1" Test for the gf and gF (goto file) commands
3" This is a test if a URL is recognized by "gf", with the cursor before and
4" after the "://".  Also test ":\\".
5func Test_gf_url()
6  enew!
7  call append(0, [
8      \ "first test for URL://machine.name/tmp/vimtest2a and other text",
9      \ "second test for URL://machine.name/tmp/vimtest2b. And other text",
10      \ "third test for URL:\\\\machine.name\\vimtest2c and other text",
11      \ "fourth test for URL:\\\\machine.name\\tmp\\vimtest2d, and other text",
12      \ "fifth test for URL://machine.name/tmp?q=vim&opt=yes and other text",
13      \ "sixth test for URL://machine.name:1234?q=vim and other text",
14      \ ])
15  call cursor(1,1)
16  call search("^first")
17  call search("tmp")
18  call assert_equal("URL://machine.name/tmp/vimtest2a", expand("<cfile>"))
19  call search("^second")
20  call search("URL")
21  call assert_equal("URL://machine.name/tmp/vimtest2b", expand("<cfile>"))
22  if has("ebcdic")
23      set isf=@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,\
24  else
25      set isf=@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,~,\
26  endif
27  call search("^third")
28  call search("name")
29  call assert_equal("URL:\\\\machine.name\\vimtest2c", expand("<cfile>"))
30  call search("^fourth")
31  call search("URL")
32  call assert_equal("URL:\\\\machine.name\\tmp\\vimtest2d", expand("<cfile>"))
34  call search("^fifth")
35  call search("URL")
36  call assert_equal("URL://machine.name/tmp?q=vim&opt=yes", expand("<cfile>"))
38  call search("^sixth")
39  call search("URL")
40  call assert_equal("URL://machine.name:1234?q=vim", expand("<cfile>"))
42  set isf&vim
43  enew!
46func Test_gF()
47  new
48  call setline(1, ['111', '222', '333', '444'])
49  w! Xfile
50  close
51  new
52  set isfname-=:
53  call setline(1, ['one', 'Xfile:3', 'three'])
54  2
55  call assert_fails('normal gF', 'E37:')
56  call assert_equal(2, getcurpos()[1])
57  w! Xfile2
58  normal gF
59  call assert_equal('Xfile', bufname('%'))
60  call assert_equal(3, getcurpos()[1])
62  enew!
63  call setline(1, ['one', 'the Xfile line 2, and more', 'three'])
64  w! Xfile2
65  normal 2GfX
66  normal gF
67  call assert_equal('Xfile', bufname('%'))
68  call assert_equal(2, getcurpos()[1])
70  set isfname&
71  call delete('Xfile')
72  call delete('Xfile2')
73  bwipe Xfile
74  bwipe Xfile2
77" Test for invoking 'gf' on a ${VAR} variable
78func Test_gf()
79  if has("ebcdic")
80    set isfname=@,240-249,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
81  else
82    set isfname=@,48-57,/,.,-,_,+,,,$,:,~,{,}
83  endif
85  call writefile(["Test for gf command"], "Xtest1")
86  if has("unix")
87    call writefile(["    ${CDIR}/Xtest1"], "Xtestgf")
88  else
89    call writefile(["    $TDIR/Xtest1"], "Xtestgf")
90  endif
91  new Xtestgf
92  if has("unix")
93    let $CDIR = "."
94    /CDIR
95  else
96    if has("amiga")
97      let $TDIR = "/testdir"
98    else
99      let $TDIR = "."
100    endif
101    /TDIR
102  endif
104  normal gf
105  call assert_equal('Xtest1', fnamemodify(bufname(''), ":t"))
106  close!
108  call delete('Xtest1')
109  call delete('Xtestgf')
112func Test_gf_visual()
113  call writefile(['one', 'two', 'three', 'four'], "Xtest_gf_visual")
114  new
115  call setline(1, 'XXXtest_gf_visualXXX')
116  set hidden
118  " Visually select Xtest_gf_visual and use gf to go to that file
119  norm! ttvtXgf
120  call assert_equal('Xtest_gf_visual', bufname('%'))
122  " if multiple lines are selected, then gf should fail
123  call setline(1, ["one", "two"])
124  normal VGgf
125  call assert_equal('Xtest_gf_visual', @%)
127  " following line number is used for gF
128  bwipe!
129  new
130  call setline(1, 'XXXtest_gf_visual:3XXX')
131  norm! 0ttvt:gF
132  call assert_equal('Xtest_gf_visual', bufname('%'))
133  call assert_equal(3, getcurpos()[1])
135  " line number in visual area is used for file name
136  if has('unix')
137    bwipe!
138    call writefile([], "Xtest_gf_visual:3")
139    new
140    call setline(1, 'XXXtest_gf_visual:3XXX')
141    norm! 0ttvtXgF
142    call assert_equal('Xtest_gf_visual:3', bufname('%'))
143  call delete('Xtest_gf_visual:3')
144  endif
146  bwipe!
147  call delete('Xtest_gf_visual')
148  set nohidden
151func Test_gf_error()
152  new
153  call assert_fails('normal gf', 'E446:')
154  call assert_fails('normal gF', 'E446:')
155  call setline(1, '/doesnotexist')
156  call assert_fails('normal gf', 'E447:')
157  call assert_fails('normal gF', 'E447:')
158  bwipe!