1 {
2     $Id: header,v 1.3 2013/05/26 06:33:45 michael Exp $
3     This file is part of the Free Component Library (FCL)
4     Copyright (c) 1999-2014 by the Free Pascal development team
6     See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
7     for details about the copyright.
9     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  **********************************************************************}
14 {$mode objfpc}
15 {$h+}
16 unit opkman_zip;
17 {$warnings off}
18 {$hints off}
19 Interface
21 Uses
22   {$IFDEF UNIX}
23    BaseUnix,
24   {$ENDIF}
25    SysUtils,Classes,zstream;
28 Const
29   { Signatures }
30   END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE               = $06054B50;
31   ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE         = $06064B50;
33   LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE                = $04034B50;
34   CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE              = $02014B50;
35   ZIP64_HEADER_ID                            = $0001;
36   // infozip unicode path
37   INFOZIP_UNICODE_PATH_ID                    = $7075;
39 const
40   OS_FAT  = 0; //MS-DOS and OS/2 (FAT/VFAT/FAT32)
41   OS_UNIX = 3;
42   OS_OS2  = 6; //OS/2 HPFS
43   OS_NTFS = 10;
44   OS_VFAT = 14;
45   OS_OSX  = 19;
47   UNIX_MASK = $F000;
48   UNIX_FIFO = $1000;
49   UNIX_CHAR = $2000;
50   UNIX_DIR  = $4000;
51   UNIX_BLK  = $6000;
52   UNIX_FILE = $8000;
53   UNIX_LINK = $A000;
54   UNIX_SOCK = $C000;
57   UNIX_RUSR = $0100;
58   UNIX_WUSR = $0080;
59   UNIX_XUSR = $0040;
61   UNIX_RGRP = $0020;
62   UNIX_WGRP = $0010;
63   UNIX_XGRP = $0008;
65   UNIX_ROTH = $0004;
66   UNIX_WOTH = $0002;
67   UNIX_XOTH = $0001;
71 Type
72    Local_File_Header_Type = Packed Record //1 per zipped file
73      Signature              :  LongInt; //4 bytes
74      Extract_Version_Reqd   :  Word; //if zip64: >= 45
75      Bit_Flag               :  Word; //"General purpose bit flag in PKZip appnote
76      Compress_Method        :  Word;
77      Last_Mod_Time          :  Word;
78      Last_Mod_Date          :  Word;
79      Crc32                  :  LongWord;
80      Compressed_Size        :  LongWord;
81      Uncompressed_Size      :  LongWord;
82      Filename_Length        :  Word;
83      Extra_Field_Length     :  Word; //refers to Extensible data field size
84    end;
86    Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type = Packed Record
87      // Beginning of extra field
88      // after local file header
89      // after central directory header
90      Header_ID              :  Word;
91      //e.g. $0001 (ZIP64_HEADER_ID) Zip64 extended information extra field
92      //     $0009 OS/2: extended attributes
93      //     $000a NTFS: (Win32 really)
94      //     $000d UNIX: uid, gid etc
95      Data_Size              :  Word; //size of following field data
96      //... field data should follow...
97    end;
99    Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type = Packed Record //goes after Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type
100      // overrides Local and Central Directory data
101      // stored in extra field
102      Original_Size          :  QWord; //Uncompressed file
103      Compressed_Size        :  QWord; //Compressed data
104      Relative_Hdr_Offset    :  QWord; //Offset that leads to local header record
105      Disk_Start_Number      :  LongWord; //on which disk this file starts
106    end;
108   { Define the Central Directory record types }
110   Central_File_Header_Type = Packed Record
111     Signature            :  LongInt; //4 bytes
112     MadeBy_Version       :  Word; //if zip64: lower byte >= 45
113     Extract_Version_Reqd :  Word; //if zip64: >=45
114     Bit_Flag             :  Word; //General purpose bit flag in PKZip appnote
115     Compress_Method      :  Word;
116     Last_Mod_Time        :  Word;
117     Last_Mod_Date        :  Word;
118     Crc32                :  LongWord;
119     Compressed_Size      :  LongWord;
120     Uncompressed_Size    :  LongWord;
121     Filename_Length      :  Word;
122     Extra_Field_Length   :  Word;
123     File_Comment_Length  :  Word;
124     Starting_Disk_Num    :  Word;
125     Internal_Attributes  :  Word;
126     External_Attributes  :  LongWord;
127     Local_Header_Offset  :  LongWord; // if zip64: 0xFFFFFFFF
128   End;
130   End_of_Central_Dir_Type =  Packed Record //End of central directory record
131     //1 per zip file, near end, before comment
132     Signature               :  LongInt; //4 bytes
133     Disk_Number             :  Word;
134     Central_Dir_Start_Disk  :  Word;
135     Entries_This_Disk       :  Word;
136     Total_Entries           :  Word;
137     Central_Dir_Size        :  LongWord;
138     Start_Disk_Offset       :  LongWord;
139     ZipFile_Comment_Length  :  Word;
140   end;
142   Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_type = Packed Record
143     Signature                 : LongInt;
144     Record_Size               : QWord;
145     Version_Made_By           : Word; //lower byte >= 45
146     Extract_Version_Reqd      : Word; //version >= 45
147     Disk_Number               : LongWord;
148     Central_Dir_Start_Disk    : LongWord;
149     Entries_This_Disk         : QWord;
150     Total_Entries             : QWord;
151     Central_Dir_Size          : QWord;
152     Start_Disk_Offset         : QWord;
153   end;
155   Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Locator_type = Packed Record //comes after Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_type
156     Signature                           : LongInt;
157     Zip64_EOCD_Start_Disk               : LongWord; //Starting disk for Zip64 End of Central Directory record
158     Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset       : QWord; //offset of Zip64 End of Central Directory record
159     Total_Disks                         : LongWord; //total number of disks (contained in zip)
160   end;
162 Const
163   Crc_32_Tab : Array[0..255] of LongWord = (
164     $00000000, $77073096, $ee0e612c, $990951ba, $076dc419, $706af48f, $e963a535, $9e6495a3,
165     $0edb8832, $79dcb8a4, $e0d5e91e, $97d2d988, $09b64c2b, $7eb17cbd, $e7b82d07, $90bf1d91,
166     $1db71064, $6ab020f2, $f3b97148, $84be41de, $1adad47d, $6ddde4eb, $f4d4b551, $83d385c7,
167     $136c9856, $646ba8c0, $fd62f97a, $8a65c9ec, $14015c4f, $63066cd9, $fa0f3d63, $8d080df5,
168     $3b6e20c8, $4c69105e, $d56041e4, $a2677172, $3c03e4d1, $4b04d447, $d20d85fd, $a50ab56b,
169     $35b5a8fa, $42b2986c, $dbbbc9d6, $acbcf940, $32d86ce3, $45df5c75, $dcd60dcf, $abd13d59,
170     $26d930ac, $51de003a, $c8d75180, $bfd06116, $21b4f4b5, $56b3c423, $cfba9599, $b8bda50f,
171     $2802b89e, $5f058808, $c60cd9b2, $b10be924, $2f6f7c87, $58684c11, $c1611dab, $b6662d3d,
172     $76dc4190, $01db7106, $98d220bc, $efd5102a, $71b18589, $06b6b51f, $9fbfe4a5, $e8b8d433,
173     $7807c9a2, $0f00f934, $9609a88e, $e10e9818, $7f6a0dbb, $086d3d2d, $91646c97, $e6635c01,
174     $6b6b51f4, $1c6c6162, $856530d8, $f262004e, $6c0695ed, $1b01a57b, $8208f4c1, $f50fc457,
175     $65b0d9c6, $12b7e950, $8bbeb8ea, $fcb9887c, $62dd1ddf, $15da2d49, $8cd37cf3, $fbd44c65,
176     $4db26158, $3ab551ce, $a3bc0074, $d4bb30e2, $4adfa541, $3dd895d7, $a4d1c46d, $d3d6f4fb,
177     $4369e96a, $346ed9fc, $ad678846, $da60b8d0, $44042d73, $33031de5, $aa0a4c5f, $dd0d7cc9,
178     $5005713c, $270241aa, $be0b1010, $c90c2086, $5768b525, $206f85b3, $b966d409, $ce61e49f,
179     $5edef90e, $29d9c998, $b0d09822, $c7d7a8b4, $59b33d17, $2eb40d81, $b7bd5c3b, $c0ba6cad,
180     $edb88320, $9abfb3b6, $03b6e20c, $74b1d29a, $ead54739, $9dd277af, $04db2615, $73dc1683,
181     $e3630b12, $94643b84, $0d6d6a3e, $7a6a5aa8, $e40ecf0b, $9309ff9d, $0a00ae27, $7d079eb1,
182     $f00f9344, $8708a3d2, $1e01f268, $6906c2fe, $f762575d, $806567cb, $196c3671, $6e6b06e7,
183     $fed41b76, $89d32be0, $10da7a5a, $67dd4acc, $f9b9df6f, $8ebeeff9, $17b7be43, $60b08ed5,
184     $d6d6a3e8, $a1d1937e, $38d8c2c4, $4fdff252, $d1bb67f1, $a6bc5767, $3fb506dd, $48b2364b,
185     $d80d2bda, $af0a1b4c, $36034af6, $41047a60, $df60efc3, $a867df55, $316e8eef, $4669be79,
186     $cb61b38c, $bc66831a, $256fd2a0, $5268e236, $cc0c7795, $bb0b4703, $220216b9, $5505262f,
187     $c5ba3bbe, $b2bd0b28, $2bb45a92, $5cb36a04, $c2d7ffa7, $b5d0cf31, $2cd99e8b, $5bdeae1d,
188     $9b64c2b0, $ec63f226, $756aa39c, $026d930a, $9c0906a9, $eb0e363f, $72076785, $05005713,
189     $95bf4a82, $e2b87a14, $7bb12bae, $0cb61b38, $92d28e9b, $e5d5be0d, $7cdcefb7, $0bdbdf21,
190     $86d3d2d4, $f1d4e242, $68ddb3f8, $1fda836e, $81be16cd, $f6b9265b, $6fb077e1, $18b74777,
191     $88085ae6, $ff0f6a70, $66063bca, $11010b5c, $8f659eff, $f862ae69, $616bffd3, $166ccf45,
192     $a00ae278, $d70dd2ee, $4e048354, $3903b3c2, $a7672661, $d06016f7, $4969474d, $3e6e77db,
193     $aed16a4a, $d9d65adc, $40df0b66, $37d83bf0, $a9bcae53, $debb9ec5, $47b2cf7f, $30b5ffe9,
194     $bdbdf21c, $cabac28a, $53b39330, $24b4a3a6, $bad03605, $cdd70693, $54de5729, $23d967bf,
195     $b3667a2e, $c4614ab8, $5d681b02, $2a6f2b94, $b40bbe37, $c30c8ea1, $5a05df1b, $2d02ef8d
196   );
198 Type
200   TProgressEvent = Procedure(Sender : TObject; Const Pct : Double) of object;
201   TProgressEventEx = Procedure(Sender : TObject; Const ATotPos, ATotSize: Int64) of object;
202   TOnEndOfFileEvent = Procedure(Sender : TObject; Const Ratio : Double) of object;
203   TOnStartFileEvent = Procedure(Sender : TObject; Const AFileName : String) of object;
205 Type
207   { TCompressor }
208   TCompressor = Class(TObject)
209   private
210     FTerminated: Boolean;
211   Protected
212     FInFile     : TStream;        { I/O file variables                         }
213     FOutFile    : TStream;
214     FCrc32Val   : LongWord;       { CRC calculation variable                   }
215     FBufferSize : LongWord;
216     FOnPercent  : Integer;
217     FOnProgress : TProgressEvent;
218     Procedure UpdC32(Octet: Byte);
219   Public
220     Constructor Create(AInFile, AOutFile : TStream; ABufSize : LongWord); virtual;
221     Procedure Compress; Virtual; Abstract;
ZipIDnull222     Class Function ZipID : Word; virtual; Abstract;
ZipVersionReqdnull223     Class Function ZipVersionReqd: Word; virtual; Abstract;
ZipBitFlagnull224     Function ZipBitFlag: Word; virtual; Abstract;
225     Procedure Terminate;
226     Property BufferSize : LongWord read FBufferSize;
227     Property OnPercent : Integer Read FOnPercent Write FOnPercent;
228     Property OnProgress : TProgressEvent Read FOnProgress Write FOnProgress;
229     Property Crc32Val : LongWord Read FCrc32Val Write FCrc32Val;
230     Property Terminated : Boolean Read FTerminated;
231   end;
233   { TDeCompressor }
234   TDeCompressor = Class(TObject)
235   Protected
236     FInFile     : TStream;        { I/O file variables                         }
237     FOutFile    : TStream;
238     FCrc32Val   : LongWord;       { CRC calculation variable                   }
239     FBufferSize : LongWord;
240     FOnPercent  : Integer;
241     FOnProgress : TProgressEvent;
242     FOnProgressEx: TProgressEventEx;
243     FTotPos      : Int64;
244     FTotSize     : Int64;
245     FTerminated : Boolean;
246     Procedure UpdC32(Octet: Byte);
247   Public
248     Constructor Create(AInFile, AOutFile : TStream; ABufSize : LongWord); virtual;
249     Procedure DeCompress; Virtual; Abstract;
250     Procedure Terminate;
ZipIDnull251     Class Function ZipID : Word; virtual; Abstract;
252     Property BufferSize : LongWord read FBufferSize;
253     Property OnPercent : Integer Read FOnPercent Write FOnPercent;
254     Property OnProgress : TProgressEvent Read FOnProgress Write FOnProgress;
255     Property OnProgressEx : TProgressEventEx Read FOnProgressEx Write FOnProgressEx;
256     Property Crc32Val : LongWord Read FCrc32Val Write FCrc32Val;
257     Property Terminated : Boolean Read FTerminated;
258   end;
260   { TShrinker }
262 Const
263    TABLESIZE   =   8191;
264    FIRSTENTRY  =    257;
266 Type
267   CodeRec =  Packed Record
268     Child   : Smallint;
269     Sibling : Smallint;
270     Suffix  : Byte;
271   end;
272   CodeArray   =  Array[0..TABLESIZE] of CodeRec;
273   TablePtr    =  ^CodeArray;
275   FreeListPtr    =  ^FreeListArray;
276   FreeListArray  =  Array[FIRSTENTRY..TABLESIZE] of Word;
278   BufPtr      =  PByte;
280   TShrinker = Class(TCompressor)
281   Private
282     FBufSize    : LongWord;
283     MaxInBufIdx :  LongWord;      { Count of valid chars in input buffer       }
284     InputEof    :  Boolean;       { End of file indicator                      }
285     CodeTable   :  TablePtr;      { Points to code table for LZW compression   }
286     FreeList    :  FreeListPtr;   { Table of free code table entries           }
287     NextFree    :  Word;          { Index into free list table                 }
289     ClearList   :  Array[0..1023] of Byte;  { Bit mapped structure used in     }
290                                             {    during adaptive resets        }
291     CodeSize    :  Byte;     { Size of codes (in bits) currently being written }
292     MaxCode     :  Word;   { Largest code that can be written in CodeSize bits }
293     InBufIdx,                     { Points to next char in buffer to be read   }
294     OutBufIdx   :  LongWord;      { Points to next free space in output buffer }
295     InBuf,                        { I/O buffers                                }
296     OutBuf      :  BufPtr;
297     FirstCh     :  Boolean;  { Flag indicating the START of a shrink operation }
298     TableFull   :  Boolean;  { Flag indicating a full symbol table             }
299     SaveByte    :  Byte;     { Output code buffer                              }
300     BitsUsed    :  Byte;     { Index into output code buffer                   }
301     BytesIn     :  LongWord;  { Count of input file bytes processed             }
302     BytesOut    :  LongWord;  { Count of output bytes                           }
303     FOnBytes    :  LongWord;
304     Procedure FillInputBuffer;
305     Procedure WriteOutputBuffer;
306     Procedure FlushOutput;
307     Procedure PutChar(B : Byte);
308     procedure PutCode(Code : Smallint);
309     Procedure InitializeCodeTable;
310     Procedure Prune(Parent : Word);
311     Procedure Clear_Table;
312     Procedure Table_Add(Prefix : Word; Suffix : Byte);
Table_Lookupnull313     function  Table_Lookup(TargetPrefix : Smallint;
314                            TargetSuffix : Byte;
315                            Out FoundAt  : Smallint) : Boolean;
316     Procedure Shrink(Suffix : Smallint);
317     Procedure ProcessLine(Const Source : String);
318     Procedure DoOnProgress(Const Pct : Double); Virtual;
319   Public
320     Constructor Create(AInFile, AOutFile : TStream; ABufSize : LongWord); override;
321     Destructor Destroy; override;
322     Procedure Compress; override;
ZipIDnull323     Class Function ZipID : Word; override;
ZipVersionReqdnull324     Class Function ZipVersionReqd : Word; override;
ZipBitFlagnull325     Function ZipBitFlag : Word; override;
326   end;
328   { TDeflater }
330   TDeflater = Class(TCompressor)
331   private
332     FCompressionLevel: TCompressionlevel;
333   Public
334     Constructor Create(AInFile, AOutFile : TStream; ABufSize : LongWord);override;
335     Procedure Compress; override;
ZipIDnull336     Class Function ZipID : Word; override;
ZipVersionReqdnull337     Class Function ZipVersionReqd : Word; override;
ZipBitFlagnull338     Function ZipBitFlag : Word; override;
339     Property CompressionLevel : TCompressionlevel Read FCompressionLevel Write FCompressionLevel;
340   end;
342   { TInflater }
344   TInflater = Class(TDeCompressor)
345   Public
346     Constructor Create(AInFile, AOutFile : TStream; ABufSize : LongWord);override;
347     Procedure DeCompress; override;
ZipIDnull348     Class Function ZipID : Word; override;
349   end;
351   { TZipFileEntry }
353   TZipFileEntry = Class(TCollectionItem)
354   private
355     FArchiveFileName: String; //Name of the file as it appears in the zip file list
356     FUTF8FileName : UTF8String;
357     FUTF8DiskFileName : UTF8String;
358     FAttributes: LongWord;
359     FDateTime: TDateTime;
360     FDiskFileName: String; {Name of the file on disk (i.e. uncompressed. Can be empty if based on a stream.);
361     uses local OS/filesystem directory separators}
362     FHeaderPos: int64;
363     FNeedsZip64: Boolean; //flags whether filesize is big enough so we need a zip64 entry
364     FOS: Byte;
365     FSize: Int64;
366     FStream: TStream;
367     FCompressionLevel: TCompressionlevel;
GetArchiveFileNamenull368     function GetArchiveFileName: String;
GetUTF8ArchiveFileNamenull369     function GetUTF8ArchiveFileName: UTF8String;
GetUTF8DiskFileNamenull370     function GetUTF8DiskFileName: UTF8String;
371     procedure SetArchiveFileName(Const AValue: String);
372     procedure SetDiskFileName(Const AValue: String);
373     procedure SetUTF8ArchiveFileName(AValue: UTF8String);
374     procedure SetUTF8DiskFileName(AValue: UTF8String);
375   Protected
376     // For multi-disk support, a disk number property could be added here.
377     Property HdrPos : int64 Read FHeaderPos Write FheaderPos;
378     Property NeedsZip64 : boolean Read FNeedsZip64 Write FNeedsZip64;
379   Public
380     constructor Create(ACollection: TCollection); override;
IsDirectorynull381     function IsDirectory: Boolean;
IsLinknull382     function IsLink: Boolean;
383     Procedure Assign(Source : TPersistent); override;
384     Property Stream : TStream Read FStream Write FStream;
385   Published
386     Property ArchiveFileName : String Read GetArchiveFileName Write SetArchiveFileName;
387     Property UTF8ArchiveFileName : UTF8String Read GetUTF8ArchiveFileName Write SetUTF8ArchiveFileName;
388     Property DiskFileName : String Read FDiskFileName Write SetDiskFileName;
389     Property UTF8DiskFileName : UTF8String Read GetUTF8DiskFileName Write SetUTF8DiskFileName;
390     Property Size : Int64 Read FSize Write FSize;
391     Property DateTime : TDateTime Read FDateTime Write FDateTime;
392     property OS: Byte read FOS write FOS;
393     property Attributes: LongWord read FAttributes write FAttributes;
394     Property CompressionLevel: TCompressionlevel read FCompressionLevel write FCompressionLevel;
395   end;
397   { TZipFileEntries }
399   TZipFileEntries = Class(TCollection)
400   private
GetZnull401     function GetZ(AIndex : Integer): TZipFileEntry;
402     procedure SetZ(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TZipFileEntry);
403   Public
AddFileEntrynull404     Function AddFileEntry(Const ADiskFileName : String): TZipFileEntry;
AddFileEntrynull405     Function AddFileEntry(Const ADiskFileName, AArchiveFileName : String): TZipFileEntry;
AddFileEntrynull406     Function AddFileEntry(Const AStream : TSTream; Const AArchiveFileName : String): TZipFileEntry;
407     Procedure AddFileEntries(Const List : TStrings);
408     Property Entries[AIndex : Integer] : TZipFileEntry Read GetZ Write SetZ; default;
409   end;
411   { TZipper }
413   TZipper = Class(TObject)
414   Private
415     FEntries        : TZipFileEntries;
416     FTerminated: Boolean;
417     FZipping        : Boolean;
418     FBufSize        : LongWord;
419     FFileName       : RawByteString;         { Name of resulting Zip file                 }
420     FFileComment    : String;
421     FFiles          : TStrings;
422     FInMemSize      : Int64;
423     FZipFileNeedsZip64 : Boolean; //flags whether at least one file is big enough to require a zip64 record
424     FOutStream      : TStream;
425     FInFile         : TStream;     { I/O file variables                         }
426     LocalHdr        : Local_File_Header_Type;
427     LocalZip64ExtHdr: Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type; //Extra field header fixed to zip64 (i.e. .ID=1)
428     LocalZip64Fld   : Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type; //header is in LocalZip64ExtHdr
429     CentralHdr      : Central_File_Header_Type;
430     EndHdr          : End_of_Central_Dir_Type;
431     FOnPercent      : LongInt;
432     FOnProgress     : TProgressEvent;
433     FOnEndOfFile    : TOnEndOfFileEvent;
434     FOnStartFile    : TOnStartFileEvent;
435     FCurrentCompressor : TCompressor;
CheckEntriesnull436     function CheckEntries: Integer;
437     procedure SetEntries(const AValue: TZipFileEntries);
438   Protected
439     Procedure CloseInput(Item : TZipFileEntry);
440     Procedure StartZipFile(Item : TZipFileEntry);
UpdateZipHeadernull441     Function  UpdateZipHeader(Item : TZipFileEntry; FZip : TStream; ACRC : LongWord;AMethod : Word; AZipVersionReqd : Word; AZipBitFlag : Word) : Boolean;
442     Procedure BuildZipDirectory; //Builds central directory based on local headers
443     Procedure DoEndOfFile;
444     Procedure ZipOneFile(Item : TZipFileEntry); virtual;
OpenInputnull445     Function  OpenInput(Item : TZipFileEntry) : Boolean;
446     Procedure GetFileInfo;
447     Procedure SetBufSize(Value : LongWord);
448     Procedure SetFileName(Value : RawByteString);
CreateCompressornull449     Function CreateCompressor(Item : TZipFileEntry; AinFile,AZipStream : TStream) : TCompressor; virtual;
450     Property NeedsZip64 : boolean Read FZipFileNeedsZip64 Write FZipFileNeedsZip64;
451   Public
452     Constructor Create;
453     Destructor Destroy;override;
454     Procedure ZipAllFiles; virtual;
455     // Saves zip to file and changes FileName
456     Procedure SaveToFile(AFileName: RawByteString);
457     // Saves zip to stream
458     Procedure SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
459     // Zips specified files into a zip with name AFileName
460     Procedure ZipFiles(AFileName : RawByteString; FileList : TStrings);
461     Procedure ZipFiles(FileList : TStrings);
462     // Zips specified entries into a zip with name AFileName
463     Procedure ZipFiles(AFileName : RawByteString; Entries : TZipFileEntries);
464     Procedure ZipFiles(Entries : TZipFileEntries);
465     Procedure Clear;
466     Procedure Terminate;
467   Public
468     Property BufferSize : LongWord Read FBufSize Write SetBufSize;
469     Property OnPercent : Integer Read FOnPercent Write FOnPercent;
470     Property OnProgress : TProgressEvent Read FOnProgress Write FOnProgress;
471     Property OnStartFile : TOnStartFileEvent Read FOnStartFile Write FOnStartFile;
472     Property OnEndFile : TOnEndOfFileEvent Read FOnEndOfFile Write FOnEndOfFile;
473     Property FileName : RawByteString Read FFileName Write SetFileName;
474     Property FileComment: String Read FFileComment Write FFileComment;
475     // Deprecated. Use Entries.AddFileEntry(FileName) or Entries.AddFileEntries(List) instead.
476     Property Files : TStrings Read FFiles; deprecated;
477     Property InMemSize : Int64 Read FInMemSize Write FInMemSize;
478     Property Entries : TZipFileEntries Read FEntries Write SetEntries;
479     Property Terminated : Boolean Read FTerminated;
480   end;
482   { TFullZipFileEntry }
484   TFullZipFileEntry = Class(TZipFileEntry)
485   private
486     FBitFlags: Word;
487     FCompressedSize: QWord;
488     FCompressMethod: Word;
489     FCRC32: LongWord;
490   Public
491     Property BitFlags : Word Read FBitFlags;
492     Property CompressMethod : Word Read FCompressMethod;
493     Property CompressedSize : QWord Read FCompressedSize;
494     property CRC32: LongWord read FCRC32 write FCRC32;
495   end;
497   TOnCustomStreamEvent = Procedure(Sender : TObject; var AStream : TStream; AItem : TFullZipFileEntry) of object;
498   TCustomInputStreamEvent = Procedure(Sender: TObject; var AStream: TStream) of object;
500   { TFullZipFileEntries }
502   TFullZipFileEntries = Class(TZipFileEntries)
503   private
GetFZnull504     function GetFZ(AIndex : Integer): TFullZipFileEntry;
505     procedure SetFZ(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TFullZipFileEntry);
506   Public
507     Property FullEntries[AIndex : Integer] : TFullZipFileEntry Read GetFZ Write SetFZ; default;
508   end;
510   { TUnZipper }
512   TUnZipper = Class(TObject)
513   Private
514     FOnCloseInputStream: TCustomInputStreamEvent;
515     FOnCreateStream: TOnCustomStreamEvent;
516     FOnDoneStream: TOnCustomStreamEvent;
517     FOnOpenInputStream: TCustomInputStreamEvent;
518     FUnZipping  : Boolean;
519     FBufSize    : LongWord;
520     FFileName   : RawByteString;         { Name of resulting Zip file                 }
521     FOutputPath : RawByteString;
522     FFileComment: String;
523     FEntries    : TFullZipFileEntries;
524     FFiles      : TStrings;
525     FUseUTF8: Boolean;
526     FZipStream  : TStream;     { I/O file variables                         }
527     LocalHdr    : Local_File_Header_Type; //Local header, before compressed file data
528     LocalZip64Fld   : Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type; //header is in LocalZip64ExtHdr
529     CentralHdr  : Central_File_Header_Type;
530     FTotPos     : Int64;
531     FTotSize    : Int64;
532     FTerminated: Boolean;
533     FOnPercent  : LongInt;
534     FOnProgress : TProgressEvent;
535     FOnProgressEx : TProgressEventEx;
536     FOnEndOfFile : TOnEndOfFileEvent;
537     FOnStartFile : TOnStartFileEvent;
538     FCurrentDecompressor: TDecompressor;
CalcTotalSizenull539     function CalcTotalSize(AllFiles: Boolean): Int64;
IsMatchnull540     function IsMatch(I: TFullZipFileEntry): Boolean;
541   Protected
542     Procedure OpenInput;
543     Procedure CloseOutput(Item : TFullZipFileEntry; var OutStream: TStream);
544     Procedure CloseInput;
545     Procedure FindEndHeaders(
546       out AEndHdr: End_of_Central_Dir_Type;
547       out AEndHdrPos: Int64;
548       out AEndZip64Hdr: Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_type;
549       out AEndZip64HdrPos: Int64);
550     Procedure ReadZipDirectory;
551     Procedure ReadZipHeader(Item : TFullZipFileEntry; out AMethod : Word);
552     Procedure DoEndOfFile;
553     Procedure UnZipOneFile(Item : TFullZipFileEntry); virtual;
OpenOutputnull554     Function  OpenOutput(OutFileName : RawByteString; Out OutStream: TStream; Item : TFullZipFileEntry) : Boolean;
555     Procedure SetBufSize(Value : LongWord);
556     Procedure SetFileName(Value : RawByteString);
557     Procedure SetOutputPath(Value: RawByteString);
CreateDeCompressornull558     Function CreateDeCompressor(Item : TZipFileEntry; AMethod : Word;AZipFile,AOutFile : TStream) : TDeCompressor; virtual;
559   Public
560     Constructor Create;
561     Destructor Destroy;override;
562     Procedure UnZipAllFiles; virtual;
563     Procedure UnZipFiles(AFileName : RawByteString; FileList : TStrings);
564     Procedure UnZipFiles(FileList : TStrings);
565     Procedure UnZipAllFiles(AFileName : RawByteString);
566     Procedure Clear;
567     Procedure Examine;
568     Procedure Terminate;
569   Public
570     Property BufferSize : LongWord Read FBufSize Write SetBufSize;
571     Property OnOpenInputStream: TCustomInputStreamEvent read FOnOpenInputStream write FOnOpenInputStream;
572     Property OnCloseInputStream: TCustomInputStreamEvent read FOnCloseInputStream write FOnCloseInputStream;
573     Property OnCreateStream : TOnCustomStreamEvent Read FOnCreateStream Write FOnCreateStream;
574     Property OnDoneStream : TOnCustomStreamEvent Read FOnDoneStream Write FOnDoneStream;
575     Property OnPercent : Integer Read FOnPercent Write FOnPercent;
576     Property OnProgress : TProgressEvent Read FOnProgress Write FOnProgress;
577     Property OnProgressEx : TProgressEventEx Read FOnProgressEx Write FOnProgressEx;
578     Property OnStartFile : TOnStartFileEvent Read FOnStartFile Write FOnStartFile;
579     Property OnEndFile : TOnEndOfFileEvent Read FOnEndOfFile Write FOnEndOfFile;
580     Property FileName : RawByteString Read FFileName Write SetFileName;
581     Property OutputPath : RawByteString Read FOutputPath Write SetOutputPath;
582     Property FileComment: String Read FFileComment;
583     Property Files : TStrings Read FFiles;
584     Property Entries : TFullZipFileEntries Read FEntries;
585     Property UseUTF8 : Boolean Read FUseUTF8 Write FUseUTF8;
586     Property Terminated : Boolean Read FTerminated;
587   end;
589   EZipError = Class(Exception);
591 Implementation
593 uses rtlconsts;
595 ResourceString
596   SErrBufsizeChange = 'Changing buffer size is not allowed while (un)zipping.';
597   SErrFileChange = 'Changing output file name is not allowed while (un)zipping.';
598   SErrInvalidCRC = 'Invalid CRC checksum while unzipping %s.';
599   SErrCorruptZIP = 'Corrupt ZIP file %s.';
600   SErrUnsupportedCompressionFormat = 'Unsupported compression format %d.';
601   SErrUnsupportedMultipleDisksCD = 'A central directory split over multiple disks is unsupported.';
602   SErrMaxEntries = 'Encountered %d file entries; maximum supported is %d.';
603   SErrMissingFileName = 'Missing filename in entry %d.';
604   SErrMissingArchiveName = 'Missing archive filename in streamed entry %d.';
605   SErrFileDoesNotExist = 'File "%s" does not exist.';
606   SErrPosTooLarge = 'Position/offset %d is larger than maximum supported %d.';
607   SErrNoFileName = 'No archive filename for examine operation.';
608   SErrNoStream = 'No stream is opened.';
609   SErrEncryptionNotSupported = 'Cannot unzip item "%s": encryption is not supported.';
610   SErrPatchSetNotSupported = 'Cannot unzip item "%s": patch sets are not supported.';
612 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
613     Auxiliary
614   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
615 Type
616   // A local version of TFileStream which uses rawbytestring. It
617   TFileStream = class(THandleStream)
618   Private
619     FFileName : RawBytestring;
620   public
621     constructor Create(const AFileName: RawBytestring; Mode: Word);
622     constructor Create(const AFileName: RawBytestring; Mode: Word; Rights: Cardinal);
623     destructor Destroy; override;
624     property FileName : RawBytestring Read FFilename;
625   end;
626   constructor TFileStream.Create(const AFileName: rawbytestring; Mode: Word);
628   begin
629     Create(AFileName,Mode,438);
630   end;
633   constructor TFileStream.Create(const AFileName: rawbytestring; Mode: Word; Rights: Cardinal);
635   Var
636     H : Thandle;
638   begin
639     FFileName:=AFileName;
640     If (Mode and fmCreate) > 0 then
641       H:=FileCreate(AFileName,Mode,Rights)
642     else
643       H:=FileOpen(AFileName,Mode);
645     If (THandle(H)=feInvalidHandle) then
646       If Mode=fmcreate then
647         raise EFCreateError.createfmt(SFCreateError,[AFileName])
648       else
649         raise EFOpenError.Createfmt(SFOpenError,[AFilename]);
650     Inherited Create(H);
651   end;
654   destructor TFileStream.Destroy;
656   begin
657     FileClose(Handle);
658   end;
SwapLFHnull661 function SwapLFH(const Values: Local_File_Header_Type): Local_File_Header_Type;
662 begin
663   with Values do
664   begin
665     Result.Signature := SwapEndian(Signature);
666     Result.Extract_Version_Reqd := SwapEndian(Extract_Version_Reqd);
667     Result.Bit_Flag := SwapEndian(Bit_Flag);
668     Result.Compress_Method := SwapEndian(Compress_Method);
669     Result.Last_Mod_Time := SwapEndian(Last_Mod_Time);
670     Result.Last_Mod_Date := SwapEndian(Last_Mod_Date);
671     Result.Crc32 := SwapEndian(Crc32);
672     Result.Compressed_Size := SwapEndian(Compressed_Size);
673     Result.Uncompressed_Size := SwapEndian(Uncompressed_Size);
674     Result.Filename_Length := SwapEndian(Filename_Length);
675     Result.Extra_Field_Length := SwapEndian(Extra_Field_Length);
676   end;
677 end;
SwapEDFHnull679 function SwapEDFH(const Values: Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type): Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type;
680 begin
681   with Values do
682   begin
683     Result.Header_ID := SwapEndian(Header_ID);
684     Result.Data_Size := SwapEndian(Data_Size);
685   end;
686 end;
SwapZ64EIFnull688 function SwapZ64EIF(const Values: Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type): Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type;
689 begin
690   with Values do
691   begin
692     Result.Original_Size := SwapEndian(Original_Size);
693     Result.Compressed_Size := SwapEndian(Compressed_Size);
694     Result.Relative_Hdr_Offset := SwapEndian(Relative_Hdr_Offset);
695     Result.Disk_Start_Number := SwapEndian(Disk_Start_Number);
696   end;
697 end;
SwapCFHnull699 function SwapCFH(const Values: Central_File_Header_Type): Central_File_Header_Type;
700 begin
701   with Values do
702   begin
703     Result.Signature := SwapEndian(Signature);
704     Result.MadeBy_Version := SwapEndian(MadeBy_Version);
705     Result.Extract_Version_Reqd := SwapEndian(Extract_Version_Reqd);
706     Result.Bit_Flag := SwapEndian(Bit_Flag);
707     Result.Compress_Method := SwapEndian(Compress_Method);
708     Result.Last_Mod_Time := SwapEndian(Last_Mod_Time);
709     Result.Last_Mod_Date := SwapEndian(Last_Mod_Date);
710     Result.Crc32 := SwapEndian(Crc32);
711     Result.Compressed_Size := SwapEndian(Compressed_Size);
712     Result.Uncompressed_Size := SwapEndian(Uncompressed_Size);
713     Result.Filename_Length := SwapEndian(Filename_Length);
714     Result.Extra_Field_Length := SwapEndian(Extra_Field_Length);
715     Result.File_Comment_Length := SwapEndian(File_Comment_Length);
716     Result.Starting_Disk_Num := SwapEndian(Starting_Disk_Num);
717     Result.Internal_Attributes := SwapEndian(Internal_Attributes);
718     Result.External_Attributes := SwapEndian(External_Attributes);
719     Result.Local_Header_Offset := SwapEndian(Local_Header_Offset);
720   end;
721 end;
SwapECDnull723 function SwapECD(const Values: End_of_Central_Dir_Type): End_of_Central_Dir_Type;
724 begin
725   with Values do
726   begin
727     Result.Signature := SwapEndian(Signature);
728     Result.Disk_Number := SwapEndian(Disk_Number);
729     Result.Central_Dir_Start_Disk := SwapEndian(Central_Dir_Start_Disk);
730     Result.Entries_This_Disk := SwapEndian(Entries_This_Disk);
731     Result.Total_Entries := SwapEndian(Total_Entries);
732     Result.Central_Dir_Size := SwapEndian(Central_Dir_Size);
733     Result.Start_Disk_Offset := SwapEndian(Start_Disk_Offset);
734     Result.ZipFile_Comment_Length := SwapEndian(ZipFile_Comment_Length);
735   end;
736 end;
SwapZ64ECDnull738 function SwapZ64ECD(const Values: Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Type): Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Type;
739 begin
740   with Values do
741   begin
742     Result.Signature := SwapEndian(Signature);
743     Result.Record_Size := SwapEndian(Record_Size);
744     Result.Version_Made_By := SwapEndian(Version_Made_By);
745     Result.Extract_Version_Reqd := SwapEndian(Extract_Version_Reqd);
746     Result.Disk_Number := SwapEndian(Disk_Number);
747     Result.Central_Dir_Start_Disk := SwapEndian(Central_Dir_Start_Disk);
748     Result.Entries_This_Disk := SwapEndian(Entries_This_Disk);
749     Result.Total_Entries := SwapEndian(Total_Entries);
750     Result.Central_Dir_Size := SwapEndian(Central_Dir_Size);
751     Result.Start_Disk_Offset := SwapEndian(Start_Disk_Offset);
752   end;
753 end;
SwapZ64ECDLnull755 function SwapZ64ECDL(const Values: Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Locator_type): Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Locator_type;
756 begin
757   with Values do
758   begin
759     Result.Signature := SwapEndian(Signature);
760     Result.Zip64_EOCD_Start_Disk := SwapEndian(Zip64_EOCD_Start_Disk);
761     Result.Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset := SwapEndian(Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset);
762     Result.Total_Disks := SwapEndian(Total_Disks);
763   end;
764 end;
767 Procedure DateTimeToZipDateTime(DT : TDateTime; out ZD,ZT : Word);
769 Var
770   Y,M,D,H,N,S,MS : Word;
772 begin
773   DecodeDate(DT,Y,M,D);
774   DecodeTime(DT,H,N,S,MS);
775   if Y<1980 then
776   begin
777     // Invalid date/time; set to earliest possible
778     Y:=0;
779     M:=1;
780     D:=1;
781     H:=0;
782     N:=0;
783     S:=0;
784     MS:=0;
785   end
786   else
787   begin
788     Y:=Y-1980;
789   end;
790   ZD:=d+(32*M)+(512*Y);
791   ZT:=(S div 2)+(32*N)+(2048*h);
792 end;
794 Procedure ZipDateTimeToDateTime(ZD,ZT : Word;out DT : TDateTime);
796 Var
797   Y,M,D,H,N,S,MS : Word;
799 begin
800   MS:=0;
801   S:=(ZT and 31) shl 1;
802   N:=(ZT shr 5) and 63;
803   H:=ZT shr 11;
804   D:=ZD and 31;
805   M:=(ZD shr 5) and 15;
806   Y:=((ZD shr 9) and 127)+1980;
808   if M < 1 then M := 1;
809   if D < 1 then D := 1;
810   DT:=ComposeDateTime(EncodeDate(Y,M,D),EncodeTime(H,N,S,MS));
811 end;
ZipUnixAttrsToFatAttrsnull815 function ZipUnixAttrsToFatAttrs(const Name: String; Attrs: Longint): Longint;
816 begin
817   Result := faArchive;
819   if (Pos('.', Name) = 1) and (Name <> '.') and (Name <> '..') then
820     Result := Result + faHidden;
821   case (Attrs and UNIX_MASK) of
822     UNIX_DIR:  Result := Result + faDirectory;
823     UNIX_LINK: Result := Result + faSymLink;
825                Result := Result + faSysFile;
826   end;
828   if (Attrs and UNIX_WUSR) = 0 then
829     Result := Result + faReadOnly;
830 end;
ZipFatAttrsToUnixAttrsnull832 function ZipFatAttrsToUnixAttrs(Attrs: Longint): Longint;
833 begin
834   Result := UNIX_DEFAULT;
835   if (faReadOnly and Attrs) > 0 then
836     Result := Result and not (UNIX_WUSR);
838   if (faSymLink and Attrs) > 0 then
839     Result := Result or UNIX_LINK
840   else
841     if (faDirectory and Attrs) > 0 then
842       Result := Result or UNIX_DIR
843     else
844       Result := Result or UNIX_FILE;
845 end;
CRC32Strnull847 function CRC32Str(const s:string):DWord;
848 var
849   i:Integer;
850 begin
851   Result:=$FFFFFFFF;
852   if Length(S)>0 then
853     for i:=1 to Length(s) do
854       Result:=Crc_32_Tab[Byte(Result XOR LongInt(s[i]))] XOR ((Result SHR 8) AND $00FFFFFF);
855   Result:=not Result;
856 end;
858 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
859     TDeCompressor
860   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
863 Procedure TDeCompressor.UpdC32(Octet: Byte);
865 Begin
866   FCrc32Val := Crc_32_Tab[Byte(FCrc32Val XOR LongInt(Octet))] XOR ((FCrc32Val SHR 8) AND $00FFFFFF);
867 end;
869 constructor TDeCompressor.Create(AInFile, AOutFile: TStream; ABufSize: LongWord);
870 begin
871   FinFile:=AInFile;
872   FoutFile:=AOutFile;
873   FBufferSize:=ABufSize;
874   CRC32Val:=$FFFFFFFF;
875 end;
877 procedure TDeCompressor.Terminate;
878 begin
879   FTerminated:=True;
880 end;
883 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
884     TCompressor
885   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
888 Procedure TCompressor.UpdC32(Octet: Byte);
890 Begin
891   FCrc32Val := Crc_32_Tab[Byte(FCrc32Val XOR LongInt(Octet))] XOR ((FCrc32Val SHR 8) AND $00FFFFFF);
892 end;
894 constructor TCompressor.Create(AInFile, AOutFile: TStream; ABufSize: LongWord);
895 begin
896   FinFile:=AInFile;
897   FoutFile:=AOutFile;
898   FBufferSize:=ABufSize;
899   CRC32Val:=$FFFFFFFF;
900 end;
902 procedure TCompressor.Terminate;
903 begin
904   FTerminated:=True;
905 end;
908 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
909     TDeflater
910   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
912 constructor TDeflater.Create(AInFile, AOutFile: TStream; ABufSize: LongWord);
913 begin
914   Inherited;
915   FCompressionLevel:=clDefault;
916 end;
919 procedure TDeflater.Compress;
920 Var
921   Buf : PByte;
922   I,Count,NewCount : integer;
923   C : TCompressionStream;
924   BytesNow : Int64;
925   NextMark : Int64;
926   OnBytes : Int64;
927   FSize : Int64;
928 begin
929   CRC32Val:=$FFFFFFFF;
930   Buf:=GetMem(FBufferSize);
931   if FOnPercent = 0 then
932     FOnPercent := 1;
933   OnBytes:=Round((FInFile.Size * FOnPercent) / 100);
934   BytesNow:=0;
935   NextMark := OnBytes;
936   FSize:=FInfile.Size;
937   Try
938     C:=TCompressionStream.Create(FCompressionLevel,FOutFile,True);
939     Try
940       if assigned(FOnProgress) then
941         fOnProgress(self,0);
942       Repeat
943         Count:=FInFile.Read(Buf^,FBufferSize);
944         For I:=0 to Count-1 do
945           UpdC32(Buf[i]);
946         NewCount:=Count;
947         while (NewCount>0) do
948           NewCount:=NewCount-C.Write(Buf^,NewCount);
949         inc(BytesNow,Count);
950         if BytesNow>NextMark Then
951           begin
952             if (FSize>0) and assigned(FOnProgress) Then
953               FOnProgress(self,100 * ( BytesNow / FSize));
954             inc(NextMark,OnBytes);
955           end;
956       Until (Count=0) or Terminated;
957     Finally
958       C.Free;
959     end;
960   Finally
961     FreeMem(Buf);
962   end;
963   if assigned(FOnProgress) then
964     fOnProgress(self,100.0);
965   Crc32Val:=NOT Crc32Val;
966 end;
TDeflater.ZipIDnull968 class function TDeflater.ZipID: Word;
969 begin
970   Result:=8;
971 end;
TDeflater.ZipVersionReqdnull973 class function TDeflater.ZipVersionReqd: Word;
974 begin
975   Result:=20;
976 end;
TDeflater.ZipBitFlagnull978 function TDeflater.ZipBitFlag: Word;
979 begin
980   case CompressionLevel of
981     clnone: Result := %110;
982     clfastest: Result := %100;
983     cldefault: Result := %000;
984     clmax: Result := %010;
985     else
986       Result := 0;
987   end;
988 end;
990 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
991     TInflater
992   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
994 constructor TInflater.Create(AInFile, AOutFile: TStream; ABufSize: LongWord);
995 begin
996   Inherited;
997 end;
1000 procedure TInflater.DeCompress;
1002 Var
1003   Buf : PByte;
1004   I,Count : Integer;
1005   C : TDeCompressionStream;
1006   BytesNow : Integer;
1007   NextMark : Integer;
1008   OnBytes  : Integer;
1009   FSize    : Integer;
1011 begin
1012   CRC32Val:=$FFFFFFFF;
1013   if FOnPercent = 0 then
1014     FOnPercent := 1;
1015   OnBytes:=Round((FInFile.Size * FOnPercent) / 100);
1016   BytesNow:=0; NextMark := OnBytes;
1017   FSize:=FInfile.Size;
1019   If Assigned(FOnProgress) then
1020     fOnProgress(self,0);
1022   Buf:=GetMem(FBufferSize);
1023   Try
1024     C:=TDeCompressionStream.Create(FInFile,True);
1025     Try
1026       Repeat
1027         Count:=C.Read(Buf^,FBufferSize);
1028         For I:=0 to Count-1 do
1029           UpdC32(Buf[i]);
1030         FOutFile.Write(Buf^,Count);
1031         inc(BytesNow,Count);
1032         if BytesNow>NextMark Then
1033            begin
1034              if (FSize>0) and assigned(FOnProgress) Then
1035                FOnProgress(self,100 * ( BytesNow / FSize));
1036              if assigned(FOnProgressEx) Then
1037                FOnProgressEx(Self, FTotPos + BytesNow, FTotSize);
1038              inc(NextMark,OnBytes);
1039            end;
1040       Until (Count=0) or Terminated;
1041       FTotPos := FTotPos + FOutFile.Size;
1042     Finally
1043       C.Free;
1044     end;
1045   Finally
1046     FreeMem(Buf);
1047   end;
1048  if assigned(FOnProgress) then
1049    fOnProgress(self,100.0);
1050  if assigned(FOnProgressEx) then
1051    FOnProgressEx(Self, FTotPos, FTotSize);
1052   Crc32Val:=NOT Crc32Val;
1053 end;
TInflater.ZipIDnull1055 class function TInflater.ZipID: Word;
1056 begin
1057   Result:=8;
1058 end;
1061 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1062     TShrinker
1063   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
1065 Const
1066    DefaultInMemSize = 256*1024; { Files larger than 256k are processed on disk   }
1067    DefaultBufSize =  16384;     { Use 16K file buffers                             }
1068    MINBITS     =      9;        { Starting code size of 9 bits                     }
1069    MAXBITS     =     13;        { Maximum code size of 13 bits                     }
1070    SPECIAL     =    256;        { Special function code                            }
1071    INCSIZE     =      1;        { Code indicating a jump in code size              }
1072    CLEARCODE   =      2;        { Code indicating code table has been cleared      }
1073    STDATTR     =    faAnyFile;  { Standard file attribute for DOS Find First/Next  }
1075 constructor TShrinker.Create(AInFile, AOutFile : TStream; ABufSize : LongWord);
1076 begin
1077   Inherited;
1078   FBufSize:=ABufSize;
1079   InBuf:=GetMem(FBUFSIZE);
1080   OutBuf:=GetMem(FBUFSIZE);
1081   CodeTable:=GetMem(SizeOf(CodeTable^));
1082   FreeList:=GetMem(SizeOf(FreeList^));
1083 end;
1085 destructor TShrinker.Destroy;
1086 begin
1087   FreeMem(CodeTable);
1088   FreeMem(FreeList);
1089   FreeMem(InBuf);
1090   FreeMem(OutBuf);
1091   inherited Destroy;
1092 end;
1094 Procedure TShrinker.Compress;
1096 Var
1097    OneString : String;
1098    Remaining : Word;
1100 begin
1101   BytesIn := 1;
1102   BytesOut := 1;
1103   InitializeCodeTable;
1104   FillInputBuffer;
1105   FirstCh:= TRUE;
1106   Crc32Val:=$FFFFFFFF;
1107   FOnBytes:=Round((FInFile.Size * FOnPercent) / 100);
1108   While Not InputEof do
1109     begin
1110     Remaining:=Succ(MaxInBufIdx - InBufIdx);
1111     If Remaining>255 then
1112       Remaining:=255;
1113     If Remaining=0 then
1114       FillInputBuffer
1115     else
1116       begin
1117       SetLength(OneString,Remaining);
1118       Move(InBuf[InBufIdx], OneString[1], Remaining);
1119       Inc(InBufIdx, Remaining);
1120       ProcessLine(OneString);
1121       end;
1122     end;
1123    Crc32Val := Not Crc32Val;
1124    ProcessLine('');
1125 end;
TShrinker.ZipIDnull1127 class function TShrinker.ZipID: Word;
1128 begin
1129   Result:=1;
1130 end;
TShrinker.ZipVersionReqdnull1132 class function TShrinker.ZipVersionReqd: Word;
1133 begin
1134   Result:=10;
1135 end;
TShrinker.ZipBitFlagnull1137 function TShrinker.ZipBitFlag: Word;
1138 begin
1139   Result:=0;
1140 end;
1143 Procedure TShrinker.DoOnProgress(Const Pct: Double);
1145 begin
1146   If Assigned(FOnProgress) then
1147     FOnProgress(Self,Pct);
1148 end;
1151 Procedure TShrinker.FillInputBuffer;
1153 Begin
1154    MaxInbufIDx:=FInfile.Read(InBuf[0], FBufSize);
1155    If MaxInbufIDx=0 then
1156       InputEof := TRUE
1157    else
1158       InputEOF := FALSE;
1159    InBufIdx := 0;
1160 end;
1163 Procedure TShrinker.WriteOutputBuffer;
1164 Begin
1165   FOutFile.WriteBuffer(OutBuf[0], OutBufIdx);
1166   OutBufIdx := 0;
1167 end;
1170 Procedure TShrinker.PutChar(B : Byte);
1172 Begin
1173   OutBuf[OutBufIdx] := B;
1174   Inc(OutBufIdx);
1175   If OutBufIdx>=FBufSize then
1176     WriteOutputBuffer;
1177   Inc(BytesOut);
1178 end;
1180 Procedure TShrinker.FlushOutput;
1181 Begin
1182   If OutBufIdx>0 then
1183     WriteOutputBuffer;
1184 End;
1187 procedure TShrinker.PutCode(Code : Smallint);
1189 var
1190   ACode : LongInt;
1191   XSize : Smallint;
1193 begin
1194   if (Code=-1) then
1195     begin
1196     if BitsUsed>0 then
1197       PutChar(SaveByte);
1198     end
1199   else
1200     begin
1201     ACode := Longint(Code);
1202     XSize := CodeSize+BitsUsed;
1203     ACode := (ACode shl BitsUsed) or SaveByte;
1204     while (XSize div 8) > 0 do
1205       begin
1206       PutChar(Lo(ACode));
1207       ACode := ACode shr 8;
1208       Dec(XSize,8);
1209       end;
1210     BitsUsed := XSize;
1211     SaveByte := Lo(ACode);
1212     end;
1213 end;
1216 Procedure TShrinker.InitializeCodeTable;
1218 Var
1219    I  :  Word;
1220 Begin
1221    For I := 0 to TableSize do
1222      begin
1223      With CodeTable^[I] do
1224        begin
1225        Child := -1;
1226        Sibling := -1;
1227        If (I<=255) then
1228          Suffix := I;
1229        end;
1230      If (I>=257) then
1231        FreeList^[I] := I;
1232      end;
1233    NextFree  := FIRSTENTRY;
1234    TableFull := FALSE;
1235 end;
1238 Procedure TShrinker.Prune(Parent : Word);
1240 Var
1241    CurrChild   : Smallint;
1242    NextSibling : Smallint;
1243 Begin
1244   CurrChild := CodeTable^[Parent].Child;
1245   { Find first Child that has descendants .. clear any that don't }
1246   While (CurrChild <> -1) and (CodeTable^[CurrChild].Child = -1) do
1247     begin
1248     CodeTable^[Parent].Child := CodeTable^[CurrChild].Sibling;
1249     CodeTable^[CurrChild].Sibling := -1;
1250      { Turn on ClearList bit to indicate a cleared entry }
1251     ClearList[CurrChild DIV 8] := (ClearList[CurrChild DIV 8] OR (1 SHL (CurrChild MOD 8)));
1252     CurrChild := CodeTable^[Parent].Child;
1253     end;
1254   If CurrChild <> -1 then
1255     begin   { If there are any children left ...}
1256     Prune(CurrChild);
1257     NextSibling := CodeTable^[CurrChild].Sibling;
1258     While NextSibling <> -1 do
1259       begin
1260       If CodeTable^[NextSibling].Child = -1 then
1261         begin
1262         CodeTable^[CurrChild].Sibling := CodeTable^[NextSibling].Sibling;
1263         CodeTable^[NextSibling].Sibling := -1;
1264         { Turn on ClearList bit to indicate a cleared entry }
1265         ClearList[NextSibling DIV 8] := (ClearList[NextSibling DIV 8] OR (1 SHL (NextSibling MOD 8)));
1266         NextSibling := CodeTable^[CurrChild].Sibling;
1267         end
1268       else
1269         begin
1270         CurrChild := NextSibling;
1271         Prune(CurrChild);
1272         NextSibling := CodeTable^[CurrChild].Sibling;
1273         end;
1274       end;
1275     end;
1276 end;
1279 Procedure TShrinker.Clear_Table;
1280 Var
1281    Node : Word;
1282 Begin
1283    FillChar(ClearList, SizeOf(ClearList), $00);
1284    For Node := 0 to 255 do
1285      Prune(Node);
1286    NextFree := Succ(TABLESIZE);
1287    For Node := TABLESIZE downto FIRSTENTRY do
1288      begin
1289      If (ClearList[Node DIV 8] AND (1 SHL (Node MOD 8))) <> 0 then
1290        begin
1291        Dec(NextFree);
1292        FreeList^[NextFree] := Node;
1293        end;
1294      end;
1295    If NextFree <= TABLESIZE then
1296      TableFull := FALSE;
1297 end;
1300 Procedure TShrinker.Table_Add(Prefix : Word; Suffix : Byte);
1301 Var
1302    FreeNode : Word;
1303 Begin
1304   If NextFree <= TABLESIZE then
1305     begin
1306     FreeNode := FreeList^[NextFree];
1307     Inc(NextFree);
1308     CodeTable^[FreeNode].Child := -1;
1309     CodeTable^[FreeNode].Sibling := -1;
1310     CodeTable^[FreeNode].Suffix := Suffix;
1311     If CodeTable^[Prefix].Child  = -1 then
1312       CodeTable^[Prefix].Child := FreeNode
1313     else
1314       begin
1315       Prefix := CodeTable^[Prefix].Child;
1316       While CodeTable^[Prefix].Sibling <> -1 do
1317         Prefix := CodeTable^[Prefix].Sibling;
1318       CodeTable^[Prefix].Sibling := FreeNode;
1319       end;
1320     end;
1321   if NextFree > TABLESIZE then
1322     TableFull := TRUE;
1323 end;
TShrinker.Table_Lookupnull1325 function TShrinker.Table_Lookup(    TargetPrefix : Smallint;
1326                           TargetSuffix : Byte;
1327                       Out FoundAt      : Smallint   ) : Boolean;
1329 var TempPrefix : Smallint;
1331 begin
1332   TempPrefix := TargetPrefix;
1333   Table_lookup := False;
1334   if CodeTable^[TempPrefix].Child <> -1 then
1335     begin
1336     TempPrefix := CodeTable^[TempPrefix].Child;
1337     repeat
1338       if CodeTable^[TempPrefix].Suffix = TargetSuffix then
1339         begin
1340         Table_lookup := True;
1341         break;
1342         end;
1343       if CodeTable^[TempPrefix].Sibling = -1 then
1344         break;
1345       TempPrefix := CodeTable^[TempPrefix].Sibling;
1346     until False;
1347   end;
1348   if Table_Lookup then
1349     FoundAt := TempPrefix
1350   else
1351     FoundAt := -1;
1352 end;
1354 Procedure TShrinker.Shrink(Suffix : Smallint);
1356 Const
1357   LastCode : Smallint = 0;
1359 Var
1360   WhereFound : Smallint;
1362 Begin
1363   If FirstCh then
1364     begin
1365     SaveByte := $00;
1366     BitsUsed := 0;
1367     CodeSize := MINBITS;
1368     MaxCode  := (1 SHL CodeSize) - 1;
1369     LastCode := Suffix;
1370     FirstCh  := FALSE;
1371     end
1372   else
1373     begin
1374     If Suffix <> -1 then
1375       begin
1376       If TableFull then
1377         begin
1378         Putcode(LastCode);
1379         PutCode(SPECIAL);
1380         Putcode(CLEARCODE);
1381         Clear_Table;
1382         Table_Add(LastCode, Suffix);
1383         LastCode := Suffix;
1384         end
1385       else
1386         begin
1387         If Table_Lookup(LastCode, Suffix, WhereFound) then
1388           begin
1389           LastCode  := WhereFound;
1390           end
1391         else
1392           begin
1393           PutCode(LastCode);
1394           Table_Add(LastCode, Suffix);
1395           LastCode := Suffix;
1396           If (FreeList^[NextFree] > MaxCode) and (CodeSize < MaxBits) then
1397             begin
1398             PutCode(SPECIAL);
1399             PutCode(INCSIZE);
1400             Inc(CodeSize);
1401             MaxCode := (1 SHL CodeSize) -1;
1402             end;
1403           end;
1404         end;
1405       end
1406     else
1407       begin
1408       PutCode(LastCode);
1409       PutCode(-1);
1410       FlushOutput;
1411       end;
1412     end;
1413 end;
1415 Procedure TShrinker.ProcessLine(Const Source : String);
1417 Var
1418   I : Word;
1420 Begin
1421   If Source = '' then
1422     Shrink(-1)
1423   else
1424     For I := 1 to Length(Source) do
1425       begin
1426       Inc(BytesIn);
1427       If (Pred(BytesIn) MOD FOnBytes) = 0 then
1428         DoOnProgress(100 * ( BytesIn / FInFile.Size));
1429       UpdC32(Ord(Source[I]));
1430       Shrink(Ord(Source[I]));
1431       end;
1432 end;
1434 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1435     TZipper
1436   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
1439 Procedure TZipper.GetFileInfo;
1441 Var
1442   F    : TZipFileEntry;
1443   Info : TSearchRec;
1444   I    : integer; //zip spec allows QWord but FEntries.Count does not support it
1445 {$IFDEF UNIX}
1446   UnixInfo: Stat;
1447 {$ENDIF}
1448 Begin
1449   For I := 0 to FEntries.Count-1 do
1450     begin
1451     F:=FEntries[i];
1452     If F.Stream=Nil then
1453       begin
1454       If (F.DiskFileName='') then
1455         Raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrMissingFileName,[I]);
1456       If FindFirst(F.DiskFileName, STDATTR, Info)=0 then
1457         try
1458           F.Size:=Info.Size;
1459           F.DateTime:=FileDateToDateTime(Info.Time);
1460         {$IFDEF UNIX}
1461           if fplstat(F.DiskFileName, @UnixInfo) = 0 then
1462             F.Attributes := UnixInfo.st_mode;
1463         {$ELSE}
1464           F.Attributes := Info.Attr;
1465         {$ENDIF}
1466         finally
1467           FindClose(Info);
1468         end
1469       else
1470         Raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrFileDoesNotExist,[F.DiskFileName]);
1471       end
1472     else
1473     begin
1474       If (F.ArchiveFileName='') then
1475         Raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrMissingArchiveName,[I]);
1476       F.Size:=F.Stream.Size;
1477       if (F.Attributes = 0) then
1478       begin
1479       {$IFDEF UNIX}
1480         F.Attributes := UNIX_FILE or UNIX_DEFAULT;
1481       {$ELSE}
1482         F.Attributes := faArchive;
1483       {$ENDIF}
1484       end;
1485     end;
1486   end;
1487 end;
1490 procedure TZipper.SetEntries(const AValue: TZipFileEntries);
1491 begin
1492   if FEntries=AValue then exit;
1493   FEntries.Assign(AValue);
1494 end;
TZipper.OpenInputnull1496 Function TZipper.OpenInput(Item : TZipFileEntry) : Boolean;
1498 Begin
1499   If (Item.Stream<>nil) then
1500     FInFile:=Item.Stream
1501   else
1502     if Item.IsDirectory then
1503       FInFile := TStringStream.Create('')
1504     else
1505       FInFile:=TFileStream.Create(Item.DiskFileName,fmOpenRead);
1506   Result:=True;
1507   If Assigned(FOnStartFile) then
1508     FOnStartFile(Self,Item.ArchiveFileName);
1509 End;
1512 Procedure TZipper.CloseInput(Item : TZipFileEntry);
1514 Begin
1515   If (FInFile<>Item.Stream) then
1516     FreeAndNil(FInFile)
1517   else
1518     FinFile:=Nil;
1519   DoEndOfFile;
1520 end;
1523 Procedure TZipper.StartZipFile(Item : TZipFileEntry);
1525 Begin
1526   FillChar(LocalHdr,SizeOf(LocalHdr),0);
1527   FillChar(LocalZip64Fld,SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld),0);
1528   With LocalHdr do
1529     begin
1530     Signature := LOCAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
1531     Extract_Version_Reqd := 20; //default value, v2.0
1532     Bit_Flag := 0;
1533     Compress_Method := 1;
1534     DateTimeToZipDateTime(Item.DateTime,Last_Mod_Date,Last_Mod_Time);
1535     Crc32 := 0;
1536     Compressed_Size := 0;
1537     LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size := 0;
1538     if Item.Size >= $FFFFFFFF then
1539       begin
1540       Uncompressed_Size := $FFFFFFFF;
1541       LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size := Item.Size;
1542       end
1543     else
1544       begin
1545       Uncompressed_Size := Item.Size;
1546       LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size := 0;
1547       end;
1548     FileName_Length := 0;
1549     if (LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size>0) or
1550       (LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size>0) or
1551       (LocalZip64Fld.Disk_Start_Number>0) or
1552       (LocalZip64Fld.Relative_Hdr_Offset>0) then
1553       Extra_Field_Length := SizeOf(LocalZip64ExtHdr) + SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld)
1554     else
1555       Extra_Field_Length := 0;
1556   end;
1557 End;
TZipper.UpdateZipHeadernull1560 function TZipper.UpdateZipHeader(Item: TZipFileEntry; FZip: TStream;
1561   ACRC: LongWord; AMethod: Word; AZipVersionReqd: Word; AZipBitFlag: Word
1562   ): Boolean;
1563   // Update header for a single zip file (local header)
1564 var
1565   IsZip64           : boolean; //Must the local header be in zip64 format?
1566   // Separate from zip64 status of entire zip file.
1567   ZFileName         : String;
1568 Begin
1569   ZFileName := Item.ArchiveFileName;
1570   IsZip64 := false;
1571   With LocalHdr do
1572     begin
1573     FileName_Length := Length(ZFileName);
1574     Crc32 := ACRC;
1575     if LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size > 0 then
1576       Result := Not (FZip.Size >= LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size)
1577     else
1578       Result := Not (Compressed_Size >= Uncompressed_Size);
1579     if Item.CompressionLevel=clNone
1580       then Result:=false; //user wishes override or invalid compression
1581     If Not Result then
1582       begin
1583       Compress_Method := 0; // No use for compression: change storage type & compression size...
1584       if LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size>0 then
1585         begin
1586         IsZip64 := true;
1587         Compressed_Size := $FFFFFFFF;
1588         LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size := LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size;
1589         end
1590       else
1591         begin
1592         Compressed_Size := Uncompressed_Size;
1593         LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size := 0;
1594         end;
1595       end
1596     else { Using compression }
1597       begin
1598       Compress_method := AMethod;
1599       Bit_Flag := Bit_Flag or AZipBitFlag;
1600       if FZip.Size >= $FFFFFFFF then
1601       begin
1602         IsZip64 := true;
1603         Compressed_Size := $FFFFFFFF;
1604         LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size := FZip.Size;
1605       end
1606       else
1607       begin
1608         Compressed_Size := FZip.Size;
1609         LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size := 0;
1610       end;
1611       if AZipVersionReqd > Extract_Version_Reqd then
1612         Extract_Version_Reqd := AZipVersionReqd;
1613       end;
1614     if (IsZip64) and (Extract_Version_Reqd<45) then
1615       Extract_Version_Reqd := 45;
1616     end;
1617   if IsZip64 then
1618     LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length:=SizeOf(LocalZip64ExtHdr)+SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld);
1619   FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG}SwapLFH{$ENDIF}(LocalHdr),SizeOf(LocalHdr));
1620   // Append extensible field header+zip64 extensible field if needed:
1621   FOutStream.WriteBuffer(ZFileName[1],Length(ZFileName));
1622   if IsZip64 then
1623   begin
1624     LocalZip64ExtHdr.Header_ID:=ZIP64_HEADER_ID;
1625     FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG}SwapEDFH{$ENDIF}(LocalZip64ExtHdr),SizeOf(LocalZip64ExtHdr));
1626     FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF ENDIAN_BIG}SwapZ64EIF{$ENDIF}(LocalZip64Fld),SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld));
1627   end;
1628 End;
1631 Procedure TZipper.BuildZipDirectory;
1632 // Write out all central file headers using info from local headers
1633 Var
1634   SavePos   : Int64;
1635   HdrPos    : Int64; //offset from disk where file begins to local header
1636   CenDirPos : Int64;
1637   ACount    : QWord; //entry counter
1638   ZFileName : string; //archive filename
1639   IsZip64   : boolean; //local header=zip64 format?
1640   MinReqdVersion: word; //minimum needed to extract
1641   ExtInfoHeader : Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type;
1642   Zip64ECD  : Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_type;
1643   Zip64ECDL : Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Locator_type;
1644 Begin
1645   ACount := 0;
1646   MinReqdVersion:=0;
1647   CenDirPos := FOutStream.Position;
1648   FOutStream.Seek(0,soBeginning);             { Rewind output file }
1649   HdrPos := FOutStream.Position;
1650   FOutStream.ReadBuffer(LocalHdr, SizeOf(LocalHdr));
1652   LocalHdr := SwapLFH(LocalHdr);
1653 {$ENDIF}
1654   Repeat
1655     SetLength(ZFileName,LocalHdr.FileName_Length);
1656     FOutStream.ReadBuffer(ZFileName[1], LocalHdr.FileName_Length);
1657     IsZip64:=(LocalHdr.Compressed_Size=$FFFFFFFF) or (LocalHdr.Uncompressed_Size=$FFFFFFFF) or (HdrPos>=$FFFFFFFF);
1658     FillChar(LocalZip64Fld,SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld),0); // easier to check compressed length
1659     if LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length>0 then
1660       begin
1661       SavePos := FOutStream.Position;
1662       if (IsZip64 and (LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length>=SizeOf(LocalZip64ExtHdr)+SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld))) then
1663         while FOutStream.Position<SavePos+LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length do
1664           begin
1665           FOutStream.ReadBuffer(ExtInfoHeader, SizeOf(ExtInfoHeader));
1666         {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
1667           ExtInfoHeader := SwapEDFH(ExtInfoHeader);
1668         {$ENDIF}
1669           if ExtInfoHeader.Header_ID=ZIP64_HEADER_ID then
1670             begin
1671             FOutStream.ReadBuffer(LocalZip64Fld, SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld));
1672           {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
1673             LocalZip64Fld := SwapZ64EIF(LocalZip64Fld);
1674           {$ENDIF}
1675             end
1676           else
1677             begin
1678             // Read past non-zip64 extra field
1679             FOutStream.Seek(ExtInfoHeader.Data_Size,soFromCurrent);
1680             end;
1681           end;
1682       // Move past extra fields
1683       FOutStream.Seek(SavePos+LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length,soFromBeginning);
1684       end;
1685     SavePos := FOutStream.Position;
1686     FillChar(CentralHdr,SizeOf(CentralHdr),0);
1687     With CentralHdr do
1688       begin
1689       Signature := CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE;
1690       MadeBy_Version := LocalHdr.Extract_Version_Reqd;
1691       if (IsZip64) and (MadeBy_Version<45) then
1692         MadeBy_Version := 45;
1693     {$IFDEF UNIX}
1694       {$IFDEF DARWIN} //OSX
1695       MadeBy_Version := MadeBy_Version or (OS_OSX shl 8);
1696       {$ELSE}
1697       MadeBy_Version := MadeBy_Version or (OS_UNIX shl 8);
1698       {$ENDIF}
1699     {$ENDIF}
1700     {$IFDEF OS2}
1701       MadeBy_Version := MadeBy_Version or (OS_OS2 shl 8);
1702     {$ENDIF}
1703       {$warning TODO: find a way to recognize VFAT and NTFS}
1704       // Copy over extract_version_reqd..extra_field_length
1705       Move(LocalHdr.Extract_Version_Reqd, Extract_Version_Reqd, 26);
1706       if (IsZip64) and (Extract_Version_Reqd<45) then
1707         Extract_Version_Reqd := 45;
1708       // Keep track of the minimum version required to extract
1709       // zip file as a whole
1710       if Extract_Version_Reqd>MinReqdVersion then
1711         MinReqdVersion:=Extract_Version_Reqd;
1712       Last_Mod_Time:=localHdr.Last_Mod_Time;
1713       Last_Mod_Date:=localHdr.Last_Mod_Date;
1714       File_Comment_Length := 0;
1715       Starting_Disk_Num := 0;
1716       Internal_Attributes := 0;
1717     {$IFDEF UNIX}
1718       External_Attributes := Entries[ACount].Attributes shl 16;
1719     {$ELSE}
1720       External_Attributes := Entries[ACount].Attributes;
1721     {$ENDIF}
1722       if HdrPos>=$FFFFFFFF then
1723       begin
1724         FZipFileNeedsZip64:=true;
1725         IsZip64:=true;
1726         Local_Header_offset := $FFFFFFFF;
1727         // LocalZip64Fld will be written out as central dir extra field later
1728         LocalZip64Fld.Relative_Hdr_Offset := HdrPos;
1729       end
1730       else
1731         Local_Header_Offset := HdrPos;
1732       end;
1733     FOutStream.Seek(0,soEnd);
1734     FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}SwapCFH{$ENDIF}(CentralHdr),SizeOf(CentralHdr));
1735     FOutStream.WriteBuffer(ZFileName[1],Length(ZFileName));
1736     if IsZip64 then
1737       begin
1738       FOutStream.Seek(0,soEnd);
1739       FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}SwapEDFH{$ENDIF}(LocalZip64ExtHdr),SizeOf(LocalZip64ExtHdr));
1740       FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}SwapZ64EIF{$ENDIF}(LocalZip64Fld),SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld));
1741       end;
1743     Inc(ACount);
1744     // Move past compressed file data to next header:
1745     if Iszip64 then
1746       FOutStream.Seek(SavePos + LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size,soBeginning)
1747     else
1748       FOutStream.Seek(SavePos + LocalHdr.Compressed_Size,soBeginning);
1749     HdrPos:=FOutStream.Position;
1750     FOutStream.ReadBuffer(LocalHdr, SizeOf(LocalHdr));
1752     LocalHdr := SwapLFH(LocalHdr);
1753   {$ENDIF}
1754   Until LocalHdr.Signature = CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE ;
1756   FOutStream.Seek(0,soEnd);
1757   FillChar(EndHdr,SizeOf(EndHdr),0);
1759   // Write end of central directory record
1760   // We'll use the zip64 variants to store counts etc
1761   // and copy to the old record variables if possible
1762   // This seems to match expected behaviour of unzippers like
1763   // unrar that only look at the zip64 record
1764   FillChar(Zip64ECD, SizeOf(Zip64ECD), 0);
1766   FillChar(Zip64ECDL, SizeOf(Zip64ECDL), 0);
1768   Zip64ECDL.Total_Disks:=1; //default and no support for multi disks yet anyway
1769   With EndHdr do
1770     begin
1771     Signature := END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE;
1772     Disk_Number := 0;
1773     Central_Dir_Start_Disk := 0;
1775     Zip64ECD.Entries_This_Disk:=ACount;
1776     Zip64ECD.Total_Entries:=Acount;
1777     if ACount>$FFFF then
1778       begin
1779       FZipFileNeedsZip64 := true;
1780       Entries_This_Disk := $FFFF;
1781       Total_Entries := $FFFF;
1782       end
1783     else
1784       begin
1785       Entries_This_Disk := Zip64ECD.Entries_This_Disk;
1786       Total_Entries := Zip64ECD.Total_Entries;
1787       end;
1789     Zip64ECD.Central_Dir_Size := FOutStream.Size-CenDirPos;
1790     if (Zip64ECD.Central_Dir_Size)>$FFFFFFFF then
1791       begin
1792       FZipFileNeedsZip64 := true;
1793       Central_Dir_Size := $FFFFFFFF;
1794       end
1795     else
1796       begin
1797       Central_Dir_Size := Zip64ECD.Central_Dir_Size;
1798       end;
1800     Zip64ECD.Start_Disk_Offset := CenDirPos;
1801     if Zip64ECD.Start_Disk_Offset>$FFFFFFFF then
1802       begin
1803       FZipFileNeedsZip64 := true;
1804       Start_Disk_Offset := $FFFFFFFF;
1805       end
1806     else
1807       begin
1808       Start_Disk_Offset := Zip64ECD.Start_Disk_Offset;
1809       end;
1811     ZipFile_Comment_Length := Length(FFileComment);
1813     if FZipFileNeedsZip64 then
1814     begin
1815       //Write zip64 end of central directory record if needed
1816       if MinReqdVersion<45 then
1817         MinReqdVersion := 45;
1818       Zip64ECD.Extract_Version_Reqd := MinReqdVersion;
1819       Zip64ECD.Version_Made_By := MinReqdVersion;
1820       Zip64ECD.Record_Size := SizeOf(Zip64ECD)-12; //Assumes no variable length field following
1821       Zip64ECDL.Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset := FOutStream.Position;
1822       Zip64ECDL.Zip64_EOCD_Start_Disk := 0;
1823       FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}SwapZ64ECD{$ENDIF}(Zip64ECD), SizeOf(Zip64ECD));
1825       //Write zip64 end of central directory locator if needed
1826       FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}SwapZ64ECDL{$ENDIF}(Zip64ECDL), SizeOf(Zip64ECDL));
1827     end;
1829     FOutStream.WriteBuffer({$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}SwapECD{$ENDIF}(EndHdr), SizeOf(EndHdr));
1830     if Length(FFileComment) > 0 then
1831       FOutStream.WriteBuffer(FFileComment[1],Length(FFileComment));
1832     end;
1833 end;
1835 Function TZipper.CreateCompressor(Item : TZipFileEntry; AInFile,AZipStream : TStream) : TCompressor;
1837 begin
1838   Result:=TDeflater.Create(AinFile,AZipStream,FBufSize);
1839   (Result as TDeflater).CompressionLevel:=Item.CompressionLevel;
1840   FCurrentCompressor:=Result;
1841 end;
1843 Procedure TZipper.ZipOneFile(Item : TZipFileEntry);
1845 Var
1846   CRC : LongWord;
1847   ZMethod : Word;
1848   ZVersionReqd : Word;
1849   ZBitFlag : Word;
1850   ZipStream : TStream;
1851   TmpFileName : String;
1853 Begin
1854   OpenInput(Item);
1855   Try
1856     StartZipFile(Item);
1857     If (FInfile.Size<=FInMemSize) then
1858       ZipStream:=TMemoryStream.Create
1859     else
1860       begin
1861       TmpFileName:=ChangeFileExt(FFileName,'.tmp');
1862       if TmpFileName=FFileName then
1863         TmpFileName:=TmpFileName+'.tmp';
1864       ZipStream:=TFileStream.Create(TmpFileName,fmCreate);
1865       end;
1866     Try
1867       With CreateCompressor(Item, FinFile,ZipStream) do
1868         Try
1869           OnProgress:=Self.OnProgress;
1870           OnPercent:=Self.OnPercent;
1871           Compress;
1872           CRC:=Crc32Val;
1873           ZMethod:=ZipID;
1874           ZVersionReqd:=ZipVersionReqd;
1875           ZBitFlag:=ZipBitFlag;
1876         Finally
1877           FCurrentCompressor:=Nil;
1878           Free;
1879         end;
1880       If UpdateZipHeader(Item,ZipStream,CRC,ZMethod,ZVersionReqd,ZBitFlag) then
1881         // Compressed file smaller than original file.
1882         FOutStream.CopyFrom(ZipStream,0)
1883       else
1884         begin
1885         // Original file smaller than compressed file.
1886         FInfile.Seek(0,soBeginning);
1887         FOutStream.CopyFrom(FInFile,0);
1888         end;
1889     finally
1890       ZipStream.Free;
1891       If (TmpFileName<>'') then
1892         DeleteFile(TmpFileName);
1893     end;
1894   Finally
1895     CloseInput(Item);
1896   end;
1897 end;
1899 // Just like SaveToFile, but uses the FileName property
1900 Procedure TZipper.ZipAllFiles;
1901 begin
1902   SaveToFile(FileName);
1903 end;
1905 procedure TZipper.SaveToFile(AFileName: RawByteString);
1906 var
1907   lStream: TFileStream;
1908 begin
1909   FFileName:=AFileName;
1910   lStream:=TFileStream.Create(FFileName,fmCreate);
1911   try
1912     SaveToStream(lStream);
1913   finally
1914     FreeAndNil(lStream);
1915   end;
1916 end;
1918 procedure TZipper.SaveToStream(AStream: TStream);
1919 Var
1920   I : integer; //could be qword but limited by FEntries.Count
1921 begin
1922   FTerminated:=False;
1923   FOutStream := AStream;
1924   If CheckEntries=0 then
1925     Exit;
1926   FZipping:=True;
1927   Try
1928     GetFileInfo; //get info on file entries in zip
1929     I:=0;
1930     While (I<FEntries.Count) and not Terminated do
1931       begin
1932       ZipOneFile(FEntries[i]);
1933       Inc(I);
1934       end;
1935     if (FEntries.Count>0) and not Terminated then
1936       BuildZipDirectory;
1937   finally
1938     FZipping:=False;
1939     // Remove entries that have been added by CheckEntries from Files.
1940     for I:=0 to FFiles.Count-1 do
1941       FEntries.Delete(FEntries.Count-1);
1942   end;
1943 end;
1946 Procedure TZipper.SetBufSize(Value : LongWord);
1948 begin
1949   If FZipping then
1950     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrBufsizeChange);
1951   If Value>=DefaultBufSize then
1952     FBufSize:=Value;
1953 end;
1955 Procedure TZipper.SetFileName(Value : RawByteString);
1957 begin
1958   If FZipping then
1959     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrFileChange);
1960   FFileName:=Value;
1961 end;
1963 Procedure TZipper.ZipFiles(AFileName : RawByteString; FileList : TStrings);
1965 begin
1966   FFileName:=AFileName;
1967   ZipFiles(FileList);
1968 end;
1970 procedure TZipper.ZipFiles(FileList: TStrings);
1971 begin
1972   FFiles.Assign(FileList);
1973   ZipAllFiles;
1974 end;
1976 procedure TZipper.ZipFiles(AFileName: RawByteString; Entries: TZipFileEntries);
1977 begin
1978   FFileName:=AFileName;
1979   ZipFiles(Entries);
1980 end;
1982 procedure TZipper.ZipFiles(Entries: TZipFileEntries);
1983 begin
1984   FEntries.Assign(Entries);
1985   ZipAllFiles;
1986 end;
1988 Procedure TZipper.DoEndOfFile;
1990 Var
1991   ComprPct : Double;
1993 begin
1994   if (FZipFileNeedsZip64) and (LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size>0) then
1995     ComprPct := (100.0 * (LocalZip64Fld.Original_size - LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size)) / LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size
1996   else if (LocalHdr.Uncompressed_Size>0) then
1997     ComprPct := (100.0 * (LocalHdr.Uncompressed_Size - LocalHdr.Compressed_Size)) / LocalHdr.Uncompressed_Size
1998   else
1999     ComprPct := 0;
2000   If Assigned(FOnEndOfFile) then
2001     FOnEndOfFile(Self,ComprPct);
2002 end;
2004 Constructor TZipper.Create;
2006 begin
2007   FBufSize:=DefaultBufSize;
2008   FInMemSize:=DefaultInMemSize;
2009   FFiles:=TStringList.Create;
2010   FEntries:=TZipFileEntries.Create(TZipFileEntry);
2011   FOnPercent:=1;
2012   FZipFileNeedsZip64:=false;
2013   LocalZip64ExtHdr.Header_ID:=ZIP64_HEADER_ID;
2014   LocalZip64ExtHdr.Data_Size:=SizeOf(Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type);
2015 end;
2017 Function TZipper.CheckEntries : Integer;
2019 Var
2020   I : integer; //Could be QWord but limited by FFiles.Count
2022 begin
2023   for I:=0 to FFiles.Count-1 do
2024     FEntries.AddFileEntry(FFiles[i]);
2026   // Use zip64 when number of file entries
2027   // or individual (un)compressed sizes
2028   // require it.
2029   if FEntries.Count >= $FFFF then
2030     FZipFileNeedsZip64:=true;
2032   if not(FZipFileNeedsZip64) then
2033     begin
2034     for I:=0 to FFiles.Count-1 do
2035       begin
2036       if FEntries[i].FNeedsZip64 then
2037         begin
2038         FZipFileNeedsZip64:=true;
2039         break;
2040         end;
2041       end;
2042     end;
2044   Result:=FEntries.Count;
2045 end;
2048 Procedure TZipper.Clear;
2050 begin
2051   FEntries.Clear;
2052   FFiles.Clear;
2053 end;
2055 procedure TZipper.Terminate;
2056 begin
2057   FTerminated:=True;
2058   if Assigned(FCurrentCompressor) then
2059     FCurrentCompressor.Terminate;
2060 end;
2062 Destructor TZipper.Destroy;
2064 begin
2065   Clear;
2066   FreeAndNil(FEntries);
2067   FreeAndNil(FFiles);
2068   Inherited;
2069 end;
2071 { ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2072     TUnZipper
2073   ---------------------------------------------------------------------}
2075 procedure TUnZipper.OpenInput;
2077 Begin
2078   if Assigned(FOnOpenInputStream) then
2079     FOnOpenInputStream(Self, FZipStream);
2080   if FZipStream = nil then
2081     FZipStream:=TFileStream.Create(FFileName,fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);
2082 End;
OpenOutputnull2085 function TUnZipper.OpenOutput(OutFileName: RawByteString;
2086   out OutStream: TStream; Item: TFullZipFileEntry): Boolean;
2087 Var
2088   Path: RawByteString;
2089   OldDirectorySeparators: set of char;
2091 Begin
2092   { the default RTL behavior is broken on Unix platforms
2093     for Windows compatibility: it allows both '/' and '\'
2094     as directory separator. We don't want that behavior
2095     here, since 'abc\' is a valid file name under Unix.
2097     The zip standard appnote.txt says zip files must have '/' as path
2098     separator, even on Windows:
2099     "The path stored MUST not contain a drive or device letter, or a leading
2100     slash. All slashes MUST be forward slashes '/' as opposed to backwards
2101     slashes '\'" See also mantis issue #15836
2102     However, old versions of FPC on Windows (and possibly other utilities)
2103     created incorrect zip files with \ separator, so accept these as well as
2104     they're not valid in Windows file names anyway.
2105   }
2106   OldDirectorySeparators:=AllowDirectorySeparators;
2107   {$ifdef Windows}
2108   // Explicitly allow / and \ regardless of what Windows supports
2109   AllowDirectorySeparators:=['\','/'];
2110   {$else}
2111   // Follow the standard: only allow / regardless of actual separator on OS
2112   AllowDirectorySeparators:=['/'];
2113   {$endif}
2114   Path:=ExtractFilePath(OutFileName);
2115   OutStream:=Nil;
2116   If Assigned(FOnCreateStream) then
2117     FOnCreateStream(Self, OutStream, Item);
2118   // If FOnCreateStream didn't create one, we create one now.
2119   If (OutStream=Nil) then
2120     begin
2121     if (Path<>'') then
2122       ForceDirectories(Path);
2123     AllowDirectorySeparators:=OldDirectorySeparators;
2124     OutStream:=TFileStream.Create(OutFileName,fmCreate);
2126     end;
2128   AllowDirectorySeparators:=OldDirectorySeparators;
2129   Result:=True;
2130   If Assigned(FOnStartFile) then
2131     FOnStartFile(Self,OutFileName);
2132 End;
2135 procedure TUnZipper.CloseOutput(Item: TFullZipFileEntry; var OutStream: TStream
2136   );
2138 Begin
2139   if Assigned(FOnDoneStream) then
2140   begin
2141     FOnDoneStream(Self, OutStream, Item);
2142     OutStream := nil;
2143   end
2144   else
2145     FreeAndNil(OutStream);
2146   DoEndOfFile;
2147 end;
2150 procedure TUnZipper.CloseInput;
2152 Begin
2153   if Assigned(FOnCloseInputStream) then
2154     FOnCloseInputStream(Self, FZipStream);
2155   FreeAndNil(FZipStream);
2156 end;
2159 procedure TUnZipper.ReadZipHeader(Item: TFullZipFileEntry; out AMethod: Word);
2160 Var
2161   S : String;
2162   U : UTF8String;
2163   D : TDateTime;
2164   ExtraFieldHdr: Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type;
2165   SavePos: int64; //could be qword but limited by stream
2166   // Infozip unicode path
2167   Infozip_Unicode_Path_Ver:Byte;
2168   Infozip_Unicode_Path_CRC32:DWord;
2169 Begin
2170   FZipStream.Seek(Item.HdrPos,soBeginning);
2171   FZipStream.ReadBuffer(LocalHdr,SizeOf(LocalHdr));
2173   LocalHdr := SwapLFH(LocalHdr);
2174 {$ENDIF}
2175   FillChar(LocalZip64Fld,SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld),0); //ensure no erroneous info
2176   With LocalHdr do
2177     begin
2178       Item.FBitFlags:=Bit_Flag;
2179       SetLength(S,Filename_Length);
2180       FZipStream.ReadBuffer(S[1],Filename_Length);
2181       Item.ArchiveFileName:=S;
2182       Item.DiskFileName:=S;
2183       SavePos:=FZipStream.Position; //after filename, before extra fields
2184       if Extra_Field_Length>0 then
2185         begin
2186         SavePos := FZipStream.Position;
2187         if (LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length>=SizeOf(ExtraFieldHdr)) then
2188           while FZipStream.Position<SavePos+LocalHdr.Extra_Field_Length do
2189             begin
2190             FZipStream.ReadBuffer(ExtraFieldHdr, SizeOf(ExtraFieldHdr));
2191           {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2192             ExtraFieldHdr := SwapEDFH(ExtraFieldHdr);
2193           {$ENDIF}
2194             if ExtraFieldHdr.Header_ID=ZIP64_HEADER_ID then
2195               begin
2196               FZipStream.ReadBuffer(LocalZip64Fld, SizeOf(LocalZip64Fld));
2197             {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2198               LocalZip64Fld := SwapZ64EIF(LocalZip64Fld);
2199             {$ENDIF}
2200               end
2201             // Infozip unicode path
2202             else if ExtraFieldHdr.Header_ID=INFOZIP_UNICODE_PATH_ID then
2203               begin
2204               FZipStream.ReadBuffer(Infozip_Unicode_Path_Ver,1);
2205               if Infozip_Unicode_Path_Ver=1 then
2206                 begin
2207                 FZipStream.ReadBuffer(Infozip_Unicode_Path_CRC32,sizeof(Infozip_Unicode_Path_CRC32));
2208                 {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2209                 Infozip_Unicode_Path_CRC32:=SwapEndian(Infozip_Unicode_Path_CRC32);
2210                 {$ENDIF}
2211                 if CRC32Str(S)=Infozip_Unicode_Path_CRC32 then
2212                   begin
2213                   SetLength(U,ExtraFieldHdr.Data_Size-5);
2214                   FZipStream.ReadBuffer(U[1],Length(U));
2215                   Item.UTF8ArchiveFileName:=U;
2216                   Item.UTF8DiskFileName:=U;
2217                   end
2218                 else
2219                   FZipStream.Seek(ExtraFieldHdr.Data_Size-5,soFromCurrent);
2220                 end
2221               else
2222                 FZipStream.Seek(ExtraFieldHdr.Data_Size-1,soFromCurrent);
2223               end
2224             else
2225               FZipStream.Seek(ExtraFieldHdr.Data_Size,soFromCurrent);
2226             end;
2227         // Move past extra fields
2228         FZipStream.Seek(SavePos+Extra_Field_Length,soFromBeginning);
2229         end;
2230       Item.Size:=Uncompressed_Size;
2231       ZipDateTimeToDateTime(Last_Mod_Date,Last_Mod_Time,D);
2232       Item.DateTime:=D;
2233       if Crc32 <> 0 then
2234         Item.CRC32 := Crc32;
2235       AMethod:=Compress_method;
2236     end;
2237 End;
2239 procedure TUnZipper.FindEndHeaders(
2240   out AEndHdr: End_of_Central_Dir_Type;
2241   out AEndHdrPos: Int64;
2242   out AEndZip64Hdr: Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_type;
2243   out AEndZip64HdrPos: Int64);
2244 // Reads backwords from the end of the zip file,
2245 // following end of central directory, and, if present
2246 // zip64 end of central directory locator and
2247 // zip64 end of central directory record
2249 // If valid regular end of directory found, AEndHdrPos>0
2250 // If valid zip64 end of directory found, AEndZip64HdrPos>0
2251 var
2252   EndZip64Locator: Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Locator_type;
2253   procedure SearchForSignature;
2254   // Search for end of central directory record signature
2255   // If failed, set AEndHdrPos to 0
2256   var
2257     I: Integer;
2258     Buf: PByte;
2259     BufSize: Integer;
2260     result: boolean;
2261   begin
2262     result:=false;
2263     // scan the last (64k + something) bytes for the END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE
2264     // (zip file comments are 64k max).
2265     BufSize := 65536 + SizeOf(AEndHdr) + 128;
2266     if FZipStream.Size < BufSize then
2267       BufSize := FZipStream.Size;
2269     Buf := GetMem(BufSize);
2270     try
2271       FZipStream.Seek(FZipStream.Size - BufSize, soBeginning);
2272       FZipStream.ReadBuffer(Buf^, BufSize);
2274       for I := BufSize - SizeOf(AEndHdr) downto 0 do
2275       begin
2276         if (Buf[I] or (Buf[I + 1] shl 8) or (Buf[I + 2] shl 16) or (Buf[I + 3] shl 24)) = END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE then
2277         begin
2278           Move(Buf[I], AEndHdr, SizeOf(AEndHdr));
2279           {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2280           AEndHdr := SwapECD(AEndHdr);
2281           {$ENDIF}
2282           if (AEndHdr.Signature = END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE) and
2283              (I + SizeOf(AEndHdr) + AEndHdr.ZipFile_Comment_Length = BufSize) then
2284           begin
2285             AEndHdrPos := FZipStream.Size - BufSize + I;
2286             FZipStream.Seek(AEndHdrPos + SizeOf(AEndHdr), soBeginning);
2287             SetLength(FFileComment, AEndHdr.ZipFile_Comment_Length);
2288             FZipStream.ReadBuffer(FFileComment[1], Length(FFileComment));
2289             result:=true; //found it
2290             break;
2291           end;
2292         end;
2293       end;
2294     finally
2295       FreeMem(Buf);
2296     end;
2297     if not(result) then
2298     begin
2299       AEndHdrPos := 0;
2300       FillChar(AEndHdr, SizeOf(AEndHdr), 0);
2301     end;
2302   end;
2304   procedure ZeroData;
2305   begin
2306     AEndHdrPos := 0;
2307     FillChar(AEndHdr, SizeOf(AEndHdr), 0);
2308     AEndZip64HdrPos:=0;
2309     FillChar(AEndZip64Hdr, SizeOf(AEndZip64Hdr), 0);
2310   end;
2312 begin
2313   // Zip64 records may not exist, so fill out default values
2314   FillChar(AEndZip64Hdr,SizeOf(AEndZip64Hdr), 0);
2315   AEndZip64HdrPos:=0;
2316   // Look for end of central directory record from
2317   // back of file based on signature (only way due to
2318   // variable length zip comment etc)
2319   FFileComment := '';
2320   // Zip file requires end of central dir header so
2321   // is corrupt if it is smaller than that
2322   if FZipStream.Size < SizeOf(AEndHdr) then
2323   begin
2324     ZeroData;
2325     exit;
2326   end;
2328   AEndHdrPos := FZipStream.Size - SizeOf(AEndHdr);
2329   FZipStream.Seek(AEndHdrPos, soBeginning);
2330   FZipStream.ReadBuffer(AEndHdr, SizeOf(AEndHdr));
2332   AEndHdr := SwapECD(AEndHdr);
2333   {$ENDIF}
2334   // Search unless record is right at the end of the file:
2335   if (AEndHdr.Signature <> END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE) or
2336      (AEndHdr.ZipFile_Comment_Length <> 0) then
2337     SearchForSignature;
2338   if AEndHdrPos=0 then
2339   begin
2340     ZeroData;
2341     exit;
2342   end;
2344   // With a valid end of dir record, see if there's zip64
2345   // fields:
2346   FZipStream.Seek(AEndHdrPos-SizeOf(Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_Locator_type),soBeginning);
2347   FZipStream.ReadBuffer(EndZip64Locator, SizeOf(EndZip64Locator));
2349   EndZip64Locator := SwapZ64ECDL(EndZip64Locator);
2350   {$ENDIF}
2351   if EndZip64Locator.Signature=ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_LOCATOR_SIGNATURE then
2352   begin
2353     //Read EndZip64Locator.Total_Disks when implementing multiple disks support
2354     if EndZip64Locator.Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset>High(Int64) then
2355       raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrPosTooLarge,[EndZip64Locator.Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset,High(Int64)]);
2356     AEndZip64HdrPos:=EndZip64Locator.Central_Dir_Zip64_EOCD_Offset;
2357     FZipStream.Seek(AEndZip64HdrPos, soBeginning);
2358     FZipStream.ReadBuffer(AEndZip64Hdr, SizeOf(AEndZip64Hdr));
2360     AEndZip64Hdr := SwapZ64ECD(AEndZip64Hdr);
2361     {$ENDIF}
2362     if AEndZip64Hdr.Signature<>ZIP64_END_OF_CENTRAL_DIR_SIGNATURE then
2363     begin
2364       //Corrupt header
2365       ZeroData;
2366       Exit;
2367     end;
2368   end
2369   else
2370   begin
2371     // No zip64 data, so follow the offset in the end of central directory record
2372     AEndZip64HdrPos:=0;
2373     FillChar(AEndZip64Hdr, SizeOf(AEndZip64Hdr), 0);
2374   end;
2375 end;
2377 procedure TUnZipper.ReadZipDirectory;
2379 Var
2380   EndHdr      : End_of_Central_Dir_Type;
2381   EndZip64Hdr : Zip64_End_of_Central_Dir_type;
2382   i : integer; //could be Qword but limited to number of items in collection
2383   EndHdrPos,
2384   EndZip64HdrPos,
2385   CenDirPos,
2386   SavePos   : Int64; //could be QWord but limited to stream maximums
2387   ExtraFieldHeader : Extensible_Data_Field_Header_Type;
2388   EntriesThisDisk : QWord;
2389   Zip64Field: Zip64_Extended_Info_Field_Type;
2390   NewNode   : TFullZipFileEntry;
2391   D : TDateTime;
2392   S : String;
2393   U : UTF8String;
2394   // infozip unicode path
2395   Infozip_unicode_path_ver : byte; // always 1
2396   Infozip_unicode_path_crc32 : DWord;
2397 Begin
2398   FindEndHeaders(EndHdr, EndHdrPos,
2399     EndZip64Hdr, EndZip64HdrPos);
2400   if EndHdrPos=0 then
2401     raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrCorruptZIP,[FileName]);
2402   if (EndZip64HdrPos>0) and (EndZip64Hdr.Start_Disk_Offset>0) then
2403     begin
2404     if EndZip64Hdr.Start_Disk_Offset>High(Int64) then
2405       raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrPosTooLarge,[EndZip64Hdr.Start_Disk_Offset,High(Int64)]);
2406     CenDirPos := EndZip64Hdr.Start_Disk_Offset;
2407     end
2408   else
2409     CenDirPos := EndHdr.Start_Disk_Offset;
2410   FZipStream.Seek(CenDirPos,soBeginning);
2411   FEntries.Clear;
2412   if (EndZip64HdrPos>0) and (EndZip64Hdr.Entries_This_Disk>0) then
2413   begin
2414     EntriesThisDisk := EndZip64Hdr.Entries_This_Disk;
2415     if EntriesThisDisk<>EndZip64Hdr.Total_Entries then
2416       raise EZipError.Create(SErrUnsupportedMultipleDisksCD);
2417   end
2418   else
2419   begin
2420     EntriesThisDisk :=EndHdr.Entries_This_Disk;
2421     if EntriesThisDisk<>EndHdr.Total_Entries then
2422       raise EZipError.Create(SErrUnsupportedMultipleDisksCD);
2423   end;
2425   // Entries are added to a collection. The max number of items
2426   // in a collection limits the entries we can process.
2427   if EntriesThisDisk>MaxInt then
2428     raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrMaxEntries,[EntriesThisDisk,MaxInt]);
2430   // Using while instead of for loop so qword can be used on 32 bit as well.
2431   for i:=0 to EntriesThisDisk-1 do
2432     begin
2433     FZipStream.ReadBuffer(CentralHdr, SizeOf(CentralHdr));
2435     CentralHdr := SwapCFH(CentralHdr);
2436 {$ENDIF}
2437     With CentralHdr do
2438       begin
2439       if Signature<>CENTRAL_FILE_HEADER_SIGNATURE then
2440         raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrCorruptZIP,[FileName]);
2441       NewNode:=FEntries.Add as TFullZipFileEntry;
2442       // Header position will be corrected later with zip64 version, if needed..
2443       NewNode.HdrPos := Local_Header_Offset;
2444       NewNode.FBitFlags:=Bit_Flag;
2445       SetLength(S,Filename_Length);
2446       FZipStream.ReadBuffer(S[1],Filename_Length);
2447       SavePos:=FZipStream.Position; //After fixed part of central directory...
2448       // and the filename; before any extra field(s)
2449       NewNode.ArchiveFileName:=S;
2450       // Size/compressed size will be adjusted by zip64 entries if needed...
2451       NewNode.Size:=Uncompressed_Size;
2452       NewNode.FCompressedSize:=Compressed_Size;
2453       NewNode.CRC32:=CRC32;
2454       NewNode.OS := MadeBy_Version shr 8;
2455       if NewNode.OS = OS_UNIX then
2456         NewNode.Attributes := External_Attributes shr 16
2457       else
2458         NewNode.Attributes := External_Attributes;
2459       ZipDateTimeToDateTime(Last_Mod_Date,Last_Mod_Time,D);
2460       NewNode.DateTime:=D;
2462       // Go through any extra fields and extract any zip64 info
2463       if Extra_Field_Length>0 then
2464         begin
2465         while (FZipStream.Position<SavePos+Extra_Field_Length) do
2466           begin
2467           FZipStream.ReadBuffer(ExtraFieldHeader, SizeOf(ExtraFieldHeader));
2468         {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2469           ExtraFieldHeader := SwapEDFH(ExtraFieldHeader);
2470         {$ENDIF}
2471           if ExtraFieldHeader.Header_ID = ZIP64_HEADER_ID then
2472             begin
2473             FZipStream.ReadBuffer(Zip64Field, SizeOf(Zip64Field));
2474           {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2475             Zip64Field := SwapZ64EIF(Zip64Field);
2476           {$ENDIF}
2477             if Zip64Field.Compressed_Size > 0 then
2478               NewNode.FCompressedSize := Zip64Field.Compressed_Size;
2479             if Zip64Field.Original_Size>0 then
2480               NewNode.Size := Zip64Field.Original_Size;
2481             if Zip64Field.Relative_Hdr_Offset<>0 then
2482               begin
2483               if Zip64Field.Relative_Hdr_Offset>High(Int64) then
2484                 raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrPosTooLarge,[Zip64Field.Relative_Hdr_Offset,High(Int64)]);
2485               NewNode.HdrPos := Zip64Field.Relative_Hdr_Offset;
2486               end;
2487             end
2488             // infozip unicode path extra field
2489           else if ExtraFieldHeader.Header_ID = INFOZIP_UNICODE_PATH_ID then
2490             begin
2491             FZipStream.ReadBuffer(Infozip_unicode_path_ver,1);
2492             if Infozip_unicode_path_ver=1 then
2493               begin
2494               FZipStream.ReadBuffer(Infozip_unicode_path_crc32,sizeof(Infozip_unicode_path_crc32));
2495               {$IFDEF FPC_BIG_ENDIAN}
2496               Infozip_unicode_path_crc32:=SwapEndian(Infozip_unicode_path_crc32);
2497               {$ENDIF}
2498               if CRC32Str(S)=Infozip_unicode_path_crc32 then
2499                 begin
2500                 SetLength(U,ExtraFieldHeader.Data_Size-5);
2501 				FZipStream.ReadBuffer(U[1],Length(U));
2502                 NewNode.UTF8ArchiveFileName:=U;
2503                 end
2504               else
2505                 FZipStream.Seek(ExtraFieldHeader.Data_Size-5,soFromCurrent);
2506               end
2507             else
2508               FZipStream.Seek(ExtraFieldHeader.Data_Size-1,soFromCurrent);
2509             end
2510           else
2511             begin
2512               // Read past non-Zip64 extra field
2513               FZipStream.Seek(ExtraFieldHeader.Data_Size,soFromCurrent);
2514             end;
2515           end;
2516         end;
2517       // Move past extra fields and file comment to next header
2518       FZipStream.Seek(SavePos+Extra_Field_Length+File_Comment_Length,soFromBeginning);
2519       end;
2520     end;
2521 end;
CreateDeCompressornull2523 function TUnZipper.CreateDeCompressor(Item: TZipFileEntry; AMethod: Word;
2524   AZipFile, AOutFile: TStream): TDeCompressor;
2525 begin
2526   case AMethod of
2527     8 :
2528       Result:=TInflater.Create(AZipFile,AOutFile,FBufSize);
2529   else
2530     raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrUnsupportedCompressionFormat,[AMethod]);
2531   end;
2532   FCurrentDecompressor:=Result;
2533 end;
2535 procedure TUnZipper.UnZipOneFile(Item: TFullZipFileEntry);
2537 Var
2538   ZMethod : Word;
2539 {$ifdef unix}
2540   LinkTargetStream: TStringStream;
2541 {$endif}
2542   OutputFileName: RawByteString;
2543   FOutStream: TStream;
2544   IsLink: Boolean;
2545   IsCustomStream: Boolean;
2546   U : UnicodeString;
2548   Procedure SetAttributes;
2549   Var
2550     Attrs : Longint;
2551   begin
2552     // set attributes
2553     FileSetDate(OutputFileName, DateTimeToFileDate(Item.DateTime));
2554     if (Item.Attributes <> 0) then
2555       begin
2556       Attrs := 0;
2557       {$IFDEF UNIX}
2558       if (Item.OS in [OS_UNIX,OS_OSX]) then Attrs := Item.Attributes;
2559       if (Item.OS in [OS_FAT,OS_NTFS,OS_OS2,OS_VFAT]) then
2560         Attrs := ZipFatAttrsToUnixAttrs(Item.Attributes);
2561       {$ELSE}
2562       if (Item.OS in [OS_FAT,OS_NTFS,OS_OS2,OS_VFAT]) then Attrs := Item.Attributes;
2563       if (Item.OS in [OS_UNIX,OS_OSX]) then
2564         Attrs := ZipUnixAttrsToFatAttrs(ExtractFileName(Item.ArchiveFileName), Item.Attributes);
2565       {$ENDIF}
2566       if Attrs <> 0 then
2567         begin
2568         {$IFDEF UNIX}
2569         FpChmod(OutputFileName, Attrs);
2570         {$ELSE}
2571         FileSetAttr(OutputFileName, Attrs);
2572         {$ENDIF}
2573         end;
2574       end;
2575   end;
2577   procedure DoUnzip(const Dest: TStream);
2579   begin
2580     if ZMethod=0 then
2581       begin
2582       if (LocalHdr.Compressed_Size<>0) then
2583         begin
2584         if LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size>0 then
2585           Dest.CopyFrom(FZipStream,LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size)
2586         else
2587           Dest.CopyFrom(FZipStream,LocalHdr.Compressed_Size);
2588         {$warning TODO: Implement CRC Check}
2589         end;
2590       end
2591     else
2592       With CreateDecompressor(Item, ZMethod, FZipStream, Dest) do
2593         Try
2594           FTotPos := Self.FTotPos;
2595           FTotSize := Self.FTotSize;
2596           OnProgress:=Self.OnProgress;
2597           OnProgressEx := Self.OnProgressEx;
2598           OnPercent:=Self.OnPercent;
2599           OnProgress:=Self.OnProgress;
2600           OnPercent:=Self.OnPercent;
2601           DeCompress;
2602           Self.FTotPos := FTotPos;
2603           if Item.CRC32 <> Crc32Val then
2604             raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrInvalidCRC,[Item.ArchiveFileName]);
2605         Finally
2606           FCurrentDecompressor:=Nil;
2607           Free;
2608         end;
2609   end;
2611   Procedure GetOutputFileName;
2613   Var
2614     I : Integer;
2616   begin
2617     if Not UseUTF8 then
2618       OutputFileName:=StringReplace(Item.DiskFileName,'/',DirectorySeparator,[rfReplaceAll])
2619     else
2620       begin
2621       // Sets codepage.
2622       OutputFileName:=Item.UTF8DiskFileName;
2623       U:=UTF8Decode(OutputFileName);
2624       // Do not use stringreplace, it will mess up the codepage.
2625       if '/'<>DirectorySeparator then
2626         For I:=1 to Length(U) do
2627           if U[i]='/' then
2628             U[i]:=DirectorySeparator;
2629       OutputFileName:=UTF8Encode(U);
2630       end;
2631     if (Not IsCustomStream) and (FOutputPath<>'') then
2632       begin
2633       // Do not use IncludeTrailingPathdelimiter
2634       OutputFileName:=FOutputPath+OutputFileName;
2635       end;
2636   end;
2638 Begin
2639   ReadZipHeader(Item, ZMethod);
2640   if (Item.BitFlags and 1)<>0 then
2641     Raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrEncryptionNotSupported,[Item.ArchiveFileName]);
2642   if (Item.BitFlags and (1 shl 5))<>0 then
2643     Raise EZipError.CreateFmt(SErrPatchSetNotSupported,[Item.ArchiveFileName]);
2644   // Normalize output filename to conventions of target platform.
2645   // Zip file always has / path separators
2646   IsCustomStream := Assigned(FOnCreateStream);
2647   GetOutputFileName;
2648   IsLink := Item.IsLink;
2650   if IsLink and Not IsCustomStream then
2651     begin
2652     {$warning TODO: Implement symbolic link creation for non-unix, e.g.
2653     Windows NTFS}
2654     IsLink := False;
2655     end;
2656 {$ENDIF}
2657   if IsCustomStream then
2658     begin
2659     try
2660       OpenOutput(OutputFileName, FOutStream, Item);
2661       if (IsLink = False) and (Item.IsDirectory = False) then
2662         DoUnzip(FOutStream);
2663     Finally
2664       CloseOutput(Item, FOutStream);
2665     end;
2666     end
2667   else
2668     begin
2669     if IsLink then
2670       begin
2671       {$IFDEF UNIX}
2672         LinkTargetStream := TStringStream.Create('');
2673         try
2674           DoUnzip(LinkTargetStream);
2675           fpSymlink(PChar(LinkTargetStream.DataString), PChar(OutputFileName));
2676         finally
2677           LinkTargetStream.Free;
2678         end;
2679       {$ENDIF}
2680       end
2681     else if Item.IsDirectory then
2682       CreateDir(OutputFileName)
2683     else
2684       begin
2685       try
2686         OpenOutput(OutputFileName, FOutStream, Item);
2687         DoUnzip(FOutStream);
2688       Finally
2689         CloseOutput(Item, FOutStream);
2690       end;
2691       end;
2692     SetAttributes;
2693     end;
2694 end;
2696 Function TUnZipper.IsMatch(I : TFullZipFileEntry) : Boolean;
2698 begin
2699   if UseUTF8 then
2700     Result:=(FFiles.IndexOf(I.UTF8ArchiveFileName)<>-1)
2701   else
2702     Result:=(FFiles.IndexOf(I.ArchiveFileName)<>-1)
2703 end;
2705 Function TUnZipper.CalcTotalSize(AllFiles : Boolean) : Int64;
2707 Var
2708   I : Integer;
2709   Item : TFullZipFileEntry;
2711 begin
2712   Result:=0;
2713   for i:=0 to FEntries.Count-1 do
2714     begin
2715     Item := FEntries[i];
2716     if AllFiles or IsMatch(Item) then
2717       Result := Result + TZipFileEntry(Item).Size;
2718     end;
2719 end;
2721 procedure TUnZipper.UnZipAllFiles;
2724 Var
2725   Item : TFullZipFileEntry;
2726   I : integer; //Really QWord but limited to FEntries.Count
2727   AllFiles : Boolean;
2729 Begin
2730   FTerminated:=False;
2731   FUnZipping:=True;
2732   Try
2733     AllFiles:=(FFiles.Count=0);
2734     OpenInput;
2735     Try
2736       ReadZipDirectory;
2737       FTotPos := 0;
2738       FTotSize := CalcTotalSize(AllFiles);
2739       i:=0;
2740       While (I<FEntries.Count) and not Terminated do
2741         begin
2742         Item:=FEntries[i];
2743         if AllFiles or IsMatch(Item) then
2744           UnZipOneFile(Item);
2745         inc(I);
2746         end;
2747       if Assigned(FOnProgressEx) and not Terminated then
2748         FOnProgressEx(Self, FTotPos, FTotSize);
2749     Finally
2750       CloseInput;
2751     end;
2752   finally
2753     FUnZipping:=False;
2754   end;
2755 end;
2758 procedure TUnZipper.SetBufSize(Value: LongWord);
2760 begin
2761   If FUnZipping then
2762     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrBufsizeChange);
2763   If Value>=DefaultBufSize then
2764     FBufSize:=Value;
2765 end;
2767 procedure TUnZipper.SetFileName(Value: RawByteString);
2769 begin
2770   If FUnZipping then
2771     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrFileChange);
2772   FFileName:=Value;
2773 end;
2775 procedure TUnZipper.SetOutputPath(Value: RawByteString);
2777 Var
2778   DS : RawByteString;
2780 begin
2781   If FUnZipping then
2782     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrFileChange);
2783   FOutputPath:=Value;
2784   If (FOutputPath<>'') and (FoutputPath[Length(FoutputPath)]<>DirectorySeparator) then
2785     begin
2786     // Preserve codepage of outputpath
2787     DS:=DirectorySeparator;
2788     SetCodePage(DS,StringCodePage(FoutputPath),False);
2789     FOutputPath:=FoutputPath+DS;
2790     end;
2791 end;
2793 procedure TUnZipper.UnZipFiles(AFileName: RawByteString; FileList: TStrings);
2795 begin
2796   FFileName:=AFileName;
2797   UNzipFiles(FileList);
2798 end;
2800 procedure TUnZipper.UnZipFiles(FileList: TStrings);
2801 begin
2802   FFiles.Assign(FileList);
2803   UnZipAllFiles;
2804 end;
2806 procedure TUnZipper.UnZipAllFiles(AFileName: RawByteString);
2808 begin
2809   FFileName:=AFileName;
2810   UnZipAllFiles;
2811 end;
2813 procedure TUnZipper.DoEndOfFile;
2815 Var
2816   ComprPct : Double;
2817   Uncompressed: QWord;
2818   Compressed: QWord;
2819 begin
2820   If LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size > 0 then
2821     Uncompressed := LocalZip64Fld.Original_Size
2822   else
2823     Uncompressed := LocalHdr.Uncompressed_Size;
2825   If LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size > 0 then
2826     Compressed := LocalZip64Fld.Compressed_Size
2827   else
2828     Compressed := LocalHdr.Compressed_Size;
2830   If (Compressed>0) and (Uncompressed>0) then
2831     if (Compressed>Uncompressed) then
2832       ComprPct := (-100.0 * (Compressed - Uncompressed)) / Uncompressed
2833     else
2834       ComprPct := (100.0 * (Uncompressed - Compressed)) / Uncompressed
2835   else
2836     ComprPct := 0;
2837   If Assigned(FOnEndOfFile) then
2838     FOnEndOfFile(Self,ComprPct);
2839 end;
2841 constructor TUnZipper.Create;
2843 begin
2844   FBufSize:=DefaultBufSize;
2845   FFiles:=TStringList.Create;
2846   TStringlist(FFiles).Sorted:=True;
2847   FEntries:=TFullZipFileEntries.Create(TFullZipFileEntry);
2848   FOnPercent:=1;
2849 end;
2851 procedure TUnZipper.Clear;
2853 begin
2854   FFiles.Clear;
2855   FEntries.Clear;
2856 end;
2858 procedure TUnZipper.Examine;
2859 begin
2860   if (FOnOpenInputStream = nil) and (FFileName='') then
2861     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrNoFileName);
2862   OpenInput;
2863   If (FZipStream=nil) then
2864     Raise EZipError.Create(SErrNoStream);
2865   Try
2866     ReadZipDirectory;
2867   Finally
2868     CloseInput;
2869   end;
2870 end;
2872 procedure TUnZipper.Terminate;
2873 begin
2874   FTerminated:=True;
2875   if Assigned(FCurrentDecompressor) then
2876     FCurrentDecompressor.Terminate;
2877 end;
2879 destructor TUnZipper.Destroy;
2881 begin
2882   Clear;
2883   FreeAndNil(FFiles);
2884   FreeAndNil(FEntries);
2885   Inherited;
2886 end;
2888 { TZipFileEntry }
GetArchiveFileNamenull2890 function TZipFileEntry.GetArchiveFileName: String;
2891 begin
2892   Result:=FArchiveFileName;
2893   If (Result='') then
2894     Result:=FDiskFileName;
2895 end;
GetUTF8ArchiveFileNamenull2897 function TZipFileEntry.GetUTF8ArchiveFileName: UTF8String;
2898 begin
2899   Result:=FUTF8FileName;
2900   If Result='' then
2901     Result:=ArchiveFileName;
2902 end;
GetUTF8DiskFileNamenull2904 function TZipFileEntry.GetUTF8DiskFileName: UTF8String;
2905 begin
2906   Result:=FUTF8DiskFileName;
2907   If Result='' then
2908     Result:=DiskFileName;
2909 end;
2911 constructor TZipFileEntry.Create(ACollection: TCollection);
2913 begin
2914 {$IFDEF UNIX}
2915   FOS := OS_UNIX;
2916 {$ELSE}
2917   FOS := OS_FAT;
2918 {$ENDIF}
2919   FCompressionLevel:=cldefault;
2920   FDateTime:=now;
2921   FNeedsZip64:=false;
2922   FAttributes:=0;
2924   inherited create(ACollection);
2925 end;
IsDirectorynull2927 function TZipFileEntry.IsDirectory: Boolean;
2928 begin
2929   Result := (DiskFileName <> '') and (DiskFileName[Length(DiskFileName)] = DirectorySeparator);
2930   if Attributes <> 0 then
2931   begin
2932     case OS of
2933       OS_FAT: Result := (faDirectory and Attributes) > 0;
2934       OS_UNIX: Result := (Attributes and UNIX_MASK) = UNIX_DIR;
2935     end;
2936   end;
2937 end;
IsLinknull2939 function TZipFileEntry.IsLink: Boolean;
2940 begin
2941   Result := False;
2942   if Attributes <> 0 then
2943   begin
2944     case OS of
2945       OS_FAT: Result := (faSymLink and Attributes) > 0;
2946       OS_UNIX: Result := (Attributes and UNIX_MASK) = UNIX_LINK;
2947     end;
2948   end;
2949 end;
2951 procedure TZipFileEntry.SetArchiveFileName(const AValue: String);
2953 begin
2954   if FArchiveFileName=AValue then Exit;
2955   // Zip standard: filenames inside the zip archive have / path separator
2956   if DirectorySeparator='/' then
2957     FArchiveFileName:=AValue
2958   else
2959     FArchiveFileName:=StringReplace(AValue, DirectorySeparator, '/', [rfReplaceAll]);
2960 end;
2962 procedure TZipFileEntry.SetDiskFileName(const AValue: String);
2963 begin
2964   if FDiskFileName=AValue then Exit;
2965   // Zip file uses / as directory separator on all platforms
2966   // so convert to separator used on current OS
2967   if DirectorySeparator='/' then
2968     FDiskFileName:=AValue
2969   else
2970     FDiskFileName:=StringReplace(AValue,'/',DirectorySeparator,[rfReplaceAll]);
2971 end;
2973 procedure TZipFileEntry.SetUTF8ArchiveFileName(AValue: UTF8String);
2974 begin
2975   FUTF8FileName:=AValue;
2976   If ArchiveFileName='' then
2977     if DefaultSystemCodePage<>CP_UTF8 then
2978       ArchiveFileName:=Utf8ToAnsi(AValue)
2979     else
2980       ArchiveFileName:=AValue;
2981 end;
2983 procedure TZipFileEntry.SetUTF8DiskFileName(AValue: UTF8String);
2984 begin
2985   FUTF8DiskFileName:=AValue;
2986   If DiskFileName='' then
2987     if DefaultRTLFileSystemCodePage<>CP_UTF8 then
2988       DiskFileName:=Utf8ToAnsi(AValue)
2989     else
2990       DiskFileName:=AValue;
2991 end;
2994 procedure TZipFileEntry.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
2996 Var
2997   Z : TZipFileEntry;
2999 begin
3000   if Source is TZipFileEntry then
3001     begin
3002     Z:=Source as TZipFileEntry;
3003     FArchiveFileName:=Z.FArchiveFileName;
3004     FDiskFileName:=Z.FDiskFileName;
3005     FSize:=Z.FSize;
3006     FDateTime:=Z.FDateTime;
3007     FStream:=Z.FStream;
3008     FOS:=Z.OS;
3009     FAttributes:=Z.Attributes;
3010     end
3011   else
3012     inherited Assign(Source);
3013 end;
3015 { TZipFileEntries }
GetZnull3017 function TZipFileEntries.GetZ(AIndex : Integer): TZipFileEntry;
3018 begin
3019   Result:=TZipFileEntry(Items[AIndex]);
3020 end;
3022 procedure TZipFileEntries.SetZ(AIndex : Integer; const AValue: TZipFileEntry);
3023 begin
3024   Items[AIndex]:=AValue;
3025 end;
AddFileEntrynull3027 function TZipFileEntries.AddFileEntry(const ADiskFileName: String): TZipFileEntry;
3028 begin
3029   Result:=Add as TZipFileEntry;
3030   Result.DiskFileName:=ADiskFileName;
3031 end;
AddFileEntrynull3033 function TZipFileEntries.AddFileEntry(const ADiskFileName,
3034   AArchiveFileName: String): TZipFileEntry;
3035 begin
3036   Result:=AddFileEntry(ADiskFileName);
3037   Result.ArchiveFileName:=AArchiveFileName;
3038 end;
AddFileEntrynull3040 function TZipFileEntries.AddFileEntry(const AStream: TSTream;
3041   const AArchiveFileName: String): TZipFileEntry;
3042 begin
3043   Result:=Add as TZipFileEntry;
3044   Result.Stream:=AStream;
3045   Result.ArchiveFileName:=AArchiveFileName;
3046 end;
3048 Procedure TZipFileEntries.AddFileEntries(Const List : TStrings);
3050 Var
3051   I : integer;
3053 begin
3054   For I:=0 to List.Count-1 do
3055     AddFileEntry(List[i]);
3056 end;
3058 { TFullZipFileEntries }
GetFZnull3060 function TFullZipFileEntries.GetFZ(AIndex : Integer): TFullZipFileEntry;
3061 begin
3062   Result:=TFullZipFileEntry(Items[AIndex]);
3063 end;
3065 procedure TFullZipFileEntries.SetFZ(AIndex : Integer;
3066   const AValue: TFullZipFileEntry);
3067 begin
3068   Items[AIndex]:=AValue;
3069 end;
3071 End.