1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Author: Mattias Gaertner
9   Abstract:
10     Methods and types for CHM help using chm viewer "lhelp".
11 }
12 unit LazHelpCHM;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 {$IFDEF VerboseLCLHelp}
17 {$DEFINE VerboseChmHelp}
18 {$ENDIF}
20 interface
22 uses
23   Classes, SysUtils,
24   // LCL
25   LazHelpIntf, HelpIntfs, LResources, Dialogs, Forms,
26   // LazUtils
27   LazConfigStorage, LazLoggerBase, FileUtil, LazFileUtils,
28   // ChmHelp
29   LHelpControl;
31 const
32   CHMMimeType = 'application/chm';
33   CHMPathParam = 'path';
35 type
36   { TCHMHelpDatabase
38     KeywordPrefix: if set, then the database will handle all Keywords
39       beginning with this value. And when the path is created by replacing
40       the prefix with the BaseURL.
41       For example:
42         Create a chm. For example build and run chmmaker in lazarus/tools/chmmaker
43         to create the example.chm (lazarus/tools/chmmaker/example.chm).
45         Put a TCHMHelpDatabase on a form.
46         Set AutoRegister to true.
47         Set KeywordPrefix to 'example'
48         Set CHM file to '../../../tools/chmmaker/example.chm'
50         Put a TLHelpRemoteViewer on the form.
51         Set AutoRegister to true.
52         Set LHelpPath to the path of lhelp. E.g. '../../lhelp/lhelp'
54         Put a TEdit on a form.
55         Set HelpType to htKeyword
56         Set HelpKeyword to 'example/MainPage.html'
58         Run the program.
59         Focus the edit field and press F1. The page '/MainPage.html' will be shown.
60         Note: lhelp requires the leading slash.
61         }
62   TCHMHelpDatabase = class(THelpDatabase)
63   private
64     FFilename: string;
65     FHelpNode: THelpNode;
66     FKeywordPrefix: string;
67     procedure SetFilename(AValue: string);
68     procedure SetKeywordPrefix(AValue: string);
69   public
70     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
71     destructor Destroy; override;
ShowHelpnull72     function ShowHelp({%H-}Query: THelpQuery; {%H-}BaseNode, NewNode: THelpNode;
73                       {%H-}QueryItem: THelpQueryItem;
74                       var ErrMsg: string): TShowHelpResult; override;
ShowURLnull75     function ShowURL(const URL, Title: string;
76                      var ErrMsg: string): TShowHelpResult; virtual;
GetNodesForKeywordnull77     function GetNodesForKeyword(const HelpKeyword: string;
78                                 var ListOfNodes: THelpNodeQueryList;
79                                 var ErrMsg: string): TShowHelpResult; override;
80     procedure Load(Storage: TConfigStorage); override;
81     procedure Save(Storage: TConfigStorage); override;
82   published
83     property AutoRegister;
84     property Filename: string read FFilename write SetFilename;
85     property KeywordPrefix: string read FKeywordPrefix write SetKeywordPrefix;
86   end;
88 type
89   TOnFindLHelp = procedure(var Path: string) of object;
91   { TLHelpConnector }
93   TLHelpConnector = class(THelpViewer)
94   private
95     FConnection: TLHelpConnection;
96     FLHelpPath: string;
97     FOnFindLHelp: TOnFindLHelp;
98     procedure SetLHelpPath(AValue: string);
99   public
100     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
101     destructor Destroy; override;
ShowNodenull102     function ShowNode(Node: THelpNode; var ErrMsg: string): TShowHelpResult; override;
103     procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
104     procedure Load(Storage: TConfigStorage); override;
105     procedure Save(Storage: TConfigStorage); override;
GetLocalizedNamenull106     function GetLocalizedName: string; override;
107     property OnFindLHelp: TOnFindLHelp read FOnFindLHelp write FOnFindLHelp;
108     property Connection: TLHelpConnection read FConnection;
109   published
110     property LHelpPath: string read FLHelpPath write SetLHelpPath;
111     property AutoRegister;
112   end;
114 procedure Register;
116 implementation
118 {$R lazhelpchm.res}
120 procedure Register;
121 begin
122   RegisterComponents('System',[TCHMHelpDatabase,TLHelpConnector]);
123 end;
125 { TLHelpConnector }
127 procedure TLHelpConnector.SetLHelpPath(AValue: string);
128 begin
129   if FLHelpPath=AValue then Exit;
130   FLHelpPath:=AValue;
131 end;
133 constructor TLHelpConnector.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
134 begin
135   inherited Create(TheOwner);
136   AddSupportedMimeType(CHMMimeType);
137 end;
139 destructor TLHelpConnector.Destroy;
140 begin
141   FConnection.Free;
142   inherited;
143 end;
ShowNodenull145 function TLHelpConnector.ShowNode(Node: THelpNode; var ErrMsg: string
146   ): TShowHelpResult;
147 var
148   Path: String;
149   IPCFile: String;
150   URLScheme: string;
151   URLPath: string;
152   URLParams: string;
153   CHMFilename: String;
154   SubPath: String;
155   Response: TLHelpResponse;
156   s: String;
157 begin
158   {$IFDEF VerboseChmHelp}
159   debugln(['TLHelpConnector.ShowNode START URL="',Node.URL,'"']);
160   {$ENDIF}
162   Result:=shrViewerError;
163   ErrMsg:='';
164   if (not Node.URLValid) then
165   begin
166     ErrMsg:='TLHelpConnector.ShowNode Node.URLValid=false';
167     exit;
168   end;
169   if (Node.URL='') then
170   begin
171     ErrMsg:='TLHelpConnector.ShowNode Node.URL empty';
172     exit;
173   end;
175   SplitURL(Node.URL,URLScheme,URLPath,URLParams);
176   CHMFilename:=CleanAndExpandFilename(URLPath);
177   if not FileExistsUTF8(CHMFilename) then
178   begin
179     ErrMsg:='chm file "'+CHMFilename+'" not found';
180     exit;
181   end;
182   if DirPathExists(CHMFilename) then
183   begin
184     ErrMsg:='invalid chm file "'+CHMFilename+'"';
185     exit;
186   end;
188   SubPath:='';
189   if (URLParams<>'') and (URLParams[1]='?') then
190     Delete(URLParams,1,1);
191   if LeftStr(URLParams,length(CHMPathParam)+1)=CHMPathParam+'=' then
192   begin
193     SubPath:=URLParams;
194     Delete(SubPath,1,length(CHMPathParam)+1);
195   end;
197   if Connection=nil then
198   begin
199     // create a connection to lhelp:
200     FConnection := TLHelpConnection.Create;
201     Connection.ProcessWhileWaiting := @Application.ProcessMessages;
202   end;
204   if Connection.ServerRunning = false then
205   begin
206     // Use '_lhlpctl_' in case application developer uses SimpleIPC
207     // and also uses the exe name followed by the process ID.
208     // See help protocol specs defined in
209     // http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Help_protocol
210     // Use process id in order to avoid conflicts when multiple entries are running
211     IPCFile:=LowerCase(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName))+
212       '_lhlpctl_'+
213       copy(inttostr(GetProcessID)+'00000',1,5);
214     {$IFDEF Unix}
215     if FileExistsUTF8('/tmp/'+IPCFile) then
216       DeleteFileUTF8('/tmp/'+IPCFile);
217     {$ENDIF}
219     // get lhelp path
220     Path:=LHelpPath;
221     if Assigned(OnFindLHelp) then
222       OnFindLHelp(Path);
224     // append exe extension
225     if ExtractFileExt(Path)='' then
226       Path:=Path+GetExeExt;
228     // search in Path
229     if (Path<>'') and (ExtractFilePath(Path)='') then
230     begin
231       s:=FindDefaultExecutablePath(Path);
232       if s<>'' then Path:=s;
233     end;
235     if not FileExistsUTF8(Path) then
236     begin
237       ErrMsg:='The chm viewer program lhelp was not found at "'+Path+'"';
238       exit;
239     end;
241     Connection.StartHelpServer(IPCFile,Path);
242   end;
244   {$IFDEF VerboseChmHelp}
245   debugln(['TLHelpConnector.ShowNode CHMFilename="',CHMFilename,'" SubPath="',SubPath,'"']);
246   {$ENDIF}
247   Response:=Connection.OpenURL(CHMFilename,SubPath);
248   case Response of
249   srSuccess: exit(shrSuccess);
250   srNoAnswer: ErrMsg:='lhelp does not respond';
251   srInvalidFile: ErrMsg:='lhelp can not open the file "'+CHMFilename+'"';
252   srInvalidURL,srInvalidContext: ErrMsg:='lhelp can not find the help entry "'+SubPath+'"';
253   else
254     ErrMsg:='Something is wrong with lhelp';
255   end;
256   debugln(['TLHelpConnector.ShowNode error: ',ErrMsg]);
257 end;
259 procedure TLHelpConnector.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
260 var
261   Src: TLHelpConnector;
262 begin
263   if Source is TLHelpConnector then
264   begin
265     Src:=TLHelpConnector(Source);
266     LHelpPath:=Src.LHelpPath;
267   end;
268   inherited Assign(Source);
269 end;
271 procedure TLHelpConnector.Load(Storage: TConfigStorage);
272 begin
273   inherited Load(Storage);
274   LHelpPath:=Storage.GetValue('LHelp/Path','');
275 end;
277 procedure TLHelpConnector.Save(Storage: TConfigStorage);
278 begin
279   inherited Save(Storage);
280   Storage.SetDeleteValue('LHelp/Path',LHelpPath,'');
281 end;
TLHelpConnector.GetLocalizedNamenull283 function TLHelpConnector.GetLocalizedName: string;
284 begin
285   Result:='LHelp Connector';
286 end;
288 { TCHMHelpDatabase }
290 procedure TCHMHelpDatabase.SetFilename(AValue: string);
291 begin
292   if FFilename=AValue then Exit;
293   FFilename:=AValue;
294 end;
296 procedure TCHMHelpDatabase.SetKeywordPrefix(AValue: string);
297 begin
298   if FKeywordPrefix=AValue then Exit;
299   FKeywordPrefix:=AValue;
300 end;
302 constructor TCHMHelpDatabase.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
303 begin
304   inherited Create(TheOwner);
305   AddSupportedMimeType(CHMMimeType);
306 end;
308 destructor TCHMHelpDatabase.Destroy;
309 begin
310   FreeAndNil(FHelpNode);
311   inherited Destroy;
312 end;
TCHMHelpDatabase.ShowHelpnull314 function TCHMHelpDatabase.ShowHelp(Query: THelpQuery; BaseNode,
315   NewNode: THelpNode; QueryItem: THelpQueryItem; var ErrMsg: string
316   ): TShowHelpResult;
317 begin
318   ErrMsg:='';
319   Result:=shrContextNotFound;
320   if NewNode.URLValid then
321   begin
322     Result:=ShowURL(NewNode.URL,NewNode.Title,ErrMsg);
323   end
324   else
325   begin
326     Result:=shrContextNotFound;
327     ErrMsg:='TCHMHelpDatabase.ShowHelp Node.URLValid=false Node.URL="'+NewNode.URL+'"';
328   end;
329 end;
ShowURLnull331 function TCHMHelpDatabase.ShowURL(const URL, Title: string; var ErrMsg: string
332   ): TShowHelpResult;
333 var
334   Viewer: THelpViewer;
335   Node: THelpNode;
336 begin
337   //DebugLn('TCHMHelpDatabase.ShowURL A URL="',URL,'" Title="',Title,'"');
339   if not FileExistsUTF8(Filename) then
340   begin
341     ErrMsg:='chm help file "'+Filename+'" not found';
342     exit(shrDatabaseNotFound);
343   end;
345   // find HTML viewer
346   Result:=FindViewer(CHMMimeType,ErrMsg,Viewer);
347   if Result<>shrSuccess then exit;
349   // call viewer
350   Node:=nil;
351   try
352     Node:=THelpNode.CreateURL(Self,Title,URL);
353     Result:=Viewer.ShowNode(Node,ErrMsg);
354   finally
355     Node.Free;
356   end;
357 end;
TCHMHelpDatabase.GetNodesForKeywordnull359 function TCHMHelpDatabase.GetNodesForKeyword(const HelpKeyword: string;
360   var ListOfNodes: THelpNodeQueryList; var ErrMsg: string): TShowHelpResult;
361 var
362   Path: String;
363 begin
364   Result:=inherited GetNodesForKeyword(HelpKeyword, ListOfNodes, ErrMsg);
365   if Result<>shrSuccess then exit;
367   if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
368     (KeywordPrefix<>'') and
369     (LeftStr(HelpKeyword,length(KeywordPrefix))=KeywordPrefix) then
370   begin
371     // HelpKeyword starts with KeywordPrefix -> add default node
372     if FHelpNode=nil then
373       FHelpNode:=THelpNode.CreateURL(Self,'','');
374     Path:=copy(HelpKeyword,length(KeywordPrefix)+1,length(HelpKeyword));
375     FHelpNode.Title:='Show page '+Path+' of '+ExtractFileName(Filename);
376     FHelpNode.URL:='chmfile://'+FilenameToURLPath(Filename)+'?'+CHMPathParam+'='+Path;
377     CreateNodeQueryListAndAdd(FHelpNode,nil,ListOfNodes,true);
378   end;
379 end;
381 procedure TCHMHelpDatabase.Load(Storage: TConfigStorage);
382 begin
383   inherited Load(Storage);
384   KeywordPrefix:=Storage.GetValue('KeywordPrefix','');
385   Filename:=Storage.GetValue('Filename','');
386 end;
388 procedure TCHMHelpDatabase.Save(Storage: TConfigStorage);
389 begin
390   inherited Save(Storage);
391   Storage.SetDeleteValue('KeywordPrefix',KeywordPrefix,'');
392   Storage.SetDeleteValue('Filename',Filename, '');
393 end;
395 end.