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Name Date Size #Lines LOC






AllLangMoTarget_wpt.mkH A D07-Oct-2020470 142

CppunitTest_writerperfect_calc.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.1 KiB4122

CppunitTest_writerperfect_draw.mkH A D07-Oct-20201,012 3820

CppunitTest_writerperfect_epubexport.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.3 KiB4928

CppunitTest_writerperfect_import.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.1 KiB4021

CppunitTest_writerperfect_impress.mkH A D07-Oct-20201 KiB3820

CppunitTest_writerperfect_stream.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.5 KiB6040

CppunitTest_writerperfect_wpftimport.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.5 KiB5736

CppunitTest_writerperfect_writer.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.1 KiB4223

Library_wpftcalc.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.8 KiB7143

Library_wpftdraw.mkH A D07-Oct-20202.2 KiB8657

Library_wpftimpress.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.7 KiB6436

Library_wpftqahelper.mkH A D07-Oct-20201 KiB4325

Library_wpftwriter.mkH A D07-Oct-20203.3 KiB11481

Library_writerperfect.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.7 KiB6133

MakefileH A D07-Oct-2020478 152

Module_writerperfect.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.7 KiB5528

READMEH A D07-Oct-2020360 75

UIConfig_writerperfect.mkH A D07-Oct-20201.1 KiB285

UITest_writerperfect_epubexport.mkH A D07-Oct-2020522 174


1WordPerfect and other filters, wrappers for a set of similar libraries
3This collection of filters is here in this folder in addition to the
4WordPerfect filter that gave the module its (humorous) name "writerperfect"
5because the libraries they use all have the same "style" of API and are
6developed, at least partially, by the same person or group of persons.