1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   This file is part of LazUtils.
5   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
6   for details about the license.
7  *****************************************************************************
8 }
9 unit LazLoggerBase;
11 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
13 (*
14   - All global variables, initialization and finalization use TObject instead
15     of TLazLogger.
16     This means: using the unit (without calling any of the functions) will not
17     make any reference to the classes, and they should be smart-linked away.
18 *)
20 interface
22 uses
23   Classes, SysUtils, Types, Math,
24   // LazUtils
25   LazClasses, LazUTF8;
27 type
29   TLazLoggerLogGroupFlag =
30   ( lgfAddedByParamParser,        // Not added via Register. This is a placeholder for the enabled-state given by the user, via command line
31     lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified  // Registered without default
33   );
34   TLazLoggerLogGroupFlags = set of TLazLoggerLogGroupFlag;
36   TLazLoggerLogGroup = record
37     ConfigName: String;  // case insensitive
38     Enabled: Boolean;
39     Flags: TLazLoggerLogGroupFlags;
40     FOpenedIndents: Integer;
41   end;
42   PLazLoggerLogGroup = ^TLazLoggerLogGroup;
44   TLazLoggerLogEnabled = record
45     Enabled: Boolean;
46     Group: PLazLoggerLogGroup; // if only one group / remember nestlevel count
47   end;
49   TLazLoggerWriteTarget = (
50     lwtNone,
51     lwtStdOut, lwtStdErr,
52     lwtTextFile  // Data will be ^Text
53   );
55   TLazLoggerWriteEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; S: string; var Handled: Boolean) of object;
56   TLazLoggerWidgetSetWriteEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject;
57       S: string;
58       var Handled: Boolean;
59       Target: TLazLoggerWriteTarget;
60       Data: Pointer) of object;
62 type
64   TLazLogger = class;
66   { TLazLoggerBlockHandler
67     called for DebuglnEnter / Exit
68   }
70   TLazLoggerBlockHandler = class(TRefCountedObject)
71   public
72     procedure EnterBlock(Sender: TLazLogger; Level: Integer); virtual; abstract;
73     procedure ExitBlock(Sender: TLazLogger; Level: Integer); virtual; abstract;
74   end;
76   { TLazLoggerLogGroupList }
78   TLazLoggerLogGroupList = class(TRefCountedObject)
79   private
80     FList: TFPList;
81     procedure Clear;
GetItemnull82     function GetItem(Index: Integer): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
NewItemnull83     function  NewItem(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean = False) : PLazLoggerLogGroup;
84   protected
Addnull85     function  Add(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean = False) : PLazLoggerLogGroup;
FindOrAddnull86     function  FindOrAdd(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean = False) : PLazLoggerLogGroup;
87     procedure Remove(const AConfigName: String);
88     procedure Remove(const AnEntry: PLazLoggerLogGroup);
89   public
90     constructor Create;
91     destructor  Destroy; override;
92     procedure Assign(Src: TLazLoggerLogGroupList);
IndexOfnull93     function  IndexOf(const AConfigName: String): integer;
IndexOfnull94     function  IndexOf(const AnEntry: PLazLoggerLogGroup): integer;
Findnull95     function  Find(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
Countnull96     function  Count: integer;
97     property  Item[Index: Integer]: PLazLoggerLogGroup read GetItem; default;
98   end;
100   { TLazLogger }
102   TLazLogger = class(TRefCountedObject)
103   private
104     FLoggerCriticalSection: TRTLCriticalSection;
105     FIsInitialized: Boolean;
107     FMaxNestPrefixLen: Integer;
108     FNestLvlIndent: Integer;
110     FLogGroupList: TRefCountedObject; // Using TObject, so if none of the functions is used in the app, then even the rlass should be smart linked
111     FUseGlobalLogGroupList: Boolean;
113     procedure SetMaxNestPrefixLen(AValue: Integer);
114     procedure SetNestLvlIndent(AValue: Integer);
GetLogGroupListnull116     function  GetLogGroupList: TLazLoggerLogGroupList;
117     procedure SetUseGlobalLogGroupList(AValue: Boolean);
118   protected
119     procedure DoInit; virtual;
120     procedure DoFinish; virtual;
121     procedure DoFinsh; deprecated 'Use DoFinish'; // Deprecated in 2.1 / 30.04.2020 / Remove in 2.3
123     procedure IncreaseIndent; overload; virtual;
124     procedure DecreaseIndent; overload; virtual;
125     procedure IncreaseIndent({%H-}LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled); overload; virtual;
126     procedure DecreaseIndent({%H-}LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled); overload; virtual;
127     procedure IndentChanged; virtual;
GetBlockHandlernull128     function  GetBlockHandler({%H-}AIndex: Integer): TLazLoggerBlockHandler; virtual;
130     procedure DoDbgOut({%H-}s: string); virtual;
131     procedure DoDebugLn({%H-}s: string); virtual;
132     procedure DoDebuglnStack(const {%H-}s: string); virtual;
ArgsToStringnull134     function  ArgsToString(Args: array of const): string;
135     property  IsInitialized: Boolean read FIsInitialized;
136   public
137     constructor Create;
138     destructor  Destroy; override;
139     procedure Assign(Src: TLazLogger); virtual;
140     procedure Init;
141     procedure Finish;
CurrentIndentLevelnull143     function  CurrentIndentLevel: Integer; virtual;
144     property  NestLvlIndent: Integer read FNestLvlIndent write SetNestLvlIndent;
145     property  MaxNestPrefixLen: Integer read FMaxNestPrefixLen write SetMaxNestPrefixLen;
147   public
RegisterLogGroupnull148     function  RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean) : PLazLoggerLogGroup; virtual;
RegisterLogGroupnull149     function  RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String) : PLazLoggerLogGroup; virtual;
FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull150     function  FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean) : PLazLoggerLogGroup; virtual;
FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull151     function  FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String) : PLazLoggerLogGroup; virtual;
152     property  LogGroupList: TLazLoggerLogGroupList read GetLogGroupList;
153     property  UseGlobalLogGroupList: Boolean read FUseGlobalLogGroupList write SetUseGlobalLogGroupList;
155     procedure AddBlockHandler({%H-}AHandler: TLazLoggerBlockHandler); virtual;
156     procedure RemoveBlockHandler({%H-}AHandler: TLazLoggerBlockHandler); virtual;
BlockHandlerCountnull157     function  BlockHandlerCount: Integer; virtual;
158     property  BlockHandler[AIndex: Integer]: TLazLoggerBlockHandler read GetBlockHandler;
159   public
160     procedure DebuglnStack(const s: string = '');
162     procedure DbgOut(const s: string = ''); overload;
163     procedure DbgOut(Args: array of const); overload;
164     procedure DbgOut(const S: String; Args: array of const); overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
165     procedure DbgOut(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
166                      const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
167                      const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
168                      const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
169                      const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
170                      const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
172     procedure DebugLn(const s: string = ''); overload;
173     procedure DebugLn(Args: array of const); overload;
174     procedure DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const); overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
175     procedure DebugLn(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
176                       const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
177                       const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
178                       const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
179                       const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
180                       const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
182     procedure DebugLnEnter(); overload;
183     procedure DebugLnEnter(const s: string); overload;
184     procedure DebugLnEnter(Args: array of const); overload;
185     procedure DebugLnEnter(s: string; Args: array of const); overload;
186     procedure DebugLnEnter(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
187                            const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
188                            const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
189                            const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
190                            const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
191                            const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
193     procedure DebugLnExit(); overload;
194     procedure DebugLnExit(const s: string); overload;
195     procedure DebugLnExit(Args: array of const); overload;
196     procedure DebugLnExit(s: string; Args: array of const); overload;
197     procedure DebugLnExit(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
198                           const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
199                           const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
200                           const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
201                           const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
202                           const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
205     procedure DebuglnStack(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string = '');
207     procedure DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string = ''); overload;
208     procedure DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const); overload;
209     procedure DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const S: String; Args: array of const); overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
210     procedure DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
211                      const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
212                      const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
213                      const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
214                      const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
215                      const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
217     procedure DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string = ''); overload;
218     procedure DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const); overload;
219     procedure DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const S: String; Args: array of const); overload;// similar to Format(s,Args)
220     procedure DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
221                       const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
222                       const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
223                       const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
224                       const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
225                       const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
227     procedure DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled); overload;
228     procedure DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string); overload;
229     procedure DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const); overload;
230     procedure DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; s: string; Args: array of const); overload;
231     procedure DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
232                            const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
233                            const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
234                            const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
235                            const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
236                            const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
238     procedure DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled); overload;
239     procedure DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string); overload;
240     procedure DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const); overload;
241     procedure DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; s: string; Args: array of const); overload;
242     procedure DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string; const s3: string = '';
243                           const s4: string = ''; const s5: string = ''; const s6: string = '';
244                           const s7: string = ''; const s8: string = ''; const s9: string = '';
245                           const s10: string = ''; const s11: string = ''; const s12: string = '';
246                           const s13: string = ''; const s14: string = ''; const s15: string = '';
247                           const s16: string = ''; const s17: string = ''; const s18: string = ''); overload;
249     procedure DumpExceptionBackTrace;
250   end;
252   { TLazLoggerWithGroupParam
253     - Provides Enabling/disabling groups from commandline
254     - TLazLogger provides only storage for LogGroups, it does not need to
255       enable/disable them, as it discards all logging anyway
256   }
258   TLazLoggerWithGroupParam = class(TLazLogger)
259   private
260     FLogAllDefaultDisabled: Boolean;
261     FLogDefaultEnabled: Boolean;
262     FLogParamParsed: Boolean;
263     FParamForEnabledLogGroups: String;
264     procedure SetParamForEnabledLogGroups(AValue: String);
265     procedure ParseParamForEnabledLogGroups;
266   public
267     constructor Create;
268     procedure Assign(Src: TLazLogger); override;
RegisterLogGroupnull269     function RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup; override;
RegisterLogGroupnull270     function RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup; override;
FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull271     function FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup; override;
FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull272     function FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String; ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup; override;
273     // A param on the commandline, that may contain enabled/disabled LogGroups
274     // comma separated list / not present = defaults (none unless emabled in code) / - means none
275     property  ParamForEnabledLogGroups: String read FParamForEnabledLogGroups write SetParamForEnabledLogGroups;
276   end;
278   TLazLoggerNoOutput = class(TLazLogger)
279   end;
283 {$I LazLoggerIntf.inc}
GetParamByNameCountnull285 function GetParamByNameCount(const AName: String): integer;
GetParamByNamenull286 function GetParamByName(const AName: String; AnIndex: Integer): string;
GetDebugLoggerGroupsnull288 function GetDebugLoggerGroups: TLazLoggerLogGroupList; inline;
289 procedure SetDebugLoggerGroups(ALogGroups: TLazLoggerLogGroupList);
GetDebugLoggernull291 function GetDebugLogger: TLazLogger; inline;
GetExistingDebugLoggernull292 function GetExistingDebugLogger: TLazLogger; inline; // No Autocreate
293 procedure SetDebugLogger(ALogger: TLazLogger);
295 procedure RecreateDebugLogger;
297 property DebugLogger: TLazLogger read GetDebugLogger write SetDebugLogger;
298 property DebugLoggerGroups: TLazLoggerLogGroupList read GetDebugLoggerGroups write SetDebugLoggerGroups;
DbgStrnull300 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string): string; overload;
DbgStrnull301 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string; StartPos, Len: PtrInt): string; overload;
DbgStrnull302 function DbgStr(const p: PChar; Len: PtrInt): string; overload;
DbgWideStrnull303 function DbgWideStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: widestring): string; overload;
305 procedure DumpStack; inline;
307 type
TRefCountedObjectnull308   TLazDebugLoggerCreator = function: TRefCountedObject;
310 // Using base TRefCountedObject, so if none of the functions is used in the app, then even the class should be smart linked
311 var
312   LazDebugLoggerCreator: TLazDebugLoggerCreator = nil;
313   OnWidgetSetDebugLn: TLazLoggerWidgetSetWriteEvent;
314   OnWidgetSetDbgOut:  TLazLoggerWidgetSetWriteEvent;
316 implementation
318 {$I LazLoggerImpl.inc}
320 var // Using base TRefCountedObject, so if none of the functions is used in the app, then even the class should be smart linked
321   TheLazLogger: TRefCountedObject = nil;
322   PrevLazLogger: TRefCountedObject = nil;
323   TheLazLoggerGroups: TRefCountedObject = nil;
325 procedure CreateDebugLogger;
326 begin
327   if (TheLazLogger <> nil) then
328     exit;
329   if (LazDebugLoggerCreator <> nil) then
330     TheLazLogger := LazDebugLoggerCreator();
331   if (TheLazLogger = nil) then
332     TheLazLogger := TLazLoggerNoOutput.Create;
333   TLazLogger(TheLazLogger).UseGlobalLogGroupList := True;
334   TheLazLogger.AddReference;
335 end;
GetDebugLoggernull337 function GetDebugLogger: TLazLogger;
338 begin
339   if (TheLazLogger = nil) then
340     CreateDebugLogger;
341   Result := TLazLogger(TheLazLogger);
342 end;
GetExistingDebugLoggernull344 function GetExistingDebugLogger: TLazLogger;
345 begin
346   if TheLazLogger <> nil then
347     Result := TLazLogger(TheLazLogger)
348   else
349     Result := TLazLogger(PrevLazLogger);  // Pretend it still exists
350 end;
352 procedure SetDebugLogger(ALogger: TLazLogger);
353 begin
354   ReleaseRefAndNil(TheLazLogger);
355   TheLazLogger := ALogger;
356   if TheLazLogger <> nil then
357     TheLazLogger.AddReference;
358 end;
360 procedure RecreateDebugLogger;
361 begin
362   ReleaseRefAndNil(PrevLazLogger);
363   PrevLazLogger := TheLazLogger; // Pretend it still exists
364   TheLazLogger := nil;           // Force creation
365 end;
GetDebugLoggerGroupsnull367 function GetDebugLoggerGroups: TLazLoggerLogGroupList;
368 begin
369   if (TheLazLoggerGroups = nil) then begin
370     TheLazLoggerGroups := TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Create;
371     TheLazLoggerGroups.AddReference;
372   end;
373   Result := TLazLoggerLogGroupList(TheLazLoggerGroups);
374 end;
376 procedure SetDebugLoggerGroups(ALogGroups: TLazLoggerLogGroupList);
377 begin
378   ReleaseRefAndNil(TheLazLoggerGroups);
379   TheLazLoggerGroups := ALogGroups;
380   TheLazLoggerGroups.AddReference;
381 end;
GetParamByNameCountnull383 function GetParamByNameCount(const AName: String): integer;
384 var
385   i, l: Integer;
386 begin
387   Result := 0;;
388   l := Length(AName);
389   for i:= 1 to Paramcount do begin
390     if copy(ParamStrUTF8(i),1, l) = AName then
391       inc(Result);
392   end;
393 end;
GetParamByNamenull395 function GetParamByName(const AName: String; AnIndex: Integer): string;
396 var
397   i, l: Integer;
398 begin
399   Result := '';
400   l := Length(AName);
401   for i:= 1 to Paramcount do begin
402     if copy(ParamStrUTF8(i),1, l) = AName then begin
403       dec(AnIndex);
404       if AnIndex < 0 then begin
405         Result := copy(ParamStrUTF8(i), l+1, Length(ParamStrUTF8(i))-l);
406         break;
407       end;
408     end;
409   end;
410 end;
DbgStrnull412 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string): string;
413 var
414   i: Integer;
415   s: String;
416   l: Integer;
417 begin
418   Result:=StringWithSpecialChars;
419   i:=1;
420   while (i<=length(Result)) do begin
421     case Result[i] of
422     ' '..#126: inc(i);
423     else
424       s:='#'+HexStr(ord(Result[i]),2);
425       // Note: do not use copy, fpc might change broken UTF-8 characters to '?'
426       l:=length(Result)-i;
427       SetLength(Result,length(Result)-1+length(s));
428       if l>0 then
429         system.Move(Result[i+1],Result[i+length(s)],l);
430       system.Move(s[1],Result[i],length(s));
431       inc(i,length(s));
432     end;
433   end;
434 end;
DbgStrnull436 function DbgStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: string; StartPos, Len: PtrInt
437   ): string;
438 begin
439   Result:=dbgstr(copy(StringWithSpecialChars,StartPos,Len));
440 end;
DbgStrnull442 function DbgStr(const p: PChar; Len: PtrInt): string;
443 const
444   Hex: array[0..15] of char='0123456789ABCDEF';
445 var
446   UsedLen: PtrInt;
447   ResultLen: PtrInt;
448   Src: PChar;
449   Dest: PChar;
450   c: Char;
451 begin
452   if (p=nil) or (p^=#0) or (Len<=0) then exit('');
453   UsedLen:=0;
454   ResultLen:=0;
455   Src:=p;
456   while Src^<>#0 do begin
457     inc(UsedLen);
458     if Src^ in [' '..#126] then
459       inc(ResultLen)
460     else
461       inc(ResultLen,3);
462     if UsedLen>=Len then break;
463     inc(Src);
464   end;
465   SetLength(Result,ResultLen);
466   Src:=p;
467   Dest:=PChar(Result);
468   while UsedLen>0 do begin
469     dec(UsedLen);
470     c:=Src^;
471     if c in [' '..#126] then begin
472       Dest^:=c;
473       inc(Dest);
474     end else begin
475       Dest^:='#';
476       inc(Dest);
477       Dest^:=Hex[ord(c) shr 4];
478       inc(Dest);
479       Dest^:=Hex[ord(c) and $f];
480       inc(Dest);
481     end;
482     inc(Src);
483   end;
484 end;
DbgWideStrnull486 function DbgWideStr(const StringWithSpecialChars: widestring): string;
487 var
488   s: String;
489   SrcPos: Integer;
490   DestPos: Integer;
491   i: Integer;
492 begin
493   SetLength(Result{%H-},length(StringWithSpecialChars));
494   SrcPos:=1;
495   DestPos:=1;
496   while SrcPos<=length(StringWithSpecialChars) do begin
497     i:=ord(StringWithSpecialChars[SrcPos]);
498     case i of
499     32..126:
500       begin
501         Result[DestPos]:=chr(i);
502         inc(SrcPos);
503         inc(DestPos);
504       end;
505     else
506       s:='#'+HexStr(i,4);
507       inc(SrcPos);
508       Result:=copy(Result,1,DestPos-1)+s+copy(Result,DestPos+1,length(Result));
509       inc(DestPos,length(s));
510     end;
511   end;
512 end;
514 procedure DumpStack;
515 begin
516   DebuglnStack;
517 end;
519 { TLazLoggerLogGroupList }
521 procedure TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Clear;
522 begin
523   while FList.Count > 0 do begin
524     Dispose(Item[0]);
525     FList.Delete(0);
526   end;
527 end;
GetItemnull529 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.GetItem(Index: Integer): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
530 begin
531   Result := PLazLoggerLogGroup(FList[Index])
532 end;
NewItemnull534 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.NewItem(const AConfigName: String;
535   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
536 begin
537   New(Result);
538   Result^.ConfigName := UpperCase(AConfigName);
539   Result^.Enabled := ADefaulEnabled;
540   Result^.Flags := [];
541   Result^.FOpenedIndents := 0;
542 end;
544 constructor TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Create;
545 begin
546   inherited;
547   FList := TFPList.Create;
548 end;
550 destructor TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Destroy;
551 begin
552   Clear;
553   FreeAndNil(FList);
554   inherited Destroy;
555 end;
557 procedure TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Assign(Src: TLazLoggerLogGroupList);
558 var
559   i: Integer;
560 begin
561   Clear;
562   if (Src = nil) then
563     exit;
564   for i := 0 to Src.Count - 1 do
565     Add('')^ := Src.Item[i]^;
566 end;
Addnull568 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Add(const AConfigName: String;
569   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
570 begin
571   if Find(AConfigName) <> nil then
572     raise Exception.Create('Duplicate LogGroup ' + AConfigName);
573   Result := NewItem(AConfigName, ADefaulEnabled);
574   FList.Add(Result);
575 end;
FindOrAddnull577 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.FindOrAdd(const AConfigName: String;
578   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
579 begin
580   Result := Find(AConfigName);
581   if Result <> nil then exit;
582   Result := NewItem(AConfigName, ADefaulEnabled);
583   FList.Add(Result);
584 end;
IndexOfnull586 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.IndexOf(const AConfigName: String): integer;
587 begin
588   Result := Count - 1;
589   while (Result >= 0) and (CompareText(Item[Result]^.ConfigName, AConfigName) <> 0) do
590     dec(Result);
591 end;
IndexOfnull593 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.IndexOf(const AnEntry: PLazLoggerLogGroup): integer;
594 begin
595   Result := Count - 1;
596   while (Result >= 0) and (Item[Result] <> AnEntry) do
597     dec(Result);
598 end;
TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Findnull600 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Find(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
601 var
602   i: Integer;
603 begin
604   Result := nil;
605   i := IndexOf(AConfigName);
606   if i >= 0 then
607     Result := Item[i];
608 end;
610 procedure TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Remove(const AConfigName: String);
611 var
612   i: Integer;
613 begin
614   i := IndexOf(AConfigName);
615   if i >= 0 then begin
616     Dispose(Item[i]);
617     FList.Delete(i);
618   end;
619 end;
621 procedure TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Remove(const AnEntry: PLazLoggerLogGroup);
622 var
623   i: Integer;
624 begin
625   i := IndexOf(AnEntry);
626   if i >= 0 then begin
627     Dispose(Item[i]);
628     FList.Delete(i);
629   end;
630 end;
TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Countnull632 function TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Count: integer;
633 begin
634   Result := FList.Count;
635 end;
637 { TLazLogger }
TLazLogger.GetLogGroupListnull639 function TLazLogger.GetLogGroupList: TLazLoggerLogGroupList;
640 begin
641   if UseGlobalLogGroupList then begin
642     Result := DebugLoggerGroups;
643     exit;
644   end;
646   if FLogGroupList = nil then begin
647     FLogGroupList := TLazLoggerLogGroupList.Create;
648     FLogGroupList.AddReference;
649   end;
650   Result := TLazLoggerLogGroupList(FLogGroupList);
651 end;
653 procedure TLazLogger.SetUseGlobalLogGroupList(AValue: Boolean);
654 begin
655   if FUseGlobalLogGroupList = AValue then Exit;
656   FUseGlobalLogGroupList := AValue;
657 end;
659 procedure TLazLogger.SetMaxNestPrefixLen(AValue: Integer);
660 begin
661   if FMaxNestPrefixLen = AValue then Exit;
662   FMaxNestPrefixLen := AValue;
663   IndentChanged;
664 end;
GetBlockHandlernull666 function TLazLogger.GetBlockHandler(AIndex: Integer): TLazLoggerBlockHandler;
667 begin
668   Result := nil;;
669 end;
671 procedure TLazLogger.SetNestLvlIndent(AValue: Integer);
672 begin
673   if FNestLvlIndent = AValue then Exit;
674   FNestLvlIndent := AValue;
675   IndentChanged;
676 end;
678 procedure TLazLogger.DoInit;
679 begin
680   //
681 end;
683 procedure TLazLogger.DumpExceptionBackTrace;
684   procedure DumpAddr(Addr: Pointer);
685   begin
686     // preventing another exception, while dumping stack trace
687     try
688       DebugLn(BackTraceStrFunc(Addr));
689     except
690       DebugLn(SysBackTraceStr(Addr));
691     end;
692   end;
693 var
694   FrameCount: integer;
695   Frames: PPointer;
696   FrameNumber:Integer;
697 begin
698   DumpAddr(ExceptAddr);
699   FrameCount:=ExceptFrameCount;
700   Frames:=ExceptFrames;
701   for FrameNumber := 0 to FrameCount-1 do
702     DumpAddr(Frames[FrameNumber]);
703 end;
705 procedure TLazLogger.DoFinish;
706 begin
707   //
708 end;
710 procedure TLazLogger.DoFinsh;
711 begin
712   DoFinish;
713 end;
715 procedure TLazLogger.DoDebuglnStack(const s: string);
716 begin
717   //
718 end;
720 procedure TLazLogger.IncreaseIndent;
721 begin
722   //
723 end;
725 procedure TLazLogger.DecreaseIndent;
726 begin
727   //
728 end;
730 procedure TLazLogger.IncreaseIndent(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled);
731 begin
732   //
733 end;
735 procedure TLazLogger.DecreaseIndent(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled);
736 begin
737   //
738 end;
740 procedure TLazLogger.IndentChanged;
741 begin
742   //
743 end;
745 procedure TLazLogger.DoDbgOut(s: string);
746 begin
747   //
748 end;
750 procedure TLazLogger.DoDebugLn(s: string);
751 begin
752   //
753 end;
ArgsToStringnull755 function TLazLogger.ArgsToString(Args: array of const): string;
756 var
757   i: Integer;
758 begin
759   Result := '';
760   for i:=Low(Args) to High(Args) do begin
761     case Args[i].VType of
762       vtInteger:    Result := Result + dbgs(Args[i].vinteger);
763       vtInt64:      Result := Result + dbgs(Args[i].VInt64^);
764       vtQWord:      Result := Result + dbgs(Args[i].VQWord^);
765       vtBoolean:    Result := Result + dbgs(Args[i].vboolean);
766       vtExtended:   Result := Result + dbgs(Args[i].VExtended^);
767   {$ifdef FPC_CURRENCY_IS_INT64}
768       // MWE:
769       // fpc 2.x has troubles in choosing the right dbgs()
770       // so we convert here
771       vtCurrency:   Result := Result + dbgs(int64(Args[i].vCurrency^)/10000, 4);
772   {$else}
773       vtCurrency:   Result := Result + dbgs(Args[i].vCurrency^);
774   {$endif}
775       vtString:     Result := Result + Args[i].VString^;
776       vtAnsiString: Result := Result + AnsiString(Args[i].VAnsiString);
777       vtChar:       Result := Result + Args[i].VChar;
778       vtPChar:      Result := Result + Args[i].VPChar;
779       vtPWideChar:  Result := {%H-}Result {%H-}+ Args[i].VPWideChar;
780       vtWideChar:   Result := Result + AnsiString(Args[i].VWideChar);
781       vtWidestring: Result := Result + AnsiString(WideString(Args[i].VWideString));
782       vtObject:     Result := Result + DbgSName(Args[i].VObject);
783       vtClass:      Result := Result + DbgSName(Args[i].VClass);
784       vtPointer:    Result := Result + Dbgs(Args[i].VPointer);
785       else          Result := Result + '?unknown variant?';
786     end;
787   end;
788 end;
790 constructor TLazLogger.Create;
791 begin
792   inherited;
793   InitCriticalSection(FLoggerCriticalSection);
794   FIsInitialized := False;
795   FUseGlobalLogGroupList := False;
797   FMaxNestPrefixLen := 15;
798   FNestLvlIndent := 2;
800   FLogGroupList := nil;
801 end;
803 destructor TLazLogger.Destroy;
804 begin
805   Finish;
806   if TheLazLogger = Self then TheLazLogger := nil;
807   ReleaseRefAndNil(FLogGroupList);
808   inherited Destroy;
809   DoneCriticalsection(FLoggerCriticalSection);
810 end;
812 procedure TLazLogger.Assign(Src: TLazLogger);
813 begin
814   if (Src = nil) then
815     exit;
816   FMaxNestPrefixLen := Src.FMaxNestPrefixLen;
817   FNestLvlIndent    := Src.FNestLvlIndent;
819   FUseGlobalLogGroupList := Src.FUseGlobalLogGroupList;
820   if (not FUseGlobalLogGroupList) and (Src.FLogGroupList <> nil) then
821     LogGroupList.Assign(Src.LogGroupList);
822 end;
824 procedure TLazLogger.Init;
825 begin
826   EnterCriticalsection(FLoggerCriticalSection);
827   try
828     if FIsInitialized then exit;
829     DoInit;
830     FIsInitialized := True;
831   finally
832     LeaveCriticalsection(FLoggerCriticalSection);
833   end;
834 end;
836 procedure TLazLogger.Finish;
837 begin
838   if FIsInitialized then
839     DoFinish;
840   FIsInitialized := False;
841 end;
CurrentIndentLevelnull843 function TLazLogger.CurrentIndentLevel: Integer;
844 begin
845   Result := 0;
846 end;
TLazLogger.RegisterLogGroupnull848 function TLazLogger.RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String;
849   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
850 begin
851   // The basic logger does not add entries from parsig cmd-line. So no need to check
852   Result := LogGroupList.Add(AConfigName, ADefaulEnabled);
853 end;
TLazLogger.RegisterLogGroupnull855 function TLazLogger.RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
856 begin
857   Result := LogGroupList.Add(AConfigName);
858   Result^.Flags := Result^.Flags + [lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified];
859 end;
FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull861 function TLazLogger.FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String;
862   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
863 begin
864   Result := LogGroupList.FindOrAdd(AConfigName, ADefaulEnabled);
865 end;
FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull867 function TLazLogger.FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
868 begin
869   Result := LogGroupList.FindOrAdd(AConfigName);
870   Result^.Flags := Result^.Flags + [lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified];
871 end;
873 procedure TLazLogger.AddBlockHandler(AHandler: TLazLoggerBlockHandler);
874 begin
875   //
876 end;
878 procedure TLazLogger.RemoveBlockHandler(AHandler: TLazLoggerBlockHandler);
879 begin
880   //
881 end;
TLazLogger.BlockHandlerCountnull883 function TLazLogger.BlockHandlerCount: Integer;
884 begin
885   Result := 0;
886 end;
888 procedure TLazLogger.DebuglnStack(const s: string);
889 begin
890   DoDebuglnStack(s);
891 end;
893 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(const s: string);
894 begin
895   DoDbgOut(s);
896 end;
898 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(Args: array of const);
899 begin
900   DoDbgOut(ArgsToString(Args));
901 end;
903 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(const S: String; Args: array of const);
904 begin
905   DoDbgOut(Format(S, Args));
906 end;
908 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string;
909   const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string;
910   const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string;
911   const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string;
912   const s18: string);
913 begin
914   DoDbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
915 end;
917 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(const s: string);
918 begin
919   DoDebugLn(s);
920 end;
922 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(Args: array of const);
923 begin
924   DoDebugLn(ArgsToString(Args));
925 end;
927 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(const S: String; Args: array of const);
928 begin
929   DoDebugLn(Format(S, Args));
930 end;
932 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string;
933   const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string;
934   const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string;
935   const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string;
936   const s18: string);
937 begin
938   DoDebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
939 end;
941 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter();
942 begin
943   IncreaseIndent;
944 end;
946 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(const s: string);
947 begin
948   DoDebugLn(s);
949   IncreaseIndent;
950 end;
952 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(Args: array of const);
953 begin
954   if high(Args) >= low(Args) then
955     DoDebugLn(ArgsToString(Args));
956   IncreaseIndent;
957 end;
959 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(s: string; Args: array of const);
960 begin
961   DoDebugLn(Format(S, Args));
962   IncreaseIndent;
963 end;
965 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string;
966   const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string;
967   const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string;
968   const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string;
969   const s18: string);
970 begin
971   DoDebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
972   IncreaseIndent;
973 end;
975 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit();
976 begin
977   DecreaseIndent;
978 end;
980 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(const s: string);
981 begin
982   DecreaseIndent;
983   DoDebugLn(s);
984 end;
986 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(Args: array of const);
987 begin
988   DecreaseIndent;
989   if high(Args) >= low(Args) then
990     DoDebugLn(ArgsToString(Args));
991 end;
993 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(s: string; Args: array of const);
994 begin
995   DecreaseIndent;
996   DoDebugLn(Format(S, Args));
997 end;
999 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(const s1, s2: string; const s3: string; const s4: string;
1000   const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string; const s8: string; const s9: string;
1001   const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string; const s13: string;
1002   const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string; const s17: string;
1003   const s18: string);
1004 begin
1005   DecreaseIndent;
1006   DoDebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1007 end;
1009 procedure TLazLogger.DebuglnStack(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string);
1010 begin
1011   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1012   DebuglnStack(s);
1013 end;
1015 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string);
1016 begin
1017   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1018   DoDbgOut(s);
1019 end;
1021 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const);
1022 begin
1023   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1024   DoDbgOut(ArgsToString(Args));
1025 end;
1027 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const S: String;
1028   Args: array of const);
1029 begin
1030   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1031   DoDbgOut(Format(S, Args));
1032 end;
1034 procedure TLazLogger.DbgOut(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string;
1035   const s3: string; const s4: string; const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string;
1036   const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string;
1037   const s13: string; const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string;
1038   const s17: string; const s18: string);
1039 begin
1040   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1041   DoDbgOut(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1042 end;
1044 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string);
1045 begin
1046   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1047   DoDebugLn(s);
1048 end;
1050 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const);
1051 begin
1052   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1053   DoDebugLn(ArgsToString(Args));
1054 end;
1056 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const S: String;
1057   Args: array of const);
1058 begin
1059   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1060   DoDebugLn(Format(S, Args));
1061 end;
1063 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLn(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string;
1064   const s3: string; const s4: string; const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string;
1065   const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string;
1066   const s13: string; const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string;
1067   const s17: string; const s18: string);
1068 begin
1069   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1070   DoDebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1071 end;
1073 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled);
1074 begin
1075   IncreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1076 end;
1078 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string);
1079 begin
1080   if LogEnabled.Enabled then
1081     DoDebugLn(s);
1082   IncreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1083 end;
1085 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const);
1086 begin
1087   if LogEnabled.Enabled then
1088     DoDebugLn(ArgsToString(Args));
1089   IncreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1090 end;
1092 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; s: string;
1093   Args: array of const);
1094 begin
1095   if LogEnabled.Enabled then
1096     DoDebugLn(Format(S, Args));
1097   IncreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1098 end;
1100 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnEnter(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string;
1101   const s3: string; const s4: string; const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string;
1102   const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string;
1103   const s13: string; const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string;
1104   const s17: string; const s18: string);
1105 begin
1106   if LogEnabled.Enabled then
1107     DoDebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1108   IncreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1109 end;
1111 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled);
1112 begin
1113   DecreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1114 end;
1116 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s: string);
1117 begin
1118   DecreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1119   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1120   DoDebugLn(s);
1121 end;
1123 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; Args: array of const);
1124 begin
1125   DecreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1126   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1127   DoDebugLn(ArgsToString(Args));
1128 end;
1130 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; s: string;
1131   Args: array of const);
1132 begin
1133   DecreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1134   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1135   DoDebugLn(Format(S, Args));
1136 end;
1138 procedure TLazLogger.DebugLnExit(LogEnabled: TLazLoggerLogEnabled; const s1, s2: string;
1139   const s3: string; const s4: string; const s5: string; const s6: string; const s7: string;
1140   const s8: string; const s9: string; const s10: string; const s11: string; const s12: string;
1141   const s13: string; const s14: string; const s15: string; const s16: string;
1142   const s17: string; const s18: string);
1143 begin
1144   DecreaseIndent(LogEnabled);
1145   if not LogEnabled.Enabled then exit;
1146   DoDebugLn(s1+s2+s3+s4+s5+s6+s7+s8+s9+s10+s11+s12+s13+s14+s15+s16+s17+s18);
1147 end;
1149 { TLazLoggerWithGroupParam }
1151 procedure TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.SetParamForEnabledLogGroups(AValue: String);
1152 begin
1153   if FParamForEnabledLogGroups = AValue then Exit;
1154   FParamForEnabledLogGroups := AValue;
1155   ParseParamForEnabledLogGroups;
1156 end;
1158 procedure TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.ParseParamForEnabledLogGroups;
1159 var
1160   i, j, c: Integer;
1161   list: TStringList;
1162   g: PLazLoggerLogGroup;
1163   s: String;
1164   e: Boolean;
1165 begin
1166   c := GetParamByNameCount(FParamForEnabledLogGroups);
1167   FLogDefaultEnabled := False;
1168   FLogAllDefaultDisabled := FAlse;
1170   list := TStringList.Create;
1171   for i := 0 to c - 1 do begin
1172     s := GetParamByName(FParamForEnabledLogGroups, i);
1174     if s = '-' then begin
1175       // clear all
1176       FLogDefaultEnabled := False;
1177       for j := 0 to LogGroupList.Count - 1 do
1178         LogGroupList[j]^.Enabled := False;
1179       FLogAllDefaultDisabled := True;
1180     end
1181     else
1182     begin
1183       list.CommaText := s;
1184       for j := 0 to list.Count - 1 do begin
1185         s := list[j];
1186         if (s = '-') or (s='') then
1187           continue; // invalid, within comma list
1188         if s[1] = '-' then
1189           e := False
1190         else
1191           e := True;
1192         if s[1] in ['-', '+'] then delete(s,1,1);
1193         if (s='') then
1194           continue;
1196         if e then
1197           FLogDefaultEnabled := False;
1199         g := LogGroupList.Find(s);
1200         if g <> nil then begin
1201           g^.Enabled := e;
1202           g^.Flags := g^.Flags - [lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified];
1203         end
1204         else begin
1205           g := LogGroupList.Add(s, e);
1206           g^.Flags := g^.Flags + [lgfAddedByParamParser];
1207         end;
1208       end;
1209     end;
1210   end;
1211   list.Free;
1213   if not FLogParamParsed then begin
1214     // first parse, reset default unless specified in RegisterLogGroup();
1215     for i := 0 to LogGroupList.Count - 1 do
1216       if lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified in LogGroupList[i]^.Flags then
1217         LogGroupList[i]^.Enabled := FLogDefaultEnabled;
1218   end;
1220   FLogParamParsed := True;
1221 end;
1223 constructor TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.Create;
1224 begin
1225   inherited;
1226   FLogDefaultEnabled := False;
1227   FLogAllDefaultDisabled := False;
1228 end;
1230 procedure TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.Assign(Src: TLazLogger);
1231 var
1232   i: Integer;
1233 begin
1234   inherited Assign(Src);
1235   if Src is TLazLoggerWithGroupParam then begin
1236     FLogParamParsed := False;
1237     FParamForEnabledLogGroups := TLazLoggerWithGroupParam(Src).FParamForEnabledLogGroups;
1238   end;
1240   if Src <> nil then
1241     for i := 0 to Src.BlockHandlerCount - 1 do
1242       AddBlockHandler(Src.BlockHandler[i]);
1243 end;
TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.RegisterLogGroupnull1245 function TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
1246 var
1247   Default, DefaultFound: Boolean;
1248 begin
1249   Result := LogGroupList.Find(AConfigName);
1250   Default := FLogDefaultEnabled;
1251   DefaultFound := False;
1252   if Result <> nil then begin
1253     Default := Result^.Enabled;
1254     DefaultFound := not(lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified in Result^.Flags);
1255   end;
1257   Result := RegisterLogGroup(AConfigName, Default);
1259   if not DefaultFound then
1260     Result^.Flags := Result^.Flags + [lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified];
1261 end;
TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.RegisterLogGroupnull1263 function TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.RegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String;
1264   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
1265 begin
1266   if FLogAllDefaultDisabled then
1267     ADefaulEnabled := False;
1268   Result := LogGroupList.Find(AConfigName);
1269   if Result <> nil then begin
1270     if not(lgfAddedByParamParser in Result^.Flags) then
1271       raise Exception.Create('Duplicate LogGroup ' + AConfigName);
1272     if ADefaulEnabled and not(lgfAddedByParamParser in Result^.Flags) then
1273       Result^.Enabled := True;
1274     Result^.Flags := Result^.Flags - [lgfAddedByParamParser];
1275   end
1276   else
1277     Result := LogGroupList.Add(AConfigName, ADefaulEnabled);
1278 end;
TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull1280 function TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
1281 begin
1282   Result := LogGroupList.Find(AConfigName);
1283   if Result = nil then
1284     Result := RegisterLogGroup(AConfigName)
1285   else
1286     Result^.Flags := Result^.Flags - [lgfAddedByParamParser];
1287 end;
TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.FindOrRegisterLogGroupnull1289 function TLazLoggerWithGroupParam.FindOrRegisterLogGroup(const AConfigName: String;
1290   ADefaulEnabled: Boolean): PLazLoggerLogGroup;
1291 begin
1292   Result := LogGroupList.Find(AConfigName);
1293   if Result = nil then
1294     Result := RegisterLogGroup(AConfigName, ADefaulEnabled)
1295   else
1296   begin
1297     if (lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified in Result^.Flags) and
1298        not(lgfAddedByParamParser in Result^.Flags)
1299     then
1300       Result^.Enabled := ADefaulEnabled;
1301     Result^.Flags := Result^.Flags - [lgfNoDefaultEnabledSpecified, lgfAddedByParamParser];
1302   end;
1303 end;
1305 finalization // Using TObject, so if none of the functions is used in the app, then even the rlass should be smart linked
1306   ReleaseRefAndNil(TheLazLogger);
1307   ReleaseRefAndNil(PrevLazLogger);
1308   ReleaseRefAndNil(TheLazLoggerGroups);
1310 end.