1 unit PackageLinkIntf;
3 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
5 interface
7 uses
8   SysUtils, Classes,
9   // LCL
10   Forms,
11   // LazUtils
12   LazFileUtils,
13   // IdeIntf
14   PackageDependencyIntf, PackageIntf;
16 type
18   { TPackageLink
19     There are several types of package links.
21     Global: These are collected from the lazarus source directory.
22             EnvironmentOptions.LazarusDirectory+'packager/globallinks/*.lpl'
23             This way packages can install/uninstall themselves to one lazarus
24             source directory, and this lazarus directory can then be shared
25             by several users/configs.
27     Online: Got through Online Package Manager
29     User:   These are collected from the user config directory, from the file
30             packagelinks.xml.
31             These links are maintained by the IDE. Everytime the user opens a
32             package a user link is created, so that the next time the package
33             can be automatically opened. The list is checked by the IDE from
34             time to time and missing packages are first marked and after several
35             months deleted from the list.
36             Relative files are expanded with the Lazarus directory.
37   }
39   TPkgLinkOrigin = (
40     ploGlobal,
41     ploOnline,
42     ploUser
43     );
44   TPkgLinkOrigins = set of TPkgLinkOrigin;
46 const
47   AllPkgLinkOrigins = [low(TPkgLinkOrigin)..high(TPkgLinkOrigin)];
49 type
51   { TPackageLink }
53   TPackageLink = class(TLazPackageID)
54   private
55     procedure SetFilename(const AValue: string);
56   protected
57     FFileDate: TDateTime;
58     FFileDateValid: boolean;
59     FFilename: string;
60     FURL: String;
61     FLPLFileDate: TDateTime;
62     FLPLFilename: string;
63     FPackageType: TLazPackageType;
64     FOrigin: TPkgLinkOrigin;
65     FLastUsed: TDateTime;
66     FOPMFileName: string;
67     FOPMFileDate: TDateTime;
68     FAuthor: string;
69     FDescription: string;
70     FLicense: string;
71   public
72     constructor Create; override;
73     destructor Destroy; override;
IsMakingSensenull74     function IsMakingSense: boolean;
GetEffectiveFilenamenull75     function GetEffectiveFilename: string; virtual; abstract;
76     procedure Reference; virtual; abstract;
77     procedure Release; virtual; abstract;
78   public
79     property LPKFileDateValid: boolean read FFileDateValid write FFileDateValid;
80     property LPKFileDate: TDateTime read FFileDate write FFileDate;
81     // if relative it is relative to the LazarusDir
82     property LPKFilename: string read FFilename write SetFilename;
83     property LPKUrl: string read FURL write FURL;
84     property LPLFilename: string read FLPLFilename write FLPLFilename;
85     property LPLFileDate: TDateTime read FLPLFileDate write FLPLFileDate;
86     property PackageType: TLazPackageType read FPackageType write FPackageType;
87     property Origin: TPkgLinkOrigin read FOrigin write FOrigin;
88     property LastUsed: TDateTime read FLastUsed write FLastUsed;
89     property OPMFileName: string read FOPMFileName write FOPMFileName;
90     property OPMFileDate: TDateTime read FOPMFileDate write FOPMFileDate;
91     property Author: string read FAuthor write FAuthor;
92     property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
93     property License: string read FLicense write FLicense;
94   end;
96   { TPackageLinks }
98   TPackageLinks = class
99   private
100   public
FindLinkWithPkgNamenull101     function FindLinkWithPkgName(const PkgName: string): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
FindLinkWithDependencynull102     function FindLinkWithDependency(Dependency: TPkgDependencyID): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
FindLinkWithPackageIDnull103     function FindLinkWithPackageID(APackageID: TLazPackageID): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
FindLinkWithFilenamenull104     function FindLinkWithFilename(const PkgName, LPKFilename: string): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
105     procedure IteratePackages(MustExist: boolean; Event: TIteratePackagesEvent;
106       Origins: TPkgLinkOrigins = AllPkgLinkOrigins); virtual; abstract;
AddOnlineLinknull107     function AddOnlineLink(const PkgFilename, PkgName, PkgURL: string): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
AddUserLinknull108     function AddUserLink(APackage: TIDEPackage): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
109     // do not use this if package is open in IDE
AddUserLinknull110     function AddUserLink(const PkgFilename, PkgName: string): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
111     procedure RemoveUserLink(Link: TPackageLink); virtual; abstract;
112     procedure RemoveUserLinks(APackageID: TLazPackageID); virtual; abstract;
113     procedure ClearOnlineLinks; virtual; abstract;
114     procedure SaveUserLinks(Immediately: boolean = false); virtual; abstract;
115   end;
117   { TOPMInterface }
119   TOPMInterface = class
120   private
121     FPackageListAvailable: TNotifyEvent;
122   public
123     {confirmation/install/extract/download dialogs will be displayed in the center of WorkArea}
DownloadPackagesnull124     function DownloadPackages(APkgLinks: TList): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
InstallPackagesnull125     function InstallPackages(APkgLinks: TList; var ANeedToRebuild: Boolean): TModalResult; virtual; abstract;
IsPackageAvailablenull126     function IsPackageAvailable(APkgLink: TPackageLink; AType: Integer): Boolean; virtual; abstract;
FindOnlineLinknull127     function FindOnlineLink(const AName: String): TPackageLink; virtual; abstract;
128     property OnPackageListAvailable: TNotifyEvent read FPackageListAvailable write FPackageListAvailable;
129   end;
131 var
132   PkgLinks: TPackageLinks;
133   OPMInterface: TOPMInterface;
135 implementation
137 { TPackageLink }
139 constructor TPackageLink.Create;
140 begin
141   inherited Create;
142 end;
144 destructor TPackageLink.Destroy;
145 begin
146   inherited Destroy;
147 end;
149 procedure TPackageLink.SetFilename(const AValue: string);
150 begin
151   if FFilename=AValue then exit;
152   FFilename:=TrimFilename(AValue);
153 end;
TPackageLink.IsMakingSensenull155 function TPackageLink.IsMakingSense: boolean;
156 begin
157   Result:=IsValidPkgName(Name)
158            and PackageFileNameIsValid(LPKFilename)
159            and (CompareText(Name,ExtractFileNameOnly(LPKFilename))=0);
160 end;
162 end.