1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*
3  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4  *
5  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8  *
9  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10  *
11  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18  */
20 #pragma once
22 #include <registry/regdllapi.h>
23 #include <registry/regtype.h>
24 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
26 extern "C" {
28 /** specifies a collection of function pointers which represents the complete registry C-API.
30     These function pointers are used by the C++ wrapper to call the C-API.
31 */
32 struct Registry_Api
33 {
34     void        (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *acquire)            (RegHandle);
35     void        (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *release)            (RegHandle);
36     sal_Bool    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *isReadOnly)         (RegHandle);
37     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openRootKey)        (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle*);
38     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getName)            (RegHandle, rtl_uString**);
39     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createRegistry)     (rtl_uString*, RegHandle*);
40     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openRegistry)       (rtl_uString*, RegHandle*, RegAccessMode);
41     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeRegistry)      (RegHandle);
42     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *destroyRegistry)    (RegHandle, rtl_uString*);
43     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *mergeKey)           (RegHandle, RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString*, sal_Bool, sal_Bool);
44     void        (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *acquireKey)         (RegKeyHandle);
45     void        (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *releaseKey)         (RegKeyHandle);
46     sal_Bool    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *isKeyReadOnly)      (RegKeyHandle);
47     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyName)         (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString**);
48     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *createKey)          (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle*);
49     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openKey)            (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle*);
50     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *openSubKeys)        (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegKeyHandle**, sal_uInt32*);
51     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeSubKeys)       (RegKeyHandle*, sal_uInt32);
52     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *deleteKey)          (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*);
53     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *closeKey)           (RegKeyHandle);
54     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setValue)           (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValueType, RegValue, sal_uInt32);
55     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setLongListValue)   (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Int32 const *, sal_uInt32);
56     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setStringListValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, char**, sal_uInt32);
57     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *setUnicodeListValue)(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Unicode**, sal_uInt32);
58     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getValueInfo)       (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValueType*, sal_uInt32*);
59     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getValue)           (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, RegValue);
60     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getLongListValue)   (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Int32**, sal_uInt32*);
61     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getStringListValue) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, char***, sal_uInt32*);
62     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getUnicodeListValue)(RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Unicode***, sal_uInt32*);
63     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *freeValueList)      (RegValueType, RegValue, sal_uInt32);
64     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getResolvedKeyName) (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, sal_Bool, rtl_uString**);
65     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *getKeyNames)        (RegKeyHandle, rtl_uString*, rtl_uString***, sal_uInt32*);
66     RegError    (REGISTRY_CALLTYPE *freeKeyNames)       (rtl_uString**, sal_uInt32);
67 };
69 /** the API initialization function.
70 */
71 REG_DLLPUBLIC Registry_Api* REGISTRY_CALLTYPE initRegistry_Api();
73 }
75 class RegistryKey;
78 /** The Registry provides the functionality to read and write information in a registry file.
80     The class is implemented inline and use a C-Api.
81 */
82 class Registry final
83 {
84 public:
85     /** Default constructor.
86      */
87     inline Registry();
89     /// Copy constructor
90     inline Registry(const Registry& toCopy);
Registry(Registry && other)92     Registry(Registry && other) noexcept : m_pApi(other.m_pApi), m_hImpl(other.m_hImpl)
93     { other.m_hImpl = nullptr; }
95     /// Destructor. The Destructor close the registry if it is open.
96     inline ~Registry();
98     /// Assign operator
99     inline Registry& operator = (const Registry& toAssign);
operator =(Registry && other)101     Registry & operator =(Registry && other) {
102         if (m_hImpl != nullptr) {
103             m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
104         }
105         m_hImpl = other.m_hImpl;
106         other.m_hImpl = nullptr;
107         return *this;
108     }
110     /// checks if the registry points to a valid registry data file.
111     inline bool isValid() const;
113     /** returns the access mode of the registry.
115         @return TRUE if the access mode is readonly else FALSE.
116     */
117     inline bool     isReadOnly() const;
119     /** opens the root key of the registry.
121         @param  rRootKey reference to a RegistryKey which is filled with the rootkey.
122         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
123     */
124     inline RegError openRootKey(RegistryKey& rRootKey);
126     /// returns the name of the current registry data file.
127     inline OUString getName();
129     /** creates a new registry with the specified name and creates a root key.
131         @param  registryName specifies the name of the new registry.
132         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
133     */
134     inline RegError create(const OUString& registryName);
136     /** opens a registry with the specified name.
138         If the registry already points to a valid registry, the old registry will be closed.
139         @param  registryName specifies a registry name.
140         @param  accessMode specifies the access mode for the registry, RegAccessMode::READONLY or RegAccessMode::READWRITE.
141         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
142     */
143     inline RegError open(const OUString& registryName,
144                             RegAccessMode accessMode);
146     /// closes explicitly the current registry data file.
147     inline RegError close();
149     /** destroys a registry.
151         @param registryName specifies a registry name, if the name is an empty string the registry
152                             itself will be destroyed.
153         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
154     */
155     inline RegError destroy(const OUString& registryName);
157     /** merges the registry information of the specified key with the registry
158         information of the specified file.
160         All existing keys will be extended and existing key values will be overwritten.
161         @param  rKey references a currently open key. The key which information is merged by this
162                      function is a subkey of this key
163         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which will be merged.
164                         If keyName is an empty string the registry information under the key specified
165                         by rKey is merged with the information from the specified file.
166         @param  regFileName specifies the file containing the registry information.
167         @param  bReport if TRUE the function reports warnings on stdout if a key already exists.
168         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code. If it returns an error the registry will
169                 restore the state before merging.
170     */
171     inline RegError mergeKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
172                                 const OUString& keyName,
173                                 const OUString& regFileName,
174                                 bool bReport);
176     friend class RegistryKey;
177     friend class RegistryKeyArray;
178     friend class RegistryKeyNames;
180     /// returns the used registry Api.
getApi() const181     const Registry_Api* getApi() const { return m_pApi; }
183 private:
184     /// stores the used and initialized registry Api.
185     const Registry_Api*                          m_pApi;
186     /// stores the handle of the underlying registry file on which most of the functions work.
187     RegHandle                                    m_hImpl;
188 };
191 /** RegistryKeyArray represents an array of open keys.
193     RegistryKeyArray is a helper class to work with an array of keys.
194 */
195 class RegistryKeyArray
196 {
197 public:
198     /// Default constructor
199     inline RegistryKeyArray();
201     /// Destructor, all subkeys will be closed.
202     inline ~RegistryKeyArray();
204     /// returns the open key specified by index.
205     inline RegistryKey getElement(sal_uInt32 index);
207     /// returns the length of the array.
208     inline sal_uInt32 getLength() const;
210     friend class RegistryKey;
211 protected:
212     /** sets the data of the key array.
214         @param registry specifies the registry files where the keys are located.
215         @param phKeys points to an array of open keys.
216         @param length specifies the length of the array specified by phKeys.
217      */
218     inline void setKeyHandles(Registry const & registry, RegKeyHandle* phKeys, sal_uInt32 length);
219 private:
220     /// stores the number of open subkeys, the number of elements.
221     sal_uInt32      m_length;
222     /// stores an array of open subkeys.
223     RegKeyHandle*   m_phKeys;
224     /// stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate keys are located.
225     Registry        m_registry;
226 };
229 /** RegistryKeyNames represents an array of key names.
231     RegistryKeyNames is a helper class to work with an array of key names.
232 */
233 class RegistryKeyNames
234 {
235 public:
236     /// Default constructor
237     inline RegistryKeyNames();
239     /// Destructor, the internal array with key names will be deleted.
240     inline ~RegistryKeyNames();
242     /// returns the name of the key specified by index.
243     inline OUString getElement(sal_uInt32 index);
245     /// returns the length of the array.
246     inline sal_uInt32 getLength() const;
248     friend class RegistryKey;
249 protected:
250     /** sets the data of the array.
252         @param registry specifies the registry files where the keys are located.
253         @param pKeyNames points to an array of key names.
254         @param length specifies the length of the array specified by pKeyNames.
255      */
256     inline void setKeyNames(Registry const & registry, rtl_uString** pKeyNames, sal_uInt32 length);
257 private:
258     /// stores the number of key names, the number of elements.
259     sal_uInt32      m_length;
260     /// stores an array of key names.
261     rtl_uString**   m_pKeyNames;
262     /// stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate keys are located.
263     Registry        m_registry;
264 };
267 /** RegistryValueList represents a value list of the specified type.
269     RegistryValueList is a helper class to work with a list value.
270 */
271 template<class ValueType>
272 class RegistryValueList final
273 {
274 public:
275     /// Default constructor
RegistryValueList()276     RegistryValueList()
277         : m_length(0)
278         , m_pValueList(nullptr)
279         , m_valueType(RegValueType::NOT_DEFINED)
280         {}
282     /// Destructor, the internal value list will be freed.
~RegistryValueList()283     ~RegistryValueList()
284     {
285         if (m_pValueList)
286         {
287             m_registry.getApi()->freeValueList(m_valueType, m_pValueList, m_length);
288         }
289     }
291     /// returns the value of the list specified by index.
getElement(sal_uInt32 index)292     ValueType getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
293     {
294         if (m_registry.isValid() && index < m_length)
295         {
296             return m_pValueList[index];
297         } else
298         {
299             return 0;
300         }
301     }
303     /// returns the length of the list.
getLength()304     sal_uInt32 getLength()
305     {
306         return m_length;
307     }
309     friend class RegistryKey;
311 private:
312     /** sets the data of the value list.
314         @param registry specifies the registry files where the appropriate key is located.
315         @param valueType specifies the type of the list values.
316         @param pValueList points to a value list.
317         @param length specifies the length of the list.
318      */
setValueList(const Registry & registry,RegValueType valueType,ValueType * pValueList,sal_uInt32 length)319     void setValueList(const Registry& registry, RegValueType valueType,
320                       ValueType* pValueList, sal_uInt32 length)
321     {
322         m_length = length;
323         m_pValueList = pValueList;
324         m_valueType = valueType;
325         m_registry = registry;
326     }
328     /// stores the length of the list, the number of elements.
329     sal_uInt32      m_length;
330     /// stores the value list.
331     ValueType*      m_pValueList;
332     /// stores the type of the list elements
333     RegValueType    m_valueType;
334     /** stores the handle to the registry file where the appropriate key to this
335         value is located.
336     */
337     Registry        m_registry;
338 };
341 /** RegistryKey reads or writes information of the underlying key in a registry.
343     Class is inline and use a load on call C-Api.
344 */
345 class RegistryKey
346 {
347 public:
348     /// Default constructor
349     inline RegistryKey();
351     /// Copy constructor
352     inline RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& toCopy);
354     /// Destructor, close the key if it references an open one.
355     inline ~RegistryKey();
357     /// Assign operator
358     inline RegistryKey& operator = (const RegistryKey& toAssign);
360     /// checks if the key points to a valid registry key.
361     inline bool isValid() const;
363     /** returns the access mode of the key.
365         @return TRUE if access mode is read only else FALSE.
366     */
367     inline bool     isReadOnly() const;
369     /// returns the full qualified name of the key beginning with the rootkey.
370     inline OUString getName();
372     /** creates a new key or opens a key if the specified key already exists.
374         The specified keyname is relative to this key.
375         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which will be opened or created.
376         @param  rNewKey references a RegistryKey which will be filled with the new or open key.
377         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
378     */
379     inline RegError createKey(const OUString& keyName,
380                               RegistryKey& rNewKey);
382     /** opens the specified key.
384         The specified keyname is relative to this key.
385         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which will be opened.
386         @param  rOpenKey references a RegistryKey which will be filled with the open key.
387         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
388     */
389     inline RegError openKey(const OUString& keyName,
390                               RegistryKey& rOpenKey);
392     /** opens all subkeys of the specified key.
394         The specified keyname is relative to this key.
395         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which subkeys will be opened.
396         @param  rSubKeys reference a RegistryKeyArray which will be filled with the open subkeys.
397         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
398     */
399     inline RegError openSubKeys(const OUString& keyName,
400                                     RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys);
402     /** returns an array with the names of all subkeys of the specified key.
404         The specified keyname is relative to this key.
405         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which subkey names will be returned.
406         @param  rSubKeyNames reference a RegistryKeyNames array which will be filled with the subkey names.
407         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
408     */
409     inline RegError getKeyNames(const OUString& keyName,
410                                     RegistryKeyNames& rSubKeyNames);
412     /** deletes the specified key.
414         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which will be deleted.
415         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
416     */
417     inline RegError deleteKey(const OUString& keyName);
419     /// closes explicitly the current key
420     inline RegError closeKey();
422     /// releases the current key
423     inline void releaseKey();
425     /** sets a value of a key.
427         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
428                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
429                         specified by hKey.
430         @param  valueType specifies the type of the value.
431         @param  pValue points to a memory block containing the data for the value.
432         @param  valueSize specifies the size of pData in bytes
433         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
434     */
435     inline RegError setValue(const OUString& keyName,
436                                 RegValueType valueType,
437                                 RegValue pValue,
438                                 sal_uInt32 valueSize);
440     /** sets a long list value of a key.
442         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
443                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
444                         specified by hKey.
445         @param  pValueList points to an array of longs containing the data for the value.
446         @param  len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
447         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
448     */
449     inline RegError setLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
450                                          sal_Int32 const * pValueList,
451                                          sal_uInt32 len);
453     /** sets an ascii list value of a key.
455         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
456                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
457                         specified by hKey.
458         @param  pValueList points to an array of char* containing the data for the value.
459         @param  len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
460         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
461     */
462     inline RegError setStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
463                                            char** pValueList,
464                                            sal_uInt32 len);
466     /** sets a unicode string list value of a key.
468         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be set.
469                         If keyName is an empty string, the value will be set for the key
470                         specified by hKey.
471         @param  pValueList points to an array of sal_Unicode* containing the data for the value.
472         @param  len specifies the length of the list (the array referenced by pValueList).
473         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
474     */
475     inline RegError setUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
476                                             sal_Unicode** pValueList,
477                                               sal_uInt32 len);
479     /** gets info about type and size of a value.
481         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value info will be returned.
482                         If keyName is an empty string, the value info of the key
483                         specified by hKey will be returned.
484         @param  pValueType returns the type of the value.
485         @param  pValueSize returns the size of the value in bytes or the length of a list value.
486         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
487     */
488     inline RegError getValueInfo(const OUString& keyName,
489                                     RegValueType* pValueType,
490                                     sal_uInt32* pValueSize);
492     /** gets the value of a key.
494         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
495                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
496                         specified by hKey.
497         @param  pValue points to an allocated memory block receiving the data of the value.
498         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
499     */
500     inline RegError getValue(const OUString& keyName,
501                                 RegValue pValue);
503     /** gets a long list value of a key.
505         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
506                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
507                         specified by hKey.
508         @param  rValueList references a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the long values.
509         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
510     */
511     inline RegError getLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
512                                           RegistryValueList<sal_Int32>& rValueList);
514     /** gets an ascii list value of a key.
516         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
517                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
518                         specified by hKey.
519         @param  rValueList references a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the ascii values.
520         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
521     */
522     inline RegError getStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
523                                            RegistryValueList<char*>& rValueList);
525     /** gets a unicode value of a key.
527         @param  keyName specifies the name of the key which value will be returned.
528                         If keyName is an empty string, the value is get from the key
529                         specified by hKey.
530         @param  rValueList reference a RegistryValueList which will be filled with the unicode values.
531         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
532     */
533     inline RegError getUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
534                                               RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode*>& rValueList);
536     /** resolves a keyname.
538         @param[in]  keyName specifies the name of the key which will be resolved relative to this key.
539                         The resolved name will be prefixed with the name of this key.
540         @param[out] rResolvedName the resolved name.
541         @return RegError::NO_ERROR if succeeds else an error code.
542      */
543     inline RegError getResolvedKeyName(const OUString& keyName,
544                                            OUString& rResolvedName) const;
546     /// returns the name of the registry in which the key is defined.
547     inline OUString getRegistryName();
549     friend class Registry;
550 public:
551     /// @cond INTERNAL
553     /** Constructor, which initialize a RegistryKey with registry and a valid key handle.
555         This constructor is internal only.
556     */
557     inline RegistryKey(Registry const & registry,
558                        RegKeyHandle hKey);
560 protected:
561     /** sets the internal registry on which this key should work.
562      */
563     inline void setRegistry(Registry const & registry);
565     /// @endcond
567     /// stores the registry on which this key works
568     Registry        m_registry;
569     /// stores the current key handle of this key
570     RegKeyHandle    m_hImpl;
571 };
RegistryKeyArray()574 inline RegistryKeyArray::RegistryKeyArray()
575     : m_length(0)
576     , m_phKeys(nullptr)
577 {
578 }
~RegistryKeyArray()580 inline RegistryKeyArray::~RegistryKeyArray()
581 {
582     if (m_phKeys)
583         m_registry.m_pApi->closeSubKeys(m_phKeys, m_length);
584 }
getElement(sal_uInt32 index)586 inline RegistryKey RegistryKeyArray::getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
587 {
588     if (m_registry.isValid() && index < m_length)
589         return RegistryKey(m_registry, m_phKeys[index]);
590     else
591         return RegistryKey();
592 }
getLength() const594 inline sal_uInt32 RegistryKeyArray::getLength() const
595 {
596     return m_length;
597 }
setKeyHandles(Registry const & registry,RegKeyHandle * phKeys,sal_uInt32 length)599 inline void RegistryKeyArray::setKeyHandles(Registry const & registry,
600                                             RegKeyHandle* phKeys,
601                                             sal_uInt32 length)
602 {
603     m_phKeys = phKeys;
604     m_length = length;
605     m_registry = registry;
606 }
RegistryKeyNames()608 inline RegistryKeyNames::RegistryKeyNames()
609     : m_length(0)
610     , m_pKeyNames(nullptr)
611 {
612 }
~RegistryKeyNames()614 inline RegistryKeyNames::~RegistryKeyNames()
615 {
616     if (m_pKeyNames)
617         m_registry.m_pApi->freeKeyNames(m_pKeyNames, m_length);
618 }
getElement(sal_uInt32 index)620 inline OUString RegistryKeyNames::getElement(sal_uInt32 index)
621 {
623     if (m_pKeyNames && index < m_length)
624         return m_pKeyNames[index];
625     else
626         return OUString();
627 }
getLength() const629 inline sal_uInt32 RegistryKeyNames::getLength() const
630 {
631     return m_length;
632 }
setKeyNames(Registry const & registry,rtl_uString ** pKeyNames,sal_uInt32 length)634 inline void RegistryKeyNames::setKeyNames(Registry const & registry,
635                                           rtl_uString** pKeyNames,
636                                           sal_uInt32 length)
637 {
638     m_pKeyNames = pKeyNames;
639     m_length = length;
640     m_registry = registry;
641 }
RegistryKey()643 inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey()
644     : m_hImpl(nullptr)
645     { }
647 /// @cond INTERNAL
RegistryKey(Registry const & registry,RegKeyHandle hKey)648 inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey(Registry const & registry, RegKeyHandle hKey)
649     : m_registry(registry)
650     , m_hImpl(hKey)
651     {
652         if (m_hImpl)
653             m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(m_hImpl);
654     }
655 /// @endcond
RegistryKey(const RegistryKey & toCopy)657 inline RegistryKey::RegistryKey(const RegistryKey& toCopy)
658     : m_registry(toCopy.m_registry)
659     , m_hImpl(toCopy.m_hImpl)
660     {
661         if (m_hImpl)
662             m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(m_hImpl);
663     }
665 /// @cond INTERNAL
setRegistry(Registry const & registry)666 inline void RegistryKey::setRegistry(Registry const & registry)
667     {
668         m_registry = registry;
669     }
670 /// @endcond
~RegistryKey()672 inline RegistryKey::~RegistryKey()
673     {
674         if (m_hImpl)
675             m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
676     }
operator =(const RegistryKey & toAssign)678 inline RegistryKey& RegistryKey::operator = (const RegistryKey& toAssign)
679 {
680     m_registry = toAssign.m_registry;
682     if (toAssign.m_hImpl)
683         m_registry.m_pApi->acquireKey(toAssign.m_hImpl);
684     if (m_hImpl)
685         m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
686     m_hImpl = toAssign.m_hImpl;
688     return *this;
689 }
isValid() const691 inline bool RegistryKey::isValid() const
692     {  return (m_hImpl != nullptr); }
isReadOnly() const694 inline bool RegistryKey::isReadOnly() const
695     {
696         if  (m_registry.isValid())
697             return m_registry.m_pApi->isKeyReadOnly(m_hImpl);
698         else
699             return false;
700     }
getName()702 inline OUString RegistryKey::getName()
703     {
704         OUString sRet;
705         if (m_registry.isValid())
706             m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyName(m_hImpl, &sRet.pData);
707         return sRet;
708     }
createKey(const OUString & keyName,RegistryKey & rNewKey)710 inline RegError RegistryKey::createKey(const OUString& keyName,
711                                           RegistryKey& rNewKey)
712     {
713         if (rNewKey.isValid()) rNewKey.closeKey();
714         if (m_registry.isValid())
715         {
716             RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->createKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, &rNewKey.m_hImpl);
717             if (ret == RegError::NO_ERROR) rNewKey.setRegistry(m_registry);
718             return ret;
719         } else
720             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
721     }
openKey(const OUString & keyName,RegistryKey & rOpenKey)723 inline RegError RegistryKey::openKey(const OUString& keyName,
724                                      RegistryKey& rOpenKey)
725     {
726         if (rOpenKey.isValid()) rOpenKey.closeKey();
727         if (m_registry.isValid())
728         {
729             RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->openKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
730                                                     &rOpenKey.m_hImpl);
731             if (ret == RegError::NO_ERROR) rOpenKey.setRegistry(m_registry);
732             return ret;
733         } else
734             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
735     }
openSubKeys(const OUString & keyName,RegistryKeyArray & rSubKeys)737 inline RegError RegistryKey::openSubKeys(const OUString& keyName,
738                                          RegistryKeyArray& rSubKeys)
739     {
740         if (m_registry.isValid())
741         {
742             RegError        ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
743             RegKeyHandle*   pSubKeys;
744             sal_uInt32      nSubKeys;
745             ret = m_registry.m_pApi->openSubKeys(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
746                                                       &pSubKeys, &nSubKeys);
747             if ( ret != RegError::NO_ERROR)
748             {
749                 return ret;
750             } else
751             {
752                 rSubKeys.setKeyHandles(m_registry, pSubKeys, nSubKeys);
753                 return ret;
754             }
755         } else
756             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
757     }
getKeyNames(const OUString & keyName,RegistryKeyNames & rSubKeyNames)759 inline RegError RegistryKey::getKeyNames(const OUString& keyName,
760                                              RegistryKeyNames& rSubKeyNames)
761     {
762         if (m_registry.isValid())
763         {
764             RegError        ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
765             rtl_uString**   pSubKeyNames;
766             sal_uInt32      nSubKeys;
767             ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getKeyNames(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
768                                                   &pSubKeyNames, &nSubKeys);
769             if ( ret != RegError::NO_ERROR)
770             {
771                 return ret;
772             } else
773             {
774                 rSubKeyNames.setKeyNames(m_registry, pSubKeyNames, nSubKeys);
775                 return ret;
776             }
777         } else
778             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
779     }
deleteKey(const OUString & keyName)781 inline RegError RegistryKey::deleteKey(const OUString& keyName)
782     {
783         if (m_registry.isValid())
784             return m_registry.m_pApi->deleteKey(m_hImpl, keyName.pData);
785         else
786             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
787     }
closeKey()789 inline RegError RegistryKey::closeKey()
790     {
791         if (m_registry.isValid())
792         {
793             RegError ret = m_registry.m_pApi->closeKey(m_hImpl);
794             if (ret == RegError::NO_ERROR)
795             {
796                 m_hImpl = nullptr;
797                 m_registry = Registry();
798             }
799             return ret;
800         } else
801             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
802     }
releaseKey()804 inline void RegistryKey::releaseKey()
805 {
806     if (m_registry.isValid() && (m_hImpl != nullptr))
807     {
808         m_registry.m_pApi->releaseKey(m_hImpl);
809         m_hImpl = nullptr;
810     }
811 }
setValue(const OUString & keyName,RegValueType valueType,RegValue pValue,sal_uInt32 valueSize)813 inline RegError RegistryKey::setValue(const OUString& keyName,
814                                               RegValueType valueType,
815                                            RegValue pValue,
816                                               sal_uInt32 valueSize)
817     {
818         if (m_registry.isValid())
819             return m_registry.m_pApi->setValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, valueType,
820                                                 pValue, valueSize);
821         else
822             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
823     }
setLongListValue(const OUString & keyName,sal_Int32 const * pValueList,sal_uInt32 len)825 inline RegError RegistryKey::setLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
826                                                   sal_Int32 const * pValueList,
827                                                   sal_uInt32 len)
828     {
829         if (m_registry.isValid())
830             return m_registry.m_pApi->setLongListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
831                                                            pValueList, len);
832         else
833             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
834     }
setStringListValue(const OUString & keyName,char ** pValueList,sal_uInt32 len)836 inline RegError RegistryKey::setStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
837                                                    char** pValueList,
838                                                    sal_uInt32 len)
839     {
840         if (m_registry.isValid())
841             return m_registry.m_pApi->setStringListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
842                                                             pValueList, len);
843         else
844             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
845     }
setUnicodeListValue(const OUString & keyName,sal_Unicode ** pValueList,sal_uInt32 len)847 inline RegError RegistryKey::setUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
848                                                         sal_Unicode** pValueList,
849                                                         sal_uInt32 len)
850     {
851         if (m_registry.isValid())
852             return m_registry.m_pApi->setUnicodeListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
853                                                               pValueList, len);
854         else
855             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
856     }
getValueInfo(const OUString & keyName,RegValueType * pValueType,sal_uInt32 * pValueSize)858 inline RegError RegistryKey::getValueInfo(const OUString& keyName,
859                                                   RegValueType* pValueType,
860                                                   sal_uInt32* pValueSize)
861     {
862         if (m_registry.isValid())
863             return m_registry.m_pApi->getValueInfo(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pValueType, pValueSize);
864         else
865             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
866     }
getValue(const OUString & keyName,RegValue pValue)868 inline RegError RegistryKey::getValue(const OUString& keyName,
869                                         RegValue pValue)
870     {
871         if (m_registry.isValid())
872             return m_registry.m_pApi->getValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData, pValue);
873         else
874             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
875     }
getLongListValue(const OUString & keyName,RegistryValueList<sal_Int32> & rValueList)877 inline RegError RegistryKey::getLongListValue(const OUString& keyName,
878                                               RegistryValueList<sal_Int32>& rValueList)
879     {
880         if (m_registry.isValid())
881         {
882             RegError    ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
883             sal_Int32*  pValueList;
884             sal_uInt32  length;
885             ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getLongListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
886                                                       &pValueList, &length);
887             if ( ret != RegError::NO_ERROR)
888             {
889                 return ret;
890             } else
891             {
892                 rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RegValueType::LONGLIST,
893                                         pValueList, length);
894                 return ret;
895             }
896         } else
897             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
898     }
getStringListValue(const OUString & keyName,RegistryValueList<char * > & rValueList)900 inline RegError RegistryKey::getStringListValue(const OUString& keyName,
901                                                       RegistryValueList<char*>& rValueList)
902     {
903         if (m_registry.isValid())
904         {
905             RegError    ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
906             char**  pValueList;
907             sal_uInt32  length;
908             ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getStringListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
909                                                       &pValueList, &length);
910             if ( ret != RegError::NO_ERROR )
911             {
912                 return ret;
913             } else
914             {
915                 rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RegValueType::STRINGLIST,
916                                         pValueList, length);
917                 return ret;
918             }
919         } else
920             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
921     }
getUnicodeListValue(const OUString & keyName,RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode * > & rValueList)923 inline RegError RegistryKey::getUnicodeListValue(const OUString& keyName,
924                                               RegistryValueList<sal_Unicode*>& rValueList)
925     {
926         if (m_registry.isValid())
927         {
928             RegError        ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
929             sal_Unicode**   pValueList;
930             sal_uInt32      length;
931             ret = m_registry.m_pApi->getUnicodeListValue(m_hImpl, keyName.pData,
932                                                       &pValueList, &length);
933             if ( ret != RegError::NO_ERROR )
934             {
935                 return ret;
936             } else
937             {
938                 rValueList.setValueList(m_registry, RegValueType::UNICODELIST,
939                                         pValueList, length);
940                 return ret;
941             }
942         } else
943             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
944     }
getResolvedKeyName(const OUString & keyName,OUString & rResolvedName) const946 inline RegError RegistryKey::getResolvedKeyName(const OUString& keyName,
947                                                       OUString& rResolvedName) const
948     {
949         if (m_registry.isValid())
950             return m_registry.m_pApi->getResolvedKeyName(m_hImpl,
951                                                          keyName.pData,
952                                                          true,
953                                                          &rResolvedName.pData);
954         else
955             return RegError::INVALID_KEY;
956     }
getRegistryName()958 inline OUString RegistryKey::getRegistryName()
959     {
960         if (m_registry.isValid())
961         {
962             return m_registry.getName();
963         } else
964             return OUString();
965     }
Registry()968 inline Registry::Registry()
969     : m_pApi(initRegistry_Api())
970     , m_hImpl(nullptr)
971     { }
Registry(const Registry & toCopy)973 inline Registry::Registry(const Registry& toCopy)
974     : m_pApi(toCopy.m_pApi)
975     , m_hImpl(toCopy.m_hImpl)
976     {
977         if (m_hImpl)
978             m_pApi->acquire(m_hImpl);
979     }
~Registry()982 inline Registry::~Registry()
983     {
984         if (m_hImpl)
985             m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
986     }
operator =(const Registry & toAssign)988 inline Registry& Registry::operator = (const Registry& toAssign)
989 {
990     if (toAssign.m_hImpl)
991         toAssign.m_pApi->acquire(toAssign.m_hImpl);
992     if (m_hImpl)
993         m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
995     m_pApi  = toAssign.m_pApi;
996     m_hImpl = toAssign.m_hImpl;
998     return *this;
999 }
isValid() const1001 inline bool Registry::isValid() const
1002     {  return ( m_hImpl != nullptr ); }
isReadOnly() const1004 inline bool Registry::isReadOnly() const
1005     {  return m_pApi->isReadOnly(m_hImpl); }
openRootKey(RegistryKey & rRootKey)1007 inline RegError Registry::openRootKey(RegistryKey& rRootKey)
1008     {
1009         rRootKey.setRegistry(*this);
1010         return m_pApi->openRootKey(m_hImpl, &rRootKey.m_hImpl);
1011     }
getName()1013 inline OUString Registry::getName()
1014     {
1015         OUString sRet;
1016         m_pApi->getName(m_hImpl, &sRet.pData);
1017         return sRet;
1018     }
create(const OUString & registryName)1020 inline RegError Registry::create(const OUString& registryName)
1021     {
1022         if (m_hImpl)
1023             m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
1024         return m_pApi->createRegistry(registryName.pData, &m_hImpl);
1025     }
open(const OUString & registryName,RegAccessMode accessMode)1027 inline RegError Registry::open(const OUString& registryName,
1028                                   RegAccessMode accessMode)
1029     {
1030         if (m_hImpl)
1031             m_pApi->release(m_hImpl);
1032         return m_pApi->openRegistry(registryName.pData, &m_hImpl, accessMode);
1033     }
close()1035 inline RegError Registry::close()
1036     {
1037         RegError ret = m_pApi->closeRegistry(m_hImpl);
1038         if (ret == RegError::NO_ERROR)
1039             m_hImpl = nullptr;
1040         return ret;
1041     }
destroy(const OUString & registryName)1043 inline RegError Registry::destroy(const OUString& registryName)
1044     {
1045         RegError ret = m_pApi->destroyRegistry(m_hImpl, registryName.pData);
1046         if ( ret == RegError::NO_ERROR && registryName.isEmpty() )
1047             m_hImpl = nullptr;
1048         return ret;
1049     }
mergeKey(RegistryKey & rKey,const OUString & keyName,const OUString & regFileName,bool bReport)1051 inline RegError Registry::mergeKey(RegistryKey& rKey,
1052                                          const OUString& keyName,
1053                                          const OUString& regFileName,
1054                                          bool bReport)
1055     {  return m_pApi->mergeKey(m_hImpl, rKey.m_hImpl, keyName.pData, regFileName.pData, false/*bWarnings*/, bReport); }
1057 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */