1 unit JCFDropTarget;
3 { AFS 16 May 2K
4   Got this unit as freeware from www.undu.com October 1998 page
5   code by Thorsten Engler - Thorsten.Engler@gmx.net
6   Renamed to JCFDropTarget to avoid name conflicts (peter3)
7 }
9 {(*}
10 (*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11  Delphi Code formatter source code
13 The Original Code is JCFDropTarget, released May 2003.
14 The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Anthony Steele.
15 Portions created by Anthony Steele are Copyright (C) 1999-2008 Anthony Steele.
16 All Rights Reserved.
17 Contributor(s): Anthony Steele.
19 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
20 (the "License"). you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
21 You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
23 Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
24 WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
25 See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
26 under the License.
28 Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
29 the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
30 See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
32 {*)}
34 {$I JcfGlobal.inc}
36 interface
38 uses
39   Windows,
40   Classes,
41   ActiveX,
42   Controls;
44 type
45   TTeDropTarget    = class;
46   TTeDropInterface = class;
48   TTeDropTargetLifeState = (lsStart, lsExists, lsLocked, lsRegd);
50   TTeDragOperation = (doNothing, doCopy, doMove, doLink);
52   TTeComDragObject = class(TDragObject)
53   private
54     FDropInterface: TTeDropInterface;
GetDataObjectnull55     function GetDataObject: IDataObject;
GetDragOperationnull56     function GetDragOperation: TTeDragOperation;
57     procedure SetDragOperation(Value: TTeDragOperation);
GetShiftStatenull58     function GetShiftState: TShiftState;
59   public
60     constructor Create(ADropInterface: TTeDropInterface); virtual;
61     property DataObject: IDataObject Read GetDataObject;
62     property DragOperation: TTeDragOperation Read GetDragOperation
63       Write SetDragOperation;
64     property ShiftState: TShiftState Read GetShiftState;
65   end;
67   TComDragObjectClass = class of TTeComDragObject;
69   TTeDropInterface = class
70   private
DoDragOvernull71     function DoDragOver(DragMsg: TDragMessage): boolean;
DragTonull72     function DragTo(const Pos: TPoint): boolean;
DragFindTargetnull73     function DragFindTarget(const Pos: TPoint; var Handle: HWND): Pointer;
74   protected
75     FDropTarget: TTeDropTarget;
76     FWinControl: TWinControl;
77     FDataObject: IDataObject;
78     FDragOperation: TTeDragOperation;
79     FShiftState: TShiftState;
80     FDragObject: TTeComDragObject;
81   public
82     property CFDropTarget: TTeDropTarget Read FDropTarget;
84     constructor Create(AWinControl: TWinControl); virtual;
85     destructor Destroy; override;
86     procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
DropTarget_Createnull88     function DropTarget_Create: HResult;
DropTarget_Destroynull89     function DropTarget_Destroy: HResult;
DropTarget_Existsnull90     function DropTarget_Exists: boolean;
91   protected
92     procedure DropTarget_Forget;
93   public
DropTarget_LifeStatenull94     function DropTarget_LifeState: TTeDropTargetLifeState;
DragEnternull96     function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: longint;
97       pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult; virtual;
DragOvernull98     function DragOver(grfKeyState: longint; pt: TPoint;
99       var dwEffect: longint): HResult; virtual;
DragLeavenull100     function DragLeave: HResult; virtual;
Dropnull101     function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: longint;
102       pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult; virtual;
104     property DataObject: IDataObject Read FDataObject;
105     property DragOperation: TTeDragOperation Read FDragOperation Write FDragOperation;
106     property ShiftState: TShiftState Read FShiftState;
107   end;
109   TTeDropTarget = class(TInterfacedObject, IDropTarget)
110   private
111     FDropHWND: HWND;
112     FDropWinControl: TWinControl;
114     FDropInterface: TTeDropInterface;
115     FLifeState: TTeDropTargetLifeState;
117     procedure SetLifeState(Value: TTeDropTargetLifeState);
118   public
119     property DropHWND: HWND Read FDropHWnd;
120     property DropWinControl: TWinControl Read FDropWinControl;
121     property LifeState: TTeDropTargetLifeState Read FLifeState Write SetLifeState;
123     constructor Create(AWinControl: TWinControl;
124       ADropInterface: TTeDropInterface); virtual;
125     procedure BeforeDestruction; override;
ToState_Existsnull127     function ToState_Exists: HResult;
ToState_Lockednull128     function ToState_Locked: HResult;
ToState_Regdnull129     function ToState_Regd: HResult;
130   public
131     { IDropTarget }
DragEnternull132     function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: longint;
133       pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult; stdcall;
DragOvernull134     function DragOver(grfKeyState: longint; pt: TPoint;
135       var dwEffect: longint): HResult; stdcall;
DragLeavenull136     function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall;
Dropnull137     function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: longint;
138       pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult; stdcall;
139   end;
141 var
142   ComDragObjectClass: TComDragObjectClass;
144 const
145   Effects: array[TTeDragOperation] of integer =
148 implementation
DragMessagenull150 function DragMessage(Handle: HWND; Msg: TDragMessage; Source: TDragObject;
151   Target: Pointer; const Pos: TPoint): longint;
152 var
153   DragRec: TDragRec;
154 begin
155   Result := 0;
156   if Handle <> 0 then
157   begin
158     DragRec.Pos := Pos;
159     DragRec.Target := Target;
160     DragRec.Source := Source;
161     DragRec.Docking := False;
162     Result := SendMessage(Handle, CM_DRAG, longint(Msg), longint( @DragRec));
163   end;
164 end;
DragFindWindownull166 function DragFindWindow(const Pos: TPoint): HWND;
167 begin
168   Result := WindowFromPoint(Pos);
169   while Result <> 0 do
170     if not Assigned(FindControl(Result)) then
171       Result := GetParent(Result)
172     else
173       Exit;
174 end;
TTeDropInterface.DragFindTargetnull176 function TTeDropInterface.DragFindTarget(const Pos: TPoint; var Handle: HWND): Pointer;
177 begin
178   Handle := DragFindWindow(Pos);
179   Result := Pointer(DragMessage(Handle, dmFindTarget, FDragObject, nil, Pos));
180 end;
TTeDropInterface.DoDragOvernull182 function TTeDropInterface.DoDragOver(DragMsg: TDragMessage): boolean;
183 begin
184   Result := False;
185   if FDragObject.DragTarget <> nil then
186     Result := longbool(DragMessage(FDragObject.DragHandle, DragMsg, FDragObject,
187       FDragObject.DragTarget, FDragObject.DragPos));
188 end;
TTeDropInterface.DragTonull190 function TTeDropInterface.DragTo(const Pos: TPoint): boolean;
191 var
192   Target: TControl;
193   TargetHandle: HWND;
194 begin
195   Target := DragFindTarget(Pos, TargetHandle);
196   if Target <> FDragObject.DragTarget then
197   begin
198     DoDragOver(dmDragLeave);
199     FDragObject.DragTarget := Target;
200     FDragObject.DragHandle := TargetHandle;
201     FDragObject.DragPos    := Pos;
202     DoDragOver(dmDragEnter);
203   end;
204   FDragObject.DragPos := Pos;
205   if FDragObject.DragTarget <> nil then
206     FDragObject.DragTargetPos := TControl(FDragObject.DragTarget).ScreenToClient(Pos);
207   Result := DoDragOver(dmDragMove);
208 end;
210 constructor TTeDropInterface.Create(AWinControl: TWinControl);
211 begin
212   inherited Create;
213   FWinControl := AWinControl;
214   FDropTarget := nil;
215   FDragObject := ComDragObjectClass.Create(Self);
216 end;
218 procedure TTeDropInterface.BeforeDestruction;
219 begin
220   inherited;
221   if Assigned(FDragObject) then
222     FDragObject.FDropInterface := nil;
223   if Assigned(FDropTarget) then
224     FDropTarget.Free;
225 end;
DropTarget_Createnull227 function TTeDropInterface.DropTarget_Create: HResult;
228 begin
229   Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
230   try
231     if not Assigned(FDropTarget) then
232       FDropTarget := TTeDropTarget.Create(FWinControl, Self);
233     if Assigned(FDropTarget) then
234       Result := CFDropTarget.ToState_Regd;
235   except
236     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
237   end;
238 end;
TTeDropInterface.DropTarget_Destroynull240 function TTeDropInterface.DropTarget_Destroy: HResult;
241 begin
242   Result := S_OK;
243   try
244     if Assigned(FDropTarget) then
245       Result := CFDropTarget.ToState_Locked;
246   except
247     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
248   end;
249 end;
DropTarget_Existsnull251 function TTeDropInterface.DropTarget_Exists: boolean;
252 begin
253   Result := Assigned(FDropTarget);
254 end;
256 procedure TTeDropInterface.DropTarget_Forget;
257 begin
258   FDropTarget := nil;
259 end;
DropTarget_LifeStatenull261 function TTeDropInterface.DropTarget_LifeState: TTeDropTargetLifeState;
262 begin
263   if DropTarget_Exists then
264     Result := CFDropTarget.LifeState
265   else
266     Result := lsStart;
267 end;
CreateShiftStatenull269 function CreateShiftState(grfKeyState: longint): TShiftState;
270 begin
271   Result := [];
272   if (grfKeyState and MK_CONTROL) = MK_CONTROL then
273     Include(Result, ssCtrl);
274   if (grfKeyState and MK_SHIFT) = MK_SHIFT then
275     Include(Result, ssShift);
276 //  if (grfKeyState and MK_ALT)     = MK_ALT     then Include (Result, ssAlt);
277   if (grfKeyState and MK_LBUTTON) = MK_LBUTTON then
278     Include(Result, ssLeft);
279   if (grfKeyState and MK_MBUTTON) = MK_MBUTTON then
280     Include(Result, ssMiddle);
281   if (grfKeyState and MK_RBUTTON) = MK_RBUTTON then
282     Include(Result, ssRight);
283 end;
CreateDragOperationnull285 function CreateDragOperation(ShiftState: TShiftState): TTeDragOperation;
286 begin
287   Result := doMove; // muss noch ge�ndert werden;
288   if ssCtrl in ShiftState then
289     Result := doCopy;
290   if ssShift in ShiftState then
291     Result := doMove;
292   if (ssCtrl in ShiftState) and (ssShift in ShiftState) then
293     Result := doLink;
294 end;
DragEnternull296 function TTeDropInterface.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject;
297   grfKeyState: longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult;
298 begin
299   Result   := S_OK;
300   dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
301   if not Assigned(FWinControl) then
302     exit;
303   if not Assigned(FDragObject) then
304     exit;
305   try
306     FShiftState    := CreateShiftState(grfKeyState);
307     FDragOperation := CreateDragOperation(FShiftState);
308     FDataObject    := dataObj;
309     if not DragTo(pt) then
310       FDragOperation := doNothing;
311     dwEffect := Effects[FDragOperation];
312   except
313     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
314   end;
315 end;
TTeDropInterface.DragOvernull317 function TTeDropInterface.DragOver(grfKeyState: longint; pt: TPoint;
318   var dwEffect: longint): HResult;
319 begin
320   Result   := S_OK;
321   dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
322   if not Assigned(FWinControl) then
323     exit;
324   if not Assigned(FDragObject) then
325     exit;
326   try
327     FShiftState    := CreateShiftState(grfKeyState);
328     FDragOperation := CreateDragOperation(FShiftState);
329     if not DragTo(pt) then
330       FDragOperation := doNothing;
331     dwEffect := Effects[FDragOperation];
332   except
333     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
334   end;
335 end;
DragLeavenull337 function TTeDropInterface.DragLeave: HResult;
338 begin
339   Result := S_OK;
340   if not Assigned(FWinControl) then
341     exit;
342   if not Assigned(FDragObject) then
343     exit;
344   try
345     DoDragOver(dmDragLeave);
346     FDragObject.DragTarget := nil;
347     FDragObject.DragHandle := 0;
348     FDataObject := nil;
349   except
350     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
351   end;
352 end;
TTeDropInterface.Dropnull354 function TTeDropInterface.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: longint;
355   pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult;
356 begin
357   Result   := S_OK;
358   dwEffect := DROPEFFECT_NONE;
359   if not Assigned(FWinControl) then
360     exit;
361   if not Assigned(FDragObject) then
362     exit;
363   try
364     FDataObject := dataObj;
365     try
366       FShiftState    := CreateShiftState(grfKeyState);
367       FDragOperation := CreateDragOperation(FShiftState);
368       if not DragTo(pt) then
369         FDragOperation := doNothing;
370       dwEffect := Effects[FDragOperation];
371       if FDragOperation <> doNothing then
372         DoDragOver(dmDragDrop);
373     finally
374       FDataObject := nil;
375     end;
376   except
377     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
378   end;
379 end;
381 constructor TTeDropTarget.Create(AWinControl: TWinControl;
382   ADropInterface: TTeDropInterface);
383 begin
384   inherited Create;
385   FDropWinControl := AWinControl;
386   FDropInterface  := ADropInterface;
387   FLifeState      := lsExists;
388 end;
390 procedure TTeDropTarget.BeforeDestruction;
391 begin
392   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
393     FDropInterface.DropTarget_Forget;
395   if FLifeState > lsLocked then
396   begin
397     while RefCount < 2 do
398       _AddRef;
399     ActiveX.RevokeDragDrop(FDropHWND);
400     FDropHWND  := 0;
401     FLifeState := lsLocked;
402   end;
404   if FLifeState > lsExists then
405   begin
406     while RefCount < 2 do
407       _AddRef;
408     ActiveX.CoLockObjectExternal(Self as IDropTarget, False, False);
409     FLifeState := lsExists;
410   end;
411 end;
ToState_Existsnull413 function TTeDropTarget.ToState_Exists: HResult;
414 begin
415   Result := S_OK;
416   if LifeState = lsRegd then
417     Result := ToState_Locked;
419   if LifeState = lsLocked then
420   begin
421     LifeState := lsExists;
422     Result    := ActiveX.CoLockObjectExternal(Self as IDropTarget, False, True);
423   end;
424 end;
TTeDropTarget.ToState_Lockednull426 function TTeDropTarget.ToState_Locked: HResult;
427 begin
428   Result := S_OK;
430   if LifeState = lsExists then
431   begin
432     Result := ActiveX.CoLockObjectExternal(Self as IDropTarget, True, False);
433     if Result = S_OK then
434       LifeState := lsLocked;
435   end;
437   if LifeState = lsRegd then
438   begin
439     while RefCount < 2 do
440       _AddRef;
441     Result    := ActiveX.RevokeDragDrop(FDropHWND);
442     FDropHWND := 0;
443     if Result = S_OK then
444       LifeState := lsLocked;
445   end;
446 end;
TTeDropTarget.ToState_Regdnull448 function TTeDropTarget.ToState_Regd: HResult;
449 begin
450   Result := S_OK;
451   if LifeState = lsExists then
452     Result := ToState_Locked;
453   if LifeState = lsLocked then
454   begin
455     FDropHWND := FDropWinControl.Handle;
456     Result    := ActiveX.RegisterDragDrop(FDropHWND, Self as IDropTarget);
457     if Result = S_OK then
458       LifeState := lsRegd;
459   end;
460 end;
462 procedure TTeDropTarget.SetLifeState(Value: TTeDropTargetLifeState);
463 begin
464   FLifeState := Value;
465 end;
DragEnternull467 function TTeDropTarget.DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject;
468   grfKeyState: longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult;
469 begin
470   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
471     Result := FDropInterface.DragEnter(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect)
472   else
473     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
474 end;
TTeDropTarget.DragOvernull476 function TTeDropTarget.DragOver(grfKeyState: longint; pt: TPoint;
477   var dwEffect: longint): HResult;
478 begin
479   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
480     Result := FDropInterface.DragOver(grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect)
481   else
482     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
483 end;
DragLeavenull485 function TTeDropTarget.DragLeave: HResult;
486 begin
487   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
488     Result := FDropInterface.DragLeave
489   else
490     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
491 end;
TTeDropTarget.Dropnull493 function TTeDropTarget.Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: longint;
494   pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: longint): HResult;
495 begin
496   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
497     Result := FDropInterface.Drop(dataObj, grfKeyState, pt, dwEffect)
498   else
499     Result := E_UNEXPECTED;
500 end;
502 { TTeComDragObject }
504 constructor TTeComDragObject.Create(ADropInterface: TTeDropInterface);
505 begin
506   inherited Create;
507   FDropInterface := ADropInterface;
508 end;
GetDataObjectnull510 function TTeComDragObject.GetDataObject: IDataObject;
511 begin
512   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
513     Result := FDropInterface.DataObject
514   else
515     Result := nil;
516 end;
GetDragOperationnull518 function TTeComDragObject.GetDragOperation: TTeDragOperation;
519 begin
520   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
521     Result := FDropInterface.DragOperation
522   else
523     Result := doNothing;
524 end;
TTeComDragObject.GetShiftStatenull526 function TTeComDragObject.GetShiftState: TShiftState;
527 begin
528   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
529     Result := FDropInterface.ShiftState
530   else
531     Result := [];
532 end;
534 procedure TTeComDragObject.SetDragOperation(Value: TTeDragOperation);
535 begin
536   if Assigned(FDropInterface) then
537     FDropInterface.DragOperation := Value;
538 end;
540 destructor TTeDropInterface.Destroy;
541 begin
542   if Assigned(FDragObject) then
543   begin
544     FDragObject.Free;
545     FDragObject := nil;
546   end;
547   inherited;
548 end;
550 initialization
551   ComDragObjectClass := TTeComDragObject;
552   OleInitialize(nil);
554 finalization
555   OleUninitialize;
556 end.