1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     A simple C parser.
26   Predefined C macros:
27     __LINE__  current source file line number as decimal
28     __FILE__  current source filename
29     __DATE__  current date: Apr 21 1990 or Jan  1 2008  (note the space in front of the 1)
30     __TIME__  current time "hh:mm:ss"
31     __STDC__  1
34 }
35 //  Predefined gcc macros:
36 //    __attribute__((packed))
37 //      Examples:
38 //        typedef struct {
39 //             uint8_t b[6];
40 //        } __attribute__((packed)) bdaddr_t;
41 //        struct __attribute__((packed)) {
42 //                typeof(*(ptr)) __v;
43 //        } *__p = (void *) (ptr);
45 //union _GFloatIEEE754
46 //{
47 //  gfloat v_float;
48 //  struct {
49 //    guint mantissa : 23;
50 //    guint biased_exponent : 8;
51 //    guint sign : 1;
52 //  } mpn;
53 //};
55 //ToDo:
57 // void * __strong _reserved0;
59 //struct {
60 //       NSUInteger _isEmpty:1;
61 //       NSUInteger _hasSingleRange:1;
62 //       NSUInteger _cacheValid:1;
63 //       NSUInteger _reservedArrayBinderController:29;
64 //   } _indexSetFlags;
65 //
66 //_indexSetFlags: bitpacked record
67 //  _isEmty: 0..1;
68 //  _hasSingleRange: 0..1;
69 //  _cacheValid: 0..1;
70 //  _reservedArrayBinderController: 0..((1 shl 29)-1);
71 //end;
73 //union {
74 //       struct {
75 //           NSRange _range;
76 //       } _singleRange;
77 //       struct {
78 //           void *__strong _data;
79 //           void *_reserved;
80 //       } _multipleRanges;
81 //   } _internal;
82 //
83 //_internal: record
84 //  case byte of
85 //    0: (_singleRange:
86 //          record
87 //            _range: NSRange;
88 //          end;
89 //       );
90 //    1: (_multipleRanges:
91 //          record
92 //            _data: pointer;
93 //            _reserved: pointer;
94 //          end;
95 //       );
96 //end;
98 unit CCodeParserTool;
100 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
102 interface
104 {$I codetools.inc}
106 {off $DEFINE VerboseCCodeParser}
107 {off $DEFINE VerboseCDirectives}
109 uses
111   MemCheck,
112   {$ENDIF}
113   // RTL + FCL
114   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
115   // CodeTools
116   FileProcs, BasicCodeTools, KeywordFuncLists, CodeCache, CodeTree,
117   NonPascalCodeTools, CodeToolsStructs,
118   // LazUtils
119   LazFileUtils, AvgLvlTree;
121 type
122   TCCodeNodeDesc = word;
124 const
125   // descriptors
126   ccnBase           = 1000;
127   ccnNone           =  0+ccnBase;
129   ccnRoot           =  1+ccnBase;
130   ccnDirective      =  2+ccnBase;// e.g. "#define a" ,can be multiple lines, EndPos at line end
131   ccnExternBlock    =  3+ccnBase;// e.g. extern "C" {}
132   ccnEnumBlock      =  4+ccnBase;// e.g. enum {};
133   ccnEnumID         =  5+ccnBase;// e.g. name = value;
134   ccnConstant       =  6+ccnBase;// e.g. 1
135   ccnTypedef        =  7+ccnBase;// e.g. typedef int TInt;  last child is ccnName
136   ccnStruct         =  8+ccnBase;// e.g. struct{}, child is ccnTypeName or ccnTypeName+ccnSubDefs or ccnSubDefs
137   ccnUnion          =  9+ccnBase;// e.g. union{}
138   ccnDefinition     = 10+ccnBase;// e.g. variable: int i, type: struct typename {} or both: union typename {} varname
139   ccnFunction       = 11+ccnBase;// e.g. int i()
140   ccnName           = 12+ccnBase;// e.g. i
141   ccnTypeName       = 13+ccnBase;// e.g. i
142   ccnSubDefs        = 14+ccnBase;// e.g. the {} of a struct
143   ccnFuncParamList  = 15+ccnBase;// e.g. ()
144   ccnFuncParameter  = 16+ccnBase;// e.g. ()
145   ccnStatementBlock = 17+ccnBase;// e.g. {}
146   ccnBitCount       = 18+ccnBase;// e.g. int i:3
147   ccnExternDef      = 19+ccnBase;// e.g. extern int i;
149   // values for Node.SubDesc
150   ccnsNone             =  0;
151   // values for Node.SubDesc if Node.Desc=ccnDirective
152   ccnsDirectiveIf      =  1;
153   ccnsDirectiveIfDef   =  2;
154   ccnsDirectiveIfNDef  =  3;
155   ccnsDirectiveElIf    =  4;
156   ccnsDirectiveElse    =  5;
157   ccnsDirectiveEndIf   =  6;
158   ccnsDirectiveDefine  =  7;
159   ccnsDirectiveUndef   =  8;
160   ccnsDirectiveInclude =  9;
161   ccnsDirectiveLine    = 10;
162   ccnsDirectiveError   = 11;
163   ccnsDirectivePragma  = 12;
165 type
166   TCCodeParserTool = class;
168   { ECCodeParserException }
170   ECCodeParserException = class(Exception)
171   public
172     Sender: TCCodeParserTool;
173     constructor Create(ASender: TCCodeParserTool; const AMessage: string);
174   end;
176   TCCodeParserIfStackItem = record
177     StartPos: integer;
178   end;
179   PCCodeParserIfStackItem = ^TCCodeParserIfStackItem;
181   { TCCodeParserTool }
183   TCCodeParserTool = class
184   private
185     FChangeStep: integer;
186     FDefaultTokenList: TKeyWordFunctionList;
187     FIfStack: PCCodeParserIfStackItem;
188     FIfStackCapacity: integer;
OtherTokennull190     function OtherToken: boolean;
DirectiveTokennull191     function DirectiveToken: boolean;
ExternTokennull192     function ExternToken: boolean;
CurlyBracketCloseTokennull193     function CurlyBracketCloseToken: boolean;
194     procedure InitKeyWordList;
196     procedure InitParser;
197     procedure CreateChildNode(Desc: TCCodeNodeDesc);
198     procedure EndChildNode;
199     procedure CloseNodes;
201     procedure ReadDefinition(AsParameter: boolean);
202     procedure ReadParameterList;
203     procedure ReadEnum;
204     procedure ReadUnionStruct(IsStruct: boolean);
205     procedure ReadConstant;
206     procedure Read__attribute__;
208     procedure IncIfLevel(StartPos: integer);
210     procedure RaiseException(const AMessage: string; ReportPos: integer = 0);
211     procedure RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(const AToken: string; ReportPos: integer = 0);
212   public
213     Code: TCodeBuffer;
214     Src: string;
215     SrcLen: integer;
216     Tree: TCodeTree;
217     CurNode: TCodeTreeNode;
218     SrcPos: Integer;
219     AtomStart: integer;
220     IfLevel: integer;
221     ParseChangeStep: integer;// = Code.ChangeStep at the time of last Parse
223     VisibleEditorLines: integer;
224     JumpCentered: boolean;
225     CursorBeyondEOL: boolean;
226     ParseDirectives: boolean;// default is true
228     LastSrcPos: integer;
229     LastAtomStart: integer;
231     LastErrorMsg: string;
232     LastErrorPos: integer;  // the position where the code does no make sense
233     LastErrorReportPos: integer; // if the position that gives a human a clue what went wrong
234                              // normally LastErrorReportPos=LastErrorPos
235                              // but if a closing bracket is missing LastErrorReportPos points
236                              // to ( and ErrorPos to next atom
238     constructor Create;
239     destructor Destroy; override;
240     procedure Clear;
242     procedure Parse;
243     procedure Parse(aCode: TCodeBuffer);
UpdateNeedednull244     function UpdateNeeded: boolean;
FindDeepestNodeAtPosnull246     function FindDeepestNodeAtPos(P: integer;
247       ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean): TCodeTreeNode; inline;
FindDeepestNodeAtPosnull248     function FindDeepestNodeAtPos(StartNode: TCodeTreeNode; P: integer;
249       ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean): TCodeTreeNode;
CaretToCleanPosnull250     function CaretToCleanPos(Caret: TCodeXYPosition;
251         out CleanPos: integer): integer;  // 0=valid CleanPos
252                           //-1=CursorPos was skipped, CleanPos between two links
253                           // 1=CursorPos beyond scanned code
254                           //-2=X,Y beyond source
CleanPosToCodePosnull255     function CleanPosToCodePos(CleanPos: integer;
256         out CodePos:TCodePosition): boolean; // true=ok, false=invalid CleanPos
CleanPosToCaretnull257     function CleanPosToCaret(CleanPos: integer;
258         out Caret:TCodeXYPosition): boolean; // true=ok, false=invalid CleanPos
CleanPosToCaretAndTopLinenull259     function CleanPosToCaretAndTopLine(CleanPos: integer;
260         out Caret:TCodeXYPosition; out NewTopLine: integer): boolean; // true=ok, false=invalid CleanPos
CleanPosToStrnull261     function CleanPosToStr(CleanPos: integer): string;
MainFilenamenull262     function MainFilename: string;
264     procedure MoveCursorToPos(p: integer);
265     procedure MoveCursorToNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
266     procedure ReadNextAtom;
267     procedure ReadNextAtomSkipDirectives;
268     procedure ReadRawNextAtom;
269     procedure UndoReadNextAtom;
ReadTilBracketClosenull270     function ReadTilBracketClose(ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean): boolean;
AtomIsnull271     function AtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
AtomIsCharnull272     function AtomIsChar(const c: char): boolean;
AtomIsCharOfSetnull273     function AtomIsCharOfSet(const s: shortstring): boolean;
UpAtomIsnull274     function UpAtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
AtomIsIdentifiernull275     function AtomIsIdentifier: boolean;
AtomIsStringConstantnull276     function AtomIsStringConstant: boolean;
AtomIsNumbernull277     function AtomIsNumber: boolean;
GetAtomnull278     function GetAtom: string;
LastAtomIsnull279     function LastAtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
GetLastAtomnull280     function GetLastAtom: string;
ExtractCodenull281     function ExtractCode(StartPos, EndPos: integer;
282                          WithDirectives: boolean = false): string;// extract code without comments
GetFirstNameNodenull284     function GetFirstNameNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;
ExtractNamenull285     function ExtractName(NameNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractDefinitionNamenull286     function ExtractDefinitionName(VarNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractDefinitionTypenull287     function ExtractDefinitionType(VarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
288                                    WithDirectives: boolean = false): string;
ExtractTypeDefTypenull289     function ExtractTypeDefType(TypeDefNode: TCodeTreeNode;
290                                 WithDirectives: boolean = false): string;
ExtractFunctionNamenull291     function ExtractFunctionName(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetFunctionParamListNodenull292     function GetFunctionParamListNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;
ExtractFunctionParamListnull293     function ExtractFunctionParamList(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractFunctionTypenull294     function ExtractFunctionType(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode;
295                                  WithDirectives: boolean = false): string;
ExtractFunctionResultTypenull296     function ExtractFunctionResultType(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode;
297                                        WithDirectives: boolean = false;
298                                        WithBrackets: boolean = true): string;
IsPointerToFunctionnull299     function IsPointerToFunction(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
ExtractParameterNamenull300     function ExtractParameterName(ParamNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractParameterTypenull301     function ExtractParameterType(ParamNode: TCodeTreeNode;
302                                   WithDirectives: boolean = false): string;
ExtractEnumBlockNamenull303     function ExtractEnumBlockName(EnumBlockNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractEnumIDNamenull304     function ExtractEnumIDName(EnumIDNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractEnumIDValuenull305     function ExtractEnumIDValue(EnumIDNode: TCodeTreeNode;
306                                 WithDirectives: boolean = false): string;
ExtractStructNamenull307     function ExtractStructName(StructNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractUnionNamenull308     function ExtractUnionName(UnionNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractTypedefNamenull309     function ExtractTypedefName(TypedefNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
IsDirectivenull310     function IsDirective(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode; const Action: shortstring): boolean;
ExtractDirectiveActionnull311     function ExtractDirectiveAction(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractDirectiveFirstAtomnull312     function ExtractDirectiveFirstAtom(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractDirectiveParamsnull313     function ExtractDirectiveParams(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
ExtractDefinenull314     function ExtractDefine(DefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;
315                            out MacroName, MacroParamList, MacroValue: string): boolean;
FindDirectiveBlockEndnull317     function FindDirectiveBlockEnd(InnerNode: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;
FindElseOrEndIfnull318     function FindElseOrEndIf(IfOrElseNode: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;// find corresponding #EndIf or #Else or #ElIf
FindEndIfnull319     function FindEndIf(IfOrElseNode: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;// find corresponding #EndIf
FindEnclosingIFNDEFnull320     function FindEnclosingIFNDEF: TCodeTreeNode;// finds the typical IFNDEF that encloses the whole header source
322     procedure Replace(FromPos, ToPos: integer; const NewSrc: string);
324     procedure IncreaseChangeStep;
325     procedure WriteDebugReport;
326     procedure CheckNodeTool(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
NodeAsStringnull327     function NodeAsString(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
329     property ChangeStep: integer read FChangeStep;
330   end;
332   { TCHeaderFileMerger }
334   TCHFileLink = record
335     MergedPos: integer;
336     Code: TCodeBuffer; // can be nil
337     SrcPos: integer;
338   end;
339   PCHFileLink = ^TCHFileLink;
341   TCHFileMergeFlag = (
342     chfmfIgnoreIncludes, // do not merge at includes, but simply append
343     chfmfAll // merge all files, otherwise merge only the first
344     );
345   TCHFileMergeFlags = set of TCHFileMergeFlag;
347   TCHeaderFileMerger = class
348   private
349     procedure AddLink(aMergedPos: integer; aCode: TCodeBuffer; aSrcPos: integer);
350   public
351     CombinedSource: TCodeBuffer;
352     LinkCount: integer;
353     Links: PCHFileLink;
354     LinksCapacity: integer;
355     Macros: TIdentStringToStringTree;
356     constructor Create;
357     destructor Destroy; override;
358     procedure Clear;
359     procedure Merge(SourceFiles: TStrings; CodeCache: TCodeCache;
360                     const Flags: TCHFileMergeFlags);
361     procedure Merge(SourceBuffers: TFPList { list of TCodeBuffer };
362                     const Flags: TCHFileMergeFlags);
MergedPosToOriginalnull363     function MergedPosToOriginal(MergedPos: integer;
364                           out Code: TCodeBuffer; out CodePos: integer): boolean;
MergedPosToOriginalnull365     function MergedPosToOriginal(MergedX, MergedY: integer;
366                      out Code: TCodeBuffer; out X, Y: integer): boolean;
LinkIndexOfMergedPosnull367     function LinkIndexOfMergedPos(MergedPos: integer): integer;
GetLinkLengthnull368     function GetLinkLength(Index: integer): integer;
370     procedure WriteDebugReport;
371   end;
CCNodeDescAsStringnull373 function CCNodeDescAsString(Desc: TCCodeNodeDesc; SubDesc: TCCodeNodeDesc = 0): string;
374 procedure InitCCodeKeyWordLists;
GetNodeIndentnull376 function GetNodeIndent(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
378 var
379   IsCCodeFunctionModifier: TKeyWordFunctionList = nil;
380   IsCCodeCustomOperator: TKeyWordFunctionList = nil;
382 implementation
384 var
385   KeyWordLists: TFPList;
CCNodeDescAsStringnull387 function CCNodeDescAsString(Desc: TCCodeNodeDesc; SubDesc: TCCodeNodeDesc): string;
388 begin
389   case Desc of
390   ccnNone          : Result:='None';
391   ccnRoot          : Result:='Root';
392   ccnDirective     :
393     begin
394       Result:='Directive';
395       case SubDesc of
396       ccnsDirectiveIf      : Result:=Result+'.If';
397       ccnsDirectiveIfDef   : Result:=Result+'.IfDef';
398       ccnsDirectiveIfNDef  : Result:=Result+'.IfNDef';
399       ccnsDirectiveElIf    : Result:=Result+'.ElIf';
400       ccnsDirectiveElse    : Result:=Result+'.Else';
401       ccnsDirectiveEndIf   : Result:=Result+'.EndIf';
402       ccnsDirectiveDefine  : Result:=Result+'.Define';
403       ccnsDirectiveUndef   : Result:=Result+'.Undef';
404       ccnsDirectiveInclude : Result:=Result+'.Include';
405       ccnsDirectiveLine    : Result:=Result+'.Line';
406       ccnsDirectiveError   : Result:=Result+'.Error';
407       ccnsDirectivePragma  : Result:=Result+'.Pragma';
408       end;
409     end;
410   ccnExternBlock   : Result:='extern-block';
411   ccnEnumBlock     : Result:='enum-block';
412   ccnEnumID        : Result:='enum-ID';
413   ccnConstant      : Result:='constant';
414   ccnTypedef       : Result:='typedef';
415   ccnStruct        : Result:='struct';
416   ccnUnion         : Result:='union';
417   ccnDefinition    : Result:='definition(var/type/const)';
418   ccnFunction      : Result:='function';
419   ccnName          : Result:='name';
420   ccnTypeName      : Result:='type-name';
421   ccnSubDefs       : Result:='sub-defs';
422   ccnFuncParamList : Result:='function-param-list';
423   ccnFuncParameter : Result:='function-parameter';
424   ccnStatementBlock: Result:='statement-block';
425   ccnBitCount      : Result:='bit-count';
426   ccnExternDef     : Result:='extern-def';
427   else          Result:='?('+IntToStr(Desc)+')';
428   end;
429 end;
431 procedure InitCCodeKeyWordLists;
432 begin
433   if KeyWordLists<>nil then exit;
434   KeyWordLists:=TFPList.Create;
436   IsCCodeFunctionModifier:=TKeyWordFunctionList.Create('IsCCodeFunctionModifier');
437   KeyWordLists.Add(IsCCodeFunctionModifier);
438   with IsCCodeFunctionModifier do begin
439     Add('static'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
440     Add('inline'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
441   end;
443   IsCCodeCustomOperator:=TKeyWordFunctionList.Create('IsCCodeCustomOperator');
444   KeyWordLists.Add(IsCCodeCustomOperator);
445   with IsCCodeCustomOperator do begin
446     Add('+'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
447     Add('-'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
448     Add('*'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
449     Add('/'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
450     Add('|'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
451     Add('&'     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
452     Add('='     ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
453     Add('++'    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
454     Add('--'    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
455     Add('+='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
456     Add('-='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
457     Add('*='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
458     Add('/='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
459     Add('&='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
460     Add('|='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
461     Add('=='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
462     Add('!='    ,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}AllwaysTrue);
463   end;
464 end;
GetNodeIndentnull466 function GetNodeIndent(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
467 begin
468   if Node=nil then
469     Result:=''
470   else
471     Result:=GetIndentStr(Node.GetLevel*2);
472 end;
474 { TCHeaderFileMerger }
476 procedure TCHeaderFileMerger.AddLink(aMergedPos: integer; aCode: TCodeBuffer;
477   aSrcPos: integer);
478 begin
479   if LinkCount=LinksCapacity then begin
480     if LinksCapacity<4 then
481       LinksCapacity:=4
482     else
483       LinksCapacity:=LinksCapacity*2;
484     ReAllocMem(Links,LinksCapacity*SizeOf(TCHFileLink));
485   end;
486   with Links[LinkCount] do begin
487     MergedPos:=aMergedPos;
488     Code:=aCode;
489     SrcPos:=aSrcPos;
490   end;
491   inc(LinkCount);
492 end;
494 constructor TCHeaderFileMerger.Create;
495 begin
496   Macros:=TIdentStringToStringTree.Create(true);
497 end;
499 destructor TCHeaderFileMerger.Destroy;
500 begin
501   Clear;
502   FreeAndNil(Macros);
503   inherited Destroy;
504 end;
506 procedure TCHeaderFileMerger.Clear;
507 begin
508   FreeAndNil(CombinedSource);
509   ReAllocMem(Links,0);
510   LinkCount:=0;
511   LinksCapacity:=0;
512 end;
514 procedure TCHeaderFileMerger.Merge(SourceFiles: TStrings;
515   CodeCache: TCodeCache; const Flags: TCHFileMergeFlags);
516 var
517   SourceBuffers: TFPList;
518   i: Integer;
519   Buf: TCodeBuffer;
520 begin
521   Clear;
522   SourceBuffers:=TFPList.Create;
523   try
524     for i:=0 to SourceFiles.Count-1 do begin
525       Buf:=CodeCache.LoadFile(SourceFiles[i]);
526       if Buf=nil then
527         raise Exception.Create('TCHeaderFileCombine.Combine: ERROR loading file '+SourceFiles[i]);
528       SourceBuffers.Add(Buf);
529     end;
530     Merge(SourceBuffers,Flags);
531   finally
532     SourceBuffers.Free;
533   end;
534 end;
536 procedure TCHeaderFileMerger.Merge(SourceBuffers: TFPList;
537   const Flags: TCHFileMergeFlags);
538 var
539   MergedBuffers: TFPList; // list of TCodeBuffer
540   StrStream: TStringStream;
542   procedure Append(Code: TCodeBuffer; FromPos, EndPos: integer);
544     procedure Error(p: integer; const Msg: string);
545     var
546       Line: integer;
547       Column: integer;
548       s: String;
549     begin
550       Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(p,Line,Column);
551       s:=Code.Filename+'('+IntToStr(Line)+','+IntToStr(Column)+') Error: '+Msg;
552       raise Exception.Create(s);
553     end;
555   var
556     StartP: PChar;
557     AtomStart: integer;
558     p: LongInt;
559     MacroValue: string;
560     MacroNode: TAVLTreeNode;
561     MacroItem: PStringToStringItem;
562     Src: String;
563     BracketLvl: Integer;
564   begin
565     if FromPos<1 then FromPos:=1;
566     if EndPos>Code.SourceLength then EndPos:=Code.SourceLength+1;
567     if (EndPos<=FromPos) or (FromPos>Code.SourceLength) then exit;
568     p:=FromPos;
569     Src:=Code.Source;
570     while p<EndPos do begin
571       ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,p,AtomStart);
572       if AtomStart>=EndPos then break;
573       StartP:=@Src[AtomStart];
574       if (StartP^='#') and IsFirstNonSpaceCharInLine(Code.Source,AtomStart) then
575       begin
576         // directive
577         ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,p,AtomStart);
578         if AtomStart>=EndPos then break;
579         StartP:=@Src[AtomStart];
580         if (CompareIdentifiersCaseSensitive(StartP,'define')=0)
581         or (CompareIdentifiersCaseSensitive(StartP,'undef')=0)
582         or (CompareIdentifiersCaseSensitive(StartP,'ifdef')=0)
583         or (CompareIdentifiersCaseSensitive(StartP,'ifndef')=0)
584         then begin
585           // a ifdef/ifndef/define/undefine directive
586           // the next identifier must not be replaced as macro
587           ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,p,AtomStart);
588           if AtomStart>=EndPos then break;
589         end;
590       end
591       else if IsIdentStartChar[StartP^] then begin
592         MacroNode:=Macros.FindNodeWithIdentifierAsPrefix(StartP);
593         if MacroNode<>nil then begin
594           // macro found
595           MacroItem:=PStringToStringItem(MacroNode.Data);
596           MacroValue:=MacroItem^.Value;
597           //debugln(['Append MacroName=',MacroItem^.Name,' Src=',GetIdentifier(@Src[AtomStart]),' Value=',dbgstr(MacroValue)]);
598           // write source in front of macro
599           if AtomStart>FromPos then begin
600             //debugln(['Append source in front of macro=',dbgstr(copy(Src,FromPos,AtomStart-FromPos))]);
601             AddLink(StrStream.Position+1,Code,FromPos);
602             StrStream.Write(Src[FromPos],AtomStart-FromPos);
603           end;
604           FromPos:=p;
605           if System.Pos('(',MacroItem^.Name)>0
606           then begin
607             // a macro function
608             // => read parameters
609             ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,p,AtomStart);
610             if AtomStart>=EndPos then begin
611               Error(p+GetIdentLen(@Src[FromPos]),
612                  'missing ( after macro function "'+GetIdentifier(@Src[FromPos])+'"');
613             end;
614             if Src[AtomStart]<>'(' then begin
615               Error(AtomStart,'expected ( after macro function "'+GetIdentifier(@Src[FromPos])+'"'
616                 +' but found "'+copy(Src,AtomStart,p-AtomStart)+'"');
617             end;
618             BracketLvl:=1;
619             repeat
620               ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,p,AtomStart);
621               if AtomStart>=EndPos then begin
622                 Error(p+GetIdentLen(@Src[FromPos]),
623                    'missing ) for macro function "'+GetIdentifier(@Src[FromPos])+'"');
624               end;
625               case Src[AtomStart] of
626               '(': inc(BracketLvl);
627               ')':
628                 begin
629                   dec(BracketLvl);
630                   if BracketLvl=0 then break;
631                 end;
632               end;
633             until false;
634             FromPos:=p;
635           end;
636           //debugln(['Append Macro found: ',MacroItem^.Name]);
637           if MacroValue<>'' then begin
638             // write macro value
639             AddLink(StrStream.Position+1,nil,0);
640             //debugln(['Append macrovalue=',dbgstr(MacroValue)]);
641             StrStream.Write(MacroValue[1],length(MacroValue));
642           end;
643         end;
644       end;
645     end;
646     if FromPos<EndPos then begin
647       AddLink(StrStream.Position+1,Code,FromPos);
648       //debugln(['Append source after macro=',dbgstr(copy(Src,FromPos,EndPos-FromPos))]);
649       StrStream.Write(Src[FromPos],EndPos-FromPos);
650     end;
651   end;
653   procedure Append(const s: string);
654   begin
655     if s='' then exit;
656     AddLink(StrStream.Position+1,nil,0);
657     StrStream.Write(s[1],length(s));
658   end;
660   procedure Parse(Code: TCodeBuffer);
661   var
662     i: Integer;
663     Line: String;
664     IncludeParam: String;
665     j: Integer;
666     IncCode: TCodeBuffer;
667     IncFilename: String;
668     MergePos: Integer;
669   begin
670     if MergedBuffers.IndexOf(Code)>=0 then exit;
671     MergedBuffers.Add(Code);
672     MergePos:=1;
673     if not (chfmfIgnoreIncludes in Flags) then begin
674       for i:=0 to Code.LineCount-1 do begin
675         Line:=Code.GetLine(i,false);
676         if length(Line)<length('#include')+2 then continue;
677         if copy(Line,1,length('#include'))<>'#include' then continue;
678         if not (Line[length('#include')+1] in [' ',#9]) then continue;
679         IncludeParam:=Trim(copy(Line,length('#include')+1,length(Line)));
680         if (IncludeParam<>'') and (IncludeParam[1] in ['<','"']) then
681           IncludeParam:=copy(IncludeParam,2,length(IncludeParam)-2);
682         if IncludeParam<>'' then begin
683           // for example: glib/gutils.h
684           {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
685           debugln(['TCHeaderFileMerger.Merge Param=',IncludeParam]);
686           {$ENDIF}
687           // search file in list
688           for j:=1 to SourceBuffers.Count-1 do begin
689             IncCode:=TCodeBuffer(SourceBuffers[j]);
690             IncFilename:=IncCode.Filename;
691             if CompareFilenames(IncludeParam,
692                 RightStr(IncFilename,length(IncludeParam)))<>0 then continue;
693             if (length(IncFilename)=length(IncludeParam))
694             or (IncFilename[length(IncFilename)-length(IncludeParam)]=PathDelim)
695             then begin
696               // include file found
697               if MergedBuffers.IndexOf(IncCode)<0 then begin
698                 {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
699                 debugln(['TCHeaderFileMerger.Merge file '+IncFilename+' into '+Code.Filename]);
700                 {$ENDIF}
701                 Append(Code,MergePos,Code.GetLineStart(i));
702                 MergePos:=Code.GetLineStart(i+1);
703                 Append('/* h2pas: merged '+IncludeParam+' into '+ExtractFileName(Code.Filename)+' */'+LineEnding);
704                 Parse(IncCode);
705                 Append('/* h2pas: end of merged '+IncludeParam+' into '+ExtractFileName(Code.Filename)+' */'+LineEnding+LineEnding);
706               end;
707             end;
708           end;
709         end;
710       end;
711     end;
712     if MergePos<=Code.SourceLength then
713       Append(Code,MergePos,Code.SourceLength+1);
714     Append(LineEnding);
715   end;
717 var
718   i: Integer;
719 begin
720   Clear;
721   MergedBuffers:=TFPList.Create;
722   StrStream:=TStringStream.Create('');
723   try
724     for i:=0 to SourceBuffers.Count-1 do begin
725       Parse(TCodeBuffer(SourceBuffers[i]));
726       if not (chfmfAll in Flags) then break;
727     end;
728   finally
729     CombinedSource:=TCodeBuffer.Create;
730     CombinedSource.Source:=StrStream.DataString;
731     StrStream.Free;
732     MergedBuffers.Free;
733   end;
734 end;
TCHeaderFileMerger.MergedPosToOriginalnull736 function TCHeaderFileMerger.MergedPosToOriginal(MergedPos: integer;
737   out Code: TCodeBuffer; out CodePos: integer): boolean;
738 var
739   Link: PCHFileLink;
740   LinkIndex: LongInt;
741 begin
742   Code:=nil;
743   CodePos:=0;
744   LinkIndex:=LinkIndexOfMergedPos(MergedPos);
745   if LinkIndex<0 then exit(false);
746   Link:=@Links[LinkIndex];
747   Code:=Link^.Code;
748   //dbgout(['TCHeaderFileMerger.MergedPosToOriginal LinkIndex=',LinkIndex,
749   //        ' SearchPos=',MergedPos,' LinkMergePos=',Link^.MergedPos,' LinkSrcPos=',Link^.SrcPos]);
750   //if Code<>nil then dbgout(' File=',ExtractFileName(Code.Filename));
751   CodePos:=MergedPos-Link^.MergedPos+Link^.SrcPos;
752   //debugln([' CodePos=',CodePos]);
753   Result:=true;
754 end;
TCHeaderFileMerger.MergedPosToOriginalnull756 function TCHeaderFileMerger.MergedPosToOriginal(MergedX, MergedY: integer;
757   out Code: TCodeBuffer; out X, Y: integer): boolean;
758 var
759   MergedPos: integer;
760   CodePos: integer;
761 begin
762   Result:=false;
763   Code:=nil;
764   X:=0;
765   Y:=0;
766   CombinedSource.LineColToPosition(MergedY,MergedX,MergedPos);
767   //debugln(['TCHeaderFileMerger.MergedPosToOriginal MergedX=',MergedX,' MergedY=',MergedY,' MergedPos=',MergedPos,' ',dbgstr(copy(CombinedSource.Source,MergedPos-20,20)),'|',dbgstr(copy(CombinedSource.Source,MergedPos,20))]);
768   if not MergedPosToOriginal(MergedPos,Code,CodePos) then exit;
769   Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(CodePos,Y,X);
770   Result:=Y>=1;
771 end;
LinkIndexOfMergedPosnull773 function TCHeaderFileMerger.LinkIndexOfMergedPos(MergedPos: integer): integer;
774 var
775   l: Integer;
776   r: Integer;
777 begin
778   Result:=-1;
779   if LinkCount=0 then exit;
780   if (MergedPos<1) then exit;
781   if MergedPos>CombinedSource.SourceLength+1 then
782     exit;
783   // MergedPos is in source
784   if MergedPos>=Links[LinkCount-1].MergedPos then
785     exit(LinkCount-1);
786   // MergedPos is in one of the regular links (that have a successor)
787   l:=0;
788   r:=LinkCount-2;
789   while (l<=r) do begin
790     Result:=(l+r) div 2;
791     if MergedPos<Links[Result].MergedPos then
792       r:=Result-1
793     else if MergedPos<Links[Result+1].MergedPos then
794       exit
795     else
796       l:=Result+1;
797   end;
798 end;
TCHeaderFileMerger.GetLinkLengthnull800 function TCHeaderFileMerger.GetLinkLength(Index: integer): integer;
801 begin
802   if (Index<0) or (Index>=LinkCount) then
803     Result:=0
804   else if Index=LinkCount-1 then
805     Result:=CombinedSource.SourceLength-Links[Index].MergedPos
806   else
807     Result:=Links[Index+1].MergedPos-Links[Index].MergedPos;
808 end;
810 procedure TCHeaderFileMerger.WriteDebugReport;
811 var
812   i: Integer;
813   Link: PCHFileLink;
814   Line: integer;
815   Column: integer;
816   l: LongInt;
817 begin
818   debugln(['TCHeaderFileMerger.WriteDebugReport LinkCount=',LinkCount]);
819   debugln(' # MergePos Line');
820   for i:=0 to LinkCount-1 do begin
821     Link:=@Links[i];
822     CombinedSource.AbsoluteToLineCol(Link^.MergedPos,Line,Column);
823     dbgout(['  ',i,' ',Link^.MergedPos,' y=',Line]);
824     if Link^.Code<>nil then begin
825       Link^.Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(Link^.SrcPos,Line,Column);
826       DbgOut([' ',ExtractFilename(Link^.Code.Filename),' Y=',Line,' X=',Column,' SrcPos=',Link^.SrcPos]);
827     end else begin
828       DbgOut(' no source');
829     end;
830     l:=GetLinkLength(i);
831     if l<45 then
832       debugln(['  [ ',dbgstr(copy(CombinedSource.Source,Link^.MergedPos,l)),' ]'])
833     else
834       debugln(['  [ ',dbgstr(copy(CombinedSource.Source,Link^.MergedPos,20)),' ... ',
835                       dbgstr(copy(CombinedSource.Source,Link^.MergedPos+GetLinkLength(i)-20,20)),' ]']);
836   end;
837 end;
839 { ECCodeParserException }
841 constructor ECCodeParserException.Create(ASender: TCCodeParserTool;
842   const AMessage: string);
843 begin
844   inherited Create(AMessage);
845   Sender:=ASender;
846 end;
848 { TCCodeParserTool }
OtherTokennull850 function TCCodeParserTool.OtherToken: boolean;
851 begin
852   Result:=true;
853   if AtomIsChar(';') then
854     // ignore
855   else if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
856     ReadDefinition(false);
thennull857     if CurNode.LastChild.Desc<>ccnFunction then begin
858       ReadNextAtom;
859       if not AtomIsChar(';') then
860         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(';');
861     end;
862   end else
863     RaiseException('unexpected token '+GetAtom);
864 end;
DirectiveTokennull866 function TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken: boolean;
868   procedure ReadExpression;
869   var
870     BracketLevel: Integer;
871     NeedBracket: Boolean;
872   begin
873     BracketLevel:=0;
874     repeat
875       ReadRawNextAtom;
876       {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
877       debugln([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'ReadExpression Atom ',GetAtom]);
878       {$ENDIF}
879       if AtomStart>SrcLen then
880         RaiseException('missing expression');
881       if Src[AtomStart] in [#10,#13] then begin
882         if BracketLevel>0 then
883           RaiseException('missing )');
884         break;
885       end;
886       if AtomIsChar('(') then begin
887         // in front of a ( there can
888         inc(BracketLevel);
889       end else if AtomIsChar(')') then begin
890         if BracketLevel=0 then
891           RaiseException(') without (');
892         dec(BracketLevel);
893       end else if AtomIsCharOfSet('!+-*/><')
894       or AtomIs('!=') or AtomIs('==') or AtomIs('<=') or AtomIs('>=')
895       or AtomIs('&&') or AtomIs('||') or AtomIs('<<') or AtomIs('>>')
896       then begin
897         // valid operator
898       end else if IsIdentChar[Src[AtomStart]] then begin
899         if AtomIs('defined') then begin
900           //    read  defined(macro)
901           // or read  defined macro
902           ReadRawNextAtom;
903           if AtomIsChar('(') then begin
904             NeedBracket:=true;
905             ReadRawNextAtom;
906           end else begin
907             NeedBracket:=false;
908           end;
909           if not AtomIsIdentifier then
910             RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('macro');
911           if NeedBracket then begin
912             ReadRawNextAtom;
913             if not AtomIsChar(')') then
914               RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(')');
915           end;
916         end else begin
917           // constant
918         end;
919       end else begin
920         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('constant');
921       end;
922     until false;
923   end;
925 var
926   StartPos: LongInt;
927 begin
928   Result:=true;
929   CreateChildNode(ccnDirective);
930   if ParseDirectives then begin
931     // read directive
932     ReadRawNextAtom;
933     if AtomIs('include') then begin
934       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveInclude;
935       ReadRawNextAtom;
936       if AtomIsChar('<') then begin
937         // #include <filename>  // search independent of source position
938         StartPos:=SrcPos;
939         repeat
940           ReadRawNextAtom;
941           if AtomStart>SrcLen then begin
942             MoveCursorToPos(StartPos);
943             RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('>');
944           end;
945         until AtomIsChar('>');
946       end else if AtomIsStringConstant then begin
947         // #include "filename"  // search dependent on source position
948       end else begin
949         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('< or "');
950       end;
951     end else if AtomIs('define') then begin
952       // #define FMAC(a,b) a here, then b
953       // #define NONFMAC some text here
954       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveDefine;
955       ReadRawNextAtom;
956       if not AtomIsIdentifier then
957         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
958       // if a ( follows immediately (without spaces) then it is a macro function
ifnull959       if (SrcPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[SrcPos]='(') then begin
960         AtomStart:=SrcPos;
961         SrcPos:=AtomStart+1;
962         ReadTilBracketClose(true);
963       end;
964     end else if AtomIs('undef') then begin
965       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveUndef;
966       ReadRawNextAtom;
967       if not AtomIsIdentifier then
968         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
969     end else if AtomIs('if') then begin
970       {$IFDEF VerboseCDirectives}
971       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',GetIndentStr(IfLevel*2),GetAtom]);
972       {$ENDIF}
973       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveIf;
974       IncIfLevel(AtomStart);
975       ReadExpression;
976     end else if AtomIs('ifdef') then begin
977       {$IFDEF VerboseCDirectives}
978       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',GetIndentStr(IfLevel*2),GetAtom]);
979       {$ENDIF}
980       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveIfDef;
981       IncIfLevel(AtomStart);
982       ReadRawNextAtom;
983       if not AtomIsIdentifier then
984         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
985     end else if AtomIs('ifndef') then begin
986       {$IFDEF VerboseCDirectives}
987       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',GetIndentStr(IfLevel*2),GetAtom]);
988       {$ENDIF}
989       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveIfNDef;
990       IncIfLevel(AtomStart);
991       ReadRawNextAtom;
992       if not AtomIsIdentifier then
993         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
994     end else if AtomIs('elif') then begin
995       {$IFDEF VerboseCDirectives}
996       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',GetIndentStr(IfLevel*2-2),GetAtom]);
997       {$ENDIF}
998       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveElIf;
999       if IfLevel=0 then
1000         RaiseException('elif without if');
1001       ReadExpression;
1002     end else if AtomIs('else') then begin
1003       {$IFDEF VerboseCDirectives}
1004       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',GetIndentStr(IfLevel*2-2),GetAtom]);
1005       {$ENDIF}
1006       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveElse;
1007       if IfLevel=0 then
1008         RaiseException('else without if');
1009     end else if AtomIs('endif') then begin
1010       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveEndIf;
1011       if IfLevel=0 then
1012         RaiseException('endif without if');
1013       dec(IfLevel);
1014       {$IFDEF VerboseCDirectives}
1015       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',GetIndentStr(IfLevel*2),GetAtom]);
1016       {$ENDIF}
1017     end else if AtomIs('line') then begin
1018       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveLine;
1019     end else if AtomIs('error') then begin
1020       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectiveError;
1021     end else if AtomIs('pragma') then begin
1022       CurNode.SubDesc:=ccnsDirectivePragma;
1023     end else begin
1024       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('directive')
1025     end;
1026   end;
1027   // read til end of line
1028   ReadTilCLineEnd(Src,AtomStart);
1029   SrcPos:=AtomStart;
1030   //DebugLn(['TCCodeParserTool.DirectiveToken ',copy(Src,CurNode.StartPos,AtomStart-CurNode.Startpos)]);
1031   EndChildNode;
1032 end;
ExternTokennull1034 function TCCodeParserTool.ExternToken: boolean;
1035 begin
1036   Result:=true;
1037   CreateChildNode(ccnExternBlock);
1038   ReadNextAtom;
1039   if AtomIsStringConstant then begin
1040     // for example: extern "C" {
1041     ReadNextAtom;
1042     if not AtomIsChar('{') then
1043       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('{');
1044   end else if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1045     // for example: extern void a();
1046     CurNode.Desc:=ccnExternDef;
1047     ReadDefinition(false);
1048     EndChildNode;
1049   end else
1050     RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('extern definition');
1051 end;
CurlyBracketCloseTokennull1053 function TCCodeParserTool.CurlyBracketCloseToken: boolean;
1054 // examples:
1055 //  end of 'extern "C" {'
1056 begin
1057   Result:=true;
1058   if CurNode.Desc=ccnExternBlock then
1059     EndChildNode
1060   else
1061     RaiseException('} without {');
1062 end;
1064 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadEnum;
1065 (* For example:
1066   enum {
1067     TEST_ENUM1 = 1, /* Enum starts at 1 */
1068     TEST_ENUM2,
1069     TEST_ENUM3
1070   };
1071   enum e1{dark, light};
1073 *)
1074 begin
1075   CreateChildNode(ccnEnumBlock);
1076   ReadNextAtom;
1077   // read optional name
1078   if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1079     CreateChildNode(ccnName);
1080     EndChildNode;
1081     ReadNextAtom;
1082   end;
1083   if not AtomIsChar('{') then
1084     RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('{');
1085   // read enums. Examples
1086   // name,
1087   // name = constant,
1088   ReadNextAtom;
1089   repeat
1090     if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1091       // read enum
1092       CreateChildNode(ccnEnumID);
1093       CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1094       ReadNextAtom;
1095       if AtomIsChar('=') then begin
1096         // read value
1097         ReadNextAtom;
1098         ReadConstant;
1099         CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1100         ReadNextAtom;
1101       end;
1102       EndChildNode;
1103     end;
1104     if AtomIsChar(',') then begin
1105       // next enum
1106       ReadNextAtom;
1107       if not AtomIsIdentifier then
1108         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
1109     end else if AtomIsChar('}') then begin
1110       break;
1111     end else
1112       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('}');
1113   until false;
1114   EndChildNode;
1115 end;
1117 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadUnionStruct(IsStruct: boolean);
1118 (*  Examples:
1120   union sign   /* A definition and a declaration */
1121   {
1122       int svar;
1123       unsigned uvar;
1124   } number;
1127   As typedef:
1128     typedef struct {
1129       uint8_t b[6]; // implicit type
1130     } __attribute__((packed)) bdaddr_t;
1132     typedef struct _sdp_list sdp_list_t;
1134   As implicit typedef:
1135     struct hidp_connadd_req {
1136       int ctrl_sock;
1137     }
1138     struct SwsContext; // no content
1140   As variable:
1141     struct hidp_conninfo *ci;
1142 *)
1143 //
1144 //  As typecast in macros:
1145 //    struct __attribute__((packed)) {
1146 //            typeof(*(ptr)) __v;
1147 //    } *__p = (void *) (ptr);
1148 //
1149 begin
1150   if IsStruct then
1151     CreateChildNode(ccnStruct)
1152   else
1153     CreateChildNode(ccnUnion);
1155   ReadNextAtom;
1156   if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1157     CreateChildNode(ccnTypeName);
1158     EndChildNode;
1159     ReadNextAtom;
1160   end;
1162   // read front attributes
1163   if AtomIs('__attribute__') then begin
1164     Read__attribute__;
1165     ReadNextAtom;
1166   end;
1167   if AtomIsChar('{') then begin
1168     // read block {}
1169     CreateChildNode(ccnSubDefs);
1170     repeat
1171       ReadNextAtom;
1172       // read variables
1173       if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1174         ReadDefinition(false);
1175         ReadNextAtom;
1176         if AtomIsChar('}') then
1177           break
1178         else if AtomIsChar(';') then begin
1179           // next identifier
1180         end else
1181           RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('}');
1182       end else if AtomIsChar('}') then
1183         break
1184       else if AtomIsChar('#') then
1185         DirectiveToken
1186       else
1187         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
1188     until false;
1189     EndChildNode;
1190     // read after attributes
1191     ReadNextAtom;
1192     if AtomIs('__attribute__') then begin
1193       Read__attribute__;
1194     end else begin
1195       UndoReadNextAtom;
1196     end;
1197   end else
1198     UndoReadNextAtom;
1200   // close node
1201   EndChildNode;
1202 end;
1204 procedure TCCodeParserTool.InitKeyWordList;
1205 begin
1206   if FDefaultTokenList=nil then begin
1207     FDefaultTokenList:=TKeyWordFunctionList.Create('TCCodeParserTool.DefaultTokenList');
1208     with FDefaultTokenList do begin
1209       Add('#',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}DirectiveToken);
1210       Add('extern',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ExternToken);
1211       Add('}',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}CurlyBracketCloseToken);
1212       DefaultKeyWordFunction:={$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}OtherToken;
1213     end;
1214   end;
1215 end;
1217 procedure TCCodeParserTool.InitParser;
1218 begin
1219   ParseChangeStep:=Code.ChangeStep;
1220   IncreaseChangeStep;
1221   InitKeyWordList;
1222   Src:=Code.Source;
1223   SrcLen:=length(Src);
1224   if Tree=nil then
1225     Tree:=TCodeTree.Create
1226   else
1227     Tree.Clear;
1228   SrcPos:=1;
1229   AtomStart:=1;
1230   CurNode:=nil;
1231   CreateChildNode(ccnRoot);
1232   IfLevel:=0;
1233 end;
1235 procedure TCCodeParserTool.CreateChildNode(Desc: TCCodeNodeDesc);
1236 var
1237   NewNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1238 begin
1239   NewNode:=TCodeTreeNode.Create;
1240   Tree.AddNodeAsLastChild(CurNode,NewNode);
1241   NewNode.Desc:=Desc;
1242   CurNode:=NewNode;
1243   CurNode.StartPos:=AtomStart;
1244   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1245   DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.CreateChildNode ',CCNodeDescAsString(Desc)]);
1246   {$ENDIF}
1247 end;
1249 procedure TCCodeParserTool.EndChildNode;
1250 begin
1251   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1252   DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.EndChildNode ',CCNodeDescAsString(CurNode.Desc)]);
1253   {$ENDIF}
1254   if CurNode.EndPos<=0 then
1255     CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1256   CurNode:=CurNode.Parent;
1257 end;
1259 procedure TCCodeParserTool.CloseNodes;
1260 var
1261   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1262 begin
1263   Node:=CurNode;
1264   while Node<>nil do begin
1265     Node.EndPos:=AtomStart;
1266     Node:=Node.Parent;
1267   end;
1268 end;
1270 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadConstant;
1271 // ends on last atom of constant
1272 begin
1273   if AtomIsChar(',') or AtomIsChar(';') or AtomIsChar(')') then
1274     RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
1275   CreateChildNode(ccnConstant);
1276   repeat
1277     if AtomIsChar('(') or AtomIsChar('[') then
1278       ReadTilBracketClose(true);
1279     CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1280     ReadNextAtom;
1281     if AtomIsChar(',') or AtomIsChar(';')
1282     or AtomIsChar(')') or AtomIsChar(']') or AtomIsChar('}')
1283     then
1284       break;
1285   until false;
1286   UndoReadNextAtom;
1287   EndChildNode;
1288 end;
1290 procedure TCCodeParserTool.Read__attribute__;
1291 begin
1292   ReadNextAtom;
1293   if not AtomIsChar('(') then
1294     RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('(');
1295   ReadTilBracketClose(true);
1296 end;
1298 procedure TCCodeParserTool.IncIfLevel(StartPos: integer);
1299 begin
1300   inc(IfLevel);
1301   if FIfStackCapacity<IfLevel then begin
1302     FIfStackCapacity:=5+FIfStackCapacity*2;
1303     ReAllocMem(FIfStack,FIfStackCapacity*SizeOf(TCCodeParserIfStackItem));
1304   end;
1305   FIfStack[IfLevel-1].StartPos:=StartPos;
1306 end;
1308 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadDefinition(AsParameter: boolean);
1309 (* Read  type name [specifiers]
1311   if AsParameter=true then name can be omitted.
1313   Examples:
1315   int i
1316   uint8_t b[6]
1317   uint8_t lap[MAX_IAC_LAP][3];
1318   int y = 7;
1320   static inline int bacmp(const bdaddr_t *ba1, const bdaddr_t *ba2)
1321   {
1322         return memcmp(ba1, ba2, sizeof(bdaddr_t));
1323   }
1324   bdaddr_t *strtoba(const char *str);
1326   void av_log(void*, int level, const char *fmt, ...) __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 3, 4)));
1328 *)
1329 {
1330   const char* (*item_name)(void* ctx);
1331   int (*fp)(char*); // pointer to function taking a char* argument; returns an int
1332   int * f(char*); // function taking a char* argument; returns a pointer to int
1334   complex operator+(complex, complex);
1335 }
1336 var
Booleannull1337   IsFunction: Boolean;
1338   NeedEnd: Boolean;
1339   LastIsName: Boolean;
1340   MainNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1341 begin
1342   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1343   DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.ReadVariable START ',GetAtom]);
1344   {$ENDIF}
1345   if AtomIs('typedef') then begin
1346     if AsParameter then
1347       RaiseException('typedef not allowed as function parameter');
1348     CreateChildNode(ccnTypedef);
1349     ReadNextAtom;
1350   end else if AsParameter then begin
1351     CreateChildNode(ccnFuncParameter);
1352     if AtomIs('...') then begin
1353       EndChildNode;
1354       exit;
1355     end;
1356   end else
1357     CreateChildNode(ccnDefinition);
1358   MainNode:=CurNode;
1359   IsFunction:=false;
1360   if AtomIs('volatile') then ReadNextAtom;
1361   if AtomIs('const') then ReadNextAtom;
1363   if AtomIs('struct') then begin
1364     ReadUnionStruct(true);
1365     ReadNextAtom;
1366   end else if AtomIs('union') then begin
1367     ReadUnionStruct(false);
1368     ReadNextAtom;
1369   end else if AtomIs('enum') then begin
1370     ReadEnum;
1371     ReadNextAtom;
1372   end else begin
1373     if IsCCodeFunctionModifier.DoItCaseSensitive(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart)
1374     then begin
modifiersnull1375       // read function modifiers
1376       if AsParameter then
1377         RaiseException('function modifier not allowed in parameter');
1378       repeat
1379         IsFunction:=true;
1380         MainNode.Desc:=ccnFunction;
ReadNextAtomnull1381         ReadNextAtom;
1382         if not AtomIsIdentifier then
1383           RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
1384       until not IsCCodeFunctionModifier.DoItCaseSensitive(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart);
1385     end;
1386     if AtomIs('const') then ReadNextAtom;
1388     // prefixes: signed, unsigned
1389     // prefixes and/or names long, short
1391     // int, short int, short signed int
1392     // char, signed char, unsigned char
1393     // singed short, unsigned short, short
1394     // long, long long, signed long, signed long long, unsigned long, unsigned long long
1395     LastIsName:=false;
1396     repeat
1397       if AtomIs('signed') or AtomIs('unsigned') then begin
1398         LastIsName:=false;
1399         ReadNextAtom;
1400       end else if AtomIs('short') or AtomIs('long') then begin
1401         LastIsName:=true;
1402         ReadNextAtom;
1403       end else
1404         break;
1405     until false;
1406     if not LastIsName then
1407       ReadNextAtom;
1408   end;
1410   while AtomIsChar('*') or AtomIs('const') do begin
1411     // pointer or const
1412     ReadNextAtom;
1413   end;
1414   if AtomIs('operator') then begin
1415     if AsParameter then
1416       RaiseException('operator not allowed as parameter');
1417     IsFunction:=true;
1418     MainNode.Desc:=ccnFunction;
1419     // read operator
1420     ReadNextAtom;
1421     if not IsCCodeCustomOperator.DoItCaseSensitive(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart)
1422     then
1423       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('operator');
1424     CreateChildNode(ccnName);
1425     CurNode.StartPos:=AtomStart;
1426     CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1427   end else if AtomIsChar('(') then begin
1428     IsFunction:=true;
1429     MainNode.Desc:=ccnFunction;
1430     // example: int (*fp)(char*);
takingnull1431     //   pointer to function taking a char* argument; returns an int
1432     ReadNextAtom;
1433     while AtomIsChar('*') or AtomIs('const') do begin
1434       // pointer or const
1435       ReadNextAtom;
1436     end;
1437     {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1438     DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.ReadVariable name=',GetAtom]);
1439     {$ENDIF}
1440     if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1441       CreateChildNode(ccnName);
1442       CurNode.StartPos:=AtomStart;
1443       CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1444       ReadNextAtom;
1445     end else if not AsParameter then
1446       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('identifier');
1447     if not AtomIsChar(')') then
1448       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(')');
1449   end else begin
1450     {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1451     DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.ReadVariable name=',GetAtom]);
1452     {$ENDIF}
1453     if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1454       CreateChildNode(ccnName);
1455       CurNode.StartPos:=AtomStart;
1456       CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1457     end else begin
1458       UndoReadNextAtom;
1459     end;
1460   end;
1461   // end of name
1462   if CurNode.Desc=ccnName then
1463     EndChildNode;
1465   ReadNextAtom;
andnull1466   if IsFunction and (not AtomIsChar('(')) then
1467     RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('(');
1468   NeedEnd:=true;
1469   if AtomIsChar('(') then begin
1470     // this is a function => read parameter list
1471     IsFunction:=true;
1472     MainNode.Desc:=ccnFunction;
ReadParameterListnull1473     ReadParameterList;
1474     ReadNextAtom;
1475     if AtomIs('__attribute__') then begin
1476       Read__attribute__;
1477       ReadNextAtom;
1478     end;
1479     if (CurNode.Parent.Desc=ccnTypedef) then begin
1480       if AtomIsChar('{') then
1481         RaiseException('a typedef can not have a statement block');
1482     end else if AsParameter then begin
1483       if AtomIsChar('{') then
1484         RaiseException('a parameter can not have a statement block');
1485     end else begin
1486       if AtomIsChar('{') then begin
1487         // read statements {}
1488         CreateChildNode(ccnStatementBlock);
1489         ReadTilBracketClose(true);
1490         CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1491         EndChildNode;
1492         ReadNextAtom;
1493       end else if not AtomIsChar(';') then begin
1494         // functions without statements are external and must end with a semicolon
1495         RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(';');
1496       end;
1497       NeedEnd:=false;
1498     end;
1499   end else if AtomIsChar('[') then begin
1500     // read array brackets
1501     while AtomIsChar('[') do begin
1502       ReadTilBracketClose(true);
1503       ReadNextAtom;
1504     end;
1505   end else if AtomIsChar(':') then begin
1506     // bits
1507     ReadNextAtom;
1508     if not AtomIsNumber then
1509       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('bit count number');
1510     CreateChildNode(ccnBitCount);
1511     EndChildNode;
1512     ReadNextAtom;
1513   end;
1515   // read initial constant
1516   if NeedEnd and AtomIsChar('=') then begin
1517     if CurNode.HasParentOfType(ccnTypedef) then
1518       RaiseException('typedef can not have an initial value');
1519     ReadNextAtom;
1520     ReadConstant;
1521     ReadNextAtom;
1522     NeedEnd:=true;
1523   end;
1525   // sanity check
1526   if (SrcPos<=SrcLen) and NeedEnd
1527   and not (AtomIsChar(';') or AtomIsChar(',') or AtomIsChar(')')) then
1528     RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('"end of variable"');
1530   UndoReadNextAtom;
1532   EndChildNode;
1533 end;
1535 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadParameterList;
1536 // start on (, end on )
1537 var
1538   StartPos: LongInt;
1539 begin
1540   CreateChildNode(ccnFuncParamList);
1541   StartPos:=AtomStart;
1542   repeat
1543     ReadNextAtom;
1544     if AtomStart>SrcLen then begin
1545       // missing closing bracket
1546       AtomStart:=StartPos;
1547       SrcPos:=AtomStart+1;
1548       RaiseException('closing bracket not found');
1549     end;
1550     if AtomIsChar(')') then break;
1551     if AtomIsChar(',') then
1552       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('parameter type');
1553     // read parameter
1554     ReadDefinition(true);
1555     // read next
1556     ReadNextAtom;
1557     if AtomIsChar(')') then break;
1558     if not AtomIsChar(',') then
1559       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(',');
1560   until false;
1561   CurNode.EndPos:=SrcPos;
1562   EndChildNode;
1563 end;
1565 procedure TCCodeParserTool.RaiseException(const AMessage: string; ReportPos: integer);
1566 begin
1567   LastErrorMsg:=AMessage;
1568   LastErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1569   LastErrorReportPos:=LastErrorPos;
1570   if ReportPos>0 then
1571     LastErrorReportPos:=ReportPos;
1572   CloseNodes;
1573   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1574   CTDumpStack;
1575   {$ENDIF}
1576   raise ECCodeParserException.Create(Self,AMessage);
1577 end;
1579 procedure TCCodeParserTool.RaiseExpectedButAtomFound(const AToken: string;
1580   ReportPos: integer);
1581 begin
1582   RaiseException(AToken+' expected, but '+GetAtom+' found',ReportPos);
1583 end;
1585 constructor TCCodeParserTool.Create;
1586 begin
1587   Tree:=TCodeTree.Create;
1588   InitCCOdeKeyWordLists;
1589   VisibleEditorLines:=25;
1590   JumpCentered:=true;
1591   CursorBeyondEOL:=true;
1592   ParseDirectives:=true;
1593 end;
1595 destructor TCCodeParserTool.Destroy;
1596 begin
1597   Clear;
1598   FreeAndNil(Tree);
1599   ReAllocMem(FIfStack,0);
1600   FIfStackCapacity:=0;
1601   FreeAndNil(FDefaultTokenList);
1602   inherited Destroy;
1603 end;
1605 procedure TCCodeParserTool.Clear;
1606 begin
1607   IfLevel:=0;
1608   if FIfStackCapacity>10 then begin
1609     ReAllocMem(FIfStack,0);
1610     FIfStackCapacity:=0;
1611   end;
1612   Tree.Clear;
1613 end;
1615 procedure TCCodeParserTool.Parse;
1616 begin
1617   Parse(Code);
1618 end;
1620 procedure TCCodeParserTool.Parse(aCode: TCodeBuffer);
1621 begin
1622   if (Code=aCode) and (not UpdateNeeded) then
1623     exit;
1624   Code:=aCode;
1625   InitParser;
1626   repeat
1627     ReadNextAtom;
1628     if SrcPos<=SrcLen then begin
1629       FDefaultTokenList.DoItCaseSensitive(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart);
1630     end else begin
1631       break;
1632     end;
1633   until false;
1634   if (CurNode=nil) or (CurNode.Desc<>ccnRoot) then
1635     RaiseException('TCCodeParserTool.Parse: internal parser error');
1636   EndChildNode;
1637 end;
UpdateNeedednull1639 function TCCodeParserTool.UpdateNeeded: boolean;
1640 begin
1641   Result:=true;
1642   if (Code=nil) or (Tree=nil) or (Tree.Root=nil) then exit;
1643   if Code.ChangeStep<>ParseChangeStep then exit;
1644   Result:=false;
1645 end;
TCCodeParserTool.FindDeepestNodeAtPosnull1647 function TCCodeParserTool.FindDeepestNodeAtPos(P: integer;
1648   ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean): TCodeTreeNode; inline;
1649 begin
1650   Result:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(Tree.Root,P,ExceptionOnNotFound);
1651 end;
TCCodeParserTool.FindDeepestNodeAtPosnull1653 function TCCodeParserTool.FindDeepestNodeAtPos(StartNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1654   P: integer; ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean): TCodeTreeNode;
1656   procedure RaiseNoNodeFoundAtCursor;
1657   var
1658     Msg: String;
1659     Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1660     LastPos: Integer;
1661   begin
1662     //DebugLn('RaiseNoNodeFoundAtCursor ',MainFilename);
1663     MoveCursorToPos(P);
1664     // check if p is in parsed code
1665     if (Tree=nil) or (Tree.Root=nil) then begin
1666       RaiseException('no pascal code or not yet parsed');
1667     end;
1668     if p<Tree.Root.StartPos then begin
1669       Msg:='In front of code.';
1670       if Tree.Root.StartPos<=SrcLen then begin
1671         MoveCursorToPos(Tree.Root.StartPos);
1672         ReadNextAtom;
1673         Msg:=Msg+' The pascal code starts with "'+GetAtom+'" at '
1674                 +CleanPosToStr(Tree.Root.StartPos)+'. No code';
1675       end;
1676       MoveCursorToPos(P);
1677       RaiseException(Msg);
1678     end;
1679     Node:=Tree.Root;
1680     while Node.NextBrother<>nil do Node:=Node.NextBrother;
1681     if (Node.EndPos>0) and (p>Node.EndPos) then
1682       LastPos:=Node.EndPos
1683     else
1684       LastPos:=Node.StartPos;
1685     if p>LastPos then begin
1686       Msg:='Behind code. The last valid pascal code is at '+CleanPosToStr(LastPos)+'. No code';
1687       RaiseException(Msg);
1688     end;
1690     // p is in parsed code, the StartNode is wrong
1691     CTDumpStack;
1692     if (StartNode<>nil) then
1693       RaiseException('Invalid search. The search for pascal started at '
1694                      +CleanPosToStr(StartNode.StartPos)+'. Invalid search')
1695     else
1696       RaiseException('Inconsistency error in TCustomCodeTool.FindDeepestNodeAtPos');
1697   end;
1699 var
1700   ChildNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1701   Brother: TCodeTreeNode;
1702 begin
1703   {$IFDEF CheckNodeTool}CheckNodeTool(StartNode);{$ENDIF}
1704   Result:=nil;
1705   while StartNode<>nil do begin
1706     //DebugLn('SearchInNode ',NodeDescriptionAsString(ANode.Desc),
1707     //',',ANode.StartPos,',',ANode.EndPos,', p=',p,
1708     //' "',copy(Src,ANode.StartPos,4),'" - "',copy(Src,ANode.EndPos-5,4),'"');
1709     if (StartNode.StartPos<=P)
1710     and ((StartNode.EndPos>P) or (StartNode.EndPos<1)) then begin
1711       // StartNode contains P
1712       Result:=StartNode;
1713       // -> search for a child that contains P
1714       Brother:=StartNode;
1715       while (Brother<>nil)
1716       and (Brother.StartPos<=P) do begin
1717         // brother also contains P
1718         if Brother.FirstChild<>nil then begin
1719           ChildNode:=FindDeepestNodeAtPos(Brother.FirstChild,P,false);
1720           if ChildNode<>nil then begin
1721             Result:=ChildNode;
1722             exit;
1723           end;
1724         end;
1725         Brother:=Brother.NextBrother;
1726       end;
1727       break;
1728     end else begin
1729       // search in next node
1730       StartNode:=StartNode.NextBrother;
1731     end;
1732   end;
1733   if (Result=nil) and ExceptionOnNotFound then begin
1734     MoveCursorToPos(P);
1735     RaiseNoNodeFoundAtCursor;
1736   end;
1737 end;
CaretToCleanPosnull1739 function TCCodeParserTool.CaretToCleanPos(Caret: TCodeXYPosition; out
1740   CleanPos: integer): integer;
1741 begin
1742   CleanPos:=0;
1743   if Caret.Code<>Code then
1744     exit(-1);
1745   Code.LineColToPosition(Caret.Y,Caret.X,CleanPos);
1746   if (CleanPos>=1) then
1747     Result:=0
1748   else
1749     Result:=-2; // x,y beyond source
1750 end;
CleanPosToCodePosnull1752 function TCCodeParserTool.CleanPosToCodePos(CleanPos: integer; out
1753   CodePos: TCodePosition): boolean;
1754 begin
1755   CodePos.Code:=Code;
1756   CodePos.P:=CleanPos;
1757   Result:=(Code<>nil) and (CleanPos>0) and (CleanPos<Code.SourceLength);
1758 end;
CleanPosToCaretnull1760 function TCCodeParserTool.CleanPosToCaret(CleanPos: integer; out
1761   Caret: TCodeXYPosition): boolean;
1762 begin
1763   Caret.Code:=Code;
1764   Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(CleanPos,Caret.Y,Caret.X);
1765   Result:=CleanPos>0;
1766 end;
TCCodeParserTool.CleanPosToCaretAndTopLinenull1768 function TCCodeParserTool.CleanPosToCaretAndTopLine(CleanPos: integer; out
1769   Caret: TCodeXYPosition; out NewTopLine: integer): boolean;
1770 begin
1771   Caret:=CleanCodeXYPosition;
1772   NewTopLine:=0;
1773   Result:=CleanPosToCaret(CleanPos,Caret);
1774   if Result then begin
1775     if JumpCentered then begin
1776       NewTopLine:=Caret.Y-(VisibleEditorLines shr 1);
1777       if NewTopLine<1 then NewTopLine:=1;
1778     end else
1779       NewTopLine:=Caret.Y;
1780   end;
1781 end;
TCCodeParserTool.CleanPosToStrnull1783 function TCCodeParserTool.CleanPosToStr(CleanPos: integer): string;
1784 var
1785   CodePos: TCodeXYPosition;
1786 begin
1787   if CleanPosToCaret(CleanPos,CodePos) then
1788     Result:='y='+IntToStr(CodePos.Y)+',x='+IntToStr(CodePos.X)
1789   else
1790     Result:='y=?,x=?';
1791 end;
TCCodeParserTool.MainFilenamenull1793 function TCCodeParserTool.MainFilename: string;
1794 begin
1795   Result:=Code.Filename;
1796 end;
1798 procedure TCCodeParserTool.MoveCursorToPos(p: integer);
1799 begin
1800   SrcPos:=p;
1801   AtomStart:=p;
1802   LastAtomStart:=0;
1803   LastSrcPos:=0;
1804 end;
1806 procedure TCCodeParserTool.MoveCursorToNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
1807 begin
1808   MoveCursorToPos(Node.StartPos);
1809 end;
1811 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadNextAtom;
1812 begin
1813   //DebugLn(['TCCodeParserTool.ReadNextAtom START ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' ',Src[SrcPos]]);
1814   LastSrcPos:=SrcPos;
1815   LastAtomStart:=AtomStart;
1816   repeat
1817     ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,SrcPos,AtomStart);
1818   until (SrcPos>SrcLen) or (not (Src[AtomStart] in [#10,#13]));
1819   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1820   DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.ReadNextAtom END ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' "',copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart),'"']);
1821   {$ENDIF}
1822 end;
1824 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadNextAtomSkipDirectives;
1825 begin
1826   //DebugLn(['TCCodeParserTool.ReadNextAtom START ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' ',Src[SrcPos]]);
1827   LastSrcPos:=SrcPos;
1828   LastAtomStart:=AtomStart;
1829   repeat
1830     ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,SrcPos,AtomStart);
1831     if (AtomStart>SrcLen) then break;
1832     if Src[AtomStart]='#' then begin
1833       ReadTilCLineEnd(Src,SrcPos);
1834       if (SrcPos>SrcLen) then break;
1835     end;
1836   until (not (Src[AtomStart] in [#10,#13]));
1837   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1838   DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.ReadNextAtom END ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' "',copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart),'"']);
1839   {$ENDIF}
1840 end;
1842 procedure TCCodeParserTool.ReadRawNextAtom;
1843 begin
1844   LastSrcPos:=SrcPos;
1845   LastAtomStart:=AtomStart;
1846   ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,SrcPos,AtomStart);
1847 end;
1849 procedure TCCodeParserTool.UndoReadNextAtom;
1850 begin
1851   if LastSrcPos>0 then begin
1852     SrcPos:=LastSrcPos;
1853     AtomStart:=LastAtomStart;
1854     LastSrcPos:=0;
1855     LastAtomStart:=0;
1856   end else begin
1857     SrcPos:=AtomStart;
1858   end;
1859   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
1860   DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(CurNode),'TCCodeParserTool.UndoReadNextAtom END ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' "',copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart),'"']);
1861   {$ENDIF}
1862 end;
1864 {$IFOPT R+}{$DEFINE RangeChecking}{$ENDIF}
1865 {$R-}
ReadTilBracketClosenull1866 function TCCodeParserTool.ReadTilBracketClose(
1867   ExceptionOnNotFound: boolean): boolean;
1868 // AtomStart must be on bracket open
1869 // after reading AtomStart is on closing bracket
1870 var
1871   CloseBracket: Char;
1872   StartPos: LongInt;
1873 begin
1874   Result:=false;
1875   case Src[AtomStart] of
1876   '{': CloseBracket:='}';
1877   '[': CloseBracket:=']';
1878   '(': CloseBracket:=')';
1879   '<': CloseBracket:='>';
1880   else
1881     if ExceptionOnNotFound then
1882       RaiseExpectedButAtomFound('(');
1883     exit;
1884   end;
1885   StartPos:=AtomStart;
1886   repeat
1887     ReadRawNextCAtom(Src,SrcPos,AtomStart);
1888     if AtomStart>SrcLen then begin
1889       AtomStart:=StartPos;
1890       SrcPos:=AtomStart+1;
1891       if ExceptionOnNotFound then
1892         RaiseException('closing bracket not found');
1893       exit;
1894     end;
1895     case Src[AtomStart] of
1896     '{','(','[':
1897       // skip nested bracketss
1898       begin
1899         if not ReadTilBracketClose(ExceptionOnNotFound) then
1900           exit;
1901       end;
1902     else
1903       if Src[AtomStart]=CloseBracket then exit(true);
1904     end;
1905   until false;
1906 end;
1907 {$IFDEF RangeChecking}{$R+}{$UNDEF RangeChecking}{$ENDIF}
TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsnull1909 function TCCodeParserTool.AtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
1910 var
1911   len: Integer;
1912   i: Integer;
1913 begin
1914   len:=length(s);
1915   if (len<>SrcPos-AtomStart) then exit(false);
1916   if SrcPos>SrcLen then exit(false);
1917   for i:=1 to len do
1918     if Src[AtomStart+i-1]<>s[i] then exit(false);
1919   Result:=true;
1920 end;
TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsCharnull1922 function TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsChar(const c: char): boolean;
1923 begin
1924   if SrcPos-AtomStart<>1 then exit(false);
1925   if AtomStart>SrcLen then exit(false);
1926   if Src[AtomStart]<>c then exit(false);
1927   Result:=true;
1928 end;
AtomIsCharOfSetnull1930 function TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsCharOfSet(const s: shortstring): boolean;
1931 var
1932   i: Integer;
1933   c: Char;
1934 begin
1935   if SrcPos-AtomStart<>1 then exit(false);
1936   if SrcPos>SrcLen then exit(false);
1937   c:=Src[AtomStart];
1938   for i:=1 to length(s) do
1939     if s[i]=c then exit(true);
1940   Result:=false;
1941 end;
UpAtomIsnull1943 function TCCodeParserTool.UpAtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
1944 var
1945   len: Integer;
1946   i: Integer;
1947 begin
1948   len:=length(s);
1949   if (len<>SrcPos-AtomStart) then exit(false);
1950   if SrcPos>SrcLen then exit(false);
1951   for i:=1 to len do
1952     if UpChars[Src[AtomStart+i-1]]<>s[i] then exit(false);
1953   Result:=true;
1954 end;
TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsIdentifiernull1956 function TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsIdentifier: boolean;
1957 var
1958   p: Integer;
1959 begin
1960   if (AtomStart>=SrcPos) then exit(false);
1961   if (SrcPos>SrcLen) or (SrcPos-AtomStart>255) then exit(false);
1962   if not IsIdentStartChar[Src[AtomStart]] then exit(false);
1963   p:=AtomStart+1;
1964   while (p<SrcPos) do begin
1965     if not IsIdentChar[Src[p]] then exit(false);
1966     inc(p);
1967   end;
1968   Result:=true;
1969 end;
AtomIsStringConstantnull1971 function TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsStringConstant: boolean;
1972 begin
1973   Result:=(AtomStart<SrcLen) and (Src[AtomStart]='"');
1974 end;
AtomIsNumbernull1976 function TCCodeParserTool.AtomIsNumber: boolean;
1977 begin
1978   Result:=(AtomStart<SrcLen) and (Src[AtomStart] in ['0'..'9']);
1979 end;
TCCodeParserTool.LastAtomIsnull1981 function TCCodeParserTool.LastAtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
1982 var
1983   len: Integer;
1984   i: Integer;
1985 begin
1986   if LastAtomStart<=LastSrcPos then exit(false);
1987   len:=length(s);
1988   if (len<>LastSrcPos-LastAtomStart) then exit(false);
1989   if LastSrcPos>SrcLen then exit(false);
1990   for i:=1 to len do
1991     if Src[LastAtomStart+i-1]<>s[i] then exit(false);
1992   Result:=true;
1993 end;
GetLastAtomnull1995 function TCCodeParserTool.GetLastAtom: string;
1996 begin
1997   Result:=copy(Src,LastAtomStart,LastSrcPos-LastAtomStart);
1998 end;
TCCodeParserTool.ExtractCodenull2000 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractCode(StartPos, EndPos: integer;
2001   WithDirectives: boolean): string;
2002 var
2003   s: string;
2004   p: integer;
2006   procedure ReadIt;
2007   var
2008     l: Integer;
2009     NextChar: Char;
2010     LastChar: Char;
2011   begin
2012     MoveCursorToPos(StartPos);
2013     p:=1;
2014     LastChar:=' ';
2015     repeat
2016       // read next token
2017       if WithDirectives then
2018         ReadNextAtom
2019       else
2020         ReadNextAtomSkipDirectives;
2021       if (AtomStart>=EndPos) then break;
2023       NextChar:=Src[AtomStart];
2024       if IsIdentChar[LastChar] and IsIdentStartChar[NextChar] then begin
2025         // add space
2026         if s<>'' then
2027           s[p]:=' ';
2028         inc(p);
2029       end;
2030       // add token
2031       l:=SrcPos-AtomStart;
2032       if s<>'' then begin
2033         // copy token
2034         System.Move(Src[AtomStart],s[p],SrcPos-AtomStart);
2035       end;
2036       inc(p,l);
2037       // remember last char
2038       LastChar:=Src[SrcPos-1];
2039     until false;
2040   end;
2042 begin
2043   if EndPos>SrcLen then EndPos:=SrcLen+1;
2044   // first read and compute needed length
2045   ReadIt;
2046   // allocate space and copy tokens
2047   SetLength(s,p-1);
2048   ReadIt;
2049   Result:=s;
2050 end;
GetFirstNameNodenull2052 function TCCodeParserTool.GetFirstNameNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;
2053 begin
2054   Result:=Node.FirstChild;
2055   while (Result<>nil) and (Result.Desc<>ccnName) do Result:=Result.NextBrother;
2056 end;
ExtractNamenull2058 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractName(NameNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2059 begin
2060   Result:=copy(Src,NameNode.StartPos,NameNode.EndPos-NameNode.StartPos);
2061 end;
ExtractDefinitionNamenull2063 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDefinitionName(VarNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2064 var
2065   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2066 begin
2067   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(VarNode);
2068   if (NameNode=nil) then
2069     Result:=''
2070   else
2071     Result:=copy(Src,NameNode.StartPos,NameNode.EndPos-NameNode.StartPos);
2072 end;
TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDefinitionTypenull2074 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDefinitionType(VarNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2075   WithDirectives: boolean): string;
2076 var
2077   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2078   s: String;
2079   AfterNameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2080   StartPos: Integer;
2081 begin
2082   Result:='';
2083   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(VarNode);
2084   if (NameNode<>nil) then begin
2085     Result:=ExtractCode(VarNode.StartPos,NameNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2086     AfterNameNode:=NameNode.NextBrother;
2087     StartPos:=NameNode.EndPos;
2088   end else begin
2089     AfterNameNode:=VarNode.FirstChild;
2090     StartPos:=VarNode.StartPos;
2091   end;
2092   if (AfterNameNode<>nil)
2093   and (AfterNameNode.Desc=ccnConstant) then begin
2094     // omit constant
2095     s:=ExtractCode(StartPos,AfterNameNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2096     if (s<>'') and (s[length(s)]='=') then
2097       s:=Trim(copy(s,1,length(s)-1));
2098     Result:=Result+s;
2099   end else begin
2100     Result:=Result+ExtractCode(StartPos,VarNode.EndPos,WithDirectives);
2101   end;
2102 end;
TCCodeParserTool.ExtractTypeDefTypenull2104 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractTypeDefType(TypeDefNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2105   WithDirectives: boolean): string;
2106 var
2107   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2108   StartPos: Integer;
2109 begin
2110   Result:='';
2111   StartPos:=TypeDefNode.StartPos+length('typedef');
2112   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(TypeDefNode);
2113   if (NameNode<>nil) then begin
2114     Result:=ExtractCode(StartPos,NameNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2115   end else
2116     Result:=ExtractCode(StartPos,TypeDefNode.EndPos,WithDirectives);
2117 end;
ExtractFunctionNamenull2119 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractFunctionName(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2120 var
2121   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2122 begin
2123   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(FuncNode);
2124   if (NameNode=nil) then
2125     Result:=''
2126   else
2127     Result:=copy(Src,NameNode.StartPos,NameNode.EndPos-NameNode.StartPos);
2128 end;
GetFunctionParamListNodenull2130 function TCCodeParserTool.GetFunctionParamListNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode
2131   ): TCodeTreeNode;
2132 begin
2133   Result:=Node.FirstChild;
2134   while (Result<>nil) and (Result.Desc<>ccnFuncParamList) do
2135     Result:=Result.NextBrother;
2136 end;
ExtractFunctionParamListnull2138 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractFunctionParamList(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode
2139   ): string;
2140 var
2141   ParamsNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2142 begin
2143   ParamsNode:=GetFunctionParamListNode(FuncNode);
2144   if (ParamsNode=nil) then
2145     Result:=''
2146   else
2147     Result:=ExtractCode(ParamsNode.StartPos,ParamsNode.EndPos);
2148 end;
TCCodeParserTool.ExtractFunctionTypenull2150 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractFunctionType(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2151   WithDirectives: boolean): string;
2152 var
2153   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2154 begin
2155   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(FuncNode);
2156   if (NameNode=nil) then begin
2157     Result:='';
2158     exit;
2159   end;
2160   Result:=ExtractCode(FuncNode.StartPos,NameNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2161   if (NameNode.NextBrother<>nil)
2162   and (NameNode.NextBrother.Desc=ccnFuncParamList) then begin
2163     // The name is in between.
2164     // The type is result type + parameter list
2165     Result:=Result+ExtractCode(NameNode.EndPos,NameNode.NextBrother.EndPos,
2166                                WithDirectives);
2167   end else begin
2168     Result:=Result+ExtractCode(NameNode.EndPos,FuncNode.EndPos,
2169                                WithDirectives);
2170   end;
2171 end;
TCCodeParserTool.ExtractFunctionResultTypenull2173 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractFunctionResultType(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2174   WithDirectives: boolean; WithBrackets: boolean): string;
2175 var
2176   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2177   p: Integer;
2178   CurAtomStart: integer;
2179 begin
2180   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(FuncNode);
2181   if (NameNode=nil) then begin
2182     Result:='';
2183     exit;
2184   end;
modifiersnull2186   // skip function modifiers
2187   MoveCursorToNode(FuncNode);
2188   repeat
2189     ReadNextAtom;
2190     if AtomStart>=NameNode.StartPos then break;
2191     if not IsCCodeFunctionModifier.DoItCaseSensitive(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart)
2192     then
2193       break;
2194   until false;
2196   Result:=ExtractCode(AtomStart,NameNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2197   if (NameNode.NextBrother<>nil)
2198   and (NameNode.NextBrother.Desc=ccnFuncParamList) then begin
2199     // The name is in between.
2200     Result:=Result+ExtractCode(NameNode.EndPos,NameNode.NextBrother.StartPos,
2201                                WithDirectives);
2202   end else begin
2203     Result:=Result+ExtractCode(NameNode.EndPos,FuncNode.EndPos,
2204                                WithDirectives);
2205   end;
2207   if not WithBrackets then begin
2208     p:=1;
2209     repeat
2210       ReadRawNextCAtom(Result,p,CurAtomStart);
2211       if CurAtomStart>length(Result) then break;
2212       if Result[CurAtomStart]='(' then begin
2213         p:=CurAtomStart;
2214         if ReadTilCBracketClose(Result,p) then begin
2215           Result:=copy(Result,1,CurAtomStart-1)
2216                  +copy(Result,p,length(Result));
2217         end;
2218         break;
2219       end;
2220     until false;
2221   end;
2222 end;
IsPointerToFunctionnull2224 function TCCodeParserTool.IsPointerToFunction(FuncNode: TCodeTreeNode
2225   ): boolean;
2226 // for example: int *(*fp)();
2227 var
2228   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2229 begin
2230   NameNode:=FuncNode.FirstChild;
2231   if (NameNode=nil) or (NameNode.Desc<>ccnName) then exit(false);
2232   MoveCursorToNode(FuncNode);
2233   repeat
2234     ReadNextAtom;
2235     if AtomStart>SrcLen then exit(false);
2236     if AtomIs('(') then exit(true);
2237     if (IsIdentStartChar[Src[AtomStart]])
2238     or (AtomIs('*')) then begin
2239       // skip words and *
2240     end else begin
2241       break;
2242     end;
2243   until AtomStart>=NameNode.StartPos;
2244   Result:=false;
2245 end;
ExtractParameterNamenull2247 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractParameterName(ParamNode: TCodeTreeNode
2248   ): string;
2249 var
2250   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2251 begin
2252   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(ParamNode);
2253   if (NameNode=nil) then
2254     Result:=''
2255   else
2256     Result:=copy(Src,NameNode.StartPos,NameNode.EndPos-NameNode.StartPos);
2257 end;
ExtractParameterTypenull2259 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractParameterType(ParamNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2260   WithDirectives: boolean): string;
2261 var
2262   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2263   s: String;
2264   ConstantNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2265 begin
2266   NameNode:=GetFirstNameNode(ParamNode);
2267   if (ParamNode.LastChild<>nil)
2268   and (ParamNode.LastChild.Desc=ccnConstant) then
2269     ConstantNode:=ParamNode.LastChild
2270   else
2271     ConstantNode:=nil;
2272   if (NameNode=nil) then begin
2273     if ConstantNode<>nil then begin
2274       // a parameter with an initial value
2275       // omit the constant
2276       Result:=ExtractCode(ParamNode.StartPos,ConstantNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2277       Result:=copy(Result,1,length(Result)-1);
2278     end else begin
2279       Result:=ExtractCode(ParamNode.StartPos,ParamNode.EndPos,WithDirectives);
2280     end;
2281   end else begin
2282     Result:=ExtractCode(ParamNode.StartPos,NameNode.StartPos,WithDirectives);
2283     if (NameNode.NextBrother<>nil)
2284     and (NameNode.NextBrother.Desc=ccnConstant) then begin
2285       // a parameter with an initial value
2286       // omit the constant
2287       s:=ExtractCode(NameNode.EndPos,NameNode.NextBrother.StartPos,
2288                      WithDirectives);
2289       s:=copy(s,1,length(s)-1);
2290       Result:=Result+s;
2291     end else begin
2292       Result:=Result+ExtractCode(NameNode.EndPos,ParamNode.EndPos,
2293                                  WithDirectives);
2294     end;
2295   end;
2296 end;
ExtractEnumBlockNamenull2298 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractEnumBlockName(EnumBlockNode: TCodeTreeNode
2299   ): string;
2300 var
2301   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2302 begin
2303   if (EnumBlockNode.FirstChild<>nil)
2304   and (EnumBlockNode.FirstChild.Desc=ccnName) then begin
2305     NameNode:=EnumBlockNode.FirstChild;
2306     Result:=copy(Src,NameNode.StartPos,NameNode.EndPos-NameNode.StartPos);
2307   end else begin
2308     Result:='';
2309   end;
2310 end;
ExtractEnumIDNamenull2312 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractEnumIDName(EnumIDNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2313 begin
2314   Result:=GetIdentifier(@Src[EnumIDNode.StartPos]);
2315 end;
ExtractEnumIDValuenull2317 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractEnumIDValue(EnumIDNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2318   WithDirectives: boolean): string;
2319 var
2320   ConstantNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2321 begin
2322   ConstantNode:=EnumIDNode.FirstChild;
2323   if (ConstantNode=nil)
2324   or (ConstantNode.Desc<>ccnConstant) then
2325     Result:=''
2326   else
2327     Result:=ExtractCode(ConstantNode.StartPos,ConstantNode.EndPos,
2328                         WithDirectives);
2329 end;
ExtractStructNamenull2331 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractStructName(StructNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2332 var
2333   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2334 begin
2335   NameNode:=StructNode.FirstChild;
2336   if (NameNode<>nil) and (NameNode.Desc=ccnTypeName) then
2337     Result:=GetIdentifier(@Src[NameNode.StartPos])
2338   else
2339     Result:='';
2340 end;
ExtractUnionNamenull2342 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractUnionName(UnionNode: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2343 var
2344   NameNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2345 begin
2346   NameNode:=UnionNode.FirstChild;
2347   if (NameNode<>nil) and (NameNode.Desc=ccnName) then
2348     Result:=GetIdentifier(@Src[NameNode.StartPos])
2349   else
2350     Result:='';
2351 end;
ExtractTypedefNamenull2353 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractTypedefName(TypedefNode: TCodeTreeNode
2354   ): string;
2355 var
2356   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2357 begin
2358   Node:=TypedefNode.LastChild;
2359   while (Node<>nil) and (Node.Desc<>ccnName) do
2360     Node:=Node.PriorBrother;
2361   if Node=nil then begin
2362     if (TypedefNode.FirstChild<>nil)
2363     and (TypedefNode.FirstChild.Desc=ccnFunction) then
2364       Result:=ExtractFunctionName(TypedefNode.FirstChild)
2365     else
2366       Result:='';
2367   end else
2368     Result:=GetIdentifier(@Src[Node.StartPos]);
2369 end;
IsDirectivenull2371 function TCCodeParserTool.IsDirective(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2372   const Action: shortstring): boolean;
2373 begin
2374   Result:=false;
2375   if (DirectiveNode=nil) or (DirectiveNode.Desc<>ccnDirective) then exit;
2376   MoveCursorToPos(DirectiveNode.StartPos+1);
2377   ReadNextAtom;
2378   Result:=AtomIs(Action);
2379 end;
ExtractDirectiveActionnull2381 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDirectiveAction(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode
2382   ): string;
2383 begin
2384   if DirectiveNode.StartPos<SrcLen then
2385     Result:=GetIdentifier(@Src[DirectiveNode.StartPos+1])
2386   else
2387     Result:='';
2388 end;
ExtractDirectiveFirstAtomnull2390 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDirectiveFirstAtom(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode
2391   ): string;
2392 begin
2393   MoveCursorToPos(DirectiveNode.StartPos+1);
2394   // read action
2395   ReadRawNextAtom;
2396   // read first atom
2397   ReadRawNextAtom;
2398   Result:=GetAtom;
2399 end;
ExtractDirectiveParamsnull2401 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDirectiveParams(DirectiveNode: TCodeTreeNode
2402   ): string;
2403 begin
2404   MoveCursorToPos(DirectiveNode.StartPos+1);
2405   // read action
2406   ReadRawNextAtom;
2407   // read first atom
2408   ReadRawNextAtom;
2409   Result:=ExtractCode(AtomStart,DirectiveNode.EndPos);
2410 end;
ExtractDefinenull2412 function TCCodeParserTool.ExtractDefine(DefineNode: TCodeTreeNode; out
2413   MacroName, MacroParamList, MacroValue: string): boolean;
2414 var
2415   StartPos: LongInt;
2416   EndPos: LongInt;
2417 begin
2418   Result:=false;
2419   MacroName:='';
2420   MacroParamList:='';
2421   MacroValue:='';
2422   MoveCursorToPos(DefineNode.StartPos+1);
2423   // read action
2424   ReadRawNextAtom;
2425   if not AtomIs('define') then exit;
2426   // read first atom
2427   ReadRawNextAtom;
2428   MacroName:=GetAtom;
2429   StartPos:=SrcPos;
2430   // read param list
2431   if (SrcPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[SrcPos]='(') then begin
2432     StartPos:=SrcPos;
2433     AtomStart:=SrcPos;
2434     SrcPos:=AtomStart+1;
2435     if not ReadTilBracketClose(false) then exit;
2436     EndPos:=SrcPos;
2437     MacroParamList:=ExtractCode(StartPos,EndPos);
2438     StartPos:=EndPos;
2439   end;
2440   // read value
2441   while (StartPos<=SrcLen) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[StartPos]]) do
2442     inc(StartPos);
2443   EndPos:=DefineNode.EndPos;
2444   while (EndPos>StartPos) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[EndPos-1]]) do
2445     dec(EndPos);
2446   MacroValue:=copy(Src,StartPos,EndPos-StartPos);
2447   Result:=true;
2448 end;
FindDirectiveBlockEndnull2450 function TCCodeParserTool.FindDirectiveBlockEnd(InnerNode: TCodeTreeNode
2451   ): TCodeTreeNode;
2452 // find the end of block that contains InnerNode
2453 begin
2454   Result:=InnerNode;
2455   if Result=nil then exit;
2456   Result:=Result.Next;
2457   IfLevel:=0;
2458   while Result<>nil do begin
2459     if Result.Desc=ccnDirective then begin
2460       //DebugLn(['TCCodeParserTool.FindDirectiveBlockEnd ',NodeAsString(Result),' ',IfLevel]);
2461       case Result.SubDesc of
2462       ccnsDirectiveIf,ccnsDirectiveIfDef,ccnsDirectiveIfNDef:
2463         IncIfLevel(Result.StartPos);
2464       ccnsDirectiveElse,ccnsDirectiveElIf:
2465         begin
2466           if IfLevel=0 then
2467             exit;
2468           dec(IfLevel);
2469           IncIfLevel(Result.StartPos);
2470         end;
2471       ccnsDirectiveEndIf:
2472         begin
2473           if IfLevel=0 then
2474             exit;
2475           dec(IfLevel);
2476         end;
2477       end;
2478     end;
2479     Result:=Result.Next;
2480   end;
2481 end;
FindElseOrEndIfnull2483 function TCCodeParserTool.FindElseOrEndIf(IfOrElseNode: TCodeTreeNode
2484   ): TCodeTreeNode;
2485 // find corresponding #EndIf or #Else or #ElIf
2486 begin
2487   Result:=IfOrElseNode;
2488   // check if IfOrElseNode is valid
2489   if (Result=nil) or (Result.Desc<>ccnDirective)
2490   or (not (Result.SubDesc in [ccnsDirectiveIf,ccnsDirectiveIfDef,
2491                       ccnsDirectiveIfNDef,ccnsDirectiveElIf,ccnsDirectiveElse]))
2492   then
2493     exit(nil);
2494   // check if next node is the end of the block
2495   Result:=Result.Next;
2496   if Result=nil then exit;
2497   if (Result.Desc=ccnDirective)
2498   and (Result.SubDesc in [ccnsDirectiveElIf,ccnsDirectiveElse,ccnsDirectiveEndIf])
2499   then
2500     exit;
2501   // Result is a node in the block => search end of block
2502   Result:=FindDirectiveBlockEnd(Result);
2503 end;
FindEndIfnull2505 function TCCodeParserTool.FindEndIf(IfOrElseNode: TCodeTreeNode): TCodeTreeNode;
2506 // find corresponding #EndIf
2507 begin
2508   Result:=IfOrElseNode;
2509   repeat
2510     Result:=FindElseOrEndIf(Result);
2511     if (Result=nil)
2512     or ((Result.Desc=ccnDirective) and (Result.SubDesc=ccnsDirectiveEndIf))
2513     then
2514       exit;
2515   until false;
2516 end;
FindEnclosingIFNDEFnull2518 function TCCodeParserTool.FindEnclosingIFNDEF: TCodeTreeNode;
2519 { Search for the typical enclosing IFNDEF of c header file:
2520    - No code in front
2521    - #IFNDEF NAME
2522    - #DEFINE NAME
2523    - ...
2524    - #ENDIF
2525    - No code behind
2526 }
2527 var
2528   IfNDefNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2529   MacroName: String;
2530   DefNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2531   DefMacroName: String;
2532   EndIfNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2533   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2534 begin
2535   Result:=nil;
2536   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
2537   WriteDebugReport;
2538   {$ENDIF}
2539   IfNDefNode:=Tree.Root;
2540   // skip root and extern nodes
2541   while (IfNDefNode<>nil) do begin
2542     if (IfNDefNode.Desc<>ccnRoot)
2543     and (IfNDefNode.Desc<>ccnExternBlock) then
2544       break;
2545     IfNDefNode:=IfNDefNode.Next;
2546   end;
2547   if IfNDefNode=nil then exit;
2548   // check if IfNDefNode is #IFNDEF name
2549   if (IfNDefNode.Desc<>ccnDirective)
2550   or (IfNDefNode.SubDesc<>ccnsDirectiveIfNDef) then
2551     exit;
2552   MacroName:=ExtractDirectiveFirstAtom(IfNDefNode);
2553   // check if next node is #DEFINE name
2554   DefNode:=IfNDefNode.Next;
2555   if (DefNode=nil) or (DefNode.Desc<>ccnDirective)
2556   or (DefNode.SubDesc<>ccnsDirectiveDefine) then exit;
2557   DefMacroName:=ExtractDirectiveFirstAtom(DefNode);
2558   if CompareIdentifiers(PChar(MacroName),PChar(DefMacroName))<>0 then exit;
2559   // find #endif
2560   EndIfNode:=FindEndIf(IfNDefNode);
2561   if EndIfNode=nil then exit;
2562   // check that no code comes after the #EndIf
2563   Node:=EndIfNode;
2564   while (Node<>nil) do begin
2565     if (Node.Desc=ccnExternBlock)
2566     or ((Node.Desc=ccnDirective)
2567         and (Node.SubDesc in [ccnsDirectiveIf,ccnsDirectiveIfDef,
2568           ccnsDirectiveIfNDef,ccnsDirectiveElIf,ccnsDirectiveEndIf]))
2569     then
2570       Node:=Node.Next
2571     else
2572       exit;
2573   end;
2574   Result:=IfNDefNode;
2575 end;
GetAtomnull2577 function TCCodeParserTool.GetAtom: string;
2578 begin
2579   Result:=copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart);
2580 end;
2582 procedure TCCodeParserTool.Replace(FromPos, ToPos: integer; const NewSrc: string);
2583 var
2584   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2585   DiffPos: Integer;
2586 begin
2587   {$IFDEF VerboseCCodeParser}
2588   DebugLn(['TCCodeParserTool.Replace ',FromPos,'-',ToPos,' Old="',copy(Src,FromPos,ToPos-FromPos),'" New="',NewSrc,'"']);
2589   {$ENDIF}
2590   IncreaseChangeStep;
2591   Code.Replace(FromPos,ToPos-FromPos,NewSrc);
2592   Src:=Code.Source;
2593   SrcLen:=length(Src);
2594   // update positions
2595   DiffPos:=length(NewSrc)-(ToPos-FromPos);
2596   if DiffPos<>0 then begin
2597     Node:=Tree.Root;
2598     while Node<>nil do begin
2599       AdjustPositionAfterInsert(Node.StartPos,true,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2600       AdjustPositionAfterInsert(Node.EndPos,false,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2601       Node:=Node.Next;
2602     end;
2603   end;
2604 end;
2606 procedure TCCodeParserTool.IncreaseChangeStep;
2607 begin
2608   if FChangeStep<>$7fffffff then
2609     inc(FChangeStep)
2610   else
2611     FChangeStep:=-$7fffffff;
2612 end;
2614 procedure TCCodeParserTool.WriteDebugReport;
2615 var
2616   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2617 begin
2618   DebugLn(['TCCodeParserTool.WriteDebugReport ']);
2619   if Tree<>nil then begin
2620     Node:=Tree.Root;
2621     while Node<>nil do begin
2622       DebugLn([GetNodeIndent(Node)+NodeAsString(Node)]);
2623       Node:=Node.Next;
2624     end;
2625   end;
2626 end;
2628 procedure TCCodeParserTool.CheckNodeTool(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
2630   procedure RaiseForeignNode;
2631   begin
2632     RaiseCatchableException('TCCodeParserTool.CheckNodeTool '+DbgSName(Self)+' '+CCNodeDescAsString(Node.Desc));
2633   end;
2635 begin
2636   if Node=nil then exit;
2637   while Node.Parent<>nil do Node:=Node.Parent;
2638   while Node.PriorBrother<>nil do Node:=Node.PriorBrother;
2639   if (Tree=nil) or (Tree.Root<>Node) then
2640     RaiseForeignNode;
2641 end;
NodeAsStringnull2643 function TCCodeParserTool.NodeAsString(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2644 begin
2645   if Node=nil then begin
2646     Result:='nil';
2647     exit;
2648   end;
2649   case Node.Desc of
2650   ccnName, ccnTypeName: Result:=copy(Src,Node.StartPos,Node.EndPos-Node.StartPos);
2651   else Result:='';
2652   end;
2653   Result:=Result+'('+CCNodeDescAsString(Node.Desc,Node.SubDesc)
2654                     +' at '+CleanPosToStr(Node.StartPos)+')';
2655 end;
2657 procedure InternalFinal;
2658 var
2659   i: Integer;
2660 begin
2661   if KeyWordLists<>nil then begin
2662     for i:=0 to KeyWordLists.Count-1 do
2663       TObject(KeyWordLists[i]).Free;
2664     FreeAndNil(KeyWordLists);
2665   end;
2666 end;
2668 finalization
2669   InternalFinal;
2671 end.