1 {
2  *****************************************************************************
3   This file is part of LazUtils.
5   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
6   for details about the license.
7  *****************************************************************************
8 }
9 unit LazMethodList;
11 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
12 {$modeswitch advancedrecords}
14 interface
16 uses
17   Classes, SysUtils, RtlConsts;
19 type
20   { TMethodList - array of TMethod }
22   TMethodList = class
23   private type
24     TItemsEnumerator = record
25     private
26       Owner: TMethodList;
27       Index: Integer;
28       Reverse: Boolean;
GetCurrentnull29       function GetCurrent: TMethod;
30     public
31       procedure Init(AOwner: TMethodList; AReverse: Boolean);
MoveNextnull32       function MoveNext: Boolean;
GetEnumeratornull33       function GetEnumerator: TItemsEnumerator;
34       property Current: TMethod read GetCurrent;
35     end;
36   private
37     FAllowDuplicates: boolean;
38     FItems: ^TMethod;
39     FCount: integer;
GetItemsnull40     function GetItems(Index: integer): TMethod;
41     procedure SetAllowDuplicates(AValue: boolean);
42     procedure SetItems(Index: integer; const AValue: TMethod);
43     procedure InternalInsert(Index: integer; const AMethod: TMethod);
44     procedure RaiseIndexOutOfBounds(Index: integer);
45   public
46     destructor Destroy; override;
Countnull47     function Count: integer;
NextDownIndexnull48     function NextDownIndex(var Index: integer): boolean;
IndexOfnull49     function IndexOf(const AMethod: TMethod): integer;
50     procedure Assign(Source: TMethodList);
51     procedure Clear;
52     procedure Delete(Index: integer);
53     procedure Remove(const AMethod: TMethod);
54     procedure Add(const AMethod: TMethod);
55     procedure Add(const AMethod: TMethod; AsLast: boolean);
56     procedure Insert(Index: integer; const AMethod: TMethod);
57     procedure Move(OldIndex, NewIndex: integer);
58     procedure RemoveAllMethodsOfObject(const AnObject: TObject);
59     procedure CallNotifyEvents(Sender: TObject); // calls from Count-1 downto 0, all methods must be TNotifyEvent
GetReversedEnumeratornull60     function GetReversedEnumerator: TItemsEnumerator;
GetEnumeratornull61     function GetEnumerator: TItemsEnumerator;
62   public
63     property Items[Index: integer]: TMethod read GetItems write SetItems; default;
64     property AllowDuplicates: boolean read FAllowDuplicates write SetAllowDuplicates; // default false, changed in Lazarus 1.3
65   end;
CompareMethodsnull67 function CompareMethods(const m1, m2: TMethod): boolean; inline;
70 implementation
CompareMethodsnull72 function CompareMethods(const m1, m2: TMethod): boolean;
73 begin
75 // With a full evaluation of the boolean expression the generated code will not
76 // contain conditional statements, which is more efficient on modern processors
77   Result:=(m1.Code=m2.Code) and (m1.Data=m2.Data);
78 {$POP}
79 end;
81 { TMethodList.TItemsEnumerator }
TItemsEnumeratornull83 function TMethodList.TItemsEnumerator.GetCurrent: TMethod;
84 begin
85   Result := Owner[Index];
86 end;
TItemsEnumeratornull88 function TMethodList.TItemsEnumerator.GetEnumerator: TItemsEnumerator;
89 begin
90   Result := Self;
91 end;
93 procedure TMethodList.TItemsEnumerator.Init(AOwner: TMethodList;
94   AReverse: Boolean);
95 begin
96   Owner := AOwner;
97   Reverse := AReverse;
98   if Reverse then
99     Index := AOwner.Count
100   else
101     Index := -1;
102 end;
TItemsEnumeratornull104 function TMethodList.TItemsEnumerator.MoveNext: Boolean;
105 begin
106   if Reverse then
107   begin
108     Dec(Index);
109     Result := Index >= 0;
110   end else
111   begin
112     Inc(Index);
113     Result := Index < Owner.Count;
114   end;
115 end;
117 { TMethodList }
TMethodList.GetItemsnull119 function TMethodList.GetItems(Index: integer): TMethod;
120 begin
121   Result:=FItems[Index];
122 end;
TMethodList.GetReversedEnumeratornull124 function TMethodList.GetReversedEnumerator: TItemsEnumerator;
125 begin
126   Result.Init(Self, True);
127 end;
129 procedure TMethodList.SetAllowDuplicates(AValue: boolean);
130 var
131   i, j: Integer;
132 begin
133   if FAllowDuplicates=AValue then Exit;
134   FAllowDuplicates:=AValue;
135   if not AllowDuplicates then
136   begin
137     i:=0;
138     while i<FCount do
139     begin
140       j:=i+1;
141       while j<FCount do
142       begin
143         if CompareMethods(FItems[i], FItems[j]) then
144           Delete(j)
145         else
146           inc(j);
147       end;
148       inc(i);
149     end;
150   end;
151 end;
153 procedure TMethodList.SetItems(Index: integer; const AValue: TMethod);
155   procedure RaiseDuplicate;
156   begin
157     raise EListError.CreateFmt(SDuplicateItem,[AValue.Code]);
158   end;
160 begin
161   if (not AllowDuplicates) and (IndexOf(AValue)<>Index) then
162     RaiseDuplicate;
163   FItems[Index]:=AValue;
164 end;
166 procedure TMethodList.InternalInsert(Index: integer; const AMethod: TMethod);
167 begin
168   inc(FCount);
169   ReAllocMem(FItems,FCount*SizeOf(TMethod));
170   if Index<FCount then
171     System.Move(FItems[Index],FItems[Index+1],(FCount-Index-1)*SizeOf(TMethod));
172   FItems[Index]:=AMethod;
173 end;
175 procedure TMethodList.RaiseIndexOutOfBounds(Index: integer);
176 begin
177   raise EListError.CreateFmt(SListIndexError,[Index]);
178 end;
180 destructor TMethodList.Destroy;
181 begin
182   Clear;
183   inherited Destroy;
184 end;
GetEnumeratornull186 function TMethodList.GetEnumerator: TItemsEnumerator;
187 begin
188   Result.Init(Self, False);
189 end;
TMethodList.Countnull191 function TMethodList.Count: integer;
192 begin
193   if Self<>nil then
194     Result:=FCount
195   else
196     Result:=0;
197 end;
TMethodList.NextDownIndexnull199 function TMethodList.NextDownIndex(var Index: integer): boolean;
200 begin
201   if Self<>nil then begin
202     dec(Index);
203     if (Index>=FCount) then
204       Index:=FCount-1;
205   end else
206     Index:=-1;
207   Result:=(Index>=0);
208 end;
TMethodList.IndexOfnull210 function TMethodList.IndexOf(const AMethod: TMethod): integer;
211 begin
212   if Self<>nil then begin
213     Result:=FCount-1;
214     while Result>=0 do begin
215       if CompareMethods(FItems[Result], AMethod) then
216         Exit;
217       dec(Result);
218     end;
219   end else
220     Result:=-1;
221 end;
223 procedure TMethodList.Assign(Source: TMethodList);
224 var
225   i: Integer;
226 begin
227   Clear;
228   for i := 0 to Source.Count-1 do
229     Add(Source.Items[i]);
230 end;
232 procedure TMethodList.Clear;
233 begin
234   ReAllocMem(FItems,0);
235 end;
237 procedure TMethodList.Delete(Index: integer);
238 begin
239   dec(FCount);
240   if FCount>Index then
241     System.Move(FItems[Index+1],FItems[Index],(FCount-Index)*SizeOf(TMethod));
242   ReAllocMem(FItems,FCount*SizeOf(TMethod));
243 end;
245 procedure TMethodList.Remove(const AMethod: TMethod);
246 var
247   i: integer;
248 begin
249   if Self<>nil then begin
250     i:=IndexOf(AMethod);
251     if i>=0 then Delete(i);
252   end;
253 end;
255 procedure TMethodList.Add(const AMethod: TMethod);
256 var
257   i: Integer;
258 begin
259   if AllowDuplicates then
260     i:=-1
261   else
262     i:=IndexOf(AMethod);
263   if (i<0) then
264   begin
265     inc(FCount);
266     ReAllocMem(FItems,FCount*SizeOf(TMethod));
267   end else begin
268     if i=FCount-1 then exit;
269     System.Move(FItems[i+1],FItems[i],SizeOf(TMethod)*(FCount-i-1));
270   end;
271   FItems[FCount-1]:=AMethod;
272 end;
274 procedure TMethodList.Add(const AMethod: TMethod; AsLast: boolean);
275 begin
276   if AsLast then
277     Add(AMethod)
278   else
279     Insert(0,AMethod);
280 end;
282 procedure TMethodList.Insert(Index: integer; const AMethod: TMethod);
283 var
284   i: Integer;
285 begin
286   if AllowDuplicates then
287     i:=-1
288   else
289     i:=IndexOf(AMethod);
290   if i<0 then
291   begin
292     if (Index<0) or (Index>FCount) then
293       RaiseIndexOutOfBounds(Index);
294     InternalInsert(Index,AMethod)
295   end else
296     Move(i,Index);
297 end;
299 procedure TMethodList.Move(OldIndex, NewIndex: integer);
300 var
301   MovingMethod: TMethod;
302 begin
303   if OldIndex=NewIndex then exit;
304   if (NewIndex<0) or (NewIndex>=FCount) then
305     RaiseIndexOutOfBounds(NewIndex);
306   MovingMethod:=FItems[OldIndex];
307   if OldIndex>NewIndex then
308     System.Move(FItems[NewIndex],FItems[NewIndex+1],
309                 SizeOf(TMethod)*(OldIndex-NewIndex))
310   else
311     System.Move(FItems[NewIndex+1],FItems[NewIndex],
312                 SizeOf(TMethod)*(NewIndex-OldIndex));
313   FItems[NewIndex]:=MovingMethod;
314 end;
316 procedure TMethodList.RemoveAllMethodsOfObject(const AnObject: TObject);
317 var
318   i: Integer;
319 begin
320   if Self=nil then exit;
321   i:=FCount-1;
322   while i>=0 do begin
323     if TObject(FItems[i].Data)=AnObject then Delete(i);
324     dec(i);
325   end;
326 end;
328 procedure TMethodList.CallNotifyEvents(Sender: TObject);
329 var
330   i: LongInt;
331 begin
332   i:=Count;
333   while NextDownIndex(i) do
334     TNotifyEvent(Items[i])(Sender);
335 end;
337 end.