1 unit customdrawnproc;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
4 {$include customdrawndefines.inc}
6 interface
8 uses
9   // rtl+ftl
10   Types, Classes, SysUtils,
11   fpimage, fpcanvas, Math,
12   // LazUtils
13   LazFileUtils,
14   {$ifndef CD_UseNativeText}
15   // LazFreeType
16   TTTypes, LazFreeTypeIntfDrawer, LazFreeType, EasyLazFreeType, IniFiles,
17   {$endif}
18   // Custom Drawn Canvas
19   IntfGraphics, lazcanvas, lazregions, customdrawndrawers, customdrawncontrols,
20   // LCL
21   GraphType, Controls, LCLMessageGlue, WSControls, LCLType, LCLProc,
22   StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Forms, Graphics, ComCtrls,
23   InterfaceBase, LCLIntf;
25 type
26   { TCDBaseControl }
28   TCDBaseControl = class
29   private
30     FProps: TStringList;
GetPropsnull31     function GetProps(AnIndex: String): pointer;
32     procedure SetProps(AnIndex: String; AValue: pointer);
33   protected
34     FWinControl: TWinControl;
35   public
36     Children: TFPList; // of TCDWinControl;
37     // For scrolling a control
38     // The initial values are x=0, y=0 After scrolling downwards (by dragging upwards)
39     // it will be for example x=0, y=+27
40     ScrollX, ScrollY: Integer;
41     LastMousePos: TPoint;
42     IsScrolling: Boolean;
43     // Counter to keep track of when we requested Invalidate
44     // Some systems like X11 and Win32 will keep sending unnecessary paint messages
45     // so for them we just throw the previously painted image
46     InvalidateCount: Integer;
47     // painting objects
48     ControlImage: TLazIntfImage;
49     ControlCanvas: TLazCanvas;
50     constructor Create; virtual;
51     destructor Destroy; override;
52     procedure IncInvalidateCount;
AdjustCoordinatesForScrollingnull53     function AdjustCoordinatesForScrolling(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
54     procedure UpdateImageAndCanvas; virtual;
IsControlBackgroundVisiblenull55     function IsControlBackgroundVisible: Boolean; virtual;
GetWinControlnull56     function GetWinControl: TWinControl; virtual;
57     property Props[AnIndex:String]:pointer read GetProps write SetProps;
58   end;
60   { TCDWinControl }
62   TCDWinControl = class(TCDBaseControl)
63   public
64     Region: TLazRegionWithChilds;
65     WinControl: TWinControl;
66     CDControl: TCDControl;
67     CDControlInjected: Boolean;
68     procedure UpdateImageAndCanvas; override;
IsControlBackgroundVisiblenull69     function IsControlBackgroundVisible: Boolean; override;
GetWinControlnull70     function GetWinControl: TWinControl; override;
71   end;
73   { TCDForm }
75   TCDForm = class(TCDBaseControl)
76   public
77     LCLForm: TCustomForm;
78     NativeHandle: HWND;
79     //
80     LastMouseDownControl: TWinControl; // Stores the control which should receive the next MouseUp
81     FocusedControl: TWinControl; // The control focused in the form
82     FocusedIntfControl: TWinControl; // The intf control focused in the form
83     LayoutAutoAdjusted: Boolean; // Indicates if the form layout was already auto-adjusted once
84     // For merging invalidate requests, currently utilized in X11
85     InvalidateRequestedInAnyControl: Boolean;
86     // painting objects which represent the composed form image, don't confuse with ControlImage/ControlCanvas
87     Image: TLazIntfImage;
88     Canvas: TLazCanvas;
89     constructor Create; virtual;
90     function GetFocusedControl: TWinControl;
91     function GetFormVirtualHeight(AScreenHeight: Integer): Integer;
92     procedure SanityCheckScrollPos();
93     procedure UpdateImageAndCanvas; override;
94     function IsControlBackgroundVisible: Boolean; override;
95     function GetWinControl: TWinControl; override;
96   end;
98   TCDNonNativeForm = class(TCDForm)
99   public
100     Visible: Boolean;
101   end;
103   { TCDBitmap }
105   TCDBitmap = class
106   public
107     Image: TLazIntfImage;
108     destructor Destroy; override;
109   end;
111   TCDTimer = class
112   public
113     NativeHandle: PtrInt; // The X11 timer uses this to store the current time which is summed up to the next interval
114     NativeGlobalReference: PtrInt; // Utilized in Android to store the global JNI reference
115     Interval: integer;
116     TimerFunc: TWSTimerProc;
117   end;
119 // Routines for form managing (both native and non-native)
121 procedure AddCDWinControlToForm(const AForm: TCustomForm; ACDWinControl: TCDWinControl);
122 function GetCDWinControlList(const AForm: TCustomForm): TFPList;
124 // Routines for non-native form managing
125 procedure InitNonNativeForms();
126 function GetCurrentForm(): TCDNonNativeForm;
127 function GetForm(AIndex: Integer): TCDNonNativeForm;
128 function GetFormCount(): Integer;
129 function AddNewForm(AForm: TCustomForm): TCDNonNativeForm;
130 procedure AddFormWithCDHandle(AHandle: TCDForm);
131 function FindFormWithNativeHandle(AHandle: HWND): TCDForm;
132 procedure ShowForm(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
133 procedure HideForm(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
134 procedure BringFormToFront(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
135 procedure SendFormToBack(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
136 function FindTopMostVisibleForm: TCDNonNativeForm;
138 // Routines for non-native wincontrol
140 procedure UpdateControlLazImageAndCanvas(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
141   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AFormat: TLazCanvasImageFormat;
142   AData: Pointer = nil; AForceUpdate: Boolean = False;
143   AFreeImageOnUpdate: Boolean = True; ADataOwner: Boolean = True);
144 procedure DrawFormBackground(var AImage: TLazIntfImage; var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; AForm: TCustomForm);
145 procedure RenderChildWinControls(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
146   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; ACDControlsList: TFPList; ACDForm: TCDForm);
147 function RenderWinControl(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
148   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; ACDWinControl: TCDWinControl; ACDForm: TCDForm): Boolean;
149 procedure RenderWinControlAndChildren(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
150   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; ACDWinControl: TCDWinControl; ACDForm: TCDForm);
151 procedure RenderForm(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
152   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; AForm: TCustomForm);
153 function FindControlWhichReceivedEvent(AForm: TCustomForm;
154   AControlsList: TFPList; AX, AY: Integer): TWinControl;
155 function FindControlPositionRelativeToTheForm(ALCLControl: TWinControl; AConsiderScrolling: Boolean = False): TPoint;
156 function FormPosToControlPos(ALCLControl: TWinControl; AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
158 // Other routines
160 function DateTimeToMilliseconds(aDateTime: TDateTime): Int64;
161 function IsValidDC(ADC: HDC): Boolean;
162 function IsValidGDIObject(AGDIObj: HGDIOBJ): Boolean;
163 function IsValidBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP): Boolean;
164 function RemoveAccelChars(AStr: string): string;
166 // Timers list management (for platforms that need it)
168 procedure InitTimersList();
169 procedure AddTimer(ATimer: TCDTimer);
170 function GetTimer(AIndex: Integer): TCDTimer;
171 function GetTimerCount(): Integer;
172 function GetSmallestTimerInterval(): Integer;
173 procedure RemoveTimer(ATimer: TCDTimer);
174 function FindTimerWithNativeHandle(ANativeHandle: PtrInt): TCDTimer;
176 // Font choosing routines
178 {$ifndef CD_UseNativeText}
179 procedure VerifyAndCleanUpFontDirectories(AFontDirectories: TStringList);
180 procedure FontsScanForTTF(APath: string; var AFontTable: THashedStringList);
181 procedure FontsScanDir(APath: string; var AFontPaths: TStringList; var AFontList: THashedStringList);
182 {$endif}
184 implementation
186 uses customdrawnint;
188 var
189   // List with the Z-order of non-native forms, index=0 is the bottom-most form
190   NonNativeForms: TFPList = nil;
191   lCurrentForm: TCDNonNativeForm = nil;
193   // List of timers
194   TimersList: TFPList = nil;
196 procedure AddCDWinControlToForm(const AForm: TCustomForm; ACDWinControl: TCDWinControl);
197 var
198   lWindowInfo: TCDForm;
199 begin
200   lWindowInfo := TCDForm(AForm.Handle);
201   if lWindowInfo.Children = nil then lWindowInfo.Children := TFPList.Create;
202   lWindowInfo.Children.Add(ACDWinControl);
203 end;
205 function GetCDWinControlList(const AForm: TCustomForm): TFPList;
206 var
207   lWindowInfo: TCDForm;
208 begin
209   lWindowInfo := TCDForm(AForm.Handle);
210   if lWindowInfo.Children = nil then lWindowInfo.Children := TFPList.Create;
211   Result := lWindowInfo.Children;
212 end;
214 procedure InitNonNativeForms();
215 begin
216   if NonNativeForms <> nil then Exit;
217   NonNativeForms := TFPList.Create;
218 end;
220 function GetCurrentForm(): TCDNonNativeForm;
221 begin
222   {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
223     DebugLn('GetCurrentForm');
224   {$ENDIF}
225   Result := lCurrentForm;
226 end;
228 function GetForm(AIndex: Integer): TCDNonNativeForm;
229 begin
230   InitNonNativeForms();
231   Result := TCDNonNativeForm(NonNativeForms.Items[AIndex]);
232 end;
234 function GetFormCount: Integer;
235 begin
236   InitNonNativeForms();
237   Result := NonNativeForms.Count;
238 end;
240 function AddNewForm(AForm: TCustomForm): TCDNonNativeForm;
241 var
242   lFormInfo: TCDNonNativeForm;
243 begin
244   {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
245     DebugLn('AddNewForm');
246   {$ENDIF}
247   lFormInfo := TCDNonNativeForm.Create;
248   lFormInfo.LCLForm := AForm;
249   AddFormWithCDHandle(lFormInfo);
250   Result := lFormInfo;
251 end;
253 procedure AddFormWithCDHandle(AHandle: TCDForm);
254 begin
255   InitNonNativeForms();
256   NonNativeForms.Insert(0, AHandle);
257 end;
259 function FindFormWithNativeHandle(AHandle: HWND): TCDForm;
260 var
261   lCDForm: TCDForm;
262   i: Integer;
263 begin
264   Result := nil;
265   InitNonNativeForms();
266   for i := 0 to NonNativeForms.Count - 1 do
267   begin
268     lCDForm := TCDForm(NonNativeForms.Items[i]);
269     if lCDForm.NativeHandle = AHandle then
270     begin
271       Result := lCDForm;
272       Exit;
273     end;
274   end;
275 end;
277 procedure ShowForm(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
278 begin
279   {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
280     DebugLn(Format('ShowForm LCLForm=%s:%s', [ACDForm.LCLForm.Name, ACDForm.LCLForm.ClassName]));
281   {$ENDIF}
282   ACDForm.Visible := True;
283   BringFormToFront(ACDForm);
284   lCurrentForm := ACDForm;
285 end;
287 procedure HideForm(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
288 begin
289   ACDForm.Visible := False;
290   // update the Current Form if required, and invalidate too
291   if lCurrentForm = ACDForm then
292   begin
293     lCurrentForm := FindTopMostVisibleForm();
294     LCLIntf.InvalidateRect(HWND(lCurrentForm), nil, True);
295   end;
296   // Warn the LCL that the form was hidden
297   LCLSendCloseQueryMsg(ACDForm.LCLForm);
298 end;
300 procedure BringFormToFront(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
301 var
302   lCount, lCurIndex: Integer;
303 begin
304   InitNonNativeForms();
305   lCount := NonNativeForms.Count;
306   lCurIndex := NonNativeForms.IndexOf(ACDForm);
307   {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
308     DebugLn(Format('BringFormToFront lOldIndex=%d lNewIndex=%d', [lCurIndex, lCount-1]));
309   {$ENDIF}
310   NonNativeForms.Move(lCurIndex, lCount-1);
311 end;
313 procedure SendFormToBack(ACDForm: TCDNonNativeForm);
314 var
315   lCount, lCurIndex: Integer;
316 begin
317   // Hide the form
318   ACDForm.Visible := False;
320   InitNonNativeForms();
321   lCount := NonNativeForms.Count;
322   lCurIndex := NonNativeForms.IndexOf(ACDForm);
323   {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
324     DebugLn(Format('SendFormToBack lOldIndex=%d lNewIndex=0', [lCurIndex]));
325   {$ENDIF}
326   NonNativeForms.Move(lCurIndex, 0);
327 end;
329 function FindTopMostVisibleForm: TCDNonNativeForm;
330 var
331   lCount: Integer;
332   lForm: TCDNonNativeForm;
333   i: Integer;
334 begin
335   Result := nil;
336   InitNonNativeForms();
337   // Iterate starting from Count to zero until we find a visible form
338   lCount := NonNativeForms.Count;
340   for i := lCount-1 downto 0 do
341   begin
342     lForm := TCDNonNativeForm(NonNativeForms.Items[i]);
343     if lForm.Visible then
344     begin
345       Result := lForm;
346       Break;
347     end;
348   end;
349   {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
350     DebugLn(Format('FindTopMostVisibleForm FoundIndex=%d FoundForm=%s:%s',
351       [i, Result.LCLForm.Name, Result.LCLForm.ClassName]));
352   {$ENDIF}
353 end;
355 // If AForceUpdate=True then it will update even if the width and height remain the same
356 procedure UpdateControlLazImageAndCanvas(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
357   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; AWidth, AHeight: Integer; AFormat: TLazCanvasImageFormat;
358   AData: Pointer = nil; AForceUpdate: Boolean = False;
359   AFreeImageOnUpdate: Boolean = True; ADataOwner: Boolean = True);
360 var
361   lRawImage: TRawImage;
362   lPixelSize: Byte;
363 begin
364   {$IFDEF VerboseCDLazCanvas}
365     DebugLn(Format(':>[UpdateControlLazImageAndCanvas] Input Image: %x Canvas: %x',
366       [PtrInt(AImage), PtrInt(ACanvas)]));
367   {$ENDIF}
368   // Check if the image needs update
369   if (AImage = nil) or (AWidth <> AImage.Width) or (AHeight <> AImage.Height)
370     or AForceUpdate then
371   begin
372     if (AImage <> nil) and AFreeImageOnUpdate then AImage.Free;
373     // Free the canvas and create a new one if it is a dummy Canvas created for text metrics reading by GetDC(control)
374     if (ACanvas <> nil) and ACanvas.HasNoImage then
375     begin
376       ACanvas.Free;
377       ACanvas := nil;
378     end;
380     lRawImage.Init;
381     case AFormat of
382     clfRGB16_R5G6B5:  lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP16_R5G6B5(AWidth, AHeight);
383     clfRGB24:  lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP24_R8G8B8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
384     clfRGB24UpsideDown: lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP24_R8G8B8_BIO_TTB_UpsideDown(AWidth, AHeight);
385     clfBGR24:  lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP24_B8G8R8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
386     clfBGRA32: lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_B8G8R8A8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
387     clfRGBA32: lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_R8G8B8A8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
388     clfARGB32: lRawImage.Description.Init_BPP32_A8R8G8B8_BIO_TTB(AWidth, AHeight);
389     end;
391     // Now connect the pixel buffer or create one
392     if AData = nil then lRawImage.CreateData(True)
393     else
394     begin
395       case AFormat of
396       clfRGB16_R5G6B5:
397         lPixelSize := 2;
398       clfRGB24, clfRGB24UpsideDown, clfBGR24:
399         lPixelSize := 3;
400       clfBGRA32, clfRGBA32, clfARGB32:
401         lPixelSize := 4;
402       end;
404       lRawImage.Data := AData;
405       lRawImage.DataSize := AWidth * lPixelSize * AHeight;
406     end;
408     AImage := TLazIntfImage.Create(AWidth, AHeight);
409     AImage.SetRawImage(lRawImage, ADataOwner);
411     if (ACanvas <> nil) then ACanvas.Free;
412     ACanvas := TLazCanvas.Create(AImage);
413     ACanvas.ImageFormat := AFormat;
414   end;
415   {$IFDEF VerboseCDLazCanvas}
416     DebugLn(Format(':<[UpdateControlLazImageAndCanvas] Output Image: %x Canvas: %x',
417       [PtrInt(AImage), PtrInt(ACanvas)]));
418   {$ENDIF}
419 end;
421 procedure DrawFormBackground(var AImage: TLazIntfImage; var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; AForm: TCustomForm);
422 var
423   lColor: TColor;
424 begin
425   ACanvas.SaveState;
426   ACanvas.ResetCanvasState;
427   lColor := AForm.Color;
428   if (lColor <> clForm) and (lColor <> clDefault) then
429     lColor := ColorToRGB(lColor)
430   else
431     lColor := ColorToRGB(clForm);
432   ACanvas.Brush.FPColor := TColorToFPColor(lColor);
433   ACanvas.Pen.FPColor := TColorToFPColor(lColor);
434   ACanvas.Rectangle(0, 0, AImage.Width, AImage.Height);
435   ACanvas.RestoreState(-1);
436 end;
438 // This does not render the win control itself, only it's children
439 // The WinControls themselves will render child TControls not descending from TWinControl
440 procedure RenderChildWinControls(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
441   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; ACDControlsList: TFPList; ACDForm: TCDForm);
442 var
443   i, lChildrenCount: Integer;
444   lCDWinControl: TCDWinControl;
445 begin
446   lChildrenCount := ACDControlsList.Count;
447   {$ifdef VerboseCDWinControl}
448   DebugLn(Format('[RenderChildWinControls] ACanvas=%x ACDControlsList=%x lChildrenCount=%d',
449     [PtrInt(ACanvas), PtrInt(ACDControlsList), lChildrenCount]));
450   {$endif}
452   for i := 0 to lChildrenCount-1 do
453   begin
454     {$ifdef VerboseCDWinControl}
455     DebugLn(Format('[RenderChildWinControls] i=%d', [i]));
456     {$endif}
458     lCDWinControl := TCDWinControl(ACDControlsList.Items[i]);
460     RenderWinControlAndChildren(AImage, ACanvas, lCDWinControl, ACDForm);
461   end;
462 end;
464 // Renders a WinControl, but not it's children
465 // Returns if the control is visible and therefore if its children should be rendered
466 function RenderWinControl(var AImage: TLazIntfImage; var ACanvas: TLazCanvas;
467   ACDWinControl: TCDWinControl; ACDForm: TCDForm): Boolean;
468 var
469   lWinControl, lParentControl: TWinControl;
470   struct : TPaintStruct;
471   lCanvas: TCanvas;
472   lControlCanvas: TLazCanvas;
473   lBaseWindowOrg: TPoint;
474   lControlStateEx: TCDControlStateEx;
475   lDrawControl: Boolean;
476   lRegion:TLazRegionWithChilds;
477 begin
478   Result := False;
480   lWinControl := ACDWinControl.WinControl;
482   {$ifdef VerboseCDWinControl}
483   DebugLn(Format('[RenderWinControl] lWinControl=%x Name=%s:%s Left=%d'
484     + ' Top=%d Width=%d Height=%d', [PtrInt(lWinControl), lWinControl.Name, lWinControl.ClassName,
485     lWinControl.Left, lWinControl.Top, lWinControl.Width, lWinControl.Height]));
486   {$endif}
488   if lWinControl.Visible = False then Exit;
490   // Disable the drawing itself, but keep the window org and region operations
491   // or else clicking and other things are broken
492   lDrawControl := ACDWinControl.IsControlBackgroundVisible();
494   // Save the Canvas state
495   ACanvas.SaveState;
496   ACanvas.ResetCanvasState;
498   // lBaseWindowOrg makes debugging easier
499   // Iterate to find the appropriate BaseWindowOrg relative to the parent control
500   lBaseWindowOrg := FindControlPositionRelativeToTheForm(lWinControl);
501   ACanvas.BaseWindowOrg := Point(lBaseWindowOrg.X, lBaseWindowOrg.Y - ACDForm.ScrollY);
502   ACanvas.WindowOrg := Point(0, 0);
504   // Prepare the clippping relative to the form
505   ACanvas.Clipping := True;
506   ACDWinControl.Region.Rect := Bounds(lBaseWindowOrg.X, lBaseWindowOrg.Y - ACDForm.ScrollY,
507     lWinControl.Width, lWinControl.Height);
508   lRegion := TLazRegionWithChilds.Create;
509   lRegion.Assign(ACDWinControl.Region);
510   ACanvas.ClipRegion := lRegion;
512   lControlCanvas := ACanvas;
514   if (ACDWinControl.InvalidateCount > 0) and lDrawControl then
515   begin
516     ACDWinControl.UpdateImageAndCanvas();
517     lControlCanvas := ACDWinControl.ControlCanvas;
518     ACDWinControl.InvalidateCount := 0;
520     // Special drawing for some native controls
521     if (lWinControl is TCustomPanel) or (lWinControl is TTabSheet)
522      or (lWinControl is TCustomPage) or (lWinControl is TNotebook)  then
523     begin
524       // Erase the background of TPanel controls, since it can draw it's own border, but fails to draw it's own background
525       // and also erase the background for TTabSheet (children of TPageControl) and TCustomPage (children of TNotebook)
526       lControlCanvas.SaveState;
527       lControlCanvas.Brush.FPColor := TColorToFPColor(lWinControl.GetRGBColorResolvingParent());
528       lControlCanvas.Pen.FPColor := lControlCanvas.Brush.FPColor;
529       lControlCanvas.Rectangle(Bounds(0, 0, lWinControl.Width, lWinControl.Height));
530       lControlCanvas.RestoreState(-1);
531     end
532     else if lWinControl is TCustomGroupBox then
533     begin
534       lControlCanvas.SaveState;
535       lControlStateEx := TCDControlStateEx.Create;
536       try
537         lControlStateEx.Font := lWinControl.Font;
538         lControlStateEx.Caption := lWinControl.Caption;
539         lControlStateEx.ParentRGBColor := lWinControl.GetRGBColorResolvingParent();
540         GetDefaultDrawer().DrawGroupBox(lControlCanvas, Point(0,0),
541           Size(lWinControl.Width, lWinControl.Height), [], lControlStateEx);
542       finally
543         lControlStateEx.Free;
544         lControlCanvas.RestoreState(-1);
545       end;
546     end;
548     // Send the drawing message
549     {$ifdef VerboseCDWinControl}
550     DebugLn('[RenderWinControl] before LCLSendPaintMsg');
551     {$endif}
552     FillChar(struct, SizeOf(TPaintStruct), 0);
553     struct.hdc := HDC(lControlCanvas);
554     LCLSendEraseBackgroundMsg(lWinControl, struct.hdc);
555     LCLSendPaintMsg(lWinControl, struct.hdc, @struct);
556     {$ifdef VerboseCDWinControl}
557     DebugLn('[RenderWinControl] after LCLSendPaintMsg');
558     {$endif}
559   end;
561   // Here we actually blit the control to the form canvas
562   if lDrawControl then
563   ACanvas.CanvasCopyRect(ACDWinControl.ControlCanvas, 0, 0, 0, 0,
564     lWinControl.Width, lWinControl.Height);
566   // Now restore it
567   ACanvas.RestoreState(-1);
569   Result := True;
570 end;
572 // Render a WinControl and all it's children
573 procedure RenderWinControlAndChildren(var AImage: TLazIntfImage;
574   var ACanvas: TLazCanvas; ACDWinControl: TCDWinControl; ACDForm: TCDForm);
575 begin
576   if not RenderWinControl(AImage, ACanvas, ACDWinControl, ACDForm) then Exit;
578   // Now Draw all sub-controls
579   if ACDWinControl.Children <> nil then
580     RenderChildWinControls(AImage, ACanvas, ACDWinControl.Children, ACDForm);
581 end;
583 // Draws a form and all of its child controls
584 procedure RenderForm(var AImage: TLazIntfImage; var ACanvas: TLazCanvas;
585   AForm: TCustomForm);
586 var
587   struct : TPaintStruct;
588   lWindowHandle: TCDForm;
589   lFormCanvas: TLazCanvas;
590   lDrawControl: Boolean;
591 begin
592   lWindowHandle := TCDForm(AForm.Handle);
594   // Disable the drawing itself, but keep the window org and region operations
595   // or else clicking and other things are broken, specially in Android
596   //
597   // If the form is smaller then the buffer (this might happen in Android)
598   // then we need to force drawing the background to erase old contents of the buffer
599   //
600   // Consider also if the user wants to manually disable the background drawing
601   lDrawControl := lWindowHandle.IsControlBackgroundVisible() or (AForm.Height < AImage.Height);
602   if Assigned(CDWidgetset.DisableFormBackgroundDrawingProc) then
603   begin
604     if not CDWidgetset.DisableFormBackgroundDrawingProc(AForm) then
605       if lDrawControl then
606         DrawFormBackground(AImage, ACanvas, AForm);
607   end
608   else if lDrawControl then
609     DrawFormBackground(AImage, ACanvas, AForm);
611   // Consider the form scrolling
612   // ToDo: Figure out why this "div 2" factor is necessary for drawing non-windows controls and remove this factor
613   // If you remove this factor then the wincontrols are fine,
614   // but graphiccontrols scroll with a different speed which is a huge problem
615   ACanvas.BaseWindowOrg := Point(0, - lWindowHandle.ScrollY div 2);
616   ACanvas.WindowOrg := Point(0, 0);
618   lFormCanvas := ACanvas;
620   if lDrawControl then
621   begin
622     // Send the paint message to the LCL
623     {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
624       DebugLn(Format('[RenderForm] OnPaint event started context: %x', [struct.hdc]));
625     {$ENDIF}
626     FillChar(struct, SizeOf(TPaintStruct), 0);
627     struct.hdc := HDC(lFormCanvas);
628     LCLSendPaintMsg(AForm, struct.hdc, @struct);
629     {$IFDEF VerboseCDForms}
630       DebugLn('[RenderForm] OnPaint event ended');
631     {$ENDIF}
632   end;
634   // Now paint all child win controls
635   RenderChildWinControls(AImage, ACanvas, GetCDWinControlList(AForm), lWindowHandle);
636 end;
FindControlWhichReceivedEventnull638 function FindControlWhichReceivedEvent(AForm: TCustomForm;
639   AControlsList: TFPList; AX, AY: Integer): TWinControl;
640 var
641   i: Integer;
642   lRegionOfEvent: TLazRegionWithChilds;
643   lCurCDControl: TCDWinControl;
644   lEventPos: TPoint; // local, already adjusted for the scrolling
645 begin
646   Result := AForm;
647   lEventPos := Point(AX, AY); // Don't adjust for the scrolling because the regions are scrolled too
649   // The order of this loop is important to respect the Z-order of controls
650   for i := AControlsList.Count-1 downto 0 do
651   begin
652     lCurCDControl := TCDWinControl(AControlsList.Items[i]);
653     if lCurCDControl.Region = nil then Continue;
654     if not lCurCDControl.WinControl.HandleObjectShouldBeVisible then Continue;
655     lRegionOfEvent := lCurCDControl.Region.IsPointInRegion(lEventPos.X, lEventPos.Y);
656     if lRegionOfEvent <> nil then
657     begin
658       if lRegionOfEvent.UserData = nil then
659         raise Exception.Create('[FindControlWhichReceivedEvent] Malformed tree of regions');
660       Result := TWinControl(lRegionOfEvent.UserData);
662       // If it is a native LCL control, redirect to the CDControl
663       if lCurCDControl.CDControl <> nil then
664         Result := lCurCDControl.CDControl;
666       Exit;
667     end;
668   end;
669 end;
671 function FindControlPositionRelativeToTheForm(ALCLControl: TWinControl; AConsiderScrolling: Boolean = False): TPoint;
672 var
673   lParentControl: TWinControl;
674   lParentHandle: TCDBaseControl;
675   lScroll, lParentPos: TPoint;
676 begin
677   // Iterate to find the appropriate BaseWindowOrg relative to the parent control
678   Result := Point(ALCLControl.Left, ALCLControl.Top);
679   lParentControl := ALCLControl.Parent;
680   while (lParentControl <> nil) do
681   begin
682     if AConsiderScrolling and lParentControl.HandleAllocated then
683     begin
684       lParentHandle := TCDBaseControl(lParentControl.Handle);
685       lScroll := Point(lParentHandle.ScrollX, lParentHandle.ScrollY);
686     end
687     else lScroll := Point(0, 0);
689     if (lParentControl is TCustomForm) then lParentPos := Point(0, 0)
690     else lParentPos := Point(lParentControl.Left, lParentControl.Top);
692     Result.X := Result.X + lParentPos.X - lScroll.X;
693     Result.Y := Result.Y + lParentPos.Y - lScroll.Y;
694     lParentControl := lParentControl.Parent;
695   end;
696 end;
698 function FormPosToControlPos(ALCLControl: TWinControl; AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
699 var
700   lControlPos: TPoint;
701 begin
702   lControlPos := FindControlPositionRelativeToTheForm(ALCLControl, True);
703   Result.X := AX - lControlPos.X;
704   Result.Y := AY - lControlPos.Y;
705 end;
707 function DateTimeToMilliseconds(aDateTime: TDateTime): Int64;
708 var
709   TimeStamp: TTimeStamp;
710 begin
711   {Call DateTimeToTimeStamp to convert DateTime to TimeStamp:}
712   TimeStamp:= DateTimeToTimeStamp (aDateTime);
713   {Multiply and add to complete the conversion:}
714   Result:= TimeStamp.Time;
715 end;
717 function IsValidDC(ADC: HDC): Boolean;
718 begin
719   Result := ADC <> 0;
720 end;
722 function IsValidGDIObject(AGDIObj: HGDIOBJ): Boolean;
723 begin
724   Result := AGDIObj <> 0;
725 end;
727 function IsValidBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP): Boolean;
728 begin
729   Result := ABitmap <> 0;
730 end;
732 function RemoveAccelChars(AStr: string): string;
733 begin
734   // ToDo convert && to & and keep it
735   Result := StringReplace(AStr, '&', '', [rfReplaceAll]);
736 end;
738 procedure InitTimersList;
739 begin
740   if TimersList = nil then TimersList := TFPList.Create;
741 end;
743 procedure AddTimer(ATimer: TCDTimer);
744 begin
745   InitTimersList();
746   TimersList.Add(ATimer);
747 end;
749 function GetTimer(AIndex: Integer): TCDTimer;
750 begin
751   InitTimersList();
752   Result := TCDTimer(TimersList.Items[AIndex]);
753 end;
755 function GetTimerCount: Integer;
756 begin
757   InitTimersList();
758   Result := TimersList.Count;
759 end;
761 function GetSmallestTimerInterval: Integer;
762 var
763   i: Integer;
764   lTimer: TCDTimer;
765 begin
766   Result := High(Integer);
767   for i := 0 to GetTimerCount()-1 do
768   begin
769     lTimer := GetTimer(i);
770     Result := Min(Result, lTimer.Interval);
771   end;
772   if Result = High(Integer) then Result := -1;
773 end;
775 procedure RemoveTimer(ATimer: TCDTimer);
776 begin
777   InitTimersList();
778   TimersList.Remove(ATimer);
779 end;
781 function FindTimerWithNativeHandle(ANativeHandle: PtrInt): TCDTimer;
782 var
783   lTimer: TCDTimer;
784   i: Integer;
785 begin
786   Result := nil;
787   InitTimersList();
788   for i := 0 to TimersList.Count - 1 do
789   begin
790     lTimer := TCDTimer(TimersList.Items[i]);
791     if lTimer.NativeHandle = ANativeHandle then
792       Exit(lTimer);
793   end;
794 end;
796 {$ifndef CD_UseNativeText}
797 procedure VerifyAndCleanUpFontDirectories(AFontDirectories: TStringList);
798 var
799   i, j: Integer;
800 begin
801   // Add path delimitiers to the end of all paths
802   for i := 0 to AFontDirectories.Count -1 do
803   begin
804     AFontDirectories.Strings[i] := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(AFontDirectories.Strings[i]);
805   end;
807   // remove all duplicates
808   i := 0;
809   while i < AFontDirectories.Count do
810   begin
811     j := i+1;
812     while j < AFontDirectories.Count do
813     begin
814       if AFontDirectories.Strings[i] = AFontDirectories.Strings[j] then
815         AFontDirectories.Delete(j);
816       Inc(j);
817     end;
818     Inc(i);
819   end;
821   // Now remove all directories which don't exist
822   i := 0;
823   while i < AFontDirectories.Count do
824   begin
825     if not DirectoryExistsUTF8(AFontDirectories.Strings[i]) then
826       AFontDirectories.Delete(i);
827     Inc(i);
828   end;
830   // Raise an exception if there are no font directories
831   if AFontDirectories.Count = 0 then
832     raise Exception.Create('[VerifyAndCleanUpFontDirectories] After cleaning up no font directories were found.');
833 end;
835 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
836  Procedure: BackendScanForTTF - Scope=local
837  Params: APath - path for a font directory
838          AFontTable - Font name to Font path Hashed List
840  Scan a directory for ttf fonts and updates the FontTable
841 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
842 procedure FontsScanForTTF(APath: string; var AFontTable: THashedStringList);
843 var
844   Rslt: TSearchRec;
845   AFace: TT_Face;
846   ErrNum: TT_Error;
847   SearchResult, J: Integer;
848   FontPath: String;
849   NameCount: Integer;
850   NameString: Pchar;
851   NameLen: Integer;
852   Platform,Encoding,Language: Integer;
853   NameID: Integer;
854   AName: String;
855 {$ifdef CD_Debug_TTF}
856   DebugList: TstringList;
857 {$endif}
858 begin
859   SearchResult := FindFirstUTF8(APath+'*.ttf', faAnyFile, Rslt);
860 {$ifdef CD_Debug_TTF}
861   DebugList:= TStringList.Create;
862 {$endif}
863   while SearchResult = 0 do
864   begin
865     FontPath:= APath+Rslt.Name;
867     {$ifdef CD_Debug_TTF}
868       DebugLn(Format('[FontsScanForTTF] font=%s', [FontPath]));
869     {$endif}
871     // Work around for fonts which cause errors. See bug 21456
872     if Rslt.Name = 'tunga.ttf' then
873     begin
874       SearchResult := FindNextUTF8(Rslt);
875       Continue;
876     end;
878     ErrNum:= TT_Open_Face(FontPath, AFace);
879     if ErrNum = TT_Err_Ok then
880     begin
881       NameCount:= TT_Get_Name_Count(AFace);
882       for J:= 0 to NameCount-1 do
883       begin
884         ErrNum:= TT_Get_Name_ID(AFace, J, Platform, Encoding, Language, NameID);
885         { -------------------------------------------------------------------
886             NameID: 0= Copyright
887                     1= Font Family (e.g. Arial, Times, Liberation )
888                     2= Font Subfamily (e.g. Bold, Italic, Condensed)
889                     3= Unique Font Identifier
890                     4= Full Name - Human readable - the one used by the IDE
891         -----------------------------------------------------------------------}
892         {$ifdef CD_Debug_TTF}
893         if ErrNum = TT_Err_Ok then
894         begin
895           ErrNum:= TT_Get_Name_String(AFace,J,NameString,NameLen);
896           AName:= NameString;
897           if NameString <> '' then //DBG
898           begin
899             SetLength(AName,NameLen);
900             DebugList.Add('ID='+IntToStr(NameID)+' Path='+FontPath+' Name='+AName);
901           end
902           else DebugList.Add('ID='+IntToStr(NameID)+' Path='+FontPath+' Name=<Empty String>');
903         end;
904         {$endif}
905         if (ErrNum = TT_Err_Ok) and (NameID = 4) then begin
906           ErrNum:= TT_Get_Name_String(AFace,J,NameString,NameLen);
907           AName:= NameString;
908           // Skip empty entries
909           if NameString <> '' then begin
910             SetLength(AName,NameLen);
911             AFontTable.Add(AName+'='+FontPath);
912           end;
913         end;
914       end;
915     end;
916     {$ifdef CD_Debug_TTF}
917     DebugList.Add('------');
918     {$endif}
919     ErrNum:= TT_Close_Face(AFace);
920     SearchResult := FindNextUTF8(Rslt);
921   end;
922   FindCloseUTF8(Rslt);
923 {$ifdef CD_Debug_TTF}
924   AName:= ExtractFileDir(Apath);
925   AName:= ExtractFileName(AName) + '.txt';
926   DebugList.SaveToFile({$ifdef UNIX}'/tmp/'+{$endif}{$ifdef Windows}'C:\'+{$endif}AName);
927   DebugList.Free;
928 {$endif}
929 end;
931 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
932  Procedure: BackendScanDir - Scope=Local
933  Params: APath - path for a font directory
934          AFontPaths - Font path List
936  Recursively scans font directories to find the ones populated only
937 by fonts
938 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
939 procedure FontsScanDir(APath: string; var AFontPaths: TStringList; var AFontList: THashedStringList);
940 var
941   NextPath: string;
942   Rslt: TSearchRec;
943   I: Integer;
944   DirFound,DirEmpty: Boolean;
945   TmpList: THashedStringList;
946 begin
947   DirFound:= False;
948   DirEmpty:= True;
949   I:= FindFirstUTF8(APath+'*',faAnyFile,Rslt);
950   while I >= 0 do begin
951     if (Rslt.Name <> '.') and (Rslt.Name <> '..') then
952     begin
953       DirEmpty:= False;
954       if (Rslt.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0 then
955       begin
956         NextPath:= APath + Rslt.Name + PathDelim;
957         DirFound:= true;
958         FontsScanDir(NextPath,AFontPaths,AFontList);
959       end;
960     end;
961     I:= FindNextUTF8(Rslt);
962   end;
963   FindCloseUTF8(Rslt);
964   if (not DirFound) and (not DirEmpty) then
965     AFontPaths.Add(APath);
966 end;
968 {$endif}
970 { TCDWinControl }
972 procedure TCDWinControl.UpdateImageAndCanvas;
973 begin
974   UpdateControlLazImageAndCanvas(ControlImage, ControlCanvas,
975     WinControl.Width, WinControl.Height, {$ifdef CD_Support_Alpha_Controls}clfARGB32{$else}CDWidgetset.ScreenFormat{$endif});
976 end;
TCDWinControl.IsControlBackgroundVisiblenull978 function TCDWinControl.IsControlBackgroundVisible: Boolean;
979 begin
980   FWinControl := WinControl;
981   Result:=inherited IsControlBackgroundVisible;
982 end;
GetWinControlnull984 function TCDWinControl.GetWinControl: TWinControl;
985 begin
986   Result := WinControl;
987 end;
989 { TCDBitmap }
991 destructor TCDBitmap.Destroy;
992 begin
993   if Image <> nil then Image.Free;
994   inherited Destroy;
995 end;
997 { TCDBaseControl }
TCDBaseControl.GetPropsnull999 function TCDBaseControl.GetProps(AnIndex: String): pointer;
1000 var
1001   i: Integer;
1002 begin
1003   i:=Fprops.IndexOf(AnIndex);
1004   if i>=0 then
1005   begin
1006     result:=Fprops.Objects[i];
1007     exit;
1008   end;
1009   result := nil;
1010 end;
GetWinControlnull1012 function TCDBaseControl.GetWinControl: TWinControl;
1013 begin
1014   Result := FWinControl;
1015 end;
1017 procedure TCDBaseControl.SetProps(AnIndex: String; AValue: pointer);
1018 var
1019   i: Integer;
1020 begin
1021   i := Fprops.IndexOf(AnIndex);
1022   if i < 0 then
1023     i := FProps.Add(AnIndex);
1024   Fprops.Objects[i] := TObject(AValue);
1025 end;
1027 constructor TCDBaseControl.Create;
1028 begin
1029   inherited Create;
1030   FProps := TStringList.Create;
1031   //FProps.CaseSensitive:=false; commented as in the qt widgetset
1032   FProps.Sorted:=true;
1033   IncInvalidateCount(); // Always starts needing an invalidate
1035   Children := TFPList.Create;
1036 end;
1038 destructor TCDBaseControl.Destroy;
1039 begin
1040   FProps.Free;
1041   Children.Free;
1043   // Free the Canvas and Image if required
1044   // Dont free for the Form because elsewhere this is taken care of
1045   if ControlCanvas <> nil then ControlCanvas.Free;
1046   if ControlImage <> nil then ControlImage.Free;
1048   inherited Destroy;
1049 end;
1051 procedure TCDBaseControl.IncInvalidateCount;
1052 begin
1053   Inc(InvalidateCount);
1054 end;
TCDBaseControl.AdjustCoordinatesForScrollingnull1056 function TCDBaseControl.AdjustCoordinatesForScrolling(AX, AY: Integer): TPoint;
1057 begin
1058   DebugLn(Format('AX=%d AY=%d ScrollX=%d ScrollY=%d', [AX, AY, ScrollX, ScrollY]));
1059   Result := Point(AX + ScrollX, AY + ScrollY);
1060 end;
1062 procedure TCDBaseControl.UpdateImageAndCanvas;
1063 begin
1065 end;
1067 // This is utilized for optimizing the painting. If we figure out that there is
1068 // nothing visible from a control, just give up drawing it completely
1069 //
1070 // What usually happens is that child controls might completely cover their
1071 // parent controls
1072 //
1073 // We should watch out for alpha-blending, however
IsControlBackgroundVisiblenull1074 function TCDBaseControl.IsControlBackgroundVisible: Boolean;
1075 var
1076   i: Integer;
1077   lChild: TControl;
1078   lWinChild: TWinControl;
1079 begin
1080   Result := True;
1081   if FWinControl = nil then Exit;
1082   for i := 0 to FWinControl.ControlCount-1 do
1083   begin
1084     lChild := FWinControl.Controls[i];
1085     if not (lChild is TWinControl) then Continue;
1086     lWinChild := TWinControl(lChild);
1088     // Ignore invisible controls
1089     if not lWinChild.Visible then Continue;
1091     // ToDo: Ignore alpha blended controls
1093     // Basic case: alClient, but watch out for borders!!!
1094     if (lWinChild.Align = alClient) and
1095       (lWinChild.BorderSpacing.Around = 0) and
1096       (lWinChild.BorderSpacing.Bottom = 0) and
1097       (lWinChild.BorderSpacing.Left = 0) and
1098       (lWinChild.BorderSpacing.Right = 0) and
1099       (lWinChild.BorderSpacing.Top = 0) then Exit(False);
1101     // Another case: coordinates match
1102     if (lWinChild.Left = 0) and (lWinChild.Top = 0) and
1103        (lWinChild.Width = FWinControl.Width) and (lWinChild.Height = FWinControl.Height) then
1104        Exit(False);
1105   end;
1106 end;
1108 { TCDForm }
1110 constructor TCDForm.Create;
1111 begin
1112   inherited Create;
1113   InvalidateCount := 1;
1114 end;
GetFocusedControlnull1116 function TCDForm.GetFocusedControl: TWinControl;
1117 begin
1118   if FocusedIntfControl <> nil then Result := FocusedIntfControl
1119   else if FocusedControl <> nil then Result := FocusedControl
1120   else Result := LCLForm;
1121 end;
TCDForm.GetFormVirtualHeightnull1123 function TCDForm.GetFormVirtualHeight(AScreenHeight: Integer): Integer;
1124 var
1125   i, lControlRequiredHeight: Integer;
1126   lControl: TControl;
1127 begin
1128   Result := AScreenHeight;
1129   for i := 0 to LCLForm.ControlCount-1 do
1130   begin
1131     lControl := LCLForm.Controls[i];
1132     lControlRequiredHeight := lControl.Top + lControl.Height;
1133     Result := Max(lControlRequiredHeight, Result);
1134   end;
1135 end;
1137 procedure TCDForm.SanityCheckScrollPos;
1138 begin
1139   ScrollY := Max(ScrollY, 0);
1140   ScrollY := Min(ScrollY, GetFormVirtualHeight(Image.Height) - Image.Height);
1141 end;
1143 procedure TCDForm.UpdateImageAndCanvas;
1144 begin
1145   UpdateControlLazImageAndCanvas(ControlImage, ControlCanvas,
1146     LCLForm.ClientWIdth, LCLForm.ClientHeight, clfARGB32);
1147 end;
IsControlBackgroundVisiblenull1149 function TCDForm.IsControlBackgroundVisible: Boolean;
1150 begin
1151   FWinControl := LCLForm;
1152   Result:=inherited IsControlBackgroundVisible;
1153 end;
GetWinControlnull1155 function TCDForm.GetWinControl: TWinControl;
1156 begin
1157   Result := LCLForm;
1158 end;
1160 end.