1 {
2     Copyright (c) 1998-2008 by Florian Klaempfl
4     Handles the resource files handling
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************
21 }
22 unit comprsrc;
24 {$i fpcdefs.inc}
26 interface
28   uses
29     Systems, cstreams, cscript;
31 type
32    tresoutput = (roRES, roOBJ);
34    tresourcefile = class(TAbstractResourceFile)
35    private
36       fname : ansistring;
37    protected
SetupCompilerArgumentsnull38       function SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName :
39       ansistring; respath: ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring; virtual;
40    public
41       constructor Create(const fn : ansistring);override;
Compilenull42       function Compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; virtual;
43       procedure PostProcessResourcefile(const s : ansistring);virtual;
IsCompilednull44       function IsCompiled(const fn : ansistring) : boolean;virtual;
45       procedure Collect(const fn : ansistring);virtual;
46       procedure EndCollect; virtual;
47    end;
49    TWinLikeResourceFile = class(tresourcefile)
50    private
51       fResScript : TScript;
52       fScriptName : ansistring;
53       fCollectCount : integer;
54    protected
SetupCompilerArgumentsnull55       function SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName :
56         ansistring; respath: ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring; override;
57    public
58       constructor Create(const fn : ansistring);override;
59       destructor Destroy; override;
Compilenull60       function Compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; override;
IsCompilednull61       function IsCompiled(const fn : ansistring) : boolean;override;
62       procedure Collect(const fn : ansistring);override;
63       procedure EndCollect; override;
64    end;
66    TJVMRawResourceFile = class(TWinLikeResourceFile)
67    private
68    protected
69    public
Compilenull70       function Compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring) : boolean; override;
IsCompilednull71       function IsCompiled(const fn : ansistring) : boolean;override;
72    end;
75 procedure CompileResourceFiles;
76 procedure CollectResourceFiles;
78 Var
79   ResCompiler : String;
80   RCCompiler  : String;
82 implementation
84 uses
85   SysUtils,
86   cutils,cfileutl,cclasses,
87   Globtype,Globals,Verbose,Fmodule, comphook,cpuinfo;
89 {****************************************************************************
90                               TRESOURCEFILE
91 ****************************************************************************}
93 constructor tresourcefile.create(const fn : ansistring);
94 begin
95   fname:=fn;
96 end;
99 procedure tresourcefile.PostProcessResourcefile(const s : ansistring);
100 begin
101 end;
tresourcefile.IsCompilednull104 function tresourcefile.IsCompiled(const fn: ansistring): boolean;
105 begin
106   Result:=CompareText(ExtractFileExt(fn), target_info.resobjext) = 0;
107 end;
109 procedure tresourcefile.Collect(const fn: ansistring);
110 begin
111   if fn='' then
112     exit;
113   fname:=fn;
114   Compile(roOBJ, ChangeFileExt(fn, target_info.resobjext));
115 end;
117 procedure tresourcefile.EndCollect;
118 begin
120 end;
tresourcefile.SetupCompilerArgumentsnull122 function tresourcefile.SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const OutName
123   : ansistring; respath: ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring;
124 var
125   s : TCmdStr;
126 begin
127   if output=roRES then
128     begin
129       s:=target_res.rccmd;
130       Replace(s,'$RES',maybequoted(OutName));
131       Replace(s,'$RC',maybequoted(fname));
132       ObjUsed:=False;
133     end
134   else
135     begin
136       s:=target_res.rescmd;
137       ObjUsed:=(pos('$OBJ',s)>0);
138       Replace(s,'$OBJ',maybequoted(OutName));
139       Replace(s,'$RES',maybequoted(fname));
140     end;
141   Result:=s;
142 end;
tresourcefile.compilenull144 function tresourcefile.compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring)
145   : boolean;
SelectBinnull147   Function SelectBin(Const Bin1,Bin2 : String) : String;
148   begin
149     If (Bin1<>'') then
150       SelectBin:=Bin1
151     else
152       SelectBin:=Bin2;
153   end;
155 var
156   respath,
157   s,
158   bin,
159   resbin   : TCmdStr;
160   resfound,
161   objused  : boolean;
162 begin
163   Result:=true;
164   if output=roRES then
165     Bin:=SelectBin(RCCompiler,target_res.rcbin)
166   else
167     Bin:=SelectBin(ResCompiler,target_res.resbin);
168   if bin='' then
169   begin
170     Result:=false;
171     exit;
172   end;
173   resfound:=false;
174   if utilsdirectory<>'' then
175     resfound:=FindFile(utilsprefix+bin+source_info.exeext,utilsdirectory,false,resbin);
176   if not resfound then
177     begin
178       resfound:=FindExe(utilsprefix+bin,false,resbin);
179       if not resfound and (utilsprefix<>'') and ( (output=roRES) or (Pos('$ARCH', target_res.rescmd)<>0) ) then
180         { Search for resource compiler without utilsprefix, if RC->RES compiler is called }
181         { or RES->OBJ compiler supports different architectures. }
182         resfound:=FindExe(bin,false,resbin);
183     end;
184   { get also the path to be searched for the windres.h }
185   respath:=ExtractFilePath(resbin);
186   if (not resfound) and not(cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
187    begin
188      Message1(exec_e_res_not_found, utilsprefix+bin+source_info.exeext);
189      current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_link_nolink];
190      Result:=false;
191    end;
192   s:=SetupCompilerArguments(output,OutName,respath,objused);
193 { Execute the command }
194 { Always try to compile resources. but don't complain if cs_link_nolink }
195   if resfound then
196    begin
197      Message1(exec_i_compilingresource,fname);
198      Message2(exec_d_resbin_params,resbin,s);
199      FlushOutput;
200      try
201        if RequotedExecuteProcess(resbin,s) <> 0 then
202        begin
203          if not (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
204            Message(exec_e_error_while_compiling_resources);
205          current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_link_nolink];
206          Result:=false;
207        end;
208      except
209        on E:EOSError do
210        begin
211          if not (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
212            Message1(exec_e_cant_call_resource_compiler, resbin);
213          current_settings.globalswitches:=current_settings.globalswitches+[cs_link_nolink];
214          Result:=false;
215        end
216      end;
217     end;
218   { Update asmres when externmode is set and resource compiling failed }
219   if (not Result) and (cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches) then
220     AsmRes.AddLinkCommand(resbin,s,OutName);
221   if Result and (output=roOBJ) and ObjUsed then
222     current_module.linkunitofiles.add(OutName,link_always);
223 end;
225 constructor TWinLikeResourceFile.Create(const fn : ansistring);
226 begin
227   inherited Create(fn);
228   fResScript:=nil;
229   fCollectCount:=0;
230   if (tf_use_8_3 in target_info.flags) then
231     fScriptName:=ChangeFileExt(fn,'.rls')
232   else
233     fScriptName:=ChangeFileExt(fn,'.reslst');
234 end;
236 destructor TWinLikeResourceFile.Destroy;
237 begin
238   if fResScript<>nil then
239     fResScript.Free;
240   inherited;
241 end;
SetupCompilerArgumentsnull243 function TWinLikeResourceFile.SetupCompilerArguments(output: tresoutput; const
244   OutName : ansistring; respath : ansistring; out ObjUsed : boolean) : ansistring;
245 var
246   srcfilepath,
247   preprocessorbin,
248   s : TCmdStr;
249   arch,
250   subarch: ansistring;
WindresFileNamenull252   function WindresFileName(filename: TCmdStr): TCmdStr;
253   // to be on the safe side, for files that are passed to the preprocessor,
254   // only give short file names with forward slashes to windres
255   var
256     i: longint;
257   begin
258     Result := GetShortName(filename);
259     for I:=1 to Length(Result) do
260     if Result[I] in AllowDirectorySeparators then
261       Result[i]:='/';
262   end;
264 begin
265   srcfilepath:=ExtractFilePath(current_module.mainsource);
266   if output=roRES then
267     begin
268       s:=target_res.rccmd;
269       if target_res.rcbin = 'windres' then
270         Replace(s,'$RC',WindresFileName(fname))
271       else
272         Replace(s,'$RC',maybequoted(fname));
273       Replace(s,'$RES',maybequoted(OutName));
274       ObjUsed:=False;
275     end
276   else
277     begin
278       s:=target_res.rescmd;
279       if (res_external_file in target_res.resflags) then
280         ObjUsed:=false
281       else
282         ObjUsed:=(pos('$OBJ',s)>0);
283       Replace(s,'$OBJ',maybequoted(OutName));
284       subarch:='all';
285       arch:=cpu2str[target_cpu];
286       if (target_info.cpu=systems.cpu_arm) then
287         begin
288           //Differentiate between arm and armeb
289           if (target_info.endian=endian_big) then
290             arch:=arch+'eb';
291         end;
292       if target_info.cpu=systems.cpu_powerpc64 then
293         begin
294           { differentiate between ppc64 and ppc64le }
295           if target_info.endian=endian_little then
296             arch:=arch+'le';
297         end;
298       Replace(s,'$ARCH',arch);
299       if target_info.system=system_arm_ios then
300         subarch:=lower(cputypestr[current_settings.cputype]);
301       Replace(s,'$SUBARCH',subarch);
302       case target_info.endian of
303         endian_little : Replace(s,'$ENDIAN','littleendian');
304         endian_big : Replace(s,'$ENDIAN','bigendian');
305       end;
306       //call resource compiler with debug switch
307       if (status.verbosity and V_Debug)<>0 then
308         Replace(s,'$DBG','-v')
309       else
310         Replace(s,'$DBG','');
311       if fCollectCount=0 then
312         s:=s+' '+maybequoted(fname)
313       else
314         s:=s+' '+maybequoted('@'+fScriptName);
315     end;
316   { windres doesn't like empty include paths }
317   if respath='' then
318     respath:='.';
319   Replace(s,'$INC',maybequoted(respath));
320   if (output=roRes) and (target_res.rcbin='windres') then
321   begin
322     { try to find a preprocessor }
323     preprocessorbin := respath+'cpp'+source_info.exeext;
324     if FileExists(preprocessorbin,true) then
325       s:='--preprocessor='+preprocessorbin+' '+s;
326     if (srcfilepath<>'') then
327       s:='--include '+WindresFileName(srcfilepath)+' '+s;
328   end;
329   Result:=s;
330 end;
compilenull332 function TWinLikeResourceFile.compile(output: tresoutput;
333   const OutName: ansistring) : boolean;
334 begin
335   Result:=inherited compile(output,OutName);
336   //delete fpc-res.lst file if things went well
337   if Result and (output=roOBJ) then
338     DeleteFile(fScriptName);
339 end;
IsCompilednull341 function TWinLikeResourceFile.IsCompiled(const fn: ansistring): boolean;
342 const
343   ResSignature : array [1..32] of byte =
344   ($00,$00,$00,$00,$20,$00,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,$FF,$FF,$00,$00,
345    $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00);
346   knownexts : array[1..4] of string[4] = ('.lfm', '.dfm', '.xfm', '.tlb');
347 var
348   f : file;
349   oldfmode : byte;
350   buf: array[1..32] of byte;
351   i: longint;
352   ext : shortstring;
353 begin
354   ext:=lower(ExtractFileExt(fn));
355   Result:=CompareText(ext, target_info.resext) = 0;
356   if not Result then
357     for i:=1 to high(knownexts) do
358     begin
359       Result:=CompareText(ext, knownexts[i]) = 0;
360       if Result then break;
361     end;
363   if Result or not FileExists(fn, False) then exit;
364   oldfmode:=Filemode;
365   Filemode:=0;
366   assign(f,fn);
367   reset(f,1);
368   BlockRead(f, buf, SizeOf(buf), i);
369   close(f);
370   Filemode:=oldfmode;
372   if i<>SizeOf(buf) then
373     exit;
375   for i:=1 to 32 do
376     if buf[i]<>ResSignature[i] then
377       exit;
379   Result:=True;
380 end;
382 procedure TWinLikeResourceFile.Collect(const fn: ansistring);
383 begin
384   if fResScript=nil then
385     fResScript:=TScript.Create(fScriptName);
386   fResScript.Add(maybequoted_for_script(fn,script_fpcres));
387   inc(fCollectCount);
388 end;
390 procedure TWinLikeResourceFile.EndCollect;
391 begin
392   if fResScript<>nil then
393   begin
394     fResScript.WriteToDisk;
395     FreeAndNil(fResScript);
396     Compile(roOBJ,ChangeFileExt(fname,target_info.resobjext));
397   end;
398 end;
401 {****************************************************************************
402                               TJVMRawResourceFile
403 ****************************************************************************}
TJVMRawResourceFile.Compilenull405 function TJVMRawResourceFile.Compile(output: tresoutput; const OutName: ansistring): boolean;
406   begin
407     if output<>roOBJ then
408       internalerror(2011081703);
409     result:=inherited;
410   end;
IsCompilednull413 function TJVMRawResourceFile.IsCompiled(const fn: ansistring): boolean;
414   begin
415     internalerror(2011081704);
416     result:=true;
417   end;
CopyResFilenull420 function CopyResFile(inf,outf : TCmdStr) : boolean;
421 var
422   src,dst : TCCustomFileStream;
423 begin
424   { Copy .res file to units output dir. }
425   Result:=false;
426   src:=CFileStreamClass.Create(inf,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
427   if CStreamError<>0 then
428     begin
429       Message1(exec_e_cant_open_resource_file, src.FileName);
430       Include(current_settings.globalswitches, cs_link_nolink);
431       exit;
432     end;
433   dst:=CFileStreamClass.Create(current_module.outputpath+outf,fmCreate);
434   if CStreamError<>0 then
435     begin
436       Message1(exec_e_cant_write_resource_file, dst.FileName);
437       Include(current_settings.globalswitches, cs_link_nolink);
438       exit;
439     end;
440   dst.CopyFrom(src,src.Size);
441   dst.Free;
442   src.Free;
443   Result:=true;
444 end;
446 procedure CompileResourceFiles;
447 var
448   resourcefile : tresourcefile;
449   res: TCmdStrListItem;
450   p,s : TCmdStr;
451   outfmt : tresoutput;
452 begin
453   { Don't do anything for systems supporting resources without using resource
454     file classes (e.g. Mac OS). They process resources elsewhere. }
455   if ((target_info.res<>res_none) and (target_res.resourcefileclass=nil)) or
456      (res_no_compile in target_res.resflags) then
457     exit;
459   p:=ExtractFilePath(ExpandFileName(current_module.mainsource));
460   res:=TCmdStrListItem(current_module.ResourceFiles.First);
461   while res<>nil do
462     begin
463       if target_info.res=res_none then
464         Message(scan_e_resourcefiles_not_supported);
465       s:=res.FPStr;
466       if not path_absolute(s) then
467         s:=p+s;
468       if not FileExists(s, True) then
469         begin
470           Message1(exec_e_cant_open_resource_file, s);
471           Include(current_settings.globalswitches, cs_link_nolink);
472           exit;
473         end;
474       resourcefile:=TResourceFile(resinfos[target_info.res]^.resourcefileclass.create(s));
475       if resourcefile.IsCompiled(s) then
476         begin
477           resourcefile.free;
478           if AnsiCompareFileName(IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExpandFileName(current_module.outputpath)), p) <> 0 then
479             begin
480               { Copy .res file to units output dir. Otherwise .res file will not be found
481                 when only compiled units path is available }
482               res.FPStr:=ExtractFileName(res.FPStr); //store file name only in PPU.
483               if not CopyResFile(s,res.FPStr) then exit;
484             end;
485         end
486       else
487         begin
488           res.FPStr:=ExtractFileName(res.FPStr);
489           if (target_res.rcbin='') and (RCCompiler='') then
490             begin
491               { if target does not have .rc to .res compiler, create obj }
492               outfmt:=roOBJ;
493               res.FPStr:=ChangeFileExt(res.FPStr,target_info.resobjext);
494             end
495           else
496             begin
497               outfmt:=roRES;
498               res.FPStr:=ChangeFileExt(res.FPStr,target_info.resext);
499             end;
500           resourcefile.compile(outfmt, current_module.outputpath+res.FPStr);
501           resourcefile.free;
502         end;
503       res:=TCmdStrListItem(res.Next);
504     end;
505 end;
508 procedure CollectResourceFiles;
509 var
510   resourcefile : tresourcefile;
512   procedure ProcessModule(u : tmodule);
513   var
514     res : TCmdStrListItem;
515     s   : TCmdStr;
516   begin
517     res:=TCmdStrListItem(u.ResourceFiles.First);
518     while assigned(res) do
519       begin
520         if path_absolute(res.FPStr) then
521           s:=res.FPStr
522         else
523           begin
524             s:=u.path+res.FPStr;
525             if not FileExists(s,True) then
526               s:=u.outputpath+res.FPStr;
527           end;
528         resourcefile.Collect(s);
529         res:=TCmdStrListItem(res.Next);
530       end;
531   end;
533 var
534   hp : tused_unit;
535   s : TCmdStr;
536 begin
537   if (target_info.res=res_none) or ((target_res.resbin='')
538     and (ResCompiler='')) then
539       exit;
540 //  if cs_link_nolink in current_settings.globalswitches then
541 //    exit;
542   s:=ChangeFileExt(current_module.ppufilename,target_info.resobjext);
543   if (res_arch_in_file_name in target_res.resflags) then
544     s:=ChangeFileExt(s,'.'+cpu2str[target_cpu]+target_info.resobjext);
545   resourcefile:=TResourceFile(resinfos[target_info.res]^.resourcefileclass.create(s));
546   hp:=tused_unit(usedunits.first);
547   while assigned(hp) do
548     begin
549       ProcessModule(hp.u);
550       hp:=tused_unit(hp.next);
551     end;
552   ProcessModule(current_module);
553   { Finish collection }
554   resourcefile.EndCollect;
555   resourcefile.free;
556 end;
558 end.