2    This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library.
3    Copyright (c) 2003 by Florian Klaempfl
4    member of the Free Pascal development team
6    See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
7    for details about the copyright.
9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 **********************************************************************}
14{$mode objfpc}
15unit SysConst;
26{ from old str*.inc files }
27  SListIndexError        = 'List index (%d) out of bounds';
28  SParamIsNegative       = 'Parameter "%s" cannot be negative.';
29  SListCapacityError     = 'List capacity (%d) exceeded.';
30  SAbortError            = 'Operation aborted';
31  SAbstractError         = 'Abstract method called';
32  SAccessDenied          = 'Access denied';
33  SAccessViolation       = 'Access violation';
34  SArgumentMissing       = 'Missing argument in format "%s"';
35  SAssertError           = '%s (%s, line %d)';
36  SAssertionFailed       = 'Assertion failed';
37  SBusError              = 'Bus error or misaligned data access';
38  SCannotCreateEmptyDir  = 'Cannot create empty directory';
39  SControlC              = 'Control-C hit';
40  SDiskFull              = 'Disk Full';
41  SDispatchError         = 'No variant method call dispatch';
42  SDivByZero             = 'Division by zero';
43  SEndOfFile             = 'Read past end of file';
44  SErrInvalidDateMonthWeek = 'Year %d, month %d, Week %d and day %d is not a valid date.';
45  SerrInvalidHourMinuteSecMsec = '%d:%d:%d.%d is not a valid time specification';
46  SErrInvalidDateWeek    = '%d %d %d is not a valid dateweek';
47  SErrInvalidDayOfWeek   = '%d is not a valid day of the week';
48  SErrInvalidDayOfWeekInMonth = 'Year %d Month %d NDow %d DOW %d is not a valid date';
49  SErrInvalidDayOfYear   = 'Year %d does not have a day number %d';
50  SErrInvalidTimeStamp   = 'Invalid date/timestamp : "%s"';
51  SInvalidJulianDate            = '%f Julian cannot be represented as a DateTime';
52  SErrIllegalDateFormatString   = '"%s" is not a valid date format string';
53  SErrInvalidTimeFormat  = '"%s" is not a valid time';
54  SExceptionErrorMessage = 'Exception at %p: %s';
55  SExceptionStack        = 'Exception stack error';
56  SExecuteProcessFailed  = 'Failed to execute "%s", error code: %d';
57  SExternalException     = 'External exception %x';
58  SFileNotAssigned       = 'File not assigned';
59  SFileNotFound          = 'File not found';
60  SFileNotOpen           = 'File not open';
61  SFileNotOpenForInput   = 'File not open for input';
62  SFileNotOpenForOutput  = 'File not open for output';
63  SInValidFileName       = 'Invalid filename';
64  SIntOverflow           = 'Arithmetic overflow';
65  SIntfCastError         = 'Interface not supported';
66  SInvalidArgIndex       = 'Invalid argument index in format "%s"';
67  SInvalidBCD            = '%x is an invalid BCD value';
68  SInvalidBoolean        = '"%s" is not a valid boolean.';
69  SInvalidCast           = 'Invalid type cast';
70  SinvalidCurrency       = 'Invalid currency: "%s"';
71  SInvalidDateTime       = '"%s" is not a valid date/time value.';
72  SInvalidDateTimeFloat  = '%f is not a valid date/time value.';
73  SInvalidDrive          = 'Invalid drive specified';
74  SInvalidFileHandle     = 'Invalid file handle';
75  SInvalidFloat          = '"%s" is an invalid float';
76  SInvalidFormat         = 'Invalid format specifier : "%s"';
77  SInvalidGUID           = '"%s" is not a valid GUID value';
78  SInvalidInput          = 'Invalid input';
79  SInvalidInteger        = '"%s" is an invalid integer';
80  SInvalidOp             = 'Invalid floating point operation';
81  SInvalidPointer        = 'Invalid pointer operation';
82  SInvalidVarCast        = 'Invalid variant type cast';
83  SInvalidVarNullOp      = 'Invalid NULL variant operation';
84  SInvalidVarOp          = 'Invalid variant operation';
85  SInvalidBinaryVarOp    = 'Invalid variant operation %s %s %s';
86  SInvalidUnaryVarOp     = 'Invalid variant operation %s %s';
87  SInvalidVarOpWithHResultWithPrefix = 'Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)'+LineEnding+'%s';
88  SNoError               = 'No error.';
89  SNoThreadSupport       = 'Threads not supported. Recompile program with thread driver.';
90  SNoDynLibsSupport      = 'Dynamic libraries not supported. Recompile program with dynamic library driver.';
91  SMissingWStringManager = 'Widestring manager not available. Recompile program with appropriate manager.';
92  SSigQuit               = 'SIGQUIT signal received.';
93  SObjectCheckError      = 'Object reference is Nil';
94  SOSError               = 'System error, (OS Code %d):'+LineEnding+'%s';
95  SOutOfMemory           = 'Out of memory';
96  SOverflow              = 'Floating point overflow';
97  SPrivilege             = 'Privileged instruction';
98  SRangeError            = 'Range check error';
99  SStackOverflow         = 'Stack overflow';
100  SSafecallException     = 'Exception in safecall method';
101  SiconvError            = 'iconv error';
102  SThreadError           = 'Thread error';
104  STooManyOpenFiles      = 'Too many open files';
105  SUnKnownRunTimeError   = 'Unknown Run-Time error : %3.3d';
106  SUnderflow             = 'Floating point underflow';
107  SUnkOSError            = 'An operating system call failed.';
108  SUnknown               = 'Unknown run-time error code: ';
109  SUnknownErrorCode      = 'Unknown error code: %d';
110  SVarArrayBounds        = 'Variant array bounds error';
111  SVarArrayCreate        = 'Variant array cannot be created';
112  SVarArrayLocked        = 'Variant array locked';
113  SVarBadType            = 'Invalid variant type';
114  SVarInvalid            = 'Invalid argument';
115  SVarInvalid1           = 'Invalid argument: %s';
116  SVarNotArray           = 'Variant doesn''t contain an array';
117  SVarNotImplemented     = 'Operation not supported';
118  SVarOutOfMemory        = 'Variant operation ran out memory';
119  SVarOverflow           = 'Variant overflow';
120  SVarParamNotFound      = 'Variant Parameter not found';
121  SVarTypeAlreadyUsedWithPrefix = 'Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s';
122  SVarTypeConvertOverflow       = 'Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)';
123  SVarTypeCouldNotConvert       = 'Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)';
124  SVarTypeNotUsableWithPrefix   = 'Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable';
125  SVarTypeOutOfRangeWithPrefix  = 'Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range';
126  SVarTypeRangeCheck1           = 'Range check error for variant of type (%s)';
127  SVarTypeRangeCheck2           = 'Range check error while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)';
128  SVarTypeTooManyCustom         = 'Too many custom variant types have been registered';
129  SVarUnexpected                = 'Unexpected variant error';
130  SZeroDivide                   = 'Floating point division by zero';
132  SFallbackError                = 'An error, whose error code is larger than can be returned to the OS, has occurred';
134  SNoToolserver                 = 'Toolserver is not installed, cannot execute Tool';
136  SNotValidCodePageName         = '%s is not a valid code page name';
137  SInvalidCount                 = 'invalid count [%d]';
138  SCharacterIndexOutOfBounds    = 'character index out of bounds [%d]';
139  SInvalidDestinationArray      = 'invalid destination array';
140  SInvalidDestinationIndex      = 'invalid destination index [%d]';
142  SNoArrayMatch                 = 'Can''t match any allowed value at pattern position %d, string position %d.';
143  SNoCharMatch                  = 'Mismatch char "%s" <> "%s" at pattern position %d, string position %d.';
144  SHHMMError                    = 'mm in a sequence hh:mm is interpreted as minutes. No longer versions allowed! (Position : %d).' ;
145  SFullpattern                  = 'Couldn''t match entire pattern string. Input too short at pattern position %d.';
146  SPatternCharMismatch          = 'Pattern mismatch char "%s" at position %d.';
148  SShortMonthNameJan = 'Jan';
149  SShortMonthNameFeb = 'Feb';
150  SShortMonthNameMar = 'Mar';
151  SShortMonthNameApr = 'Apr';
152  SShortMonthNameMay = 'May';
153  SShortMonthNameJun = 'Jun';
154  SShortMonthNameJul = 'Jul';
155  SShortMonthNameAug = 'Aug';
156  SShortMonthNameSep = 'Sep';
157  SShortMonthNameOct = 'Oct';
158  SShortMonthNameNov = 'Nov';
159  SShortMonthNameDec = 'Dec';
161  SLongMonthNameJan = 'January';
162  SLongMonthNameFeb = 'February';
163  SLongMonthNameMar = 'March';
164  SLongMonthNameApr = 'April';
165  SLongMonthNameMay = 'May';
166  SLongMonthNameJun = 'June';
167  SLongMonthNameJul = 'July';
168  SLongMonthNameAug = 'August';
169  SLongMonthNameSep = 'September';
170  SLongMonthNameOct = 'October';
171  SLongMonthNameNov = 'November';
172  SLongMonthNameDec = 'December';
174  SShortDayNameMon = 'Mon';
175  SShortDayNameTue = 'Tue';
176  SShortDayNameWed = 'Wed';
177  SShortDayNameThu = 'Thu';
178  SShortDayNameFri = 'Fri';
179  SShortDayNameSat = 'Sat';
180  SShortDayNameSun = 'Sun';
182  SLongDayNameMon = 'Monday';
183  SLongDayNameTue = 'Tuesday';
184  SLongDayNameWed = 'Wednesday';
185  SLongDayNameThu = 'Thursday';
186  SLongDayNameFri = 'Friday';
187  SLongDayNameSat = 'Saturday';
188  SLongDayNameSun = 'Sunday';
190Function GetRunError(Errno : Word) : String;
194Function GetRunError(Errno : Word) : String;
197  Case Errno Of
198     0  : Result:=SNoError;
199     1  : Result:=SOutOfMemory;
200     2  : Result:=SFileNotFound;
201     3  : Result:=SInvalidFileName;
202     4  : Result:=STooManyOpenFiles;
203     5  : Result:=SAccessDenied;
204     6  : Result:=SInvalidFileHandle;
205     15 : Result:=SInvalidDrive;
206     100 : Result:=SEndOfFile;
207     101 : Result:=SDiskFull;
208     102 : Result:=SFileNotAssigned;
209     103 : Result:=SFileNotOpen;
210     104 : Result:=SFileNotOpenForInput;
211     105 : Result:=SFileNotOpenForOutput;
212     106 : Result:=SInvalidInput;
213     200 : Result:=SDivByZero;
214     201 : Result:=SRangeError;
215     203 : Result:=SOutOfMemory;
216     204 : Result:=SInvalidPointer;
217     205 : Result:=SOverFlow;
218     206 : Result:=SUnderFlow;
219     207 : Result:=SInvalidOp;
220     211 : Result:=SAbstractError;
221     214 : Result:=SBusError;
222     215 : Result:=SIntOverFlow;
223     216 : Result:=SAccessViolation;
224     217 : Result:=SPrivilege;
225     218 : Result:=SControlC;
226     219 : Result:=SInvalidCast;
227     220 : Result:=SInvalidVarCast;
228     221 : Result:=SInvalidVarOp;
229     222 : Result:=SDispatchError;
230     223 : Result:=SVarArrayCreate;
231     224 : Result:=SVarNotArray;
232     225 : Result:=SVarArrayBounds;
233     227 : Result:=SAssertionFailed;
234     228 : Result:=SExternalException;
235     229 : Result:=SIntfCastError;
236     230 : Result:=SSafecallException;
237     231 : Result:=SExceptionStack;
238     232 : Result:=SNoThreadSupport;
239     233 : Result:=SMissingWStringManager;
240     235 : Result:=SNoDynLibsSupport;
242     255 : Result:=SFallbackError;
244     {Error codes larger than 255 cannot be returned as an exit code to the OS,
245      for some OS's. If this happens, error 255 is returned instead.
246      Errors for which it is important that they can be distinguished,
247      shall be below 255}
249     {Error in the range 900 - 999 is considered platform specific}
251     900 : Result:=SNoToolserver;    {Mac OS specific}
253  end;
254  If length(Result)=0 then
255    begin
256      Str(Errno:3,Result);
257      Result:=SUnknown+Result;
258    end;