1 {****************************************************}
2 {                                                    }
3 {             FastReport v2.3                        }
4 {            PDF export filter Ver 1.0               }
5 {                                                    }
6 {       By : Ricardo Cardona Ramirez                 }
7 {                                                    }
8 { PowerPDF                                           }
9 { http://www.est.hi-ho.ne.jp/takeshi_kanno/powerpdf/ }
10 { ZLib Units Delphi 5-6                              }
11 { http://www.base2ti.com/zlib.htm                    }
12 {                                                    }
13 {****************************************************}
14 {*
15  * 2020.10.23 added export of annotation links for TfrMemoView.URLInfo.
16  *                                           (<setfan[at]smartsoftware[dot]com>)
17  *            The URI put into URLInfo is supposed to be a valid uri
18  *            (http://..., ftp://..., etc.) with all special characters already
19  *            escaped. You could use for example the functions EncodeURL and
20  *            EncodeURLElement from the Synapse project, unit synacode.
21  *}
23 unit lr_e_pdf;
25 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
27 interface
29 uses
30     SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, StdCtrls, lr_class, lr_BarC,
31     lr_shape, PdfDoc, PdfTypes, PdfFonts, PRJpegImage, PReport, Dialogs,
32     Controls, lr_rrect;
34 type
35     TShapeData = record
36       ShapeType: TfrShapeType;
37       FillColor: TColor;
38       FrameStyle: TfrFrameStyle;
39       FrameWidth: Double;
40       FrameColor: TColor;
41       Radius: Single;
42       Corners: TCornerSet;
43       GradientColor: TColor;
44       GradientDirection: TGradientDirection;
45     end;
47     TfrTNPDFExport = class(TComponent) // fake component
48     end;
50     { TfrTNPDFExportFilter }
52     TfrTNPDFExportFilter = class(TfrExportFilter)
53     private
54         NewPage: Boolean;
55         PDF: TPReport;
56         PPage: TPRPage;
57         PRPanel: TPRPanel;
58         FOutline: TPROutLineEntry;
59         FPageNo : Integer;
60         DummyControl: TForm;
61         procedure AddShape(Data: TShapeData; x, y, h, w: integer);
62         procedure DefaultShowView(View: TfrView; nx, ny, ndy, ndx: Integer);
63     public
64         constructor Create(AStream: TStream); override;
65         destructor Destroy; override;
66         procedure OnBeginPage; override;
67         procedure OnEndDoc; override;
68         procedure OnEndPage; override;
69         procedure ShowBackGround(View: TfrView; x, y, h, w: integer);
70         procedure Frame(View: TfrView; x, y, h, w: integer);
71         procedure ShowFrame(View: TfrView; x, y, h, w: integer);
72         procedure ShowBarCode(View: TfrCustomBarCodeView; x, y, h, w: integer);
73         procedure ShowPicture(View: TfrPictureView; x, y, h, w: integer);
74         procedure ShowRoundRect(View: TfrRoundRectView; x, y, h, w: integer);
75         procedure ShowShape(View: TfrShapeView; x, y, h, w: integer);
76         procedure OnText(X, Y: Integer; const Text: string; View: TfrView);
77             override;
78         procedure OnData(x, y: Integer; View: TfrView); override;
79     end;
81 implementation
83 uses lr_Const, PRAnnotation;
85 type
86     TfrMemoView_ = class(TfrMemoView);
87     TPRText_ = class(TPRText);
89 const
90     PDFEscx = 0.792553191;
91     PDFEscy = 0.785447761;
93 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.AddShape(Data: TShapeData; x, y, h, w: integer);
CreateShapenull95   function CreateShape(ShapeClass: TPRShapeClass): TPRShape;
96   begin
97     result := ShapeClass.Create(PRPanel);
98     result.Parent := PRPanel;
99     result.FillColor := Data.FillColor;
100     result.Left := x;
101     result.Top := y;
102     result.Height := h;
103     result.Width := w;
104     result.LineStyle := TPenStyle(Data.FrameStyle);
105     result.LineWidth := Data.FrameWidth - 0.5;
106     result.LineColor := Data.FrameColor;
107   end;
109 begin
110   case Data.ShapeType of
111     frstRectangle:
112       CreateShape(TPRRect);
114     frstEllipse:
115       CreateShape(TPREllipse);
117     frstRoundRect:
118       with TPRRect(CreateShape(TPRRect)) do begin
119         Radius := Data.Radius;
120         SquaredCorners := TPdfCorners(Data.Corners);
121         GradientColor := Data.GradientColor;
122         GradientDirection := Data.GradientDirection;
123       end;
125     frstTriangle:
126       with TPRPolygon(CreateShape(TPRPolygon)) do begin
127         SetLength(Points, 3);
128         Points[0] := PRPoint(x+w, y+h);
129         Points[1] := PRPoint(x, y+h);
130         Points[2] := PRPoint(x+w/2, y);
131       end;
133     frstDiagonal1:
134       with TPRPolygon(CreateShape(TPRPolygon)) do begin
135         SetLength(Points, 2);
136         Points[0] := PRPoint(x,y);
137         Points[1] := PRPoint(x+w,y+h);
138       end;
140     frstDiagonal2:
141       with TPRPolygon(CreateShape(TPRPolygon)) do begin
142         SetLength(Points, 2);
143         Points[0] := PRPoint(x,y+h);
144         Points[1] := PRPoint(x+w,y);
145       end;
146   end;
147 end;
149 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.DefaultShowView(View: TfrView;
150   nx, ny, ndy, ndx: Integer);
151 begin
152   if (View.FillColor <> clNone)
153      and not (View is TfrCustomBarCodeView)
154      and not (View is TfrPictureView)
155   then
156     ShowBackGround(View, nx, ny, ndy, ndx);
158   if View is TfrCustomBarCodeView then
159       ShowBarCode(TfrCustomBarCodeView(View), nx, ny, ndy, ndx)
160   else if View is TfrPictureView then
161       ShowPicture(TfrPictureView(View), nx, ny, ndy, ndx);
163   if (View.Frames<>[]) and not (View is TfrCustomBarCodeView) then
164      ShowFrame(View, nx, ny, ndy, ndx);
165 end;
167 constructor TfrTNPDFExportFilter.Create(AStream: TStream);
168 begin
169     inherited;
170     PDF := TPReport.Create(nil);
171     PDF.CompressionMethod := cmFlateDecode;
172     PDF.UseOutlines := True;
173     PDF.PageLayout := plOneColumn;
174     PDF.BeginDoc;
176     DummyControl := TForm.Create(nil);
177     {$ENDIF}
178     NewPage := False;
179     FPageNo := 0;
180 end;
182 destructor TfrTNPDFExportFilter.Destroy;
183 begin
184     PDF.Free;
185     DummyControl.Free;
186     inherited;
187 end;
189 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.OnBeginPage;
190 begin
191     {Add New Page}
192     Inc(FPageNo);
194     PPage := TPRPage.Create(PDF);
195     PPage.Parent := DummyControl;
196     PPage.MarginBottom := 0;
197     PPage.MarginTop := 0;
198     PPage.MarginLeft := 0;
199     PPage.MarginRight := 0;
201     PPage.Height := trunc(CurReport.EMFPages[FPageNo - 1]^.PrnInfo.Pgh*PDFEscy + 0.5);
202     PPage.Width := trunc(CurReport.EMFPages[FPageNo - 1]^.PrnInfo.Pgw*PDFEscx + 0.5);
204     PRPanel := TPRPanel.Create(PPage);
205     PRPanel.Parent := PPage;
206     PRPanel.Left := 0;
207     PRPanel.Top := 0;
208     PRPanel.Width := PPage.Width;
209     PRPanel.Height := PPage.Height;
210 end;
212 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.OnEndDoc;
213 begin
214   PDF.GetPdfDoc.SaveToStream(Stream);
215 end;
217 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.OnEndPage;
218 begin
219     PDF.Print(PPage);
221     FOutline := PDF.OutlineRoot.AddChild;
222     FOutline.Dest := PDF.CreateDestination;
223     FOutline.Dest.Top := 0;
224     FOutline.Title := 'Page ' + IntToStr(FPageNo);
226     FreeAndNil(PPage);
227 end;
229 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.ShowBackGround(View: TfrView; x, y, h, w:
230     integer);
231 var
232     PRRect: TPRRect;
233 begin
234     PRRect := TPRRect.Create(PRPanel);
235     PRRect.Parent := PRPanel;
236     PRRect.FillColor := ColorToRGB(View.FillColor);
237     PRRect.LineColor := clNone;
238     PRRect.LineStyle := psSolid;
239     PRRect.Left := x;
240     PRRect.Top := y;
241     PRRect.Height := h;
242     PRRect.Width := w;
243 end;
245 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.Frame(View: TfrView; x, y, h, w: integer);
246 var
247     PRRect: TPRRect;
248 begin
249     PRRect := TPRRect.Create(PRPanel);
250     PRRect.Parent := PRPanel;
251     PRRect.FillColor := clNone;
253     PRRect.Left := x;
254     PRRect.Top := y;
255     PRRect.Height := h;
256     PRRect.Width := w;
258     PRRect.LineStyle := TPenStyle(View.FrameStyle);
259     PRRect.LineWidth := View.FrameWidth - 0.5;
260     PRRect.LineColor := View.FrameColor;
261 end;
263 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.ShowFrame(View: TfrView; x, y, h, w: integer);
264 begin
266   if ([frbLeft,frbTop,frbRight,frbBottom]-View.Frames=[]) and
267      (View.FrameStyle = frsSolid) then
268   begin
269     Frame(View, x, y, h, w);
270   end
271   else
272   begin
273     if frbRight in View.Frames then
274       Frame(View, x + w - 1, y, h, 0); //Right
275     if frbLeft in View.Frames then
276       Frame(View, x, y, h, 0); //Left
277     if frbBottom in View.Frames then
278       Frame(View, x, y + h - 1, 0, w); //Botton
279     if frbTop in View.Frames then
280       Frame(View, x, y, 0, w); //Top
281   end;
282 end;
284 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.ShowBarCode(View: TfrCustomBarCodeView; x, y, h, w:
285     integer);
286 var
287     Bitmap: TLazreportBitmap;
288     PRImage: TPRImage;
289     oldX, oldY: Integer;
291     bmpStream: TMemoryStream;
292     {$ENDIF}
293 begin
294     oldX := View.x;
295     oldy := View.y;
296     View.x := 0;
297     View.y := 0;
299     Bitmap := TfrCustomBarCodeView(View).GenerateBitmap;
300     try
301         w := trunc(Bitmap.Width * PDFEscx + 1.5) ;
302         h := trunc(Bitmap.Height * PDFEscy + 1.5) ;
304         PRImage := TPRImage.Create(PRPanel);
305         PRImage.Parent := PRPanel;
306         PRImage.Stretch := True;
307         PRImage.SharedImage := False;
308         PRImage.Left := x;
309         PRImage.Top := y;
310         PRImage.Height := h;
311         PRImage.Width := w;
313         {$IFDEF LCLNOGUI}
314         bmpStream := Bitmap.Stream;
315         PRImage.Picture.LoadFromStream(bmpStream);
316         bmpStream.Free;
317         {$ELSE}
318         PRImage.Picture.Bitmap := Bitmap;
319         {$ENDIF}
320     finally
321         FreeAndNil(Bitmap);
322     end;
324     View.x := oldX;
325     View.y := oldY;
326 end;
328 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.ShowPicture(View: TfrPictureView; x, y, h,
329     w: integer);
330 var
331   PRImage: TPRImage;
332   r: Double;
333   L: Integer;
334   pw, ph: Integer;
335   Picture: TPicture;
336 begin
337   Picture := View.Picture;
339   if Picture.Graphic is TJpegImage then
340     PRImage := TPRJpegImage.Create(PRPanel)
341   else
342     PRImage := TPRImage.Create(PRPanel);
344   PRImage.Parent := PRPanel;
346   ph := h;
347   pw := w;
349   if view.Stretched then
350   begin
351     if (View.Flags and flPictRatio<>0) and
352        (Picture.Width>0) and (Picture.Height>0) then
353     begin
354       r  := Picture.Width/Picture.Height;
355       if (w/h) < r then
356       begin
357         L := h;
358         ph := trunc(w/r + 0.5);
359         if (View.Flags and flPictCenter<>0) then
360           y := y + (L-ph) div 2;
361       end
362       else
363       begin
364         L := w;
365         pw := trunc(h*r + 0.5);
366         if (View.Flags and flPictCenter<>0) then
367           x := x + (L-pw) div 2;
368       end;
369     end;
370   end
371   else begin
372     PRImage.ScaleX := PDFEscX;
373     PRImage.ScaleY := PDFEscY;
374     if (View.Flags and flPictCenter<>0) then begin
375       pw := trunc(Picture.Width * PDFEscX + 1.5);
376       ph := trunc(Picture.Height * PDFEscY + 1.5);
377        x := x + (w - pw) div 2 - 1;
378        y := y + (h - ph) div 2 - 1;
379     end;
380   end;
382   PRImage.Stretch := View.Stretched;
383   PRImage.SharedName := View.SharedName;
384   PRImage.SharedImage := (View.SharedName<>'');
386   PRImage.Left := x;
387   PRImage.Top := y;
388   PRImage.Height := ph;
389   PRImage.Width := pw;
391   PRImage.Picture.Graphic := Picture.Graphic;
392 end;
394 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.ShowRoundRect(View: TfrRoundRectView; x, y, h,
395   w: integer);
396 var
397   Data: TShapeData;
398   SWidth: Integer;
399 begin
401   if view.ShowGradian and (View.GradianStyle in [gsElliptic, gsHorizCenter, gsVertCenter, gsRectangle]) then
402     // not supported yet
403     DefaultShowView(View, x, y, h, w)
405   else
406   begin
408     SWidth := trunc((View.RoundRectCurve/2) * PDFEscx + 0.5);
409     if View.RoundRect then
410       Data.Radius := SWidth
411     else
412       Data.Radius := 0.0;
413     Data.Corners:=View.SquaredCorners;
415     // draw shadow
416     if View.ShowGradian then
417     begin
418       Data.GradientColor := View.ShadowColor;
419       case View.GradianStyle of
420         gsVertical:   Data.GradientDirection := gdVertical;
421         gsHorizontal: Data.GradientDirection := gdHorizontal;
422       end;
423     end else
424     begin
425       Data.GradientColor := clNone;
426       Data.ShapeType := frstRoundRect;
427       Data.FillColor := View.ShadowColor;
428       Data.FrameColor := clNone;
429       Data.FrameWidth := 0;
430       Data.FrameStyle := frsSolid;
431       SWidth := trunc(View.ShadowWidth * PDFEscx + 0.5);
432       if View.ShadowWidth>0 then
433         AddShape(Data, x + SWidth, y + SWidth, h - SWidth, w - SWidth);
434     end;
436     // draw roundrect
437     Data.ShapeType := frstRoundRect;
438     if View.FillColor=clNone then begin
439       if not View.ShowGradian and (View.ShadowWidth>0) then
440         Data.FillColor := clWhite
441       else
442         Data.FillColor := clNone
443     end
444     else
445       Data.FillColor := ColorToRGB(View.FillColor);
446     if View.Frames=[] then
447       Data.FrameColor := clNone
448     else
449       Data.FrameColor := View.FrameColor;
450     Data.FrameWidth := View.FrameWidth;
451     Data.FrameStyle := View.FrameStyle;
452     AddShape(Data, x, y, h - SWidth, w - SWidth);
453   end;
454 end;
456 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.ShowShape(View: TfrShapeView; x, y, h, w: integer);
457 var
458   Data: TShapeData;
459 begin
460   Data.ShapeType := View.ShapeType;
461   Data.FillColor := View.FillColor;
462   Data.FrameColor := View.FrameColor;
463   Data.FrameStyle := View.FrameStyle;
464   Data.FrameWidth := View.FrameWidth;
465   Data.Radius := -1.0;
466   Data.Corners := [];
467   AddShape(Data, x, y, h, w);
468 end;
470 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.OnData(x, y: Integer; View: TfrView);
471 var
472     nx, ny, ndx, ndy: Integer;
473 begin
474     nx := trunc(x * PDFEscx + 0.5);
475     ny := trunc(y * PDFEscy + 0.5);
476     ndx := trunc((View.dx) * PDFEscx + 1.5) ;
477     ndy := trunc((View.dy) * PDFEscy + 1.5) ;
479     if View is TfrShapeView then begin
481       ShowShape(TfrShapeView(View), nx, ny, ndy, ndx);
483     end else
484     if View is TfrRoundRectView then begin
486       ShowRoundRect(TfrRoundRectView(View), nx, ny, ndy, ndx);
488     end else
489       DefaultShowView(View, nx, ny, ndy, ndx);
490 end;
492 procedure TfrTNPDFExportFilter.OnText(X, Y: Integer; const Text: string;
493     View: TfrView);
494 var
495     PRTLabel: TPRLabel;
496     PRTAnno: TPRAnnotation;
497     nx, ny, ndx, ndy: Integer;
498     gapx, gapy: integer;
499     memo: TfrMemoView;
500 begin
501     gapx := trunc(View.FrameWidth / 2 + 0.5) + 2;
502     gapy := trunc(View.FrameWidth / 4 + 0.5) + 1;
503     nx := trunc((x+gapx)  * PDFEscx + 0.5);
504     ny := trunc((y+gapy) * PDFEscy + 0.5);
505     ndx := trunc((View.dx-gapx) * PDFEscx + 1.5);
506     ndy := trunc((View.dy-gapy) * PDFEscy + 1.5);
508     PRTLabel := TPRLabel.Create(PRPanel);
509     PRTLabel.Parent := PRPanel;
510     PRTLabel.Clipping := true;
511     try
512       PRTLabel.Caption := Text;
513       PRTLabel.Left := nx;
514       PRTLabel.Top := ny;
515       PRTLabel.Width := ndx;
516       PRTLabel.Height := ndy;
517       if View is TfrMemoView then
518       begin
519         memo := View as TfrMemoView;
520         PRTLabel.Alignment :=  memo.Alignment;
521         if Pos('Arial', memo.Font.Name) > 0 then
522           PRTLabel.FontName := fnArial
523         else if Pos('Courier', memo.Font.Name) > 0 then
524           PRTLabel.FontName := fnFixedWidth
525         else if Pos('Times', memo.Font.Name) > 0 then
526           PRTLabel.FontName := fnTimesRoman;
527         PRTLabel.FontSize := memo.Font.Size;
528         PRTLabel.FontBold := fsBold in memo.Font.Style;
529         PRTLabel.FontItalic := fsItalic in memo.Font.Style;
530         PRTLabel.FontColor := ColorToRGB(memo.Font.Color);
531         PRTLabel.FontUnderline := fsUnderline in memo.Font.Style;
532         PRTLabel.Angle:= memo.Angle;
533         PRTLabel.AlignJustified :=  memo.Justify and not memo.LastLine;
534         // suppose that URLInfo always contains a valid URI
535         if Trim(memo.URLInfo) <> '' then begin
536           // create link annotation
537           PRTAnno := TPRAnnotation.Create(PRPanel);
538           PRTAnno.Parent := PRPanel;
539           PRTAnno.SubType := asLink;
540           PRTAnno.Action.URI := memo.URLInfo;
541           PRTAnno.Left := PRTLabel.Left;
542           PRTAnno.Top := PRTLabel.Top;
543           PRTAnno.Width := PRTLabel.Width;
544           PRTAnno.Height := PRTLabel.Height;
545         end;
546       end;
547     finally
548     end;
549 end;
553 initialization
554     frRegisterExportFilter(TfrTNPDFExportFilter, 'Adobe Acrobat PDF ' + ' (*.pdf)',
555         '*.pdf');
557 end.