1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  */
13 #include <vector>
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <functional>
16 #include <memory>
17 #include <type_traits>
19 namespace o3tl
20 {
22 // forward declared because it's default template arg for sorted_vector
23 template<class Value, class Compare>
24 struct find_unique;
26 /** Represents a sorted vector of values.
28     @tpl Value class of item to be stored in container
29     @tpl Compare comparison method
30     @tpl Find   look up index of a Value in the array
31 */
32 template<
33      typename Value,
34      typename Compare = std::less<Value>,
35      template<typename, typename> class Find = find_unique,
36      bool = std::is_copy_constructible<Value>::value >
37 class sorted_vector
38 {
39 private:
40     typedef Find<Value, Compare> Find_t;
41     typedef typename std::vector<Value> vector_t;
42     typedef typename std::vector<Value>::iterator  iterator;
43 public:
44     typedef typename std::vector<Value>::const_iterator const_iterator;
45     typedef typename std::vector<Value>::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
46     typedef typename std::vector<Value>::difference_type difference_type;
47     typedef typename std::vector<Value>::size_type size_type;
48     typedef Value value_type;
sorted_vector(std::initializer_list<Value> init)50     constexpr sorted_vector( std::initializer_list<Value> init )
51         : m_vector(init)
52     {
53         std::sort(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), Compare());
54     }
55     sorted_vector() = default;
56     sorted_vector(sorted_vector const&) = default;
57     sorted_vector(sorted_vector&&) = default;
59     sorted_vector& operator=(sorted_vector const&) = default;
60     sorted_vector& operator=(sorted_vector&&) = default;
62     // MODIFIERS
insert(Value && x)64     std::pair<const_iterator,bool> insert( Value&& x )
65     {
66         std::pair<const_iterator, bool> const ret(Find_t()(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), x));
67         if (!ret.second)
68         {
69             const_iterator const it = m_vector.insert(m_vector.begin() + (ret.first - m_vector.begin()), std::move(x));
70             return std::make_pair(it, true);
71         }
72         return std::make_pair(ret.first, false);
73     }
insert(const Value & x)75     std::pair<const_iterator,bool> insert( const Value& x )
76     {
77         std::pair<const_iterator, bool> const ret(Find_t()(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), x));
78         if (!ret.second)
79         {
80             const_iterator const it = m_vector.insert(m_vector.begin() + (ret.first - m_vector.begin()), x);
81             return std::make_pair(it, true);
82         }
83         return std::make_pair(ret.first, false);
84     }
erase(const Value & x)86     size_type erase( const Value& x )
87     {
88         std::pair<const_iterator, bool> const ret(Find_t()(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), x));
89         if (ret.second)
90         {
91             m_vector.erase(m_vector.begin() + (ret.first - m_vector.begin()));
92             return 1;
93         }
94         return 0;
95     }
erase_at(size_t index)97     void erase_at(size_t index)
98     {
99         m_vector.erase(m_vector.begin() + index);
100     }
102     // like C++ 2011: erase with const_iterator (doesn't change sort order)
erase(const_iterator const & position)103     const_iterator erase(const_iterator const& position)
104     {   // C++98 has vector::erase(iterator), so call that
105         return m_vector.erase(m_vector.begin() + (position - m_vector.begin()));
106     }
erase(const_iterator const & first,const_iterator const & last)108     void erase(const_iterator const& first, const_iterator const& last)
109     {
110         m_vector.erase(m_vector.begin() + (first - m_vector.begin()),
111                        m_vector.begin() + (last - m_vector.begin()));
112     }
114     /**
115      * make erase return the removed element, otherwise there is no useful way of extracting a std::unique_ptr
116      * from this.
117      */
erase_extract(size_t index)118     Value erase_extract( size_t index )
119     {
120         Value val = std::move(m_vector[index]);
121         m_vector.erase(m_vector.begin() + index);
122         return val;
123     }
clear()125     void clear()
126     {
127         m_vector.clear();
128     }
swap(sorted_vector & other)130     void swap(sorted_vector & other)
131     {
132         m_vector.swap(other.m_vector);
133     }
reserve(size_type amount)135     void reserve(size_type amount)
136     {
137         m_vector.reserve(amount);
138     }
140     // ACCESSORS
size() const142     size_type size() const
143     {
144         return m_vector.size();
145     }
empty() const147     bool empty() const
148     {
149         return m_vector.empty();
150     }
152     // Only return a const iterator, so that the vector cannot be directly updated.
begin() const153     const_iterator begin() const
154     {
155         return m_vector.begin();
156     }
158     // Only return a const iterator, so that the vector cannot be directly updated.
end() const159     const_iterator end() const
160     {
161         return m_vector.end();
162     }
164     // Only return a const iterator, so that the vector cannot be directly updated.
rbegin() const165     const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
166     {
167         return m_vector.rbegin();
168     }
170     // Only return a const iterator, so that the vector cannot be directly updated.
rend() const171     const_reverse_iterator rend() const
172     {
173         return m_vector.rend();
174     }
front() const176     const Value& front() const
177     {
178         return m_vector.front();
179     }
back() const181     const Value& back() const
182     {
183         return m_vector.back();
184     }
operator [](size_t index) const186     const Value& operator[]( size_t index ) const
187     {
188         return m_vector.operator[]( index );
189     }
191     // OPERATIONS
lower_bound(const Value & x) const193     const_iterator lower_bound( const Value& x ) const
194     {
195         return std::lower_bound( m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), x, Compare() );
196     }
upper_bound(const Value & x) const198     const_iterator upper_bound( const Value& x ) const
199     {
200         return std::upper_bound( m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), x, Compare() );
201     }
203     /* Searches the container for an element with a value of x
204      * and returns an iterator to it if found, otherwise it returns an
205      * iterator to sorted_vector::end (the element past the end of the container).
206      *
207      * Only return a const iterator, so that the vector cannot be directly updated.
208      */
find(const Value & x) const209     const_iterator find( const Value& x ) const
210     {
211         std::pair<const_iterator, bool> const ret(Find_t()(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), x));
212         return (ret.second) ? ret.first : m_vector.end();
213     }
count(const Value & v) const215     size_type count(const Value& v) const
216     {
217         return find(v) != end() ? 1 : 0;
218     }
operator ==(const sorted_vector & other) const220     bool operator==(const sorted_vector & other) const
221     {
222         return m_vector == other.m_vector;
223     }
operator !=(const sorted_vector & other) const225     bool operator!=(const sorted_vector & other) const
226     {
227         return m_vector != other.m_vector;
228     }
insert(sorted_vector<Value,Compare,Find> const & rOther)230     void insert(sorted_vector<Value,Compare,Find> const& rOther)
231     {
232        // optimization for the rather common case that we are overwriting this with the contents
233        // of another sorted vector
234        if ( empty() )
235        {
236            m_vector.insert(m_vector.begin(), rOther.m_vector.begin(), rOther.m_vector.end());
237        }
238        else
239        {
240            for (const_iterator it = rOther.m_vector.begin(); it != rOther.m_vector.end(); ++it)
241            {
242                insert(*it);
243            }
244        }
245     }
247     /* Clear() elements in the vector, and free them one by one. */
DeleteAndDestroyAll()248     void DeleteAndDestroyAll()
249     {
250         for (const_iterator it = m_vector.begin(); it != m_vector.end(); ++it)
251         {
252             delete *it;
253         }
255         clear();
256     }
258     // fdo#58793: some existing code in Writer (SwpHintsArray)
259     // routinely modifies the members of the vector in a way that
260     // violates the sort order, and then re-sorts the array.
261     // This is a kludge to enable that code to work.
262     // If you are calling this function, you are Doing It Wrong!
Resort()263     void Resort()
264     {
265         std::stable_sort(m_vector.begin(), m_vector.end(), Compare());
266     }
268 private:
270     vector_t m_vector;
271 };
273 /* Specialise the template for cases like Value = std::unique_ptr<T>, where
274    MSVC2017 needs some help
275 */
276 template<
277      typename Value,
278      typename Compare,
279      template<typename, typename> class Find >
280 class sorted_vector<Value,Compare,Find,false> : public sorted_vector<Value, Compare, Find, true>
281 {
282 public:
283     using sorted_vector<Value, Compare, Find, true>::sorted_vector;
284     typedef sorted_vector<Value, Compare, Find, true> super_sorted_vector;
286     sorted_vector(sorted_vector const&) = delete;
287     sorted_vector& operator=(sorted_vector const&) = delete;
289     sorted_vector() = default;
290     sorted_vector(sorted_vector&&) = default;
291     sorted_vector& operator=(sorted_vector&&) = default;
293     /**
294      * implement find for sorted_vectors containing std::unique_ptr
295      */
find(typename Value::element_type const * x) const296     typename super_sorted_vector::const_iterator find( typename Value::element_type const * x ) const
297     {
298         Value tmp(const_cast<typename Value::element_type*>(x));
299         auto ret = super_sorted_vector::find(tmp);
300         tmp.release();
301         return ret;
302     }
303     /**
304      * implement upper_bound for sorted_vectors containing std::unique_ptr
305      */
upper_bound(typename Value::element_type const * x) const306     typename super_sorted_vector::const_iterator upper_bound( typename Value::element_type const * x ) const
307     {
308         Value tmp(const_cast<typename Value::element_type*>(x));
309         auto ret = super_sorted_vector::upper_bound(tmp);
310         tmp.release();
311         return ret;
312     }
313     /**
314      * implement lower_bound for sorted_vectors containing std::unique_ptr
315      */
lower_bound(typename Value::element_type const * x) const316     typename super_sorted_vector::const_iterator lower_bound( typename Value::element_type const * x ) const
317     {
318         Value tmp(const_cast<typename Value::element_type*>(x));
319         auto ret = super_sorted_vector::lower_bound(tmp);
320         tmp.release();
321         return ret;
322     }
323 };
326 /** Implements an ordering function over a pointer, where the comparison uses the < operator on the pointed-to types.
327     Very useful for the cases where we put pointers to objects inside a sorted_vector.
328 */
329 template <class T> struct less_ptr_to
330 {
operator ()o3tl::less_ptr_to331     bool operator() ( T* const& lhs, T* const& rhs ) const
332     {
333         return (*lhs) < (*rhs);
334     }
335 };
337 template <class T> struct less_uniqueptr_to
338 {
operator ()o3tl::less_uniqueptr_to339     bool operator() ( std::unique_ptr<T> const& lhs, std::unique_ptr<T> const& rhs ) const
340     {
341         return (*lhs) < (*rhs);
342     }
343 };
345 /** the elements are totally ordered by Compare,
346     for no 2 elements !Compare(a,b) && !Compare(b,a) is true
347   */
348 template<class Value, class Compare>
349 struct find_unique
350 {
351     typedef typename sorted_vector<Value, Compare,
352             o3tl::find_unique> ::const_iterator const_iterator;
operator ()o3tl::find_unique353     std::pair<const_iterator, bool> operator()(
354             const_iterator first, const_iterator last,
355             Value const& v)
356     {
357         const_iterator const it = std::lower_bound(first, last, v, Compare());
358         return std::make_pair(it, (it != last && !Compare()(v, *it)));
359     }
360 };
362 /** the elements are partially ordered by Compare,
363     2 elements are allowed if they are not the same element (pointer equal)
364   */
365 template<class Value, class Compare>
366 struct find_partialorder_ptrequals
367 {
368     typedef typename sorted_vector<Value, Compare,
369             o3tl::find_partialorder_ptrequals>::const_iterator const_iterator;
operator ()o3tl::find_partialorder_ptrequals370     std::pair<const_iterator, bool> operator()(
371             const_iterator first, const_iterator last,
372             Value const& v)
373     {
374         std::pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> const its =
375             std::equal_range(first, last, v, Compare());
376         for (const_iterator it = its.first; it != its.second; ++it)
377         {
378             if (v == *it)
379             {
380                 return std::make_pair(it, true);
381             }
382         }
383         return std::make_pair(its.first, false);
384     }
385 };
387 }   // namespace o3tl
388 #endif
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