2 ****************************************************************************
3 EVENT2.ASM     Example file for a mouse event handler
4                (c) 1996,1998 by Dieter Pawelczak - Pass32 Version 2.3
5 ============================================================================
6 ****************************************************************************
8.include system.mac
9.include dpmi.inc
11.mem 1024
14    programname db  'c:\command.com',0
15    parameter   db  0
16    linestr     db  '            ',0
17    backstr     db  '      :     ',0
18    xvalue      dd  0
19    yvalue      dd  0
20    CBSeg       dw 0
21    CBOffs      dw 0
25PROC MouseEventHandler
27;  Parameters: ES : EDI = real mode register field
28;              DS : ESI = real mode stack
30;  a typical mouse event handler:
32;  AX = ES:INTEAX = mouse event, which activated the handler
33;  BX = ES:INTEBX = mouse button, which is actually pressed   (bit 0=left, bit 1=right, bit 2=middle)
34;  CX = ES:INTECX = mouse position X
35;  DX = ES:INTEDX = mouse position Y
36;  DI = ES:INTEDI = rel mouse movement X
37;  SI = ES:INTESI = rel mouse movement Y
39;  note, read return address from stack (DS:ESI) and write address to INTCS
40;  and INTIP!
41;  note, ES:EDI must point to a valid register transfer buffer when exit
42;  last note: you should use a different real mode transfer buffer for
43;             event handler and main program (not like here the public
44;             dpmi.inc)!
46       bt dword ptr  es:[inteax],1   ; event left key pressed
47       jc short leftkeypressed
48       bt dword ptr es:[inteax],2    ; event left key not pressed
49       jc short leftkeynotpressed
50       bt dword ptr  es:[inteax],3
51       jc short rightkeypressed
52       bt dword ptr es:[inteax],4
53       jc rightkeynotpressed
55       cld
56       lodsw                                    ; Get real mode ret IP
57       mov     es:[intip], ax
58       lodsw                                    ; Get real mode ret CS
59       mov     es:[intcs], ax
60       add    word ptr  es:[intsp], 4           ; correct real mode stack
61       iret
63       mov ax,440
64       call SystemSound
65       jmp EventExit
67       call SystemNoSound
68       jmp EventExit
71       push ds                                  ; save stack and transfer
72       push es                                  ; buffer pointer!
73       push esi
74       push edi
76       mov ax,cs:[0]                            ; load ds
77       mov ds,ax
78       xor eax,eax
79       mov ax,word ptr intecx
80       mov xvalue,eax
81       mov ax,word ptr intedx
82       mov yvalue,eax
83       mov edi,offset linestr
84       call mathtostring
85       mov edi,offset backStr
86       mov cx,60
87       mov dx,0
88       call systemprint
89       mov edi,offset linestr
90       mov cx,68
91       mov dx,0
92       call systemprint
93       mov eax,xvalue
94       mov edi,offset linestr
95       call mathtostring
96       mov edi,offset linestr
97       mov cx,62
98       mov dx,0
99       call systemprint
101       pop edi                                  ; restore stack and
102       pop esi                                  ; transfer buffer pointer!
103       pop es
104       pop ds
105       jmp EventExit
106ENDP MouseEventHandler
112    mov ax,0
113    int 33h
114    cmp ax,0
115    je MouseError
116    push ds
117    mov ax,ds
118    mov es,ax
119    mov ax,cs
120    mov ds,ax
121    mov esi,offset MouseEventHandler
122    mov edi,offset intedi
123    mov ax,303h
124    int 31h
125    pop ds
126    jc DPMIError
127    mov CBSeg,CX
128    mov CBOffs,DX
129    mov ax,ds
130    mov es,ax
131    mov intes,cx
132    mov intedx,edx
133    mov inteax,14h
134    mov intecx,2+4+8+16
135    mov ax,300h
136    mov bx,33h
137    mov cx,0
138    mov edi,offset intedi
139    int 31h
140    call systemclrscr
141    color(14,0)
142    writeln('Event Handler Installed - press mouse button!')
143    write('Type EXIT to terminate demo!')
144    mov ax,1
145    int 33h                             ; show mouse
146    color(7,0)
147    writeln(' ')
148    mov edi,offset programname
149    mov esi,offset parameter
150    call SystemExec
151; OK - now disable event handler!
152    mov ax,2
153    int 33h                             ; hide mouse
154    mov ax,0
155    int 33h                             ; reset mouse driver
156; OK - now free call back
157    mov cx,CBSeg
158    mov dx,CBOffs                       ; CX : DX Call Back Function
159    mov ax,0304h                        ; DPMI Function 0304h
160    int 31h                             ; Free Real Mode Call Back
161    writeln('Exit demo!')
162    exit(0);
164    writeln('Error installing the Event Handler!')
165    exit(3);
167    writeln('Mouse driver not present!')
168    exit(3);