1 /************************************************************************/
2 /*									*/
3 /*  Read/Write RTF files:						*/
4 /*  Special flags to influence the behavior of readers and writers.	*/
5 /*									*/
6 /************************************************************************/
8 #   ifndef	DOC_RTF_FLAGS_H
9 #   define	DOC_RTF_FLAGS_H
11 					/********************************/
12 					/* Read/Write flags		*/
13 					/********************************/
14 					/**
15 					 * The RTF file is in UTF8. This is
16 					 * for internal purposes.
17 					 */
18 #   define	RTFflagUNENCODED	0x001
20 					/********************************/
21 					/* Write flags			*/
22 					/********************************/
23 #   define	RTFflagNO_BOOKMARKS	0x004
24 #   define	RTFflagNO_MERGEFIELDS	0x008
25 #   define	RTFflagCLOSE_SELECTION	0x010
26 #   define	RTFflagSAVE_SOMETHING	0x020
27 #   define	RTFflagOMIT_TEXT	0x040
28 #   define	RTFflagOMIT_PARAS	0x080
29 					/**
30 					 *  Emit the row and the cell for
31 					 *  selections that are constrained to
32 					 *  a single table cell.
33 					 */
34 #   define	RTFflagEMIT_CELL	0x100
36 					/********************************/
37 					/* Read flags			*/
38 					/********************************/
39 					/**
40 					 * Be a little lenient while reading
41 					 * RTF. E.G: Do not fail on unmatched
42 					 * braces.
43 					 */
44 #   define	RTFflagLENIENT		0x200
46 #    endif	/*  DOC_RTF_FLAGS_H	*/