2 /******************************************************************************
3 * MODULE     : tag_info.hpp
4 * DESCRIPTION: DRD information about tags
5 * COPYRIGHT  : (C) 2003  Joris van der Hoeven
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later.
8 * It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE
9 * in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
10 ******************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef TAG_INFO_H
13 #define TAG_INFO_H
14 #include "tree.hpp"
16 #define TYPE_INVALID         -1
17 #define TYPE_REGULAR          0
18 #define TYPE_ADHOC            1
19 #define TYPE_RAW              2
20 #define TYPE_VARIABLE         3
21 #define TYPE_ARGUMENT         4
22 #define TYPE_BINDING          5
23 #define TYPE_BOOLEAN          6
24 #define TYPE_INTEGER          7
25 #define TYPE_STRING           8
26 #define TYPE_LENGTH           9
27 #define TYPE_NUMERIC         10
28 #define TYPE_CODE            11
29 #define TYPE_IDENTIFIER      12
30 #define TYPE_URL             13
31 #define TYPE_COLOR           14
32 #define TYPE_GRAPHICAL       15
33 #define TYPE_POINT           16
34 #define TYPE_CONSTRAINT      17
35 #define TYPE_GRAPHICAL_ID    18
36 #define TYPE_EFFECT          19
37 #define TYPE_ANIMATION       20
38 #define TYPE_DURATION        21
39 #define TYPE_OBSOLETE        22
40 #define TYPE_UNKNOWN         23
41 #define TYPE_ERROR           24
43 int    drd_encode (tree t);
44 tree   drd_decode (int i);
45 int    drd_encode_type (string s);
46 string drd_decode_type (int i);
48 /******************************************************************************
49 * The parent_info class contains outer information about tags
50 *
51 * - The type field specifies the type of the return value of the tag.
52 *   For instance, regular content has the type TYPE_REGULAR and
53 *   the tag PLUS which performs a numerical operation admits
54 *   the type TYPE_NUMERIC.
55 *
56 * - The arity fields together with the child_mode determine the possible
57 *   arities and how to convert logical indices of children to
58 *   physical indices in the array 'ci'.
59 *
60 *    o ARITY_NORMAL    : the arity is given by arity_base+arity_extra
61 *    o ARITY_OPTIONS   : arity_base <= arity < arity_base+arity_extra
62 *    o ARITY_REPEAT    : arity= arity_base + any_number * arity_extra
63 *    o ARITY_VAR_REPEAT: as ARITY_REPEAT, but repetition "comes first"
64 *
65 *    o CHILD_UNIFORM : all children have the same properties
66 *    o CHILD_BIFORM  : two types of properties (corresponds to base/extra)
67 *    o CHILD_DETAILED: as many as arity_base+arity_extra types of properties
68 *
69 * - The border_mode field specifies whether the cursor may be put behind and
70 *   before the tag or not (the 0 and 1 paths). For instance, this field
72 *
73 * - The block field specifies when the parent should be considered
74 *   as a block. In the case of BLOCK_OR, the parent is a block
75 *   if one of the children satisfying BLOCK_REQUIRE_NONE is a block.
76 *
77 * - The freeze_* fields specify that the contents of the corresponding
78 *   fields may not be overwritten during the heuristic determination of
79 *   missing drd information.
80 ******************************************************************************/
82 #define ARITY_NORMAL          0
83 #define ARITY_OPTIONS         1
84 #define ARITY_REPEAT          2
85 #define ARITY_VAR_REPEAT      3
87 #define CHILD_UNIFORM         0
88 #define CHILD_BIFORM          1
89 #define CHILD_DETAILED        2
91 #define BLOCK_NO              0
92 #define BLOCK_YES             1
93 #define BLOCK_OR              2
95 #define BORDER_YES            0
96 #define BORDER_INNER          1
97 #define BORDER_OUTER          2
98 #define BORDER_NO             3
100 #define VAR_MACRO             0
101 #define VAR_PARAMETER         1
102 #define VAR_MACRO_PARAMETER   2
104 struct parent_info {
105   unsigned type             : 5; // the type
106   unsigned arity_mode       : 2; // arity layout
107   unsigned arity_base       : 6; // base arity (minimal arity)
108   unsigned arity_extra      : 4; // extra arity (optional, repeated, etc.)
109   unsigned child_mode       : 2; // child layout
110   unsigned border_mode      : 2; // is the border inaccessible?
111   unsigned block            : 2; // is a block structure?
112   unsigned with_like        : 1; // is only an environment modifier?
113   unsigned var_type         : 2; // macro, parameter or macro parameter
114   unsigned freeze_type      : 1; // true => disable heuristic determination
115   unsigned freeze_arity     : 1;
116   unsigned freeze_border    : 1;
117   unsigned freeze_block     : 1;
118   unsigned freeze_with      : 1;
119   unsigned freeze_var_type  : 1;
121   parent_info (int arity, int extra, int amode, int cmode, bool frozen= false);
122   parent_info (tree t);
~parent_infoparent_info123   inline ~parent_info () {}
124   operator tree ();
125   bool operator == (const parent_info& pi);
126   bool operator != (const parent_info& pi);
127   friend tm_ostream& operator << (tm_ostream& out, parent_info pi);
128 };
130 /******************************************************************************
131 * The child_info class contains more detailed information about each of
132 * the children of the tag.
133 *
134 * - The type field specifies the type of the field.
135 *   Fields with regular content admit TYPE_REGULAR as their type.
136 *
137 * - The accessible field specifies whether the field can be accessed.
138 *   ACCESSIBLE_ALWAYS children can always be accessed, ACCESSIBLE_NEVER
139 *   children can only be accessed in source mode and ACCESSIBLE_HIDDEN
140 *   children may require unfolding in order to be accessed.
141 *
142 * - The writability field specifies whether an accessible field can be edited.
143 *   When the writability of a child is disabled, its whole descendance
144 *   becomes read-only, except for those parts whose writability are re-enabled.
145 *
146 * - The block field specifies whether the field is required to be
147 *   a block structure, an inline structure, or any of the two.
148 *
149 * - The mode field specifies the mode for each child. In case of MODE_PARENT,
150 *   the mode of the child is the same as the mode of its parent.
151 *
152 * - The freeze_* fields specify that the contents of the corresponding
153 *   fields may not be overwritten during the heuristic determination of
154 *   missing drd information.
155 ******************************************************************************/
157 #define ACCESSIBLE_NEVER      0
158 #define ACCESSIBLE_HIDDEN     1
159 #define ACCESSIBLE_ALWAYS     2
161 #define WRITABILITY_NORMAL    0
163 #define WRITABILITY_ENABLE    2
165 #define BLOCK_REQUIRE_BLOCK   0
167 #define BLOCK_REQUIRE_NONE    2
169 struct child_info {
170   unsigned type              :  5; // argument type
171   unsigned accessible        :  2; // child is accessible?
172   unsigned writability       :  2; // writability of child
173   unsigned block             :  2; // require children to be blocks?
174   unsigned env               : 16; // environment of the child?
175   unsigned freeze_type       :  1; // true => disable heuristic determination
176   unsigned freeze_accessible :  1;
177   unsigned freeze_writability:  1;
178   unsigned freeze_block      :  1;
179   unsigned freeze_env        :  1;
181   child_info (bool frozen= false);
182   child_info (tree t);
~child_infochild_info183   inline ~child_info () {}
184   operator tree ();
185   bool operator == (const child_info& pi);
186   bool operator != (const child_info& pi);
187   friend tm_ostream& operator << (tm_ostream& out, child_info ci);
188 };
190 class tag_info;
191 class tag_info_rep: concrete_struct {
192 public:
193   parent_info       pi;
194   array<child_info> ci;
195   tree              extra;
197   tag_info_rep (parent_info pi, array<child_info> ci, tree extra);
198   tag_info_rep (int arity, int extra, int amode, int cmode, bool frozen);
~tag_info_rep()199   inline ~tag_info_rep () {}
201   tag_info inner_border ();
202   tag_info outer_border ();
203   tag_info with_like ();
204   tag_info var_parameter ();
205   tag_info var_macro_parameter ();
206   tag_info type (int tp);
207   tag_info type (int i, int tp);
208   tag_info accessible (int i);
209   tag_info hidden (int i);
210   tag_info disable_writable (int i);
211   tag_info enable_writable (int i);
212   tag_info locals (int i, string var, string val);
213   tag_info name (string s);
214   tag_info long_name (string s);
215   tag_info name (int i, string s);
216   tag_info long_name (int i, string s);
217   int      get_index (int child, int n);
218   void     set_attribute (string which, tree val);
219   tree     get_attribute (string which);
221   friend class tag_info;
222 };
224 /******************************************************************************
225 * The main tag_info class consists of parent_info and an array of child_info
226 ******************************************************************************/
228 class tag_info {
229   CONCRETE(tag_info);
230   tag_info (parent_info pi, array<child_info> ci, tree extra);
231   tag_info (int arity=0, int extra=0,
232 	    int am=ARITY_NORMAL, int cm= CHILD_UNIFORM,
233 	    bool frozen= false);
234   tag_info (tree t);
235   operator tree ();
236   child_info& operator () (int child, int n);
237 };
238 CONCRETE_CODE(tag_info);
240 bool operator == (tag_info ti1, tag_info ti2);
241 bool operator != (tag_info ti1, tag_info ti2);
242 tm_ostream& operator << (tm_ostream& out, tag_info ti);
243 tag_info copy (tag_info ti);
245 #endif // defined TAG_INFO_H