1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     Functions and classes to build dependency graphs for pascal units.
25 }
26 unit CTUnitGraph;
28 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
30 interface
32 uses
33   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
34   // LazUtils
35   LazFileUtils, LazStringUtils,
36   // Codetools
37   FileProcs, FindDeclarationTool, CodeBeautifier, CodeCache, StdCodeTools,
38   DirectoryCacher, LinkScanner, CustomCodeTool, CodeTree, CodeToolsStructs;
40 type
42   { TFindIdentifierReferenceCache }
44   TFindIdentifierReferenceCache = class
45   public
46     IdentifierCode: TCodeBuffer;
47     X, Y: integer;
49     SourcesChangeStep: int64;
50     FilesChangeStep: int64;
51     InitValuesChangeStep: integer;
52     NewTool: TFindDeclarationTool;
53     NewNode: TCodeTreeNode;
54     NewPos: TCodeXYPosition;
55     IsPrivate: boolean;
56     procedure Clear;
57   end;
59 type
60   TUGUnitFlag = (
61     ugufReached,
62     ugufLoadError,
63     ugufIsIncludeFile,
64     ugufHasSyntaxErrors
65     );
66   TUGUnitFlags = set of TUGUnitFlag;
68   { TUGUnit }
70   TUGUnit = class
71   public
72     Flags: TUGUnitFlags;
73     TheUnitName: string;
74     Filename: string;
75     Code: TCodeBuffer;
76     Tool: TStandardCodeTool;
77     UsesUnits: TFPList; // list of TUGUses, can be nil
78     UsedByUnits: TFPList; // list of TUGUses, can be nil
79     constructor Create(const aFilename: string);
80     destructor Destroy; override;
81     procedure Clear;
IndexOfUsesnull82     function IndexOfUses(const aFilename: string): integer; // slow linear search
83   end;
84   TUGUnitClass = class of TUGUnit;
86   { TUGUses }
88   TUGUses = class
89   public
90     Owner: TUGUnit;
91     UsesUnit: TUGUnit;
92     InImplementation: boolean;
93     constructor Create(TheOwner, TheUses: TUGUnit);
94     destructor Destroy; override;
95   end;
96   TUGUsesClass = class of TUGUses;
98   { TUsesGraph }
100   TUsesGraph = class
101   private
102     FFiles: TAVLTree; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
103     FIgnoreFiles: TAVLTree; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
104     FQueuedFiles: TAVLTree; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
105     FTargetAll: boolean;
106     FTargetFiles: TAVLTree; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
107     FTargetDirsValid: boolean;
108     FTargetDirs: string;
109     FTargetInFPCSrc: boolean;
110     FUnitClass: TUGUnitClass;
111     FUsesClass: TUGUsesClass;
112   public
113     DirectoryCachePool: TCTDirectoryCachePool;
114     OnGetCodeToolForBuffer: TOnGetCodeToolForBuffer;
115     OnLoadFile: TOnLoadCTFile;
117     constructor Create;
118     destructor Destroy; override;
119     procedure Clear;
120     procedure ConsistencyCheck;
GetUnitnull121     function GetUnit(const ExpFilename: string; CreateIfNotExists: boolean): TUGUnit;
FindUnitnull122     function FindUnit(const AnUnitName: string): TUGUnit; // slow
124     procedure AddStartUnit(ExpFilename: string);
125     procedure AddTargetUnit(ExpFilename: string);
126     procedure AddIgnoreUnit(ExpFilename: string);
127     procedure AddSystemUnitAsTarget;
Parsenull128     function Parse(IgnoreErrors: boolean; out Completed: boolean;
129                    StopAfterMs: integer = -1): boolean;
GetUnitsTreeUsingTargetsnull130     function GetUnitsTreeUsingTargets: TAVLTree; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for filename
GetCodeTreeUsingTargetsnull131     function GetCodeTreeUsingTargets: TAVLTree; // tree of TCodeBuffer sorted for filename
UnitCanFindTargetnull132     function UnitCanFindTarget(ExpFilename: string): boolean;
IsTargetDirnull133     function IsTargetDir(ExpDir: string): boolean;
FindShortestPathnull135     function FindShortestPath(StartUnit, EndUnit: TUGUnit): TFPList; // list of TUGUnit, nil if no path exists
InsertMissingLinksnull136     function InsertMissingLinks(UGUnitList: TFPList): boolean;
138     property FilesTree: TAVLTree read FFiles; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename (all parsed)
139     property IgnoreFilesTree: TAVLTree read FIgnoreFiles; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
140     property QueuedFilesTree: TAVLTree read FQueuedFiles; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
141     property TargetFilesTree: TAVLTree read FTargetFiles; // tree of TUGUnit sorted for Filename
142     property TargetAll: boolean read FTargetAll write FTargetAll;
144     property UnitClass: TUGUnitClass read FUnitClass write FUnitClass;
145     property UsesClass: TUGUsesClass read FUsesClass write FUsesClass;
146   end;
CompareUGUnitFilenamesnull148 function CompareUGUnitFilenames(UGUnit1, UGUnit2: Pointer): integer;
CompareFilenameAndUGUnitnull149 function CompareFilenameAndUGUnit(FileAnsistring, UGUnit: Pointer): integer;
151 implementation
CompareUGUnitFilenamesnull153 function CompareUGUnitFilenames(UGUnit1, UGUnit2: Pointer): integer;
154 var
155   Unit1: TUGUnit absolute UGUnit1;
156   Unit2: TUGUnit absolute UGUnit2;
157 begin
158   Result:=CompareFilenames(Unit1.Filename,Unit2.Filename);
159 end;
CompareFilenameAndUGUnitnull161 function CompareFilenameAndUGUnit(FileAnsistring, UGUnit: Pointer): integer;
162 var
163   AnUnit: TUGUnit absolute UGUnit;
164   Filename: String;
165 begin
166   Filename:=AnsiString(FileAnsistring);
167   Result:=CompareFilenames(Filename,AnUnit.Filename);
168 end;
170 { TFindIdentifierReferenceCache }
172 procedure TFindIdentifierReferenceCache.Clear;
173 begin
174   SourcesChangeStep:=CTInvalidChangeStamp64;
175   FilesChangeStep:=CTInvalidChangeStamp64;
176   InitValuesChangeStep:=CTInvalidChangeStamp;
177   NewTool:=nil;
178   NewNode:=nil;
179   NewPos:=CleanCodeXYPosition;
180   IsPrivate:=false;
181 end;
183 { TUGUses }
185 constructor TUGUses.Create(TheOwner, TheUses: TUGUnit);
186 begin
187   Owner:=TheOwner;
188   UsesUnit:=TheUses;
189 end;
191 destructor TUGUses.Destroy;
192 begin
193   if Owner<>nil then begin
194     Owner.UsesUnits.Remove(Self);
195     Owner:=nil;
196   end;
197   if UsesUnit<>nil then begin
198     UsesUnit.UsedByUnits.Remove(Self);
199     UsesUnit:=nil;
200   end;
201   inherited Destroy;
202 end;
204 { TUGUnit }
206 constructor TUGUnit.Create(const aFilename: string);
207 begin
208   Filename:=aFilename;
209   TheUnitName:=ExtractFileNameOnly(Filename);
210 end;
212 destructor TUGUnit.Destroy;
213 begin
214   Clear;
215   FreeAndNil(UsesUnits);
216   FreeAndNil(UsedByUnits);
217   inherited Destroy;
218 end;
220 procedure TUGUnit.Clear;
222   procedure FreeUsesList(var List: TFPList);
223   begin
224     if List=nil then exit;
225     while List.Count>0 do TObject(List[0]).Free;
226     FreeAndNil(List);
227   end;
229 begin
230   FreeUsesList(UsesUnits);
231   FreeUsesList(UsedByUnits);
232   Flags:=Flags-[ugufHasSyntaxErrors,ugufReached];
233 end;
TUGUnit.IndexOfUsesnull235 function TUGUnit.IndexOfUses(const aFilename: string): integer;
236 begin
237   if UsesUnits=nil then exit(-1);
238   Result:=UsesUnits.Count-1;
239   while (Result>=0)
240   and (CompareFilenames(aFilename,TUGUses(UsesUnits[Result]).UsesUnit.Filename)<>0) do
241     dec(Result);
242 end;
244 { TUsesGraph }
246 constructor TUsesGraph.Create;
247 begin
248   FUnitClass:=TUGUnit;
249   FUsesClass:=TUGUses;
250   FFiles:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareUGUnitFilenames);
251   FIgnoreFiles:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareUGUnitFilenames);
252   FQueuedFiles:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareUGUnitFilenames);
253   FTargetFiles:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareUGUnitFilenames);
254 end;
256 destructor TUsesGraph.Destroy;
257 begin
258   Clear;
259   FreeAndNil(FIgnoreFiles);
260   FreeAndNil(FQueuedFiles);
261   FreeAndNil(FTargetFiles);
262   FreeAndNil(FFiles);
263   inherited Destroy;
264 end;
266 procedure TUsesGraph.Clear;
267 begin
268   FQueuedFiles.Clear; // all files of StartFiles are in Files too
269   FTargetFiles.Clear; // all files of TargetFiles are in Files too
270   FFiles.FreeAndClear;
271 end;
273 procedure TUsesGraph.ConsistencyCheck;
274 var
275   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
276   AnUnit: TUGUnit;
277 begin
278   FFiles.ConsistencyCheck;
279   FQueuedFiles.ConsistencyCheck;
281   AVLNode:=FQueuedFiles.FindLowest;
282   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
283     AnUnit:=TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data);
284     if AnUnit.Filename='' then
285       raise Exception.Create('AnUnit without filename');
286     if FFiles.FindKey(PChar(AnUnit.Filename),@CompareFilenameAndUGUnit)=nil then
287       raise Exception.Create('startfile not in files: '+AnUnit.Filename);
288     AVLNode:=FQueuedFiles.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
289   end;
290 end;
TUsesGraph.GetUnitnull292 function TUsesGraph.GetUnit(const ExpFilename: string;
293   CreateIfNotExists: boolean): TUGUnit;
294 var
295   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
296 begin
297   if ExpFilename='' then begin
298     Result:=nil;
299     if CreateIfNotExists then
300       raise Exception.Create('TUsesGraph.GetUnit missing filename');
301     exit;
302   end;
303   AVLNode:=FFiles.FindKey(PChar(ExpFilename),@CompareFilenameAndUGUnit);
304   if AVLNode<>nil then begin
305     Result:=TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data);
306   end else if CreateIfNotExists then begin
307     Result:=UnitClass.Create(ExpFilename);
308     FFiles.Add(Result);
309   end else
310     Result:=nil;
311 end;
FindUnitnull313 function TUsesGraph.FindUnit(const AnUnitName: string): TUGUnit;
314 var
315   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
316 begin
317   AVLNode:=FFiles.FindLowest;
318   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
319     Result:=TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data);
320     if CompareText(ExtractFileNameOnly(Result.Filename),AnUnitName)=0 then
321       exit;
322     AVLNode:=FFiles.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
323   end;
324 end;
326 procedure TUsesGraph.AddStartUnit(ExpFilename: string);
327 var
328   NewUnit: TUGUnit;
329 begin
330   if ExpFilename='' then exit;
331   if FQueuedFiles.FindKey(PChar(ExpFilename),@CompareFilenameAndUGUnit)<>nil then
332     exit; // already a start file
333   NewUnit:=GetUnit(ExpFilename,true);
334   if ugufReached in NewUnit.Flags then exit; // already parsed
335   // add to FFiles and FQueuedFiles
336   //debugln(['TUsesGraph.AddStartUnit ',ExpFilename]);
337   FQueuedFiles.Add(NewUnit);
338 end;
340 procedure TUsesGraph.AddTargetUnit(ExpFilename: string);
341 var
342   NewUnit: TUGUnit;
343 begin
344   if ExpFilename='' then exit;
345   if FTargetFiles.FindKey(PChar(ExpFilename),@CompareFilenameAndUGUnit)<>nil then
346     exit; // already a start file
347   // add to FFiles and FTargetFiles
348   //debugln(['TUsesGraph.AddTargetUnit ',ExpFilename]);
349   NewUnit:=GetUnit(ExpFilename,true);
350   if FTargetFiles.Find(NewUnit)=nil then
351     FTargetFiles.Add(NewUnit);
352   FTargetDirsValid:=false;
353 end;
355 procedure TUsesGraph.AddIgnoreUnit(ExpFilename: string);
356 var
357   NewUnit: TUGUnit;
358 begin
359   NewUnit:=GetUnit(ExpFilename,true);
360   if FIgnoreFiles.Find(NewUnit)=nil then
361     FIgnoreFiles.Add(NewUnit);
362 end;
364 procedure TUsesGraph.AddSystemUnitAsTarget;
365 begin
366   AddTargetUnit(DirectoryCachePool.FindUnitInUnitSet('','system'));
367 end;
TUsesGraph.Parsenull369 function TUsesGraph.Parse(IgnoreErrors: boolean; out Completed: boolean;
370   StopAfterMs: integer): boolean;
372   procedure AddUses(CurUnit: TUGUnit; UsedFiles: TStrings;
373     InImplementation: boolean);
374   var
375     i: Integer;
376     Filename: string;
377     NewUnit: TUGUnit;
378     NewUses: TUGUses;
379   begin
380     if UsedFiles=nil then exit;
381     for i:=0 to UsedFiles.Count-1 do begin
382       Filename:=UsedFiles[i];
383       if not FilenameIsPascalUnit(Filename) then continue;
384       // check if already used
385       if CurUnit.IndexOfUses(Filename)>=0 then continue;
386       if not UnitCanFindTarget(Filename) then continue;
387       // add connection
388       NewUnit:=GetUnit(Filename,true);
389       if CurUnit.UsesUnits=nil then
390         CurUnit.UsesUnits:=TFPList.Create;
391       NewUses:=UsesClass.Create(CurUnit,NewUnit);
392       NewUses.InImplementation:=InImplementation;
393       CurUnit.UsesUnits.Add(NewUses);
394       if NewUnit.UsedByUnits=nil then
395         NewUnit.UsedByUnits:=TFPList.Create;
396       NewUnit.UsedByUnits.Add(NewUses);
397       // put new file on queue
398       AddStartUnit(Filename);
399     end;
400   end;
ParseUnitnull402   function ParseUnit(CurUnit: TUGUnit): boolean;
403   // returns true to continue
404   var
405     Abort: boolean;
406     MainUsesSection: TStrings;
407     ImplementationUsesSection: TStrings;
408   begin
409     Result:=false;
410     //debugln(['ParseUnit ',CurUnit.Filename,' ',Pos('tcfiler',CurUnit.Filename)]);
411     Include(CurUnit.Flags,ugufLoadError);
412     // load file
413     Abort:=false;
414     OnLoadFile(Self,CurUnit.Filename,CurUnit.Code,Abort);
415     if Abort then exit;
416     if CurUnit.Code=nil then begin
417       debugln(['TUsesGraph.Parse failed loading file ',CurUnit.Filename]);
418       Result:=IgnoreErrors;
419       exit;
420     end;
421     try
422       MainUsesSection:=nil;
423       ImplementationUsesSection:=nil;
424       try
425         // create tool
426         CurUnit.Tool:=OnGetCodeToolForBuffer(Self,CurUnit.Code,true) as TStandardCodeTool;
427         if CurUnit.Tool=nil then begin
428           debugln(['TUsesGraph.Parse failed getting tool for file ',CurUnit.Code.Filename]);
429           Result:=IgnoreErrors;
430           exit;
431         end;
432         // check if include file
433         if CompareFilenames(CurUnit.Tool.MainFilename,CurUnit.Code.Filename)<>0 then
434         begin
435           Include(CurUnit.Flags,ugufIsIncludeFile);
436           exit(true);
437         end;
438         Exclude(CurUnit.Flags,ugufLoadError);
439         // parse both uses sections
440         Include(CurUnit.Flags,ugufHasSyntaxErrors);
441         CurUnit.Tool.BuildTree(lsrImplementationUsesSectionEnd);
442         Exclude(CurUnit.Flags,ugufHasSyntaxErrors);
443         // locate used units
444         if not CurUnit.Tool.FindUsedUnitFiles(MainUsesSection,
445                                               ImplementationUsesSection)
446         then begin
447           Result:=IgnoreErrors;
448           exit;
449         end;
450         AddUses(CurUnit,MainUsesSection,false);
451         AddUses(CurUnit,ImplementationUsesSection,true);
452         Result:=true;
453       finally
454         MainUsesSection.Free;
455         ImplementationUsesSection.Free;
456       end;
457     except
458       on E: ECodeToolError do begin
459         if not IgnoreErrors then raise;
460       end;
461       on E: ELinkScannerError do begin
462         if not IgnoreErrors then raise;
463       end;
464     end;
465   end;
467 var
468   StartTime: TDateTime;
469   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
470   CurUnit: TUGUnit;
471 begin
472   Result:=false;
473   Completed:=false;
474   if StopAfterMs>=0 then
475     StartTime:=Now
476   else
477     StartTime:=0;
478   while FQueuedFiles.Count>0 do begin
479     AVLNode:=FQueuedFiles.FindLowest;
480     CurUnit:=TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data);
481     FQueuedFiles.Delete(AVLNode);
482     Include(CurUnit.Flags,ugufReached);
483     if FIgnoreFiles.Find(CurUnit)<>nil then continue;
484     //debugln(['TUsesGraph.Parse Unit=',CurUnit.Filename,' UnitCanFindTarget=',UnitCanFindTarget(CurUnit.Filename)]);
485     if UnitCanFindTarget(CurUnit.Filename) then begin
486       ParseUnit(CurUnit);
487     end;
489     if (StopAfterMs>=0) and (Abs(Now-StartTime)*86400000>=StopAfterMs) then
490       exit(true);
491   end;
493   Completed:=true;
494   Result:=true;
495 end;
TUsesGraph.GetUnitsTreeUsingTargetsnull497 function TUsesGraph.GetUnitsTreeUsingTargets: TAVLTree;
499   procedure Add(Units: TAVLTree; NewUnit: TUGUnit);
500   var
501     i: Integer;
502     CurUses: TUGUses;
503   begin
504     if NewUnit=nil then exit;
505     if not (ugufReached in NewUnit.Flags) then exit; // this unit was not reached
506     if ugufIsIncludeFile in NewUnit.Flags then exit;
507     if Units.Find(NewUnit)<>nil then exit; // already added
508     Units.Add(NewUnit);
509     if NewUnit.UsedByUnits=nil then exit;
510     for i:=0 to NewUnit.UsedByUnits.Count-1 do begin
511       CurUses:=TUGUses(NewUnit.UsedByUnits[i]);
512       Add(Units,CurUses.Owner);
513     end;
514   end;
516 var
517   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
518 begin
519   Result:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareUGUnitFilenames);
520   AVLNode:=FTargetFiles.FindLowest;
521   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
522     Add(Result,TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data));
523     AVLNode:=FTargetFiles.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
524   end;
525 end;
TUsesGraph.GetCodeTreeUsingTargetsnull527 function TUsesGraph.GetCodeTreeUsingTargets: TAVLTree;
528 var
529   Units: TAVLTree;
530   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
531   CurUnit: TUGUnit;
532 begin
533   Result:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareCodeBuffers);
534   Units:=GetUnitsTreeUsingTargets;
535   try
536     AVLNode:=Units.FindLowest;
537     while AVLNode<>nil do begin
538       CurUnit:=TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data);
539       if not (ugufIsIncludeFile in CurUnit.Flags)
540       and (Result.Find(CurUnit.Code)=nil) then
541         Result.Add(CurUnit.Code);
542       AVLNode:=Units.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
543     end;
544   finally
545     Units.Free;
546   end;
547 end;
TUsesGraph.UnitCanFindTargetnull549 function TUsesGraph.UnitCanFindTarget(ExpFilename: string): boolean;
550 // returns true if ExpFilename can find one of the targets via the search paths
551 var
552   BaseDir: String;
553   SrcPath: String;
554   p: integer;
555   ReachableDir: String;
556 begin
557   Result:=true;
558   if FTargetInFPCSrc or TargetAll then exit; // standard units can always be found
560   BaseDir:=ExtractFilePath(ExpFilename);
561   if IsTargetDir(BaseDir) then exit;
563   // check complete search path, including SrcPath, UnitPath
564   // and resolved compiled unit paths
565   SrcPath:=DirectoryCachePool.GetString(BaseDir,ctdcsCompleteSrcPath);
566   p:=1;
567   repeat
568     ReachableDir:=GetNextDelimitedItem(SrcPath,';',p);
569     if ReachableDir<>'' then begin
570       if not FilenameIsAbsolute(ReachableDir) then
571         ReachableDir:=BaseDir+ReachableDir;
572       if IsTargetDir(ReachableDir) then exit;
573     end;
574   until p>length(SrcPath);
576   Result:=false;
577 end;
IsTargetDirnull579 function TUsesGraph.IsTargetDir(ExpDir: string): boolean;
580 var
581   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
582   CurUnit: TUGUnit;
583   Dir: String;
584 begin
585   if FTargetFiles.Count=0 then exit(TargetAll);
587   if not FTargetDirsValid then begin
588     FTargetDirsValid:=true;
589     FTargetInFPCSrc:=TargetAll;
590     // build list of target directories for quick lookup
591     AVLNode:=FTargetFiles.FindLowest;
592     while AVLNode<>nil do begin
593       CurUnit:=TUGUnit(AVLNode.Data);
594       Dir:=ExtractFilePath(CurUnit.Filename);
595       if FilenameIsAbsolute(Dir)
596       and (CompareFilenames(DirectoryCachePool.FindUnitInUnitSet(Dir,CurUnit.TheUnitName),
597              CurUnit.Filename)=0)
598       then begin
599         // this is a standard unit (e.g. in FPC sources)
600         // they are not reachable via search paths, but via the UnitSet
601         FTargetInFPCSrc:=true;
602       end else if Dir='' then begin
603         // in virtual directory
604         if (FTargetDirs='') or (FTargetDirs[1]<>';') then
605           FTargetDirs:=';'+FTargetDirs;
606       end else if FindPathInSearchPath(Dir,FTargetDirs)<1 then begin
607         // normal source directory
608         if FTargetDirs='' then
609           FTargetDirs:=Dir
610         else
611           FTargetDirs:=FTargetDirs+';'+Dir;
612       end;
613       AVLNode:=FTargetFiles.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
614     end;
615   end;
617   Result:=true;
618   if TargetAll then exit;
619   if (ExpDir='') and (FTargetDirs[1]=';') then
620     exit; // virtual directory
621   Result:=FindPathInSearchPath(ExpDir,FTargetDirs)>0;
622 end;
FindShortestPathnull624 function TUsesGraph.FindShortestPath(StartUnit, EndUnit: TUGUnit): TFPList;
625 // broad search first
626 var
627   Queue: TFPList;
628   NodeToPrevNode: TPointerToPointerTree;
629   CurUnit: TUGUnit;
630   i: Integer;
631   CurUses: TUGUses;
632   UsesUnit: TUGUnit;
633   PrevUnit: TUGUnit;
634 begin
635   Result:=nil;
636   if (StartUnit=nil) or (EndUnit=nil) then exit;
637   Queue:=TFPList.Create;
638   NodeToPrevNode:=TPointerToPointerTree.Create;
639   try
640     Queue.Add(EndUnit);
641     NodeToPrevNode[EndUnit]:=EndUnit; // set end marker
642     while Queue.Count>0 do begin
643       CurUnit:=TUGUnit(Queue[0]);
644       Queue.Delete(0);
645       if CurUnit.UsedByUnits=nil then continue;
646       for i:=0 to CurUnit.UsedByUnits.Count-1 do begin
647         CurUses:=TUGUses(CurUnit.UsedByUnits[i]);
648         if CurUses.InImplementation then continue;
649         UsesUnit:=CurUses.Owner;
650         if NodeToPrevNode.Contains(UsesUnit) then
651           continue; // already visited
652         NodeToPrevNode[UsesUnit]:=CurUnit;
653         if UsesUnit=StartUnit then begin
654           // found StartUnit
655           // => create list from StartUnit to EndUnit
656           Result:=TFPList.Create;
657           CurUnit:=StartUnit;
658           repeat
659             Result.Add(CurUnit);
660             PrevUnit:=TUGUnit(NodeToPrevNode[CurUnit]);
661             if PrevUnit=CurUnit then exit; // end marker found
662             CurUnit:=PrevUnit;
663           until false;
664           exit;
665         end;
666         Queue.Add(UsesUnit);
667       end;
668     end;
669   finally
670     NodeToPrevNode.Free;
671     Queue.Free;
672   end;
673 end;
InsertMissingLinksnull675 function TUsesGraph.InsertMissingLinks(UGUnitList: TFPList): boolean;
676 var
677   i,j: Integer;
678   StartUnit: TUGUnit;
679   EndUnit: TUGUnit;
680   CurList: TFPList;
681 begin
682   Result:=true;
683   for i:=UGUnitList.Count-2 downto 0 do begin
684     StartUnit:=TUGUnit(UGUnitList[i]);
685     EndUnit:=TUGUnit(UGUnitList[i+1]);
686     CurList:=FindShortestPath(StartUnit,EndUnit);
687     if (CurList=nil) then begin
688       Result:=false;
689       continue;
690     end;
691     if CurList.Count>2 then begin
692       for j:=1 to CurList.Count-2 do
693         UGUnitList.Insert(i+j,CurList[j]);
694     end;
695     CurList.Free;
696   end;
697 end;
699 end.