-fixed-attlist
617       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
618       & attribute text:time-value { timeOrDateTime }?),
619      text
620    }
621  | element text:description { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
622  | element text:user-defined {
623      (common-field-fixed-attlist
624       & attribute text:name { \string }
625       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
626       & attribute office:value { double }?
627       & attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime }?
628       & attribute office:time-value { duration }?
629       & attribute office:boolean-value { boolean }?
630       & attribute office:string-value { \string }?),
631      text
632    }
633  | element text:print-time {
634      (common-field-fixed-attlist
635       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
636       & attribute text:time-value { time }?),
637      text
638    }
639  | element text:print-date {
640      (common-field-fixed-attlist
641       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
642       & attribute text:date-value { date }?),
643      text
644    }
645  | element text:printed-by { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
646  | element text:title { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
647  | element text:subject { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
648  | element text:keywords { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
649  | element text:editing-cycles { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
650  | element text:editing-duration {
651      (common-field-fixed-attlist
652       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
653       & attribute text:duration { duration }?),
654      text
655    }
656  | element text:modification-time {
657      (common-field-fixed-attlist
658       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
659       & attribute text:time-value { time }?),
660      text
661    }
662  | element text:modification-date {
663      (common-field-fixed-attlist
664       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
665       & attribute text:date-value { date }?),
666      text
667    }
668  | element text:creator { common-field-fixed-attlist, text }
669  | element text:page-count
670            | text:paragraph-count
671            | text:word-count
672            | text:character-count
673            | text:table-count
674            | text:image-count
675            | text:object-count {
676      common-field-num-format-attlist, text
677    }
678  | element text:database-display {
679      text-database-display-attlist, text
680    }
681  | element text:database-next { text-database-next-attlist }
682  | element text:database-row-select {
683      text-database-row-select-attlist
684    }
685  | element text:database-row-number {
686      (common-field-database-table
687       & common-field-num-format-attlist
688       & attribute text:value { nonNegativeInteger }?),
689      text
690    }
691  | element text:database-name { common-field-database-table, text }
692  | element text:page-variable-set {
693      text-set-page-variable-attlist, text
694    }
695  | element text:page-variable-get {
696      text-get-page-variable-attlist, text
697    }
698  | element text:placeholder { text-placeholder-attlist, text }
699  | element text:conditional-text {
700      text-conditional-text-attlist, text
701    }
702  | element text:hidden-text { text-hidden-text-attlist, text }
703  | element text:reference-ref | text:bookmark-ref {
704      text-common-ref-content & text-bookmark-ref-content
705    }
706  | element text:note-ref {
707      text-common-ref-content & text-note-ref-content
708    }
709  | element text:sequence-ref {
710      text-common-ref-content & text-sequence-ref-content
711    }
712  | element text:script {
713      ((attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
714        attribute xlink:href { anyIRI })
715       | text)
716      & attribute script:language { \string }?
717    }
718  | element text:execute-macro {
719      attribute text:name { \string }?,
720      office-event-listeners?,
721      text
722    }
723  | element text:hidden-paragraph {
724      text-hidden-paragraph-attlist, text
725    }
726  | element text:dde-connection {
727      attribute text:connection-name { \string },
728      text
729    }
730  | element text:measure {
731      attribute text:kind { "value" | "unit" | "gap" },
732      text
733    }
734  | element text:table-formula {
735      (common-field-formula-attlist
736       & common-field-display-value-formula-attlist
737       & common-field-data-style-name-attlist),
738      text
739    }
740  | element text:meta-field {
741      text-meta-field-attlist, paragraph-content-or-hyperlink*
742    }
743  | element text:toc-mark-start { text-toc-mark-start-attrs }
744  | element text:toc-mark-end { text-id }
745  | element text:toc-mark {
746      attribute text:string-value { \string },
747      text-outline-level
748    }
749  | element text:user-index-mark-start {
750      text-id, text-outline-level, text-index-name
751    }
752  | element text:user-index-mark-end { text-id }
753  | element text:user-index-mark {
754      attribute text:string-value { \string },
755      text-outline-level,
756      text-index-name
757    }
758  | element text:alphabetical-index-mark-start {
759      text-id, text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs
760    }
761  | element text:alphabetical-index-mark-end { text-id }
762  | element text:alphabetical-index-mark {
763      attribute text:string-value { \string },
764      text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs
765    }
766  | element text:bibliography-mark {
767      attribute text:bibliography-type { text-bibliography-types },
768      attribute text:identifier
769                | text:address
770                | text:annote
771                | text:author
772                | text:booktitle
773                | text:chapter
774                | text:edition
775                | text:editor
776                | text:howpublished
777                | text:institution
778                | text:journal
779                | text:month
780                | text:note
781                | text:number
782                | text:organizations
783                | text:pages
784                | text:publisher
785                | text:school
786                | text:series
787                | text:title
788                | text:report-type
789                | text:volume
790                | text:year
791                | text:url
792                | text:custom1
793                | text:custom2
794                | text:custom3
795                | text:custom4
796                | text:custom5
797                | text:isbn
798                | text:issn { \string }*,
799      text
800    }
801  | element presentation:header { empty }
802  | element presentation:footer { empty }
803  | element presentation:date-time { empty }
804text-tab-attr = attribute text:tab-ref { nonNegativeInteger }?
805text-a =
806  element text:a {
807    text-a-attlist, office-event-listeners?, paragraph-content*
808  }
809text-a-attlist =
810  attribute office:name { \string }?
811  & attribute office:title { \string }?
812  & attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
813  & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
814  & attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
815  & attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?
816  & attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
817  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
818  & attribute text:visited-style-name { styleNameRef }?
819text-meta-attlist = common-in-content-meta-attlist? & xml-id?
820text-bookmark = element text:bookmark { text-bookmark-attlist, empty }
821text-bookmark-start =
822  element text:bookmark-start { text-bookmark-start-attlist, empty }
823text-bookmark-end =
824  element text:bookmark-end { text-bookmark-end-attlist, empty }
825text-bookmark-attlist =
826  attribute text:name { \string }
827  & xml-id?
828text-bookmark-start-attlist =
829  attribute text:name { \string }
830  & xml-id?
831  & common-in-content-meta-attlist?
832text-bookmark-end-attlist = attribute text:name { \string }
833text-note-class = attribute text:note-class { "footnote" | "endnote" }
834text-date-attlist =
835  (common-field-fixed-attlist & common-field-data-style-name-attlist)
836  & attribute text:date-value { dateOrDateTime }?
837  & attribute text:date-adjust { duration }?
838text-time-attlist =
839  (common-field-fixed-attlist & common-field-data-style-name-attlist)
840  & attribute text:time-value { timeOrDateTime }?
841  & attribute text:time-adjust { duration }?
842text-page-number-attlist =
843  (common-field-num-format-attlist & common-field-fixed-attlist)
844  & attribute text:page-adjust { integer }?
845  & attribute text:select-page { "previous" | "current" | "next" }?
846text-page-continuation-attlist =
847  attribute text:select-page { "previous" | "next" }
848  & attribute text:string-value { \string }?
849text-chapter-attlist =
850  attribute text:display {
851    "name"
852    | "number"
853    | "number-and-name"
854    | "plain-number-and-name"
855    | "plain-number"
856  }
857  & attribute text:outline-level { nonNegativeInteger }
858text-file-name-attlist =
859  attribute text:display {
860    "full" | "path" | "name" | "name-and-extension"
861  }?
862  & common-field-fixed-attlist
863text-template-name-attlist =
864  attribute text:display {
865    "full" | "path" | "name" | "name-and-extension" | "area" | "title"
866  }?
867text-variable-decl =
868  element text:variable-decl {
869    common-field-name-attlist, common-value-type-attlist
870  }
871text-user-field-decl =
872  element text:user-field-decl {
873    common-field-name-attlist,
874    common-field-formula-attlist?,
875    common-value-and-type-attlist
876  }
877text-sequence-decl =
878  element text:sequence-decl { text-sequence-decl-attlist }
879text-sequence-decl-attlist =
880  common-field-name-attlist
881  & attribute text:display-outline-level { nonNegativeInteger }
882  & attribute text:separation-character { character }?
883text-sequence-ref-name = attribute text:ref-name { \string }?
884common-field-database-table =
885  common-field-database-table-attlist, common-field-database-name
886common-field-database-name =
887  attribute text:database-name { \string }?
888  | form-connection-resource
889common-field-database-table-attlist =
890  attribute text:table-name { \string }
891  & attribute text:table-type { "table" | "query" | "command" }?
892text-database-display-attlist =
893  common-field-database-table
894  & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
895  & attribute text:column-name { \string }
896text-database-next-attlist =
897  common-field-database-table
898  & attribute text:condition { \string }?
899text-database-row-select-attlist =
900  common-field-database-table
901  & attribute text:condition { \string }?
902  & attribute text:row-number { nonNegativeInteger }?
903text-set-page-variable-attlist =
904  attribute text:active { boolean }?
905  & attribute text:page-adjust { integer }?
906text-get-page-variable-attlist = common-field-num-format-attlist
907text-placeholder-attlist =
908  attribute text:placeholder-type {
909    "text" | "table" | "text-box" | "image" | "object"
910  }
911  & common-field-description-attlist
912text-conditional-text-attlist =
913  attribute text:condition { \string }
914  & attribute text:string-value-if-true { \string }
915  & attribute text:string-value-if-false { \string }
916  & attribute text:current-value { boolean }?
917text-hidden-text-attlist =
918  attribute text:condition { \string }
919  & attribute text:string-value { \string }
920  & attribute text:is-hidden { boolean }?
921text-common-ref-content =
922  text
923  & attribute text:ref-name { \string }?
924text-bookmark-ref-content =
925  attribute text:reference-format {
926    common-ref-format-values
927    | "number-no-superior"
928    | "number-all-superior"
929    | "number"
930  }?
931text-note-ref-content =
932  attribute text:reference-format { common-ref-format-values }?
933  & text-note-class
934text-sequence-ref-content =
935  attribute text:reference-format {
936    common-ref-format-values
937    | "category-and-value"
938    | "caption"
939    | "value"
940  }?
941common-ref-format-values = "page" | "chapter" | "direction" | "text"
942text-hidden-paragraph-attlist =
943  attribute text:condition { \string }
944  & attribute text:is-hidden { boolean }?
945text-meta-field-attlist = xml-id & common-field-data-style-name-attlist
946common-value-type-attlist = attribute office:value-type { valueType }
947common-value-and-type-attlist =
948  (attribute office:value-type { "float" },
949   attribute office:value { double })
950  | (attribute office:value-type { "percentage" },
951     attribute office:value { double })
952  | (attribute office:value-type { "currency" },
953     attribute office:value { double },
954     attribute office:currency { \string }?)
955  | (attribute office:value-type { "date" },
956     attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime })
957  | (attribute office:value-type { "time" },
958     attribute office:time-value { duration })
959  | (attribute office:value-type { "boolean" },
960     attribute office:boolean-value { boolean })
961  | (attribute office:value-type { "string" },
962     attribute office:string-value { \string }?)
963common-field-fixed-attlist = attribute text:fixed { boolean }?
964common-field-name-attlist = attribute text:name { variableName }
965common-field-description-attlist =
966  attribute text:description { \string }?
967common-field-display-value-none-attlist =
968  attribute text:display { "value" | "none" }?
969common-field-display-value-formula-none-attlist =
970  attribute text:display { "value" | "formula" | "none" }?
971common-field-display-value-formula-attlist =
972  attribute text:display { "value" | "formula" }?
973common-field-formula-attlist = attribute text:formula { \string }?
974common-field-data-style-name-attlist =
975  attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
976common-field-num-format-attlist = common-num-format-attlist?
977text-toc-mark-start-attrs = text-id, text-outline-level
978text-outline-level = attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }?
979text-id = attribute text:id { \string }
980text-index-name = attribute text:index-name { \string }
981text-alphabetical-index-mark-attrs =
982  attribute text:key1 { \string }?
983  & attribute text:key2 { \string }?
984  & attribute text:string-value-phonetic { \string }?
985  & attribute text:key1-phonetic { \string }?
986  & attribute text:key2-phonetic { \string }?
987  & attribute text:main-entry { boolean }?
988text-bibliography-types =
989  "article"
990  | "book"
991  | "booklet"
992  | "conference"
993  | "custom1"
994  | "custom2"
995  | "custom3"
996  | "custom4"
997  | "custom5"
998  | "email"
999  | "inbook"
1000  | "incollection"
1001  | "inproceedings"
1002  | "journal"
1003  | "manual"
1004  | "mastersthesis"
1005  | "misc"
1006  | "phdthesis"
1007  | "proceedings"
1008  | "techreport"
1009  | "unpublished"
1010  | "www"
1011text-index-body = element text:index-body { index-content-main* }
1012index-content-main = text-content | text-index-title
1013text-index-title =
1014  element text:index-title {
1015    common-section-attlist, index-content-main*
1016  }
1017text-table-of-content =
1018  element text:table-of-content {
1019    common-section-attlist,
1020    text-table-of-content-source,
1021    text-index-body
1022  }
1023text-table-of-content-source =
1024  element text:table-of-content-source {
1025    text-table-of-content-source-attlist,
1026    text-index-title-template?,
1027    text-table-of-content-entry-template*,
1028    text-index-source-styles*
1029  }
1030text-table-of-content-source-attlist =
1031  attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }?
1032  & attribute text:use-outline-level { boolean }?
1033  & attribute text:use-index-marks { boolean }?
1034  & attribute text:use-index-source-styles { boolean }?
1035  & attribute text:index-scope { "document" | "chapter" }?
1036  & attribute text:relative-tab-stop-position { boolean }?
1037text-table-of-content-entry-template =
1038  element text:table-of-content-entry-template {
1039    text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist,
1040    text-table-of-content-children*
1041  }
1042text-table-of-content-children =
1043  text-index-entry-chapter
1044  | text-index-entry-page-number
1045  | text-index-entry-text
1046  | text-index-entry-span
1047  | text-index-entry-tab-stop
1048  | text-index-entry-link-start
1049  | text-index-entry-link-end
1050text-table-of-content-entry-template-attlist =
1051  attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }
1052  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
1053text-illustration-index =
1054  element text:illustration-index {
1055    common-section-attlist,
1056    text-illustration-index-source,
1057    text-index-body
1058  }
1059text-illustration-index-source =
1060  element text:illustration-index-source {
1061    text-illustration-index-source-attrs,
1062    text-index-title-template?,
1063    text-illustration-index-entry-template?
1064  }
1065text-illustration-index-source-attrs =
1066  text-index-scope-attr
1067  & text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr
1068  & attribute text:use-caption { boolean }?
1069  & attribute text:caption-sequence-name { \string }?
1070  & attribute text:caption-sequence-format {
1071      "text" | "category-and-value" | "caption"
1072    }?
1073text-index-scope-attr =
1074  attribute text:index-scope { "document" | "chapter" }?
1075text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr =
1076  attribute text:relative-tab-stop-position { boolean }?
1077text-illustration-index-entry-template =
1078  element text:illustration-index-entry-template {
1079    text-illustration-index-entry-content
1080  }
1081text-illustration-index-entry-content =
1082  text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs,
1083  (text-index-entry-chapter
1084   | text-index-entry-page-number
1085   | text-index-entry-text
1086   | text-index-entry-span
1087   | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
1088text-illustration-index-entry-template-attrs =
1089  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
1090text-table-index =
1091  element text:table-index {
1092    common-section-attlist, text-table-index-source, text-index-body
1093  }
1094text-table-index-source =
1095  element text:table-index-source {
1096    text-illustration-index-source-attrs,
1097    text-index-title-template?,
1098    text-table-index-entry-template?
1099  }
1100text-table-index-entry-template =
1101  element text:table-index-entry-template {
1102    text-illustration-index-entry-content
1103  }
1104text-object-index =
1105  element text:object-index {
1106    common-section-attlist, text-object-index-source, text-index-body
1107  }
1108text-object-index-source =
1109  element text:object-index-source {
1110    text-object-index-source-attrs,
1111    text-index-title-template?,
1112    text-object-index-entry-template?
1113  }
1114text-object-index-source-attrs =
1115  text-index-scope-attr
1116  & text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr
1117  & attribute text:use-spreadsheet-objects { boolean }?
1118  & attribute text:use-math-objects { boolean }?
1119  & attribute text:use-draw-objects { boolean }?
1120  & attribute text:use-chart-objects { boolean }?
1121  & attribute text:use-other-objects { boolean }?
1122text-object-index-entry-template =
1123  element text:object-index-entry-template {
1124    text-illustration-index-entry-content
1125  }
1126text-user-index =
1127  element text:user-index {
1128    common-section-attlist, text-user-index-source, text-index-body
1129  }
1130text-user-index-source =
1131  element text:user-index-source {
1132    text-user-index-source-attr,
1133    text-index-title-template?,
1134    text-user-index-entry-template*,
1135    text-index-source-styles*
1136  }
1137text-user-index-source-attr =
1138  text-index-scope-attr
1139  & text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr
1140  & attribute text:use-index-marks { boolean }?
1141  & attribute text:use-index-source-styles { boolean }?
1142  & attribute text:use-graphics { boolean }?
1143  & attribute text:use-tables { boolean }?
1144  & attribute text:use-floating-frames { boolean }?
1145  & attribute text:use-objects { boolean }?
1146  & attribute text:copy-outline-levels { boolean }?
1147  & attribute text:index-name { \string }
1148text-user-index-entry-template =
1149  element text:user-index-entry-template {
1150    text-user-index-entry-template-attrs,
1151    (text-index-entry-chapter
1152     | text-index-entry-page-number
1153     | text-index-entry-text
1154     | text-index-entry-span
1155     | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
1156  }
1157text-user-index-entry-template-attrs =
1158  attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }
1159  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
1160text-alphabetical-index =
1161  element text:alphabetical-index {
1162    common-section-attlist,
1163    text-alphabetical-index-source,
1164    text-index-body
1165  }
1166text-alphabetical-index-source =
1167  element text:alphabetical-index-source {
1168    text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs,
1169    text-index-title-template?,
1170    text-alphabetical-index-entry-template*
1171  }
1172text-alphabetical-index-source-attrs =
1173  text-index-scope-attr
1174  & text-relative-tab-stop-position-attr
1175  & attribute text:ignore-case { boolean }?
1176  & attribute text:main-entry-style-name { styleNameRef }?
1177  & attribute text:alphabetical-separators { boolean }?
1178  & attribute text:combine-entries { boolean }?
1179  & attribute text:combine-entries-with-dash { boolean }?
1180  & attribute text:combine-entries-with-pp { boolean }?
1181  & attribute text:use-keys-as-entries { boolean }?
1182  & attribute text:capitalize-entries { boolean }?
1183  & attribute text:comma-separated { boolean }?
1184  & attribute fo:language { languageCode }?
1185  & attribute fo:country { countryCode }?
1186  & attribute fo:script { scriptCode }?
1187  & attribute style:rfc-language-tag { language }?
1188  & attribute text:sort-algorithm { \string }?
1189text-alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file =
1190  element text:alphabetical-index-auto-mark-file {
1191    attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
1192    attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
1193  }
1194text-alphabetical-index-entry-template =
1195  element text:alphabetical-index-entry-template {
1196    text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs,
1197    (text-index-entry-chapter
1198     | text-index-entry-page-number
1199     | text-index-entry-text
1200     | text-index-entry-span
1201     | text-index-entry-tab-stop)*
1202  }
1203text-alphabetical-index-entry-template-attrs =
1204  attribute text:outline-level { "1" | "2" | "3" | "separator" }
1205  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
1206text-bibliography =
1207  element text:bibliography {
1208    common-section-attlist, text-bibliography-source, text-index-body
1209  }
1210text-bibliography-source =
1211  element text:bibliography-source {
1212    text-index-title-template?, text-bibliography-entry-template*
1213  }
1214text-bibliography-entry-template =
1215  element text:bibliography-entry-template {
1216    text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs,
1217    (text-index-entry-span
1218     | text-index-entry-tab-stop
1219     | text-index-entry-bibliography)*
1220  }
1221text-bibliography-entry-template-attrs =
1222  attribute text:bibliography-type { text-bibliography-types }
1223  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }
1224text-index-source-styles =
1225  element text:index-source-styles {
1226    attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger },
1227    text-index-source-style*
1228  }
1229text-index-source-style =
1230  element text:index-source-style {
1231    attribute text:style-name { styleName },
1232    empty
1233  }
1234text-index-title-template =
1235  element text:index-title-template {
1236    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
1237    text
1238  }
1239text-index-entry-chapter =
1240  element text:index-entry-chapter {
1241    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
1242    text-index-entry-chapter-attrs
1243  }
1244text-index-entry-chapter-attrs =
1245  attribute text:display {
1246    "name"
1247    | "number"
1248    | "number-and-name"
1249    | "plain-number"
1250    | "plain-number-and-name"
1251  }?
1252  & attribute text:outline-level { positiveInteger }?
1253text-index-entry-text =
1254  element text:index-entry-text {
1255    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1256  }
1257text-index-entry-page-number =
1258  element text:index-entry-page-number {
1259    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1260  }
1261text-index-entry-span =
1262  element text:index-entry-span {
1263    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
1264    text
1265  }
1266text-index-entry-bibliography =
1267  element text:index-entry-bibliography {
1268    text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs
1269  }
1270text-index-entry-bibliography-attrs =
1271  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1272  & attribute text:bibliography-data-field {
1273      "address"
1274      | "annote"
1275      | "author"
1276      | "bibliography-type"
1277      | "booktitle"
1278      | "chapter"
1279      | "custom1"
1280      | "custom2"
1281      | "custom3"
1282      | "custom4"
1283      | "custom5"
1284      | "edition"
1285      | "editor"
1286      | "howpublished"
1287      | "identifier"
1288      | "institution"
1289      | "isbn"
1290      | "issn"
1291      | "journal"
1292      | "month"
1293      | "note"
1294      | "number"
1295      | "organizations"
1296      | "pages"
1297      | "publisher"
1298      | "report-type"
1299      | "school"
1300      | "series"
1301      | "title"
1302      | "url"
1303      | "volume"
1304      | "year"
1305    }
1306text-index-entry-tab-stop =
1307  element text:index-entry-tab-stop {
1308    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
1309    text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs
1310  }
1311text-index-entry-tab-stop-attrs =
1312  attribute style:leader-char { character }?
1313  & (attribute style:type { "right" }
1314     | (attribute style:type { "left" },
1315        attribute style:position { length }))
1316text-index-entry-link-start =
1317  element text:index-entry-link-start {
1318    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1319  }
1320text-index-entry-link-end =
1321  element text:index-entry-link-end {
1322    attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1323  }
1324table-table =
1325  element table:table {
1326    table-table-attlist,
1327    table-title?,
1328    table-desc?,
1329    table-table-source?,
1330    office-dde-source?,
1331    table-scenario?,
1332    office-forms?,
1333    table-shapes?,
1334    table-columns-and-groups,
1335    table-rows-and-groups,
1336    table-named-expressions?
1337  }
1338table-columns-and-groups =
1339  (table-table-column-group | table-columns-no-group)+
1340table-columns-no-group =
1341  (table-columns, (table-table-header-columns, table-columns?)?)
1342  | (table-table-header-columns, table-columns?)
1343table-columns = table-table-columns | table-table-column+
1344table-rows-and-groups = (table-table-row-group | table-rows-no-group)+
1345table-rows-no-group =
1346  (table-rows, (table-table-header-rows, table-rows?)?)
1347  | (table-table-header-rows, table-rows?)
1348table-rows =
1349  table-table-rows | (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+
1350table-table-attlist =
1351  attribute table:name { \string }?
1352  & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1353  & attribute table:template-name { \string }?
1354  & attribute table:use-first-row-styles { boolean }?
1355  & attribute table:use-last-row-styles { boolean }?
1356  & attribute table:use-first-column-styles { boolean }?
1357  & attribute table:use-last-column-styles { boolean }?
1358  & attribute table:use-banding-rows-styles { boolean }?
1359  & attribute table:use-banding-columns-styles { boolean }?
1360  & attribute table:protected { boolean }?
1361  & attribute table:protection-key { \string }?
1362  & attribute table:protection-key-digest-algorithm { anyIRI }?
1363  & attribute table:print { boolean }?
1364  & attribute table:print-ranges { cellRangeAddressList }?
1365  & xml-id?
1366  & attribute table:is-sub-table { boolean }?
1367table-title = element table:title { text }
1368table-desc = element table:desc { text }
1369table-table-row =
1370  element table:table-row {
1371    table-table-row-attlist,
1372    (table-table-cell | table-covered-table-cell)+
1373  }
1374table-table-row-attlist =
1375  attribute table:number-rows-repeated { positiveInteger }?
1376  & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1377  & attribute table:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
1378  & attribute table:visibility { table-visibility-value }?
1379  & xml-id?
1380table-visibility-value = "visible" | "collapse" | "filter"
1381table-table-cell =
1382  element table:table-cell {
1383    table-table-cell-attlist,
1384    table-table-cell-attlist-extra,
1385    table-table-cell-content
1386  }
1387table-covered-table-cell =
1388  element table:covered-table-cell {
1389    table-table-cell-attlist, table-table-cell-content
1390  }
1391table-table-cell-content =
1392  table-cell-range-source?,
1393  office-annotation?,
1394  table-detective?,
1395  text-content*
1396table-table-cell-attlist =
1397  attribute table:number-columns-repeated { positiveInteger }?
1398  & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1399  & attribute table:content-validation-name { \string }?
1400  & attribute table:formula { \string }?
1401  & common-value-and-type-attlist?
1402  & attribute table:protect { boolean }?
1403  & attribute table:protected { boolean }?
1404  & xml-id?
1405  & common-in-content-meta-attlist?
1406table-table-cell-attlist-extra =
1407  attribute table:number-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?
1408  & attribute table:number-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
1409  & attribute table:number-matrix-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?
1410  & attribute table:number-matrix-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
1411table-table-column =
1412  element table:table-column { table-table-column-attlist, empty }
1413table-table-column-attlist =
1414  attribute table:number-columns-repeated { positiveInteger }?
1415  & attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }?
1416  & attribute table:visibility { table-visibility-value }?
1417  & attribute table:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
1418  & xml-id?
1419table-table-header-columns =
1420  element table:table-header-columns { table-table-column+ }
1421table-table-columns =
1422  element table:table-columns { table-table-column+ }
1423table-table-column-group =
1424  element table:table-column-group {
1425    table-table-column-group-attlist, table-columns-and-groups
1426  }
1427table-table-column-group-attlist = attribute table:display { boolean }?
1428table-table-header-rows =
1429  element table:table-header-rows {
1430    (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+
1431  }
1432table-table-rows =
1433  element table:table-rows { (text-soft-page-break?, table-table-row)+ }
1434table-table-row-group =
1435  element table:table-row-group {
1436    table-table-row-group-attlist, table-rows-and-groups
1437  }
1438table-table-row-group-attlist = attribute table:display { boolean }?
1439cellAddress =
1440  xsd:string {
1441    pattern = "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+"
1442  }
1443cellRangeAddress =
1444  xsd:string {
1445    pattern =
1446      "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+(:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+$?[0-9]+)?"
1447  }
1448  | xsd:string {
1449      pattern =
1450        "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[0-9]+"
1451    }
1452  | xsd:string {
1453      pattern =
1454        "($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+:($?([^\. ']+|'([^']|'')+'))?\.$?[A-Z]+"
1455    }
1456cellRangeAddressList =
1457  xsd:string
1458  >> dc:description [
1459       'Value is a space separated list of "cellRangeAddress" patterns'
1460     ]
1461table-table-source =
1462  element table:table-source {
1463    table-table-source-attlist, table-linked-source-attlist, empty
1464  }
1465table-table-source-attlist =
1466  attribute table:mode { "copy-all" | "copy-results-only" }?
1467  & attribute table:table-name { \string }?
1468table-linked-source-attlist =
1469  attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
1470  & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
1471  & attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
1472  & attribute table:filter-name { \string }?
1473  & attribute table:filter-options { \string }?
1474  & attribute table:refresh-delay { duration }?
1475table-scenario =
1476  element table:scenario { table-scenario-attlist, empty }
1477table-scenario-attlist =
1478  attribute table:scenario-ranges { cellRangeAddressList }
1479  & attribute table:is-active { boolean }
1480  & attribute table:display-border { boolean }?
1481  & attribute table:border-color { color }?
1482  & attribute table:copy-back { boolean }?
1483  & attribute table:copy-styles { boolean }?
1484  & attribute table:copy-formulas { boolean }?
1485  & attribute table:comment { \string }?
1486  & attribute table:protected { boolean }?
1487table-shapes = element table:shapes { shape+ }
1488table-cell-range-source =
1489  element table:cell-range-source {
1490    table-table-cell-range-source-attlist,
1491    table-linked-source-attlist,
1492    empty
1493  }
1494table-table-cell-range-source-attlist =
1495  attribute table:name { \string }
1496  & attribute table:last-column-spanned { positiveInteger }
1497  & attribute table:last-row-spanned { positiveInteger }
1498table-detective =
1499  element table:detective { table-highlighted-range*, table-operation* }
1500table-operation =
1501  element table:operation { table-operation-attlist, empty }
1502table-operation-attlist =
1503  attribute table:name {
1504    "trace-dependents"
1505    | "remove-dependents"
1506    | "trace-precedents"
1507    | "remove-precedents"
1508    | "trace-errors"
1509  }
1510  & attribute table:index { nonNegativeInteger }
1511table-highlighted-range =
1512  element table:highlighted-range {
1513    (table-highlighted-range-attlist
1514     | table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid),
1515    empty
1516  }
1517table-highlighted-range-attlist =
1518  attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
1519  & attribute table:direction {
1520      "from-another-table" | "to-another-table" | "from-same-table"
1521    }
1522  & attribute table:contains-error { boolean }?
1523table-highlighted-range-attlist-invalid =
1524  attribute table:marked-invalid { boolean }
1525office-spreadsheet-attlist =
1526  attribute table:structure-protected { boolean }?,
1527  attribute table:protection-key { \string }?,
1528  attribute table:protection-key-digest-algorithm { anyIRI }?
1529table-calculation-settings =
1530  element table:calculation-settings {
1531    table-calculation-setting-attlist,
1532    table-null-date?,
1533    table-iteration?
1534  }
1535table-calculation-setting-attlist =
1536  attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
1537  & attribute table:precision-as-shown { boolean }?
1538  & attribute table:search-criteria-must-apply-to-whole-cell {
1539      boolean
1540    }?
1541  & attribute table:automatic-find-labels { boolean }?
1542  & attribute table:use-regular-expressions { boolean }?
1543  & attribute table:use-wildcards { boolean }?
1544  & attribute table:null-year { positiveInteger }?
1545table-null-date =
1546  element table:null-date {
1547    attribute table:value-type { "date" }?,
1548    attribute table:date-value { date }?,
1549    empty
1550  }
1551table-iteration =
1552  element table:iteration {
1553    attribute table:status { "enable" | "disable" }?,
1554    attribute table:steps { positiveInteger }?,
1555    attribute table:maximum-difference { double }?,
1556    empty
1557  }
1558table-content-validations =
1559  element table:content-validations { table-content-validation+ }
1560table-content-validation =
1561  element table:content-validation {
1562    table-validation-attlist,
1563    table-help-message?,
1564    (table-error-message | (table-error-macro, office-event-listeners))?
1565  }
1566table-validation-attlist =
1567  attribute table:name { \string }
1568  & attribute table:condition { \string }?
1569  & attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
1570  & attribute table:allow-empty-cell { boolean }?
1571  & attribute table:display-list {
1572      "none" | "unsorted" | "sort-ascending"
1573    }?
1574table-help-message =
1575  element table:help-message {
1576    attribute table:title { \string }?,
1577    attribute table:display { boolean }?,
1578    text-p*
1579  }
1580table-error-message =
1581  element table:error-message {
1582    attribute table:title { \string }?,
1583    attribute table:display { boolean }?,
1584    attribute table:message-type {
1585      "stop" | "warning" | "information"
1586    }?,
1587    text-p*
1588  }
1589table-error-macro =
1590  element table:error-macro {
1591    attribute table:execute { boolean }?
1592  }
1593table-label-ranges = element table:label-ranges { table-label-range* }
1594table-label-range =
1595  element table:label-range { table-label-range-attlist, empty }
1596table-label-range-attlist =
1597  attribute table:label-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
1598  & attribute table:data-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
1599  & attribute table:orientation { "column" | "row" }
1600table-named-expressions =
1601  element table:named-expressions {
1602    (table-named-range | table-named-expression)*
1603  }
1604table-named-range =
1605  element table:named-range { table-named-range-attlist, empty }
1606table-named-range-attlist =
1607  attribute table:name { \string },
1608  attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress },
1609  attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?,
1610  attribute table:range-usable-as {
1611    "none"
1612    | list {
1613        ("print-range" | "filter" | "repeat-row" | "repeat-column")+
1614      }
1615  }?
1616table-named-expression =
1617  element table:named-expression {
1618    table-named-expression-attlist, empty
1619  }
1620table-named-expression-attlist =
1621  attribute table:name { \string },
1622  attribute table:expression { \string },
1623  attribute table:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
1624table-database-ranges =
1625  element table:database-ranges { table-database-range* }
1626table-database-range =
1627  element table:database-range {
1628    table-database-range-attlist,
1629    (table-database-source-sql
1630     | table-database-source-table
1631     | table-database-source-query)?,
1632    table-filter?,
1633    table-sort?,
1634    table-subtotal-rules?
1635  }
1636table-database-range-attlist =
1637  attribute table:name { \string }?
1638  & attribute table:is-selection { boolean }?
1639  & attribute table:on-update-keep-styles { boolean }?
1640  & attribute table:on-update-keep-size { boolean }?
1641  & attribute table:has-persistent-data { boolean }?
1642  & attribute table:orientation { "column" | "row" }?
1643  & attribute table:contains-header { boolean }?
1644  & attribute table:display-filter-buttons { boolean }?
1645  & attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
1646  & attribute table:refresh-delay { boolean }?
1647table-database-source-sql =
1648  element table:database-source-sql {
1649    table-database-source-sql-attlist, empty
1650  }
1651table-database-source-sql-attlist =
1652  attribute table:database-name { \string }
1653  & attribute table:sql-statement { \string }
1654  & attribute table:parse-sql-statement { boolean }?
1655table-database-source-query =
1656  element table:database-source-table {
1657    table-database-source-table-attlist, empty
1658  }
1659table-database-source-table-attlist =
1660  attribute table:database-name { \string }
1661  & attribute table:database-table-name { \string }
1662table-database-source-table =
1663  element table:database-source-query {
1664    table-database-source-query-attlist, empty
1665  }
1666table-database-source-query-attlist =
1667  attribute table:database-name { \string }
1668  & attribute table:query-name { \string }
1669table-sort = element table:sort { table-sort-attlist, table-sort-by+ }
1670table-sort-attlist =
1671  attribute table:bind-styles-to-content { boolean }?
1672  & attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
1673  & attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
1674  & attribute table:language { languageCode }?
1675  & attribute table:country { countryCode }?
1676  & attribute table:script { scriptCode }?
1677  & attribute table:rfc-language-tag { language }?
1678  & attribute table:algorithm { \string }?
1679  & attribute table:embedded-number-behavior {
1680      "alpha-numeric" | "integer" | "double"
1681    }?
1682table-sort-by = element table:sort-by { table-sort-by-attlist, empty }
1683table-sort-by-attlist =
1684  attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
1685  & attribute table:data-type {
1686      "text" | "number" | "automatic" | \string
1687    }?
1688  & attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }?
1689table-subtotal-rules =
1690  element table:subtotal-rules {
1691    table-subtotal-rules-attlist,
1692    table-sort-groups?,
1693    table-subtotal-rule*
1694  }
1695table-subtotal-rules-attlist =
1696  attribute table:bind-styles-to-content { boolean }?
1697  & attribute table:case-sensitive { boolean }?
1698  & attribute table:page-breaks-on-group-change { boolean }?
1699table-sort-groups =
1700  element table:sort-groups { table-sort-groups-attlist, empty }
1701table-sort-groups-attlist =
1702  attribute table:data-type {
1703    "text" | "number" | "automatic" | \string
1704  }?
1705  & attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }?
1706table-subtotal-rule =
1707  element table:subtotal-rule {
1708    table-subtotal-rule-attlist, table-subtotal-field*
1709  }
1710table-subtotal-rule-attlist =
1711  attribute table:group-by-field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
1712table-subtotal-field =
1713  element table:subtotal-field { table-subtotal-field-attlist, empty }
1714table-subtotal-field-attlist =
1715  attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
1716  & attribute table:function {
1717      "average"
1718      | "count"
1719      | "countnums"
1720      | "max"
1721      | "min"
1722      | "product"
1723      | "stdev"
1724      | "stdevp"
1725      | "sum"
1726      | "var"
1727      | "varp"
1728      | \string
1729    }
1730table-filter =
1731  element table:filter {
1732    table-filter-attlist,
1733    (table-filter-condition | table-filter-and | table-filter-or)
1734  }
1735table-filter-attlist =
1736  attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
1737  & attribute table:condition-source { "self" | "cell-range" }?
1738  & attribute table:condition-source-range-address { cellRangeAddress }?
1739  & attribute table:display-duplicates { boolean }?
1740table-filter-and =
1741  element table:filter-and {
1742    (table-filter-or | table-filter-condition)+
1743  }
1744table-filter-or =
1745  element table:filter-or {
1746    (table-filter-and | table-filter-condition)+
1747  }
1748table-filter-condition =
1749  element table:filter-condition {
1750    table-filter-condition-attlist, table-filter-set-item*
1751  }
1752table-filter-condition-attlist =
1753  attribute table:field-number { nonNegativeInteger }
1754  & attribute table:value { \string | double }
1755  & attribute table:operator { \string }
1756  & attribute table:case-sensitive { \string }?
1757  & attribute table:data-type { "text" | "number" }?
1758table-filter-set-item =
1759  element table:filter-set-item {
1760    attribute table:value { \string },
1761    empty
1762  }
1763table-data-pilot-tables =
1764  element table:data-pilot-tables { table-data-pilot-table* }
1765table-data-pilot-table =
1766  element table:data-pilot-table {
1767    table-data-pilot-table-attlist,
1768    (table-database-source-sql
1769     | table-database-source-table
1770     | table-database-source-query
1771     | table-source-service
1772     | table-source-cell-range)?,
1773    table-data-pilot-field+
1774  }
1775table-data-pilot-table-attlist =
1776  attribute table:name { \string }
1777  & attribute table:application-data { \string }?
1778  & attribute table:grand-total { "none" | "row" | "column" | "both" }?
1779  & attribute table:ignore-empty-rows { boolean }?
1780  & attribute table:identify-categories { boolean }?
1781  & attribute table:target-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
1782  & attribute table:buttons { cellRangeAddressList }?
1783  & attribute table:show-filter-button { boolean }?
1784  & attribute table:drill-down-on-double-click { boolean }?
1785table-source-cell-range =
1786  element table:source-cell-range {
1787    table-source-cell-range-attlist, table-filter?
1788  }
1789table-source-cell-range-attlist =
1790  attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddress }
1791table-source-service =
1792  element table:source-service { table-source-service-attlist, empty }
1793table-source-service-attlist =
1794  attribute table:name { \string }
1795  & attribute table:source-name { \string }
1796  & attribute table:object-name { \string }
1797  & attribute table:user-name { \string }?
1798  & attribute table:password { \string }?
1799table-data-pilot-field =
1800  element table:data-pilot-field {
1801    table-data-pilot-field-attlist,
1802    table-data-pilot-level?,
1803    table-data-pilot-field-reference?,
1804    table-data-pilot-groups?
1805  }
1806table-data-pilot-field-attlist =
1807  attribute table:source-field-name { \string }
1808  & (attribute table:orientation {
1809       "row" | "column" | "data" | "hidden"
1810     }
1811     | (attribute table:orientation { "page" },
1812        attribute table:selected-page { \string }))
1813  & attribute table:is-data-layout-field { \string }?
1814  & attribute table:function {
1815      "auto"
1816      | "average"
1817      | "count"
1818      | "countnums"
1819      | "max"
1820      | "min"
1821      | "product"
1822      | "stdev"
1823      | "stdevp"
1824      | "sum"
1825      | "var"
1826      | "varp"
1827      | \string
1828    }?
1829  & attribute table:used-hierarchy { integer }?
1830table-data-pilot-level =
1831  element table:data-pilot-level {
1832    table-data-pilot-level-attlist,
1833    table-data-pilot-subtotals?,
1834    table-data-pilot-members?,
1835    table-data-pilot-display-info?,
1836    table-data-pilot-sort-info?,
1837    table-data-pilot-layout-info?
1838  }
1839table-data-pilot-level-attlist = attribute table:show-empty { boolean }?
1840table-data-pilot-subtotals =
1841  element table:data-pilot-subtotals { table-data-pilot-subtotal* }
1842table-data-pilot-subtotal =
1843  element table:data-pilot-subtotal {
1844    table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist, empty
1845  }
1846table-data-pilot-subtotal-attlist =
1847  attribute table:function {
1848    "auto"
1849    | "average"
1850    | "count"
1851    | "countnums"
1852    | "max"
1853    | "min"
1854    | "product"
1855    | "stdev"
1856    | "stdevp"
1857    | "sum"
1858    | "var"
1859    | "varp"
1860    | \string
1861  }
1862table-data-pilot-members =
1863  element table:data-pilot-members { table-data-pilot-member* }
1864table-data-pilot-member =
1865  element table:data-pilot-member {
1866    table-data-pilot-member-attlist, empty
1867  }
1868table-data-pilot-member-attlist =
1869  attribute table:name { \string }
1870  & attribute table:display { boolean }?
1871  & attribute table:show-details { boolean }?
1872table-data-pilot-display-info =
1873  element table:data-pilot-display-info {
1874    table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist, empty
1875  }
1876table-data-pilot-display-info-attlist =
1877  attribute table:enabled { boolean }
1878  & attribute table:data-field { \string }
1879  & attribute table:member-count { nonNegativeInteger }
1880  & attribute table:display-member-mode { "from-top" | "from-bottom" }
1881table-data-pilot-sort-info =
1882  element table:data-pilot-sort-info {
1883    table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist, empty
1884  }
1885table-data-pilot-sort-info-attlist =
1886  ((attribute table:sort-mode { "data" },
1887    attribute table:data-field { \string })
1888   | attribute table:sort-mode { "none" | "manual" | "name" })
1889  & attribute table:order { "ascending" | "descending" }
1890table-data-pilot-layout-info =
1891  element table:data-pilot-layout-info {
1892    table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist, empty
1893  }
1894table-data-pilot-layout-info-attlist =
1895  attribute table:layout-mode {
1896    "tabular-layout"
1897    | "outline-subtotals-top"
1898    | "outline-subtotals-bottom"
1899  }
1900  & attribute table:add-empty-lines { boolean }
1901table-data-pilot-field-reference =
1902  element table:data-pilot-field-reference {
1903    table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist
1904  }
1905table-data-pilot-field-reference-attlist =
1906  attribute table:field-name { \string }
1907  & ((attribute table:member-type { "named" },
1908      attribute table:member-name { \string })
1909     | attribute table:member-type { "previous" | "next" })
1910  & attribute table:type {
1911      "none"
1912      | "member-difference"
1913      | "member-percentage"
1914      | "member-percentage-difference"
1915      | "running-total"
1916      | "row-percentage"
1917      | "column-percentage"
1918      | "total-percentage"
1919      | "index"
1920    }
1921table-data-pilot-groups =
1922  element table:data-pilot-groups {
1923    table-data-pilot-groups-attlist, table-data-pilot-group+
1924  }
1925table-data-pilot-groups-attlist =
1926  attribute table:source-field-name { \string }
1927  & (attribute table:date-start { dateOrDateTime | "auto" }
1928     | attribute table:start { double | "auto" })
1929  & (attribute table:date-end { dateOrDateTime | "auto" }
1930     | attribute table:end { double | "auto" })
1931  & attribute table:step { double }
1932  & attribute table:grouped-by {
1933      "seconds"
1934      | "minutes"
1935      | "hours"
1936      | "days"
1937      | "months"
1938      | "quarters"
1939      | "years"
1940    }
1941table-data-pilot-group =
1942  element table:data-pilot-group {
1943    table-data-pilot-group-attlist, table-data-pilot-group-member+
1944  }
1945table-data-pilot-group-attlist = attribute table:name { \string }
1946table-data-pilot-group-member =
1947  element table:data-pilot-group-member {
1948    table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist
1949  }
1950table-data-pilot-group-member-attlist = attribute table:name { \string }
1951table-consolidation =
1952  element table:consolidation { table-consolidation-attlist, empty }
1953table-consolidation-attlist =
1954  attribute table:function {
1955    "average"
1956    | "count"
1957    | "countnums"
1958    | "max"
1959    | "min"
1960    | "product"
1961    | "stdev"
1962    | "stdevp"
1963    | "sum"
1964    | "var"
1965    | "varp"
1966    | \string
1967  }
1968  & attribute table:source-cell-range-addresses { cellRangeAddressList }
1969  & attribute table:target-cell-address { cellAddress }
1970  & attribute table:use-labels { "none" | "row" | "column" | "both" }?
1971  & attribute table:link-to-source-data { boolean }?
1972table-dde-links = element table:dde-links { table-dde-link+ }
1973table-tracked-changes =
1974  element table:tracked-changes {
1975    table-tracked-changes-attlist,
1976    (table-cell-content-change
1977     | table-insertion
1978     | table-deletion
1979     | table-movement)*
1980  }
1981table-tracked-changes-attlist =
1982  attribute table:track-changes { boolean }?
1983table-insertion =
1984  element table:insertion {
1985    table-insertion-attlist,
1986    common-table-change-attlist,
1987    office-change-info,
1988    table-dependencies?,
1989    table-deletions?
1990  }
1991table-insertion-attlist =
1992  attribute table:type { "row" | "column" | "table" }
1993  & attribute table:position { integer }
1994  & attribute table:count { positiveInteger }?
1995  & attribute table:table { integer }?
1996table-dependencies = element table:dependencies { table-dependency+ }
1997table-dependency =
1998  element table:dependency {
1999    attribute table:id { \string },
2000    empty
2001  }
2002table-deletions =
2003  element table:deletions {
2004    (table-cell-content-deletion | table-change-deletion)+
2005  }
2006table-cell-content-deletion =
2007  element table:cell-content-deletion {
2008    attribute table:id { \string }?,
2009    table-cell-address?,
2010    table-change-track-table-cell?
2011  }
2012table-change-deletion =
2013  element table:change-deletion {
2014    attribute table:id { \string }?,
2015    empty
2016  }
2017table-deletion =
2018  element table:deletion {
2019    table-deletion-attlist,
2020    common-table-change-attlist,
2021    office-change-info,
2022    table-dependencies?,
2023    table-deletions?,
2024    table-cut-offs?
2025  }
2026table-deletion-attlist =
2027  attribute table:type { "row" | "column" | "table" }
2028  & attribute table:position { integer }
2029  & attribute table:table { integer }?
2030  & attribute table:multi-deletion-spanned { integer }?
2031table-cut-offs =
2032  element table:cut-offs {
2033    table-movement-cut-off+
2034    | (table-insertion-cut-off, table-movement-cut-off*)
2035  }
2036table-insertion-cut-off =
2037  element table:insertion-cut-off {
2038    table-insertion-cut-off-attlist, empty
2039  }
2040table-insertion-cut-off-attlist =
2041  attribute table:id { \string }
2042  & attribute table:position { integer }
2043table-movement-cut-off =
2044  element table:movement-cut-off {
2045    table-movement-cut-off-attlist, empty
2046  }
2047table-movement-cut-off-attlist =
2048  attribute table:position { integer }
2049  | (attribute table:start-position { integer },
2050     attribute table:end-position { integer })
2051table-movement =
2052  element table:movement {
2053    common-table-change-attlist,
2054    table-source-range-address,
2055    table-target-range-address,
2056    office-change-info,
2057    table-dependencies?,
2058    table-deletions?
2059  }
2060table-source-range-address =
2061  element table:source-range-address {
2062    common-table-range-attlist, empty
2063  }
2064table-target-range-address =
2065  element table:target-range-address {
2066    common-table-range-attlist, empty
2067  }
2068common-table-range-attlist =
2069  common-table-cell-address-attlist
2070  | common-table-cell-range-address-attlist
2071common-table-cell-address-attlist =
2072  attribute table:column { integer },
2073  attribute table:row { integer },
2074  attribute table:table { integer }
2075common-table-cell-range-address-attlist =
2076  attribute table:start-column { integer },
2077  attribute table:start-row { integer },
2078  attribute table:start-table { integer },
2079  attribute table:end-column { integer },
2080  attribute table:end-row { integer },
2081  attribute table:end-table { integer }
2082table-change-track-table-cell =
2083  element table:change-track-table-cell {
2084    table-change-track-table-cell-attlist, text-p*
2085  }
2086table-change-track-table-cell-attlist =
2087  attribute table:cell-address { cellAddress }?
2088  & attribute table:matrix-covered { boolean }?
2089  & attribute table:formula { \string }?
2090  & attribute table:number-matrix-columns-spanned { positiveInteger }?
2091  & attribute table:number-matrix-rows-spanned { positiveInteger }?
2092  & common-value-and-type-attlist?
2093table-cell-content-change =
2094  element table:cell-content-change {
2095    common-table-change-attlist,
2096    table-cell-address,
2097    office-change-info,
2098    table-dependencies?,
2099    table-deletions?,
2100    table-previous
2101  }
2102table-cell-address =
2103  element table:cell-address {
2104    common-table-cell-address-attlist, empty
2105  }
2106table-previous =
2107  element table:previous {
2108    attribute table:id { \string }?,
2109    table-change-track-table-cell
2110  }
2111common-table-change-attlist =
2112  attribute table:id { \string }
2113  & attribute table:acceptance-state {
2114      "accepted" | "rejected" | "pending"
2115    }?
2116  & attribute table:rejecting-change-id { \string }?
2117style-handout-master =
2118  element style:handout-master {
2119    common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
2120    style-handout-master-attlist,
2121    shape*
2122  }
2123style-handout-master-attlist =
2124  attribute presentation:presentation-page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
2125  & attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }
2126  & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
2127draw-layer-set = element draw:layer-set { draw-layer* }
2128draw-layer =
2129  element draw:layer { draw-layer-attlist, svg-title?, svg-desc? }
2130draw-layer-attlist =
2131  attribute draw:name { \string }
2132  & attribute draw:protected { boolean }?
2133  & attribute draw:display { "always" | "screen" | "printer" | "none" }?
2134draw-page =
2135  element draw:page {
2136    common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
2137    draw-page-attlist,
2138    svg-title?,
2139    svg-desc?,
2140    draw-layer-set?,
2141    office-forms?,
2142    shape*,
2143    (presentation-animations | animation-element)?,
2144    presentation-notes?
2145  }
2146draw-page-attlist =
2147  attribute draw:name { \string }?
2148  & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
2149  & attribute draw:master-page-name { styleNameRef }
2150  & attribute presentation:presentation-page-layout-name {
2151      styleNameRef
2152    }?
2153  & (xml-id,
2154     attribute draw:id { NCName }?)?
2155  & attribute draw:nav-order { IDREFS }?
2156common-presentation-header-footer-attlist =
2157  attribute presentation:use-header-name { \string }?
2158  & attribute presentation:use-footer-name { \string }?
2159  & attribute presentation:use-date-time-name { \string }?
2160shape = shape-instance | draw-a
2161shape-instance =
2162  draw-rect
2163  | draw-line
2164  | draw-polyline
2165  | draw-polygon
2166  | draw-regular-polygon
2167  | draw-path
2168  | draw-circle
2169  | draw-ellipse
2170  | draw-g
2171  | draw-page-thumbnail
2172  | draw-frame
2173  | draw-measure
2174  | draw-caption
2175  | draw-connector
2176  | draw-control
2177  | dr3d-scene
2178  | draw-custom-shape
2179draw-rect =
2180  element draw:rect {
2181    draw-rect-attlist,
2182    common-draw-position-attlist,
2183    common-draw-size-attlist,
2184    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2185    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2186    svg-title?,
2187    svg-desc?,
2188    office-event-listeners?,
2189    draw-glue-point*,
2190    draw-text
2191  }
2192draw-rect-attlist =
2193  attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
2194  | (attribute svg:rx { nonNegativeLength }?,
2195     attribute svg:ry { nonNegativeLength }?)
2196draw-line =
2197  element draw:line {
2198    draw-line-attlist,
2199    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2200    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2201    svg-title?,
2202    svg-desc?,
2203    office-event-listeners?,
2204    draw-glue-point*,
2205    draw-text
2206  }
2207draw-line-attlist =
2208  attribute svg:x1 { coordinate }
2209  & attribute svg:y1 { coordinate }
2210  & attribute svg:x2 { coordinate }
2211  & attribute svg:y2 { coordinate }
2212draw-polyline =
2213  element draw:polyline {
2214    common-draw-points-attlist,
2215    common-draw-position-attlist,
2216    common-draw-size-attlist,
2217    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2218    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2219    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2220    svg-title?,
2221    svg-desc?,
2222    office-event-listeners?,
2223    draw-glue-point*,
2224    draw-text
2225  }
2226common-draw-points-attlist = attribute draw:points { points }
2227draw-polygon =
2228  element draw:polygon {
2229    common-draw-points-attlist,
2230    common-draw-position-attlist,
2231    common-draw-size-attlist,
2232    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2233    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2234    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2235    svg-title?,
2236    svg-desc?,
2237    office-event-listeners?,
2238    draw-glue-point*,
2239    draw-text
2240  }
2241draw-regular-polygon =
2242  element draw:regular-polygon {
2243    draw-regular-polygon-attlist,
2244    common-draw-position-attlist,
2245    common-draw-size-attlist,
2246    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2247    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2248    svg-title?,
2249    svg-desc?,
2250    office-event-listeners?,
2251    draw-glue-point*,
2252    draw-text
2253  }
2254draw-regular-polygon-attlist =
2255  (attribute draw:concave { "false" }
2256   | (attribute draw:concave { "true" },
2257      draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist))
2258  & attribute draw:corners { positiveInteger }
2259draw-regular-polygon-sharpness-attlist =
2260  attribute draw:sharpness { percent }
2261draw-path =
2262  element draw:path {
2263    common-draw-path-data-attlist,
2264    common-draw-position-attlist,
2265    common-draw-size-attlist,
2266    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2267    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2268    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2269    svg-title?,
2270    svg-desc?,
2271    office-event-listeners?,
2272    draw-glue-point*,
2273    draw-text
2274  }
2275common-draw-path-data-attlist = attribute svg:d { pathData }
2276draw-circle =
2277  element draw:circle {
2278    ((draw-circle-attlist, common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist)
2279     | (common-draw-position-attlist, common-draw-size-attlist)),
2280    common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist,
2281    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2282    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2283    svg-title?,
2284    svg-desc?,
2285    office-event-listeners?,
2286    draw-glue-point*,
2287    draw-text
2288  }
2289common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist =
2290  attribute svg:cx { coordinate },
2291  attribute svg:cy { coordinate }
2292draw-circle-attlist = attribute svg:r { length }
2293common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist =
2294  attribute draw:kind { "full" | "section" | "cut" | "arc" }?
2295  & attribute draw:start-angle { angle }?
2296  & attribute draw:end-angle { angle }?
2297draw-ellipse =
2298  element draw:ellipse {
2299    ((draw-ellipse-attlist, common-draw-circle-ellipse-pos-attlist)
2300     | (common-draw-position-attlist, common-draw-size-attlist)),
2301    common-draw-circle-ellipse-attlist,
2302    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2303    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2304    svg-title?,
2305    svg-desc?,
2306    office-event-listeners?,
2307    draw-glue-point*,
2308    draw-text
2309  }
2310draw-ellipse-attlist =
2311  attribute svg:rx { length },
2312  attribute svg:ry { length }
2313draw-connector =
2314  element draw:connector {
2315    draw-connector-attlist,
2316    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2317    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2318    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2319    svg-title?,
2320    svg-desc?,
2321    office-event-listeners?,
2322    draw-glue-point*,
2323    draw-text
2324  }
2325draw-connector-attlist =
2326  attribute draw:type { "standard" | "lines" | "line" | "curve" }?
2327  & (attribute svg:x1 { coordinate },
2328     attribute svg:y1 { coordinate })?
2329  & attribute draw:start-shape { IDREF }?
2330  & attribute draw:start-glue-point { nonNegativeInteger }?
2331  & (attribute svg:x2 { coordinate },
2332     attribute svg:y2 { coordinate })?
2333  & attribute draw:end-shape { IDREF }?
2334  & attribute draw:end-glue-point { nonNegativeInteger }?
2335  & attribute draw:line-skew {
2336      list { length, (length, length?)? }
2337    }?
2338  & attribute svg:d { pathData }?
2339draw-caption =
2340  element draw:caption {
2341    draw-caption-attlist,
2342    common-draw-position-attlist,
2343    common-draw-size-attlist,
2344    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2345    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2346    svg-title?,
2347    svg-desc?,
2348    office-event-listeners?,
2349    draw-glue-point*,
2350    draw-text
2351  }
2352draw-caption-attlist =
2353  (attribute draw:caption-point-x { coordinate },
2354   attribute draw:caption-point-y { coordinate })?
2355  & attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
2356draw-measure =
2357  element draw:measure {
2358    draw-measure-attlist,
2359    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2360    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2361    svg-title?,
2362    svg-desc?,
2363    office-event-listeners?,
2364    draw-glue-point*,
2365    draw-text
2366  }
2367draw-measure-attlist =
2368  attribute svg:x1 { coordinate }
2369  & attribute svg:y1 { coordinate }
2370  & attribute svg:x2 { coordinate }
2371  & attribute svg:y2 { coordinate }
2372draw-control =
2373  element draw:control {
2374    draw-control-attlist,
2375    common-draw-position-attlist,
2376    common-draw-size-attlist,
2377    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2378    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2379    svg-title?,
2380    svg-desc?,
2381    draw-glue-point*
2382  }
2383draw-control-attlist = attribute draw:control { IDREF }
2384draw-page-thumbnail =
2385  element draw:page-thumbnail {
2386    draw-page-thumbnail-attlist,
2387    common-draw-position-attlist,
2388    common-draw-size-attlist,
2389    presentation-shape-attlist,
2390    common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist,
2391    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2392    svg-title?,
2393    svg-desc?
2394  }
2395draw-page-thumbnail-attlist =
2396  attribute draw:page-number { positiveInteger }?
2397draw-g =
2398  element draw:g {
2399    draw-g-attlist,
2400    common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2401    common-draw-name-attlist,
2402    common-draw-id-attlist,
2403    common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2404    common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist,
2405    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2406    svg-title?,
2407    svg-desc?,
2408    office-event-listeners?,
2409    draw-glue-point*,
2410    shape*
2411  }
2412draw-g-attlist = attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
2413common-draw-name-attlist = attribute draw:name { \string }?
2414common-draw-caption-id-attlist = attribute draw:caption-id { IDREF }?
2415common-draw-position-attlist =
2416  attribute svg:x { coordinate }?,
2417  attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
2418common-draw-size-attlist =
2419  attribute svg:width { length }?,
2420  attribute svg:height { length }?
2421common-draw-transform-attlist = attribute draw:transform { \string }?
2422common-draw-viewbox-attlist =
2423  attribute svg:viewBox {
2424    list { integer, integer, integer, integer }
2425  }
2426common-draw-style-name-attlist =
2427  (attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
2428   attribute draw:class-names { styleNameRefs }?)
2429  | (attribute presentation:style-name { styleNameRef }?,
2430     attribute presentation:class-names { styleNameRefs }?)
2431common-draw-text-style-name-attlist =
2432  attribute draw:text-style-name { styleNameRef }?
2433common-draw-layer-name-attlist = attribute draw:layer { \string }?
2434common-draw-id-attlist =
2435  (xml-id,
2436   attribute draw:id { NCName }?)?
2437common-draw-z-index-attlist =
2438  attribute draw:z-index { nonNegativeInteger }?
2439common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist =
2440  attribute table:end-cell-address { cellAddress }?
2441  & attribute table:end-x { coordinate }?
2442  & attribute table:end-y { coordinate }?
2443  & attribute table:table-background { boolean }?
2444  & common-text-anchor-attlist
2445common-text-anchor-attlist =
2446  attribute text:anchor-type {
2447    "page" | "frame" | "paragraph" | "char" | "as-char"
2448  }?
2449  & attribute text:anchor-page-number { positiveInteger }?
2450draw-text = (text-p | text-list)*
2451common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist =
2452  common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2453  common-draw-id-attlist,
2454  common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
2455  common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2456  common-draw-transform-attlist,
2457  common-draw-name-attlist,
2458  common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist
2459common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist =
2460  common-draw-shape-with-styles-attlist,
2461  common-draw-text-style-name-attlist
2462draw-glue-point =
2463  element draw:glue-point { draw-glue-point-attlist, empty }
2464draw-glue-point-attlist =
2465  attribute draw:id { nonNegativeInteger }
2466  & attribute svg:x { distance | percent }
2467  & attribute svg:y { distance | percent }
2468  & attribute draw:align {
2469      "top-left"
2470      | "top"
2471      | "top-right"
2472      | "left"
2473      | "center"
2474      | "right"
2475      | "bottom-left"
2476      | "bottom-right"
2477    }?
2478  & attribute draw:escape-direction {
2479      "auto"
2480      | "left"
2481      | "right"
2482      | "up"
2483      | "down"
2484      | "horizontal"
2485      | "vertical"
2486    }
2487svg-title = element svg:title { text }
2488svg-desc = element svg:desc { text }
2489draw-frame =
2490  element draw:frame {
2491    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2492    common-draw-position-attlist,
2493    common-draw-rel-size-attlist,
2494    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2495    presentation-shape-attlist,
2496    draw-frame-attlist,
2497    (draw-text-box
2498     | draw-image
2499     | draw-object
2500     | draw-object-ole
2501     | draw-applet
2502     | draw-floating-frame
2503     | draw-plugin
2504     | table-table)*,
2505    office-event-listeners?,
2506    draw-glue-point*,
2507    draw-image-map?,
2508    svg-title?,
2509    svg-desc?,
2510    (draw-contour-polygon | draw-contour-path)?
2511  }
2512common-draw-rel-size-attlist =
2513  common-draw-size-attlist,
2514  attribute style:rel-width { percent | "scale" | "scale-min" }?,
2515  attribute style:rel-height { percent | "scale" | "scale-min" }?
2516draw-frame-attlist = attribute draw:copy-of { \string }?
2517draw-text-box =
2518  element draw:text-box { draw-text-box-attlist, text-content* }
2519draw-text-box-attlist =
2520  attribute draw:chain-next-name { \string }?
2521  & attribute draw:corner-radius { nonNegativeLength }?
2522  & attribute fo:min-height { length | percent }?
2523  & attribute fo:min-width { length | percent }?
2524  & attribute fo:max-height { length | percent }?
2525  & attribute fo:max-width { length | percent }?
2526  & (xml-id,
2527     attribute text:id { NCName }?)?
2528draw-image =
2529  element draw:image {
2530    draw-image-attlist,
2531    (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data),
2532    draw-text
2533  }
2534common-draw-data-attlist =
2535  attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
2536  attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
2537  attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
2538  attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?
2539office-binary-data = element office:binary-data { base64Binary }
2540draw-image-attlist =
2541  attribute draw:filter-name { \string }?
2542  & xml-id?
2543draw-object =
2544  element draw:object {
2545    draw-object-attlist,
2546    (common-draw-data-attlist | office-document | math-math)
2547  }
2548draw-object-ole =
2549  element draw:object-ole {
2550    draw-object-ole-attlist,
2551    (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data)
2552  }
2553draw-object-attlist =
2554  attribute draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges {
2555    cellRangeAddressList | \string
2556  }?
2557  & xml-id?
2558draw-object-ole-attlist =
2559  attribute draw:class-id { \string }?
2560  & xml-id?
2561draw-applet =
2562  element draw:applet {
2563    draw-applet-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist?, draw-param*
2564  }
2565draw-applet-attlist =
2566  attribute draw:code { \string }?
2567  & attribute draw:object { \string }?
2568  & attribute draw:archive { \string }?
2569  & attribute draw:may-script { boolean }?
2570  & xml-id?
2571draw-plugin =
2572  element draw:plugin {
2573    draw-plugin-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist, draw-param*
2574  }
2575draw-plugin-attlist =
2576  attribute draw:mime-type { \string }?
2577  & xml-id?
2578draw-param = element draw:param { draw-param-attlist, empty }
2579draw-param-attlist =
2580  attribute draw:name { \string }?
2581  & attribute draw:value { \string }?
2582draw-floating-frame =
2583  element draw:floating-frame {
2584    draw-floating-frame-attlist, common-draw-data-attlist
2585  }
2586draw-floating-frame-attlist =
2587  attribute draw:frame-name { \string }?
2588  & xml-id?
2589draw-contour-polygon =
2590  element draw:contour-polygon {
2591    common-contour-attlist,
2592    common-draw-size-attlist,
2593    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2594    common-draw-points-attlist,
2595    empty
2596  }
2597draw-contour-path =
2598  element draw:contour-path {
2599    common-contour-attlist,
2600    common-draw-size-attlist,
2601    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2602    common-draw-path-data-attlist,
2603    empty
2604  }
2605common-contour-attlist = attribute draw:recreate-on-edit { boolean }
2606draw-a = element draw:a { draw-a-attlist, shape-instance }
2607draw-a-attlist =
2608  attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
2609  & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
2610  & attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
2611  & attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?
2612  & attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?
2613  & attribute office:name { \string }?
2614  & attribute office:title { \string }?
2615  & attribute office:server-map { boolean }?
2616  & xml-id?
2617draw-image-map =
2618  element draw:image-map {
2619    (draw-area-rectangle | draw-area-circle | draw-area-polygon)*
2620  }
2621draw-area-rectangle =
2622  element draw:area-rectangle {
2623    common-draw-area-attlist,
2624    attribute svg:x { coordinate },
2625    attribute svg:y { coordinate },
2626    attribute svg:width { length },
2627    attribute svg:height { length },
2628    svg-title?,
2629    svg-desc?,
2630    office-event-listeners?
2631  }
2632draw-area-circle =
2633  element draw:area-circle {
2634    common-draw-area-attlist,
2635    attribute svg:cx { coordinate },
2636    attribute svg:cy { coordinate },
2637    attribute svg:r { length },
2638    svg-title?,
2639    svg-desc?,
2640    office-event-listeners?
2641  }
2642draw-area-polygon =
2643  element draw:area-polygon {
2644    common-draw-area-attlist,
2645    attribute svg:x { coordinate },
2646    attribute svg:y { coordinate },
2647    attribute svg:width { length },
2648    attribute svg:height { length },
2649    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2650    common-draw-points-attlist,
2651    svg-title?,
2652    svg-desc?,
2653    office-event-listeners?
2654  }
2655common-draw-area-attlist =
2656  (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
2657   attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
2658   attribute office:target-frame-name { targetFrameName }?,
2659   attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?)?
2660  & attribute office:name { \string }?
2661  & attribute draw:nohref { "nohref" }?
2662dr3d-scene =
2663  element dr3d:scene {
2664    dr3d-scene-attlist,
2665    common-draw-position-attlist,
2666    common-draw-size-attlist,
2667    common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2668    common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2669    common-draw-id-attlist,
2670    common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
2671    common-text-spreadsheet-shape-attlist,
2672    common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
2673    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2674    svg-title?,
2675    svg-desc?,
2676    dr3d-light*,
2677    shapes3d*,
2678    draw-glue-point*
2679  }
2680shapes3d =
2681  dr3d-scene | dr3d-extrude | dr3d-sphere | dr3d-rotate | dr3d-cube
2682dr3d-scene-attlist =
2683  attribute dr3d:vrp { vector3D }?
2684  & attribute dr3d:vpn { vector3D }?
2685  & attribute dr3d:vup { vector3D }?
2686  & attribute dr3d:projection { "parallel" | "perspective" }?
2687  & attribute dr3d:distance { length }?
2688  & attribute dr3d:focal-length { length }?
2689  & attribute dr3d:shadow-slant { angle }?
2690  & attribute dr3d:shade-mode {
2691      "flat" | "phong" | "gouraud" | "draft"
2692    }?
2693  & attribute dr3d:ambient-color { color }?
2694  & attribute dr3d:lighting-mode { boolean }?
2695common-dr3d-transform-attlist = attribute dr3d:transform { \string }?
2696dr3d-light = element dr3d:light { dr3d-light-attlist, empty }
2697dr3d-light-attlist =
2698  attribute dr3d:diffuse-color { color }?
2699  & attribute dr3d:direction { vector3D }
2700  & attribute dr3d:enabled { boolean }?
2701  & attribute dr3d:specular { boolean }?
2702dr3d-cube =
2703  element dr3d:cube {
2704    dr3d-cube-attlist,
2705    common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2706    common-draw-id-attlist,
2707    common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
2708    common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2709    common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
2710    empty
2711  }
2712dr3d-cube-attlist =
2713  attribute dr3d:min-edge { vector3D }?,
2714  attribute dr3d:max-edge { vector3D }?
2715dr3d-sphere =
2716  element dr3d:sphere {
2717    dr3d-sphere-attlist,
2718    common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2719    common-draw-id-attlist,
2720    common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
2721    common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2722    common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
2723    empty
2724  }
2725dr3d-sphere-attlist =
2726  attribute dr3d:center { vector3D }?
2727  & attribute dr3d:size { vector3D }?
2728dr3d-extrude =
2729  element dr3d:extrude {
2730    common-draw-path-data-attlist,
2731    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2732    common-draw-id-attlist,
2733    common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2734    common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
2735    common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2736    common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
2737    empty
2738  }
2739dr3d-rotate =
2740  element dr3d:rotate {
2741    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
2742    common-draw-path-data-attlist,
2743    common-draw-z-index-attlist,
2744    common-draw-id-attlist,
2745    common-draw-layer-name-attlist,
2746    common-draw-style-name-attlist,
2747    common-dr3d-transform-attlist,
2748    empty
2749  }
2750draw-custom-shape =
2751  element draw:custom-shape {
2752    draw-custom-shape-attlist,
2753    common-draw-position-attlist,
2754    common-draw-size-attlist,
2755    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
2756    common-draw-caption-id-attlist,
2757    svg-title?,
2758    svg-desc?,
2759    office-event-listeners?,
2760    draw-glue-point*,
2761    draw-text,
2762    draw-enhanced-geometry?
2763  }
2764draw-custom-shape-attlist =
2765  attribute draw:engine { namespacedToken }?
2766  & attribute draw:data { \string }?
2767draw-enhanced-geometry =
2768  element draw:enhanced-geometry {
2769    draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist, draw-equation*, draw-handle*
2770  }
2771draw-enhanced-geometry-attlist =
2772  attribute draw:type { custom-shape-type }?
2773  & attribute svg:viewBox {
2774      list { integer, integer, integer, integer }
2775    }?
2776  & attribute draw:mirror-vertical { boolean }?
2777  & attribute draw:mirror-horizontal { boolean }?
2778  & attribute draw:text-rotate-angle { angle }?
2779  & attribute draw:extrusion-allowed { boolean }?
2780  & attribute draw:text-path-allowed { boolean }?
2781  & attribute draw:concentric-gradient-fill-allowed { boolean }?
2782  & attribute draw:extrusion { boolean }?
2783  & attribute draw:extrusion-brightness { zeroToHundredPercent }?
2784  & attribute draw:extrusion-depth {
2785      list { length, double }
2786    }?
2787  & attribute draw:extrusion-diffusion { percent }?
2788  & attribute draw:extrusion-number-of-line-segments { integer }?
2789  & attribute draw:extrusion-light-face { boolean }?
2790  & attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-harsh { boolean }?
2791  & attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-harsh { boolean }?
2792  & attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-level { zeroToHundredPercent }?
2793  & attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-level {
2794      zeroToHundredPercent
2795    }?
2796  & attribute draw:extrusion-first-light-direction { vector3D }?
2797  & attribute draw:extrusion-second-light-direction { vector3D }?
2798  & attribute draw:extrusion-metal { boolean }?
2799  & attribute dr3d:shade-mode {
2800      "flat" | "phong" | "gouraud" | "draft"
2801    }?
2802  & attribute draw:extrusion-rotation-angle {
2803      list { angle, angle }
2804    }?
2805  & attribute draw:extrusion-rotation-center { vector3D }?
2806  & attribute draw:extrusion-shininess { zeroToHundredPercent }?
2807  & attribute draw:extrusion-skew {
2808      list { double, angle }
2809    }?
2810  & attribute draw:extrusion-specularity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
2811  & attribute dr3d:projection { "parallel" | "perspective" }?
2812  & attribute draw:extrusion-viewpoint { point3D }?
2813  & attribute draw:extrusion-origin {
2814      list { extrusionOrigin, extrusionOrigin }
2815    }?
2816  & attribute draw:extrusion-color { boolean }?
2817  & attribute draw:enhanced-path { \string }?
2818  & attribute draw:path-stretchpoint-x { double }?
2819  & attribute draw:path-stretchpoint-y { double }?
2820  & attribute draw:text-areas { \string }?
2821  & attribute draw:glue-points { \string }?
2822  & attribute draw:glue-point-type {
2823      "none" | "segments" | "rectangle"
2824    }?
2825  & attribute draw:glue-point-leaving-directions { \string }?
2826  & attribute draw:text-path { boolean }?
2827  & attribute draw:text-path-mode { "normal" | "path" | "shape" }?
2828  & attribute draw:text-path-scale { "path" | "shape" }?
2829  & attribute draw:text-path-same-letter-heights { boolean }?
2830  & attribute draw:modifiers { \string }?
2831custom-shape-type = "non-primitive" | \string
2832point3D =
2833  xsd:string {
2834    pattern =
2835      "\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))){2}[ ]*\)"
2836  }
2837extrusionOrigin =
2838  xsd:double { minInclusive = "-0.5" maxInclusive = "0.5" }
2839draw-equation = element draw:equation { draw-equation-attlist, empty }
2840draw-equation-attlist =
2841  attribute draw:name { \string }?
2842  & attribute draw:formula { \string }?
2843draw-handle = element draw:handle { draw-handle-attlist, empty }
2844draw-handle-attlist =
2845  attribute draw:handle-mirror-vertical { boolean }?
2846  & attribute draw:handle-mirror-horizontal { boolean }?
2847  & attribute draw:handle-switched { boolean }?
2848  & attribute draw:handle-position { \string }
2849  & attribute draw:handle-range-x-minimum { \string }?
2850  & attribute draw:handle-range-x-maximum { \string }?
2851  & attribute draw:handle-range-y-minimum { \string }?
2852  & attribute draw:handle-range-y-maximum { \string }?
2853  & attribute draw:handle-polar { \string }?
2854  & attribute draw:handle-radius-range-minimum { \string }?
2855  & attribute draw:handle-radius-range-maximum { \string }?
2856presentation-shape-attlist =
2857  attribute presentation:class { presentation-classes }?
2858  & attribute presentation:placeholder { boolean }?
2859  & attribute presentation:user-transformed { boolean }?
2860presentation-classes =
2861  "title"
2862  | "outline"
2863  | "subtitle"
2864  | "text"
2865  | "graphic"
2866  | "object"
2867  | "chart"
2868  | "table"
2869  | "orgchart"
2870  | "page"
2871  | "notes"
2872  | "handout"
2873  | "header"
2874  | "footer"
2875  | "date-time"
2876  | "page-number"
2877presentation-animations =
2878  element presentation:animations {
2879    (presentation-animation-elements | presentation-animation-group)*
2880  }
2881presentation-animation-elements =
2882  presentation-show-shape
2883  | presentation-show-text
2884  | presentation-hide-shape
2885  | presentation-hide-text
2886  | presentation-dim
2887  | presentation-play
2888presentation-sound =
2889  element presentation:sound {
2890    presentation-sound-attlist,
2891    attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
2892    attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
2893    attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?,
2894    attribute xlink:show { "new" | "replace" }?,
2895    empty
2896  }
2897presentation-sound-attlist =
2898  attribute presentation:play-full { boolean }?
2899  & xml-id?
2900presentation-show-shape =
2901  element presentation:show-shape {
2902    common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
2903  }
2904common-presentation-effect-attlist =
2905  attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF }
2906  & attribute presentation:effect { presentationEffects }?
2907  & attribute presentation:direction { presentationEffectDirections }?
2908  & attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
2909  & attribute presentation:delay { duration }?
2910  & attribute presentation:start-scale { percent }?
2911  & attribute presentation:path-id { \string }?
2912presentationEffects =
2913  "none"
2914  | "fade"
2915  | "move"
2916  | "stripes"
2917  | "open"
2918  | "close"
2919  | "dissolve"
2920  | "wavyline"
2921  | "random"
2922  | "lines"
2923  | "laser"
2924  | "appear"
2925  | "hide"
2926  | "move-short"
2927  | "checkerboard"
2928  | "rotate"
2929  | "stretch"
2930presentationEffectDirections =
2931  "none"
2932  | "from-left"
2933  | "from-top"
2934  | "from-right"
2935  | "from-bottom"
2936  | "from-center"
2937  | "from-upper-left"
2938  | "from-upper-right"
2939  | "from-lower-left"
2940  | "from-lower-right"
2941  | "to-left"
2942  | "to-top"
2943  | "to-right"
2944  | "to-bottom"
2945  | "to-upper-left"
2946  | "to-upper-right"
2947  | "to-lower-right"
2948  | "to-lower-left"
2949  | "path"
2950  | "spiral-inward-left"
2951  | "spiral-inward-right"
2952  | "spiral-outward-left"
2953  | "spiral-outward-right"
2954  | "vertical"
2955  | "horizontal"
2956  | "to-center"
2957  | "clockwise"
2958  | "counter-clockwise"
2959presentationSpeeds = "slow" | "medium" | "fast"
2960presentation-show-text =
2961  element presentation:show-text {
2962    common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
2963  }
2964presentation-hide-shape =
2965  element presentation:hide-shape {
2966    common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
2967  }
2968presentation-hide-text =
2969  element presentation:hide-text {
2970    common-presentation-effect-attlist, presentation-sound?
2971  }
2972presentation-dim =
2973  element presentation:dim {
2974    presentation-dim-attlist, presentation-sound?
2975  }
2976presentation-dim-attlist =
2977  attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF }
2978  & attribute draw:color { color }
2979presentation-play =
2980  element presentation:play { presentation-play-attlist, empty }
2981presentation-play-attlist =
2982  attribute draw:shape-id { IDREF },
2983  attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
2984presentation-animation-group =
2985  element presentation:animation-group {
2986    presentation-animation-elements*
2987  }
2988common-anim-attlist =
2989  attribute presentation:node-type {
2990    "default"
2991    | "on-click"
2992    | "with-previous"
2993    | "after-previous"
2994    | "timing-root"
2995    | "main-sequence"
2996    | "interactive-sequence"
2997  }?
2998  & attribute presentation:preset-id { \string }?
2999  & attribute presentation:preset-sub-type { \string }?
3000  & attribute presentation:preset-class {
3001      "custom"
3002      | "entrance"
3003      | "exit"
3004      | "emphasis"
3005      | "motion-path"
3006      | "ole-action"
3007      | "media-call"
3008    }?
3009  & attribute presentation:master-element { IDREF }?
3010  & attribute presentation:group-id { \string }?
3011  & (xml-id,
3012     attribute anim:id { NCName }?)?
3013presentation-event-listener =
3014  element presentation:event-listener {
3015    presentation-event-listener-attlist, presentation-sound?
3016  }
3017presentation-event-listener-attlist =
3018  attribute script:event-name { \string }
3019  & attribute presentation:action {
3020      "none"
3021      | "previous-page"
3022      | "next-page"
3023      | "first-page"
3024      | "last-page"
3025      | "hide"
3026      | "stop"
3027      | "execute"
3028      | "show"
3029      | "verb"
3030      | "fade-out"
3031      | "sound"
3032      | "last-visited-page"
3033    }
3034  & attribute presentation:effect { presentationEffects }?
3035  & attribute presentation:direction { presentationEffectDirections }?
3036  & attribute presentation:speed { presentationSpeeds }?
3037  & attribute presentation:start-scale { percent }?
3038  & (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
3039     attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
3040     attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
3041     attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
3042  & attribute presentation:verb { nonNegativeInteger }?
3043presentation-decls = presentation-decl*
3044presentation-decl =
3045  element presentation:header-decl {
3046    presentation-header-decl-attlist, text
3047  }
3048  | element presentation:footer-decl {
3049      presentation-footer-decl-attlist, text
3050    }
3051  | element presentation:date-time-decl {
3052      presentation-date-time-decl-attlist, text
3053    }
3054presentation-header-decl-attlist =
3055  attribute presentation:name { \string }
3056presentation-footer-decl-attlist =
3057  attribute presentation:name { \string }
3058presentation-date-time-decl-attlist =
3059  attribute presentation:name { \string }
3060  & attribute presentation:source { "fixed" | "current-date" }
3061  & attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
3062presentation-settings =
3063  element presentation:settings {
3064    presentation-settings-attlist, presentation-show*
3065  }?
3066presentation-settings-attlist =
3067  attribute presentation:start-page { \string }?
3068  & attribute presentation:show { \string }?
3069  & attribute presentation:full-screen { boolean }?
3070  & attribute presentation:endless { boolean }?
3071  & attribute presentation:pause { duration }?
3072  & attribute presentation:show-logo { boolean }?
3073  & attribute presentation:force-manual { boolean }?
3074  & attribute presentation:mouse-visible { boolean }?
3075  & attribute presentation:mouse-as-pen { boolean }?
3076  & attribute presentation:start-with-navigator { boolean }?
3077  & attribute presentation:animations { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
3078  & attribute presentation:transition-on-click {
3079      "enabled" | "disabled"
3080    }?
3081  & attribute presentation:stay-on-top { boolean }?
3082  & attribute presentation:show-end-of-presentation-slide { boolean }?
3083presentation-show =
3084  element presentation:show { presentation-show-attlist, empty }
3085presentation-show-attlist =
3086  attribute presentation:name { \string }
3087  & attribute presentation:pages { \string }
3088chart-chart =
3089  element chart:chart {
3090    chart-chart-attlist,
3091    chart-title?,
3092    chart-subtitle?,
3093    chart-footer?,
3094    chart-legend?,
3095    chart-plot-area,
3096    table-table?
3097  }
3098chart-chart-attlist =
3099  attribute chart:class { namespacedToken }
3100  & common-draw-size-attlist
3101  & attribute chart:column-mapping { \string }?
3102  & attribute chart:row-mapping { \string }?
3103  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3104  & (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
3105     attribute xlink:href { anyIRI })?
3106  & xml-id?
3107chart-title = element chart:title { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
3108chart-title-attlist =
3109  attribute table:cell-range { cellRangeAddressList }?
3110  & common-draw-position-attlist
3111  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3112chart-subtitle = element chart:subtitle { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
3113chart-footer = element chart:footer { chart-title-attlist, text-p? }
3114chart-legend = element chart:legend { chart-legend-attlist, text-p? }
3115chart-legend-attlist =
3116  ((attribute chart:legend-position {
3117      "start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom"
3118    },
3119    attribute chart:legend-align { "start" | "center" | "end" }?)
3120   | attribute chart:legend-position {
3121       "top-start" | "bottom-start" | "top-end" | "bottom-end"
3122     }
3123   | empty)
3124  & common-draw-position-attlist
3125  & (attribute style:legend-expansion { "wide" | "high" | "balanced" }
3126     | (attribute style:legend-expansion { "custom" },
3127        attribute style:legend-expansion-aspect-ratio { double })
3128     | empty)
3129  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3130chart-plot-area =
3131  element chart:plot-area {
3132    chart-plot-area-attlist,
3133    dr3d-light*,
3134    chart-axis*,
3135    chart-series*,
3136    chart-stock-gain-marker?,
3137    chart-stock-loss-marker?,
3138    chart-stock-range-line?,
3139    chart-wall?,
3140    chart-floor?
3141  }
3142chart-plot-area-attlist =
3143  common-draw-position-attlist
3144  & common-draw-size-attlist
3145  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3146  & attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
3147  & attribute chart:data-source-has-labels {
3148      "none" | "row" | "column" | "both"
3149    }?
3150  & dr3d-scene-attlist
3151  & common-dr3d-transform-attlist
3152  & xml-id?
3153chart-wall = element chart:wall { chart-wall-attlist, empty }
3154chart-wall-attlist =
3155  attribute svg:width { length }?
3156  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3157chart-floor = element chart:floor { chart-floor-attlist, empty }
3158chart-floor-attlist =
3159  attribute svg:width { length }?
3160  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3161chart-axis =
3162  element chart:axis {
3163    chart-axis-attlist, chart-title?, chart-categories?, chart-grid*
3164  }
3165chart-axis-attlist =
3166  attribute chart:dimension { chart-dimension }
3167  & attribute chart:name { \string }?
3168  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3169chart-dimension = "x" | "y" | "z"
3170chart-categories =
3171  element chart:categories {
3172    attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
3173  }
3174chart-grid = element chart:grid { chart-grid-attlist }
3175chart-grid-attlist =
3176  attribute chart:class { "major" | "minor" }?
3177  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3178chart-series =
3179  element chart:series {
3180    chart-series-attlist,
3181    chart-domain*,
3182    chart-mean-value?,
3183    chart-regression-curve*,
3184    chart-error-indicator*,
3185    chart-data-point*,
3186    chart-data-label?
3187  }
3188chart-series-attlist =
3189  attribute chart:values-cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
3190  & attribute chart:label-cell-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
3191  & attribute chart:class { namespacedToken }?
3192  & attribute chart:attached-axis { \string }?
3193  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3194  & xml-id?
3195chart-domain =
3196  element chart:domain {
3197    attribute table:cell-range-address { cellRangeAddressList }?
3198  }
3199chart-data-point =
3200  element chart:data-point {
3201    chart-data-point-attlist, chart-data-label?
3202  }
3203chart-data-point-attlist =
3204  attribute chart:repeated { positiveInteger }?
3205  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3206  & xml-id?
3207chart-data-label =
3208  element chart:data-label { chart-data-label-attlist, text-p? }
3209chart-data-label-attlist =
3210  common-draw-position-attlist
3211  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3212chart-mean-value =
3213  element chart:mean-value { chart-mean-value-attlist, empty }
3214chart-mean-value-attlist = attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3215chart-error-indicator =
3216  element chart:error-indicator { chart-error-indicator-attlist, empty }
3217chart-error-indicator-attlist =
3218  attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3219  & attribute chart:dimension { chart-dimension }
3220chart-regression-curve =
3221  element chart:regression-curve {
3222    chart-regression-curve-attlist, chart-equation?
3223  }
3224chart-regression-curve-attlist =
3225  attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3226chart-equation =
3227  element chart:equation { chart-equation-attlist, text-p? }
3228chart-equation-attlist =
3229  attribute chart:automatic-content { boolean }?
3230  & attribute chart:display-r-square { boolean }?
3231  & attribute chart:display-equation { boolean }?
3232  & common-draw-position-attlist
3233  & attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3234chart-stock-gain-marker =
3235  element chart:stock-gain-marker { common-stock-marker-attlist }
3236chart-stock-loss-marker =
3237  element chart:stock-loss-marker { common-stock-marker-attlist }
3238chart-stock-range-line =
3239  element chart:stock-range-line { common-stock-marker-attlist }
3240common-stock-marker-attlist =
3241  attribute chart:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3242office-database =
3243  element office:database {
3244    db-data-source,
3245    db-forms?,
3246    db-reports?,
3247    db-queries?,
3248    db-table-presentations?,
3249    db-schema-definition?
3250  }
3251db-data-source =
3252  element db:data-source {
3253    db-data-source-attlist,
3254    db-connection-data,
3255    db-driver-settings?,
3256    db-application-connection-settings?
3257  }
3258db-data-source-attlist = empty
3259db-connection-data =
3260  element db:connection-data {
3261    db-connection-data-attlist,
3262    (db-database-description | db-connection-resource),
3263    db-login?
3264  }
3265db-connection-data-attlist = empty
3266db-database-description =
3267  element db:database-description {
3268    db-database-description-attlist,
3269    (db-file-based-database | db-server-database)
3270  }
3271db-database-description-attlist = empty
3272db-file-based-database =
3273  element db:file-based-database { db-file-based-database-attlist }
3274db-file-based-database-attlist =
3275  attribute xlink:type { "simple" }
3276  & attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
3277  & attribute db:media-type { \string }
3278  & attribute db:extension { \string }?
3279db-server-database =
3280  element db:server-database { db-server-database-attlist, empty }
3281db-server-database-attlist =
3282  attribute db:type { namespacedToken }
3283  & (db-host-and-port | db-local-socket-name)
3284  & attribute db:database-name { \string }?
3285db-host-and-port =
3286  attribute db:hostname { \string },
3287  attribute db:port { positiveInteger }?
3288db-local-socket-name = attribute db:local-socket { \string }?
3289db-connection-resource =
3290  element db:connection-resource {
3291    db-connection-resource-attlist, empty
3292  }
3293db-connection-resource-attlist =
3294  attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
3295  attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
3296  attribute xlink:show { "none" }?,
3297  attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
3298db-login = element db:login { db-login-attlist, empty }
3299db-login-attlist =
3300  (attribute db:user-name { \string }
3301   | attribute db:use-system-user { boolean })?
3302  & attribute db:is-password-required { boolean }?
3303  & attribute db:login-timeout { positiveInteger }?
3304db-driver-settings =
3305  element db:driver-settings {
3306    db-driver-settings-attlist,
3307    db-auto-increment?,
3308    db-delimiter?,
3309    db-character-set?,
3310    db-table-settings?
3311  }
3312db-driver-settings-attlist =
3313  db-show-deleted
3314  & attribute db:system-driver-settings { \string }?
3315  & attribute db:base-dn { \string }?
3316  & db-is-first-row-header-line
3317  & attribute db:parameter-name-substitution { boolean }?
3318db-show-deleted = attribute db:show-deleted { boolean }?
3319db-is-first-row-header-line =
3320  attribute db:is-first-row-header-line { boolean }?
3321db-auto-increment =
3322  element db:auto-increment { db-auto-increment-attlist, empty }
3323db-auto-increment-attlist =
3324  attribute db:additional-column-statement { \string }?
3325  & attribute db:row-retrieving-statement { \string }?
3326db-delimiter = element db:delimiter { db-delimiter-attlist, empty }
3327db-delimiter-attlist =
3328  attribute db:field { \string }?
3329  & attribute db:string { \string }?
3330  & attribute db:decimal { \string }?
3331  & attribute db:thousand { \string }?
3332db-character-set =
3333  element db:character-set { db-character-set-attlist, empty }
3334db-character-set-attlist = attribute db:encoding { textEncoding }?
3335db-table-settings = element db:table-settings { db-table-setting* }
3336db-table-setting =
3337  element db:table-setting {
3338    db-table-setting-attlist, db-delimiter?, db-character-set?, empty
3339  }
3340db-table-setting-attlist = db-is-first-row-header-line, db-show-deleted
3341db-application-connection-settings =
3342  element db:application-connection-settings {
3343    db-application-connection-settings-attlist,
3344    db-table-filter?,
3345    db-table-type-filter?,
3346    db-data-source-settings?
3347  }
3348db-application-connection-settings-attlist =
3349  attribute db:is-table-name-length-limited { boolean }?
3350  & attribute db:enable-sql92-check { boolean }?
3351  & attribute db:append-table-alias-name { boolean }?
3352  & attribute db:ignore-driver-privileges { boolean }?
3353  & attribute db:boolean-comparison-mode {
3354      "equal-integer"
3355      | "is-boolean"
3356      | "equal-boolean"
3357      | "equal-use-only-zero"
3358    }?
3359  & attribute db:use-catalog { boolean }?
3360  & attribute db:max-row-count { integer }?
3361  & attribute db:suppress-version-columns { boolean }?
3362db-table-filter =
3363  element db:table-filter {
3364    db-table-filter-attlist,
3365    db-table-include-filter?,
3366    db-table-exclude-filter?
3367  }
3368db-table-filter-attlist = empty
3369db-table-include-filter =
3370  element db:table-include-filter {
3371    db-table-include-filter-attlist, db-table-filter-pattern+
3372  }
3373db-table-include-filter-attlist = empty
3374db-table-exclude-filter =
3375  element db:table-exclude-filter {
3376    db-table-exclude-filter-attlist, db-table-filter-pattern+
3377  }
3378db-table-exclude-filter-attlist = empty
3379db-table-filter-pattern =
3380  element db:table-filter-pattern {
3381    db-table-filter-pattern-attlist, \string
3382  }
3383db-table-filter-pattern-attlist = empty
3384db-table-type-filter =
3385  element db:table-type-filter {
3386    db-table-type-filter-attlist, db-table-type*
3387  }
3388db-table-type-filter-attlist = empty
3389db-table-type = element db:table-type { db-table-type-attlist, \string }
3390db-table-type-attlist = empty
3391db-data-source-settings =
3392  element db:data-source-settings {
3393    db-data-source-settings-attlist, db-data-source-setting+
3394  }
3395db-data-source-settings-attlist = empty
3396db-data-source-setting =
3397  element db:data-source-setting {
3398    db-data-source-setting-attlist, db-data-source-setting-value+
3399  }
3400db-data-source-setting-attlist =
3401  attribute db:data-source-setting-is-list { boolean }?
3402  & attribute db:data-source-setting-name { \string }
3403  & attribute db:data-source-setting-type {
3404      db-data-source-setting-types
3405    }
3406db-data-source-setting-types =
3407  "boolean" | "short" | "int" | "long" | "double" | "string"
3408db-data-source-setting-value =
3409  element db:data-source-setting-value {
3410    db-data-source-setting-value-attlist, \string
3411  }
3412db-data-source-setting-value-attlist = empty
3413db-forms =
3414  element db:forms {
3415    db-forms-attlist, (db-component | db-component-collection)*
3416  }
3417db-forms-attlist = empty
3418db-reports =
3419  element db:reports {
3420    db-reports-attlist, (db-component | db-component-collection)*
3421  }
3422db-reports-attlist = empty
3423db-component-collection =
3424  element db:component-collection {
3425    db-component-collection-attlist,
3426    common-db-object-name,
3427    common-db-object-title,
3428    common-db-object-description,
3429    (db-component | db-component-collection)*
3430  }
3431db-component-collection-attlist = empty
3432db-component =
3433  element db:component {
3434    db-component-attlist,
3435    common-db-object-name,
3436    common-db-object-title,
3437    common-db-object-description,
3438    (office-document | math-math)?
3439  }
3440db-component-attlist =
3441  (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
3442   attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
3443   attribute xlink:show { "none" }?,
3444   attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
3445  & attribute db:as-template { boolean }?
3446db-queries =
3447  element db:queries {
3448    db-queries-attlist, (db-query | db-query-collection)*
3449  }
3450db-queries-attlist = empty
3451db-query-collection =
3452  element db:query-collection {
3453    db-query-collection-attlist,
3454    common-db-object-name,
3455    common-db-object-title,
3456    common-db-object-description,
3457    (db-query | db-query-collection)*
3458  }
3459db-query-collection-attlist = empty
3460db-query =
3461  element db:query {
3462    db-query-attlist,
3463    common-db-object-name,
3464    common-db-object-title,
3465    common-db-object-description,
3466    common-db-table-style-name,
3467    db-order-statement?,
3468    db-filter-statement?,
3469    db-columns?,
3470    db-update-table?
3471  }
3472db-query-attlist =
3473  attribute db:command { \string }
3474  & attribute db:escape-processing { boolean }?
3475db-order-statement =
3476  element db:order-statement { db-command, db-apply-command, empty }
3477db-filter-statement =
3478  element db:filter-statement { db-command, db-apply-command, empty }
3479db-update-table =
3480  element db:update-table { common-db-table-name-attlist }
3481db-table-presentations =
3482  element db:table-representations {
3483    db-table-presentations-attlist, db-table-presentation*
3484  }
3485db-table-presentations-attlist = empty
3486db-table-presentation =
3487  element db:table-representation {
3488    db-table-presentation-attlist,
3489    common-db-table-name-attlist,
3490    common-db-object-title,
3491    common-db-object-description,
3492    common-db-table-style-name,
3493    db-order-statement?,
3494    db-filter-statement?,
3495    db-columns?
3496  }
3497db-table-presentation-attlist = empty
3498db-columns = element db:columns { db-columns-attlist, db-column+ }
3499db-columns-attlist = empty
3500db-column =
3501  element db:column {
3502    db-column-attlist,
3503    common-db-object-name,
3504    common-db-object-title,
3505    common-db-object-description,
3506    common-db-default-value
3507  }
3508db-column-attlist =
3509  attribute db:visible { boolean }?
3510  & attribute db:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3511  & attribute db:default-cell-style-name { styleNameRef }?
3512db-command = attribute db:command { \string }
3513db-apply-command = attribute db:apply-command { boolean }?
3514common-db-table-name-attlist =
3515  attribute db:name { \string }
3516  & attribute db:catalog-name { \string }?
3517  & attribute db:schema-name { \string }?
3518common-db-object-name = attribute db:name { \string }
3519common-db-object-title = attribute db:title { \string }?
3520common-db-object-description = attribute db:description { \string }?
3521common-db-table-style-name =
3522  attribute db:style-name { styleNameRef }?
3523  & attribute db:default-row-style-name { styleNameRef }?
3524common-db-default-value = common-value-and-type-attlist?
3525db-schema-definition =
3526  element db:schema-definition {
3527    db-schema-definition-attlist, db-table-definitions
3528  }
3529db-schema-definition-attlist = empty
3530db-table-definitions =
3531  element db:table-definitions {
3532    db-table-definitions-attlist, db-table-definition*
3533  }
3534db-table-definitions-attlist = empty
3535db-table-definition =
3536  element db:table-definition {
3537    common-db-table-name-attlist,
3538    db-table-definition-attlist,
3539    db-column-definitions,
3540    db-keys?,
3541    db-indices?
3542  }
3543db-table-definition-attlist = attribute db:type { \string }?
3544db-column-definitions =
3545  element db:column-definitions {
3546    db-column-definitions-attlist, db-column-definition+
3547  }
3548db-column-definitions-attlist = empty
3549db-column-definition =
3550  element db:column-definition {
3551    db-column-definition-attlist, common-db-default-value
3552  }
3553db-column-definition-attlist =
3554  attribute db:name { \string }
3555  & attribute db:data-type { db-data-types }?
3556  & attribute db:type-name { \string }?
3557  & attribute db:precision { positiveInteger }?
3558  & attribute db:scale { positiveInteger }?
3559  & attribute db:is-nullable { "no-nulls" | "nullable" }?
3560  & attribute db:is-empty-allowed { boolean }?
3561  & attribute db:is-autoincrement { boolean }?
3562db-data-types =
3563  "bit"
3564  | "boolean"
3565  | "tinyint"
3566  | "smallint"
3567  | "integer"
3568  | "bigint"
3569  | "float"
3570  | "real"
3571  | "double"
3572  | "numeric"
3573  | "decimal"
3574  | "char"
3575  | "varchar"
3576  | "longvarchar"
3577  | "date"
3578  | "time"
3579  | "timestmp"
3580  | "binary"
3581  | "varbinary"
3582  | "longvarbinary"
3583  | "sqlnull"
3584  | "other"
3585  | "object"
3586  | "distinct"
3587  | "struct"
3588  | "array"
3589  | "blob"
3590  | "clob"
3591  | "ref"
3592db-keys = element db:keys { db-keys-attlist, db-key+ }
3593db-keys-attlist = empty
3594db-key = element db:key { db-key-attlist, db-key-columns+ }
3595db-key-attlist =
3596  attribute db:name { \string }?
3597  & attribute db:type { "primary" | "unique" | "foreign" }
3598  & attribute db:referenced-table-name { \string }?
3599  & attribute db:update-rule {
3600      "cascade" | "restrict" | "set-null" | "no-action" | "set-default"
3601    }?
3602  & attribute db:delete-rule {
3603      "cascade" | "restrict" | "set-null" | "no-action" | "set-default"
3604    }?
3605db-key-columns =
3606  element db:key-columns { db-key-columns-attlist, db-key-column+ }
3607db-key-columns-attlist = empty
3608db-key-column = element db:key-column { db-key-column-attlist, empty }
3609db-key-column-attlist =
3610  attribute db:name { \string }?
3611  & attribute db:related-column-name { \string }?
3612db-indices = element db:indices { db-indices-attlist, db-index+ }
3613db-indices-attlist = empty
3614db-index = element db:index { db-index-attlist, db-index-columns+ }
3615db-index-attlist =
3616  attribute db:name { \string }
3617  & attribute db:catalog-name { \string }?
3618  & attribute db:is-unique { boolean }?
3619  & attribute db:is-clustered { boolean }?
3620db-index-columns = element db:index-columns { db-index-column+ }
3621db-index-column =
3622  element db:index-column { db-index-column-attlist, empty }
3623db-index-column-attlist =
3624  attribute db:name { \string }
3625  & attribute db:is-ascending { boolean }?
3626office-forms =
3627  element office:forms {
3628    office-forms-attlist, (form-form | xforms-model)*
3629  }?
3630office-forms-attlist =
3631  attribute form:automatic-focus { boolean }?
3632  & attribute form:apply-design-mode { boolean }?
3633form-form =
3634  element form:form {
3635    common-form-control-attlist,
3636    form-form-attlist,
3637    form-properties?,
3638    office-event-listeners?,
3639    (controls | form-form)*,
3640    form-connection-resource?
3641  }
3642form-form-attlist =
3643  (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
3644   attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
3645   attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?)?
3646  & attribute office:target-frame { targetFrameName }?
3647  & attribute form:method { "get" | "post" | \string }?
3648  & attribute form:enctype { \string }?
3649  & attribute form:allow-deletes { boolean }?
3650  & attribute form:allow-inserts { boolean }?
3651  & attribute form:allow-updates { boolean }?
3652  & attribute form:apply-filter { boolean }?
3653  & attribute form:command-type { "table" | "query" | "command" }?
3654  & attribute form:command { \string }?
3655  & attribute form:datasource { anyIRI | \string }?
3656  & attribute form:master-fields { \string }?
3657  & attribute form:detail-fields { \string }?
3658  & attribute form:escape-processing { boolean }?
3659  & attribute form:filter { \string }?
3660  & attribute form:ignore-result { boolean }?
3661  & attribute form:navigation-mode { navigation }?
3662  & attribute form:order { \string }?
3663  & attribute form:tab-cycle { tab-cycles }?
3664navigation = "none" | "current" | "parent"
3665tab-cycles = "records" | "current" | "page"
3666form-connection-resource =
3667  element form:connection-resource {
3668    attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
3669    empty
3670  }
3671xforms-model = element xforms:model { anyAttListOrElements }
3672column-controls =
3673  element form:text { form-text-attlist, common-form-control-content }
3674  | element form:textarea {
3675      form-textarea-attlist, common-form-control-content, text-p*
3676    }
3677  | element form:formatted-text {
3678      form-formatted-text-attlist, common-form-control-content
3679    }
3680  | element form:number {
3681      form-number-attlist,
3682      common-numeric-control-attlist,
3683      common-form-control-content,
3684      common-linked-cell,
3685      common-spin-button,
3686      common-repeat,
3687      common-delay-for-repeat
3688    }
3689  | element form:date {
3690      form-date-attlist,
3691      common-numeric-control-attlist,
3692      common-form-control-content,
3693      common-linked-cell,
3694      common-spin-button,
3695      common-repeat,
3696      common-delay-for-repeat
3697    }
3698  | element form:time {
3699      form-time-attlist,
3700      common-numeric-control-attlist,
3701      common-form-control-content,
3702      common-linked-cell,
3703      common-spin-button,
3704      common-repeat,
3705      common-delay-for-repeat
3706    }
3707  | element form:combobox {
3708      form-combobox-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-item*
3709    }
3710  | element form:listbox {
3711      form-listbox-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-option*
3712    }
3713  | element form:checkbox {
3714      form-checkbox-attlist, common-form-control-content
3715    }
3716controls =
3717  column-controls
3718  | element form:password {
3719      form-password-attlist, common-form-control-content
3720    }
3721  | element form:file { form-file-attlist, common-form-control-content }
3722  | element form:fixed-text {
3723      form-fixed-text-attlist, common-form-control-content
3724    }
3725  | element form:button {
3726      form-button-attlist, common-form-control-content
3727    }
3728  | element form:image {
3729      form-image-attlist, common-form-control-content
3730    }
3731  | element form:radio {
3732      form-radio-attlist, common-form-control-content
3733    }
3734  | element form:frame {
3735      form-frame-attlist, common-form-control-content
3736    }
3737  | element form:image-frame {
3738      form-image-frame-attlist, common-form-control-content
3739    }
3740  | element form:hidden {
3741      form-hidden-attlist, common-form-control-content
3742    }
3743  | element form:grid {
3744      form-grid-attlist, common-form-control-content, form-column*
3745    }
3746  | element form:value-range {
3747      form-value-range-attlist, common-form-control-content
3748    }
3749  | element form:generic-control {
3750      form-generic-control-attlist, common-form-control-content
3751    }
3752form-text-attlist =
3753  form-control-attlist,
3754  common-current-value-attlist,
3755  common-disabled-attlist,
3756  common-maxlength-attlist,
3757  common-printable-attlist,
3758  common-readonly-attlist,
3759  common-tab-attlist,
3760  common-title-attlist,
3761  common-value-attlist,
3762  common-convert-empty-attlist,
3763  common-data-field-attlist,
3764  common-linked-cell
3765form-control-attlist =
3766  common-form-control-attlist,
3767  common-control-id-attlist,
3768  xforms-bind-attlist
3769common-form-control-content = form-properties?, office-event-listeners?
3770form-textarea-attlist =
3771  form-control-attlist,
3772  common-current-value-attlist,
3773  common-disabled-attlist,
3774  common-maxlength-attlist,
3775  common-printable-attlist,
3776  common-readonly-attlist,
3777  common-tab-attlist,
3778  common-title-attlist,
3779  common-value-attlist,
3780  common-convert-empty-attlist,
3781  common-data-field-attlist,
3782  common-linked-cell
3783form-password-attlist =
3784  form-control-attlist
3785  & common-disabled-attlist
3786  & common-maxlength-attlist
3787  & common-printable-attlist
3788  & common-tab-attlist
3789  & common-title-attlist
3790  & common-value-attlist
3791  & common-convert-empty-attlist
3792  & common-linked-cell
3793  & attribute form:echo-char { character }?
3794form-file-attlist =
3795  form-control-attlist,
3796  common-current-value-attlist,
3797  common-disabled-attlist,
3798  common-maxlength-attlist,
3799  common-printable-attlist,
3800  common-readonly-attlist,
3801  common-tab-attlist,
3802  common-title-attlist,
3803  common-value-attlist,
3804  common-linked-cell
3805form-formatted-text-attlist =
3806  form-control-attlist
3807  & common-current-value-attlist
3808  & common-disabled-attlist
3809  & common-maxlength-attlist
3810  & common-printable-attlist
3811  & common-readonly-attlist
3812  & common-tab-attlist
3813  & common-title-attlist
3814  & common-value-attlist
3815  & common-convert-empty-attlist
3816  & common-data-field-attlist
3817  & common-linked-cell
3818  & common-spin-button
3819  & common-repeat
3820  & common-delay-for-repeat
3821  & attribute form:max-value { \string }?
3822  & attribute form:min-value { \string }?
3823  & attribute form:validation { boolean }?
3824common-numeric-control-attlist =
3825  form-control-attlist,
3826  common-disabled-attlist,
3827  common-maxlength-attlist,
3828  common-printable-attlist,
3829  common-readonly-attlist,
3830  common-tab-attlist,
3831  common-title-attlist,
3832  common-convert-empty-attlist,
3833  common-data-field-attlist
3834form-number-attlist =
3835  attribute form:value { double }?
3836  & attribute form:current-value { double }?
3837  & attribute form:min-value { double }?
3838  & attribute form:max-value { double }?
3839form-date-attlist =
3840  attribute form:value { date }?
3841  & attribute form:current-value { date }?
3842  & attribute form:min-value { date }?
3843  & attribute form:max-value { date }?
3844form-time-attlist =
3845  attribute form:value { time }?
3846  & attribute form:current-value { time }?
3847  & attribute form:min-value { time }?
3848  & attribute form:max-value { time }?
3849form-fixed-text-attlist =
3850  form-control-attlist
3851  & for
3852  & common-disabled-attlist
3853  & label
3854  & common-printable-attlist
3855  & common-title-attlist
3856  & attribute form:multi-line { boolean }?
3857form-combobox-attlist =
3858  form-control-attlist
3859  & common-current-value-attlist
3860  & common-disabled-attlist
3861  & dropdown
3862  & common-maxlength-attlist
3863  & common-printable-attlist
3864  & common-readonly-attlist
3865  & size
3866  & common-tab-attlist
3867  & common-title-attlist
3868  & common-value-attlist
3869  & common-convert-empty-attlist
3870  & common-data-field-attlist
3871  & list-source
3872  & list-source-type
3873  & common-linked-cell
3874  & common-source-cell-range
3875  & attribute form:auto-complete { boolean }?
3876form-item = element form:item { form-item-attlist, text }
3877form-item-attlist = label
3878form-listbox-attlist =
3879  form-control-attlist
3880  & common-disabled-attlist
3881  & dropdown
3882  & common-printable-attlist
3883  & size
3884  & common-tab-attlist
3885  & common-title-attlist
3886  & bound-column
3887  & common-data-field-attlist
3888  & list-source
3889  & list-source-type
3890  & common-linked-cell
3891  & list-linkage-type
3892  & common-source-cell-range
3893  & attribute form:multiple { boolean }?
3894  & attribute form:xforms-list-source { \string }?
3895list-linkage-type =
3896  attribute form:list-linkage-type {
3897    "selection" | "selection-indices"
3898  }?
3899form-option = element form:option { form-option-attlist, text }
3900form-option-attlist =
3901  current-selected, selected, label, common-value-attlist
3902form-button-attlist =
3903  form-control-attlist
3904  & button-type
3905  & common-disabled-attlist
3906  & label
3907  & image-data
3908  & common-printable-attlist
3909  & common-tab-attlist
3910  & target-frame
3911  & target-location
3912  & common-title-attlist
3913  & common-value-attlist
3914  & common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
3915  & common-repeat
3916  & common-delay-for-repeat
3917  & attribute form:default-button { boolean }?
3918  & attribute form:toggle { boolean }?
3919  & attribute form:focus-on-click { boolean }?
3920  & attribute form:xforms-submission { \string }?
3921form-image-attlist =
3922  form-control-attlist,
3923  button-type,
3924  common-disabled-attlist,
3925  image-data,
3926  common-printable-attlist,
3927  common-tab-attlist,
3928  target-frame,
3929  target-location,
3930  common-title-attlist,
3931  common-value-attlist
3932form-checkbox-attlist =
3933  form-control-attlist
3934  & common-disabled-attlist
3935  & label
3936  & common-printable-attlist
3937  & common-tab-attlist
3938  & common-title-attlist
3939  & common-value-attlist
3940  & common-data-field-attlist
3941  & common-form-visual-effect-attlist
3942  & common-form-relative-image-position-attlist
3943  & common-linked-cell
3944  & attribute form:current-state { states }?
3945  & attribute form:is-tristate { boolean }?
3946  & attribute form:state { states }?
3947states = "unchecked" | "checked" | "unknown"
3948form-radio-attlist =
3949  form-control-attlist,
3950  current-selected,
3951  common-disabled-attlist,
3952  label,
3953  common-printable-attlist,
3954  selected,
3955  common-tab-attlist,
3956  common-title-attlist,
3957  common-value-attlist,
3958  common-data-field-attlist,
3959  common-form-visual-effect-attlist,
3960  common-form-relative-image-position-attlist,
3961  common-linked-cell
3962form-frame-attlist =
3963  form-control-attlist,
3964  common-disabled-attlist,
3965  for,
3966  label,
3967  common-printable-attlist,
3968  common-title-attlist
3969form-image-frame-attlist =
3970  form-control-attlist,
3971  common-disabled-attlist,
3972  image-data,
3973  common-printable-attlist,
3974  common-readonly-attlist,
3975  common-title-attlist,
3976  common-data-field-attlist
3977form-hidden-attlist = form-control-attlist, common-value-attlist
3978form-grid-attlist =
3979  form-control-attlist,
3980  common-disabled-attlist,
3981  common-printable-attlist,
3982  common-tab-attlist,
3983  common-title-attlist
3984form-column =
3985  element form:column { form-column-attlist, column-controls+ }
3986form-column-attlist =
3987  common-form-control-attlist, label, text-style-name
3988text-style-name = attribute form:text-style-name { styleNameRef }?
3989form-value-range-attlist =
3990  form-control-attlist
3991  & common-disabled-attlist
3992  & common-printable-attlist
3993  & common-tab-attlist
3994  & common-title-attlist
3995  & common-value-attlist
3996  & common-linked-cell
3997  & common-repeat
3998  & common-delay-for-repeat
3999  & attribute form:max-value { integer }?
4000  & attribute form:min-value { integer }?
4001  & attribute form:step-size { positiveInteger }?
4002  & attribute form:page-step-size { positiveInteger }?
4003  & attribute form:orientation { "horizontal" | "vertical" }?
4004form-generic-control-attlist = form-control-attlist
4005common-form-control-attlist =
4006  attribute form:name { \string }?
4007  & attribute form:control-implementation { namespacedToken }?
4008xforms-bind-attlist = attribute xforms:bind { \string }?
4009types = "submit" | "reset" | "push" | "url"
4010button-type = attribute form:button-type { types }?
4011common-control-id-attlist =
4012  xml-id,
4013  attribute form:id { NCName }?
4014current-selected = attribute form:current-selected { boolean }?
4015common-value-attlist = attribute form:value { \string }?
4016common-current-value-attlist = attribute form:current-value { \string }?
4017common-disabled-attlist = attribute form:disabled { boolean }?
4018dropdown = attribute form:dropdown { boolean }?
4019for = attribute form:for { \string }?
4020image-data = attribute form:image-data { anyIRI }?
4021label = attribute form:label { \string }?
4022common-maxlength-attlist =
4023  attribute form:max-length { nonNegativeInteger }?
4024common-printable-attlist = attribute form:printable { boolean }?
4025common-readonly-attlist = attribute form:readonly { boolean }?
4026selected = attribute form:selected { boolean }?
4027size = attribute form:size { nonNegativeInteger }?
4028common-tab-attlist =
4029  attribute form:tab-index { nonNegativeInteger }?
4030  & attribute form:tab-stop { boolean }?
4031target-frame = attribute office:target-frame { targetFrameName }?
4032target-location = attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }?
4033common-title-attlist = attribute form:title { \string }?
4034common-form-visual-effect-attlist =
4035  attribute form:visual-effect { "flat" | "3d" }?
4036common-form-relative-image-position-attlist =
4037  attribute form:image-position { "center" }?
4038  | (attribute form:image-position {
4039       "start" | "end" | "top" | "bottom"
4040     },
4041     attribute form:image-align { "start" | "center" | "end" }?)
4042bound-column = attribute form:bound-column { \string }?
4043common-convert-empty-attlist =
4044  attribute form:convert-empty-to-null { boolean }?
4045common-data-field-attlist = attribute form:data-field { \string }?
4046list-source = attribute form:list-source { \string }?
4047list-source-type =
4048  attribute form:list-source-type {
4049    "table"
4050    | "query"
4051    | "sql"
4052    | "sql-pass-through"
4053    | "value-list"
4054    | "table-fields"
4055  }?
4056common-linked-cell =
4057  attribute form:linked-cell { cellAddress | \string }?
4058common-source-cell-range =
4059  attribute form:source-cell-range { cellRangeAddress | \string }?
4060common-spin-button = attribute form:spin-button { boolean }?
4061common-repeat = attribute form:repeat { boolean }?
4062common-delay-for-repeat = attribute form:delay-for-repeat { duration }?
4063form-properties = element form:properties { form-property+ }
4064form-property =
4065  element form:property {
4066    form-property-name, form-property-value-and-type-attlist
4067  }
4068  | element form:list-property {
4069      form-property-name, form-property-type-and-value-list
4070    }
4071form-property-name = attribute form:property-name { \string }
4072form-property-value-and-type-attlist =
4073  common-value-and-type-attlist
4074  | attribute office:value-type { "void" }
4075form-property-type-and-value-list =
4076  (attribute office:value-type { "float" },
4077   element form:list-value {
4078     attribute office:value { double }
4079   }*)
4080  | (attribute office:value-type { "percentage" },
4081     element form:list-value {
4082       attribute office:value { double }
4083     }*)
4084  | (attribute office:value-type { "currency" },
4085     element form:list-value {
4086       attribute office:value { double },
4087       attribute office:currency { \string }?
4088     }*)
4089  | (attribute office:value-type { "date" },
4090     element form:list-value {
4091       attribute office:date-value { dateOrDateTime }
4092     }*)
4093  | (attribute office:value-type { "time" },
4094     element form:list-value {
4095       attribute office:time-value { duration }
4096     }*)
4097  | (attribute office:value-type { "boolean" },
4098     element form:list-value {
4099       attribute office:boolean-value { boolean }
4100     }*)
4101  | (attribute office:value-type { "string" },
4102     element form:list-value {
4103       attribute office:string-value { \string }
4104     }*)
4105  | attribute office:value-type { "void" }
4106office-annotation =
4107  element office:annotation {
4108    office-annotation-attlist,
4109    draw-caption-attlist,
4110    common-draw-position-attlist,
4111    common-draw-size-attlist,
4112    common-draw-shape-with-text-and-styles-attlist,
4113    dc-creator?,
4114    dc-date?,
4115    meta-date-string?,
4116    (text-p | text-list)*
4117  }
4118office-annotation-end =
4119  element office:annotation-end { office-annotation-end-attlist }
4120office-annotation-attlist =
4121  attribute office:display { boolean }?
4122  & common-office-annotation-name-attlist?
4123office-annotation-end-attlist = common-office-annotation-name-attlist
4124common-office-annotation-name-attlist =
4125  attribute office:name { \string }
4126meta-date-string = element meta:date-string { \string }
4127common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist =
4128  attribute style:num-prefix { \string }?,
4129  attribute style:num-suffix { \string }?
4130common-num-format-attlist =
4131  attribute style:num-format { "1" | "i" | "I" | \string | empty }
4132  | (attribute style:num-format { "a" | "A" },
4133     style-num-letter-sync-attlist)
4134  | empty
4135style-num-letter-sync-attlist =
4136  attribute style:num-letter-sync { boolean }?
4137office-change-info =
4138  element office:change-info { dc-creator, dc-date, text-p* }
4139office-event-listeners =
4140  element office:event-listeners {
4141    (script-event-listener | presentation-event-listener)*
4142  }
4143script-event-listener =
4144  element script:event-listener { script-event-listener-attlist, empty }
4145script-event-listener-attlist =
4146  attribute script:event-name { \string }
4147  & attribute script:language { \string }
4148  & (attribute script:macro-name { \string }
4149     | (attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
4150        attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
4151        attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?))
4152math-math = element math:math { mathMarkup }
4154  dc:description [
4155    "To avoid inclusion of the complete MathML schema, anything is allowed within a math:math top-level element"
4156  ]
4158mathMarkup =
4159  (attribute * { text }
4160   | text
4161   | element * { mathMarkup })*
4162text-dde-connection-decl =
4163  element text:dde-connection-decl {
4164    text-dde-connection-decl-attlist, common-dde-connection-decl-attlist
4165  }
4166text-dde-connection-decl-attlist = attribute office:name { \string }
4167common-dde-connection-decl-attlist =
4168  attribute office:dde-application { \string }
4169  & attribute office:dde-topic { \string }
4170  & attribute office:dde-item { \string }
4171  & attribute office:automatic-update { boolean }?
4172table-dde-link =
4173  element table:dde-link { office-dde-source, table-table }
4174office-dde-source =
4175  element office:dde-source {
4176    office-dde-source-attlist, common-dde-connection-decl-attlist
4177  }
4178office-dde-source-attlist =
4179  attribute office:name { \string }?
4180  & attribute office:conversion-mode {
4181      "into-default-style-data-style"
4182      | "into-english-number"
4183      | "keep-text"
4184    }?
4185animation-element =
4186  element anim:animate {
4187    common-anim-target-attlist,
4188    common-anim-named-target-attlist,
4189    common-anim-values-attlist,
4190    common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
4191    common-spline-anim-value-attlist,
4192    common-timing-attlist,
4193    common-anim-add-accum-attlist
4194  }
4195  | element anim:set {
4196      common-anim-target-attlist,
4197      common-anim-named-target-attlist,
4198      common-anim-set-values-attlist,
4199      common-timing-attlist,
4200      common-anim-add-accum-attlist
4201    }
4202  | element anim:animateMotion {
4203      anim-animate-motion-attlist,
4204      common-anim-target-attlist,
4205      common-anim-named-target-attlist,
4206      common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
4207      common-anim-values-attlist,
4208      common-timing-attlist,
4209      common-spline-anim-value-attlist
4210    }
4211  | element anim:animateColor {
4212      common-anim-target-attlist,
4213      common-anim-named-target-attlist,
4214      common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
4215      common-anim-values-attlist,
4216      common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
4217      common-spline-anim-value-attlist,
4218      anim-animate-color-attlist,
4219      common-timing-attlist
4220    }
4221  | element anim:animateTransform {
4222      common-anim-target-attlist,
4223      common-anim-named-target-attlist,
4224      common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
4225      common-anim-values-attlist,
4226      anim-animate-transform-attlist,
4227      common-timing-attlist
4228    }
4229  | element anim:transitionFilter {
4230      common-anim-target-attlist,
4231      common-anim-add-accum-attlist,
4232      common-anim-values-attlist,
4233      common-anim-spline-mode-attlist,
4234      anim-transition-filter-attlist,
4235      common-timing-attlist
4236    }
4237  | element anim:par {
4238      common-anim-attlist,
4239      common-timing-attlist,
4240      common-endsync-timing-attlist,
4241      animation-element*
4242    }
4243  | element anim:seq {
4244      common-anim-attlist,
4245      common-endsync-timing-attlist,
4246      common-timing-attlist,
4247      animation-element*
4248    }
4249  | element anim:iterate {
4250      common-anim-attlist,
4251      anim-iterate-attlist,
4252      common-timing-attlist,
4253      common-endsync-timing-attlist,
4254      animation-element*
4255    }
4256  | element anim:audio {
4257      common-anim-attlist,
4258      anim-audio-attlist,
4259      common-basic-timing-attlist
4260    }
4261  | element anim:command {
4262      common-anim-attlist,
4263      anim-command-attlist,
4264      common-begin-end-timing-attlist,
4265      common-anim-target-attlist,
4266      element anim:param {
4267        attribute anim:name { \string },
4268        attribute anim:value { \string }
4269      }*
4270    }
4271anim-animate-motion-attlist =
4272  attribute svg:path { pathData }?
4273  & attribute svg:origin { \string }?
4274  & attribute smil:calcMode {
4275      "discrete" | "linear" | "paced" | "spline"
4276    }?
4277anim-animate-color-attlist =
4278  attribute anim:color-interpolation { "rgb" | "hsl" }?
4279  & attribute anim:color-interpolation-direction {
4280      "clockwise" | "counter-clockwise"
4281    }?
4282anim-animate-transform-attlist =
4283  attribute svg:type {
4284    "translate" | "scale" | "rotate" | "skewX" | "skewY"
4285  }
4286anim-transition-filter-attlist =
4287  attribute smil:type { \string }
4288  & attribute smil:subtype { \string }?
4289  & attribute smil:direction { "forward" | "reverse" }?
4290  & attribute smil:fadeColor { color }?
4291  & attribute smil:mode { "in" | "out" }?
4292common-anim-target-attlist =
4293  attribute smil:targetElement { IDREF }?
4294  & attribute anim:sub-item { \string }?
4295common-anim-named-target-attlist =
4296  attribute smil:attributeName { \string }
4297common-anim-values-attlist =
4298  attribute smil:values { \string }?
4299  & attribute anim:formula { \string }?
4300  & common-anim-set-values-attlist
4301  & attribute smil:from { \string }?
4302  & attribute smil:by { \string }?
4303common-anim-spline-mode-attlist =
4304  attribute smil:calcMode {
4305    "discrete" | "linear" | "paced" | "spline"
4306  }?
4307common-spline-anim-value-attlist =
4308  attribute smil:keyTimes { \string }?
4309  & attribute smil:keySplines { \string }?
4310common-anim-add-accum-attlist =
4311  attribute smil:accumulate { "none" | "sum" }?
4312  & attribute smil:additive { "replace" | "sum" }?
4313common-anim-set-values-attlist = attribute smil:to { \string }?
4314common-begin-end-timing-attlist =
4315  attribute smil:begin { \string }?
4316  & attribute smil:end { \string }?
4317common-dur-timing-attlist = attribute smil:dur { \string }?
4318common-endsync-timing-attlist =
4319  attribute smil:endsync { "first" | "last" | "all" | "media" | IDREF }?
4320common-repeat-timing-attlist =
4321  attribute smil:repeatDur { \string }?,
4322  attribute smil:repeatCount { nonNegativeDecimal | "indefinite" }?
4323nonNegativeDecimal = xsd:decimal { minInclusive = "0.0" }
4324common-fill-timing-attlist =
4325  attribute smil:fill {
4326    "remove" | "freeze" | "hold" | "auto" | "default" | "transition"
4327  }?
4328common-fill-default-attlist =
4329  attribute smil:fillDefault {
4330    "remove" | "freeze" | "hold" | "transition" | "auto" | "inherit"
4331  }?
4332common-restart-timing-attlist =
4333  attribute smil:restart {
4334    "never" | "always" | "whenNotActive" | "default"
4335  }?
4336common-restart-default-attlist =
4337  attribute smil:restartDefault {
4338    "never" | "always" | "whenNotActive" | "inherit"
4339  }?
4340common-time-manip-attlist =
4341  attribute smil:accelerate { zeroToOneDecimal }?
4342  & attribute smil:decelerate { zeroToOneDecimal }?
4343  & attribute smil:autoReverse { boolean }?
4344zeroToOneDecimal = xsd:decimal { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "1" }
4345common-basic-timing-attlist =
4346  common-begin-end-timing-attlist,
4347  common-dur-timing-attlist,
4348  common-repeat-timing-attlist,
4349  common-restart-timing-attlist,
4350  common-restart-default-attlist,
4351  common-fill-timing-attlist,
4352  common-fill-default-attlist
4353common-timing-attlist =
4354  common-basic-timing-attlist, common-time-manip-attlist
4355anim-iterate-attlist =
4356  common-anim-target-attlist
4357  & attribute anim:iterate-type { \string }?
4358  & attribute anim:iterate-interval { duration }?
4359anim-audio-attlist =
4360  attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }?
4361  & attribute anim:audio-level { double }?
4362anim-command-attlist = attribute anim:command { \string }
4363style-style =
4364  element style:style {
4365    style-style-attlist, style-style-content, style-map*
4366  }
4367common-in-content-meta-attlist =
4368  attribute xhtml:about { URIorSafeCURIE },
4369  attribute xhtml:property { CURIEs },
4370  common-meta-literal-attlist
4371common-meta-literal-attlist =
4372  attribute xhtml:datatype { CURIE }?,
4373  attribute xhtml:content { \string }?
4374xml-id = attribute xml:id { ID }
4375style-style-attlist =
4376  attribute style:name { styleName }
4377  & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
4378  & attribute style:parent-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4379  & attribute style:next-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4380  & attribute style:list-level { positiveInteger | empty }?
4381  & attribute style:list-style-name { styleName | empty }?
4382  & attribute style:master-page-name { styleNameRef }?
4383  & attribute style:auto-update { boolean }?
4384  & attribute style:data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4385  & attribute style:percentage-data-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4386  & attribute style:class { \string }?
4387  & attribute style:default-outline-level { positiveInteger | empty }?
4388style-map = element style:map { style-map-attlist, empty }
4389style-map-attlist =
4390  attribute style:condition { \string }
4391  & attribute style:apply-style-name { styleNameRef }
4392  & attribute style:base-cell-address { cellAddress }?
4393style-default-style =
4394  element style:default-style { style-style-content }
4395style-page-layout =
4396  element style:page-layout {
4397    style-page-layout-attlist, style-page-layout-content
4398  }
4399style-page-layout-content =
4400  style-page-layout-properties?,
4401  style-header-style?,
4402  style-footer-style?
4403style-page-layout-attlist =
4404  attribute style:name { styleName }
4405  & attribute style:page-usage {
4406      "all" | "left" | "right" | "mirrored"
4407    }?
4408style-header-style =
4409  element style:header-style { style-header-footer-properties? }
4410style-footer-style =
4411  element style:footer-style { style-header-footer-properties? }
4412style-default-page-layout =
4413  element style:default-page-layout { style-page-layout-content }
4414style-master-page =
4415  element style:master-page {
4416    style-master-page-attlist,
4417    (style-header, style-header-left?)?,
4418    (style-footer, style-footer-left?)?,
4419    draw-layer-set?,
4420    office-forms?,
4421    shape*,
4422    animation-element?,
4423    presentation-notes?
4424  }
4425style-master-page-attlist =
4426  attribute style:name { styleName }
4427  & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
4428  & attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }
4429  & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
4430  & attribute style:next-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4431style-header =
4432  element style:header {
4433    common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
4434  }
4435style-footer =
4436  element style:footer {
4437    common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
4438  }
4439style-header-left =
4440  element style:header-left {
4441    common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
4442  }
4443style-footer-left =
4444  element style:footer-left {
4445    common-style-header-footer-attlist, header-footer-content
4446  }
4447header-footer-content =
4448  (text-tracked-changes,
4449   text-decls,
4450   (text-h
4451    | text-p
4452    | text-list
4453    | table-table
4454    | text-section
4455    | text-table-of-content
4456    | text-illustration-index
4457    | text-table-index
4458    | text-object-index
4459    | text-user-index
4460    | text-alphabetical-index
4461    | text-bibliography
4462    | text-index-title
4463    | change-marks)*)
4464  | (style-region-left?, style-region-center?, style-region-right?)
4465common-style-header-footer-attlist =
4466  attribute style:display { boolean }?
4467style-region-left = element style:region-left { region-content }
4468style-region-center = element style:region-center { region-content }
4469style-region-right = element style:region-right { region-content }
4470region-content = text-p*
4471presentation-notes =
4472  element presentation:notes {
4473    common-presentation-header-footer-attlist,
4474    presentation-notes-attlist,
4475    office-forms,
4476    shape*
4477  }
4478presentation-notes-attlist =
4479  attribute style:page-layout-name { styleNameRef }?
4480  & attribute draw:style-name { styleNameRef }?
4481table-table-template =
4482  element table:table-template {
4483    table-table-template-attlist,
4484    table-first-row?,
4485    table-last-row?,
4486    table-first-column?,
4487    table-last-column?,
4488    table-body,
4489    table-even-rows?,
4490    table-odd-rows?,
4491    table-even-columns?,
4492    table-odd-columns?,
4493    table-background?
4494  }
4495table-table-template-attlist =
4496  attribute table:name { \string }
4497  & attribute table:first-row-start-column { rowOrCol }
4498  & attribute table:first-row-end-column { rowOrCol }
4499  & attribute table:last-row-start-column { rowOrCol }
4500  & attribute table:last-row-end-column { rowOrCol }
4501rowOrCol = "row" | "column"
4502table-first-row =
4503  element table:first-row { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4504table-last-row =
4505  element table:last-row { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4506table-first-column =
4507  element table:first-column { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4508table-last-column =
4509  element table:last-column { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4510table-body = element table:body { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4511table-even-rows =
4512  element table:even-rows { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4513table-odd-rows =
4514  element table:odd-rows { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4515table-even-columns =
4516  element table:even-columns { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4517table-odd-columns =
4518  element table:odd-columns { common-table-template-attlist, empty }
4519common-table-template-attlist =
4520  attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef },
4521  attribute table:paragraph-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4522table-background =
4523  element table:background { table-background-attlist, empty }
4524table-background-attlist = attribute table:style-name { styleNameRef }
4525style-font-face =
4526  element style:font-face {
4527    style-font-face-attlist, svg-font-face-src?, svg-definition-src?
4528  }
4529style-font-face-attlist =
4530  attribute svg:font-family { \string }?
4531  & attribute svg:font-style { fontStyle }?
4532  & attribute svg:font-variant { fontVariant }?
4533  & attribute svg:font-weight { fontWeight }?
4534  & attribute svg:font-stretch {
4535      "normal"
4536      | "ultra-condensed"
4537      | "extra-condensed"
4538      | "condensed"
4539      | "semi-condensed"
4540      | "semi-expanded"
4541      | "expanded"
4542      | "extra-expanded"
4543      | "ultra-expanded"
4544    }?
4545  & attribute svg:font-size { positiveLength }?
4546  & attribute svg:unicode-range { \string }?
4547  & attribute svg:units-per-em { integer }?
4548  & attribute svg:panose-1 { \string }?
4549  & attribute svg:stemv { integer }?
4550  & attribute svg:stemh { integer }?
4551  & attribute svg:slope { integer }?
4552  & attribute svg:cap-height { integer }?
4553  & attribute svg:x-height { integer }?
4554  & attribute svg:accent-height { integer }?
4555  & attribute svg:ascent { integer }?
4556  & attribute svg:descent { integer }?
4557  & attribute svg:widths { \string }?
4558  & attribute svg:bbox { \string }?
4559  & attribute svg:ideographic { integer }?
4560  & attribute svg:alphabetic { integer }?
4561  & attribute svg:mathematical { integer }?
4562  & attribute svg:hanging { integer }?
4563  & attribute svg:v-ideographic { integer }?
4564  & attribute svg:v-alphabetic { integer }?
4565  & attribute svg:v-mathematical { integer }?
4566  & attribute svg:v-hanging { integer }?
4567  & attribute svg:underline-position { integer }?
4568  & attribute svg:underline-thickness { integer }?
4569  & attribute svg:strikethrough-position { integer }?
4570  & attribute svg:strikethrough-thickness { integer }?
4571  & attribute svg:overline-position { integer }?
4572  & attribute svg:overline-thickness { integer }?
4573  & attribute style:name { \string }
4574  & attribute style:font-adornments { \string }?
4575  & attribute style:font-family-generic { fontFamilyGeneric }?
4576  & attribute style:font-pitch { fontPitch }?
4577  & attribute style:font-charset { textEncoding }?
4578svg-font-face-src =
4579  element svg:font-face-src {
4580    (svg-font-face-uri | svg-font-face-name)+
4581  }
4582svg-font-face-uri =
4583  element svg:font-face-uri {
4584    common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist, svg-font-face-format*
4585  }
4586svg-font-face-format =
4587  element svg:font-face-format {
4588    attribute svg:string { \string }?,
4589    empty
4590  }
4591svg-font-face-name =
4592  element svg:font-face-name {
4593    attribute svg:name { \string }?,
4594    empty
4595  }
4596svg-definition-src =
4597  element svg:definition-src {
4598    common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist, empty
4599  }
4600common-svg-font-face-xlink-attlist =
4601  attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
4602  attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
4603  attribute xlink:actuate { "onRequest" }?
4604number-number-style =
4605  element number:number-style {
4606    common-data-style-attlist,
4607    style-text-properties?,
4608    number-text?,
4609    (any-number, number-text?)?,
4610    style-map*
4611  }
4612any-number = number-number | number-scientific-number | number-fraction
4613number-number =
4614  element number:number {
4615    number-number-attlist,
4616    common-decimal-places-attlist,
4617    common-number-attlist,
4618    number-embedded-text*
4619  }
4620number-number-attlist =
4621  attribute number:decimal-replacement { \string }?
4622  & attribute number:display-factor { double }?
4623number-embedded-text =
4624  element number:embedded-text { number-embedded-text-attlist, text }
4625number-embedded-text-attlist = attribute number:position { integer }
4626number-scientific-number =
4627  element number:scientific-number {
4628    number-scientific-number-attlist,
4629    common-decimal-places-attlist,
4630    common-number-attlist,
4631    empty
4632  }
4633number-scientific-number-attlist =
4634  attribute number:min-exponent-digits { integer }?
4635number-fraction =
4636  element number:fraction {
4637    number-fraction-attlist, common-number-attlist, empty
4638  }
4639number-fraction-attlist =
4640  attribute number:min-numerator-digits { integer }?
4641  & attribute number:min-denominator-digits { integer }?
4642  & attribute number:denominator-value { integer }?
4643number-currency-style =
4644  element number:currency-style {
4645    common-data-style-attlist,
4646    common-auto-reorder-attlist,
4647    style-text-properties?,
4648    number-text?,
4649    ((number-and-text, currency-symbol-and-text?)
4650     | (currency-symbol-and-text, number-and-text?))?,
4651    style-map*
4652  }
4653currency-symbol-and-text = number-currency-symbol, number-text?
4654number-and-text = number-number, number-text?
4655number-currency-symbol =
4656  element number:currency-symbol {
4657    number-currency-symbol-attlist, text
4658  }
4659number-currency-symbol-attlist =
4660  attribute number:language { languageCode }?,
4661  attribute number:country { countryCode }?,
4662  attribute number:script { scriptCode }?,
4663  attribute number:rfc-language-tag { language }?
4664number-percentage-style =
4665  element number:percentage-style {
4666    common-data-style-attlist,
4667    style-text-properties?,
4668    number-text?,
4669    number-and-text?,
4670    style-map*
4671  }
4672number-date-style =
4673  element number:date-style {
4674    common-data-style-attlist,
4675    common-auto-reorder-attlist,
4676    common-format-source-attlist,
4677    style-text-properties?,
4678    number-text?,
4679    (any-date, number-text?)+,
4680    style-map*
4681  }
4682any-date =
4683  number-day
4684  | number-month
4685  | number-year
4686  | number-era
4687  | number-day-of-week
4688  | number-week-of-year
4689  | number-quarter
4690  | number-hours
4691  | number-am-pm
4692  | number-minutes
4693  | number-seconds
4694number-day =
4695  element number:day {
4696    number-day-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
4697  }
4698number-day-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4699number-month =
4700  element number:month {
4701    number-month-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
4702  }
4703number-month-attlist =
4704  attribute number:textual { boolean }?
4705  & attribute number:possessive-form { boolean }?
4706  & attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4707number-year =
4708  element number:year {
4709    number-year-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
4710  }
4711number-year-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4712number-era =
4713  element number:era {
4714    number-era-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
4715  }
4716number-era-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4717number-day-of-week =
4718  element number:day-of-week {
4719    number-day-of-week-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
4720  }
4721number-day-of-week-attlist =
4722  attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4723number-week-of-year =
4724  element number:week-of-year { common-calendar-attlist, empty }
4725number-quarter =
4726  element number:quarter {
4727    number-quarter-attlist, common-calendar-attlist, empty
4728  }
4729number-quarter-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4730number-time-style =
4731  element number:time-style {
4732    number-time-style-attlist,
4733    common-data-style-attlist,
4734    common-format-source-attlist,
4735    style-text-properties?,
4736    number-text?,
4737    (any-time, number-text?)+,
4738    style-map*
4739  }
4740any-time = number-hours | number-am-pm | number-minutes | number-seconds
4741number-time-style-attlist =
4742  attribute number:truncate-on-overflow { boolean }?
4743number-hours = element number:hours { number-hours-attlist, empty }
4744number-hours-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4745number-minutes =
4746  element number:minutes { number-minutes-attlist, empty }
4747number-minutes-attlist = attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4748number-seconds =
4749  element number:seconds { number-seconds-attlist, empty }
4750number-seconds-attlist =
4751  attribute number:style { "short" | "long" }?
4752  & attribute number:decimal-places { integer }?
4753number-am-pm = element number:am-pm { empty }
4754number-boolean-style =
4755  element number:boolean-style {
4756    common-data-style-attlist,
4757    style-text-properties?,
4758    number-text?,
4759    (number-boolean, number-text?)?,
4760    style-map*
4761  }
4762number-boolean = element number:boolean { empty }
4763number-text-style =
4764  element number:text-style {
4765    common-data-style-attlist,
4766    style-text-properties?,
4767    number-text?,
4768    (number-text-content, number-text?)*,
4769    style-map*
4770  }
4771number-text = element number:text { text }
4772number-text-content = element number:text-content { empty }
4773common-data-style-attlist =
4774  attribute style:name { styleName }
4775  & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
4776  & attribute number:language { languageCode }?
4777  & attribute number:country { countryCode }?
4778  & attribute number:script { scriptCode }?
4779  & attribute number:rfc-language-tag { language }?
4780  & attribute number:title { \string }?
4781  & attribute style:volatile { boolean }?
4782  & attribute number:transliteration-format { \string }?
4783  & attribute number:transliteration-language { countryCode }?
4784  & attribute number:transliteration-country { countryCode }?
4785  & attribute number:transliteration-style {
4786      "short" | "medium" | "long"
4787    }?
4788common-auto-reorder-attlist =
4789  attribute number:automatic-order { boolean }?
4790common-format-source-attlist =
4791  attribute number:format-source { "fixed" | "language" }?
4792common-decimal-places-attlist =
4793  attribute number:decimal-places { integer }?
4794common-number-attlist =
4795  attribute number:min-integer-digits { integer }?
4796  & attribute number:grouping { boolean }?
4797common-calendar-attlist =
4798  attribute number:calendar {
4799    "gregorian"
4800    | "gengou"
4801    | "ROC"
4802    | "hanja_yoil"
4803    | "hanja"
4804    | "hijri"
4805    | "jewish"
4806    | "buddhist"
4807    | \string
4808  }?
4809style-style-content =
4810  (attribute style:family { "text" },
4811   style-text-properties?)
4812  | (attribute style:family { "paragraph" },
4813     style-paragraph-properties?,
4814     style-text-properties?)
4815  | (attribute style:family { "section" },
4816     style-section-properties?)
4817  | (attribute style:family { "ruby" },
4818     style-ruby-properties?)
4819  | (attribute style:family { "table" },
4820     style-table-properties?)
4821  | (attribute style:family { "table-column" },
4822     style-table-column-properties?)
4823  | (attribute style:family { "table-row" },
4824     style-table-row-properties?)
4825  | (attribute style:family { "table-cell" },
4826     style-table-cell-properties?,
4827     style-paragraph-properties?,
4828     style-text-properties?)
4829  | (attribute style:family { "graphic" | "presentation" },
4830     style-graphic-properties?,
4831     style-paragraph-properties?,
4832     style-text-properties?)
4833  | (attribute style:family { "drawing-page" },
4834     style-drawing-page-properties?)
4835  | (attribute style:family { "chart" },
4836     style-chart-properties?,
4837     style-graphic-properties?,
4838     style-paragraph-properties?,
4839     style-text-properties?)
4840text-linenumbering-configuration =
4841  element text:linenumbering-configuration {
4842    text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist,
4843    text-linenumbering-separator?
4844  }
4845text-linenumbering-configuration-attlist =
4846  attribute text:number-lines { boolean }?
4847  & common-num-format-attlist?
4848  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
4849  & attribute text:increment { nonNegativeInteger }?
4850  & attribute text:number-position {
4851      "left" | "right" | "inner" | "outer"
4852    }?
4853  & attribute text:offset { nonNegativeLength }?
4854  & attribute text:count-empty-lines { boolean }?
4855  & attribute text:count-in-text-boxes { boolean }?
4856  & attribute text:restart-on-page { boolean }?
4857text-linenumbering-separator =
4858  element text:linenumbering-separator {
4859    attribute text:increment { nonNegativeInteger }?,
4860    text
4861  }
4862text-notes-configuration =
4863  element text:notes-configuration { text-notes-configuration-content }
4864text-notes-configuration-content =
4865  text-note-class
4866  & attribute text:citation-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4867  & attribute text:citation-body-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4868  & attribute text:default-style-name { styleNameRef }?
4869  & attribute text:master-page-name { styleNameRef }?
4870  & attribute text:start-value { nonNegativeInteger }?
4871  & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
4872  & common-num-format-attlist?
4873  & attribute text:start-numbering-at {
4874      "document" | "chapter" | "page"
4875    }?
4876  & attribute text:footnotes-position {
4877      "text" | "page" | "section" | "document"
4878    }?
4879  & element text:note-continuation-notice-forward { text }?
4880  & element text:note-continuation-notice-backward { text }?
4881text-bibliography-configuration =
4882  element text:bibliography-configuration {
4883    text-bibliography-configuration-attlist, text-sort-key*
4884  }
4885text-bibliography-configuration-attlist =
4886  attribute text:prefix { \string }?
4887  & attribute text:suffix { \string }?
4888  & attribute text:numbered-entries { boolean }?
4889  & attribute text:sort-by-position { boolean }?
4890  & attribute fo:language { languageCode }?
4891  & attribute fo:country { countryCode }?
4892  & attribute fo:script { scriptCode }?
4893  & attribute style:rfc-language-tag { language }?
4894  & attribute text:sort-algorithm { \string }?
4895text-sort-key = element text:sort-key { text-sort-key-attlist, empty }
4896text-sort-key-attlist =
4897  attribute text:key {
4898    "address"
4899    | "annote"
4900    | "author"
4901    | "bibliography-type"
4902    | "booktitle"
4903    | "chapter"
4904    | "custom1"
4905    | "custom2"
4906    | "custom3"
4907    | "custom4"
4908    | "custom5"
4909    | "edition"
4910    | "editor"
4911    | "howpublished"
4912    | "identifier"
4913    | "institution"
4914    | "isbn"
4915    | "issn"
4916    | "journal"
4917    | "month"
4918    | "note"
4919    | "number"
4920    | "organizations"
4921    | "pages"
4922    | "publisher"
4923    | "report-type"
4924    | "school"
4925    | "series"
4926    | "title"
4927    | "url"
4928    | "volume"
4929    | "year"
4930  },
4931  attribute text:sort-ascending { boolean }?
4932text-list-style =
4933  element text:list-style {
4934    text-list-style-attr, text-list-style-content*
4935  }
4936text-list-style-attr =
4937  attribute style:name { styleName }
4938  & attribute style:display-name { \string }?
4939  & attribute text:consecutive-numbering { boolean }?
4940text-list-style-content =
4941  element text:list-level-style-number {
4942    text-list-level-style-attr,
4943    text-list-level-style-number-attr,
4944    style-list-level-properties?,
4945    style-text-properties?
4946  }
4947  | element text:list-level-style-bullet {
4948      text-list-level-style-attr,
4949      text-list-level-style-bullet-attr,
4950      style-list-level-properties?,
4951      style-text-properties?
4952    }
4953  | element text:list-level-style-image {
4954      text-list-level-style-attr,
4955      text-list-level-style-image-attr,
4956      style-list-level-properties?
4957    }
4958text-list-level-style-number-attr =
4959  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
4960  & common-num-format-attlist
4961  & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
4962  & attribute text:display-levels { positiveInteger }?
4963  & attribute text:start-value { positiveInteger }?
4964text-list-level-style-bullet-attr =
4965  attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
4966  & attribute text:bullet-char { character }
4967  & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
4968  & attribute text:bullet-relative-size { percent }?
4969text-list-level-style-image-attr =
4970  common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data
4971text-list-level-style-attr = attribute text:level { positiveInteger }
4972text-outline-style =
4973  element text:outline-style {
4974    text-outline-style-attr, text-outline-level-style+
4975  }
4976text-outline-style-attr = attribute style:name { styleName }
4977text-outline-level-style =
4978  element text:outline-level-style {
4979    text-outline-level-style-attlist,
4980    style-list-level-properties?,
4981    style-text-properties?
4982  }
4983text-outline-level-style-attlist =
4984  attribute text:level { positiveInteger }
4985  & attribute text:style-name { styleNameRef }?
4986  & common-num-format-attlist
4987  & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
4988  & attribute text:display-levels { positiveInteger }?
4989  & attribute text:start-value { positiveInteger }?
4990style-graphic-properties =
4991  element style:graphic-properties {
4992    style-graphic-properties-content-strict
4993  }
4994style-graphic-properties-content-strict =
4995  style-graphic-properties-attlist,
4996  style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist,
4997  style-graphic-properties-elements
4998style-drawing-page-properties =
4999  element style:drawing-page-properties {
5000    style-drawing-page-properties-content-strict
5001  }
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5003  style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist,
5004  style-drawing-page-properties-attlist,
5005  style-drawing-page-properties-elements
5006draw-gradient =
5007  element draw:gradient {
5008    common-draw-gradient-attlist, draw-gradient-attlist, empty
5009  }
5010common-draw-gradient-attlist =
5011  attribute draw:name { styleName }?
5012  & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
5013  & attribute draw:style { gradient-style }
5014  & attribute draw:cx { percent }?
5015  & attribute draw:cy { percent }?
5016  & attribute draw:angle { angle }?
5017  & attribute draw:border { percent }?
5018gradient-style =
5019  "linear" | "axial" | "radial" | "ellipsoid" | "square" | "rectangular"
5020draw-gradient-attlist =
5021  attribute draw:start-color { color }?
5022  & attribute draw:end-color { color }?
5023  & attribute draw:start-intensity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5024  & attribute draw:end-intensity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5025svg-linearGradient =
5026  element svg:linearGradient {
5027    common-svg-gradient-attlist,
5028    attribute svg:x1 { coordinate | percent }?,
5029    attribute svg:y1 { coordinate | percent }?,
5030    attribute svg:x2 { coordinate | percent }?,
5031    attribute svg:y2 { coordinate | percent }?,
5032    svg-stop*
5033  }
5034svg-radialGradient =
5035  element svg:radialGradient {
5036    common-svg-gradient-attlist,
5037    attribute svg:cx { coordinate | percent }?,
5038    attribute svg:cy { coordinate | percent }?,
5039    attribute svg:r { coordinate | percent }?,
5040    attribute svg:fx { coordinate | percent }?,
5041    attribute svg:fy { coordinate | percent }?,
5042    svg-stop*
5043  }
5044svg-stop =
5045  element svg:stop {
5046    attribute svg:offset { double | percent },
5047    attribute svg:stop-color { color }?,
5048    attribute svg:stop-opacity { double }?
5049  }
5050common-svg-gradient-attlist =
5051  attribute svg:gradientUnits { "objectBoundingBox" }?
5052  & attribute svg:gradientTransform { \string }?
5053  & attribute svg:spreadMethod { "pad" | "reflect" | "repeat" }?
5054  & attribute draw:name { styleName }
5055  & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
5056draw-hatch = element draw:hatch { draw-hatch-attlist, empty }
5057draw-hatch-attlist =
5058  attribute draw:name { styleName }
5059  & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
5060  & attribute draw:style { "single" | "double" | "triple" }
5061  & attribute draw:color { color }?
5062  & attribute draw:distance { length }?
5063  & attribute draw:rotation { angle }?
5064draw-fill-image =
5065  element draw:fill-image {
5066    draw-fill-image-attlist,
5067    attribute xlink:type { "simple" },
5068    attribute xlink:href { anyIRI },
5069    attribute xlink:show { "embed" }?,
5070    attribute xlink:actuate { "onLoad" }?,
5071    empty
5072  }
5073draw-fill-image-attlist =
5074  attribute draw:name { styleName }
5075  & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
5076  & attribute svg:width { length }?
5077  & attribute svg:height { length }?
5078draw-opacity =
5079  element draw:opacity {
5080    common-draw-gradient-attlist, draw-opacity-attlist, empty
5081  }
5082draw-opacity-attlist =
5083  attribute draw:start { zeroToHundredPercent }?,
5084  attribute draw:end { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5085draw-marker =
5086  element draw:marker {
5087    draw-marker-attlist,
5088    common-draw-viewbox-attlist,
5089    common-draw-path-data-attlist,
5090    empty
5091  }
5092draw-marker-attlist =
5093  attribute draw:name { styleName }
5094  & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
5095draw-stroke-dash =
5096  element draw:stroke-dash { draw-stroke-dash-attlist, empty }
5097draw-stroke-dash-attlist =
5098  attribute draw:name { styleName }
5099  & attribute draw:display-name { \string }?
5100  & attribute draw:style { "rect" | "round" }?
5101  & attribute draw:dots1 { integer }?
5102  & attribute draw:dots1-length { length | percent }?
5103  & attribute draw:dots2 { integer }?
5104  & attribute draw:dots2-length { length | percent }?
5105  & attribute draw:distance { length | percent }?
5106style-presentation-page-layout =
5107  element style:presentation-page-layout {
5108    attribute style:name { styleName },
5109    attribute style:display-name { \string }?,
5110    presentation-placeholder*
5111  }
5112presentation-placeholder =
5113  element presentation:placeholder {
5114    attribute presentation:object { presentation-classes },
5115    attribute svg:x { coordinate | percent },
5116    attribute svg:y { coordinate | percent },
5117    attribute svg:width { length | percent },
5118    attribute svg:height { length | percent },
5119    empty
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5122  element style:page-layout-properties {
5123    style-page-layout-properties-content-strict
5124  }
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5126  style-page-layout-properties-attlist,
5127  style-page-layout-properties-elements
5128style-page-layout-properties-attlist =
5129  attribute fo:page-width { length }?
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5132  & common-num-format-prefix-suffix-attlist
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5136  & common-vertical-margin-attlist
5137  & common-margin-attlist
5138  & common-border-attlist
5139  & common-border-line-width-attlist
5140  & common-padding-attlist
5141  & common-shadow-attlist
5142  & common-background-color-attlist
5143  & attribute style:register-truth-ref-style-name { styleNameRef }?
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5145      list {
5146        ("headers"
5147         | "grid"
5148         | "annotations"
5149         | "objects"
5150         | "charts"
5151         | "drawings"
5152         | "formulas"
5153         | "zero-values")*
5154      }
5155    }?
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5161      "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both" | "none"
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5168  & attribute style:layout-grid-ruby-height { length }?
5169  & attribute style:layout-grid-lines { positiveInteger }?
5170  & attribute style:layout-grid-base-width { length }?
5171  & attribute style:layout-grid-color { color }?
5172  & attribute style:layout-grid-ruby-below { boolean }?
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5180style-footnote-sep-attlist =
5181  attribute style:width { length }?,
5182  attribute style:rel-width { percent }?,
5183  attribute style:color { color }?,
5184  attribute style:line-style { lineStyle }?,
5185  attribute style:adjustment { "left" | "center" | "right" }?,
5186  attribute style:distance-before-sep { length }?,
5187  attribute style:distance-after-sep { length }?
5188style-header-footer-properties =
5189  element style:header-footer-properties {
5190    style-header-footer-properties-content-strict
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5192style-header-footer-properties-content-strict =
5193  style-header-footer-properties-attlist,
5194  style-header-footer-properties-elements
5195style-header-footer-properties-attlist =
5196  attribute svg:height { length }?
5197  & attribute fo:min-height { length }?
5198  & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
5199  & common-vertical-margin-attlist
5200  & common-margin-attlist
5201  & common-border-attlist
5202  & common-border-line-width-attlist
5203  & common-padding-attlist
5204  & common-background-color-attlist
5205  & common-shadow-attlist
5206  & attribute style:dynamic-spacing { boolean }?
5207style-header-footer-properties-elements = style-background-image
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5209  element style:text-properties { style-text-properties-content-strict }
5210style-text-properties-content-strict =
5211  style-text-properties-attlist, style-text-properties-elements
5212style-text-properties-elements = empty
5213style-text-properties-attlist =
5214  attribute fo:font-variant { fontVariant }?
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5216      "none" | "lowercase" | "uppercase" | "capitalize"
5217    }?
5218  & attribute fo:color { color }?
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5224  & attribute style:text-line-through-color { "font-color" | color }?
5225  & attribute style:text-line-through-text { \string }?
5226  & attribute style:text-line-through-text-style { styleNameRef }?
5227  & attribute style:text-position {
5228      list { (percent | "super" | "sub"), percent? }
5229    }?
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5231  & attribute style:font-name-asian { \string }?
5232  & attribute style:font-name-complex { \string }?
5233  & attribute fo:font-family { \string }?
5234  & attribute style:font-family-asian { \string }?
5235  & attribute style:font-family-complex { \string }?
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5239  & attribute style:font-style-name { \string }?
5240  & attribute style:font-style-name-asian { \string }?
5241  & attribute style:font-style-name-complex { \string }?
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5243  & attribute style:font-pitch-asian { fontPitch }?
5244  & attribute style:font-pitch-complex { fontPitch }?
5245  & attribute style:font-charset { textEncoding }?
5246  & attribute style:font-charset-asian { textEncoding }?
5247  & attribute style:font-charset-complex { textEncoding }?
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5252  & attribute style:font-size-rel-asian { length }?
5253  & attribute style:font-size-rel-complex { length }?
5254  & attribute style:script-type {
5255      "latin" | "asian" | "complex" | "ignore"
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5257  & attribute fo:letter-spacing { length | "normal" }?
5258  & attribute fo:language { languageCode }?
5259  & attribute style:language-asian { languageCode }?
5260  & attribute style:language-complex { languageCode }?
5261  & attribute fo:country { countryCode }?
5262  & attribute style:country-asian { countryCode }?
5263  & attribute style:country-complex { countryCode }?
5264  & attribute fo:script { scriptCode }?
5265  & attribute style:script-asian { scriptCode }?
5266  & attribute style:script-complex { scriptCode }?
5267  & attribute style:rfc-language-tag { language }?
5268  & attribute style:rfc-language-tag-asian { language }?
5269  & attribute style:rfc-language-tag-complex { language }?
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5271  & attribute style:font-style-asian { fontStyle }?
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5279  & attribute style:text-overline-type { lineType }?
5280  & attribute style:text-overline-style { lineStyle }?
5281  & attribute style:text-overline-width { lineWidth }?
5282  & attribute style:text-overline-color { "font-color" | color }?
5283  & attribute style:text-overline-mode { lineMode }?
5284  & attribute fo:font-weight { fontWeight }?
5285  & attribute style:font-weight-asian { fontWeight }?
5286  & attribute style:font-weight-complex { fontWeight }?
5287  & attribute style:text-underline-mode { lineMode }?
5288  & attribute style:text-line-through-mode { lineMode }?
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5296      "none"
5297      | list {
5298          ("none" | "accent" | "dot" | "circle" | "disc"),
5299          ("above" | "below")
5300        }
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5307  & attribute fo:hyphenation-push-char-count { positiveInteger }?
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5309     | attribute text:display { "none" }
5310     | (attribute text:display { "condition" },
5311        attribute text:condition { "none" })
5312     | empty)
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5327  | "dot-dash"
5328  | "dot-dot-dash"
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5335  | "medium"
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5338  | percent
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5343  | "100"
5344  | "200"
5345  | "300"
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5347  | "500"
5348  | "600"
5349  | "700"
5350  | "800"
5351  | "900"
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5355    style-paragraph-properties-content-strict
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5357style-paragraph-properties-content-strict =
5358  style-paragraph-properties-attlist,
5359  style-paragraph-properties-elements
5360style-paragraph-properties-attlist =
5361  attribute fo:line-height { "normal" | nonNegativeLength | percent }?
5362  & attribute style:line-height-at-least { nonNegativeLength }?
5363  & attribute style:line-spacing { length }?
5364  & attribute style:font-independent-line-spacing { boolean }?
5365  & common-text-align
5366  & attribute fo:text-align-last { "start" | "center" | "justify" }?
5367  & attribute style:justify-single-word { boolean }?
5368  & attribute fo:keep-together { "auto" | "always" }?
5369  & attribute fo:widows { nonNegativeInteger }?
5370  & attribute fo:orphans { nonNegativeInteger }?
5371  & attribute style:tab-stop-distance { nonNegativeLength }?
5372  & attribute fo:hyphenation-keep { "auto" | "page" }?
5373  & attribute fo:hyphenation-ladder-count {
5374      "no-limit" | positiveInteger
5375    }?
5376  & attribute style:register-true { boolean }?
5377  & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
5378  & attribute fo:text-indent { length | percent }?
5379  & attribute style:auto-text-indent { boolean }?
5380  & common-vertical-margin-attlist
5381  & common-margin-attlist
5382  & common-break-attlist
5383  & common-background-color-attlist
5384  & common-border-attlist
5385  & common-border-line-width-attlist
5386  & attribute style:join-border { boolean }?
5387  & common-padding-attlist
5388  & common-shadow-attlist
5389  & common-keep-with-next-attlist
5390  & attribute text:number-lines { boolean }?
5391  & attribute text:line-number { nonNegativeInteger }?
5392  & attribute style:text-autospace { "none" | "ideograph-alpha" }?
5393  & attribute style:punctuation-wrap { "simple" | "hanging" }?
5394  & attribute style:line-break { "normal" | "strict" }?
5395  & attribute style:vertical-align {
5396      "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "auto" | "baseline"
5397    }?
5398  & common-writing-mode-attlist
5399  & attribute style:writing-mode-automatic { boolean }?
5400  & attribute style:snap-to-layout-grid { boolean }?
5401  & common-page-number-attlist
5402  & common-background-transparency-attlist
5403common-text-align =
5404  attribute fo:text-align {
5405    "start" | "end" | "left" | "right" | "center" | "justify"
5406  }?
5407style-paragraph-properties-elements =
5408  style-tab-stops & style-drop-cap & style-background-image
5409style-tab-stops = element style:tab-stops { style-tab-stop* }?
5410style-tab-stop =
5411  element style:tab-stop { style-tab-stop-attlist, empty }
5412style-tab-stop-attlist =
5413  attribute style:position { length }
5414  & (attribute style:type { "left" | "center" | "right" }?
5415     | (attribute style:type { "char" },
5416        style-tab-stop-char-attlist))
5417  & attribute style:leader-type { lineType }?
5418  & attribute style:leader-style { lineStyle }?
5419  & attribute style:leader-width { lineWidth }?
5420  & attribute style:leader-color { "font-color" | color }?
5421  & attribute style:leader-text { character }?
5422  & attribute style:leader-text-style { styleNameRef }?
5423style-tab-stop-char-attlist = attribute style:char { character }
5424style-drop-cap =
5425  element style:drop-cap { style-drop-cap-attlist, empty }?
5426style-drop-cap-attlist =
5427  attribute style:length { "word" | positiveInteger }?
5428  & attribute style:lines { positiveInteger }?
5429  & attribute style:distance { length }?
5430  & attribute style:style-name { styleNameRef }?
5431common-horizontal-margin-attlist =
5432  attribute fo:margin-left { length | percent }?,
5433  attribute fo:margin-right { length | percent }?
5434common-vertical-margin-attlist =
5435  attribute fo:margin-top { nonNegativeLength | percent }?,
5436  attribute fo:margin-bottom { nonNegativeLength | percent }?
5437common-margin-attlist =
5438  attribute fo:margin { nonNegativeLength | percent }?
5439common-break-attlist =
5440  attribute fo:break-before { "auto" | "column" | "page" }?,
5441  attribute fo:break-after { "auto" | "column" | "page" }?
5442common-background-color-attlist =
5443  attribute fo:background-color { "transparent" | color }?
5444style-background-image =
5445  element style:background-image {
5446    style-background-image-attlist,
5447    (common-draw-data-attlist | office-binary-data | empty)
5448  }?
5449style-background-image-attlist =
5450  attribute style:repeat { "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "stretch" }?
5451  & attribute style:position {
5452      "left"
5453      | "center"
5454      | "right"
5455      | "top"
5456      | "bottom"
5457      | list { horiBackPos, vertBackPos }
5458      | list { vertBackPos, horiBackPos }
5459    }?
5460  & attribute style:filter-name { \string }?
5461  & attribute draw:opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5462horiBackPos = "left" | "center" | "right"
5463vertBackPos = "top" | "center" | "bottom"
5464common-border-attlist =
5465  attribute fo:border { \string }?,
5466  attribute fo:border-top { \string }?,
5467  attribute fo:border-bottom { \string }?,
5468  attribute fo:border-left { \string }?,
5469  attribute fo:border-right { \string }?
5470common-border-line-width-attlist =
5471  attribute style:border-line-width { borderWidths }?,
5472  attribute style:border-line-width-top { borderWidths }?,
5473  attribute style:border-line-width-bottom { borderWidths }?,
5474  attribute style:border-line-width-left { borderWidths }?,
5475  attribute style:border-line-width-right { borderWidths }?
5476borderWidths = list { positiveLength, positiveLength, positiveLength }
5477common-padding-attlist =
5478  attribute fo:padding { nonNegativeLength }?,
5479  attribute fo:padding-top { nonNegativeLength }?,
5480  attribute fo:padding-bottom { nonNegativeLength }?,
5481  attribute fo:padding-left { nonNegativeLength }?,
5482  attribute fo:padding-right { nonNegativeLength }?
5483common-shadow-attlist = attribute style:shadow { shadowType }?
5484common-keep-with-next-attlist =
5485  attribute fo:keep-with-next { "auto" | "always" }?
5486common-writing-mode-attlist =
5487  attribute style:writing-mode {
5488    "lr-tb" | "rl-tb" | "tb-rl" | "tb-lr" | "lr" | "rl" | "tb" | "page"
5489  }?
5490common-page-number-attlist =
5491  attribute style:page-number { positiveInteger | "auto" }?
5492common-background-transparency-attlist =
5493  attribute style:background-transparency { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5494style-ruby-properties =
5495  element style:ruby-properties { style-ruby-properties-content-strict }
5496style-ruby-properties-content-strict =
5497  style-ruby-properties-attlist, style-ruby-properties-elements
5498style-ruby-properties-elements = empty
5499style-ruby-properties-attlist =
5500  attribute style:ruby-position { "above" | "below" }?
5501  & attribute style:ruby-align {
5502      "left"
5503      | "center"
5504      | "right"
5505      | "distribute-letter"
5506      | "distribute-space"
5507    }?
5508style-section-properties =
5509  element style:section-properties {
5510    style-section-properties-content-strict
5511  }
5512style-section-properties-content-strict =
5513  style-section-properties-attlist, style-section-properties-elements
5514style-section-properties-attlist =
5515  common-background-color-attlist
5516  & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
5517  & attribute style:protect { boolean }?
5518  & common-editable-attlist
5519  & attribute text:dont-balance-text-columns { boolean }?
5520  & common-writing-mode-attlist
5521style-section-properties-elements =
5522  style-background-image & style-columns & text-notes-configuration*
5523style-columns =
5524  element style:columns {
5525    style-columns-attlist, style-column-sep?, style-column*
5526  }?
5527style-columns-attlist =
5528  attribute fo:column-count { positiveInteger }
5529  & attribute fo:column-gap { length }?
5530style-column = element style:column { style-column-attlist }
5531style-column-attlist =
5532  attribute style:rel-width { relativeLength }
5533  & attribute fo:start-indent { length }?
5534  & attribute fo:end-indent { length }?
5535  & attribute fo:space-before { length }?
5536  & attribute fo:space-after { length }?
5537style-column-sep = element style:column-sep { style-column-sep-attlist }
5538style-column-sep-attlist =
5539  attribute style:style {
5540    "none" | "solid" | "dotted" | "dashed" | "dot-dashed"
5541  }?
5542  & attribute style:width { length }
5543  & attribute style:height { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5544  & attribute style:vertical-align { "top" | "middle" | "bottom" }?
5545  & attribute style:color { color }?
5546style-table-properties =
5547  element style:table-properties {
5548    style-table-properties-content-strict
5549  }
5550style-table-properties-content-strict =
5551  style-table-properties-attlist, style-table-properties-elements
5552style-table-properties-attlist =
5553  attribute style:width { positiveLength }?
5554  & attribute style:rel-width { percent }?
5555  & attribute table:align { "left" | "center" | "right" | "margins" }?
5556  & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
5557  & common-vertical-margin-attlist
5558  & common-margin-attlist
5559  & common-page-number-attlist
5560  & common-break-attlist
5561  & common-background-color-attlist
5562  & common-shadow-attlist
5563  & common-keep-with-next-attlist
5564  & attribute style:may-break-between-rows { boolean }?
5565  & attribute table:border-model { "collapsing" | "separating" }?
5566  & common-writing-mode-attlist
5567  & attribute table:display { boolean }?
5568style-table-properties-elements = style-background-image
5569style-table-column-properties =
5570  element style:table-column-properties {
5571    style-table-column-properties-content-strict
5572  }
5573style-table-column-properties-content-strict =
5574  style-table-column-properties-attlist,
5575  style-table-column-properties-elements
5576style-table-column-properties-elements = empty
5577style-table-column-properties-attlist =
5578  attribute style:column-width { positiveLength }?
5579  & attribute style:rel-column-width { relativeLength }?
5580  & attribute style:use-optimal-column-width { boolean }?
5581  & common-break-attlist
5582style-table-row-properties =
5583  element style:table-row-properties {
5584    style-table-row-properties-content-strict
5585  }
5586style-table-row-properties-content-strict =
5587  style-table-row-properties-attlist,
5588  style-table-row-properties-elements
5589style-table-row-properties-attlist =
5590  attribute style:row-height { positiveLength }?
5591  & attribute style:min-row-height { nonNegativeLength }?
5592  & attribute style:use-optimal-row-height { boolean }?
5593  & common-background-color-attlist
5594  & common-break-attlist
5595  & attribute fo:keep-together { "auto" | "always" }?
5596style-table-row-properties-elements = style-background-image
5597style-table-cell-properties =
5598  element style:table-cell-properties {
5599    style-table-cell-properties-content-strict
5600  }
5601style-table-cell-properties-content-strict =
5602  style-table-cell-properties-attlist,
5603  style-table-cell-properties-elements
5604style-table-cell-properties-attlist =
5605  attribute style:vertical-align {
5606    "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "automatic"
5607  }?
5608  & attribute style:text-align-source { "fix" | "value-type" }?
5609  & common-style-direction-attlist
5610  & attribute style:glyph-orientation-vertical {
5611      "auto" | "0" | "0deg" | "0rad" | "0grad"
5612    }?
5613  & common-writing-mode-attlist
5614  & common-shadow-attlist
5615  & common-background-color-attlist
5616  & common-border-attlist
5617  & attribute style:diagonal-tl-br { \string }?
5618  & attribute style:diagonal-tl-br-widths { borderWidths }?
5619  & attribute style:diagonal-bl-tr { \string }?
5620  & attribute style:diagonal-bl-tr-widths { borderWidths }?
5621  & common-border-line-width-attlist
5622  & common-padding-attlist
5623  & attribute fo:wrap-option { "no-wrap" | "wrap" }?
5624  & common-rotation-angle-attlist
5625  & attribute style:rotation-align {
5626      "none" | "bottom" | "top" | "center"
5627    }?
5628  & attribute style:cell-protect {
5629      "none"
5630      | "hidden-and-protected"
5631      | list { ("protected" | "formula-hidden")+ }
5632    }?
5633  & attribute style:print-content { boolean }?
5634  & attribute style:decimal-places { nonNegativeInteger }?
5635  & attribute style:repeat-content { boolean }?
5636  & attribute style:shrink-to-fit { boolean }?
5637common-style-direction-attlist =
5638  attribute style:direction { "ltr" | "ttb" }?
5639style-table-cell-properties-elements = style-background-image
5640common-rotation-angle-attlist =
5641  attribute style:rotation-angle { angle }?
5642style-list-level-properties =
5643  element style:list-level-properties {
5644    style-list-level-properties-content-strict
5645  }
5646style-list-level-properties-content-strict =
5647  style-list-level-properties-attlist,
5648  style-list-level-properties-elements
5649style-list-level-properties-attlist =
5650  common-text-align
5651  & attribute text:space-before { length }?
5652  & attribute text:min-label-width { nonNegativeLength }?
5653  & attribute text:min-label-distance { nonNegativeLength }?
5654  & attribute style:font-name { \string }?
5655  & attribute fo:width { positiveLength }?
5656  & attribute fo:height { positiveLength }?
5657  & common-vertical-rel-attlist
5658  & common-vertical-pos-attlist
5659  & attribute text:list-level-position-and-space-mode {
5660      "label-width-and-position" | "label-alignment"
5661    }?
5662style-list-level-properties-elements = style-list-level-label-alignment
5663style-list-level-label-alignment =
5664  element style:list-level-label-alignment {
5665    style-list-level-label-alignment-attlist, empty
5666  }?
5667style-list-level-label-alignment-attlist =
5668  attribute text:label-followed-by { "listtab" | "space" | "nothing" }
5669  & attribute text:list-tab-stop-position { length }?
5670  & attribute fo:text-indent { length }?
5671  & attribute fo:margin-left { length }?
5672style-graphic-properties-attlist =
5673  attribute draw:stroke { "none" | "dash" | "solid" }?
5674  & attribute draw:stroke-dash { styleNameRef }?
5675  & attribute draw:stroke-dash-names { styleNameRefs }?
5676  & attribute svg:stroke-width { length }?
5677  & attribute svg:stroke-color { color }?
5678  & attribute draw:marker-start { styleNameRef }?
5679  & attribute draw:marker-end { styleNameRef }?
5680  & attribute draw:marker-start-width { length }?
5681  & attribute draw:marker-end-width { length }?
5682  & attribute draw:marker-start-center { boolean }?
5683  & attribute draw:marker-end-center { boolean }?
5684  & attribute svg:stroke-opacity {
5685      xsd:double { minInclusive = "0" maxInclusive = "1" }
5686      | zeroToHundredPercent
5687    }?
5688  & attribute draw:stroke-linejoin {
5689      "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "middle" | "none"
5690    }?
5691  & attribute svg:stroke-linecap { "butt" | "square" | "round" }?
5692  & attribute draw:symbol-color { color }?
5693  & attribute text:animation {
5694      "none" | "scroll" | "alternate" | "slide"
5695    }?
5696  & attribute text:animation-direction {
5697      "left" | "right" | "up" | "down"
5698    }?
5699  & attribute text:animation-start-inside { boolean }?
5700  & attribute text:animation-stop-inside { boolean }?
5701  & attribute text:animation-repeat { nonNegativeInteger }?
5702  & attribute text:animation-delay { duration }?
5703  & attribute text:animation-steps { length }?
5704  & attribute draw:auto-grow-width { boolean }?
5705  & attribute draw:auto-grow-height { boolean }?
5706  & attribute draw:fit-to-size { boolean }?
5707  & attribute draw:fit-to-contour { boolean }?
5708  & attribute draw:textarea-vertical-align {
5709      "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "justify"
5710    }?
5711  & attribute draw:textarea-horizontal-align {
5712      "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify"
5713    }?
5714  & attribute fo:wrap-option { "no-wrap" | "wrap" }?
5715  & attribute style:shrink-to-fit { boolean }?
5716  & attribute draw:color-mode {
5717      "greyscale" | "mono" | "watermark" | "standard"
5718    }?
5719  & attribute draw:color-inversion { boolean }?
5720  & attribute draw:luminance { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5721  & attribute draw:contrast { percent }?
5722  & attribute draw:gamma { percent }?
5723  & attribute draw:red { signedZeroToHundredPercent }?
5724  & attribute draw:green { signedZeroToHundredPercent }?
5725  & attribute draw:blue { signedZeroToHundredPercent }?
5726  & attribute draw:image-opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5727  & attribute draw:shadow { "visible" | "hidden" }?
5728  & attribute draw:shadow-offset-x { length }?
5729  & attribute draw:shadow-offset-y { length }?
5730  & attribute draw:shadow-color { color }?
5731  & attribute draw:shadow-opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5732  & attribute draw:start-line-spacing-horizontal { distance }?
5733  & attribute draw:start-line-spacing-vertical { distance }?
5734  & attribute draw:end-line-spacing-horizontal { distance }?
5735  & attribute draw:end-line-spacing-vertical { distance }?
5736  & attribute draw:line-distance { distance }?
5737  & attribute draw:guide-overhang { length }?
5738  & attribute draw:guide-distance { distance }?
5739  & attribute draw:start-guide { length }?
5740  & attribute draw:end-guide { length }?
5741  & attribute draw:placing { "below" | "above" }?
5742  & attribute draw:parallel { boolean }?
5743  & attribute draw:measure-align {
5744      "automatic" | "left-outside" | "inside" | "right-outside"
5745    }?
5746  & attribute draw:measure-vertical-align {
5747      "automatic" | "above" | "below" | "center"
5748    }?
5749  & attribute draw:unit {
5750      "automatic"
5751      | "mm"
5752      | "cm"
5753      | "m"
5754      | "km"
5755      | "pt"
5756      | "pc"
5757      | "inch"
5758      | "ft"
5759      | "mi"
5760    }?
5761  & attribute draw:show-unit { boolean }?
5762  & attribute draw:decimal-places { nonNegativeInteger }?
5763  & attribute draw:caption-type {
5764      "straight-line" | "angled-line" | "angled-connector-line"
5765    }?
5766  & attribute draw:caption-angle-type { "fixed" | "free" }?
5767  & attribute draw:caption-angle { angle }?
5768  & attribute draw:caption-gap { distance }?
5769  & attribute draw:caption-escape-direction {
5770      "horizontal" | "vertical" | "auto"
5771    }?
5772  & attribute draw:caption-escape { length | percent }?
5773  & attribute draw:caption-line-length { length }?
5774  & attribute draw:caption-fit-line-length { boolean }?
5775  & attribute dr3d:horizontal-segments { nonNegativeInteger }?
5776  & attribute dr3d:vertical-segments { nonNegativeInteger }?
5777  & attribute dr3d:edge-rounding { percent }?
5778  & attribute dr3d:edge-rounding-mode { "correct" | "attractive" }?
5779  & attribute dr3d:back-scale { percent }?
5780  & attribute dr3d:depth { length }?
5781  & attribute dr3d:backface-culling { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
5782  & attribute dr3d:end-angle { angle }?
5783  & attribute dr3d:close-front { boolean }?
5784  & attribute dr3d:close-back { boolean }?
5785  & attribute dr3d:lighting-mode { "standard" | "double-sided" }?
5786  & attribute dr3d:normals-kind { "object" | "flat" | "sphere" }?
5787  & attribute dr3d:normals-direction { "normal" | "inverse" }?
5788  & attribute dr3d:texture-generation-mode-x {
5789      "object" | "parallel" | "sphere"
5790    }?
5791  & attribute dr3d:texture-generation-mode-y {
5792      "object" | "parallel" | "sphere"
5793    }?
5794  & attribute dr3d:texture-kind { "luminance" | "intensity" | "color" }?
5795  & attribute dr3d:texture-filter { "enabled" | "disabled" }?
5796  & attribute dr3d:texture-mode { "replace" | "modulate" | "blend" }?
5797  & attribute dr3d:ambient-color { color }?
5798  & attribute dr3d:emissive-color { color }?
5799  & attribute dr3d:specular-color { color }?
5800  & attribute dr3d:diffuse-color { color }?
5801  & attribute dr3d:shininess { percent }?
5802  & attribute dr3d:shadow { "visible" | "hidden" }?
5803  & common-draw-rel-size-attlist
5804  & attribute fo:min-width { length | percent }?
5805  & attribute fo:min-height { length | percent }?
5806  & attribute fo:max-height { length | percent }?
5807  & attribute fo:max-width { length | percent }?
5808  & common-horizontal-margin-attlist
5809  & common-vertical-margin-attlist
5810  & common-margin-attlist
5811  & attribute style:print-content { boolean }?
5812  & attribute style:protect {
5813      "none"
5814      | list { ("content" | "position" | "size")+ }
5815    }?
5816  & attribute style:horizontal-pos {
5817      "left"
5818      | "center"
5819      | "right"
5820      | "from-left"
5821      | "inside"
5822      | "outside"
5823      | "from-inside"
5824    }?
5825  & attribute svg:x { coordinate }?
5826  & attribute style:horizontal-rel {
5827      "page"
5828      | "page-content"
5829      | "page-start-margin"
5830      | "page-end-margin"
5831      | "frame"
5832      | "frame-content"
5833      | "frame-start-margin"
5834      | "frame-end-margin"
5835      | "paragraph"
5836      | "paragraph-content"
5837      | "paragraph-start-margin"
5838      | "paragraph-end-margin"
5839      | "char"
5840    }?
5841  & common-vertical-pos-attlist
5842  & common-vertical-rel-attlist
5843  & common-text-anchor-attlist
5844  & common-border-attlist
5845  & common-border-line-width-attlist
5846  & common-padding-attlist
5847  & common-shadow-attlist
5848  & common-background-color-attlist
5849  & common-background-transparency-attlist
5850  & common-editable-attlist
5851  & attribute style:wrap {
5852      "none"
5853      | "left"
5854      | "right"
5855      | "parallel"
5856      | "dynamic"
5857      | "run-through"
5858      | "biggest"
5859    }?
5860  & attribute style:wrap-dynamic-threshold { nonNegativeLength }?
5861  & attribute style:number-wrapped-paragraphs {
5862      "no-limit" | positiveInteger
5863    }?
5864  & attribute style:wrap-contour { boolean }?
5865  & attribute style:wrap-contour-mode { "full" | "outside" }?
5866  & attribute style:run-through { "foreground" | "background" }?
5867  & attribute style:flow-with-text { boolean }?
5868  & attribute style:overflow-behavior {
5869      "clip" | "auto-create-new-frame"
5870    }?
5871  & attribute style:mirror {
5872      "none"
5873      | "vertical"
5874      | horizontal-mirror
5875      | list { "vertical", horizontal-mirror }
5876      | list { horizontal-mirror, "vertical" }
5877    }?
5878  & attribute fo:clip { "auto" | clipShape }?
5879  & attribute draw:wrap-influence-on-position {
5880      "iterative" | "once-concurrent" | "once-successive"
5881    }?
5882  & common-writing-mode-attlist
5883  & attribute draw:frame-display-scrollbar { boolean }?
5884  & attribute draw:frame-display-border { boolean }?
5885  & attribute draw:frame-margin-horizontal { nonNegativePixelLength }?
5886  & attribute draw:frame-margin-vertical { nonNegativePixelLength }?
5887  & attribute draw:visible-area-left { nonNegativeLength }?
5888  & attribute draw:visible-area-top { nonNegativeLength }?
5889  & attribute draw:visible-area-width { positiveLength }?
5890  & attribute draw:visible-area-height { positiveLength }?
5891  & attribute draw:draw-aspect {
5892      "content" | "thumbnail" | "icon" | "print-view"
5893    }?
5894  & attribute draw:ole-draw-aspect { nonNegativeInteger }?
5895style-graphic-fill-properties-attlist =
5896  attribute draw:fill {
5897    "none" | "solid" | "bitmap" | "gradient" | "hatch"
5898  }?
5899  & attribute draw:fill-color { color }?
5900  & attribute draw:secondary-fill-color { color }?
5901  & attribute draw:fill-gradient-name { styleNameRef }?
5902  & attribute draw:gradient-step-count { nonNegativeInteger }?
5903  & attribute draw:fill-hatch-name { styleNameRef }?
5904  & attribute draw:fill-hatch-solid { boolean }?
5905  & attribute draw:fill-image-name { styleNameRef }?
5906  & attribute style:repeat { "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "stretch" }?
5907  & attribute draw:fill-image-width { length | percent }?
5908  & attribute draw:fill-image-height { length | percent }?
5909  & attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point-x { percent }?
5910  & attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point-y { percent }?
5911  & attribute draw:fill-image-ref-point {
5912      "top-left"
5913      | "top"
5914      | "top-right"
5915      | "left"
5916      | "center"
5917      | "right"
5918      | "bottom-left"
5919      | "bottom"
5920      | "bottom-right"
5921    }?
5922  & attribute draw:tile-repeat-offset {
5923      list { zeroToHundredPercent, ("horizontal" | "vertical") }
5924    }?
5925  & attribute draw:opacity { zeroToHundredPercent }?
5926  & attribute draw:opacity-name { styleNameRef }?
5927  & attribute svg:fill-rule { "nonzero" | "evenodd" }?
5928style-graphic-properties-elements =
5929  text-list-style? & style-background-image & style-columns
5930common-vertical-pos-attlist =
5931  attribute style:vertical-pos {
5932    "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "from-top" | "below"
5933  }?,
5934  attribute svg:y { coordinate }?
5935common-vertical-rel-attlist =
5936  attribute style:vertical-rel {
5937    "page"
5938    | "page-content"
5939    | "frame"
5940    | "frame-content"
5941    | "paragraph"
5942    | "paragraph-content"
5943    | "char"
5944    | "line"
5945    | "baseline"
5946    | "text"
5947  }?
5948common-editable-attlist = attribute style:editable { boolean }?
5949horizontal-mirror =
5950  "horizontal" | "horizontal-on-odd" | "horizontal-on-even"
5951clipShape =
5952  xsd:string {
5953    pattern =
5954      "rect\([ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)))|(auto))([ ]*,[ ]*((-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc))))|(auto)){3}[ ]*\)"
5955  }
5956nonNegativePixelLength =
5957  xsd:string { pattern = "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)(px)" }
5958style-chart-properties =
5959  element style:chart-properties {
5960    style-chart-properties-content-strict
5961  }
5962style-chart-properties-content-strict =
5963  style-chart-properties-attlist, style-chart-properties-elements
5964style-chart-properties-elements = empty
5965style-chart-properties-attlist =
5966  attribute chart:scale-text { boolean }?
5967  & attribute chart:three-dimensional { boolean }?
5968  & attribute chart:deep { boolean }?
5969  & attribute chart:right-angled-axes { boolean }?
5970  & (attribute chart:symbol-type { "none" }
5971     | attribute chart:symbol-type { "automatic" }
5972     | (attribute chart:symbol-type { "named-symbol" },
5973        attribute chart:symbol-name {
5974          "square"
5975          | "diamond"
5976          | "arrow-down"
5977          | "arrow-up"
5978          | "arrow-right"
5979          | "arrow-left"
5980          | "bow-tie"
5981          | "hourglass"
5982          | "circle"
5983          | "star"
5984          | "x"
5985          | "plus"
5986          | "asterisk"
5987          | "horizontal-bar"
5988          | "vertical-bar"
5989        })
5990     | (attribute chart:symbol-type { "image" },
5991        element chart:symbol-image {
5992          attribute xlink:href { anyIRI }
5993        })
5994     | empty)
5995  & attribute chart:symbol-width { nonNegativeLength }?
5996  & attribute chart:symbol-height { nonNegativeLength }?
5997  & attribute chart:sort-by-x-values { boolean }?
5998  & attribute chart:vertical { boolean }?
5999  & attribute chart:connect-bars { boolean }?
6000  & attribute chart:gap-width { integer }?
6001  & attribute chart:overlap { integer }?
6002  & attribute chart:group-bars-per-axis { boolean }?
6003  & attribute chart:japanese-candle-stick { boolean }?
6004  & attribute chart:interpolation {
6005      "none" | "cubic-spline" | "b-spline"
6006    }?
6007  & attribute chart:spline-order { positiveInteger }?
6008  & attribute chart:spline-resolution { positiveInteger }?
6009  & attribute chart:pie-offset { nonNegativeInteger }?
6010  & attribute chart:angle-offset { angle }?
6011  & attribute chart:hole-size { percent }?
6012  & attribute chart:lines { boolean }?
6013  & attribute chart:solid-type {
6014      "cuboid" | "cylinder" | "cone" | "pyramid"
6015    }?
6016  & attribute chart:stacked { boolean }?
6017  & attribute chart:percentage { boolean }?
6018  & attribute chart:treat-empty-cells {
6019      "use-zero" | "leave-gap" | "ignore"
6020    }?
6021  & attribute chart:link-data-style-to-source { boolean }?
6022  & attribute chart:logarithmic { boolean }?
6023  & attribute chart:maximum { double }?
6024  & attribute chart:minimum { double }?
6025  & attribute chart:origin { double }?
6026  & attribute chart:interval-major { double }?
6027  & attribute chart:interval-minor-divisor { positiveInteger }?
6028  & attribute chart:tick-marks-major-inner { boolean }?
6029  & attribute chart:tick-marks-major-outer { boolean }?
6030  & attribute chart:tick-marks-minor-inner { boolean }?
6031  & attribute chart:tick-marks-minor-outer { boolean }?
6032  & attribute chart:reverse-direction { boolean }?
6033  & attribute chart:display-label { boolean }?
6034  & attribute chart:text-overlap { boolean }?
6035  & attribute text:line-break { boolean }?
6036  & attribute chart:label-arrangement {
6037      "side-by-side" | "stagger-even" | "stagger-odd"
6038    }?
6039  & common-style-direction-attlist
6040  & common-rotation-angle-attlist
6041  & attribute chart:data-label-number {
6042      "none" | "value" | "percentage" | "value-and-percentage"
6043    }?
6044  & attribute chart:data-label-text { boolean }?
6045  & attribute chart:data-label-symbol { boolean }?
6046  & element chart:label-separator { text-p }?
6047  & attribute chart:label-position { labelPositions }?
6048  & attribute chart:label-position-negative { labelPositions }?
6049  & attribute chart:visible { boolean }?
6050  & attribute chart:auto-position { boolean }?
6051  & attribute chart:auto-size { boolean }?
6052  & attribute chart:mean-value { boolean }?
6053  & attribute chart:error-category {
6054      "none"
6055      | "variance"
6056      | "standard-deviation"
6057      | "percentage"
6058      | "error-margin"
6059      | "constant"
6060      | "standard-error"
6061      | "cell-range"
6062    }?
6063  & attribute chart:error-percentage { double }?
6064  & attribute chart:error-margin { double }?
6065  & attribute chart:error-lower-limit { double }?
6066  & attribute chart:error-upper-limit { double }?
6067  & attribute chart:error-upper-indicator { boolean }?
6068  & attribute chart:error-lower-indicator { boolean }?
6069  & attribute chart:error-lower-range { cellRangeAddressList }?
6070  & attribute chart:error-upper-range { cellRangeAddressList }?
6071  & attribute chart:series-source { "columns" | "rows" }?
6072  & attribute chart:regression-type {
6073      "none" | "linear" | "logarithmic" | "exponential" | "power"
6074    }?
6075  & attribute chart:axis-position { "start" | "end" | double }?
6076  & attribute chart:axis-label-position {
6077      "near-axis"
6078      | "near-axis-other-side"
6079      | "outside-start"
6080      | "outside-end"
6081    }?
6082  & attribute chart:tick-mark-position {
6083      "at-labels" | "at-axis" | "at-labels-and-axis"
6084    }?
6085  & attribute chart:include-hidden-cells { boolean }?
6086labelPositions =
6087  "avoid-overlap"
6088  | "center"
6089  | "top"
6090  | "top-right"
6091  | "right"
6092  | "bottom-right"
6093  | "bottom"
6094  | "bottom-left"
6095  | "left"
6096  | "top-left"
6097  | "inside"
6098  | "outside"
6099  | "near-origin"
6100style-drawing-page-properties-attlist =
6101  attribute presentation:transition-type {
6102    "manual" | "automatic" | "semi-automatic"
6103  }?
6104  & attribute presentation:transition-style {
6105      "none"
6106      | "fade-from-left"
6107      | "fade-from-top"
6108      | "fade-from-right"
6109      | "fade-from-bottom"
6110      | "fade-from-upperleft"
6111      | "fade-from-upperright"
6112      | "fade-from-lowerleft"
6113      | "fade-from-lowerright"
6114      | "move-from-left"
6115      | "move-from-top"
6116      | "move-from-right"
6117      | "move-from-bottom"
6118      | "move-from-upperleft"
6119      | "move-from-upperright"
6120      | "move-from-lowerleft"
6121      | "move-from-lowerright"
6122      | "uncover-to-left"
6123      | "uncover-to-top"
6124      | "uncover-to-right"
6125      | "uncover-to-bottom"
6126      | "uncover-to-upperleft"
6127      | "uncover-to-upperright"
6128      | "uncover-to-lowerleft"
6129      | "uncover-to-lowerright"
6130      | "fade-to-center"
6131      | "fade-from-center"
6132      | "vertical-stripes"
6133      | "horizontal-stripes"
6134      | "clockwise"
6135      | "counterclockwise"
6136      | "open-vertical"
6137      | "open-horizontal"
6138      | "close-vertical"
6139      | "close-horizontal"
6140      | "wavyline-from-left"
6141      | "wavyline-from-top"
6142      | "wavyline-from-right"
6143      | "wavyline-from-bottom"
6144      | "spiralin-left"
6145      | "spiralin-right"
6146      | "spiralout-left"
6147      | "spiralout-right"
6148      | "roll-from-top"
6149      | "roll-from-left"
6150      | "roll-from-right"
6151      | "roll-from-bottom"
6152      | "stretch-from-left"
6153      | "stretch-from-top"
6154      | "stretch-from-right"
6155      | "stretch-from-bottom"
6156      | "vertical-lines"
6157      | "horizontal-lines"
6158      | "dissolve"
6159      | "random"
6160      | "vertical-checkerboard"
6161      | "horizontal-checkerboard"
6162      | "interlocking-horizontal-left"
6163      | "interlocking-horizontal-right"
6164      | "interlocking-vertical-top"
6165      | "interlocking-vertical-bottom"
6166      | "fly-away"
6167      | "open"
6168      | "close"
6169      | "melt"
6170    }?
6171  & attribute presentation:transition-speed { presentationSpeeds }?
6172  & attribute smil:type { \string }?
6173  & attribute smil:subtype { \string }?
6174  & attribute smil:direction { "forward" | "reverse" }?
6175  & attribute smil:fadeColor { color }?
6176  & attribute presentation:duration { duration }?
6177  & attribute presentation:visibility { "visible" | "hidden" }?
6178  & attribute draw:background-size { "full" | "border" }?
6179  & attribute presentation:background-objects-visible { boolean }?
6180  & attribute presentation:background-visible { boolean }?
6181  & attribute presentation:display-header { boolean }?
6182  & attribute presentation:display-footer { boolean }?
6183  & attribute presentation:display-page-number { boolean }?
6184  & attribute presentation:display-date-time { boolean }?
6185style-drawing-page-properties-elements = presentation-sound?
6186\string = xsd:string
6187date = xsd:date
6188time = xsd:time
6189dateTime = xsd:dateTime
6190duration = xsd:duration
6191integer = xsd:integer
6192nonNegativeInteger = xsd:nonNegativeInteger
6193positiveInteger = xsd:positiveInteger
6194double = xsd:double
6195anyURI = xsd:anyURI
6196base64Binary = xsd:base64Binary
6197ID = xsd:ID
6198IDREF = xsd:IDREF
6200NCName = xsd:NCName
6201boolean = "true" | "false"
6202dateOrDateTime = xsd:date | xsd:dateTime
6203timeOrDateTime = xsd:time | xsd:dateTime
6204language = xsd:language
6205countryCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}" }
6206languageCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z]{1,8}" }
6207scriptCode = xsd:token { pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8}" }
6208character = xsd:string { length = "1" }
6209length =
6210  xsd:string {
6211    pattern =
6212      "-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
6213  }
6214nonNegativeLength =
6215  xsd:string {
6216    pattern =
6217      "([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
6218  }
6219positiveLength =
6220  xsd:string {
6221    pattern =
6222      "([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*)?|0+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*|\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)((cm)|(mm)|(in)|(pt)|(pc)|(px))"
6223  }
6224percent = xsd:string { pattern = "-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)%" }
6225zeroToHundredPercent =
6226  xsd:string {
6227    pattern = "([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)%"
6228  }
6229signedZeroToHundredPercent =
6230  xsd:string {
6231    pattern = "-?([0-9]?[0-9](\.[0-9]*)?|100(\.0*)?|\.[0-9]+)%"
6232  }
6233relativeLength = xsd:string { pattern = "[0-9]+\*" }
6234coordinate = length
6235distance = length
6236color = xsd:string { pattern = "#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}" }
6237angle = xsd:string
6238CURIE =
6239  xsd:string { pattern = "(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+" minLength = "1" }
6240CURIEs = list { CURIE+ }
6241SafeCURIE =
6242  xsd:string {
6243    pattern = "\[(([\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*)?:)?.+\]"
6244    minLength = "3"
6245  }
6246URIorSafeCURIE = anyURI | SafeCURIE
6247styleName = xsd:NCName
6248styleNameRef = xsd:NCName | empty
6249styleNameRefs = list { xsd:NCName* }
6250variableName = xsd:string
6251targetFrameName = "_self" | "_blank" | "_parent" | "_top" | \string
6252valueType =
6253  "float"
6254  | "time"
6255  | "date"
6256  | "percentage"
6257  | "currency"
6258  | "boolean"
6259  | "string"
6260points =
6261  xsd:string { pattern = "-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+([ ]+-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+)*" }
6262pathData = xsd:string
6263vector3D =
6264  xsd:string {
6265    pattern =
6266      "\([ ]*-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([ ]+-?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)){2}[ ]*\)"
6267  }
6268namespacedToken = xsd:QName { pattern = "[^:]+:[^:]+" }
6269anyIRI =
6270  xsd:anyURI
6271  >> dc:description [
6272       "An IRI-reference as defined in [RFC3987]. See ODF 1.2 Part 1 section 18.3."
6273     ]
6274anyAttListOrElements =
6275  attribute * { text }*,
6276  anyElements
6277anyElements =
6278  element * {
6279    mixed { anyAttListOrElements }
6280  }*