1 {
2 Reads a HTML Document
4 License: The same modified LGPL as the Free Pascal RTL
5          See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL for more details
7 AUTHORS: Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
8 }
9 unit htmlvectorialreader;
11 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
13 interface
15 uses
16   Classes, SysUtils, math, contnrs,
17   fpimage, fpcanvas, laz2_xmlread, laz2_dom, fgl, lazfileutils,
18   // image data formats
19   fpreadpng,
20   // HTML can contain SVG
21   svgvectorialreader,
22   fpvectorial, fpvutils, lazutf8, TypInfo;
24 type
25   { TvHTMLVectorialReader }
27   TvHTMLVectorialReader = class(TvCustomVectorialReader)
28   private
29     FPointSeparator, FCommaSeparator: TFormatSettings;
30     //
GetTextContentFromNodenull31     function GetTextContentFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode): string;
32     //
ReadEntityFromNodenull33     function ReadEntityFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
ReadHeaderFromNodenull34     function ReadHeaderFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
35     procedure ReadParagraphFromNode(ADest: TvParagraph; ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument);
ReadSVGFromNodenull36     function ReadSVGFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
ReadSVGFromNode_WithEmbDocnull37     function ReadSVGFromNode_WithEmbDoc(ANode: TDOMNode; AEmbDoc: TvEmbeddedVectorialDoc; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
ReadMathFromNodenull38     function ReadMathFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
ReadTableFromNodenull39     function ReadTableFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
ReadTableRowNodenull40     function ReadTableRowNode(ATable: TvTable; ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
ReadUListFromNodenull41     function ReadUListFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode; AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
42   public
43     { General reading methods }
44     constructor Create; override;
45     Destructor Destroy; override;
46     procedure ReadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings; AData: TvVectorialDocument); override;
47     procedure ReadFromXML(Doc: TXMLDocument; AData: TvVectorialDocument);
IsSupportedRasterImagenull48     class function IsSupportedRasterImage(AFileName: string): Boolean;
49   end;
51 implementation
53 const
54   // SVG requires hardcoding a DPI value
56   // The Opera Browser and Inkscape use 90 DPI, so we follow that
58   // 1 Inch = 25.4 milimiters
59   // 90 inches per pixel = (1 / 90) * 25.4 = 0.2822
60   // FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL = 0.3528; // DPI 72 = 1 / 72 inches per pixel
62   FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL = 5*0.2822; // DPI 90 = 1 / 90 inches per pixel => Actually I changed the value by this factor! Because otherwise it looks ugly!
63   FLOAT_PIXELS_PER_MILIMETER = 1 / FLOAT_MILIMETERS_PER_PIXEL; // DPI 90 = 1 / 90 inches per pixel
65 { TvHTMLVectorialReader }
TvHTMLVectorialReader.GetTextContentFromNodenull67 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.GetTextContentFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode): string;
68 var
69   i: Integer;
70 begin
71   Result := '';
72   for i := 0 to ANode.ChildNodes.Count-1 do
73   begin
74     if ANode.ChildNodes.Item[i] is TDOMText then
75       Result := ANode.ChildNodes.Item[i].NodeValue;
76   end;
77 end;
79 // if something is returned, it will be added to the base document
80 // if nothing is returned, either nothing was written, or it was already added
ReadEntityFromNodenull81 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadEntityFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode;
82   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
83 var
84   lEntityName, lTextValue: DOMString;
85   lPara: TvParagraph;
86 begin
87   Result := nil;
88   lEntityName := LowerCase(ANode.NodeName);
89   case lEntityName of
90     'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6': Result := ReadHeaderFromNode(ANode, AData, ADoc);
91     'p':
92     begin
93       lPara := AData.AddParagraph();
94       ReadParagraphFromNode(lPara, ANode, AData, ADoc);
95       Result := nil;
96     end;
97     'svg': Result := ReadSVGFromNode(ANode, AData, ADoc);
98     'math': Result := ReadMathFromNode(ANode, AData, ADoc);
99     'table': Result := ReadTableFromNode(ANode, AData, ADoc);
100     'br':
101     begin
102       AData.AddParagraph().AddText(LineEnding);
103       Result := nil;
104     end;
105     'ul': Result := ReadUListFromNode(ANode, AData, ADoc);
106   end;
107   // Raw text
108   if (ANode is TDOMText) and (lEntityName = '#text') then
109   begin
110     lTextValue := RemoveLineEndingsAndTrim(ANode.NodeValue);
111     if (lTextValue <> '') then
112     begin
113       AData.AddParagraph().AddText(lTextValue);
114       Result := nil;
115     end;
116   end;
117 end;
ReadHeaderFromNodenull119 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadHeaderFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode;
120   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
121 var
122   CurParagraph: TvParagraph;
123   lText: TvText;
124   lTextStr: string;
125   lHeaderType: DOMString;
126 begin
127   Result := nil;
128   CurParagraph := AData.AddParagraph();
129   CurParagraph.Style := ADoc.StyleTextBody;
130   lTextStr := ANode.FirstChild.NodeValue;
131   lText := CurParagraph.AddText(lTextStr);
132   lHeaderType := LowerCase(ANode.NodeName);
133   case lHeaderType of
134     'h1': lText.Style := ADoc.StyleHeading1;
135     'h2': lText.Style := ADoc.StyleHeading2;
136     'h3': lText.Style := ADoc.StyleHeading3;
137     'h4': lText.Style := ADoc.StyleHeading4;
138     'h5': lText.Style := ADoc.StyleHeading5;
139     'h6': lText.Style := ADoc.StyleHeading6;
140   end;
141 end;
143 procedure TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadParagraphFromNode(ADest: TvParagraph; ANode: TDOMNode;
144   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument);
145 var
146   lText: TvText = nil;
147   lTextStr: string = '';
148   lCurNode: TDOMNode;
149   lNodeName, lNodeValue, lAttrName, lAttrValue: DOMString;
150   lCurAttr: TDOMNode;
151   lRasterImage: TvRasterImage;
152   lEmbVecImg: TvEmbeddedVectorialDoc = nil;
153   i: Integer;
154   lWidth, lHeight: Double;
155   lAltText: string;
156   // xlink:href
157   lx, ly, lw, lh: Double;
158   lImageDataParts: TStringList;
159   lImageDataBase64: string;
160   lImageData: array of Byte;
161   lImageDataStream: TMemoryStream;
162   lImageReader: TFPCustomImageReader;
164   procedure TextMerging();
165   begin
166     if lTextStr <> '' then
167     begin
168       if lText = nil then
169         lText := ADest.AddText(lTextStr)
170       else
171         lText.Value.Add(lTextStr);
172       lTextStr := '';
173     end;
174   end;
176 begin
177   ADest.Style := ADoc.StyleTextBody;
179   lCurNode := ANode.FirstChild;
180   while Assigned(lCurNode) do
181   begin
182     lNodeName := LowerCase(lCurNode.NodeName);
183     lNodeValue := lCurNode.NodeValue;
185     if (lCurNode is TDOMText) then
186     begin
187       lTextStr += RemoveLineEndingsAndTrim(lNodeValue);
188       lCurNode := lCurNode.NextSibling;
189       Continue;
190     end;
192     // text merging
193     TextMerging();
194     // reset text merging
195     if lNodeName <> 'br' then
196       lText := nil;
198     case lNodeName of
199     // <image width="100" height="100" xlink:href="....QSK5CYII="/>
200     // <img src="images/noimage.gif" width="100" height="100" alt="No image" />
201     'img', 'image':
202     begin
203       lRasterImage := nil;
204       lEmbVecImg := nil;
205       lWidth := -1;
206       lHeight := -1;
207       lAltText := '';
209       for i := 0 to lCurNode.Attributes.Length - 1 do
210       begin
211         lCurAttr := lCurNode.Attributes.Item[i];
212         lAttrName := lCurAttr.NodeName;
213         lAttrValue := lCurAttr.NodeValue;
215         case lAttrName of
216         'alt':
217         begin
218           lAltText := lAttrValue;
219         end;
220         'src':
221         begin
222           lAttrValue := lCurAttr.NodeValue;
223           lAttrValue := ExtractFilePath(FFilename) + lAttrValue;
225           if TvHTMLVectorialReader.IsSupportedRasterImage(lAttrValue) then
226           begin
227             if not FileExists(lAttrValue) then Continue;
229             lRasterImage := ADest.AddRasterImage();
230             lRasterImage.CreateImageFromFile(lAttrValue);
231           end
232           else if TvVectorialDocument.GetFormatFromExtension(lAttrValue, False) <> vfUnknown then
233           begin
234             lEmbVecImg := ADest.AddEmbeddedVectorialDoc();
235             if FileExistsUTF8(lAttrValue) then
236               lEmbVecImg.Document.ReadFromFile(lAttrValue);
237           end;
238         end;
239         'xlink:href':
240         begin
241           lRasterImage := ADest.AddRasterImage();
242           lImageDataParts := TvSVGVectorialReader.ReadSpaceSeparatedStrings(lNodeValue, ':;,');
243           try
244             if (lImageDataParts.Strings[0] = 'data') and
245                (lImageDataParts.Strings[1] = 'image/png') and
246                (lImageDataParts.Strings[2] = 'base64') then
247             begin
248               lImageReader := TFPReaderPNG.Create;
249               lImageDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
250               try
251                 lImageDataBase64 := lImageDataParts.Strings[3];
252                 DecodeBase64(lImageDataBase64, lImageDataStream);
253                 lImageDataStream.Position := 0;
254                 lRasterImage.CreateRGB888Image(10, 10);
255                 lRasterImage.RasterImage.LoadFromStream(lImageDataStream, lImageReader);
256               finally
257                 lImageDataStream.Free;
258                 lImageReader.Free;
259               end;
260             end
261             else
262               raise Exception.Create('[TvSVGVectorialReader.ReadImageFromNode] Unimplemented image format');
263           finally
264             lImageDataParts.Free;
265           end;
266         end;
267         'width':
268         begin
269           lWidth := StrToInt(lAttrValue);
270         end;
271         'height':
272         begin
273           lHeight := StrToInt(lAttrValue);
274         end;
275         end;
276       end;
278       if lRasterImage <> nil then
279       begin
280         if lWidth <= 0 then
281           lWidth := lRasterImage.RasterImage.Width;
282         if lHeight <= 0 then
283           lHeight := lRasterImage.RasterImage.Height;
285         lRasterImage.Width := lWidth;
286         lRasterImage.Height := lHeight;
287         lRasterImage.AltText := lAltText;
288       end
289       else if (lEmbVecImg <> nil) and (lWidth > 0) and (lHeight > 0) then
290       begin
291         lEmbVecImg.SetWidth(lWidth);
292         lEmbVecImg.SetHeight(lHeight);
293       end;
294     end;
295     'svg':
296     begin
297       lEmbVecImg := ADest.AddEmbeddedVectorialDoc();
298       ReadSVGFromNode_WithEmbDoc(lCurNode, lEmbVecImg, ADoc);
299     end;
300     end;
302     lCurNode := lCurNode.NextSibling;
303   end;
305   TextMerging();
306 end;
ReadSVGFromNodenull308 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadSVGFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode;
309   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
310 var
311   CurSVG: TvEmbeddedVectorialDoc;
312   lText: TvText;
313   lDoc: TXMLDocument;
314   lImportedNode: TDOMNode;
315 begin
316   Result := nil;
317   CurSVG := AData.AddEmbeddedVectorialDoc();
318   lDoc := TXMLDocument.Create;
319   try
320     lImportedNode := lDoc.ImportNode(ANode, True);
321     lDoc.AppendChild(lImportedNode);
322     CurSVG.Document.ReadFromXML(lDoc, vfSVG);
323   finally
324     lDoc.Free;
325   end;
326 end;
ReadSVGFromNode_WithEmbDocnull328 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadSVGFromNode_WithEmbDoc(ANode: TDOMNode;
329   AEmbDoc: TvEmbeddedVectorialDoc; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
330 var
331   CurSVG: TvEmbeddedVectorialDoc;
332   lText: TvText;
333   lDoc: TXMLDocument;
334   lImportedNode: TDOMNode;
335 begin
336   Result := nil;
337   CurSVG := AEmbDoc;
338   lDoc := TXMLDocument.Create;
339   try
340     lImportedNode := lDoc.ImportNode(ANode, True);
341     lDoc.AppendChild(lImportedNode);
342     CurSVG.Document.ReadFromXML(lDoc, vfSVG);
343   finally
344     lDoc.Free;
345   end;
346 end;
ReadMathFromNodenull348 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadMathFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode;
349   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
350 var
351   CurSVG: TvEmbeddedVectorialDoc;
352   lText: TvText;
353   lDoc: TXMLDocument;
354   lImportedNode: TDOMNode;
355 begin
356   Result := nil;
357   CurSVG := AData.AddEmbeddedVectorialDoc();
358   lDoc := TXMLDocument.Create;
359   try
360     lImportedNode := lDoc.ImportNode(ANode, True);
361     lDoc.AppendChild(lImportedNode);
362     CurSVG.Document.ReadFromXML(lDoc, vfMathML);
363   finally
364     lDoc.Free;
365   end;
366 end;
TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadTableFromNodenull368 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadTableFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode;
369   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
370 var
371   CurTable: TvTable;
372   lCurNode, lCurSubnode: TDOMNode;
373   lNodeName, lNodeValue: DOMString;
374   CurRow: TvTableRow;
375   Caption_Cell: TvTableCell = nil;
376   CurCellPara: TvParagraph;
377   // attributes
378   i, lBorderNr: Integer;
379   lAttrName, lAttrValue: DOMString;
381   procedure SetBorderLineType(AType: TvTableBorderType);
382   begin
383     CurTable.Borders.Left.LineType := AType;
384     CurTable.Borders.Right.LineType := AType;
385     CurTable.Borders.Top.LineType := AType;
386     CurTable.Borders.Bottom.LineType := AType;
387     CurTable.Borders.InsideHoriz.LineType := AType;
388     CurTable.Borders.InsideVert.LineType := AType;
389   end;
391 begin
392   Result := nil;
393   CurTable := AData.AddTable();
394   CurTable.CellSpacingLeft := 3;
395   CurTable.CellSpacingTop := 2;
397   // Default to no border without "border" attribute
398   SetBorderLineType(tbtNone);
400   // table attributes
401   for i := 0 to ANode.Attributes.Length - 1 do
402   begin
403     lAttrName := ANode.Attributes.Item[i].NodeName;
404     lAttrValue := ANode.Attributes.Item[i].NodeValue;
406     case lAttrName of
407     'border':
408     begin
409       lBorderNr := StrToInt(lAttrValue);
411       SetBorderLineType(tbtSingle);
412       CurTable.Borders.Left.Width := lBorderNr;
413       CurTable.Borders.Right.Width := lBorderNr;
414       CurTable.Borders.Top.Width := lBorderNr;
415       CurTable.Borders.Bottom.Width := lBorderNr;
416       CurTable.Borders.InsideHoriz.Width := lBorderNr;
417       CurTable.Borders.InsideVert.Width := lBorderNr;
419       if lBorderNr = 0 then
420         SetBorderLineType(tbtNone);
421     end;
422     end;
423   end;
425   // table child nodes
426   lCurNode := ANode.FirstChild;
427   while Assigned(lCurNode) do
428   begin
429     lNodeName := lCurNode.NodeName;
430     lNodeValue := lCurNode.NodeValue;
431     case lNodeName of
432     'caption':
433     begin
434       CurRow := CurTable.AddRow();
435       Caption_Cell := CurRow.AddCell();
436       {Caption_Cell.Borders.Left.LineType := tbtNone;
437       Caption_Cell.Borders.Top.LineType := tbtNone;
438       Caption_Cell.Borders.Right.LineType := tbtNone;
439       Caption_Cell.Borders.Bottom.LineType := tbtNone;}
440       CurCellPara := Caption_Cell.AddParagraph();
441       CurCellPara.Style := ADoc.StyleTextBodyCentralized;
442       CurCellPara.AddText(GetTextContentFromNode(lCurNode));
443     end;
444     'tbody':
445     begin
446       lCurSubnode := lCurNode.FirstChild;
447       while Assigned(lCurSubnode) do
448       begin
449         ReadTableRowNode(CurTable, lCurSubnode, AData, ADoc);
451         lCurSubnode := lCurSubnode.NextSibling;
452       end;
453     end;
454     end;
456     lCurNode := lCurNode.NextSibling;
457   end;
459   // the caption spans all columns
460   if Caption_Cell <> nil then
461     Caption_Cell.SpannedCols := CurTable.GetColCount();
462 end;
TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadTableRowNodenull464 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadTableRowNode(ATable: TvTable; ANode: TDOMNode;
465   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
466 var
467   lCurNode: TDOMNode;
468   lNodeName, lNodeValue: DOMString;
469   CurRow: TvTableRow;
470   CurCell: TvTableCell;
471   CurCellPara: TvParagraph;
472 begin
473   Result := nil;
474   CurRow := ATable.AddRow();
476   lCurNode := ANode.FirstChild;
477   while Assigned(lCurNode) do
478   begin
479     lNodeName := lCurNode.NodeName;
480     lNodeValue := lCurNode.NodeValue;
481     case lNodeName of
482     'th':
483     begin
484       CurCell := CurRow.AddCell();
485       CurCellPara := CurCell.AddParagraph();
486       CurCellPara.Style := ADoc.StyleTextBodyBold;
487       CurCellPara.AddText(GetTextContentFromNode(lCurNode));
488     end;
489     'td':
490     begin
491       CurCell := CurRow.AddCell();
493       CurCellPara := CurCell.AddParagraph();
494       Self.ReadParagraphFromNode(CurCellPara, lCurNode, AData, ADoc);
495     end;
496     end;
498     lCurNode := lCurNode.NextSibling;
499   end;
500 end;
ReadUListFromNodenull502 function TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadUListFromNode(ANode: TDOMNode;
503   AData: TvTextPageSequence; ADoc: TvVectorialDocument): TvEntity;
504 var
505   lCurNode: TDOMNode;
506   lNodeName, lNodeValue: DOMString;
507   lNodeText: string;
508   //
509   lList: TvList;
510   lCurPara: TvParagraph;
511 begin
512   Result := nil;
513   lList := AData.AddList();
515   lCurNode := ANode.FirstChild;
516   while Assigned(lCurNode) do
517   begin
518     lNodeName := lCurNode.NodeName;
519     lNodeValue := lCurNode.NodeValue;
520     case lNodeName of
521     'li':
522     begin
523       lNodeText := GetTextContentFromNode(lCurNode);
524       lCurPara := lList.AddParagraph(lNodeText);
525     end;
526     end;
528     lCurNode := lCurNode.NextSibling;
529   end;
530 end;
532 constructor TvHTMLVectorialReader.Create;
533 begin
534   inherited Create;
536   FPointSeparator := DefaultFormatSettings;
537   FPointSeparator.DecimalSeparator := '.';
538   FPointSeparator.ThousandSeparator := '#';// disable the thousand separator
539 end;
541 destructor TvHTMLVectorialReader.Destroy;
542 begin
543   inherited Destroy;
544 end;
546 procedure TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings;
547   AData: TvVectorialDocument);
548 var
549   Doc: TXMLDocument = nil;
550   lStream: TMemoryStream;
551   lTmp: String;
552 begin
553   lStream := TMemoryStream.Create();
554   try
555     // Remove the <!DOCTYPE line
556     if Pos('<!DOCTYPE', AStrings.Strings[0]) <> 0 then
557       AStrings.Delete(0);
558     // Create a header
559     AStrings.Insert(0, '<?xml version="1.0"?>');
560     lTmp := AStrings.Text;
561     // Flush it back to a stream
562     AStrings.SaveToStream(lStream);
563     lStream.Position := 0;
564     // HTML is not XML, but might be compatible enough... a dedicated reader will be complex, but eventually necessary
565     ReadXMLFile(Doc, lStream);
566     lStream.Free; // Release as soon as unnecessary
567     lStream := nil;
568     //
569     ReadFromXML(Doc, AData);
570   finally
571     Doc.Free;
572     lStream.Free;
573   end;
574 end;
576 procedure TvHTMLVectorialReader.ReadFromXML(Doc: TXMLDocument;
577   AData: TvVectorialDocument);
578 var
579   lCurNode, lCurSubnode: TDOMNode;
580   lPage: TvTextPageSequence;
581   lNodeName, lNodeValue: DOMString;
582   ANode: TDOMElement;
583   i: Integer;
584   lCurEntity: TvEntity;
585 begin
586   {ANode := Doc.DocumentElement;
587   for i := 0 to ANode.Attributes.Length - 1 do
588   begin
589     lNodeName := ANode.Attributes.Item[i].NodeName;
590     lNodeValue := ANode.Attributes.Item[i].NodeValue;
591   end;}
593   AData.AddStandardTextDocumentStyles(vfHTML);
595   // ----------------
596   // Now process the elements
597   // ----------------
598   lCurNode := Doc.DocumentElement.FirstChild;
599   lPage := AData.AddTextPageSequence();
600   //lPage.Width := AData.Width;
601   //lPage.Height := AData.Height;
602   while Assigned(lCurNode) do
603   begin
604     lNodeName := lCurNode.NodeName;
605     if lNodeName = 'body' then
606     begin
607       lCurSubnode := lCurNode.FirstChild;
608       while Assigned(lCurSubnode) do
609       begin
610         lCurEntity := ReadEntityFromNode(lCurSubnode, lPage, AData);
611         if lCurEntity <> nil then
612           lPage.AddEntity(lCurEntity);
614         lCurSubnode := lCurSubnode.NextSibling;
615       end;
616     end;
618     lCurNode := lCurNode.NextSibling;
619   end;
620 end;
TvHTMLVectorialReader.IsSupportedRasterImagenull622 class function TvHTMLVectorialReader.IsSupportedRasterImage(AFileName: string): Boolean;
623 begin
624   Result := FilenameExtIn(AFileName,['.png','.jpg','.jpeg','.bmp','.xpm','.gif']);
625 end;
627 initialization
629   RegisterVectorialReader(TvHTMLVectorialReader, vfHTML);
631 end.