1 unit ParseTreeNodeType;
3 {
4   This enumeration describes all of the types of parse tree nodes
5   that we are interested in
6 }
8 {(*}
9 (*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10  Delphi Code formatter source code
12 The Original Code is ParseTreeNodeType, released May 2003.
13 The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Anthony Steele.
14 Portions created by Anthony Steele are Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Anthony Steele.
15 All Rights Reserved.
16 Contributor(s): Anthony Steele.
18 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
19 (the "License"). you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
20 You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
22 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
23 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
24 See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
25 under the License.
27 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
28 the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
29 See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
31 {*)}
33 {$I JcfGlobal.inc}
35 interface
37 type
38   { roles that the interior node can play }
39   TParseTreeNodeType = (
40     nUnknown,
41     nLeaf,
42     nProgram,
43     nUnit,
44     nUnitHeader,
45     nUnitName,
46     nPackage,
47     nLibrary,
48     nUses,
49     nUsesItem,
50     nRequires,
51     nContains,
52     nIdentList,
53     nIdentifier,
54     nInterfaceSection,
55     nImplementationSection,
56     nBlock,
57     nStatementList,
58     nDeclSection,
59     nLabelDeclSection,
60     nConstSection,
61     nConstDecl,
62     nTypeSection,
63     nTypeDecl,
64     nArrayConstant,
65     nRecordConstant,
66     nRecordFieldConstant,
67     nType,
68     nRestrictedType,
69     nSubrangeType,
70     nEnumeratedType,
71     nArrayType,
72     nRecordType,
73     nFieldDeclaration,
74     nRecordVariantSection,
75     nRecordVariant,
76     nSetType,
77     nProcedureType,
78     nVarSection,
79     nVarDecl,
80     nVarAbsolute,
81     nVariableInit,
82     nDesignator,
83     nExpression,
84     nTerm,
85     nUnaryOp,
86     nActualParams,
87     nStatement,
88     nAssignment,
89     nInline,
90     nInlineItem,
91     nStatementLabel,
92     nCompoundStatement,
93     nIfCondition,
94     nIfBlock,
95     nElseBlock,
96     nCaseStatement,
97     nCaseSelector,
98     nCaseLabels,
99     nCaseLabel,
100     nElseCase,
101     nRepeatStatement,
102     nWhileStatement,
103     nLoopHeaderExpr,
104     nBlockHeaderExpr,
105     nForStatement,
106     nWithStatement,
107     nTryAndHandlerBlock,
108     nTryBlock,
109     nFinallyBlock,
110     nExceptBlock,
111     nExceptionHandlers,
112     nOnExceptionHandler,
113     nProcedureDecl,
114     nFunctionDecl,
115     nConstructorDecl,
116     nDestructorDecl,
117     nFunctionHeading,
118     nProcedureHeading,
119     nConstructorHeading,
120     nDestructorHeading,
121     nFormalParams,
122     nFormalParam,
123     nFunctionReturnType,
124     nProcedureDirectives,
125     nExternalDirective,
126     nObjectType,
127     nInitSection,
128     nClassType,
129     nClassHeritage,
130     nClassBody,
131     nClassVisibility,
132     nClassDeclarations,
133     nProperty,
134     nPropertyParameterList,
135     nPropertySpecifier,
136     nInterfaceType,
137     nInterfaceHeritage,
138     nInterfaceTypeGuid,
139     nInterfaceBody,
140     nBracketedQual,
141     nAsm,
142     nAsmStatement,
143     nAsmIdent,
144     nAsmOpcode,
145     nAsmParam,
146     nAsmLabel,
147     nHintDirectives,
148     nPropertyDirective,
149     nExports,
150     nExportedProc,
151     nLiteralString,
152     nHashLiteralChar,
153     nHatLiteralChar,
154     nAttribute,
155     nClassVars,
156     nGeneric,
157     nAnonymousMethod,
158     nMethodReferenceType
159     );
161   TParseTreeNodeTypeSet = set of TParseTreeNodeType;
163 const
164   DirectiveNodes: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet    =
165     [nProcedureDirectives, nExternalDirective, nHintDirectives, nPropertyDirective];
166   ProcedureNodes: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet    =
167     [nProcedureDecl, nFunctionDecl, nConstructorDecl, nDestructorDecl];
168   ProcedureHeadings: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet =
169     [nFunctionHeading, nProcedureHeading, nConstructorHeading, nDestructorHeading];
171   ObjectTypes: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet  = [nObjectType, nClassType, nInterfaceType];
172   ObjectBodies: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet = [nClassBody, nInterfaceBody];
174   { can declare these at the start of a procedure }
175   InProcedureDeclSections: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet =
176     [nVarSection, nConstSection, nLabelDeclSection, nTypeSection];
178   UsesClauses: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet = [nUses, nRequires, nContains];
180   TopOfProgramSections = [nProgram, nPackage, nLibrary];
182   TopOfFileSection = [nProgram, nPackage, nLibrary, nUnit];
184   { can find these blocks of def/dels outside of anything }
185   nTopLevelSections = [nTypeSection, nConstSection, nVarSection,
186     nLabelDeclSection, nExports];
188   MethodDeclarations: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet =
189     [nProcedureDecl, nFunctionDecl, nConstructorDecl, nDestructorDecl];
190   MethodHeadings: TParseTreeNodeTypeSet =
191     [nFunctionHeading, nProcedureHeading, nConstructorHeading, nDestructorHeading];
NodeTypeToStringnull193 function NodeTypeToString(const pe: TParseTreeNodeType): string; inline;
195 implementation
197 uses SysUtils;
199 const
200   TreeNodeTypeNames: array[TParseTreeNodeType] of string = (
201     'UnkNown', 'Leaf', 'Program', 'Unit', 'Unit header', 'Unit name', 'Package', 'Library', 'Uses',
202     'Uses Item', 'Requires', 'Contains', 'ident list', 'Identifier', 'Interface section',
203     'Implementation section', 'Block', 'Statement list', 'Decl section', 'Label decl section',
204     'const section', 'Const decl', 'type section', 'Type Decl', 'Array constant', 'Record Constant',
205     'Field constant', 'Type', 'Restricted type', 'Subrange type', 'Enumerated type', 'Array type',
206     'record type', 'Field declarations', 'Record variant section', 'Record variant', 'Set type',
207     'procedure type', 'Var section', 'Var decl', 'Absolute var', 'Variable init', 'Designator',
208     'Expression', 'Term', 'Unary op', 'Actual params', 'Statement', 'Assignment', 'Inline',
209     'Inline item', 'Statement label', 'Compound statement', 'If Condition', 'If Block', 'Else block',
210     'Case statement', 'Case selector', 'Case labels', 'Case label', 'else case', 'Repeat statement',
211     'While Statement', 'Loop header expr', 'Block header expr', 'For statement', 'With statement',
212     'try and handler block', 'try block', 'finally block', 'except block', 'Exception handlers',
213     'On exception handler', 'Procedure decl', 'Function Decl', 'Constructor decl', 'Destructor decl',
214     'Function heading', 'Procedure Heading', 'Constructor Heading', 'Destructor heading',
215     'Formal params', 'formal param', 'Function Return type', 'Procedure directives',
216     'external directive', 'object type', 'init section', 'class type', 'class heritage',
217     'class body', 'class visiblity', 'class declarations', 'property', 'property param list',
218     'property specifier', 'interface type', 'interface heritage', 'interface type guid',
219     'interface body', 'bracketed qual', 'asm', 'asm statement', 'asm ident',
220     'asm opcode', 'asm param', 'asm label', 'hint directives', 'property directive',
221     'exports', 'exported proc', 'literal string', 'hash literal char', 'hat literal char',
222     'Attribute', 'Class vars', 'Generic', 'Anonymous method', 'Method reference type'
223     );
NodeTypeToStringnull225 function NodeTypeToString(const pe: TParseTreeNodeType): string;
226 begin
227   Result := TreeNodeTypeNames[pe];
228 end;
230 end.