1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
4   for details about the license.
5  *****************************************************************************
7   Author: Mattias Gaertner
9   Abstract:
10     Interface to the general IDE functions.
11 }
12 unit LazIDEIntf;
14 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
16 interface
18 uses
19   Classes, SysUtils,
20   // LCL
21   Forms, Controls, LazHelpHTML,
22   // LazUtils
23   UITypes, LazMethodList,
24   // BuildIntf
25   BaseIDEIntf, IDEOptionsIntf, CompOptsIntf, ProjectIntf, IDEExternToolIntf,
26   // IdeIntf
27   IDEOptEditorIntf, SrcEditorIntf, IDEWindowIntf;
29 type
30   TIDEDirective = (
31     idedNone,
32     idedBuildCommand,  // Filename plus params to build the file
33                        //   default is '$(CompPath) $(EdFile)'
34     idedBuildWorkingDir,// Working directory for building. Default is the
35                        //   directory of the file
36     idedBuildScan,     // Flags controlling what messages should be scanned for
37                        //   during building. See TIDEDirBuildScanFlag.
38     idedRunCommand,    // Filename plus params to run the file
39                        //   default is '$NameOnly($(EdFile))'
40     idedRunWorkingDir, // Working directory for building. Default is the
41                        //   directory of the file
42     idedRunFlags       // Flags for run. See TIDEDirRunFlag
43     );
44   TIDEDirectives = set of TIDEDirective;
46   TIDEDirBuildScanFlag = (
47     idedbsfNone,
48     idedbsfFPC, // scan for FPC messages. FPC+ means on (default) and FPC- off.
49     idedbsfMake // scan for MAKE messages. MAKE- means on (default) and MAKE- off.
50     );
51   TIDEDirBuildScanFlags = set of TIDEDirBuildScanFlag;
53   TIDEDirRunFlag = (
54     idedrfNone,
55     idedrfBuildBeforeRun, // BUILD+ means on (default for non script), BUILD- means off
56     idedrfMessages // show output in Messages window
57     );
58   TIDEDirRunFlags = set of TIDEDirRunFlag;
59 const
60   IDEDirectiveNames: array[TIDEDirective] of string = (
61     '',
62     'BuildCommand',
63     'BuildWorkingDir',
64     'BuildScan',
65     'RunCommand',
66     'RunWorkingDir',
67     'RunFlags'
68     );
69   IDEDirBuildScanFlagNames: array[TIDEDirBuildScanFlag] of string = (
70     '',
71     'FPC',
72     'MAKE'
73     );
74   IDEDirRunFlagNames: array[TIDEDirRunFlag] of string = (
75     '',
76     'BUILD',
77     'MESSAGES'
78     );
80 type
81   // open file flags
82   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
83   TOpenFlag = (
84     ofProjectLoading,// this open is part of opening a whole project
85     ofOnlyIfExists,  // do not auto create non existing files
86     ofRevert,        // reload file if already open, any user changes are lost without question
87     ofQuiet,         // less messages
88     ofAddToRecent,   // add file to recent files
89     ofRegularFile,   // open as regular file (e.g. do not open projects/packages)
90     ofVirtualFile,   // open the virtual file
91     ofConvertMacros, // replace macros in filename
92     ofUseCache,      // do not update file from disk
93     ofMultiOpen,     // set during loading multiple files
94     ofDoNotLoadResource,// do not open form, datamodule, ... (overriding default)
95     ofDoLoadResource,// do open form, datamodule, ... (overriding default)
96     ofLoadHiddenResource,// load component hidden
97     ofAddToProject,  // add file to project (if exists)
98     ofInternalFile   // opening data from an internal source (e.g. an editor macro (pascal script) from memory)
99     );
100   TOpenFlags = set of TOpenFlag;
102 const
103   OpnFlagsPlainFile = [ofOnlyIfExists,ofQuiet,ofRegularFile,ofVirtualFile,ofDoNotLoadResource];
104 type
105   // new file flags
106   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
107   TNewFlag = (
108     nfIsPartOfProject, // force IsPartOfProject,
109                        //   default is to use a heuristic
110     nfIsNotPartOfProject,// forbid IsPartOfProject
111     nfOpenInEditor,    // open in editor
112     nfSave,            // save file instantly
113     nfAddToRecent,     // add file to recent files
114     nfQuiet,           // less messages
115     nfConvertMacros,   // replace macros in filename
116     nfBeautifySrc,     // beautify custom source
117     nfCreateDefaultSrc,// create initial source based on the type
118     nfAskForFilename   // ask for filename
119     );
120   TNewFlags = set of TNewFlag;
122   // save file flags
123   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
124   TSaveFlag = (
125     sfSaveAs,
126     sfSaveToTestDir,
127     sfProjectSaving,
128     sfCheckAmbiguousFiles,
129     sfSaveNonProjectFiles,
130     sfDoNotSaveVirtualFiles,
131     sfCanAbort,  // show 'Cancel all' button in error messages
132     sfSaveMainSourceAs,  // on sfSaveAs use .lpr file instead of .lpi file
133     sfQuietUnitCheck     // don't ask questions when adding unit dependency.
134     );
135   TSaveFlags = set of TSaveFlag;
137   // close file flags
138   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
139   TCloseFlag = (
140     cfSaveFirst, // check if modified and save
141     cfQuiet,
142     cfProjectClosing,
143     cfCloseDependencies,
144     cfSaveDependencies // set cfSaveFirst to close the dependencies
145     );
146   TCloseFlags = set of TCloseFlag;
148   // build project flags
149   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
150   TProjectBuildFlag = (
151     pbfDoNotCompileDependencies,
152     pbfDoNotCompileProject,
153     pbfCompileDependenciesClean,
154     pbfDoNotSaveEditorFiles,
155     pbfSkipLinking,
156     pbfSkipAssembler,
157     pbfSkipTools,
158     pbfCreateMakefile
159     );
160   TProjectBuildFlags = set of TProjectBuildFlag;
162   // new filename flags
163   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
164   TSearchIDEFileFlag = (
165     siffDoNotCheckAllPackages, // do not search filename in unrelated packages (e.g. installed but not used by project)
166     siffCheckAllProjects, // search filename in all loaded projects
167     siffCaseSensitive,  // check case sensitive, otherwise use Pascal case insensitivity (CompareText)
168     siffDoNotCheckOpenFiles,  // do not search in files opened in source editor
169     siffIgnoreExtension  // compare only filename, ignore file extension
170     );
171   TSearchIDEFileFlags = set of TSearchIDEFileFlag;
173   // find unit flags
174   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
175   TFindUnitFileFlag = (
176     fuffIgnoreUninstallPackages
177     );
178   TFindUnitFileFlags = set of TFindUnitFileFlag;
180   // selected part of IDE
181   TTabDisplayState = (
182     tdsNone,
183     tdsCode,     // focussing sourcenotebook or source tab
184     tdsDesign,   // focussing designer form/design tab
185     tdsOther     // focussing other (user defined) tab assigned to module (like History Tab)
186     );
188   // find source flags
189   // Normally you don't need to pass any flags.
190   TFindSourceFlag = (
191     fsfSearchForProject,
192     fsfUseIncludePaths,
193     fsfUseDebugPath,
194     fsfMapTempToVirtualFiles,
195     fsfSkipPackages
196     );
197   TFindSourceFlags = set of TFindSourceFlag;
199   TFindUnitsOfOwnerFlag = (
200     fuooListed, // add units listed in lpi/lpk aka project inspector/package editor
201     fuooUsed,   // add units used by main source file (depends on current build mode and environment)
202     fuooPackages, // extends fuooListed and fuooUsed by units from used packages
203     fuooSourceEditor // add units in source editor
204     );
205   TFindUnitsOfOwnerFlags = set of TFindUnitsOfOwnerFlag;
207   TModalResultFunction = function(Sender: TObject): TModalResult of object;
208   TLazProjectChangedFunction = function(Sender: TObject;
209                                  AProject: TLazProject): TModalResult of object;
210   TModalHandledFunction = function(Sender: TObject; var Handled: boolean
211                               ): TModalResult of object;
212   TGetFPCFrontEndParams = function(Sender: TObject;
213     var Params: string // these parameters are passed to fpc.
214       // Global options should be prependended, project options should be appended.
215     ): boolean of object;
217   TSaveEditorFileStep = (
218     sefsSaveAs, // called after user selected a new filename and IDE did some sanity checks
219     sefsBeforeWrite, // called before writing to disk, aFile.Filename=TargetFilename
220     sefsAfterWrite, // called after writing to disk, aFile.Filename=TargetFilename
221     sefsSavedAs // see sefsSaveAs, called after writing and cleaning up, TargetFilename is old filename
222     );
223   TSaveEditorFileEvent = function(Sender: TObject; aFile: TLazProjectFile;
224     SaveStep: TSaveEditorFileStep; TargetFilename: string): TModalResult of object;
226   TShowDesignerFormOfSourceFunction = procedure(Sender: TObject; AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface;
227                                  AComponentPaletteClassSelected: Boolean) of object;
228   TGetFPCFrontEndPath = function(Sender: TObject;
229     var Path: string // this path is prepended to fpc.
230     ): boolean of object;
232   TLazarusIDEHandlerType = (
233     lihtSavingAll, // called before IDE saves everything
234     lihtSavedAll,  // called after IDE saved everything
235     lihtSaveEditorFile, // called when IDE saves an editor file to disk
236     lihtSaveAsEditorFile, // called after user selected a new filename for an editor file
237     lihtIDERestoreWindows, // called when IDE is restoring the windows (before opening the first project)
238     lihtIDEClose, // called when IDE is shutting down (after closequery, so no more interactivity)
239     lihtProjectOpening,// called before IDE opens a project
240     lihtProjectOpened,// called after IDE opened a project
241     lihtProjectClose, // called before IDE closes a project
242     lihtProjectBuilding, // called before IDE builds the project
243     lihtProjectDependenciesCompiling, // called before IDE compiles dependencies of project
244     lihtProjectDependenciesCompiled, // called after IDE compiled dependencies of project
245     lihtProjectBuildingFinished, // called after IDE builds the project
246     lihtLazarusBuilding, // called before IDE builds Lazarus IDE
247     lihtLazarusBuildingFinished, // called after IDE builds Lazarus IDE
248     lihtQuickSyntaxCheck,  // called when quick syntax check is clicked (menu item or shortcut)
249     lihtGetFPCFrontEndParams, // called when the IDE gets the parameters of the 'fpc' front end tool
250     lihtGetFPCFrontEndPath, // called when the IDE gets the path of the 'fpc' front end tool
251     lihtShowDesignerFormOfSource, // called after showing a designer form for code editor (AEditor can be nil!)
252     lihtShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm, // called after showing a code of designer form
253     lihtChangeToolStatus, //called when IDEToolStatus has changed (e.g. itNone->itBuilder etc.)
254     lihtRunDebugInit, // called when Run was clicked, after building, before debugger class is initialized
255     lihtRunDebug, // called when Run was clicked, after building, after debugger class was initialized, before starting the debugger
256     lihtRunWithoutDebugBuilding, // called when Run a project without debugger was clicked, before building
257     lihtRunWithoutDebugInit, // called when Run a project without debugger was clicked, after building
258     lihtRunFinished //called when ran program finishes
259     );
261   TLazToolStatus = (
262     itNone,            // The default mode. All editing allowed.
263     itExiting,         // the ide is shutting down
264     itBuilder,         // compiling (the project, a package, IDE itself, an external tool)
265                        //    Loading/Saving/Debugging is not allowed.
266     itDebugger,        // debugging the project.
267                        //    Loading/Saving/Compiling is not allowed.
268     itCodeTools,       // the CodeToolBoss is working and has called the progress event.
269     itCodeToolAborting,// the CodeToolBoss is working and is about to abort
270     itCustom           // this state is not used yet.
271     );
272   TLazToolStatusChangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; OldStatus, NewStatus: TLazToolStatus) of object;
274   TLazBuildingFinishedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; BuildSuccessful: Boolean) of object;
276   { TLazIDEInterface }
278   TLazIDEInterface = class(TComponent)
279   private
280     FToolStatus: TLazToolStatus;
281     FMainBarSubTitle: string;
282     FOpenEditorsOnCodeToolChange: boolean;
283     FOpenMainSourceOnCodeToolChange: boolean;
284     FSaveClosedSourcesOnCodeToolChange: boolean;
285     FCheckFilesOnDiskEnabled: boolean;
286     procedure AddHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
287                          const AMethod: TMethod; AsLast: boolean = false);
288     procedure RemoveHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
289                             const AMethod: TMethod);
290   protected
291     FLazarusIDEHandlers: array[TLazarusIDEHandlerType] of TMethodList;
292     FOwningComponent: TComponent;
293     FIDEStarted: boolean;
294     FIDEIsClosing: Boolean;
295     FLastActivatedWindows: TFPList;
296     // used to find the last form so you can display the correct tab
297     FLastFormActivated: TCustomForm;
299     procedure SetToolStatus(const AToolStatus: TLazToolStatus); virtual;
300     function GetActiveProject: TLazProject; virtual; abstract;
301     procedure DoCallNotifyHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType); overload;
302     function DoCallModalFunctionHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType
303                                         ): TModalResult;
304     function DoCallModalHandledHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
305                                        var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
306     procedure DoCallNotifyHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
307                                   Sender: TObject); overload;
308     procedure DoCallShowDesignerFormOfSourceHandler(Sender: TObject;
309       AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface; AComponentPaletteClassSelected: Boolean);
310     procedure DoCallBuildingFinishedHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
311       Sender: TObject; BuildSuccessful: Boolean);
313     procedure SetMainBarSubTitle(const AValue: string); virtual;
314   public
315     constructor Create(TheOwner: TComponent); override;
316     destructor Destroy; override;
317     property OwningComponent: TComponent read FOwningComponent;
319     property ToolStatus: TLazToolStatus read FToolStatus write SetToolStatus;
321     // the main window with the IDE menu
322     function GetMainBar: TForm; virtual; abstract;
323     property MainBarSubTitle: string read FMainBarSubTitle write SetMainBarSubTitle;
325     // find file
326     function FindUnitFile(const AFilename: string; TheOwner: TObject = nil;
327                           Flags: TFindUnitFileFlags = []): string; virtual; abstract;
328     function FindSourceFile(const AFilename, BaseDirectory: string;
329                             Flags: TFindSourceFlags): string; virtual; abstract;
331     // file
332     function DoNewEditorFile(NewFileDescriptor: TProjectFileDescriptor;
333                              NewFilename: string; const NewSource: string;
334                              NewFlags: TNewFlags): TModalResult;
335     function DoNewFile(NewFileDescriptor: TProjectFileDescriptor;
336                        var NewFilename: string; NewSource: string;
337                        NewFlags: TNewFlags; NewOwner: TObject): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
338     function DoSaveEditorFile(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface;
339                               Flags: TSaveFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
340     function DoSaveEditorFile(const Filename: string;
341                               Flags: TSaveFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
342     function DoSaveAll(Flags: TSaveFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
343     function DoCloseEditorFile(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface;
344                                Flags: TCloseFlags):TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
345     function DoCloseEditorFile(const Filename: string;
346                                Flags: TCloseFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
347     function DoOpenEditorFile(AFileName:string; PageIndex, WindowIndex: integer;
348                               Flags: TOpenFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
349     function DoOpenFileAndJumpToIdentifier(const AFilename, AnIdentifier: string;
350                        PageIndex, WindowIndex: integer; Flags: TOpenFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
351     function DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(const AFilename: string;
352                        const CursorPosition: TPoint; TopLine: integer;
353                        PageIndex, WindowIndex: integer; Flags: TOpenFlags): TModalResult; overload;
354     function DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(const AFilename: string;
355                        const CursorPosition: TPoint; TopLine, BlockTopLine, BlockBottomLine: integer;
356                        PageIndex, WindowIndex: integer; Flags: TOpenFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract; overload;
357     function DoRevertEditorFile(const Filename: string): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
358     function DoOpenComponent(const UnitFilename: string; OpenFlags: TOpenFlags;
359                        CloseFlags: TCloseFlags;
360                        out Component: TComponent): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
361     procedure DoDropFiles(Sender: TObject; const FileNames: array of String;
362       WindowIndex: integer = -1); virtual; abstract;
363     function DoConfigureBuildFile: TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
364     function DoBuildFile({%H-}ShowAbort: Boolean;
365       Filename: string = '' // if empty use active source editor file
366       ): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
367     function DoRunFile(Filename: string = '' // if empty use active source editor file
368       ): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
370     // project
371     property ActiveProject: TLazProject read GetActiveProject;
372     function DoNewProject(ProjectDesc: TProjectDescriptor): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
373     function DoSaveProject(Flags: TSaveFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
374     function DoCloseProject: TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
375     function DoOpenProjectFile(AFileName: string;
376                                Flags: TOpenFlags): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
377     function DoPublishProject(Flags: TSaveFlags;
378                               ShowDialog: boolean): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
379     function DoBuildProject(const AReason: TCompileReason;
380                             Flags: TProjectBuildFlags;
381                             FinalizeResources: boolean = True): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
382     function DoRunProject: TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
383     function DoRunProjectWithoutDebug: TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
384     function GetProjectFileForProjectEditor(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface): TLazProjectFile; virtual; abstract;
385     function DoCallProjectChangedHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
386                                          AProject: TLazProject): TModalResult;
387     function DoCallRunDebugInit(var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
388     function DoCallRunDebug(var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
389     function DoCallRunWithoutDebugBuilding(var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
390     function DoCallRunWithoutDebugInit(var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
391     procedure DoCallRunFinishedHandler;
392     function DoAddUnitToProject(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
394     // configs
395     class function GetPrimaryConfigPath: String; virtual; abstract;
396     class function GetSecondaryConfigPath: String; virtual; abstract;
397     procedure CopySecondaryConfigFile(const AFilename: String); virtual; abstract;
398     function DoOpenIDEOptions(AEditor: TAbstractIDEOptionsEditorClass = nil;
399       ACaption: String = ''): Boolean; overload;
400     function DoOpenIDEOptions(AEditor: TAbstractIDEOptionsEditorClass;
401       ACaption: String; AOptionsFilter: array of TAbstractIDEOptionsClass;
402       ASettings: TIDEOptionsEditorSettings): Boolean; overload; virtual; abstract;
404     // filenames, paths
405     function CreateNewUniqueFilename(const Prefix, Ext: string;
406                           NewOwner: TObject; Flags: TSearchIDEFileFlags;
407                           TryWithoutNumber: boolean): string; virtual; abstract;
408     function GetTestBuildDirectory: string; virtual; abstract;
409     function GetCompilerFilename: string; virtual; abstract;
410     function GetFPCompilerFilename: string; virtual; abstract;
411     function GetFPCFrontEndOptions: string; virtual; abstract;
413     // codetools
414     function BeginCodeTools: boolean; virtual; abstract;
415     function DoShowCodeToolBossError: TMessageLine; virtual; abstract;
416     procedure DoJumpToCodeToolBossError; virtual; abstract;
417     function NeedSaveSourceEditorChangesToCodeCache(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface): boolean; virtual; abstract;
418     function SaveSourceEditorChangesToCodeCache(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface): boolean; virtual; abstract; // true if something was saved
419     function FindUnitsOfOwner(TheOwner: TObject; Flags: TFindUnitsOfOwnerFlags): TStrings; virtual; abstract;
420     property OpenEditorsOnCodeToolChange: boolean read FOpenEditorsOnCodeToolChange
421                                              write FOpenEditorsOnCodeToolChange;
422     property SaveClosedSourcesOnCodeToolChange: boolean read FSaveClosedSourcesOnCodeToolChange
423                                              write FSaveClosedSourcesOnCodeToolChange;
424     property OpenMainSourceOnCodeToolChange: boolean read FOpenMainSourceOnCodeToolChange
425                                              write FOpenMainSourceOnCodeToolChange;
427     // progress and error messages
428     function ShowProgress(const SomeText: string;
429       Step, MaxStep: integer): boolean; virtual; abstract; // False if canceled by user
430     function GetSelectedCompilerMessage: TMessageLine; virtual; abstract;
431     function DoJumpToCompilerMessage(FocusEditor: boolean;
432                               Msg: TMessageLine = nil // if nil then it jumps to first message
433                               ): boolean; virtual; abstract;
434     procedure DoJumpToNextCompilerMessage(aMinUrgency: TMessageLineUrgency; DirectionDown: boolean); virtual; abstract;
435     procedure DoJumpToNextError(DirectionDown: boolean);
436     procedure DoShowMessagesView(BringToFront: boolean = true); virtual; abstract;
437     function DoCheckFilesOnDisk(Instantaneous: boolean = false): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
438     // call this after changing TargetOS/TargetCPU of the ActiveProject
439     procedure PrepareBuildTarget(Quiet: boolean;
440                      ScanFPCSrc: TScanModeFPCSources = smsfsBackground); virtual; abstract;
441     procedure AbortBuild; virtual; abstract;
443     // search results
444     procedure DoShowSearchResultsView(State: TIWGetFormState = iwgfShowOnTop); virtual; abstract;
446     // designer
447     function GetDesignerForProjectEditor(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface;
448                               LoadForm: boolean): TIDesigner; virtual; abstract;
449     function GetDesignerWithProjectFile(AFile: TLazProjectFile;
450                               LoadForm: boolean): TIDesigner; virtual; abstract;
451     function GetProjectFileWithRootComponent(AComponent: TComponent): TLazProjectFile; virtual; abstract;
452     function GetProjectFileWithDesigner(ADesigner: TIDesigner): TLazProjectFile; virtual; abstract;
454     procedure DoShowDesignerFormOfSrc(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface); virtual; abstract; overload;
455     procedure DoShowMethod(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface; const AMethodName: String); virtual; abstract;
456     procedure DoShowDesignerFormOfSrc(AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface; out AForm: TCustomForm); virtual; abstract; overload;
458     // events
459     procedure RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(AnObject: TObject);
460     procedure AddHandlerOnSavingAll(const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction;
461                                     AsLast: boolean = false);
462     procedure RemoveHandlerOnSavingAll(const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction);
463     procedure AddHandlerOnSavedAll(const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction;
464                                    AsLast: boolean = false);
465     procedure RemoveHandlerOnSavedAll(const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction);
466     procedure AddHandlerOnSaveEditorFile(const OnSaveEditorFile: TSaveEditorFileEvent;
467                                     AsLast: boolean = false);
468     procedure RemoveHandlerOnSaveEditorFile(const OnSaveEditorFile: TSaveEditorFileEvent);
469     procedure AddHandlerOnIDERestoreWindows(const OnIDERestoreWindowsEvent: TNotifyEvent;
470                                    AsLast: boolean = false);
471     procedure RemoveHandlerOnIDERestoreWindows(
472                                   const OnIDERestoreWindowsEvent: TNotifyEvent);
473     procedure AddHandlerOnIDEClose(const OnIDECloseEvent: TNotifyEvent;
474                                    AsLast: boolean = false);
475     procedure RemoveHandlerOnIDEClose(const OnIDECloseEvent: TNotifyEvent);
476     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectOpening(
477                          const OnProjectOpeningEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction;
478                          AsLast: boolean = false);
479     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectOpening(
480                         const OnProjectOpeningEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction);
481     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectOpened(
482                          const OnProjectOpenedEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction;
483                          AsLast: boolean = false);
484     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectOpened(
485                         const OnProjectOpenedEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction);
486     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectClose(
487                           const OnProjectCloseEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction;
488                           AsLast: boolean = false);
489     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectClose(
490                          const OnProjectCloseEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction);
491     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectBuilding(
492                                 const OnProjBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction;
493                                 AsLast: boolean = false);
494     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectBuilding(
495                                 const OnProjBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction);
496     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectBuildingFinished(
497                            const OnProjBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent;
498                            AsLast: boolean = false);
499     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectBuildingFinished(
500                                const OnProjBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent);
501     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiling(
502                    const OnProjDependenciesCompilingEvent: TModalResultFunction;
503                    AsLast: boolean = false);
504     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiling(
505                   const OnProjDependenciesCompilingEvent: TModalResultFunction);
506     procedure AddHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiled(
507                     const OnProjDependenciesCompiledEvent: TModalResultFunction;
508                     AsLast: boolean = false);
509     procedure RemoveHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiled(
510                    const OnProjDependenciesCompiledEvent: TModalResultFunction);
511     procedure AddHandlerOnLazarusBuilding(
512                                 const OnLazBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction;
513                                 AsLast: boolean = false);
514     procedure RemoveHandlerOnLazarusBuilding(
515                                 const OnLazBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction);
516     procedure AddHandlerOnLazarusBuildingFinished(
517                            const OnLazBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent;
518                            AsLast: boolean = false);
519     procedure RemoveHandlerOnLazarusBuildingFinished(
520                                const OnLazBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent);
521     procedure AddHandlerOnQuickSyntaxCheck(
522                            const OnQuickSyntaxCheckEvent: TModalHandledFunction;
523                            AsLast: boolean = false);
524     procedure RemoveHandlerOnQuickSyntaxCheck(
525                           const OnQuickSyntaxCheckEvent: TModalHandledFunction);
526     procedure AddHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParams(
527                  const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndParams; AsLast: boolean = false);
528     procedure RemoveHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParams(
529                                           const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndParams);
530     function CallHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParams(Sender: TObject; var Params: string): boolean;
531     procedure AddHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPath(
532                  const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndPath; AsLast: boolean = false);
533     procedure RemoveHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPath(const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndPath);
534     function CallHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPath(Sender: TObject; var Path: string): boolean;
535     procedure AddHandlerOnShowDesignerFormOfSource(
536                            const OnShowDesignerFormOfSourceEvent: TShowDesignerFormOfSourceFunction;
537                            AsLast: boolean = false);
538     procedure RemoveHandlerOnShowDesignerFormOfSource(
539                                const OnShowDesignerFormOfSourceEvent: TShowDesignerFormOfSourceFunction);
540     procedure AddHandlerOnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm(
541                            const OnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm: TNotifyEvent;
542                            AsLast: boolean = false);
543     procedure RemoveHandlerOnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm(
544                                const OnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm: TNotifyEvent);
545     procedure AddHandlerOnChangeToolStatus(
546                            const OnChangeToolStatus: TLazToolStatusChangeEvent;
547                            AsLast: boolean = false);
548     procedure RemoveHandlerOnChangeToolStatus(
549                                const OnChangeToolStatus: TLazToolStatusChangeEvent);
550     procedure AddHandlerOnRunDebugInit(const Event: TModalHandledFunction;
551                                    AsLast: boolean = false);
552     procedure RemoveHandlerOnRunDebugInit(const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
553     procedure AddHandlerOnRunDebug(const Event: TModalHandledFunction;
554                                    AsLast: boolean = false);
555     procedure RemoveHandlerOnRunDebug(const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
556     procedure AddHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugBuilding(const Event: TModalHandledFunction;
557                                       AsLast: boolean = false);
558     procedure RemoveHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugBuilding(const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
559     procedure AddHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugInit(const Event: TModalHandledFunction;
560                                       AsLast: boolean = false);
561     procedure RemoveHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugInit(const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
562     procedure AddHandlerOnRunFinished(const OnRunFinishedEvent: TNotifyEvent;
563                                       AsLast: boolean = false);
564     procedure RemoveHandlerOnRunFinished(const OnRunFinishedEvent: TNotifyEvent);
566     property IDEStarted: boolean read FIDEStarted;
567     property IDEIsClosing: boolean read FIDEIsClosing;
568     property LastActivatedWindows: TFPList read FLastActivatedWindows;
569     property LastFormActivated: TCustomForm read FLastFormActivated write FLastFormActivated;
570     property CheckFilesOnDiskEnabled: boolean read FCheckFilesOnDiskEnabled write FCheckFilesOnDiskEnabled;
571   end;
573   { TIDETabMaster }
575   TIDETabMaster = class
576   protected
577     function GetTabDisplayState: TTabDisplayState; virtual; abstract;
578     function GetTabDisplayStateEditor(Index: TSourceEditorInterface): TTabDisplayState; virtual; abstract;
579   public
580     function AutoSizeInShowDesigner(AControl: TControl): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
581     function GetDesigner(ASourceEditor: TSourceEditorInterface; ATabDisplayState: TTabDisplayState): TIDesigner; virtual;
582     procedure ToggleFormUnit; virtual; abstract;
583     procedure JumpToCompilerMessage(ASourceEditor: TSourceEditorInterface); virtual; abstract;
584     procedure ShowCode(ASourceEditor: TSourceEditorInterface); virtual; abstract;
585     procedure ShowDesigner(ASourceEditor: TSourceEditorInterface; AIndex: Integer = 0); virtual; abstract;
586     procedure ShowForm(AForm: TCustomForm); virtual; abstract;
587   public
588     property TabDisplayState: TTabDisplayState read GetTabDisplayState;
589     property TabDisplayStateEditor[Index: TSourceEditorInterface]: TTabDisplayState read GetTabDisplayStateEditor;
590   end;
592 var
593   LazarusIDE: TLazIDEInterface = nil; // will be set by the IDE
594   IDETabMaster: TIDETabMaster = nil;
596 type
597   TLazarusIDEBootHandlerType = (
598     libhTransferMacrosCreated,  // called after IDEMacros were created
599     libhEnvironmentOptionsLoaded  // called after IDE loaded environment options
600     );
602 procedure AddBootHandler(ht: TLazarusIDEBootHandlerType; const OnBoot: TProcedure);
604 implementation
606 type
607   TArrayOfProc = array of TProcedure;
608 var
609   BootHandlers: array[TLazarusIDEBootHandlerType] of TArrayOfProc;
611 procedure AddBootHandler(ht: TLazarusIDEBootHandlerType; const OnBoot: TProcedure);
612 var
613   l: Integer;
614 begin
615   l:=length(BootHandlers[ht]);
616   SetLength(BootHandlers[ht],l+1);
617   BootHandlers[ht][l]:=OnBoot;
618 end;
620 procedure RunBootHandlers(ht: TLazarusIDEBootHandlerType);Public name 'ideintf_LazIDEIntf_RunBootHandlers';
621 var
622   i: Integer;
623 begin
624   for i:=0 to length(BootHandlers[ht])-1 do
625     BootHandlers[ht][i]();
626 end;
628 { TIDETabMaster }
GetDesignernull630 function TIDETabMaster.GetDesigner(ASourceEditor: TSourceEditorInterface;
631   ATabDisplayState: TTabDisplayState): TIDesigner;
632 begin
633   case ATabDisplayState of
634     tdsDesign:
635       Result := ASourceEditor.GetDesigner(True);
636     else
637       Result := nil;
638   end;
639 end;
641 { TLazIDEInterface }
643 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
644   const AMethod: TMethod; AsLast: boolean);
645 begin
646   if FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType]=nil then
647     FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType]:=TMethodList.Create;
648   FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType].Add(AMethod,AsLast);
649 end;
651 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
652   const AMethod: TMethod);
653 begin
654   FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType].Remove(AMethod);
655 end;
657 procedure TLazIDEInterface.SetMainBarSubTitle(const AValue: string);
658 begin
659   if FMainBarSubTitle=AValue then exit;
660   FMainBarSubTitle:=AValue;
661 end;
663 procedure TLazIDEInterface.SetToolStatus(const AToolStatus: TLazToolStatus);
664 var
665   xMethod: TLazToolStatusChangeEvent;
666   I: Integer;
667   OldToolStatus: TLazToolStatus;
668 begin
669   if FToolStatus=aToolStatus then Exit;
671   OldToolStatus:=FToolStatus;
672   FToolStatus:=AToolStatus;
674   for I := 0 to FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtChangeToolStatus].Count-1 do
675   begin
676     xMethod := TLazToolStatusChangeEvent(FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtChangeToolStatus][I]);
677     xMethod(Self, OldToolStatus, AToolStatus);
678   end;
679 end;
681 procedure TLazIDEInterface.DoCallNotifyHandler(
682   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType);
683 begin
684   FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType].CallNotifyEvents(Self);
685 end;
DoCallModalFunctionHandlernull687 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallModalFunctionHandler(
688   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType): TModalResult;
689 var
690   i: Integer;
691   CurResult: TModalResult;
692   Handler: TMethodList;
693 begin
694   Result:=mrOk;
695   Handler:=FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType];
696   i:=Handler.Count;
697   while Handler.NextDownIndex(i) do begin
698     CurResult:=TModalResultFunction(Handler[i])(Self);
699     if CurResult=mrAbort then exit(mrAbort);
700     if CurResult<>mrOk then Result:=mrCancel;
701   end;
702 end;
DoCallProjectChangedHandlernull704 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallProjectChangedHandler(
705   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType; AProject: TLazProject): TModalResult;
706 var
707   i: Integer;
708   CurResult: TModalResult;
709   Handler: TMethodList;
710 begin
711   Result:=mrOk;
712   LastActivatedWindows.Clear;               // IDE windows may change.
713   Handler:=FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType];
714   i:=Handler.Count;
715   while Handler.NextDownIndex(i) do begin
716     CurResult:=TLazProjectChangedFunction(Handler[i])(Self,AProject);
717     if CurResult=mrAbort then exit(mrAbort);
718     if CurResult<>mrOk then Result:=mrCancel;
719   end;
720 end;
DoCallModalHandledHandlernull722 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallModalHandledHandler(
723   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType; var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
724 var
725   i: longint;
726   Handler: TMethodList;
727 begin
728   Handler:=FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType];
729   i:=Handler.Count;
730   while Handler.NextDownIndex(i) do
731   begin
732     Handled:=false;
733     Result:=TModalHandledFunction(Handler[i])(Self,Handled);
734     if Handled then exit;
735   end;
736   Result:=mrOk;
737 end;
739 procedure TLazIDEInterface.DoCallNotifyHandler(HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType; Sender: TObject);
740 begin
741   FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType].CallNotifyEvents(Sender);
742 end;
744 procedure TLazIDEInterface.DoCallShowDesignerFormOfSourceHandler(Sender: TObject;
745   AEditor: TSourceEditorInterface; AComponentPaletteClassSelected: Boolean);
746 var
747   i: Integer;
748   Handler: TMethodList;
749 begin
750   Handler:=FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtShowDesignerFormOfSource];
751   i := Handler.Count;
752   while Handler.NextDownIndex(i) do
753     TShowDesignerFormOfSourceFunction(Handler[i])(Sender, AEditor,
754                                                  AComponentPaletteClassSelected);
755 end;
757 procedure TLazIDEInterface.DoJumpToNextError(DirectionDown: boolean);
758 begin
759   DoJumpToNextCompilerMessage(mluError, DirectionDown);
760 end;
762 constructor TLazIDEInterface.Create(TheOwner: TComponent);
763 begin
764   LazarusIDE:=Self;
765   FCheckFilesOnDiskEnabled:=True;
766   inherited Create(TheOwner);
767 end;
769 destructor TLazIDEInterface.Destroy;
770 var
771   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
772 begin
773   for HandlerType := Low(TLazarusIDEHandlerType) to High(TLazarusIDEHandlerType) do
774     FreeAndNil(FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType]);
775   inherited Destroy;
776   LazarusIDE:=nil;
777 end;
DoNewEditorFilenull779 function TLazIDEInterface.DoNewEditorFile(
780   NewFileDescriptor: TProjectFileDescriptor; NewFilename: string;
781   const NewSource: string; NewFlags: TNewFlags): TModalResult;
782 begin
783   Result:=DoNewFile(NewFileDescriptor,NewFilename,NewSource,NewFlags,nil);
784 end;
DoOpenFileAndJumpToPosnull786 function TLazIDEInterface.DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(const AFilename: string;
787   const CursorPosition: TPoint; TopLine: integer; PageIndex,
788   WindowIndex: integer; Flags: TOpenFlags): TModalResult;
789 begin
790   Result := DoOpenFileAndJumpToPos(AFilename, CursorPosition, TopLine, TopLine, TopLine, PageIndex, WindowIndex, Flags);
791 end;
DoOpenIDEOptionsnull793 function TLazIDEInterface.DoOpenIDEOptions(AEditor: TAbstractIDEOptionsEditorClass;
794   ACaption: String): Boolean;
795 begin
796   Result := DoOpenIDEOptions(AEditor, ACaption, [], []);
797 end;
799 procedure TLazIDEInterface.DoCallBuildingFinishedHandler(
800   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType; Sender: TObject; BuildSuccessful: Boolean);
801 var
802   I: Integer;
803   xMethod: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent;
804 begin
805   for I := 0 to FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType].Count-1 do
806   begin
807     xMethod := TLazBuildingFinishedEvent(FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType][I]);
808     xMethod(Sender, BuildSuccessful);
809   end;
810 end;
DoCallRunDebugInitnull812 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallRunDebugInit(var Handled: boolean
813   ): TModalResult;
814 begin
815   Result:=DoCallModalHandledHandler(lihtRunDebugInit,Handled);
816 end;
DoCallRunDebugnull818 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallRunDebug(var Handled: boolean): TModalResult;
819 begin
820   Result:=DoCallModalHandledHandler(lihtRunDebug,Handled);
821 end;
DoCallRunWithoutDebugBuildingnull823 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallRunWithoutDebugBuilding(var Handled: boolean
824   ): TModalResult;
825 begin
826   Result:=DoCallModalHandledHandler(lihtRunWithoutDebugBuilding,Handled);
827 end;
DoCallRunWithoutDebugInitnull829 function TLazIDEInterface.DoCallRunWithoutDebugInit(var Handled: boolean
830   ): TModalResult;
831 begin
832   Result:=DoCallModalHandledHandler(lihtRunWithoutDebugInit,Handled);
833 end;
835 procedure TLazIDEInterface.DoCallRunFinishedHandler;
836 begin
837   DoCallNotifyHandler(lihtRunFinished);
838 end;
840 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveAllHandlersOfObject(AnObject: TObject);
841 var
842   HandlerType: TLazarusIDEHandlerType;
843 begin
844   for HandlerType:=Low(HandlerType) to High(HandlerType) do
845     FLazarusIDEHandlers[HandlerType].RemoveAllMethodsOfObject(AnObject);
846 end;
848 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnSavingAll(
849   const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction; AsLast: boolean);
850 begin
851   AddHandler(lihtSavingAll,TMethod(OnSaveAllEvent),AsLast);
852 end;
854 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnSavingAll(
855   const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction);
856 begin
857   RemoveHandler(lihtSavingAll,TMethod(OnSaveAllEvent));
858 end;
860 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnSavedAll(
861   const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction; AsLast: boolean);
862 begin
863   AddHandler(lihtSavedAll,TMethod(OnSaveAllEvent),AsLast);
864 end;
866 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnSavedAll(
867   const OnSaveAllEvent: TModalResultFunction);
868 begin
869   RemoveHandler(lihtSavedAll,TMethod(OnSaveAllEvent));
870 end;
872 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnSaveEditorFile(
873   const OnSaveEditorFile: TSaveEditorFileEvent; AsLast: boolean);
874 begin
875   AddHandler(lihtSaveEditorFile,TMethod(OnSaveEditorFile),AsLast);
876 end;
878 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnSaveEditorFile(
879   const OnSaveEditorFile: TSaveEditorFileEvent);
880 begin
881   RemoveHandler(lihtSaveEditorFile,TMethod(OnSaveEditorFile));
882 end;
884 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnIDERestoreWindows(
885   const OnIDERestoreWindowsEvent: TNotifyEvent; AsLast: boolean);
886 begin
887   AddHandler(lihtIDERestoreWindows,TMethod(OnIDERestoreWindowsEvent),AsLast);
888 end;
890 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnLazarusBuilding(
891   const OnLazBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction; AsLast: boolean);
892 begin
893   AddHandler(lihtLazarusBuilding,TMethod(OnLazBuildingEvent), AsLast);
894 end;
896 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnLazarusBuildingFinished(
897   const OnLazBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent; AsLast: boolean);
898 begin
899   AddHandler(lihtLazarusBuildingFinished,TMethod(OnLazBuildingFinishedEvent), AsLast);
900 end;
902 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnIDERestoreWindows(
903   const OnIDERestoreWindowsEvent: TNotifyEvent);
904 begin
905   RemoveHandler(lihtIDERestoreWindows,TMethod(OnIDERestoreWindowsEvent));
906 end;
908 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnLazarusBuilding(
909   const OnLazBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction);
910 begin
911   RemoveHandler(lihtLazarusBuilding,TMethod(OnLazBuildingEvent));
912 end;
914 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnLazarusBuildingFinished(
915   const OnLazBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent);
916 begin
917   RemoveHandler(lihtLazarusBuildingFinished,TMethod(OnLazBuildingFinishedEvent));
918 end;
920 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnIDEClose(
921   const OnIDECloseEvent: TNotifyEvent; AsLast: boolean);
922 begin
923   AddHandler(lihtIDEClose,TMethod(OnIDECloseEvent),AsLast);
924 end;
926 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnIDEClose(
927   const OnIDECloseEvent: TNotifyEvent);
928 begin
929   RemoveHandler(lihtIDEClose,TMethod(OnIDECloseEvent));
930 end;
932 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectOpening(
933   const OnProjectOpeningEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction; AsLast: boolean);
934 begin
935   AddHandler(lihtProjectOpening,TMethod(OnProjectOpeningEvent),AsLast);
936 end;
938 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectOpening(
939   const OnProjectOpeningEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction);
940 begin
941   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectOpening,TMethod(OnProjectOpeningEvent));
942 end;
944 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectOpened(
945   const OnProjectOpenedEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction; AsLast: boolean);
946 begin
947   AddHandler(lihtProjectOpened,TMethod(OnProjectOpenedEvent),AsLast);
948 end;
950 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectOpened(
951   const OnProjectOpenedEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction);
952 begin
953   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectOpened,TMethod(OnProjectOpenedEvent));
954 end;
956 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectClose(
957   const OnProjectCloseEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction; AsLast: boolean);
958 begin
959   AddHandler(lihtProjectClose,TMethod(OnProjectCloseEvent),AsLast);
960 end;
962 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectClose(
963   const OnProjectCloseEvent: TLazProjectChangedFunction);
964 begin
965   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectClose,TMethod(OnProjectCloseEvent));
966 end;
968 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectBuilding(
969   const OnProjBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction; AsLast: boolean);
970 begin
971   AddHandler(lihtProjectBuilding,TMethod(OnProjBuildingEvent),AsLast);
972 end;
974 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectBuilding(
975   const OnProjBuildingEvent: TModalResultFunction);
976 begin
977   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectBuilding,TMethod(OnProjBuildingEvent));
978 end;
980 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiling(
981   const OnProjDependenciesCompilingEvent: TModalResultFunction; AsLast: boolean);
982 begin
983   AddHandler(lihtProjectDependenciesCompiling,
984              TMethod(OnProjDependenciesCompilingEvent),AsLast);
985 end;
987 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiling(
988   const OnProjDependenciesCompilingEvent: TModalResultFunction);
989 begin
990   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectDependenciesCompiling,
991                 TMethod(OnProjDependenciesCompilingEvent));
992 end;
994 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiled(
995   const OnProjDependenciesCompiledEvent: TModalResultFunction; AsLast: boolean);
996 begin
997   AddHandler(lihtProjectDependenciesCompiled,
998              TMethod(OnProjDependenciesCompiledEvent),AsLast);
999 end;
1001 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectDependenciesCompiled(
1002   const OnProjDependenciesCompiledEvent: TModalResultFunction);
1003 begin
1004   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectDependenciesCompiled,
1005                 TMethod(OnProjDependenciesCompiledEvent));
1006 end;
1008 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnQuickSyntaxCheck(
1009   const OnQuickSyntaxCheckEvent: TModalHandledFunction; AsLast: boolean);
1010 begin
1011   AddHandler(lihtQuickSyntaxCheck,TMethod(OnQuickSyntaxCheckEvent),AsLast);
1012 end;
1014 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnQuickSyntaxCheck(
1015   const OnQuickSyntaxCheckEvent: TModalHandledFunction);
1016 begin
1017   RemoveHandler(lihtQuickSyntaxCheck,TMethod(OnQuickSyntaxCheckEvent));
1018 end;
1020 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParams(
1021   const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndParams; AsLast: boolean);
1022 begin
1023   AddHandler(lihtGetFPCFrontEndParams,TMethod(Handler),AsLast);
1024 end;
1026 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParams(
1027   const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndParams);
1028 begin
1029   RemoveHandler(lihtGetFPCFrontEndParams,TMethod(Handler));
1030 end;
CallHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParamsnull1032 function TLazIDEInterface.CallHandlerGetFPCFrontEndParams(Sender: TObject;
1033   var Params: string): boolean;
1034 var
1035   i: longint;
1036 begin
1037   i:=FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtGetFPCFrontEndParams].Count;
1038   while FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtGetFPCFrontEndParams].NextDownIndex(i) do
1039   begin
1040     if not TGetFPCFrontEndParams(FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtGetFPCFrontEndParams][i])(Self,Params)
1041     then exit(false);
1042   end;
1043   Result:=true;
1044 end;
1046 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPath(
1047   const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndPath; AsLast: boolean);
1048 begin
1049   AddHandler(lihtGetFPCFrontEndPath,TMethod(Handler),AsLast);
1050 end;
1052 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnProjectBuildingFinished(
1053   const OnProjBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent; AsLast: boolean);
1054 begin
1055   AddHandler(lihtProjectBuildingFinished,TMethod(OnProjBuildingFinishedEvent),AsLast);
1056 end;
1058 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnChangeToolStatus(
1059   const OnChangeToolStatus: TLazToolStatusChangeEvent; AsLast: boolean);
1060 begin
1061   AddHandler(lihtChangeToolStatus,TMethod(OnChangeToolStatus),AsLast);
1062 end;
1064 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPath(
1065   const Handler: TGetFPCFrontEndPath);
1066 begin
1067   RemoveHandler(lihtGetFPCFrontEndPath,TMethod(Handler));
1068 end;
1070 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnProjectBuildingFinished(
1071   const OnProjBuildingFinishedEvent: TLazBuildingFinishedEvent);
1072 begin
1073   RemoveHandler(lihtProjectBuildingFinished,TMethod(OnProjBuildingFinishedEvent));
1074 end;
1076 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnChangeToolStatus(
1077   const OnChangeToolStatus: TLazToolStatusChangeEvent);
1078 begin
1079   RemoveHandler(lihtChangeToolStatus,TMethod(OnChangeToolStatus));
1080 end;
1082 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnRunDebugInit(
1083   const Event: TModalHandledFunction; AsLast: boolean);
1084 begin
1085   AddHandler(lihtRunDebugInit,TMethod(Event),AsLast);
1086 end;
1088 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnRunDebugInit(
1089   const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
1090 begin
1091   RemoveHandler(lihtRunDebugInit,TMethod(Event));
1092 end;
1094 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnRunDebug(
1095   const Event: TModalHandledFunction; AsLast: boolean);
1096 begin
1097   AddHandler(lihtRunDebug,TMethod(Event),AsLast);
1098 end;
1100 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnRunDebug(
1101   const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
1102 begin
1103   RemoveHandler(lihtRunDebug,TMethod(Event));
1104 end;
1106 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugBuilding(
1107   const Event: TModalHandledFunction; AsLast: boolean);
1108 begin
1109   AddHandler(lihtRunWithoutDebugBuilding,TMethod(Event),AsLast);
1110 end;
1112 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugBuilding(
1113   const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
1114 begin
1115   RemoveHandler(lihtRunWithoutDebugBuilding,TMethod(Event));
1116 end;
1118 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugInit(
1119   const Event: TModalHandledFunction; AsLast: boolean);
1120 begin
1121   AddHandler(lihtRunWithoutDebugInit,TMethod(Event),AsLast);
1122 end;
1124 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnRunWithoutDebugInit(
1125   const Event: TModalHandledFunction);
1126 begin
1127   RemoveHandler(lihtRunWithoutDebugInit,TMethod(Event));
1128 end;
1130 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnRunFinished(
1131   const OnRunFinishedEvent: TNotifyEvent; AsLast: boolean);
1132 begin
1133   AddHandler(lihtRunFinished,TMethod(OnRunFinishedEvent),AsLast);
1134 end;
1136 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnRunFinished(
1137   const OnRunFinishedEvent: TNotifyEvent);
1138 begin
1139   RemoveHandler(lihtRunFinished,TMethod(OnRunFinishedEvent));
1140 end;
CallHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPathnull1142 function TLazIDEInterface.CallHandlerGetFPCFrontEndPath(Sender: TObject;
1143   var Path: string): boolean;
1144 var
1145   i: longint;
1146 begin
1147   i:=FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtGetFPCFrontEndPath].Count;
1148   while FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtGetFPCFrontEndPath].NextDownIndex(i) do
1149   begin
1150     if not TGetFPCFrontEndPath(FLazarusIDEHandlers[lihtGetFPCFrontEndPath][i])(Self,Path)
1151     then exit(false);
1152   end;
1153   Result:=true;
1154 end;
1156 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnShowDesignerFormOfSource(
1157   const OnShowDesignerFormOfSourceEvent: TShowDesignerFormOfSourceFunction; AsLast: boolean);
1158 begin
1159   AddHandler(lihtShowDesignerFormOfSource,TMethod(OnShowDesignerFormOfSourceEvent),AsLast);
1160 end;
1162 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnShowDesignerFormOfSource(
1163   const OnShowDesignerFormOfSourceEvent: TShowDesignerFormOfSourceFunction);
1164 begin
1165   RemoveHandler(lihtShowDesignerFormOfSource,TMethod(OnShowDesignerFormOfSourceEvent));
1166 end;
1168 procedure TLazIDEInterface.AddHandlerOnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm(
1169   const OnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm: TNotifyEvent; AsLast: boolean);
1170 begin
1171   AddHandler(lihtShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm,TMethod(OnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm),AsLast);
1172 end;
1174 procedure TLazIDEInterface.RemoveHandlerOnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm(
1175   const OnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm: TNotifyEvent);
1176 begin
1177   RemoveHandler(lihtShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm,TMethod(OnShowSourceOfActiveDesignerForm));
1178 end;
1180 end.