1declare module "tree-sitter-svelte" {
2  export interface Parser {
3    parse(
4      input: string | Input,
5      previousTree?: Tree,
6      options?: { bufferSize?: number; includedRanges?: Range[] }
7    ): Tree;
8    getLanguage(): any;
9    setLanguage(language: any): void;
10    getLogger(): Logger;
11    setLogger(logFunc: Logger): void;
12  }
14  export type Point = {
15    row: number;
16    column: number;
17  };
19  export type Range = {
20    startIndex: number;
21    endIndex: number;
22    startPosition: Point;
23    endPosition: Point;
24  };
26  export type Edit = {
27    startIndex: number;
28    oldEndIndex: number;
29    newEndIndex: number;
30    startPosition: Point;
31    oldEndPosition: Point;
32    newEndPosition: Point;
33  };
35  export type Logger = (
36    message: string,
37    params: { [param: string]: string },
38    type: "parse" | "lex"
39  ) => void;
41  export interface Input {
42    seek(index: number): void;
43    read(): any;
44  }
46  interface SyntaxNodeBase {
47    tree: Tree;
48    type: string;
49    isNamed: boolean;
50    text: string;
51    startPosition: Point;
52    endPosition: Point;
53    startIndex: number;
54    endIndex: number;
55    parent: SyntaxNode | null;
56    children: Array<SyntaxNode>;
57    namedChildren: Array<SyntaxNode>;
58    childCount: number;
59    namedChildCount: number;
60    firstChild: SyntaxNode | null;
61    firstNamedChild: SyntaxNode | null;
62    lastChild: SyntaxNode | null;
63    lastNamedChild: SyntaxNode | null;
64    nextSibling: SyntaxNode | null;
65    nextNamedSibling: SyntaxNode | null;
66    previousSibling: SyntaxNode | null;
67    previousNamedSibling: SyntaxNode | null;
69    hasChanges(): boolean;
70    hasError(): boolean;
71    isMissing(): boolean;
72    toString(): string;
73    child(index: number): SyntaxNode | null;
74    namedChild(index: number): SyntaxNode | null;
75    firstChildForIndex(index: number): SyntaxNode | null;
76    firstNamedChildForIndex(index: number): SyntaxNode | null;
78    descendantForIndex(index: number): SyntaxNode;
79    descendantForIndex(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): SyntaxNode;
80    namedDescendantForIndex(index: number): SyntaxNode;
81    namedDescendantForIndex(startIndex: number, endIndex: number): SyntaxNode;
82    descendantForPosition(position: Point): SyntaxNode;
83    descendantForPosition(startPosition: Point, endPosition: Point): SyntaxNode;
84    namedDescendantForPosition(position: Point): SyntaxNode;
85    namedDescendantForPosition(
86      startPosition: Point,
87      endPosition: Point
88    ): SyntaxNode;
89    descendantsOfType(
90      types: String | Array<String>,
91      startPosition?: Point,
92      endPosition?: Point
93    ): Array<SyntaxNode>;
95    closest<T extends SyntaxType>(types: T | readonly T[]): NamedNode<T> | null;
96    walk(): TreeCursor;
97  }
99  export interface TreeCursor {
100    nodeType: string;
101    nodeText: string;
102    nodeIsNamed: boolean;
103    startPosition: Point;
104    endPosition: Point;
105    startIndex: number;
106    endIndex: number;
107    readonly currentNode: SyntaxNode;
109    reset(node: SyntaxNode): void;
110    gotoParent(): boolean;
111    gotoFirstChild(): boolean;
112    gotoFirstChildForIndex(index: number): boolean;
113    gotoNextSibling(): boolean;
114  }
116  export interface Tree {
117    readonly rootNode: SyntaxNode;
119    edit(delta: Edit): Tree;
120    walk(): TreeCursor;
121    getChangedRanges(other: Tree): Range[];
122    getEditedRange(other: Tree): Range;
123  }
125  interface NamedNodeBase extends SyntaxNodeBase {
126    isNamed: true;
127  }
129  /** An unnamed node with the given type string. */
130  export interface UnnamedNode<T extends string = string>
131    extends SyntaxNodeBase {
132    type: T;
133    isNamed: false;
134  }
136  type PickNamedType<Node, T extends string> = Node extends {
137    type: T;
138    isNamed: true;
139  }
140    ? Node
141    : never;
143  type PickType<Node, T extends string> = Node extends { type: T }
144    ? Node
145    : never;
147  /** A named node with the given `type` string. */
148  export type NamedNode<T extends SyntaxType = SyntaxType> = PickNamedType<
149    SyntaxNode,
150    T
151  >;
153  /**
154   * A node with the given `type` string.
155   *
156   * Note that this matches both named and unnamed nodes. Use `NamedNode<T>` to pick only named nodes.
157   */
158  export type NodeOfType<T extends string> = PickType<SyntaxNode, T>;
160  interface TreeCursorOfType<S extends string, T extends SyntaxNodeBase> {
161    nodeType: S;
162    currentNode: T;
163  }
165  type TreeCursorRecord = {
166    [K in TypeString]: TreeCursorOfType<K, NodeOfType<K>>;
167  };
169  /**
170   * A tree cursor whose `nodeType` correlates with `currentNode`.
171   *
172   * The typing becomes invalid once the underlying cursor is mutated.
173   *
174   * The intention is to cast a `TreeCursor` to `TypedTreeCursor` before
175   * switching on `nodeType`.
176   *
177   * For example:
178   * ```ts
179   * let cursor = root.walk();
180   * while (cursor.gotoNextSibling()) {
181   *   const c = cursor as TypedTreeCursor;
182   *   switch (c.nodeType) {
183   *     case SyntaxType.Foo: {
184   *       let node = c.currentNode; // Typed as FooNode.
185   *       break;
186   *     }
187   *   }
188   * }
189   * ```
190   */
191  export type TypedTreeCursor = TreeCursorRecord[keyof TreeCursorRecord];
193  export interface ErrorNode extends NamedNodeBase {
194    type: SyntaxType.ERROR;
195    hasError(): true;
196  }
197  export const enum SyntaxType {
198    ERROR = "ERROR",
199    Attribute = "attribute",
200    AttributeName = "attribute_name",
201    AttributeValue = "attribute_value",
202    Document = "document",
203    Element = "element",
204    EndTag = "end_tag",
205    ExprAttributeValue = "expr_attribute_value",
206    QuotedAttributeValue = "quoted_attribute_value",
207    ScriptElement = "script_element",
208    SelfClosingTag = "self_closing_tag",
209    SpecialBlockEnd = "special_block_end",
210    SpecialBlockIntermediate = "special_block_intermediate",
211    SpecialBlockStart = "special_block_start",
212    StartTag = "start_tag",
213    StyleElement = "style_element",
214    AwaitTag = "await_tag",
215    Catch = "catch",
216    Comment = "comment",
217    EachTag = "each_tag",
218    ElseTag = "else_tag",
219    ElseifTag = "elseif_tag",
220    ErrorneousEndTagName = "errorneous_end_tag_name",
221    IfTag = "if_tag",
222    RawText = "raw_text",
223    RawTextExpr = "raw_text_expr",
224    TagName = "tag_name",
225    Text = "text",
226    ThenTag = "then_tag",
227  }
228  export type UnnamedType =
229    | '"'
230    | "'"
231    | "/>"
232    | "<"
233    | "</"
234    | "="
235    | ">"
236    | "{"
237    | "{#"
238    | "{/"
239    | "{:"
240    | "{}"
241    | "}";
242  export type TypeString = SyntaxType | UnnamedType;
243  export type SyntaxNode =
244    | AttributeNode
245    | AttributeNameNode
246    | AttributeValueNode
247    | DocumentNode
248    | ElementNode
249    | EndTagNode
250    | ExprAttributeValueNode
251    | QuotedAttributeValueNode
252    | ScriptElementNode
253    | SelfClosingTagNode
254    | SpecialBlockEndNode
255    | SpecialBlockIntermediateNode
256    | SpecialBlockStartNode
257    | StartTagNode
258    | StyleElementNode
259    | UnnamedNode<'"'>
260    | UnnamedNode<"'">
261    | UnnamedNode<"/>">
262    | UnnamedNode<"<">
263    | UnnamedNode<"</">
264    | UnnamedNode<"=">
265    | UnnamedNode<">">
266    | AwaitTagNode
267    | CatchNode
268    | CommentNode
269    | EachTagNode
270    | ElseTagNode
271    | ElseifTagNode
272    | ErrorneousEndTagNameNode
273    | IfTagNode
274    | RawTextNode
275    | RawTextExprNode
276    | TagNameNode
277    | TextNode
278    | ThenTagNode
279    | UnnamedNode<"{">
280    | UnnamedNode<"{#">
281    | UnnamedNode<"{/">
282    | UnnamedNode<"{:">
283    | UnnamedNode<"{}">
284    | UnnamedNode<"}">
285    | ErrorNode;
286  export interface AttributeNode extends NamedNodeBase {
287    type: SyntaxType.Attribute;
288  }
289  export interface AttributeNameNode extends NamedNodeBase {
290    type: SyntaxType.AttributeName;
291  }
292  export interface AttributeValueNode extends NamedNodeBase {
293    type: SyntaxType.AttributeValue;
294  }
295  export interface DocumentNode extends NamedNodeBase {
296    type: SyntaxType.Document;
297  }
298  export interface ElementNode extends NamedNodeBase {
299    type: SyntaxType.Element;
300  }
301  export interface EndTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
302    type: SyntaxType.EndTag;
303  }
304  export interface ExprAttributeValueNode extends NamedNodeBase {
305    type: SyntaxType.ExprAttributeValue;
306  }
307  export interface QuotedAttributeValueNode extends NamedNodeBase {
308    type: SyntaxType.QuotedAttributeValue;
309  }
310  export interface ScriptElementNode extends NamedNodeBase {
311    type: SyntaxType.ScriptElement;
312  }
313  export interface SelfClosingTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
314    type: SyntaxType.SelfClosingTag;
315  }
316  export interface SpecialBlockEndNode extends NamedNodeBase {
317    type: SyntaxType.SpecialBlockEnd;
318  }
319  export interface SpecialBlockIntermediateNode extends NamedNodeBase {
320    type: SyntaxType.SpecialBlockIntermediate;
321  }
322  export interface SpecialBlockStartNode extends NamedNodeBase {
323    type: SyntaxType.SpecialBlockStart;
324  }
325  export interface StartTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
326    type: SyntaxType.StartTag;
327  }
328  export interface StyleElementNode extends NamedNodeBase {
329    type: SyntaxType.StyleElement;
330  }
331  export interface AwaitTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
332    type: SyntaxType.AwaitTag;
333  }
334  export interface CatchNode extends NamedNodeBase {
335    type: SyntaxType.Catch;
336  }
337  export interface CommentNode extends NamedNodeBase {
338    type: SyntaxType.Comment;
339  }
340  export interface EachTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
341    type: SyntaxType.EachTag;
342  }
343  export interface ElseTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
344    type: SyntaxType.ElseTag;
345  }
346  export interface ElseifTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
347    type: SyntaxType.ElseifTag;
348  }
349  export interface ErrorneousEndTagNameNode extends NamedNodeBase {
350    type: SyntaxType.ErrorneousEndTagName;
351  }
352  export interface IfTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
353    type: SyntaxType.IfTag;
354  }
355  export interface RawTextNode extends NamedNodeBase {
356    type: SyntaxType.RawText;
357  }
358  export interface RawTextExprNode extends NamedNodeBase {
359    type: SyntaxType.RawTextExpr;
360  }
361  export interface TagNameNode extends NamedNodeBase {
362    type: SyntaxType.TagName;
363  }
364  export interface TextNode extends NamedNodeBase {
365    type: SyntaxType.Text;
366  }
367  export interface ThenTagNode extends NamedNodeBase {
368    type: SyntaxType.ThenTag;
369  }