1 // Scintilla source code edit control
2 /** @file ViewStyle.h
3  ** Store information on how the document is to be viewed.
4  **/
5 // Copyright 1998-2001 by Neil Hodgson <neilh@scintilla.org>
6 // The License.txt file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed.
8 #ifndef VIEWSTYLE_H
9 #define VIEWSTYLE_H
12 namespace Scintilla {
13 #endif
15 /**
16  */
17 class MarginStyle {
18 public:
19 	int style;
20 	int width;
21 	int mask;
22 	bool sensitive;
23 	int cursor;
24 	MarginStyle();
25 };
27 /**
28  */
29 class FontNames {
30 private:
31 	std::vector<char *> names;
33 	// Private so FontNames objects can not be copied
34 	FontNames(const FontNames &);
35 public:
36 	FontNames();
37 	~FontNames();
38 	void Clear();
39 	const char *Save(const char *name);
40 };
42 class FontRealised : public FontMeasurements {
43 	// Private so FontRealised objects can not be copied
44 	FontRealised(const FontRealised &);
45 	FontRealised &operator=(const FontRealised &);
46 public:
47 	Font font;
48 	FontRealised();
49 	virtual ~FontRealised();
50 	void Realise(Surface &surface, int zoomLevel, int technology, const FontSpecification &fs);
51 };
53 enum IndentView {ivNone, ivReal, ivLookForward, ivLookBoth};
55 enum WhiteSpaceVisibility {wsInvisible=0, wsVisibleAlways=1, wsVisibleAfterIndent=2};
57 typedef std::map<FontSpecification, FontRealised *> FontMap;
59 enum WrapMode { eWrapNone, eWrapWord, eWrapChar };
61 class ColourOptional : public ColourDesired {
62 public:
63 	bool isSet;
ColourDesired(colour_)64 	ColourOptional(ColourDesired colour_=ColourDesired(0,0,0), bool isSet_=false) : ColourDesired(colour_), isSet(isSet_) {
65 	}
ColourOptional(uptr_t wParam,sptr_t lParam)66 	ColourOptional(uptr_t wParam, sptr_t lParam) : ColourDesired(lParam), isSet(wParam != 0) {
67 	}
68 };
70 struct ForeBackColours {
71 	ColourOptional fore;
72 	ColourOptional back;
73 };
75 /**
76  */
77 class ViewStyle {
78 	FontNames fontNames;
79 	FontMap fonts;
80 public:
81 	std::vector<Style> styles;
82 	size_t nextExtendedStyle;
83 	LineMarker markers[MARKER_MAX + 1];
84 	int largestMarkerHeight;
85 	Indicator indicators[INDIC_MAX + 1];
86 	int technology;
87 	int lineHeight;
88 	unsigned int maxAscent;
89 	unsigned int maxDescent;
90 	XYPOSITION aveCharWidth;
91 	XYPOSITION spaceWidth;
92 	XYPOSITION tabWidth;
93 	ForeBackColours selColours;
94 	ColourDesired selAdditionalForeground;
95 	ColourDesired selAdditionalBackground;
96 	ColourDesired selBackground2;
97 	int selAlpha;
98 	int selAdditionalAlpha;
99 	bool selEOLFilled;
100 	ForeBackColours whitespaceColours;
101 	int controlCharSymbol;
102 	XYPOSITION controlCharWidth;
103 	ColourDesired selbar;
104 	ColourDesired selbarlight;
105 	ColourOptional foldmarginColour;
106 	ColourOptional foldmarginHighlightColour;
107 	ForeBackColours hotspotColours;
108 	bool hotspotUnderline;
109 	bool hotspotSingleLine;
110 	/// Margins are ordered: Line Numbers, Selection Margin, Spacing Margin
111 	int leftMarginWidth;	///< Spacing margin on left of text
112 	int rightMarginWidth;	///< Spacing margin on right of text
113 	int maskInLine;	///< Mask for markers to be put into text because there is nowhere for them to go in margin
114 	MarginStyle ms[SC_MAX_MARGIN+1];
115 	int fixedColumnWidth;	///< Total width of margins
116 	bool marginInside;	///< true: margin included in text view, false: separate views
117 	int textStart;	///< Starting x position of text within the view
118 	int zoomLevel;
119 	WhiteSpaceVisibility viewWhitespace;
120 	int whitespaceSize;
121 	IndentView viewIndentationGuides;
122 	bool viewEOL;
123 	ColourDesired caretcolour;
124 	ColourDesired additionalCaretColour;
125 	bool showCaretLineBackground;
126 	bool alwaysShowCaretLineBackground;
127 	ColourDesired caretLineBackground;
128 	int caretLineAlpha;
129 	ColourDesired edgecolour;
130 	int edgeState;
131 	int caretStyle;
132 	int caretWidth;
133 	bool someStylesProtected;
134 	bool someStylesForceCase;
135 	int extraFontFlag;
136 	int extraAscent;
137 	int extraDescent;
138 	int marginStyleOffset;
139 	int annotationVisible;
140 	int annotationStyleOffset;
141 	bool braceHighlightIndicatorSet;
142 	int braceHighlightIndicator;
143 	bool braceBadLightIndicatorSet;
144 	int braceBadLightIndicator;
145 	int theEdge;
146 	int marginNumberPadding; // the right-side padding of the number margin
147 	int ctrlCharPadding; // the padding around control character text blobs
148 	int lastSegItalicsOffset; // the offset so as not to clip italic characters at EOLs
150 	// Wrapping support
151 	WrapMode wrapState;
152 	int wrapVisualFlags;
153 	int wrapVisualFlagsLocation;
154 	int wrapVisualStartIndent;
155 	int wrapIndentMode; // SC_WRAPINDENT_FIXED, _SAME, _INDENT
157 	ViewStyle();
158 	ViewStyle(const ViewStyle &source);
159 	~ViewStyle();
160 	void Init(size_t stylesSize_=64);
161 	void Refresh(Surface &surface, int tabInChars);
162 	void ReleaseAllExtendedStyles();
163 	int AllocateExtendedStyles(int numberStyles);
164 	void EnsureStyle(size_t index);
165 	void ResetDefaultStyle();
166 	void ClearStyles();
167 	void SetStyleFontName(int styleIndex, const char *name);
168 	bool ProtectionActive() const;
169 	int ExternalMarginWidth() const;
170 	bool ValidStyle(size_t styleIndex) const;
171 	void CalcLargestMarkerHeight();
172 	ColourDesired WrapColour() const;
173 	bool SetWrapState(int wrapState_);
174 	bool SetWrapVisualFlags(int wrapVisualFlags_);
175 	bool SetWrapVisualFlagsLocation(int wrapVisualFlagsLocation_);
176 	bool SetWrapVisualStartIndent(int wrapVisualStartIndent_);
177 	bool SetWrapIndentMode(int wrapIndentMode_);
179 private:
180 	void AllocStyles(size_t sizeNew);
181 	void CreateFont(const FontSpecification &fs);
182 	FontRealised *Find(const FontSpecification &fs);
183 	void FindMaxAscentDescent(unsigned int &maxAscent, unsigned int &maxDescent);
184 	// Private so can only be copied through copy constructor which ensures font names initialised correctly
185 	ViewStyle &operator=(const ViewStyle &);
186 };
188 #ifdef SCI_NAMESPACE
189 }
190 #endif
192 #endif