1 {                        ------------------------------
2                                winproc.pp
3                          ------------------------------
5  Misc types and procedures for LCL-CustomDrawn-Windows
7  *****************************************************************************
8   This file is part of the Lazarus Component Library (LCL)
10   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL.txt, included in this distribution,
11   for details about the license.
12  *****************************************************************************
13 }
15 unit customdrawn_winproc;
17 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
19 interface
21 uses
22   Windows, CTypes, Classes, SysUtils,
23   // LCL
24   LCLType, Interfacebase, LMessages, lclintf, LCLMessageGlue, LCLProc,
25   Controls, Forms, graphtype, Menus, IntfGraphics, lazcanvas,
26   //
27   customdrawnproc;
29 type
30   MCHITTESTINFO = record
31     cbSize: UINT;
32     pt    : TPoint;
33     uHit  : UINT;          // out param
34     st    : SYSTEMTIME;
35   end;
37   PMCMHitTestInfo = ^TMCMHitTestInfo;
39   // Window information snapshot
40   tagWINDOWINFO = record
41     cbSize: DWORD;
42     rcWindow: TRect;
43     rcClient: TRect;
44     dwStyle: DWORD;
45     dwExStyle: DWORD;
46     dwWindowStatus: DWORD;
47     cxWindowBorders: UINT;
48     cyWindowBorders: UINT;
49     atomWindowType: ATOM;
50     wCreatorVersion: WORD;
51   end;
54 type
55   { lazarus win32 Interface definition for additional timer data needed to find the callback}
56   PWinCETimerInfo = ^TWinCETimerinfo;
57   TWinCETimerInfo = record
58     TimerID: UINT_PTR;         // the windows timer ID for this timer
tonull59     TimerFunc: TWSTimerProc; // owner function to handle timer
60   end;
62 {$ifdef WinCE}
EnumDisplayMonitorsnull63 function EnumDisplayMonitors(hdc: HDC; lprcClip: PRect; lpfnEnum: MONITORENUMPROC; dwData: LPARAM): LongBool; cdecl; external KernelDLL name 'EnumDisplayMonitors';
GetMonitorInfoWnull64 function GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor: HMONITOR; lpmi: PMonitorInfo): LongBool; cdecl; external KernelDLL name 'GetMonitorInfo';
MonitorFromWindownull65 function MonitorFromWindow(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HMONITOR; cdecl; external KernelDLL name 'MonitorFromWindow';
MonitorFromRectnull66 function MonitorFromRect(lprcScreenCoords: PRect; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR; cdecl; external KernelDLL name 'MonitorFromRect';
MonitorFromPointnull67 function MonitorFromPoint(ptScreenCoords: TPoint; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR; cdecl; external KernelDLL name 'MonitorFromPoint';
68 {$else}
EnumDisplayMonitorsnull69 function EnumDisplayMonitors(hdc: HDC; lprcClip: PRect; lpfnEnum: MONITORENUMPROC; dwData: LPARAM): LongBool; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'EnumDisplayMonitors';
GetMonitorInfoWnull70 function GetMonitorInfoW(hMonitor: HMONITOR; lpmi: PMonitorInfo): LongBool; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'GetMonitorInfoW';
MonitorFromWindownull71 function MonitorFromWindow(hWnd: HWND; dwFlags: DWORD): HMONITOR; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'MonitorFromWindow';
MonitorFromRectnull72 function MonitorFromRect(lprcScreenCoords: PRect; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'MonitorFromRect';
MonitorFromPointnull73 function MonitorFromPoint(ptScreenCoords: TPoint; dwFlags: DWord): HMONITOR; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'MonitorFromPoint';
74 // from win32extra.pp
GetWindowInfonull75 function GetWindowInfo(hwnd: HWND; pwi: PTAGWINDOWINFO): BOOL; stdcall; external 'user32.dll' name 'GetWindowInfo';
76 {$endif}
78 type
79   TMouseDownFocusStatus = (mfNone, mfFocusSense, mfFocusChanged);
81   PProcessEvent = ^TProcessEvent;
82   TProcessEvent = record
83     Handle: THandle;
84     Handler: PEventHandler;
85     UserData: PtrInt;
86     OnEvent: TChildExitEvent;
87   end;
89 var
90   // FTimerData contains the currently running timers
91   FTimerData : TList;   // list of PWin32Timerinfo
93   MouseDownTime: dword;
94   MouseDownPos: TPoint;
95   MouseDownWindow: HWND = 0;
96   MouseDownFocusWindow: HWND;
97   MouseDownFocusStatus: TMouseDownFocusStatus = mfNone;
98   ComboBoxHandleSizeWindow: HWND = 0;//just do not know the use yet
99   IgnoreNextCharWindow: HWND = 0;  // ignore next WM_(SYS)CHAR message
100   OnClipBoardRequest: TClipboardRequestEvent = nil;
102 type
103   TEventType = (etNotify, etKey, etKeyPress, etMouseWheel, etMouseUpDown);
105   TWindowInfo = class(TCDForm)
106     Overlay: HWND;            // overlay, transparent window on top, used by designer
107     //PopupMenu: TPopupMenu;
108     DefWndProc: WNDPROC;
109     ParentPanel: HWND;        // if non-zero, is the tabsheet window, for the pagecontrol hack
110     List: TStrings;
111     StayOnTopList: TList;     // a list of windows that were normalized when showing modal
112     MaxLength: dword;
113     MouseX, MouseY: word; // noticing spurious WM_MOUSEMOVE messages
114     // CD additions
115     Bitmap: HBITMAP;
116     BitmapWidth: integer;
117     BitmapHeight: integer;
118     BitmapDC, DCBitmapOld: HDC;
119   end;
121   PStayOnTopWindowsInfo = ^TStayOnTopWindowsInfo;
122   TStayOnTopWindowsInfo = record
123     AppHandle: HWND;
124     SystemTopAlso: Boolean;
125     StayOnTopList: TList;
126   end;
128   TWindowsVersion = (
129     wvUnknown,
130     //
131     wince_1,
132     wince_2,
133     wince_3,
134     wince_4,
135     wince_5,
136     wince_6,
137     wince_6_1,
138     wince_6_5,
139     wince_7,
140     wince_other,
141     //
142     wv95,
143     wvNT4,
144     wv98,
145     wvMe,
146     wv2000,
147     wvXP,
148     wvServer2003,
149     //wvServer2003R2,  // has the same major/minor as wvServer2003
150     wvVista,
151     //wvServer2008,    // has the same major/minor as wvVista
152     wv7,
153     wv8,
154     wvLater
155   );
WM_To_Stringnull157 function WM_To_String(WM_Message: Integer): string;
WindowPosFlagsToStringnull158 function WindowPosFlagsToString(Flags: UINT): string;
ObjectToHWNDnull159 function ObjectToHWND(Const AObject: TObject): HWND;
BytesPerLinenull161 function BytesPerLine(nWidth, nBitsPerPixel: Integer): PtrUInt;
CreateDIBSectionFromDescriptionnull162 function CreateDIBSectionFromDescription(ADC: HDC; const ADesc: TRawImageDescription; out ABitsPtr: Pointer): HBITMAP;
163 procedure FillRawImageDescriptionColors(var ADesc: TRawImageDescription);
164 procedure FillRawImageDescription(const ABitmapInfo: Windows.TBitmap; out ADesc: TRawImageDescription);
WinProc_RawImage_FromBitmapnull165 function WinProc_RawImage_FromBitmap(out ARawImage: TRawImage; ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP; ARect: PRect = nil): Boolean;
WinProc_RawImage_CreateBitmapsnull166 function WinProc_RawImage_CreateBitmaps(const ARawImage: TRawImage; out ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ASkipMask: Boolean): Boolean;
168 {$ifndef WinCE}
GetBitmapOrdernull169 function GetBitmapOrder(AWinBmp: Windows.TBitmap; ABitmap: HBITMAP):TRawImageLineOrder;
170 {$endif}
GetBitmapBytesnull171 function GetBitmapBytes(AWinBmp: Windows.TBitmap; ABitmap: HBITMAP; const ARect: TRect; ALineEnd: TRawImageLineEnd; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; out AData: Pointer; out ADataSize: PtrUInt): Boolean;
IsAlphaBitmapnull172 function IsAlphaBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP): Boolean;
IsAlphaDCnull173 function IsAlphaDC(ADC: HDC): Boolean;
GetLastErrorTextnull175 function GetLastErrorText(AErrorCode: Cardinal): WideString;
LCLControlSizeNeedsUpdatenull177 function LCLControlSizeNeedsUpdate(Sender: TWinControl;
178   SendSizeMsgOnDiff: boolean): boolean;
GetLCLClientBoundsOffsetnull180 function GetLCLClientBoundsOffset(Sender: TObject; var ORect: TRect): boolean;
GetLCLClientBoundsOffsetnull181 function GetLCLClientBoundsOffset(Handle: TWindowInfo; var Rect: TRect): boolean;
182 procedure LCLBoundsToWin32Bounds(Sender: TObject; var Left, Top: Integer);
183 procedure LCLFormSizeToWin32Size(Form: TCustomForm; var AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
184 procedure GetWin32ControlPos(Window, Parent: HWND; var Left, Top: integer);
GetWindowInfonull186 function GetWindowInfo(AWindow: HWND): TWindowInfo;
188 procedure UpdateWindowStyle(Handle: HWnd; Style: integer; StyleMask: integer);
BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsnull189 function BorderStyleToWinAPIFlags(Style: TFormBorderStyle): DWORD;
BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsExnull190 function BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsEx(AForm: TCustomForm; Style: TFormBorderStyle): DWORD;
GetFileVersionnull192 function GetFileVersion(FileName: string): dword;
194 procedure RemoveStayOnTopFlags(AppHandle: HWND; ASystemTopAlso: Boolean = False);
195 procedure RestoreStayOnTopFlags(AppHandle: HWND);
197 procedure AddToChangedMenus(Window: HWnd);
198 procedure RedrawMenus;
MeasureTextnull199 function MeasureText(const AWinControl: TWinControl; Text: string; var Width, Height: integer): boolean;
GetControlTextnull200 function GetControlText(AHandle: HWND): string;
202 { String functions that may be moved to the RTL in the future }
203 procedure WideStrCopy(Dest, Src: PWideChar);
WideStrLCopynull204 function WideStrLCopy(dest, source: PWideChar; maxlen: SizeInt): PWideChar;
WideStrCmpnull205 function WideStrCmp(W1, W2: PWideChar): Integer;
207 { Automatic detection of platform }
GetWinCEPlatformnull208 function GetWinCEPlatform: TApplicationType;
IsHiResModenull209 function IsHiResMode: Boolean;
210 procedure UpdateWindowsVersion;
212 var
213   DefaultWindowInfo: TWindowInfo;
214   WindowInfoAtom: ATOM;
215   OverwriteCheck: Integer = 0;
216   ChangedMenus: TList; // list of HWNDs which menus needs to be redrawn
218   WindowsVersion: TWindowsVersion = wvUnknown;
220 const
221   ClsName: array[0..6] of WideChar = ('W', 'i', 'n', 'd', 'o', 'w', #0);
222   ClsHintName: array[0..10] of WideChar = ('H', 'i', 'n', 't', 'W', 'i', 'n', 'd', 'o', 'w', #0);
224 implementation
226 uses customdrawnint;
228 var
229   InRemoveStayOnTopFlags: Integer = 0;
231 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232   Function: WM_To_String
233   Params: WM_Message - a WinDows message
234   Returns: A WinDows-message name
236   Converts a winDows message identIfier to a string
237  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
WM_To_Stringnull238 function WM_To_String(WM_Message: Integer): string;
239 Begin
240  Case WM_Message of
241   $0000: Result := 'WM_NULL';
242   $0001: Result := 'WM_CREATE';
243   $0002: Result := 'WM_DESTROY';
244   $0003: Result := 'WM_MOVE';
245   $0005: Result := 'WM_SIZE';
246   $0006: Result := 'WM_ACTIVATE';
247   $0007: Result := 'WM_SETFOCUS';
248   $0008: Result := 'WM_KILLFOCUS';
249   $000A: Result := 'WM_ENABLE';
250   $000B: Result := 'WM_SETREDRAW';
251   $000C: Result := 'WM_SETTEXT';
252   $000D: Result := 'WM_GETTEXT';
253   $000E: Result := 'WM_GETTEXTLENGTH';
254   $000F: Result := 'WM_PAINT';
255   $0010: Result := 'WM_CLOSE';
256   $0011: Result := 'WM_QUERYENDSESSION';
257   $0012: Result := 'WM_QUIT';
258   $0013: Result := 'WM_QUERYOPEN';
259   $0014: Result := 'WM_ERASEBKGND';
260   $0015: Result := 'WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE';
261   $0016: Result := 'WM_EndSESSION';
262   $0017: Result := 'WM_SYSTEMERROR';
263   $0018: Result := 'WM_SHOWWINDOW';
264   $0019: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLOR';
266   $001B: Result := 'WM_DEVMODECHANGE';
267   $001C: Result := 'WM_ACTIVATEAPP';
268   $001D: Result := 'WM_FONTCHANGE';
269   $001E: Result := 'WM_TIMECHANGE';
270   $001F: Result := 'WM_CANCELMODE';
271   $0020: Result := 'WM_SETCURSOR';
272   $0021: Result := 'WM_MOUSEACTIVATE';
273   $0022: Result := 'WM_CHILDACTIVATE';
274   $0023: Result := 'WM_QUEUESYNC';
275   $0024: Result := 'WM_GETMINMAXINFO';
276   $0026: Result := 'WM_PAINTICON';
277   $0027: Result := 'WM_ICONERASEBKGND';
278   $0028: Result := 'WM_NEXTDLGCTL';
279   $002A: Result := 'WM_SPOOLERSTATUS';
280   $002B: Result := 'WM_DRAWITEM';
281   $002C: Result := 'WM_MEASUREITEM';
282   $002D: Result := 'WM_DELETEITEM';
283   $002E: Result := 'WM_VKEYTOITEM';
284   $002F: Result := 'WM_CHARTOITEM';
285   $0030: Result := 'WM_SETFONT';
286   $0031: Result := 'WM_GETFONT';
287   $0032: Result := 'WM_SETHOTKEY';
288   $0033: Result := 'WM_GETHOTKEY';
289   $0037: Result := 'WM_QUERYDRAGICON';
290   $0039: Result := 'WM_COMPAREITEM';
291   $003D: Result := 'WM_GETOBJECT';
292   $0041: Result := 'WM_COMPACTING';
293   $0044: Result := 'WM_COMMNOTIFY { obsolete in Win32}';
294   $0046: Result := 'WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING';
295   $0047: Result := 'WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED';
296   $0048: Result := 'WM_POWER';
297   $004A: Result := 'WM_COPYDATA';
298   $004B: Result := 'WM_CANCELJOURNAL';
299   $004E: Result := 'WM_NOTIFY';
300   $0050: Result := 'WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST';
301   $0051: Result := 'WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE';
302   $0052: Result := 'WM_TCARD';
303   $0053: Result := 'WM_HELP';
304   $0054: Result := 'WM_USERCHANGED';
305   $0055: Result := 'WM_NOTIFYFORMAT';
306   $007B: Result := 'WM_CONTEXTMENU';
307   $007C: Result := 'WM_STYLECHANGING';
308   $007D: Result := 'WM_STYLECHANGED';
309   $007E: Result := 'WM_DISPLAYCHANGE';
310   $007F: Result := 'WM_GETICON';
311   $0080: Result := 'WM_SETICON';
312   $0081: Result := 'WM_NCCREATE';
313   $0082: Result := 'WM_NCDESTROY';
314   $0083: Result := 'WM_NCCALCSIZE';
315   $0084: Result := 'WM_NCHITTEST';
316   $0085: Result := 'WM_NCPAINT';
317   $0086: Result := 'WM_NCACTIVATE';
318   $0087: Result := 'WM_GETDLGCODE';
319   $00A0: Result := 'WM_NCMOUSEMOVE';
320   $00A1: Result := 'WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN';
321   $00A2: Result := 'WM_NCLBUTTONUP';
322   $00A3: Result := 'WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK';
323   $00A4: Result := 'WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN';
324   $00A5: Result := 'WM_NCRBUTTONUP';
325   $00A6: Result := 'WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK';
326   $00A7: Result := 'WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN';
327   $00A8: Result := 'WM_NCMBUTTONUP';
328   $00A9: Result := 'WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK';
329   $0100: Result := 'WM_KEYFIRST or WM_KEYDOWN';
330   $0101: Result := 'WM_KEYUP';
331   $0102: Result := 'WM_CHAR';
332   $0103: Result := 'WM_DEADCHAR';
333   $0104: Result := 'WM_SYSKEYDOWN';
334   $0105: Result := 'WM_SYSKEYUP';
335   $0106: Result := 'WM_SYSCHAR';
336   $0107: Result := 'WM_SYSDEADCHAR';
337   $0108: Result := 'WM_KEYLAST';
338   $010D: Result := 'WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION';
339   $010E: Result := 'WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION';
340   $010F: Result := 'WM_IME_COMPOSITION or WM_IME_KEYLAST';
341   $0110: Result := 'WM_INITDIALOG';
342   $0111: Result := 'WM_COMMAND';
343   $0112: Result := 'WM_SYSCOMMAND';
344   $0113: Result := 'WM_TIMER';
345   $0114: Result := 'WM_HSCROLL';
346   $0115: Result := 'WM_VSCROLL';
347   $0116: Result := 'WM_INITMENU';
348   $0117: Result := 'WM_INITMENUPOPUP';
349   $011F: Result := 'WM_MENUSELECT';
350   $0120: Result := 'WM_MENUCHAR';
351   $0121: Result := 'WM_ENTERIDLE';
352   $0122: Result := 'WM_MENURBUTTONUP';
353   $0123: Result := 'WM_MENUDRAG';
354   $0124: Result := 'WM_MENUGETOBJECT';
355   $0125: Result := 'WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP';
356   $0126: Result := 'WM_MENUCOMMAND';
357   $0132: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX';
358   $0133: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLOREDIT';
359   $0134: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX';
360   $0135: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLORBTN';
361   $0136: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLORDLG';
362   $0137: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR';
363   $0138: Result := 'WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC';
364   $0200: Result := 'WM_MOUSEFIRST or WM_MOUSEMOVE';
365   $0201: Result := 'WM_LBUTTONDOWN';
366   $0202: Result := 'WM_LBUTTONUP';
367   $0203: Result := 'WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK';
368   $0204: Result := 'WM_RBUTTONDOWN';
369   $0205: Result := 'WM_RBUTTONUP';
370   $0206: Result := 'WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK';
371   $0207: Result := 'WM_MBUTTONDOWN';
372   $0208: Result := 'WM_MBUTTONUP';
373   $0209: Result := 'WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK';
374   $020A: Result := 'WM_MOUSEWHEEL or WM_MOUSELAST';
375   $0210: Result := 'WM_PARENTNOTIFY';
376   $0211: Result := 'WM_ENTERMENULOOP';
377   $0212: Result := 'WM_EXITMENULOOP';
378   $0213: Result := 'WM_NEXTMENU';
379   $0214: Result := 'WM_SIZING';
380   $0215: Result := 'WM_CAPTURECHANGED';
381   $0216: Result := 'WM_MOVING';
382   $0218: Result := 'WM_POWERBROADCAST';
383   $0219: Result := 'WM_DEVICECHANGE';
384   $0220: Result := 'WM_MDICREATE';
385   $0221: Result := 'WM_MDIDESTROY';
386   $0222: Result := 'WM_MDIACTIVATE';
387   $0223: Result := 'WM_MDIRESTORE';
388   $0224: Result := 'WM_MDINEXT';
389   $0225: Result := 'WM_MDIMAXIMIZE';
390   $0226: Result := 'WM_MDITILE';
391   $0227: Result := 'WM_MDICASCADE';
392   $0228: Result := 'WM_MDIICONARRANGE';
393   $0229: Result := 'WM_MDIGETACTIVE';
394   $0230: Result := 'WM_MDISETMENU';
395   $0231: Result := 'WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE';
396   $0232: Result := 'WM_EXITSIZEMOVE';
397   $0233: Result := 'WM_DROPFILES';
398   $0234: Result := 'WM_MDIREFRESHMENU';
399   $0281: Result := 'WM_IME_SETCONTEXT';
400   $0282: Result := 'WM_IME_NOTIFY';
401   $0283: Result := 'WM_IME_CONTROL';
402   $0284: Result := 'WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL';
403   $0285: Result := 'WM_IME_SELECT';
404   $0286: Result := 'WM_IME_CHAR';
405   $0288: Result := 'WM_IME_REQUEST';
406   $0290: Result := 'WM_IME_KEYDOWN';
407   $0291: Result := 'WM_IME_KEYUP';
408   $02A1: Result := 'WM_MOUSEHOVER';
409   $02A3: Result := 'WM_MOUSELEAVE';
410   $0300: Result := 'WM_CUT';
411   $0301: Result := 'WM_COPY';
412   $0302: Result := 'WM_PASTE';
413   $0303: Result := 'WM_CLEAR';
414   $0304: Result := 'WM_UNDO';
415   $0305: Result := 'WM_RENDERFORMAT';
416   $0306: Result := 'WM_RENDERALLFORMATS';
417   $0307: Result := 'WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD';
418   $0308: Result := 'WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD';
419   $0309: Result := 'WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD';
420   $030A: Result := 'WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD';
421   $030B: Result := 'WM_SIZECLIPBOARD';
422   $030C: Result := 'WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME';
423   $030D: Result := 'WM_CHANGECBCHAIN';
424   $030E: Result := 'WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD';
425   $030F: Result := 'WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE';
426   $0310: Result := 'WM_PALETTEISCHANGING';
427   $0311: Result := 'WM_PALETTECHANGED';
428   $0312: Result := 'WM_HOTKEY';
429   $0317: Result := 'WM_PRINT';
430   $0318: Result := 'WM_PRINTCLIENT';
431   $0358: Result := 'WM_HANDHELDFIRST';
432   $035F: Result := 'WM_HANDHELDLAST';
433   $0380: Result := 'WM_PENWINFIRST';
434   $038F: Result := 'WM_PENWINLAST';
435   $0390: Result := 'WM_COALESCE_FIRST';
436   $039F: Result := 'WM_COALESCE_LAST';
437   $03E0: Result := 'WM_DDE_FIRST or WM_DDE_INITIATE';
438   $03E1: Result := 'WM_DDE_TERMINATE';
439   $03E2: Result := 'WM_DDE_ADVISE';
440   $03E3: Result := 'WM_DDE_UNADVISE';
441   $03E4: Result := 'WM_DDE_ACK';
442   $03E5: Result := 'WM_DDE_DATA';
443   $03E6: Result := 'WM_DDE_REQUEST';
444   $03E7: Result := 'WM_DDE_POKE';
445   $03E8: Result := 'WM_DDE_EXECUTE or WM_DDE_LAST';
446   $0400: Result := 'WM_USER';
447   $8000: Result := 'WM_APP';
448   Else
449     Result := 'Unknown(' + IntToStr(WM_Message) + ')';
450   End; {Case}
451 End;
WindowPosFlagsToStringnull453 function WindowPosFlagsToString(Flags: UINT): string;
454 var
455   FlagsStr: string;
456 begin
457   FlagsStr := '';
458   if (Flags and SWP_DRAWFRAME) <> 0 then
459     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_DRAWFRAME';
460   if (Flags and SWP_HIDEWINDOW) <> 0 then
461     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_HIDEWINDOW';
462   if (Flags and SWP_NOACTIVATE) <> 0 then
463     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOACTIVATE';
464   if (Flags and SWP_NOCOPYBITS) <> 0 then
465     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOCOPYBITS';
466   if (Flags and SWP_NOMOVE) <> 0 then
467     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOMOVE';
468   if (Flags and SWP_NOOWNERZORDER) <> 0 then
469     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER';
470   if (Flags and SWP_NOREDRAW) <> 0 then
471     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOREDRAW';
472   if (Flags and SWP_NOSENDCHANGING) <> 0 then
473     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOSENDCHANGING';
474   if (Flags and SWP_NOSIZE) <> 0 then
475     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOSIZE';
476   if (Flags and SWP_NOZORDER) <> 0 then
477     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_NOZORDER';
478   if (Flags and SWP_SHOWWINDOW) <> 0 then
479     FlagsStr := FlagsStr + '|SWP_SHOWWINDOW';
480   if Length(FlagsStr) > 0 then
481     FlagsStr := Copy(FlagsStr, 2, Length(FlagsStr)-1);
482   Result := FlagsStr;
483 end;
485 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
486   Procedure: GetWin32KeyInfo
487   Params:  Event      - Requested info
488            KeyCode    - the ASCII key code of the eventkey
489            VirtualKey - the virtual key code of the eventkey
490            SysKey     - True If the key is a syskey
491            ExtEnded   - True If the key is an extended key
492            Toggle     - True If the key is a toggle key and its value is on
493   Returns: Nothing
495   GetWin32KeyInfo returns information about the given key event
496  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
497 {
498 procedure GetWin32KeyInfo(const Event: Integer; var KeyCode, VirtualKey: Integer; var SysKey, Extended, Toggle: Boolean);
499 Const
500   MVK_UNIFY_SIDES = 1;
501 Begin
502   //DebugLn('TRACE:Using function GetWin32KeyInfo which isn''t implemented yet');
503   KeyCode := Word(Event);
504   VirtualKey := MapVirtualKey(KeyCode, MVK_UNIFY_SIDES);
505   SysKey := (VirtualKey = VK_SHIFT) Or (VirtualKey = VK_CONTROL) Or (VirtualKey = VK_MENU);
506   ExtEnded := (SysKey) Or (VirtualKey = VK_INSERT) Or (VirtualKey = VK_HOME) Or (VirtualKey = VK_LEFT) Or (VirtualKey = VK_UP) Or (VirtualKey = VK_RIGHT) Or (VirtualKey = VK_DOWN) Or (VirtualKey = VK_PRIOR) Or (VirtualKey = VK_NEXT) Or (VirtualKey = VK_END) Or (VirtualKey = VK_DIVIDE);
507   Toggle := Lo(GetKeyState(VirtualKey)) = 1;
508 End;
509 }
511 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
512   Function: ObjectToHWND
513   Params: AObject - An LCL Object
514   Returns: The Window handle of the given object
516   Returns the Window handle of the given object, 0 if no object available
517  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
ObjectToHWNDnull518 function ObjectToHWND(Const AObject: TObject): HWND;
519 Var
520   Handle: HWND;
521 Begin
522   Handle:=0;
523   If not assigned(AObject) Then
524   Begin
525     Assert (False, 'TRACE:[ObjectToHWND] Object not assigned');
526   End
527   Else If (AObject Is TWinControl) Then
528   Begin
529     If TWinControl(AObject).HandleAllocated Then
530       Handle := TWinControl(AObject).Handle
531   End
532   Else If (AObject Is TMenuItem) Then
533   Begin
534     If TMenuItem(AObject).HandleAllocated Then
535       Handle := TMenuItem(AObject).Handle
536   End
537   Else If (AObject Is TMenu) Then
538   Begin
539     If TMenu(AObject).HandleAllocated Then
540       Handle := TMenu(AObject).Items.Handle
541   End
542 //  Else If (AObject Is TCommonDialog) Then
543 //  Begin
544 //    {If TCommonDialog(AObject).HandleAllocated Then }
545 //    Handle := TCommonDialog(AObject).Handle
546 //  End
547   Else
548   Begin
549     //DebugLn(Format('Trace:[ObjectToHWND] Message received With unhandled class-type <%s>', [AObject.ClassName]));
550   End;
551   Result := Handle;
552   If Handle = 0 Then
553     Assert (False, 'Trace:[ObjectToHWND]****** Warning: handle = 0 *******');
554 end;
BytesPerLinenull556 function BytesPerLine(nWidth, nBitsPerPixel: Integer): PtrUInt;
557 begin
558   Result := ((nWidth * nBitsPerPixel + 31) and (not 31) ) div 8;
559 end;
561 procedure FillRawImageDescriptionColors(var ADesc: TRawImageDescription);
562 begin
563   case ADesc.BitsPerPixel of
564     1,4,8:
565       begin
566         // palette mode, no offsets
567         ADesc.Format := ricfGray;
568         ADesc.RedPrec := ADesc.BitsPerPixel;
569         ADesc.GreenPrec := 0;
570         ADesc.BluePrec := 0;
571         ADesc.RedShift := 0;
572         ADesc.GreenShift := 0;
573         ADesc.BlueShift := 0;
574       end;
575     16:
576       begin
577         // 5-6-5 mode
578         //roozbeh all changed from 5-5-5 to 5-6-5
579         ADesc.RedPrec := 5;
580         ADesc.GreenPrec := 6;
581         ADesc.BluePrec := 5;
582         ADesc.RedShift := 11;
583         ADesc.GreenShift := 5;
584         ADesc.BlueShift := 0;
585         ADesc.Depth := 16;
586       end;
587     24:
588       begin
589         // 8-8-8 mode
590         ADesc.RedPrec := 8;
591         ADesc.GreenPrec := 8;
592         ADesc.BluePrec := 8;
593         ADesc.RedShift := 16;
594         ADesc.GreenShift := 8;
595         ADesc.BlueShift := 0;
596       end;
597   else    //  32:
598     // 8-8-8-8 mode, high byte can be native alpha or custom 1bit maskalpha
599     ADesc.AlphaPrec := 8;
600     ADesc.RedPrec := 8;
601     ADesc.GreenPrec := 8;
602     ADesc.BluePrec := 8;
603     ADesc.AlphaShift := 24;
604     ADesc.RedShift := 16;
605     ADesc.GreenShift := 8;
606     ADesc.BlueShift := 0;
607     ADesc.Depth := 32;
608   end;
609 end;
612 procedure FillRawImageDescription(const ABitmapInfo: Windows.TBitmap; out ADesc: TRawImageDescription);
613 begin
614   ADesc.Init;
615   ADesc.Format := ricfRGBA;
616   ADesc.Depth := ABitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel;             // used bits per pixel
617   ADesc.Width := ABitmapInfo.bmWidth;
618   ADesc.Height := ABitmapInfo.bmHeight;
619   ADesc.BitOrder := riboReversedBits;
620   ADesc.ByteOrder := riboLSBFirst;
621   ADesc.LineOrder := riloTopToBottom;
622   ADesc.BitsPerPixel := ABitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel;      // bits per pixel. can be greater than Depth.
623   ADesc.LineEnd := rileDWordBoundary;
625   if ABitmapInfo.bmBitsPixel <= 8
626   then begin
627     // each pixel is an index in the palette
628     // TODO, ColorCount
629     ADesc.PaletteColorCount := 0;
630   end
631   else ADesc.PaletteColorCount := 0;
633   FillRawImageDescriptionColors(ADesc);
635   ADesc.MaskBitsPerPixel := 1;
636   ADesc.MaskShift := 0;
637   ADesc.MaskLineEnd := rileWordBoundary; // CreateBitmap requires word boundary
638   ADesc.MaskBitOrder := riboReversedBits;
639 end;
WinProc_RawImage_FromBitmapnull641 function WinProc_RawImage_FromBitmap(out ARawImage: TRawImage; ABitmap, AMask: HBITMAP; ARect: PRect = nil): Boolean;
642 var
643   WinDIB: Windows.TDIBSection;
644   WinBmp: Windows.TBitmap absolute WinDIB.dsBm;
645   ASize: Integer;
646   R: TRect;
647 begin
648   ARawImage.Init;
649   FillChar(WinDIB, SizeOf(WinDIB), 0);
650   ASize := Windows.GetObject(ABitmap, SizeOf(WinDIB), @WinDIB);
651   if ASize = 0
652   then Exit(False);
654   //DbgDumpBitmap(ABitmap, 'FromBitmap - Image');
655   //DbgDumpBitmap(AMask, 'FromMask - Mask');
657   FillRawImageDescription(WinBmp, ARawImage.Description);
658   // if it is not DIB then alpha in bitmaps is not supported => use 0 alpha prec
659   if ASize < SizeOf(WinDIB) then
660     ARawImage.Description.AlphaPrec := 0;
662   if ARect = nil
663   then begin
664     R := Rect(0, 0, WinBmp.bmWidth, WinBmp.bmHeight);
665   end
666   else begin
667     R := ARect^;
668     if R.Top > WinBmp.bmHeight then
669       R.Top := WinBmp.bmHeight;
670     if R.Bottom > WinBmp.bmHeight then
671       R.Bottom := WinBmp.bmHeight;
672     if R.Left > WinBmp.bmWidth then
673       R.Left := WinBmp.bmWidth;
674     if R.Right > WinBmp.bmWidth then
675       R.Right := WinBmp.bmWidth;
676   end;
678   ARawImage.Description.Width := R.Right - R.Left;
679   ARawImage.Description.Height := R.Bottom - R.Top;
681   // copy bitmap
682   Result := GetBitmapBytes(WinBmp, ABitmap, R, ARawImage.Description.LineEnd, ARawImage.Description.LineOrder, ARawImage.Data, ARawImage.DataSize);
684   // check mask
685   if AMask <> 0 then
686   begin
687     if Windows.GetObject(AMask, SizeOf(WinBmp), @WinBmp) = 0
688     then Exit(False);
690     Result := GetBitmapBytes(WinBmp, AMask, R, ARawImage.Description.MaskLineEnd, ARawImage.Description.LineOrder, ARawImage.Mask, ARawImage.MaskSize);
691   end
692   else begin
693     ARawImage.Description.MaskBitsPerPixel := 0;
694   end;
695 end;
697 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
698   Function: RawImage_CreateBitmaps
699   Params: ARawImage:
700           ABitmap:
701           AMask:
702           ASkipMask: When set there is no mask created
703   Returns:
705  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
706 {$ifdef WinCE}
WinProc_RawImage_CreateBitmapsnull707 function WinProc_RawImage_CreateBitmaps(const ARawImage: TRawImage; out ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ASkipMask: Boolean): Boolean;
708 var
709   ADesc: TRawImageDescription absolute ARawImage.Description;
710   DC: HDC;
711   BitsPtr: Pointer;
712   DataSize: PtrUInt;
713 begin
714   Result := False;
715   AMask := 0;
717   if not ((ADesc.BitsPerPixel = 1) and (ADesc.LineEnd = rileWordBoundary)) then
718   begin
719     DC := Windows.GetDC(0);
720     AMask := 0;
721     ABitmap := CreateDIBSectionFromDescription(DC, ADesc, BitsPtr);
722     //DbgDumpBitmap(ABitmap, 'CreateBitmaps - Image');
723     Windows.ReleaseDC(0, DC);
725     Result := ABitmap <> 0;
726     if not Result then Exit;
727     if BitsPtr = nil then Exit;
729     // copy the image data
730     DataSize := BytesPerLine(ADesc.Width, ADesc.BitsPerPixel) * ADesc.Height;
731     if DataSize > ARawImage.DataSize
732     then DataSize := ARawImage.DataSize;
733     Move(ARawImage.Data^, BitsPtr^, DataSize);
734   end
735   else
736     ABitmap := Windows.CreateBitmap(ADesc.Width, ADesc.Height, 1, 1, ARawImage.Data);
738   if ASkipMask then Exit(True);
740   AMask := Windows.CreateBitmap(ADesc.Width, ADesc.Height, 1, 1, ARawImage.Mask);
741   //DbgDumpBitmap(ABitmap, 'CreateBitmaps - Mask');
742   Result := AMask <> 0;
743 end;
744 {$else}
WinProc_RawImage_CreateBitmapsnull745 function WinProc_RawImage_CreateBitmaps(const ARawImage: TRawImage; out ABitmap, AMask: HBitmap; ASkipMask: Boolean): Boolean;
746 var
747   ADesc: TRawImageDescription absolute ARawImage.Description;
DoBitmapnull749   function DoBitmap: Boolean;
750   var
751     DC: HDC;
752     Info: record
753       Header: Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader;
754       Colors: array[0..1] of Cardinal; // reserve extra color for mono bitmaps
755     end;
756     DstLinePtr, SrcLinePtr: PByte;
757     SrcPixelPtr, DstPixelPtr: PByte;
758     DstLineSize, SrcLineSize: PtrUInt;
759     x, y: Integer;
760     Ridx, Gidx, Bidx, Aidx, Align, SrcBytes, DstBpp: Byte;
761   begin
762     if (ADesc.BitsPerPixel = 1) and (ADesc.LineEnd = rileWordBoundary)
763     then begin
764       // default BW, word aligned bitmap
765       ABitmap := Windows.CreateBitmap(ADesc.Width, ADesc.Height, 1, 1, ARawImage.Data);
766       Exit(ABitmap <> 0);
767     end;
769     // for 24 bits images, BPP can be 24 or 32
770     // 32 shouldn't be use since we don't fill the alpha channel
772     if ADesc.Depth = 24
773     then DstBpp := 24
774     else DstBpp := ADesc.BitsPerPixel;
776     FillChar(Info, SizeOf(Info), 0);
777     Info.Header.biSize := SizeOf(Info.Header);
778     Info.Header.biWidth := ADesc.Width;
779     if ADesc.LineOrder = riloTopToBottom
780     then Info.Header.biHeight := -ADesc.Height // create top to bottom
781     else Info.Header.biHeight := ADesc.Height; // create bottom to top
782     Info.Header.biPlanes := 1;
783     Info.Header.biBitCount := DstBpp;
784     Info.Header.biCompression := BI_RGB;
785     {Info.Header.biSizeImage := 0;}
786     { first color is black, second color is white, for monochrome bitmap }
787     Info.Colors[1] := $FFFFFFFF;
789     DC := Windows.GetDC(0);
790     // Use createDIBSection, since only devicedepth bitmaps can be selected into a DC
791     // when they are created with createDIBitmap
792     //  ABitmap := Windows.CreateDIBitmap(DC, Info.Header, CBM_INIT, ARawImage.Data, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
793     ABitmap := Windows.CreateDIBSection(DC, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, DstLinePtr, 0, 0);
794     Windows.ReleaseDC(0, DC);
796     if ABitmap = 0
797     then begin
798       DebugLn('Windows.CreateDIBSection returns 0. Reason = ' + GetLastErrorText(Windows.GetLastError));
799       Exit(False);
800     end;
801     if DstLinePtr = nil then Exit(False);
803     DstLineSize := Windows.MulDiv(DstBpp, ADesc.Width, 8);
804     // align to DWord
805     Align := DstLineSize and 3;
806     if Align > 0
807     then Inc(DstLineSize, 4 - Align);
809     SrcLinePtr := ARawImage.Data;
810     SrcLineSize := ADesc.BytesPerLine;
812     // copy the image data
813     if ADesc.Depth >= 24
814     then begin
815       // check if a pixel copy is needed
816       // 1) Windows uses alpha channel in 32 bpp modes, despite documentation statement that it is ignored. Tested under Windows XP SP3
817       // Wine also relies on this undocumented behaviour!
818       // So, we need to cut unused A-channel, otherwise we would get black image
819       //
820       // 2) incompatible channel order
821       ADesc.GetRGBIndices(Ridx, Gidx, Bidx, Aidx);
823       if ((ADesc.BitsPerPixel = 32) and (ADesc.Depth = 24))
824       or (Bidx <> 0) or (Gidx <> 1) or (Ridx <> 2)
825       then begin
826         // copy pixels
827         SrcBytes := ADesc.BitsPerPixel div 8;
829         for y := 0 to ADesc.Height - 1 do
830         begin
831           DstPixelPtr := DstLinePtr;
832           SrcPixelPtr := SrcLinePtr;
833           for x := 0 to ADesc.Width - 1 do
834           begin
835             DstPixelPtr[0] := SrcPixelPtr[Bidx];
836             DstPixelPtr[1] := SrcPixelPtr[Gidx];
837             DstPixelPtr[2] := SrcPixelPtr[Ridx];
839             Inc(DstPixelPtr, 3); //move to the next dest RGB triple
840             Inc(SrcPixelPtr, SrcBytes);
841           end;
843           Inc(DstLinePtr, DstLineSize);
844           Inc(SrcLinePtr, SrcLineSize);
845         end;
847         Exit(True);
848       end;
849     end;
851     // no pixelcopy needed
852     // check if we can move using one call
853     if ADesc.LineEnd = rileDWordBoundary
854     then begin
855       Move(SrcLinePtr^, DstLinePtr^, DstLineSize * ADesc.Height);
856       Exit(True);
857     end;
859     //Can't use just one move, as different alignment
860     for y := 0 to ADesc.Height - 1 do
861     begin
862       Move(SrcLinePtr^, DstLinePtr^, DstLineSize);
863       Inc(DstLinePtr, DstLineSize);
864       Inc(SrcLinePtr, SrcLineSize);
865     end;
867     Result := True;
868   end;
870 begin
871   AMask := 0;
872   Result := DoBitmap;
873   if not Result then Exit;
875   //DbgDumpBitmap(ABitmap, 'CreateBitmaps - Image');
876   if ASkipMask then Exit;
878   AMask := Windows.CreateBitmap(ADesc.Width, ADesc.Height, 1, 1, ARawImage.Mask);
879   if AMask = 0 then
880     DebugLn('Windows.CreateBitmap returns 0. Reason = ' + GetLastErrorText(Windows.GetLastError));
881   Result := AMask <> 0;
882   //DbgDumpBitmap(AMask, 'CreateBitmaps - Mask');
883 end;
884 {$endif}
886 function CreateDIBSectionFromDescription(ADC: HDC; const ADesc: TRawImageDescription; out ABitsPtr: Pointer): HBITMAP;
887   function GetMask(APrec, AShift: Byte): Cardinal;
888   begin
889     Result := ($FFFFFFFF shr (32-APrec)) shl AShift;
890   end;
892 var
893   Info: record
894     Header: Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader;
895     Colors: array[0..3] of Cardinal; // reserve extra color for colormasks
896   end;
897 begin
898   FillChar(Info, sizeof(Info), 0);
899   Info.Header.biSize := sizeof(Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader);
900   Info.Header.biWidth := ADesc.Width;
901   Info.Header.biHeight := -ADesc.Height;
902   Info.Header.biPlanes := 1;
903   Info.Header.biBitCount := ADesc.BitsPerPixel;
904   // TODO: palette support
905   Info.Header.biClrUsed := 0;
906   Info.Header.biClrImportant := 0;
907   Info.Header.biSizeImage := BytesPerLine(Info.Header.biWidth, Info.Header.biBitCount) * ADesc.Height;
908   // CE only supports bitfields
909   if ADesc.BitsPerPixel > 8
910   then Info.Header.biCompression := BI_BITFIELDS
911   else Info.Header.biCompression := BI_RGB;
913   if ADesc.BitsPerPixel = 1
914   then begin
915     // mono bitmap: first color is black, second is white
916     Info.Colors[1] := $FFFFFFFF;
917   end
918   else begin
919     // when 24bpp, CE only supports B8G8R8 encoding
920     // TODO: check the description
921     Info.Colors[0] := GetMask(ADesc.RedPrec, ADesc.RedShift);
922     Info.Colors[1] := GetMask(ADesc.GreenPrec, ADesc.GreenShift);
923     Info.Colors[2] := GetMask(ADesc.BluePrec, ADesc.BlueShift);
924   end;
926   // Use createDIBSection, since only devicedepth bitmaps can be selected into a DC
927   // when they are created with createDIBitmap
928   Result := Windows.CreateDIBSection(ADC, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ABitsPtr, 0, 0);
930   //DbgDumpBitmap(Result, 'CreateDIBSectionFromDescription - Image');
931 end;
933 function CreateDIBSectionFromDDB(ASource: HBitmap; out ABitsPtr: Pointer): HBitmap;
934 var
935   ADC, SrcDC, DstDC: HDC;
936   ADesc: TRawImageDescription;
937   SrcOldBm, DstOldBm: HBitmap;
938 begin
939   Result := 0;
941   // get source bitmap description
942   if not RawImage_DescriptionFromBitmap(ASource, ADesc) then
943     Exit;
945   // create apropriate dib section
946   ADC := GetDC(0);
947   Result := CreateDIBSectionFromDescription(ADC, ADesc, ABitsPtr);
948   ReleaseDC(0, ADC);
950   if Result = 0 then
951     Exit;
953   // copy source bitmap into destination
954   SrcDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
955   SrcOldBm := SelectObject(SrcDC, ASource);
956   DstDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0);
957   DstOldBm := SelectObject(DstDC, Result);
958   Windows.BitBlt(DstDC, 0, 0, ADesc.Width, ADesc.Height, SrcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
959   SelectObject(SrcDC, SrcOldBm);
960   SelectObject(DstDC, DstOldBm);
961   DeleteDC(SrcDC);
962   DeleteDC(DstDC);
963 end;
965 {$ifndef Wince}
966 function GetBitmapOrder(AWinBmp: Windows.TBitmap; ABitmap: HBITMAP): TRawImageLineOrder;
967   procedure DbgLog(const AFunc: String);
968   begin
969     DebugLn('GetBitmapOrder - GetDIBits ', AFunc, ' failed: ', GetLastErrorText(Windows.GetLastError));
970   end;
972 var
973   SrcPixel: PCardinal absolute AWinBmp.bmBits;
974   OrgPixel, TstPixel: Cardinal;
975   Scanline: Pointer;
976   DC: HDC;
977   Info: record
978     Header: Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader;
979     Colors: array[Byte] of Cardinal; // reserve extra color for colormasks
980   end;
982   FullScanLine: Boolean; // win9x requires a full scanline to be retrieved
983                          // others won't fail when one pixel is requested
984 begin
985   if AWinBmp.bmBits = nil
986   then begin
987     // no DIBsection so always bottom-up
988     Exit(riloBottomToTop);
989   end;
991   // try to figure out the orientation of the given bitmap.
992   // Unfortunately MS doesn't provide a direct function for this.
993   // So modify the first pixel to see if it changes. This pixel is always part
994   // of the first scanline of the given bitmap.
995   // When we request the data through GetDIBits as bottom-up, windows adjusts
996   // the data when it is a top-down. So if the pixel doesn't change the bitmap
997   // was internally a top-down image.
999   FullScanLine := Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
1000   if FullScanLine
1001   then ScanLine := GetMem(AWinBmp.bmWidthBytes);
1003   FillChar(Info.Header, sizeof(Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader), 0);
1004   Info.Header.biSize := sizeof(Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader);
1005   DC := Windows.GetDC(0);
1006   if Windows.GetDIBits(DC, ABitmap, 0, 1, nil, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS) = 0
1007   then begin
1008     DbgLog('Getinfo');
1009     // failed ???
1010     Windows.ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1011     Exit(riloBottomToTop);
1012   end;
1014   // Get only 1 pixel (or full scanline for win9x)
1015   OrgPixel := 0;
1016   if FullScanLine
1017   then begin
1018     if Windows.GetDIBits(DC, ABitmap, 0, 1, ScanLine, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS) = 0
1019     then DbgLog('OrgPixel')
1020     else OrgPixel := PCardinal(ScanLine)^;
1021   end
1022   else begin
1023     Info.Header.biWidth := 1;
1024     if Windows.GetDIBits(DC, ABitmap, 0, 1, @OrgPixel, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS) = 0
1025     then DbgLog('OrgPixel');
1026   end;
1028   // modify pixel
1029   SrcPixel^ := not SrcPixel^;
1031   // get test
1032   TstPixel := 0;
1033   if FullScanLine
1034   then begin
1035     if Windows.GetDIBits(DC, ABitmap, 0, 1, ScanLine, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS) = 0
1036     then DbgLog('TstPixel')
1037     else TstPixel := PCardinal(ScanLine)^;
1038   end
1039   else begin
1040     if Windows.GetDIBits(DC, ABitmap, 0, 1, @TstPixel, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS) = 0
1041     then DbgLog('TstPixel');
1042   end;
1044   if OrgPixel = TstPixel
1045   then Result := riloTopToBottom
1046   else Result := riloBottomToTop;
1048   // restore pixel & cleanup
1049   SrcPixel^ := not SrcPixel^;
1050   Windows.ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1051   if FullScanLine
1052   then FreeMem(Scanline);
1053 end;
1054 {$endif}
1056 {$ifdef WinCE}
GetBitmapBytesnull1057 //function GetBitmapBytes(ABitmap: HBITMAP; const ARect: TRect; ALineEnd: TRawImageLineEnd; var AData: Pointer; var ADataSize: PtrUInt): Boolean;
1058 function GetBitmapBytes(AWinBmp: Windows.TBitmap; ABitmap: HBITMAP; const ARect: TRect; ALineEnd: TRawImageLineEnd; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; out AData: Pointer; out ADataSize: PtrUInt): Boolean;
1059 var
1060   Section: Windows.TDIBSection;
1061   DIBCopy: HBitmap;
1062   DIBData: Pointer;
1063 begin
1064   Result := False;
1065   // first try if the bitmap is created as section
1066   if (Windows.GetObject(ABitmap, SizeOf(Section), @Section) > 0) and (Section.dsBm.bmBits <> nil)
1067   then begin
1068     with Section.dsBm do
1069       Result := CopyImageData(bmWidth, bmHeight, bmWidthBytes, bmBitsPixel, bmBits, ARect, riloTopToBottom, riloTopToBottom, ALineEnd, AData, ADataSize);
1070     Exit;
1071   end;
1073   // bitmap is not a section, retrieve only bitmap
1074   if Windows.GetObject(ABitmap, SizeOf(Section.dsBm), @Section) = 0
1075   then Exit;
1077   DIBCopy := CreateDIBSectionFromDDB(ABitmap, DIBData);
1078   if DIBCopy = 0 then
1079     Exit;
1080   if (Windows.GetObject(DIBCopy, SizeOf(Section), @Section) > 0) and (Section.dsBm.bmBits <> nil)
1081   then begin
1082     with Section.dsBm do
1083       Result := CopyImageData(bmWidth, bmHeight, bmWidthBytes, bmBitsPixel, bmBits, ARect, riloTopToBottom, riloTopToBottom, ALineEnd, AData, ADataSize);
1084   end;
1086   DeleteObject(DIBCopy);
1088   Result := True;
1089 end;
1090 {$else}
GetBitmapBytesnull1091 function GetBitmapBytes(AWinBmp: Windows.TBitmap; ABitmap: HBITMAP; const ARect: TRect; ALineEnd: TRawImageLineEnd; ALineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder; out AData: Pointer; out ADataSize: PtrUInt): Boolean;
1092 var
1093   DC: HDC;
1094   Info: record
1095     Header: Windows.TBitmapInfoHeader;
1096     Colors: array[Byte] of TRGBQuad; // reserve extra colors for palette (256 max)
1097   end;
1098   H: Cardinal;
1099   R: TRect;
1100   SrcData: PByte;
1101   SrcSize: PtrUInt;
1102   SrcLineBytes: Cardinal;
1103   SrcLineOrder: TRawImageLineOrder;
1104   StartScan: Integer;
1105 begin
1106   SrcLineOrder := GetBitmapOrder(AWinBmp, ABitmap);
1107   SrcLineBytes := (AWinBmp.bmWidthBytes + 3) and not 3;
1109   if AWinBmp.bmBits <> nil
1110   then begin
1111     // this is bitmapsection data :) we can just copy the bits
1113     // We cannot trust windows with bmWidthBytes. Use SrcLineBytes which takes
1114     // DWORD alignment into consideration
1115     with AWinBmp do
1116       Result := CopyImageData(bmWidth, bmHeight, SrcLineBytes, bmBitsPixel, bmBits, ARect, SrcLineOrder, ALineOrder, ALineEnd, AData, ADataSize);
1117     Exit;
1118   end;
1120   // retrieve the data though GetDIBits
1122   // initialize bitmapinfo structure
1123   Info.Header.biSize := sizeof(Info.Header);
1124   Info.Header.biPlanes := 1;
1125   Info.Header.biBitCount := AWinBmp.bmBitsPixel;
1126   Info.Header.biCompression := BI_RGB;
1127   Info.Header.biSizeImage := 0;
1129   Info.Header.biWidth := AWinBmp.bmWidth;
1130   H := ARect.Bottom - ARect.Top;
1131   // request a top-down DIB
1132   if AWinBmp.bmHeight > 0
1133   then begin
1134     Info.Header.biHeight := -AWinBmp.bmHeight;
1135     StartScan := AWinBmp.bmHeight - ARect.Bottom;
1136   end
1137   else begin
1138     Info.Header.biHeight := AWinBmp.bmHeight;
1139     StartScan := ARect.Top;
1140   end;
1141   // adjust height
1142   if StartScan < 0
1143   then begin
1144     Inc(H, StartScan);
1145     StartScan := 0;
1146   end;
1148   // alloc buffer
1149   SrcSize := SrcLineBytes * H;
1150   GetMem(SrcData, SrcSize);
1152   DC := Windows.GetDC(0);
1153   Result := Windows.GetDIBits(DC, ABitmap, StartScan, H, SrcData, Windows.PBitmapInfo(@Info)^, DIB_RGB_COLORS) <> 0;
1154   Windows.ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1156   // since we only got the needed scanlines, adjust top and bottom
1157   R.Left := ARect.Left;
1158   R.Top := 0;
1159   R.Right := ARect.Right;
1160   R.Bottom := H;
1162   with Info.Header do
1163     Result := Result and CopyImageData(biWidth, H, SrcLineBytes, biBitCount, SrcData, R, riloTopToBottom, ALineOrder, ALineEnd, AData, ADataSize);
1165   FreeMem(SrcData);
1166 end;
1167 {$endif}
IsAlphaBitmapnull1169 function IsAlphaBitmap(ABitmap: HBITMAP): Boolean;
1170 var
1171   Info: Windows.BITMAP;
1172 begin
1173   FillChar(Info, SizeOf(Info), 0);
1174   Result := (GetObject(ABitmap, SizeOf(Info), @Info) <> 0)
1175         and (Info.bmBitsPixel = 32);
1176 end;
IsAlphaDCnull1178 function IsAlphaDC(ADC: HDC): Boolean;
1179 begin
1180   Result := (GetObjectType(ADC) = OBJ_MEMDC)
1181         and IsAlphaBitmap(GetCurrentObject(ADC, OBJ_BITMAP));
1182 end;
GetLastErrorTextnull1184 function GetLastErrorText(AErrorCode: Cardinal): WideString;
1185 var
1186   r: cardinal;
1187   tmp: PWideChar;
1188 begin
1189   tmp := nil;
1190   r := Windows.FormatMessage(
1192     nil, AErrorCode, LANG_NEUTRAL, @tmp, 0, nil);
1194   if r = 0 then Exit('');
1196   Result := tmp;
1197   SetLength(Result, Length(Result)-2);
1199   if tmp <> nil
1200   then LocalFree(HLOCAL(tmp));
1201 end;
1203 (***********************************************************************
1204   Widget member Functions
1205 ************************************************************************)
1207 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1208   function LCLBoundsNeedsUpdate(Sender: TWinControl;
1209     SendSizeMsgOnDiff: boolean): boolean;
1211   Returns true if LCL bounds and win32 bounds differ for the control.
1212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
LCLControlSizeNeedsUpdatenull1213 function LCLControlSizeNeedsUpdate(Sender: TWinControl;
1214   SendSizeMsgOnDiff: boolean): boolean;
1215 var
1216   Window:HWND;
1217   LMessage: TLMSize;
1218   IntfWidth, IntfHeight: integer;
1219 begin
1220   Result:=false;
1221   Window:= Sender.Handle;
1222   LCLIntf.GetWindowSize(Window, IntfWidth, IntfHeight);
1223   if (Sender.Width = IntfWidth)
1224   and (Sender.Height = IntfHeight)
1225   and (not Sender.ClientRectNeedsInterfaceUpdate) then
1226     exit;
1227   Result:=true;
1228   if SendSizeMsgOnDiff then
1229   begin
1230     //writeln('LCLBoundsNeedsUpdate B ',TheWinControl.Name,':',TheWinControl.ClassName,' Sending WM_SIZE');
1231     Sender.InvalidateClientRectCache(true);
1232     // send message directly to LCL, some controls not subclassed -> message
1233     // never reaches LCL
1234     with LMessage do
1235     begin
1236       Msg := LM_SIZE;
1237       SizeType := SIZE_RESTORED or Size_SourceIsInterface;
1238       Width := IntfWidth;
1239       Height := IntfHeight;
1240     end;
1241     DeliverMessage(Sender, LMessage);
1242   end;
1243 end;
1245 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1246   function GetLCLClientOriginOffset(Sender: TObject;
1247     var LeftOffset, TopOffset: integer): boolean;
1249   Returns the difference between the client origin of a win32 handle
1250   and the definition of the LCL counterpart.
1251   For example:
1252     TGroupBox's client area is the area inside the groupbox frame.
1253     Hence, the LeftOffset is the frame width and the TopOffset is the caption
1254     height.
1255 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
GetLCLClientBoundsOffsetnull1256 function GetLCLClientBoundsOffset(Sender: TObject; var ORect: TRect): boolean;
1257 var
1258   TM: TextMetric;
1259   DC: HDC;
1260   Handle: HWND;
1261   TheWinControl: TWinControl;
1262   ARect: TRect;
1263   Ignore: Integer;
1264 begin
1265   Result:=false;
1266   if (Sender = nil) or (not (Sender is TWinControl)) then exit;
1267   TheWinControl:=TWinControl(Sender);
1268   FillChar(ORect, SizeOf(ORect), 0);
1269   if not TheWinControl.HandleAllocated then exit;
1270   Handle := TheWinControl.Handle;
1271   if TheWinControl is TScrollingWinControl then
1272     with TScrollingWinControl(TheWinControl) do
1273     begin
1274       if HorzScrollBar <> nil then
1275       begin
1276         // left and right bounds are shifted by scroll position
1277         ORect.Left := -HorzScrollBar.Position;
1278         ORect.Right := -HorzScrollBar.Position;
1279       end;
1280       if VertScrollBar <> nil then
1281       begin
1282         // top and bottom bounds are shifted by scroll position
1283         ORect.Top := -VertScrollBar.Position;
1284         ORect.Bottom := -VertScrollBar.Position;
1285       end;
1286     end;
1288   {$ifdef DEBUG_WINDOW_ORG}
1289   DebugLn(
1290     Format('GetLCLClientBoundsOffset Name=%s OLeft=%d OTop=%d ORight=%d OBottom=%d',
1291      [TheWinControl.Name, ORect.Left, ORect.Top, ORect.Right, ORect.Bottom]));
1292   {$endif}
1294   Result := True;
1295 end;
GetLCLClientBoundsOffsetnull1297 function GetLCLClientBoundsOffset(Handle: TWindowInfo; var Rect: TRect): boolean;
1298 var
1299   OwnerObject: TObject;
1300 begin
1301   OwnerObject := TWindowInfo(Handle).LCLForm;
1302   Result:=GetLCLClientBoundsOffset(OwnerObject, Rect);
1303 end;
1305 procedure LCLBoundsToWin32Bounds(Sender: TObject; var Left, Top: Integer);
1306 var
1307   ORect: TRect;
1308 Begin
1309   if (Sender=nil) or (not (Sender is TWinControl)) then exit;
1310   if not GetLCLClientBoundsOffset(TWinControl(Sender).Parent, ORect) then exit;
1311   inc(Left, ORect.Left);
1312   inc(Top, ORect.Top);
1313 End;
1315 procedure LCLFormSizeToWin32Size(Form: TCustomForm; var AWidth, AHeight: Integer);
1316 {$NOTE Should be moved to WSWin32Forms, if the windowproc is splitted}
1317 var
1318   SizeRect: Windows.RECT;
1319   BorderStyle: TFormBorderStyle;
1320 begin
1321   with SizeRect do
1322   begin
1323     Left := 0;
1324     Top := 0;
1325     Right := AWidth;
1326     Bottom := AHeight;
1327   end;
1328   BorderStyle := Form.BorderStyle;
1329   Windows.AdjustWindowRectEx(@SizeRect, BorderStyleToWinAPIFlags(
1330       BorderStyle), false, BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsEx(Form, BorderStyle));
1331   AWidth := SizeRect.Right - SizeRect.Left;
1332   AHeight := SizeRect.Bottom - SizeRect.Top;
1333 end;
1335 procedure GetWin32ControlPos(Window, Parent: HWND; var Left, Top: integer);
1336 var
1337   parRect, winRect: Windows.TRect;
1338 begin
1339   Windows.GetWindowRect(Window, @winRect);
1340   Windows.GetWindowRect(Parent, @parRect);
1341   Left := winRect.Left - parRect.Left;
1342   Top := winRect.Top - parRect.Top;
1343 end;
GetWindowInfonull1345 function GetWindowInfo(AWindow: HWND): TWindowInfo;
1346 begin
1347   Result := TWindowInfo(FindFormWithNativeHandle(AWindow));
1348   if Result = nil then Result := DefaultWindowInfo;
1349 end;
1351 {
1352   Updates the window style of the window indicated by Handle.
1353   The new style is the Style parameter.
1354   Only the bits set in the StyleMask are changed,
1355   the other bits remain untouched.
1356   If the bits in the StyleMask are not used in the Style,
1357   there are cleared.
1358 }
1359 procedure UpdateWindowStyle(Handle: HWnd; Style: integer; StyleMask: integer);
1360 var
1361   CurrentStyle,
1362   NewStyle : PtrInt;
1363 begin
1364   CurrentStyle := Windows.GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE);
1365   NewStyle := (Style and StyleMask) or (CurrentStyle and (not StyleMask));
1366   Windows.SetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_STYLE, NewStyle);
1367 end;
BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsnull1369 function BorderStyleToWinAPIFlags(Style: TFormBorderStyle): DWORD;
1370 begin
1372   case Application.ApplicationType of
1373   { Under Desktop or Handheld mode we get an application which
1374     looks similar to a desktop one, with sizable windows }
1375     atDesktop:
1376       begin
1377         case Style of
1378         bsSizeable, bsSizeToolWin:
1379           Result := Result or (WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_THICKFRAME or WS_CAPTION);
1380         bsSingle, bsToolWindow:
1381           Result := Result or (WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_BORDER or WS_CAPTION);
1382         bsDialog:
1383           Result := Result or (WS_POPUP or WS_BORDER or WS_CAPTION);
1384         bsNone:
1385           Result := Result or WS_POPUP;
1386         end;
1387       end;
1388     { Under PDA or Smartphone modes most windows are enlarged to fit the screen
1389       Dialogs and borderless windows are exceptions }
1390     atPDA, atKeyPadDevice, atDefault:
1391       begin
1392         case Style of
1393         bsDialog:
1394           Result := Result or (WS_POPUP or WS_BORDER or WS_CAPTION);
1395         bsNone:
1396           Result := Result or WS_POPUP;
1397         else
1398           Result := 0; // Never add WS_VISIBLE here, bug http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=12193
1399         end;
1400       end;
1401   end;
1402 end;
BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsExnull1404 function BorderStyleToWinAPIFlagsEx(AForm: TCustomForm; Style: TFormBorderStyle): DWORD;
1405 begin
1406   Result := 0;
1408   case Application.ApplicationType of
1410     atDesktop:
1411     begin
1412       case Style of
1413       bsDialog:
1415       bsToolWindow, bsSizeToolWin:
1416         Result := WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
1417       end;
1418     end;
1420     atPDA, atKeyPadDevice, atDefault:
1421     begin
1422       {$ifdef WinCE}
1423       // Adds an "OK" close button to the title bar instead of the standard
1424       // "X" minimize button, unless the developer overrides that decision
1425       case CDWidgetSet.WinCETitlePolicy of
1427         tpAlwaysUseOKButton: Result := WS_EX_CAPTIONOKBTN;
1430         tpControlWithBorderIcons:
1431         begin
1432           if not (biMinimize in AForm.BorderIcons) then Result := WS_EX_CAPTIONOKBTN;
1433         end;
1434       else
1435         if Style = bsDialog then Result := WS_EX_CAPTIONOKBTN;
1436       end;
1437       {$endif}
1438     end;
1440   end;
1441 end;
GetFileVersionnull1443 function GetFileVersion(FileName: string): dword;
1444 var
1445   buf: pointer;
1446   lenBuf: dword;
1447   fixedInfo: ^VS_FIXEDFILEINFO;
1448   WideBuffer: widestring;
1449 begin
1450   Result := $FFFFFFFF;
1451   WideBuffer := UTF8Decode(FileName);
1452   lenBuf := GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(PWideChar(WideBuffer), lenBuf);
1453   if lenBuf > 0 then
1454   begin
1455     GetMem(buf, lenBuf);
1456     if GetFileVersionInfoW(PWideChar(WideBuffer), 0, lenBuf, buf) then
1457     begin
1458       VerQueryValue(buf, '\', pointer(fixedInfo), lenBuf);
1459       Result := fixedInfo^.dwFileVersionMS;
1460     end;
1461     FreeMem(buf);
1462   end;
1463 end;
EnumStayOnTopRemovenull1465 function EnumStayOnTopRemove(Handle: HWND; Param: LPARAM): WINBOOL; stdcall;
1466 var
1467   StayOnTopWindowsInfo: PStayOnTopWindowsInfo absolute Param;
1468   lWindowInfo: TWindowInfo;
1469   lWinControl: TWinControl;
1470 begin
1471 {  Result := True;
1472   if ((GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and WS_EX_TOPMOST) <> 0) then
1473   begin
1474     // Don't remove system-wide stay on top, unless desired
1475     if not StayOnTopWindowsInfo^.SystemTopAlso then
1476     begin
1477       lWindowInfo := TWindowInfo(FindFormWithNativeHandle(Handle));
1478       if Assigned(lWindowInfo) then
1479       begin
1480         lWinControl := lWindowInfo.LCLForm;
1481         if (lWinControl is TCustomForm) and
1482           (TCustomForm(lWinControl).FormStyle = fsSystemStayOnTop) then
1483         Exit;
1484       end;
1485     end;
1487     StayOnTopWindowsInfo^.StayOnTopList.Add(Pointer(Handle));
1488   end;}
1489 end;
1491 procedure RemoveStayOnTopFlags(AppHandle: HWND; ASystemTopAlso: Boolean = False);
1492 var
1493   StayOnTopWindowsInfo: PStayOnTopWindowsInfo;
1494   WindowInfo: TWindowInfo;
1495   I: Integer;
1496 begin
1497 {  //WriteLn('RemoveStayOnTopFlags ', InRemoveStayOnTopFlags);
1498   if InRemoveStayOnTopFlags = 0 then
1499   begin
1500     New(StayOnTopWindowsInfo);
1501     StayOnTopWindowsInfo^.AppHandle := AppHandle;
1502     StayOnTopWindowsInfo^.SystemTopAlso := ASystemTopAlso;
1503     StayOnTopWindowsInfo^.StayOnTopList := TList.Create;
1504     WindowInfo := GetWindowInfo(AppHandle);
1505     WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList := StayOnTopWindowsInfo^.StayOnTopList;
1506     EnumThreadWindows(GetWindowThreadProcessId(AppHandle, nil),
1507       @EnumStayOnTopRemove, LPARAM(StayOnTopWindowsInfo));
1508     for I := 0 to WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList.Count - 1 do
1509       SetWindowPos(HWND(WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList[I]), HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1511     Dispose(StayOnTopWindowsInfo);
1512   end;
1513   inc(InRemoveStayOnTopFlags);}
1514 end;
1516 procedure RestoreStayOnTopFlags(AppHandle: HWND);
1517 var
1518   WindowInfo: TWindowInfo;
1519   I: integer;
1520 begin
1521 {  //WriteLn('RestoreStayOnTopFlags ', InRemoveStayOnTopFlags);
1522   if InRemoveStayOnTopFlags = 1 then
1523   begin
1524     WindowInfo := GetWindowInfo(AppHandle);
1525     if WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList <> nil then
1526     begin
1527       for I := 0 to WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList.Count - 1 do
1528         SetWindowPos(HWND(WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList.Items[I]),
1529           HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1531       FreeAndNil(WindowInfo^.StayOnTopList);
1532     end;
1533   end;
1534   if InRemoveStayOnTopFlags > 0 then
1535     dec(InRemoveStayOnTopFlags);}
1536 end;
WndClassNamenull1538 function WndClassName(Wnd: HWND): String; inline;
1539 var
1540   winClassName: array[0..19] of widechar;
1541 begin
1542   GetClassName(Wnd, @winClassName, 20);
1543   Result := winClassName;
1544 end;
IsAlienWindownull1546 function IsAlienWindow(Wnd: HWND): Boolean;
1548 const
1549   // list window class names is taken here:
1550   // http://www.pocketpcdn.com/print/articles/?&atb.set(c_id)=51&atb.set(a_id)=7165&atb.perform(details)=
1551   AlienWindowClasses: array[0..7] of String =
1552   (
1553     'menu_worker',        // can be also found by SHFindMenuBar
1554     'MS_SOFTKEY_CE_1.0',  // google about that one. as I understand it related to bottom menu too
1555     'Default Ime',
1556     'Ime',
1557     'static',
1558     'OLEAUT32',
1559     'FAKEIMEUI',
1560     'tooltips_class32'
1561   );
1563 var
1564   i: integer;
1565   WndName: String;
1566 begin
1567   WndName := WndClassName(Wnd);
1568   Result := False;
1569   for i := Low(AlienWindowClasses) to High(AlienWindowClasses) do
1570     if WndName = AlienWindowClasses[i] then
1571       Exit(True);
1572 end;
1574 {procedure LogWindow(Window: HWND);
1575 begin
1576   DbgAppendToFile(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + '1.log',
1577     'Window = ' + IntToStr(Window) + ' ClassName = ' + WndClassName(Window) + ' Thread id = ' + IntToStr(GetWindowThreadProcessId(Window, nil)));
1578 end;}
MeasureTextnull1580 function MeasureText(const AWinControl: TWinControl; Text: string; var Width, Height: integer): boolean;
1581 var
1582   textSize: Windows.SIZE;
1583   winHandle: HWND;
1584   canvasHandle: HDC;
1585   oldFontHandle: HFONT;
1586 begin
1587   winHandle := AWinControl.Handle;
1588   canvasHandle := GetDC(winHandle);
1589   oldFontHandle := SelectObject(canvasHandle, Windows.SendMessage(winHandle, WM_GetFont, 0, 0));
1590   DeleteAmpersands(Text);
1592   Result := LCLIntf.GetTextExtentPoint32(canvasHandle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), textSize);
1594   if Result then
1595   begin
1596     Width := textSize.cx;
1597     Height := textSize.cy;
1598   end;
1599   SelectObject(canvasHandle, oldFontHandle);
1600   ReleaseDC(winHandle, canvasHandle);
1601 end;
GetControlTextnull1603 function GetControlText(AHandle: HWND): string;
1604 var
1605   TextLen: dword;
1606   tmpWideStr: WideString;
1607 begin
1608   TextLen := GetWindowTextLength(AHandle);
1609   SetLength(tmpWideStr, TextLen+1);
1610   GetWindowTextW(AHandle, PWideChar(tmpWideStr), TextLen + 1);
1611   Result := UTF8Encode(tmpWideStr);
1612 end;
1614 procedure WideStrCopy(Dest, Src: PWideChar);
1615 var
1616   counter : longint;
1617 Begin
1618   counter := 0;
1619   while Src[counter] <> #0 do
1620   begin
1621     Dest[counter] := Src[counter];
1622     Inc(counter);
1623   end;
1624   Dest[counter] := #0;
1625 end;
1627 { Exactly equal to StrLCopy but for PWideChars
1628   Copyes a widestring up to a maximal length, in WideChars }
WideStrLCopynull1629 function WideStrLCopy(dest, source: PWideChar; maxlen: SizeInt): PWideChar;
1630 var
1631   counter: SizeInt;
1632 begin
1633   counter := 0;
1635   while (Source[counter] <> #0)  and (counter < MaxLen) do
1636   begin
1637     Dest[counter] := Source[counter];
1638     Inc(counter);
1639   end;
1641   { terminate the string }
1642   Dest[counter] := #0;
1643   Result := Dest;
1644 end;
WideStrCmpnull1646 function WideStrCmp(W1, W2: PWideChar): Integer;
1647 var
1648   counter: Integer;
1649 Begin
1650   counter := 0;
1651   While W1[counter] = W2[counter] do
1652   Begin
1653     if (W2[counter] = #0) or (W1[counter] = #0) then
1654        break;
1655     Inc(counter);
1656   end;
1657   Result := ord(W1[counter]) - ord(W2[counter]);
1658 end;
GetWinCEPlatformnull1660 function GetWinCEPlatform: TApplicationType;
1661 {$ifdef MSWindows}
1662 begin
1663   Result := atDesktop;
1664 end;
1665 {$else}
1666 var
1667   buf: array[0..50] of WideChar;
1668 begin
1669   Result := atDefault;
1671   if Windows.SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETPLATFORMTYPE, sizeof(buf), @buf, 0) then
1672   begin
1673     if WideStrCmp(@buf, 'PocketPC') = 0 then
1674       Result := atPDA
1675     else if WideStrCmp(@buf, 'SmartPhone') = 0 then
1676       Result := atKeyPadDevice
1677     else
1678       // Other devices can set anything for the platform name,
1679       // see http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=16615
1680       // Here we just suppose that they are atDesktop
1681       Result := atDesktop;
1682   end
1683   else if GetLastError = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED then
1684     Result := atKeyPadDevice
1685   else
1686     Result := atPDA;
1687 end;
1688 {$endif}
IsHiResModenull1690 function IsHiResMode: Boolean;
1691 begin
1692   {$ifdef MSWindows}
1693   Result := False;
1694   {$else}
1695   Result := Screen.Width > 240;
1696   {$endif}
1697 end;
1700 {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1701   procedure AddToChangedMenus(Window: HWnd);
1703   Adds Window to the list of windows which need to redraw the main menu.
1704 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1705 procedure AddToChangedMenus(Window: HWnd);
1706 begin
1707   if ChangedMenus.IndexOf(Pointer(Window)) = -1 then // Window handle is not yet in the list
1708     ChangedMenus.Add(Pointer(Window));
1709 end;
1711 {------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1712   Method: RedrawMenus
1713   Params:  None
1714   Returns: Nothing
1716   Redraws all changed menus
1717  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1718 procedure RedrawMenus;
1719 var
1720   I: integer;
1721 begin
1722   for I := 0 to  ChangedMenus.Count - 1 do
1723     DrawMenuBar(HWND(ChangedMenus[I]));
1724   ChangedMenus.Clear;
1725 end;
1727 procedure UpdateWindowsVersion;
1728 {$ifdef WinCE}
1729 var
1730   versionInfo: OSVERSIONINFO;
1731 begin
1732   WindowsVersion := wince_other;
1734   System.FillChar(versionInfo, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO), #0);
1735   versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
1737   if GetVersionEx(@versionInfo) then
1738   begin
1739     case versionInfo.dwMajorVersion of
1740     1: WindowsVersion := wince_1;
1741     2: WindowsVersion := Wince_2;
1742     3: WindowsVersion := Wince_3;
1743     4: WindowsVersion := Wince_4;
1744     5:
1745     begin
1746       if versionInfo.dwMinorVersion = 2 then WindowsVersion := Wince_6
1747       else WindowsVersion := Wince_5;
1748     end;
1749     6: WindowsVersion := Wince_6;
1750     end;
1751   end;
1752 end;
1753 {$else}
1754 begin
1755   case Win32MajorVersion of
1756     0..3:;
1757     4: begin
1758      if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
1759      then WindowsVersion := wvNT4
1760      else
1761        case Win32MinorVersion of
1762          10: WindowsVersion := wv98;
1763          90: WindowsVersion := wvME;
1764        else
1765          WindowsVersion :=wv95;
1766        end;
1767     end;
1768     5: begin
1769      case Win32MinorVersion of
1770        0: WindowsVersion := wv2000;
1771        1: WindowsVersion := wvXP;
1772      else
1773        // XP64 has also a 5.2 version
1774        // we could detect that based on arch and versioninfo.Producttype
1775        WindowsVersion := wvServer2003;
1776      end;
1777     end;
1778     6: begin
1779      case Win32MinorVersion of
1780        0: WindowsVersion := wvVista;
1781        1: WindowsVersion := wv7;
1782      else
1783        WindowsVersion := wvLater;
1784      end;
1785     end;
1786   else
1787     WindowsVersion := wvLater;
1788   end;
1789 end;
1790 {$endif}
1792 initialization
1793   DefaultWindowInfo := TWindowInfo.Create;
1794   WindowInfoAtom := Windows.GlobalAddAtom('WindowInfo');
1795   ChangedMenus := TList.Create;
1796   UpdateWindowsVersion();
1798 finalization
1799   Windows.GlobalDeleteAtom(WindowInfoAtom);
1800   WindowInfoAtom := 0;
1801   ChangedMenus.Free;
1802 end.