1" Vim syntax file"
2" Language:	Baan
3" Maintainer:	Erik Remmelzwaal (erik.remmelzwaal 0x40 ssaglobal.com)
4" Originally owned by: Erwin Smit / Her van de Vliert
5" Last change:  v1.17 2006/04/26 10:40:18
7" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
8if exists("b:current_syntax")
9  finish
12"********************************** Lexical setting ***************************"
13syn case ignore
14setlocal iskeyword+=.
15"setlocal ignorecase 	"This is not a local yet ;-(
16" Identifier
17syn match   baanIdentifier "\<\k\+\>"
19"************************************* 3GL ************************************"
20syn match   baan3glpre "#ident\>"
21syn match   baan3glpre "#include\>"
22syn region  baan3glpre start="#define\>" end="^[^^|]"me=s-1 contains=baanString,baanConstant,baanNumber,baanComment,baansql
23syn match   baan3glpre "#undef\>"
24syn match   baan3glpre "#pragma\>"
25syn match   baan3glpre "#if\>"
26syn match   baan3glpre "#ifdef\>"
27syn match   baan3glpre "#ifndef\>"
28syn match   baan3glpre "#elif\>"
29syn match   baan3glpre "#else\>"
30syn match   baan3glpre "#endif\>"
32" Some keywords are only defined when no foldinat based break bset call continue default
33syn keyword baan3gl empty  fixed ge global goto gt le lt mb
34syn keyword baan3gl multibyte ne ofr prompt repeat static step stop
35syn keyword baan3gl until void wherebind ref reference break continue
36syn keyword baan3gl and or to not in
37syn keyword baan3gl eq input end return at print
38syn keyword baanType domain double long string table boolean common
39syn keyword baanType bset void xmlNode
40syn keyword baanStorageClass dim base based extern global fixed MB const
41syn keyword baanConstant pi true false
43" Folding settings
44if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold
45  syn region baanFunctionFold matchgroup=baan3gl start="^\z(\s*\)\<function\>" matchgroup=NONE end="^\z1}" transparent fold keepend
47  syn keyword baan3gl function
49if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold && exists("baan_fold_block") && baan_fold_block
50  syn region  baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)\(if\>\|else\>\)" end="^\z1endif\>" end="^\z1else\>"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
51  syn region  baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)for\>"            end="^\z1endfor\>" transparent fold keepend extend
52  syn region  baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)while\>"          end="^\z1endwhile\>" transparent fold keepend extend
53  syn region  baanDLLUsage matchgroup=baan3gl         start="^\z(\s*\)dllusage\>"       end="^\z1enddllusage\>" fold contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
54  syn region  baanFunUsage matchgroup=baan3gl         start="^\z(\s*\)functionusage\>"  end="^\z1endfunctionusage\>" fold  contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
55  syn region  baanCondFold matchgroup=baanConditional start="^\z(\s*\)\(case\>\|default\>\)\>" end="^\z1endcase\>" end="^\z1\(case\>\|default\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
56  syn keyword baanConditional then else endif while endwhile endfor case endcase
57  syn match   baanConditional "\<on case\>"
59  syn match   baanConditional "\<for\>" contains=baansql
60  syn match   baanConditional "\<on case\>"
61  syn keyword baanConditional if then else endif while endwhile endfor case endcase default
62  syn region  baanDLLUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="\<dllusage\>" end="\<enddllusage\>" contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
63  syn region  baanFunUsage matchgroup=baan3gl start="\<functionusage\>" end="\<endfunctionusage\>" contains=baanNumber,baanConstant,baanType
66"************************************* SQL ************************************"
67syn keyword baansql from selectbind
68syn keyword baansql where wherebind whereused exsists
69syn keyword baansql between inrange having
70syn keyword baansql hint ordered asc desc
71syn match   baansql "\<as set with \d\+ rows\>"
72syn match   baansql "\<as prepared set\>"
73syn match   baansql "\<as prepared set with \d\+ rows\>"
74syn match   baansql "\<with retry\>"
75syn match   baansql "\<with retry repeat last row\>"
76syn match   baansql "\<for update\>"
77syn match   baansql "\<order by\>"
78syn match   baansql "\<group by\>"
79syn match   baansql "\<union all\>"
80" references
81syn keyword path reference
82syn match   baansql "\<refers to\>"
83syn match   baansql "\<unref clear\>"
84syn match   baansql "\<unref setunref\>"
85syn match   baansql "\<unref clearunref\>"
86syn match   baansql "\<unref skip\>"
87" hints
88syn keyword baansql hint and ordered asc desc
89syn match   baansql "\<use index \d\+ on\>"
90syn match   baansql "\<array fetching\>"
91syn match   baansql "\<no array fetching\>"
92syn match   baansql "\<array size \d\+\>"
93syn match   baansql "\<all rows\>"
94syn match   baansql "\<first rows\>"
95syn match   baansql "\<buffer \d\+ rows\>"
96syn match   baansql "\<no hints\>"
97" update
98syn keyword baansql set
100if exists("baan_fold") && baan_fold && exists("baan_fold_sql") && baan_fold_sql
101  syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(select\>\|selectdo\>\|selectempty\>\|selecterror\>\|selecteos\>\)" end="^\z1endselect\>" end="^\z1\(selectdo\>\|selectempty\>\|selecterror\>\|selecteos\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
102  "syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(update\>\|updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\|selecteos\>\)"             end="^\z1endupdate\>" end="^\z1\(updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\|selecteos\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
103  syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(update\>\|updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\)"             end="^\z1endupdate\>" end="^\z1\(updateempty\>\|updateerror\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
104  syn region baanSQLFold matchgroup=baansql start="^\z(\s*\)\(delete\s\+from\>\|deleteempty\>\|deleteerror\>\)"                  end="^\z1enddelete\>" end="^\z1\(deleteempty\>\|deleteerror\>\)"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend extend
106  syn keyword baansql select selectdo selectempty selecterror selecteos endselect
107  " delete
108  syn match   baansql "\<delete from\>"
109  syn keyword baansql deleteempty deleteerror deleteeos enddelete
110  " update
111  syn keyword baansql update updateempty updateerror updateeos endupdate
114setlocal foldmethod=syntax
115"syn sync fromstart
116syn sync minlines=100
119"These are bshell functions
120if exists("baan_obsolete")
121syn match   baansql "commit\.transaction()"
122syn match   baansql "abort\.transaction()"
123syn match   baansql "db\.columns\.to\.record"
124syn match   baansql "db\.record\.to\.columns"
125syn match   baansql "db\.bind"
126syn match   baansql "db\.change\.order"
127syn match   baansql "db\.set\.to\.default"
128syn match   baansql "DB\.RETRY"
129syn match   baansql "db\.delayed\.lock"
130syn match   baansql "db\.retry\.point()"
131syn match   baansql "db\.retry\.hit()"
132syn match   baansql "db\.return\.dupl"
133syn match   baansql "db\.skip\.dupl"
134syn match   baansql "db\.row\.length"
137" Constants
138syn keyword baanConstant __function__
139syn keyword baanConstant __object__
140syn keyword baanConstant __file__
141syn keyword baanConstant __line__
143syn keyword baanConstant ABORT.PROGRAM
144syn keyword baanConstant ADD.SET
145syn keyword baanConstant ALL_ENUMS_EXCEPT
146syn keyword baanConstant APPL.EXCL
147syn keyword baanConstant APPL.READ
148syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WAIT
149syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WIDE
150syn keyword baanConstant APPL.WRITE
151syn keyword baanConstant ASK.HELPINFO
152syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_PRINT
153syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_DISPLAY
154syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_MODIFY
155syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_INSERT
156syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_DELETE
157syn keyword baanConstant AUTG_ALL
158syn keyword baanConstant BMS
159syn keyword baanConstant CALCULATOR
160syn keyword baanConstant CALENDAR
161syn keyword baanConstant CHANGE.ORDER
162syn keyword baanConstant CMD.OPTIONS
163syn keyword baanConstant CMD.WHATS.THIS
164syn keyword baanConstant CMF.MESSAGE
165syn keyword baanConstant CMF.TASK
166syn keyword baanConstant CMF.APPOINTMENT
167syn match   baanConstant "\<COMPANY\$"
168syn keyword baanConstant COMPNR
169syn keyword baanConstant CONT.PROCESS
170syn keyword baanConstant CREATE.JOB
171syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJSET
172syn keyword baanConstant DALNOMETHOD
173syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJSETID
174syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJECTID
175syn keyword baanConstant DALNOPROP
176syn keyword baanConstant DALNOLOCMODE
177syn keyword baanConstant DALNOGETPOS
178syn keyword baanConstant DALNOSETPERM
179syn keyword baanConstant DALNOOBJPERM
180syn keyword baanConstant DALDBERROR
181syn keyword baanConstant DALHOOKERROR
182syn keyword baanConstant DALNOQUERYID
183syn keyword baanConstant DAL_DESTROY
184syn keyword baanConstant DAL_FIND
185syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_CURR
186syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_FIRST
187syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_LAST
188syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_NEXT
189syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_PREV
190syn keyword baanConstant DAL_GET_SPECIFIED
191syn keyword baanConstant DAL_NEW
192syn keyword baanConstant DAL_UPDATE
193syn keyword baanConstant DB.ARRAY
194syn keyword baanConstant DB.BASED
195syn keyword baanConstant DB.BITSET
196syn keyword baanConstant DB.BYTE
197syn keyword baanConstant DB.CHECK.IGNORED.REF
198syn keyword baanConstant DB.CHILD
199syn keyword baanConstant DB.CLEAR.NO.ROLLBACK
200syn keyword baanConstant DB.CLEAR.WITH.ROLLBACK
201syn keyword baanConstant DB.COMBINED
202syn keyword baanConstant DB.DATE
203syn keyword baanConstant DB.DELAYED.LOCK
204syn keyword baanConstant DB.DOUBLE
205syn keyword baanConstant DB.ENUM
206syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.DUPL
207syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.NOREC
208syn keyword baanConstant DB.EXIT.ON.ROWCHANGED
209syn keyword baanConstant DB.FILLED
210syn keyword baanConstant DB.FIXED
211syn keyword baanConstant DB.FL.LOCK
212syn keyword baanConstant DB.FLOAT
213syn keyword baanConstant DB.IGNORE.ALL.REFS
214syn keyword baanConstant DB.INTEGER
215syn keyword baanConstant DB.IS.REF.TO
216syn keyword baanConstant DB.LOCK
217syn keyword baanConstant DB.LONG
218syn keyword baanConstant DB.MAIL
219syn keyword baanConstant DB.MULTIBYTE
220syn keyword baanConstant DB.NOT.ACTIV
221syn keyword baanConstant DB.PAR.IS.REF.TO
222syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.CASCADE
223syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.CHK.RUNTIME
224syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.DELETE
225syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.NOP
226syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.NULLIFY
227syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.RESTRICTED
228syn keyword baanConstant DB.REF.UPDATE
229syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETRY
230syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.DUPL
231syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.ERROR
232syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.NOREC
233syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.REF.EXISTS
234syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.REF.NOT.EXISTS
235syn keyword baanConstant DB.RETURN.ROWCHANGED
236syn keyword baanConstant DB.RPOINT
237syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.DUPL
238syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.NOREC
239syn keyword baanConstant DB.SKIP.ROWCHANGED
240syn keyword baanConstant DB.STRING
241syn keyword baanConstant DB.TEXT
242syn keyword baanConstant DB.TIME
243syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_ACTIONS
244syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_DELAY_LOCK
245syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_REFER
246syn keyword baanConstant DBG_BDB_SERVER_TYPE
247syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DATA_SIZE
248syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DEBUG_MESG
249syn keyword baanConstant DBG_DEBUG_TSS
250syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FILE
251syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FILEDEV
252syn keyword baanConstant DBG_FUN_DEBUG
253syn keyword baanConstant DBG_GET_PUT_VAR
254syn keyword baanConstant DBG_INSTR_DEBUG
255syn keyword baanConstant DBG_MUL_ACTION
256syn keyword baanConstant DBG_OBJ_SIZE
257syn keyword baanConstant DBG_PRINT_ENUMS
258syn keyword baanConstant DBG_REF_PATH
259syn keyword baanConstant DBG_RESOURCE_DBG
260syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SCHED_DEBUG
261syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SHOW_FLOW
262syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SHOW_TRACE
263syn keyword baanConstant DBG_SRDD_USAGE
264syn keyword baanConstant DEBUG
265syn keyword baanConstant DEF.FIND
266syn keyword baanConstant DISPLAY.SET
267syn keyword baanConstant DIS.RESTARTED
268syn keyword baanConstant DLL_OVERLOAD
269syn keyword baanConstant DLL_OVERLOAD_ALL
270syn keyword baanConstant DLL_SILENT_ERR
271syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationCreateProcess
272syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationCreateThread
273syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationNormalExit
274syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStderr
275syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStdin
276syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationOpenStdout
277syn keyword baanConstant DSTerminationSetDir
278syn keyword baanConstant DUPL.OCCUR
279syn keyword baanConstant E2BIG
280syn keyword baanConstant EABORT
281syn keyword baanConstant EACCES
282syn keyword baanConstant EAGAIN
283syn keyword baanConstant EAUDIT
284syn keyword baanConstant EBADADRS
285syn keyword baanConstant EBADARG
286syn keyword baanConstant EBADCOLL
287syn keyword baanConstant EBADCURSOR
288syn keyword baanConstant EBADF
289syn keyword baanConstant EBADFILE
290syn keyword baanConstant EBADFLD
291syn keyword baanConstant EBADKEY
292syn keyword baanConstant EBADLOG
293syn keyword baanConstant EBADMEM
294syn keyword baanConstant EBDBNOTON
295syn keyword baanConstant EBDBON
296syn keyword baanConstant EBUSY
297syn keyword baanConstant ECHILD
298syn keyword baanConstant EDDCORRUPT
299syn keyword baanConstant EDOM
300syn keyword baanConstant EDUPL
301syn keyword baanConstant EENDFILE
302syn keyword baanConstant EEXIST
303syn keyword baanConstant EFAULT
304syn keyword baanConstant EFBIG
305syn keyword baanConstant EFLOCKED
306syn keyword baanConstant EFNAME
307syn keyword baanConstant EINTR
308syn keyword baanConstant EINVAL
309syn keyword baanConstant EIO
310syn keyword baanConstant EISDIR
311syn keyword baanConstant EISREADONLY
312syn keyword baanConstant EKEXISTS
313syn keyword baanConstant ELOCKED
314syn keyword baanConstant ELOGOPEN
315syn keyword baanConstant ELOGREAD
316syn keyword baanConstant ELOGWRIT
317syn keyword baanConstant EMEMORY
318syn keyword baanConstant EMFILE
319syn keyword baanConstant EMLINK
320syn keyword baanConstant EMLOCKED
321syn keyword baanConstant END.PROGRAM
322syn keyword baanConstant ENFILE
323syn keyword baanConstant ENOBEGIN
324syn keyword baanConstant ENOCURR
325syn keyword baanConstant ENODD
326syn keyword baanConstant ENODELAYEDLOCK
327syn keyword baanConstant ENODEV
328syn keyword baanConstant ENOENT
329syn keyword baanConstant ENOEXEC
330syn keyword baanConstant ENOLOK
331syn keyword baanConstant ENOMEM
332syn keyword baanConstant ENONFS
333syn keyword baanConstant ENOREC
334syn keyword baanConstant ENOSERVER
335syn keyword baanConstant ENOSHMEM
336syn keyword baanConstant ENOSPC
337syn keyword baanConstant ENOTABLE
338syn keyword baanConstant ENOTBLK
339syn keyword baanConstant ENOTDIR
340syn keyword baanConstant ENOTEXCL
341syn keyword baanConstant ENOTINRANGE
342syn keyword baanConstant ENOTLOCKED
343syn keyword baanConstant ENOTOPEN
344syn keyword baanConstant ENOTRANS
345syn keyword baanConstant ENOTTY
346syn keyword baanConstant ENXIO
347syn keyword baanConstant ENUMMASK.INITIAL
348syn keyword baanConstant ENUMMASK.GENERAL
349syn keyword baanConstant EPERM
350syn keyword baanConstant EPIPE
351syn keyword baanConstant EPRIMKEY
352syn keyword baanConstant ERANGE
353syn keyword baanConstant EREFERENCE
354syn keyword baanConstant EREFEXISTS
355syn keyword baanConstant EREFLOCKED
356syn keyword baanConstant EREFNOTEXISTS
357syn keyword baanConstant EREFUNDEFINED
358syn keyword baanConstant EREFUPDATE
359syn keyword baanConstant EROFS
360syn keyword baanConstant EROWCHANGED
361syn keyword baanConstant ESPIPE
362syn keyword baanConstant ESQLCARDINALITYVIOLATION
363syn keyword baanConstant ESQLDIVBYZERO
364syn keyword baanConstant ESQLFILEIO
365syn keyword baanConstant ESQLINDEXOUTOFDIMS
366syn keyword baanConstant ESQLINVALIDPARAMETERTYPE
367syn keyword baanConstant ESQLQUERY
368syn keyword baanConstant ESQLREFER
369syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSTRINGTRUNCATION
370syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSUBSTRINGERROR
371syn keyword baanConstant ESQLSYNTAX
372syn keyword baanConstant ESRCH
373syn keyword baanConstant ETABLEEXIST
374syn keyword baanConstant ETOOMANY
375syn keyword baanConstant ETRANSACTIONON
376syn keyword baanConstant ETXTBSY
377syn keyword baanConstant EUNALLOWEDCOMPNR
378syn keyword baanConstant EVTALLEVENTMASK
379syn keyword baanConstant EVTARMBUTTON
380syn keyword baanConstant EVTARMBUTTONMASK
381syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUCKETMESSAGE
382syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON1
383syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON1MASK
384syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON2
385syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON2MASK
386syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON3
387syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON3MASK
388syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON4
389syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON4MASK
390syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON5
391syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTON5MASK
392syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONCHECKED
393syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONDPRESS
394syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONDPRESSMASK
395syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONMOTION
396syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONMOTIONMASK
397syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONPRESS
398syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONPRESSMASK
399syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONRELEASE
400syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONRELEASEMASK
401syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONSELECT
402syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONSELECTMASK
403syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONUNCHECKED
404syn keyword baanConstant EVTBUTTONUNDEFINED
405syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANGEFOCUS
406syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANGEFOCUSMASK
407syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHANNELEVENT
408syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHECKBOXMASK
409syn keyword baanConstant EVTCHECKBOXSELECT
410syn keyword baanConstant EVTCLIENTMESSAGE
411syn keyword baanConstant EVTCONNECTREQUEST
412syn keyword baanConstant EVTCONTROLMASK
413syn keyword baanConstant EVTDEATHCHILD
414syn keyword baanConstant EVTDEATHCHILDMASK
415syn keyword baanConstant EVTDISARMBUTTON
416syn keyword baanConstant EVTDISARMBUTTONMASK
417syn keyword baanConstant EVTDLLEVENT
418syn keyword baanConstant EVTDLLEVENTMASK
419syn keyword baanConstant EVTENTERNOTIFY
420syn keyword baanConstant EVTENTERNOTIFYMASK
421syn keyword baanConstant EVTFIELDSELECT
422syn keyword baanConstant EVTFIELDSELECTMASK
423syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDACTIVATE
424syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDBUTTONPRESS
425syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDCHANGEDATA
426syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDCHANGEFOCUS
427syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDEVENT
428syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDEVENTMASK
429syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDFOCUSCHANGEDBYMOUSE
430syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDLISTBOXCHANGE
431syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKCELL
432syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKCOLUMN
433syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKRANGE
434syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMARKROW
435syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMOVECOLUMN
436syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDMOVEROW
437syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESETSELECTION
438syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESIZECOLUMN
439syn keyword baanConstant EVTGRIDRESIZEROW
440syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPCOMMAND
441syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPCONTEXT
442syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPEVENT
443syn keyword baanConstant EVTHELPEVENTMASK
444syn keyword baanConstant EVTIOEVENT
445syn keyword baanConstant EVTIOEVENTMASK
446syn keyword baanConstant EVTKEYPRESS
447syn keyword baanConstant EVTKEYPRESSMASK
448syn keyword baanConstant EVTKILLEVENT
449syn keyword baanConstant EVTLEAVENOTIFY
450syn keyword baanConstant EVTLEAVENOTIFYMASK
451syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONACTIVATE
452syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONSELECTION
453syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXREASONTEXT
454syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXSELECT
455syn keyword baanConstant EVTLISTBOXSELECTMASK
456syn keyword baanConstant EVTLOCKMASK
457syn keyword baanConstant EVTMAXSIZE
458syn keyword baanConstant EVTMENUSELECT
459syn keyword baanConstant EVTMENUSELECTMASK
460syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOD1MASK
461syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOVEWINDOW
462syn keyword baanConstant EVTMOVEWINDOWMASK
463syn keyword baanConstant EVTNAVIGATOREVENT
464syn keyword baanConstant EVTNAVIGATOREVENTMASK
465syn keyword baanConstant EVTNOEVENTMASK
466syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEAUTOMATION
467syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLECLOSE
468syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLECREATEINSTANCE
469syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEDATACHANGED
470syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEEVENT
471syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEEVENTMASK
472syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEHIDEWINDOW
473syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLELOADDATA
474syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLELOCKSERVER
476syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEOBJECTWINDOWVISIBLE
477syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLERELEASED
478syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESAVEDATA
479syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESETHOSTNAMES
480syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESHOWOBJECT
481syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLESHOWWINDOW
482syn keyword baanConstant EVTOLEUNLOCKSERVER
483syn keyword baanConstant EVTOPTIONSELECT
484syn keyword baanConstant EVTPROCESSEVENT
485syn keyword baanConstant EVTPUSHBUTTON
486syn keyword baanConstant EVTRADIOBOXMASK
487syn keyword baanConstant EVTRADIOBOXSELECT
488syn keyword baanConstant EVTRESIZEWINDOW
489syn keyword baanConstant EVTRESIZEWINDOWMASK
490syn keyword baanConstant EVTRUNPROGEXIT
491syn keyword baanConstant EVTSCROLLBARSELECT
492syn keyword baanConstant EVTSCROLLBARSELECTMASK
493syn keyword baanConstant EVTSETFOCUS
494syn keyword baanConstant EVTSETFOCUSMASK
495syn keyword baanConstant EVTSHIFTMASK
496syn keyword baanConstant EVTSLIDERSELECT
497syn keyword baanConstant EVTSLIDERSELECTMASK
498syn keyword baanConstant EVTSOCKHASDATA
499syn keyword baanConstant EVTSOCKIOERROR
500syn keyword baanConstant EVTTABSELECT
501syn keyword baanConstant EVTTABSELECTMASK
502syn keyword baanConstant EVTTERMINATION
503syn keyword baanConstant EVTTERMINATIONMASK
504syn keyword baanConstant EVTTIMEREVENT
505syn keyword baanConstant EVTTIMEREVENTMASK
506syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONACTIVATE
507syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONACTIVATEMASK
508syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONCOLLAPSE
509syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONCOLLAPSEMASK
510syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONEXPAND
511syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONEXPANDMASK
512syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONSELECT
513syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREEREASONSELECTMASK
514syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREESELECT
515syn keyword baanConstant EVTTREESELECTMASK
516syn keyword baanConstant EXDEV
517syn keyword baanConstant EXPLICIT.MODELESS
518syn keyword baanConstant EXTEND_APPEND
519syn keyword baanConstant EXTEND_OVERWRITE
520syn keyword baanConstant F.ASK.HELPINFO
521syn keyword baanConstant F.BACKTAB
522syn keyword baanConstant F.BMS
523syn keyword baanConstant F.HELP.INDEX
524syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.FLD
525syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.OBJ
526syn keyword baanConstant F.NEXT.OCC
527syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.FLD
528syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.OBJ
529syn keyword baanConstant F.PREV.OCC
530syn keyword baanConstant F.RESIZE
531syn keyword baanConstant F.RETURN
532syn keyword baanConstant F.SCROLL
533syn keyword baanConstant F.SELECT.FIELD
534syn keyword baanConstant F.SELECT.OPTION
535syn keyword baanConstant F.TAB
536syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.CHOICE
537syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.FIELD
538syn keyword baanConstant F.TO.FORM
539syn keyword baanConstant F.ZOOM
540syn keyword baanConstant FALSE
541syn keyword baanConstant FC.CURR.FIELD
542syn keyword baanConstant FC.FIRST.FIELD
543syn keyword baanConstant FC.FIRST.FORM
544syn keyword baanConstant FC.FRM.WINDOW
545syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.HEIGHT.FORM
546syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.SELECTED.FIELD
547syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.SELECTED.OCC
548syn keyword baanConstant FC.GET.WIDTH.FORM
549syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIELD
550syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIRST.FLD
551syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FIRST.FORM
552syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.FORM
553syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.NEXT.FLD
554syn keyword baanConstant FC.GOTO.NEXT.FORM
555syn keyword baanConstant FC.GRA.WINDOW
556syn keyword baanConstant FC.KYS.WINDOW
557syn keyword baanConstant FC.LAST.FIELD
558syn keyword baanConstant FC.LAST.FORM
559syn keyword baanConstant FC.MAKE.FLD.CURR
560syn keyword baanConstant FC.MOVE.FORM
561syn keyword baanConstant FC.NEXT.FIELD
562syn keyword baanConstant FC.NEXT.FORM
563syn keyword baanConstant FC.OPT.WINDOW
564syn keyword baanConstant FC.PREV.FIELD
565syn keyword baanConstant FC.PREV.FORM
566syn keyword baanConstant FC.RESIZE.FORM
567syn keyword baanConstant FC.REST.FRM.ST
568syn keyword baanConstant FC.RPT.WINDOW
569syn keyword baanConstant FC.SAVE.FRM.ST
570syn keyword baanConstant FC.SAVE.SELECT
571syn keyword baanConstant FC.SEL.FIELD
572syn keyword baanConstant FC.SEL.FORM
573syn keyword baanConstant FC.SWITCH.ORDER.OFF
574syn keyword baanConstant FC.SWITCH.ORDER.ON
575syn keyword baanConstant FC.TEXT.MAIL.WINDOW
576syn keyword baanConstant FIND.DATA
577syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.FRM
578syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.SET
579syn keyword baanConstant FIRST.VIEW
580syn keyword baanConstant FLDCHANGED
581syn keyword baanConstant FLDKEYPRESS
582syn keyword baanConstant FORM.TAB.CHANGE
583syn keyword baanConstant GET.DEFAULTS
584syn keyword baanConstant GETS_ALL_CHARS
585syn keyword baanConstant GETS_NORMAL
586syn keyword baanConstant GETS_SKIP_ALL
587syn keyword baanConstant GLOBAL.COPY
588syn keyword baanConstant GLOBAL.DELETE
589syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ABOUT
590syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ARG_LEN
591syn keyword baanConstant HELP_BITMAP
592syn keyword baanConstant HELP_BLOCK
593syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CHOICE
594syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_IMAGE_NOTLOADED
595syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_IMAGE_READY
596syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_NEW_ARGS
597syn keyword baanConstant HELP_CLIENT_NEW_INFO
598syn keyword baanConstant HELP_COMMANDS
599syn keyword baanConstant HELP_DOMAIN
600syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ENUM
601syn keyword baanConstant HELP_EXTERNAL
602syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FORM
603syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FORMFIELD
604syn keyword baanConstant HELP_FROM_INDEX
605syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GEM
606syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GIF
607syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GLOSSARY
608syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GOTO
609syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GOTOBLOCK
610syn keyword baanConstant HELP_GO_SYS_DEPENDANT
611syn keyword baanConstant HELP_HPGL
612syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION
613syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION2
614syn keyword baanConstant HELP_IFUNCTION3
615syn keyword baanConstant HELP_INDEX
616syn keyword baanConstant HELP_LABEL
617syn keyword baanConstant HELP_LABELHELP
618syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MARK
619syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAXTYPE
620syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_ARGS
621syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_HIST
622syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MAX_IMAGE
623syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MENU
624syn keyword baanConstant HELP_MESSAGE
625syn keyword baanConstant HELP_ORGANIZER
626syn keyword baanConstant HELP_POPUP_TYPE
627syn keyword baanConstant HELP_POSTSCRIPT
628syn keyword baanConstant HELP_QUESTION
629syn keyword baanConstant HELP_REFERENCE
630syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION
631syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION2
632syn keyword baanConstant HELP_RELATION_DIAGRAM
633syn keyword baanConstant HELP_REPORT
634syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SESSION
635syn keyword baanConstant HELP_STARTSESSION
636syn keyword baanConstant HELP_STARTSHELL
637syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SUBFUNCTION
638syn keyword baanConstant HELP_SYSTEM_DEPENDANT
639syn keyword baanConstant HELP_TABLE
640syn keyword baanConstant HELP_TABLEFIELD
641syn keyword baanConstant HELP_USING
642syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_APPLICABLE
643syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_DERIVED
644syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_MANDATORY
645syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_READONLY
646syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_IS_VALID
647syn keyword baanConstant HOOK_UPDATE
648syn keyword baanConstant INCLUDE_ENUMS
649syn keyword baanConstant INTERRUPT
650syn keyword baanConstant LAST.FRM
651syn keyword baanConstant LAST.SET
652syn keyword baanConstant LAST.VIEW
653syn keyword baanConstant MARK.ABORT
654syn keyword baanConstant MARK.DELETE
655syn keyword baanConstant MARK.GOTO.NEXT
656syn keyword baanConstant MARK.GOTO.PREV
657syn keyword baanConstant MARK.OCCUR
658syn keyword baanConstant MARK.SHOW.OPT
659syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TAG
660syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TAG.ALL
661syn keyword baanConstant MARK.TO.CHOICE
662syn keyword baanConstant MARK.UNTAG
663syn keyword baanConstant MARK.UNTAG.ALL
664syn keyword baanConstant MARKONE.ACCEPT
665syn keyword baanConstant MSG.ALL
666syn keyword baanConstant MSG.ERROR
667syn keyword baanConstant MSG.INFO
668syn keyword baanConstant MSG.WARNING
669syn keyword baanConstant MSG.SUCCESS
670syn keyword baanConstant MODAL
671syn keyword baanConstant MODAL_OVERVIEW
672syn keyword baanConstant MODELESS
673syn keyword baanConstant MODELESS_ALWAYS
674syn keyword baanConstant MODIFY.SET
675syn keyword baanConstant MULTI_OCC
676syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.FRM
677syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.SET
678syn keyword baanConstant NEXT.VIEW
679syn keyword baanConstant NO.PERM.DEFINED
680syn keyword baanConstant NO.PERMISSION
681syn keyword baanConstant NO.RESTRICTION
682syn keyword baanConstant NO.ROLLBACK
683syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.INIT
684syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.OBJECT.CREATED
685syn keyword baanConstant OLESVR.OBJECT.DESTROYED
686syn keyword baanConstant OS_OS400
687syn keyword baanConstant OS_UNIX
688syn keyword baanConstant OS_WINDOWS_95
689syn keyword baanConstant OS_WINDOWS_NT
690syn keyword baanConstant PERM.DELETE
691syn keyword baanConstant PERM.MODIFY
692syn keyword baanConstant PERM.READ
693syn keyword baanConstant PERM.UNKNOWN
694syn keyword baanConstant PERM.WRITE
695syn keyword baanConstant PI
696syn keyword baanConstant PREV.FRM
697syn keyword baanConstant PREV.SET
698syn keyword baanConstant PREV.VIEW
699syn keyword baanConstant PRINT.DATA
700syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.BAR
701syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.CANCEL
702syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.NOAUTODESTROY
703syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.RESIZEABLE
704syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.STOP
705syn keyword baanConstant PROGRESS.TIMER
706syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL
707syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.END.TRACE
708syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.EXECUTE
709syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.FIELD.OPTION
710syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.GET.DATA
711syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.GET.DATA.ANSWER
712syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.MASK
713syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.PUT.DATA
714syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.START.TRACE
715syn keyword baanConstant PRTCL.UNKNOWN
716syn keyword baanConstant PSMAXSIZE
717syn keyword baanConstant QSS.EQLE
718syn keyword baanConstant QSS.EQUAL
719syn keyword baanConstant QSS.FIRST
720syn keyword baanConstant QSS.GT
721syn keyword baanConstant QSS.GTEQ
722syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LAST
723syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LESS
724syn keyword baanConstant QSS.LOOKUP.FOR.STRUCT
725syn keyword baanConstant QSS.NE
726syn keyword baanConstant QSS.SRC.DUPL.ALLOWED
727syn keyword baanConstant QSS.SRC.IS.SORTED
728syn keyword baanConstant RDI.CENTER
729syn keyword baanConstant RDI.LEFT
730syn keyword baanConstant RDI.LOWER
731syn keyword baanConstant RDI.NONE
732syn keyword baanConstant RDI.RIGHT
733syn keyword baanConstant RDI.UPPER
734syn keyword baanConstant RECOVER.SET
735syn keyword baanConstant RESIZE.FRM
736syn keyword baanConstant RESTART.INPUT
737syn keyword baanConstant ROTATE.CURR
738syn keyword baanConstant RP_IPCINFO_FLAG
739syn keyword baanConstant RP_INPROC
740syn keyword baanConstant RP_NOWAIT
741syn keyword baanConstant RP_NOWAIT_WITH_EVENT
742syn keyword baanConstant RP_WAIT
743syn keyword baanConstant RUN.JOB
744syn keyword baanConstant SAVE.DEFAULTS
745syn keyword baanConstant SBADJUST
746syn keyword baanConstant SBCONFIRM
747syn keyword baanConstant SBDOWN
748syn keyword baanConstant SBEND
749syn keyword baanConstant SBHOME
750syn keyword baanConstant SBMOVE
751syn keyword baanConstant SBPGDOWN
752syn keyword baanConstant SBPGUP
753syn keyword baanConstant SBPRESS
754syn keyword baanConstant SBRELEASE
755syn keyword baanConstant SBUP
756syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_F_R_LCK
757syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_F_W_LCK
758syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_R_LCK
759syn keyword baanConstant SEQ_W_LCK
760syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_NO_PERMISSION
761syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_DELETE_PERMISSION
762syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_INSERT_PERMISSION
763syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_MODIFY_PERMISSION
764syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_DISPLAY_PERMISSION
765syn keyword baanConstant SESSION_PRINT_PERMISSION
766syn keyword baanConstant SINGLE_OCC
767syn keyword baanConstant ST.ADD.SET
768syn keyword baanConstant ST.BITSET
769syn keyword baanConstant ST.BITSET.ZOOM
770syn keyword baanConstant ST.BRP.RUN
771syn keyword baanConstant ST.BRP.SEND
772syn keyword baanConstant ST.DEF.FIND
773syn keyword baanConstant ST.DOUBLE
774syn keyword baanConstant ST.DOUBLE.ZOOM
775syn keyword baanConstant ST.DUPL.OCCUR
776syn keyword baanConstant ST.ENUM
777syn keyword baanConstant ST.ENUM.ZOOM
778syn keyword baanConstant ST.FIND.DATA
779syn keyword baanConstant ST.FIRST.SET
780syn keyword baanConstant ST.LAST.SET
781syn keyword baanConstant ST.MARK.DELETE
782syn keyword baanConstant ST.MARK.OCCUR
783syn keyword baanConstant ST.MB
784syn keyword baanConstant ST.MB.ZOOM
785syn keyword baanConstant ST.MODIFY.SET
786syn keyword baanConstant ST.MULTI.2
787syn keyword baanConstant ST.MULTI.3
788syn keyword baanConstant ST.NUM.ZOOM
789syn keyword baanConstant ST.NUMERIC
790syn keyword baanConstant ST.PROG.BUSY
791syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.1
792syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.3
793syn keyword baanConstant ST.SINGLE.4
794syn keyword baanConstant ST.SORT
795syn keyword baanConstant ST.STRING
796syn keyword baanConstant ST.STRING.ZOOM
797syn keyword baanConstant ST.TEXT
798syn keyword baanConstant ST.TEXT.ZOOM
799syn keyword baanConstant ST.TIME
800syn keyword baanConstant ST.TIME.ZOOM
801syn keyword baanConstant ST.UPDATE.DB
802syn keyword baanConstant ST.ZOOM
803syn keyword baanConstant START.CHART
804syn keyword baanConstant START.QUERY
805syn keyword baanConstant START.SET
806syn keyword baanConstant STAT_EXECUTABLE
807syn keyword baanConstant STAT_READABLE
808syn keyword baanConstant STAT_WRITEABLE
809syn keyword baanConstant SUBDAL
810syn keyword baanConstant TDIR
811syn keyword baanConstant TEXT.MANAGER
812syn keyword baanConstant TFILE
813syn keyword baanConstant TRUE
814syn keyword baanConstant UPDATE.DB
815syn keyword baanConstant USER.0
816syn keyword baanConstant USER.1
817syn keyword baanConstant USER.2
818syn keyword baanConstant USER.3
819syn keyword baanConstant USER.4
820syn keyword baanConstant USER.5
821syn keyword baanConstant USER.6
822syn keyword baanConstant USER.7
823syn keyword baanConstant USER.8
824syn keyword baanConstant USER.9
825syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.DIALOG
826syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.LIST
827syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MMTCONTROLLER
828syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MMTSATELLITE
829syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MODAL.MENU
830syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.MODELESS.MENU
831syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.NONE
832syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.PARAMETER
833syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.SYNCHRONIZED
834syn keyword baanConstant WINDOW.WIZARD
835syn keyword baanConstant WITH.ROLLBACK
836syn keyword baanConstant WU.DLL
837syn keyword baanConstant WU.DOMA
838syn keyword baanConstant WU.FLDN
839syn keyword baanConstant WU.LANGOPT
840syn keyword baanConstant WU.MESS
841syn keyword baanConstant WU.QUES
842syn keyword baanConstant WU.SESS
843syn keyword baanConstant WU.TABL
844syn keyword baanConstant XML_DATA
845syn keyword baanConstant XML_DTD
846syn keyword baanConstant XML_ELEMENT
847syn keyword baanConstant XML_PI
848syn keyword baanConstant Z.AUTOACCEPT
849syn keyword baanConstant Z.AUTOZOOM
850syn keyword baanConstant Z.MENU
851syn keyword baanConstant Z.SESSION
852syn keyword baanConstant ZOOM
855"************************************* 4GL ************************************"
856" Program section
857syn match baan4glh "declaration:"
858syn match baan4glh "functions:"
859syn match baan4glh "before\.program:"
860syn match baan4glh "on\.error:"
861syn match baan4glh "after\.program:"
862syn match baan4glh "after\.update.db.commit:"
863syn match baan4glh "before\.display\.object:"
865" Form section
866syn match baan4glh "form\.\d\+:"
867syn match baan4glh "form\.all:"
868syn match baan4glh "form\.other:"
869syn match baan4gl  "init\.form:"
870syn match baan4gl  "before\.form:"
871syn match baan4gl  "after\.form:"
873" Choice section
874syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.set:"
875syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.view:"
876syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.view:"
877syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.view:"
878syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.view:"
879syn match baan4glh "choice\.def\.find:"
880syn match baan4glh "choice\.find\.data:"
881syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.set:"
882syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.set:"
883syn match baan4glh "choice\.display\.set:"
884syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.set:"
885syn match baan4glh "choice\.rotate\.curr:"
886syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.set:"
887syn match baan4glh "choice\.add\.set:"
888syn match baan4glh "choice\.update\.db:"
889syn match baan4glh "choice\.dupl\.occur:"
890syn match baan4glh "choice\.recover\.set:"
891syn match baan4glh "choice\.mark\.delete:"
892syn match baan4glh "choice\.mark\.occur:"
893syn match baan4glh "choice\.change\.order:"
894syn match baan4glh "choice\.modify\.set:"
895syn match baan4glh "choice\.restart\.input:"
896syn match baan4glh "choice\.print\.data:"
897syn match baan4glh "choice\.create\.job:"
898syn match baan4glh "choice\.form\.tab\.change:"
899syn match baan4glh "choice\.first\.frm:"
900syn match baan4glh "choice\.next\.frm:"
901syn match baan4glh "choice\.prev\.frm:"
902syn match baan4glh "choice\.last\.frm:"
903syn match baan4glh "choice\.resize\.frm:"
904syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.options:"
905syn match baan4glh "choice\.zoom:"
906syn match baan4glh "choice\.interrupt:"
907syn match baan4glh "choice\.end\.program:"
908syn match baan4glh "choice\.abort\.program:"
909syn match baan4glh "choice\.cont\.process:"
910syn match baan4glh "choice\.text\.manager:"
911syn match baan4glh "choice\.run\.job:"
912syn match baan4glh "choice\.global\.delete:"
913syn match baan4glh "choice\.global\.copy:"
914syn match baan4glh "choice\.save\.defaults"
915syn match baan4glh "choice\.get\.defaults:"
916syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.chart:"
917syn match baan4glh "choice\.start\.query:"
918syn match baan4glh "choice\.user\.\d:"
919syn match baan4glh "choice\.ask\.helpinfo:"
920syn match baan4glh "choice\.calculator:"
921syn match baan4glh "choice\.calendar:"
922syn match baan4glh "choice\.bms:"
923syn match baan4glh "choice\.cmd\.whats\.this:"
924syn match baan4glh "choice\.help\.index:"
925syn match baan4gl  "before\.choice:"
926syn match baan4gl  "on\.choice:"
927syn match baan4gl  "after\.choice:"
929" Field section
930syn match baan4glh "field\.\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.\=c\=:"
931syn match baan4glh "field\.e\..\+:"
932syn match baan4glh "field\.all:"
933syn match baan4glh "field\.other:"
934syn match baan4gl  "init\.field:"
935syn match baan4gl  "before\.field:"
936syn match baan4gl  "before\.input:"
937syn match baan4gl  "before\.display:"
938syn match baan4gl "selection\.filter:"
939syn match baan4gl  "before\.zoom:"
940syn match baan4gl  "before\.checks:"
941syn match baan4gl  "domain\.error:"
942syn match baan4gl  "ref\.input:"
943syn match baan4gl  "ref\.display:"
944syn match baan4gl  "check\.input:"
945syn match baan4gl  "on\.input:"
946syn match baan4gl  "when\.field\.changes:"
947syn match baan4gl  "after\.zoom:"
948syn match baan4gl  "after\.input:"
949syn match baan4gl  "after\.display:"
950syn match baan4gl  "after\.field:"
952" Group section
953syn match baan4glh "group\.\d\+:"
954syn match baan4gl "init\.group:"
955syn match baan4gl "before\.group:"
956syn match baan4gl "after\.group:"
958" Zoom section
959syn match baan4glh "zoom\.from\..\+:"
960syn match baan4gl "on\.entry:"
961syn match baan4gl "on\.exit:"
963" Main table section
964syn match baan4glh "main\.table\.io:"
965syn match baan4gl "before\.read:"
966syn match baan4gl "after\.read:"
967syn match baan4gl "before\.write:"
968syn match baan4gl "after\.write:"
969syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.write:"
970syn match baan4gl "before\.rewrite:"
971syn match baan4gl "after\.rewrite:"
972syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.rewrite:"
973syn match baan4gl "before\.delete:"
974syn match baan4gl "after\.delete:"
975syn match baan4gl "after\.skip\.delete:"
976syn match baan4gl "read\.view:"
978"**************************** Dal Hooks ********************************
979syn keyword baanDalHook after.abort.transaction after.commit.transaction after.destroy.object
980syn keyword baanDalHook after.change.object after.get.object after.new.object after.save.object before.change.object
981syn keyword baanDalHook before.destroy.object before.get.object before.new.object before.open.object.set before.save.object
982syn keyword baanDalHook method.is.allowed set.object.defaults
984syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.check"
985syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.valid"
986syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.applicable"
987syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.never.applicable"
988syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.derived"
989syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.readonly"
990syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.is.mandatory"
991syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.make.valid"
992syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\.update"
993syn match baanDalHook "\l\{5}\d\{3}\.\l\{4,8}\..*\.is.applicable"
996"number without a dot."
997syn match  baanNumber		"\<\-\=\d\+\>"
998"number with dot"
999syn match  baanNumber		"\<\-\=\d\+\.\d*\>"
1000"number starting with a dot"
1001syn match  baanNumber		"\<\-\=\.\d\+\>"
1003" String Error does not work correct with vim 6.0
1004syn match   baanOpenStringError +^[^^"]+ display contained excludenl
1005syn region  baanString	start=+"+  skip=+""+  end=+"+ end=+^[^^]+ contains=baanOpenStringError keepend
1007" Comment"
1008syn match   baanComment "|$"
1009syn match   baanComment "|.$"
1010syn match   baanComment "|[^ ]"
1011syn match   baanComment	"|[^#].*[^ ]"
1012syn match   baanCommenth "^|#lra.*$"
1013syn match   baanCommenth "^|#mdm.*$"
1014syn match   baanCommenth "^|#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*$"
1015syn match   baanCommenth "^|#N\=o\=Include.*$"
1016" Oldcode"
1017syn match   baanUncommented	"^|[^*#].*[^ ]"
1018" DLL section
1019" SpaceError"
1020syn match    baanSpaces	" "
1021syn match    baanSpaceError	"\s*$"
1022syn match    baanSpaceError	"        "
1024" Baan error"
1026if exists("baan_code_stds") && baan_code_stds
1027syn match  BaanError	"^\s*i\..*=\s*\(\k\|\"\)*\s*$"		"assignment of an input var"
1028syn match  BaanError	"^\s*ref.*\s[ilse]\..*$"		" ref variable defined with i, l, e and s"
1029syn match  BaanError	"^\s*const.*\s[olse]\..*$"		" const variable defined with o, l, e and s"
1030syn match  BaanError	"^\s*static.*\s\(i\|g\|l\|o\|io\)\..*$"	" static defined without s."
1031syn match  BaanError	"^\s*\(domain\s\|long\s\|string\s\).*\so\.\k*[,)]"	" ref variable without ref"
1032syn match  BaanError	"^\s*\(domain\s\|long\s\|string\s\).*\se\.\k*[,)]"	" 'e.' variable without extern"
1033syn match  BaanError	"^\s*i\..*,\s*|\s*ref.*$"	"
1036"**************************** bshell functions ********************************
1037syn match   baanBshell "\<shiftl\$"
1038syn match   baanBshell "\<shiftr\$"
1039syn match   baanBshell "\<shiftc\$"
1040syn match   baanBshell "\<strip\$"
1041syn match   baanBshell "\<tolower\$"
1042syn match   baanBshell "\<toupper\$"
1043syn keyword baanBshell isdigit
1044syn keyword baanBshell isspace
1045syn match   baanBshell "\<chr\$"
1046syn keyword baanBshell len.in.bytes
1047syn keyword baanBshell rpos
1048syn match   baanBshell "\<sprintf\$"
1049syn match   baanBshell "\<vsprintf\$"
1050syn match   baanBshell "\<concat\$"
1051syn keyword baanBshell gregdate
1052syn match   baanBshell "\<w.to.dat\$"
1053syn keyword baanBshell ttyname
1054syn match   baanBshell "\<ttyname\$"
1055syn match   baanBshell "\<creat.tmp.file\$"
1056syn match   baanBshell "\<string.set\$"
1057syn keyword baanBshell string.scan
1058syn keyword baanBshell not.fixed
1059syn keyword baanBshell dummy
1060syn keyword baanBshell alloc.mem
1061syn keyword baanBshell free.mem
1062syn keyword baanBshell copy.mem
1063syn keyword baanBshell cmp.mem
1064syn keyword baanBshell set.mem
1065syn keyword baanBshell num.to.date
1066syn keyword baanBshell date.to.num
1067syn keyword baanBshell num.to.week
1068syn keyword baanBshell week.to.num
1069syn match   baanBshell "\<num.to.date\$"
1070syn keyword baanBshell expr.compile
1071syn keyword baanBshell l.expr
1072syn keyword baanBshell d.expr
1073syn match   baanBshell "\<s.expr\$"
1074syn keyword baanBshell expr.free
1075syn keyword baanBshell compnr.check
1076syn match   baanBshell "\<bse.dir\$"
1077syn match   baanBshell "\<bse.tmp.dir\$"
1078syn match   baanBshell "\<bse.release\$"
1079syn match   baanBshell "\<bse.portset\$"
1080syn match   baanBshell "\<getenv\$"
1081syn keyword baanBshell base.extern
1082syn keyword baanBshell at.base
1083syn keyword baanBshell get.compnr
1084syn keyword baanBshell base.next
1085syn keyword baanBshell get.argc
1086syn keyword baanBshell get.long.arg
1087syn keyword baanBshell get.double.arg
1088syn keyword baanBshell get.string.arg
1089syn keyword baanBshell get.arg.type
1090syn keyword baanBshell put.long.arg
1091syn keyword baanBshell put.double.arg
1092syn keyword baanBshell put.string.arg
1093syn keyword baanBshell setenv
1094syn keyword baanBshell cmp.password
1095syn match   baanBshell "\<crypt.password\$"
1096syn keyword baanBshell is.password.ok
1097syn keyword baanBshell block.cipher.encrypt
1098syn keyword baanBshell block.cipher.decrypt
1099syn keyword baanBshell encrypt.user.password
1100syn keyword baanBshell verify.user.password
1101syn keyword baanBshell asm.put.instance.id
1102syn match   baanBshell "\<date.to.inputstr\$"
1103syn keyword baanBshell inputstr.to.date
1104syn match   baanBshell "\<hostname\$"
1105syn keyword baanBshell base64.encode
1106syn keyword baanBshell base64.decode
1107syn keyword baanBshell sha.create
1108syn keyword baanBshell sha.initialize
1109syn keyword baanBshell sha.add.data
1110syn keyword baanBshell sha.compute.output
1111syn keyword baanBshell sha.destroy
1112syn match   baanBshell "\<uuid.generate\$"
1113syn match   baanBshell "\<uuid.format\$"
1114syn keyword baanBshell resolve.labels.by.lookupkey
1115syn keyword baanBshell resolve.labels.by.codepair
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1122syn match   baanBshell "\<mb.ext.clean\$"
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1126syn keyword baanBshell mb.export.raw
1127syn keyword baanBshell uni.import
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1129syn keyword baanBshell utf8.import
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1147syn keyword baanBshell mb.char.info
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1162syn keyword baanBshell sinh
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1168syn keyword baanBshell srand
1169syn keyword baanBshell rnd.init
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1180syn match   baanBshell "\<deleteln\$"
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1211syn keyword baanBshell wrebuild
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1222syn keyword baanBshell unlink.keyboard
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1260syn keyword baanBshell add.ref.arg
1261syn keyword baanBshell delete.arg
1262syn keyword baanBshell print.arglist
1263syn keyword baanBshell destroy.arglist
1264syn keyword baanBshell get.object.class.list
1265syn keyword baanBshell get.object.class
1266syn keyword baanBshell get.sub.object.class
1267syn keyword baanBshell get.resource.class
1268syn keyword baanBshell get.event.class
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1314syn keyword baanBshell which.gpart
1315syn keyword baanBshell which.gparts
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1317syn keyword baanBshell get.gpart.gc
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1323syn keyword baanBshell prev.gpart
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1326syn keyword baanBshell get.gpart
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1346syn keyword baanBshell shell
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1348syn keyword baanBshell argc
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1353syn keyword baanBshell get.indexed.var
1354syn keyword baanBshell put.indexed.var
1355syn keyword baanBshell on.change.check
1356syn keyword baanBshell off.change.check
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1366syn keyword baanBshell oipstat
1367syn keyword baanBshell obj_in_core
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1379syn keyword baanBshell retry.level
1380syn keyword baanBshell get.bw.hostname
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1382syn match   baanBshell "\<dte\$"
1383syn keyword baanBshell times.on
1384syn keyword baanBshell times.off
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1386syn keyword baanBshell times.total
1387syn keyword baanBshell times.lines
1388syn keyword baanBshell date.num
1389syn keyword baanBshell time.num
1390syn keyword baanBshell date.time.utc
1391syn keyword baanBshell utc.to.local
1392syn keyword baanBshell local.to.utc
1393syn keyword baanBshell input.field
1394syn keyword baanBshell output.field
1395syn keyword baanBshell key.to.option
1396syn keyword baanBshell option.to.key
1397syn keyword baanBshell get.choice.data
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1402syn keyword baanBshell read.form
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1448syn keyword baanBshell set.fmin
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1462syn keyword baanBshell mkdir
1463syn keyword baanBshell rmdir
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1470syn keyword baanBshell store.long
1471syn keyword baanBshell store.float
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1475syn keyword baanBshell load.long
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1488syn keyword baanBshell seq.eof
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1509syn keyword baanBshell seq.w.short
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1511syn keyword baanBshell seq.unlock
1512syn keyword baanBshell seq.islocked
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1521syn keyword baanBshell pipe.eof
1522syn keyword baanBshell pipe.error
1523syn keyword baanBshell sock.connect
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1526syn keyword baanBshell sock.recv
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1529syn keyword baanBshell sock.close
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1532syn keyword baanBshell sock.eof
1533syn keyword baanBshell sock.error
1534syn keyword baanBshell get.system.info
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1536syn keyword baanBshell get.db.system.info
1537syn keyword baanBshell path.is.absolute
1538syn keyword baanBshell make.path.absolute
1539syn keyword baanBshell fstat.info
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1543syn keyword baanBshell dir.entry
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1562syn keyword baanBshell ims.w.long
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1564syn keyword baanBshell ims.w.short
1565syn keyword baanBshell ims.openfba
1566syn keyword baanBshell ims.openvba
1567syn keyword baanBshell ims.getproperties
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1578syn keyword baanBshell db.prev
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1580syn keyword baanBshell db.ge
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1583syn keyword baanBshell db.lt
1584syn keyword baanBshell db.le
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1595syn keyword baanBshell db.change.order
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1597syn keyword baanBshell db.clear.table
1598syn keyword baanBshell db.drop.table
1599syn keyword baanBshell db.lock.table
1600syn keyword baanBshell db.table.begin.import
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1602syn keyword baanBshell db.table.update.statistics
1603syn keyword baanBshell db.indexinfo
1604syn keyword baanBshell db.nr.indices
1605syn keyword baanBshell db.nr.rows
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1612syn keyword baanBshell db.columns.to.record
1613syn keyword baanBshell db.schedule
1614syn keyword baanBshell db.permission
1615syn keyword baanBshell db.set.notransaction
1616syn keyword baanBshell db.set.transaction
1617syn keyword baanBshell db.set.child.transaction
1618syn keyword baanBshell get.db.permission
1619syn keyword baanBshell get.session.permission
1620syn keyword baanBshell ams.control
1621syn keyword baanBshell db.get.old.row
1622syn keyword baanBshell db.max.retry
1623syn keyword baanBshell sql.parse
1624syn keyword baanBshell sql.select.bind
1625syn keyword baanBshell sql.where.bind
1626syn keyword baanBshell sql.bind.input
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1628syn keyword baanBshell sql.fetch
1629syn keyword baanBshell sql.break
1630syn keyword baanBshell sql.close
1631syn keyword baanBshell sql.error
1632syn keyword baanBshell sql.set.rds.full
1633syn keyword baanBshell rdi.table
1634syn keyword baanBshell rdi.index
1635syn keyword baanBshell rdi.column
1636syn keyword baanBshell rdi.table.column
1637syn keyword baanBshell rdi.reference
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1639syn keyword baanBshell rdi.domain
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1641syn keyword baanBshell rdi.domain.double
1642syn keyword baanBshell rdi.domain.string
1643syn keyword baanBshell rdi.domain.raw
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1645syn keyword baanBshell rdi.domain.enum.value
1646syn keyword baanBshell rdi.domain.combined
1647syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.info
1648syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.dlls
1649syn keyword baanBshell rdi.ref.route
1650syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.subject.info
1651syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.subject
1652syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.key
1653syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.form
1654syn keyword baanBshell rdi.session.textfield
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1660syn keyword baanBshell rdi.option.short
1661syn keyword baanBshell rdi.vrc.path
1662syn keyword baanBshell rdi.audit.hosts
1663syn keyword baanBshell rdi.table.sequence
1664syn keyword baanBshell iget.fld.attr
1665syn keyword baanBshell sget.fld.attr
1666syn keyword baanBshell iget.frm.attr
1667syn keyword baanBshell sget.frm.attr
1668syn keyword baanBshell iput.fld.attr
1669syn keyword baanBshell sput.fld.attr
1670syn keyword baanBshell iput.frm.attr
1671syn keyword baanBshell put.var.to.field
1672syn keyword baanBshell get.var.from.field
1673syn match   baanBshell "\<rdi.etoc\$"
1674syn keyword baanBshell rdi.ctoe
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1677syn keyword baanBshell get.cust.name
1678syn keyword baanBshell get.mach.id
1679syn keyword baanBshell fsum
1680syn match   baanBshell "\<get.resource\$"
1681syn keyword baanBshell qss.sort
1682syn keyword baanBshell qss.search
1683syn keyword baanBshell load_dll
1684syn keyword baanBshell exec_dll_function
1685syn keyword baanBshell get_function
1686syn keyword baanBshell exec_function
1687syn keyword baanBshell parse_and_exec_function
1688syn keyword baanBshell pty.open
1689syn keyword baanBshell pty.close
1690syn keyword baanBshell pty.read
1691syn keyword baanBshell pty.write
1692syn keyword baanBshell pty.winsize
1693syn keyword baanBshell pty.winsize.ok
1694syn keyword baanBshell pty.ok
1695syn keyword baanBshell user.exists
1696syn keyword baanBshell group.exists
1697syn keyword baanBshell is.administrator
1698syn keyword baanBshell mtime
1699syn keyword baanBshell getcwd
1700syn keyword baanBshell set.strip.mode
1701syn keyword baanBshell set.symbol.strip.mode
1702syn keyword baanBshell nullify.symbol
1703syn keyword baanBshell bshell.pid
1704syn keyword baanBshell create.new.symbol
1705syn keyword baanBshell push.by.name
1706syn keyword baanBshell array.info
1707syn keyword baanBshell array.to.string
1708syn keyword baanBshell many.to.string
1709syn keyword baanBshell ostype
1710syn keyword baanBshell utc.num
1711syn keyword baanBshell set.time.zone
1712syn keyword baanBshell get.time.zone
1713syn keyword baanBshell run.prog
1714syn keyword baanBshell run.baan.prog
1715syn keyword baanBshell get.status.text
1716syn keyword baanBshell dir.is.available
1717syn keyword baanBshell dir.set.server
1718syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.last.error
1719syn keyword baanBshell dir.init.object
1720syn keyword baanBshell dir.free.object
1721syn keyword baanBshell dir.clear.object
1722syn keyword baanBshell dir.create.object
1723syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.object
1724syn keyword baanBshell dir.remove.object
1725syn keyword baanBshell dir.update.object
1726syn keyword baanBshell dir.init.search
1727syn keyword baanBshell dir.free.search
1728syn keyword baanBshell dir.execute.search
1729syn keyword baanBshell dir.abandon.search
1730syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.first.row
1731syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.next.row
1732syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.prev.row
1733syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.element.count
1734syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.element.name
1735syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.element.type
1736syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.value.count
1737syn keyword baanBshell dir.add.element
1738syn keyword baanBshell dir.add.element.int
1739syn keyword baanBshell dir.add.element.str
1740syn keyword baanBshell dir.add.element.time
1741syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.value.int
1742syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.value.str
1743syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.value.time
1744syn keyword baanBshell dir.get.value.named.str
1745syn keyword baanBshell dir.set.value.int
1746syn keyword baanBshell dir.set.value.str
1747syn keyword baanBshell dir.set.value.time
1748syn keyword baanBshell dir.set.value.named.str
1749syn keyword baanBshell dir.remove.element
1750syn keyword baanBshell dir.find.element
1751syn keyword baanBshell utc.add
1752syn keyword baanBshell type.define
1753syn keyword baanBshell type.free
1754syn keyword baanBshell type.get.fieldnumber
1755syn keyword baanBshell container.create
1756syn keyword baanBshell container.clear
1757syn keyword baanBshell container.resize
1758syn keyword baanBshell container.set.nfields
1759syn keyword baanBshell container.set.ifields
1760syn keyword baanBshell container.set.fields
1761syn keyword baanBshell container.get.nfields
1762syn keyword baanBshell container.get.ifields
1763syn keyword baanBshell container.get.fields
1764syn keyword baanBshell container.actual.size
1765syn keyword baanBshell container.get.actual.size
1766syn keyword baanBshell container.set.actual.size
1767syn keyword baanBshell container.size
1768syn keyword baanBshell container.free
1769syn keyword baanBshell xma.process_next_event
1770syn keyword baanBshell xma.init_instance
1771syn keyword baanBshell fini.service
1772syn keyword baanBshell corba.boa.process_next_event
1773syn keyword baanBshell corba.boa.set_impl
1774syn keyword baanBshell corba.available
1775syn keyword baanBshell corba.orb.string_to_object
1776syn keyword baanBshell corba.orb.release
1777syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.invoke
1778syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.send
1779syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.get_response
1780syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.object
1781syn keyword baanBshell corba.request.delete
1782syn keyword baanBshell set.debug.cpu.opts
1783syn keyword baanBshell get.debug.cpu.opts
1784syn match   baanBshell "\<bsh.mesg\$"
1785syn keyword baanBshell toggle.cpu
1786syn keyword baanBshell cpu.is.debug
1787syn keyword baanBshell set.profprint
1788syn keyword baanBshell art.init
1789syn keyword baanBshell art.define.transaction.class
1790syn keyword baanBshell art.begin.transaction
1791syn keyword baanBshell art.update.transaction
1792syn keyword baanBshell art.end.transaction
1793syn keyword baanBshell java.new.queue
1794syn keyword baanBshell java.destroy.queue
1795syn keyword baanBshell java.install.listener
1796syn keyword baanBshell java.uninstall.listener
1797syn keyword baanBshell java.put.bucket
1798syn keyword baanBshell java.get.bucket
1799syn keyword baanBshell java.lookup.queue
1800syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method
1801syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method.sync
1802syn keyword baanBshell java.execute.static.method.async
1803syn keyword baanBshell xml.write
1804syn keyword baanBshell xml.read
1805syn keyword baanBshell xml.newnode
1806syn keyword baanBshell xml.unlinknode
1807syn keyword baanBshell xml.deletenode
1808syn keyword baanBshell xml.appendchildnode
1809syn keyword baanBshell xml.addnode
1810syn keyword baanBshell xml.insertnode
1811syn keyword baanBshell xml.duplicatenode
1812syn keyword baanBshell xml.setnodeproperties
1813syn keyword baanBshell xml.getnodeproperties
1814syn keyword baanBshell xml.deletenodeproperties
1815syn keyword baanBshell xml.findfirstnode
1816syn keyword baanBshell xml.findnodes
1817syn keyword baanBshell xml.findsetofsiblingnodes
1818syn keyword baanBshell xmlcontainsvalidcharactersonly
1819syn keyword baanBshell xmlwrite
1820syn keyword baanBshell xmlwritepretty
1821syn keyword baanBshell xmlwritetostring
1822syn keyword baanBshell xmlwriteprettytostring
1823syn keyword baanBshell xmlread
1824syn keyword baanBshell xmlreadfromstring
1825syn keyword baanBshell xmlnewnode
1826syn keyword baanBshell xmlnewdataelement
1827syn keyword baanBshell xmlrewritedataelement
1828syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetdataelement
1829syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetname
1830syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetdata
1831syn keyword baanBshell xmlsetattribute
1832syn keyword baanBshell xmldeleteattribute
1833syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetname
1834syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetdata
1835syn keyword baanBshell xmlgettype
1836syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetparent
1837syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetfirstchild
1838syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetlastchild
1839syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetrightsibling
1840syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetleftsibling
1841syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumattributes
1842syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumsiblings
1843syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumleftsiblings
1844syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumrightsiblings
1845syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetnumchilds
1846syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetattribute
1847syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetattributename
1848syn keyword baanBshell xmldelete
1849syn keyword baanBshell xmlunlink
1850syn keyword baanBshell xmlinsert
1851syn keyword baanBshell xmladd
1852syn keyword baanBshell xmlappend
1853syn keyword baanBshell xmlinsertinchilds
1854syn keyword baanBshell xmlappendtochilds
1855syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicate
1856syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandinsert
1857syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandadd
1858syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandappend
1859syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandinsertinchilds
1860syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicateandappendtochilds
1861syn keyword baanBshell xmlduplicatetoprocess
1862syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindfirst
1863syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindfirstmatch
1864syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindmatch
1865syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindnodes
1866syn keyword baanBshell xmlfindsetofsiblingnodes
1867syn keyword baanBshell xmlexecutesql
1868syn keyword baanBshell xmlexecutedllmethod
1869syn keyword baanBshell xmldllsignature
1870syn keyword baanBshell xmlnodetosymbol
1871syn keyword baanBshell xmlputstringtolog
1872syn keyword baanBshell xmlgetlog
1873syn keyword baanBshell xmlcleanuplog
1874syn keyword baanBshell xmlinstallloglistener
1875syn keyword baanBshell xmldeinstallloglistener
1876syn keyword baanBshell xmlinitsql
1877syn keyword baanBshell xmlrefreshsqlcache
1878syn keyword baanBshell xmlstatisticssqlcache
1879syn keyword baanBshell bclm.dump
1880syn keyword baanBshell bclm.init
1881syn keyword baanBshell bclm.requestlicense
1882syn keyword baanBshell bclm.confirmlicense
1883syn keyword baanBshell bclm.releaselicense
1884syn keyword baanBshell bclm.customerdata
1885syn keyword baanBshell bclm.enabledemoperiod
1886syn keyword baanBshell bclm.productidlicensed
1887syn keyword baanBshell bclm.set.desktop
1889" Define the default highlighting.
1890" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
1892hi def link baanConditional	Conditional
1893hi def link baan3gl		Statement
1894hi def link baan3glpre		PreProc
1895hi def link baan4gl		Statement
1896hi def link baan4glh		Statement
1897hi def link baansql		Statement
1898hi def link baansqlh		Statement
1899hi def link baanDalHook		Statement
1900hi def link baanNumber		Number
1901hi def link baanString		String
1902hi def link baanOpenStringError	Error
1903hi def link baanConstant		Constant
1904hi def link baanComment		Comment
1905hi def link baanCommenth		Comment
1906hi def link baanUncommented	Comment
1907hi def link baanDLLUsage		Comment
1908hi def link baanFunUsage		Comment
1909hi def link baanIdentifier		Normal
1910hi def link baanBshell		Function
1911hi def link baanType		Type
1912hi def link baanStorageClass	StorageClass
1915let b:current_syntax = "baan"
1917" vim: ts=8