1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     The TResourceCodeTool provides functions to find, add and delete resources
25     in resource files.
26 }
27 unit ResourceCodeTool;
29 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
31 interface
33 uses
34   Classes, SysUtils, KeywordFuncLists, MultiKeyWordListTool, CodeCache,
35   CodeAtom, BasicCodeTools;
37 type
38   TResourceCodeTool = class(TMultiKeyWordListCodeTool)
39   protected
40     procedure SetSource(ACode: TCodeBuffer);
41   public
42     // lazarus resources
FindLazarusResourceHeaderCommentnull43     function FindLazarusResourceHeaderComment(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer
44           ): TAtomPosition;
AddLazarusResourceHeaderCommentnull45     function AddLazarusResourceHeaderComment(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
46           const Comment: string): boolean;
FindLazarusResourcenull47     function FindLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
48           const ResourceName: string; StartPos: integer): TAtomPosition;
FindAllLazarusResourcenull49     function FindAllLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
50           const ResourceName: string; StartPos: integer): TAtomList;
AddLazarusResourcenull51     function AddLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
52           const ResourceName, ResourceData: string): boolean;
RemoveLazarusResourcenull53     function RemoveLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
54           const ResourceName: string): boolean;
RemoveLazarusResourceExnull55     function RemoveLazarusResourceEx(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
56           const ResourceName: string; AllExceptFirst: boolean;
57           out First: TAtomPosition): boolean;
58   end;
60   TResourceCodeToolError = class(Exception)
61   end;
63 implementation
65 { TResourceCodeTool }
67 procedure TResourceCodeTool.SetSource(ACode: TCodeBuffer);
68 begin
69   ClearLastError;
70   Src:=ACode.Source;
71   SrcLen:=length(Src);
72   CurPos:=StartAtomPosition;
73   LastAtoms.Clear;
74   CurNode:=nil;
75   DoDeleteNodes(Tree.Root);
76 end;
TResourceCodeTool.FindLazarusResourceHeaderCommentnull78 function TResourceCodeTool.FindLazarusResourceHeaderComment(
79   ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer): TAtomPosition;
80 begin
81   Result.StartPos:=-1;
82   Result.EndPos:=-1;
83   Result.Flag:=cafNone;
84   SetSource(ResourceCode);
86   Result.StartPos:=FindNextNonSpace(Src,1);
87   if (Result.StartPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[Result.StartPos]='{') then
88     Result.EndPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,Result.StartPos,false)
89   else
90     Result.StartPos:=-1;
91 end;
AddLazarusResourceHeaderCommentnull93 function TResourceCodeTool.AddLazarusResourceHeaderComment(
94   ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer; const Comment: string): boolean;
95 var
96   InsertPos: TAtomPosition;
97 begin
98   Result:=true;
100   // find existing one
101   InsertPos:=FindLazarusResourceHeaderComment(ResourceCode);
102   if InsertPos.StartPos>0 then begin
103     // there is already a comment
104     // -> don't touch it
105   end else
106     ResourceCode.Insert(1,Comment);
107 end;
FindLazarusResourcenull109 function TResourceCodeTool.FindLazarusResource(
110   ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer; const ResourceName: string;
111   StartPos: integer): TAtomPosition;
112 var
113   ResourceNameInPascal: string;
114   ResStartPos: integer;
115 begin
116   Result.StartPos:=-1;
117   Result.EndPos:=-1;
118   SetSource(ResourceCode);
119   if StartPos>=1 then
120     MoveCursorToCleanPos(StartPos);
122   // search "LAZARUSRESOURCES.ADD('ResourceName',"
123   ResourceNameInPascal:=''''+UpperCaseStr(ResourceName)+'''';
124   repeat
125     ReadNextAtom;
126     if UpAtomIs('LAZARUSRESOURCES') then begin
127       ResStartPos:=CurPos.StartPos;
128       ReadNextAtom;
129       if CurPos.Flag<>cafPoint then continue;
130       ReadNextAtom;
131       if not UpAtomIs('ADD') then continue;
132       ReadNextAtom;
133       if CurPos.Flag<>cafRoundBracketOpen then continue;
134       ReadNextAtom;
135       if UpAtomIs(ResourceNameInPascal) then begin
136         // resource start found
137         Result.StartPos:=ResStartPos;
138       end;
139       UndoReadNextAtom;
140       ReadTilBracketClose(false);
141       if CurPos.Flag<>cafRoundBracketClose then begin
142         // syntax error
143         Result.StartPos:=-1;
144         exit;
145       end;
146       if (Result.StartPos>0) then begin
147         // resource end found
148         Result.EndPos:=CurPos.EndPos;
149         ReadNextAtom;
150         if CurPos.Flag=cafSemicolon then
151           Result.EndPos:=CurPos.EndPos;
152         exit;
153       end;
154     end;
155   until CurPos.StartPos>SrcLen;
156 end;
FindAllLazarusResourcenull158 function TResourceCodeTool.FindAllLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
159   const ResourceName: string; StartPos: integer): TAtomList;
160 var
161   ResourcePos: TAtomPosition;
162 begin
163   Result:=TAtomList.Create;
164   repeat
165     ResourcePos:=FindLazarusResource(ResourceCode,ResourceName,StartPos);
166     if ResourcePos.StartPos<1 then break;
167     Result.Add(ResourcePos);
168     StartPos:=ResourcePos.EndPos;
169   until false;
170 end;
AddLazarusResourcenull172 function TResourceCodeTool.AddLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
173   const ResourceName, ResourceData: string): boolean;
174 var
175   InsertAtom: TAtomPosition;
176   NeededLineEnds, i: integer;
177   NewResData: string;
178 begin
179   Result:=false;
180   // try to find an old resource and delete all doubles
181   Result:=RemoveLazarusResourceEx(ResourceCode,ResourceName,true,InsertAtom);
182   if InsertAtom.StartPos<1 then begin
183     // not found -> add at end of file
184     InsertAtom.StartPos:=ResourceCode.SourceLength+1;
185     InsertAtom.EndPos:=ResourceCode.SourceLength+1;
186   end else begin
187     InsertAtom.StartPos:=BasicCodeTools.FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(Src,
188                                      InsertAtom.StartPos,1,false,true);
189     InsertAtom.EndPos:=BasicCodeTools.FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,
190                                      InsertAtom.EndPos,SrcLen,false);
191   end;
192   if CodeIsOnlySpace(Src,1,InsertAtom.StartPos-1) then
193     InsertAtom.StartPos:=1;
194   if CodeIsOnlySpace(Src,InsertAtom.EndPos+1,SrcLen) then
195     InsertAtom.EndPos:=SrcLen+1;
197   NewResData:=ResourceData;
198   i:=length(NewResData);
199   while (i>1) and (NewResData[i] in [' ',#10,#13]) do
200     dec(i);
201   SetLength(NewResData,i);
202   // add front gap
203   NeededLineEnds:=CountNeededLineEndsToAddForward(ResourceData,1,2);
204   NeededLineEnds:=CountNeededLineEndsToAddBackward(Src,InsertAtom.StartPos-1,
205                                                    NeededLineEnds);
206   for i:=1 to NeededLineEnds do
207     NewResData:=LineEnding+NewResData;
208   // add start gap
209   NeededLineEnds:=CountNeededLineEndsToAddBackward(ResourceData,
210                                                    length(ResourceData),2);
211   NeededLineEnds:=CountNeededLineEndsToAddForward(Src,InsertAtom.EndPos,
212                                                   NeededLineEnds);
213   for i:=1 to NeededLineEnds do
214     NewResData:=NewResData+LineEnding;
215   // replace
216   ResourceCode.Replace(InsertAtom.StartPos,
217                        InsertAtom.EndPos-InsertAtom.StartPos,
218                        NewResData);
219   Result:=true;
220 end;
RemoveLazarusResourcenull222 function TResourceCodeTool.RemoveLazarusResource(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
223   const ResourceName: string): boolean;
224 var
225   FirstResPos: TAtomPosition;
226 begin
227   Result:=RemoveLazarusResourceEx(ResourceCode,ResourceName,false,FirstResPos);
228 end;
RemoveLazarusResourceExnull230 function TResourceCodeTool.RemoveLazarusResourceEx(ResourceCode: TCodeBuffer;
231   const ResourceName: string; AllExceptFirst: boolean; out First: TAtomPosition
232   ): boolean;
233 var
234   ResourcePositions: TAtomList;
235   CurResPos: TAtomPosition;
236   i, FirstIndex: integer;
237 begin
238   Result:=true;
239   ResourcePositions:=FindAllLazarusResource(ResourceCode,ResourceName,-1);
240   try
241     if AllExceptFirst then
242       FirstIndex:=1
243     else
244       FirstIndex:=0;
245     for i:=ResourcePositions.Count-1 downto FirstIndex do begin
246       CurResPos:=ResourcePositions[i];
247       CurResPos.EndPos:=BasicCodeTools.FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,
248                              CurResPos.EndPos,SrcLen,false);
249       ResourceCode.Delete(CurResPos.StartPos,
250                           CurResPos.EndPos-CurResPos.StartPos);
251     end;
252     if ResourcePositions.Count>0 then begin
253       First:=ResourcePositions[0];
254     end else begin
255       First.StartPos:=-1;
256       First.EndPos:=-1;
257     end;
258   finally
259     ResourcePositions.Free;
260   end;
261 end;
263 end.