1 {
2  ***************************************************************************
3  *                                                                         *
4  *   This source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify   *
5  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
6  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
7  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
8  *                                                                         *
9  *   This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but      *
10  *   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            *
12  *   General Public License for more details.                              *
13  *                                                                         *
14  *   A copy of the GNU General Public License is available on the World    *
15  *   Wide Web at <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>. You can also      *
16  *   obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation,                 *
17  *   Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA.   *
18  *                                                                         *
19  ***************************************************************************
21   Author: Mattias Gaertner
23   Abstract:
24     Functions to parse and edit compiler directives.
25 }
26 unit DirectivesTree;
28 {$ifdef FPC}{$mode objfpc}{$endif}{$H+}
30 { $DEFINE VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
32 interface
34 {$I codetools.inc}
36 uses
38   MemCheck,
39   {$ENDIF}
40   Classes, SysUtils, Laz_AVL_Tree,
41   // Codetools
42   FileProcs, BasicCodeTools, KeywordFuncLists, CodeCache, ExprEval, CodeTree;
44 type
45   TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc = word;
47 const
48   // descriptors
49   cdnBase     = 1000;
50   cdnNone     =  0+cdnBase;
52   cdnRoot     =  1+cdnBase;
54   cdnDefine   = 11+cdnBase;
55   cdnInclude  = 12+cdnBase;
57   cdnIf       = 21+cdnBase;
58   cdnElseIf   = 22+cdnBase;
59   cdnElse     = 23+cdnBase;
60   cdnEnd      = 24+cdnBase;
62   // sub descriptors
63   cdnsBase        = 10000;
64   cdnsNone        =  0+cdnsBase;
66   cdnsIfdef       =  1+cdnsBase;
67   cdnsIfC         =  2+cdnsBase;
68   cdnsIfndef      =  3+cdnsBase;
69   cdnsIf          =  4+cdnsBase;
70   cdnsIfOpt       =  5+cdnsBase;
71   cdnsEndif       = 11+cdnsBase;
72   cdnsEndC        = 12+cdnsBase;
73   cdnsIfEnd       = 13+cdnsBase;
74   cdnsElse        = 21+cdnsBase;
75   cdnsElseC       = 22+cdnsBase;
76   cdnsElseIf      = 23+cdnsBase;
77   cdnsElIfC       = 24+cdnsBase;
78   cdnsDefine      = 31+cdnsBase;
79   cdnsUndef       = 32+cdnsBase;
80   cdnsSetC        = 33+cdnsBase;
81   cdnsInclude     = 41+cdnsBase;
82   cdnsIncludePath = 42+cdnsBase;
83   cdnsShortSwitch = 51+cdnsBase;
84   cdnsLongSwitch  = 52+cdnsBase;
85   cdnsMode        = 53+cdnsBase;
86   cdnsThreading   = 54+cdnsBase;
87   cdnsOther       = 55+cdnsBase;
89 const
90   H2Pas_Function_Prefix = 'H2PAS_FUNCTION_';
92 type
93   TCompilerDirectivesTree = class;
95   { ECDirectiveParserException }
97   ECDirectiveParserException = class(Exception)
98   public
99     Sender: TCompilerDirectivesTree;
100     Id: int64;
101     constructor Create(ASender: TCompilerDirectivesTree; TheId: int64; const AMessage: string);
102   end;
104   TCompilerMacroStatus = (
105     cmsUnknown,   // never seen
106     cmsDefined,   // set to a specific value e.g. by $Define or by $IfDef
107     cmsUndefined, // undefined e.g. by $Undef
108     cmsComplex    // value depends on complex expressions. e.g. {$if A or B}.
109     );
111   TCompilerMacroStats = class
112   public
113     Name: string;
114     Value: string;
115     Status: TCompilerMacroStatus;
116     LastDefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;// define or undef node
117     LastReadNode: TCodeTreeNode;// if node
118   end;
120   { TH2PasFunction }
122   TH2PasFunction = class
123   public
124     Name: string;
125     HeaderStart: integer;
126     HeaderEnd: integer;
127     BeginStart: integer;
128     BeginEnd: integer;
129     IsForward: boolean;
130     IsExternal: boolean;
131     InInterface: boolean;
132     DefNode: TH2PasFunction;// the corresponding node
133     function NeedsBody: boolean;
134     procedure AdjustPositionsAfterInsert(FromPos, ToPos, DiffPos: integer);
135   end;
137   { TCompilerDirectivesTree }
139   TCompilerDirectivesTree = class
140   private
141     FChangeStep: integer;
142     FDefaultDirectiveFuncList: TKeyWordFunctionList;
143     FDisableUnusedDefines: boolean;
144     FNestedComments: boolean;
145     FParseChangeStep: integer;
146     FRemoveDisabledDirectives: boolean;
147     FSimplifyExpressions: boolean;
148     FUndefH2PasFunctions: boolean;
149     FLastErrorMsg: string;
150     fLastErrorPos: integer;
151     fLastErrorXY: TPoint;
152     fLastErrorId: int64;
IfdefDirectivenull153     function IfdefDirective: boolean;
IfCDirectivenull154     function IfCDirective: boolean;
IfndefDirectivenull155     function IfndefDirective: boolean;
IfDirectivenull156     function IfDirective: boolean;
IfOptDirectivenull157     function IfOptDirective: boolean;
EndifDirectivenull158     function EndifDirective: boolean;
EndCDirectivenull159     function EndCDirective: boolean;
IfEndDirectivenull160     function IfEndDirective: boolean;
ElseDirectivenull161     function ElseDirective: boolean;
ElseCDirectivenull162     function ElseCDirective: boolean;
ElseIfDirectivenull163     function ElseIfDirective: boolean;
ElIfCDirectivenull164     function ElIfCDirective: boolean;
DefineDirectivenull165     function DefineDirective: boolean;
166     procedure SetNestedComments(AValue: boolean);
UndefDirectivenull167     function UndefDirective: boolean;
SetCDirectivenull168     function SetCDirective: boolean;
IncludeDirectivenull169     function IncludeDirective: boolean;
IncludePathDirectivenull170     function IncludePathDirective: boolean;
ShortSwitchDirectivenull171     function ShortSwitchDirective: boolean;
ReadNextSwitchDirectivenull172     function ReadNextSwitchDirective: boolean;
LongSwitchDirectivenull173     function LongSwitchDirective: boolean;
ModeDirectivenull174     function ModeDirective: boolean;
ThreadingDirectivenull175     function ThreadingDirective: boolean;
OtherDirectivenull176     function OtherDirective: boolean;
177     procedure InitKeyWordList;
179     procedure InitParser;
180     procedure CreateChildNode(Desc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc;
181                               SubDesc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc = cdnNone);
182     procedure EndChildNode;
183     procedure EndIFNode(const ErrorMsg: string);
185     procedure InternalRemoveNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
186     procedure RaiseException(id: int64; const ErrorMsg: string);
187     procedure RaiseLastError;
188   public
189     Code: TCodeBuffer;
190     Src: string;
191     SrcLen: integer;
192     Tree: TCodeTree;
193     CurNode: TCodeTreeNode;
194     SrcPos: Integer;
195     AtomStart: integer;
196     Macros: TAVLTree;// tree of TCompilerMacroStats
198     constructor Create;
199     destructor Destroy; override;
200     procedure Clear;
202     // parsing
203     procedure Parse;
204     procedure Parse(aCode: TCodeBuffer; aNestedComments: boolean);
205     property NestedComments: boolean read FNestedComments write SetNestedComments;
206     property ParseChangeStep: integer read FParseChangeStep;
UpdateNeedednull207     function UpdateNeeded: boolean;
208     procedure MoveCursorToPos(p: integer);
209     procedure ReadNextAtom;
ReadTilBracketClosenull210     function ReadTilBracketClose(CloseBracket: char): boolean;
AtomIsnull211     function AtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
UpAtomIsnull212     function UpAtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
AtomIsIdentifiernull213     function AtomIsIdentifier: boolean;
GetAtomnull214     function GetAtom: string;
216     // errors
217     property ErrorMsg: string read FLastErrorMsg;
218     property ErrorPos: integer read fLastErrorPos;
219     property ErrorLine: integer read fLastErrorXY.Y;
220     property ErrorColumn: integer read fLastErrorXY.X;
221     property ErrorId: int64 read fLastErrorId;
SrcPosToStrnull222     function SrcPosToStr(p: integer; WithFilename: boolean = false): string;
224     // search
FindResourceDirectivenull225     function FindResourceDirective(const Filename: string = '';
226                                    StartPos: integer = 1): TCodeTreeNode;
IsResourceDirectivenull227     function IsResourceDirective(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
228                                  const Filename: string = ''): boolean;
FindIncludeDirectivenull230     function FindIncludeDirective(const Filename: string = '';
231                                   StartPos: integer = 1): TCodeTreeNode;
IsIncludeDirectivenull232     function IsIncludeDirective(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
233                                 const Filename: string = ''): boolean;
235     // explore
GetDirectiveNamenull236     function GetDirectiveName(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetDirectivenull237     function GetDirective(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
GetIfExpressionnull238     function GetIfExpression(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
239                              out ExprStart, ExprEnd: integer): boolean;
GetIfExpressionStringnull240     function GetIfExpressionString(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
IsIfExpressionSimplenull241     function IsIfExpressionSimple(Node: TCodeTreeNode; out NameStart: integer
242                                   ): boolean;
FindNameInIfExpressionnull243     function FindNameInIfExpression(Node: TCodeTreeNode; Identifier: PChar
244                                     ): integer;
GetDefineNameAndValuenull245     function GetDefineNameAndValue(DefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;
246           out NameStart: integer; out HasValue: boolean; out ValueStart: integer
247           ): boolean;
DefineUsesNamenull248     function DefineUsesName(DefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;
249                             Identifier: PChar): boolean;
NodeIsEmptynull250     function NodeIsEmpty(Node: TCodeTreeNode; IgnoreComments: boolean = true): boolean;
FindNodeAtPosnull251     function FindNodeAtPos(p: integer): TCodeTreeNode;
NodeStartToCodePosnull252     function NodeStartToCodePos(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
253                                 out CodePos: TCodeXYPosition): boolean;
255     // refactoring
256     procedure ReduceCompilerDirectives(Undefines, Defines: TStrings;
257                                        var Changed: boolean);
258     procedure GatherH2PasFunctions(out ListOfH2PasFunctions: TFPList;
259                                    FindDefNodes: boolean);
260     procedure FixMissingH2PasDirectives(var Changed: boolean);
262     procedure CheckAndImproveExpr_Brackets(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
263                                            var Changed: boolean);
264     procedure CheckAndImproveExpr_IfDefinedMacro(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
265                                                  var Changed: boolean);
266     procedure DisableAllUnusedDefines(var Changed: boolean);
267     procedure MoveIfNotThenDefsUp(var Changed: boolean);
268     procedure DisableUnreachableBlocks(Undefines, Defines: TStrings;
269                                        var Changed: boolean);
270     procedure DisableNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode; var Changed: boolean;
271                           WithContent: boolean);
272     procedure DisableDefineNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode; var Changed: boolean);
273     procedure DisableIfNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode; WithContent: boolean;
274                             var Changed: boolean);
InsertDefinenull275     function InsertDefine(Position: integer; const NewSrc: string;
276                           SubDesc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc): TCodeTreeNode;
277     procedure RemoveEmptyNodes(var Changed: boolean);
280     procedure Replace(FromPos, ToPos: integer; const NewSrc: string);
282     procedure IncreaseChangeStep;
283     procedure ResetMacros;
284     procedure ClearMacros;
285     procedure WriteDebugReport;
286   public
287     property SimplifyExpressions: boolean read FSimplifyExpressions
288                                           write FSimplifyExpressions;
289     property DisableUnusedDefines: boolean read FDisableUnusedDefines
290                                            write FDisableUnusedDefines;
291     property RemoveDisabledDirectives: boolean read FRemoveDisabledDirectives
292                                                write FRemoveDisabledDirectives;
293     property UndefH2PasFunctions: boolean read FUndefH2PasFunctions
294                                           write FUndefH2PasFunctions;
295     property ChangeStep: integer read FChangeStep;
296   end;
CompareCompilerMacroStatsnull298 function CompareCompilerMacroStats(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
ComparePCharWithCompilerMacroStatsnull299 function ComparePCharWithCompilerMacroStats(Name, MacroStats: Pointer): integer;
CompareH2PasFuncByNameAndPosnull300 function CompareH2PasFuncByNameAndPos(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
ComparePCharWithH2PasFuncNamenull301 function ComparePCharWithH2PasFuncName(Name, H2PasFunc: Pointer): integer;
CDNodeDescAsStringnull303 function CDNodeDescAsString(Desc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc): string;
CDNodeSubDescAsStringnull304 function CDNodeSubDescAsString(Desc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc): string;
306 implementation
308 type
309   TDefineStatus = (
310     dsUnknown,
311     dsDefined,
312     dsNotDefined
313     );
315   TDefineValue = class
316     Name: string;
317     Status: TDefineStatus;
318     Value: string;
319   end;
321 {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
322 const
323   DefineStatusNames: array[TDefineStatus] of string = (
324     'dsUnknown','dsDefined','dsNotDefined'
325     );
326 {$ENDIF}
CompareDefineValuesnull328 function CompareDefineValues(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
329 begin
330   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(TDefineValue(Data1).Name),
331                                 Pointer(TDefineValue(Data2).Name));
332 end;
ComparePCharWithDefineValuenull334 function ComparePCharWithDefineValue(Name, DefValue: Pointer): integer;
335 begin
336   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Name,
337                                 Pointer(TDefineValue(DefValue).Name));
338 end;
CompareCompilerMacroStatsnull340 function CompareCompilerMacroStats(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
341 begin
342   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(TCompilerMacroStats(Data1).Name),
343                                 Pointer(TCompilerMacroStats(Data2).Name));
344 end;
ComparePCharWithCompilerMacroStatsnull346 function ComparePCharWithCompilerMacroStats(Name, MacroStats: Pointer): integer;
347 begin
348   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Name,
349                                 Pointer(TCompilerMacroStats(MacroStats).Name));
350 end;
CompareH2PasFuncByNameAndPosnull352 function CompareH2PasFuncByNameAndPos(Data1, Data2: Pointer): integer;
353 var
354   F1: TH2PasFunction;
F2null355   F2: TH2PasFunction;
356 begin
ata1null357   F1:=TH2PasFunction(Data1);
ata2null358   F2:=TH2PasFunction(Data2);
359   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(F1.Name),Pointer(F2.Name));
360   if Result<>0 then exit;
361   if F1.HeaderStart>F2.HeaderStart then
362     exit(1)
363   else if F1.HeaderStart<F2.HeaderStart then
364     exit(-1)
365   else
366     exit(0);
367 end;
ComparePCharWithH2PasFuncNamenull369 function ComparePCharWithH2PasFuncName(Name, H2PasFunc: Pointer): integer;
370 begin
2PasFuncnull371   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(Name,Pointer(TH2PasFunction(H2PasFunc).Name));
372 end;
CDNodeDescAsStringnull374 function CDNodeDescAsString(Desc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc): string;
375 begin
376   case Desc of
377   cdnNone     : Result:='None';
379   cdnRoot     : Result:='Root';
381   cdnDefine   : Result:='Define';
383   cdnIf       : Result:='If';
384   cdnElseIf   : Result:='ElseIf';
385   cdnElse     : Result:='Else';
386   cdnEnd      : Result:='End';
387   else          Result:='?';
388   end;
389 end;
CDNodeSubDescAsStringnull391 function CDNodeSubDescAsString(Desc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc): string;
392 begin
393   case Desc of
394   cdnsIfdef       : Result:='IfDef';
395   cdnsIfC         : Result:='IfC';
396   cdnsIfndef      : Result:='IfNDef';
397   cdnsIf          : Result:='If';
398   cdnsIfOpt       : Result:='IfOpt';
399   cdnsEndif       : Result:='EndIf';
400   cdnsEndC        : Result:='EndC';
401   cdnsIfEnd       : Result:='IfEnd';
402   cdnsElse        : Result:='Else';
403   cdnsElseC       : Result:='ElseC';
404   cdnsElseIf      : Result:='ElseIf';
405   cdnsElIfC       : Result:='ElIfC';
406   cdnsDefine      : Result:='Define';
407   cdnsUndef       : Result:='UnDef';
408   cdnsSetC        : Result:='SetC';
409   cdnsInclude     : Result:='Include';
410   cdnsIncludePath : Result:='IncludePath';
411   cdnsShortSwitch : Result:='ShortSwitch';
412   cdnsLongSwitch  : Result:='LongSwitch';
413   cdnsMode        : Result:='Mode';
414   cdnsThreading   : Result:='Threading';
415   cdnsOther       : Result:='Other';
416   else              Result:='?';
417   end;
418 end;
421 { TCompilerDirectivesTree }
IfdefDirectivenull423 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfdefDirective: boolean;
424 // example: {$IFDEF macroname}
425 begin
426   Result:=true;
427   CreateChildNode(cdnIf,cdnsIfdef);
428 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfCDirectivenull430 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfCDirective: boolean;
431 // example: {$IFC expression}
432 begin
433   Result:=true;
434   CreateChildNode(cdnIf,cdnsIfC);
435 end;
IfndefDirectivenull437 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfndefDirective: boolean;
438 // example: {$IFNDEF macroname}
439 begin
440   Result:=true;
441   CreateChildNode(cdnIf,cdnsIfndef);
442 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfDirectivenull444 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfDirective: boolean;
445 // example: {$IF expression}
446 begin
447   Result:=true;
448   CreateChildNode(cdnIf,cdnsIf);
449 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfOptDirectivenull451 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfOptDirective: boolean;
452 // {$ifopt o+} or {$ifopt o-}
453 begin
454   Result:=true;
455   CreateChildNode(cdnIf,cdnsIfOpt);
456 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.EndifDirectivenull458 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.EndifDirective: boolean;
459 // example: {$ENDIF comment}
460 begin
461   Result:=true;
462   EndIFNode('EndIf without IfDef');
463   CreateChildNode(cdnEnd,cdnsEndif);
464   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
465   EndChildNode;
466 end;
EndCDirectivenull468 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.EndCDirective: boolean;
469 // example: {$ENDC comment}
470 begin
471   Result:=true;
472   EndIFNode('EndC without IfC');
473   CreateChildNode(cdnEnd,cdnsEndC);
474   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
475   EndChildNode;
476 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfEndDirectivenull478 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IfEndDirective: boolean;
479 // {$IfEnd comment}
480 begin
481   Result:=true;
482   EndIFNode('IfEnd without IfDef');
483   CreateChildNode(cdnEnd,cdnsIfEnd);
484   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
485   EndChildNode;
486 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.ElseDirectivenull488 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ElseDirective: boolean;
489 // {$Else comment}
490 begin
491   Result:=true;
492   EndIFNode('Else without IfDef');
493   CreateChildNode(cdnElse,cdnsElse);
494 end;
ElseCDirectivenull496 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ElseCDirective: boolean;
497 // {$elsec comment}
498 begin
499   Result:=true;
500   EndIFNode('ElseC without IfC');
501   CreateChildNode(cdnElse,cdnsElseC);
502 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.ElseIfDirectivenull504 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ElseIfDirective: boolean;
505 // {$elseif expression}
506 begin
507   Result:=true;
508   EndIFNode('ElseIf without IfDef');
509   CreateChildNode(cdnElseIf,cdnsElseIf);
510 end;
ElIfCDirectivenull512 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ElIfCDirective: boolean;
513 // {$elifc expression}
514 begin
515   Result:=true;
516   EndIFNode('ElIfC without IfC');
517   CreateChildNode(cdnElseIf,cdnsElIfC);
518 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.DefineDirectivenull520 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.DefineDirective: boolean;
521 // {$define name} or {$define name:=value}
522 begin
523   Result:=true;
524   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsDefine);
525   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
526   EndChildNode;
527 end;
529 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.SetNestedComments(AValue: boolean);
530 begin
531   if FNestedComments=AValue then Exit;
532   FNestedComments:=AValue;
533   FParseChangeStep:=CTInvalidChangeStamp;
534   IncreaseChangeStep;
535 end;
UndefDirectivenull537 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.UndefDirective: boolean;
538 // {$undefine macroname}
539 begin
540   Result:=true;
541   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsUndef);
542   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
543   EndChildNode;
544 end;
SetCDirectivenull546 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.SetCDirective: boolean;
547 // {$setc macroname} or {$setc macroname:=value}
548 begin
549   Result:=true;
550   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsSetC);
551   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
552   EndChildNode;
553 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.IncludeDirectivenull555 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IncludeDirective: boolean;
556 begin
557   Result:=true;
558   CreateChildNode(cdnInclude,cdnsInclude);
559   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
560   EndChildNode;
561 end;
IncludePathDirectivenull563 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IncludePathDirective: boolean;
564 // {$includepath path_addition}
565 begin
566   Result:=true;
567 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.ShortSwitchDirectivenull569 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ShortSwitchDirective: boolean;
570 // example: {$H+} or {$H+, R- comment}
571 begin
572   Result:=true;
573   if Src[AtomStart+3] in ['+','-'] then
574     CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsShortSwitch)
575   else begin
576     if (Src[AtomStart+2] in ['I','i']) then
577       CreateChildNode(cdnInclude,cdnsInclude)
578     else
579       CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsOther);
580   end;
581   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
582   EndChildNode;
583 end;
ReadNextSwitchDirectivenull585 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReadNextSwitchDirective: boolean;
586 begin
587   Result:=true;
588 end;
LongSwitchDirectivenull590 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.LongSwitchDirective: boolean;
591 // example: {$ASSERTIONS ON comment}
592 begin
593   Result:=true;
594   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsLongSwitch);
595   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
596   EndChildNode;
597 end;
ModeDirectivenull599 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ModeDirective: boolean;
600 // example: {$MODE ObjFPC comment}
601 begin
602   Result:=true;
603   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsMode);
604   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
605   EndChildNode;
606 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.ThreadingDirectivenull608 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ThreadingDirective: boolean;
609 // example: {$threading on}
610 begin
611   Result:=true;
612   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsThreading);
613   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
614   EndChildNode;
615 end;
OtherDirectivenull617 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.OtherDirective: boolean;
618 begin
619   Result:=true;
620   CreateChildNode(cdnDefine,cdnsOther);
621   AtomStart:=SrcPos;
622   EndChildNode;
623 end;
625 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.InitKeyWordList;
626 var
627   c: Char;
628 begin
629   if FDefaultDirectiveFuncList=nil then begin
630     FDefaultDirectiveFuncList:=TKeyWordFunctionList.Create('TCompilerDirectivesTree.DefaultDirectiveFuncList');
631     with FDefaultDirectiveFuncList do begin
632       for c:='A' to 'Z' do begin
633         if CompilerSwitchesNames[c]<>'' then begin
634           Add(c,{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ShortSwitchDirective);
635           Add(CompilerSwitchesNames[c],{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}LongSwitchDirective);
636         end;
637       end;
638       Add('IFDEF',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IfdefDirective);
639       Add('IFC',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IfCDirective);
640       Add('IFNDEF',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IfndefDirective);
641       Add('IF',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IfDirective);
642       Add('IFOPT',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IfOptDirective);
643       Add('ENDIF',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}EndIfDirective);
644       Add('ENDC',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}EndCDirective);
645       Add('ELSE',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ElseDirective);
646       Add('ELSEC',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ElseCDirective);
647       Add('ELSEIF',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ElseIfDirective);
648       Add('ELIFC',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ElIfCDirective);
649       Add('IFEND',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IfEndDirective);
650       Add('DEFINE',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}DefineDirective);
651       Add('UNDEF',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}UndefDirective);
652       Add('SETC',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}SetCDirective);
653       Add('INCLUDE',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IncludeDirective);
654       Add('INCLUDEPATH',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}IncludePathDirective);
655       Add('MODE',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ModeDirective);
656       Add('THREADING',{$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}ThreadingDirective);
657       DefaultKeyWordFunction:={$ifdef FPC}@{$endif}OtherDirective;
658     end;
659   end;
660 end;
662 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.InitParser;
663 begin
664   FParseChangeStep:=Code.ChangeStep;
665   IncreaseChangeStep;
666   InitKeyWordList;
667   Src:=Code.Source;
668   SrcLen:=length(Src);
669   if Tree=nil then
670     Tree:=TCodeTree.Create
671   else
672     Tree.Clear;
673   SrcPos:=1;
674   AtomStart:=1;
675   CurNode:=nil;
676   CreateChildNode(cdnRoot);
677 end;
679 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.CreateChildNode(
680   Desc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc;
681   SubDesc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc);
682 var NewNode: TCodeTreeNode;
683 begin
684   NewNode:=TCodeTreeNode.Create;
685   Tree.AddNodeAsLastChild(CurNode,NewNode);
686   NewNode.Desc:=Desc;
687   NewNode.SubDesc:=SubDesc;
688   CurNode:=NewNode;
689   CurNode.StartPos:=AtomStart;
690   //DebugLn([GetIndentStr(CurNode.GetLevel*2),'TCompilerDirectivesTree.CreateChildNode ']);
691 end;
693 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.EndChildNode;
694 begin
695   //DebugLn([GetIndentStr(CurNode.GetLevel*2),'TCompilerDirectivesTree.EndChildNode ']);
696   CurNode.EndPos:=AtomStart;
697   CurNode:=CurNode.Parent;
698 end;
700 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.EndIFNode(const ErrorMsg: string);
701 begin
702   if (CurNode.Desc<>cdnIf) and (CurNode.Desc<>cdnElse)
703   and (CurNode.Desc<>cdnElseIf) then
704     RaiseException(20170422131836,ErrorMsg);
705   EndChildNode;
706 end;
708 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.CheckAndImproveExpr_Brackets(
709   Node: TCodeTreeNode; var Changed: boolean);
710 // improve (MacroName) to MacroName
711 var
712   ExprStart: integer;
713   ExprEnd: integer;
714   NameStart: LongInt;
715   FromPos: LongInt;
716   ToPos: LongInt;
717 begin
718   if not SimplifyExpressions then exit;
719   if (Node.SubDesc<>cdnsIf) and (Node.SubDesc<>cdnElseIf) then exit;
720   if not GetIfExpression(Node,ExprStart,ExprEnd) then exit;
722   // improve (MacroName) to MacroName
723   MoveCursorToPos(ExprStart);
724   repeat
725     ReadNextAtom;
726     if UpAtomIs('DEFINED') then begin
definednull727       // the function defined(): skip keyword and bracket
728       ReadNextAtom;
729       ReadNextAtom;
730     end;
731     if AtomIs('(') then begin
732       FromPos:=AtomStart;
733       ReadNextAtom;
734       if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
735         NameStart:=AtomStart;
736         ReadNextAtom;
737         if AtomIs(')') then begin
738           ToPos:=SrcPos;
739           DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.CheckAndImproveExpr_Brackets removing unneeded brackets']);
740           Changed:=true;
741           Replace(FromPos,ToPos,GetIdentifier(@Src[NameStart]));
742           MoveCursorToPos(FromPos);
743         end;
744       end;
745     end;
746   until SrcPos>=ExprEnd;
747 end;
749 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.CheckAndImproveExpr_IfDefinedMacro(
750   Node: TCodeTreeNode; var Changed: boolean);
751 // check if {$IF defined(MacroName)}
752 //       or {$IF !defined(MacroName)}
753 //       or {$IF not defined(MacroName)}
754 //       or {$IF not (defined(MacroName))}
755 var
756   ExprStart: integer;
757   ExprEnd: integer;
758   MacroNameStart: LongInt;
759   Negated: Boolean;
760   NewDirective: String;
761   BracketLvl: Integer;
762 begin
763   if not SimplifyExpressions then exit;
764   if (Node.SubDesc<>cdnsIf) then exit;
765   if not GetIfExpression(Node,ExprStart,ExprEnd) then exit;
766   Negated:=false;
767   MoveCursorToPos(ExprStart);
768   ReadNextAtom;
769   if UpAtomIs('NOT') or AtomIs('!') then begin
770     Negated:=true;
771     ReadNextAtom;
772   end;
773   BracketLvl:=0;
774   while AtomIs('(') do begin
775     inc(BracketLvl);
776     ReadNextAtom;
777   end;
778   if not UpAtomIs('DEFINED') then exit;
779   ReadNextAtom;
780   if not AtomIs('(') then exit;
781   inc(BracketLvl);
782   ReadNextAtom;
783   if not AtomIsIdentifier then exit;
784   MacroNameStart:=AtomStart;
785   ReadNextAtom;
786   while AtomIs(')') do begin
787     dec(BracketLvl);
788     ReadNextAtom;
789   end;
790   if BracketLvl>0 then exit;
791   if SrcPos<=ExprEnd then exit;
793   if Negated then
794     NewDirective:='IFNDEF'
795   else
796     NewDirective:='IFDEF';
797   NewDirective:='{$'+NewDirective+' '+GetIdentifier(@Src[MacroNameStart])+'}';
799   DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.CheckAndImproveExpr_IfDefinedMacro simplifying expression']);
800   Replace(Node.StartPos,FindCommentEnd(Src,Node.StartPos,NestedComments),NewDirective);
801   if Negated then
802     Node.SubDesc:=cdnsIfNdef
803   else
804     Node.SubDesc:=cdnsIfdef;
806   Changed:=true;
807 end;
809 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableAllUnusedDefines(var Changed: boolean);
810 var
811   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
812   MacroNode: TCompilerMacroStats;
813   NextAVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
814 begin
815   if Macros=nil then exit;
816   if not DisableUnusedDefines then exit;
817   AVLNode:=Macros.FindLowest;
818   while AVLNode<>nil do begin
819     NextAVLNode:=Macros.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
820     MacroNode:=TCompilerMacroStats(AVLNode.Data);
821     if (MacroNode.LastDefineNode<>nil)
822     and (MacroNode.LastReadNode=nil) then begin
823       // this Define/Undef is not used
824       DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableAllUnusedDefines']);
825       DisableDefineNode(MacroNode.LastDefineNode,Changed);
826     end;
827     AVLNode:=NextAVLNode;
828   end;
829 end;
831 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.MoveIfNotThenDefsUp(var Changed: boolean);
832 (* 1. Search for
833     {$IFNDEF Name}
834       {$DEFINE Name}
835       .. name is not used here ..
836     {$ENDIF}
838    And move the define behind the IF block
840   2. And check for
841     {$IFDEF Name}
842       .. name is not set here ..
843       {$DEFINE Name}
844     {$ENDIF}
846    And remove the define
847 *)
IdentifierIsReadAfterNodenull849   function IdentifierIsReadAfterNode(Identifier: PChar;
850     StartNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
851   var
852     Node: TCodeTreeNode;
853     ParentNode: TCodeTreeNode;
854   begin
855     Node:=StartNode;
856     while Node<>nil do begin
857       case Node.Desc of
858       cdnIf,cdnElseIf:
859         if FindNameInIfExpression(Node,Identifier)>0 then begin
860           exit(true);
861         end;
862       cdnDefine:
863         if DefineUsesName(Node,Identifier) then begin
864           ParentNode:=StartNode;
865           while (ParentNode<>nil) do begin
866             if ParentNode=Node.Parent then exit(false);
867             ParentNode:=ParentNode.Parent;
868           end;
869         end;
870       end;
871       Node:=Node.Next;
872     end;
873     Result:=false;
874   end;
876 var
877   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
878   NextNode: TCodeTreeNode;
879   SubNode: TCodeTreeNode;
880   NameStart: integer;
881   LastDefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;
882   LastIFNode: TCodeTreeNode;
883   NextSubNode: TCodeTreeNode;
884   EndNode: TCodeTreeNode;
885   InsertPos: LongInt;
886   NewSrc: String;
887   LastChildDefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;
888 begin
889   Node:=Tree.Root;
890   while Node<>nil do begin
891     NextNode:=Node.Next;
892     if ((Node.Desc=cdnIf) or (Node.Desc=cdnElseIf))
893     and IsIfExpressionSimple(Node,NameStart) then begin
894       // an IF with a single test
895       LastIFNode:=nil;
896       LastDefineNode:=nil;
897       LastChildDefineNode:=nil;
898       SubNode:=Node.FirstChild;
899       while (SubNode<>nil) and (SubNode.HasAsParent(Node)) do begin
900         NextSubNode:=SubNode.Next;
901         case SubNode.Desc of
903         cdnIf, cdnElseIf:
904           if FindNameInIfExpression(SubNode,@Src[NameStart])>0 then begin
905             // this sub IF block uses the macro
906             LastIFNode:=SubNode;
907           end;
909         cdnDefine:
910           if ((SubNode.SubDesc=cdnsDefine) or (SubNode.SubDesc=cdnsUndef))
911           and DefineUsesName(SubNode,@Src[NameStart]) then begin
912             // this sub Define/Undef sets the macro
913             if (LastIFNode=nil) and (LastDefineNode=nil) then begin
914               (* This is
915                 {$IF(N)DEF Name}
916                   ... Name not used ...
917                   {$DEFINE|UNDEF Name}
918               *)
919               if (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfndef) = (SubNode.SubDesc=cdnsUndef) then
920               begin
921                 { this is
922                      IFNDEF then UNDEF
923                  or  IFDEF then DEFINE
924                   -> remove define
925                 }
926                 NextSubNode:=SubNode.NextSkipChilds;
927                 DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.MoveIfNotThenDefsUp IFDEF + DEFINE => the define is not needed']);
928                 if NextNode=SubNode then
929                   NextNode:=NextNode.NextSkipChilds;
930                 DisableDefineNode(SubNode,Changed);
931                 SubNode:=nil;
932               end;
933             end;
934             if SubNode<>nil then begin
935               LastDefineNode:=SubNode;
936               LastIFNode:=nil;
937               if SubNode.Parent=Node then begin
938                 // this define is valid for end of the IF block
939                 LastChildDefineNode:=SubNode;
940               end else if (LastChildDefineNode<>nil)
941               and (LastChildDefineNode.SubDesc<>SubNode.SubDesc) then begin
942                 // this sub define can cancel the higher level define
943                 LastChildDefineNode:=nil;
944               end;
945             end;
946           end;
947         end;
948         SubNode:=NextSubNode;
949       end;
951       if (LastChildDefineNode<>nil) then begin
952         (* this is
953            {$IFNDEF Name}
954              ...
955              {$DEFINE Name}
956              ... Name only read ...
957            {$ENDIF}
959            or IFDEF and UNDEF
960            -> move define behind IF block
961         *)
962         EndNode:=Node;
963         while (EndNode<>nil) and (EndNode.Desc<>cdnEnd) do
964           EndNode:=EndNode.NextBrother;
965         if (EndNode<>nil)
966         and IdentifierIsReadAfterNode(@Src[NameStart],EndNode) then begin
967           InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,EndNode.EndPos,SrcLen,
968                                                     NestedComments);
969           NewSrc:=LineEnding+GetDirective(LastDefineNode);
970           DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.MoveIfNotThenDefsUp IFNDEF + DEFINE => add define after block']);
971           InsertDefine(InsertPos,NewSrc,LastDefineNode.SubDesc);
972           if (LastDefineNode=LastChildDefineNode)
973           and (LastIFNode=nil) then begin
974             // the name was not read after it was set -> disable the define
975             // in the block
976             DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.MoveIfNotThenDefsUp old DEFINE is not needed anymore']);
977             if NextNode=LastDefineNode then
978               NextNode:=NextNode.NextSkipChilds;
979             DisableDefineNode(LastDefineNode,Changed);
980           end;
981         end;
982       end;
983     end;
984     Node:=NextNode;
985   end;
986 end;
988 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks(Undefines,
989   Defines: TStrings; var Changed: boolean);
990 type
991   PDefineChange = ^TDefineChange;
992   TDefineChange = record
993     Name: string;
994     OldStatus: TDefineStatus;
995     Next: PDefineChange;
996   end;
998 var
999   CurDefines: TAVLTree;
1000   Stack: array of PDefineChange;// stack of lists of PDefineChange
1001   StackPointer: integer;
1003   procedure InitStack;
1004   begin
1005     SetLength(Stack,1);
1006     StackPointer:=0;
1007     Stack[0]:=nil;
1008   end;
1010   procedure FreeStack;
1011   var
1012     i: Integer;
1013     Item: PDefineChange;
1014     DeleteItem: PDefineChange;
1015   begin
1016     for i:=0 to StackPointer do begin
1017       Item:=Stack[i];
1018       while Item<>nil do begin
1019         DeleteItem:=Item;
1020         Item:=DeleteItem^.Next;
1021         Dispose(DeleteItem);
1022       end;
1023     end;
1024     Setlength(Stack,0);
1025   end;
1027   procedure AddStackChange(const MacroName: string; OldStatus: TDefineStatus);
1028   var
1029     Change: PDefineChange;
1030   begin
1031     {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1032     DebugLn(['AddStackChange ',MacroName,' ',DefineStatusNames[OldStatus]]);
1033     {$ENDIF}
1034     // check if MacroName was already changed
1035     Change:=Stack[StackPointer];
1036     while (Change<>nil) do begin
1037       if (CompareIdentifierPtrs(Pointer(MacroName),Pointer(Change^.Name))=0)
1038       then begin
1039         // old status is already saved
1040         exit;
1041       end;
1042       Change:=Change^.Next;
1043     end;
1045     {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1046     DebugLn(['AddStackChange ADD ',MacroName,' ',DefineStatusNames[OldStatus]]);
1047     {$ENDIF}
1048     New(Change);
1049     FillChar(Change^,SizeOf(TDefineChange),0);
1050     Change^.Name:=MacroName;
1051     Change^.OldStatus:=OldStatus;
1052     Change^.Next:=Stack[StackPointer];
1053     Stack[StackPointer]:=Change;
1054   end;
GetStatusnull1056   function GetStatus(Identifier: PChar): TDefineStatus;
1057   var
1058     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
1059   begin
1060     AVLNode:=CurDefines.FindKey(Identifier,@ComparePCharWithDefineValue);
1061     if AVLNode<>nil then
1062       Result:=TDefineValue(AVLNode.Data).Status
1063     else
1064       Result:=dsUnknown;
1065   end;
1067   procedure SetStatus(Identifier: PChar; NewStatus: TDefineStatus;
1068     SaveOnStack, SetGlobal: boolean);
1069   var
1070     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
1071     DefValue: TDefineValue;
1072     i: Integer;
1073     Change: PDefineChange;
1074   begin
1075     {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1076     DebugLn(['SetStatus ',GetIdentifier(Identifier),' Old=',DefineStatusNames[GetStatus(Identifier)],' New=',DefineStatusNames[NewStatus],' SaveOnStack=',SaveOnStack,' SetGlobal=',SetGlobal]);
1077     {$ENDIF}
1078     AVLNode:=CurDefines.FindKey(Identifier,@ComparePCharWithDefineValue);
1079     if AVLNode=nil then begin
1080       if NewStatus<>dsUnknown then begin
1081         DefValue:=TDefineValue.Create;
1082         DefValue.Name:=GetIdentifier(Identifier);
1083         DefValue.Status:=NewStatus;
1084         CurDefines.Add(DefValue);
1085         if SaveOnStack then
1086           AddStackChange(DefValue.Name,dsUnknown);
1087       end else begin
1088         // no change
1089       end;
1090     end else begin
1091       DefValue:=TDefineValue(AVLNode.Data);
1092       if NewStatus<>dsUnknown then begin
1093         if NewStatus<>DefValue.Status then begin
1094           if SaveOnStack then
1095             AddStackChange(DefValue.Name,DefValue.Status);
1096           DefValue.Status:=NewStatus;
1097         end;
1098       end else begin
1099         if SaveOnStack then
1100           AddStackChange(DefValue.Name,DefValue.Status);
1101         CurDefines.Delete(AVLNode);
1102         DefValue.Free;
1103       end;
1104     end;
1105     if SetGlobal then begin
1106       for i:=StackPointer downto 0 do begin
1107         Change:=Stack[i];
1108         while Change<>nil do begin
1109           if CompareIdentifiers(PChar(Change^.Name),Identifier)=0 then begin
1110             if (Change^.OldStatus=dsUnknown)
1111             or (Change^.OldStatus=NewStatus) then begin
1112               // ok
1113             end else begin
1114               Change^.OldStatus:=dsUnknown;
1115             end;
1116           end;
1117           Change:=Change^.Next;
1118         end;
1119       end;
1120     end;
1121     {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1122     DebugLn(['SetStatus ',GetIdentifier(Identifier),' Cur=',DefineStatusNames[GetStatus(Identifier)],' Should=',DefineStatusNames[NewStatus]]);
1123     {$ENDIF}
1124   end;
1126   procedure InitDefines;
1127   var
1128     i: Integer;
1129     CurName: string;
1130     Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1131     ExprStart: integer;
1132     ExprEnd: integer;
1133   begin
1134     CurDefines:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareDefineValues);
1135     {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1136     DebugLn(['InitDefines ',Defines<>nil,' ',Undefines<>nil]);
1137     {$ENDIF}
1138     if Undefines<>nil then begin
1139       for i:=0 to Undefines.Count-1 do
1140         if Undefines[i]<>'' then
1141           SetStatus(PChar(Undefines[i]),dsNotDefined,false,false);
1142     end;
1143     if Defines<>nil then begin
1144       for i:=0 to Defines.Count-1 do begin
1145         CurName:=Defines[i];
1146         if System.Pos('=',CurName)>0 then
1147           CurName:=Defines.Names[i];
1148         if CurName='' then continue;
1149         SetStatus(PChar(CurName),dsDefined,false,false);
1150       end;
1151     end;
1152     if UndefH2PasFunctions then begin
1153       Node:=Tree.Root;
1154       while Node<>nil do begin
1155         if ((Node.Desc=cdnIf) or (Node.Desc=cdnElseIf)) then begin
1156           if GetIfExpression(Node,ExprStart,ExprEnd) then begin
1157             MoveCursorToPos(ExprStart);
1158             repeat
1159               ReadNextAtom;
1160               if AtomStart>=ExprEnd then break;
1161               if ComparePrefixIdent(H2Pas_Function_Prefix,@Src[AtomStart]) then
1162                 SetStatus(@Src[AtomStart],dsNotDefined,false,false);
1163             until false;
1164           end;
1165         end;
1166         Node:=Node.Next;
1167       end;
1168     end;
1169   end;
1171   procedure FreeDefines;
1172   begin
1173     if CurDefines=nil then exit;
1174     CurDefines.FreeAndClear;
1175     FreeAndNil(CurDefines);
1176   end;
1178   procedure Push;
1179   begin
1180     inc(StackPointer);
1181     if StackPointer=length(Stack) then
1182       SetLength(Stack,length(Stack)*2+10);
1183     Stack[StackPointer]:=nil;
1184   end;
1186   procedure Pop;
1187   var
1188     Change: PDefineChange;
1189   begin
1190     if StackPointer=0 then
1191       RaiseException(20170422131842,'TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks.Pop without Push');
1192     // undo all changes
1193     while Stack[StackPointer]<>nil do begin
1194       Change:=Stack[StackPointer];
1195       SetStatus(PChar(Change^.Name),Change^.OldStatus,false,false);
1196       Stack[StackPointer]:=Change^.Next;
1197       Dispose(Change);
1198     end;
1199     dec(StackPointer);
1200   end;
1202 var
1203   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1204   NextNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1205   NameStart: integer;
1206   NewStatus: TDefineStatus;
1207   Identifier: PChar;
1208   OldStatus: TDefineStatus;
1209   HasValue: boolean;
1210   ValueStart: integer;
1211   ExprNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1212   IsIfBlock: Boolean;
1213   BlockIsAlwaysReached: Boolean;
1214   BlockIsNeverReached: Boolean;
1215   BlockIsReachable: Boolean;
1216 begin
1217   InitDefines;
1218   InitStack;
1219   try
1220     Node:=Tree.Root;
1221     while Node<>nil do begin
1222       NextNode:=Node.Next;
1223       {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1224       DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks Node=',CDNodeDescAsString(Node.Desc),'=',GetDirective(Node)]);
1225       {$ENDIF}
1226       case Node.Desc of
1227       cdnIf, cdnElse:
1228         begin
1229           if Node.Desc=cdnIf then begin
1230             IsIfBlock:=true;
1231           end else begin
1232             IsIfBlock:=false;
1233             // close prior block
1234             Pop;
1235           end;
1236           // start new block
1237           Push;
1239           if IsIfBlock then begin
1240             ExprNode:=Node;
1241           end else begin
1242             if Node.PriorBrother.Desc=cdnIf then begin
1243               ExprNode:=Node.PriorBrother;
1244             end else begin
1245               ExprNode:=nil;
1246             end;
1247           end;
1248           {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1249           if (ExprNode<>nil) then
1250             DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks Expr=',GetIfExpressionString(ExprNode),' Simple=',IsIfExpressionSimple(ExprNode,NameStart)])
1251           else
1252             DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks Expr=nil']);
1253           {$ENDIF}
1255           if (ExprNode<>nil) and IsIfExpressionSimple(ExprNode,NameStart) then
1256           begin
1257             // a simple expression
1258             Identifier:=@Src[NameStart];
1259             if (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfndef)=IsIfBlock then
1260               NewStatus:=dsNotDefined
1261             else
1262               NewStatus:=dsDefined;
1263             OldStatus:=GetStatus(Identifier);
1264             BlockIsReachable:=(OldStatus=dsUnknown) or (OldStatus=NewStatus);
1265             BlockIsAlwaysReached:=OldStatus=NewStatus;
1266             BlockIsNeverReached:=(OldStatus<>dsUnknown) and (OldStatus<>NewStatus);
1267             {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1268             DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks Identifier=',GetIdentifier(Identifier),' Reachable=',BlockIsReachable,' Always=',BlockIsAlwaysReached,' Never=',BlockIsNeverReached,' NewStatus=',DefineStatusNames[NewStatus]]);
1269             {$ENDIF}
1270             if BlockIsReachable then
1271               SetStatus(Identifier,NewStatus,true,false);
1272             if BlockIsAlwaysReached or BlockIsNeverReached then begin
1273               // this node can be removed
1274               if BlockIsNeverReached or (Node.FirstChild=nil) then begin
1275                 NextNode:=Node.NextBrother;
1276                 if (NextNode<>nil) and (NextNode.Desc=cdnEnd) then begin
1277                   // if the next node is an end node it will be disabled too
1278                   NextNode:=NextNode.NextSkipChilds;
1279                 end;
1280               end;
1281               // we can Pop here, because
1282               //   this the last block
1283               //   or this is the first block, then the next block will
1284               //   become the new first block
1285               Pop;
1286               if BlockIsAlwaysReached then
1287                 DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks BlockIsAlwaysReached ',GetDirective(Node)]);
1288               if BlockIsNeverReached then
1289                 DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks BlockIsNeverReached ',GetDirective(Node)]);
1290               DisableIfNode(Node,BlockIsNeverReached,Changed);
1291             end;
1292           end else begin
1293             // a complex expression (If, ElseIf, Else)
1294             // assume: it is reachable
1295           end;
1296         end;
1298       cdnElseIf:
1299         begin
1300           // if there is an ElseIf block, then there must be an IF block in front
1301           // And the IF block in front must be reachable,
1302           // otherwise it would be disabled
1303           Pop;
1304           // If+ElseIf gives a complex expression
1305           // assume: it is reachable
1306           Push;
1307         end;
1309       cdnEnd:
1310         begin
1311           Pop;
1312         end;
1314       cdnDefine:
1315         if ((Node.SubDesc=cdnsDefine) or (Node.SubDesc=cdnsUndef)
1316         or (Node.SubDesc=cdnsSetC))
1317         and GetDefineNameAndValue(Node,NameStart,HasValue,ValueStart) then begin
1318           if Node.SubDesc=cdnsDefine then
1319             NewStatus:=dsDefined
1320           else
1321             NewStatus:=dsNotDefined;
1322           if GetStatus(@Src[NameStart])=NewStatus then begin
1323             // this define is not needed
1324             NextNode:=NextNode.NextSkipChilds;
1325             DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks DEFINE is already, always set to this value']);
1326             DisableDefineNode(Node,Changed);
1327           end else begin
1328             // set status on all levels
1329             SetStatus(@Src[NameStart],NewStatus,true,true);
1330           end;
1331         end;
1332       end;
1333       Node:=NextNode;
1334     end;
1335   finally
1336     FreeStack;
1337     FreeDefines;
1338   end;
1339   {$IFDEF VerboseDisableUnreachableIFDEFs}
1340   DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableUnreachableBlocks END']);
1341   {$ENDIF}
1342 end;
1344 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1345   var Changed: boolean; WithContent: boolean);
1346 begin
1347   if Node=nil then exit;
1348   case Node.Desc of
1349   cdnDefine, cdnInclude: DisableDefineNode(Node,Changed);
1350   cdnIf, cdnElseIf, cdnElse: DisableIfNode(Node,WithContent,Changed);
1351   end;
1352 end;
1354 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableDefineNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1355   var Changed: boolean);
1356 var
1357   FromPos: LongInt;
1358   ToPos: LongInt;
1359   NewSrc: String;
1360 begin
1361   if not DisableUnusedDefines then exit;
1362   //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableDefineNode ',GetDirective(Node)]);
1363   if RemoveDisabledDirectives then begin
1364     // remove directive (including space+empty lines in front and spaces behind)
1365     FromPos:=Node.StartPos;
1366     while (FromPos>1) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[FromPos-1]]) do dec(FromPos);
1367     ToPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,Node.StartPos,NestedComments);
1368     ToPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,ToPos,SrcLen+1,NestedComments);
1369     NewSrc:='';
1370     if (FromPos=1) and (ToPos<SrcLen) and (Src[ToPos] in [#10,#13]) then begin
1371       inc(ToPos);
1372       if (ToPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[ToPos] in [#10,#13])
1373       and (Src[ToPos]<>Src[ToPos-1]) then
1374         inc(ToPos);
1375     end;
1376     Replace(FromPos,ToPos,NewSrc);
1377   end else begin
1378     // disable directive -> {off $Define MacroName}
1379     Replace(Node.StartPos+1,Node.StartPos+1,'off ');
1380   end;
1381   Changed:=true;
1382   InternalRemoveNode(Node);
1383 end;
1385 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableIfNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1386   WithContent: boolean; var Changed: boolean);
1388   procedure RaiseImpossible;
1389   begin
1390     RaiseException(20170422131846,'TCompilerDirectivesTree.DisableIfNode impossible');
1391   end;
GetExprnull1393   function GetExpr(ExprNode: TCodeTreeNode; out Negated: boolean): string;
1394   var
1395     ExprStart: integer;
1396     ExprEnd: integer;
1397   begin
1398     if not GetIfExpression(ExprNode,ExprStart,ExprEnd) then
1399       RaiseImpossible;
1400     Result:=copy(Src,ExprStart,ExprEnd-ExprStart);
1401     Negated:=ExprNode.SubDesc=cdnsIfNdef;
1402     if (ExprNode.SubDesc=cdnsIfdef) or (ExprNode.SubDesc=cdnsIfNdef) then
1403       Result:='defined('+Result+')';
1404   end;
1406   procedure CommentCode(FromPos, ToPos: integer);
1407   var
1408     p: LongInt;
1409     NewSrc: String;
1410   begin
1411     p:=FromPos;
1412     repeat
1413       // find code
1414       MoveCursorToPos(p);
1415       ReadNextAtom;
1416       if AtomStart>=ToPos then break;
1417       // there is code to comment
1418       // = > start comment
1419       Replace(AtomStart,AtomStart,'(* ');
1420       p:=AtomStart;
1421       while (p<FromPos) do begin
1422         if (Src[p]='(') and (Src[p+1]='*') then
1423           break;
1424         inc(p);
1425       end;
1426       // end comment
1427       NewSrc:='*)'+LineEnding;
1428       Replace(p,p,NewSrc);
1429       inc(p,length(NewSrc));
1430     until false;
1431   end;
1433   procedure DisableContent;
1434   var
1435     FromPos: LongInt;
1436     ToPos: LongInt;
1437     ChildNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1438     FirstChild: TCodeTreeNode;
1439     LastChild: TCodeTreeNode;
1440   begin
1441     if not WithContent then begin
1442       // the content (child nodes) will stay, but the Node will be freed
1443       // -> move child nodes in front of Node (keep source positions)
1444       FirstChild:=Node.FirstChild;
1445       LastChild:=Node.LastChild;
1446       if FirstChild<>nil then begin
1447         ChildNode:=FirstChild;
1448         while ChildNode<>nil do begin
1449           ChildNode.Parent:=Node.Parent;
1450           ChildNode:=ChildNode.NextBrother;
1451         end;
1452         FirstChild.PriorBrother:=Node.PriorBrother;
1453         LastChild.NextBrother:=Node;
1454         if FirstChild.PriorBrother=nil then begin
1455           if Node.Parent<>nil then
1456             Node.Parent.FirstChild:=FirstChild;
1457         end else begin
1458           FirstChild.PriorBrother.NextBrother:=FirstChild;
1459         end;
1460         Node.PriorBrother:=LastChild;
1461         Node.FirstChild:=nil;
1462         Node.LastChild:=nil;
1463       end;
1464     end else begin
1465       // free nodes and delete code
1466       while Node.FirstChild<>nil do
1467         InternalRemoveNode(Node.FirstChild);
1468       FromPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,Node.StartPos,NestedComments);
1469       ToPos:=Node.NextBrother.StartPos;
1470       if RemoveDisabledDirectives then begin
1471         // delete content
1472         Replace(FromPos,ToPos,'');
1473       end else begin
1474         // comment content
1475         CommentCode(FromPos,ToPos);
1476       end;
1477     end;
1478   end;
1480 var
1481   FromPos: LongInt;
1482   ToPos: LongInt;
1483   Expr: String;
1484   ElseNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1485   ElseName: String;
1486   Expr2: String;
1487   NewSrc: String;
1488   PrevNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1489   NewDesc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc;
1490   NewSubDesc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc;
1491   Simplified: Boolean;
1492   ExprNegated: boolean;
1493   Expr2Negated: boolean;
1494   p: LongInt;
1495 begin
1496   if (Node.NextBrother=nil) then
1497     RaiseImpossible;
1498   if (Node.Desc<>cdnIf) and (Node.Desc<>cdnElseIf) and (Node.Desc<>cdnElse) then
1499     RaiseImpossible;
1501   DisableContent;
1503   Changed:=true;
1505   // fix all following elseif and else nodes
1506   Expr:=GetExpr(Node,ExprNegated);
1507   ElseNode:=Node.NextBrother;
1508   while ElseNode<>nil do begin
1509     if (ElseNode.Desc=cdnElse) or (ElseNode.Desc=cdnElseIf) then begin
1510       PrevNode:=ElseNode.PriorBrother;
1511       if (PrevNode.Desc=cdnIf) then begin
1512         NewDesc:=cdnIf;
1513         if ElseNode.SubDesc=cdnsIfC then
1514           NewSubDesc:=cdnsIfC
1515         else
1516           NewSubDesc:=cdnsIf; // IFDEF, IF -> IF
1517       end else begin
1518         NewDesc:=cdnElseIf;
1519         if (ElseNode.SubDesc=cdnsElseIf) or (ElseNode.SubDesc=cdnsElse) then
1520           NewSubDesc:=cdnsElIfC
1521         else
1522           NewSubDesc:=cdnsElseIf; // Else, ElseIf -> ElseIF
1523       end;
1524       ElseName:=CDNodeSubDescAsString(NewSubDesc);
1525       // convert {$Else} to {$ElseIf not (Expr)}
1526       // convert {$ElseIf Expr2} to {$ElseIf (Expr2) and not (Expr)}
1527       NewSrc:='('+Expr+')';
1528       if not ExprNegated then
1529         NewSrc:='not '+NewSrc;
1530       if ElseNode.Desc=cdnElse then
1531         NewSrc:='{$'+ElseName+' '+NewSrc+'}'
1532       else begin
1533         Expr2:=GetExpr(ElseNode,Expr2Negated);
1534         NewSrc:='{$'+ElseName+' ('+Expr2+') and '+NewSrc+'}';
1535       end;
1536       Replace(ElseNode.StartPos,
1537               FindCommentEnd(Src,ElseNode.StartPos,NestedComments),NewSrc);
1538       ElseNode.Desc:=NewDesc;
1539       ElseNode.SubDesc:=NewSubDesc;
1540       Simplified:=false;
1541       CheckAndImproveExpr_Brackets(ElseNode,Simplified);
1542       CheckAndImproveExpr_IfDefinedMacro(ElseNode,Simplified);
1543     end else begin
1544       break;
1545     end;
1546     ElseNode:=ElseNode.NextBrother;
1547   end;
1549   FromPos:=Node.StartPos;
1550   if RemoveDisabledDirectives then begin
1551     if (Node.NextBrother.Desc=cdnEnd) and (Node.Desc=cdnIf) then begin
1552       // remove the whole IF..END block
1553       ToPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,Node.NextBrother.StartPos,NestedComments);
1554       ToPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,ToPos,SrcLen+1,NestedComments);
1555     end else begin
1556       // remove a sub block
1557       ToPos:=Node.NextBrother.StartPos;
1558     end;
1559     if WithContent then begin
1560       // remove node source with content
1561       if (FromPos>1) and (Src[FromPos-1] in [#10,#13])
1562       and (ToPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[ToPos] in [#10,#13]) then begin
1563         // the directive has a complete line
1564         // remove the line end too
1565         inc(ToPos);
1566         if (ToPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[ToPos] in [#10,#13]) and (Src[ToPos]<>Src[ToPos-1])
1567         then inc(ToPos);
1568         if (ToPos<=SrcLen) and (Src[ToPos] in [#10,#13]) then begin
1569           // there is an empty line behind the directive
1570           // check if there is an empty line in front of the directive
1571           p:=FromPos;
1572           if (p>1) and (Src[p-1] in [#10,#13]) then begin
1573             dec(p);
1574             if (p>1) and (Src[p-1] in [#10,#13]) and (Src[p]<>Src[p-1]) then
1575               dec(p);
1576             if (p>1) and (Src[p-1] in [#10,#13]) then begin
1577               // there is an empty line in front of the directive too
1578               // => remove one empty line
1579               FromPos:=p;
1580             end;
1581           end;
1582         end;
1583       end;
1584       Replace(FromPos,ToPos,'');
1585     end else begin
1586       // remove node source keeping content (child node source)
1587       Replace(FromPos,FindCommentEnd(Src,FromPos,NestedComments),'');
1588       if Node.NextBrother.Desc=cdnEnd then begin
1589         ToPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,Node.NextBrother.StartPos,NestedComments);
1590         ToPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,ToPos,SrcLen+1,NestedComments);
1591         Replace(Node.NextBrother.StartPos,ToPos,'');
1592       end;
1593     end;
1594   end else begin
1595     // disable directive -> {$off IfDef MacroName}
1596     Replace(FromPos+1,FromPos+1,'off ');
1597     if Node.NextBrother.Desc=cdnEnd then
1598       Replace(Node.NextBrother.StartPos+1,Node.NextBrother.StartPos+1,'off ');
1599   end;
1601   if Node.NextBrother.Desc=cdnEnd then
1602     InternalRemoveNode(Node.NextBrother);
1603   InternalRemoveNode(Node);
1604 end;
1606 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.InternalRemoveNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode);
1607 var
1608   AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
1609   MacroNode: TCompilerMacroStats;
1610 begin
1611   // clear references
1612   if Macros<>nil then begin
1613     AVLNode:=Macros.FindLowest;
1614     while AVLNode<>nil do begin
1615       MacroNode:=TCompilerMacroStats(AVLNode.Data);
1616       if MacroNode.LastDefineNode=Node then
1617         MacroNode.LastDefineNode:=nil;
1618       if MacroNode.LastReadNode=Node then
1619         MacroNode.LastReadNode:=nil;
1620       AVLNode:=Macros.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
1621     end;
1622   end;
1624   // free node
1625   Tree.DeleteNode(Node);
1626 end;
1628 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.RaiseException(id: int64;
1629   const ErrorMsg: string);
1630 begin
1631   fLastErrorMsg:=ErrorMsg;
1632   fLastErrorPos:=AtomStart;
1633   fLastErrorId:=id;
1634   if Code<>nil then
1635     Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(AtomStart,fLastErrorXY.Y,fLastErrorXY.X)
1636   else
1637     fLastErrorXY:=Point(0,0);
1638   RaiseLastError;
1639 end;
1641 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.RaiseLastError;
1642 begin
1643   raise ECDirectiveParserException.Create(Self, fLastErrorId,
1644     SrcPosToStr(fLastErrorPos)+' Error: '+ErrorMsg);
1645 end;
1647 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.RemoveEmptyNodes(var Changed: boolean);
1648 var
1649   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1650   NextNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1652   procedure CheckNode;
1653   begin
1654     //DebugLn(['CheckNode ',Node.Desc=cdnIf,' ',(Node.NextBrother<>nil),' ',(Node.FirstChild=nil),' ',GetDirective(Node)]);
1655     case Node.Desc of
1656     cdnIf,cdnElseIf,cdnElse:
1657       if (Node.NextBrother<>nil) and (Node.FirstChild=nil) then begin
1658         case Node.NextBrother.Desc of
1659         cdnEnd,cdnElseIf,cdnElse:
1660           begin
1661             //DebugLn(['CheckNode Checking if empty ...']);
1662             MoveCursorToPos(Node.StartPos);
1663             // skip directive
1664             ReadNextAtom;
1665             // read the following atom (token or directive)
1666             ReadNextAtom;
1667             if AtomStart=Node.NextBrother.StartPos then begin
1668               // node is empty
1669               DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.RemoveEmptyNodes node only contains spaces and comments ',GetDirective(Node)]);
1670               DisableIfNode(Node,true,Changed);
1671             end;
1672           end;
1673         end;
1674       end;
1675     end;
1676   end;
1678 begin
1679   //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.RemoveEmptyNodes ']);
1680   // check nodes from end to start
1681   Node:=Tree.Root;
1682   while (Node.NextBrother<>nil) do Node:=Node.NextBrother;
1683   while (Node.LastChild<>nil) do Node:=Node.LastChild;
1684   while Node<>nil do begin
1685     NextNode:=Node.Prior;
1686     CheckNode;
1687     Node:=NextNode;
1688   end;
1689 end;
InsertDefinenull1691 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.InsertDefine(Position: integer;
1692   const NewSrc: string; SubDesc: TCompilerDirectiveNodeDesc): TCodeTreeNode;
1693 var
1694   ParentNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1695   NextBrotherNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1696 begin
1697   Replace(Position,Position,NewSrc);
1698   ParentNode:=FindNodeAtPos(Position);
1699   if ParentNode=nil then
1700     ParentNode:=Tree.Root;
1701   while (ParentNode<>Tree.Root) and (ParentNode.EndPos=Position) do
1702     ParentNode:=ParentNode.Parent;
1703   Result:=TCodeTreeNode.Create;
1704   Result.Desc:=cdnDefine;
1705   Result.SubDesc:=SubDesc;
1706   Result.StartPos:=FindNextCompilerDirective(Src,Position,NestedComments);
1707   Result.EndPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,Result.StartPos,NestedComments);
1708   NextBrotherNode:=ParentNode.FirstChild;
1709   while (NextBrotherNode<>nil) and (NextBrotherNode.StartPos<=Position) do
1710     NextBrotherNode:=NextBrotherNode.NextBrother;
1711   if NextBrotherNode<>nil then begin
1712     Tree.AddNodeInFrontOf(NextBrotherNode,Result);
1713   end else begin
1714     Tree.AddNodeAsLastChild(ParentNode,Result);
1715     if ParentNode.EndPos<Result.EndPos then
1716       ParentNode.EndPos:=Result.EndPos;
1717   end;
1718 end;
1720 constructor TCompilerDirectivesTree.Create;
1721 begin
1722   Tree:=TCodeTree.Create;
1723   SimplifyExpressions:=true;
1724   DisableUnusedDefines:=true;
1725   RemoveDisabledDirectives:=true;
1726   UndefH2PasFunctions:=true;
1727 end;
1729 destructor TCompilerDirectivesTree.Destroy;
1730 begin
1731   ClearMacros;
1732   FreeAndNil(Tree);
1733   FDefaultDirectiveFuncList.Free;
1734   inherited Destroy;
1735 end;
1737 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.Clear;
1738 begin
1739   Tree.Clear;
1740   if Macros<>nil then begin
1741     Macros.FreeAndClear;
1742     FreeAndNil(Macros);
1743   end;
1744 end;
1746 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.Parse;
1747 begin
1748   Parse(Code,NestedComments);
1749 end;
1751 {$IFOPT R+}{$DEFINE RangeChecking}{$ENDIF}
1752 {$R-}
1753 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.Parse(aCode: TCodeBuffer;
1754   aNestedComments: boolean);
1756   procedure RaiseDanglingIFDEF;
1757   begin
1758     RaiseException(20170422131848,'missing EndIf');
1759   end;
1761 var
1762   DirectiveName: PChar;
1763   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1764 begin
1765   if (Code=aCode) and (NestedComments=aNestedComments) and (not UpdateNeeded)
1766   then begin
1767     if FLastErrorMsg<>'' then
1768       RaiseLastError;
1769     exit;
1770   end;
1772   FLastErrorMsg:='';
1773   Code:=aCode;
1774   NestedComments:=aNestedComments;
1775   InitParser;
1777   repeat
1778     ReadRawNextPascalAtom(Src,SrcPos,AtomStart,NestedComments);
1779     //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.Parse ',NestedComments,' ',copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart)]);
1780     if SrcPos<=SrcLen then begin
1781       if (Src[AtomStart]='{') and (Src[AtomStart+1]='$') then begin
1782         // compiler directive
1783         DirectiveName:=@Src[AtomStart+2];
1784         //DebugLn(['ParseCompilerDirectives ',GetIdentifier(DirectiveName)]);
1785         FDefaultDirectiveFuncList.DoItCaseInsensitive(DirectiveName);
1786       end;
1787     end else begin
1788       break;
1789     end;
1790   until false;
1791   // close nodes
1792   Node:=CurNode;
1793   while Node<>nil do begin
1794     Node.EndPos:=AtomStart;
1795     Node:=Node.Parent;
1796   end;
1797   if CurNode<>Tree.Root then
1798     RaiseDanglingIFDEF;
1800 end;
1801 {$IFDEF RangeChecking}{$R+}{$UNDEF RangeChecking}{$ENDIF}
UpdateNeedednull1803 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.UpdateNeeded: boolean;
1804 begin
1805   Result:=true;
1806   if (Code=nil) or (Tree=nil) or (Tree.Root=nil) then exit;
1807   if Code.ChangeStep<>ParseChangeStep then exit;
1808   Result:=false;
1809 end;
1811 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReduceCompilerDirectives(
1812   Undefines, Defines: TStrings; var Changed: boolean);
1813 (*  Check and improve the following cases
1814   1.  {$DEFINE Name} and Name is never used afterwards -> disable
1816   2.  {$DEFINE Name}
1817       ... Name is not used here ...
1818       {$DEFINE Name}
1819       -> disable first
1821   3.  {$IFDEF Name}... only comments and spaces ...{$ENDIF}
1822       -> disable the whole block
1824   4. {$IFNDEF Name}
1825        ... only comments and spaces ...
1826        {$DEFINE Name}
1827        ... only comments and spaces ...
1828      {$ENDIF}
1829      -> disable the IFNDEF and the ENDIF and keep the DEFINE
1830 *)
GetMacroNodenull1832   function GetMacroNode(p: PChar): TCompilerMacroStats;
1833   var
1834     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
1835   begin
1836     AVLNode:=Macros.FindKey(p,@ComparePCharWithCompilerMacroStats);
1837     if AVLNode<>nil then
1838       Result:=TCompilerMacroStats(AVLNode.Data)
1839     else
1840       Result:=nil;
1841   end;
1843   procedure CheckMacroInExpression(Node: TCodeTreeNode; NameStart: integer;
1844     Complex: boolean; var {%H-}Changed: boolean);
1845   var
1846     MacroNode: TCompilerMacroStats;
1847   begin
1848     MacroNode:=GetMacroNode(@Src[NameStart]);
1849     if MacroNode=nil then begin
1850       MacroNode:=TCompilerMacroStats.Create;
1851       MacroNode.Name:=GetIdentifier(@Src[NameStart]);
1852       Macros.Add(MacroNode);
1853     end;
1854     MacroNode.LastReadNode:=Node;
1856     if not Complex then begin
1858     end;
1859   end;
1861   procedure CheckDefine(Node: TCodeTreeNode; var Changed: boolean);
1862   var
1863     MacroNode: TCompilerMacroStats;
1864     NameStart: integer;
1865     HasValue: boolean;
1866     ValueStart: integer;
1867   begin
1868     if (Node.SubDesc<>cdnsDefine) and (Node.SubDesc<>cdnsUndef)
1869     and (Node.SubDesc<>cdnsSetC) then exit;
1870     if not GetDefineNameAndValue(Node,NameStart,HasValue,ValueStart) then exit;
1871     MacroNode:=GetMacroNode(@Src[NameStart]);
1872     if MacroNode=nil then begin
1873       MacroNode:=TCompilerMacroStats.Create;
1874       MacroNode.Name:=GetIdentifier(@Src[NameStart]);
1875       Macros.Add(MacroNode);
1876     end;
1877     if (MacroNode.LastReadNode=nil) and (MacroNode.LastDefineNode<>nil)
1878     and (MacroNode.LastDefineNode.Parent=Node.Parent)
1879     and ((MacroNode.LastDefineNode.SubDesc=cdnsUndef)=(Node.SubDesc=cdnsUndef)) then begin
1880       // last define was never used -> disable it
1881       DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReduceCompilerDirectives this define was already set to this value']);
1882       DisableDefineNode(MacroNode.LastDefineNode,Changed);
1883     end;
1885     MacroNode.LastReadNode:=nil;
1886     MacroNode.LastDefineNode:=Node;
1887   end;
1889 var
1890   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
1891   ExprStart: integer;
1892   ExprEnd: integer;
1893   Complex: Boolean;
1894   AtomCount: Integer;
1895   NextNode: TCodeTreeNode;
1896 begin
1897   try
1898     ResetMacros;
1899     Node:=Tree.Root;
1900     while Node<>nil do begin
1901       NextNode:=Node.Next;
1903       case Node.Desc of
1904       cdnIf,cdnElseIf:
1905         if GetIfExpression(Node,ExprStart,ExprEnd) then begin
1906           // improve expression
1907           CheckAndImproveExpr_Brackets(Node,Changed);
1908           CheckAndImproveExpr_IfDefinedMacro(Node,Changed);
1910           //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReduceCompilerDirectives Expr=',copy(Src,ExprStart,ExprEnd-ExprStart)]);
1911           // check if it is a complex expression or just one macro
1912           AtomCount:=0;
1913           if (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIf) or (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfC)
1914           or (Node.SubDesc=cdnsElseIf) then begin
1915             MoveCursorToPos(ExprStart);
1916             repeat
1917               ReadNextAtom;
1918               inc(AtomCount);
1919             until AtomStart>=ExprEnd;
1920           end;
1921           Complex:=AtomCount>1;
1923           // mark all macros as read
1924           MoveCursorToPos(ExprStart);
1925           repeat
1926             ReadNextAtom;
1927             if AtomIsIdentifier then begin
1928               CheckMacroInExpression(Node,AtomStart,Complex,Changed);
1929             end;
1930           until AtomStart>=ExprEnd;
1931         end;
1933       cdnDefine:
1934         CheckDefine(Node,Changed);
1936       end;
1938       Node:=NextNode;
1939     end;
1941     DisableAllUnusedDefines(Changed);
1943     MoveIfNotThenDefsUp(Changed);
1945     DisableUnreachableBlocks(Undefines,Defines,Changed);
1947     RemoveEmptyNodes(Changed);
1948   finally
1949     ClearMacros;
1950   end;
1951 end;
1953 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.GatherH2PasFunctions(out
1954   ListOfH2PasFunctions: TFPList; FindDefNodes: boolean);
1955 var
1956   InInterface: boolean;
1958   procedure ReadFunction;
1959   var
1960     HeaderStart: LongInt;
1961     HeaderEnd: LongInt;
1962     FuncName: String;
1963     IsForward: Boolean;
1964     BlockLevel: Integer;
1965     CurH2PasFunc: TH2PasFunction;
BeginStartnull1966     BeginStart: Integer;
1967     BeginEnd: Integer;
1968     IsExternal: Boolean;
1969   begin
1970     HeaderStart:=AtomStart;
1971     // read name
1972     ReadNextAtom;
1973     if not AtomIsIdentifier then exit;
1974     FuncName:=GetAtom;
1975     // read parameter list
1976     ReadNextAtom;
1977     if AtomIs('(') then begin
1978       if not ReadTilBracketClose(')') then exit;
1979       ReadNextAtom;
1980     end;
1981     // read colon
1982     if not AtomIs(':') then exit;
1983     // read result type
1984     ReadNextAtom;
1985     if not AtomIsIdentifier then exit;
1986     // read semicolon
1987     ReadNextAtom;
1988     if not AtomIs(';') then exit;
1989     HeaderEnd:=SrcPos;
modifiersnull1990     // read function modifiers
1991     IsForward:=false;
1992     IsExternal:=false;
1993     repeat
1994       ReadNextAtom;
1995       if (AtomStart<=SrcLen)
1996       and IsKeyWordProcedureSpecifier.DoItCaseInsensitive(@Src[AtomStart])
1997       then begin
1998         if UpAtomIs('EXTERNAL') then
1999           IsExternal:=true;
2000         if UpAtomIs('FORWARD') then
2001           IsForward:=true;
2002         repeat
2003           ReadNextAtom;
2004         until (AtomStart>SrcLen) or AtomIs(';');
2005         HeaderEnd:=SrcPos;
2006       end else
2007         break;
2008     until false;
2010     // read begin..end block
2011     BeginStart:=-1;
2012     BeginEnd:=-1;
2013     if (not IsForward) and (not InInterface) and (not IsExternal)
2014     and UpAtomIs('BEGIN') then begin
2015       BeginStart:=AtomStart;
2016       BlockLevel:=1;
2017       repeat
2018         ReadNextAtom;
2019         if (AtomStart>SrcLen) then break;
2020         if UpAtomIs('END') then begin
2021           dec(BlockLevel);
2022           if BlockLevel=0 then begin
2023             BeginEnd:=SrcPos;
2024             ReadNextAtom;
2025             if AtomIs(';') then
2026               BeginEnd:=SrcPos;
2027             break;
2028           end;
2029         end else if UpAtomIs('BEGIN') or UpAtomIs('ASM') then
2030           inc(BlockLevel);
2031       until false;
2032     end else begin
2033       // undo forward read to make sure that current atom is the last of the function
MoveCursorToPosnull2034       MoveCursorToPos(HeaderEnd);
2035     end;
2037     // found a function
2038     //DebugLn(['ReadFunction ',copy(Src,HeaderStart,FuncEnd-HeaderStart)]);
2039     CurH2PasFunc:=TH2PasFunction.Create;
2040     CurH2PasFunc.Name:=FuncName;
2041     CurH2PasFunc.HeaderStart:=HeaderStart;
2042     CurH2PasFunc.HeaderEnd:=HeaderEnd;
2043     CurH2PasFunc.BeginStart:=BeginStart;
2044     CurH2PasFunc.BeginEnd:=BeginEnd;
2045     CurH2PasFunc.IsForward:=IsForward;
2046     CurH2PasFunc.InInterface:=InInterface;
2047     CurH2PasFunc.IsExternal:=IsExternal;
2048     if ListOfH2PasFunctions=nil then ListOfH2PasFunctions:=TFPList.Create;
2049     ListOfH2PasFunctions.Add(CurH2PasFunc);
2050   end;
2052   procedure DoFindDefNodes;
2053   var
2054     i: Integer;
2055     CurH2PasFunc: TH2PasFunction;
TreeOfForwardFuncsnull2056     TreeOfForwardFuncs: TAVLTree;
2057     TreeOfBodyFuncs: TAVLTree;
2058     AVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
2059     BodyAVLNode: TAVLTreeNode;
2060     BodyFunc: TH2PasFunction;
beginnull2061   begin
2062     if ListOfH2PasFunctions=nil then exit;
2064     // create a tree of the function definitions
2065     // and a tree of the function bodies
2066     TreeOfForwardFuncs:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareH2PasFuncByNameAndPos);
2067     TreeOfBodyFuncs:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareH2PasFuncByNameAndPos);
2068     for i:=0 to ListOfH2PasFunctions.Count-1 do begin
2069       CurH2PasFunc:=TH2PasFunction(ListOfH2PasFunctions[i]);
2070       if CurH2PasFunc.NeedsBody then
2071         TreeOfForwardFuncs.Add(CurH2PasFunc)
2072       else if (CurH2PasFunc.BeginStart>0) then
2073         TreeOfBodyFuncs.Add(CurH2PasFunc);
2074     end;
2076     // search for every definition the corresponding body
2077     AVLNode:=TreeOfForwardFuncs.FindLowest;
2078     while AVLNode<>nil do begin
2079       CurH2PasFunc:=TH2PasFunction(AVLNode.Data);
2080       if CurH2PasFunc.DefNode=nil then begin
2081         BodyAVLNode:=TreeOfBodyFuncs.FindLeftMostKey(Pointer(CurH2PasFunc.Name),
2082                                                 @ComparePCharWithH2PasFuncName);
2083         if BodyAVLNode<>nil then begin
2084           // there is at least one body with this name
2085           repeat
2086             BodyFunc:=TH2PasFunction(BodyAVLNode.Data);
2087             if BodyFunc.DefNode=nil then begin
2088               // this body node with the same name has not yet a definition node
2089               // => found the corresponding node
2090               BodyFunc.DefNode:=CurH2PasFunc;
2091               CurH2PasFunc.DefNode:=BodyFunc;
2092               break;
2093             end else begin
2094               // this body node has already a definition node
2095               // search next body node with same name
2096               BodyAVLNode:=TreeOfBodyFuncs.FindSuccessor(BodyAVLNode);
2097               if (BodyAVLNode=nil)
2098               or (ComparePCharWithH2PasFuncName(
2099                                 Pointer(CurH2PasFunc.Name),BodyAVLNode.Data)<>0)
2100               then
2101                 break;
2102             end;
2103           until false;
2104         end;
2105       end;
2106       AVLNode:=TreeOfBodyFuncs.FindSuccessor(AVLNode);
2107     end;
2109     // clean up
2110     TreeOfForwardFuncs.Free;
2111     TreeOfBodyFuncs.Free;
2112   end;
2114 begin
2115   ListOfH2PasFunctions:=nil;
2117   InInterface:=false;
2118   MoveCursorToPos(1);
2119   repeat
2120     ReadNextAtom;
2121     if SrcPos>SrcLen then break;
2122     if UpAtomIs('FUNCTION') then begin
2123       ReadFunction;
endnull2124     end else if UpAtomIs('INTERFACE') then begin
2125       InInterface:=true;
2126     end else if UpAtomIs('IMPLEMENTATION') then begin
2127       InInterface:=false;
2128     end;
2129   until false;
2131   if FindDefNodes then
2132     DoFindDefNodes;
2133 end;
2135 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.FixMissingH2PasDirectives(var Changed: boolean);
2136 { Adds the directives around the function bodies, that h2pas forgets to add.
2138 }
2139 type
2140   TBodyBlock = record
2141     Definition: TCodeTreeNode;
2142     FirstBodyFunc: TH2PasFunction;
LastBodyFuncnull2143     LastBodyFunc: TH2PasFunction;
2144   end;
2146 var
2147   CurBodyBlock: TBodyBlock;
2148   MacroNames: TStrings; // the Objects are the TCodeTreeNode
2149   ListOfH2PasFunctions: TFPList;
2150   LocalChange: boolean;
IsSameDirectivenull2152   function IsSameDirective(OldNode: TCodeTreeNode; Position: integer;
2153     out NewNode: TCodeTreeNode): boolean;
2154   begin
2155     NewNode:=FindNodeAtPos(Position);
2156     //if OldNode<>nil then DebugLn(['IsSameDirective OldNode=',OldNode.StartPos,' "',copy(Src,OldNode.StartPos,OldNode.EndPos-OldNode.StartPos),'"']);
2157     //if NewNode<>nil then DebugLn(['IsSameDirective NewNode=',NewNode.StartPos,' "',copy(Src,NewNode.StartPos,NewNode.EndPos-NewNode.StartPos),'"']);
2158     Result:=(NewNode<>nil) and (NewNode=OldNode);
2159   end;
HasCodeBetweennull2161   function HasCodeBetween(FromPos, ToPos: integer): boolean;
2162   begin
2163     if FromPos<1 then FromPos:=1;
2164     if FromPos>ToPos then exit(false);
2165     MoveCursorToPos(FromPos);
2166     ReadNextAtom;
2167     Result:=AtomStart<ToPos;
2168   end;
GetMacroNameForNodenull2170   function GetMacroNameForNode(Node: TCodeTreeNode; out IsNew: boolean): string;
2171   var
2172     i: Integer;
2173   begin
2174     if MacroNames=nil then
2175       MacroNames:=TStringList.Create;
2176     for i:=0 to MacroNames.Count-1 do
2177       if MacroNames.Objects[i]=Node then begin
2178         Result:=MacroNames[i];
2179         IsNew:=false;
2180         exit;
2181       end;
2182     IsNew:=true;
2183     Result:=H2Pas_Function_Prefix+IntToStr(MacroNames.Count+1);
2184     MacroNames.AddObject(Result,Node);
2185   end;
2187   procedure LocalReplace(FromPos, ToPos: integer; const NewSrc: string);
2188   var
2189     DiffPos: Integer;
2190     i: Integer;
2191     Func: TH2PasFunction;
beginnull2192   begin
2193     LocalChange:=true;
2194     Replace(FromPos,ToPos,NewSrc);
2195     // update positions
2196     DiffPos:=length(NewSrc)-(ToPos-FromPos);
2197     if DiffPos<>0 then begin
2198       for i:=0 to ListOfH2PasFunctions.Count-1 do begin
2199         Func:=TH2PasFunction(ListOfH2PasFunctions[i]);
2200         Func.AdjustPositionsAfterInsert(FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2201       end;
2202     end;
2203   end;
2205   procedure StartBodyBlock(BodyFunc: TH2PasFunction; DefNode: TCodeTreeNode);
2206   begin
2207     CurBodyBlock.Definition:=DefNode;
2208     CurBodyBlock.FirstBodyFunc:=BodyFunc;
2209     CurBodyBlock.LastBodyFunc:=BodyFunc;
2210   end;
2212   procedure EndBodyBlock;
2213   var
2214     MacroName: String;
2215     InsertPos: LongInt;
2216     IsNewMacro: boolean;
2217   begin
2218     if CurBodyBlock.Definition=nil then exit;
2219     if CurBodyBlock.Definition<>Tree.Root then begin
2220       DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.FixMissingH2PasDirectives add missing directives']);
2221       // create unique macro name
2222       MacroName:=GetMacroNameForNode(CurBodyBlock.Definition,IsNewMacro);
2223       if IsNewMacro then begin
2224         // insert $DEFINE
2225         InsertPos:=FindCommentEnd(Src,CurBodyBlock.Definition.StartPos,NestedComments);
2226         LocalReplace(InsertPos,InsertPos,LineEnding+'{$DEFINE '+MacroName+'}');
2227       end;
2228       // insert $IFDEF
2229       InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeInFrontOfPosition(Src,
2230                   CurBodyBlock.FirstBodyFunc.HeaderStart,1,NestedComments,true);
2231       LocalReplace(InsertPos,InsertPos,LineEnding+'{$IFDEF '+MacroName+'}');
2232       // insert $ENDIF
2233       InsertPos:=FindLineEndOrCodeAfterPosition(Src,
2234                       CurBodyBlock.LastBodyFunc.BeginEnd,1,NestedComments,true);
2235       LocalReplace(InsertPos,InsertPos,LineEnding+'{$ENDIF '+MacroName+'}');
2236     end;
2237     FillChar(CurBodyBlock,SizeOf(TBodyBlock),0);
2238   end;
2240 var
2241   i: Integer;
2242   BodyFunc: TH2PasFunction;
LastDefNodenull2243   LastDefNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2244   BodyNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2245 begin
2246   ListOfH2PasFunctions:=nil;
2247   MacroNames:=nil;
2248   LocalChange:=false;
2249   try
2250     GatherH2PasFunctions(ListOfH2PasFunctions,true);
2251     DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.FixMissingH2PasDirectives ',ListOfH2PasFunctions=nil]);
2252     if ListOfH2PasFunctions=nil then exit;
2253     FillChar(CurBodyBlock,SizeOf(TBodyBlock),0);
2254     LastDefNode:=nil;
2255     for i:=0 to ListOfH2PasFunctions.Count-1 do begin
istOfH2PasFunctionsnull2256       BodyFunc:=TH2PasFunction(ListOfH2PasFunctions[i]);
2257       //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.FixMissingH2PasDirectives DefNode=',(BodyFunc.DefNode<>nil),' Body="',copy(Src,BodyFunc.HeaderStart,BodyFunc.HeaderEnd-BodyFunc.HeaderStart),'"']);
2258       if (BodyFunc.BeginStart<1) or (BodyFunc.DefNode=nil) then
2259         continue;
2260       BodyNode:=FindNodeAtPos(BodyFunc.HeaderStart);
2261       if BodyNode<>Tree.Root then begin
2262         // this body has already a directive block
2263         continue;
2264       end;
isnull2265       // this function is a body and has a definition
2267       if (CurBodyBlock.LastBodyFunc<>nil)
2268       and HasCodeBetween(CurBodyBlock.LastBodyFunc.BeginEnd,BodyFunc.HeaderStart)
2269       then begin
2270         // there is code between last function body and current function body
2271         // end last block
2272         EndBodyBlock;
2273       end;
2275       if not IsSameDirective(LastDefNode,
2276         BodyFunc.DefNode.HeaderStart,LastDefNode)
2277       then begin
2278         // another directive block => end last block
2279         EndBodyBlock;
2280       end;
2282       if (CurBodyBlock.Definition=nil) then begin
2283         // a new block
2284         StartBodyBlock(BodyFunc, LastDefNode);
2285       end else begin
2286         // continue current block
2287         CurBodyBlock.LastBodyFunc:=BodyFunc;
2288       end;
2289     end;
2290     // end last block
2291     EndBodyBlock;
2293   finally
2294     if ListOfH2PasFunctions<>nil then
2295       for i:=0 to ListOfH2PasFunctions.Count-1 do
2296         TObject(ListOfH2PasFunctions[i]).Free;
2297     ListOfH2PasFunctions.Free;
2298     MacroNames.Free;
2300     if LocalChange then begin
2301       Changed:=true;
2302       Parse(Code,NestedComments);
2303     end;
2304   end;
2305 end;
NodeStartToCodePosnull2307 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.NodeStartToCodePos(Node: TCodeTreeNode; out
2308   CodePos: TCodeXYPosition): boolean;
2309 begin
2310   CodePos.Code:=nil;
2311   CodePos.Y:=0;
2312   CodePos.X:=0;
2313   if (Node=nil) or (Code=nil) then exit(false);
2314   CodePos.Code:=Code;
2315   Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(Node.StartPos,CodePos.Y,CodePos.X);
2316   Result:=true;
2317 end;
SrcPosToStrnull2319 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.SrcPosToStr(p: integer;
2320   WithFilename: boolean): string;
2321 var
2322   Line: integer;
2323   Column: integer;
2324 begin
2325   if Code=nil then
2326     exit('P='+IntToStr(p));
2327   if WithFilename then
2328     Result:=Code.Filename
2329   else
2330     Result:='';
2331   Code.AbsoluteToLineCol(p,Line,Column);
2332   Result+='('+IntToStr(Line)+','+IntToStr(Column)+')';
2333 end;
FindResourceDirectivenull2335 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.FindResourceDirective(const Filename: string;
2336   StartPos: integer): TCodeTreeNode;
2337 begin
2338   if Tree=nil then exit(nil);
2339   Result:=Tree.Root;
2340   while Result<>nil do begin
2341     if (Result.StartPos>=StartPos)
2342     and IsResourceDirective(Result,Filename) then exit;
2343     Result:=Result.Next;
2344   end;
2345 end;
IsResourceDirectivenull2347 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IsResourceDirective(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2348   const Filename: string): boolean;
2349 // search for {$R filename}
2350 // if filename='' then search for any {$R } directive
2351 // Beware: do not find {$R+}
2352 var
2353   p: LongInt;
2354 begin
2355   Result:=false;
2356   if (Node=nil) or (Node.Desc<>cdnDefine) or (Node.SubDesc<>cdnsOther) then exit;
2357   p:=Node.StartPos;
2358   if (Node.EndPos-p>=5) and (Src[p]='{') and (Src[p+1]='$') and (Src[p+2]='R')
2359   and IsSpaceChar[Src[p+3]] then
2360   begin
2361     if (Filename='') then exit(true);
2362     inc(p,4);
2363     while (p<Node.EndPos) and IsSpaceChar[Src[p]] do inc(p);
2364     if CompareText(Filename,copy(Src,p,Node.EndPos-p-1))=0 then // do not use CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase
2365       exit(true);
2366   end;
2367 end;
FindIncludeDirectivenull2369 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.FindIncludeDirective(const Filename: string;
2370   StartPos: integer): TCodeTreeNode;
2371 begin
2372   if Tree=nil then exit(nil);
2373   Result:=Tree.Root;
2374   while Result<>nil do begin
2375     if (Result.StartPos>=StartPos)
2376     and IsIncludeDirective(Result,Filename) then exit;
2377     Result:=Result.Next;
2378   end;
2379 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.IsIncludeDirectivenull2381 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IsIncludeDirective(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2382   const Filename: string): boolean;
2383 // search for {$I filename}
2384 // if filename='' then search for any {$I } directive
2385 // Beware: do not find {$I+}
2386 var
2387   p: LongInt;
2388   FilenameStartPos: integer;
2389   FilenameEndPos: integer;
2390   CommentStart: integer;
2391   CommentEnd: integer;
2392 begin
2393   Result:=false;
2394   //debugln(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.IsIncludeDirective ',CDNodeDescAsString(Node.Desc)]);
2395   if (Node=nil) or (Node.Desc<>cdnInclude) then exit;
2396   p:=Node.StartPos;
2397   if (Node.EndPos-p>=5) and (Src[p]='{') and (Src[p+1]='$') and (Src[p+2]='I')
2398   then begin
2399     if (Filename='') then exit(true);
2400     if FindNextIncludeDirective(Src,p,NestedComments,
2401       FilenameStartPos,FilenameEndPos,CommentStart,CommentEnd)=p then
2402     begin
2403       // do not use CompareFilenamesIgnoreCase
2404       if CompareText(Filename,
2405         copy(Src,FilenameStartPos,FilenameEndPos-FilenameStartPos))=0
2406       then
2407         exit(true);
2408     end;
2409   end;
2410 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetDirectiveNamenull2412 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetDirectiveName(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2413 begin
2414   Result:=GetIdentifier(@Src[Node.StartPos+2]);
2415 end;
TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetDirectivenull2417 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetDirective(Node: TCodeTreeNode): string;
2418 begin
2419   Result:=copy(Src,Node.StartPos,
2420                FindCommentEnd(Src,Node.StartPos,NestedComments)-Node.StartPos);
2421 end;
GetIfExpressionnull2423 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetIfExpression(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2424   out ExprStart, ExprEnd: integer): boolean;
2425 var
2426   p: LongInt;
2427 begin
2428   Result:=false;
2429   ExprStart:=-1;
2430   ExprEnd:=-1;
2431   p:=Node.StartPos+2;
2432   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2433   while (p<=SrcLen) and IsIdentChar[Src[p]] do inc(p);
2434   if (p>SrcLen) or (not IsSpaceChar[Src[p]]) then exit;
2435   inc(p);
2436   ExprStart:=p;
2437   while (p<=SrcLen) and (Src[p]<>'}') do inc(p);
2438   ExprEnd:=p;
2439   Result:=true;
2440 end;
GetIfExpressionStringnull2442 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetIfExpressionString(Node: TCodeTreeNode
2443   ): string;
2444 var
2445   ExprStart: integer;
2446   ExprEnd: integer;
2447 begin
2448   if not GetIfExpression(Node,ExprStart,ExprEnd) then
2449     Result:=''
2450   else
2451     Result:=copy(Src,ExprStart,ExprEnd-ExprStart);
2452 end;
IsIfExpressionSimplenull2454 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.IsIfExpressionSimple(Node: TCodeTreeNode; out
2455   NameStart: integer): boolean;
2456 var
2457   p: LongInt;
2458 begin
2459   Result:=false;
2460   NameStart:=-1;
2461   // skip {$
2462   p:=Node.StartPos+2;
2463   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2464   // skip directive name
2465   while (p<=SrcLen) and IsIdentChar[Src[p]] do inc(p);
2466   // skip space
2467   if (p>SrcLen) or (not IsSpaceChar[Src[p]]) then exit;
2468   while (p<=SrcLen) and IsSpaceChar[Src[p]] do inc(p);
2469   if (p>SrcLen) or (not IsIdentStartChar[Src[p]]) then exit;
2470   // the expression starts with word
2471   NameStart:=p;
2472   if (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfdef) or (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfndef) then begin
2473     // IFDEF and IFNDEF only test the first word
2474     exit(true);
2475   end;
2476   // skip first word
2477   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsIdentChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2478   // skip space
2479   while (p<=SrcLen) and IsSpaceChar[Src[p]] do inc(p);
2480   if (p>SrcLen) or (Src[p]='}') then begin
2481     // the expression only contains one word
2482     exit(true);
2483   end;
2484   Result:=false;
2485 end;
FindNameInIfExpressionnull2487 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.FindNameInIfExpression(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2488   Identifier: PChar): integer;
2489 var
2490   p: LongInt;
2491 begin
2492   Result:=-1;
2493   // skip {$
2494   p:=Node.StartPos+2;
2495   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2496   // skip directive name
2497   while (p<=SrcLen) and IsIdentChar[Src[p]] do inc(p);
2498   // read expression
2499   while (p<=SrcLen) do begin
2500     if Src[p]='}' then exit;
2501     if IsIdentStartChar[Src[p]] then begin
2502       if CompareIdentifierPtrs(@Src[p],Identifier)=0 then
2503         exit(p);
2504       if (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfdef) or (Node.SubDesc=cdnsIfndef) then begin
2505         // IFDEF and IFNDEF have only one word
2506         exit;
2507       end;
2508       while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsIdentChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2509     end else begin
2510       inc(p);
2511     end;
2512   end;
2513 end;
GetDefineNameAndValuenull2515 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetDefineNameAndValue(
2516   DefineNode: TCodeTreeNode; out NameStart: integer; out HasValue: boolean; out
2517   ValueStart: integer): boolean;
2518 var
2519   p: LongInt;
2520 begin
2521   Result:=false;
2522   NameStart:=-1;
2523   HasValue:=false;
2524   ValueStart:=-1;
2525   p:=DefineNode.StartPos+2;
2526   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2527   // skip keyword
2528   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsIdentChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2529   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2530   // check name
2531   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2532   NameStart:=p;
2533   if not IsIdentStartChar[Src[p]] then exit;
2534   Result:=true;
2536   // skip name
2537   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsIdentChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2538   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2539   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2540   if (Src[p]=':') and (p<SrcLen) and (Src[p+1]='=') then begin
2541     // has value
2542     HasValue:=true;
2543     inc(p,2);
2544     while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2545     ValueStart:=p;
2546   end;
2547 end;
DefineUsesNamenull2549 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.DefineUsesName(DefineNode: TCodeTreeNode;
2550   Identifier: PChar): boolean;
2551 var
2552   p: LongInt;
2553 begin
2554   Result:=false;
2555   p:=DefineNode.StartPos+2;
2556   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2557   // skip keyword
2558   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsIdentChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2559   while (p<=SrcLen) and (IsSpaceChar[Src[p]]) do inc(p);
2560   // check name
2561   if p>SrcLen then exit;
2562   Result:=CompareIdentifierPtrs(@Src[p],Identifier)=0;
2563 end;
NodeIsEmptynull2565 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.NodeIsEmpty(Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2566   IgnoreComments: boolean): boolean;
2567 var
2568   DirectiveEndPos: LongInt;
2569 begin
2570   if (Node=nil) then exit(true);
2571   if Node.FirstChild<>nil then exit(false);
2572   case Node.Desc of
2573   cdnNone: exit(true);
2574   cdnRoot: exit(false); // root is never empty, can not be deleted
2575   cdnDefine: exit(true);
2576   cdnIf,
2577   cdnElseIf,
2578   cdnElse:
2579     begin
2580       if Node.NextBrother=nil then exit(false); // maybe continued in another file
2581       MoveCursorToPos(Node.StartPos);
2582       // skip directive
2583       ReadNextAtom;
2584       DirectiveEndPos:=SrcPos;
2585       // read the following atom (token or directive)
2586       ReadNextAtom;
2587       if AtomStart=Node.NextBrother.StartPos then begin
2588         if IgnoreComments then
2589           exit(true)
2590         else if FindNextNonSpace(Src,DirectiveEndPos)<AtomStart then
2591           exit(false)
2592         else
2593           exit(true);
2594       end;
2595     end;
2596   cdnEnd: exit(false);
2597   else exit(false);
2598   end;
2599 end;
FindNodeAtPosnull2601 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.FindNodeAtPos(p: integer): TCodeTreeNode;
2602 begin
2603   Result:=Tree.Root;
2604   while Result<>nil do begin
2605     if Result.StartPos>p then
2606       exit(Result.Parent);
2607     if (Result.EndPos>p)
2608     or  ((Result.EndPos=p) and (Result.NextBrother<>nil)
2609           and (Result.NextBrother.StartPos>p))
2610     then begin
2611       // p is in range of Result => check children
2612       if (Result.FirstChild=nil)
2613       or (Result.FirstChild.StartPos>p) then
2614         exit;
2615       Result:=Result.FirstChild;
2616     end else begin
2617       // p is behind => next
2618       if Result.NextBrother<>nil then
2619         Result:=Result.NextBrother
2620       else
2621         exit(Result.Parent);
2622     end;
2623   end;
2624 end;
2626 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.MoveCursorToPos(p: integer);
2627 begin
2628   SrcPos:=p;
2629   AtomStart:=p;
2630 end;
2632 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReadNextAtom;
2633 begin
2634   //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReadNextAtom START ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' ',Src[SrcPos]]);
2635   ReadRawNextPascalAtom(Src,SrcPos,AtomStart,NestedComments);
2636   //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReadNextAtom END ',AtomStart,'-',SrcPos,' ',copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart)]);
2637 end;
ReadTilBracketClosenull2639 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.ReadTilBracketClose(CloseBracket: char
2640   ): boolean;
2641 begin
2642   Result:=false;
2643   repeat
2644     ReadNextAtom;
2645     if AtomStart>SrcLen then exit;
2646     if SrcPos-AtomStart=1 then begin
2647       if Src[AtomStart]=CloseBracket then
2648         exit(true)
2649       else if Src[AtomStart]='(' then
2650         ReadTilBracketClose(')')
2651       else if Src[AtomStart]='[' then
2652         ReadTilBracketClose(']');
2653     end;
2654   until false;
2655 end;
AtomIsnull2657 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.AtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
2658 var
2659   len: Integer;
2660   i: Integer;
2661 begin
2662   len:=length(s);
2663   if (len<>SrcPos-AtomStart) then exit(false);
2664   if SrcPos>SrcLen then exit(false);
2665   for i:=1 to len do
2666     if Src[AtomStart+i-1]<>s[i] then exit(false);
2667   Result:=true;
2668 end;
UpAtomIsnull2670 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.UpAtomIs(const s: shortstring): boolean;
2671 var
2672   len: Integer;
2673   i: Integer;
2674 begin
2675   len:=length(s);
2676   if (len<>SrcPos-AtomStart) then exit(false);
2677   if SrcPos>SrcLen then exit(false);
2678   for i:=1 to len do
2679     if UpChars[Src[AtomStart+i-1]]<>s[i] then exit(false);
2680   Result:=true;
2681 end;
AtomIsIdentifiernull2683 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.AtomIsIdentifier: boolean;
2684 var
2685   p: Integer;
2686 begin
2687   if (AtomStart>=SrcPos) then exit(false);
2688   if (SrcPos>SrcLen) or (SrcPos-AtomStart>255) then exit(false);
2689   if not IsIdentStartChar[Src[AtomStart]] then exit(false);
2690   p:=AtomStart+1;
2691   while (p<SrcPos) do begin
2692     if not IsIdentChar[Src[p]] then exit(false);
2693     inc(p);
2694   end;
2695   Result:=true;
2696 end;
GetAtomnull2698 function TCompilerDirectivesTree.GetAtom: string;
2699 begin
2700   Result:=copy(Src,AtomStart,SrcPos-AtomStart);
2701 end;
2703 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.Replace(FromPos, ToPos: integer;
2704   const NewSrc: string);
2705 var
2706   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2707   DiffPos: Integer;
2708 begin
2709   //DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.Replace ',FromPos,'-',ToPos,' Old="',copy(Src,FromPos,ToPos-FromPos),'" New="',NewSrc,'"']);
2710   IncreaseChangeStep;
2711   Code.Replace(FromPos,ToPos-FromPos,NewSrc);
2712   Src:=Code.Source;
2713   SrcLen:=length(Src);
2714   // update positions
2715   DiffPos:=length(NewSrc)-(ToPos-FromPos);
2716   if DiffPos<>0 then begin
2717     Node:=Tree.Root;
2718     while Node<>nil do begin
2719       AdjustPositionAfterInsert(Node.StartPos,true,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2720       AdjustPositionAfterInsert(Node.EndPos,false,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2721       Node:=Node.Next;
2722     end;
2723   end;
2724 end;
2726 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.IncreaseChangeStep;
2727 begin
2728   if FChangeStep<>$7fffffff then
2729     inc(FChangeStep)
2730   else
2731     FChangeStep:=-$7fffffff;
2732 end;
2734 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.ResetMacros;
2735 begin
2736   if Macros<>nil then
2737     Macros.FreeAndClear
2738   else
2739     Macros:=TAVLTree.Create(@CompareCompilerMacroStats);
2740 end;
2742 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.ClearMacros;
2743 begin
2744   if Macros<>nil then begin
2745     Macros.FreeAndClear;
2746     FreeAndNil(Macros);
2747   end;
2748 end;
2750 procedure TCompilerDirectivesTree.WriteDebugReport;
2751 var
2752   Node: TCodeTreeNode;
2753 begin
2754   DebugLn(['TCompilerDirectivesTree.WriteDebugReport ']);
2755   if Tree<>nil then begin
2756     Node:=Tree.Root;
2757     while Node<>nil do begin
2758       DebugLn([GetIndentStr(Node.GetLevel*2)+CDNodeDescAsString(Node.Desc),' ',GetDirective(Node)]);
2759       Node:=Node.Next;
2760     end;
2761   end;
2762 end;
2764 { TH2PasFunction }
NeedsBodynull2766 function TH2PasFunction.NeedsBody: boolean;
2767 begin
2768   Result:=(IsForward or InInterface) and (not IsExternal) and (BeginStart<0);
2769 end;
2771 procedure TH2PasFunction.AdjustPositionsAfterInsert(FromPos, ToPos,
2772   DiffPos: integer);
2773 begin
2774   AdjustPositionAfterInsert(HeaderStart,true,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2775   AdjustPositionAfterInsert(HeaderEnd,false,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2776   AdjustPositionAfterInsert(BeginStart,true,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2777   AdjustPositionAfterInsert(BeginEnd,false,FromPos,ToPos,DiffPos);
2778 end;
2780 { ECDirectiveParserException }
2782 constructor ECDirectiveParserException.Create(ASender: TCompilerDirectivesTree;
2783   TheId: int64; const AMessage: string);
2784 begin
2785   Id:=TheId;
2786   inherited Create(AMessage);
2787   Sender:=ASender;
2788 end;
2790 end.